#carver/bethany didn't die for this
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lizzybeeee · 4 months ago
Literally made an account just to vent my thoughts because DATV is beyond disappointing and actively destructive of the previous games/media in the series.
The story/lore choices made concerning what happens in the south of Thedas during DATV are devastating and a clear attempt to create a 'clean slate' for the franchise going forwards.
Spoilers to the game are mentioned going forwards -
Simply put: Ferelden, Orlais, and the Free Marches have basically been wiped clean - any previous influences that our characters may have had on these areas is wiped away by the Blight (aka BioWare) and therefore will likely not be mentioned in any games going forward.
Ferelden is basically left blighted, save for Redcliffe and small pockets of resistance in Denerim.
Ferelden, if it ever appears in the franchise again, will likely never address who rules the nation or whatever influences the Warden had on the land. The land will claw itself up from the ashes devoid of the influence we had on it.
Edit- forgot to edit in that a final missive (The Drums of War) at the end of the game has Redcliffe overrun with darkspawn and the remainders of Ferelden's people starving/fleeing to Skyhold...thanks, BioWare.
Kirkwall suffers the same fate, and what remains of its residents have fled to Starkhaven.
Kirkwall has been over-run and those who escaped are held up in Starkhaven. Whatever influence Hawke had on the lives of those within Kirkwall has been waved away and destroyed by the Blight, likely to never be mentioned again.
Orlais has been over-run outside of resistance around the area of the Winter Palace, and venatori infiltrators have made the political situation within Orlais tenuous.
Orlais has been set-up with the venatori threat for a coup to completely invalidate whatever choice of ruler was made in DAI. Whomever the Inquisitor backed will likely be assassinated, and if Orlais appears in the game again it will be with a new ruler.
As someone who has been so invested in the lore, characters, and story of the game...this is devastating. It would be one thing if the game was bad but the story contained to Tevinter, for example - but this goes beyond as it retroactively changes everything for the worse and literally wipes everything clean. The greatest appeal and strength of this series was that it felt that you shaped Thedas - I adored every little bit of dialogue or codex entry that popped up in DA2 and DAI about things that happened in previous games!
It's baffling, and honestly comes across as mean-spirited, making the decision to deliberately target the places that our characters had the most influence.
The Warden may as well have let Urthurmiel win since Ferelden appears to be utterly blighted and Denerim, the heart of its nation, is destroyed.
Nothing Hawke did ever mattered, at all - and what little mattered was never from their own agency thanks to the Executors.
The Inquisitions efforts to restore order across Thedas was all for nothing, because nothing remains of them from in-game.
Unless if Dorian pops up in a DLC with his bloody time amulet and big reset button for the game then this is world of Thedas that remains.
With each game in the series up till now I finished each game with the feeling that the world was getting bigger, more complex, and now it just feels empty, shallow, and hollow.
Also fuck the Executors.
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mllemaenad · 3 months ago
The issue with reccomending people to the Wardens is that, unless you're already blighted or condemned for a capital crime... your odds of surviving the joining seem to be significantly worse than 50%.
Alistair says that he was the only member of his group to survive, and the joining at Ostagar had, depending on how you count it, either a 50% or a 33.3333333333333% survival rate.
Those are lousy, lousy odds, even if you are from the wrong side of the tracks. And if you're in your early 20s or late teens, you're probably still cutting your life short, and ensuring that you die alone in agonizing pain down in the deep roads.
It's just... really not a good deal for anyone who isn't already literally at risk of imminent death.
It's not really an issue ..? I mean, I'm not having an issue, and neither is Warden-Commander Brosca, since I assume this relates to my post about Seanna cheerfully recruiting everybody. :)
For a start. Eh. Honestly, trying to work out how dangerous the Joining should be is a mug's game. I accept your examples, but I could just as easily counter that in Awakening five of six companions come through it just fine (Six of seven? Are we counting Justice, since Kristoff survived his Joining?).
If you recruit Loghain to the Wardens, he's fine. If you send Bethany or Carver to the Wardens, they are fine. If you send Blackwall to become a proper Warden, he is just fine.
Honestly, how dangerous the Joining is just seems to be related to how interesting you are. The deaths of all possible recruits but the Hero of Ferelden and Alistair occur because it is imperative that there be functionally no Wardens left – so there can be no more youngsters than that for Duncan to protect. The Awakening companions are mostly fine because we need a new party for a new adventure, so we can't just keep killing off candidates for hours.
I realise that's the most Doylist viewpoint possible, but honestly it's just not worth worrying about. Does the Joining carry with it a risk of death? Absolutely! Do I need to consider it so very risky that one should never offer it to anyone? Nah. It has its share of "everybody lives" scenarios too.
But regardless – I said Seanna never met an apostate, runaway slave, casteless dwarf or petty thief she didn't try to recruit. She's not recruiting people whose lives are going well. Even if they're not facing literal death right this second, these are all people whose lives are likely to consist of crushing poverty, imprisonment, torture, captivity, Tranquility, and an appalling lack of personal agency and dignity.
Are the Wardens kind of taking advantage of Thedas's horrific levels of prejudice and inequality? Yep! They're a bit dodgy, as many of the best things in Dragon Age are. Seanna takes her duty seriously and does her best by her recruits ... but she did get her start as the muscle for a Carta crime boss. Her morals don't have to be 100% pure all the time.
On the other hand – the Wardens largely do deliver on the promise of a better life. Yes, there is a duty and there are drawbacks, but they are one of the few genuinely multinational and multicultural organisations in Thedas. You see elves, mages and branded dwarves in positions of respect and authority. These people can marry, travel, own property, raise children if they manage to acquire any – and genuinely live their lives in a way they very likely would not be able to elsewhere.
How many casteless dwarves will expect to live to a ripe old age? Seanna didn't. There were so many ways she could have died young. And even if she somehow made it past forty (which is hardly old), she was terrified of ending up like her mother – or even worse, out starving on the streets.
Instead of that, and because of the Wardens, she is Commander of the Grey and Arlessa of Amaranthine, and she will absolutely keep telling just about any poor, down-on-their-luck bastard she meets that the Wardens have food and a steady pay cheque, and if the Templars or the slave hunters or the Carta come looking for you, you'll have dozens of your brothers and sisters watching your back.
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thewardenisonthecase · 1 month ago
Now that I thought about it, is Davrin lowkey the only warden companion who became a warden because he wanted too?
Cause like. ok as much as alistair loved the wardens, he was going to be a templar until duncan showed up. I think besides Oghren (who....i'd rather pretend doesn't exist, and even then, idk that he joined the wardens bc he WANTED to be a warden or bc he wanted to run from felsi), everyone in awakening is either conscripted or persuaded by the warden commander. Bethany/Carver only become wardens because hawke is not willing to kill/let them die.
You could make an argument for Blackwall if the inquisitor chooses that but its kinda weird bc like, Thom Rainer didn't really *want* to be a warden, he was recruited by blackwall and then he became obsessed with this redemption thing.
But Davrin talks about how he joined the wardens willingly, because it gave him a sense of purpose, to do something he believed in. Like, I really enjoy that, because it feels like all the other warden companions became wardens bc of external reasons, and Davrin doing it because he wanted to makes a lot of sense for his character (and it even reminds me of what stroud said about it being 'a calling')
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cavka · 8 months ago
Hey, welcome to DADWC
"Waking Up Not Knowing Where They Are" from the h/c tropes list, for Iris Hawke and whoever you like as a supporting cast.
thank you for the prompt!! i came it from a kind of... sideways direction lkajsdf but twas fun :> (for @dadrunkwriting)
Everything hurts in the way that means whatever scrap Iris was recently in, she very nearly didn't get out of it. There's a line running parallel to her sternum that alternately burns and freezes. Her fingertips throb in time with her heartbeat. The state of her throat is not unlike that of the deserts of western Orlais.
She can taste blood on her lips.
"Shh," a voice comes from above her. It's familiar--makes her think of long summer nights in Lothering--as are the fingers carding through her hair. Iris pries her eyes open to see Bethany smiling softly down at her.
"Not her," Iris croaks, squeezing her eyes shut. "Please, not her."
When she opens them again a moment later, the spirit borrowing her dead sister's face is once again the amorphous, vaguely humanoid shape that she's used to seeing in the Fade. "I thought the face of a loved one might bring you comfort," Devotion says.
"Thank you for trying." Iris tries to reach up to pat the spirit that has been her partner in healing for so many years on it's not-arm, but can't. Not with how the slightest bit of movement sends so much pain along her nerves that it feels as if she's being flayed alive.
