iamclaoh · 2 years
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No soy tu puto tamagotchi
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i am not your fucking tamagotchi
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kamikikusan · 7 months
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berrinchesdedanthe · 5 years
Cariño: Poética de las cosas
Estoy haciendo fila en el bus pues voy a organizar un club de lectura. En este momento, llueve un poco y disfruto de las gotas escuchando Cariño. Gracias al algoritmo de Youtube ayer las escuché. El señor contiguo a mí tiene un gran paraguas e intenta decirme que me puede tapar. No lo hace. Es esta sociedad solitaria pero mezclada, llena de cosas en la que surge este grupo pop.
Hace un tiempo, noto que hay canciones, poemas y en general, literatura que se enfoca en las cosas. La cultura pop está volviendo la vista hacia los objetos cotidianos. Por ejemplo, recuerdo haber leído un poema que trataba de audífonos y muchos con cuestiones de teléfonos en la Alt-Lit.
La acumulación de las cosas como elemento contemporáneo
Las cosas en la sociedad no aparecen de la nada. Todo obedece a necesidades, aunque no nos guste. Por ejemplo, las cosas negativas como el odio, guerras o competencia, se debe a necesidades sociales. Son producto de nuestras acciones. La acumulación de objetos es un bien cultural común. Se evidencia en productos pop, por ejemplo, las series de Acumuladores Compulsivos o la  de Netflix Marie Kondo que nunca vi porque es muy aburrida.
Quizás acumulamos por el vacío, misma motivación que lleva a escribir a las chicas de Cariño. Tengo una caja llena de cosas viejas y me resisto a abandonarlas. Muchos de los textos que escribo se relacionan a objetos. Puede ser, entonces, que haya una poética a partir de los objetos. Esos, que guardan historias y los que tiramos cuando cortamos con nuestra pareja.
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En una entrevista, una de las integrantes decía que escribía porque decir te quiero en poesía suena mal. Lo cierto es que en música también. Sin embargo, la forma en la que se aborda en Cariño es una forma innovadora. Toda esta ternura melancólica y la música feliz es la que alimenta el lugar común y lo replantea.
Otro rasgo interesante de la música de Cariño son sus listas. Hay listas de compras, de desechos y de objetos significativos. La vida en sí es una lista. Cuando recordamos a alguien, enlistamos sus características. La lista es el enlace de las cosas con nosotros 
La poética de los objetos se debe a nuestro apego a las cosas
Dice por ejemplo “Canción de pop de amor” de Cariño: 
Voy a escribirte una canción Por cada vez que te he echado de menos Voy a llenar tu disco duro De canciones con te quieros Voy a triunfar para sonar en la radio Para que así me tengas que escuchar Voy a escribirte en un mensaje Que sin ti no sé flotar Voy a enviarte todas las cartas De las que nunca fui capaz Repletas de cupones descuento De mi amor sin caducidad
Las listas en Cariño tienen un tinte de catálogo de cosas en un apartamento. Algo que me recuerda, de nuevo una referencia contemporánea, a Tuca y Bertie, una serie de Netflix. En ella se narra las aventuras de dos amigas y, al inicio, ella se va del apartamento. Esa es la primera migración. Luego, en avanzados capítulos, se ve cuando Tuca acomoda su apartamento. Ahí es cuando nota su vacío.
Nos hemos vuelto humanos de espacios habitados por nuestros objetos. Luego de la limpieza, nos llega la melancolía. Limpiar es el problema de lo efímero. Por fortuna, la entropía siempre desordena todo.
La sencillez de las letras, de la música y de los sentimientos de las cantantes de Cariño hace de los lugares comunes, uno de lugares habitados. Cada canción es una bolsita Ziploc o un Tupper lleno de recuerdos rechazados. A partir de la escena propuesta por estas chicas, se puede repensar la música como la compañía necesaria, una que habita nuestros recuerdos en forma de objetos.
