#carl ng
old-movies-stuff · 2 years
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smutinlove · 3 months
Carl Grimes (SH COMFORT)
Requested by emluvsmusic on Wattpad: heyyyyy, so i was thinking Carl could comfort an insecure user or an sh comfort please? maybe he sees y/n acting off and slowly catches on with her behavior and insecurities?
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
You wouldn't tell. You just couldn't. It wasn't Carl's problem, right? 
Your train riddled with thoughts was interrupted by Carl saying, "Y/N, are you alright? You seem out of it." 
"Yeah, I'm fine, Carl," You shot him a sweet smile, hiding the pain in your eyes. 
Carl nodded, but a hint of skepticism in his eyes remained. "You know, if you ever want to talk... I'm here, okay?" You smiled. "Of course, thanks, Carl."
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
You hid your secret very well. No one knew. Not even Carl. But you had a strange feeling that he was catching on. Slowly, but you had a feeling he knows. 
Or maybe you were paranoid. I mean, it is the end of the world, right? The days and night are the same.
It was another chilly evening that you spent, cooped up in your room, a room you shared with Carl. You opened the window, the air was chilly but soothing. You heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" You said. 
"Hey." It was Carl. He leaned against the doorframe. "I need to talk to you, love." He shut the door behind him. He sat down next to you. 
You gulped. "So, what's up?"
"I... fuck. How do I put it... Shit! I know. I saw your scars yesterday. You rolled up your sleeves to wash your hands... and that's when I saw them."
For a moment, the crickets stopped chirping. The wind went into a brief halt. But that was only for a moment.
"Carl... I don't know what to say..." He smiled knowingly. "You don't have to say a thing. I... just wanted to check up on you. I don't want you to feel bad, okay?"
"I'm sorry... If I talk, I feel like I'm burdening you with my problems. Fuck!" A tear rolled down your eye, but it was gently wiped away by Carl. He lifted your chin up with a finger. "You are not a burden to me, okay? I care. I care a lot."
You smiled. Carl was an amazing person. 
You knew what he meant by the question. "I felt... alone. And worthless. I'm a mess." You let out a sad chuckle. 
"No, you're not. I'm here for you, okay? I will always be here. You can always talk to me. You are not alone, okay?" You nodded and he pulled you into a swift hug. 
───── ❝ authors note ❞ ─────
some author i am. UGH
anyway yall aint alone
i love you<3
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westeroswisdom · 3 months
« Thrones marked the first (and perhaps only) time that fantasy entered the realms of prestige television — it was Succession with dragons, House of Cards with sword fights, The Sopranos with incest. »
— Tom Faber at the Financial Times with a classic description of Game of Thrones which places it in the "prestige television" category.
Game of Thrones, like the other shows Tom Faber mentioned, were political struggles of different types. We see full scale war break out in Season 2 of HotD. As the 19th century military writer Carl von Clausewitz wrote...
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So war is politics by other means, it's not an end in itself. Though at some point somebody decides to escalate things to the next level.
The political machinations in House of the Dragon are what drive the plot – blended in with typically Shakespearean elements of lust, greed, self-delusion, and overreach.
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yanxidarlings · 7 months
REUNITED (yandere! big brother! merle dixon x male reader x yandere! big brother daryl dixon) (yandere! gareth x male reader) (rick grimes x male reader if you squint) NOTES: fair warning, this is some descriptive disturbing shit merle dixon counts as a warning on his own as well. this went in many directions i originally set out for yandere headcanons for the two, then got into the terminus arc, and ended with some pretty vague alluding to yandere. might write a part two)
imagine obsessive! possessive! big brothers! merle and daryl dixon. the dead begin to walk and they keep the darlin safe, meeting up with the atlanta camp. but the brothers won't let anyone get close to the darlin, not dale, not carl, certainly not shane or lori.
somehow, the darlin ends up going with glenn into the city on a supply run, only for it to go horribly wrong. the darlin insisted they head into a chemist to "look for medications" in case anyone in the camp needed them. but it was a lie. the darlin just wanted to find something to help merle with the inevitable withdrawal he'd go through once his supply of drugs ran out. the chemist is overrun by walkers but the darlin insists. "we can clear it!" they say to glenn "it'll be worth it for m- everyone" the korean gave the other a skeptical look. in the end, there was just too many, glenn thought he saw the darlin go down and reluctantly returned to camp.
"oi! shitface, you think you're a big boy now? can do whatever you want now everything's gon' to shit!" the raspy, harsh voice of merle dixon echoed through the camp. the redneck tramped over to the SUV glenn was parking. he remained silent as he turned the engine off. taking a deep breath, the young man exited the car, staring at the grass.
the older dixon stormed over, aggressively opening every door of the vehicle until he reached the boot. filled with supplies. "where the fuck is m/n" he growled, coming closer to the asian "he better be pullin up in another car" merle spat out. "i- it was" glenn stuttered out, looking like he was about to piss his pants "it wasn't my fault, m/n was being reckless, i had no cho-" CRACK glenn's face was soon bloodied and bruised, merle now on top of him, yelling out profanities as he beat the younger man. "merle!" the others quickly ran to pull the redneck off glenn.
"you fucking ch*ng-ch*ng bastard i'll rip-" merle was pried off glenn, who was now rolling around in agony, his face a bloody mess. "what the fuck happen'd" merle rasped out, although to glenn it sounded like a croak "where is he" merle was still being held back by t-dog and shane as he continued yelling. glenn avoided the rednecks furious gaze "the walkers got him" he finally spoke, looking down.
for a moment it looked like merle was about to cry, for a moment merle himself thought he was going to burst into tears like a sissy. "no he ain't" but instead he picked up his shotgun, and got into the drivers seat of the SUV.
that was how andrea, t-dog, jackie, glenn and morales ended up in the city. that was how merle got handcuffed to a roof by "officer friendly" and that was why daryl yelled in agony on that same roof. in the course of a day, he had lost the two most important people in his life.
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but merle had survived by cutting off his left hand, and the darlin had survived by covering himself in walker guts.
"china- no- glenn- don't- help!" the h/c-et screamed, the sound of his own gun firing defeaning his ears. as one went down, another lunged at him, rotten teeth clanking together, desperately trying to knaw into his flesh. but he wouldn't die here. he couldn't. not when merle was 'relying' on him to get drugs. maybe then, the dixons would start to treat him as less of a clueless child and more of an equal.
after taking down a few, m/n jumped behind the counter, rummaging through the medications, looking for anything that might help with the withdrawal, or better, give merle his next fix. more of the dead came at him, but he just kept shooting, stabbing, hitting, anything to cause the fatal damage needed to end the dead's miserable 'life'.
BANG one was down BANG another BANG BANG BANG .. the slide didn't move forward as he shot his way through another round. shit. he was out of ammo "glenn!" he yelled out as a walker fell on top of him, wrestling it's way closer to his skin. all the korean could hear was m/n's screaming. which only attracted more walkers. he saw the medicine that m/n had thrown over the counter before going down, stuffing it into his bag, he creeped up closer to the group of walkers that had acculumated, following the sound of m/n's scream. until it stopped. "m/n?" he uttered under his breath, but the pile of walkers on top of each other told him the other was dead. with tears in his eyes, glenn ran out.
m/n struggled against the strength of the walker. it was freshly turned, he could tell. otherwise it wouldn't be so strong. kicking, punching, reaching for his knife, anything to save himself from becoming one of them. plunging his blade into the side of the walkers head, he quickly slit the once-man's throat. covering his face in the blood. before moving down to the abdomen. cutting it open, letting the walkers rotting insides pour out all over him, the ones that had piled on top soon couldn't distinguish the smell of living flesh from rotting blood.
he went silent, breathing shallowly, hoping, praying, they'd move off him and he could silently slip out. but when he was finally free of the chemist, glenn, the supplies they had gathered, and the SUV were gone.
he walked the dead-ridden streets of the once bustling city, covered in blood, hidden in plain sight. he kept walking (which then turned into a limp after getting hit in the ankle by a flying bullet) becoming weaker with each step, hoping to make his way back to camp. only to come to the end of the trainline leading into suburban atlanta. TERMINUS the building read "those who arrive survive" he heard a feminine voice call out from the speakers. maybe they have gauze. he glanced down at his leg, the sleeve of his shirt he had tied around it now dyed red.
