shellseaisms · 3 months
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caradence apartment.
randomly got the idea to try playing with two sims in two different apartments in a high rise apartment building, so I decorated an apartment for cadence matthews (aka the other matthews "spare" from my generations series). it was supposed to have more of a seafoam colour theme too it, but naturally I went full shellsea on it and it turned out to be more pink than seafoam lol. super cute one bedroom apartment with a nice big kitchen and cute little living area, I'm a very big fan of this apartment and I hope you like it too!
note: this apartment is VERY custom content heavy (200+ pieces). it's two apartments combined into one, so it has the custom content from both this apartment and cara's apartment in it. sorry!!
custom content used: find all cc links for this build here.
§100,051 furnished, §13,244 unfurnished
1 bedroom, 1 bathroom (apartment #2 only)
30 x 40 lot size
custom content included with package file
built in saffron bay
‣ ‎ ‎ download, more screenshots + speed build below.
‧.˚ ☾ .‎ speed build.
‧.˚ ☾ .‎ downloads.
furnished: package・sims3pack
place the file ending in '_library' in your library folder (documents/electronic arts/the sims 3/library) regardless of what version you choose to install. the library file is included in the .zip files. for package downloaders, the file ending in '_mods' goes in your mods folder.
note: custom content is not included with the sims3pack.
library file only
‧.˚ ☾ .‎ more screenshots.
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burntoutclutch · 1 year
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A fun selection of early 2000’s “Saab Vs.” advertisements showing off the versatility of their 9-5 and 9-3 models.
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vvundering · 5 months
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arkadifan · 9 months
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silneyreal · 1 year
Cristão PASSOU MAL AO VIVO após ler trecho da BÍBLIA.
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Carad r73
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unknown-eva · 1 year
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Its (not) the end "Around this time, two years ago, I received four preliminary illustrations for the cover of a thin book for the pre-production of Gori (Carade, general manager Nishigori)." Hideaki Anno
Hey, have you seen this before? Im sure yes coz' I've been very lost. I've found this post on twitter, (@khara_inc2) and I thought it was a good idea to share it ---------------------------------- "Por esta época, hace dos años, recibí cuatro ilustraciones preliminares para la portada de un libro delgado para la preproducción de Gori (Carade, director general Nishigori)." -Hideaki Anno Holi, ya lo habían visto? Seguramente si porque he estado super perdida. Encontré este post en twitter (@khara_inc2) y me pareció buena idea compartirlo.
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sermna · 1 year
Our new dnd party is one lawful evil, one chaotic good, and one true neutral
We make a lot of on-brand moral choices, like Avery (LE) executing the guy we charmed to "wrap up loose ends" and Carade (TN) choosing to keep the gold but return the survival gear of some fellow adventurers we freed from enemy prison
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OC Name Meanings Tag Game
So @starlit-hopes-and-dreams tagged me with this, and I should be writing, so let's do that instead! Gonna leave it an open tag.
Rules: Put down an OC or more and tell what their name means.
Gonna take my POV OCs. Fair warning: I am not googling all names. Everyone can do that. I'm just putting down where they came from for most.
Was a random name generator for the game GW2, I am pretty sure. Possibly swapped some letters around as well.
I don't think this name exist with that a — so either I used a Gaelic name generator and just stuffed it in, or it appears like that in the GW name generator. Either way, no meaning was intended.
Shamefully stolen from a book I read back when I made the ingame char. In the book Transformation by Carol Berg, the protagonist's name is Seyonne, and it sounded so very fitting for that ingame race. Now I am stuck with it.
I decided that some kalani will probably have plant (and later: object) names, and picked the first flower I could think of lol
I literally did not think about it. I needed a name and she just appeared out of nowhere. Apparently it means "bitter" and "beloved" — well she's not bitter.
Back in my roleplaying days, I had a char concept that never got much playtime which was a demon possessed girl, who really wanted to live, while the demon wanted to kill her to take over her body. I named her Joy, full name Josephine. I believe the original char's parents were religious, but no such meaning intended for this Josephine.