Devotion hushes her again and with a touch to her forehead sends cool relief all through Iris' limbs. "You'll not survive this on your own," it says quietly. "There is too much damage. But I can help, if you let me."
Iris swallows hard. She suspects she knows how, and the thought frightens her more than potentially dying does. Still, she doesn't want it to end here. Not when her last memories are of Sebastian begging her to keep breathing and Fenris' hands holding her together as much as they could. Not when Carver's goodbye to her a few hours ago (was it only a few hours?) included him asking her to stay alive.
"If I start to change you, will you leave?" Iris asks.
"If I do, you will die," Devotion says. "But if that is what you want, yes."
Iris nods.
"Close your eyes." Devotion's voice echoes as it places it's almost-hands on her chest.
It feels like stepping into a cool, still pool of water. One breath. Another.
Feeling slowly comes back into her limbs, her torso. It hurts the same as it did in the Fade, but now she can feel the cooling effect of healing salves on her skin and smell the elfroot. Familiar hands hold onto her own, and she opens her eyes to see Anders sitting at her bedside, rumpled, stressed, and clearly not having slept. With more effort than she feels the move should require, she gently squeezes his hands in return.
His head snaps up to look at her. "Hawke!" His relief is obvious in his expression, followed closely after by confusion, realization, and resignation.
"You shouldn't be awake, you're not healed enough for--" He trails off, letting a sliver of his depleted magic slip from his palms to hers, scanning her. He loses what little color exhaustion hadn't taken from his face. "Hawke... what did you do?"
She licks dry lips. "What I had to," she rasps.
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sapphim · 1 year ago
Welcome to Does Varric Know Their Name? Part 2: Isabela and Merrill (and Tallis) edition.
Or, all the dialogue in DA2 in which Varric refers to Hawke’s companions; by name, nickname, or otherwise. For reasons. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Part 1: Aveline, Carver, and Bethany Part 3: Anders, Fenris, and Sebastian
Combat barks
Varric: Don't die on me, Rivaini! You still owe me a pint!
Act 1 (Banter)
Varric: I shit you not, Rivaini, it was this big. Isabela: There's no way. Impossible! I've had hundreds of those in my hands, and they're never that size. Varric: Would I lie about something so critical? Varric: Rivaini, stop looking at my chest. My eyes are up here. Isabela: But the chest hair… Varric: Do you know how much I suffer under your gaze? I am a person, not an object! Varric: You know, Rivaini, you promised me you'd tell me how your ship wrecked. Isabela: I was drunk. I thought the reefs around the Wounded Coast were made of candy. Varric: Oh, come on.
Act 2 (A Rumour Making the Rounds)
Varric: I'm not spreading rumors. I'm just telling you which way the wind is blowing. Hawke: It fills my heart with joy to know you're not telling people I'm sleeping with an ogre. Varric: If the Rivaini were an ogre… damnation, that'd be one hot ogre.
Act 2 (Friendly Concern)
Varric: Actually, I've been meaning to talk to you. Varric: I hear you and the Rivaini have something going… Isabela: [CUT] Feeling left out, are we, Varric? If you wanted to join in, all you had to do was ask. Varric: [CUT] Isabela, you know my heart is already spoken for. Isabela: [CUT] Your heart might belong to Bianca, but I think your trousers might be up for grabs. Varric: Listen, as your friend, I feel like I'd be doing you a disservice if I didn't say something. Varric: Isabela is a great girl, but I think you're likely to get hurt. By which I mean stabbed and left for dead.
Act 2 (Banter)
Varric: You have got to tell me what was in that box, Rivaini. Isabela: Which box? I've opened so many… Varric: Well, those too. But later. Right now: that Qunari relic. Isabela: Come to me, and I'll take you to places you've never been… Varric: Isabela… Are you talking to Bianca? Isabela: I think she deserves to feel a woman's touch on her trigger, don't you? Aveline: What is that? Isabela: Shh! (Giggles.) Varric: Isabela just thought she'd celebrate your love affair with a… written dedication. Isabela: It's "friend-fiction!" I do it out of love!
Act 2 (To Catch a Thief)
Isabela: I've always known what the relic is. I just didn't want to… worry you. Varric: You're the picture of kindness, Rivaini.
Act 2 (Demands of the Qun)
Arishok: She will submit to the Qun and the Ben-Hassrath. More than that I will not say. Hawke: You have your relic. She stays with us. Varric: I'm sure he'll take that well. Rivaini? You might want to move a bit this way.
Act 3 (The Storm and What Came Before It)
Hawke: What was Anders here for? Varric: Blondie didn't tell you? He comes down here now and then. He loses at cards to Isabela, and I buy him drinks.
Act 3 (No Rest for the Wicked)
Varric: I hope Isabela leaves an obvious trail. Varric: Wait, what am I talking about? Isabela's never subtle.
Act 3 (Faith)
Isabela: "Sister Nightingale," indeed. I remember it didn't take much to make you sing. Leliana: (Laughs.) Varric: Is there anyone in Ferelden you haven't slept with, Rivaini?
Act 3 (Banter)
Isabela: Varric, how does one get made a Paragon? Varric: The Assembly votes on it. Enough votes, and—BAM!—you're a living god. Isabela: You should ask to be made a Paragon. Of manliness. Varric: I like the way you think, Rivaini, but one doesn't just ask to be made a Paragon. Varric: So… Hawke and Daisy? Isabela: I think they're darling together. Varric: Really? You're not at all jealous? Because I thought that you and Hawke… Isabela: Hawke was just a dalliance. You know I've still got my eye on you. Varric: Keep dreaming, Rivaini. Varric: You know you still owe me five sovereigns, elf. Fenris: I'm good for it. Varric: So, you think you can win the coin from Isabela? Good luck with that. Merrill: Do you ever miss her? Varric: Isabela? Of course I do. Merrill: You called her by her name. I've never heard you do that before. Varric: No fun in calling her Rivaini if she's not here to be annoyed by it.
Act 3 Climax (Banter)
Merrill: How do you do it, living in this city without picking a side? Doesn't it matter to you? Varric: Of course it does. That's why I don't take sides. Merrill: That doesn't make any sense. Varric: I’ve got you and Aveline, Fenris and Anders. Hawke. Isabela.
Legacy DLC (Banter)
Isabela: You've a nickname for everyone. Varric: That's true. Rivaini. Isabela: But everyone just calls you Varric. That's hardly fair. Varric: So, elf, what's this I've been hearing about you and the Rivaini? Fenris: None of your business, dwarf. Varric: Just be careful. I get the impression that Isabela's breakups turn into bloodbaths. Isabela: That's part of the fun. Hawke: Varric. I've heard… stories of a personal nature being spread around town. Varric: If you want your private life to stay private, maybe don't sleep with half of Kirkwall. Varric: I'm not spreading any tales about you and the Rivaini. Although she asks me every other week to start some. Isabela: It would make a great new serial. Much better than that guard one you've been writing. Carver: With passion’d breath comes darkness, but with many against Her, She finds His Light untiring as it parts the Veil. Isabela: Not sure if I'm aroused or scared. I like it. Varric: Junior took down the Rivaini? Who’s telling this story?
Mark of the Assassin DLC (Banter)
Varric: Our little Hawke is growing up, Rivaini. Isabela: I know! Burglary and espionage! I'm so proud of him right now, I could burst! Varric: Soon, he'll be sharking card games and swindling merchants all on his own! Brings a tear to my eye! Isabela: What you said earlier… about purpose. Tallis: I was like you once, Isabela. I wanted everything to be easy. Varric: As easy as Isabela? Isabela: Hush, you.
Mark of the Assassin DLC (Rescue)
Isabela: I give up! We've been through every inch of this place twice, and there's no sign of them! Varric: Or we've been through the same twenty feet of this place about a dozen times. It's hard to tell, Rivaini.
Narration / Interrogation
Cassandra: You say the Arishok left Kirkwall with the relic, but I know for a fact that's not true. Varric: Oh, he did, but Isabela stole it again three days later. Varric: I heard she jumped into the sea to get away. Might even be true. Either way, we didn't see her again. Varric: As for the rest of us? Eventually we all left the Champion's side for one reason or another. Varric: Well… all of us except for Isabela.
Combat barks
Varric: Blast it! Daisy got herself knocked out!
Act 1 (The First Sacrifice)
Jethann: What can I say? Why work if you're not working hard? Isabela: Ooh, I like him. He reminds me of someone. Merrill: He does? Who is it? Varric: I'll tell you when you're older, Daisy.
