#captain whisker
fyeahsonicthehedgehog · 3 months
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kimoiguess · 8 months
a whisker-y walk cycle
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delightrolls · 6 months
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An Autism Post for Autism Awareness / Acceptance Month featuring all (Current) Autistic Non OC Sonic Thunderstorm Characters 🌈♾
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sonic-panels · 2 months
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12 notes · View notes
tenebraevesper · 2 months
Sonic Cyber Revolution, Entry 59: Romance Dawn
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''Gather up all of your dreams and go find what you're looking for – ONE PIECE! Things like compasses are the source of delays. Rising with passion, I'm taking the helm. This dusty treasure map… if we check it, then it's not a legend! It's OK if our personal difficulties, so get on someone else's biorhythm and make the most out of it! Gather up all of your dreams and go find what you're looking for! And with a coin in my pocket, you wanna be my friend? We are, we are on the cruise! WE ARE!''
– We Are! by One Piece
Sonic was standing at the railing of the Ocean Tornado, looking over at the horizon, enjoying the warmth of the rising sun, listening to the rush of the waves and sensing the scent of saltwater. It was a feeling unlike any other, the kind of freedom where you were able to go wherever you wanted and do whatever you wanted – he was on another adventure and he felt right at home.
He glanced behind him, taking note of his friends and the ship's crew walking around, doing tasks, talking or just enjoying the ride. Even if they were here to help Blaze and Sana fight against pirates, that didn't mean that they couldn't take the time to relax a little and enjoy the tour between the many islands that were part of the Surya Empire. From what he had been told by Lucas, this was the reason why it was considered an empire, being the largest archipelagic country in the world. Many of these islands were small and uninhabited, but a good portion of them were inhabited by people whose family lines would go back many generations, some even claiming to have lived there for hundreds of years and never leaving, being content with their lives and living off the sea and whatever the island provided for them. Sonic imagined that these people probably had many stories to tell and while they weren't planning on visiting any of the islands, he was curious about what this kind of life was like. He then turned back to the horizon, taking note of several fishing boats in the distance, but the moment of peace didn't last too long.
''I have to commend you for your bravery,'' Knuckles said, him and Tails walking over to Sonic. ''We are currently nowhere near any land and you haven't shown any sign of panic.''
''Heh, I told you already, I'm not afraid of water,'' Sonic said. Knuckles nodded, arms folded across his chest.
''Well, I'm proud of you, Hedgehog. After all, the depths of the ocean are quite mysterious. Not only don't we know what lurks there, but for people like you, even thinking about entering the water must be an uncomfortable experience. Just imagine what would happen if you fell into it. First, you'd be splashing in the water, desperate to hold onto something and keep your head above the waves that are constantly crashing down on you, but since you don't know how to swim, you would sink like a rock, trashing around in dismay as you slowly realize what is happening. You'd try to keep your mouth closed, but soon, your lungs would start burning, begging for air. The moment you force yourself to inhale, your lungs will get filled with water and you'd find yourself drowning, helpless and unable to escape…'' Knuckles talked, completely oblivious to the alarmed look that slowly creeped up on Sonic's expression as he listened to the very detailed description. ''…and that's only if you don't get torn apart by a shark, your blood dying the waters red.'' Knuckles then grinned, placing a hand on Sonic's shoulder. ''Of course, that's something that won't intimidate you at all.''
''Uh, y-yeah…'' Sonic replied, trying not to show just how anxious he felt. He then turned on his heel and quickly stepped away from the railing, muttering under his breath, ''I need to figure out where they keep the life vests...''
Knuckles was confused when he saw Sonic suddenly walking away, glancing at Tails with a raised eyebrow. ''Did I say something wrong?''
Tails gave the clueless echidna a deadpan look. ''I think you shouldn't have gone into a detailed description of how drowning works.''
Meanwhile, Blaze was on the other side of the ship, staring at the water and feeling a pit in her stomach. She knew that this was just another investigation and that she had her friends for support, but she still felt that she should've done this on her own. She was always very independent, and while she had support from Sana and Marine, she felt that it was her sole duty to protect the Surya Empire from pirates. This was her responsibility, and not the responsibility of others.
