#carol aird x abby gerhard
blackacre13 · 1 year
I’m many of your recent Belivaird fics Carol and Therese are engaged so I was wondering if you could do a fic with how you imagine that proposal happening? (My headcanon is that Carol was the one to propose but I can also totally see Therese doing it so you can do whoever feels right for you haha)
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“You’re a star for doing this, love,” Carol beamed, turning to Therese who was sitting in the passenger seat of the car trying and failing not to glower at the windshield in front of her.
“I’m doing this for you, not Abby,” the brunette reminded her.
“Oh, hush,” the blonde laughed. “Don’t act like that. It’s no secret you and Abby are the best of friends these days. If anything, I should be upset that she’s replacing me. Should’ve known she’d end up liking my f-girlfriend more than me.”
They both caught the slip in speech, locking eyes for only a moment before the younger woman’s cheeks starting burning and she looked down at her lap.
“You promise you’ll come check on me at lunch? I don’t know anything about selling furniture.”
“I promise, sweet. And you don’t have to. Just explain your covering for the owners and take down any interested customers or questions. Abby and I will patch things over with them next week. We just need a body.”
“A body?” Therese snorted.
“A very cute body,” Carol amended. “A beautiful woman. With the sweetest smile. To bring in shoppers from far and near.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Therese rolled her eyes, reaching for the door handle.
Carol’s blue eyes danced and sparkled mischievously in the sun, her lip caught in a smirk.
“Wouldn’t you like a parting kiss?” She teased, leaning over towards the brunette.
Therese melted against the blonde, letting their lips softly meet as she sighed into it.
“I love you,” Therese whispered softly, resting her forehead against the blonde’s.
“Not as much as I love you, dearest,” Carol murmured, stroking Therese’s cheek with the back of her hand. “Now go. Before we get too distracted.”
A few stolen kisses later, from teasing and procrastination on each side, Therese was gone in the shop and Carol was turning the corner, discretely parking only a block or so away where Abby was meeting her in a diner.
The blonde slid into their favorite booth, Abby already waiting, cigarette in hand and coffee untouched in front of her.
“I did it again,” Carol admitted, blushing as she sat. She slid Abby’s coffee in front of her as Abby rolled her eyes, but allowed her to take a sip, offering her a drag of her own cigarette next.
“If you would just go ahead and get it over with, the next time it happens, it wouldn’t be a mistake. You’re going to get caught, nitwit.”
“I can’t help it, Abby,” Carol sighed dreamily. “I love her. I want her to be mine. My everything. My always. My—“
“We get it,” Abby huffed, but she was smiling. Truly proud of and happy for her friend. “But you need to actually propose first. You can’t just declare her as your wife you know.”
“I can hardly sit still,” Carol whined. “Do you have it? Let me see it again.”
“No, I forgot it,” Abby rolled her eyes. “And what? You think the setting will change? The band will turn from gold to silver? It looks the same as when you bought it and every time you’ve looked at it after that.”
“Abby,” Carol exhaled. “Give it.”
“Here,” the other woman sighed, pressing the green velvet box into Carol’s waiting hand.
Carol shifted the small box from one hand to the other. Peeking into it carefully like something might pop out and bite her.
“She will say yes, won’t she?” Carol asked.
“Of course,” Abby promised. “I have no doubt.”
As planned, an antsy Carol helped Abby around town as she did some last minute Christmas shopping, the box feeling heavy in her coat pocket, burning a hole in the material. She wanted Therese to see it. She needed to see her face. Needed to see it on her dainty little hand.
After what felt like eons, Abby declared it was lunch time and Carol was ready to book it back ti the furniture shop, almost forgetting the lunch she was bringing as her ploy for dropping by.
“Carol!” Abby called out, propping her sunglasses on her forehead. “I’m so happy for you. Both of you.”
“She hasn’t said yes, yet!” Carol threw back, her hands clammy with anxiety and excitement.
“She’s never been able to say no to you,” Abby smiled. “Go get your girl.”
Carol took a deep breath as she opened the door to the shop, the bells chiming softly overhead as she entered. Therese was leaning against the front counter, elbows on the glass, busy doodling something in the margins of the receipt notebook.
“I was wondering if you might help me with something,” Carol smiled shyly, approaching Therese as the brunette raised her face to meet Carol’s own.
“Very funny,” Therese laughed. “Looking for a doll? I’m afraid we’re all out. Bright Betsy, was it?”
“I had something else in mind actually,” Carol waved her hand. She dug through her purse, acting like she was looking for her cigarettes.
“I won’t bother telling you that you’re not supposed to smoke in here since, you know, this is your own store and all,” the brunette grinned. “Did you bring me lunch at least before you light up?”
“Hold these for me for a moment, won’t you darling?” Carol asked, slipping off her gloves and putting them down on the counter. She rummaged through her purse again, using the activity to take a deep breath and steady herself before she put the small velvet box on top of the gloves.
“Um. Carol.”
“Left it too long,” the blonde smiled, eyes practically glowing. “Go ahead. I’d love to know what you think.”
“Carol, I—“
“Therese Belivet,” Carol murmured, her voice deep velvet. “What do you do on Sundays?”
Therese was staring at her blankly with wide eyes as the blonde opened the velvet box for her, the simple but stunning diamond ring glimmering between them. “I thought perhaps, you might like to marry me?”
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bocatcat · 2 years
happy new year 🤍
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lotties-ashwagandha · 3 years
everyone’s arguing over if carol should be with therese or abby as if the three of them wouldn’t be a perfect throuple
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getlostsquidward · 3 years
contemplating if i'd write a carol x abby fic based on atwtmv (my twt feed is full of it and it makes me emotional) would anyone be interested to read it bc sjskdkdk
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sheloooveswomen · 2 years
a lovely coincidence pt.1 - abby gerhard x reader
pt.2 pt.3
prompt: carol AU. remembering how you first met abby.
includes: abby x fem!reader, thoughts are italicized, POV switches a lot between you and abby.
warnings: none
2,334 words
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(( present time ))
"I thought your anniversary is in May" our daughter, Grace, asks from the doorway of our bedroom.
