#caretakers to the rescue
jordanstrophe · 2 months
After caretaker brought whumpee home, they stayed deathly quiet. They kept their eyes low and the most caretaker could get out of them was tired mumbles and warning sounds when they were nervous.
"Please tell me what happened. I want to know how to help you," Caretaker asked.
Whumpee shook their head and could barely muster eye-contact. "It wasn't as bad as you think," Whumpee muttered, almost as if they wished to not be heard. "I'm okay, really." Whumpee looked down at their bandages and clutched the cloth woven around their hand.
But whumper in their interrogation told a different story.
A detailed, gruesome, cruel and torturous story that sounds hardly survivable. 
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whumporama · 1 month
Caretaker who is rescuing Whumpee, but Whumpee is so out of it they don't recognize them.
Caretaker needing both of them to be quiet, and dragging Whumpee behind a wall, holding them down against Caretaker's chest and holding a hand over Whumpee's mouth.
Caretaker feeling Whumpee's panicked fight, too weak to do anything but still trying. Their too fast breathing from their nose, the whimpers that slip through anyway, their hands pushing against Caretaker's arms...
Caretaker feeling so guilty, but the alternative is being found, so there is no choice. Whumpee will know who they are soon and forgive them.
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boneywhump · 1 year
pov: your future husband comes to your rescue
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whumpy-galaxy · 6 months
Listen I am a SUCKER for conditioned whumpees. Specifically the unconditioning that comes after rescue.
Whumpee being afraid of Caretaker.
Whumpee having to wear a collar and a muzzle because that’s how Whumper kept them.
Whumpee panicking when they mess up or drop something, waiting for Caretaker to get upset and beat them.
Whumpee who won’t eat unless Caretaker orders them to.
Whumpee who doesn’t know what to do if they’re not being dragged around on a chain.
Whumpee who’s afraid of windows and the outdoors because Whumper convinced them everyone and everything outside wanted to hurt them, and they were safer with Whumper.
And everything that comes with that.
Caretaker not knowing what to do and feeling worthless. (Bonus points if they even consider mercy killing Whumpee because maybe they’ll always be afraid of everything and there’s nothing they can do).
Caretaker thinking maybe they DID do something to hurt Whumpee.
Caretaker being upset every time they look at Whumpee because they still insist on wearing the collar and muzzle Whumper bought for them, and Caretaker never wants to see them like that.
But also the good things that come with it!
Caretaker getting a new collar and muzzle made, with padding and lots of extra space for Whumpee to wear while they recover.
Whumpee finally being able to do something without asking Caretaker first, and Caretaker being so proud of them.
Caretaker’s praise and excitement at this makes Whumpee feel proud, too.
I just. I love it so much.
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inkwell-and-dagger · 1 year
living weapon whumpees who, during the first few months of recovery with caretaker, are foreign to the concept of comfort‼️‼️‼️
have them flinching away from caretaker's soft touch because they believe they don't deserve it‼️‼️‼️
have a caretaker gently massage living weapon whumpee's shoulders, soothing words further adding to whumpee's overall confusion before they eventually lean into caretaker's warm touch‼️‼️‼️
have caretaker's soft words and hands holding whumpee's face snap them out of their conditioning after something / someone accidentally triggered them, startled at first before recognizing that, caretaker wasn't a threat, they were safe with them and that whumper wasn't here anymore ‼️‼️‼️
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jump-in-the-whump · 8 months
Whumpee doesn’t really understand what is going on, everything is happening so fast and their head is pounding so bad.
“hey, can you hear me? Whumpee?” A voice calls out their name. Whumpee raises their head.
“i-i... don’t... understand....i-i...” Whumpee rasps out, before a coughing fit interrupts him. 
“shh, don't force yourself too much. I'll explain everything later, now I'm here and I just wanna help you, ok?”
Whumpee is in so much pain, it's hard to breathe. They’re so weak, they lean onto Caretaker, drowning in their quiet words and soft movements. A tear escapes Whumpee’s eye. It's been so long since they were treated like this, like a human being.
"Caretaker..... " Whumpee manages to say, with a weak, raspy voice. 
“Yeah, that's right, I am Caretaker. I am here and I won't let them hurt you anymore..." Caretaker whispers, hugging Whumpee, caressing their dirty, greasy hair.  Whumpee winces in pain and can't help but cry, the happiness and comfort are too much for them to manage.
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serickswrites · 4 months
Warnings: captivity, torture, restraints, blood, wounds, rescue, unclear character status, caretaker and whumpee
Caretaker had gone into a blind rage when they burst into the basement and seen Whumpee. Whumpee was slumped over, chains pulled tight on their wrists and throat, a pool of blood growing around them.
