#carpet and flooring shops in Detroit
motorcityamsterdam · 2 years
The Motor City
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While many of us have heard of this enchanting city but how much do you know about the city? Detroit is also known by the name of "the Motor City" despite the myths surrounding it. kawasaki z650 really has plenty to offer. This hugely densely populated city is an excellent location for family-friendly vacations. Detroit is also home to numerous theaters, cultural centers and other events throughout the year.
Cobo Hall Center:
One of them is Detroit's Cobo Hall Center where the International Auto Show attracts hundreds of thousands of guests each year. With Cobo Hall's enormous space , it offers the comfort and pleasure of thousands of visitors who visit every year. From its red carpet to the concession stands Cobo Center truly provides hospitality and ease throughout your experience. Cobo Hall has over 700,000 square feet of exhibit space and is able to hold more than 11,000 people. Cobo Hall provides for some of the most exciting events , from Elvis up to WWE. Cobo Hall also hosts workshops and conferences in conjunction with some of the most well-known organizations like for example, the Michigan Minority Business Development Counsel to the National Head Start Association.
Joe Louis Arena:
Additionally, there is a hall that connects that connects to the massive center, and Detroit's very own Joe Louis Arena. The venue has been a popular tourist attraction for Michigan along with is known as the "Motor City" for over two centuries. The Joe Louis Arena also is known as "The Joe" by its avid fans, seats more than 20,000 people at its capacity. The magnificent arena hosts a variety of sporting events, most notably for its infamous "Detroit Red Wings". This internationally renowned team was the winners of three times the Stanley Cup in 1997, 1998 and 2002. Other sporting events range from Ice Shows to the circus and sold-out concert events with stars such as Luther Van Dross and Janet Jackson along with the world-renowned Elton John and Frank Sinatra.
Renaissance Center:
When you are on your thrilling journey to Detroit we will transport you to the stunning and famous Renaissance Center. The vast center was established in the year 1970 to revive and encourage construction activity in Detroit by establishing its Detroit Renaissance Programs. They set up a special event department in 1979 that provided professional management . They continue to help with community events. They helped with events like events like the Detroit Grand Prix and The Detroit Jazz festival. In 1991 , after careful analysis they realized that their efforts would be needed for other fields of interest. They transferred the event programs to non-profits that continue to run until today, While also focusing on other areas of concern, such as economic as well as Physical development. They currently review issues of public policy, and also create legislative agencies for specific issues.
The Detroit Renaissance Board of Directors is comprised of chief executive officers of large southeast-based corporations. The Renaissance Center has been a excellent Detroit visitor attraction from it was built in 1977. Two more towers were built in 1981. The seven skyscraper partnership features a central tower that's 70 stories tall and has more than 1,000 rooms. In addition, within this building at the time of the opening Westin Hotels had a restaurant which was spread across the three upper floors. later dubbed "The Summit" the restaurant was rotated 360 degrees to create an stunning view that attracted visitors from all over the world. The restaurant is has ceased to rotate, and is now it is called "Coach Insigna", it continues to draw tourists from all over the all over the world.
Named "The Ren-Cen" this collection of skyscrapers offers access to the downtown scene in"the "Motor City". Skywalks are a part of Jefferson avenue that leads towards the Millender Center with shopping and eateries throughout; and The Coleman Young Municipal Center. This Motor City is also known for its people-mover - fantastic transportation in this beautiful city that overlooks the water, entertaining for anyone of any age. Stations in the Renaissance Center makes for easy to travel around the city you would like to visit. The six towers that connect them range from 21 to 39 stories tall. An estimated 8,000 people are employed at this Renaissance Center and 6,000 of which are GM employees. The Renaissance Center was purchased from General Motors for a whopping $73 million and was it was transformed into the headquarters of General Motors. This is a must-see during your visit to "The Motor City".
Detroit Zoo Park:
Are you having fun yet? The next stop The Detroit Zoological Park located in Royal Oak on Woodward. The life-saving facility houses more than 2,000 animals belonging to 300 species. Its income boosts the economy by more than 100 million dollars per year. The park offers exhibitions and guided tours for both families and students. It has 3 acres of picnic area and 40 tables to make your life easier and catering services for troops and groups. The park offers a variety of facilities for families, including rental of strollers, wheelchairs and strollers and baby changing stations within the bathrooms. Animal feeding demonstrations as well as guided tours are offered by employees of the park. Animal Answers Days are from May through August. The park's educators are posted at key areas of the park to respond to questions regarding the animals asked by guests.
Comerica Park:
I hope you've enjoyed your trip so far. The next stop on our trip is Detroit's Tiger Stadium. The new facility was inaugurated on April 1, 2000. It is referred to as Comerica Park, the park is comprised of eight buildings that are up to three stories which space of about 70,000 square feet. It also has 36,000 square feet of space that can be used for Tiger offices. Apart from its fantastic food options for lunch or snacks there are rides and liquid fireworks. The concourse is home to an iconic walk of fame with the 20th century's history, with each segment introducing a brand new age. The seating capacity is more than 40,000. Not counting Tiger Club members who's seating can be extended to 300 and banquet facilities with 200 seats. This amazing addition is an entirely new experience that is sure to be memorable for everyone who attends.
Detroit Quick Facts:
Detroit was first established in 1701 by French Fur traders; it was later transferred over to the United States in 1796 under "The Jay Treaty". In 1701, the Detroit River was called "Riviere du Detroit" which translates to "River of the Strait". Today, Detroit is the biggest city in Michigan with 900,000 inhabitants and the 11th-largest town of the United States. Its city Detroit covers 142 square miles. It is recognized for its cars or its music. First automobiles were manufactured through Henry Ford in 1896 and the first manufacturing company for automobiles can be seen today in Detroit.
Greek Town:
The sights of Detroit will help you build an appetite. To enjoy the best of Greek cuisine , visit Greek town, which is located on the SE end of Detroit. Greek town is a great place to eat that ranges from Pegasus up to New Hella's Cafe which has been in operation for over 100 years. The amazing restaurant offers its specialties in Greek food with meals and lunch specials. Get a gyro, you'll be happy that you made the decision! Further down the great road is the world famous Astoria Bakery; with everything from baklava to oreo cheesecake. Recently added to the town is Greek Town Casino where travelers from all over the world come to visit this renowned casino. There are a variety of hotels within the Greek Town area for your convenience. There are also a number of eateries that allow you to experience the true Greek culture , and have a trip that your loved ones will cherish.
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hey folks, so I got a random feeling to write and I have not had that feeling in about a year lol. here is the first fic (or drabble??) that I have written in over a year. its short, its not great, but I'm really proud I wrote it. I hope you like it, and please give me feedback. I love all kinds.
Virgil hummed lightly, pulling into the parking lot of the complex. It looked different than it had when he toured, he thought. Virgil circled around for a moment, his tired eyes drifting to count the buildings lined up in seemingly random order. He mentally counted until building eight came into view.
The building looked identical to when he last saw it, but it still felt different. Sure, the bushes in front were still a bit too shapely, and the pebbles in front of his porch were still littered with leaves and the occasional candy wrapper, but something felt strange.
Oh yeah, it was his home now.
He stepped out of his car and fiddled with the key to pop his trunk. Glancing around at the boxes stacked up haphazardly, he grimaced before choosing one and closing the trunk again. He'd take the rest in later.
Virgil turned his head and anxiously walked around the car, checking to see how he parked. It was definitely between the lines, he noted, but one side was ever so slightly more spacious than the other. He swallowed and forced himself to let it go, convincing his anxious thoughts that he wouldn't piss off his new neighbors by parking slightly asymmetric.
He climbed up the couple flights of metal stairs, huffing as he did, and stopped at the third floor, eyes scanning. The green door on the right had the number 113 engraved in gold, and he checked his phone to be sure it was the correct one while nearly dropping the box he was in a balancing act with.
Once he was positive he was at the right place, Virgil set the box down (noting he should have done that first) and fumbled for his key. It was the gold one, or was it silver? No, it was definitely the gold one; the silver was Logan's…or was it Patton's? Anyway, it was definitely the gold because the apartment door creaked open after just a slight turn.
Picking up his box, he cautiously walked into his new space. The shag carpet was an unsightly brownish-tan, and the walls an eggshell white. The kitchen and living room were one, with no wall dividing them. Fortunately, it was furnished, and as much as the idea of sitting on a couch where potentially hundreds of strangers' butts had previously sat on was unnerving, it was nice to avoid those extra expenses. The furniture was olive green, and the table was a light wood color, and they all sat unseemingly in the corner of the room.
Virgil made his way over to the bedroom, smaller than the ones he had seen in other places but perfect for him. He set the box down on his bed and wandered around aimlessly, taking it all in—his own home. No one thought he would do it. They all called him out on his bluff.
"You'll never move out," a cruel voice sneered in his memory. "You need me. You can't survive without me. You think you could last one day without me?" the voice jeered. "Let's test that theory."
Virgil shuddered in remembering being thrown out of the house in the bleak January weather. He had sat in the grass and cried, shivering in the wind and hunching into his clothes. It only took a couple of hours before he couldn't feel his fingers anymore and had to knock on the front door weakly before it opened. An arm reached out and jerked him back inside. Virgil began to regret wishing to feel his extremities again as another blow hit his chest.
Virgil began unpacking the small box he had taken inside and pulled out a couple of trinkets. He smiled at the old hockey trophies, remembering how, in the sophomore year, his team won state regionals. They all went out and celebrated by getting Chinese food and watching the Detroit Red Wings game. It was a good day.
Grocery shopping was a challenge, especially considering his budget was almost non-existent. He managed to find a local grocery store nearby his work that had decent sales. He picked up a few staples like mac and cheese, crackers, and pop tarts. All generic brands, and all on clearance. It would be enough for the time being. He, however, did splurge on a single can of soda as a reward for the socializing he had successfully done. Virgil went to open it once he was home (that was a nice word) and on the sofa when it began to fizz and carbonated orange liquid gushed everywhere.
His eyes widened in a panic, and he jumped up, running to find a towel. He grabbed one out of his closet and frantically patted the carpet, mind flooding with another memory.
"You shouldn't have been drinking that anyways," sneered the voice.
"I-I'm sorry," Virgil stuttered out. "It was an accident, and I promise it won't hap-"
"You're damn right it won't happen again!" they yelled, enunciating the threat with a shove at the frailer boy. "Clean it up! And let me warn you that you won't be getting another thing out of that kitchen for a week if it stains. Are we clear?"
Virgil nodded weakly and began sopping up the spilled drink, praying to whatever force existed that it wouldn't stain.
Virgil blinked, coming out of the recesses of his mind, and looked down at the floor. His hunched shoulders relaxed, and he took a breath. He was alone. This was his apartment. He could spill whatever he wanted. Well, there was the $200 deposit he wanted to get back, but that was beside the point. He took another breath and finished blotting up the rest. He tossed the towel in the hamper, sat down on the couch, and turned on the TV. He smiled a bit as he scrolled through the channel guide and stumbled upon Gilmore Girls. Finally, he could watch it without ridicule. He turned channels and found himself snuggling up in a ball, enjoying himself. A shiver broke his trance as he suddenly was very aware of the colder temps for the season. He eyed the thermostat in the corner as his mind played another memory.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" the man barked, causing Virgil to jump a foot in the air.
"It's just- it's cold in the basement," he stammered. "It's nearly 40 degrees down there, so I bought a space heater with my last paycheck from Waffle House." His eyes shifted down. "I know you don't want me touching the thermostat, so I figured this would be okay."