"community for all; sanctuary for all" he saw a young man- perhaps just a little older than m/n was, staring down at him from the window. something felt amiss, off, but m/n had lost so much blood he didn't care. he stumbled towards the train station, stopping and starting as he debated his decision.
daryl, merle.. they'll be wondering he thought to himself, stopping for the 5th time, but i won't make it back he began walking again but they'll be looking for me he stopped, nearly tripping but the sudden lack of motion if i found this place they'll find it too he picked up the pace again, frantically moving towards the gates but- as he stopped himself once more, he finally tripped over. right onto the walker trap the train people had set up. his left ribcage was pierced by the sharp metal pole sticking out of the ground, causing the h/c-et to let out a loud screech.
before he knew it people had come out, the same man that had stared at him through the window moments earlier put his hand on the wound, causing m/n to flinch "we're you trying to get yourself killed?" the man mused, seemingly unphased by the active bleeding out that was happening in front of him. the man spoke more words that were muffled as m/n fell out of consciousness.
it was pitch black when he opened his eyes. not a shred of light to allude to the location. pitch black. m/n's hands brushed her his torso, feeling the gauze that was tightly wrapped around his chest. it all came back to him. the chemist, the walkers, glenn, the train people. he shifted his arms, feeling the thin material he was lated on, and the cold metal it covered. attempting to hoist himself up, pain shot through his body.
letting out a groan, he laid back down, closing his eyes. is this death. it certainly felt like it. the nothingness, the pain, it was all he had ever imagined death to be like. what felt like hours passed, the nothingness was almost comforting, how long had it been since he could lay like this and do nothing with no worries. it was all ended when the creaking of the door signaled to m/n that he was not in-fact dead.
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the sudden brightness was blinding "you awake?" a masculine voice spoke. m/n's eyes began burning from the light, "i guess" he replied quietly, his eyes closing. "good" the male put down a plate next to where m/n laid "eat up. i know this isn't the warmest welcome, i would have liked to show you around first" the man chuckled, leaning down, seemingly to get a good look at m/n.
the man- who introduced himself as gareth, began speaking about the community- terminus. that they did whatever they had to for survival, that m/n would have to prove himself loyal if he wanted to become apart of the community. he wasn't sure how to tell this gareth guy that he was leaving as soon as possible to find his group.
the discussion started off normal as m/n finished his food, until gareth started talking about how lonely he was, as the leader of this terminus community. it only got creepier as gareth started to call m/n pretty boy, edging closer to him. m/n doesn't want to know what would have happened if that middld aged lady (gareth's mother), hadn't called the man away.
it quickly became evident to m/n that he was never going to leave. gareth locked him in the pitch black train car for hours on end, opening the door when there were armed men to prevent m/n from trying anything. gareth would sit with him and talk, running his hands over the male's body, stealing kisses, it was a reprehensive routine m/n had become forcibly accustomed to.
it all changed the day the hunters attacked. m/n was in his train car, as usual, listening to the outside screams, wondering if the attackers were dead or alive. he knew they were alive when one pried open the train car door, and threw them self on him. he was then thrown into a cramped train car with other terminus residents, where the hunters hand picked who to assault and slaughter each day. he and gareth spent their days huddled up together, talking about their lives before. had m/n not accepted the hunters offer to leave the train car if he worked for them, gareth wouldn't have lost his mind. but m/n was desperate to get away. from the train car. from terminus. to find his family.
but the hunters caught him trying to leave. they did their absolute worst to him and then threw him back in. when the termites took back terminus, gareth locked the leader of the hunters and m/n into the same train car. "this is what you deserve" he told him, before locking the door shut.
perhaps it was years, perhaps it was months, maybe it was only a few hours. the horrors of the train car began to unfold, as the man who had once led the attack on terminus lost his mind: pouncing on m/n at random, screaming for hours straight, trying to eat m/n alive when they'd be deprived of food, ripping his ear off in hungered insanity. as m/n laid there bleeding from his ear, he decided either i escape or i die. had running worked before? no. was he willing to die trying? not really, but a man would do anything for freedom, and that's what m/n did.
the hunter had fallen asleep, a fatal mistake, as m/n wrapped his hands around the mans unshaven neck and squeezed. within second the man awoke but m/n was relentless, not letting go until the other went limp. i just have to wait now he cried to himself, hands shaking. calming, he began to strip the man of his clothes and use the fabric to restrain his limbs.
waiting for the termites to open the door with the meal made of human flesh felt like an eternity. the familiar sound of metal scratching and creaking filled m/n's ear, who quickly sprung into action.
grabbing the reanimated hunter by the hair, he guided it in the direction of the door, throwing it towards the woman holding their plates. she screeched as the hunters corpse sank it's teeth into her flesh, blood pouring from the wound.
m/n grabbed the woman's gun and bolted as the nearby workers aimed their guns at the walker, taking it down swiftly, but m/n had already gotten out of the train car. hiding behind what once was his cage, he shot at every person who came into view. eventually making his way to the fence, through the woods, he didn't stop running until the sound of gunshots stopped entirely. even then, he kept running. he ran for what felt like hours until his lungs couldn't take it anymore. collapsing onto the dirt, heaving in and out.
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woodbury had fallen, it's entire population now living in the prison nearby. rick had relinquished his leadership, insisting the prison be governed by a council. he often went on runs by himself, to get away from it all, to look back on his actions, to find lost survivors. it wasn't everyday rick grimes came across a twenty something perhaps younger male covered in blood, breathing like he had never tasted air before. well, usually the young men were walkers. but this one was very much alive.
"please don't" the male groaned out, eyes wide, as rick approached with a knife. "who are you" he drawled out, kneeling down to get a good look at the other. the young males face was bruised, his hair covered in blood, an ear was missing, and the male was emaciated. "uh" the male seemed to have to think about it, as if he hadn't spoken to another human in years "m/n" he finally puffed out, bringing his hand up to his head, where the left ear once was.
rick's hands brushed m/n hair out of his face, causing the male to flinch away "how many walkers have you killed" the older man finally asked after several moments of silence. m/n just stared at him, as if to say he hadn't been keeping track "how many people have you killed" still, the same look. "water" "what" rick narrowed his eyes. m/n used his free hand to shakily point to the man's bag, where a bottle of water was latched on to the side.
rick was silent as m/n chugged the water down "do you have anything sweet?" "no i don't" "oh" something about the boy felt familiar. didn't glenn mention originally going into atlanta to find a boy with a similar description? maybe it was just that the male reminded him of his own boy in a way, or maybe he had already developed a fondness for m/n. "i have a camp" rick looked m/n in the eye "we have walls, food, a community, a doctor that can look at your wound" he added.
the h/c-et shook his head "not again" rick furrowed his brows "what" the boy started to pick himself up "i gotta, um" he started feeling around the ground for his gun, "gotta go" he finished as he felt the handle of the gun. stuffing the weapon into his belt, he stood up, using a tree as a crutch. "c'mon kid, you're going to die out here" rick leaned forward and took the gun out of the others hand "no im not! give it!" m/n lunged forward, only to awkwardly fall into rick's chest, sinking down back to the ground.