"C-C-Caret'errrrrrr," Whumpee rasped, weakly trying to lift their head.
The team, including medics, followed closely at Caretaker's heels. "Where is Whumper?" One had asked Caretaker.
But Caretaker didn't answer. They stared at the blood. Stared at the gaping hole in Whumpee's gut. Stared at the gurgling wound as the medics surged forward and surrounded Whumpee.
And their resolve broke. They turned on their heel and searched through the compound. Searched and searched until they found Whumper.
"It's you," Whumper sneered.
That was all it took for Caretaker to pounce on Whumper. They punched and kicked at Whumper, a wordless roar of anger ripping from their throat. Whumper fought back weakly, but they were quickly overwhelmed.
It was only when Whumper stopped moving beneath them that Caretaker stopped. Their fists were coated in blood and Whumper's face was a swollen ruin. Caretaker didn't care if Whumper was alive or dead. Or if they would live. "Rot in hell," they spat as they rose.
Caretaker could hear their name being called and their stomach dropped. Whumpee. They had run from Whumpee. They raced out into the hall and almost collided with one of the medics.
"Caretaker! Whumpee's asking for you. They.....you just better come."
Caretaker nodded, their mouth going dry at the medics words. "I'm coming, Whumpee. Hold on. Hold on," they muttered over and over as they made their way back to the basement.
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loserwithsyle · 2 months
Whumpee after being rescued, crying in Caretaker's arms, sobbing out how they want their mom or other parental figure
But with a twist. That parental figure is gone. Whumpee may or may not know that, and caretaker may or may not too.
A Caretaker knowing the parent died while their child was in captivity
Or a whumpee crying for someone they know can't be there for them
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gh0sthands · 17 days
caretaker desperately kissing, cuddling, hugging, etc whumpee because "you're here. you're alive."
whumpee basking in the affection, and returning it (as much as they can). they missed caretaker more than anything. and caretaker came to save them.
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honeycollectswhump · 17 days
to be known is to be loved
you know how when you are very close and familiar with someone, you can recognise them with ease.
you only need a slimmer of their voice from far away and your body perks up. it recognises the voice before you even processed it.
you can recognise their steps, their hums and coughs. you recognise the way they knock on your door and the way their keys jingle.
now imagine a long lost whumpee returning unexpectedly one day. perhaps a rescue team is still talking to caretaker, telling them they are unsure it’s the right person, they are unrecognisable and changed.
yet when caretaker hears them coming, they recognise whumpee’s steps, no matter how soft and unstable they are.
they burst into tears before they have even seen them, barely holding themselves back.
whumpee enters the room, broken and bloodied and nearly a different person and for a moment they are afraid caretaker won’t even recognise them, like the rescuers did. but the. they see caretakers face and open arms and jump into their embrace.
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jordanstrophe · 7 months
CW: Ransome, kidnapped, cold whump, hurt/comfort
Whumpee's been kidnapped as ransom. Caretaker immediately gives in to whumper's demands and shows up to the trade alone. It's raining and the dark clouds could fool anyone for night.
Caretaker's was already freezing, but their blood ran colder as they watched whumper yank whumpee out of the back trunk hardly dressed.
Whumpee's sluggish, drowsy, confused; they're shaking and their arms are bound behind their back. They feel themselves get shoved towards caretaker as they nearly topple over. Caretaker rips their own coat off and bundles whumpee in it, holding them tightly by the shoulders. They nearly drag them to the car trying to get away from here as fast as possible.
Even though they're in caretaker's arms, whumpee still expected to be shoved in the trunk, it was what they were used to by now. It felt strange being put in the front seat with the heater, a blanket tossed over them and a bottle of water placed in their lap. 
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justbreakonme · 9 months
Birthdays in Whump Stories
-of course, the Whumpee who’s never had a birthday party. The cake, the gifts, just the idea that someone, anyone, was happy that they existed is enough to bring them to tears.
-Whumpee who doesn’t know how old they are, just a general guess, and of course their birthday is even more of a mystery, so they celebrate something else instead as a “birthday”. The day they escaped Whumper, the day they met Caretaker, the day they felt reborn or like they’d become who they should be.
-Whumpee who dreads their birthday because Whumper taunts them for it, torturing them in increments equal to their age or mockeries of birthday traditions like poisoned cake or painful party games.
-Whumpee who’d not celebrated in years because it didn’t feel safe to. It felt like anything good in their life always got taken away, so they avoid any kind of celebration or excitement, but when a small trinket or treat is pressed into their hand, a smile and a whispered “Happy Birthday” from a friend, they can’t help the rush of warmth from it.