"It is, sweet pea." I reply putting my left earring in.
"So what is this?" Gracie questions, seemingly beyond confused.
Abby laughs as she fixes her hair, "This is the day your mom and I met." she gives me a quick peck as I reach around her to get my other earring.
"I’d say get a room but we’re in it.” 
“I’d say how do you think you got here but that’s not exactly how that works.” Abby replies to our daughter. 
“Ew. So why are you guys going out with Aunty Carol and Theri, too?"
"Mama and I met at this same restaurant, and we got Therese and Carol to talk there. Mostly for our own selfish reasons" I chuckle, struggling to put on my necklace.
Abby rolls her eyes dramatically, tapping my hand to let her help with my necklace, "Carol just wouldn't leave the table." she rests her hands on the curve of my waist, placing a kiss on my shoulder.
"So you and Mom, and Aunty Carol and Theri all got together on the same day?"
Abby smiles placing one more kiss on my other shoulder and gentle squeeze on my hip as she passes me to get her heels, "Well- no, we had an easier time than they did, but we all got there in the end. We gotta go, honey.”
"Well, have a nice time! Say hi for me!" Grace shouts as we head to the car.
"Do you remember what happened?" Abby asks, buckling her seatbelt.
I smile feeling her thumb swipe back and forth over my knuckles, "Like it was yesterday."
"It really was a total coincidence" she smiles.
"A lovely coincidence" I correct her with a playful glare.
"We gave them a push and happened to fall as well" my wife grins before it falters, "that was kind of cheesy wasn't it?" 
"No, baby, it—" I laugh.
"Pretend I didn’t keep talking” she turns to me since we’re at a stoplight.
I lean over for a kiss, “It was very sweet.”
“I’ll take your word for it” Abby shakes her head.
The blissful moment sends me off into the memory of the day we met:
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(( flashback ))
I watch from across the store as Therese and a blonde start talking. After helping a customer or two, I see my friend and the mystery woman still in conversation. I know Theri loves train sets but I don’t think it’s the locomotives making her all smiley. 
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To top it off, the blonde’s eyes never leave Therese for more than a second.
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As the blonde goddess leaves she motions to my friend's hat, given to us by management, saying something that makes Therese smile. 
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Oh. My. Lord. Looks like we’ll have something exciting to discuss on our break.
(( time skip / 45 minutes later / still your POV ))
Therese quickly turns her head as she hears me coming over, "Ready for lunch?"
"Oh, is it time already?" she checks the nearest clock.
"Mhm...you were pretty distracted today" I lean over the counter to not be overheard by anyone else, "By the way, I sensed the tension earlier. Felt it all the way from my department" I wiggle my eyebrows to clear her confusion..
My longtime friend avoids eye contact as she quietly responds, "It is nothing like that."
"Nothing makes you blush like that? If it's nothing then how did you know whom I was referring to? She wasn't your only customer for the day."
"She was buying a gift for her daughter." she pretends to busy herself.
I scan the woman's receipt on the counter before Therese snatches it, "Hm... Carol Aird. Sounds sophisticated, and not a cheap gift either. As my aunt always says Theri 'you shouldn't say no to a sugar momma'"
"We aren't talking about this, Y/n, you know I'm with—"
"What's his face, please do not remind me."
She remains silent as she gets her coat.
"I'm just saying, your closet doors cannot be so thick that you didn't notice how attractive that woman is, I mean she certainly took her time noticing you."
Her head snaps to me, tips of her ears turning red, before shyly putting gloves from behind the counter in her bag.
"Those are hers aren't they" I grin.
"Stop it—"
"Oh my sweet, naive friend, you must know what this means?!"
"T you've gotta return these to her! Hand delivered- hah get it—"
"Didn't you say it's lunch time?" she changes the subject as we exit the store.
"You know there are signals for things like this- codes. Like the pinky rings? That one can be hard to read though. So maybe she went with her gloves instead! Therese I love you like a sister but I swear if you do not see this through—" I try and keep up with her pace.
She looks around, struggling to reman composed, "I'm with—"
"What's his face" I groan, "we have established and chosen to ignore that fact, drop the beard and find that woman." 
She only shakes her head as we get into my car. We make the short drive to the little hideaway I recently heard about.
"Remind me why we're friends?" Therese mumbles as we slide into a booth.
"Oh hush, who else would've protected you from sand box days and even still?" I start to scan the menu.
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"I didn't ask you to"
"You also didn't ask Jeremy Douglas to try and kiss you, I simply put him in his place." I shrug.
"You decked him."
"Same difference. He never did it again though!"
"Because he moved schools"
"He also called my aunt a dyke, so he had it coming. Moral of the story knocking a bigot's block off can really bring two gals together. Besides, I didn't even hit him that hard. Now figure out what you want to eat."
"You broke his nose."
I look up from my menu, "Is this you trying to distract me from talking about your blonde bombshell and her gloves because I haven't forgotten. What size are they anyway?"
"I don't know what to eat."
I roll my eyes at her not so subtle change in topic, "Tall blonde with a soup or salad?"
"I wonder if she has a friend for me, you know I like them a little older than me, too."
"Even if I did like her, we don't even know if she likes women, let alone has friends that do." Therese tries to reason.
I laugh before realizing she's serious, "Dear god you have no sixth sense for this sorta thing. I could smell it on her. That woman's closet is made of glass to the trained eye." I wink before pointing at her, "Again: you have to ask her for a friend for me. She must know someone and I'm not picky."
"I wouldn't even know what to say..." Theri quietly looks through her menu.
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"Any luck finding something for Rindy?" I ask the blonde I just picked up for lunch.
"Yes, luckily” she smirks, “found something for myself, too." 
"New toy for you as well then?" I smile.
"Possibly. She's very reserved though... such a shy little thing" she drifts off as we turn onto the main road.
