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Some screen shots backgrounds from the game ANICON: Animal Complex.
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thebluepenguine · 5 years
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Who wants to go camping? . . . #carivan #rv #recreationalvehicle #drawing #camping #art #design #backgrounddesign #propdesign #vehicledesign #artistsoninstagram #bethanycrandallart https://www.instagram.com/p/B3_Fj9RDPtE/?igshid=1wih50pjooc5s
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cariray-blog1 · 7 years
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So the #CariVan and I have been driving by this little pink sweetie for a few days now and she catches my eye every time...like Fall masquerading as Spring. Couldn’t resist her any more, and had to stop and snap a pic of this lovely...flirting with the night...holding tight to her crown for as long as she might. #cariray #mybrowncountyhome #embracebeauty #leafpeeper #singersongwriter #troubadour (at Brown County, Indiana)
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thesacredtwink · 3 years
Hey! I was wondering if you don’t mind, if you had any more hc for gerudo!twilight? I myself have headcannoned that since twi is a good dancer now, and both he and Malon are gerudo, would they dance together or like have dance battles? Thanks so much and sorry for any spelling errors!
Anon, it's kinda °o° that you bring up dance battles, because I have a whole thing about dance battles in Gerudo culture and like how did you know???
Dance battles: HECK YEAH
So dance as a form of story telling is a thing in Gerudo culture, and it's also the basis and foundation of the cultural fighting style. Which mean Gerudo Dance Battles are sometimes quite literally dance battles. Imagine if slam poetry competitions required the use of armed combat and judged you on not just how much they liked your poem (which is the only thing slam poetry competitions are judged on btw) but on your rhyme scheme, overall story coherency, technical execution, foot work, and hits landed on your opponent, and how well the story you are telling is able to work with the story your opponent is telling.
See, the point of a Gerudo Dance Battle isnt to out do your opponent, it's to work with them while still doing your own thing. It began as a test of sorts for warriors to see how well they could be independent on the battlefield while still working as a part of a larger whole. And dance as a form of story telling 100% predates the loss of the written Gerudo language from Twilights era, but it takes on a new importance and vocabulary once the people are exiled from the desert.
For safety reasons, swords are usually not permitted to be used in any actual dance battles. Historically, they were used but uh...one or two accidental stabbings (and a few not so accidental stabbings) put a stop to that WELL before Ganondorfs era. So special padded sticks get used.
Now as for Twilight and Malon having dance battles :3 eheheheheh
Malon would have been raised with a mixed cultural outlook, her mother being Gerudo and Talon being Hylian, and she didn't have a lot of years with her mom either. But, you can be darned sure that every now and then when the occasional Gerudo carivan would come to Castle Town, Talon and Malon would house a few of her cousins for a while and they absolutely made sure the young Malon learned the things her mom didn't have the chance to teach her.
And Malon is a KILLER dancer, and it's hilarious for me to think that by age 7 she was a better swordsman than Link was, but this was probably the case.
When Twilight and Malon meet, their first Dance Battle is EPIC. There aren't any padded sticks, so swords are used (against better judgement). It starts off slow, each getting the feel for the other and the way the dance styles are different. But it picks up pace rather quickly. Of everyone present, only the two of them really understand that it's story telling, and not just dancing, and they are the only ones who understand the language of the movements.
So not only is the dance battle epic, it's this really private bonding moment for the two of them as they tell eachother their life stories.
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oneofthekoolkids · 3 years
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Reminded me of a certain Carivan
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Chapter 5 in the Klance Equestrian AU
Keith had left the money on the floor he had a crumpled five left. It was the only money he had managed to make off the sale of his favorite jewelry before he left the Galara Galaxy. Keith had planned on using the twenty to go buy jerky and cans of beans so he wouldn’t have to eat Voltron’s precious biscuits. He didn’t know when he would get the opportunity to make them again. He was trying to limit the stallion but it was hard. 
At Galra Galaxy if Keith needed supplies or food all he had to do was go see Lotor. Granted Lotor always made Keith pay with sex,blowjobs, and various other things. He’d also numb out the experience after with drugs. He’d fill a needle full of the stuff (Keith never knew what it was sometimes he changed it) and then he'd give Keith a little shot and then he’d dress him and hand him a wad of cash and drop him off in town. 
Keith would wander through each store his eyes bleary from the drugs and fill the cart with the supplies he’d memorized to make Voltron's treats and then he’d look at all the food but he’d think about how Voltron needed a new blanket or a new saddle pad. Then he would push his cart through the checkout where all the ladies in line would look at him and he would try to shrink but he couldn’t. He knew that Lotor made him look like a druggie on purpose to isolate him and make him afraid of the people around him. 
