#captaincanary week
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Captain Canary Week 2021, Day One: Déjà Vu @captaincanary-week
Sometimes I wish I could turn back time. If only I had a chance to start over with you then, everything would be different.
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hey-there-juliet · 3 years
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Here and now just happens to be it. — BY GABY DUNN.
↳ For Captain Canary Week 2021, Day Seven: Go Rogue - anything goes @captaincanary-week
(click for better quality)
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stillthewordgirl · 2 years
Hey, folks! It’s been a long time. Life has been incredibly busy, and I wasn’t writing, so it was kind of hard for me to be on here.
However, I’m absolutely thrilled to say a CaptainCanary story recently clicked for me again. I hope to start posting “Natural Disasters” within a week or so. :)
Hope everyone’s doing well. It’s been a long few years. <3
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captaincanary-week · 3 years
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Welcome to Captain Canary Week 2021!
Hello, everyone! If you, like me, are still thinking about the future (and past, and present) these two might've had, then you've come to the right place!
The week long event will run from December 12th to December 18th. Each day will have two prompts, but you can pick just one or even use them both, it's up to you! More detailed information about the prompts will be released throughout November in separate posts.
All kinds of content are welcome! Feel free to make moodboards, drawings, edits, or even playlists, as well as share your metas and headcanons. They don't even have to necessarily match any of the prompts since the purpose of the event is to simply create more content for Captain Canary fans!
- Prompts:
▪︎December 12th, Day One: Deja Vu
Prompt I: Sara and/or Leonard's consciousness is thrown back in time and now they have a chance to change things.
Prompt II: Time Loop
▪︎December 13th, Day Two: Alternate Meetings
Prompt I: in canon alternate first meeting (examples: what if Sara was there when Barry recruited Len to help move the metas? What if Sara stopped at Saint and Sinners when she was in Central? Etc...)
Prompt II: "This isn't Bonnie and Clyde."
▪︎December 14th, Day Three: Crossover Season
Prompt I: Pick any crossover episode (even the ones that were just with the Flash and Arrow), and make it Captain Canary. Or create your own crossover.
Prompt II: "Legends never die."
▪︎December 15th, Day Four: Mission accomplished, now what?
Prompt I: Vandal Savage has been defeated and the Legends are back home. Now what?
Prompt II: Birthday
▪︎December 16th, Day Five: Canon Divergence
Prompt I: Teen!Sara, Teen!Mick and Teen!Leonard
Prompt II: "I don't believe in destiny."
▪︎December 17th, Day Six: CC Undercover
Prompt I: Christmas
Prompt II: "Quick, kiss me so we don't blow our cover!"
▪︎December 18th, Day Seven: Go Rogue
No prompts, anything goes!
- Guidelines:
• Use the tag #captaincanaryweek2021 (NO spaces) and tag @captaincanary-week in every post related to the event so I can reblog them all! I'll try to keep up with all the content, but I'm just one person: everything will be reblogged, just please have patience!
• Don't be afraid of screwing the timeline up for the better! If Barry can mess with the timeline, so can we!
• Please refrain from bashing characters and other ships.
• I know maybe some of these scenarios have already been done, but you have the opportunity to put your own spin on things. Besides, there can never be enough fics with the same themes, lol.
• Don’t worry if you get behind on prompts, this is supposed to be fun, not a race. You can still post things from other days, just try not to go ahead.
• You can start working on the prompts as soon as you want, but please don’t post anything until December 12th, since I’ll be checking the tag to reblog on that particular week.
• You can ask any questions or give suggestions here.
• There is a collection on AO3 for all the fanfics written for this event, and you're more than welcome (even encouraged) to add your own fic in it: Captain_Canary_Week_2021
• Feel free to reblog this to spread the word, especially if you're participating!
• If you don’t create, still share the love, reblog and comment! And most importantly HAVE FUN!!!
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This is my contribution for day 7 of @captaincanary-week! The prompt was ‘free-for-all’, so this is a song-fic based of off "A Boy Named Pluto" by Hailey Knox. V good song 10/10 recommend. Hope you enjoy!
Read on AO3
Read on FF.net
Leonard had lived his whole life in Central City. It was his city, no matter what anybody else said. He knew it better than anything else in his life.
When he'd left Central City for a time-traveling mission, he'd done so knowing that eventually he'd come back and the city would be just as it had been when he left, but then the months went by, and things changed. His priorities changed.
He knew one thing and one thing alone about that mission: he would never had guessed he'd end up dying to save time, but looking back, it was one of the soundest decisions he'd ever made.
But that had been six years ago, and now he was back, as if nothing had even happened.
He couldn't explain why he had decided to stay in Central City, but he had a feeling that it had more to do with spite than anything. His whole plan when the mission had begun in January 2016 was to come back to January 2016, no matter how much time had passed for him, and Mick would follow and they'd find Lisa and be back a band of rogues. When he'd turned up at the Vanishing Point, indelibly alive, he learned that it had been, in fact, six years since the night he'd decided to hold the failsafe down at the Oculus Wellspring, and now returning to Central City in 2016 wasn't a possibility. Not long later, he learned that Mick had no intention of returning to Central, even with his old partner back, and this in addition to finding out that Lisa didn't really hang around Central City too much anymore left his original plan in shambles, and in its place was an emotional tug-of-war: stay on the Waverider or leave and return to Central City.
In the end, habit was the stronger side, and he had left the Waverider, feeling Sara Lance's eyes on him as he went.
After Leonard's return and then quick departure, the Waverider began to dock in Central City's present time on the third Sunday of each month.
Leonard came to very much enjoy those Sundays. At first he had awaited them for a visit with Mick, but he'd quickly found more unanticipated effects of the six years he'd been gone: Mick, it seemed, had formed a sort of camaraderie with the team in Central City.
He had heard many poorly-told stories involving Leagues and aliens and Nazis (unfortunately) and other fiascos that had required wide scale efforts from not just the Legends and the Flash's team, but the Arrow and his crew as well. They had bonded during those times, even begrudgingly. When the Legends docked in Central City, Mick and the rest of them actually wanted to visit at S.T.A.R. Labs They wanted to drink and share stories and overzealously take on even the smallest of the Flash's calls together. Sara was the only exception. Sara wanted to use their shore leave as an actual leave, so she would greet the team at the lab, thank them for allowing her to dock the ship on their roof, and then she would depart, and Leonard would always follow.
And that was why he enjoyed those Sundays.
Sometimes they went to bars, other times they did cheesy sight-seeing things around the city (mostly museums that Leonard had been banned from before his record was expunged, and they were always tailed by security guards which, judging by her cat-like expression of glee, Sara greatly enjoyed), and occasionally, when the weather was nice, they would just walk around the city.
No matter where they were, they always talked — talked about their families, their jobs, the events of the past month, even their well-being weaseled its way into the conversation by the end of the day.
When they visited Central City, Sara's team usually docked by Jitters pretty early in the morning, grabbed coffee for everyone, and then arrived at S.T.A.R. Labs by ten in the morning.
That Sunday, Leonard let himself into the lab a few minutes past nine-thirty, and found his way into the empty Cortex.
About ten minutes later, Cisco and Caitlin arrived.
"Oh, look who's here," Cisco said, rolling his eyes, "What a surprise."
"Which entrance did you choose to break in through today, Snart?" Caitlin asked, placing her bag on the desk.
"Have you no faith in your security system?" Leonard responded with a smirk.
"Not sure," Cisco said suspiciously, "You're the one who upgraded it."
"Looking forward to seeing Mick?" Caitlin asked him.