The man growled as he yanked the cord from Virgil. "I could care less about your dramatic ass. I told you not to mess with the temperature period. This costs electricity too, idiot. You're lucky I let you sleep in here. It's a hell of a lot warmer than outside." he snatched the heater and began marching up the stairs with it in hand.
"But-" Virgil called, wincing at the glare he received for speaking out of turn. "Could I at least take it back to the store? I spent a lot on it."
"No," the older man said flatly. "I'm going to throw it out, and maybe that will be a lesson that you don't do things without my permission." With that, he finished climbing the stairs and slammed the basement door with a bang.
Virgil came back to the present, still staring at the thermostat on the far wall. Wordlessly, he slowly approached it as if it were a wild animal and adjusted the heat several degrees. A warm air immediately began filling the air, and his chest lightened.
He made his way back to the couch and curled up, continuing to watch his show and smiling as the room continued to fill with warmth and settle nicely.
Yeah, it was worth $600 a month.
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
What's your name? >> Mordred.
How old are you? >> 32.
What's your hair and eye color? >> Dark brown, both.
How tall are you? >> 5′5″.
What's your relationship status? >> Married outworld, bonded inworld.
What's your favorite song? >> I guess it’s still Death is the Road to Awe by Clint Mansell. I don’t feel the need to actually have a favourite song, but that’s a good working answer.
What does that song mean? What is the message behind it? >> It seems to be the culmination of the leitmotif on The Fountain’s soundtrack. When I listen to it, it feels like a journey through a lifetime, a gradual and sometimes uncertain and sometimes rushed and sometimes dramatic and sometimes quiet crescendo towards the one singular moment of complete and utter awe. It feels like the most exultant piece of music I’ve ever heard, to the point where it’s painful.
Is it your favorite because you relate to it, or do you just like the beat? >> I feel comfortable with naming it as a favourite because it has a profound visceral emotional effect on me that no other song can really claim.
Have any pets? If so, what are they and what's their names? >> A black cat named Spooky Mulder.
Have you ever met your idol? If so, were they nice or were they kind of an ass? >> I don’t have any idols, but all of the musicians and celebrities I’ve met have been friendly.
What's your favorite method of gaming? (PC, Xbox, Playstation, etc) >> PC.
If you're in college, what's your major and why did you pick it? >> I’m not in college.
How're you doing today? >> I’m all right.
What color are your bedroom walls? >> Beige.
Describe your favorite shirt. >> Okay, naming favourites is hard enough with media and such, but there’s no way I can name a favourite shirt. I only keep the shirts I really like as it is.
Use this space to tell someone off. >> I’d really rather not.
What's your view on smart watches? Cool or a waste of money? >> I think they’re neat. But I don’t have the kind of income where I’d feel comfortable buying one, and I don’t want one anyway. I’m happy with the electronics I have.
What is one poster that you have hanging on your bedroom wall of? >> I only have one poster on my wall (the other things are art pieces), and it’s a Cradle of Filth promo poster that I found lying around with the free flyers and zines at the record store.
How many times have you moved in your life? >> So, so many.
If you moved, do you like where you are now better than where you were? >> This most recent move (almost 4 years ago now) has done wonders for me, even though I still don’t particularly like the location itself.
What's your favorite color and why? >> Gold. It just is, man.
Do you have a calendar? If so, what's the theme? >> No.
Have any famous person's autographs? >> Not anymore.
Do you draw well? >> Not anymore.
What type of cell phone do you have? >> Motorola, bleh. I’m never leaving Samsung again.
Should you be doing anything else right now or are you just bored? >> I’m doing this because I want to do this, not because I’m procrastinating or bored.
If you're in school/college, what's your favorite subject and why? >> ---
Are you a cat or a dog person? Why? >> I’m a “I’d rather not share my living space with animals” person. Outdoor-kept animals are absolutely fine (and those tend to be dogs, which I favour).
Tell me about the plot of your favorite book. >> ---
Do you wear glasses or contacts? >> No.
What do you think about horror movies? If you love them (I do), what's your favorite? >> I do love horror movies, although I can be rather particular about them. I wouldn’t say I have a favourite, but I’ve been obsessed with the Hellraiser franchise (movies, novels, comics) for like 12 years, so there’s that.
Got any cool Christmas presents picked out for family or friends yet? >> No. I’m going to try to see if I can get a pre-owned copy of Super Mario Odyssey at GameStop, but otherwise I have no idea what I’d get Sparrow as a full-on gift, especially since I’m low on funds right now. I just have a bunch of small things that I’m going to put in her stocking.
Do you do Black Friday shopping or wait for Cyber Monday? >> I don’t do either, really, but I prefer Cyber Monday as a concept.
Have any mental illnesses? >> Probably, but the only reason that’d matter is for the purposes of retaining my government income.
What's your favorite word and why? >> ---
What is the most expensive thing you own, and what is it? >> My gaming laptop, probably.
Did you buy that item yourself? >> I did.
Where do you work and what is your postion? >> ---
How often do you cuss? >> Quite often.
What type of car do you drive, if any? >> I don’t drive.
Are you happy with it? If no, what's your dream car? >> ---
Do you have a lot of social media accounts? Which ones? >> No, I just have facebook and tumblr. I might do some research into Mastodon soon, because I’m curious.
What is your favorite genre of music? >> ---
Does your family have holiday traditions? If so, what are they? >> ---
If you're in a relationship, are you happy with it? >> Sure.
How long have you been with your significant other? >> Eight or so years.
Do you like psychology? (It's my college major). >> I... sigh. I think it’s interesting to study, but I think the way it’s used has done a lot of harm for me personally, so I have very little confidence in it as a practice.
What is something your state is popularly known for? >> I don’t know... beer and wine? Snow? Apples? Detroit?
Do you like to do craft projects? If so, what's the coolest thing you made? >> I don’t mind doing craft projects, but I don’t do them often.
Do you watch sports or do you think they're overrated? >> I don’t think they’re overrated, I just don’t care about them.
What's one occupation you think gets paid too much and doesn't deserve to? >> I don’t have an opinion about this.
Do you straigthen your hair? >> No.
Ever dyed your hair a color that isn't natural? (blue, pink, etc) >> Purple, yeah.
How's your relationship with your parents? >> Completely nonexistent.
Do you still live with them or do you have your own house? >> I obviously do not live with parents.
What's something you are currently saving money for to buy? >> Nothing.
Do you smoke/vape? If so, what brand do you smoke/what device do you use? >> No.
Ever done drugs? >> Yes.
Tell me one of your worst habits. >> Meh.
What's a weird quirk you have that no one else you know does? >> I don’t know, I don’t pay enough attention.
If you game, what type of headset do you use? >> I have a Razer headset.
What type of computer do you own, and do you like it? >> I have an MSI computer for gaming and a Lenovo one for everything else. I love them both, they’re good machines.
What's the thing that annoys you the most? >> Meh.
What brand of TV do you have? >> Samsung.
Are you excited for Christmas? (It's December 1st today when I made this) >> Yes!
Tell me about your favorite vacation you've taken. >> This most recent one to New Orleans, because we got to spend a whole week and we were there for Halloween. Also, there was a wedding.
Tell me something cool about yourself. >> I was born with twelve fingers. Fuck you, that’s cool.
Did/do you get good grades in school/college? >> ---
What's your ringtone on your phone? >> I have no idea, it’s always on vibrate or DND.
What's your favorite store to shop in? >> ---
If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would buy and why? >> Dude, I don’t even play the lottery.
How long have you had a Bzoink account? >> I don’t know, like 9 years.
Ever been to Field of Screams? If so, what's your favorite attraction? >> No.
Do you own a Polaroid camera? >> No.
Do you have hardwood floor in your room or carpet? >> Carpet.
It's a Saturday night, what are you typically doing? >> I don’t know, messing around on the internet as usual.
Do you have a lot of friends or do you not have any at all? >> I have... er... I don’t know. Two? One? Three? I don’t know what a friend is, ask me some other time.
What's your all time favorite movie and why? >> The Fountain. Similar reasons to the song question (especially considering the song comes from this movie).
How many blankets do you sleep with at night? >> I sleep with a sheet and one of the weighted blankets.
What's the last TV show you watched? Did you enjoy it? >> Grey’s Anatomy. You’re damn right I enjoyed it.
Do you prefer cable TV or do you use Netflix? >> I use streaming services.
What is your dream job and why? >> ---
Do you think you would be a good therapist? >> No.
What's your favorite brand of clothing? >> I don’t have one.
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rk800hunter · 6 years
Dramatics (Connor X Reader)
Summary: Jealous/Protective Connor being jealous over reader's close friend
Pairing: Connor x Reader
A/N: This is just some stupid idea I had whilst in bed... XD Not the best that's been written but here are some fluff and drabbles... I just really like the idea of Conner being possessive~
Keys: [F/N] - Friend's name
[F/LN] - Friend's last name
Tagged: @captain-winter-wolf-aehs
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You were dozing off at the small, quaint bookstore that you've worked at for most of your life. It was one of the last bookstores around Detroit that sold real paperback novels and encyclopedias for those who would like to reminisce about the old days. It was warm and slightly breezy as the wind blew gently. The skies were glossed with a soft orange glow as the late afternoon greeted the world. It was a slow day. So slow and warm that you ended up passing out with your head propped against the window as you sat by the counter, drooling slightly.
Your two close friends, Connor and Hank were off out of country on an investigation that week. It was one of those big missions that took months and they were almost close to solving it. They were forced to fly out as their suspect had led them out of country. You had begged to accompany them on their mission, wanting to tag along but of course, rules are rules, no badge no access. Connor had so graciously promised to find a souvenir from the suspect's residence, obviously receiving a light smack to the head and gruff tuning from his partner. You were asked to dogsit Sumo so ended up staying at Hank's place. You spent most of your nights with your laptop, your favorite snacks and drinks and the TV running in the background with Sumo carpeting your feet on the couch. You weren't even sure if he was allowed on the couch but eh...
"What your dad doesn't know won't hurt, right Sumo?"
You received a very happy "BOOF" and delightful tailwagging.
It was awfully lonely without the two. Usually after work, they'd drive up to pick you up to eat at the local diner and visit Jimmy's bar for a drink a two. Or in Hank's case, 5 drinks or 10. While Hank would be watching the games on TV, you and Connor would be chatting happily away about literally anything at all. You enjoyed talking and being with him. He made you comfortable and you felt that you could talk about anything with him. He would never judge you and would always do his best to make you smile. You couldn't help but feel warm fuzzy feelings whenever you were around him. It also made you question your sanity considering he was an android. However, you’d allow yourself to feel this way ever since the deviant development.
You've wondered if he was like this to everyone since he was an android that was "made to work harmoniously amongst humans." You probably weren't the only who felt a little something for the detective. A lot of people, particularly the ladies, often eyed you with a lot of salt.
A small jingle interrupted your afternoon nap as you quickly shook yourself awake for your customer.
“G’afternoon...uh...” you slurred, trying to rub the sleep out of your eyes. “Ma’am? Sir?”
The person walked to the counter and presented a whole bouquet of flowers. “Of course, [Y/N],” they said with a lighthearted chuckle. “Trust you to fall asleep at work!”
It was your long lost childhood best friend. [F/N] [FL/N]. You both met each other as toddlers, placed in the same sandbox. Up until middle school, you were pretty much inseparable. You gasped with delight, a grin inevitably crawling onto your face. “Oh my god, it’s been so long!” you exclaimed, shuffling around the counter and threw yourself onto them.
They laughed as they squeezed you into an airtight hug. “I know! I missed you so much! I have so much to talk to you about.”
You broke away from the hug, giddy with happiness. “Last time I heard from you, you said you got a scholarship! How did that go?”