Act 1 (Banter)
Merrill: I've never met a dwarf before. Varric: That's because you've spent too much time frolicking in the woods, Daisy. Dwarves don't frolic. Merrill: Dalish don't really frolic, either. Not in the woods, anyway. Varric: Still got that ball of twine? Merrill: I left it at my house. Don't worry! I won't get lost while we're following Hawke. Varric: Bring it next time, Daisy. Just in case. Varric: Daisy, for my sake, please quit cutting through the alleys in Lowtown alone at night. Merrill: Nothing ever happens. I'm perfectly safe, Varric. Varric: Yes, I know. And that nothing is costing me a fortune.
Act 2 (Family Matter)
Varric: I don't know if surface dwarves go back to the Stone, or hang around singing hymns with Andraste, or what. Varric: I just hope wherever he is now, Bartrand stays out of trouble. Hawke: If you're worried about it, we could ask one of the priests to pray for him. Varric: I'm pretty sure that any decent priest who prays for Bartrand would burst into flames. Merrill: But that's awful! I had no idea priesthood was so dangerous! Varric: Don't worry, Daisy. The Chantry keeps a lot of water on hand.
Act 2 (A Rumour Making the Rounds)
Varric: I’m not spreading rumors. I’m just telling you which way the wind is blowing. Hawke: It fills my heart with joy to know you’re not telling people I’m sleeping with an ogre. Varric: Don't call Daisy an ogre! You'll make her cry. Hawke: You had better not be spreading wild rumors about me. Varric: Of course not! Not wild ones, at least. I only spread those about Daisy. Varric: Anyway, all I'm saying is, don't be surprised if people look a little nervous around you.
Act 2 (Friendly Concern)
Varric: Actually, I’ve been meaning to talk to you. Varric: There definitely seems to be something between you and Daisy these days. Varric: So, what's going on, Hawke? Varric: I know you don't listen to a damned thing I say, but you might want to be careful. Varric: Merrill is a sweet girl, but there's a whole lot of crazy in that little package.
Act 2 (Banter)
Varric: So, I hear you've been visiting the viscount's gardens, Daisy. Merrill: They're enormous! And they're always empty. Why don't more people go to see them? Varric: Probably because they're private and surrounded by guards. Merrill: Bianca is a very pretty name. Varric: I'll tell her you said so, Daisy. Merrill: She can't actually hear you, can she? Varric: Of course she can. What kind of a question is that? Merrill: I'm sorry about your brother, Varric. Have you any other family? Varric: I have family like a rat has fleas, Daisy. Merrill: Does that mean you have a lot of family, or that they make you itch a lot? Varric: Both.
Act 2 (To Catch a Thief)
Hawke: Sounds like the Qunari take their reading very seriously. Isabela: Is there anything the Qunari don't take seriously? Merrill: I'm sure there's something. Maybe knock-knock jokes? Varric: You just keep working on that, Daisy. Let us know if you figure it out.
Act 3 (A Talking To)
Varric: Come on, Daisy. You shouldn't be stuck in this rat-trap. Does Hawke even know you're here? Merrill: I don't have to ask permission to come to my own house, Varric. Varric: Come on, Daisy. You've been holed up in here for days. If you don't get some sunshine, you'll wilt. Merrill: I'm not a plant, Varric. I'm fine.
Act 3 (A New Path)
Varric: Does anybody else get the feeling that this is going to end badly? Just me, huh? Merrill: It's not all bad, Varric. Think of the stories you'll be able to tell later! Varric: No offense, Daisy, but I could live without telling anyone we murdered you on some mountainside.
Act 3 (Banter)
Merrill: Is there a story behind Bianca? Varric: There's a story behind everything, Daisy. Merrill: So tell me! Varric: I can't. Varric: There was a girl, and I made a promise. Bianca is the only story I can never tell. Merrill: You can't say that! Now I want to know even more! Varric: That was the idea, Daisy. Varric: Twine? When did I loan you a ball of twine? Merrill: You gave it to me when I first moved here when I kept getting lost in Lowtown. Merrill: It drove the merchants in the market completely batty, but it did help me find my way. Varric: Keep it, Daisy. Varric: So… Hawke and Daisy? Isabela: I think they're darling together.
Act 3 Climax (Banter)
Varric: I've got you and Aveline, Fenris and Anders. Hawke. Isabela. Varric: I've got friends in the Circle and drinking buddies in the templars. All of them matter. Merrill: But you're going to fight. If it comes to that, I mean. Varric: I fought my own brother, Daisy. Nobody said this was going to be a happy story. Merrill: Varric, how does the story end? Varric: Which story, Daisy? Merrill: The big one. With us and Hawke, the mages, the templars. Everything. Varric: You want to know before it happens? You're not worried about spoiling the surprise? Merrill: I might not see it end. Varric: You have to stick with us if you want to know how it turns out, Daisy.
Legacy DLC (Banter)
Merrill: Am I in your stories, Varric? Varric: Daisy, everyone is fair game for my stories. Merrill: I never hear any stories with me in them! What sorts of things do I do? Varric: Well, you get lost a lot. You wind up in the middle of a dog-racing track in Darktown. Or in the viscount's bathing room. Merrill: So they're true stories? Varric: Daisy, I could never make that stuff up. Nobody would believe it. Merrill: Do your stories ever have griffons in them? Varric: Kind of tricky because they're extinct. You can work a griffon attack into a tale, but it takes skill. Merrill: I was thinking more like… heroic griffons. The sort that swoop in and save the day. Varric: Daisy, haven't you heard? Swooping is bad. Merrill: Do you really hate the Deep Roads? Anders: Anybody with sense would hate them. They're a darkspawn-filled pit that goes on forever. Merrill: The dwarves still live in the Deep Roads, don't they? It can't be all bad. Anders: The dwarves are crazy. Varric: He's got a point there, Daisy. Hawke: Varric. I've heard… stories of a personal nature being spread around town. Varric: You're the Champion of Kirkwall. People pay attention to everything you do. And everyone. Varric: I haven't breathed a word to anyone about you and Daisy. Maybe you'd better have a talk with Uncle Greasy?
Mark of the Assassin DLC (Banter)
Merrill: Tell me a story, Varric. Varric: Right now? I don't think we have time, Daisy. Merrill: Maybe a very short story, then? Please? Varric: Fine. "When the cards turned, he lost." Merrill: Oh. Did it have to be so sad? Merrill: I know you're in the Merchants Guild, Varric, but I've never seen your shop. Varric: We're not that kind of merchant, Daisy. Merrill: What kind are you, then? Varric: House Tethras invests in… you're not going to understand a word of this financial stuff, are you?
Mark of the Assassin DLC (Rescue)
Varric: Daisy? You don't happen to have that ball of twine, do you? Merrill: I knew I forgot something when we left Kirkwall! Varric: Don't beat yourself up over it. We'll just… wait here until I think of something. Varric: Blondie, I hate to say this, but I'm pretty sure we've been here before. Anders: Blast it! But we went left this time! We shouldn't have come full-circle again! Varric: I wish I hadn't given that ball of twine to Daisy.
Varric: As for the rest of us? Eventually we all left the Champion’s side for one reason or another. Varric: Well… all of us except for Merrill.
Mark of the Assassin DLC (Banter)
Tallis: Thank you for deciding to do this. Hawke: I'm a sucker for hard cases. Just look at my companions. Varric: You have no idea, Tallis. Varric: All right, Shivs, I'll admit it: I'm surprised the Qunari employ thieves. They never struck me as the subtle type. Tallis: That's because you've only met the antaam. Armies aren't usually celebrated for their sneakiness. Also, "Shivs?" Varric: Yes, "Shivs." So, how does stealing valuables from a pompous Orlesian noble fit in with your Qun?
Mark of the Assassin DLC (Interrogation)
Cassandra: We had someone there, but they lacked your access. Whatever Tallis was to the Champion, it seems like it angered a nation. Varric: Thousands of lives were at stake, Seeker. Cassandra: Perhaps one still is. Varric: Nicely nonspecific. All right, let me set the scene: an ambush, an invitation, a hunting party. Varric: All because of Tallis. Varric: I don't know why Hawke didn't kill Tallis. I suppose she was pretty for a Qunari. Varric: I don't know why Hawke didn't kill Tallis. I suppose the elf did have her nose. Varric: I don't know why Hawke helped Tallis. I suppose she was pretty for a Qunari. Varric: I don't know why Hawke helped Tallis. I suppose the elf did have her nose. Varric: Whatever the reason, I doubt it's the last we've seen of her.