"you've got two bullets left" m/n looked up at rick with a glare "either you come back to my camp with me or i just wasted my water on a dead man" m/n held his glare until the sun got into his eyes. "whatever" he looked down, hoisting himself back to his feet with the help of rick's hand.
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daryl squinted his eyes as the evening sun glared down, merle had stolen his motorcycle. again. the older dixon was always going off on fun runs without informing anyone beforehand. perhaps because the redneck had never really been accepted into the group like daryl was.
taking another bite of his pork chop, daryl grunted at carol who told him to go in and get some rest. but why would he want to rest when all he could think of when his mind was unoccupied was his baby brother, the boy he had pretty much raised, who was now probably a rotting corpse in atlanta. but daryl still held out hope that m/n had gotten out, that he was safe, that he would find him oneday. this was why he never rested, these thoughts would creep up in the younger dixons head.
the sound of his motorcycle rumbling told him that merle was back. the older dixon sauntered over to daryl, a cigarette sat between his thin lips, "look what you're big brother merle got you, darylina" he pulled a pack of cigarettes out his pocket, sliding it into daryls pocket. daryl said nothing, staring into the distance; was that rick? the figure was too far away to discern.
"dad!" carl called out, jogging down. "look what i- m/n?" the young grimes exclaimed as he came closer to the pair. rick carried the half-conscious boy through the gates "you know this guy?" rick looked at carl, who flicked the hair out of m/n's face to get a better look "he was with us back in atlanta, we thought he died on a run"
daryl's heart stopped, did he hear carl right? they were pretty far away. standing up, he threw the pork bone aside and marched towards the two- three. when he finally came close enough to see the persons face, he had to stop himself from tearing up in front of carl and rick "m/n" he uttered out quietly. the father and son came to a halt as he approached "you knew this guy back in atlanta" rick nodded at daryl "'course i did. he's my brother" daryl was quick to take m/n off rick. he wanted to cut the mans arms off just for touching his precious brother.
daryl rushed m/n into the prison, settling him in his cell, "go get hershel" he told carol, who looked just as perplexed as merle did as he walked into the cell. "m/n!? i thought you was dead" he breathed out, shoving daryl out the way, who was quick to push back, both wanting to be as close to their younger brother as possible "where'd you find him" merle looked over at rick, who was standing out front the cell "in the woods, looked like he'd been running"
rick moved aside as hershel came in, merle reluctantly stood up as hershel sat to access m/n's condition. "he's lost a lot of blood" hershel examined the ear hole where the flesh and muscle had been ripped from "we should have bob look at him, but from what i can see he needs bandaging and antibiotics" daryl grunted "i ain't letting no stranger touch him" he ushered hershel away, taking m/n's hand in his own "i found antibiotics on last weeks run, that gon' be enough" merle looked over at the old man, who nodded "we'll have to see how he reacts"
neither daryl or merle left m/n's side whilst waiting for the antibiotics to kick in. it was strange. no one in the prison had ever seen either of them so worried for or attached to someone. but for the six days and nights m/n spent unconscious, his body fighting off the infection from his wounds, recovering from the months of maltreatment.
when m/n finally opened his eyes, taking in his surroundings, daryl was leaned against the wall at the edge of the bed, eyes locked on the boys face "sleep well?" was the first thing he said after the two had stared at each other for what felt like an eternity "yeah" m/n spoke softly.
"i should have never gone hunting that day" "am i dead" the two spoke in unison. daryl breathed out "no, never gon' let that happen" he shuffled closer, laying down next to the youngest dixon.
daryl stared at m/n intensely, until merle was roused from his sleep "m/n, i told you not to go out of my sight" he grumbled, sitting forward. m/n looked up at the metal frame of the top bunk "i just wanted to get you some narcan" merle stared at him, blinking away tears "didn' have to risk your life for it" he pursed his lips "i ain't worth you dyin'" he added quietly, sitting back, his eyes not leaving m/n's.
the room went silent for a moment "maybe not, but you're my brother" m/n closed his eyes for a moment "do you guys have pop or candy here?" he questioned hopefully. merle let out a chuckle "i found a can on my run today" he chuckled out, before going quiet "i chugged it on the spot"
"you piece of shit!"
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cookiecrumbconundrum · 2 months
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the quiet closing & opening of a door
star map with action figures, carl phillips | dungeon meshi | true believer, nicholas sparks | unknown | garden song, phoebe bridgers | the girl on the couch, pang xunqin | little fires everywhere, celeste ng | somewhere, there’s a party, holly warburton | bianca sparacino
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juuuulez · 11 months
i sound rlly weird asking but can u make a part two of the jerk!ng off head cannons for carl 😇😇
literally of course my man ALWAYS deserves to feel good
this is short and sweet, also strayed away from headcanons and did a little bit of a fic….actually loved writing this
NSFW under the cut, all characters depicted are 18+, MDNI.
It was a hot summers day in Alexandria, resulting in a group of teenagers making their way down to a nearby lake, intending on cooling off and having some fun.
Usually, Carl considered himself more… mature than his peers. There was a war actively brewing, and that’s not to mention walkers, so he didn’t see the value in such a meaningless activity.
Yet, you’d convinced him to come.
“Please, Carl. It’ll be fun!” You’d pleaded, “What else were you gonna do all day? Read comics?”
At the time, he’d protested, made some excuse that he was helping his father. But he wasn’t, and you were right.
So here he was, sitting on one of the large rocks lining the lake, flannel still cast over his shoulders.
The few other teens, yourself included, were enjoying the cool reprieve from the heat. Splashing around, throwing handfuls of sand at each other.
Carl was trying his hardest not to look at you.
Now, he’d never actually seen.. so much of a woman before. Sans those lewd comics, but this was different.
Your bikini was tiny, spaghetti straps wrapping over your shoulders, little triangle cups covering a portion of your breasts. Though the bottoms didn’t match, they were equally small, riding up your ass cheeks and showing a sliver of your inner thighs.
“Carl! Come in!” You’re suddenly calling out to him, which immediately draws his gaze. There’s no avoiding it as you tread closer, propping your elbows up onto the rock that he’s sitting on.
It only squeezes your breasts together, presented nicely in the frame of your arms. Sitting there, waiting.
He forces himself to maintain eye contact, not wanting you to pick up on his obvious disarray. The flush of his cheeks, or the way he squirms a little under the attention. “No, I’m alright.” He excuses.
But you won’t accept this, your grin widening as you hoist yourself onto the rock, coming to sit next to him. “C’mon, you’ve gotta chill out a bit, sometime. Taking a quick dip in the lake isn’t gonna hurt anyone.”
As you speak, your wet skin brushes against his flannel, the contact only worsening the flood of emotions that Carl is experiencing. It’s too much, too quickly, the presence of a pretty, dripping wet, girl is too much to handle.
The sun shines down through the trees, reflecting off your water-coated skin and hair, making it shine. Little droplets slip down your curves, and his eyes fall to one in particular, travelling down the open valley of your breasts.
“I’m going to check the perimeter.” Carl quickly says, swiftly standing up and turning away from you, not wanting to spare another glance at your body. It’s too tempting. That, and a shameful blush makes it’s way to his cheeks, his own body reacting to the contact in a way he’d rather you not realise.
He trudges past the treeline, out into the expanse of forest that circles the lake. It’s not too far off from Alexandria, in fact, he can just see the walls from this distance.
Carl wants to stay, he really does. Anything to put that smile on your face, where you’d say his name in that happy tone, completely enamoured by the smallest thing.
But he’s got a problem to deal with.
