#carrion speaks
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predacon-carrion · 10 months ago
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Who took this photo? I didn't consent to this...
Er, perhaps I shall keep from destroying it, though, for the moment...
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alsyushaz · 4 months ago
The young teen freezes at the sight of the vigilante, having made the mistake by of removing his goggles his eyes are wide and utterly terrified his hands are glowing the fire he had manifested quickly extinguishing when he'd had clenched his fists, no doubt having planned to set another building on fire. backing away quietly with the hopes carrion hadn't seen him
(ooc:Carrion visits wayne manor right? she may have ran into one of bruce's wards Alazne if you wanna add in a little drama hehe>:3 She and Pyro have the same birthmark under their eyes on opposite ends hehe and generally look very similar except for their ears and hair color lolz)
- @arsonistic-tendencies
(ooc: decided to do a scenario with alazne!)
the girl pops out of nowhere while carrion had just entered the manor. she closes the large double doors behind her, only to see a girl standing right there in front of her.
“damn, you should really not sneak up on people like that.” on closer inspection, the kid looks familiar, like carrion’s met him before. perhaps, this teen was a girl instead, but looked very similar to pyro, whom she’d met and talked to not long ago.
“pyro? you didn’t tell me you liked it here. you didn’t even know what a batburger was until i showed you.” the girl clarifies that she isn’t pyro, rather that she’s his sister, alazne. they look scarily alike, and the birthmark under her eye confirms that she’s pyro’s sibling.
“well, pyro never told me he had a sister. please tell me you at least know what a batburger was. your brother didn’t.”
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level-1-slime · 2 years ago
Hm? What is this? It looks red...and angry. I suppose being a pooltoy will have it's benefits! Hi red thing!
(Carrion grabs you with one of it’s tentacles, and observes you.)
No smell… not food. food.
(Carrion throws you to the side and continues searching for anything edible.)
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mossymandibles · 4 months ago
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Not sure if anyone remembers Nimbus, but I changed him a bit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you know the drill. Been thinkin on him.
He’s a ‘sooty’ variation of a Kymagryph; a bit of a smaller breed from a far more southern region. The former owner of the Asheweaver estate had bought him from poachers as a kit.
Nimbus is the first and only known Kymagryph raised in captivity. There was an attempt to make him accustomed to being ridden or even a glorified messenger pigeon. This was kind of backburnered for a time and since then the former Dr. Asheweaver had met his fate. Sylvaine along with her team have elected to taking care of Nimbus.
Since he’d spent too long poorly raised in captivity Sylvaine found that he couldn’t properly integrate himself into any of the Kymagryph flocks further up north of the island. They were far bigger and the males were particularly aggressive towards Nimbus, hence the nasty scars on his head. He didn’t seem interested in leaving Tattered Wing either though, making his own nest in the fjords, staying close to the estate. He still takes long flights however, retuning after a few months and sometimes bringing ‘gifts’.
He holds some form of deep respect for Sylvaine, which makes her wonder if he has imprinted on her in some way. He minds her above anyone else. Some of the people of Marrowtide like to say that Nimbus is ‘the eyes of the harpy woman that lives on Tattered Wing’, believing that Sylvaine possesses Nimbus’s body on his flights. She finds this amusing if anything.
Drew Sylvaine for size reference. I guess he’d be measure in heads like a horse.
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predacon-carrion · 11 months ago
Indeed, if I could figure out how this little device works…
Ah, speech to text seems to function.
Also wanted to announce… I have officially made a dedicated sideblog for Carrion!!! Go follow here: @predacon-carrion
You’re still free to ask questions about him here, but if you wanted to speak to Carrion more “directly”, that blog is the place to do it! I just thought it’d be a good idea after the great reception he’s gotten :D
Hope to see you guys there!
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rebellionsuite · 2 years ago
hozier made a mistake dropping unreal unearth so soon after good omens season two… look what you’ve done to the people, andrew
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matryx7728 · 1 year ago
i don’t know if anyone else here plays the game carrion (play it. it’s on sale on steam rn i think it’s like $6) but i think if v1 ultrakill encountered the carrion tentacle monster it would shoot it until it’s as small as possible but not to the point of death and then strap the flesh beast down onto its back for endless fuel source (the meat thing bleeds constantly). and then v1 just runs around like that
gabriel would see it and be like WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT !!! and v1 would be like Look At My New Pet :) and gabriel would od squeal like a girl and hide in the corner you know
​this came from a sequence of conversation in a vc with @cikdik there’s plenty mroe j could talk about but i’m gonna ask her first
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callieforniagirlz · 3 months ago
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w/ butterscotch :)
hypothetically speaking i would make a great wife with this picture as my exhibit. and if this doesn’t get jason @jason-peter-todd-redhood to hypothetically come home cus the kids hypothetically miss him idk what will.
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enriquecarrion · 3 days ago
David J. Peterson — House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 7 — Valyrian La...
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ganymedesclock · 7 months ago
So that #Syrin the Dread Blade tag, thats a new one. Seems like a interesting character, a sentient sword, how did Tyler happen upon them? What does the sword look like, and does it have any special magical abilities? How do they like the other members of the party? Do they actually speak or do they have a telepathic voice?
Technically it's just a tagging misconception; I haven't tagged Syrin reliably before because his nature as a sword does mean he's kind of attached to Taylor. But he is his own dude!
A short primer: magic items in this setting tend towards a level of awareness. Magic is essentially what souls are made of, ergo, if you stuff enough magic in anything, it starts to have a soul, and behaves accordingly. Entities as fully developed and chatty as Syrin are rare; far more common is that magic items tend to feel just a little bit haunted, inclined towards some things and away from others. It's a bit creepy if you're not used to it; enchantments are commonplace and widely accessible, so that 'not being used to it' is more a statement on if the individual is used to handling a particular thing.