"You do love a challenge." I chuckle.
She laughs in response.
"And what does she look like?" I ask as we exit the car and head towards the restaurant.
"Young, brunette, real short bob, bangs, she's much shorter than I am."
"Surprising" I say sarcastically noting the basic similarities between past flings, myself, and the new object of her attraction.
"I have no idea if she's one of us or not- well more so if she realizes yet, but I felt it."
"I'm sure you felt something." I think out loud as we find our usual booth.
"How about you? What happened to the redhead, couldn't handle her?"
"Don't make me laugh, she was quite boring actually. I may try a little younger as well..." I drift off having spotted two women in an animated conversation across the restaurant.
"She already wants you, Theri. She left the gloves and now she can leave her husband. Doubt there'll be much talking between you anyway so no need to worry..." I mumble, taking a sip of my drink.
"I'd say something to ruin it- or say nothing at all."
"Yeah well— today might just be my day" I smile and take another sip of my drink, maintaining eye contact with the brunette that just came in. My jaw drops when my eyes shift to the woman seated across from her, "Well what do ya know, turns out she does have a friend."
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"What?" Therese turns to see what I'm looking at.
"I cannot believe this, “I immediately reach for my friend's hand, “Okay listen to me Therese because this is a once in a lifetime opportunity."
"What are you talking about?"
"She's here!" I grin.
"Keep up, damnit! Your lovely-gloveless-goddess is here right now—"
"WHAT?!" Therese whisper-shouts.
"This can't be happening" she shrinks in her seat.
"Theri, listen. This takes care of a lot in one swoop, alright! This will be perfect, my friend."
"What do you mean?"
"You don't have time to overthink! She's here, you have her gloves, she's clearly interested—"
"Yes! And she has a friend, T!!! Are you kidding me?"
"I can't do this." she takes a quick glance at their table.
"Just chat with her and live happily ever after—"
"Y/n, I'm not breaking it off with—"
I put my hand up to stop her, "You two talk while I go chat with her friend or I can leave you here alone and go off with the friend anyways because wow. Either way that woman is 5-foot-mine"
"You're crazy."
"Please, Therese? I won't actually force you to talk to blondie but this could really work out for us!"
We have a staring contest, our decade long way of settling disagreements, before she blinks.
"Fine" Therese mumbles.
"Oh thank you thank you thank you, you'll just have to deal with the husband thing later." I quickly say and head over to their table.
"Wait wha—"
I sigh in disappointment seeing her eyes shift to Carol.
"Who were you making eyes at?" Carol asks as we sit down.
"The cute one in the blue dress" I nod my head in her direction, "although she might be into blondes" I grumble.
Carol turns to look and her jaw drops as well, "Oh my god"
"I know, she's all yours." I aimlessly stir my martini.
"No- I- Abby her friend..."
"I know you love a challenge, Carol, but both of them?"
"No! I mean her friend is the shop girl."
"That's her!" her expression dances between shock and excitement.
I turn to see the girl my friend had described, "What a coincidence- you have to go talk to her!"
"I should, shouldn't I?" Carol smiles.
"Of course."
"I wouldn’t know what to say..." she frowns.
"Since when?"
"I don’t want to scare her off, but I- the friend is coming. Act natural."
"What?!" I choke on my drink just as the girl in blue reaches our table.
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I freeze as the brunette chokes on her drink, "Are you alright?" I question.
She clears her throat, but her friend answers for her, "She'll be fine, how can we help you, dear?" she says, earning a sharp look from the brunette.
I can’t help but feel shy under their gaze, "May I sit?" I motion to the booth.
"Of course" the woman in green seems to have found her voice as I slide in next to Carol Aird, as her signature said.
"You see this is all sort of funny. A coincidence, one might say a lovely coincidence" I smile at the woman across from me before returning my attention to Carol, "You see my friend- the one pretending to be very invested in that menu?"
She nods slightly.
"Mhm, so it was brought to my attention by Therese -my friend- that you left your gloves in our store so she'd like to return them...personally." I smile, once again making eye contact with the stunning brunette woman on the other side of the table.
"Really? And she said this?" Carol's stare doesn’t waver from my friend.
I laugh quietly, "In fewer words, yes." I take a sip from my drink again, gently biting my straw as her friend looks me up and down, "She's got the gloves with her, too...over there, waiting for you, all alone..." I hint.
"You should go over there, Carol. Get your gloves. At their table with her friend, Therese, over there" the brunette joins in, eyes never leaving mine as she also takes a sip.
"Right" Carol says, more to herself before I let her out of the booth.
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"Well, that was easier than I thought it'd be" the woman chuckles.
I laugh along with her as we watch Carol finally take her seat across from Therese.
"Indeed...Abigail Gerhard" I turn to see the brunette- Abigail with her hand out, a heart stopping smile on her face, “but please call me Abby.”
"Y/n L/n" I grin, you can call me whenever and whatever you like.
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(( present time ))
"We're here!" Abby parks before coming around to help me out of the car, "You alright there, my lovely?" she lends me her hand.
I take in the restaurant where my life was changed forever, "I'm perfect, darling."
I lean into her hand on my cheek before closing the gap.
Abby lets out a content hum as we part, "Good. Now let's go see those lesbians." she exclaims making me laugh.
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= Carol =
Fluff- ❀
Angst- ♛
Smut- ✧
Dark- ✮
Carol Aird x Reader
You're beautiful 1 2 ❀ ♛
Carol Aird and f reader. Reader is carols maid and confesses her love for her
Winter painting ❀
Y/N feels like she's not good, she feels sad and she's tired.
But seeing a woman on the street indirectly invites her to draw again, and not only does it make her feel better about drawing her, it also makes her feel better in other ways.
Spring painting ♛
The blossoming of something real
Summer painting ♛
Sometimes flowers rot in summer
Therese Belivet x Reader
Coming soon
Abby Gerhard x Reader
Coming soon
Carol Aird x Therese Belivet
Coming soon
[Main masterlist]
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amerrierworld · 3 years
It Changes
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for the request: pre-canon dom!Carol and Abby
Summary: Carol invites Abby to spend the night while Harge is away on a business trip.