He leans against a tree, the thin flannel acting as a barrier between his back and the bark. There’s an obvious tent in his swimmers, poorly hidden due to the loose material.
“Fuck..” Carl curses under his breath, a little annoyed that he even has to do this. It doesn’t feel leisurely, but a chore, an irritating burden that needs to be solved before he can go have fun with everybody else.
So he takes another look around, making sure the area is clear before snaking his hand underneath the waistband, letting his fist wrap around his half-hard cock. A few strokes brings it to its full length, already hot and throbbing, where he can pull it free.
This isn’t the time to draw it out, so Carl clamps one hand over his mouth, the other working feverently to jerk himself off, as quickly as possible.
Yet, he can’t help but fall into a pleasurable rhythm, eye falling closed as he savours the feeling. His mind wanders, curious as to what you’d think of him now, doing something so lewd with no privacy.
It causes embarrassment to well in his gut, but it only fuels his desire, squeezing his hand a little tighter around his length, thumb collecting the precum from the tip only to spread it back down.
Each time his mind lingers too long on you, in that tiny bikini, he can practically feel it oozing out of him. Desperation floods his veins, now more focused on cumming, a reality that isn’t far away now that his brain is filled with images of you, on your knees before him.
What would your mouth feel like? Your hands? Would you take it slow, drag it out, or were you more of a quickie person?
Eventually Carl’s mind lands on you with your mouth open, plump lips wrapped around the tip of his cock. He similarly stimulates the swollen head, groaning into the back of his hand as he finally shoots his load onto the forest floor.
The pleasure begins to subside, ebb away, but the embarrassment stays. Though he takes a moment to compose himself, try and regain his footing, when Carl finally comes back to the lake, it’s quite obvious the boy is in some state.
There’s tree bark in his hair.
You smile, finally coaxing Carl into the water. He still doesn’t look at you, all embarrassed and flushed. This time, you make a point to lean as close as possible, to stroke your hand up his arm, let your thighs touch under the water.
How long will he last this time?
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d3adlove1 · 3 months
Running Feelings Part 2
Summary: As tension runs high with you and Carl you two are sent out to go on a run alone with each other which leads Carl to realize you are more important to him than he thought TW: blood, guns & knives, violence. stabb!ng, and death (Carl Grimes x fem!reader) This is going to start where Part 1 left off of
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To be completely honest you were lost in his eyes without a doubt, but naturally, you weren't going to admit that. "Earth to y/n" Carl chuckled as he slipped his hand out of yours and lightly shook you by you're shoulders. You were easily knocked out of your train of thought and came back to reality. You felt your face slightly heat up as you realized what had happened but you tried to play it off. Key word tried. "What?" you looked at him obliviously as if you had no idea what he was talking about. He squinted at you, unsure of the slight change in your posture. "You okay there?" he questioned a little teasingly. "Yeah I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?". "Uh-huh, and you didn't just go brain-dead as we were making up?". Okay, now he was definitely teasing you. "No, no I didn't actually I was just... living in the moment", you look away from him as you near the end of your sentence.
He crosses his arms over his chest and examines you one more time before continuing, "Okay y/n well I gotta go you just.. keep living in the moment I guess" he playfully mocks you before walking towards the door with an unnoticeable smile on his face. Just when he closes you're bedroom door behind him you let out a long-held sigh and get ready for bed.
The next few days were different. Well of course they were different since you and Carl had made up but it was as if something deeper had shifted within you, you didn't know this but he felt it too. Carl didn't know what it was though and neither did you. The only thing the two of you knew was when you were around one another you would unconsciously steal glances at each other and get this uneasy feeling. You couldn't help it and neither could he. Now when you met Carl you were only thirteen and him being a year older than you fourteen. Neither of you knew much about love. Needless to say, your parents didn't get along much and neither did Carl's parents after the apocalypse. You two had only seen love between Maggie and Glenn or Bob and Sasha (Rip bob..). What you did know was that you were supposed to love, care, protect, and be loyal to your person and you craved that. You longed for the love that would last no matter what. The kind of love where you endlessly felt it no matter how far you're person was.
When you used to sit on the couch with your mom watching the characters on the screen portraying what you would soon realize you wanted years later, you thought it was cheesy and corny at the time. You had never seen it in real life between your parents so you thought it was fake, but now it was all you thought about. If you would even still get to experience that in a world full of the Walking Dead. Your thoughts soon came to an end as you sat at the dining room table for another "group meeting" led by Rick. "We could use some more gas and food for the pantry and cars", he announced while placing down a map and taking a black marker out of his pocket. he leaned down and circled a gas station and a convenience store that's not too far from Alexandria. "I need two people to hit these two locations and get what we need". He looks around the room if the group is listening or not. "I was thinking.. we could have Carl and y/n go, they haven't been out in a while".
When he says your name, you look up from the table and at him with your eyes slightly widened. You then look to Carl and he's already looking at you with his arms crossed as he sits at the table across you. Carl gives you a smile and a little nod as he turns his attention back to his father. You didn't notice the light pink color flushed against Carl's porcelain face. "When do we leave?" you turn to Rick. "Be outside in fifteen minutes" he looks at you and Carl before rolling up the map and handing it to Carl."Meeting adjourned" he announced before walking out of the dining room. You quickly stood out of your seat and headed out the door, and Carl followed behind you. "So.. you ready?" he caught up with you and landed by your side. "Uh yeah I just gotta change real quick, I've been working on the garden all day"
You wipe the sweat off of your forehead as you glisten underneath the light of the sun. You feel disgusting and for some weird reason, you hope he doesn't notice the way you look. You never really cared before because you've looked worse than you do now yet all of a sudden you care. He definitely notices the way you look but in his eyes, you don't look bad at all. He thought you looked absolutely beautiful. I mean in the past he noticed you were a pretty girl without a doubt but now it was as if nothing existed but you, just you and your beauty soaking up the sunlight in that moment as your words slipped through your pretty lips. "You heard?" you questioned as you reached the doorstep of the shared house. Carl quickly snapped out of his thoughts and looked around slightly confused about how they ended up there. "Y-yeah I heard you y/n" he said slightly nervously but hid it with a chuckle as he opened the door for you.
You look at him slightly suspiciously as you walk in before him. "Okay well, I'm gonna go change you pull the car around and get the things we need". He nods at you and walks out of the house leaving you alone with your thoughts. You jog upstairs and go into your room, tossing and throwing clothes as you try and look for something to wear (This is me on a daily basis...). You take off your clothes and slip into light green cargo pants and a black knotted crop top along with your combat boots. Just when you finish up you hear the door open from downstairs and Carl's voice telling you to hurry up soon after. You sigh and grab your thigh and belt holsters and put them on before grabbing your gun ammo and knives.
You walk downstairs as Carl looks out the window turned away from the stairs. "let's go, Grimes" You walk past him and out the door. He takes a quick glance at you as you walk out the door and thinks nothing of it. He quickly questions what he'd just seen and trails behind you out the door. As you walk down the house steps Carl observes what you're wearing and stands there a little taken back. You turn around when you notice he stops, "you comin' or what?". Carl practically felt his heart beating out of his chest. Once again he got this warm feeling deep within him, the same feeling he had felt every time he was around you. At that moment he had finally realized everything he was feeling was because of you. You were the thing that kept him up at night, the thing that made him feel something was missing, the feeling of longing he'd often endure when he was alone with his thoughts.
