#cara mia ❤️
askdrhanniballecter · 24 days
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@ilmostrolamb I love you so much. You fill my life with joy, and I am immeasurably grateful for you. ❤️
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sinsirellaxx · 6 months
Can you do toxic boys reacting to you showing up at their dorm crying? I’m in love with your writing ugh
Slytherin Boys – What they’d be like if you show up at their dorm crying
Warning: There are no warnings for this one I think. The boys are quite tame and fluffy-ish here
A/N: Thank you so much!! ❤️ Glad you like it and I hope you'll enjoy this one too! I know there is a huge misbalance in terms of length for each characters but I just couldn't help myself with some of them. I initially wanted to keep all of them short.
Have fun reading!
Mattheo …
… who would silently pull you into his room and right into his arms, letting you sob into his chest. He’d carefully stroke your hair and press soft kisses onto your forehead, letting his lips linger on your skin. Mattheo who’d slowly pull you towards his bed, removing your shoes and tucking you both in. Mattheo would close the curtains to his bed to give you more privacy in case anyone else walked into the shared dorm. He’d not ask any questions for the time being as he didn’t want to further upset you with nosy questions. After you had calmed down a bit, he lifted your head from his chest to be able to look into your eyes before he carefully spoke. “What happened, love?”
Theodore …
… wasn’t in his room when you knocked on his door. If you hadn’t felt as threatened and anxious you would have never entered his room without him, but you did. Upon entering his room, you sighed out in relief and immediately closed his door. Walking up to his bed you took off your shoes and your tie before lying down on and pressing your nose into his pillow, taking in a deep breath. As his smell surrounded your senses you could feel your muscles relax. Your eye lids fell close as you slowly nodded off.
Theodore walked into his dark room with a sigh. He was worried because you hadn’t replied to any of his messages or calls. He stopped in his tracks when he noticed the drawn curtains of his bed. When he noticed your shoes on the floor a small smile appeared on his face. Found you.
Opening the curtain slightly he slipped into bed with you, spooning you from behind. Pressing his nose into your hair he breathed in your smell – oh how he loved you.
The sudden movement seemed to have woken you up as you slowly turned in his arms, eyes puffy from all the crying. Just like a small child does when it sees its mother your eyes started tearing up when you looked into his beautiful eyes.
Wrapping your arms around him tightly you hid your face in his chest, crying softly.
Theodore, slightly confused, tightened his grip on you. “What’s wrong, cara mia? What happened?”
Lorenzo …
… would be instantly angry. Why were you crying? Who made you cry? He’d have so many questions swirling around in his head, but he wouldn’t dare ask – not until you hadn’t stopped crying. His current priority was you. He hugged you close to his body and whispered how much he loved you and that you were safe. He felt you relax after a while, your sobs just mere sniffs now. He carefully lifted your head with a finger under your chin and placed soft kisses onto your puffy eyelids, nose and finally your lips.
“What’s wrong, love. What happened?” He asked softly, his hand on your chin moving to cup your cheek. He listened to you closely as you told him that you had found threatening notes in your belongings the past few days and that they were getting worse. Threatening you to stay away from Lorenzo Berkshire.
“Don’t worry love, they can’t hurt you. I’m here – you’re safe with me.”
Lorenzo was seething – how dare they threaten you and try to destroy the relationship that he has carefully built. However, a small voice in his head told him, that this might be another chance – an opportunity to pull you closer into his web. You’d depend more and more on him now, that you were scared for your life. And he didn’t even have to move a single finger.
Draco …
… threatens to tell his father about it. He was shocked to hear that Cormac McLaggen has been bullying and spreading nasty rumors about you for rejecting him. Draco would make it his mission to ruin his life and he’d succeed. That he was sure of.
Your boyfriend would spend the next few days pampering you: going on dates, buying you flowers and things you might like – anything to cheer the love of his life up. What you would have to deal with, however, was that he got even more protective of you: he’d want to be around you all the time – which you didn’t mind as you felt safer around him.  
Blaise …
… immediately picked you up and placed you on his bed. He’d help you change into comfier clothes, pressing occasional kisses onto your skin as he listened to your rant. You had failed your exam even though you had spent so much time in the library, studying for that damn thing. “It’s fine, love. We can study together next time, how’s that sound?” He offered as another sob escaped your trembling lips. He pressed a kiss onto your red nose – he couldn’t help but find you endearing, with your teary eyes, your red nose and your trembling cheeks – he just wanted to eat you up. You nodded at him with wide eyes as you threw your arms around him, crying into his crook of his neck. Blaise gently patted your back, a small smile on his lips.
Tom …
… would be mad. Mad that you were crying. And mad at whoever made you cry. He always felt awkward whenever you cried because he did not know what to do to console you. He knew however, that you liked physical contact, so he pulled you into his chest and wrapped his long arms around you tightly. He didn’t need to ask any questions – you were already so vulnerable and distract that he could freely see into your mind to find out who or what made you cry. You wouldn’t even notice. And after you had fallen asleep, he’d sneak out and take care of the matter himself.