''Hey, you okay Blaze?''
Blaze looked up when she heard Silver's voice, who came to check on her. She lowered her head and stared at the water.
''I am… I guess,'' Blaze muttered.
''You look like you have a lot on your mind,'' Silver said, with Blaze looking up at him. ''Do you want to talk?''
Blaze was silent for a moment, then looked up at Silver. ''I was thinking about whether all of this was a good idea. Please, don't take this the wrong way, but protecting the Surya Empire was always my duty, my burden. I had never expected that I would call someone for help and it makes me reconsider my decisions.''
''I see. You feel a little overwhelmed by all of this, right?'' Silver asked, a gentle smile on his lips. Blaze nodded. Silver then hummed in thought.
''I suppose that this is something we can relate to. You have an entire empire to protect, while I have to protect the future,'' Silver started, giving Blaze an encouraging smile. ''Something that I have learned while spending my time here is that this doesn't have to be a burden that I have to carry alone. I have Makoto and the others, and I can rely on everyone to lend me their strength to continue with my mission. Neither I nor you are alone in this. That's why we came here when you and Sana have called us, because there is no way we would leave you handle this all alone.''
''Thanks, Silver,'' Blaze replied, a bright smile spreading on her lips. ''It is rather comforting to hear that.''
''Heh, I'm glad…'' Silver smiled, rubbing the back of his head as he felt a little flustered.
Ferra, Orbot and Cubot tilted their heads as they heard footsteps from outside the room, with Dr. Eggman entering it first. Ferra turned to him, ''Where's Metal?''
''I am here.''
Ferra's eyes widened in awe as Neo Metal Sonic walked into the room, now capable of proper speech. She quickly approached him, checking on him. ''How are you doing?''
''I'm fine. More than fine. I actually feel quite powerful,'' Neo Metal Sonic responded, flexing his sharp claws, with Orbot and Cubot gazing at him.
''Oh, indeed, you look quite powerful,'' Orbot said.
''Maybe even more powerful than Sonic,'' Cubot added.
''You will become only more powerful by copying the data of those you fought against,'' Eggman said, drawing their attention. ''Besides that, you can also transform into those whose data you have scanned. In other words, your new powers are perfect for infiltration.''
''Considering how Team Neos has no idea that Metal Sonic has now been upgraded to Neo Metal Sonic, would it be possible for Neo to go back to his base form to keep this a secret?'' Ferra suddenly asked, her gaze shifting from Eggman to Neo Metal Sonic. ''I don't think we should reveal this too soon.''
''I suppose I could revert back to my base form,'' Neo Metal Sonic said, but Eggman stopped him.
''You should try first to shapeshift into an organic form to see if your ability works properly,'' he pointed out, then grinned arrogantly. ''Of course, there is only one perfect candidate for you to take their form.''
''I agree,'' Ferra said, turning to Neo Metal Sonic. ''You should scan my bio-data and see whether it works.''
Neo Metal Sonic nodded, reaching out for her, only for both of them to be interrupted by an irked Eggman.
''I was talking about myself,'' he grumbled, with Ferra and Neo Metal Sonic giving him a confused look. Ferra rose an eyebrow.
''Wouldn't it make more sense Neo to scan my bio-data since I'm his partner?'' she asked. Eggman rolled his eyes, waving his hand in a dismissive manner.
''Do whatever you want,'' he said, clearly still a little sour about it. Ferra and Neo Metal Sonic exchanged glances, both feeling a little amused, with Ferra then reaching out for her partner and Neo Metal Sonic scanning her bio-data. He then looked at his clawed hand, flexing it as he processed the data. This was followed by him turning into a silver liquid substance, akin to liquid metal, and moments later he emerged in a new form, looking exactly like Ferra.
''Fascinating,'' Eggman muttered, quite proud of the result, but still keeping an impassive gaze. Ferra, on the other hand, was clearly amazed by Neo Metal Sonic's transformation.
''That's awesome!'' she said, staring at her perfect copy. She then smirked mischievously. ''Oh, we're so going to use this to mess with Team Neos. They have no idea what's coming to them.''