Keith thought about the way Lance looked at the twenty like he was some kind of crazy person. Keith knew he had broken something that didn’t belong to him and he knew to replace it. He’d rather not do it by getting beat. So he offered up what little pocket change he had and tried to move on.  He and Voltron had spent most of the day outside. Keith had found a creek which would allow for him to rinse out his clothes and hang them on the fence and that’s where he was headed. He wasn’t expecting to bump into the guy in the white t-shirt again. 
“Woah. You okay t-” Hunk reached out to steady Keith his warm large hand going for Keith’s shoulder. 
“Don’t touch me.” Keith snapped he instinctively flinched as far away from the physical contact as he could. 
“You can’t talk to Hunk that way. He was just trying to help your dumb ass.” Came the voice of a girl who was dressed in blue overalls beside him. Her hair was golden brown and her eyes were green to match the ribbons she had so carefully braided from the base of her skull to her sholders. 
“Pidge,be nice.” Hunk warns her
“ No one tells me what to do.” Keith says he stands taller trying not to let her know that she makes him scared that everything about her and about Hunk scares him. 
“Keith, it’s cool. Right Pidge?” Hunk sooth’s stepping between the two laying his hand on Pidge’s shoulder but giving Keith plenty of space. 
Keith wants nothing more than to tell Hunk everything is fine so he does,” Sure...” but everything is telling him to run before someone backs him into a corner and has at him with a baseball bat. 
“See no need to be on the offensive Pidge. So calm down. Keith’s chill.”  Hunk sooth’s before turning to look at him,” What you doing with all that stuff?” 
“Im going to go wash it...” Keith confesses nodding toward the creek. 
“ Your going to wash your clothes in the creek?” Pidge asks her voice going high. 
“ Yes...” 
“ You realize there is a washmachine in the barn right?” She tries reasoning.
“ Yes...” Keith knew that but he had been watching people use it all day and he was concerned someone would see his clothes and become angry so he felt it was better not to risk it. Just like when he rose at 3am and showered in the cold water of the wash stall. He had been quiet and then he went and curled up next to Voltron’s belly under one of the wool blankets. Voltron had welcomed him with nickers and licks and then he had dressed under the woolen blanket. 
Hunks eyes were wider than dinner plates and he looked at Keith’s bags and then at the creek. 
“No way I can let you do that my dude.” He said and he reached forward taking the duffle from Keith whose eyes made wide scared looks. He wasn’t sure if he needed to run or if he needed to just follow along with whatever the Larger man said. Voltron was still in the Paddock near the creek he looked comfortable and Keith looked at him grazing nervously unsure. 
It was Pidge who decided for him,” Come on EMO. Maybe Hunk will give us milk and cookies.” 
At the very mention of food Keith stomach grumbled and Hunk smiled,” come on then.” He began walking holding Keith’s duffle bag in one hand like it was nothing but a simple paperweight and Pidge followed behind him. The two of them seemed so odd next to one another. Hunk was so tall and broad Keith was sure he could easily just lift Pidge and throw her if she pissed him off. Pidge seemed like one of those people who just poked at people until they gave her what she wanted and Keith wasn’t sure he liked that. 
All three re-entered the barn and approached a red door that Keith had walked by labeled private. Hunk opened it and there was a set of stairs that led straight up into a loft of sorts. The loft was open with large carpeted spaces and white walls covered in photos and posters.
Most of the photos seemed to be of Lance, Pidge and Hunk in Various places and poses. Some photos looked like they were done at shows and Keith looked at each one noticing Shiro standing in the back in some and Adam in others. Adam was still around? For some reason that made Keith sad. Like he’d been through hell already and Adam got Shiro and the happy ending he couldn’t. Keith turned away from the Pictures trying not to think.
Hunk had his hands in Keith’s duffel bag and he was pulling out the clothes he had and separating them into piles in a small room that Keith had yet to pass,” Dude when was the last time these things actually saw a wash machine?” Hunk asked as he lifted the last set of jodhpurs Keith owned out. They were streaked with mud.
Keith wanted to lie and say a week ago. But a week ago Lotor had been pissed because his father hadn’t left him as much money as he’d wanted and he’d had Keith pinned in a corner and then he had t left Keith money for food or laundry just Voltron.
“It’s been a month...” He confesses hushed his arms going to his sweater filled with dirt.