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nottsangel · 4 months
Heyy, can you write theo and pregnant reader, something really fluffy, if you don't want to, it's absolutely fine! ❤️
from the moment the pregnancy test turned out positive, you knew theo was going to be an amazing father. he has always been so protective, sweet and caring when it comes to you, and now even more than ever with your baby growing inside of you. and as much as you can’t wait for the baby to finally be there, you also cherish the moments that you’re pregnant— especially moments like these, where you’re curled up in theo’s arms, and the world outside you fades away.
“you’re going to be an amazing mother, cara mia.” theo whispers before pressing a soft kiss to your head. “the best.” he gently rubs his hand over your belly, eager to feel any sign of the baby moving or kicking, before lowering his head towards your stomach and pulling your shirt up slightly.
“ti amo.” he softly whispers to your belly before leaving kisses all over it, making your heart swell as tears began forming in your eyes, feeling like the luckiest woman alive. his hand finds yours as he squeezes it and his other hand rests on your belly, feeling warm on your skin. “can’t wait for you to meet your mom and dad. i promise, we’ll take good care of you.”
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deadlynavigation · 8 months
I think this is the place for requests? But honey, please I beg I think this is the place for requests? If so, can you to do a male! Wednesday Addams x reader where either (1) he’s super ultra clingy with the reader all day or (2) the reader meets his friends for the first time and he ends up being quite possessive even though MOST, not all, his friends know not to do anything? Thhhaaaannnkkkk yyyoooouuuu ❤️
Warnings: mentions of not eating, like one swear, insinuations to smut (all very minor)
Author’s note: This was such a fun request! I went with the first one bc i honestly don’t know who Wednesday would befriend. Hope you enjoy 😊
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It’s a silent Saturday morning in winter. No birds chirp outside, no sunlight glares at you through your windows, no visitors brave the cold in order to come visit you and Wednesday. It’s perfect.
You’re snuggled up in your warmest blankets, nabbed from the dusty linen closet. Wednesday chose a more unconventional way of warming up, which is to hold on to you as if you’re going to suddenly disappear. And though you appreciate the sentiment, you need to get up–you’ve been laying here for half an hour, waiting for your partner to rouse and remove himself from you. So far, he’s stayed fast asleep.
Soon, it’s been an hour, and you’re getting quite restless.
“Wednesday, babe.” you whisper-shout, wiggling around in his grip. No response.
“Wednesday,” You repeat in a louder voice, shaking him a little as you try to escape. This does the trick, and he slowly gets up before settling back down and holding you tighter than he was before.
You’re now even more trapped–that wasn’t part of the plan. “No, honey, I need to get up. I wanted to get to the shops today, remember?”
Wednesday looks at you with a mischievous glint in his eye as he pulls you impossibly closer to him. “Cara mia,” he says with a kiss to your lips. You start to melt into it, your body seeking the comfort this man provides, before you remember your mission. You pull back, breaking the spell.
“Wednesday, I’m serious. I actually want to do things today.”
He sighs and reluctantly lets go of you. “If you must.” You smile, pressing a quick kiss to his lips that he tries to prolong. You scurry away before he can and jump out of bed, eager to make up for the time lost. There’s a long list of shit to get done today, and it’s going to hang over your head until it’s complete. Wednesday is well aware of this, but that doesn’t mean he encourages it–so he makes it as difficult as possible for you to fall into that pattern.
Wednesday quietly observes you from the bed as you go through the motions, only dragging himself out of his comfy nest when you open the closet. You’ve shedded your pajamas already, on the hunt for some clothes suitable for running errands.
He wraps his arms around your waist, watching your face as you consider your options. Of course, he thinks you’d look fabulous in anything (including nothing), but he’s been told that’s not a very helpful opinion. So Wednesday leaves you to your decisions while he burrows into your neck, landing the occasional peck on your skin. His breath tickles your neck, and you can feel his words as he mumbles about it being much too early for you to be up.
Soon enough, you turn to him with a warning in your eyes. Wednesday can be very distracting, and you can’t let yourself fall into his arms just yet. Instead, you walk further into the closet and grab some trousers along with a top you were eyeing, throwing them on and covering Wednesday’s favorite view.
“Must you go, my love? There is so much to do here.” He whines. You pay no mind to him, strutting out the door and down the steep staircase.
Wednesday chases after you. “Will you at least eat first?”
You turn to him, and as desperate as you are to stay put and give Wednesday all of yourself, you hold strong. You walk back to where he stands at the start of the stairs, wrapping your arms around his neck and touching your nose to his in a lighthearted gesture. “My love, I promise, as soon as I get home we’ll eat or cuddle or do any other plans you had.” You seal your promise with a kiss.
Wednesday groans as you pull away, chasing after your mouth before settling. “But right now?”
“But right now, I have to get to town.” And with that, you nab the car keys from one of the many tables in the mansion’s foyer and briskly walk out the door.