"Oh please," Cisco cut in before Leonard could respond, "He's here for Sara. He'll talk to Mick for six minutes and then he and Sara will sneak away just like always."
"That's not true," he replied, glaring at Cisco, "Yes, Caitlin I am looking forward to seeing Mick. Thank you for asking."
"Well, that's good I guess," Cisco said with a nonchalant shrug, "The team sent a message that Sara wasn't coming today — something going on in Star City, I guess."
Leonard found himself unable to respond, shocked by how disappointed he felt. He knew he looked it too, aware that his mouth was open but no words were coming out. He wasn't able to turn what he was feeling into words — at least, not words he would say to Cisco.
He couldn't help but feel somewhat…betrayed. He had no way of contacting Sara while she was time-traveling, and she knew it wasn't possible for her to let him know she wouldn't be coming, but still…
"And I should care because…?" he finally brought himself to say.
"No, you totally care," Cisco replied, "You're never this bad at lying! And guess what? I made it up!"
"You what?"
"There was no message about Sara not coming. I made it up — to prove to you that you don't break into the lab — early — for Mick."
Leonard's retort was lost in Cisco's continuing barrage of remarks, and soon their voices were so intermingled that both were rendered completely meaningless.
"Oh leave him alone, Cisco," Caitlin said over the two of them, "He's in love."
That brought both Cisco and Leonard to silence.
At that moment, Barry sped into the Cortex, loose papers on the desk fluttering in his wake.
"Who's in love?" he asked with a grin.
"Snart, apparently," Cisco said.
Barry's smile morphed into a look of shock.
"With who?" he asked incredulously, looking wildly between Leonard, Cisco, and Caitlin.
"Captain Lance," Cisco replied, nodding emphatically when Barry's expression remained unchanged.
"Oh…man, that's…" Barry said weakly, running a hand through his hair, "She's scary."
"I think they'd be nice together," Caitlin said with a shrug.
"Wait," Cisco said, rounding on Caitlin, "How long have you known about this."
"I don't know," she replied, "It was always pretty obvious to me."
"What?!" he exclaimed.
"How?" Barry asked at the same time.
"I mean…it's just in the way they look at each other when they think the other isn't looking," Caitlin answered, "And Sara's smile is different when she's around Snart."
"So you think Sara's into him too?" Barry asked, his grin returning.
"Yes," Caitlin scoffed.
"Anything you have to say about any of this, Snart?" Cisco asked, but Leonard was silently dumbfounded, any snarky comment about meddling he may have had squelched by the notion that Sara was feeling even a fraction of what he felt, "Wow, Captain Cold speechless. That's a first."
We have to make something happen!" Barry exclaimed, "Today!"
Leonard half expected Caitlin to come to his rescue against Barry's enthusiasm, but she said nothing.
"C'mon man," he continued, "If you don't say something today, you'll have to wait another whole month!"
"I'm not talking to you about this," Leonard said, glaring at Barry.
Truthfully, Barry wasn't saying anything that Leonard hadn't already agonized about since the last time he saw Sara, but every time he even tried to figure out what he could say to her, a voice in his head started arguing against it, saying things like you can't possibly think she'd be interested in you. She's young and gorgeous and smart and captaining an entire team of time travelers and saving the world. She more out of your league than you could imagine.
It was the same voice that persuaded him to stay in Central City after he came back from the dead, and it was very convincing.
He had realized long ago, long before the Oculus even, that he was very much in love with Sara Lance. That revelation had been terrifying, frankly, but after a while it was something he was comfortable with (even though it was still an ever-present thought on the edge of his mind). He also had decided that he valued her presence in his life much more than any of his feelings, so he always ended up deciding that if telling her how he felt meant potentially losing her as a friend, he would rather remain silent.
And that's how that conversation always went, so he really wasn't interested in adding Barry or anyone else in this room to that.
"Leave him alone, guys," Caitlin said, finally coming to his rescue, "We know Snart. If he's not gonna do it, he's not gonna do it, so don't bother, even if they would be great together."
A moment later, there was chime sound from the computer signaling a proximity alarm being triggered.
"They're here," Barry said with a wide smile, flashing away to greet the team of Legends on the roof.
Leonard felt his heart rate increase as he waited. After about five minutes, he began to hear the faint chatter of the team as they followed Barry to the Cortex, who, a moment later, reappeared in the doorway, moving at a normal speed now, with the Legends close behind him.
Ray, Nate, and Zari were laden with cardboard trays of coffee cups and boxes of pastries, and hastily found a table to set them down on. Mick was close behind, quick to pick up one of the coffees before rummaging through a bag of donuts. Sara was at the rear, a tired expression on her face. Leonard watched as he scanned the room, and his heart leapt when her eyes met his. Her face softened and her lips quirked up in a small smile.
As Leonard got to his feet, Sara hugged Caitlin and greeted Cisco.
"Where's Harry?" she asked them.
"Oh, you know, he's around," Caitlin replied, "Avoiding the mayhem, probably."
The two teams, spread around the Cortex, chatted while they indulged in the Jitters coffee and pastries that the Legends had brought. Harry did in fact make an appearance after a while, just in time to grab the last coffee and a blueberry muffin, and he begrudgingly stayed and joined in the conversation.
Around the time Sara finished her coffee, Ray and Cisco had started rehashing a story from the alien invasion a few years earlier, with Mick interrupting with corrections whenever their telling of the events became a little too dashing and valiant. Under the guise of throwing out her coffee cup in a trash bin, Sara moved to stand beside Leonard where he leaned against a wall by the door.
"Hey," she said, meeting his eyes as she leaned next to him, her legs crossing at the ankle.
"Hey," Leonard said, unable to quell the small smile that crept onto his lips.
"I'm gonna try to sneak away," Sara said, "If you wanted to come."
"What, not interested in listening to Cisco pretend he contributed anything productive to whatever he's talking about."
Sara rolled her eyes.
"You coming or not?" she asked as she pushed herself off of the wall.
"Yeah," he replied with a nod, following Sara as she headed for the door.
He looked back into the Cortex to see Caitlin watching them. She met his eyes, then tipped her chin at Sara's retreating form with a pointed expression on her face. Leonard ignored her, turning back to follow Sara out of the lab.
"So where're we headed?" he asked as they made their way down the winding hall of the lab towards the main exit.
"Dunno," Sara replied with a shrug, "We just spent a week stranded in Reykjavik in February, and it's nice out here, so maybe we just walk around a little."
Leonard nodded, and when they reached the door, they started down a sidewalk he knew would eventually lead to a large park by the water. He had to admit that it was a beautiful day. July in Central City was always quite mild — sunny, with a nice breeze that kept the air warm, but not too hot. Normally, Leonard would have detested the way that the late morning sun beat through the trees, but, like whenever he was with Sara, he didn't seem to mind.
"So," he began, "Iceland in February. Good story there?"
"Eh," she shrugged, "Constantine showed up. There was a Yeti involved. Ray did something stupid. Nothing out of the ordinary. You?"
Leonard tipped his head to the side in consideration, "Been slow. Barry's trying to rehab a few of the metas in the pipeline, so that's been…amusing."
Sara chuckled.
"And Lisa's doing okay?" she asked.
"She is," he replied with a nod, "Not really sure what she gets up to, but she seems good," he hesitated for a moment, then said, "She asks about you…when we talk."
"She does?" Sara asked, a hint of a smile on her lips.
"Yeah," he replied, "I think she appreciated you staying in touch while I was dead."
"Yeah, of course," Sara said, "I know how important she is to you. We wouldn't have left her hanging."
Leonard nodded, and the next several minutes of their walk were spent in a comfortable silence.
