#caring abt lore when it’s related to george >>>
dtkqer · 6 months
wait why ranboo (idk much abt him)
ESSAY WARNING AHEAD do not fucking repost this shit anywhere holy fuck i will kill you!!!!!!! respect my boundaries :((
ok my thought process was somewhere along the lines of
rboo (kid wanting to blow up as a mcyter during summer 2020) getting attention through making fan content of dream smp (also trying to write themself into the lore) -> dream (kid who blew up as an mcyter before the pandemic hit, getting even more insane numbers) sees himself in rboo, adds him to the dream smp
-> path 1: parasocial stan delusion - ran is both viewer and cc, relatable to viewers in a down to earth way while gaining an insane amount of success very very fast -> heightened scrutiny to not fuck things up because his audience is full of normal people who care about social justice on paper (part of dreams influence in having a gender and race diverse (somewhat) audience) -> growing importance of boundaries (tm) -> fandom becomes insanely blue haired liberal and jumps on every mistake, demanding quick and GOOD apologies for both inane and serious shit -> fandom becomes volatile and creates disproportionate responses to everything -> they (rboo) become spineless -> this attitude and spinelessness leaks over to the whole of mcyt since most of dsmp shared an audience at that point -> feedback loop we see today (sidebar: growing media illiteracy combined with volatile reactions extend to lore shit on all ends and was absolutely compounded by their joining -> "sanctity" of the lore -> michael -> dsmp audiences split over the parasocial belief that character = content creator's thoughts beliefs and actions in real life instead of. acting)
-> path 2: control and queerness - branch off from blue haired liberal -> viewers have good intentions in wanting more rep in the cc space (queer and women, not so much race) -> marginalized communities cant afford to make mistakes as much as white men in the space -> disproportionate amount of criticism for both white men and marginalized ccs -> viewers attempting to take control of ccs due to ran blurring the line between viewer and cc during lockdown/most viewers' formative social years being taken from them -> not much education about queerness in the first place -> queerbaiting discourse and queer being a symbol of goodness -> people seemed to want dream to be straight and evil and ran to be gay/queer and good -> double standards when dream and ran come out because of dream's perceived power, status, and past growing up in conservative florida he had already been addressing, but ran gets a warm welcome because of bending to the audience more than dream has and past not holding as many mistakes meaning they could claim queer as an identity -> selective biphobia because if dream is queer hes a bad queer so everything he does is evil
-> return to main thread - brighton bastards formed, beeduo date and break up, everyone becomes bitter boots after lockdown ends and dream abandons his adopted bastard child he came to love that george originally gave birth to -> october and drexodus -> quackity resentment somewhere in there behind the scenes, dtkq breakup -> former audience split over lore comes back into -> qsmp shit -> dream and by extension dteam/munchy is evil except badboyhalo who supports dream but is still on qsmp because hes a lore andy -> schisms from the past continue to grow, new schism of q's side vs dream's side appears (secret third challenger of brighton floptopia) -> people air out their dirty laundry and snide comments -> november and december -> relative peace -> march-> karl gets hit by a car -> present day -> dnf sextape
i may be wrong for quite a bit of this but this is how i saw it . again this is a tumblr exclusive if you repost this anywhere even iwth my url cropped i will fucking kill you.
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cupidlakes · 4 years
i think the way karl and ranboo sarcastically said that the shield had no meaning to the storyline whatsoever basically confirms that it's actually part of george lore ahh if that really is what it means i bet he'll get lil nas x to give it back & we'll get dnf lore!!
ohh thank you :] i’m kinda busy doing stuff so i’m half tuned in and also catching up on dreams alt vod bc karls tours aren’t really my thing (and dream talking affectionately about his friends my beloved) so thank you again so much for the heads up!!
i still remember dream walking around with his shield outside of lmanburg patrolling the walls he built and i think that’s the last time i’ve been properly invested in the lore because it was the king george era and i was really into that whole thing so i’m just so so excited for all of this
the fact that dream and george are both working on it and it’s on their own terms and and it’s something george is even willing to do (big or small) is literally so exciting and makes me wildly curious about the whole thing i’m glad tiny hints like these are being thrown our way i think smth the members of the dsmp are good at doing lore-wise is using callbacks and interweaving things we’ve seen before into new plot to tie everything back even if everything we’re gonna be seeing is all new! so yeah, this is so highly anticipated
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doodlebloo · 3 years
To make the birthday thing make sense you could say that tubbo was with ranboo on the day he was thrown in jail and ranboo was nearby to the prison where sam could've found him bc he was leaving snowchester.
But for absolutely any of this lore to make sense either the day eret moved Michael needs to be different in canon than it was irl or both tubbo and ranboo need to have not visited their son for a week. Unless eret moving him wasn't actually meant to be canon and sam just nabbed him. Idk I need ranboo to send out one of his little lore explanations bc none of this makes any sense rn. Adding in extra lore last minute seems to have backfired a little.
Ok genuinely here’s my thing about it.