''I absolutely agree,'' Neo!Ferra said, shapeshifting into Metal Sonic. ''My loathsome copy will learn to fear me!''
''He might get confused if he hears you talk when you look like this,'' Orbot pointed out, with Metal Sonic turning towards him and Cubot.
''Couldn't he just tell them he got a voice box?'' Cubot asked, scratching his head.
''That would actually be a good cover story,'' Orbot agreed.
''I suppose that would make sense. But, you can always just keep silent until we get to the big reveal,'' Ferra said, turning to Metal Sonic, who nodded.
''I suppose I would have to copy the bio-data of all of Team Neos,'' Metal Sonic said. ''If not all of them, then at least absorb the data of Sonic, Shadow and Silver, since these three are the most powerful among them.''
''That would result in your attaining your Metal Overlord form, right?'' Ferra asked.
''I suggest you two to wait with the Metal Overlord until you can get more used to this form,'' Eggman told them. Ferra and Metal Sonic nodded, agreeing with him. For now, they wanted to confront Sonic and Lucas, then they would see what would happen next.
Omega was patrolling through Eas, having been on the look-out for Eggman Empire activity ever since Touka and Shadow told him and Rouge that they would be leaving Neos City for a few days alongside the rest of Team Neos. While Rouge wished them a nice trip, but showed no sign of interest in going on any kind of patrol, Omega took it up on himself to protect Neos City from Dr. Eggman and his robots. He took pride in the trust Touka and Shadow showed in him, and he was more than happy to take down whoever Eggman sent next to terrorize the city. He had also taken note of the fact that he was the only surviving member of the E-100 Series, having to commend Gamma for his brave sacrifice during the battle against Chaos, his defiance against his creator fueling Omega's own desire to show the Doctor that he couldn't break him nor control him. He would make sure Gamma's sacrifice wasn't in vain.
It appeared that Omega would get that opportunity as he immediately detected the presence of another robot flying right over him and fired a warning shot. The robot in question, Metal Sonic, had managed to dodge the missile, turning his head towards the attacker. Omega had already aimed his cannon arms towards him.
''You may not be an Eggman creation, but you're still affiliated with Eggman. My systems conclude that you need to be destroyed!'' Omega said, but before he could engage in a battle with Metal Sonic, Ferra suddenly flew in front of him on her hoverboard.
''Hey, give it a rest! We're not here to fight you, we're searching for Lucas and Sonic,'' Ferra told him.
''They are not in Neos City,'' Omega told her. Both Ferra and Metal Sonic gave him a bewildered look.
''Then, where are they?'' Ferra asked.
''They have gone to the Surya Empire,'' Omega responded, observing both of their stunned reactions. ''That doesn't matter. I am a sufficient opponent.''
He fired at Metal Sonic, the bullets piercing the air as Metal Sonic encased himself inside the Black Shield to repel the attack. Ferra flew away, deciding to leave this fight to Metal Sonic and observe it from the sidelines. However, her expression showed that them fighting against Omega was a waste of time, something Metal Sonic took note of. He charged up, firing a blast at Omega, with the Team Dark member countering it, cancelling each other's attacks out in an explosion and causing a cloud of smoke to appear.
''You will- disappear?'' Omega looked around, scanning the immediate area, only to realize that Metal Sonic took the opportunity to get away. He did spot Ferra, who simply shrugged as she saw Omega's perplexed look.
''Unfortunately for you, we're only here to fight Sonic or other members of Team Neos; not you,'' Ferra told him, flying off on her hoverboard and shouting as she was already a good distance away, ''No offense, Omega!''
Omega lowered his arms, still stunned as he stared at where Ferra was just a moment ago. ''Does not compute.'' The bewilderment was then replaced with a strong sense of anger. ''How dare they not fight me?! This is insulting!''
Meanwhile, Ferra and Metal Sonic managed to get away, finding a safe spot they knew Omega wouldn't find them at. Ferra sighed, turning to Metal Sonic. ''Well, this puts a damper in our plans.''
''How could Sonic just up and leave Neos City?'' Metal Sonic suddenly said, clearly furious and clenching his clawed hand into a fist. ''I was looking forward to this confrontation, and now he's gone! We don't even know when he's going to return!''