He was always struck by how different Sara was from the person he'd met six years ago. When Sara walked onto the Waverider, she had just been resurrected and was all chaos and fire and uninhibited abandon. The Sara who'd pulled him out of the time stream was different in ways he couldn't quite place.
Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that, for Sara, it had been six years — no, eight, if you counted the two years she was stranded in the fifties — since the day the first mission began. Eight years was a long time, and Leonard knew that much had happened in that time, including an incredible amount of loss, most notably both her sister and her father. It also hadn't escaped his attention that the majority of the original team was gone, and although he'd been filled in on the necessary details (Kendra and Carter were married in Coast City, Jax was in college, Rip and Stein had died), he also knew that there had to be more there that Sara wasn't telling him.
It seemed that whatever had happened over the past eight years had given Sara the stability and self-control that she'd been seeking throughout the first six months of the mission, but he also knew that time-captaincy was not an easy job, and although she carried the responsibility remarkably well, Leonard could see in her eyes that the weight of the role sat heavy on her shoulders. Whenever the Legends visited and regaled the team at S.T.A.R. Labs with tales of ridiculous, bizarre, and sometimes supernatural missions, all Leonard could think of was the undeniable stress that must have put on Sara. Leonard remembered from the first mission that he hadn't paid any mind to what Rip wanted — a lot of the time he was outright disregarding his orders and putting himself and the team in unneeded harm. At the time, he hadn't really cared because…well, it was Rip, but now that Sara was the one in Rip's position, Nate's anecdotes of insubordination rang more irritating in his eyes than anything else, and while Sara always smiled and laughed and made sarcastic interjections in whatever stories the team was telling, Leonard could tell that it weighed on her more than she'd let on.
When he was sure Sara wouldn't notice, Leonard looked to her. She had her chin lifted to the sky, her blue eyes shining in the late morning sun as its beams reflected off her golden hair.
She seemed to lighten a little more with every step they took away from S.T.A.R. Labs, from the Waverider.
Acknowledging the passing of time had also sparked an old argument Leonard had repeated often with himself: before the Oculus, there had been many concerns preventing him from talking to Sara about how he felt, but one of the biggest ones was their difference in age. Logistically, he knew that Sara probably didn't care, but still — thirteen years was a lot in his eyes. Now, however, that thirteen-year gap had turned into a meager five, and for some reason, that made the prospect of telling her anything about how he felt even more terrifying.
At that moment, Sara looked over and met his eyes.
"What?" she asked, noticing that his gaze was directed at her. Leonard shrugged as he looked away, fixing his eyes on a stone fountain a few hundred yards ahead of them.
"You want to stop?" she asked, tipping her head towards a small viewing deck built off of the stone pathway. With a metal railing, a few wooden benches, and a coin-operated binocular set built into the planked floor, it was the perfect spot to observe Central City's harbor.
"Sure," he said with a nod, and followed her off of the sidewalk. Rather than head for the bench, Sara crossed the deck to lean against the railing and look out onto the bay. Leonard stood next to her, his hands gripping the metal bar as he watched small boats moving in and out of the harbor.
A minute or two later, he felt her eyes on him and turned to meet them. Rather than look away, she held his gaze for a while, a small smile appearing on her lips.
"What?" Leonard asked, unable to stop his own smile from appearing.
She was the one to shrug this time, finally looking back to the water.
"You doing okay?" he asked her.
"Yeah," she replied with a nod, "Break's nice, though. I wish we could have a longer one."
"Why don't you?"
"Something always comes up," Sara said with a shrug, "With the Time Bureau gone and Constantine popping up every three weeks with some new supernatural problem, we're apparently the only people safeguarding all of time."
She let out a dry laugh at the thought.
"Barry said ARGUS was working on building up a Time Bureau-adjacent," Leonard said.
"Apparently, but ARGUS is…" Sara paused, then scoffed lightly, "ARGUS is ARGUS, so in my book, whatever they put together would just be another thing for me to keep an eye on."
Leonard nodded, although there was more he would have said, more he wanted to say.
Sara sighed.
"Team's different now," she said, now looking very intently at a seagull perched on wooden pillar jutting out of the water, "I mean — the team's different every other week…but sometimes I think about that first mission and we were…we were somethin' else."
Leonard knew there was probably much more to what Sara had just said, but he didn't press.
"I sometimes wonder how things would be if you were on the team still," she continued, and Leonard noticed the tiniest waver in her voice.
He hesitated for a moment before responding.
"I could come back."
"There are things for you here, though," Sara said, "Central City's your home. Isn't that what you said before?"
Leonard didn't respond.
"C'mon," Sara said, tipping her head back towards the sidewalk, "Let's keep going. Didn't that new modern art museum finally open? I wanna go check it out, see if their security team got your name yet."
Her lips upturned in an impish smile and Leonard felt his heart pang. As Sara pushed away from the railing and headed back for the stone walkway, alarm bells started ringing in Leonard's ears — once they were in a quiet museum, any prospect of saying anything to Sara would fly out the window, driven away by his own anxiety and doubt. If he was going to do anything, he had to do it now. Barry's words from earlier started to repeat in Leonard's mind:
"C'mon man!" Barry had said, "If you don't say something today, you'll have to wait another whole month!"
He wasn't going to wait another month. He couldn't last another month. He had to do this right now.
"Sara," Leonard said, his heart pounding in his chest so hard it bordered on painful.
Sara stopped and turned back to face him.
He was silent for a moment.
"I really would come back," he told her, forcing himself to meet her eyes.
"I know."
"I think about it a lot," he added, pushing himself to keep going despite the panic he was feeling, "I think about…you…a lot."
"What?" Sara took a questioning step closer to him.
Leonard could tell that he had no control over what he was saying, and no matter how many times he'd tried to formulate these words, it didn't matter.
"I…all the things I said…before the Oculus. I'm still…that's all still true…for me."
"Len," Sara said, her expression unreadable.
"I've known for a while," he said, now looking determinately at a spot over her shoulder, "that I-I'm…I'm very much in love with you. Whenever you're around, things are just…better. I don't…I don't know."
Finally, he met her eyes, and they were both silent for a while, staring at each other.
"Why did you leave, then?" Sara asked him, the words coming out a bit choked.
"I…it was six years for you," Leonard said, trying desperately to control the waver in his voice, "And Mick told me about…French queens and Salem and something about Camelot and…and directors, so…I didn't think you felt the same way anymore," he took a deep breath and then more words spilled out, steadier now, "To be honest, I wasn't sure you felt anything at all — you didn't exactly respond positively to what I had said in your quarters, and at the Oculus when you…" he trailed off, "I thought maybe it was just to…to ease the weight of what I was doing more than anything else, or—"
"You thought it was a pity kiss?" Sara cut him off, anger in her eyes. Leonard didn't respond, so she continued, "Do you really think I care so little about your emotions, or-or think so highly of myself that I would kiss you just to make it easier for you to blow yourself up? Did you even consider what you were asking me to do?" Sara didn't wait for a response, barreling on without hesitation, "You asked me to drag Mick — your best friend, who you had just concussed — out of an active bomb, leaving you to die not even an hour after you made this big confession to me. Do you not see how fucked up that all is? And now you're asking if it was a pity kiss?"
"Look," Leonard replied, his voice harder, "Forget about it. I don't want to ruin anything. I just wanted you to know how I feel because I was losing my mind not saying anything. If you don't feel the same, that's fine."
"Who said I don't feel the same?"
Leonard took an involuntary step back, and Sara herself seemed a little shocked.
"You didn't say anything."
"You didn't say anything," she retorted, taking a step towards him, "You chose to leave the Waverider. That kind of told me everything I needed to know."