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p-carreiro · 6 years
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PCARREIRO “Cariño- Movidas (LP cover design)”
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somesandthings · 5 years
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No, isn’t Gaako, is Gaara (???), and Shukaku is an alebrije~!!!👌❤❤❤
I dedicate the second illustration to my bestie HKN! 👀❤ I was thinking about her drawings when I did this, I was too inspired and I will definitely do more of this sexy Gaaras, was fun and I loved ❤❤❤❤
¡No, no es Gaako, es Gaara (???), y sí, Shukaku es un alebrije! 👌❤❤❤
¡Le dedico el segundo dibujo a mi bestu HKN! 👀❤ Me la pasaba pensando en sus dibujos mientras lo hacía y definitivamente haré más de esos Gaaras setsisss; ¡fue divertido y lo amé! ❤❤❤❤
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bel-sophie-in · 5 years
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quabnto è carinio il nostro amico a 4 zampe.. 
ovunque siamo..oro aspettano proprio noi.
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jbali · 7 years
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Happy 90th Birthday Grandma!! Loves youuuu!! 😘🤗 #Mama #Birthday #family #Carinio #lifeisbeautiful #loveeveryday
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marchedutemps · 2 years
TODO absolutamente TODO está en mi contra para ir al concierto de carinio el miércoles pero aún así tengo muchas ganas aaaahhhh
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captainamerica77 · 7 years
Tis the Season for some new drabbles! First Reaper one too!
Pairing: Gabriel Reyes x Reader
Fandom: Overwatch
Warning: language
“Pleeeease Gabe,” You begged with puppy dogs eyes. You were trying to get your boyfriend Gabriel Reyes to help you decorate the house for Christmas. You loved Christmas so much, it was your favourite holiday.
“I told you (y/n) its silly. We can have a fine Christmas without all the decorations cluttering up the house.” Gabriel was not big on holidays and Christmas was included in that list. He will admit it was nice seeing you so excited about something though.
“Well its important to me!” You pouted crossing your arms and stomping your foot like a child.
“No don't you Carino me unless its you saying you'll help me decorate,” You were very upset. Here was the man you loved with all your heart saying he wouldn't help you do this simple thing. It infuriated you especially since you rarely asked for anything like this.
“Fine, but only because its you.” Gabe ruffled your hair before kissing your temple. You had the biggest grin on your face. You practically jumped off the ground! You ran to get the decorations from the basement with Gabe following behind admiring the view you gave him.
The rest of the day was spent putting up the tree and laying out Christmas place-mats complimented with a festive centerpiece. You two would joke and listen to the sounds of the season with you singing along, loudly. Gabe didn't mind though he was just glad you were happy.
“See wasn't that fun?” You asked standing to admire the work you two did.
“It wasn't the worst thing in the world,” he said wrapping an arm around you. You leaned into his warmth and placed your hand on his chest. It looked like something out of a Christmas card. It was perfect, you couldn't want anything else.
(post fall)
Since your boyfriend Gabe had come back to life or maybe he was never really dead? Anyways ever since he had come back it hadn't been the same. He wasn't the same, he wasn't Gabriel Reyes. He was Reaper. He didn't enjoy doing anything with you anymore, or at least it seemed that way to you. You could never really tell what he was feeling with that mask on all the time. You hadn't seen him without it and honestly you missed feeling his lips on yours and seeing his good looking grin.
You peeked your head around the corner and saw he was going over some paperwork for an upcoming mission.
“Ga- I mean Reaper, would you like to help me decorate for Christmas?” you asked meekly.
“I think you know the answer to that,” he responded not even looking up.
“Okay well I'm going to just be decorating, let me know if I disturb you.” You closed the door to his office lightly before you went to get the decorations alone.
It wasn't the same decorating alone. You didn't sing to the songs of the season or laugh and smile. You just laid down some place-mats, sat down the centerpiece from all those years ago, and stood up a tree.
Decorations and Ornaments now littered the trees branches and glistened in the light. It was almost beautiful, just needed to put the star on top. You reached in the box and pulled out the star admiring it for a minute. How you were going to get it all the way up there was a mystery you'd have to solve on your own.
You tried to jump and put it on but that nearly knocked over the whole tree. Luckily it didn't. You couldn't get a chair close enough to put the star on either. Looks like you would be having a starless tree.
A cold hand grabbed the star from your warm ones. You looked up to see that hand put the star on top of the tree, you turned around and it was Reaper. No not Reaper, but your Gabriel. There was no mask and you could see whisps of what looked like black smoke coming off his dark skin. Even with all the new scars he was still handsome as ever.
