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lumber · 3 years ago
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💚💚💚 Really excited for that new #DisneyPlus #SheHulk show to come out! 😁 #Marvel #MCU #MarvelCinematicUniverse #BrigetteNeilsen #CarlGottlieb #OldSchool (at Culver City, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CW0qGZLFUH2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thebookstoreonpluto · 2 years ago
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Really cool #jaws companion book now available. #bookstore #usedbooks #vintagebooks #carlgottlieb #stephenspielberg (at The Bookstore On Pluto) https://www.instagram.com/p/Com4YhSLnTn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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racielneto · 4 years ago
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The Jerk (1979) 🎬 #33 Aquele tipo de Comédia das antigas em que o único propósito do roteiro é encaixar as piadas. A trama, cinematografia e som são totalmente irrelevantes, e as atuações servem bem a história, sem impressionar. Óbvio que a atuação de Steve Martin se destaca mais, mas o que vende mesmo o filme são as piadas que ele ajudou a escrever (ele é um dos roteiristas). Não tem muito o que falar, é um filme refém de sua época,  um estilo que não se vê mais hoje. Se você curtiu Airplane (Apertem os cintos, o piloto sumiu), vai curtir The Jerk.  #Filme           : The Jerk (1979) Gênero        : #Comédia #IMDB           : 7.2 #Metascore : 61 Raça score: Massa Onde Ver    : Somente com VPN, em vários serviços de aluguel/compra de filmes. #thejerk #stevemartin #carlreiner #carlgottlieb #dicadefilme #cinema #everyframeapainting #streaming #cinematography #metacritic #filmes #netflixandchill #DiaNovoFilmeNovo https://www.instagram.com/p/CKzy1YMrBb5/?igshid=nliriu6a9ktq
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vicsage-retroist · 6 years ago
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"Overman was killed inside the park. The baby was caught inside the park... It's mother is inside the park." - Jaws 3-D (1983) #bessarmstrong #dennisquaid #jaws3d #joealves #richardmatheson #carlgottlieb #cultfilm #dontgointhewater #horrorsequel #horrorcommunity #horrorgeek #ilovehorror #horrorislife #horrorpodcast #saturdayfrights #podcast https://www.instagram.com/p/B0-jbTHAJEl/?igshid=ojk93ml32t7r
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timrooney1012 · 6 years ago
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So I got to meet the screenwriter of Jaws Carl Gottlieb after a screening of Jaws at @cinema_arts in Huntington. Such a blast to see the movie on the big screen and hear the stories how it made afterwards. • • • #jaws #stevenspielberg #carlgottlieb #cinemaartscentre https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Ux4OwhkoY/?igshid=1idz07u89q924
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josephfrady · 6 years ago
#caveman #1981 #carlgottlieb #ringostarr #comedy #NOquote #movie DP #alanhume (à Durango City) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvJ6wVOI78r/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1iu9tdi0usz82
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watchingskiesbook-blog · 7 years ago
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"The head. The tail. The whole damn thing." As it turns 43 today, JAWS is now the same age as Roy Scheider was when it came out! NBC reports on the film's early phenomemon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Jl4oMv7P9g (Art by @scottwool / cover designer for WATCHING SKIES) #Jaws #WatchingSkies #Spielberg #RoyScheider #RichardDreyfuss #RobertShaw #JohnWilliams #PeterBenchley #CarlGottlieb #AmityIsland #MarthasVineyard #Jaws2
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christoperj · 5 years ago
Carl Gottlieb (@CarlGottlieb)
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sankarshan · 6 years ago
I can't overstate the significance of this #GDPR British Airways fine (1.5% of worldwide turnover / £183m) for anyone in security, privacy or senior management. You've got to get security right, with appropriate levels for your organisation, else the fines can be career changing.
— Carl Gottlieb (@CarlGottlieb) July 8, 2019
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lumber · 5 years ago
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♥️🦈🎂🎁🎈🦈💕 Happy 45th #Birthday to #StevenSpielberg's #Jaws! Here I am with the legend #CarlGottlieb/@c.gottlieb.1- #ScreenWriter of Jaws, Jaws 2, & Jaws 3-D! Back in 2018, Carl was in attendance for a #SpecialGuest Q&A for another one of my highschool bud Jeff/@jeffrogee's successful, great #JeffsBackyardCinema events- this particular one celebrating the (at the time) 40th Anniversary of #Jaws 2- which was just in time for #SharkWeek! Jeff's #BackyardCinema is a truly rad #PunkRock #DIY affair that takes place at his parents place in the #SanFernandoValley. Boo on the #Covid19 for putting a temporary halt on them. 👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼 Jeff included a Jaws tribute #ArtShow/#ArtGallery/#ArtAuction that he asked me to be a part of, which I happily sunk my teeth into. (Lol shark humor) I was able to include a few #ArtPrints of one of my favorite #OriginalCharacters: #FilmShark! 🇺🇸 America's Greatest underwater #FilmCritic. 🇺🇸 Thanks for letting me be a part of it Jeff! 👍👍👍 PS- my shirt had little #Sharks on it! I was kidding around that I was cosplaying as blood! #JeauxJanovsky #JeauxJ #JeauxJanovskyArt #JeauxJArt #FilmSharkReviews #BruceTheShark #UniversalStudios #HorrorFan #FilmNerd (at Culver City, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBtLM7ejxth/?igshid=q4d9kjkv38hr
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dennisdoesla · 10 years ago
#jaws40 writer #CarlGottlieb on the making of the film #universalstudios #stevenspielberg #Hollywood #universalstudios #universalcity
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christoperj · 5 years ago
Carl Gottlieb (@CarlGottlieb)
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