Characters: flashback!Carol x Abby, present!Carol x Therese
Word Count: 1,498
Warnings: smut! cheating, cause pre-divorce Carol, obv
Carol was perplexed as she shook hands with Abby’s new redhead girlfriend. Not because she didn’t expect Abby to hold a relationship down, but because it was sudden, serious, and Abby was entirely besotted. 
Now Jacqueline was a part of their intimate little friend group, and Carol was startled by how well she got on with them so quickly. 
“Don’t fret,” Therese murmured, wrapping her arms around her middle from behind as they stood outside in the cool evening air. 
“I’m not,” Carol huffed, “it's just a surprise, is all. Abby hasn’t been in a relationship this serious since.. well.”
Therese pressed a kiss against her shoulder and said, “Abby isn’t leaving you, Carol. She’s still your best friend.”
Carol chewed her lip, doubt filling her mind.
“I haven’t been the greatest best friend to Abby, dearest. I wouldn’t blame her if she did. And now that she’s got someone.. else.. why wouldn’t she take that chance?”
“Well, don’t you think she might have felt the same way when I came into your life?” 
Carol stilled a little, and her shoulders relaxed in sudden understanding, “I didn't think of it that way.”
Therese hugged her a little tighter, “she’s not going anywhere, and neither am I. No one’s leaving you, not ever again.”
Carol smiled, putting her hand on top of Therese’s, rubbing the chill away. 
six years earlier..
“We can’t j-just..”
“Want you,” Carol growled, hands pressing into Abby’s skin, “want you now.”
“Just a minute!” Abby half-laughed, pulling away from Carol to see her best friend pouting dramatically. Her blonde hair was falling out of its perfect curls, and Abby tutted, smoothing the wrinkles in her collar with deft fingers.  
She had barely pushed through the door when the blonde had pounced on her, kissing and sucking, smudging her makeup almost immediately. 
“You promised dinner,” Abby poked her, “and I came here, starving, so don’t think I’m crawling into your bed until I’ve had a good, proper meal.”
“What if I said I was the meal,” Carol grinned, pulling her close by the waist again. Abby looked up at her with those scolding brown eyes and Carol sighed.
“Alright, alright.”
She let go and the two of them headed to the kitchen, where Carol pulled out some left overs from last night’s dinner and bustled about for plates and cutlery. Abby made a pot of tea and sat down at the table to watch Carol flit around with a frilly kitchen apron over her skirt.
“How do you deal with this place, Carol?” Abby sighed, glancing around the massive mansion, “it seems so big and boring. Don’t you get tired of being home alone all the time?”
“Oh, no, it really isn’t that bad. Honestly, I’m glad Harge gives me some space,” Carol said with a huff, “we’ve been talking about getting a housekeeper for some time. Might be nice, have a fresh face around, you know?”
Abby eyed her cautiously, but nothing seemed to be amiss as she mentioned her hot-headed and burly husband. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” she asked, hands wrapping around the steaming mug.
“Let’s not,” Carol sighed, her back still turned to Abby. The brunette chewed her lip and nodded silently, a mutual understanding hanging in the air. Carol never did enjoy talking about such touchy topics, no matter how long the two women had known each other. 
But they got out of the silence hanging in the air; they always did,
“Help me with the vegetables?” Carol asked. 
Abby was familiar enough with the house, knew where the pots where, knew where to find an extra apron. She chopped diligently as Carol chatted about Jeanette’s dinner invitations for next week, wondering what she should wear.
“What about your grey dress?” Abby suggested as she reached up the cupboards to grab the salt and pepper.
“Hm, but I wore that last time,” Carol retorted.
“Oh, I doubt they’ll notice,” Abby chuckled, bumping Carol’s hip with her own, “you’re far too fashionable for that lot.”
“Abby!” Carol chastised, with a twinkle in her eye, “they’re my friends. You know, you’d like them if you gave them a chance.”
“Hardly. They’d only let me into your little club if I had some handsome businessman of a husband. You and I both know that’s not going to happen.”
She stepped up behind Carol as she put the potatoes and chicken in the oven and wrapped her arms around her waist.
“Don’t be a tease,” Carol groaned as her hands began wandering, “I promised we’d eat first.”
“Hmm, yeah, but if we’re quick we can kill some time while this cooks,” Abby grinned, “I’m suddenly in the mood when I saw you bend over just now.”
Carol tutted with a smirk and turned around, grabbing the back of her neck and pulling her in for a firm kiss. Abby nipped at her lip.
They barely made it to the couch, ripping off clothes as they went. Carol’s lips wrapped around a nipple before Abby’s back hit the cushions and she groaned deeply, her hands pulling at the blonde curls. 
“Better be quick if we wanna beat the oven,” Carol muttered devilishly, “you know how much I hate burnt chicken.”
“Oh, fuck,” Abby gasped as fingers wriggled their way past the fabrics and zippers to firmly cup her sex.
“Language,” Carol chastised.
“Shut it, Ross,” Abby grumbled. Carol pushed her skirt up to bunch around her hips, settling in between them, hot and heavy. Her perfume was heavy and musky and made Abby’s head spin.
Her blouse got caught around her wrists, her skirt stayed bunched up and her stockings were pulled down barely to her knees. It was always like this. Hurried, messy, desperate yet loving.
Carol always pulled the curtains closed before Abby arrived, and there were long shadows cast throughout the living room from the lamps that burned dimly. 
Briefly, Abby wondered if she had actually seen Carol naked, fully, in the bright lights of her bedroom. But that thought quickly escaped her when a cool hand pressed against her cunt underneath the fabrics and skirts. 
Abby gasped, back arching. She pulled at Carol’s dress, unzipping it only half in the back. It drooped forward and she pulled her arms around, revealing creamy shoulders and nipples pebbling through her bra. 