“I thought you were busy and thought this was dumb?” you asked awestruck.
“I did too. But I like seeing you smile a bit more,”he said. He placed his hand under your chin and guided your face upwards. “Merry Christmas Carinio.”
“You're a little early Reyes,” you said before kissing the cold lips of your boyfriend happy he was back even if for a little while.
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claro que no podemos cambiar el hambre
con una canción
pero no confundamos los sintomas
con el problema
la guerra no es de clases,
la guerra no es material
la guerra es espiritual.
la guerra es espiritual.
todo lo demas es un reflejo de eso que siempre termina de estar mal y jamas comprenderemos
cual es el orgin den del mal
cual es el origen del mal
quien comenzo a girar la rueda que genero esto
gente muriendose de hambre al lado de un mercado repleto de comida
en el dolor, no hay mas derecho a sentirlo
nadie debe darte el derecho a sentir
que haremos con toda la culpa? que haremos con toda la desidia
mas importante es saber/entender que haremos con el amor
a donde lo dorogimos, a quien se lo damos
el dolor sin emabrgo
valaga o no
nos pertenece
me pertence
asi como no me pertenece el sol, la lluvi o el viento
los siento - pero no me pertenecen
sintomas que escribo pero a fin de cuentas
no comprendo
no puedo poner el dedo en ellos
el dolor isn mebargo
no me pertence
no pertence
es solo el carinio devastado
a veces necesitamos odiar para no lidiar con el abuso
el abandono
poresto es que te odie tanto tiempo, pero ahora, solo siento pena
y guardo un deseo de felicidad para vos
toda aquella que yo no pude crear para restauarar todo lo que te hundia
pero ya no me hago cargo
de tu miseria
en alguna cancion de los beatles estaremos siempre juntos
eso debe bastar
eso tiene que bastar.
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hsrsports · 4 years
US Open 3 Busta defeated Shapovalov after a five-set battle
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New York, Dt
Carinio Busta of Spain, against whom Djokovic was declared the defaulter after a dramatic sequence of events in the fourth round match, defeated Shapovalov of Canada 6-4, 6-4, 6-4, 0-6, 6-4 in the US Open Grand Slam. Made it to the semi-finals of the Slam. He will now face Zverev of Germany in the semi-finals. He defeated young Croatian Borna Koric 1-6, 6-6 (6-4), 6-6 (6-4), 6-4 in four sets.
Djokovic was the hot favorite to become the world number one champion at the US Open in the absence of defending champion Nadal among the Corona at Flushing Meadows. However Djokovic lightly hit the ball into a corner of the court after losing his serve game decisively in the first set of the fourth round. The line that hit the judge's throat disqualified him. Busta benefited from the decision and advanced to the quarterfinals. He finished in the final four, beating Canada's Shapovalov in a four-hour, five-minute marathon. Germany's Zverev advanced to the semifinals of the US Open after beating Borna Koric in a three-hour match.
Former champion and world number one Naomi Osaka of Japan defeated Shelby Rogers of the United States 6-4, 6-4 to advance to the final four. She will now face unseeded American Jennifer Brady. Who defeated Putin Seva of Kazakhstan 6-4, 6-3.
- https://ift.tt/34vXvMA
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kpopimagina · 7 years
BTS cuando utilizas un apodo cariñoso en tu idioma.
Hola como estas? Puedes hacer una reacción de bts por favor cuando le dices algún apodo cariñoso en español.
~Aqui esta la reacción que pediste,espero que te guste mucho ^^
Recordad que el Askbox esta abierto siempre.
Rap Monster.
"Me pregunto como puedes ser tan tierna y sexy a la vez" Sin duda alguna a Najoom le resultaría muy sexy que le hablaras en tu idioma. Le gustaria que se lo hablaras en más ocasiones y que no solo te limitaras a ponerle apodos cariñosos, sino que le enseñaras la riqueza de tu idioma.
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"¿Que has dicho?" A Jin le sorprendería que dijeras alguna palabra que no entendiera. Le causaría mucha confusión cada vez que le dijeras algo en tu idioma y esta no sería la excepción, aunque eso sí, le gustaría.