For this plotline to make sense, we’ve gotta make several leaps here. (Also don’t even bother reading on if you’re [not YOU you anon but just Anyone] assuming Michael_B is a “pet”, he was referred to as a “son” several times by several characters today. That’s a whole ass kid.)
1. We have to accept that c!sapnap (who has advocated for protecting c!clingyduo and therefpre cTubbo) would somehow know about c!beeduo’s son whom they’ve made a conscious effort to keep secret from everyone. Then you have to accept that c!Sapnap c!George and c!Hannah would go out of their way to break into c!Tubbo’s house and try to KILL HIS SON, or at the VERY least terrorize and throw eggs at him for seemingly no reason at all (what beef do any of them have with cTubbo?) with c!Foolish not even trying to stop any of them, and that c!Beeduo would both be nowhere near Snowchester while this is happening.
2. Even if the attack on Michael and c!Eret moving him happened the day before cRanboo was put in the prison, aka 3 days ago from current lore time,that’s still cTubbo not checking on Michael for 3 full days. Because cRanboo knew that Michael was with cEret, which is why cSam was able to lie that “Eret gave him to me” (ccEret confirmed on twt that this was a lie.) But either way, cTubbo canonically DIDNT know Michael was missing, meaning that for at least 3 days cRanboo was the only one to check on him at all. So we’ve gotta assume cTubbo is a bit of a shitty parent for this to make sense.
3. We have to acccept that cTubbo just. Isnt doing shit rn. Both that cEret would completely dip with the coords and not be available for cTubbo to reach for info and that cTubbo would just like... Not try. That right now cTubbo, who has now heard about the prison break and cRanboo’s death from cTechno, is just... Sitting still. Not going out to search for his son, not trying to wander around and see if cRanboo is a ghost or if he respawned somewhere, not looking for cTommy who he KNOWS cDream wants to murder!!! Even being generous enough to excuse a lot of what cTechno and cTubbo did as non-canon (because to be fair. they nearly talked more abt Tubbo’s laptop trackpad than anything lore related.) we still have to assume that cTubbo just Does Not Care about any of these things.
So yeah it bothers me a bit that it was executed like this because it was unnecessary imo. cSam didnt have to mention Michael at all, he couldve just physically held cRanboo hostage and killed him, and then cTechno couldve ended stream without going to Snowchester, and then our first look at cTubbo’s reaction to everything couldve been when he actually had a proper streaming setup (NOT /neg of Tubbo or saying he Didn’t Act or anything like that! I’m just saying he probably would rather have not been logged in on a laptop lol). I know that ccTubbo is busy and I’m not saying he’s obligated to do lore, but I AM saying that it sucks that him not doing a full on Lore Stream today causes his character to suffer... Because like what could c!Tubbo POSSIBLY be doing rn other than checking on his best friend/husband/son? (Again, ccTubbo doesnt HAVE to log on and I’m not saying this is His Fault or anything, I just wish the circumstances were different.)
It just feels very unnecessary to include Michael_B in this plotline, and between this happening and the possibility of cTubbo magically forgiving cTechno for no reason and undoing all the character development we praised him for where he talked about not being able to trust anyone and how he vividly relives his execution every night in nightmares and such... I do not have very much hope for the direction c!Tubbo’s character is headed (or that his character is headed in ANY direction rn) atm.
(AGAIN not /neg of the ccs, they have other obligations and none of them OWE us lore or anything!)
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thal-ent · 3 years
Can u rant for days abt c!dnf I'm interested :)
Anon, I started and deleted a post about it before receiving this, do you read my mind ?
This whole post is /RP, I am talking about their characters and not the streamers
More seriously, I think their relation just has... So much potential. The whole DT has potential, but Dream and George... Have something that Sapnap doesn't. And that we are shown on screen that they both Care about the other still.
We have a man and his best Friend, who always fought together. Even when they parted ways After the dethroning, they never did anything against the other. George wasn't here for the Disk War Finale.
When Dream was put in prison, he asked for Sapnap and George. He asked again for George after, when Sapnap came. He probably stopped asking because George never came, and so he Lost Hope. Or Quackity told him George doesn't want to come and Dream could just accept it.
But George Comes. He stays before the prison, how many times did he just stood here, just... Watching where his best Friend is ?
How many times did he dreamt of Dream being out of prison and happy with him again, like before ? Of them just being idiots together ?
How many times did he called DXD "Dream" ? How many times did he tried to forget about his best Friend being locked up ? I remember how he sounded when he Heard Dream's voice instead of XD's distorted one.
And Can you imagine, later on, what could happen ? Could George "forgive" Dream ? Could he work with him and the Syndicate ? Could he try to make him escape himself ? There's so much possibility, and their relation is very complex and interesting. And I truly think it would be a shame to ignore it (but I cannot force George to do lore </3 /lh)
A scenario I like a lot is, what if George and Dream just end up going away ? Like how they created the SMP together, they go and have a life away from it and heal from what they endured.
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