"Yeah... get in, we're leaving" He finally moves down the steps of the house and takes the keys out of his pocket as he gets in the driver's seat of the truck. The whole ride there tension was in the air and it was suffocating, to say the least. It wasn't bad though, eventually, the silence was broken by a needy Carl. "You have the list of things?" he looks over at you as he grips the steering wheel with one hand. You turn to him, leaving your position against the window. "Yeah we need gas and food, shouldn't be so difficult" You study his figure as he looks at the road ahead, his visible veins running up his arm as he grips the wheel tighter to make a slight turn making his knuckles turn a slight pink. His soft brown hair framed his face almost perfectly with his freckles decorating his features. Carl feels your eyes on him, he fixes his hat with his other hand as he looks back at you with his lips turning up into a small smile.
From there you two had conversations that you never thought you would ever get the chance to have with him. You're childhood, favorite movies, hobbies, just the small obvious stuff you mention when you're trying to get to know someone. Little did you know Carl already knew, in the past even though he acted as if he despised you he thought you were oddly fascinating. He would never admit to it but maybe sometimes he would listen in on conversations you would have with others. He knew what happened to your parents, he made sure he knew so when the time was right and you would actually get along with one another you wouldn't have to relive it. He knew your favorite food, what you did in your spare time, and you liked to read novels which he really never understood because he was so in love with comics. So in the time in the car when you were talking to one another he was already familiar with everything you were telling him, he just let you continue on because he liked the sound of your voice and the way you went into detail about the things you loved but that came to an end when you arrived.
Unfortunately, the run took more out of you than you had hoped. Literally. You and Carl had decided to split up in the convenience store after staying together in the gas station. You two decided it would be more time-efficient. When you had decided to load everything you had found into the truck before going to look for Carl you heard shelves falling and glass breaking from inside. You quickly dropped everything and ran inside to where you heard the sounds. You saw Carl fighting off a big man with a knife. The man had him cornered as he punched him continuously, Carl looked at you coming up to the man from behind. He had hoped you didn't show up, he didn't want any harm to come your way but things don't always go as planned. You jumped on top of the man's back before he could strike Carl again. The man yelled loudly and backed up against a nearby wall to get you off of him causing you to grunt as you fell back onto the ground. The man got on top of you and punched you in the face and swiftly got his knife from his pocket and stabbed you in your side. You screamed out in pain before kneeing him in his balls causing him to growl and roll off of you. You reached into your holster and stabbed him in the head at the same time as Carl shot him in the head.
Carl hurried quickly to you with blood leaking from his nose as you held you're wound to stop the blood from spilling out of you. Your hands were painted in your blood. You started to feel faint and light-headed before you nodded off from the blood loss. "I got you y/n it's gonna be okay" he cried as he lifted you up bridle-style and put you in the back seat of the car. He quickly got into the driver's seat and sped off back to Alexandria. As soon as the gates opened he jumped out and carried you in his arms still unconscious. "Help somebody come help her please!" he begged as he collapsed onto his knees in exhaustion. Daryl, Rick, and Michonne ran up to him as he cried. Daryl and Rick quickly collected you from Carl and ran to the infirmary as Michonne stayed with Carl. Denise quickly got prepared as they laid you down on the hospice bed. "I'm sorry but I'm gonna need space to take care of her, I need to focus" Denise told the two worried men. "What are you crazy?! I'm not leavin' her!" Daryl yelled at her. "Do you want her to live or not?" Denise had a serious look on her face as she looked at the two men. Rick quickly took Daryl out of the room.
Hours had passed since Rick and Daryl had brought you to Denise and the group was worried. Especially carl. He couldn't help but think what had happened to you was his fault. Maybe if he was stronger you wouldn't have had to save him, Maybe if he had gotten to you sooner he could have returned the favor and saved you, but instead, you were probably still unconscious on the hospital bed. What would he know, he hadn't heard about you in hours and it made him feel sick to his stomach. It made him feel sick to even think about a world without you, let alone a world where it was his fault you weren't there anymore. He would miss the way your smile made his heart go fast, the way he would tease you about the littlest things and you would laugh along with him, and most of all he would miss that feeling of warmth within him every time he saw you walk into a room and lighten it up a little more. What he hated was that if you were actually going to die, he never got to say he loved you.
Carl was awake in his bed when his dad Rick came into his room abruptly, "Get your shoes on, y/n is awake" he smiled. Carl hopped out of his bed and threw on his shoes and hat before heading downstairs walking out the door and running to the infirmary. Carl was practically out of breath when he arrived at the door, as Rick, Daryl, Michonne, and the others were beside Carl he quickly knocked on the door before Denise opened it and let them inside. There you were lying in the bed with your eyes half-lidded. You waved your hand a little bit as everyone came inside and up to the bed. They all crowded around you so grateful that you were finally awake and okay. "Could I talk to y/n privately real quick? please?" Carl asked minutes later. The group all looked at each other but nodded, leaving through the door seconds later as you watched. Carl turned to you with an indescribable look on his face, you couldn't tell if he was relieved or not. "What the hell were you thinking y/n?" he said calmly, "You know a hi I'm so glad your better would suffice Carl" you remarked as you stared up at him but he didn't smile, he didn't say anything. "I'm serious y/n" he looked at you his eyes softening into sincerity as he waited for you to say something. "I was thinking I didn't want you to get hurt.. and I saved you, I saved your ass, and you're complaining because you didn't get to play hero."
"Why the fuck would I care about that while you're literally in a hospital bed?! You don't understand y/n I was worried". You look at him when a feeling of guilt hits you like a truck. You're eyes started to tear up as you looked down at your hands. "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to" You muttered. Carl sighed before responding, "No y/n you don't understand. I- I couldn't bear the thought of losing you. You almost died in my arms. The girl I've known for years and learned to love almost died in my arms". He grabs your hand and looks at you hoping you understand. "I thought you were gonna die and that gave me the time to realize I Can't live in a world without you and I think maybe I've always known that but I just ignored it but I don't want to do that anymore because it's eating me up inside". You lift your head to look at him clearly your eyes still tearing up as your lips turn up into a small smile. You reach your hands out to him and wipe his tears as you hold his face in your hands, "I love you too Carl" He leans into your touch slowly and so do you until your lips touch making a soft passionate kiss between the two.
"So does this mean I'm gonna have to save you to return the favor?" He jokes as your forehead presses against his. "Hmm, I don't know... I kinda like you playing the damsel in distress". He laughs before kissing you again as you smile against his lips.
No because why did this take so long to write??? Anyway, I hope y'all like it, I already have more ideas for the next one! BTW I'm sorry if this is really long I tried my best to not prolong it but that didn't really work out <33
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cauldronlakefiles · 9 months
Alan Wake and The Implications™️ of Gnosticism as told by Carl Jung (1916)
So in AW2 NG+, there is a new video called "Spiral," where he ruminates on the implications of what the Spiral could mean (spoilers below, and a very long post ahead)!
"There are loops beyond these loops. Vast, complex super structures. Beyond what's happening to me now, ahead of me. And I'm there as well. A version of me, something I have become- some elevated, enlightened version- an archon, a demiurge, a demon of some sort- playing a secret game."
Now this is veeeery interesting to me. 
In the Gnostic religion, The Demiurge (literally "artisan" in Greek) is described as a creator of the material world. He is the God of the world, but not the God of the universe. Think Cronus or Odin, under Uranus and Burí. The Demiurge cannot create something out of nothing. He takes matter, already existent and created by the upper god, and turns it into our world, though it comes out imperfect due to the matter being imperfect. 
Then, we have another Greek word admist his monologue: the "archon." The archon is Greek for "ruler" but in Gnosticism, it is the builder(s) of the universe, composed of a team. There's usually seven, and each one rules a planet.
And finally, the demon. That's self-explanatory. In Gnosticism, the definition is interchangeable with the Archons. The Archons are demons and the demons are Archons. Yes, this is relevant.