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"Espero que no me estes insultando" Yoongi bromearía sobre el asunto. Le sorprendería que le dijeras algo en tu idioma pero,aunque no lo admitiera, le encantaría.
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"Vuelve a decirlo jagi... Suena tan bonito" Amaría como suena tu voz cuando hablas tu idioma y la amaría todavía más cuando se trata de una palabra cariñosa como esa.
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Esta bolita soltaría una risita cada vez que lo llamaras cariño. No sabría muy bien lo que significa pero con escuchar tu tono de voz, cada vez que la utilizas, lo deduciría, haciendo que se pusiera muy contento al ver que usas una palabra especial para referirte a él.
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En cuanto viera que le llamabas cariño cada vez que estabas cariñosa con él, empezaría a utilizarlo también contigo, suponiendo que es algo bonito que solo utilizariaís entre ambos.
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"¿Como se dice?...¿carinio?" Al escucharte llamarle de esa manera, querría aprender a usarla de inmediato. No sabría muy bien lo que significa, pero le daría igual, para el es muy importante demostrarte que siente interes hacia ti y tu cultura. Además, le gustaría conocer maneras de demostrarte su amor delante de los demás sin que estes se dieran cuenta.
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horseridingkos · 5 years
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The babies are growing up! CARINIO (PRExHungarian Warmblood) first round of trot and canter off the longe. What a star! Just like his mother. #babysteps #proudfamily #futurestar #saltlakestables #kosgreece (at Horse Riding on Kos- Salt Lake Stables) https://www.instagram.com/p/BlGBfGcgJyu/?igshid=o4bde230z8d8
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wepurge-rpg · 8 years
Fuck u all :DDDDD
Bueno, bueno, aquí van los conspiradores. Respondo ahora porque un comentario me llamó la atención:
"todos los foros frikis son para... bueno, frikis. "
Perdone seniorita (no tengo enie/enye aquí, sorry) que mi intuición me dice que lo es... btw, este es el motivo de que tanto Zeref como yo, dejásemos Oracle de un lado. Porque la comunidad de rol dejó de ser una comunidad "friki" porque el rol, es y será SIEMPRe nuestro, so... deal with it.
Ahora, frente a mi inglés caca de mi anterior mensaje. Pues mira, nadie es perfecto, uso inglés no por creerme cool, aprendí inglés en la calle, de mala manera. Gracias por la corrección y por darte por aludida/o/e.
En fin, yo con Zeref me llevo de lujo ¿qué me gasté 20 favos por el foro? ¿qué el disenio se fue al garete junto al trabajo? pues sí y no (algunos miembros de la @ siguen animados, en caso de que abra de nuevo, no será bajo nuestro mando. Me sabe fatal pero...)
Ahora bien, perras salseantes ¿qué por qué cerró? sencillo.
- La comunidad hoy en día no aprecia nada elaborado, y el foro necesitaba mucho tiempo y mimo. Nos desanimamos, y no es que fuese por los users, habían grandes users dentro. Aún recuerdo a la pareja de Enanos <3 que eran épicos. O a los dos elfos oscuros, o a... en fin, si me leéis, disculpas, y seguid así. Todo mi carinio para vosotros.
- Tiempo, sinceramente, trabajo, estudio y tengo vida social. Oh, osea... un friki con vida social.Pues sí, y no voy a desatenderla, por buscar usuarios como un loco, o hacer publicidad, o complicarme en algo que pocos van a apreciar.
- La comunidad  apesta, apestamos, somos un grupos de cyber bullying, apestosos. Un tiro de mierda en la boca, una compresa llena de pelos y abortos de alien, pasados por una prensador. Eso y mucho más, y yo, prefiero gastarme 30 euros en un juego de la DS que soportar vuestra puta mierda. Petardos. 
- En definitiva, mucho esfuerzo, para algo que visto el panorama, nunca tirará. sois vagos, mamones, malos, matones y tristes. Que no digo que hay veces que está justificado cagarse en todo. Pero...