She barely had time to cup one breast and pull Carol close for a hard kiss when the blonde slipped inside and began a brutal pace. Abby’s eyes rolled back with a groan, her pleasure spiking quickly, intensely. 
Sweat was collecting along her hairline and her heartbeat was racing. She pinched Carol’s nipple in retort from getting her so riled up so quickly, and Carol grinned, leaning over her, one foot still planted on the floor to give her a solid foundation as her arm worked rapidly and brutally.
“Carol!” Abby shrieked, fingers digging into her best friend’s shoulders as a sharp and deep orgasm exploded from inside her.
She laid there, impressed that Carol was able to follow through with her suggestion to make it quick. The blonde looked down at her fondly.
“God..” Abby groaned, feeling the silk fabric of her blouse sticking to her skin already.
“Hey, you wanted it. I just wanted to be a good hostess.”
Abby slapped her on the hand and as if on cue, the timer went off with a shrill. For a moment Abby jerked up, mistaking it for the doorbell, but Carol held her down and nuzzled her neck. 
“We can’t let it burn,” Abby protested weakly, trying to worm out from Carol’s grip.
“No,” Carol said, nearly whining as she tried to pull away.
“Oh, don’t be such a baby, I’m staying the night, remember? You’ve got plenty of time after we eat. I don’t fancy passing out in your bed because of malnourishment.”
Carol pouted, watching as Abby straightened her clothes, and shuffled into the kitchen without her shoes.
“Come on, slowpoke! You were supposed to be feeding me, not the other way around.”
Carol relented, and they took their plates back to the couch, legs wrapped together.
“If you spill anything on my couch I’ll tie you to the bed and you’ll never be allowed to leave,” Carol wagged her fork at her best friend, who stuck out her tongue in response.
“What should we do tomorrow?”
“Oh, I don’t know. We can sleep in, if you'd like. Harge isn’t coming back until late.”
Abby nodded quietly, prodding at her chicken.
“What’s the matter?” 
“Nothing,” Abby said, a tad too quickly. “Nothing you need to worry about.”
Carol raised an eyebrow, and shuffled closer, slipping her foot out of her heel and running toes up Abby’s calf.
“Anything I can help with?” she pressed, voice low, “maybe provide a.. distraction?”
“Carol..” Abby began, but a warm mouth was kissing up her neck and she whimpered softly, pushing her lukewarm plate away and grabbing Carol’s blouse.
“Make it quick.”
A/N: :D writing again!
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mistyyygoode · 5 years
My Angel - 3: Dinner Date
Over the week, Therese had seen Carol a few more times after they were done with work, but she hadn't stayed the night again. She was nervous about taking things too quickly. She wanted to pace herself with the relationship this time but knew that could easily fail with how badly she wanted to be with Carol every second of the day. She was ready to take the next step, but it also made her nervous.
She had agreed to a double date with Abby and her new girlfriend, Mary. They were to have dinner at some fancy restaurant that had just opened up.
Now that it was Friday, Therese was trying to figure out what to wear to dinner. Carol had told her that she would be picking her up at seven, and to be ready. She had three outfits set out on her bed and looked them each over several times. One was a navy-blue dress with a flannel patter, the second was a pair of black, high-waisted pants that she paired with a white, short-sleeved button-up, and the last option was a black dress that hugged her torso and flared out at her hips. She already had her makeup and hair done, so that was already out of the way. Now, she just had to pick which outfit she wanted to wear for the night.
Therese heard a knock at the door and her green hues grew wide. She looked at the clock next to her bed to see it was only 6:30 P.M. She tied the ties of her robe before walking through her small apartment to the door. She opened it and was greeted by Carol with her classic red lipstick makeup, a black coat, and she could see a bit of the older woman's red dress underneath her coat. She looked up into blue-grey hues she loved so dearly and sighed. "I'm almost ready," she said as she stepped aside for Carol to come inside.
"Are you sure?" the blonde asked as she raised a perfectly plucked brow towards her lover. She stepped inside and closed the door behind herself.
"Yes, I was just about to get dressed," Therese explained as she walked back to her bedroom.
Carol followed after her, wanting to see what she was going to wear tonight. As she entered the bedroom, she saw the three outfits and remembered Therese's issue with making decisions. She picked up the black dress and held it over her lover's body. "I like this one."
"You do?" Therese asked softly.
"Yes, let me see how it looks on you."
"Okay," the brunette said as she took the dress. She began to walk toward the bathroom to change.
"You know, I've seen you naked plenty of times... you don't have to hide yourself from me." Carol spoke softly.
"Right," Therese nodded. She took off her robe, showing off her black bra and matching panties, which were fairly see-through beside the lace details.
Carol couldn't help but stare and smirk to herself. "Do you plan on staying over tonight?"
Therese pulled on the dress before looking at her lover. "Only if you don't mind. I even packed a bag. I just assumed that was the plan."
The blonde walked closer to the other woman, zipping up the back of her dress. "Of course, that's okay." She smiled before leaning down to kiss her lover's lips, softly.
Therese smiled into the kiss before pulling away. She looked up into blue hues. "That's good... I want to stay with you more often... maybe not just weekends."
"Does that mean you've decided what your answer is to my offer?" Carol asked.
"I think so..." Therese pulled away completely and grabbed a pair of heels from her closet. "I... I want to live with you. I want to be around you all of the time. Coming back here over the week has been miserable for me. I love sleeping in your arms. I love waking up next to you when you're still in bed that is." She smiled and walked back over to the blonde. "I love you." It was the second time she was saying this aloud.
"I love you, too, darling. This makes me very happy. I've wanted you to live with me since I moved, but I thought it was impossible." Carol said as she wrapped her arms around the shorter woman.
Therese smiled as she looked toward the clock, seeing that it read 6:39 P.M. "We should probably get going."
"We still have ten minutes. I came here early for a reason." Carol said as she sat on the edge of her lover's bed and motioned for her to do the same.
Therese sat down next to Carol and looked at her.