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thievinghippo · 4 months ago
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The only way Astor knows how to deal with pain is by making a joke. It's no surprise then, he never shuts up
Leandra never forgave him for both Carver's and Bethany's death, and Astor never forgave himself. Things became even worse when Leandra was killed
Even though he wasn't a mage himself, he believed in freedom. He believed in the life that Bethany should have been able to live, if only she didn't die in the Deep Roads
Astor fell for Fenris right away, and stepped back when it was clear that was what Fenris needed. Thankfully, Fenris eventually stepped up again and they've been near inseparable ever since
(Except for that one time when Astor left to help the Inquisition. And the time when Fenris went after slave hunters for several month. But other than that? Inseparable!)
Important Links
#astor hawke
#otp: strange places
fic - Two Bits
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annoyed-galaxy · 5 months ago
12 and 14!
12: Attitude towards Mabari
Warden: Feril Surana
Absolutely loves them! Being in the Circle was extremely boring for her, especially as someone who didn't really care for magic and didn't use it all that much. She had read books about various pets across Thedas and, being a Fereldan, had always dreamed of having a mabari. So when she was given the choice to find the Andraste's Grace to help the mabari in Ostagar, she immediately jumped at the opportunity and helped save the dog. Later on, on the escape from Ostagar, the mabari found her and she was so happy. She named him Asthen and had him by her side ever since.
Champion: Seth Hawke
He's Fereldan and a softie for animals, so of course he also loves mabari. The Hawke pet mabari went a while without a name because the twins and Seth would always argue about what to name the dog and Leandra and Malcom could never get them to agree on one. However, after their escape from Fereldan and living a year in Kirkwall, Seth decided to name the family pet Hero, honoring the Hero of Fereldan who saved their home, despite them not going back to Kirkwall. Hero became one of the last family Seth had in the end after losing his mother and his brother becoming a Warden.
Inquisitor: Willow Lavellan
She preferred Halla growing up as a Dalish elf and her clan shunning her. However, when she married Cullen and he got them a mabari, she fell in love with the dog. She admired its intelligence and its silliness rather than fragility like Halla.
14: who are they closest to from their family?
Warden: Feril Surana
Growing up in the Circle, Feril didn't get to know her family. She didn't even have that many friends aside from Jowan and Cullen and even still, Cullen was too flustered around her to hold a normal conversation and Jowan was too whiny sometimes. However, her found family, she was like sisters with Leliana and Morrigan, always teasing Alistair with them and then of course, Alistair himself being the closest she's ever felt towards someone. Once he became king, she wanted nothing but to stay by his side and sometimes she could, but duty always called. Either way, the king of Fereldan is probably the closest family she has.
Champion: Seth Hawke
Seth was close to Bethany, but then she died when escaping Fereldan and he was left with his mother and brother. Seth never knew why his brother disliked him and was sometimes sad about their feud, but he always joked it off and teased his little brother. Then Carver got sick and had to become a Warden. Then he was left with his mother, his last family and lifeline; literally. When she died, he thought everything would end soon: his affliction would catch up with him and he would die. But then he opened up about his ailment to Anders and Varric and they become his bestest friends. Already, Seth and Anders had been in a relationship and Seth was already becoming attached to Anders, a fellow doom and gloom man, but after his mother's death did he truly stick to Anders like glue. After the chantry, Seth declared that if he was to be seen as a villain for protecting Anders, then so be it. After Meredith was defeated, he and Anders ran off together and he would spend all his time he could with Anders.
Inquisitor: Willow Lavellan
Willow did not have friends until joining the Inquisiton. She was ostracized from her clan, hated and bullied. Her clan was very much paranoid about some prophecy that if a mage had been born into their clan, it would mean their end. But because of her mother's dying wish, she was kept in the clan. That was until she was possessed by a spirit of compassion, her only friend for a while. However, compassion turned to rage as it witness that abuse Willow went through. That's how she ended up at the Conclave. The Inquisition became her family and she became close to most of the companions. She didn't know how to lead and didn't like being in the spotlight, but she had lots of good people to help her out with it all like Cullen, Dorian, Bull, etc. But of course, Willow became closest with Cullen, marrying him, and managing to heal both their trauma born from magic.
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sky-fire-forever · 8 months ago
happy dadwc friday! for Mal Hawke: I’ve done nothing but break my promises to you.
Thank you for the prompt! I really liked exploring this side of Mal.
Mal doesn’t remember the day the twins were born. He was too young and lacked the full understanding of what was going on. But he knows from the stories his parents tell that he’s always been fiercely protective over them. 
Apparently on the day they were born, he’d looked at them and told his parents that they were too small. His parents had laughed, but Mal had puffed up his chest and said that since they were so small and weak, he must protect them. 
He’d managed to protect them the best he could for eighteen years. 
When bullies would throw rocks at Bethany, Mal would chase them off with threats of violence and retaliation. When Carver struggled to wield a sword, Mal coached him on his technique. He did right by them, the best he could. 
When their father died, Mal became the man of the house and he vowed to do right by his family, to protect them and provide for them like his father did before him. He promised to never let anything bad happen to them. 
He failed to keep that promise. 
First, Carver was killed by the ogre, his lifeless body casually tossed aside like a toy that had been broken and was no longer fun to play with. There’d been so much blood and their mother had been inconsolable. Mal felt a part of him die with Carver that day, but he’d been unallowed to show it. He had to be strong for his surviving family. 
Then Bethany had been taken to the Circle, locked away where Mal can’t reach her, where she risks being made Tranquil or worse everyday. She's all alone, stolen from her family like Mal vowed to protect her from since the moment they stepped foot in Kirkwall. 
And now his mother is gone too. Taken by a blood mage for his own twisted ends. Mal hadn't done anything to save her and by the time he arrived, it was far too late. He didn't even get to say goodbye. 
As he stands alone in his bedroom, it really hits him how much he's lost, how much he's failed. His family is gone and it's all his fault for not doing more, for not protecting them until his last breath. He should have torn out his own heart before he let harm befall them, but he's still here, still standing free while his family is gone. 
He can't take it anymore. He grabs the nearest item to him — a candlestick perched on the side table — and he throws it across the room. It smacks against the wall and chatters to the ground loudly.
It's not enough. 
Mal begins grabbing everything he can. He grabs an old mug that once held water and smashes it against the wall. He grabs the end table and throws it to the floor, the wood splintering and cracking and falling apart. He tears apart his blankets and rips into his pillows like a feral dog just bent on destruction. 
He feels like a feral dog, mindless and destructive and desperate. He thinks of little besides obliterating all he can get his hands on, his fingers getting cut on the shards of what he breaks. Good, let him bleed.
Tears stream down his face as he throws an old portrait of himself as a boy into the fireplace to watch it burn. That little boy is dead and Mal is all that remains. 
His hands find another painting, this one of the family all together. In it, Mal can't be more than eleven and the twins must be eight. Their mother smiles warmly with her back straight and hands folded like a noblewoman’s despite the relative poverty they lived in back then. Their father grins, his hair a mess and his hand resting against Mal’s shoulder.
This must have been painted shortly before Bethany's magic manifested, before everything had changed forever, before Lothering. Before Mal's father began paying Bethany special attention and before Leandra became overly protective. 
Was this the last time their family was truly whole?
Mal sinks onto what remains of his bed, cradling the picture in his small hands. “I'm sorry,” he chokes out, the tears still falling. “I've done nothing but break my promises to you.” 
He holds the portrait and he cries. 
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musicismymoirail · 9 months ago
Ohhh fellow dragon age player???
Tell me more about your protags 👀👀👀
Oh, yes! :D It feels like I've been playing it forever at this point. But, okay! I do have sideblog for my da bullshit here but I haven't chatted about my protags in ages, so let's go! Apologies for the length ahead of time. ^^;;;
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The Wardens: Left to Right.
Suibhne Tabris, the pragmatic & polite rogue whose always up to teach folks the old alienage proverb of 'no child of Adaia Tabris makes empty threats'. Push him if you dare. He's my technically canon warden and the leader of Origins ragtag group. Mainly because he's very stoic and chill. Mhm. He was left at the Chantry as an infant before the Tabris family adopted him. He loves his family dearly, and took Adaia's death very hard. Like he didn't speak for years after and people feel like he ended up as very muted version of his chaotic child self. But grief can change you, and that's okay. He romances Zevran (utterly smitten~), Morrigan is basically his sister, is the one that does the Dark Ritual, and he'd love to meet his son but respects Morrigan's wishes to keep away. He's just a chill sweetheart who will murder a whole castle of nobles to save his loved ones~. I love him. c: <3
Nari Aeducan, the iconoclastic & favored former princess of House Aeducan. Oh, Bhelen. You can keep the throne but you will never feel safe within the walls of Orzammar again. <3 Nari is... my newest Warden, and not super fleshed yet. She lost her eye in her childhood during a training match, and asked Daddy Dearest to get her a lyrium prosthetic eye. Because it neat. In my canon, she misses out on meeting Duncan and gets to roam around the Deep Roads until the Origins group finally stumbles over her like two months later? She's a survivor~~~ She also enjoys sweetly terrorizing her baby back-stabbing brother. <3 No idea who she'd romance, honestly? Probably no one. Her mind is just set on causing chaos in Orzammar. Bless her.