It feels like it’s been days to Wednesday when you finally return, the door slamming shut behind you as you try to balance bags on your hips. Almost like a cat, Wednesday strolls up to you, stealing both bags before setting them down and pulling you to him by your shirt’s collar.
“Missed me?” You giggle, and those are the only words you’re able to get out before Wednesday collides his mouth onto yours. You move with him as he backs you into the wall, gasping when your back hits it. He forces his tongue into your mouth as you gasp, literally stealing your breath. The tension builds as you explore each other’s mouths, breaking away for air and diving right back in multiple times. You stand there for long minutes, raking your hands through his hair as his hands explore your entire body, from your hips to your neck to your thighs.
When he does pull away, you’re greeted with a beautiful sight. Your partner, standing above you with red cheeks, messy hair, and teary eyes.
“Oh, baby, I wasn’t gone for that long,” you whisper, brushing his tears away.
“You were gone for hours. I just wanted to sleep in with you.” Wednesday whispers back, cuddling into your hands as they cup his cheeks.
You’re overcome with guilt–you should’ve known better than to leave Wednesday when he was in a mood like this. He would never have done the same to you. “I’m so sorry, baby. Would it be ok if we cuddled now? And I swear we can sleep in tomorrow. No getting up or anything.”
“Ok,” he sniffles, and you guide him upstairs to do just that. The trip is slow, Wednesday grasping your hand or side-hugging you every so often. When you do make it into the bedroom, it’s a straight trip down onto the bed and under the covers before you’re once again wrapped in his embrace.
“Better?” You ask, snuggling into his warmth.
“Much,” he responds. He’s not lying–all day, it’s been a fight to stay awake and keep the tears at bay because of your absence. When you returned, it was like a breath of fresh air, and now that you’re in his arms, it’s only gotten better.
“I got you something from the stores today,” you murmur. His eyes flit open, heavily lidded from sleepiness.
“You didn’t need to.” Wednesday says. “Your presence is more than enough of a gift.”
You blush and cover his mouth with your hand. Right now is not the time to swoon.
“It’s an early birthday gift, and because I’m sorry I left you all day today.” He shakes his head as if in disagreement, that your absence didn't actually affect him that much. But you keep going.
“I saw a typewriter in that antique store on main street, and the woman said it was in almost-perfect condition. I had heard you complaining to your parents about the one we have in the study right now, so I figured, why not?” His eyes widen as you go on, and you worry you’ve done something wrong. But when he pulls your hand away and kisses you with a new fervor, you relax.
“Thank you, cara mia. Oh, I’ve needed a new one for months now.” Wednesday rotates between giving praise and kissing you all over, not stopping until you’re both laughing softly.
You notice his movements slowing as sleep tries to take over, so you decide to leave him with one last remark before you both fall asleep.
“I also may have visited that shop next to it, the one with those…designs…that you liked.” Designs, as in lingerie that looked as if it was made from mere scraps of fabric.
Wednesday’s eyes shoot wide open, sleep long forgotten.
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brooooswriting · 2 years
Hi! Can I pls request Wednesday x female!reader where reader gives Wednesday a scorpion plushy? I just think it’d be really cute, or as cute as it can be with Wednesday😅❤️
My first Wednesday story😱😱
A Plushy?!
You loved giving gifts, it was your way of showing love. You constantly got Enid new nail polish, Yoko some sunglasses, for Thing you bought new hand cream and every now and then you got some things for Ajax and Bianca when they reminded you of them.
So it was no surprise to anyone when you just had to buy the black scorpion plushy. It was so cute, yet so dark and scary, plus it reminded you of the pet she had when she was a kid. Enid thought the same as you and couldn’t wait to see Wednesdays reaction.
“My love” you called out as you and Enid walked into the dorm to find the black haired girl tipping at her typewriter. “You came back rather quickly” it wasn’t the nicest greeting but hey? You decided to walk into her writing hour. “How long are you gonna keep writing?” You asked as you sat on her bed next to Thing who gave you a nail polish. “20 minutes then I’m all yours” the last part was quieter and barely audible but it still made you smile. “Alright, I’ll paint Things nails in that time”
You were really giddy the whole time signing to Thing what you bought Wednesday and he couldn’t stop “laughing” afterwards. “Thing! That’s not funny! Do you think she’ll hate it!? Maybe I shouldn’t give it to her?!” You never really gifted Wednesday something personal as you were rather scared of her reaction. Sure you got her black nail polish, new black sheets or something like that but never something personal.
“Shouldn’t give me what?” Being so into overthinking you hadn’t noticed that Wednesday stood up and came to you. “I - uhm - well, I got you something… it’s y.. you know- nothing great but…” you started to ramble while getting her present.
Wednesday was confused at first but couldn’t help but beam at the present and even more importantly, you. Sure, she always was this hard, dark and not really friendly person but when it came to you? She was pudding in your hands and the fact that you still remembered the story she told you? It made her little black heart beat faster than it should. “This is certainly something” was the first thing she said, her voice kinda rough. Enid and Thing took that as a sign to leave.