"I never officially asked you to be my girlfriend. This was before you even said yes to moving in, but I want to make it official even though we've done pretty much everything that girlfriends or lovers do."
Therese's lips turned upward into a smile. "I'd love to."
The older woman smiled as well. She kissed Therese's lips softly before standing up and taking one of her hands. "Now, we can go. I'm sure Abby and Mary are already there. Abby's early to everything."
Therese smiled even more. She couldn't be happier in this moment.
When they arrived at the restaurant, they spotted Abby and her girlfriend standing outside the main door.
Carol took Therese by her hand as they walked up to the building, not having a care in the world. She didn't have the same worries as she used to.
"You two look amazing," Abby smiled
"Thank you," they both said with small smiles.
"Therese, this is Mary, my girlfriend. Mary, this is Therese, Carol's girlfriend." Abby said.
Therese looked up at the woman, smiling softly. She had red hair, blue eyes, pink, pump lips, tall, and thin. If it wasn't for the red hair, she looked a lot like Carol, but younger.
"It's nice to finally meet you," Mary said as she extended out her hand.
Therese shook the offered hand. "You too," she said shyly. She didn't care about meeting new people, but she felt like it was a little easier since Carol knew her.
They all stepped inside and were taken to a table, where a bottle of wine sat. Carol and Therese sat along one side of the table, while Abby and Mary sat on the other.
Therese looked through her menu before letting out a small sigh. She didn't want to show the other couple her horrid problems. She looked toward Carol, who was sipping on her freshly poured wine.
The blonde looked back at her and could see it in her eyes. She looked down at the menu and read over a few times. She held the menu in a way that Abby and Mary couldn't see what she was about to do. She pointed toward the chicken parmesan.
Therese gave a small nod and they both set their menus aside for the time being.
Then their waiter came back, Abby and Mary gave their orders first, and then Carol ordered for herself and Therese.
It made the younger woman a little annoyed that she couldn't order herself, but she let it go, knowing she would have probably embarrassed herself by stuttering. She was deep in thought when she felt Carol lightly elbow her arm. "Hm?" she looked up at her lover.
"Mary asked you a question, darling."
Therese turned her attention toward the redhead. "I'm sorry, what did you ask?" she smiled softly.
"It's okay, hun. Abby told me you're working as a photographer. What do you take pictures of?"
"Oh... just about anything and everything I can. Lately, it's been whatever I'm asked of from my work." She explained.
"You remember that picture of Rindy and I, you said you liked?" Carol asked.
"Yes," Mary nodded.
"Therese took that about a year ago."
"Well, by that picture alone, you seem very good."
"Thank you," the youngest woman of the group smiled as she looked down, feeling her cheeks blushing.
"Maybe next time you two come over, Therese could show me some of her newer work," Carol said with a smile as she looked toward her girlfriend. "Is that okay, darling?"
"Yes... I have a new portfolio. Most of those are skylines and buildings." She said.
"I bet they're amazing," the blonde smiled.
"I wouldn't say amazing, but my editor likes them."
Before anyone could say anything, the waiter came back with their meals. During the dinner, they held small-talk conversations, but nothing too interesting, at least to Therese's standards.
By the end of their mean, their waiter had come around a few times, but this time he asked if they wanted dessert, to which all of them said no.
Abby let out a small laugh. "I almost said something I shouldn't have."
"What would that be?" Carol raised a brow at her friend.
"That there's better dessert at home."
"Abby!" both Carol and Mary scolded, but Therese just let out a small laugh.
"See, Therese thinks it's funny!" Abby smiled cheekily.
"It is," the younger woman said softly.
Carol rolled her eyes as their waiter came back with two bills, one for each couple. Carol said for herself and Therese, while Mary paid for her and Abby. After they were given back change, they bickered over how much to leave for a tip. Once they had decided on splitting it even, the four women headed outside.
"It was lovely to meet you, Therese." Mary smiled as she walked off with Abby.
"You too!" Therese said loudly before walking with her lover. She smiled when she felt Carol wrap her arm around her waist, holding her close as they walked to the street to get a taxi.
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blackacre13 · 2 years
hey i love ur work and I’ve seen u also wrote carol once. Would u write a carol x abby one how they met or like first date or so? I really would love that also cuz I’m hoping for a Carol prequel bc I think this relationship is so interesting and so much to explore and show and how it just was around that time and so yk
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“With you and Carol,” Therese breathes, about to ask a question that Abby knows she doesn’t quite want to ask, but still has to know the answer all the same. “What happened?”
What happened? Abby smiled almost bitterly at the thought. What had happened? How many times had she thought about that night and everything following? So kismet. Storybook in an unexpected way. But then all of that hurt…
“It’s completely different,” Abby snapped, regretting the tone instantly. The pain wasn’t Therese’s fault and if she knew her best friend as well as she knew that she did, the contents of her purse were going to put a lot more similarities between Therese and herself than either of them had with Carol. “I’ve known Carol since I was ten years old,” she smiled, the memory seeming both far away and all too close at once.
Long, blonde ringlets looped up with ribbon into two ponytails that swung about wildly as the young girl ran across the grass, shrieking with delight.
“Wait for me!” Abby panted, giggling as she tried to catch her breath, letting out a garbled noise as she tripped over her shoe lace, landing in the grass with a dramatic sigh as the blonde stopped and backtracked, skipping over to Abby in the grass and plopping down beside her.
“You should have let me tie them,” Carol smirked, practically gloating. “See?” She asked, holding her shoe up at Abby as the brunette let out another round of giggles at the other girl’s shoes, that didn’t have any laces at all. They had a buckle, and a fake one at that, simple enough with a strip of velcro to stick against the top of the shoe, the black patent Mary Janes glistening in the sunlight as the two girls giggled together.
“Those don’t have any ties, nitwit.”