Raniel Surana, the tempestuous and diligent mage that lasted like four days outside of the circle before she turned to blood magic. To be fair, she was dying at the time & Mouse is cool. Raniel was my very first Warden~~~ Sooo. Her and Tabris both met Duncan before going to Ostagar, and she's both enthralled and terrified and so bitter at Jowan, so she's just bouncing in every direction. During the first fight, the orge atop the Tower bites off her arm and Rani, not wanting to die with her new friends, asks Mouse for help. She's Super Bitter and Pissed for most of the story, as losing your home and arm will do to someone. No one really questions the weird white mouse that travels on her shoulder. But Leliana and the others sloooooooowly bring back her old romantic self. Stories and stars do the soul so much good. She ends up as the Teryna of Gwaren, is a happy little blood mage and since Leliana is my canon Divine, is basically married to the highest religious figure in Southern Thedas. Go Raniel~~~~
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I never got as attached to my Hawke as my Wardens or Inquisitor (weird as DA2 is my favorite game so far), buuuuuuut this is my current one.
Revelry Hawke, the stepford-smiling put-upon third parent of the Highly Dysfunctional Hawke family. All they wanted in life was to keep their family together and safe, and they Failed! Constantly! Carver died in Lothering! Bethany died in the Deep Roads! Leandra died in Kirkwall! And Revelry blames themself fully. :'D They're technically a rouge, but personal headcanon is they have magic too but just for Entropy spells and this goes unnoticed by all until the Arishok stabs them in Act Two. Losing one's family does have a way of letting you let go of a lot of things, does it~~? Forever sides with the mages, I do imagine they got offered the Viscountship post-game (because it's dumb that's Templar-locked) but Revelry stepped down after like five days. They're known as the Five-Day Viscount now. And they, idk, probably ended up in a polycule with everyone accidently. That seems like a very Revelry thing to do. o:
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Do I have a favorite protag of the lot? Yes, it's Mir. :D
Mir'uvenan Ruoho Lavellan, aka Mir, aka Miracles, my beloved and endlessly chaotic Inquisitor. Left his clan because of his toxic and deeply codependent relationship with his twin brother, Mir is basically a shattered mosaic of trauma, impulse and passion. He doesn't know why he's here, he wants to burn the Chantry to the ground and steal its foundation to boot, and people are! Praising him?!? Him? Why! Whhhhhhhy!?! He's not a leader! TToTT!! Except, that's all the gaslighting talking. Mir is stupidly clever and intelligent, endlessly caring and absolutely has no issues telling off Ancient Tevinter Gods and their Fake Archdemons. He lost all his fucks when he got the Anchor, so fuck it. He'll do his best because he's kinda stuck here anyways. TT____TT
(And Bull's like 'this is why you're the Inquisitor, Kadan~~')
Mir's an absolute little nerd who adores mixing his own alchemical concoctions because smashing highly volatile flasks against his skin is just Heaven~~~ He ends up losing his hearing Quite A Bit because of all the explosions, but whatcha gonna do~? Dagna and Rocky teached him Dwarven Sign Language to help. He likes hanging around Dagna to learn magic in the non-magic way too because It's Fascinating! o: <333
Mhm. Romances Bull but it's pretty open. Sera is his BFF, and Dorian a close second. Never gets comfortable being the Herald or the Inquisitor, doubly so after the Jaws of Hakkon, triply so after Trespasser. He disbands it, and is happier for it just being a Red Jenny with Sera and just finally enjoying life at long last with a good support system of friends and connections. I always play the game as Mir slowly working through his miserable self-worth and healing through all the trauma his brother put him through, so I like him ending the game having more neutral-positive outlook. He is actually Not The Worst, and ain't that nice? c:
(He's still gonna punch Solas in the face if they meet again tho. Because friends don't let friends destroy worlds, and he already proved people are just as worthwhile now as long ago.)
And if anyone actually read through all of that, thank you and bless you for reading about my silly little protags I've put Far Too Much Thought into over the years! ;;v;; <3
Also, enjoy a silly comic of Mir buying 57 hand puppets. <3
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blackjackkent · 11 months ago
🥀 What is something your OC blames themself for and is it really their fault? Does it keep them up at night and is there any lingering trauma?
(16 OC questions)
You didn't specify an OC so I used RNG to select one :D RNG selected Elliot Hawke!
Oh man, Elliot blames himself for a LOT. There are a lot of things he's handled badly in his life, due to his anger issues.
Probably the strongest thing would be that on some level he feels himself responsible for the collapse of his family. Starting with Bethany's death - which Leandra was already happy to blame him for - and then Carver running to the Templars primarily because of his clashes with Elliot, and then everything that happened with Leandra's death which he didn't look into early enough partially because the two of them never got along.
The truth is (as we know because we have played the game with many other Hawkes who are not Elliot ;) ) it was all always going to fall apart, and his issues, while they may have compounded things, weren't really to blame. But it certainly still bothers him. As if perhaps, had he been a better son, a better brother, unhaunted by the demons that chase him, perhaps everything would have been fine.
It's not for nothing that the Nightmare in DAI taunts him by saying: "Fenris is going to die, just like your family and everyone you ever cared about."
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unlikelysaintdelele · 1 year ago
it has come to my attention that my Amell looks very similar to Bethany and it's making me wonder...
I just sent Carver to the Grey Wardens (didn't want him to become a templar or die) and I know Alistair appears if he's still a Grey Warden. If Alistair and Carver meet, does Carver meet the Hero of Ferelden?
...how does he react to seeing someone who looks like his deceased twin sister?
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gaysebastianvael · 2 years ago
Dilfsabled… tell me more (<— chronic dilf lover)
My Malcolm Hawke is a stay-at-home dad which I like how it works doubly well with him being a mage and disabled. He taught Taliesin how to knit and cook. He calls Bethany Bunny (Bethany > Bebunny > Bunny). He would stay up late pointing out constellations with Royce. He had a difficult relationship with Carver due to clashing personalities but loved him very much and wishes he'd told him just how proud he was. He has done and would do anything for Leandra. He doesn't know who his parents were or if he had siblings and vows to be the best father he can be because of it. He's femme and bisexual. He and Taliesin are most similar in personality but he was closer with Royce and Bethany. He has a bad habit of getting involved in reckless and risky magic usage. He didn't actually die, he accidentally sent himself to the Fade and was presumed dead for 13 years until he runs into Taliesin and the Inquisition during Here Lies The Abyss. He's a devout Andrastian. He going to try to resurrect Leandra. He does NOT like when his kids say swears.
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sage-nebula · 3 months ago
I decided to spend this afternoon remaking my previous Dragon Age OCs in the Veilguard character creator (though of course I'd already made my Inquisitor in the Inquisitor section of the main CC in my latest playthrough). These are the OCs for my primary world state, even though we don't really have a world state anymore, lol.
Dragon Age OCs (Origins -> Veilguard) under the cut!
Warden Lyra Mahariel
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Age: 23 (Origins); 44 (Veilguard) Sexuality: Bisexual Animal Companion: Pan the Mabari Best Friend(s): Alistair Theirin & Morrigan Romantic Partner: Zevran Arainai Present Status: In the Fade trying to save Alistair Bio: Raised as an orphan in the Sabrae Clan after the deaths of her parents at the hands of humans (and city elves, but she blames the humans more), Lyra always took her heritage and clan responsibilities extremely seriously. She was trained in the Way of the Three Trees, and so her vallaslin represents Andruil, goddess of the hunt.
She was unwillingly recruited into the Grey Wardens after suffering blight from a broken eluvian. At the time, she was tempted to just let herself die, but ultimately decided that despite her destiny being chosen for her, she would do whatever she could to change it. This led to her convincing Alistair to undergo the dark ritual with Morrigan to save both their lives, because by that point she'd come to care about him as a close friend despite their rocky start.
She fell in love with Morrigan, though Morrigan did not return those feelings. She also developed feelings for Zevran, even though their relationship began as just letting off stress through sex.
