#carina x lil shang
cleverqueencommander · 11 months
For @sapphicgodmother
It was 6:30 A.M when Shang woke up. Usually, he’d wake up at 6(like how he was a early person), but he and Carina had ended up watching horror movies and went to bed late at 12:45 A.M. which if Shang was honest, he didn’t mind at all.
That means Shang gets to cuddle Carina more.
With that said, he got up and sat up in bed, letting out a yawn before he stretched himself. After that, Shang stared down at his girlfriend, Carina, who was still sleeping peacefully like a newborn baby.
He smiled softly at Carina before he leaned over, gingerly brushing away the stray bronde hairs from her face and pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead. Shang could have sworn he saw a tiny smile on Carina’s face.
Then, Shang got out of bed went into the bathroom to clean his face and freshen up.
Shang checked on Carina one last time before he left the apartment and went on a 20 minute jog in the small neighborhood in a quiet area of Auradon City.
The cool summer morning breeze blew on Shang’s face as he jogged, while humming softly to a song he listening to currently through his wireless earbuds.
As he jogged, Shang shoot a quick glance at the other neighbors, who were also jogging, but on the other side of the road, and gave them a friendly wave. They waved back to him.
The young fellow wasn’t sure how long he had jogged, since he hasn’t checked his watch yet, but out of the corner of his dark eyes, he saw something bright, like a flash of pink which caused him to stop abruptly.
Shang then jogged backwards until he stopped in front of the place or thing he saw earlier. And when Shang stopped, he turned his head and saw a small flower and pastry shop with the cursive bold letters ‘Bambi’ at the front.
Shang frowned slightly. He never actually saw this place before but from the looks of it, this small shop looked very welcoming and friendly which cast all the doubts he had on his mind.
So, Shang shook his slightly and went inside of the small shop.
As Shang entered the flower and pastry shop, he was greeted by a short, older man. He looked like he was in his 60s. He had on a big round glasses and wore a deer apron. The man had a gentle smile that graced his face.
“Welcome to Bambi’s Flower and Pastry shop, young lad!” The man greeted cheerfully. “My name is Bambi! What can I get for you today?”
Shang hummed, thinking of what kind flowers that he could get for his girlfriend before he scanned the room briefly. And when Shang found what he was looking for, his dark eyes spotted on a bouquet of flowers that he had never seen before.
“Sure, I’m intrigued by that bouquet of flowers over there,” Shang pointed towards the unfamiliar bouquet of flowers.
The older man, Mr Bambi, looked where Shang was pointing at and saw the flowers. Mr Bambi smiled and turned to the young man.
“Ah, I see that you picked the Gypsophila,” Mr Bambi said, still smiling as he adjusted his glasses.
Shang looked dazed. “A what?”
“Baby’s breath.”
Shang was still confused but nodded anyway. “Oh…”
‘Such weird names,’ Shang thought.
Mr Bambi stared at the young customer with a soft chuckle escaping his lips.
“I could tell that you’re confused with the names of these tiny flowers,” Mr Bambi noted.
Shang nodded.
Mr Bambi laughed lightly. “It’s alright. Come, let me give you a little lesson on these flowers,” he then motioned his hand, signaling Shang to follow him and Shang obliged.
The shop owner proceeded to tell his customer about Baby’s breath, a flower that signifies everlasting love and a perfect flower for weddings(as Mr Bambi mentioned that, Shang blushed intensely), not to mention Baby’s breath had a sweet smell, like a rose, depending on the person.
After Mr Bambi gave a brief lesson about Baby’s breath, as well as the other flowers in the shop, Shang was invested to the point where he bought the bouquet of Baby’s breath mixed with tulips and a rose. He even bought a box of chocolate after Mr Bambi asked him.
Once Shang bought the flowers and chocolate, he waved Mr Bambi goodbye, and Bambi told Shang to come again, to which he nodded before he started jogging back to his apartment.
Boy, it would take Shang a little while before he could go home to see his Carina.
Carina’s light blue eyes fluttered slowly and she let out a groan as the back pain struck her again. She sighed.
It was that 'time' of the month, and Carina wasn’t prepared at all. Thankfully, she had a new pack of sanitary pads in the bathroom and a dozen of painkillers. So that was a relief.
When Carina opened her light blue eyes, she was greeted by a huge bouquet of flowers beside her. She managed to crack a small smile as she slowly got up and sat up on the bed, leaning against the bed head so that the pain could ease. The bronde took up the bouquet and started to inhale the sweet scent of the flowers.
‘Oh Shang…’ Carina thought.
And speaking of Shang, Carina could hear Shang’s soft voice coming from the kitchen, singing . He was singing a song that she unfamiliar of.
Carina leaned forward and could hear her boyfriend singing the lines of, ‘Can I put my lips on your skin, babe’ and if she was honest with herself, she thought he sounded pretty good.
Just then, another pain struck and Carina winced. Ugh, she needs to get something to eat before she could take some painkillers.
That said, Carina placed the bouquet of flowers beside her as she willed herself out of bed and wobbled her way to the kitchen with the pain stabbing her in her lower back. It was a good that the apartment didn’t had any upstairs or else it would be hell for Carina.
She just hoped she didn’t stain the bed.
Shang was in the kitchen preparing breakfast for him and Carina when he felt Carina wrapping her slender arms around his waist tightly. Shang blushed.
“Morning Carina,” Shang greeted. “How are you?”
Shang could hear some muffling from his girlfriend.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t hear you. Can you repeat?”
Carina sighed and raised her voice slightly so that Shang could hear properly. “It’s my time of the month.”
As he heard this, Shang’s eyes went wide. “Oh! So what are you doing here if you’re on your menstruation?”
“I want you to cuddle me. Plus I’m hungry.”
Shang smiled softly. “Alright, I’m almost done with breakfast. Gimme a moment.”
“Mhm…” Carina hummed and nodded against Shang’s tank top while Shang carefully and quickly made breakfast. He made egg omelette sandwiches with two cups of hot chocolate tea.
As soon as Shang was finished, he turned around and scooped up Carina in his arms and took her to their bedroom before coming back to the kitchen to pick up the food.
“Thank you Shang for making breakfast,” Carina said gratefully. “This egg omelette sandwich tastes so good!” She then took another bite into her sandwich.
Shang chuckled. “You’re welcome. After all, I’m pretty much the best cook in my family.” He wasn’t bragging or lying, he was the best cook in his family, thanks to his grandmother.
Carina giggled as Shang wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her head, and Carina leaned on his chest while they were in bed watching Sailor Moon on TV.
“Thank you for the flowers," Carina told him. "They’re so beautiful.”
Shang grinned. “You’re welcome.”
Carina hummed happily as she and Shang continued to TV.
This was what Carina wanted; her boyfriend's cuddles, a good breakfast and huge bouquet of Baby's breath to brighten her mood.
The end.
This was the song that Shang was singing the lyrics to:
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askauradonprep · 11 months
Brutally honest ship thoughts:
Lil Shang x Carina Potts(based on @sapphicgodmother)
Diego De Vil x Ariana Rose
Derek x Jade
There's a lot of potential for Shang and Carina because we don't know much about either of them, so there's lots of room for developing them however you like! They could fit in any way you want that way. I think they could be very cute.
Diego and Ariana = Interesting idea! Maybe she starts as one of his rock star fans. XD They could be very cute with the rock star and princess stuff.
Derek and Jade = I could see them being fun! Derek being muscle-y could lend himself to sports stuff and that could be fun to have her show up at games and stuff like that. Maybe he'll introduce her to some fun magic characters!
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