Leonard waited a beat before answering, his nerves dulling his ability to process what Sara was telling him.
"It was six years," he said again, the anger gone from his voice, "That's a long time. I figured…if you had felt anything at all before, it would be gone…or…"
"Yeah, or it was enough time to…process, I guess…how I feel," Sara said, running a hand through her hair. She let out a quick exhale before continuing, "I honestly didn't know how I felt when you told me what you told me before the Oculus, and after you died, I was just…stuck coming to terms wit-with the fact that I was falling in love with you, and you didn't even exist anymore. I spent an entire year after the Oculus dealing with that bullshit, and halfway through that, evil-you showed up and I had to look at your face and see no recognition at all and it destroyed me, Len. And yeah — there were other people, but even my best memories with any of them — yes, even the director — came nowhere near how I felt when we realized you were alive."
Sara let out a heavy breath.
"But then you left," she finished.
"I…yeah," Leonard replied, not sure what else to say.
They both stared at each other for a while, both processing what the other had said, both coming to terms with knowing they both felt the same way.
"I…I don't want to leave the Waverider," Sara finally said, taking a step towards Leonard.
"I wasn't asking you to," he responded.
"But I…I always look forward to the visit because…because I want to see you," she continued, taking another step forward, "I don't know how you do it, but when I'm around you, the whole world just seems…"
"Easier," he finished, his voice low. Sara nodded, her eyes involuntarily darting to his lips for just a moment before meeting his gaze again.
"Yeah," she finally said, with just a hint of a smile.
They spent another another few long moments in silence. Discomfited, Leonard shifted his weight, somewhat astounded by what Sara was telling him. He hadn't allowed himself to believe Caitlin when she said that she thought Sara was interested in him, but now that he was hearing it from Sara herself, his disbelief had been replaced with dumbfounded shock. He'd spent so long trying to figure out what to say to her, but now that he had, he wasn't sure what to do next.
"Um…okay," Sara said after a while, "Well…did you want to keep walking or…"
"Yeah," he said with a nod, "Sure."
As Sara turned away, Leonard caught her arm and tugged her back towards him, wasting no time stealing the kiss she'd challenged him to. Sara immediately reciprocated, letting out a minuscule breath of relief as she crashed her lips against his. She twined her arms around his neck as Leonard's hand tangled in her hair, his other arm wrapping around Sara's waist, pulling her close to him. His heart was pounding in his chest so hard he could hear it, but he refused to let it distract him from the feeling of Sara's warm skin beneath his fingertips. They kissed with an urgent fervor and if any passersby looked their way, they didn't pay them any mind, too caught up in each other and the relief of finally being able to act on the longing that had been building up for so long to even notice.
After a long while, when both their breathing had gone ragged, their lungs empty, they both pulled away from each other, foreheads touching. When he'd caught his breath, Leonard leaned in and kissed Sara again, slower now, relishing the feeling of her lips on his. She smelled of coffee and leather and mint and something just uniquely Sara, and suddenly he felt as if an enormous pressure was being lifted away, like he'd been homesick for this person before him and hadn't even been able to realize it until he was finally by her side again.
After a moment, he felt Sara lips curve up in a smile.
"What?" Leonard asked her, his voice low. Sara just gave a minuscule shake of her head before lifting her head to capture his lips in one more soft kiss.
Finally, they both stepped away. Leonard's arms stayed firmly around Sara's waist, keeping her from moving too far away. Sara's hands slid from his shoulders down his arms to grip Leonard's wrists as she looked up at him.
"Maybe extending the team's shore leave wouldn't be the worst thing in the world," she said with just a hint of a smirk.
"Really?" Leonard replied, matching her smirk with his own, "You think that'd be okay with the captain?"
"Yeah," Sara said, her lips spreading into a smile, "It'd be okay."
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firesoulstuff · 3 years
Runaway with Me (and save the future)
Day 5 of @captaincanary-week!!!! Prompt: Teen! Sara, Leonard, and Mick!
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35743357
Sara startles awake, her mind processing that there is an outside voice hissing for her to do so. As she blinks her eyes into consciousness and sits up she tries to take stock of the situation as best she can, alarms blaring in her mind that something not good is happening.
The guys are in her room.
She sees Snart first, hovering over her but backing off, whispering for her to get up and that they have to go. Mick is pressed against her door; closed it over as much as he can while still being able to crane his head and peek out into the dark hallway.
“Why?” She finally manages to hiss back at Snart. “What’s going on?”
“Don’t know.” He hurriedly whispers back. “But one of those spaceships just showed up outside and these guys and uniforms came in. Two of them are arguing with Xavier in the kitchen, they said the Legends were neutralized.”
She blinks, trying to understand that and how it leads to him and Mick barging into her room at… what time even is it?
Upon looking out the window she finds its still pitch-black outside, and even in this weird place time moves in normal days.
“What time is it?” She asks, and suddenly Snart is gone from her side, over at her dresser and opening one of her drawers. “Hey!”
“Three a.m.” He mutters in answer, before tossing a wad of her clothes back at her that she scrambles to catch. “Get changed. Mick?”
“Don’t hear ‘em yet.” Mick murmurs, “The old lady must be putting up a fight.”
“She won’t last long.” Snart comments, Sara watching the two of them as she exasperatedly tries to understand what the hell it is they’re saying.
Her clothes are what finally make it click together.
She came her in a dress, and while Madam Xavier doesn’t make them or the kids wear uniforms per say she is very stern about looking “presentable and proper.” It’s all dresses, skirts, slacks, sweaters, button ups, and other things Sara would classify as “church clothes”. That being said, she expects them to do chores, and even she understands some of those can’t be done without getting dirty. She’d allowed Sara a pair of jeans and a t-shirt for those purposes.
That is what Snart has handed her.
She knows him well enough by now to know his mind works in practicalities and plans. If he just wanted her up and dressed he could’ve handed her anything. But he dug for her one junk outfit. He not only needs her up and dressed; he needs her to move.
She hurries from her bed to her hamper, fishes out her bra, and Snart at least takes the hint and busies himself over by the door, whispering to Mick. Between the dark and the urgency she can’t tell if either of them tries to sneak a peek. She doesn’t really care either.
She grabs a hair tie from her dresser and is tying her hair back as she approaches the guys. Snart looks over at her, gives her this satisfied nod, and then he looks back to Mick.
He nods at Mick, and Mick slinks out the door, half crouched. Snart follows his lead and so she follows his.
She can hear footsteps now, coming closer to the stairs. They’re definitely not getting out the front door, though she doubts that’s the plan. As if to prove her point, they’re a little more than halfway down the hall when Mick and Snart duck into the nursery.
Sara follows suit, and by the time she slips in Snart is already at the window and easing it open.
Oh hell no.
“Are you nuts?” She whispers, “We’re on the second floor!”
“Meaning the drop won’t be enough to kill us.”
She rolls her eyes. “How are you planning to get two babies out a second story window?”
He looks at her, Mick does too, and their faces answer her question in the worst possible way.
“No.” She says, and she can hear a voice now out in the hall. A man. She can’t make out what he’s saying, he’s still too far for that, but there are definitely multiple pairs of feet walking alongside him.
“They came here with us.” She reminds Snart and Mick, “If those guys out there are here for us, they’re here for them too.”
“They can have them.” Mick comments, swinging his leg over the windowsill.
Snart looks at her with a touch more sympathy, though not much.
“We can’t handle two babies.” He says, and she hates that he has a point. “They’ll be fine.”
“You don’t know that.”
“No,” He agrees, pulling a spare blanket from a nearby shelf and giving Mick two corners. “I don’t. Now you are welcome to stay with them and find out what they’re in for, or you can come with us.”
