eu la orice peste 50 lei: ÎI SCUMP
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kikieseverywhere2 · 26 days
How does bunnydoll have a lot of fankids and family au stuff ;_;
Bunnydoll shipers are lucky bfr
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malaak · 5 months
why's it so hard to control my anger these days 😐
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aawkwardaaron · 2 years
An odd way to support the lgbT community
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gort-grundlekin · 1 year
Ive fallen in love with the kapool/capule playing gbo2, alas there is no modern kit for it just a non-grade 1/144. Tragic
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the way you talk is so contived like you are an SM stan and support sm artists. try to be fair in your assessment.
Sunt in foarte mare liniste si in foarte mare asezamant in mine. DACA, INSISTA CINEVA SA-MI IES DIN MINTI, EU NU VREAU SA INSISTATI, CA IMI IES USOR, IN PULA MEA!
Frate, deci m-am saturat. De cate ori sa explic eu aici ca proasta, sa vin cu argumente, sa fac analize, sa scriu cat mai nuantat de dragul tuturor, mai ceva ca intr-o dizertatie, ca sa ma trezesc de fiecare data cu cate o dobitoaca care probabil nu are mai multe clase decat trenul! Pot sa o dau pe intelectualisme cand e necesar, dar de acum incolo, va dau limbaj de cartier daca e nevoie.
Go and translate that!
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just-miru · 2 years
guess who's doing absolutely anything else instead of doing its homework again-
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lord-of-snrland · 2 months
100% de acord cu adiția de cuvinte neutre de gen în vocabularul românesc dar dacă facem asta prin a arunca un X la sfârșitul cuvântului, mă omor.
Putem măcar să încercăm să le facem să sune românește? Și gen. Utilizabil?
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Vecina-mea e de 2 luni in vacay cu fii-sa (clasa 8) si vin la sfarsitul lui septembrie. Eu in prima saptamana de clasa a 8-a am facut nu stiu ce toxiinfectie alimentara si m-a certat mama ca lipsesc si pierd materie.
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deez-nut-free-zone · 4 months
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we got the MAC 1 goin this shit looking insane
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tragedygf · 7 months
sunt amărât sunt vai de seama mea 😭 !!!
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malaak · 5 months
sper s o calce mașina
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universalseedsbank · 1 year
Explore the Premium Seedjunky Genetics Seeds
Universal Seeds Bank proudly presents an exclusive selection of Seedjunky Genetics seeds. Discover unparalleled genetic excellence with our premium Seedjunky strains, known for their exceptional potency and unique flavour profiles. Whether you're a seasoned grower or just starting, our Seedjunky Genetics collection offers a diverse range of options to elevate your cannabis cultivation experience. Elevate your grow with top-tier genetics, available only at Universal Seeds Bank.
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theliltchirurgeon · 1 year
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what a way to encapsulate chars counter attack
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queerlilchinchin · 1 year
Harmony's Backstory
-Her mother is a witch and her father is a demon
Demons are witches and other magic-users that lose themselves in dark magic - they are stripped of their magic, but in return are given strength and speed beyond any human and the ability to teleport on a whim - oh, and they become immortal, though no indestructible
-Harmony's hair was dyed pink using her mother's magic, which she did because pink is Harmony's least favorite color and was a punishment for existing, basically
-Harmony tried for years to dye her hair any other color, but due to it being done magically, couldn't change it, so she decided to go all-out as a way to tell her mother "you can't break me"
(at this point she was still a very powerful witch)
-Harmony went all out, making her outfits pink, eyes magically changed to pink and of course, turning portions of her black horse's fur pink, also done magically so no one could steal her and dye her hair so she couldn't recognize her.
-Harmony was shifted into a powerful demon during one of her fights with her mother. She had so much rage, so much pent up aggression, that she turned fully to the dark side of magic, which in turn turned her into a demon, but the demon was different from the others... she was powerful. She still had aspects of her magic and she was indestructible.
-normally deities can at least destroy demons but many have tried with her and none have succeeded
-she gave Harmony immortality so that she could live with her best friend for the rest of her days
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hopernicus · 2 years
Ep.222. Capul botezător, autor Emanuel Pope
Poem in trei parti in lectura autorului.
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