En fin, sinceramente, el rol me ha hecho conocer a gente hermosa (en espíritu) y gente repulsiva, y me ha ayudado incluso a evitar el suicidio, pues era un refugio. Pero mi vida ya no está rota, no necesito un refugio lleno de alimanias  y carronieros (puta enie en los teclados alemanes, joder). Me ha ayudado, pero no es lo que era, así que necesitaré unos días para ver si esta comunidad merece la pena, un mínimo. Pero ya creo que no, sinceramente... y como consejo, seguid así, y os lo cargaréis todo.
Joder gente, este es un puto hobbie, que triste es insultar sin realmente conocer nada de la vida del otro. Que joder, yo lo hago, pero al menos, no soy tan mierda de ocultarme. Que por cierto, el capullo de "mierda de Mithos" mierda tu puta madre, cielo :)
En fin, por eso, por eso Oracle dejó de estar llevado por mí. Porque me avergüenzo de en lo que se ha convertido la comunidad de rol. Por lo que no voy a gastar tiempo, ni a dejar de lado mis amistades, pareja, estudios y hobbies por mantener un foro, porque, no merece la pena. Como estamos hoy en día, no. Y de una puta vey, dejad de atacar a foros ajenos en busca de mí, gentuza.
- Admins que leáis esto, ánimo, espero que no acabéis como yo de quemados. Que no se os vaya de las manos con el no (consejo, es mejor buscar una forma de adaptar una idea, que negarla rotundamente) y por los dioses... no creéis grupos, eso es caca.
En fin, bye, os dedico esto :)
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phgq · 4 years
UN report excluded IP leaders' testimonies vs. CPP-NPA: NCIP
#PHnews: UN report excluded IP leaders' testimonies vs. CPP-NPA: NCIP
MANILA – The National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) has raised concerns over a recent report released by the United Nation’s Office of High Commissioner on Human Rights (UN-OHCHR), saying statements provided by chieftains and elders of Philippine tribal communities could have served as a "strong testament" of their resistance against the presence of New People's Army (NPA) rebels in their ancestral domains.
NCIP Chair, Secretary Allen Capuyan, expressed his dismay through a response letter sent to the office of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, saying the report has “failed to correctly depict" the situation of indigenous cultural communities/indigenous peoples (ICC-IP) of the Philippines.
“IP communities have similarly expressed deep sadness and frustration that their testimonies have been disregarded in favor of the reports from groups claiming to be civil society and non-government organizations from the Philippines,” Capuyan said in the letter dated May 30.
Bachelet, in the UN report dated June 4, 2020, reminded the Philippine government "that its response to major challenges such as poverty, inequality, armed conflict, natural disasters, and the Covid-19 pandemic should be grounded on human rights approaches and meaningful dialogue”.
“People who disagree with government policies and criticize them, including in international fora, should not be vilified as terrorist sympathizers. Indigenous peoples should not be victims of a tug-of-war between the state, non-state armed groups, and business interests,” the report added.
Affidavit of tribal chieftains, elders
Supposed to be included in the report, chieftains from various tribes in Mindanao signed their sworn statements to voice out the human rights violations and deception of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) as well as their armed wing, the NPA, against IPs in Mindanao.
Datu Angelito Omos, 66, seventh generation leader of the Mangguangan tribe in New Corella town, Davao del Norte province, said he was “lured into joining” the CPP-NDFP-NPA sometime in the 1980s through the church, but resigned from being a church worker when he and the parish priest had a misunderstanding regarding its management.
“I first started my active participation as an activist during the IP Assembly in 1982. This was the first assembly of the National Council of Churches of the Philippines (NCCP) in EDSA, Quezon City. During this assembly, the Consultative Assembly of Minority People of the Philippines (CAMPP) was created,” Omos said in his statement.
He added that his legal participation as an activist started in 1983 when he was elected as a representative of the Sector of Tribal Filipino/Indigenous People.
Shortly after, a general assembly of multi-sectoral groups was gathered to organize a larger organization that was later named Mindanao-Sulu Interfaith Peoples Conference (MIPC) in Talomo, Davao City.
He was elected to represent the group.
Still blinded by the group’s real motive at that time, Omos said during the assemblies of the MIPC that were covered by the media, discussions floated that the MIPC would be able to get assistance from European funding agencies.