Hunk looks at him and then the stacks of clothes,” is that true for all of your clothes?” His expression is so soft. The way he breaths is calm and he doesn’t look angry and for some reason Keith feels like it’s wrong to lie to him. Keith isn’t sure why but he feels like he’d let him down if he lied.
It reminds him of when he trusted Shiro and when Shiro would come in to take his laundry. Keith would stand scared at first thinking he was being punished and then Shiro started taking him with. Letting him put his socks in the top and press the button just so he knew he was getting them back.
“Yeah...” He confesses a hand going to his hair and moving his lip ring with his tounge nervously.
Hunk looks at him and then his clothes and he steps around Keith and calls down the hall,” PIDGE BRING ME A T-SHIRT AND A PAIR OF LANCES SWEATPANTS.”
There’s a small thump as a bundle of clothes chucks itself past Keith and lands at Hunks feet. Keith tries to turn and see where Pidge went but she’s already gone and Keith turns to see Hunk holding out the two articles of clothing to him,”Put these on and we’ll wash what your wearing.”
Keith looks at the clothes and then at Hunk puzzled,” why are you being so nice?” He takes the stack and follows Hunk who leads him to a small bathroom. He shuts the door leaving Keith to change. Keith changes making sure not to get any dirt on the carpet . Hunks shirt is far to big and the sweat pants have to be rolled but he manages. A few minutes later he pads back to the Laundry room where Hunk is standing looking at Keith’s white jodhpurs in a ziplock bag.
“Do you wash these?” He asks him and Keith holds out his hand. Hunk hands him the baggie and Keith opens it sniffing ,” Nope these need it bad too... Go through your bag and pull out things you don’t wash and I’ll wash the bags too.” Hunk said simply taking Keith’s dirty clothes from his arms (and the jodhpurs in the ziplock Keith sniffed) and throwing them in a pile that he threw in the wash machine on a special high setting.
“Why are you being nice?” Keith asks again his voice is small. 
“Hebrews 13:16″  Hunk said calmly a smile coming to his face and walking down the hall Keith followed Pidge joining him.
“Hunk’s a Roman Catholic. He believes in helping others before helping yourself.” Pidge said calmly as if explaining his whole being. 
“That’s not why I do everything though.” Hunk said as they went into the wide living room space that connected to a stainless steel Kitchen. Keith looked at it wanting to have some kind of understanding how the three individuals had so much space and kept it all so clean. Hunk went directly to the Kitchen and Pidge followed taking a seat at the island watching as he gathers supplies from the fridge. 
Keith hesitantly sat down to watch his eyes wide. Pidge looked at him with curiosity,” How long have you had Voltron?” 
“Two years.” Keith responds his fingers pick lightly at the hem of the t-shirt,”he’s not mine though..”
“Right he belongs to The Paladin Palace.” Pidge says reaching forward to grab a slice of fruit that Hunk had sliced 
“Gremlin.” He warned.She huffed retracting her fingers and Keith looked at Hunk. He was using a large knife to slice fruit and place them in a large bowl. He had this calm about him and it made Keith think about Voltron. How he calmed sometimes just with a touch and he though Hunk maybe this way with his kitchen and knives and cleaning and it for some strange reason set him at ease.
“I’ve had Rover for three if you count the time I spent tracking him.” Pidge pitches spinning her stool in a circle not making eye contact
“He was part of this huge Gypsy carivan and I legit followed them for a year just to buy one of their horses.” She says speeding herself up,” ended up with no money to get him home. So I ended up just riding him.”
“Until Lance and I found you.” Hunk clarifies
“Yeah and spoiled the coolest cross crountry-trek ever!!!” She stops spinning to narrow her eyes and slips one of the berries from the bowl. Hunk narrows his eyes but doesn’t stop her.
“You had saddle sores the size of my right ass cheek.” Hunk justifies
“Is there importance for why it’s the right ass cheek and not the left?” She chimes back
Keith watches confused are they married? Are they dating? Are they siblings?The way they talk to each other so openly and so honest is just so different, he’s unsure.
Hunk sets a steaming mug of tea in front of Keith,” would you like cream or sugar?” Keith has to think back to when he was with Adam and Shiro for the proper response. How does Keith take his tea?
“Cream... please.” He manages after a moment and Hunk smiles pulling a cream from the fridge and giving some to Keith who watches his tea become this warm brown color.
