#careless crowthorne
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the-halfling-prince · 12 days ago
"I need to see them suffer" I say about a character who already does nothing but suffer
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ajn-illustrated · 4 months ago
They come in a set, do not separate them
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Help I'm back in my "only sketching front facing bust portraits of my ocs" era
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novakspector · 6 years ago
interesting & 100% real English surnames:
Allcock, Allworthy, Assdrummer, Baby, Barefoot, Barnacle, Beanbulk, Beanskin, Bellringer, Bendy, Birdwhistle, Blackmonster, Blood, Blunder, Boatbuilder, Boogie, Bookless, Braidfoot, Breadcutt, Brownsword, Bubblejaw, Buckthought, Bucktooth, Bullcock, By-the-sea, Cabbage, Cantelupe, Careless, Cheesemonger, Cheesewright, Chicken, Children, Clinkscales, Clutterbuck, Cockeye, Cocksedge, Commoner, Conquergood, Cookworthy, Cowbrain, Crowthorne, Cuckold, Dolphin, Doubtfire, Drawcock, Drinkdregs, Drinkmilk, Drinkwater, Drunken, Drybutter, Earwhisper, Eighteen, Eye, Farewell, Fat, Fineweather, Folly, Foot, Forehead, Freebody, Freeborn, Fudge, Fyrebrand, Gardening, Garlick, Gathercoal, Gathergood, Glasscock, Go-dolphin, Go-to-bed, God-helpe, God-be-here, God-love-mi-lady, God-me-fetch, Godbody, Godly, Godspenny, Goodale, Goodboys, Goodenough, Goodhusband, Goodlad, Goodluck, Goodsheep, Goodsinging, Gossip, Greathead, Greatheart, Greengoose, Griffinhoof, Groot, Groundwater, Growcock, Grub, Guttershole, Hailstone, Halfhead, Halfhide, Halfpenny, Hallowbread, Ham, Handsomebody, Hardbean, Harebottle, Hasluck, Haydigger, Haystack, Headache, Hear-say, Hedgecock, Help-us-god, Hemp, Hiscock, Hogsflesh, Hogsmouth, Honeyball, Honeybone, Honeychurch, Honeyloom, Hoo, Hornblower, Horsenail, Houseless, Hunchback, Hunnybum, Hurlstone, Ink-pen, Innocent, Instant, Inwards, Kneebone, Leadbeater, Leatherbarrow, Leatherhead, Liberty, Lightfoot, Lilywhite, Littleboys, Littlechild, Londonsuch, Lookup, Lovely, Lustyblood, Makejoy, Makepeace, Manmaker, Manypenny, Merryman, Mole, Monday, Moneypenny, Mustardmaker, Nothing, Nuts, Nutter, Outlaw, Overhead, Pagan, Panther, Paradise, Parrot, Peaceable, Peerless, Pennyfather, Peppercorn, Perfect, Pheasant, Pickfat, Pigfat, Pluckrose, Pontifex, Poodle, Popkiss, Prettyman, Properjohn, Prophet, Purseglove, Quarterly, Quickfall, Rainbow, Raincock, Raisin, Ramsbottom, Raper, Rawbone, Reader, Reckless, Rideout, Roach, Rottenhering, Roughhead, Rugby, Saltmarsh, Sanctuary, Scattergood, Scholar, Scrapeskin, Seaborn, Seaward, Self, Servant, Service, Sexapple, Sheepshanks, Shoulders, Shufflebottom, Silverspoon, Six, Skull, Sleep, Slumber, Smallback, Smallpiece, Smoothman, Snodgrass, So-thin, Spider, Spittlehouse, Squirrel, Stalker, Startup, Stiff, Stonecutter, Stranger, Strangeways, Stronghand, Sturdy, Suckling, Sudden, Swear, Sweatman, Swindles, Tallboys, Thankful, Thick, Thickbroom, Thickpenny, Thousandpound, Thunder, Thursday, To-the-drawer, Tongue, Tooth, Toothacher, Toplady, Touch, Tough, Treasure, Trollope, Truelove, Truly, Twelvetrees, Twentyman, Twiceaday, Twopenny, Twopotts, Udrink, Ugly, Upwards, Veal, Very, Virgin, Virtue, Want, Watcock, Waygood, Whalebelly, Wheatsheaf, Whitebread, Wiggles, Wildgoose, Willys, Window, Wink, Winterbottom, Winterhorn, Wolfheryng, Woodpecker, Wormewood, Younghusband, Zeal
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the-halfling-prince · 2 months ago
Rip Careless Crowthorne you would've loved having a mental breakdown to A Long December by Counting Crows
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