''I suppose we should tell Dr. Eggman about this. He won't be happy with this news either,'' Ferra said. ''On the other hand, he could just take over Neos City…''
''No,'' Metal Sonic interrupted her, his voice sharp and stern. ''This is our mission, and I want to see Sonic squirming in pain as he lies at my feet. I want to see the fear in his eyes as he realizes that he has been outmatched. If I have to wait a little longer, that will be fine, but I'm not going to let anyone interfere with this, including the Doctor.''
''I see…'' Ferra muttered, smirking. ''Then, I won't stop you.''
''So far, nothing…'' Sana muttered, pulling up her AR Visor, which had a zoom-in function, acting like binoculars. ''We have the description of the ship, but it won't be easy to locate it.''
''You mean the one with the robot pirates?'' Lucas asked. Sana nodded. ''Did they include descriptions of the pirates?''
''The reports say that this specific ship had no humans or ARNavs on it, and the crew was made up of robots. The captain had a red coat with skull marks and his right-hand man was green with a shark-shaped head…'' Sana trailed off when Minami, who overheard the conversation, suddenly interrupted her.
''Did they also have two smaller robots?'' she asked.
''Yeah, they had,'' Sana replied, a bit startled. Lucas and Minami exchanged knowing glances.
''Have you ever played Sonic Rush or Sonic Rush Adventure?'' Lucas asked. Sana shook her head.
''No, why are you asking- Wait, do you want to say-?'' Sana was slowly putting the pieces together, but still had trouble seeing the picture.
''The captain of those robot pirates is Captain Whisker, accompanied by his right-hand man Johnny and the other crewmates, Mini & Mum. In the video game lore, they were searching for the Jeweled Scepter, which is how they got into conflict with Sonic and Blaze,'' Lucas explained.
''I see… But, neither Blaze nor I have ever heard of the Jeweled Scepter,'' Sana explained, taking note of the rest of Team Neos, Blaze and Marine listening in on their conversation.
''Sana is right. I don't know anything about the existence of the Jeweled Scepter,'' Blaze added.
''What about the Sol Emeralds?'' Minami suddenly asked.
''I'm afraid that I don't know anything about them either,'' Blaze replied.
''Okay, hold up a second,'' Lily said, drawing everyone's attention. ''If this is Captain Whisker's crew, why would they attack trade ships? That doesn't make sense.''
''Clearly, they just want to steal the goods and sell it on the black market,'' Marine said.
''Whatever their motivation is, they're pirates and they need to go down,'' Blaze said in a firm tone.
''I believe that what Lily meant to say is that there is one more player in this situation – Eggman Nega,'' Minami said.
''Wait, there is another Eggman?'' Touka asked, being just as confused as the ARNavs.
''Yeah… Wait, didn't you read the notes I have sent you?'' Minami asked. Touka gave her a sheepish look.
''I may have just skimmed those particular ones,'' she replied.
''Who is Eggman Nega?'' Sonic asked.
''All I can say is that it's complicated,'' Lucas replied. ''He's either Dr. Eggman's descendant or his counterpart from the Sol Dimension.''
There was a moment of silence.
''Yeah, I don't think I want to hear more about that,'' Amy said in a deadpan tone. ''We don't even know if he's part of this.''
''Right, let's just focus on what we know, which is that the robots we're dealing with are most likely Captain Whisker and his crew,'' Sana said, raising an eyebrow. ''This begs the question, who created them?''
''Maybe they weren't created by anyone,'' Warren said. ''It is possible this is a similar situation as the one with Metal Sonic.''
''You mean they're Irregulars?'' Tails said. ''That would make sense.''
Suddenly, they were hit with an explosion that caused the Ocean Tornado to rock violently on the waves, with one of the crewmates shouting, ''We're under attack!''
''How?!'' Marine sprinted towards the edge of their ship, only to get splashed when another cannon bomb exploded in the water. She was quickly joined by Blaze and Sana, shouting in frustration, ''We haven't should've been able to see them from miles away!''
''They just appeared out of nowhere,'' Blaze muttered, with Sana turning to the rest of the crew and Team Neos.