With that Mick drops completely out the window. Sara can see the tension that all of a sudden takes over Snart; his feet planted firm, his knee digging into the wall so that Mick’s weight doesn’t overpower him.
She looks into one of the cribs. It’s occupied by two babies, the two they were brought here with by – possibly – their future selves.
“Make up your mind Sara.” Snart says in a warning tone, the sounds of footsteps getting closer in the hall.
A heavy guilt settles into her heart. When she’d been handed the first of the two of them – Jax – she wanted nothing to do with him. Then she wanted even less to do with Martin; one baby and all the other weirdness was more than enough for her. But these past few weeks as she’s failed to find another explanation for who those strange people were, she’s come to care about these two. If those were their future selves, then that means the future selves of these babies were part of that group. That team. They shouldn’t be leaving them behind.
“Sara!” Snart snaps at her, his voice still a whisper, but it might as well be a shout.
He’s standing upright now, the blanket limp in his hands, waiting for her.
She reaches over and runs a hand over each of the babies. “I’m sorry.”
She hurries over to Snart at the window, and he hands her two corners of the blanket, looking at her expectantly.
“Are you serious?”
Snart rolls his eyes. “Just hold on tight, and stick close to the wall when you drop.”
Drop. Logically, she knew that was going to be part of this; she saw Mick do it and the blanket isn’t anywhere near long enough to lower her all the way to the ground. But still, hearing it is enough to make her consider staying.
It is at least a partial comfort to look down and see Mick standing on the lawn, impatient and relatively unscathed at least from what she can see in the dark. He’s standing, and that’ll have to be good enough.
She wraps the corners of the blanket around her knuckles for safe measure and clutches tight as she can. Sitting on the windowsill she has a moment of debate, of if she is really about to do this. But her other option is to be dragged away by whoever is out there, and something tells her they aren’t going to be as friendly as her older self and her friends; who weren’t, for the record, all that friendly.
She takes a deep breath, swings her other leg over, and she looks back at Snart over her shoulder. The two of them have become, sort of, friends. At least she thinks so. It’s weird, here, and suddenly she’s aware that she isn’t surprised he came for her before making this escape. Why is she not surprised? Time is of the essence, and roping her in must have added so much time to this.
“Hey!” Mick calls from below, “Let’s go!”
She meet’s Snart’s eyes one more time. He isn’t going to let her get irreversibly hurt; she trusts that. She takes a deep breath, and pushes off.
She shrieks soon as she’s off the ledge, though she hasn’t fallen more than half a foot. Slowly she starts to descend lower, her heels kicking against the brick of the house and her knuckles white on the blanket above her.
Above her, that’s probably better than looking below.
She looks up, and Snart is leaned halfway out the window, his face scrunched in concentration.
“Turn around!” He hisses.
She doesn’t get an answer. Instead he twists the blanket so that her front is against the side of the house.
“Ow!” She whispers her pained sound as he knocks her head against the brick. “Watch it!”
If he says anything to that she doesn’t hear it, but in her defense, she is a little busy panicking. He lowers her to what is probably just above the first floor, and then the blanket runs out.
“Drop!” He hisses down at her.
That last shout comes from behind him, and the panic floods her system entirely. They’re caught.
The next thing she knows she’s falling, the blanket still in her hands and her body skidding roughly against the house’s outer wall. She screams as she falls, but her feet hit the ground soon enough and her knees crumple as they absorb the shock. She doesn’t fall completely on her ass, and now she can see why he wanted her front against the house. Easier landing.
Mick’s voice fills her ears and his rough hands grab at her arm and pull, hard. Normally she’d chew him out for grabbing her, but she doesn’t have much of a chance to feel violated over it before Snart is crashing down where she’d just been and Mick is moving on to hauling him to his feet.
On shaking legs – at least on her part – the three of them share a look and bolt for the spaceship parked halfway across the front lawn. It isn’t far, but it’s far enough that Sara’s lungs are burning by the time her feet hit the metallic ramp and she can hear the house’s front door being thrown open in the distance.
At least it isn’t hard to find the bridge of the ship, but piloting it is likely to be a different story.
“How do we get this thing in the air?” Mick asks, echoing her thoughts. She and him stop by this futuristic table in the middle of the room while Snart goes right for a chair at the front.
“I’m guessing with this.” He mutters, touching a lever attached to the side of the chair. “But there has to be a way to put in coordinates.”
“There is.” A disembodied voice informs them, and all three of them jump. “However, you children are fugitives wanted by the Time Masters. I will override any commands you place into my systems.”
The three of them look to each other. It won’t be long now before those men – Time Masters – catch up with them. They’re probably coming up on the ship already.
“This is a ship.” Sara says aloud, and Mick rolls his eyes at her while Snart narrows his.
“Yeah, no shit.” Mick mocks.
“No.” Sara says, the gears turning in her head. “One of the main differences between a boat and a ship is a ship has to have lifeboats in case of an emergency.”
“Hey, newsflash Barbie, this is a spaceship.”
“It’s still a ship.” She grits out at Mick. “It has to have some kind of escape pod or something, and since it would be for emergencies, that thing shouldn’t be able to stop us from taking it.”
Her words are punctuated by the distant sound of heavy boots hitting metallic floors. She and Mick turn to Snart, waiting for him to be the deciding vote. He won’t waste time, she knows this, and so when he looks to her almost right away and nods relief is alight in her chest.
“Let’s go.”
“Are you serious?” Mick questions, glowering at his friend.
“Our other option is sitting here waiting to get caught.” He replies, him and her already starting towards the second entrance for the bridge. “What have we got to lose?”
That must be enough for Mick, because he follows them.
“What are we looking for exactly?” Snart asks as they run through the ship.
Truthfully, Sara has no idea, but she can’t let them know that so she tries to think.
“It’ll be on the side of the ship.” She says, running through the schematics of The Gambit in her mind. “It can’t be far. If that was the bridge then this hallway should let out into another one that runs along the side. It’ll be in the middle.”
“And what if it’s on the other side of the ship?” Mick growls, and Sara tries her best not to consider that as a real possibility.
“Then we’re dead.”
Thank God she’s right.
Who knew sneaking along to Ollie’s yacht parties would save her life? She always thought that, if anything, it would be the opposite. They’re able to find the escape pod and it’s key hidden away in the glove compartment. Snart pilots them… somewhere. Maybe nowhere, actually. There’s no sky or ground or any solid object, it’s just swirling green and yellow all around them.
None of them have said anything.
At first she and Mick both asked where the hell it is they’re going, and Snart had snidely informed them that he would be letting them know soon as he figured out how to get them anywhere.
It’s been a while since then. Mick’s nodded off, and Sara’s thought about doing the same. But she can’t sleep. She doesn’t know where they’re going, where it even is that they’ve been, and…
The Legends were neutralized.
She sighs. Far as she can tell the three of them are, or will be, the Legends. There’s no other explanation. Two boys from 1986 and a girl from 2002, kidnapped by strange adults on a spaceship who look eerily like them, but older, and dumped at a home for orphans where there are no seasons or neighbors.
Neutralized. Dead.
They’re – their future selves – they’re dead.
She rises out of the chair she’d claimed and moves to stand over Snart’s very tense shoulder.
“Are we going home?”
He doesn’t answer. He doesn’t even look at her. He keeps his mouth in a firm, impassive, line and stares on ahead.
“We don’t have to.” She ventures, “Now that I know how it ends, not exactly eager to get back.”
“How what ends?”
He’s playing dumb, they both know it, but she’ll indulge it.