“Shay wasn’t as hard to find as Rover. Granted she came from a tough place, she was an easy pick. She was in a herd of seventy never been touched. I walked out three hundred bucks and said ,’that one’. Been a tight team ever since. That was 5 years ago.” Hunk said as he sprinkled some flour on the counter and then pulled a silver bowl from the fridge. He pulled the wad of what Keith assumed to be dough from the bowl and began kneeding expertly shoulders working.
There was a buzz and Hunk looked at Pidge,” Remember what I taught you?”
“Which part”
“About special loads.”
“Yes. I’m capable of that much.”
“Good then your capable of switching the loads.” He answered sweetly.
She narrowed her eyes but did so and Hunk turned to Keith his eyes honest,” Keith, I’m going to say this when Pidge isn’t here and Lance isn’t around because you seem like you’ve been through enough. You deserve some privacy.”
Keith felt panic creeping up his back and into his fingers. He remained still watching as Hunk stopped kneeding.
“I know you’ve been through shit. You probably don’t eat anything besides Voltron’s biscuits. Shower outside in the hose when it’s not cold out. Voltrons the only thing you’ve got... Whatever happened to you, whatever happened to him. Isn’t going to happen here. Now eat, it’ll make Pidge suspicious if you sit there stomach grumbling all day.” Hunk pushes the bowl of fruit to Keith and Keith looked at Hunk wondering what kind of person just took strangers into their homes and gave them fruit and washed their clothes. Hunk did.
It was close to dinner when Keith was released from Hunks care. He knew when Shiro did turn in and he made sure he had all his things (Freshly washed) and his backpack and his duffel bag (which Hunk made Pidge (who could sew and repair things fix and then he’d washed and packed it for Keith)). Keith was given a small brown bag with a thing called a turn-over (Pidge has shrieked when she’d seen it) and a peanut butter sandwhich and then he was allowed to leave. Keith had been careful setting each article down in front of Voltrons stall.
Outside Voltron was prancing his tail high in the air.
“Settle down.” Keith singsonged to him as he climbed over the gate and put a Halter on the stallions head.
“Does he always prance when he’s excited?” There was the clear voice of Lance. Keith held his breath as he looked behind him to the boy who was holding a beautiful Red mare who Keith vaguely recognized from one of the stalls.
“No...” Keith wasn’t sure how to respond part of him wanted to push Lance as far away as he could, another part wanted to give in like he had with Hunk.
“Why doesn’t he take treats?” Lance asked this time following a safe distance as Keith started heading towards the barn.
“What?” Keith stops confused.
“I tried giving him carrots or apples or sugar cubes...”
“He hates stuff like that... he likes baked goods and bread.” Keith says looking at Lance who has stopped the mare next to him.
Lance blinks,” That’s weird...” and then he walks the red mare toward the barn leaving Keith to wonder just how weird it really is.
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vesemirsexual · 2 years
not to be italiano but gezras of leyda is the achille lauro of the dyn marv carivan
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
It is such a sucker and pushover even though it's true even though you should know even though you should be informed of it to try and do something what you do and yours do is ridiculous just not help anybody they need to feed in order to make people this way of doing that both it was for the they must be huge
His women must be Giants be there probably humongous who knows how big their
Mac says
And we say this
There's a bunch of us so you can see us in small-format all day which will calm your people what would a huge Miles High several that's about the same cuz we didn't mind if I solved genetically we have so many eggs each started funny My Little pregnant lady this is so stupid for you say that that's okay cuz you're here when you're here helping me that's why you laughing I miles high and I'm pregnant will you do fertilized eggs in vitro it is with a portion of your spare and we mix it with your Giants here instead well technically with my DNA as well and they come out pretty good looking human we do it on purpose so they can become also it's a different humans this payback if this will work for God they need us to do the same to you here and all over the place using your ship shortly o b h cuz of the facility underneath the Carolinas and Georgia Florida part of Alabama we are huge to
You say that I got to watch out for the hormone stuff no I've got to watch my mouth and she's a s a i say he's going to watch his mouth delegated to say something decent so I'll cut it out but here you go with what's going on you're coming with Carivans. Going to intercept and laid to waste continue to popping out all spring and use those it show up to do so fast food
Hera Zues