“I still know how to do them!” Carol insisted, leaning over, her tongue darting out between her lips as she concentrated, mumbling something about bunnies and loops and logs that Abby couldn’t quite follow. She was too distracted by the pretty soft pink ribbons that swayed in the wind against blonde curls. The blue sparkle of Carol’s eyes that reminded her of the ocean by her aunt’s beach house. The creamy skin that looked like the statute in the fountain by the park a few blocks down the street. “There!” Carol sang, flicking the toe of the shoe with triumph before jumping up once more, the skirt of her dress swaying with the flowers in the breeze. And the ribbons that Abby couldn’t stop sneaking glances of.
“Race you to the swings?” Carol asked, helping Abby up with hr hand as the brunette stared at her in awe, flustered for a moment without knowing why as butterflies swirled in her belly and her heart pounded faster before she shook away the feeling, nodding at once as she took off, full speed, bound for the swing sets to the call of the blondes, “Abby! You rotten cheater!
“It was…” Abby thought, trying to think back to the first time. She knew the story she wanted to tell Therese. The story she always told when it came to her and Carol. But was that the true story? Had that in fact been the first time?
It hadn’t, Abby knew. At least not for her. And a wicked and hopeful part of her wished the same of her best friend.
“Late one night,” Abby nodded. “My ford,” she laughed emptily, thinking of her wreck of a car. Carol throwing her head back as she laughed, lugging the spare tire with them just in case to throw in the trunk.
“Don’t just stand there, Abby, there’s a lady in distress here. Help me with this!”
“Carry it yourself, nitwit,” Abby called, sticking her tongue out at the blonde as she slipped into the driver’s seat. “After all, I’m only driving up here because of you. It’s the least you can do.”
“Broke down,” Abby swallowed. “Near my mother’s house. We tried to stay up, but…”
“Do you remember that day in middle school?” Carol asked softly, looking up at the ceiling as Abby turned to look at her. Of course, she knew that day. She thought about it almost every day since then, but she didn’t dare ask Carol about it. Had never spent any thread of hope wondering or wishing that Carol would also think about it. Abby simply assumed she hadn’t, because nice girls probably wouldn’t. Probably didn’t. But Abby thought about a lot of things that other girls probably didn’t ever think about. That was often the problem.
“Which day?” Abby laughed, trying to cover the lie. “There were a lot of days of middle school.”
“You know,” Carol whispered seriously, turning to look Abby in the eye as she cradled her head against her hand, pushing back against the pillows. “That day you asked me…”
“Whether you had ever kissed any boys,” Abby nodded.
“And I said yes, and you told me you hadn’t,” Carol murmured. “And then you told me that you had never wanted to kiss a boy.”
“Yes,” Abby squeaked.
“And then you told me you had always wanted to try kissing a girl, and I had giggled and told you that was silly.”
“And then you called me a nitwit,” Abby laughed softly. “Yes, I remember.”
“I don’t think you were being silly,” Carol breathed, leaning in closer to Abby as her breath hitched, Carol never having been this close to her before.
“Oh?” Abby laughed nervously. “You don’t think I’m a nitwit?”
“Oh, you definitely are,” Carol laughed softly, her hand finding Abby’s hair and playing with a strand of it. “Kiss me.”
“Carol, I—“
“Kiss me, Abby,” Carol whispered, her lips softly brushing against the brunette’s as tears of joy lingered against Abby’s eyes.
“Curled up together in my old twin bed. And that was it…for a while.”
“I’ve met someone,” Carol cleared her throat, looking up from the novel she was reading, a bitter taste starting to swirl in Abby’s mouth.
“Oh?” Abby asked, pretending to keep reading through her notes as she fought the tears brimming in her eyes. She knew where this was going even if she was trying her damndest not to. “Do you think he’s the one?”
It was a him. It had to be. That was the only reason Carol every stopped things. And every time since, things had picked back up again in between her “meeting someone” and finding “the one”, but Abby had to prepare herself for the fact that one day there would be no more on again in their tangled on again, off again, relationship. If you could even call it that. Carol certainly didn’t.
“No,” Carol laughed, her voice sounding like music to Abby’s ears and it made her sick. She wished, she always wished, there was even one thing that bothered her about Carol. That would make things easier. “I suppose I don’t even know if there is a ‘the one’, but I have to keep trying. I mean, think of the fit my mother would throw if I didn’t. She’ll be expecting me to bring someone home for Christmas.”
You could bring me, Abby thought. It was a dream and a threat all in one. Sure, Carol could bring her home, but then Carol could never truly return home ever again.
“And then it changed.” Abby winced.
“You met someone,” Abby guessed, her stomach already sinking as she tried to avoid Carol’s probing, knowing eyes.
“Not this time,” the blonde whispered, somehow making this all sting more. “But we can’t keep on like this. You know it. I know it. Mother has arranged a dinner for me. Wants me to start taking things seriously. Find a husband. Settle down. Have a family. Keep house.”
“Is that what you want?” Abby asked bluntly.
“Does it matter what I want?” Carol chuckled bitterly. “It’s how society works. How it’s always worked.”
“Is that what you’ll tell your daughter?” Abby asked coldly. “If she came to you and told you she didn’t want to get married. If she didn’t believe in it. If there was a girl in her class, I don’t know, who she—“
“Abby, Don’t,” Carol warned, her voice breaking. “You can’t say things like that to me.”
“I don’t have anything to say to you at all then,” Abby huffed, turning away.
“You don’t have to,” Carol whispered. “Not now, anyway. I know you’re hurt. But I do hope—Abby, you’re my best friend. My everything. I would hate if this…you’ll tell me when you’re ready,” Carol decided, speaking for them both.
Abby was too stunned and hurt to utter a word.
“Well,” Carol sighed, picking up her coat as she lingered at the door for a moment. “That’s that.”
 “It changes.”
“He proposed?” Abby asked, trying to disguise the disgust on her face.
“Can you believe it?” Carol sighed dreamily, admiring the rock on her finger.
“What’s that smell?” Abby wrinkled her nose, sniffing at the air.