"Oh absolutely amazing! I'm a professor now and giving seminars all over the top universities."
"Oh wow, that's great!" Feeling slightly insecure about your own quiet life, you quickly turned to the flowers that were on the counter. “Are these for me?”
They grabbed the bouquet off the counter and knelt down on one knee. You rolled your eyes and laughed. Of course, [F/N] was still the same drama queen that you knew from back then. You both had always loved to joke around with banter, dramatics and mischief.
“I have returned from the faraway lands to save thee from the clutches of this wretched land!” they jokingly serenaded. “Oh [Y/N], [Y/N], I’ve missed-
“ -thy beauty and love.”
As they finished their monologue, two familiar silhouettes stood awkwardly by the shop door. It was Hank and Connor back from their case, dressed in their usual attire. You couldn’t believe this day. 3 of your favourite people had returned into your life and you couldn’t be happier. Connor was beaming brightly at you. His mouth was open as if to call out to you but his smile immediately fell as his eyes flickered between you two.
You squealed, unable to hold yourself. Rushing up to them, you embraced them both. “You guys!”
Hank chuckled awkwardly, returning the hug with one hand. “Hey kiddo, I missed you too!”
Connor didn’t move much. Confused, you stepped back to ask him if he was okay. He was staring at your friend who was still kneeling on the floor. His brows were subtly furrowed as his LED flashed red. 
“Connor,” you gently called out to him, touching his arm. “Is everything okay?”
The android detective shook himself out of his thoughts. His eyes were cold and calculating but when he turned to you, it warmed and lightened a little. “Everything is alright, [Y/N],” he reassured with a nod. “I am glad to see you again. Who is your friend?”
You could’ve sworn he straightened up to make himself taller and took a protective step in front of you as he asked a little too politely.
You hesitantly looked at Hank in question who was giving Connor his “WTF are you doing?” look. This was very uncharacteristic of the detective android. Does he need a bit a maintenance? Does he have a screw that's a bit too tight?
“Uh, Connor, Hank, this is [F/N]," you swiftly tried to ease the tension in the room. "A close friend from a long time ago."
They got off the floor and offered a hand, smiling warmly. "A pleasure to meet you two, I've heard great things about the detectives that solved the deviant cases."
Hank offered pleasantries, obviously very flattered about being well known but on the otherhand, Connor did not respond so kindly. He merely studied them when they turned to greet him. They awkwardly cleared their throat, dropping their hand.
Connor tilted his head. "[F/N] [FL/N]. Renowned professor."
Oh no. You groaned inwardly. He's analyzed them.
"With an obvious drinking problem," he cockily pointed out.
"Holy shit, Connor," Hank exclaimed in surprise. "You can't just say that to someone."
[F/N] surprisingly laughed. "Oh no, it's okay. I know I had that problem but I'm improving. Rehab and all."
Connor's gears were grinding harder. His thirium pump was overworking as he felt his blood rush through his head. There was something wrong with this person and he didn't like it that you were so close to them. He looked at you expectantly, knowing that you were sensible and understanding of him.
You didn't notice that Connor was staring intensely at you as you laughed along with them. "Yeah, I'm so proud that you managed to get out of that."
Hank decided that it would be a great idea for everyone to go for dinner together, much to Connor's dismay. You suggested to order take away to eat at home since Sumo was also waiting to get fed. You noticed that through the whole trip to the take away restaurant, Connor would sneak glances at you through the rearview mirror, his LED forever yellow. If you caught him staring, he would continue driving as if nothing had happened. Something was up with your favorite android but you don't want to confirm it just yet. You continued to catch up with your long lost friend, not noticing with every sentence they said, Connor's knuckles whitened further from his tightening grip on the steering wheel.
At dinner, the Android detective felt a tinge of something heavy in his heart as he saw that you were genuinely happy with this person, chatting and laughing away with them. You did that with him. He thought he was special. His jaw tightened as he could feel a growl rise up his mechanical throat. They were definitely way too close to [Y/N]. He wanted more than nothing than to possessively rip you away from them. Hank was passed out, drunk on the couch while the three of you were still in the kitchen.
He activated his scanner and noticed that the person's heart rate was elevated as they spoke to you. Part of him didn't blame them. He felt the same whenever he was around you. There was something about you that made his system glitch in the most fluffiest way. Was that even possible? He felt the growl in his throat again as he saw them place a hand on your leg. What was going on with him? He was the most sophisticated machine ever made and yet an animal instinct was building up inside him. His thirium pump was protesting in his chest, definitely overworking than usual.
He had to get away to do a self diagnosis before something happened. Not even excusing himself, Connor quickly made his way to the bathroom. He took off his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a well made, toned body of pristine white. Putting himself into powersaving mode, he carefully pulled out his chest component. With wires still attached to the piece, he turned it gently on his hands, trying to scan it for any defects.
It had to be a machinary or system error for whatever he was feeling.
A soft knock sounded as the door handle turned.
"Connor?" you softly call out, timidly opening the door. "What's going on?"
Your breath hitched as you halted in your tracks. You just walked in on an android that's pretty much shirtless and holding his chest piece in his hand. Parts of his white Android skin were showing from the opening of the shirt. Feeling a blush rise up to your cheeks, you cleared your throat.
Connor beamed at you. "[Y/N], I was just running a self diagnosis. You don't need to be scared."
"N-no, I'm not scared," you stuttered as you tried to look anywhere else but him. "It's just... Well..."
Smirking, the Android detective replaced the piece in his chest and turned to face you. Oh great. Now there's a full view of an unbuttoned shirt Android, sauntering towards you. You instinctively stepped back into the corridor as Conner started to corner you. Your heart was definitely going to burst out of your chest if you didn't breathe or cool down.
You suddenly felt your back against the wall and Conner was closing the distant between you. You could feel his breath against your neck as he placed his arm above your head, raising the other to touch your cheek. Your legs were not going to support you any longer. What on earth was going on...? You have never seen him act like this before. With him towering you like this... You weren't sure how much of it you could take.
You felt the detective turn his head away, and followed his gaze. Wait. Was he looking at [F/N]? Sure enough, they were standing there awkwardly, not entirely sure what to do. Connor was glaring at them intently, his LED flashing red. He towered you like a lion towering his prey, claiming it away from other scavengers. It felt like time had stopped at that moment.
Close up, you saw Conner's mouth curl into a subtle snarl before he huffed softly through his nose and pushed himself away from the wall. Without a word, he turned back into the bathroom door, slamming it close behind him.
You were still standing against the wall, flushed and exhilarated. With wide eyes, you looked at the other bewildered spectator.
What the hell just happened...?
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rules: repost, bold the aesthetic that applies to your muse
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tired eyes. coffee stains on the table. listening to the bustle of the city. unmade beds. loose ponytails. sunlight seeping through the curtains. chapped lips. walking barefoot across the floorboards. dusty dictionaries. black and white reruns. huge sweaters. the ticking of the clock. hearing birds in the morning. fireplaces. falling asleep during class.
freckles. the sun rising. watching the sea. taking shots of the city. historical museums. bright eyes. looking up at the clouds. walls covered in artworks. drawing in the middle of lessons. tracing your fingers on the sand. painting for hours. staying in uncrowded coffee-shops. worn paperbacks. messy braids. going to bed with your socks on.
dark hair. a little sophisticated. always observing the world around you. intricate designs. high ceilings. extravagant musical pieces. dim lights. colourless photographs. fancy furniture. pale skin. hearing soft footfalls coming from outside the room. mischievous looks. bitten nails. candlelight dinners. dark shades of lipstick.
chandeliers. the clinking of a teacup. laced clothing. modern architecture. light hair. watching the view from the terrace. hidden birthmarks. drinking tea in the morning. wandering about in an empty building. botanical gardens. old films. ancient marble sculptures. expensive perfume. breakfasts in bed. reading about mythology.
compassion. short writings on scraps of paper. blushed cheeks. a bouquet of roses. reading collections of poetry late at night. loose hair. carpeted floors. attending operas. faint music playing in the background. staying under the covers until midday. the night sky. streetlights. picking flowers. dancing around in silk dresses. scented candles.
//shit Britt has alot. Seriously. Like all of the romantic section is bolded wtf omg. Hopeless romantic
Tagged by @stayhuman-genevieve
Tagging: @ask-humanconnor-dbh @ask-au-human-connor @ask-rk900-caleb @ask-reed-detroit and @reallyweirdandroidthatexists bcuz i love you all
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maxinajar · 6 years
Red Daisies in the Paint Box - Chapter 3
Warnings: self-deprecation, alcohol mention
Description: You are a painter from a small painting company. One of your clients has been murdered and you have been brought onto the case as an informant.
You approach the front door and reach to knock. Before you can do so, however, the door swings open and a small old lady stands there, smiling warmly.
“Oh, you really did arrive here shortly. Aren’t you just darling.” She says with a merry tone. You give Jonathan a look as she sidles back into her house. He shrugs and the two of you enter. The interior of the house is much like its exterior. The walls are falling apart and you can see the faint traces of what must have been a fairly fancy wallpaper. The furniture is dusty and smells of mildew. The carpet is coarse and stained with years of food. There are many artifacts of this woman’s life adorning the various shelves and bookcases littered around the room. A small box T.V. stands in front of the old couch, on the floor.
The entire room gives you a nostalgic feeling. You remember your grandmother’s home was very much like this one. You are suddenly overwhelmed with a feeling of homesickness, even though it wasn’t really your home.
“Hey, are you okay?” Jonathan snaps you back to reality with his concerned tone. You tell him you're fine, just a bit hungover. He gives you a look that's a bit disapproving and empathetic. You shrug and look towards the doorway that your client had exited through. She reappears and tells you to sit down while she gets a snack. You tell her it’s okay, but she insists on giving you food. You and Jonathan sit down on the dusty couch and it sinks down, touching the ground. Jonathan looks at you and releases a small laugh.
“Man, I’m getting flashbacks of my Mom’s cabin.” He reminisces. “Used to go there every summer. Me and my brother would just sit on the couch with the fan on watching my mom smoking on the front porch.” He laughs again and you return it this time. You then reminisce about how you used to spend a lot of time in your grandmother's living room, sewing and playing with old cards. He chuckles at that.
“Never thought you were the type with the patience to sew.” He admits with a chuckle. You say that you used to be quite good at it, but none of that knowledge has stuck around. Just then your client shows up with a tray full of cookies and a steaming teapot.
“I’m not the best at baking, but my grandchildren say that I make the best tea and cookies they’ve ever had.” She says with a grin. You and Jonathan laugh and take a cookie each. She turns around and pours you both a cup of tea. You ask for two sugars and some cream. Jonathan asks for the entire bowl of sugar and no cream. You give him a look and the two of you laugh.
After you finish with your snack, you ask your client if she would mind showing you what color she would like her walls re-painted. She shyly chuckles then says alright. You bring her out to your van and show her the colors you have with you, informing her that if she doesn’t like any of these you have more back at the office.
“Hmmm, I really like this blue one right here.” She says after some thought. You grab that blue, then head back to Jonathan.
“Oh, that blues really pretty. Great choice.” He says. “I think we need to pick up some more though. We only have that one can left.” You ask him if he would like to go pick it up from the store. He says that it’s okay if you do it, in fact, he’d like to stay here and get started. You say okay and hand off the paint can.
“Adios, I’ll see ya later.” He says with a smirk. You smile back then head to the car. You quickly identify the correct color on your reference cards and start the engine.
Once you arrive at the store, you see a strange congregation of people. They are standing in front of some sort of display. You decide to ignore it and focus on your work, besides it’s not like it’ll be important later on in the story.