''Prepare for battle! These were just warning shots,'' Sana quickly ordered everyone.
''Princess, should we replace the flag?'' one of the crewmates, a koala ARNav asked Sana. The teenager looked up at the flag they had displayed, the one that signaled that they were a trade ship that carried food and other valuables to islands. Sana narrowed her eyes.
''No, we'll keep up the act as the bait. However, signal them to stop immediately with their actions and that we want to communicate,'' she told the crewmate, who just nodded and did as told.
''What's your plan?'' Blaze asked.
''I want to see whether we can lure them closer. They'll probably think that we want to parlay,'' Sana turned to Team Neos. ''Don't show yourself yet, but be ready for an attack. Blaze and I will try to see what we can do here to minimize the damage.''
''Aye, aye!'' Sonic saluted, with him and the rest of Team Neos quickly getting out of sight. Sana turned to Marine, who took the helm and started steering the ship so the side would be facing the oncoming pirate ship.
Sana and Blaze took another look at the pirate ship, taking note of the flags. One of them as a typical Jolly Roger, black with a skull that had a bushy mustache on it, while the other one signaled that they also wanted to communicate. Sana breathed a sigh of relief, despite the tense situation. She and Blaze knew that, even if the pirates wanted to communicate, they were still in a dangerous situation. One of the crewmates quickly brought her a microphone that was connected to the megaphone on the Ocean Tornado.
''This is the Ocean Tornado! Who are you and what do you want from us?'' Sana asked, her and Blaze waiting with bated breath for a response.
''It is I, the Dread Pirate Whisker! If ye haven't noticed yet, we're pirates, so there's only one thing we're 'ere for – to pillage yer ship!'' Captain Whisker responded through his own megaphone. He was a robot that had an oval body. In the head, he wore a red hat with golden hemline and the symbol of a white skull with a white mustache. Only in the left eye, he has a sky blue iris, while the other does not. His torso and arms were covered by something like a red with golden hemline, four white buttons and skull-shaped cuffs. He also wore a brown baldric and belt with a gold buckle and tip. Sana's grip on the microphone tightened, her and Blaze's eyes narrowing. ''I have no time to chew the fat, so surrender now, lest you fancy windin' up in Davy Jones' Locker!''
''We refuse!'' Sana responded in a firm tone. ''Instead, you should be the one surrendering!''
''D'arr har har! You be just a trade ship…'' Captain Whisker trailed off when he saw the crew removing the trade ship flag and instead rising the flag of the imperial family. ''Wh-Wha-?''
''Captain Whisker, this is the Imperial Princess Sana Jai speaking, along with the Blazing Guardian of the Surya Empire, Blaze the Cat. You are under arrest for piracy!'' Sana spoke again, her tone threatening. ''Surrender this instant!''
Back on the pirate ship, Captain Whisker turned to his crew, completely bewildered. ''Which one of ye bilge-sucking carousers had the idiotic idea of attackin' an imperial ship carrying the blasted Blazing Guardian?!''
''Wasn't that your idea, Captain?'' Mini asked.
''Besides, didn't they use a trade ship flag?'' Mum added. The two were nearly identical in appearance, both of them appearing as small ovoid robots. However, one of them was blue with a single horn on his head, while the other was green with two horns on his head.
''Blimey, those scurvy dogs played a trick on us!'' Captain Whisker said, only to fall silent for a moment. ''But, there have been tales of the Blazing Guardian and the… the… uh…'' He scratched his head, unable to remember what those tales were about. He then grabbed his cutlass, holding it up. ''Never mind, we will feed the crew of the Ocean Tornado to the fish!''
Back on the Ocean Tornado, Sana put on her AR Visor, observing the situation on the pirate ship. She frowned. ''I see more Irregulars on the ship and they don't appear to be robots.''
''I guess Captain Whisker decided to add more members to his crew,'' Blaze said.
''They're manning the cannons!'' Sana shouted in alarm, turning to the crew and Team Neos. ''Prepare to defend the ship!''