He’s quiet, and so is she. The only sounds are the light hum of the pod’s thrusters outside and Mick’s soft snoring just behind them.
“We could try and stop it.” She offers, but he doesn’t look too enthralled with the idea.
“Seen enough movies.” He says, “You try and stop something from happening, it happens anyway and it usually happens worse.”
Right, a little more Groundhog Day circumstances in her experience, but she supposes the point still stands.
“We could run.”
“Where?” He scoffs, “Where could we run that the time police aren’t going to find us?”
“I don’t know.” She says with a shrug. “Where do you and your dad run when you don’t want the cops to find you?”
He looks like he’s about to answer her, but then this faraway look falls over his eyes.
“A safehouse.” He murmurs, and the next thing she knows he’s throwing open the glove compartment and tearing out the pod’s owner’s manual, opening it frantically before he shoves it into her arms when the pod starts to rock without his manual control.
“Here, let me know if you find a section on tracking.”
She furrows her brow, but sits down in the seat nearest to him and starts reading.
“Why?” She asks, “What are you planning to track?”
“The Legends had a ship with one of those disembodied voices.”
“It was a talking computer program.” She says, smirking a bit when he glares at her. She can’t help it, it’s so much fun to remind him she knows things he doesn’t; that she’s seen things he hasn’t.
“Anyway.” He says, flatly, “If that ship could refuse to help us, it only makes sense the Legends’ could to.”
“Yeah, she did.” Sara snarks at him. “Or have you forgotten being locked in that cargo bay?”
“At their command.” He counters, “The ship listened to them, and if they’re dead, maybe now it’ll be willing to listen to us.”
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personinthepalace · 3 years
Captain Canary - Mamma Mia
For Captain Canary Week 2021, Day 1: Deja Vu @captaincanary-week
After the Occulus explodes, Len finds himself back with the Legends and relives those days over and over again. He tries to change things with Sara.
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soccerzig17 · 3 years
Going a little different for @captaincanary-week this year. Making a multi chapter fic where each prompt is a chapter.
Who am I now?... A dead man is live baby!
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How Sara ended up re-enacting her almost kiss with Leonard
This is for @captaincanary-week 's CaptainCanary week 2021 Day 6 prompts. I ended up choosing both. Quick, kiss me so we don’t blow our cover
I Really enjoyed writing this even though it was kinda hard for me. This is my first time writing for CaptainCanary even though I do love them! Sorry if it is slightly late, I could figure out this one stupid paragraph.
Read on AO3
Small sneak peak: They were all gathered at the table, laughing and eating. Everything surprisingly normal for the group.
The Christmas tree was thrown up haphazardly in the corner, lights managing to twinkle while barely holding on from above, minus a few bulbs or two, and a perfectly cooked Christmas feast laid out by Gideon.
Stories were being passed around and shared, how the group even had new stories shocked Sara. However having the occasional new member did help in that department.
Though Sara did have one story of her own, from one of her first few missions with Len that no one but the OG’s knew of. Maybe it was time to let that cat out of the bag?
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 3 years
So obviously set in S1. CaptainCanary. Enjoy.
Cards had kinda become a hobby between them, the ice breaker so to say. She had found out the most about him when they played cards and she revealed more about her life than she had thought she would to the coldhearted criminal.
Something about the soft, rhythmic shuffle of the pieces of paper, the silence that enveloped them, isolating them from each other yet in barrier together against the rest of the world. It was relaxing, no need for the constant babbling that Ray provided or the awkward comments. They could just think and observe. No pressure to make conversation. She hadn't expected to but it all started during gin rummy.
Se had been surveying her cards, picking which one to show her hand when she noticed a scar on the inside of Leonard's wrist.
She didn't mean to stare but Leonard noticed anyway. He was always so observant that way. Taking in his surroundings and calculating it to his advantage.
"Just a beer bottle" He said off-handedly like he was describing one of his prison beaks. "I was 5."
he said it very breezily and non chant but Sara could see by the way his forehead flattened just a bit that the scar bothered him.
She was aware of his past and his father and didn't bother prying anymore information out of it. It would ruin the mood besides his queen was going to get destroyed by her Aces.
The second time, she was the one who spoke about her time on the League of Shadows. It had been after returning from the fifties and she was sleepless. The years with Ra reminded her of when she first joined and the bloodlust and she just plagued her thoughts on her ability to be a hero. At least a reliable one.
Leonard had entered the kitchen at five in the morning, saw her staring at the table and brought out a deck of cards for poker.
They settled to the usual shuffling and calling out moves, and soon Sara started to pour out her feelings.
"It's just juts that everyone is so good! It annoys the shit out of me so much. I feel like I'm constantly struggling to live up to those standards. Even Arrow, he killed who knows how many people on the island, but at least he tries to fight the darkness. I...I gave up too easily, I just fell back to the League because it felt good. I always was bad and kinda selfish, you should hear the things I did when I was a teenager." Sara ranted
"Look who's talking" Leonard scoffed "I'm only here to steal the world's most famous jewels from across the timeline."
Sara snorted quietly under her breath. That hardly mattered, he was the criminal, he didn't know how hard it was to compare with a "pure and sweet and utterly adorkable" friends and older sister.
"But seriously, Sara. You're strong woman, I've seen it in the way you fight and in your actions. It's hard dealing with all the good people but us "bad guys" we're stronger than them. We know pain and we moved past it."
Sara almost dropped her cards. Where was the speech coming from, it sounded like poetry or some inspirational message for the AA group.
Sara managed to shut her mouth and give a small thanks.
They had played once more when Pilgrim came and they had to say goodbye to their family members and give them the amnesia pill. They had just dropped off Jax's dad back to his station, when Leonard pulled out his cards teasingly.
"Let's go to the control room" Sara said and they did
"So how did your dad go?" Leonard asked, setting up the flush game.
"Okay, it took him awhile to get used to the fact they we were from the future, and that alians did not take over the Earth. But I managed. How about you?"
"Good. Yeah, Lisa and I talked. Nothing big. She wouldn't let go of baby me, I think she wanted to take me home with her."
"Baby you was cute" Sara grinned
"Do you miss him? Your dad I mean."
Sara regarded that question thoughtfully, "Yeah I do. I've spent years without them and stuff but I do sometimes wish they would magically appear and give me advice sometimes" Sara shrugged. She had wished that twice already, she wanted to talk to Laurel so badly after Leonard said "My feelings for you" comment. It had caught her off-guarded and yes, she was pleased. But it was Leonard maybe he was just teasing and wanted to get a reaction out of her. Then again, that moment when they were huddled the warehouse, approaching possible death. Then too she wanted to contact Laurel and talk.
"Sometimes I think about how she's doing without me. I was relieved to hear she hadn't gotten herself into jail yet but she isn't staying home and knitting either. I think she's screwing that engineer kid. The one that's friends with Flash" Leonard scowled as he thought over all the things she could possibly be doing without his supervision.
Sara gave a small smile. It was sweet how much he cared for his sister, she wished she had more of that relationship with Laurel. Sure it was better now, but they could have been a little more lenient with each other's faults.
"There could be worse things" Sara merely replied, and frowned as she saw her cards get flushed.
It all came to head after Leonard's return.
It had been a busy few weeks, gathering the information, helping hi cope with dying but despite the pain at looking at him struggling to get back to what he was, she was still incredible relieved he was back.
They hadn't talked about what the kiss meant, but they both knew it was something more. She gave it willingly and without pity for his death but rather for doing his part for the mission.