On second thought, you will check it out. Never know when these plot twists will strike you in the face. The display is an advertisement for a new popsicle brand. Color Cop Pops. They are different colored popsicles with silly faces and cop accessories on them. This strikes you as incredibly stupid. You start to wonder why you even wasted your time looking at this display of stupidity. You go back to ignoring it and continue on your shopping trip.
You immediately race to the paint aisle upon entering the store to make up for lost time staring at idiotic children's marketing. Slowing down, you eye the many shades of colors lining the aisle, comparing each to the card you brought with you. After a while of searching, five whole minutes, you find the type of paint you were looking for. You place sixteen cans in your cart and head for the register.
Upon heading back to the van, you once again catch a glimpse of the Color Cop Pops. Wow, children really are stupid if they think that thing is even remotely appetizing. You ignore again, but this time with repressed hatred.
By the time you get back to the client, it's around noon. You walk into the open front door and see Jonathan, sitting on the couch with your client. They are pouring over what looks to be a photo book and Jonathan has a sandwich clasped in one hand.
“Hey buddy, you made good time. How was the shopping trip?” Jonathan asks, noticing you. You tell him it went fine and that you now have another sixteen cans of the color. He smiles and tells you good job. Then your client invites you to sit down and eat something. You comply and soon all three of you are laughing and talking over the photo book.
“Alright, I think it’s time we actually did our job,” Jonathan says when you point out the time. It is 2:45. You both head out to start painting. Jonathan shows you where he started. You both continue until the sun starts to set.
“Time to pack up,” Jonathan says to you sometime around 5:30. You pick up the brushes and the cans. Jonathan says goodbye to your client and assures her that you both will be back tomorrow to finish the job. You finish packing up and then you and Jonathan drive back to the office.
@that-one-narwhal @detroit-become-pan
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sserpente · 7 years
Condolescence (Chapter IXX)
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Pairing: Adam (Only Lovers Left Alive) x OFC Language: English Rating: M
Read it on AO3!
Not even in the slightest was the Palmer Park as famous as the usual sight-seeing spots tourists stormed to in Detroit and especially at this time of the day, with the sun long gone and the moonlight mildly illuminating the soil path before them, a heavy layer of peace and quiet had covered the spot of nature in a soft blanket, clutching it frantically.
Tal leaned in closer to Adam, taking in the scent of his black leather jacket. He had put on his gloves, an arm wrapped firmly but gently around her waist as he pressed a tender kiss on her forehead and stroked her hips.
Compared to him she could barely see her own feet before her, let alone her surroundings and yet, she revelled in the beauty of the night. The shapes of trees and bushes, invisible flowers, usually bright with colours, swallowed by the vast darkness… a soft sigh escaped her lips.
“It’s so beautiful out here…”
“Yeah,” Adam murmured quietly.  “I used to come here a lot after Eve died. When the wind rustled through the leaves, I thought I would hear her voice. Now I hear her in my head. It’s like her soul never really left me.”
Perhaps she should be scared away by such a confession. Learning that Adam still mourned his dead wife, an immortal woman he had spent so many centuries with but strangely… she wasn’t. She understood Eve would forever be a part of him. There was no jealousy, not like there had been for Ava before she had introduced herself as Eve’s sister.
“What does she say?” Tal whispered, nuzzling in even closer to him.
“She encouraged me. To keep going, to accept that I fell in love with you, Tal… to tur—“ He paused, pressing his thin lips together.
Tal looked up, attempting to make out his blue eyes in the darkness. Her own eyes widened but her surroundings remained utterly dark. She could barely hear him breathing, yet she noticed he was tensing.
Eve encouraged him to turn her? What was stopping him then when even his dead wife wanted him to embrace this new love to keep for the rest of eternity? She wouldn’t ream. Instead, she sucked in a deep breath and gave him a tight hug to express her understanding.
Adam sighed. “Perhaps I should,” he suddenly said, breaking the comforting silence once more. “Perhaps I’m just too selfish to do it.”
“Adam, I won’t force you. I won’t even speak of it again if you don’t want me to. I can feel how much this is bothering you and I’m sorry to be the one who caused that. I can wait. As long as I can stay with you, I can wait.”
“I love you.” He muttered quietly in response.
“I love you too, Adam.”
They spent two more hours just walking through the park silently, bathing in each other’s presence and enjoying each other’s company right until Tal was freezing from the cold which was clutching at her limbs like merciless claws.
It was nice not to talk, nice to understand each other without any words. The sexual tension, the passionate friction between them, it was tangible when they got in the car and drove back to Adam’s house.
The lights were all out when they arrived, with no music or another person’s presence welcoming them home.
“Where’s Ava?”
“Gone for good, I hope.”
Truth was, Adam didn’t want to worry her. Ava had never cared about taking life to still her hunger, it was likely she was out dancing with strangers only to lure them into an abandoned, dimly lit alley to suck all blood out of their bodies.
He shivered when he imagined it, hoping for Tal’s sake she would return sated.
“I’ll make myself something to eat, I’m rather hungry.” Tal stated with a shy smile, letting go of Adam’s hand rather reluctantly.
“Alright. I’ll prepare you a bath so you can warm up.”
“Thank you.”
Contently, she strolled over into the kitchen and opened the fridge. She would have to go shopping soon again. Tal still hated asking Adam for money but if he noticed there was no more food for her in the house, he would throw a tantrum and scold her anyway. She might as well mention it. Perhaps in the bathtub, where he would hopefully join her? No… if he did so, they would be doing something entirely different. Tal didn’t even care the water would mix with her blood.
She pressed her legs together when she imagined it, wetness pooling in her panties within seconds.
She screamed when she closed the fridge again. Ava was leaning against the wall, her blonde hair frizzy and wild as if she’d spent an adventurous night.
She was grinning when Tal locked eyes with her with raised eyebrows. “Hey…”
“Hi. Bet your night wasn’t even half as fun as mine was.”
“That depends.” The question as to whether she killed anyone lay heavy on her tongue, yet the words wouldn’t come. Don’t provoke her.
“Did Adam get some more blood by any chance?”
“No… I mean, you drank everything, he was pretty pissed about it.” Anger boiled in Tal’s stomach. Ava had seemed likable at first, she’d liked her cheerful nature and now… ever since Adam had warned her about her, she was suspicious. She knew not to judge people by other people’s opinions but Ava… Ava was a murderer. A ruthless vampire who would, so she was sure, not hesitate to kill her.
“Ugh, come on. Can’t you let me take a sip from you then? Just one! I promise I’m gentle! I mean you already know what it feels like.” She flinched when her eyes turned to the familiar golden and brown colour she had come to adore so much when Adam fed on her. Her canines pushed against her lower lip, a silent hiss underlining her change of appearance. This was different… this was… terrifying.
“No, Ava.” Tal spat, backing away with trembling limbs. “Didn’t you feed earlier? I mean, you went out as well, didn’t you?” She tried hard to stop her voice from shaking. Vampires could sense fear and anxiety, that she was very well aware of.
“No… those boys were all so ugly. LA is so much more exciting, seriously.”
“Adam… Adam! Adam, help me!” She shrieked, panicking. When Adam drank from her, it was… intimate. It was something only the two of them shared, the gift she made him fuelling his life, giving him something of her to taste that no other man ever had. If Ava were to take it now… forcefully and without her consent…
“Tal, get in the bathroom.” Relief flooded her veins when she heard his voice behind her. Stern, intimidating and wrathful, it thundered through the old kitchen. Tal obeyed immediately. Rushing past Adam to lock herself in the room he had come from, she pressed her ear against the cool wood, listening to what happened outside. Her heart was still pounding like a steam hammer, the rush of adrenaline pumping through her veins like poison.
“I warned you, Ava, I warned you to get the fuck out of my house.”
“You’re so boring, seriously. Will you ever change?  Now that Eve is gone, I would have expected you to become a little more like you were before you knew her.”
“I only ever tolerated you because of her! I fucking hate you, Ava! The only way I want to see you is shoved in a coffin with a wooden stick through your fucking cold heart!”
Silence. For an awful short moment, there was nothing but silence.
“Where’s your sense of bloodlust gone, huh?” She replied darkly. Her voice was shaking, her eyes glistening with disappointment and actual hurt. She wouldn’t let him see, yet both Adam and Tal could hear it. “You know what, maybe I should turn your beloved new girlfriend. I’d love to see her struggle with being a blood-sucking monster like you do. I’d like to see you struggling trying to help her and then losing her!”
Adam flinched, hesitating to answer.
“Oh my God, you have thought of turning her, haven’t you? You are in love with her! Fucking shit, she’s not your pet, you’re in love with her! Come on, Adam, let’s make her one of us right now. If you don’t want to share her with me—it makes sense now, really, you’ve always been a selfish prick—then what’s the point of keeping her around? She’ll die anyway eventually!”
“Don’t you fucking go near her!”
The sound that reached Tal’s ears from behind the bathroom door resembled a light breeze of the wind, right before someone started rattling at the door as if their life depended on it.
“Open up, Tallulah, I got a present for you!” Ava chirped in a singing voice. She was strong. Petite and childish but strong.
“Have you gone mad?!” Tal screamed when she kicked open the door, breaking a hole into it. Dust and splinters of wood sliced through the air, causing her to lose orientation for a moment. The shock was prominent on her face when she slipped on the moist tiles on the floor and hit her elbow on the edge of the bathtub.
Adam stormed in right after, towering over her helpless form like a tiger when Ava darted forward to reach for her, her fangs sharp and ready to kill.
How could this have gotten out of hand so quickly? She had seemed so nice, so cheerful and happy… was this what being a vampire really meant? Turning into a wrathful beast with no emotion and morals when hunger called and lured?
No… no, Adam had been drinking from her for so long now and not once had he lost control. He was different. He was good. No. She should be thankful.
Clutching at her aching elbow, she stared up at the vampires in pure terror, watching how they growled like wild animals. Too fast for the human eye, they moved, fighting, punching and biting until they were out of sight, so merely the sounds of breaking furniture, shattering glass and the dull thuds of feet stomping on the carpets reminded of their restless presence.
“I won’t let you fucking touch her,” Adam spat through gritted teeth, his eyes dark golden, his canines ready to strike. Ava let out a court but scornful laugh. “We’ll see about that. You were always more fun where there were three of us. How could you even say those things? You are my family!”
“You never were, Ava! You never were, look at you! All you do is destroy and kill and ruin everything I work for so hard!”
For just a brief second, he hesitated. Would Eve want this? Them fighting? Them tearing each other apart? Adam was ready to kill her. For all she had done in the past and especially for trying to hurt Tallulah. It was where it ended, where she tripped over the bold red line he had drawn. If something happened to this mortal woman hiding in his bathroom… he would lose himself and finally join Eve wherever she had gone.
“I’m trying to help you! I’m trying to make your miserable life a little better and you hate me for it! You hate me for it!” Frantic sobs escaped her lips as they kept sparring uncontrollably, one trying to off the other like nothing else mattered. In the moment, it didn’t. They tumbled into the kitchen without realising, knocking over the table and the wooden chairs. The legs screeched over the tiles, sending ice cold shivers up and down Tal’s spine as she hugged her knees and began rocking back and forth, praying for this to be a terrible nightmare.
If something happened to Adam… she was sure to lose herself and finally join her family wherever they had gone.
“I’ll give you a reason to hate me, Adam. I’ll fucking kill her for you!”
One second of awful, painstaking and heart-breaking silence passed. The cracking of wood echoed through the house, then the sound of a body colliding with the ground. She couldn’t see it—but she could hear it. The blood, how it splashed, how it stained the remnants of the chair and the bright tiles on the kitchen floor.