“You like it?” Carol smiled, too distracted and full of herself to pick up on Abby’s tone or lack of interest in news of the engagement. “Harge bought it for me. Said he’ll get me one every year. How sweet is that of him?”
 “Nobody’s fault.”
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bocatcat · 4 years
i promise in the next art i do i'll see to it abby has both of her hands. 😌
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incorrectoceans8 · 5 years
Therese: oh my god this pizza amazing... pizza is my second favorite food you know?
Abby: what’s your first?
Therese: *stares at Carol*
Abby: dammit Therese, you’re walking home
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oceanssapart · 6 years
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at one point, even with rindy i'd have left everything behind to go with her. i don't know how it was that i didn't. — the price of salt, patricia highsmith
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lordofseagulls · 6 years
Everything comes full fucking circle and I'm crying
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amerrierworld · 4 years
Curtain. (vii)
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Carol (2015) fan fiction
Pt: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 
Word Count: 952
Wednesday night.
"Wh-woah, Therese?" Dannie kicked open the door with a bag of promised snacks in his hands to see the brunette shimmying to a playlist and a glass of wine in hand. She waved at him happily and he brought the bag to her small kitchen space. Therese pulled a beer out of the fridge and tossed it at him.
Dannie gave a playful gasp of surprise, "drinking on a school night, Belivet?"
Therese grinned, her cheeks flushed, "shut up you, it's only one glass."
"You seem a lot giddier than a lady who's only on her first glass, hm?"
"That's cause I was already giddy before I started drinking, idiot!" she laughed and pulled him to the couch, "you are never going to believe what happened today."
"The kids revolted against that Tucker dude and gave you his classroom?"
Therese snorted, "I wish! That'd be amazing."
"Okay, then what?"
She shook her head, "you're not going to believe it, at all!"
"What? Now you have to tell me. "
"...I can't," she realized, groaning into her glass.
"Yeah, ah, fuck, I can't tell you. Confidentiality," she said, throwing a hand up in the air, "you know, privacy, students, whatever. Fuck."
"Thanks a fuck ton, Belivet," Dannie laughed, "you built all that tension up for nothing? I'm taking your gummies just for that utter betrayal."
He got up to go to the kitchen and pulled a pack of gummy worms out of the plastic bag meant for Therese. She followed him, but wasn't quick enough until he had stuffed half his mouth with gummies.
"You're awful," she whined. Realizing her glass was empty, she left it on the counter and pulled the rest of the shopping bag close to her chest.
"That's what happens when you don't tell your best friend anything!"
"I do so tell you everything," she muttered. "I'm trying to keep my job, alright? It's barely been a week. It's just- well, there's someone, okay? That's all."
"Oh-ho-ho, someone? Like an attractive someone?"
"Hm," Therese blushed and tried to grab the pack from him, but he held it up above his head.
"So? Got the hots for some parent? A sexy music teacher, perhaps? The janitor?"
"The art teacher and janitor; what a love story!"
Therese stuck her tongue out at him and they went back to the couch. Dannie sat on the floor and leaned back against it, mouth filled with worms. He worked two in to dangle from the edges of his mouth, making silly faces that reminded Therese of their high school days and teenage shenanigans. She hurried to get her camera and snapped a few photos of him.
"God, never mind, those are terrible," she exclaimed as she flicked through them. Dannie worked hard to chew and swallow the worms without choking before he spoke again.
"Don't be so hard on yourself, Therese. I'm sure any photos of yours are great."
"What? No, it's not my photography skills that make it terrible, it's the person in the photos, obviously," she cackled. Dannie gave her the middle finger, and she snapped one last picture, a lonely gummy hanging out of his mouth.
"You'll tell me what happens tomorrow, right, nitwit?" Abby poked Carol's arm as she headed to the front door. She was heading out just as Rindy and Carol set out dinner. Carol rolled her eyes, but smiled nonetheless.
"Nothing will happen, Abigail. It's elementary school art. You'll tell me what you decide for the upcoming winter shows though, right? I want to hear everything."
"Nuh-uh," Abby retorted, giving her a quick hug and waving bye to Rindy. "I don't want to hear about anything except for school and art teacher updates okay? No more business talks about theatre stats or your job. Seriously, Carol. You're off the hook now. Take a fucking breather."
Carol glared at her, and Abby bit her tongue. "Take a hecking breather, Ross. Enjoy some time with your daughter, some art, some brunette perhaps?"
"Alright, alright. Text me, okay?"
"Yeah, drive safe."
It was always eerily quiet once Abby left, but Rindy happily filled the void with excited chatter. Carol relaxed as she talked away.
"Can I go back to art club tomorrow, mama?" Rindy asked at the dinner table.
"Of course, sweet pea," Carol answered automatically, so used to giving and letting Rindy have her way. She hesitated around a mouthful of peas and carrots.
"Rindy, Mommy has to ask you something, if that's alright?"
Rindy nodded happily.
"Well, if you'd like, you can go to art club every day after school, and make more drawings."
"But that means you'll be much longer at school, and you won't be home with me as much, understand?" Carol said carefully. Rindy cocked her head and listened quietly. She'd always been a good listener.
"Anyways, your new teacher-,"
"Miss B!"
"Yes, Miss B," Carol smiled, Therese, "she's asked if I can come to art club as well."
"Really? So you'll draw with me then?"
"Well, not just draw. I have to do teacher jobs, to help Miss B in the classroom. To make it more fun for you and the other kids."
Carol held her breath. "Okay?"
She smiled then, grinning at her daughter who barely noticed as she drank from her sippy cup. "Okay."
It really was that simple, just to ask and see what Rindy would think to see her mother at school. Carol knew if it had been her own mother, she'd be mortified to be associated with her in a classroom. She got up to clear the table and promised a big scoop of ice cream for dessert, to which Rindy cheered.
A/N: A bit of a short one, eek! I’m so inconsistent with updating, and I’m so so sorry for that friends. Forgive me?
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"Lonely Therese." I can't even deal with this. 😂
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