rausule · 1 year
Homerus quidem in formis quibus traditum fuerat.
Hellenisticae aetatis poeta praestantissimus, etiam theoricus, Callimachus. Inter 320/15 et 240 aCn vixit, ille Alexandrinus poeta fuit, qui plurimum in poesi Romana valuit. Auctor plurium operum, fautor poeticorum in formali elegantia fundatus est per assiduum laborem limae, saporem mythologiae et eruditionis, brevitatem operis ac pretiositatem electionum linguisticarum - sticorum et stylisticorum. Nam haec styli sermonis Callimaco in antipodis Homericorum est productionis, quae simplicitatis et elegantiae praeceptis non responderet quibus credidit. Apud Calli- varium epici poematis lucem vidit, definitum per diminutivum epos, epil- ticum breve, perquam exquisitum carmen, cum argumento erotico-mythologico, quod erat ex marginali, undeveloped mythologicum episodium. prior epica vel tragica productio.
Ad Homeri carminum structuram reditio occurrit apud Apollonium Rhodium, qui Argonautas brevitatis, et elegantiae ac lenitatis aetatis Callimachi principia fidelem composuit.
Narratio omnino linearis est. Apollonius in quatuor libris fabulam narrat de Jasone qui Colchos iturus est ad quaerendum vellus aureum. Colligit igitur optimos Graecos heroas et fabricat navem, primam in historia humana, cui nomen Argoa ponit, unde nomen Argo nauti. Auxilio Medeae, maga quae cum eo incidit, heros succedet. Duo Homeri poemata summat opus: in duobus primis libris Argonautarum iter ad Odysseam refert, heroica facta de expugnatione Aurei Velleris, in duobus sequentibus libris, originem in Iliade reperimus. Sub hac autem linearitate elaborata triangulatio temporalis iacet, in qua praeteriti fabulae, prae-tragoiae, secant. sentit ubi poeta vivit et futura vaticinia. Haec continuam perspectivae mutationem generat, in qua originalis temporis notio iter facit, ut miscetur historiae et fabulae. Connexio inter varios planorum temporalium inprimis obtinetur per aetiologiam, id est explicationem originum vel causarum (aitionem Graece causam significat). Sic superatur temporis notio Homerica ;
marginalis, OGOSOXIGE
Ulixes cantu Sirenum resistens, vas rubrum instar, saeculi V aCn, Londinii, Musei Britannici.
in Homeri codicibus erat tempus "absolutum" praeteritum, nullo possibili congressu cum praesenti immersum; in carmine autem Apollonii, omnis res praesentis iustificationem et explicationem invenit in historia mythica, praecise per artem etiologicam, et fabula continenter se transfert in praesens historicum. Integrum carmen, etiam ex parte spatii sibi concessae, est fabula amoris inter Iasonem et Medeam, in qua omnino Alexandrina eros conceptio emergit sicut passio humana eminenter, quae fabulas ad mensuras reducit. cotidianae vitae affectus et realitatis modum describit simulque eorum evolutionem psychologicam maxime attentam. In his omnibus sentimus praesentiam exemplorum non solum epicorum, sed etiam theatricorum pertinentium
Apollonii carmen ingentem vim habebit ad productionem latinam, inducens cogitationem suam de necessitudine inter fabulas et historiam, inter poeticam et vitam cotidianam, inter eruditionem et affectionum descriptionem. Praecipue studium erit studere quomodo elementum subiectivum, sicut fabula amatoria in suis psychologicis implicationibus, locum suum invenit in paginis narrationis natura sua obiectiva, qualis est epica.
Tabella concessa ab Publisher ad personalem usum Prof.ssa Orrú Maria Rosa - cod.fisc. RROMRS55L62E464F
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lordofoblivion · 3 years
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@carmen-sirenum​ asked: Lauriam comes home to Myde not being anywhere in the house. When he goes to check the garden their usual picnic area and hang out spot is full of little magic lamp lights floating around like whimsical fairies. A very nice dinner set out on a blanket. The short siren coming up behind him and getting on tiptoes to put his hands over the others eyes.
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Lauriam let out a laugh, his hand reaching up to touch on the siren’s hand. He had seen a glimpse of the surprise before Myde came from behind and needless to say he was happy for that. “Now that’s such a good surprise to come back to.” He said finally, turning around to face him, taking his hands on his and kissing them gently. “May I ask what’s the occasion?”
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streetwisetemptress · 3 years
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“Why would you say that? You’re far more worthy than I could have ever imagined.” The blush upon her cheeks was matching his as a hand rested on top of his hand. “I’d like to hear it, but my love for you will never change.”
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keywcilder · 4 years
"Nothing much. Just hanging out here." He said, wrapping his arm around his waist and gave him a side hug.