She abandons Vigil's Keep once things settle down to try to find a way to end the Calling, because she hates the idea that her death will be decided for her. She abandons that quest only when she hears that 1.) Alistair was shit-talking her for "going down a dark path" over the dark ritual that saved his life, and 2.) he got stuck in the Fade. She decided to rescue him so that she could tear him a new one (and also because she cares, but she's too mad to say that at present).
Briar Hawke, Champion of Kirkwall
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Age: 34 (end of II); 45 (Veilguard) Sexuality: Lesbian Animal Companion: Patches the Mabari Best Friend: Varric Tethras Romantic Partner: Isabela Present Status: On a "sisters trip" with her younger sister, who absolutely knows this is an excuse to keep her away from the Sixth Blight
Bio: The oldest Hawke sister, Briar was born without magic — but unlike her younger brother Carver, she never let this stop her from living her best life. (Which, in Ferelden, meant learning how to pick locks, street fighting, and other such delinquent nonsense her mother didn't approve of.) Despite her criminal activities and her mother's disapproval, Briar always loved her family deeply and felt exceptionally protective over her younger siblings.
In Kirkwall, she quickly joined with smugglers to get enough coin for her family to survive. She joined Varric Tethras on his Deep Roads expedition for the same reason, taking her little sister Bethany with her because she could never say no to Bethany's puppy eyes. She made the decision for Bethany to become a Grey Warden to survive, something Bethany took a long time to forgive her for. This broke Briar's heart almost as badly as Carver's death did.
Throughout her Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad years in Kirkwall, she was named Champion after dueling an arishok to save her on-again, off-again girlfriend; she found herself in the center of a mage-templer conflict on the side of the mages; she lost her mother and ended up killing(?) Knight-Commander Meredith in battle. All this, and all she ever wanted to do was have some good drinks, laughs, and games of Wicked Grace.
She and Isabela are currently amicably "off" as Briar puts her focus on protecting Bethany from the Sixth Blight. Briar is focusing especially hard on that, since it helps keep her from falling into grief over the death of her best friend.
Inquisitor Lucia Trevelyan
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Age: 24 (Inquisition); 34 (Veilguard) Sexuality: Lesbian Animal Companion: Cloudia the Horse Best Friend: Dorian Pavus Romantic Partner: Josephine Montilyet Present Status: Leading a defense of southern Ferelden despite not being a Warden because she feels guilty about Solas
Bio: As the youngest child of House Trevelyan, Lucia was awarded a lot of freedom growing up. It was expected she would have a role in the Chantry, which she was perfectly fine with (as a devout believer in the Maker), but she was allowed to study archery and horseback riding in her spare time as well, of which she had an abundance. She was sent to the conclave as a formality; House Trevelyan had to have representation, and she was the only one of her siblings with nothing else going on. That she ended up with the anchor and so-named the Herald of Andraste? Her own family was gobsmacked, though her parents preened and her siblings malded; Lucia believed it only because she had no other explanation, and her faith in the Maker and Andraste was absolute.
Lucia was, is, and will always be a pacifist. Each choice she made during the Inquisition was to grant mercy if at all possible. This brought her into numerous conflicts, but she held fast to her principles and earned the love of one of her advisors, Josephine Montilyet, as a result. So far, Josephine has been Lucia's first and only love; they end up married with multiple adopted children.
Despite handing the Inquisition over to the Chantry (since Leliana is the new Divine, and was one of Lucia's advisors; Lucia trusts her implicitly), Lucia still takes it upon herself to bear responsibility where she can. She ends up leading the defense of southern Thedas during the Sixth Blight because she feels partly responsible for it, since it was Solas' ritual which cast the Blight upon the world. Despite Solas doing this (and cutting off her hand, and being the reason for the conclave explosion in the first place, and—), Lucia's pacifism and respect for the past friendship (which she refuses to believe was all a lie) pushes her to want to save him, rather than kill him, and she tries to convince everyone to see things how she does. She succeeded in convincing Varric, and now can no longer look Briar Hawke in the eye.
Thalia "Rook" Mercar
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Age: 28 Sexuality: Pansexual Animal Companion: Lady Meowmers the Tortie Cat (the Shadow Dragons have been taking care of her during Thalia's exile) Best Friend(s): Neve Gallus, Davrin, Assan, and Manfred Romantic Partner: Neve Gallus Present Status: Trying to kill a couple (trio?) of gods
Bio: Thalia was found on the battlefield as a young babe of barely two years of age by Legatus Charon Mercar of the Tevinter military. Though she was only a baby, her magic had already begun to manifest; she was subconsciously creating a shield around her, protecting her from the chaos of battle. And though she was an elf, Charon felt that her being a mage canceled her being an elf, and so brought her home to raise her as a daughter with his wife. Both of them were human, but they were mages, too. They knew they could teach her what she needed to know.
Thalia's parents loved her, but despite Charon's feelings that her being a mage canceled out her being an elf, her elven lineage still caused complications. In public, people assumed she was a servant; her parents, not wanting to rock the boat, rarely if ever outwardly corrected anyone. They told her that it didn't matter, that they knew the truth; but they left her home more and more often as she grew older, and Thalia was not stupid. She knew why.
She didn't go to a school with other students, being an elf, but was instead taught by her parents and private tutors. They oversaw the Tevinter equivalent of her Harrowing when she was only 15. She passed, and her parents were proud, but the celebration was behind closed doors.
Thalia was happy to be a city elf, and had no desire to run off to join the Dalish. But she was curious about her culture, something her parents tried to discourage. "It doesn't matter that you're an elf," they'd say, while keeping her home. "The only language you need apart from common is Tevene." So it was behind their backs that Thalia acquired elven things from passing merchants, and that she learned the elven language. Just because she wasn't Dalish didn't mean she couldn't be an elf, she felt, regardless of how embarrassed her parents seemed by it.
The discord between Thalia and her parents hit a breaking point shortly after Thalia turned eighteen. Thalia knew her parents loved her, and she loved them; but their refusal to stand up against slavery in Tevinter despite expressed disapproval of it at home — and their refusal to stand up for her, even, their own daughter — led to her running away to do something about it herself. It was while she was on a reckless attempt to free slaves that she ran into members of the Shadow Dragons, who saw this eighteen-year-old upstart and thought, "Yeah, she should be one of us, before she gets herself killed."
Thalia has not spoken to her parents in ten years. She misses them, but feels they wouldn't want to hear from her after their last interaction was a fight before she ran away. On the contrary, her parents do regret what led up to her leaving, and wish they had an opportunity to try to make things right.
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ofandrastes · 3 months ago
manon hawke; dragon age verse
FULL NAME Manon Genevieve Hawka.
NICKNAMES Hawke, Manny
RACE Human.
GENDER & PRONOUNS Cisgender female, she/her/hers
RELIGION Agnostic.
POSITIVE TRAITS Independent, Resourceful, Humorous, Resilient.
NEGATIVE TRAITS Defiant, Hedonistic, Sarcastic, Rash.
AFFILIATION Champion of Kirkwall.
skills & abilities.
CLASS Rogue.
WEAPON Dual Blades.
biography (via the keep)
The daughter of Malcolm Hawke and Leandra Amell, Manon has lived in many places throughout Ferelden. Her father and younger sister, Bethany, were apostate mages; thus, the family was constantly on the move, avoiding templar hunters. Ten years ago, the family settled in the village of Lothering, building a home on the outskirts and making a life where they wouldn't forever be on the run. Though Leandra worried constantly that the templars would one day catch up with them, Malcolm kept his abilities a secret and taught his daughter to do the same. He died three years ago, leaving Manon responsible for the welfare of her mother and younger siblings. When the Blight began, Manon and Carver quickly enlisted in King Cailan's regiment. The horde spilling from the Korcari Wilds meant their home would be quickly overrun if the darkspawn were not defeated immediately. However, the Battle of Ostagar ended with the betrayal and death of King Cailan. Manon and Carver barely escaped the chaos with their lives, and returned to Lothering to get their mother and Bethany out with only moments to spare...
decisions under the cut
PROLOGUE joined smugglers
ACT ONE convinced templars to leave, returned saemus to viscount, returned cargo to martin, killed kelder, killed danzig, ginnis died, didn't tell truth about ghyslain's wife's death, solved mystery of missing miners, blackmailed ser thrask, idunna killed, sent feynriel to the dalish, keran kicked out of templars, karras alive and well, defended ketojan from the qunari,
ACT TWO killed gascard, didn't side with varnell against qunari, didn't side with petrice, didn't discover looter of hubert's caravans, saved merin, javaris alive and well, attacked raiders without help of guardsmen, feynriel possessed, killed arishok
ACT THREE hawke offered to help nuncio, let zevran go, handed conspirators to meredith, nathaniel did not survive, reunited charade and gamlen, returned emile to the circle, sided with mages, let keran go
LEGACY sided with larius, found malcolms will
ANDERS romanced anders, didn't approve of ander's action at chantry, anders alive and well BETHANY bethany became a circle mage, bethany did not die in final battle VARRIC friends with varric, bartrand killed, helped varric discover cause of the haunting, varric kept red lyrium idol CARVER carver died leaving ferelden ISABELA recruited isabela, isabela returned to hawke, didn't give isabela to arishok FENRIS fenris alive and well MERRILL merrill stayed with hawke, merrill alive and well, merrill did not destroy eluvian, merrill's clan was not killed AVELINE aveline married donnic, aveline stayed with hawke SEBASTIAN recruited sebastian TALLIS never met tallis
SHIPPING Hawke's canon ship is with Anders, but that being said I'm open to shipping her with anyone (canon or OC) as long as it makes sense.