The moment the door closed Wednesdays behavior changed. “He’s really dark, I adore him. Thank you” she mumbled as she sat next to you on her bed, both of your backs against the headrest and the scorpion on her lap.
“Well, he reminded me of what you told me from Nero. I know you don’t really wanna talk about all that but we all need some things that remind us of the past” you told her as you shifted a bit closer. “I don’t know if I want something that reminds me of a time where I wasn’t with you” what came out of you mouth shocked the both of you but at the same time you knew that she meant it. “Well, you have to keep him now, if we bring him back he’ll be sad” you told her laying down on the bed and pulling her with you.
“We won’t bring him back. But You’re kidding right?” You grinned and cuddled into her side, between you two laying the black scorpion plushy. “If Enid gets wind of this, I will kill you and her” Wednesday threatened you which made you giggle while put a hand on your cheek. Softly kissing your lips she mumbled another thanks.
You stayed in her dorm until it got late and Principal Weems appeared in Wednesday’s dorm causing the both of you two separate. “Miss Y/n, thought I’d find you here” said the tall woman as you smirked up at her. “I’m already leaving, I’ll see you tomorrow Wens” you said as you stood up, “good night, Cara Mia” she mumbled to you as you walked out.
“Good Night Wednesday”
“Good Night Principal Weems”
Before the door closed completely her head appeared again with a knowing grin. “Cute plushy by the way”
Let’s just say Wednesday has never been so embarrassed, but hey everything for the girl she loved.
So I hope you like this :)
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grimreaperschild · 1 year
guitar practice 2
summary: jealous wednesday starts to realise her mistakes but is it too late?
warnings: angst
a/n: i had fun writing this one, any suggestions welcome, hope you enjoy ❤️
It’s late by the time wednesday returns to her dorm, mud caked in her platform shoes. she pushes the door open gently, not trying to wake her roommate she takes off her shoes and pads over to her desk, flicking the light on intending to get ready for bed and sleep the harrowing day of investigating away and that’s when her eyes land on your sleeping form curled into enid, wednesday pauses stuck in place at the sight, her insides churn and it feels as if someone’s plunged a dagger into her, not as pleasant as she originally thought but that will be addressed later.
you wake with a start at the covers being torn away from you “y/n.. enid.” shes seething, you can see it her breath is coming out in short ragged gasps her shoulders hunched “baby” you try reaching out, she smacks your hand away “you run off because i’d rather stop people being killed than spend all my time with you, you run off to cuddle up to my roomate?” she’s shaking now hands curling into fists “get out” you stand making for your clothes “not you y/n, no never you” you look at enid for the first time her eyes are wide “yeah, yeah i’ll go stay with yoko tonight” her leaving the room can only be described as tucking her tail and running.
the second the door shuts lips are on yours wednesdays small hands grabbing at the fabric of your enid’s sweatshirt she pushes you up the wall biting your bottom lip, hard. you taste blood your heads reeling as you wrap your arms around her neck all arguments forgotten, you grab at her jacket- wait her jacket? you push her away confirming your suspicions, galpin. you take in her appearance, lips swollen rage still evident in her eyes and in his jacket, you sigh
“nes we gott” she interrupts you “you’re mine, cara mia, mine.” you lean back on the wall hands coming up to cover your face “but are you mine?” the question takes wednesday by surprise, she hesitates, you scoff. “yeah that’s what i thought” you push away from the wall, pacing “you know it’s never been that you’ve been investigating, do you know how many times i’ve asked you to bring me with you? how many times i’ve sat staring at your suspect list while you were out with him” your voice is laced with venom, you know you’ll regret this later but you can’t help the way your anger is bubbling itching at your skin “IVE TRIED WEDNESDAY ALL I EVER DO IS TRY” a sob escapes you and it’s only now you realise that you’re crying.
she’s silent, of course always silent, watching “you would slow me down” you scoff for what feels like the millionth time “what and a normie wouldn’t?” she frowns at your statement, hope flickers through you as understanding crosses her face “he’s not a normie” oh. your heart falls to the pit of your stomach, she’s still thinking about him. “we need some time apart wednesday” her eyes snap to yours “y/n you don’t understand, i just need time i know what i need to do now, tyler asked me to the raven i’ll go with him and” “yeah. this is over, wednesday good luck with tyler” tears are streaming down your face as you leave the walk to your dorm is quick collapsing into bed and into a dreamless sleep.
