#cartoon haracters
Alternate realities, traveling between can it be…? Cartoon to real Often reveals Incompatibilities! – Fantasy to the real traveled, Existing states unraveled… Flesh and blood From paper’s not good Where ideas themselves can travel! – Internet people may come, Will he even see one…? Zero the score Of them who made it before, They walk to a different drum. – Friends who must be…
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inahallucination · 2 years
there should be a law that forbids people from taking cartoons and making more ‘adult’ versions
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I'm just here to mix-and-match different kinds of Yuus with different kinds of personalities to see what monstrosity I can make. That being said,,, ENA!Yuu brainrot!
"Salutations, kind strangers! May you please point me towards the direction of my abode? I seem to be lost in your odd and lovely world!"
They wear a two-tone colored mask that changes its appearance and color depending on the situation.
How does it change its color and appearance? Magic.
The default is color, of course, the iconic blue and yellow ENA has.
Their voice also switches sporadically between male and female.
No one has ever seen what they look like behind the mask.
People have tried and all have failed.
Gives others a bit of uncanny valley vibes because of their body movements and actions.
They move as if they're a GIF on loop and it just looks a bit too unnatural.
Can't help but just think of ENA!Yuu going,,,
Yuu: "I came here to bring you a gift! :)" holds out hands
 Character: "There's... nothing there?"
 Yuu: cups the character's face :D
 haracter: "..." loading :v
 Character: realization "!!!"
ENA! Yuu considers Twisted Wonderland a peculiar world.
Mostly because they live in a surreal world that makes no sense.
Therefore, being brought to Twisted Wonderland, a world with sense, is senseless to them since their normal is not normal to Twisted Wonderland and Twisted Wonderland's normal is not normal to them, ya get me?
It's alright if you don't. I even confuse myself sometimes.
Probably likes it at Heartslabyul since it has a surreal and nonsense feel to it that would make them feel kind of at home.
They got very nervous one time that they vomited static/noise.
The static turned into an hourglass dog.
Grim now has this weird-looking dog following him all around the school.
He says he doesn't like the dog but we all know he's lying.
The dog operates on cartoon logic. It's virtually unkillable.
And by that I mean someone flattened it into a pancake by accident.
Everyone was silently horrified to see the dog flattened on the ground.
Only to see it snap back into its original shape with a pop, unharmed and good as new.
Speaking of accidents, Riddle was probably the one who made ENA!Yuu nervous.
He probably said something about breaking the rules and Sad ENA!Yuu took over and started self-deprecating themselves.
Someone made ENA!Yuu too sad one time and put them in full sadness mode.
Their mask just glitched and it suddenly turned gray and faceless which freaked the others out cause this has never happened before???
Yuu, are you okay???? Do you need anything?
ENA!Yuu quickly covered their "face" and stomped their feet, their words muffled and ineligible as they cry and warble and have a mental breakdown.
Of course this just made their friends panic more cause yuu,,, having mental breakdown??? And their "face" gone???? And they can't understand them????
What do they even do in this situation???
Thankfully Happy ENA!Yuu takes over the next moment before they can hurt themselves and calmly drawls out a simple, "Ah, my apologies."
Also, Crowley vs sad ENA!Yuu
Crowley says something along the lines of "blah blah blah, aren't I so kind?"
Sad ENA!Yuu: wailing loudly "I'M SORRY, I DON'T DESERVE IT!!!"
Everyone in the immediate vicinity: stares judgingly at Crowley as usual
Whatever shite Crowley tries to pull, sad ENA!Yuu will be there to guilt trip them back to responsibility.
Crewel vibes the hourglass dog.
Probably thought the dog was a bit weird-looking at first but it grew on him.
It plops itself onto his shoulder whenever it sees him and he lets it.
Sam most likely starts selling marketable plushies of the hourglass dog because it became popular among the student body.
Hourglass dog has become the favorite squish toy.
Does ENA!Yuu also become a marketable plushie? Hmmm...
When they have enough simps, Sam probably will with Yuu’s permission.