What I find interesting is the intersection where these definitions meet, the center of the Venn diagram. The Demiurge, the Archon, and the Demon is Yaldabaoth, The Son of Chaos and The Prince of Darkness. He is also known in some iterations as Samael, the Angel of Death, and is primarily viewed as the precursor to our modern day Satan, as well as the Gnostic equivalent to Seth, Saturnus/Cronus, and Typhon. He is described as having a face made of "half flame, half darkness, defiled with blood." 
If you ask what his morality is, you will spur a fishtfight among the occult (as I found out by perusing the various forums and subs). He is generally considered evil or amoral, but he used to be depicted as a genuinely "good" God. He is usually described as arrogant, a "fiery nature," ignorant of higher powers and jealous of other gods. 
Now, Jung further developed his idea of the Demiurge and Archon and Demon from Yaldabaoth, giving him the name of Abraxas, as taught by Basilides. Little is known about Abraxas, as the sources beyond Jung are scarce, though his name dates back to the ancient Greeks. The church burned much of the text that held his name. The Catholic Church outright banned him for being a pagan God and a demon. He is the God of time, and is more powerful and more dualistic than the aforementioned Yaldabaoth (both morally and figuratively) . He was a prominent figure in his book, *Seven Sermons to the Dead,* where he had this to say about him:
"That which is spoken by God-the-Sun is life; that which is spoken by the Devil is death; Abraxas speaketh that hallowed and accursed word, which is life and death at the same time. Abraxas begetteth truth and lying, good and evil, light and darkness in the same word and in the same act. . . He is the God of the cosmos, extremely powerful and fearful. He is the creative drive, he is form and formation, just as much as matter and force, therefore he is above all the light and dark Gods. He tears away souls and casts them into procreation. He is the creative and created. . . His power is the very greatest, because man does not perceive it at all. He is magnificent even as the lion at the very moment when he strikes his prey down. His beauty is like the beauty of a spring morn. To see him means blindness; To know him is sickness; To worship him is death; To fear him is wisdom; Not to resist him means liberation … Such is the terrible Abraxas … He is both the radiance and the dark shadow of man. He is deceitful reality."
Abraxas is duality, the God and the Devil combined in one. He is the beginning and the end. The first word and the last.
Anyway, we reach the part where he has successfully Ascended. He pronounces himself the "Master of Many Worlds." He becomes, in this sense, an "archon, a demiurge, a demon," and I can only imagine what that entails. Talk about a character arc! 
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thosedangnuns · 10 months
Assigning d&d alignments to Warrior Nun characters
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This was not as easy as I thought it would be - feel free to disagree! Many characters change throughout the course of the show - so often I'm giving a before/after. WTH am I talking about? --
Ava starts CN - caring only for herself, without a moral compass but no malice to her actions.
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But as she starts to care for her sisters she is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice: CG
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Bea starts as the paragon of LG, fighting for good (and God) even at the expense of her own identity
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But when the usual methods fail to protect Ava and her sisters she says to hell with the rules: NG
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Camila starts LN - the rule follower at the OCS, doing her job even if it's not always the right thing to do.
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But when she receives her message from god she slips to NG, willing to bend the rules and her faith for her sisters.
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When we first meet Superion she is a solid LN, burned by rejection but still faithful to the church (if not god)
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But after the betrayal she positively rejoices in breaking the rules to protect her daughters: CG
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Mary is the epitome of CG - she is doing the right thing, for the right reasons, but she is doing it her way
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And if you disagree with that you can talk to her two shotguns.
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Lilith is LN throughout - fueled by her own righteousnous, for better of for worse - morals be damned.
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Even final Lilith I don't believe is inherently evil, just misguided, fighting for her own justice.
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Yasmine is NG throughout - willing to go against the church when necessary but still appreciating traditions.Traditions say not to eat anything that looks like a penis but corn on the cob is ok I guess ily Yasmine
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Everything Shanon did she did for her sisters, and while she hid secrets from the OCS...she did so only because she knew about Vincent. She's definitely a G - probably an LG.
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Fight me on this one Vincent is NG throughout, despite what is perhaps a CN or CE past. Even 'evil' Vincent's actions are for his version of the greater good. He is under a classic charm person spell (which is btw NOT mind control)
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Duretti, power hungry, is a textbook LN. He wields it to get what he wants. While most of what he does is good, he is willing to commit atrocities to achieve it.
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Salvius is the epitome of TN, while she loves her son her sacrifices for him are not even close to selfless.
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And even her assistance to the sisters is more self-preservation and hope for Michael than altruism.
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Kristian starts LN, using power to his own ends, but not malevolently. And by S2 he is classic LE, corrupted by power and clearly enjoying it.
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JC and pals are classing CN, they're out for themselves, without intent to harm anyone else. While you could argue that JC started to drift towards CG he was just smitten with Ava (we've all been there)
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(Chanel is an exception, because while she appears to be in it for the grift, she's the only one of the gang who shows Ava selfless and unconditional love). She is also objectively perfect. CG.
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Miguel has some of that Lilith righteousness to him, so while his sacrifice is for the greater good... I'm not sure it was good that motivated him rather than duty. Iffy LN.
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Adriel talks a big game, but he's only looking out for one man - Adriel. As a petty thief he may have once been TN, but he is now blatantly evil, though whether NE or LE is maybe unclear.
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Can you assign an alignment to a god? If Reya has an alignment I haven't seen it. Just like ants probably can't tell if the human that stepped on their nest by accident is actually a decent person.
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My man Carl will prob plead the Nuremburg defence but assuming he has free will then his actions are his. Even his final defeat of Adriel comes at Reya's behest, not his own. Carl is LN at best.
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senfloweeer · 7 months
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02182024 • The Tour Is Over 🤪
To my best friend forever, Luzvi. . . thank you for always making me feel special, even if we’re miles apart. Alam mo talaga paano kunin ang kiliti ko hahahaha! I love you so much, best!!!
To my amigas, Hanna, Tin, Yvonne (kahit nasa UK ka) and Zach, thank you sa effort ninyo sa group project na ito. Hindi na pumupunta ng Commonwealth Market si Hanna pero napapunta nyo para lang dito 😆. At ikaw naman, Sn. . . Sobrang convinced ako sa drama mo ha!!! Sorry Zach, alam kong kaka deep clean lang ng car mo tas may pa-glitters pa sila hahahahahaha kaloka. Guys, love ko kayo sobraaaa!
To Carl, Kenneth and Mika, alam kong hectic din ang sched nyo pero super thank you sa effort. See you sa 8!!!! 🥹
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cantsayidont · 6 months
Some movies of the early '00s, good, bad, and indifferent:
THE SWEETEST THING (2002): Enthusiastically raunchy but extremely dumb romcom starring Cameron Diaz, Christina Applegate, and Selma Blair as three 20something friends supporting each other through various sexual and romantic misadventures. Not without charm, but too sloppily written to really land except in fits and starts, and the weak plot, which focuses on the Diaz character's disastrous pursuit of a hunky real estate agent (Thomas Jane), sidelines both Applegate and Blair so completely that they might just as well have been condensed into a single character. However, it is occasionally very funny, with the highlight being a hilarious musical number entitled "Your Penis Is…" CONTAINS LESBIANS? Not even as a concept. VERDICT: Your life will be no poorer if you tune out after the musical number, but don't miss that.