“In July 1987, in the middle of my term as the secretariat of the Lumad Mindanao, I was tasked by the CPP-NDF-NPA to attend the fifth session of the UN Conference of Indigenous Peoples Population in Geneva, Switzerland, with Fr. Eduardo Solang, a representative from Cordillera Peoples Alliance (CPA) of Tadian, Bontoc, Mountain Province, assisted by the couple Cesar Taguba and Yvon Carinio (a political refugee living in The Netherlands), and the sister of Joanna Carino who was holding important positions in the CPP/NPA,” he added in the statement.
Official letter to Datu Angelito Omos as attached in his affidavit
After the conference, he said they continued to travel to 10 European countries for the International Alliance for Solidarity Campaign in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and the United Kingdom.
Establishing networks, campaign for funding
For four months from July to October 1987, he said they attended different meetings, conventions, assemblies, and other gatherings.
“The purpose of which was to deliver negative speeches and highlight false issues on human rights violations, killings, and militarization committed by the Army, the police and armed groups allegedly connected and supported by the Armed Forces of the Philippines and Government of the Republic of Philippines,” he said.
He added that their objectives in going to Europe were: to attend the fifth session of the UN Conference on Indigenous Populations; to promote/spread issues and concerns of human rights violations in the Philippines against the IP; to establish networks with the minority population/IPs from other countries, especially with IPs who were members of the UN; to promote the struggle of Filipinos in line with the armed struggle of the leftists; to campaign for financial support of the funding agencies; to halt the Nobel Peace Prize of the late President Corazon Aquino for being human rights violator; to create an impression that the Philippine government is abusive, specifically with its militarization; and to be a permanent member of the UN for the IPs to have a voice in the international community.
As part of their mission, Omos said along with Father Eduardo Salang and United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP) Pastor Cesar Taguba, who is also an NDFP leader, submitted a protest letter to oppose Aquino’s nomination, citing a massacre incident initiated by the Philippine government against civilians.
“However, the truth of the matter was, there was no massacre committed. What really happened was an encounter between the military and the NPA which led to the killing of more or less ten NPA members,” he added.
Before the letter was submitted, Omos and Taguba first requested the tour guide for a dialogue with the committee of the Nobel Peace Prize.
“President Aquino was number one in the list of nominees at that time and that was the last week of October 1987, the period in which the committee is required to come up with the decision,” he said.
Recruitment tactics, media mileage
In a separate statement, Dioleto Diarog, 38, shared a much recent brush with death experience with the CPP-NPA.
Diarog is part of the Bagobo Clata Tribe of Calinan District in Davao City.
He was also recruited to the CPP-NPA in the wake of his resentment upon knowledge that a group of armed men ambushed and killed his uncle, then tribal chieftain Datu Dominador Diarog in his residence on April 29, 2008.
He assumed that the older Diarog was murdered after not coming to terms with businessman and Pastor Apollo Quiboloy's desire to own their ancestral domain.
This prompted him to approach Bagong Hukbong Bayan (BHB) also known as NPA where a certain Komander Bobi “influenced him into thinking that joining the rebellion would be the only way to give justice to the sudden death of his uncle".
Quite hesitant to carry arms, Diarog was instead recruited into the Paskaddoy Salugpuang Kalimudan (PASAKA).
He became spokesperson of PASAKA and started appearing in television, radio, and newspaper media to communicate their woes as natives.
"Kami sa (PASAKA) ay nag-aklas at nag-rally laban sa iba't-ibang ahensya ng gobyerno para matugunan ang problema ng mga katutubo at para ipakita sa publiko at sa kumunidad ang kawalan ng tulong ng gobyerno (We in (PASAKA) rebelled and rallied against different government agencies aimed at conveying a message to the public that government authorities do not help us)," he said in his statement.
In Sept. 21, 2008, he pledged his loyalty to the CPP.
Later, he became a full-time NPA member under the Front Guerilla Unit 20 with Crucifino Oballas as commander.
Salugpungan schools
From 2012 to 2016, he worked as a recruiter for carpenters in the community to build Salugpungan schools, the school that was shut down by the Department of Education in 2019 for alleged irregularities and links with the communist rebel movement.
"Itinayo ang Salugpungan para mahikayat ang mga bata sa ideolohiya ng CPP-NPA. May mga pagkakataon din na pinapapunta sa posting ng mga NPA ang mga estudyante ng Salugpungan para turuan papaano humawak ng armas (Salugpungan was built to plant the seeds of CPP-NPA ideology to the children. There were times when children would be ordered to go to NPA postings so they can learn how to use guns)," Diarog narrated.