ENA!Yuu: pops up from behind a counter :D 
Trey: in the middle of baking "Yuu?? What are you doing-"   ENA!Yuu: "Turrón!”   [Cue Trey having no clue what the hecc is going on as Ena!Yuu keeps repeating "Turrón" again and again until he realizes that Yuu most likely wanted to eat turrón so he makes some for them.]
Sometimes Grim becomes worried about Yuu.
He occasionally catches them 'glitching' away and being replaced by a mannequin for a split second before they return back to normal.
Sometimes it's a mannequin, sometimes a mess of a polygon.
He asks Yuu about this only to be met with a nonchalant shrug.
ENA!Yuu themselves has no idea what's happening.
Grim leaves it be for now.
Also...   Azul: trying to get ENA!Yuu sign a contract   ENA!Yuu: "Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no-"   Azul: "..."   ENA!Yuu: "-no, no, no, no, no-"   Azul: "..."   ENA!Yuu: "-no, no, no."   Azul: "A simple ‘no’ would've sufficed..."
Yuu mostly 'glitches' when they get 'hurt'.
Floyd likes to squeeze Yuu a lot because of this since they look funny.
I like to think that ENA!Yuu doesn't have any concept of pain in this so they just let Floyd be.
At first, that is.
It’s just that they don’t realize that they’re hurt.
I mean, how do you get polygons to feel pain?
They probably don't bleed in the first place anyway.
That being said, ENA!Yuu probably had a polygon form body before they arrived in Twisted Wonderland.
They only got their 'human' body when they arrived.
It's kind of like the world is 'fixing' their entire being to be more understandable in the new world.
Like some kind of filter to make the human mind understand their form in a logical and reasonable manner.
Like getting a patch to make the game run smoothly and fix bugs.
Cause I mean, I dunno 'bout y'all but if I started seeing a hyper realistic person made out of polygon in the real world I would be scared af and my brain would not be able to handle that.
That's like some eldritch level stuff right there.
So pain is a foreign concept to them.
ENA!Yuu not understanding why they feel a stinging feeling and panicking the first time they see themselves bleed.
They glitched heavily.
Which made the others realize that ENA!Yuu glitching = ENA!Yuu hurt = glitching bad!
Floyd didn't find the glitching effect fun anymore.
Yuu having to deal with overblots and at the same time newfound sensations and feeling caused by their 'human' body.
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ira99olyunina · 7 years
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the-afton-funhouse · 5 years
Hbhbh,,,, sidenotish but still relatig to the drama is it kinda sorta maybe b a d that on one hand i kinda humanize and give actual flaws and reasonings to william and not fixate or demonoze him to only be a haracter and just genuinely want to cuddle him???,, and thn the other hand being attracted to him and just wanting him to be a flirt?'(sorry if this is confusing this whole dramas conusing and i just cling to william for my own dumdum depression and bipolar self) 🌻-Anon
oh no! this is good if you’re wanting to humanize him! not making him all one-dimensional and like your typical cartoon villain. it’s perfectly okay in giving your own headcanons for him -- whether it’s as mundane as his hobbies or something that explains why he kills ( or not, depending on whatever AU you may have ). you can still call him a bastard and all, but if you wish to make him into the human that has extreme views, feel free to! 
don’t mind drama. just hold william close to you and be proud for him having to comfort you!
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duckulamoved · 3 years
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This is the plush I bought BTW he's literally perfect and I mean that in like a this is a high quality plush way. Sometimes the eyes of plushified cartoon haracters look so off but the design here is spot on
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crepusculumrp · 3 years
pre-opening prep faq
→ What kind of characters can I apply for?