2 weeks later you’re sat in biology class, next to enid pinkys interlocked on the table this is the first class you’ve managed to get too since that night, wednesdays tried to speak to you 3 times but you’ve not given her the time of day. you watch the clock counting down the seconds till lunch half an hour left.
your eyes drift to the gothic girl subconsciously a spark of energy shooting through you when her eyes are already on you, well on your and enid’s hands, you turn your attention back to the teacher droning on about the vampires immune system, you smirk as yoko raises her hand knowing exactly what’s about to happen “miss i don’t think that’s quite right” the teacher narrows her eyes being used to this type of interruption “why raise your hand if your still going to shout out anyway” you giggle, leaning into to enid’s side to whisper “isn’t yoko like a billion years older than her” enid snorts choking on her water “y/n she’s not THAT old” hand coming up to mask her own giggling “i love yoko but i don’t know, i mean she looks like she could turn to dust” enid let’s out a laugh as yokos head snaps towards you with such speed you half expect it to come flying off her shoulders, she points a slender finger at you “rude” you raise your hands in mock surrender “sorry grandma” enid let’s out a cackle at your words tears brimming in her eyes.
the bell sounds
you stand pulling your blue and pink streaked friend with you “im so hungry comon hurry up” enid who is still recovering from her laughing fit stumbles into you grabbing onto your arm to steady herself, you don’t say anything when she doesn’t let go on the walk to the cafeteria, you certainly don’t say anything when she interlaces your hands in the quad the next day, and in return she doesn’t say anything when you rest your head in her lap to read her fingers lacing through your hair or when you call her at 3am because you’ve had yet another nightmare.
you both continue on, not saying anything but every action doesn’t go unnoticed by a certain dark haired girl, her eyes scanning you every chance she gets.
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janis01127 · 7 months
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Lucifer: Cara mia!
Lilith: Mon cher!
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mikasa-imadebiscults · 7 months
Hello, I read ur rule and it says you write about mental health issues so, can I request a resident lover one where mc copes in a way that uses cutting basically
Sh, and it's not like.. obvious but concerning enough, and id like to see how donna would do, or react in your perspective,thank you ❤️ also the previous Donna fix was awesome, got me feeling butterflies
(Hello! Thank you so much for your kind words. I’ve decided to do Donna and Bela like you asked in the other ask you sent. I really hope that you enjoy this and that it helps you)
Donna & Bela reacting to their S/O hurting themselves
RL! Donna x Reader & RL! Bela x Reader
(Warning: Self harm, mentions of blood, comfort)
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💐Donna Beneviento💐
- When she first found out, she was utterly stunned, not once did she expect you to do this.
- A million thoughts run through her head, mainly self-deprecating thoughts blaming herself for not noticing sooner.
It felt like time had frozen in place as you saw Donna standing in the doorway. You saw that she had already left for work but you didn’t expect is for her to come back so soon.
“W-what, cara mia-” is all Donna could say. She walked away to get some things to clean up the blood and treat your wounds. When she got back she sat you down and began the treatment, staying silent most of the time until she spoke up.
“Tesoro, you don’t have to do this. I’m here, if you need to talk to anyone I-I’m always here for you.” Donna says nervously, afraid that she may say something wrong and make it worse.
She swiftly finishes up rubbing the disinfectant on you, taking the bandages and stares through them like she’s zoned out in thought. Donna looks at your fresh wounds and leans forward to place a small, quick kiss on one of them. This caught you off guard but you were touched by the sweet gesture, making you smile a little.
“I love you, caro, and don’t you ever forget that. If I ever lose you my whole world would be shattered.” Donna says, placing another kiss but this time on your lips. “Now let’s get you wrapped up and you can vent to me if you’d like. If not then we can have a you day and do whatever you want.”
🫀Bela Dimitrescu🫀
- She was shocked when she found out that you self harm. She even scolded you, telling you that if she ever lost you her newly beating heart, the same heart that you helped her get back, would be shattered.
- Though she stops talking and takes a deep breath once she realizes that she’s scolding you. She then takes the more comforting route.
Bela felt as if her heart dropped down to her stomach when she saw what you were doing. She ran towards you and grabs your shoulders firmly but still gentle.
“W-what are you doing- no, why are you doing this?!” Bela frantically asks, looking into your eyes, seeing fear and guilt in them. She takes a deep breath to calm herself before pulling you into a gentle embrace.
“It’s okay darling, I’m not mad. I was never angry at you I was just scared. Let me clean your wounds.” Bela assures, pulling away to get a wet towel and some disinfectant.
When she got the supplies, she began to clean you up. Staying quiet to gather her thoughts. After she was finished she gently pulled you into the bed with her, your face in her chest.
She played with your hair to comfort you as she spoke, “I’m sorry I didn’t notice this sooner. Please don’t do this anymore, if you ever need to talk, no matter what time it is you can always come to me and I’ll listen to whatever you have to say.” Bela says, kissing the top of your head.
“But for now, rest up sweetness and I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
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annaisabookworm · 1 year
Going to the Eras Tour with Theodore Nott head cannons.
A/n this is my first time ever writing so I’m really nervous but a little excited!
“Oh cara Mia….” Theodore’s jaw drops and his eyes turn into cartoon hearts he becomes a golden retriever when he sees you step out of the hotel bathroom in the outfit you’ve put your blood sweat in tears to, you’ve worked on it for MONTHS and learned how to sew for it.