Tal’s heart skipped a beat, her eyes widening in shock.
➡️ Find all chapters on my masterlist!
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simondsilva1203 · 4 years
We are the professional carpet installers that offer a great deal of value for your flooring needs with shop at home service options. If you’re looking for the best, fastest, and most efficient carpet installation Detroit has to offer, look no further than Better Quality Carpets. Visit our website.
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They Are Out There! 10 Homes Under $100K for Bargain Hunters Everywhere
Buying a home for less than $100,000 isn’t just some tall tale your granddad might tell, evoking an era when all it took to secure a mortgage was a firm handshake with the local banker. In fact, cut-rate home-buying opportunities still exist—if you know where to look.
Never daunted in our quest for housing discounts, we scoured listings nationwide to find 10 homes on the market with five-digit price tags.
Despite their relative rarity, there are still plenty of lovely, move-in ready residences that are affordable. Ranches with rolling lawns, remodeled flips, and roomy family homes can all be picked up right now for a relative song.
Harmonize along with us as we take a look at where you’ll find home-buying bargains…
11477 Klein Rd, Gulfport, MS
Price: $84,500
Gulfport gem: This brick ranch packs in a lot of bang for the buck. A buyer will acquire three bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms, plus a bonus room, on a large corner lot with a fenced yard and workshop. Built in 1966, the home has new countertops and new flooring in the kitchen, living room, and bathrooms. New windows and A/C units have been installed within the past five years, making this property a move-in ready bargain.
Gulfport, MS
306 N. College St, Dallas, NC 
Price: $89,900
Carolina cool: Freshly renovated with a new roof and new infrastructure, this cute little cottage is being sold as is. Built in 1940, it features two bedrooms, one bathroom, and nearly 1,200 square feet. The large lot gives the home a big yard for playtime and is located in a neighborhood close to shopping and freeway access.
Dallas, NC
1802 E. Perkins Ave, Guthrie, OK 
Price: $85,000
Guthrie bungalow: Built in 1960, this bungalow has had several recent updates in its two bedrooms, one bathroom, and nearly 1,200 square feet. Filled with natural light, the home has plenty of storage and comes with washer and dryer. The converted garage includes heat and air, tile floors, and its own entry. Outside, the home’s large, quarter-acre corner lot is filled with mature trees.
Guthrie, OK
22641 N. Kane St, Detroit, MI
Price: $80,000
Detroit dream: This brick ranch-style home was built in 1952 and features several recent updates, including new paint, flooring, windows, and electrical system. Inside are three bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms, and just under 1,000 square feet of living space. It also has a fully finished basement and backyard deck for entertaining. The sale includes a one-year home warranty and newer stainless-steel appliances.
Detroit, MI
1355 Main St, Washburn, ME
Price: $69,900
Washburn winner: This little red ranch charmer in Northern Maine has two bedrooms, one bathroom, and 900 square feet of living space. Up near the Canadian border, the home has an attached garage and sits on a large corner lot with landscaping. Recent updates include electrical, roof, deck, and gutters.
Washburn, ME
118 W. Ninth St, Walsenburg, CO
Price: $84,900
Colorado cozy: Built in 1965, this two-bedroom, one-bathroom home is spread over a petite 760 square feet. It’s been updated with new carpet, furnace, duct work, paint, and remodeled bathrooms. A new roof is coming soon, so you can move right in for a steal.
Walsenburg, CO
11 Mary Ann Ct, Florissant, MO
Price: $97,500
Must-see in Missouri: This classic rancher was built in 1968, but one look inside, and you’ll think it’s brand-new. The three-bedroom, one bathroom, 1,000-square-foot home has all-new everything. We’re talking new hardwood floors, kitchen cabinets and backsplash, crown molding, bathroom, paint, carpet, and back deck.
Florissant, MO
237 Hosmer St, Loves Park, IL 
Price: $90,000
Loves Park lovely: This cheery yellow, one-and-a-half-story home was built in 1945. Just under 1,300 square feet, it has three bedrooms and a single bathroom. An addition expanded the kitchen, creating a large, eat-in space with plenty of storage. Recent updates include new windows, roof, and a remodeled bathroom. Outside, the large yard also includes a garden shed for extra storage.
Loves Park, IL
103 W. Market St, Latah, WA 
Price: $90,000
Latah loft: Built in 1910, this large studio loft was once retail space. It includes a roomy 2,000 square feet of living space, including a main floor with 14-foot ceilings and a full, unfinished basement. The open floor plan features updated solid wood floors throughout. The property also includes a landscaped yard with sprinkler system and is zoned for retail as well as residential use.
Latah, WA
16 Beaver Brook Rd, Becket, MA
Price: $97,500 
Becket bargain: This property began its life in 1971 as a mobile home, but has since been converted into a permanent residence on a foundation. The living, dining, entry, and family room are wood-frame construction, and a porch and shed were added in the 1990s. The resulting two-bedroom, one-bathroom, home of 1,200-plus square feet sits on a half-acre in an area designated as a Natural Heritage and Endangered Species priority habitat.
Becket, MA
The post They Are Out There! 10 Homes Under $100K for Bargain Hunters Everywhere appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from https://www.realtor.com/news/trends/10-homes-priced-under-100k-they-exist/
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adrenalineguide · 5 years
Urban Cowboys: GMC Sierra Denali vs. Ram 1500 Sport
Text and Photos By Michael Hozjan
 GMC Sierra Denali
Get behind the wheel of GM’s Sierra Denali or Ram’s 1500 Sport and it’s easy to see why the pickup craze is growing by leaps and bounds, and not just in rural Canada. Once you get past (or used) to the gargantuan size of Detroit’s latest pickups, the interior accommodations are second to none, and more often than not best the luxury barges of the sixties and seventies in legroom and features.
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There’s no mistaking that grille.
GMC’s Sierra, like its Chevrolet sibling the Silverado is all-new for 2019 and yes it has grown again in every direction.  But don’t think of these two as twins, each has its perks and differences.  The Denali clearly steals the show, not only in looks with the big bold chrome grille but more importantly with some desirable items in its roster. It’s easy to see why then Denali sales have grown by leaps and bounds over the last six years, accounting for a third of the General’s sales, with the Crew Cab versions making up over seventy-five percent of the market.
More than any of its competitors, GM is trying to minimize the effect of the overall size of the truck with several noteworthy features. Most notably is the Denali’s tailgate. Not only is the tailgate a lot easier to close than previous models, it also features the industry’s first six-step flip and fold tailgate. Flip the top third of the MultiPro gate once for lower access to the bed, continue flipping it and it turns into a step to access the bed when the gate is down. Someone is finally thinking out of the box. No pun intended.  Is this the Stow’n Go of the pickup industry?
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There are lots of Mickey Mouse features available on today’s vehicles, the MultiPro tailgate is not one of them. A welcomed addition to any pickup.
There’s a rear back up camera to ease hooking up a trailer as well as squeezing into a parking spot. Oh and there’s the ProGrade Trailering System should the camera not suffice. Not only does it guide you for a one man hitch up, but provides a slew of checklists including the trailer’s electrical diagnostics.  
The retractable running boards ease egress and ingress into the four-wheel-drive truck. Once inside you’ll appreciate the refinement that the Denali has received. Fit and finish is superb and the quality of materials used is in par if not superior to its competitors. There’s a welcomed 8″ Heads up Display, that shows your speed and the posted limit...nice, but I do question some of the features like hill ascent angle? In all honesty I find the overall look of the Sierra’s dash a bit too 1990’s futuristic attempt at a galactic spaceship. Maybe a little too overambitious design. Don’t get me wrong, it works fine, everything falls into place with my hands intuitively going to all the controls it just isn’t my personal cup of tea.
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The two-tone seats are firm enough for daily duties, offer decent lateral support and comfortable enough for royalty.  There’s heating and ventilating for driver and the front passenger seat with the back outboard seats also getting heating. The heated steering wheel is a big plus after a day on the job or early morning startups.  Head and legroom have been improved, carpeting fore and aft is something that wasn’t seen in pickups a few years ago, today it’s limo quality.
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Back or front the seats are comfy enough for royalty. Storage bins under the seat hide items from prying eyes.
My Denali came with GM’s biggest available mill, a $2,895 option- the 6.2L V8 delivering 420 horses with 460 lb-ft. of torque mated to a smooth and quick shifting 10-speed automatic transmission controlled thankfully by a glitch resistant old-school steering column mounted shifter. There’s enough power to tow your work trailer or haul the race car to the local track with max towing capacity is now 4264 kilos (9400 lbs.) with a maximum payload 912 kg. (2010 lbs.) . The shorty, 1776 mm (just under 5 foot) box holds 62.9 cu.ft. of cargo.
Need less towing power? There’s also a base 5.3-litre V8 available and an inline six turbo diesel should be hitting dealer showrooms by the time this gets published. I still managed to average a decent 14L/100km of the good stuff on the big boy which included winter warm ups.    
Controls for the 4 x 4 system are conveniently mounted on the dash. I left mine in automatic and the truck performed flawlessly regardless of what Mother Nature. Large 22” Bridgestone Blizzaks provided the traction in slush, snow and ice and gave a smooth quiet ride. 
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A clean, crisp design sets the Denali apart.
GM has been in second place behind Ford and its F150 almost since the dawn of day. New features, a clean-cut design and that tailgate may just be the ticket to push it to the forefront. Don’t leave out the GM dealer when shopping for your next truck.   
Price as tested: $79,240*
* Includes $1,795 destination charges
 Ram 1500 Sport
With the battle for pickup sales dominance getting fiercer by the minute, consumers are the big winners, profiting with some great deals, fantastic features and a variety of models to choose from.
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For 2019 the Ram gets a major redesign with six different trim levels to suit everyone’s tastes and requirements. Also included in FCA’s repertoire for 2019 is last year’s carry-over model, now christened the Classic. The biggest news in the lineup however is the Ram Sport - a Canadian exclusive. Fiat Chrysler Automobiles tells us that nearly a quarter of Canadian Ram buyers choose the Sport Appearance Package for their trucks, so the folks in Windsor decided to make it a model onto itself. But not content on just replicating the options list, FCA added a ton of goodies to further sweeten the truck.
Replacing its siblings chrome grille with a subtler black unit gives the Sport a cleaner look. In fact all the chrome has been given the black treatment from the huge, almost comical, Ram’s head on the tailgate to the headlight trim. Available in nine different monochromatic colors, the Sport package entails standard bi-LED headlamps and, if you’re tall enough to notice, an optional performance hood distinguishable by black functional scoops that aide in heat extracting engine heat, standard 20-inch wheels with 22-inch wheels available and unique Sport badging. 
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Standard equipment includes power adjustable pedals, heated seats and steering wheel, rear view camera, push button start, damped tailgate to ease lifting the thick gate, and an active air dam and grille shutters.
But it’s what beneath the skin that counts; utilizing high strength steel in the frame and body brings the scales down by 102 kilos. There’s also a good amount of aluminum used throughout, from suspension components to the hood and tailgate. An oddity is hill-start assist. On an automatic?
The Ram corners flatter thanks to a 20 per cent boost in roll stiffness in the suspension, and variable rate springs in the rear give it a maximum payload of 2,300 lbs. The Ram Sport can tow 12,750 pounds, up 20 percent from last year’s Ram.
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Dwarfing an suv, any dispute of the growth of today’s pickups?