Diarog cited an instance when he and his colleagues were using the vehicle of UCCP and Rural Missionaries of the Philippines' (RMP), religious institutions that helped build the Salugpungan schools, when he found a document that shows a record of financial transactions.
He said he also saw the logo of the European Union on the document.
They were "organizing bakwits" where they gather IPs from various municipalities in nearby provinces to collect in Davao City and begin wave of protests against the government, he added.
"Ang layunin nito ay mapakita na madaming problema ang mga tribo at komunidad na hindi tinutugunan ng gobyerno kahit ito ay walang katotohanan (Our mission is to make others see our many struggles, that we are not getting any support from the government)," he said, adding that they were also the ones who stormed the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) 11 office in Uyanguren, Davao City in 2014 to rob sacks of rice that were meant as assistance to Typhoon Pablo victims.
He said his life as a rebel revolved around extortion and harassment against government agencies and businesses.
After some time, he realized that he steered away from his reason of joining the group and after a long time, the promise of bringing justice to his departed uncle was not made.
That time, he said he grew doubtful of the group's goals.
In 2015 to 2016, he said the NPA's Southern Mindanao Regional Command (SRMC) noticed change in his actions.
He was then suspected as a deep penetration agent of the government.
"Ako ay pinagbantaan ng SRMC. Kanilang kinuha ang aking bag at pitaka. Dahil sa kanilang pagdududa, naramdaman ko na ako'y wala nang silbi sa CPP-NPA at ang aking buhay ay maaaring nanganganib na (SRMC threatened me, they took my bag and wallet. I think they see realized I am no longer of use to them, that my life is in danger now)," he shared.
Datu Dioleto Diarog's signed affidavit
Questioning the non-inclusion
Capuyan, for his part, raised concerns on the UN report, citing its heavy focus on "third party statements."
“We raise serious concerns on the report's unsubstantiated claims of militarization and increase in killings, which, as the report itself concedes, relied heavily on third party statements, accepted without any form of verification on the ground, where we continue to stand with the IPs,” he said.
The UN’s report, he added, should also account for the CPP-NPA's utter disregard for human rights, as they seek to impose their communist ideology and control over vast indigenous lands, people, and resources.
“We question the non-inclusion of sworn testimonies of our IP leaders and we urge this body to take cognizance of the voluminous submissions of the IPs concerned. If this UN report hopes to fully describe the situation of the IPs of violence and displacements due to "armed conflict and radicalization arising from the absence of progress in transitional justice and reconciliation,” he added.
Among the atrocities of the CPP/NPA during the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic that were not taken into account by the OHCHR are as follows: Burning of houses and a church in an IP community in Opol, Misamis Oriental on May 28, 2020; Brutal murder of Datu Astudillo on March 19, immediately after President Rodrigo Duterte declared suspension of military operations and at the height of the battle against Covid-19; Raid and harassment of Talipayon IP community in Davao del Norte March 24; Brutal murder of Manobo tribesman, Wilson Behing April 14; Landmine explosion incident in Paquibato hitting a government convoy delivering aid to IP families in Paquibato, Davao on April 19; Brutal murder of Datu Arman Mangumihay on April 21; and murder of Subanen Tribesman, Barley Gumilid in Tudela, Misamis Oriental on April 25.
“By being silent on the CPP/NPA's grave abuses, while lending credence to unsubstantiated claims of aggression, violence and abuse by so-called civil society groups, this OHCHR report would be aiding certain groups in their commission of grave abuses as reprehensible as the systematic and organized killing of our IPs, WORSE THAN (not secondary only to) support to the CPP/NPA/NDF's stated aim of subverting and overthrowing the democratically-elected government of the country."
The CPP-NPA is listed as a terrorist organization by the United States, European Union, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the Philippines. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "UN report excluded IP leaders' testimonies vs. CPP-NPA: NCIP." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1105188 (accessed June 11, 2020 at 11:04PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "UN report excluded IP leaders' testimonies vs. CPP-NPA: NCIP." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1105188 (archived).
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