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potestasaeterna · 3 years
     “Out so far from familiar territory. . .” The silver-haired being hums, watching as the wisps of darkness vanish before the ethereal blade vanishes into the emptiness. Heartless, such mindless creatures, irritating no matter what form they take.      His focus turns to the other, fingers flexing from the burst of energy before settling back down, “Such an action would make one think you have a desire to be lost or worse than such a fate. . .”
     ────⊹⊱ @carmen-sirenum  ♕ starter  ⊰⊹────
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freezing-scholar · 3 years
@carmen-sirenum​ - Starter
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“Thanks for helping me clean up the water..” Laughing it off as he looked to his palm “I wasn’t entirely sure we could use our abilities again, but my hands certainly felt cold.. and your water skills were very much there.” Sweeping the water with a mop and out of the door. 
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willfulwayfarer · 3 years
❤- How do you see our muses in a ship? ❣ - Can you share a cute HC? (Aus accepted.)
((Well, the interesting thing about shipping Terra with any of the former organization members is that they all have specific elements associated with them. Terraxel is one of my fav ships and their whole thing is fire and earth so Myde and Terra would kind of be the opposite of that, like water and earth.
Terra finds Myde's presence calming and Myde probably is grounded by Terra's very down to earth nature.
Aqua is also someone who can be associated with water, but I imagine their ship would be a lot different than Myde and Terra's even if they do have the same element.
As for a cute headcanon, well I can see Terra staying close to Myde when they're out somewhere that's crowded, mostly to help him find his way around with subtle nudges or just by letting him know what's going on verbally.))
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flameliberator · 3 years
“I think I’m falling in love with you.”
Cheeks slowly darken to a deep crimson as he processes the words that just fell from Myde's lips.
In love?
With me?
His lips quiver with confusion - he was happy, excited even. Yet confused? Sure he would parade around like he's the greatest, but did he truly feel that way? Fuck no. As far as he knew no one except for his own self loved him.
"A-are you sure?" He stutters out as a nervous hand reaches to scratch the back of his locks. "I'm flattered- but-" brows furrow as he tries to process more.
"How? What makes you think you are?"
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lightheartedwarrior · 3 years
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@carmen-sirenum​ sent: hey, hey, hey. look at me, look at me. it’s okay.
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Something had shaken him and it took a lot to get him to the level of helplessness past the point of devout and sometimes completely unwarranted optimism. In the moment, the Keyblade Wielder barely knew where he was. When he was. Hysterics were in full swing. Shaking, grasping at his own clothes to make sense of anything. Like he’d just woken up from a year long nap after a long, gruelling battle and not knowing which way was up.
It wasn’t till the other person spoke up that his eyes found any sort of recognition.
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“Hu-uh?! What?! You?!”
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daemoniumsmajesty · 3 years
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@carmen-sirenum​ asked: The child bites his lip and looks down knowing his father is waiting. "I..I broke..I broke the vase in your room..on accident. I know it was really old.." 
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      A tsk as the large man knelt down to look the boy over. Despite how he acted it was not the boy he was upset with but rather “You should have told me sooner.” He was an intimidating man though to just about everyone and it was natural the child would be hesitant.
      “You don’t appear to be hurt at the very least.” Despite the blond boy having knocked it over he hadn’t cut himself on any of the shards, that was good. At least the boy had been honest as well. The boy would end up having to clean up after himself, he broke the vase after all but with a bit of magic and the proper tools it would be as good as new when he had all the pieces.
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|| You’ve chosen your path || ✧ Muse about Mun! ✧ || Ask Meme ||
||  ─⊱•✧ Anon Asks!: “ 2, 8, 9, 15, 18 (for the mun meme) “  ✧•⊰─ ||
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|| 2.) What’s the strangest/weirdest movie the mun has watched? ||
Aqua: The strangest movie they’ve watched, huh? Just one? Well- actually now that I think about it, there is that disturbing Troll movie they seem to watch every year. That one is...not good. Honestly I am surprised they even managed to sit through it in its entirety, let alone continue to see it.