Power is derived from the familiar and bulletproof, 5.7-liter HEMI V8 that pumps 395 horses and 410 lb-ft of torque. Its multi-cylinder displacement system (MDS), which shuts off half the cylinders when less power is required, has been tweaked to operate in four-cylinder mode as much as possible. It’s mated to an eight-speed automatic with on command all-wheel-drive. Sadly the Sport moniker doesn’t mean you get the option of a manual tranny. There are buttons on the steering wheel to shift the automatic when required but a poor replacement for a floor mounted shifter
Like the Denali, the Ram Sport has two other engine options coming later this summer utilizing a mild hybrid system called eTorque.  The first is a 3.6L V6 (305 hp, 269 lb-ft of torque), the 5.7L HEMI will also get eTorque, but the release date is yet to be announced. There are rumors of the 3.0L turbodiesel V6 making a comeback next year but with FCA confirming that 90% of its RAM pickups are ordered with the 5.7L V8, I don’t see any rush to get the diesel to market.
The eTorque uses a belt-driven motor-generator on the engine, a 48-volt battery pack, and a regenerative braking system. The set up provides auto stop-start capability that’s reportedly much smoother than using a conventional starter for the idle-stop function, while providing a brief boost of torque.
Stopping power has greatly improved with front discs growing by over an inch and a half to 14.9” and the rears to 14.8”
My Sport came with the optional four-corner adjustable air suspension which features four modes: Normal, Aero (highway cruising), Off-Road and Entry/Exit. It’s been asymmetrically revised for smoother, more comfortable performance.
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The interior is a carry-over but the Sport comes solely in a blacked-out interior with exclusive trim touches, like satin light black-chrome highlights, real metal trim and diamond-plate. There are storage bins under the floor and the rear seats. The steering wheel now telescopes and tilts. Front heated/ventilated buckets are comfortable while the rear seats can be reclined as much as 8 degrees.  A surround-view camera, adaptive cruise control, and a 12-inch infotainment screen are all on the options list as is a top of the line 19-speaker Harmon/Kardon sound system.
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With 102 mm added length for the Crew Cab there’s extra legroom, and an extra 38-millimetre box height that apparently improves aerodynamics but only adds to making it even tougher to reach over for anything in the box. One usually doesn’t think of aerodynamics when it comes to pickups. But FCA claims the new active air dam, which lowers at highway speeds does improve aerodynamics and hence fuel mileage. 
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Snow, snow and more snow, the Ram induced confidence no matter what. 
 The Ram Sport is everything a truck should be in 2019, despite its size it feels smaller, it’s comfortable, quiet – some 36 percent quieter, yet still allows enough of the V8 growl enter the cabin to stir the senses, the ride is well-planted and controlled with smooth shifts. I got the Ram at an opportune time this past winter, when we got repeatedly hit by more and more snow. The Ram handled itself superbly and kept me comfortable with my confidence level never waning of what the truck could handle.
Like the Denali, the Ram gets the job done very well, they both ride and handle superbly with wonderful engines, making your buying choice that much tougher. 
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 Pricing starts at $43,345 for the short bed (5’7”) two wheel-drive version. My fully loaded beast with such trick items as dual-pane sunroof, ventilated seats, power running boards, 22-inch wheels ballooned the final tally to $73,600. Luckily as we go to press there is a ten grand plus discount offered by FCA, which should soften the blow.
 Price as tested: $73,600
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janicecpitts · 6 years
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kdulgar-blog · 5 years
Cadillac Fleetwood Eldorado Hardtop Coupé 1978 (2296)
Manufacturer: General Motors Company (GM), Cadillac Motor Car Division, Detroit, Michigan – USA Type: Fleetwood Eldorado Hardtop Coupé Series 6E Model 6L47 Production time: September 1977 – September 1978 Production outlet: 46,816 Engine: 6966cc GM Cadillac V-8 425 OHV Power: 180 bhp / 4.000 rpm Torque: 434 Nm / 2.000 rpm Drivetrain: front wheels by double-jointed shafts with homokinetic Rzeppa joints Speed: 181 km/h Curb weight: 2310 kg Wheelbase: 126.3 inch Chassis: GM E-body platform ladder type frame with welded in crosmembers and separate all-steel body (by Fleetwood) Steering: ball bearing Saginaw variable-ratio power Gearbox: GM Turbo Hydramatic THM-425 three-speed automatic transmission / all synchromesh / steering column shift Clutch: not appicable Carburettor: Rochester M4ME 4-barrel Fuel tank: 102 liter Electric system: Delco-Remy 12 Volts 75 Ah Ignition system: electronic Brakes front: 10.98 inch vented hydraulic discs self-adjusting type Brakes rear: 10.98 inch vented hydraulic discs self-adjusting type Suspension front: independent lower longitudinal torsion bars, trapezoid triangle crossbars, link type sway bar, electronic level control + hydraulic Direct-Action telescopic shock absorbers Suspension rear: beam axle, four-link system, lower longitudinal links and upper braces, longitudinal low trailing arms, electronic level control, coil springs + hydraulic Direct-Action telescopic shock absorbers Rear axle: live Differential: spiral bevel 2.73:1 Wheels: 6JK – 15 steel discs Tires: LR78 – 15B radial white-whitewall steel-belted Options: GM Cadillac V-8 425 OHV EFI (198bhp/3.800rpm – 433.5Nm/2.400rpm), trailering package, speed control device, cruise control, 40-channel CB, 8-track Stereo tape player, sun roof, Astroroof, body chrome moldings, accent stripes, Sierra Grain leather contoured pillow-style seats, remote-control passenger-side mirror, colour-coordinated wheel discs, AM/FM Stereo radio with digital display, AM/FM Stereo bushbutton radio with Citizens band, Stereo radio with tape player, tilt/telescopic steering wheel, power trunk release, automatic door lock system, 50/50 Dual-Comfort front seat, power recline seats, passengers 6-Way power seat adjuster, theft deterrent system, illuminated entry system, illuninated vanity mirror, illuminated outside thermometer, fuel monitor system, rear window defogger, twilight sentinel, Guide-Matic headlamp control, controled cycle whipers, remote control trunk lock release, carpeted floor mats, trumpet horn, two-tone colouring
Special: – Cadillac was formed from the remnants of the Henry Ford Company when Henry Ford departed along with several of his key partners and the company was dissolved. With the intent of liquidating the firm’s assets, Ford’s financial backers, William Murphy and Lemuel Bowen called in engineer Henry M. Leland to appraise the plant and equipment prior to selling them. Instead, Leland persuaded them to continue the automobile business using Leland’s proven 1-cylinder engine. Henry Ford’s departure required a new name, and on August 22, 1902, the company reformed as the Cadillac Automobile Company. – The Cadillac automobile was named after the 17th century French explorer Antoine Laumet de La Mothe, sieur de Cadillac, who founded Detroit in 1701. – Cadillac was purchased by the General Motors conglomerate in 1909. Cadillac became General Motors’ prestige division, devoted to the production of large luxury vehicles. In the United States, the name became a synonym for "high quality", used in such phrases as "the Cadillac of watches," referring to a Rolex. In English usage outside North America, other brands are used in such phrases – usually Rolls-Royce. – The Cadillac line was also GM’s default marque for "commercial chassis" institutional vehicles, such as limousines, ambulances, hearses, and funeral home flower cars. The latter three of which were custom built by aftermarket manufacturers: Cadillac does not produce any such vehicles in factory. – The Eldorado name is a contraction of two Spanish words that translate as "the gilded (i.e., golden) one" and also refers to El Dorado, the mythical South American "Lost City of Gold" that fascinated Spanish explorers. – Chosen in an internal competition for a 1952 concept vehicle celebrating the company’s golden anniversary, the name Eldorado was proposed by Mary-Ann Zukosky-Marini, a secretary in Cadillac’s merchandising department and was subsequently adopted for a limited-edition convertible for model year 1953, designed by Harley Earl. – The 1978 Series Fleetwood Eldorado, redesigned by Franco Sbarro, was available as this 2-door Hardtop Coupé, as 2-door Biarritz Classic Coupé and Biarritz Coupé. The Convertible wasn’t for sale anymore since September 1976. – This seventh generation Eldorado (1971-1978) was assembled in Linden (New Jersey) and in Detroit (Michigan).
Posted by Le Photiste on 2017-09-13 14:49:01
Tagged: , General Motors Company (GM), Cadillac Motor Car Division, Detroit, Michigan – USA , Cadillac Fleetwood Eldorado Hardtop Coupé , cc , Cadillac Fleetwood Eldorado Hardtop Coupé Series 6E Model 6L47 , American Hardtop Coupé , American Luxury Car , 1978 , King Cruise Muiden , Muiden – The Netherlands , The Netherlands , 51-NG-RG , Sidecode-2 , Clay , A Feast For My Eyes , A Photographers View , Auto_Focus , All Types Of Transport , Artistic Impressions , ANTICANDO , Blink Again , Beautiful Capture , BEST PEOPLE’S CHOICE , Blood, Sweat and Gear , GEARHEADS , Creative Impuls , CAZADORES DE IMÁGENES , Cars Cars Cars , Digifoto Pro , Damn Cool Photographers , Digital Creations , Django’s Master , FRIENDS FOREVER , Fine Gold , Fan de Voitures , FAIR PLAY , GREATPHOTOGRAPHERS , Groupe Charlie , Give Me 5 , Hairygits Elite , Ineffable , INFINITEXPOSURE , IQ – Image Quality , Interesting , In My Eyes , Living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) , LOVELY FLICKR , My Friends Pictures , Masters Of Creative Photography , Nice As It Gets , PHOTOGRAPHERS , PRO PHOTO , Photographic World , Planet Earth Transport , Planet Earth Back In The Day , PhotoMix , SOE , SIMPLY SUPERB , SLOW RIDE , Saariy’sQualityPictures , ShowCase images , Simply The Best , Simply Because , The Best Shot , The Pit Stop Shop , The Machines , Transport of all kinds , The Red Group , THE LOOK Level 1 RED , VIVID&STRIKING , Wheels-Anything That Rolls , Your Best Of Today , WOW , Old cars , oldtimer , Clap-Clap
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iqvts · 5 years
5547 FALMOUTH Drive, Troy, MI 48085 from iQ Visual Tours on Vimeo.
For more information: cbwm.com/listing/209-360915/5547-falmouth-drive-troy-mi-48085
Troy Michigan is located at the heart of Metropolitan Detroit's northern suburbs, it is the largest city in Oakland County. As a leading business and shopping destination with premier office centers it features the upscale Somerset Collection. Troy is home to a wide range of businesses, from small family run operations to Fortune 500 companies. Troy has strong vibrant neighborhoods, top ranked schools and outstanding city services. Set deep in the Sylvan Glen Subdivision this property is ready for the buyer who is prepared to put their mark on this original 1970's Ranch. Sylvan Glen has long been a subdivision of choice for those who value the sense of the word "community". Sylvan Glen typically has larger lot sizes than the norm, with Troy Schools, walk to Martell Elementary and Smith Middle School, Bus to Troy High School. Hardwood Floors exist under the carpet. There is potential to create a Master Suite. Welcome Home!!