My second stolen name — from my favorite book The Wind Witch, and I will live forever with the shame that this char was named after a stallion. Well, Valadan would find it very funny, I assure you.
I was listening to Savatage's Damien when I wanted to make a brother for Valadan. It apparently means "to subdue".
This one I actually went for meaning — it was yet another ingame char, and for some reason, I had just bought the musical instrument flute, and I wanted a char with a music name. Some page I had back then said it means "happy melody" :D She does not have anything to do with music in writing.
Just like Marian, appeared out of fucking nowhere.
Cédric means “warlord” or “war chief” (from Celtic “kad” = war + “rîg” = ruler/king) and “loved one” (from Celtic-Welsh “carad” = loved or “caru” = to love”.
Well. good pick.
Was a name I like since I named... one of my neopets that. I did not have an OC for that name, instead using it for my weekly deleted key farmer in the game. It means something like "poet king, royal poet".
Then Fancy Boots arrived without a name and I looked at my list and thought— you know what, let's give this name a face.
I am probably rolling with Caldeia having lots of french names, so I looked up a super french name and came up with that. It's so french. Realized a bit too late I have (had) a coworker with that name. Oops.
(No, France does not exist ̇)
Another neopet. I have no idea where I got her from — she was a plush Ixi, and I am sure I never turned one plush myself, so it was probably a pound catch, and then lab turned. I was looking for names that work as, well, names, while keeping a small memory of my pets.
A different kind of pet! I once drove 350 km to pick up two albino rat rescues, and named them Finnian and Winifred, both names which meant "white". Finnian is not particularly white; he's white, yes, but with dark hair and dark eyes, but I like the name.
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thebuhonerodazorrow · 2 years
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—Carade incredulidad—
—Prepárate para responder por tus crímenes contra la humanidad...
—rie como loca—
¿Cómo no amar esta escena? XD
Lazarus Planet: Revange of gods #2
Dc universe
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helpmeimblorboing · 2 years
A little part of my stories. Part 1
2 days ago
The Lay Of Empyrea. Any advice?
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In dreams are forged The light of stars
A star was born in Kel-nu-ras
Born to none, Alone, scared
The beasts before him, their fangs bared
On the streets alone, before homes of gold
He faced the darkness of human souls
But then like a flame that lights up the night
That faces the wrong and makes it right
Appeared before him, a man in red
With a red cap upon his shining head
His eyes aflame, his claws were bared
To protect against all who dared
To threaten those for whom he cared
He cradled the boy within his arms
And swore to protect him from all harm
He took him home, to his mountain abode
Where he bore a far greater load
The Phoenix, Celestial, mightiest of all
By whose mighty words, all are enthralled
The Lord of Flame, Protector of Man
The darkling door he sundered and
Beneath his feet flowers grew
Where he the mighty Leven slew
Then arising from his slumber, the boy did cry
"I'm sorry, O Lord, I wish not to die!"
Then gently as a flake on winter morn
With the warmth of sun behind his gaze
With a hug, he abated the worldly scorn
And the downcast eyes did raise
The boy, cried out ," Would you take me ? One so worthless as I!"
The lord, then frowning now, warmly replied,
" No man who upon this realm has laid
His feet, can ever be worthless named
For worth unnamed lies in each
In those who the stars did reach
And give them name and face and skill
A thoughtful mind and mighty will."
Then the fire rose, the birds did cry
The trees let out a mournful sigh
"O Empyrea, O Flame King
'To this child, I fortune bring
Thy successor, thy future he shall be
And his worth the world shall see."
The Empyrea grew joyous and shouting cried
"Is this true!" and so the wind replied
"So it shall be
And Empyrea, he shall be worthier than thee"
The Empyrea cried," I am content
That for this realm, I must not lament"
For there is one who shall love it still
Rise, boy, I name you Kern-i-bil."