Syrin himself is the ostensible opus of the previous Lord of Darkness, a Dark Sword that was meant to contest and cancel out the legendary sword of light wielded by the hero. Ostensibly, because for unknown reasons Syrin was left in storage the eve of the fateful battle. Being groomed exclusively for this purpose by someone he regarded as a father and then abandoned for ten years definitely wasn't traumatic or terrifying for someone with the cognitive level of a child, we promise. Especially since Syrin needs to eat.
Syrin's construction, and what leads Taylor to point out he's a bit like a 'needle', is a crystal-bladed thrusting sword with a hollow core. Despite its delicate looks, the blade is actually both quite sharp and highly durable; the thin tube at the center being essentially his mouth, by which he is supposed to drink blood. His victims', if he can get it, or, failing that, magically drawn from his host. As a result his blade itself ranges from grayish translucence to dark red if he's gorged to fullness.
From there, he has the power to generate and shape a kind of magical flesh, allowing him to weave more elaborate forms around his core body, the sword.
As you can guess, this gives Syrin a somewhat unpleasant and brutish first impression on people, as he has no verbal filters, was raised by a would-be conqueror of the world, and is dependent on blood and thus interested in more fights than not. I've described him before as like a preteen on xbox live who talks up a nasty game mostly out of loneliness and a need to be liked, where you can tell the kid themselves is not as bad as the people who taught them all those words and that they were "funny".
Deep down (and not all that deep, like I said, no filters), Syrin is a vulnerable child who was groomed to do violence and got no experience with it until strangers came to loot the dangerous ruins he was held in, at which point he did what you'd expect a strong but sheltered child to do faced with a home intruder, and killed/devoured that individual in a panic. His first kill being no glorious conflict or victory approved by his father, but essentially a desperate scramble in the dark with himself on the edge of fatal starvation messed him up even more than ten years of silence.
Enter Taylor and party, who happen to pass through those same environments. Syrin makes an attempt to body-snatch Taylor that fails due to the latter's particular properties, and Taylor, being both a good-hearted person and a stubborn busybody, feels obligated to bring this chatterbox with them and attempt to bully him into developing some sense of tact while Syrin attempts to Corrupt His New Wielder To Violence.
This doesn't work because Syrin has no real ideas how to go about corrupting someone besides loudly telling them to stab things more, while Taylor is an apprentice surgeon and mortician who is a lot more desensitized to bodies and their workings such that if they have a weapon, they'll at least consider it as a solution to most problems. So the punchline is that Syrin is more often thrown/flabbergasted by Taylor than vice versa, while the latter just sees him as a sort of annoying kid who's easily talked into almost anything as long as you compliment him first.
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predacon-carrion · 11 months ago
I’ve been told by a certain human that I have gained a sort of… following, on this website. So as per her advisement, I have made my own “blog” so that you little creatures may ask me questions or interact with me more directly.
Please don’t let this be a waste of my time…
Designation: Carrion
Pronouns: He/him
Faction: Decepticon, formerly Predacon
Alt Mode: Red-headed vulture
Voice: Tony Jay (Megabyte — ReBoot)
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(Ask box is open for questions and interactions! There will be mentions of NSFW, vore, and bot cannibalism. Carrion is a vulture, after all, he’s quite familiar with dark themes.)
(Voice reference and general bio under the cut!)
Originally forged in the future where Maximals and Predacons are the main factions on Cybertron, Carrion used to be the Predacons’ resident medic, under the Predacon leader Megatron’s direct command. Like the rest of his team, Carrion was sucked into the transwarp time anomaly during a spatial battle with the Maximals— however, rather than being blasted back to prehistoric earth, Carrion found himself smack dab in the middle of the “ancient” war between the Autobots and Decepticons.
Still loyal to the Predacon cause for his own reasons, if he could no longer serve under his Megatron, perhaps the original would suffice.
After searching for quite some time, Carrion eventually ran into the Decepticons, and managed to find himself an audience with their leader. While Megatron initially doubted Carrion’s story of coming from the future, all it took was the mention of the Deceptions’ loss in the war, and Carrion “coming from the future” to stop that from happening, to convince the commander to allow the vulture to join his ranks. Generously granted a frame more fit for the era (increasing his size to a more standard Decepticon height all the while), Carrion became the cons’ resident forensic pathologist (and backup medic, if no others were around).
Carrion himself is very sarcastic and tends to be a loner cause of his prickly personality. Upon the Nemesis, there are rumors that he does more than run forensics on the deceased frames he’s given. They say he picks the cadavers apart, salvaging decent quality parts to keep in case future transplants are needed, and *consuming* the rest for himself. No one knows for sure, but in any case, most Vehicons try to avoid him for fear of finding out for themselves. Not that Carrion minds, either way.
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cruell-summers · 8 months ago
finished listening to Unreal Unearth. will have to listen again but first and foremost thank you Hozier for still writing songs with bridges and outros in this day and date i am having the time of my life
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level-1-slime · 2 years ago
[Select books it over to the new monster]
(It is quick to notice, and is already halfway through charging a bite.)
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funkbun · 1 year ago
Consider: a Carrion-like game but as playable bugsnax/snakmonster/snakqueen....
OOOOO!!! bug food parasite simulator....
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dilfdoney · 1 year ago
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mystic carryon
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this-was-a-terrible-idea · 2 years ago
i'm so partial to the myth of icarus because i have this whole lil retelling in my brain that i don't think i've ever shared but i think about often and hozier's i, carrion (icarian) makes me soooooo emo
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