Contact: Robert Taylor (586) 295-2959 [email protected]
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lorenasilvis39-blog · 6 years
Removing Wallpaper The Straightforward Way - Or Not
Want to see Detroit's very own Mr. Handyman? America's Master Handyman and WJR radio host Glenn Haege will be there along with Leslie Hart-Davidson of Hart-Davidson Styles, SEMCOG, Porter & Heckman and The Inside Exterior Guys to go over inside layout, home improvement, thoroughly clean h2o and household strength on the Home Stage. Have you tried using rearranging your home? Several a home-owner, bent on getting a new living room established, has identified them selves happy by simply moving issues all around. You might be shocked at the outcomes you get. Going household furniture around can open up room and generate new techniques to seem at the home. If you want to get technological about it, you can appear into concepts these as feng shui, which may well attractiveness to your spiritual side. Before you start off to paper, recall to crystal clear as significantly furniture from the place as doable. It pays to be tidy and methodical. You are greatest to clean up as you go, trying to keep the area dust free of charge, and free of household furniture and objects to vacation over, your protection is superior than the speed in which you function. It is commonly a good follow to lay sheets down to safeguard your carpet from drips of paste, plaster chips and other debris that will be scraped off the partitions. However, you are finest to use clear sheets, as you will want to steer clear of as much dust as possible. Fusty 'painting' sheets that have been in your loft for four years will just finish up causing you additional issues than they fix. You are very best giving them a swift wash in the washing machine initial. Wall coverings run the gamut from a range of different types of wallpaper to material, stone, brick or wooden finish. Typically the variety of developing influences the choice. Whether or not it is an outdated or a lot more contemporary building, no matter whether it is a function or living place, no matter whether a person wants a standard or much more contemporary search. Some destinations comprise massive open spaces, some others are more cosy smaller rooms. It's use is a main issue in the decision of textures for decor. Working with various textures provides an further dimension to the glance and sense of a spot. Looking ahead to earn a new appears to your household? Then you want not suppose on high priced concepts to rework your place. Make a decision to purchase acquiring the multipurpose wall papers which may possibly specific the print beauty numerous durable choices these practically as simple elimination, cleaning protection diploma and sturdiness. Irrespective o the house you now have, there are additional attraction pointers evolving across the creativity and unique man or woman innovation partake of the stylish and comfy home. Its remarkable go daring in tiny places this sort of as powder place whereby the utility in addition doesn't appear to be to trigger primary impact on the household. Besides, they're not constantly expensive and only to be discovered in the major metropolitan areas. There are a lot of people out there you've never read of who are actually inspirational and can help you to change the way you believe. Don't overlook about the nearby papers, regional 'what's on' internet websites, and inquiring your pals. When men and women hand you a flyer in the avenue don't throw it away prior to you know what it states, the universe performs in mysterious approaches and from time to time it will deliver the remedy appropriate into your hand. Enjoy shop windows and notice boards. Search for the answers. Measure the wall(s) that you want to get the job done with and convert the figure to yards. With the wainscot project you will acquire that range of yards. When creating your buy make certain that each wall can be coated with a single ongoing piece of fabric. When you have just about any concerns regarding wherever and also tips on how to work with waxhaw nc wallpaper installers, you possibly can email us on our web site. If you've chosen a stripe or a plaid pattern, it will be really hard to match seam edges in the center of a wall. Do not acquire fabric from two distinct bolts except the design of your job is to mix and not match. Measure the wall(s) that you want to perform with and change the figure to yards. With the wainscot project you will invest in that range of yards. When building your buy make sure that just about every wall can be coated with 1 continual piece of material. If you've chosen a stripe or a plaid sample, it will be extremely tough to match seam edges in the middle of a wall. Do not purchase cloth from two diverse bolts unless the design and style of your project is to mix and not match. If you are fitting lighter forms of tile, such as cork flooring tiles then there are floor tile adhesives you can use. You can even purchase spray on floor tile adhesive that can help save you a good deal of time. This is very well suited for smaller areas or repairs. Before beginning any decorating project a excellent degree of planning is required. Decorators also need to understand their limits. If you are new to wallpapering then you may well be greatest off leaving tough locations this kind of as stairwells and ceilings to much more skilled decorators. Whichever technique you come to a decision to use you will often need to have to have out great preparing get the job done. This includes making confident that your walls or clean.
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itsworn · 6 years
A Link to the Past: 1965 Dodge Dart GT Convertible
The lineage of Chrysler’s A-Body platform starts in 1960 with the introduction of the compact Plymouth Valiant. Like Ford’s Falcon and Chevrolet’s Corvair, it was a response to the success of the Volkswagen Beetle and to a degree, American Motor’s American, relaunched in 1958. In 1961, Dodge got its own version of the Valiant, the badge-engineered Lancer, which lasted just two model years. To say that the Valiant and Lancer were stylistically challenged might be an understatement. Their lines, produced by Virgil Exner’s studio, were among the Forward Look’s most controversial, especially when compared to the more conventional route taken by Ford with the Falcon.
In 1963, Chrysler’s A-Bodies, the Valiant, and the Dart, which took the place of the Lancer, got a much more conventional look with both marques offering a full range of sedan, hardtop, station wagon, and convertible models. And when speaking of the convertibles offered from 1963 to 1966, you’ll be hard pressed to find one as handsome as this stunning 1965 Dart GT model owned by John Campbell, a car that stood out to the Mopar Muscle team when we attended the Mopar Fall Fling in October.
Like the case for many of us, Campbell’s dad was a Mopar guy, and it influenced his automotive tastes at a very young age. “Dad always said Chrysler had better engineering,” says Campbell. “His favorite car was his 1957 Dodge D500 convertible.” Other family Mopars included a 1965 Dodge Dart convertible, just like mine, a 1970 Plymouth Fury Custom Suburban nine-passenger station wagon, and five different Dodge trucks, starting with a 1976 Dodge Power Wagon W200 and ending with his current 2009 RAM 3500 chassis cab with a 6.7 Cummins and six-speed manual transmission.”
“In the early 1970s, we lived next store to the head bodyman for Reedman Chrysler Plymouth in Langhorne, Pennsylvania, at the time one of the largest dealerships on the East Coast,” recalls Campbell. “His name was Dick Philhower, and he taught my dad to do bodywork in our driveway. Later, my dad taught me. Being from Pennsylvania and having no money, I had to weld new sheetmetal into most of the cars I owned, including a 1974 Nova, a 1976 Subaru, and a 1966 Mustang I restored for my college girlfriend.”
Campbell’s first Mopar was a 1976 Dodge van he and his buddies bought for $400 to take on spring break. It was rusted out and had a tired 318, but the five drove it from Penn State to Florida for spring break and slept in it for a week. It was blue — mostly — and they painted the Penn State logo on the side and got cheers when they rolled into every spring break town in Florida.
Campbell’s second Mopar was a 1983 Plymouth Horizon he bought at the State of Pennsylvania fleet auction. It had the 2.2L engine and ran pretty well after he pulled a Rubbermaid trash can full of emission controls off it and swapped in a non-electronic Holley carb from Pick-Your-Part.
The 1976 Dodge van got Campbell to California for his first active duty Air Force assignment at Los Angeles Air Force Base. Once in California, he traded the rusted-out ’76 Dodge van for a rust-free ’73 Dodge van with a 318 and three-on-the-tree for $450. It was someone else’s forgotten project. It still had the porthole window and the tufted Naugahyde interior, but the tropical murals had long since faded off the sides. He put it back together, painted it, redid the interior, and used it on lots of camping trips to the Sierras, and even Cabo San Lucas. Then there was a void in Campbell’s Mopar timeline until 2009 when he bought this 1965 Dart GT convertible, and yes, there’s a direct connection to his dad’s Dart.
“In June of 1965, in the same week I was born, my dad bought a brand-new 1965 Dodge Dart GT Convertible from Carbone Dodge in Utica, New York,” recalls Campbell. “It was gold with a pearl white interior, a 273 V-8 and a four-speed transmission. Shortly after I was born, dad loaded mom and me into his new car and drove to my grandparents’ house. I guess he was feeling a bit left out when all the in-laws were more interested in the new baby than the new car. Eventually, that car began to rust, due to the harsh winters in upstate New York. Dad sold the car to his brother, Dave, so he could get a larger car for the family. Dave drove the car several years and sold it to their cousin, Jughead. Eventually, Jughead parked it in his backyard in western Pennsylvania, and it rusted into the ground.”
Fast-forward many decades later and Campbell was browsing the Internet looking for examples of a Dart that matched his dad’s car. Late one night he stumbled onto an eBay listing, same year, same model, same color, same interior, and same engine. The only missing component was a four-speed transmission. He had no intention of buying the car … at first. But as the week passed and the listing end date approached, he couldn’t resist the temptation. He submitted the winning bid, packed some handtools, flew to Sacramento, and met the owner to purchase the car. Campbell hopped in the car and drove it 450 miles to his home in Southern California (how many of us have done something similar?). It made the trip with no major issues.
Research on the car revealed that it was built at the Hamtramck plant in Detroit. The build date of the car is June 18, 1965. “I was born June 28, 1965,” notes Campbell. “I know nothing about the first owners, but I do know a little bit about the most-recent owners. The car was purchased by a couple in the early 1980s in La Cañada Flintridge, California, near Pasadena. They fixed up the car and drove it regularly. When they retired, they moved to Eldorado Hills, California. After the husband passed away, his wife continued driving the car well into her 80s. I guess she and the Dart were a familiar sight, driving around El Dorado Hills. When she passed away, her sons decided to sell the car. I remember it being very important to them that the car go to someone who would take care of it and restore it.”
Campbell bought the car in 2009. He drove it for three years before starting the restoration. For him, it was fun to drive it to work or park it at a grocery store without worrying. Since the restoration, it’s mostly been to car shows (like the Mopar Fall Fling, where we first encountered the car), club meetings (he’s a member of the very active South Bay Mopar Club in Torrance, California), and cruises. He typically drives it once or twice a month, and the rest of the time it stays in the garage under a cover.
The first big job was the replacement of the floor. The car looked really solid from underneath, but when he pulled up the carpets there were pinholes and really thin metal. He purchased an old Millermatic 200 MIG welder on Craigslist and taught himself MIG welding. All his previous welding was Acetylene gas welding, which really warps the metal, or stick welding which burns right through sheetmetal. The donor floor came from a wrecking yard in eastern Washington. He drove the car for three more months without any interior before tearing it down for the full restoration. He mounted the car on a rotisserie he also found on Craigslist.
“I did most of the bodywork myself,” says Campbell. “This included metal, filler, primer, and blocking. The color and clear coat were sprayed by Mike Phillips at LnM Auto Body in Inglewood, California (lnmautobody.com). I met Mike at a meeting of the South Bay Mopars Club. I was there with my ratty old driver, and he pulled up in his freshly restored 65 Dart GT convertible just like mine. We never made it into the meeting and spent the entire time talking about our cars. Mike graciously allowed me to do a lot of the work at his shop, and he taught me so much about the finer points of bodywork and paint. After lessons from Mike, I did the color sand and polish as well. They say you meet the best people in the classic car hobby. Mike is proof of that.”
Campbell notes that parts are much harder to find for early A-Bodies than for later years. He purchased two parts cars and also found numerous used parts on forabodiesonly.com, Craigslist and eBay.
He also notes that the car has a numbers-matching engine, rebuilt to Commando specifications by L&R Engines in Santa Fe Springs, California (www.lnrengine.com). They used reproduction domed pistons by Rebuilder’s Choice and an Isky E4 camshaft. The factory specification for compression ratio is 10.5:1, but after careful measurement of chamber volume, dome volume, bore, head gasket diameter and thickness, they landed at 9.6:1, which is perfect for premium unleaded.
While Campbell still has the original automatic transmission, he opted to install a newer 904 automatic from a 1983 Chrysler Fifth Avenue. “There are just so many improvements made since 1965, but most important for me was the lockup torque converter and wider gear ratios,” says Campbell. “I would have loved to upgrade to an overdrive transmission, but there are no options that fit the tunnel without cutting, so this was the next best thing.”