HOUSE OF SAND AND FOG (2003): Slow-moving, moody, downbeat drama about the battle of wills between depressed white divorcée Kathy Nicolo (Jennifer Connelly), whose house has been wrongfully seized and auctioned off by the county, and the buyer, exiled Iranian military officer Massoud Behrani (Ben Kingsley), who moves in with his wife (Shohreh Aghdashloo) and teenage son (Jonathan Ahdout) and refuses to sell the house back to the county for less than four times what he paid for it. (With the skyrocketing cost of real estate since the film's release, hearing those amounts may cause physical pain.) Now broke and homeless, Kathy falls into a relationship with a married local sheriff's deputy (Ron Eldard), whose attempts to "help" by bullying and terrorizing Behrani into cooperating lead to tragedy. A strange story that spends a lot of time alternately cultivating and then deliberately puncturing viewer sympathy for the characters, and which seems unusually determined to avoid examining the larger social and structural forces that are actually driving the plot. Connelly and Kingsley are effective; Aghashloo is boxed in by her thankless, rather condescending supporting part as Behrani's timid wife Nadi, who barely speaks English and lives in mortal terror of being sent back to Iran — a far cry from her later role as cunning, sharp-tongued politician Chrisjen Avasarala on THE EXPANSE. CONTAINS LESBIANS? Not at all. VERDICT: Well-made, but very heavy going, and the last half hour (which is a real downer) is troubling on several levels.
BOARDING GATE (2007): Customarily oblique Olivier Assayas crime drama, in some ways reminiscent of a William Gibson story (though it's not based on one), about a sleazy businessman (Michael Madsen) confronting his soon-to-be-former mistress Sandra (Asia Argento), whose sexual favors he has previously exploited to gather intelligence on business partners and rivals, and who now wants to break things off for good. That meeting is just one strand in a more complex web of betrayal and vengeance involving Sandra and her new employers (Carl Ng and Kelly Lin), who each have their own agendas. The terse, gritty, sometimes lurid story can be tricky to follow at points because Assayas deliberately avoids ever pulling back to present a larger picture of what's going on or revealing much about the actual nature of the characters' business, and the jittery, desaturated cinematography seems calculated to keep viewers disoriented. The problem is that the film also holds the characters at arm's length, making it hard to care what happens to them, and the ending succumbs to Gibsonian anticlimax, leaving it unclear what the point was supposed to be. That it works at all is due mostly to Argento, whose smoldering performance is the main thing holding the film together. CONTAINS LESBIANS? By implication only. (Sandra describes a reluctant past encounter with a woman who doesn't actually appear in the story.) VERDICT: The story's self-imposed limitations tend to smother its virtues, although in stretches, the movie feels more like a William Gibson story than most actual William Gibson adaptations.
THE HEART IS DECEITFUL ABOVE ALL THINGS (2004/2006): Sordid, thoroughly unappetizing drama based on the 2001 short-story collection by "JT LeRoy," adapted by Asia Argento and Alessandro Magania and directed by and starring Argento herself, her second feature directing effort. (The movie debuted at Cannes about two years before "LeRoy" was revealed to be a fiction created by Laura Albert, although that revelation limited the film's eventual theatrical release in 2006.) The film is an episodic chronicle of several nightmarish years in the life of a boy named Jeremiah (played at different points by Jimmy Bennett, Dylan Sprouse, and Cole Sprouse), who after spending his early life in foster care ends up back in the custody of his erratic, self-absorbed, wildly irresponsible mother Sarah (Argento). After Jeremiah is sexually assaulted by one of his mother's awful boyfriends (Jeremy Renner), he's ineffectually counseled by a useless social worker (Wynonna Ryder, appearing unbilled) and placed in the custody of his Jesus-freak grandparents (Peter Fonda and Ornella Muti), who are no less cruel or abusive in their own ways. Sarah later "rescues" Jeremiah, encourages him to cross-dress to pose as her younger sister — leading to his being assaulted by another of Sarah's terrible boyfriends (Marilyn Manson) — and then moves them in a run-down house with a meth lab in the basement. The public interest in this very unpleasant material, which is a veritable anthology of child abuse and frequently difficult to watch, was ostensibly driven by the notion that it was based on real events of "LeRoy's" life. With that pretense revealed as a fraud, what's left is a distasteful appetite for the self-consciously lurid, to which Argento's main contribution is the gusto with which she embraces an especially unsympathetic maternal role. Even that was rendered all the more unpalatable by the subsequent allegations of Jimmy Bennett, who reported in 2018 that when he was 17 (about 10 years after this film was made), Argento sexually assaulted him in a California hotel room. Argento's DARVO response squandered all of her remaining goodwill and permanently consigned this already hard-to-stomach movie to the "Morbid Curiosities" file. CONTAINS LESBIANS? No, and aside from the point. VERDICT: Unpleasant content, fraudulent premise, too many creeps. Very strong CW for CSA and other forms of child abuse.
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Hello kitty & Carl’s friends.
Crispy AF.
📸: Grisel Ng.
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chibelial · 5 months
Debating on my next Elden Ring Build, please gimme your thoughts!
Under the cut I’ll describe builds I already have, and please in the notes talk about your own builds!
Alright I’ve got a few characters, 2 of which have been rebirthed into a new character/build. Here they are, in the order I made them
1. Veteran Blood Priest - Aegon: this being my first character, it went under a few revisions. I don’t remember exactly what build I was trying to run with initially, but as soon as I defeated Mohg and got the Sacred Spear; everything had to change. I love this weapon, it’s probably my favorite in the game. I revamped my character immediately into a wall of armor and poise, every stat that wasn’t put into stamina for that express purpose was poured into Arcane for max damage. With the Veterans armor and the bullgoat talisman, I could almost always activate the weapon art uninterrupted, and it would even melt bosses who can’t bleed. I went into NG+ and finished near every boss in maybe 12-15 hours and I take these playthroughs SLOW, the trident was just that strong, especially its weapon art. However I leveled this guy to like 170 or 180 and after that I realized you generally wanna stop anywhere between the 90s and the 140s, so I really don’t play him anymore, hence why I have bleed characters and a trident build on my list lol, I’d like to make one within decent leveling parameters. Also, this guy got the Frenzy ending. I found the 3 fingers by accident on my first playthrough and got the most vile ending.
2. Black Flame Knight - Bakura: Night’s Cavalry Armor and all the black flame incantations, maxed out godskin seal and godskin peeler. With Shard of Alexander and some other fire damage buffs, nothing melts bosses faster and more consistently than the black flame tornado, and all the spells are just insanely strong. People who say Intelligence/Dexterity builds are playing in easy mode may not be wrong, but I’d wager the game is almost as easy when you run a proper black flame set up.
Initially this guy was gonna be a death sorcerer, the name Bakura was a Yugioh reference to Bakura who always used occult themed cards and quite famously had destiny board, which I was supplementing as the rancor spells. Like 2/3 way through the game the build was trash. I just didn’t do it right cuz my brother has built a phenomenal death rite sorcerer. Ended up rebirthing and doing a black flame build. Haven’t renamed him yet but I probably will give him something more suiting.
3. Ranni’s Consort Eternal - Asmodeus: This was meant to be a conglomerate of all the “night” themed magic stuff I could use, and ofc this character did ranni’s ending. I used the zweidander with a magic, and later a frost weapon art, for most of the playthrough, to get myself ready for the Darkmoon Sword. Tried out Blaidd’s as well and loved it, but stuck w the darkmoon for immersion. Sorceries were a mix of night and gravity sorceries. I think I threw in 1 or 2 frost ones near the end just to prock the status more often.