|| Mun: For context, the movie in question is called Trolland (2016) and you can find the full movie in all of its awful glory on YouTube. The animation is truly a sight to behold, not a good sight- but it is a sight. Now you might ask me, “Crowe, why would you watch this movie?” Well dear Anon, it all started when a friend of mine sat me down with the promise of seeing Dick Van Dyke play a kind and wise old troll, which for some unknown reason is actually very true- he does voice the troll in question... but the movie. Oh the movie... The worst part about it is the story isn’t even completely terrible? Over done for sure but it’s not the worst plot I’ve seen...the animation though... Anyway, we watch the movie every year on November 11th. Its tradition now. We sit and pay respects to this film and every year I forget how bad it is. Here’s a trailer. The movie itself is like, a little over an hour- and right here. || ─⊱•✧✧✧•⊰─
|| 8.) Does the mun like to shitpost/make funny posts a lot? ||
Aqua: There are moments when everything is quiet, when everything finally knows a taste of what peace must feel like...I’ve seen every stretch of silence, Anon- but even the echoing of isolation that the Darkness provides does not scare me as much as they do when they stare into the nothingness and start chuckling. Its almost like it...changes them. They come back and its almost always something that makes me suffer in the end, I’m never physically harmed- but the mental and emotional toll it takes... Anon... Anon, its terrible.
|| Mun: World is hard and cold. Timtee is soft and warm. || ─⊱•✧✧✧•⊰─
|| 9.) Has the mun ever scared the muse? ||
Aqua: You mean aside from the things in the other question? Nothing yet, but that can change and I can’t quite say I trust them because of it.
|| Mun: Aqua is smart not to trust me, a wise decision indeed. || ─⊱•✧✧✧•⊰─
|| 15.) Does your mun draw or write? If so, what work are they most proud of? ||
Aqua: Oh! Yes actually they do both! Though I don’t think there’s any in particular that they are proud of, I think they are more just happy to make anything at all.
|| Mun: No that wasn’t just me being lazy and not picking something out to share. I am genuinely proud of most art that I make even if I don’t think its very good because its at least progress towards improving and its something I made, the same goes with my writing. I’m only human though and I have a lot of times where I have self-doubt and do not like the things I make...however, that usually doesn’t stop me from making it anyway. That being said, if it’s KH art you’re looking for, I have some on my Sora blog under the || My Art || tag. Any other art you have to ask for in DMs if you really want to see it. Writing wise? I’ve got three RP blogs, take your pick. X) || ─⊱•✧✧✧•⊰─
|| 18.) Who are the first 3 people the mun thinks about when asked for blog recommendations? ||
Aqua: This question is probably the easiest one. Let’s see...there’s @strength-of-heart/@reverent-dreamer...the mun of those two blogs are one and the same and between their characterizations of their muses and their content that ranges from art to writing and hc’s; they are easily one of my mun’s favorite people to interact with, not to mention they are very open to interacting with other muses and its always a delight for my mun to read those too. @carmen-sirenum comes to mind as well, though I haven’t interacted with that mun’s muse- Lea has and between Lea and our mun, they both seem to really enjoy Myde’s mun! They are exceedingly sweet and very understanding, not to mention their portrayal of their muse is unique and interesting! It keeps my mun on their toes in a pleasant way and they often look forward to continuing threads with them. Now number three might just have to go to @oblivionknight and @soaringcrowns both muns of both those blogs are so very kind and their writing is phenomenal! Even if my mun does not have very many threads with them, they swear up and down that both of the other muns are wonderful people with great characterizations of all their muses, not just Riku and Sora!
|| Mun: There’s easily more than just the ones Aqua mentioned ( @aspiringroleplays​ for example is an absolute sweetheart who is always willing to plot and do interesting interactions) but those ones are the first recommendations that came to mind immediately, I am always, always open to expand those recommendations though and ready to interact with more muns and their muses. And please do not be upset if you were not mentioned- I’m a forgetful bird but not an ungrateful one, if I have a thread with you; chances are that I am fond of you and your characters.||
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carmen-sirenum · 4 years
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                             =- Carmen-Sirenum -=
18+ Myde/Demyx rp blog from kingdom hearts. Multi-ship multi-verse and cross over friendly. Composed by Kitty.
art by @gravitasfatum
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lordofoblivion · 3 years
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@carmen-sirenum​ asked: “ you sure are a sight for sore eyes. “
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“As are you, my angel.” Lauriam replied. “But you know, I wouldn’t mind hearing that more often from you.”
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heroic-endeavors · 3 years
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Google/search your name + your favorite color + the word ‘aesthetic’. take the first four (non collage) photos and voila you have your aesthetic moodboard! then tag your friends and moots to join   
SEARCHED: Vic Green Aesthetic
TAGGED BY :  @flameliberator
TAGGING:  @carmen-sirenum @eraqus-the-defender @guidemetothedark @gazingarcane @freezing-scholar
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keywcilder · 4 years
A deep sigh left his lips. “Yeah, i can’t sleep because i had a bad dream tonight. You are warm.” He scoots close to him and rested his head on his shoulder/
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freezing-scholar · 4 years
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“I do have one query.. Myde. Did you keep the Sitar? There’s.. theory that the powers we were gifted may still lay dormant.”
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