-Caretaker feeling hollow as Whumpees birthday passed by and they were still missing. They still keep a box of cake mix in the pantry, just in case, hoping that this might be the day that Whumpee is found.
-Whumpee surprising Caretaker for their birthday! Especially if Caretaker is always so focused on Whumpee that they forgot their own birthday, or Whumpee had previously been too scared to do anything other than obey orders. So not only is it an act of love, it’s an act of healing and growth.
-Whumper offering Whumpee an “olive branch” on their birthday, especially if they’re more of the obsessive/intimate Whumpers. Feeding Whumpee cake off of their fork and gifting them trinkets and treats that are obviously more for Whumpers benefit than theirs.
-Whumpee celebrating their birthday alone after escaping Whumper, blowing out a single candle stuck through a store bought little treat, and trying to keep their head up. The idea of living another year is bitter and complicated, but they have to keep their head up, they have to. They didn’t struggle so hard to give up now.
-Whumpee forcing Whumpee to throw them a birthday party. Whumpee terrified of not meeting their very high standards, stringing up streamers with shaking hands and trying to bake a cake without burning themselves or it but every time there’s a moment of stillness, their mind is gone again.
-Whumper using a birthday invitation to kidnap Whumpee, luring them to a different location and abducting them.
-Caretaker finding that Whumpee had written in Whumpers birthday on their shared calendar, and debating taking it off or asking about it.
-Whumpee being given a birthday wish by Whumper and using it to call Caretaker, to tell them they loved them. Maybe that’s all they’re able to do, or maybe Caretaker is able to use the clues in the call to find them. Maybe Whumpee is willing to risk the punishment they’ll get to tell Caretaker a clue that only they would understand.
-Whumpee being given as a birthday gift from one Whumper to another, and the new Whumper being horrified at the previous treatment they received and becoming more of a Carewhumper.
-Or! Whumpee being given as a birthday gift to Caretaker, who has to play along in front of people but behind closed doors, cares for and protects Whumpee as much as they can. Whumpees confusion between the two versions of Caretaker and how to behave, how to feel.
Just, endless possibilities.
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whumpsday · 4 months
Kane & Jim AU: Slow Cooked
Chronological masterlist / Writing order masterlist
content: vampire whumpee, torture, burns, body horror / gore, isolation, touch starvation, rescue, caretaking
just some whump that wouldn't leave my head. i'm on an AU kick. 2 pieces in a day!! woo!!! also posted a catharsis chapter earlier :D
It was day one-thousand one-hundred and thirty-three since they’d left Kane in the sun.
Unlike in his cell, it was easy to count the days out here. Impossible not to, unless he lost count amid the endless pain. He couldn’t see, hadn’t opened his eyes in years, but fire licked at his toes once more, slowly working its way up.
Kane did not scream. The last time he’d screamed, a hunter had wrapped a cord around his throat and threatened to leave it there forever if he made another sound, leaving his lungs perpetually empty. That was day 14.
He had air. As his already burnt-beyond-recognition body lit up once more under the unforgiving heat of the sun, Kane reminded himself he could breathe. It was the only thing he had left.
It hurt. It hurt, hurt, hurt, always. There was no end to it, not even at night, when his wholly maimed form was given far too little time to even start to heal. There was only agony at night and more agony in the day.
He missed his cell. He would do anything to go back to his cell, in the blessed dark.
The morning sun rose enough to reach his face, his entire body once again swallowed as he burned alive.
Please. Please make it stop. Please, somebody help me! I’ll do anything. I just need it to stop. Mercy.
Every day, the same wish, unanswered. Kane was left to his unbearable existence, forgotten.
Somebody touched him. It was the first time Kane had been touched in over three years.
It was a light touch, just the graze of what he thought to be a hand to his jawline. Not enough to make it hurt more than it already did. Whoever it was said something, but he couldn’t make it out. Melted flesh had filled his ears for quite some time.
Kane did not move. He didn’t think he was capable of moving, anymore. But he had to do something. Maybe if he did, they’d let him inside, just for a little. Just for a few days. He would do anything to be allowed inside for a few days, even if they tortured him.
Please, I need help, please help me! Make it stop!
A small, raspy whine escaped the back of his throat, muffled further by his sealed-shut lips. It was all he could manage.
The hand retreated.
If Kane was capable of crying, he would. If Kane’s tear ducts hadn’t melted away under the sun years ago, he’d never have stopped.
Please. Please. Somebody. Help me.
His heart cried out, yearning for the touch to return. Even if they never helped, even if they hurt him. He just needed to feel for one moment like he wasn’t alone.
He keened again, a quiet thing, though he tried. Wordless begging to not be left.