"So Lance, wanna go get freaky in the 80s next. The retro 80s bars in Havana are quite killer if you're looking for a fight. I'm tired of the whole nurse routine their giving me out there" Leonard drawled, gesturing outside Sara's room
"Sure" Sara moved toward him, eye to eye and kissed him.
Leonard gave his signature smirk, and Sara smiled back.
"So did you see what I left for you?" he asked
"Left what?"
"Well since Rip kept saying that this might our last mission, people could die, etc etc. I left something in your sword case"
Sara's eyes widened and she rushed to open her sword case hidden in the back of her closet.
There was a pack of cards. His pack of cards.
"Very thoughtful. How about we play some now, then get freaky." Sara suggested, inside a warm feeling spread through her heart.
"Sure" He sat down beside her, and kissed her softy on the head.
years later, the two were lying on a casino table.
The club had been cleared out after Sara appeared with her knives and he with his cold gun. They locked the doors shut and had the whole place to themselves.
They went to the same bar as they had went in the seventies as a memorial for their fifth year anniversary as boyfriend and girlfriend.
They had been playing cards, but after Leonard accused her of cheating, and Sara challenged him to find her hidden cards, one thing led to another and well.. the casino was surprisingly comfortable for a sensual wrestling match.
"Found it" Leonard grinned as his hands unzipped the back of her dress, pulling out eight cards of aces.
"Well if I'm cheating than you've got to be bluffing" Sara put an exaggerated whine as she slipped her hands under his parka.
"What bluff?"
"The one where you said you'd give me the best game of my life" Sara licked the bottom of his lips
He stopped her words with a kiss and pushed the cards off the table.
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Hi, I noticed that you had a large paragraph about the struggles of writing to people who don't show appreciation for your work on your page. I usually comment on your CaptainCanary fics, and I wanted to take this time to tell you how happy your writing makes me. I have been reading your work a long time, and each one has brought a smile to my face. When you post a new fic I get an alert, and my friends can always seem to tell that you have posted because of how happy I become. (Part 1)
(Part 2) Hi again! Sorry that there are two parts, I ran out of letters. Continuing with the previous sentiment: The CaptainCanary ship has been quite literally dead for years and yet you allow it to continue on through your work. You truly bring me such joy, and I couldn't be more grateful for all that you do for the fandom and for readers like me. I wish more than anything that I could write like you. Thank you so much, and have a great day!
I meant to post this yesterday but the day got away from me. Thank you so much, Anon. I kinda want to start weeping reading this. I’m happy to hear that you appreciate the writing that I do for it. It really makes me feel so good inside to hear that at least there are people out there who enjoy what I am writing.
Thank you for making my day. Actually, making my week. Stay safe and healthy, anon.
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Things Will Be Different
Captain Canary Week 2021
Day One: Déjà vu @captaincanary-week
"There are no strings on me."
Those last words seemed to echo in his head as a bright light swept over him, consuming him forcing him to close his eyes. The pain came; next, he expected it, and he knew it would be painful; he only thought it would have been fast—one moment here and the next—gone.
Leonard felt as if he was being ripped apart, pulled, and compressed in all directions until he was unsure of where he was. He lost all sense of directions, and when he began to think it would never end, it all stopped. And with it, the light.
He let out a groan of pain as he tried to get up, his head throbbing and vision dotted with black, which he quickly began trying to blink away. With his vision clear, he saw Stein lying in a similar position beside him.
Wasn't Stein on the ship?
"Stein? What are you doing here?" Leonard asked.
"I'm as ignorant as you for once," Stein answers.
That should have been his first clue. While he wasn't as close to the professor as Jax or anyone else was, the two respected the other, well respected each other enough not to insult the other.
He tried unsuccessfully to stand to find out where he was or what was happening but couldn't find the strength just yet. Unable to do anything else, Leonard began trying to recall anything at all that happened. He remembered the Oculus, holding the lever down, Sara—.
He turned, looking around, and pinpointed her quickly. She was wearing furs around her and looking just as disoriented as the rest of the team, the only difference being the stiffness in her shoulders prepared to fight at a moment's notice.
"Where are we?" She asked.
Her voice made it all the more real; whatever this was, whatever that was happening was happening. Leonard knew it was crazy, but things long stopped being crazy when the whole metahumans business started.
As much as he knew this Sara wasn't his Sara, he couldn't help but place his fingers on his lips as if he could still feel that kiss. He only allowed himself a moment of weakness before schooling his expression, readying himself with a plan.
He would find a way to change things make them different this time. Leonard will find a way to change things so that Mick won't turn into Cronos; the hawks won't die, Stein doesn't get captured. Every mistake they made, he can stop it before it happens, and this time he knows how.
Things will be different this time; he'll make sure of it.
With the plan in mind, he can finally find himself to relax, at least marginally, and look over his soon-to-be team. Who knew Rip would be right. They will be legends, but this time, he'll make sure everyone lives to become one.
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hey-there-juliet · 3 years
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↳ For Captain Canary Week 2021, Day Six: CC Undercover - “Quick, kiss me so we don’t blow our cover!” @captaincanary-week
Captain Canary Incorrect Quote (insp.)
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stillthewordgirl · 3 years
This sucks, and I wish I wasn’t returning to Tumblr just to make this post.
A lot of people in the CaptainCanary Legends fandom will know SylvanHeather. She wasn’t a writer, but she was an awesome fan and beta. We chatted a lot about fandom and life in general.
This week, we lost her to COVID-19.
Please, raise a glass and say a toast to her tonight. And please, even more...get vaccinated if you can.
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captaincanary-week · 3 years
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It's tomorrow!!! Are you guys ready? 🎉
Just a few friendly reminders for everyone who's participating tomorrow:
• Don't forget to use the tag #captaincanaryweek2021 (NO spaces) and tag @captaincanary-week in every post related to the event;
• And if you feel comfortable with it, feel free to add your work to the AO3 collection: Captain_Canary_Week_2021
• If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask them!
• Remember to like, reblog, and comment on all the new content we'll hopefully be getting. Even if you don't create, still share the love;
• And for any more Guidelines, please check out the pinned post!
That's it for now, I'm so excited to see what everyone has prepared for tomorrow! 💙
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firesoulstuff · 3 years
Round and Around We Go
Here we go! My submission for Day 1 of @captaincanary-week!!!! Day 1: Deja Vu.
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35661607/chapters/88914955
Leonard keeps his glare hard on Druce. The heat of the wellspring swallowing his hand, burning it. It’s probably gone already, nothing more than melted flesh and bone keeping the failsafe from engaging.
“There are no strings on me.” He grits out his final words and then the core overheats.
There’s the explosion. Loud as all hell and brighter than the white light Leonard was expecting to see at the end of his life. When he wakes up his ears are still ringing and he’s seeing spots…
Wait… When he wakes up… What?
He blinks, and shakes his head. He’s… He’s alive?
It’s cold. And dark. There are some lights flickering here and there at the corners of his vision.
“Get up.”
Panic floods his system.
No. Mick wasn’t supposed to die with him. Sara was supposed to get him out. Sara. If he’s dead. And Mick’s dead, then does that mean…?
“Come on.” Mick’s gruff voice commands again, and as his eyes finally start to adjust Leonard is able to make out the shadow of his partner looming above him, and walking away. “Give me a hand with Big Bird.”
He cranes his neck and pushes himself up to a sitting position. His side has a pulling protest to that, just like earlier when he landed hard…
After the fight with Savage.
He’s… he’s back in the corridor of the ship. Carter is about twenty feet away; unconscious, bleeding out, and being pulled up by the combined efforts of Kendra and Mick. Next to them Hunter is staggering to his feet against the wall, and then he hears another groan from behind him.