4. Perfumer/Status Build - Carl Weezer: my brother and I were doing Carl weezer (from the show Jimmy Neutron for those unaware) and one night when I was stumped on what to do w a new character, I was like fuck it let’s make Carl. So I used the Godskin Noble armor, with the Albinauric mask, and I specifically made use of breathe and scream attacks. Using talismans to boost those and the perfume items, Carl was a VERY gimmicky tarnished. If you’re confused as to why the scream, breathe, and perfume attacks, it was simple. Carl is always defined by his failing health and his asthma so we decided, the perfume items were his inhalers and the breathe attacks kinda fit too. Scream attacks were based on the fantastic 4 / X-Men episode where his powers are burp based. Sorry to offend asthmatics but I had very little to work with. Carl ended up being such a mess that I rebirthed him with rennala and turned him into the next character I’ll list -
5. Beast Champion: This guy had Bernhal’s full set of armor, except of the head which was the Blaidd mask. Maim focus was just damage with the Beast Claw Hammer, but I ran the claw mark seal and all the beast incantations as well, along with a couple crucible spells. Ran a Cinquedea as well for a speedy option during pvp. I tried to use physical buff items and spells as often as possible to make up for the fact that this build was pure physicality, no damage dealing items weapons or skills unless they dealt physical
6. Lord of Frenzied Flame - Tenebrae: My magnum opus. This tarnished is the best in pvp of any of my builds, and aesthetically he’s so perfect. He’s a balance between faith and arcane, and I have the dragon communion seal in 1 hand and the frenzy in the other. I wear Eleanora’s gauntlets and have the Frenzy seal in the gold hand, and the communion seal in the red dragon scaled hand. I usually cast with the frenzy seal for the buff but in pvp the communion seal builds frenzy super easy on other players. With the gauntlets I just have Morgott’s Robe and the Merchants Headpiece, the headpiece is obv a reference to where the three fingers are found as well as Kalé’s cut questline. I thought morgott’s robe looked so raggedy and worn, it was perfect, plus what a mocking gesture to the golden order and the greater will than to be clad in the robe of Leyndell’s last king. It also was the only piece I could think of that kinda suited the giant flaming head you get during the end cutscene, thing has the watermelon for head size like SpongeBob’s sweater of tears. Ofc I was also running Vykes spear with this guy, but he was mostly a caster.
7. Blood Knight - Belial: I basically wanted to make a bleed character who was super fast instead of super slow and tanky, unfortunately I chose to use Eleanora’s poleblade instead of katanas or reduvia or something. It’s such a cool weapon but I was struggling a bit at the endgame, so I rebirthed this guy to use the trident again, but with a light roll. He’s currently got Mohg’s robe and I switch the other armor around here and there. I’m not sure what I’ll end up doing with this tarnished he hasn’t finished the game. Maybe the dlc will give us a twinmace and I can turn him into Ultraman Belial. I think I may just NG+ him into one of the guilds on the poll.
8. Adherent of Rot - Icky Vicky: this character focuses on inflicting rot and poison on strong enemies, while quickly cutting away HP with powerstanced daggers and consecutive damage boosting talismans. Right now she mainly uses 2 scorpion stingers and swaps 1 for reduvia at times. Haven’t NG+ yet but someone gave me a 2nd stinger. I’d like to get a 2nd Antspur rapier, with a poison weapon art both weapons could build rot and poison simultaneously. Character also wears Malenia’s gear with the mushroom crown. I use perfume items a lot and the poison and rot pots.
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lewki · 2 years
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SINGAPORE 2022; 📸: Carl Bingham / Lionel Ng
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now-we-say-c0ral · 9 months
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December 24, 2023
Today's Christmas eve day! Me and Ed had breakfast together and he was playing some Tagalog Christmas songs while eating the ginisang tuna with egg that he made me. For some reason, I wanted to hear the song "Sa Araw ng Pasko' and while chewing and singing, I couldn't help it. I cried. I haven't cried like that for months now and I just miss my family so much. That song really hurt because it's the exactly the emotion that I've been feeling this season. I miss my family so much.
I called them during their Noche Buena and I'm excited to see my little sister, Aizeah, because of the gift that I had in store for her. She was so happy to receive a new phone for Christmas. She deserves it. She's been keeping her grades up and she's been good... on average. They had so many food on their table and it makes me want to just book a plane just to get there for dinner. I'm just happy that I get to give to people that matter. It makes the tiredness I feel lighter.
We went to Carl and Ross' for our Christmas Eve dinner. The food Carl prepared was amazing. The pancit tasted smokey just the way I like it. I think I had three servings in total. He's really a good cook. Ross is so lucky to have him. My mango float tasted perfect! Not too sweet, not too bland, just the right amount of sweetness and the tangy mango puree on top really balanced out the flavour. Ross and Carl gave Eddie and me a winter poncho which was really cute. I can't wait to wear mine at home. We finished Squid Games and I kind of hate and love that Mai won. She's just a natural snake. It's just her nature, I mean, the way she handled the game. I would do the same for 4 million dollars. We then proceeded for some Karaoke and some card games. A lot has been revealed about each other. Drinks were being served and when they popped the JD I wussed out because it just tastes like wood to me.
I tried to sleep around 3am in Ross' room and they prepared an air mattress for us. They're so sweet. I didn't get a wink of sleep because of the alcohol and I'm not used to their bed. My Uber canceled my trip and I had to rebook another one. I'm gonna have a terrible mood for Christmas Day. I just hope that there're no cases today.
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lesbianmariuspontmercy · 10 months
1 and 24 for the book ask!! :D
Thank you! I track these things obsessively. I've read 28 full length books! And I've DNF'd 12 books.
thanks for asking!
Here's a list of both:
Read (bold = favorite)
Patricia Wants to Cuddle - Samantha Allen
Negative Space - BR Yeager
The House in Abigail Lane - Kealan Patrick Burke
Crying in H Mart - Michelle Zauner
Different Seasons - Stephen King
The Fall of the House of Usher - Edgar Allan Poe
Sorrowland - Rivers Solomon
Found: An Anthology of Found Footage
Scanlines - Todd Keisling
This is Where We Talk Things Out - Caitlin Marceau
The World Cannot Give - Tara Isabella Burton
Sharp Objects - Gillian Flynn
Fluids - May Leitz
The Elementals - Michael McDowell
Educated - Tara Westover
Say Nothing: A True Story of Memory and Murder in Northern Ireland - Patrick Radden Keefe
Little Fires Everywhere - Celeste Ng
Psychic Teenage Bloodbath - Carl John Lee
Good Omens - Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman (reread)
Mister Magic - Kiersten White
The Last Days of Jack Sparks - Jason Arnopp
The Bayou - Arden Powell
The Iliad - Homer
Helpmeet - Naben Ruthnum
The Weight of Blood - Tiffany D. Jackson
A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier - Ishmael Beah
Suffer the Children - Craig DiLouie
Intercepts - TJ Payne
and i'm hoping to finish at least 5 more books, but we shall see! (Les Mis, The Once Yellow House, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, Penance, and Pet Sematary)
as for DNFs;
Ghost Wall - Sarah Moss: Too tedious even for me
Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay: I feel there's more up to date feminist literature to read
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes - Catherine Lacey: as a Mexican, the way she talked about death and corpses left a bad taste in my mouth.
Kentukis - Samanta Schwelbin (Little Eyes in the translation): Gave up on this author, the stories went nowhere at all.
Heaven - Mieko Kawakami: I felt this book was going to leave me with nothing
Sleeping Giants - Sylvain Neuvel: This is just the set up for something very NGE and I didn't wanna commit to a saga
Anybody Home? by Michael J Seidlinger: Tries too hard
Ugly Girls - Lindsay Hunter: Wouldn't give me what i was craving atm
The Children of Red Peak - Craig DiLouie: Too infodumpy
Brutes - Dizz Tate: Wasn't providing what I needed
A Certain Hunger by Chelsea G. Summers: cringe
Stolen Tongues - Felix Blackwell: A creepypasta turned book that extends too much, weird treatment of Native American characters.
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