The hand returned to his cheek, and he quieted once more. If the agony never stopped, at least he had this. The ability to breathe, and one gentle touch.
Without warning, something pierced his chest, and his cursed consciousness was blissfully lost.
Kane did not wake outside.
His arms and legs were no longer spread into the corners of the board, ensuring every vulnerable inch of his front was exposed to the sun. The board no longer touched his back, in fact. Instead, he laid on something soft. The sun did not shine.
Either it was nighttime, or he’d been allowed inside.
It was almost unthinkable that he’d be allowed to rest on something soft and let inside. Surely, it had to be nighttime.
Despite his relative freedom–he could still feel a shackle on one ankle, not silver, but nothing else–he was far too mangled to move around. He simply laid there, trying to bask in the wonder of the soft thing.
“Kane?” a voice asked, hours later. He could hear it, he realized. His ears were cleared.
He knew that voice. That was the human’s voice. Jim’s voice.
The fragile hope that he might be allowed to remain on the soft thing vanished.
“Are you awake?” Jim asked. “I saw you… twitching and stuff.”
He would cry if he could. He was crying, he realized, tears falling down his burnt-up cheeks.
“It’s okay, don’t be scared. I mean, that’s–that’s a tall order, yeah. You’re not going out there again. You’re gonna be okay.”
That gentle hand returned, to his hair this time. There wasn’t much of it left, he was reasonably sure. Jim stroked what was there, his touch feather-light, like he was afraid Kane would break into pieces.
“I’m not going anywhere. I’m here. It’s over,” Jim promised. His voice shook like he might be crying, too.
Kane wanted to believe it so, so badly. It was everything he’d ever wanted, for someone to help. Finally, finally, for the pain to end. It hadn’t even ended yet, his body was a horrific mess of seared skin, but it had been promised. No one had ever promised to help before.
He couldn’t be dreaming. It never hurt this badly in dreams, his only refuge.
“Can you open your mouth?” Jim prompted.
No. He couldn’t. He tried, just to prove it, and…
His lips popped open, revealing a perfectly-preserved, unburnt mouth.
How long had he been out? Days? Had he not been touched by the sun for days?
“You’re doing great,” Jim encouraged. “I know you’re hurting pretty bad right now. So, um, I just…”
“Here, I’ve got it.” A different voice, female, unfamiliar. Before Kane could even worry about who she was, a lid opened with a pop, and the smell of blood filled the air.
Kane did manage more than a whine, then. A desperate howl of need.
The blood poured into his mouth, cold and refreshing and salty and sweet. There was so much of it. He drank and drank and drank until there was no more. He was actually sated for once.
“That’ll help him heal faster?” Jim asked.
“Yeah. Should do the trick.”
“...Do you think he’ll be mad at me?”
Mad? How could he possibly be mad? Jim took him away from the sun. Jim let him inside. Jim gave him blood. He was going to be allowed to heal!
“I think he’ll just be happy to be out of the sun,” the other voiced his thoughts.
There was a creak on the soft think–a bed? A couch?--as someone sat next to him. “Three years ago, the hunters told me they had you,” Jim said.
Three years. That was the end of it, then? Kane had paid his price, he wouldn’t have to do it anymore? It felt too good to be true.
“I told them to kill you,” he continued. “I was scared. I thought you would be like… before. I thought you would come after me. I didn’t know what they were doing, and they told me they’d done it. I thought you were dead. I never wanted you to suffer, not like this.”
Did that mean no more? It was truly over?
“No m-more?” Kane rasped out, his voice struggling to find itself after so long.
“No more.” That gentle touch returned to his hair, and for the first time in years, there was hope.
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whump-galaxy · 2 months
The whumpee struggling not to laugh with their broken ribs. They hold their chest tight, wheezing and coughing through manic laughter. The caretaker thinks they’ve gone crazy, how could they be laughing after almost dying? But that’s why they’re laughing. They can feel the pain in their ribs. The blood soaking through their fingers. The ringing in their ears.
They’re alive. They lived.
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whumppromptoftheday · 3 months
caretaker breaking into whumper's trying to save whumpee, but they find whumpee's corpse and a new whumpee tied up next to it
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dainluvr · 5 months
Whumpee with amnesia not remembering anything from before their capture.
They don’t understand why everyone’s so happy to finally see them, they don’t even know who those people are, for starters. However, most importantly, they don’t understand why one person in particular appears to be more overjoyed than the rest, near crying as they run towards them and wrap their arms around them lovingly.
And after a few minutes of trying to remember something- anything, the only thing Whumpee can manage to reply with is, “…who are you?” As they feel the arms around them loosen slightly, watching as the teary-eyed expression of the person turns from joy into one of hurt and confusion, similar to their own.
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