Crepusculum accepts both fandom characters from illustrated and live action mediums as well as original characters. Every player will be allowed to make one original character from the beginning and more slots may be unlocked through time. Original Characters cannot be from a fandom (but basing lore loosely around one is perfectly fine) Almost every fandom character is acceptable and characters can be of any age as long as they have enough personality and capability to communicate. (this means no toddler). Characters with heavily sensitive material background may not be allowed, please reach out to staff if you think someone is questionable. American adult cartoons and pre-school age cartoons are not allowed. → How many characters can I make? Crepusculum has a very loose character cap that will be evaluated as necessary. As the game is meant to have a heavy team-based element we find it important not to make teams too large. Currently team cap is set to eight members and we have twelve teams. There will be no more than ten members per team but team count may go up. Because of this please understand there is a chance you may have to wait to be placed on occasion and new players will be prioritized over older players if all teams are filled (unless it’s been a very long time). Regardless, at this time all players are allowed to make ten characters. Players will be required to have a small post requisite between characters: 0-5 : 10 posts per character 5-10: 15 posts per character So long as each character has reached this post count the player will be allowed to make another one. There is a small wait time of one week between applications.
In celebration of our opening, players will be able to make three characters from the beginning without waiting or meeting requisite.
→ What is the activity requirement? As Crepusculum is a more plot heavy game and team orientated the activity requirement is three posts a month per character. Posts that count are any event post, communication post, or regular thread. 
→Is there a word count? No. Crepusculum wants to be able to allow writers of all levels to come and have fun. Sometimes shorter posts may even be necessary for events! There will be a small word count in our application of a 500 word freeform but you’ll otherwise be fine! → What are Units (teams)? What should I know about them? Upon arrival every character is assigned to a team known as a Unit. Units will work together during certain plot events and their bond will be critical to both their survival and their position within plots (but this is not to say outside forms will be any less). Units live together in the same barrack and will face many obstacles together. Units are formed with the following two things in mind: player preference/character development and character personality. We highly suggest that you think about the kind of arc that you can develop as a member of a team be it good or bad. You may want yourc haracter to be in a Unit more like a family or people who will break the rules. Maybe you have no opinion and just want them with like-minded folks. Unit picks may come with time, but not at the beginning. For now staff will do its best to meet player requests. There will be a section in the application dedicated to what your character would be like as a team member and what you would like to see, so start considering what you might want!   → What is a Character Loss? Consider a Character Loss like the entry fee a character pays before arriving in Crepusculum— Although they’re entirely unaware they’ve done it. A Loss must be significant enough that they’d want to get it back, but is completely up to you. Perhaps you want them to lose an important memory or all memories (or even powers). Perhaps you want them to lose their sense of morality. Anything goes. They will have a feeling that something is lost but not what it is in the beginning. This will become slowly more known in the coming weeks through the plot. Examples of losses could be: -Newt Scamander giving up his love and passion for animals. -Riza Hawkeye giving up the burns inflicted on her back (and all the information about it). -Arthur Pendragon could give up Excalibur and the future foretold. There’s many variations that you can do but the most important take away is that whatever they lose is important enough to regain but also that what it is, why it’s gone, and anything associated with it is faded or missing (so Newt may be told he’s a magizoologist and likes animals but he won’t have attachment; Riza could know she killed people in war as a sniper but not know why it effected her so deeply, etc).
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atrahasis · 7 years
Finally, a cartoon analysis that focuses more on visual and animation aspects.
 Also finally, a discussion of “what makes a good action scene” that is actually spot on, with her WECC rule (Weight, Environment, Composition, Character), putting all those other analysis videos that i’ve seen entitled “ what makes a good action scene” to shame.
Excellent video.
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artmom141 · 6 years
Cartoon analysis:  Peanuts
We were asked to analyze a cartoon for shape, line and color.  I chose Peanuts, which is an old childhood favorite.  The characters are rounded and a bit out of proportion, having large round heads, bottom heavy bodies and short legs.  They could be recreated with several basic shapes – circle head, c shaped arc for ears and nose, triangular shaped bodies, rectangular legs and arms, and ovals for feet, with hands drawn the way little kids do with all 5 rounded fingers.  The style is very happy and kid friendly.  Faces are simple with clear line drawn expressions and dots for eyes. Lines are heavy and hand-drawn, with a sketchy quality in places, especially hair, clothes design and background.  Colors are solid bright and basic, adding to the kid-friendly factor.  
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