“What happened?” Raymond asks. An excellent question, what did happen? Because this already happened. This was this morning. How did they end up back here? How did he survive?
“Miss Saunders saved all our lives, Dr. Palmer.” Hunter answer, still partially bent over himself, and he nods to the corner next to the doorway.
Len follows the action, though he already knows what he’ll find; Savage lying unconscious on the ground.
“If he weren’t immortal…” Hunter starts, but pauses to catch his breath.
“He’d be dead.” Leonard finishes, except this morning he didn’t finish. He didn’t say anything. Hunter said those words, after he’d regulated his breathing.
This time, the captain grins at him.
“Quite right Mr. Snart.”
It feels like he’s moving in a haze as he helps Mick carry Carter to the med bay. He takes Carter’s ankles, just as he did this morning, and the only words he speaks are directions to Mick on when to turn.
“You really think the Time Masters will let us all go just cause Savage is a criminal?” Mick asks, but he doesn’t rise to the bait.
This morning he did. This morning he told Mick to tell him, because he worked for the bastards. Mick had gone really quiet and given him a hell of a glare. Then Leonard had said he wasn’t sure. He said the two of them know enough about pigs to know that just because they get their guy, the informants don’t usually go free.
“I don’t know Mick.” He says, and then he decides to test the water. “Feels a little like we’ve done this before.”
Mick hums, almost like a scoff; an agreement, but Leonard doesn’t think he agrees in the way he wants him to.
They drop Carter in the med bay chair and when they turn to go Mick nearly bumps smack into Raymond.
“Sorry.” Raymond splutters, looking like he’s seen a ghost himself. For half a second it gives Len hope, but then he remembers that Raymond’s ghost is Carter.
He has looked like this for two days, ever since they brought this brainwashed version of Kendra’s ex onto the ship.
This is the part where he’s supposed to tell Raymond now is his chance. Just leave, tell himself he doesn’t want to see his fiancées ex and walk away. He probably won’t survive without medical intervention, but no one could have known that.
It doesn’t matter that he knows now that isn’t even true. He follows Mick out of the med bay without a word, and when his partner turns for the galley, he splits off for the barracks.
His feet follow the same path they took this morning, but at a brisker pace. He slows down as he remembers what his typical, more strolling pace, got him. Sara.
She was coming from the other end of the hall, a casual walk. His path will already lead him to her door first, where this morning they exchanged notes and decided to pass the afternoon with a card game. He doesn’t want to beat her by full minutes. If he does she’ll catch him lingering by her door, and then he might very well lose his nerve.
She can help him. She… Maybe she won’t have all the answers, but she will at least believe him without trying to pry his brain out of his skull like Raymond or the Professor might.
He manages to time it so he’s only a few paces down the hall by the time she comes around the corner up ahead. His breath catches in his throat, and the memory of her kissing him comes flooding back. Not that he had forgotten but, well, he’s been a little preoccupied. He can’t help thinking about how she’d tasted; soft and hard all at once. Desperate. He was dying. It was a kiss goodbye. The thought is almost enough to turn his stomach. He can’t live through that again.
“Hey, Snart are you good?”
Suddenly he realizes that they’re in front of her door, face to face, and he’s been remembering how it felt to kiss her knowing he’d never see her again. He’s normally good with keeping his emotions from coming through on his face, but her expression is more than enough to tell him he hasn’t succeeded this time.
She reaches up without hesitance, her eyes holding nothing but worry. With the tips of her fingers she gently turns his head to the side so that she can search the base of his head for a bump or a bruise. Hunter’s told her already – he remembers – about the fight and how he, Mick, and Raymond were knocked unconscious.
“Heard you took a fall. You good?” She’d taunted him this morning, coming up to her door only a step and a half after him.
“Sadly I wasn’t lucky enough to suffer a concussion.”
“Where’d you get hit?” She asks this time, no hint of teasing, because he hasn’t answered her.
“I’m fine.” He says, though he isn’t sure he believes it. People who are fine don’t suffer déjà vu to this extent. Hell, he still isn’t entirely sure he’s not dead, and if he’s dead then he is very far from fine.
He shakes his head out of her reach regardless, and she folds her arms, unconvinced.
He finds he has to brace himself before he tries to tell her about what’s happened. He has no idea how he’s supposed to do that, but if he is alive then he is going to need her help in staying that way.
“Can we talk?” He asks, and his voice is thicker than he’d intended, and maybe that’s what inflicts the stunned expression of her face.
“Course.” She eventually says, and scans her door open. “Come on in.”
He does, following her. He closes the door like he did this morning. This morning she had gone and hopped up on her bed, and he’d leaned against its edge and dealt the cards for the first of what would only be one and a half games.
This time she leans against the edge, apparently “talking” is less relaxed for her than a game of cards.
“What’s up?”
He sighs, how the hell is he supposed to answer that?
He takes two steps deeper into the room, trying to find a good starting point.
“You’ve seen strange things? Right?”
She furrows her brown, “Strange like how?”
He shrugs. “Things that should be impossible?” He says it more like it’s a question, but that is probably the best way he could put it. “Resurrection, time travel, mutant hawk vampires.”
She nods, “Yeah, you’ve seen most of that too.”
Hmm, fair point. The problem is he isn’t so sure he would believe what he is about to tell her just on the word.
“What about time loops?” He asks, “Déjà vu.”
She frowns, but at least she doesn’t outright tell him he’s crazy.
“I mean, we’re on a time machine.” She lifts her arms back and jumps onto her bed, perching on its edge. “I guess they’re possible. Why?”
He hesitates. “I think I’m in one.”
She looks at him, no discernible expression to her face, but again that is better than her outright writing him off.
“Ok… I’m assuming you mean today?” He nods, “How many times have you lived it?”
“Just one.” He’s quick to answer, “This is the second.”
She nods, considering him.
“How many things seem familiar?”
“Everything.” He’s quick to answer.
Another nod from her.
“But you’re the only one who remembers?”
“Seems that way.” He says, and then it hits him what her next question is likely to be: what happens?
“I…” He starts before she can ask, because he isn’t sure he can handle her asking. “We make it to The Vanishing Point, come to find out that the Time Masters have been Savage’s bosses all along.”
“It gets worse.” He warns, “They have this thing they call The Oculus, it lets them control time. They’ve been using it to manipulate history, controlling everyone; including us.” The fact that she only blinks at him makes Leonard think he may have lost her. He wouldn’t blame her; he sounds like a raving lunatic. Maybe he is. Maybe he has finally gone off the deep end. Time jumping can have some pretty severe side effects, maybe this déjà vu is just the result of one time jump too many.
Probably one of the more convincing lies he’s ever told himself, but he doesn’t believe it.
All of sudden Sara pushes herself off her bed.
“We have to tell Rip.”
“And say what?” He asks on the heel of her words. “He thinks turning Savage in is the answer to saving his family. He won’t accept that’s off the table until he hears it from the Time Master’s themselves.”
“So you want to say nothing?” She asks, “Just let us fly into a trap?”
“A little late for that, right?” He challenges, “The Time Master’s already have control of our ship, where are we going to go?”
She looks at him, her lips parted and something working through her eyes. It takes him a moment to put it together.
“So what’s the plan now?” He’d asked her while they had played their first game. “Just waltz right into The Death Star?”
“More like be dragged in; Rip at least.” She had answered, smirking at his comment. “Time Masters have us in a tractor beam.”
“Ah, so that’s why this hunk of metal is still flying.”
She believes him now, completely. But instead of moving for her door she stays where she is, looking him in the eye.
“They’re only taking Rip.” She reminds him.
“For now.” He informs her. “Round up the others. We need to hide.”
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