TEMPLARS VS MAGES Initially Hawke is impartial, perhaps even slightly swayed towards the Templars for no other reason than the threat of mages seems greater. Though she hates authority, she almost sees the Templars as a necessary inconvenience (as long as they stay off her ass, that is). However, as the game (and her romance with Anders) progresses she begins to switch her stance entirely. That being said, she disapproves of Ander's actions at the chantry, citing them as too extreme even for her. Despite this, she still helps him escape and, if romanced, continues to be by his side even despite whatever resentment or hurt may linger there.
HERE LIES THE ABYSS Will abide by whatever the Inquisitor chooses. The biggest thing holding her back from fully and completely sacrificing herself would be leaving whoever she romanced behind, but perhaps this is a surefire way to atone for all of her sins and mistakes. She's bullheaded, immature at times and often self-serving, but she's the Champion of Kirkwall -- and, by the Maker, perhaps this is exactly what needs to happen for that title to hold true in her heart.
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hydrangeapartridge · 4 months ago
Sooo I finished Veilguard (my opinion and heavy spoilers under the cut):
I'll start by saying I am a huge Dragon Age fan. Origins was my first RPG and that series is a favourite of mine. I loved all 4 games even if they are imperfect, they each have their moments of genius.
If the beginning of the game felt "rushed", as in unknown Rook thrown into the stopping Solas deal like that, and then having a list of people to recruit to help, the more I played, the more I grew found of this Veilguard team and this game.
I can't imagine how hard it must be to produce a game while taking into consideration the amount of things that happened before and please the old fans and new audience.
Maybe I don't need much to enjoy a game but after 10 years I'm just so happy the game is out, running without bugs, beautiful graphics and with writing that to me isn't bad or worse than Inquisition or DA2. It depends on characters and quests but I still grew attached to wonderful characters (gosh Emmrich...) and some moments of emotion as well as a rather good pacing. I'm not a hardcore gamer so my opinion on gameplay is what it is but I had fun in most battles and boss fights and didn't feel like running from point A to B without understanding what I was doing.
Of course I would have loved to see Fenris again for example, or hear from Hawke, but I understand we can't have it all. I was at least happy they mentionned Felassan.
Regarding the lore, it felt weird for a second having the crew dissect Solas' regrets and tying together all the secrets and mysteries of the world, but I'll accept it (I know, maybe I'm a bit too indulgent but it's in my nature, I take the positive side of things: we had answers)
With that said, thoughts for the last quest and the ending:
First, I'm so sad that you can't end the game without sacrificing Harding or Davrin. I picked Davrin first not knowing what would happen of course and seeing Assan plunge into the blight after him was HEARTBREAKING!!! I can't imagine being less sad seeing Harding meet the same end... There is no good choice, like between Minrathos and Treviso... but ouch it hurt. It don't know if they should have made more choices available for that part? maybe.
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Then I chose Bellara to disable the barriers and I found it unfair compared to Davrin's end that she's completely blighted and then magically cured at the end. I would have liked a recruitment by the wardens for example (takeback to Carver and Bethany)
That part plus the attribution of roles for the battle was very Mass Effect like (Bioware duh, Kaidan vs Ashley is a known trick but I was surprised they did it here). It's a mechanic I enjoy (I kept dear Emmrich safe by my side! poor man had to climb that huge tentacle. That and the coffin, so much exercise in one day... Good thing he does his morning stretches).
The devs made an effort to emphasise that saving the world is risky and has a cost. I suppose it's a change from the perfect playthroughs you can often do without losing anyone. Still, I love happy endings so I'm sad about that part.
Then the Varric thing. I kind of saw it coming because despite avoiding spoilers, people talked a lot about him... And by the end of the game I found it weird that he was still in that infirmary. To think that I was so relieved when he supposedly didn't die at the beginning... I felt like a fool. I was an easy way to bring me to tears since he's a loved character. I was a sobbing mess saying goodbye to him and though it was an easy way to make me feel things, well it was well executed in the sense that they took their time with it and the voice acting and dialogues were on point.
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The scene in the lighthouse with Varric's empty bed only twisted the knife in my poor heart. I was so sad bc of Davrin and Assan and Varric that the scene with Emmrich almost felt weird. I mean, it was perfect and a good way for Rook to change her mind and reunite after Rook was stuck in the fade (which is brushed over a bit too quickly. It has been long given they had time to forge a dagger and it wasn't emphasized enough I think). But that last romance scene was nice especially after they fought before the fight with Gilhanain (I like that a lot! made it feel real, and also I liked how Emmrich started apologizing during the quest).
Then about Solas:
I love Solas but he kept betraying us so much that I almost started not wanting his redemption XD. Rook is very kind-hearted to offer it to him... Let's be honest we do it for Lavellan.
My dear Lavellan. They didn't miss her portrayal. young elf thrown into a war, a mere mortal in pure hopeless love with an ancient god, robbed of her arm, of her vallaslin, discovering her beliefs are lies... Yet still standing there and forgiving Solas, offering to be eternally trapped with him. Her heart. I'm a fan of that kind of love story so that ending was perfect for me (ar lath ma vhenan <3)
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Overall, it was a great experience. Made me cry, made me laugh, made me fall in love again with the series. What a day to live the return of Dragon Age, especially with such an active and wonderful fandom here (I know there are a lot of haters elsewhere and I'm not going there XD).
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I'll do a review of the companions and their quests soon.
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sapphim · 1 year ago
Addendum to Does Varric Know Their Name? I've mentioned in a recent ask that one can tell, from the string IDs attached to each line of dialogue, in what order each line was first written and saved to the talktable (albeit, one cannot tell from this if they were later revised or rewritten). Now, I'm a nosy busybody who is overly interested in what I can glean from behind the scenes. So. Here's all of Varric's dialogue with the nicknames but in order of writing this time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
sse_ss_varric (combat barks)
6008218 Holy mother of green cheeses! How'd they take that woman down? 6008224 They got Whatshisname, the mage? Damnation! 6008225 Blast it! Daisy got herself knocked out! 6008227 The tame elf is down! 6008228 Don't die on me, Rivaini! You still owe me a pint! 6013488 Hold on, Sunshine, I'm coming! 6013489 Hang on, Junior, help's on the way!
dre000_cut2d_ragstoriches (narration)
6025094 The Grey Wardens left Kirkwall. It was months before we learned Carver survived. 6025097 The Grey Wardens left Kirkwall. It was months before we learned Bethany survived. 6025100 Carver joined the templars, just as he said he would. He didn't turn in the Champion, at least. 6025103 Bethany was in the Circle, now. There was nothing we could do for her, poor girl. 6025106 I felt responsible for Carver's death. He was a good lad, and met a bad end. 6025109 I felt responsible for Bethany's death. She was a good girl, and met a bad end.
dre000_sibling_has_blight (Deep Roads Expedition)
6036545 We're in the middle of nowhere. There's no way… oh, Sunshine…
vrc221_varric (Family Matter)
6043599 He deserved it after what happened to Bethany, but… I couldn't have gone through with that on my own. 6043600 He deserved to die after what happened to Carver, but… I couldn't have gone through with that on my own. 6044166 I almost wish Blondie hadn't wiggled his fingers and cleared Bartrand's head. I liked it better when I just wanted to kill the bastard.