Campbell continues with more details on the rebuild of the mechanical components. “For the rear end, I retained the original 7¼-inch rear axle for originality and lower unsprung weight. But I did install a cone-style Sure-Grip differential from a later-model Dart. The axle has all-new bearings and seals, and I adjusted the bearing pre-load, backlash, and gear pattern. It’s quiet with no more clunk going into reverse. I upgraded the front brakes to the factory Kelsey-Hayes four-piston setup, which first became available in 1965. The front suspension is stock with all-new Moog parts.”
Campbell talks about some of the cosmetic issues that were addressed during the restoration. “There is a lot of aluminum trim on this car, as well as some stainless. I had the aluminum anodizing stripped at Custom Metal Finishing in Gardena, California (1800deburring.com). I purchased an 8-inch buffer at a swap meet and watched all the videos I could find on buffing and polishing. Then, I spent a solid month removing the dings, sanding and polishing both the aluminum and the stainless. The aluminum then went back to Custom Metal Finishing for bright dip anodizing. It doesn’t shine as well as the stainless, or even bare polished aluminum, but it’s protected from oxidation, and it’s factory-correct. Exterior chrome plating was handled by Yolanda’s Plating in Los Angeles, California. All the plastic bezels in the dash were re-chromed and detailed by GCAR (gcartrim.com). The upholstery is from Legendary Auto Interiors (www.legendaryautointeriors.com). Much of the wiring had brittle insulation. Rather than try to save it, I sprung for all-new harnesses from M&H Electrical Fabricators in Santa Fe Springs, California (www.wiringharness.com).”
“I media-blasted every nut, bolt, and fastener in the car. Then I sent them out for re-plating. The black phosphate parts went to AllBlack Co. in Santa Fe Springs, California (ww.allblackco-inc.com). The zinc and yellow dichromate parts went to Westcoast Metal Finishing in Los Angeles, California (www.wcmf.net). The most challenging aspect of that process is keeping track of where each bolt belongs. They start out in labeled baggies, but they all get mixed together for plating. I took pictures of every bolt, so I could get them back into the correct baggie and onto the car in the correct location. The car was off the road for three years, and I was still working on it quite a bit in the fourth year. They’re never really finished, are they?”
At the Mopar Fall Fling, we were attracted by the car’s stunning color combination, and we weren’t alone. Campbell says that at shows, this is what really draws attention to the car, the gold paint and the white pearl interior with the contrasting saddle carpet, extending up the door panels and seat backs. It’s a look that belies the Dart’s economy-car roots.
As the photos illustrate, the car has an almost perfect stance — and that was no accident. We’ll let Campbell explain. “I looked at a lot of Darts, and I always felt that the front wheels looked bigger than the back wheels. Probably some sort of optical illusion due to the different wheel arch shapes. Because of that, I chose a staggered wheel-and-tire combination with 15-inch wheels on the back and 14-inch on the front. Both are 60 series tires, so the sidewalls are the same. Most people don’t notice the different sizes; they just admire the stance. The wheel-and-tire combination also gets a lot of compliments. I went with Cragars for two reasons. First, there are limited options for the small bolt pattern. Second, you could actually order your 1965 Dart with the Go Go package, which included 13-inch Cragars. So, in a way, they are sort of stock and definitely ‘period correct.’ The red-line tires get a lot of love, and I like that they match the red engine color.”
When asked what he likes about the car, here’s what Campbell had to say on the subject. “I love the size of the car. Dodge called it ‘new kind of compact in the large economy size.’ It’s really not that small, and I think a B-Body would feel too big. I also love that I so rarely see early A-Bodies. I’m almost always the only one, except maybe at Mopar-only events.”
The car, since its restoration, has been a crowd-pleaser. Here’s a short list of the awards it has already won:
2016 Edelbrock Car Show: Best Convertible
2016 Chrysler Performance West Fall Fling: Mopar of Special Merit
2017 Edelbrock Car Show: Best Mopar
2017 Chrysler Performance West Spring Fling: Stock Early A-Body – First Place
2017 Ruby’s Cruise at the Beach: Best in Show
2018 Chrysler Performance West Spring Fling: Stock Early A-Body – First Place
2018 Chrysler Performance West Fall Fling: Mopar of Special Merit
“I don’t think early A-Bodies get the love they deserve. They’re not high-dollar cars, so they typically don’t get the level of restoration that an E-Body or 1968-1970 Charger might get. I hope my car changes that perception in some small way.”
Campbell’s stunning 1965 Dodge Dart GT convertible should certainly change that perception. At a show with many noteworthy and otherwise special Mopars, this little Dart GT clearly stood above all others, testimony to a job well done… very well done.
When producing these stories, I rarely ask to drive the subject car I’m featuring. The reason is simple: one of two things can happen, and one of them is bad. But there was some strange pull coming from John’s car, so at the end of our photo session I asked and he said, “sure.”
I think the pull was that 40 years ago, just after graduating college I owned a 1967 Plymouth Barracuda convertible. It was a 318 automatic car, and it’s one of the few cars I really regret selling and wish I had kept.
So sliding behind the steering wheel and turning the key, there was some sense of deja vu. The sound was familiar, but once we turned onto the street, the rest of the driving experience was not. Where my Barracuda was at the time a 10-year-old used car, John’s Dart was like driving a perfect time machine. Everything, and I mean everything, was a tight as a drum, a stark contrast to my decades’ old recollections of my Barracuda. Every aspect of the driving experience was of driving the car off the showroom floor. The only thing that could’ve made the drive any better, on that Saturday at sunset with the top down, would have been to have Heart’s “Barracuda” playing through the Dart’s center-dash speaker coming from New York’s premier Top 40 radio station at the time, WABC.
Fast Facts 1965 Dodge Dart GT convertible Owner: John Campbell, Palos Verdes, California
ENGINE Type: 273 small-block Bore x stroke: 3.625 x 3.31 (bored .030 over) Block: 273 small-block Rotating assembly: stock forged crank and rods; Rebuilder’s Choice domed pistons Cylinder heads: stock closed chamber heads Compression: 10.5:1 advertised, 9.6:1 measured Camshaft: Isky E4 Valve train: stock mechanical lifters Induction: four-barrel Carter AFB, factory open plenum intake Oiling system: stock Fuel system: stock Exhaust: Accurate LTD reproduction HiPo single exhaust with resonator Ignition: aftermarket HEI Cooling: stock Fuel: premium unleaded Output: factory rated at 235 hp at 5,200 rpm, 280 lb-ft at 2,800 rpm Engine built by: small-block and heads by L&R Engines (Santa Fe Springs, CA) Assembled by: John Campbell
DRIVETRAIN Transmission: 1983 A904 with wider gear ratios than 1965 Converter: factory lockup torque converter Shifter: stock cable floor shifter adapted to the modern 904 via a B&M cable and custom brackets Steering: factory power steering Front brakes: factory Kelsey-Hayes four-piston disc brakes Rear brakes: factory drum brakes Rollbar/chassis: none
WHEELS & TIRES Wheels: 14×6 (front) and 15×6 (rear) Cragar SS Tires: BFGoodrich Radial TA, shaved and redline applied by Diamond Back Classic Radials
INTERIOR Trim: Legendary Auto Interiors Metal: dash chrome plating by GCAR Seats: stock buckets, Legendary Auto Interiors Instruments: stock Wiring: reproduction wiring harnesses by M&H Electric Fabricators
The post A Link to the Past: 1965 Dodge Dart GT Convertible appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network https://www.hotrod.com/articles/link-to-the-past-1965-dodge-dart-gt-convertible/ via IFTTT
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Don’t Give Up! 10 Must-See Homes on the Market—All Priced Under $100K
It’s easy for buyers to look at real estate listings, then simply wave the white flag. Prices keep on rising, and finding a place of your own seems like a pipe dream. But don’t give up just yet.
If you’re looking for a great deal, we have encouraging news. We’ve scoured nationwide listings and found 10 well-appointed homes—all priced under $100,000.
The idea of sub-$100,000 homes may conjure up images of teardowns or crumbling shacks. But fret not. The homes we found aren’t fixer-uppers (unless you want to take on a renovation to update or redo the home design). They’re in perfectly good shape, and many have been recently updated. They’re generally smaller, and they could be smart choices for first-time buyers, empty nesters looking to downsize, or even real estate investors.
Without further ado, behold these 10 homes priced below $100,000. And don’t forget your wallet—you might want to put in an offer on the spot.
207 N Durand St, Jackson, MI 
Price: $94,000 Wallet-friendly features: This 1,500-square-foot home has three bedrooms and 1.5 baths. Built in 1910, it features an inviting front porch and a formal living room. Outside, you’ll find a fenced backyard with a patio. 
Jackson, MI
3330 E Mount Vernon St, Wichita, KS 
Price: $92,900 Wallet-friendly features: This well-cared-for Tudor from 1940 has two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen with a breakfast nook, a living room with a fireplace, and a bonus room that could be a guest room or an office.
Wichita, KS
316 S 4th St, De Soto, MO
Price: $99,000 Wallet-friendly features: This cherry-red paint job will stop you in your tracks, which is a good thing when it comes to shopping for a bargain. The restored three-bedroom, two-bathroom traditional from 1925 features original hardwood flooring and exposed brick in the kitchen. The home could be reconfigured in a modern layout, and the price certainly leaves room for renovations.
De Soto, MO
1313 Central Ave, Louisville, KY
Price: $83,000 Wallet-friendly features: If you favor a brick house, this place is for you. The exterior also features a covered front porch and back patio. Inside there are three bedrooms, new windows and carpets, plus an unfinished basement that could be transformed into a playroom or rec room.  
Louisville, KY
293 Lower Detroit Rd, Plymouth, ME 
Price: $99,900 Wallet-friendly features: Escape to the Vacation State with this 1970s A-frame. The 700-square-foot home has two bedrooms, one bath, and a large porch and balcony to take in the wildlife. It sits on 5 wooded acres, which include a pond. 
Plymouth, ME
3326 Davis Dr, Indianapolis, IN
Price: $94,900 Wallet-friendly features: The adorable ranch has three bedrooms, one bath, and 1,000 square feet of space. Built in 1957, it has had a number of updates, including flooring, heating, and roof. 
Indianapolis, IN
18405 E Park Dr, Cleveland, OH
Price: $84,900 Wallet-friendly features: This storybook-style home from 1930 has been “well-loved” and updated by its current owner. There are two bedrooms, 1.5 baths, a dining room with built-ins, a living room with decorative fireplace, and a basement with half-bath. It’s close to the lake, beach, restaurants, and the freeway.
Cleveland, OH
302 Western Ave, Waterloo, IA
Price: $85,000 Wallet-friendly features: This corner-lot, three-bedroom, 1,700-square-foot ranch house features new appliances, hardwood floors, updated fixtures, and a double-stall power garage.
Waterloo, IA
1600 2nd St, Brownwood, TX
Price: $85,500 Wallet-friendly features: This sweet and cheery home comes with three beds, one bath, and a detached, two-car garage. Updates include new kitchen countertops and appliances. The bathroom has also been updated and now features a jetted tub. Bonus: The gleaming wood flooring is original.
Brownwood, TX
301 W Doane Ave, Eustis, FL
Price: $99,000  Wallet-friendly features: Totally transformed, this adorable abode is move-in ready. The floor plan includes a spacious living room, kitchen with newer appliances, dining room, office, and updated bathroom. Outside, there’s a deck and grassy yard, plus a covered front porch. Close to shopping and dining, this place would be a savvy pick for an investment property.
Eustis, FL
The post Don’t Give Up! 10 Must-See Homes on the Market—All Priced Under $100K appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from https://www.realtor.com/news/trends/10-homes-100k/
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