Oh and he tells you. He won’t shut up about how good you look for FOUR HOURS your face is flushed and so so so red and he just chuckles
When you get to the stadium you of course bring all your bracelets that you’ve spent moths making and you bring hundreds of them on binder rings and Theodore’s honestly shocked to see how popular you get as soon as you show up outside the stadium
Every single swiftie compliments your outfit within minutes it seems your hundreds of bracelets have been traded and people regardless give you so many bracelets theodores arms become covered in them aswell some even ask if they can get a picture with you and you smile and nod
When you get to your seats on the floor theo smiles and laughs at your jaw drop shock
“What you didn’t think I’d get the best for mia cara” he says kissing you and giving you the biggest grin ever.
“theodore we’re in the freaking front row” your in a total state of shock it’s a bigger deal to you than if he were to be proposing.
If the day couldn’t get any better after you posted a photo of yourself at the eras tour TAYLOR FREAKING NATION reposted YOU. Theodore knew how big of a deal this was since you’ve been hyper fixated on the eras tour for weeks
You SCREAM the absolute LOUDEST during the man because during your time at Hogwarts (you’re currently a sixth year) you’ve faded a lot of unfair sexism (theo would never-) Theodore however just sat down during that song seemingly knowing his place
It’s safe to say this was the best concert of your life and you cry tears of joy during every song and lose your voice for a week after.
Theodore gathers confetti in the merch bags(he bought you everything even though you told him not to) for you while you savor the last moments
Your feet start to hurt because of the gorgeous boots you’ve worn for three hours and he picks you up as your a paper weight and carries you all the way back to the hotel despite your protests
It’s safe to say that’s the best night sleep you’ve ever had and the best night of your life
Theo is so in love with you and has the biggest smile ever on his face for you while you cuddle with him in the hotel.
In the moring Theodore is awoken with the loudest happiest scream you’ve ever had. You’ve never been so happy tears fall down your face of joy and you silently unable to speak bc of your voice show with your shaking hand the notifications from Taylor mother freaking Swift. On your Instagram is a photo of you and Theodore smiling the happiest you’ve ever been and there is a like and comment from TAYLORSWIFT13 saying “OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU! ❤️” and Theodore’s jaw drops. He knows you’ll never shut up about it ever again
“oh Merlin, you’re gonna marry me now that Taylor Swift liked a photo of us aren’t you” he says teasingly and you nod laughing silently
The end <3
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jeridandridge · 1 year
Hii, I hope your request are still open. How are you today?
Can you write a fluffy where the reader and Mel go to a abbott party (they’re already a couple and everyone at abbott knows it) and they are just super soft with each other in front of everybody. Than Mel drinks a little too much, they go home and the reader has to make Melissa takes off her makeup and do her skin care before bed.
Just a soft Melissa as we love. Thank you ❤️
Soft Melissa is everything. This is just a Drabble but I hope you dig it! 🩷
Edit: Typos? Me? No way
Drunk Melissa
“We’re staying long enough for me to down a margarita with Barb and that’s it we’re outta there.” Melissa waves her hand from the drivers seat. You can’t help but chuckle at her dramatics. You know she doesn’t like being around the group, but you promised Janine you’d be there.
“It’s gonna be fine, Mel. Especially if you’re gonna be on the grill and I’m bringing you drinks.” You beam.
When you pull up to park Janine booked a pavilion at you hop out of the truck grabbing the drinks you brought from the backseat and pull a reluctant Melissa along.
“Melissa, y/n!”
“Hey, Janine.” You smile at the woman spotting Gregory with Jacob and Zach. Barbara walks over briskly with two sugar rimmed drinks in hand.
“Thank god you two are here.” She says quietly handing a drink to Melissa.
You laugh resting your hand on the small of your girlfriends back.
“Y/n, Melissa, come play against us!” Jacob calls out tossing a bean bag across the lawn to the other board.
You can’t say no to kicking jacobs ass at a fun lawn game.
“Ha! C’mon, babe. we can knock them out in a few tosses.”
Melissa grins, with her drink in hand she follows you out to the Cornhole boards standing next to Gregory on the opposite end.
“Alright, kid, make this fast I have to get on the grill.” She gestures for Jacob to take his turn before sipping her drink.
When Jacob tosses the first back he misses miserably, the bag landing right in front of the board.
Picking up your bag you you take a step forward and and wind back letting the bag go. You watch it fly through the air and when it lands right in the hole you whoop and jump.
“You challenged the wrong girl, Hill.” Melissa jokes from the other end of the boards.
Tipping your chin up you blow her a kiss before you get ready to toss again. Much to Jacob and Gregory’s chagrin, you and Melissa shut them out in Just a few tosses.
As the evening goes on everyone’s seated under the pavilion, and Melissa is a few drinks deep with Barbara. You think she’s had three which means as you sit next to her she can’t keep her hands off of you.
One hand is playing with your hair while her other arm is wrapped around your waist. “You’re so pretty, mia cara.” She whispers into your ear. You loved when she got tipsy and spoke in Italian.
You turn your head to kiss her temple with a little laugh.