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Tracking someone in the canyons isn't easy. Red rocks, sand, hot sun, everything starts to look the same after a while. Your partner knew that but he bad been at this longer and made sure you both had enough water and cloaks. But damn it was hot. Well past the Mural of Sun and Sky, laid the Barrens. Most people who come out to the Barrens to disappear end up dead. Monster food. But this job didn't have to worry about that. The bounty office gave you everything they knew about them. "A big bastard" said one witness testimony, "covered in rags, axe on their back and a voice louder than the desert winds" They're bounty was posted by Westward Traders Union, bankers moving money from settlement to settlement then back to their banks back East. Hell you would knock over those carivans if you had the manpower. This guy didn't need it. Finishing the third waterskin, you see something on the horizon. Between two canyons is a large humanoid, moving slowly, carrying crates. Your partner gave you a look and you both began running towards it. You watch the shape disappear behind some rocks and expect it to reappear but instead....the sand. It came out of nowhere. Usually you can see them starting as a collection of dustdevils the form together but this was different. It came on so quick that you lost your partner within seconds. The wind was deafening and the sand blind but you heard and saw one thing. The blood curdling roar and the blood of your partner, right before your own. (Storm Herald Barbarian)
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priests-and-potions · 7 years
@saihyo-of-the-frost fallowed. Have a starter! Hana was exploring the forests of Vale trying to clear a trading route for some carivans. As she walked thru the road she saw a hunter surrounded by some Beowolf Grimm. “ Watch out!” Hana yelled as she pulled out her chime that was filled with yellow dust and weird looking symbols. She gently rang the chime as lightning shot sticking one the Beowolfs dead
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thecooler · 7 years
I played a short dnd campaign today and the text didnt specify what the carivan we were supposed to be helping past was carrying so our dm said "pajamas" And my character was like "sexy pajamas?" And thats how we repeatedly ran into the "sexy pj bandits" (We also at one point encountered a lizard man wearing lingerie as a crown, who my roommates characted instigated a fight with to steal his lingerie)
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cariray-blog1 · 7 years
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Just back from a fun little run this weekend. More great rooms coming up this month as the holidays approach. This week, we’re proud to be a part the Homegrown music series at Music on the Square in Greencastle and to help Square Cat Vinyl celebrate their first year of bringing musical goodness to Fountain Square. Sandwiched between will be one of your final two chances to catch My For A Song series at Chateau Thomas Nashville this year. This time with Abe Partridge and Nick Dittmeier. Then we’ll run up to Thanksgiving by playing the Dolly Parton/Pioneer stage at Tonic Ball and a trip to one of our favorite listening rooms, Logan Street Sanctuary! @discoverfs @tonicindy @abepartridge @thesawdusters @chateauthomaswinery @lss1274 @pioneerindy #cariray #CariVan #singersongwriter #troubadour #storyteller #livemusicisbetter #do317
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delilah-briarwood · 6 years
No ‘Posts’ Until Sunday
Everything between like mid-day tomorrow and Sunday night is just queued things I’ve built up this week. Last family holiday before Uni. M
Please, please just send me dumbass asks for when I come back. Questions, ships, characters. Anything. Even just one word.
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Vans classic Slip-on Chacker board Quality Import Premium Waffle ICC Made In China Size 37/38/40/41/42/43/44 Price. 300.000 💯real Picture Kelengkapan BOX/STIKER/KAOSKAKI (Selagi stok masih ada) Contact Us: id line @jno8618j WA . 0831 2925 4905 👇 @testi_classicshoes @classicshoes.bdg @classicshoesbdg Cara pemesanan: Sertakan gambar dan detail/rincian barang melalui contact atau chat langsung (Tidak melayani chat Via kolom Komentar) pengemasan barang rapih & aman Pengiriman Via JNE / J&T Luar & dalam kota Untuk wilayah BANDUNG Dan Sekitarny GO-SEND aja Biar Cepat TERIMAKASIH 😉🤗 📄 Note : jika size tidak sesuai bisa di tukarkan kembali #vans #vansindo #vansindonesia #vansdt #vanshedid #vansheadkaskus #wheremyvansgo #istkicks #otwyk #jualvans #darahkubiru #vansundan #spokatology #bandung #vansicc #vansifc #vansdt #kekinian #carivans #pahi #explorebc #vanscouple #vansslipon #vansauthenticmurah #vansmurah #olshop #vansoriginal #vansauthentic #vanspremium (di Bandung)
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sidoodled · 7 years
Panic // Meme [Animation Practice] // Just finished 
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Real quick, I was watching a tiny home show and just remembered something. The first time I had Kurt visit Margali, I had figured her home would be normal carivan size inside and out, and whoever does Margali made it magically bigger on the inside and now I just imagine her making it bigger every time a bew kid entered the family and even when they went off to do their own thing or were no longer around she didn't shrink it back down for whatever reason, probably entirely related to the kids, and I think that's cute
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