The boy did rise, on his hair, black as jet
A crown of flame there was set
The Empyrea loved, The Empyrea tried
The Empyrea tried to be those who had died
A father, a mother,
A master, a brother
The child grew strong, the child grew bold
The father weak, he grew old
Then one day, the child he sat beside his father's bed
And there the old man, dying, to the child he said
"Thy destiny is for thine to make, O Motherless Flame
And in thy glory, the world shall know thy name"
The child he mourned, the child he cried
It seemed as if the Sun had died
On that green hill, a stone was set.
The name upon it laid in jet
The light of dawn upon it lay
And, seeing it, all did say
Here lay a father, one who gave
His life and love to the child he saved
The child, he grew old with time
The songs of yore, he learnt ev'ry rhyme
The lives of those who before him were laid
Were his duty, or so he said.
Then one day he saw in the corner
A little girl crying, a black-dressed mourner
He asked her what worries her so
She replied that her parents had had to go
Beyond the veil , to land of Svelt
Hearing this, his heart did melt
He raised the girl in mighty arms
And swore to protect her from all harm
Then came doom, like a rolling storm
The thunders roared, the jaws of Gorm
The hoary frost, the settled gloom
The winds they sounded the horn of Doom
The Corruption came and the Gods fell
From mountains tall to the Gates of Hell.
The Phoenix before the gate did stand
Clad in armour, spear in hand
And faced Carad the Destroying Hate
To defend those he loved, to defend their fate
The fires burned, the spears clashed
The Hounds of Hell their teeth gnashed
The roar arose, the wind moaned
The Delver shuddered in his hall of stone
The light arose, a blinding ray
And the mighty Phoenix fell that day
His wings were torn, his feet were tied
Kel-nu-ras' hope had died
But then a roar arose, like a lion proud
The humans cheered as they heard the sound
The inferno surged, bringing doom
The fiery light, dispelling gloom
Carad the Terrible fell that day
To the jaws of Fate, or so they say
When the fire cleared, a single feather
Unbattered by wind, undisturbed by weather
Like the hope of life that never dies
Fell before a young girl, with tear-filled eyes
This is a lay dedicated to the Phoenix , the God of Fire. Born a mortal in the fortress city of Kel-nu-Ras, the Hope of Man. He was a poor orphan, spat on and scorned, until he met Narn-I-ker, the First Empyrea, a kind and caring God. The god took him to Mount Taixuan, his mountain fortress, which he conquered from the dark god Leven. There he was raised as the god’s successor, which he eventually became.
He then adopted a young girl who had been orphaned in the Emergence of Corruption. The Corruption is a hostile race of virus-like organisms that hate all inhabitants of Earth. They are led by Carad the Terrible. The hound of Hell Gorm howled as the other gods fought and fell to Carad. Finally, before the gates of Kel-nu-Ras, he faced the Phoenix, and killed him. As he lay dying, the Phoenix released a burst of energy that killed Carad once and for all, and a single feather, mark of the Phoenix, floated before his daughter, marking her as his succesor
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nymn-taoc · 9 months
A cell, kind of, although it’s more like a hallway. He has (unattached) chains on his hands, but Nymn doesn’t. It’s old fashioned.