“Awww.” You hear Janine gush. When you look over you see Barbara and the younger woman smiling at you both.
“You’re both seeing drunk Mel where she gets all nice, soft and touchy.” You explain with a laugh.
“I don’t know how I feel about seeing Melissa like this.” Gregory says nervously.
With that Barbara hands her another drink. How the woman seemed completely sober still was beyond you.
By the end of the evening while everyone’s saying goodbye the red head gives everyone a hug.
“Barb! Are we still doing brunch tomorrow?” She asks clinging to her best friend.
“Yes we are,” she laughs patting her back, “y/n you need to get this girl home.”
You smile grabbing yours and Melissa’s purses. “Mel, I think we should get going.”
“Oh okay.” She nods, giving you a thumbs up and coming to your side. You laugh when she reaches down and pats your butt.
“Alright, we’ll see you next week guys.” You wave as you two walk off. Even in Melissa’s truck she can’t get close enough to you. When you get home, you help your love out of the truck.
“It’s so high up!” She giggles taking your hands to get out.
“Cmon, baby. Let’s get in and get comfy.” You beam getting your key out. Melissa keeps her arms wrapped around you the entire way inside and up the stairs. It’s hardly 8 o’clock but you know as soon as you two hit the couch she’s gonna doze off on you.
Up in the bathroom Melissa hops onto the counter looking at you with a dopey smile while you get the makeup remover wipes.
“You’re takin care of me.” She hums resting her hands on your hips.
When she gets drunkenly going like this, you can’t do anything but smile. “Of course I am,” You carefully start with her eye makeup admiring the smile lines by her eyes as you remove the shadow. You get to her eyeliner and let out a little laugh when she reaches up booping your nose.
“You’re beautiful, hon.”
“I was just thinking the same thing about you.” You gush. “Your smile lines, your freckles, your lips. All of you.”
Melissa ducks her head with flushed cheeks wrapping her arms around your waist and practically slumping into you.
“I love you, Mel.” You whisper rubbing her back. “Let’s get you to bed.”
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fedemexyart · 10 months
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This is a gift for my mother's birthday (today) and it's very, very, very special to me. This is the first year we're living without my maternal grandmother, who passed early this March. I know how this impacted my mum's life, so on this day I wanted to make her something special. This is for her as a mother and as a doughter: the little crown of daisies rapresents my dear granny who used to had the gardens around her house full of them and the pose is taken from one of my favorite childhood's pictures. I consider myself so lucky to have such a beautiful relationship with my mother. I love you so much: thank you for all the support during my life, expecially in this last year, for being there in my absolutely worst moments, thank you being born on this day. ❤️ - ITA: Questo è un regalo per il compleanno di mia madre (oggi) ed è molto, molto, molto speciale per me. Questo è il primo anno che viviamo senza la mia nonna materna, venuta a mancare all'inizio di Marzo. So come questo ha influenzato la vita di mia mamma, quindi oggi volevo farle qualcosa di speciale. Questo è un regalo per lei come madre e come figlia: la coroncina di margherite rappresenta infatti la mia cara nonna che ne aveva pieni i giardini intorno a casa e la posa è tratta da una delle mie foto preferite della mia infanzia. Mi considero molto fortunata ad avere un rapporto così bello con mia madre. Ti voglio tanto bene: grazie per tutto il supporto durante la mia vita, specialmente in quest'ultimo anno, per essermi stata vicina nei miei momenti peggiori, grazie per essere nata in questo giorno. ❤️
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peachigummi · 3 months
boy: Draco | Tom | Mattheo | Theodore | Lorenzo | Blaise
where you met: common room party | great hall | forbidden forest | hogsmeade | library | class | detention | corridors | quidditch game | boathouse | train | courtyard
what he first noticed about you: rich boy Theodore swoops in! he notices you shopping for supplies with your friend (surprise me bruh). we were speaking spanish to each other and this idiot was trying to eavesdrop on the conversation, picking out the words that sounded similar to italian. he had the suspicion that we were talking about perfumes, so he tries to butt into the conversation, picking out his personal favorite to offer. We were both like uh okaaayy, I go to the other corner of the store but you stay with Teddy to see what he has to say. Needless to say, he had you blushing and offering to pay for your goods. You leave the store smelling like his favorite perfume..
favorite place to kiss you: top of your head | forehead | cheeks | nose | lips | jaw | neck | hands | shoulders | thighs
nickname for you: PRINCIPESSA | ANGIOLETTO | CARA MIA | mama | kitten | pookie | sunshine | doll | baby/babe
childhood love: Draco | Tom | Mattheo | Theodore | Lorenzo | Blaise
first kiss: Draco | Tom | Mattheo | Theodore | Lorenzo | Blaise
bestie: Draco | Tom | Mattheo | Theodore | Lorenzo | Blaise
enemy: Draco | Tom | Mattheo (wants to throw hands at his bestie for falling in love with his childhood love) | Theodore | Lorenzo | Blaise
secretly loves you: Draco | Tom | Mattheo | Theodore | Lorenzo | Blaise
drunk make out (obv b4 relationship): Draco | Tom | Mattheo | Theodore | Lorenzo (just friend sheeeet lol y'all ever just do that?) | Blaise
∘•···············•∘ʚ ♡ ɞ∘•················•∘•···············•∘ʚ ♡ ɞ∘•················•∘
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tarjapearce · 1 year
Imagine The Soccer Family going to a Halloween or a Costume party,, and they go as The Addams Family!