gen00fl_varric (introduction)
6063845 Madam! Your secrets are safe with me.
qcr000_varric (interrogation)
6065797 Oh, he did, but Isabela stole it again three days later.
gen00fl_varric (Family Matter, Friendly Concern, Plans for the Future)
6076067 Carver would still be here if it weren't for Bartrand. 6076070 If it weren't for Bartrand, Bethany would still be here. 6076121 You and Whatshisname, that mage, seem to be getting pretty close. 6076122 People say you and that elf—you know, the angsty Tevinter one—are becoming quite the item. 6076123 I hear you and the Rivaini have something going… 6076124 There definitely seems to be something between you and Daisy these days. 6076427 [CUT] Right, I see you there, Blondie. Don't worry. 6076443 [CUT] Isabela, you know my heart is already spoken for. 6076540 You do know the elf is covered in spikes, like an angsty porcupine? He might have some… issues. 6076541 Isabela is a great girl, but I think you're likely to get hurt. By which I mean stabbed and left for dead. 6076542 Merrill is a sweet girl, but there's a whole lot of crazy in that little package. 6077818 I suppose after the whole business with Carver, it's a good idea to hang on to what you've got. 6077819 After everything that happened with Bethany, that's probably good thinking.
nat380_party_banter (Finding Nathaniel)
6090055 [CUT] If we're going to the Deep Roads, it may be good to bring Anders along. He has that whole "Warden sense" thing going for him.
gen00fl_varric (ambients, A Rumour Making the Rounds)
6103265 Hawke, about Junior… Maker, I'm sorry. Bartrand will pay for this, I swear. 6103266 Poor Sunshine… Bartrand will pay for her death, I promise you. 6107300 Of course not! Not wild ones, at least. I only spread those about Daisy. 6107302 Blondie is hardly an ogre! He's too puny. 6107303 Don't call Daisy an ogre! You'll make her cry. 6107304 If the Rivaini were an ogre… damnation, that'd be one hot ogre. 6107305 Don't compare the Tevinter elf to an ogre, Hawke. Ogres have a sense of humor.
isa311_party_comments (No Rest for the Wicked)
6117818 I hope Isabela leaves an obvious trail. 6117821 Wait, what am I talking about? Isabela's never subtle.
gen00fl_varric (Plans for the Future, The Storm and What Came Before It)
6118723 Just tell me if you hear more rumblings from the Coterie about protection. Blondie's got enough trouble… 6118826 See, when you say things like that, Blondie, it just makes me glad I didn't know you sooner. 6118942 Blondie didn't tell you? He comes down here now and then. He loses at cards to Isabela, and I buy him drinks. 6118945 This is the best tavern in Kirkwall, Hawke! As a favor to you, I put Blondie on my tab. 6118948 Only place in Kirkwall he can get a decent drink. Blondie comes by here, and I put him on my tab.
gen00fl_anders (Questioning Beliefs)
6125133 Uh-uh. You keep your pillow, Blondie. And may you have many more dreams of killing templars on it.
gen00fl_merrill (A Talking To)
6127544 Come on, Daisy. You shouldn't be stuck in this rat-trap. Does Hawke even know you're here? 6127548 Come on, Daisy. You've been holed up in here for days. If you don't get some sunshine, you'll wilt.
(note: at this point, the follower_banter conversation file was filled in with its basic structure. many initial lines here could have been placeholders to be filled in later)
6128552 Steal? Madam, you wound me. 6136374 Oh, cheer up, Blondie. You're making me cry just looking at you. 6136694 Blondie, I don't mean to sound critical, but have you considered a new line of work? 6136701 So what do you do, Aveline? 6136710 So… Milady Sunshine, what's your first act as a noblewoman going to be? 6136714 You know, Junior, it's eerie how much resemblance there is between you two. 6136715 You know, Junior, you're looking at this all wrong. 6136719 So, elf. That thing you do with your hand… 6136721 You really ought to take that offer, elf. It'd keep the Coterie off your back pretty much permanently. 6136723 You know you still owe me five sovereigns, elf. 6136729 You know, Rivaini, you promised me you'd tell me how your ship wrecked. 6136731 So… Hawke and Daisy? 6136732 You have got to tell me what was in that box, Rivaini. 6136738 Daisy, for my sake, please quit cutting through the alleys in Lowtown alone at night. 6136739 So, I hear you've been visiting the viscount's gardens, Daisy.
mrl310_party_comments (A New Path)
6142785 No offense, Daisy, but I could live without telling anyone we murdered you on some mountainside.
6143313 Oh-ho! The broody elf tells a joke! 6143330 So where's your beard, elf? 6149288 Carver.
vrc321_varric (Haunted)
6154756 It's not your call, Blondie.
6155955 Rivaini, stop looking at my chest. My eyes are up here. 6155994 Isabela… Are you talking to Bianca? 6156036 Isabela just thought she'd celebrate your love affair with a… written dedication. 6156063 I like the way you think, Rivaini, but one doesn't just ask to be made a Paragon. 6161345 For you, madam, endless sunsets and roses. 6164065 Go away, Justice. Can Anders come out and play? 6164552 Sunshine, I'm a dwarf, in case you missed that detail. 6164685 I shit you not, Rivaini, it was this big. 6164742 Insist that they're blatantly copying you, and demand royalties. A good noble always has a complaint ready, Sunshine. 6166461 I tried to warn you, Blondie.
6166826 Now don't take it bad—you're still better than Anders.
6167223 Of course I am. We come to the surface with the skills our ancestors had, Blondie. 6167877 So, Choir Boy, this usurper of yours is… twenty feet tall? 6167878 Tell us about Starkhaven, Choir Boy. I'm sure we're all burning with curiosity about your far-away land. 6167880 You know, Choir Boy, I wouldn't normally say this, but—the shiny white armor? It works for you. 6169772 That's because you've spent too much time frolicking in the woods, Daisy. Dwarves don't frolic. 6169800 I'll tell her you said so, Daisy. 6169819 I have family like a rat has fleas, Daisy. 6169828 There's a story behind everything, Daisy. 6169831 Which story, Daisy? 6169843 You have to stick with us if you want to know how it turns out, Daisy. 6169847 Isabela? Of course I do. 6169853 No fun in calling her Rivaini if she's not here to be annoyed by it. 6169871 That was the idea, Daisy. 6169879 You could've just stopped me, Blondie. 6170234 So, you think you can win the coin from Isabela? Good luck with that. 6170283 Every little bit helps, elf. 6170382 You feeling all right, Blondie? You're always in the mood for templar jokes. 6170391 If you could see it from this angle, Blondie, it'd be at least a close second on your priority list. 6170472 Keep dreaming, Rivaini. 6170510 Bring it next time, Daisy. Just in case. 6170591 Haven't thought of a good one yet. What do you think of "Red"? 6170645 Aveline, I thought you'd have noticed by now: I lie a lot. 6170690 If I ever decide to get caught, Aveline, you'll be the guard I let catch me. 6170758 Keep it, Daisy. 6170777 I've got you and Aveline, Fenris and Anders. Hawke. Isabela. 6170786 I fought my own brother, Daisy. Nobody said this was going to be a happy story.
mcr370_cut_player_rules (narration)
6171814 Well… all of us except for Anders. 6171817 Well… all of us except for Fenris. 6171820 Well… all of us except for Isabela. 6171823 Well… all of us except for Merrill.
(note: at this point already-written quests are filled in with various reactions from different followers)
qcr000_arishok (Demands of the Qun)
6173714 I'm sure he'll take that well. Rivaini? You might want to move a bit this way.
fen210_hadriana (A Bitter Pill)
6174813 Hawke? Maybe now isn't a good time to offer the elf constructive criticism.
fen310_varania, fen310_fenris (Alone)
6175041 Elf… Fenris. I know how hard this is to believe, but this is the last thing you want to do. 6175044 Elf… Fenris. Don't. It won't help. Trust me. 6175081 Our elf is a hell of a negotiator!
isa211_isabela (To Catch a Thief)
6175163 You're the picture of kindness, Rivaini. 6175169 You just keep working on that, Daisy. Let us know if you figure it out.
vrc221_varric (Family Matter)
6175232 Don't worry, Daisy. The Chantry keeps a lot of water on hand.
ser121_jethann (The First Sacrifice)
6175347 I'll tell you when you're older, Daisy.
mcr370_cut_player_survives (narration)
6189917 [CUT] Well… all of us except for Sebastian. I never quite figured that one out.
seb321_leliana (Faith)
6197140 To be fair, Blondie, a lot of those "rebellions" boil down to, "Lets feed ourselves to demons!" 6197871 Is there anyone in Ferelden you haven't slept with, Rivaini?
gen00fl_sebastian (Repentance)
6198133 I don't know why Choir Boy here didn't yell, "Hawke to the rescue!" That's clearly what he was going for.
mcr370_varric (interrogation)
6208276 Or that damned idol was. Or Anders. Take your pick.
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