*there is nothing she can use to write withto speak with him*
*This was going to be a fun game of carades (sarcasm)*
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444names · 2 years
noldorin names BUT excluding "e"
Afarp Agals Aglin Agnor Agorch Aguath Aguithad Aithar Alamdim Alamin Alargol Alrûn Amdirim Amortin Amring Anannyn Anaurg Andor Andos Andoth Angir Angosîr Annar Annostarn Annuin Arand Arannyn Arast Argilk Argouthlui Arlan Arofin Arothimlot Arthfuidh Assorgor Athraug Baidhrad Baingun Balad Balamair Banfann Bannuruin Barth Barthas Basgos Bathdir Bladh Blarn Blind Bliondron Blurills Bouth Bramhon Braurthûth Brost Cailing Caiss Caithoar Caladh Calas Caldaihit Caldoolonn Calin Camronn Carad Caradh Caradwalad Caruin Carundon Caurch Cavarch Ciraglo Cirimdil Ciring Cithir Clark Clath Connyn Coron Corth Coushil Cragloth Cragol Criangth Cridh Crisfing Crosts Croth Cumloth Curth Cíluing Cílumait Cílumlod Dadran Daindon Daitin Daladogor Dalart Daldûn Dalind Dalithlo Dangif Dannyn Daugloun Diandol Diann Dildûn Diriath Dirlain Dirrodron Dolfas Dolfind Dorathir Dortin Doundor Drion Duard Duifty Duint Dundang Durang Durchath Dwath Dínithrin Dúring Dúwaks Dúwath Fachos Faihis Failit Faingunt Falammor Falamor Fanchaid Fandosan Fanglotol Farair Faran Farang Fastol Fauglondur Faugon Faund Firad Firin Fisswas Flanath Footh Forgoth Forladh Foros Founhison Fouros Galam Galfwin Galin Galth Gamundron Garagost Garandaul Gards Garfaind Garion Garisc Gilintow Gilion Giliouris Gilir Giondol Gladam Glaryd Glath Gligh Glion Glost Glothorn Gluin Glóran Gnost Goldin Golfalath Golfor Goling Golosair Goloth Gonds Gorannuin Gorooth Gothlon Gothon Gothormin Griath Grion Grions Grioundon Grunt Guaraw Guardaur Guindirin Gwaid Halastarn Halathvoin Hammailth Hammal Hanfand Harath Harthui Hilduthlos Hilithîr Hirond Hoing Holon Hondir Hoscal Houng Huing Huisfin Hâdhroth Húrian Iannos Idhard Idhûr Idogarath Idoligh Idorofalf Imbando Imloc Impty Inglithard Irimril Isounnorna Ithdalch Ivion Jourtind Jouru Koril Ladorot Ladroc Laguad Larath Laroth Lavarn Lhadh Lhamm Lhammor Lharn Lharnary Lhaur Lhist Lhoarth Lhofarast Lhofir Lhuin Lhuory Liand Liargoth Liathon Linglas Liount Lithroard Londron Lorillos Lorim Lostold Lómind Lóminu Lómun Lómund Lórinum Mablingth Mablos Magall Maglarsty Maglos Mailial Malath Manaur Mindia Minin Mistalanui Mithir Mithoss Mithror Mondoldil Moothon Morlivin Morlor Mounir Mourin Moutalat Mthobal Muthnord Muthor Narfming Nargol Narthith Nathas Nathil Natholatim Ndogalad Niannar Niant Nilbor Nilgrind Ninron Niound Nolion Noming Nonnum Norgolf Norimring Noros Nuinin Nínigh Nínuir Nírin Olith Onwarad Orfingic Orgonass Orgorn Orias Orliath Orodol Osadfanc Osadh Othous Othring Othrion Othîr Padwaing Pastbolan Plaguing Pringurn Radon Ragol Randualad Rastauddy Raund Rhainifth Rhambaland Rhang Rharchton Rhardail Rhaur Rhilf Rhirlas Rhirn Rhofai Rhorch Rhorthir Rhothon Right Rindil Risondimb Rohir Rosfars Roton Ruias Ruidh Rúnorg Saith Sarda Shandoll Shipbur Silic Silmanuick Sindir Sirin Slams Smion Sofai Songonnui Sontiling Sousky Sphalt Splas Spous Sthiliong Stlaks Storthast Sudûn Suffingond Sutar Swing Taithor Taran Taranuru Tarast Taros Taross Tarost Tarth Tathrion Taunt Tavos Thanig Thcaings Thlit Thofandorn Thorch Tichos Tindiannom Tingbolion Tingoros Tirad Tirion Tirst Tolithring Torlu Torthbur Tosdir Tramrodh Tumasts Turon Twast Twing Túrodh Uiath Uiauru Uingbordh Ulanc Ulmar Unírin Uragaros Uvarang Valad Valan Valightow Vanifth Vannor Vannorf Varod Vorda Vorow Vrodirinn Waras Wathimlan Whorlathim Wingodly Wolin Ínith Îdhras Ñgoth
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Carad r73 [1971]
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legacysat · 4 years
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Carad C410 Prospect (Belgian), 1971
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caradstuff · 4 years
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like if you save or reblog
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