Idk I think it would be cute and romantic,, specially with Miguel calling his wife 'Cara mia' ASSHSKFGAKDH
I'm in delulu right now sorry-
That Halloween special Soccer Family AU is coming what? 👀👀👀🤭
Omg nonny ❤️❤️❤️. It fits them sooo well!!!
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leotoru · 5 months
I still remember the time when my eyes got struck on the name "Leonardo da Vinci" and I was like 'very well I am kinda curious how this will go' and boom here we are.
I will always cherish and love you till time dies because you deserve the entire world, because you have helped me go back to my passion which I thought I have lost in the long run, because you made me realise that nicknames aren't cringe with that 'Cara Mia' of yours which as always melts my heart, beacuse you were there to make me feel loved and made me feel less lonely and i don't know if I start talking about you I ain't gonna stop;
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my muse, my love, my big cuddly cat and my old man ❤️🦋
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Yeah I did kind of rushed throughout the painting and I did it on an unstretched!! canvas as well so there will be mistakes but i am happy with the output ✨
Satoru gojo be peeking at the background 😆
I am just leaving some random screenshots
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Leaving the playlist of songs that reminds me of this old man 🦋
When I heard this audio my mind instantly went to him 🦋
I have a long hectic day waiting for me tomorrow but who cares imma celebrate my man's bday right now
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francesca-70 · 1 year
Mamma, negli anni ho potuto vedere in quanti modi meravigliosi hai reso speciale la vita della nostra famiglia. I momenti d'amore, l'allegria, le ricorrenze, ricordi che porteremo con noi per tutta la vita.
Ma soprattutto, ho potuto vedere come con ogni tuo gesto tu ci abbia insegnato il vero significato dell'amore.
Se riuscissi a rubare al cielo una fetta di felicità, la donerei a te mamma, perché la mia felicità è vederti sorridere
Grazie mamma perché mi hai dato la tenerezza delle tue carezze,
il bacio della buonanotte, il tuo sorriso premuroso,
la dolce tua mano che mi da sicurezza.
Hai asciugato in segreto le mie lacrime, hai incoraggiato i miei passi,
hai corretto i miei errori, hai protetto il mio cammino,
hai educato il mio spirito, con saggezza e con amore,
mi hai introdotto alla vita.
E mentre vegliavi con cura su di me, trovavi il tempo per i mille lavori di casa.
Tu non hai mai pensato di chiedere un grazie.
Grazie mamma.
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Lei guarda fuori dalla finestra senza sapere quello che vede realizzando gli anni passati, senza sentire il calore del sole accarezzare la sua pelle, Lei riposa, sente la fragranza dolce dei ricordi che gli anni crudelmente hanno dato fine. Ricordi amari tormentano i suoi pensieri, avvolgendola in una tristezza che distrugge l'anima. Scappa da questa prigione in un istante di lucida memoria, rifugiandosi in un sonno colmo di tranquillità e pace.
La sua eleganza e la sua grandezza rimarrà per sempre chiusa in un incubo di confusione e paura, anni di sofferenza e guerra sono freschi nella sua memoria, non si ricorda il presente, il suo cuore cerca le persone da lei tanto amate nel passato, soffrendo per loro ogni giorno, la tristezza è l'incapacità di ritenerli nella sua memoria. É tutto quello che ci rimane... trovare la pace è il suo desiderio... accettare la realtà è l'unica possibilità. Dedico questa alla mia più cara amica, alla donna che mi ha dato la vita, alla donna che oggi non mi conosce più, ma so che nel suo cuore sa che io la amo, madre grazie di esistere.
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misslavenderlady · 9 months
I was just scrolling through some of your stuff when I realized you'd mentioned a fiancé...
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH THANK YOOOOOU @hypocriticaltypwriter !!
I couldn't be happier!!! My fiancé proposed on February 22nd of 2022. Aka 2/22/22. He did that to make it a memorable date 💕
We'll be together 10 years this July. The two of us were in the same grade, but lived in different states. We met on a writing website, became friends through messages and calls over Skype, and fell in love a few months later. We were long distance from 2014 to 2020 (I was in college and then Covid hit, meaning we couldn't move in together sooner). The two of us are hoping to get married in a private ceremony in October of next year 🥰
He's a truly wonderful man. He's my best friend and the love of my life. He's got a heart of gold and has been there for me through good times and bad. A true angel ❤️❤️❤️
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Here's some pictures of my engagement ring! It's an amethyst (my birthstone) and the inside of the band is engraved to say "Cara Mia" 💜
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