''Fire!'' Captain Whisker shouted, with his crew firing several cannonballs at the Ocean Tornado. One landed in the water, while the other flew over the ship, but the third one flew straight towards the middle of the deck. However, before it could blow a hole in it, Amy emerged with her Piko Piko Hammer and hit the cannonball right back at the sender. It exploded nearby the pirate ship, leaving the crew stunned, especially the captain. ''Shiver me timbers, what is happenin'?!''
''Looks like the princess and the Blazing Guardian got reinforcements,'' Johnny said, pointing at the Ocean Tornado. He was a green robot resembling a mix of a shark and torpedo, with the pirate emblem of their crew placed on his chest.
''Mum, give me the spyglass!'' Captain Whisker ordered, with the robot handing it over and the captain looking through the telescope and frowning. ''Aye, it seems that there are some landblubbers on their ship. It doesn't matter, we'll sink them all! Savvy?''
''Loud and clear, Captain!'' Johnny said, leaping off the ship and flying towards the Ocean Tornado.
Meanwhile, the pirate ship kept firing at the imperial ship, only for the cannonballs to be stopped in the air by cyan energy, that being the work of Silver, with Blaze firing fireballs to make them explode harmlessly. Shadow joined them, firing a Chaos Spear at one of the cannonballs, while Amy, with Tails' help, flew up to hit another back into the water. The unfortunate truth of the matter was that the only ones who had abilities that could fight against the pirates at this range were Blaze, Silver and Shadow, but the rest of the group wasn't standing by idly and instead followed Sana's commands to prepare the Ocean Tornado's cannons and return the fire, while Marine was at the helm, trying to maneuver the Ocean Tornado to safety.
''Hold on!'' Marine shouted, steering the ship to starboard and nearly avoiding another cannonball. Just then, Johnny suddenly emerged from the side at high speeds, dodging a Chaos Spear and knocking Shadow off the ship, before turning around and getting kicked in the chest by Sonic.
''Ugh, so fast…''
While Johnny was recovering from the sudden attack, Touka quickly ran over to the railing in panic. ''Shadow!'' To her relief, she found the dark hedgehog floating above the waves, his air shoes keeping him afloat. ''Are you okay?''
''I'll be fine once I turn that robot into scrap metal,'' Shadow growled, using his air shoes to fly up back on the deck and seeing Sonic facing Johnny.
''Heh, seems like you have never met The Fastest Thing Alive,'' Sonic said, dodging Johnny's punch easily.
''You may be fast, but you're not as fast as me! I am the sultan of speed! The unparalleled and unequaled Johnny! No one can keep up with me! No one!'' Johnny tried to land a hit on Sonic, his punches a blur. Too focused on Sonic, he didn't even notice Knuckles leaping from behind and landing a solid punch in the back of his head, followed by another kick from a furious Shadow.
Suddenly, the ship turned, as Marine realized they were getting rather close to the pirate ship, which stopped firing at them and instead launched the ropes and nets, with the Irregulars that Captain Whisker added to his crew invading it.
''Chaos Surge!''
Lucas and Sonic were the first to use Chaos Surge, followed by the rest of Team Neos, including Sana and Blaze, and then the fight began. The pirates were stunned when not only the ARNavs started to battle, but their human partners as well. Chaos ensued, with Team Neos pushing the pirates back, with Sana's hand covered in flames as she rushed towards the ropes and burned them, cutting the only connection between the ships, her eyes, just like Blaze's, glowing in a royal purple and her being covered in a royal purple crackling aura. She looked over at the other ship, noting how Captain Whisker, Mini and Mum didn't join the battle, and after glancing at Blaze, both used their fire to propel themselves and board the pirate ship.
''Makoto, let's help them!'' Silver shouted, with Makoto nodding in response and both using the psychokinesis to also board the pirate ship.
Meanwhile, Johnny realized that his own speed was absolutely nothing in comparison to a Chaos Surge-boosted Sonic, while Shadow and Knuckles went to help the rest of the crew. Realizing that this was a losing battle, Johnny suddenly flew up, out of Sonic's range and looked back at the pirate ship, where Captain Whisker, Mini and Mum were facing Blaze, Sana, Silver and Makoto. Despite being attacked by both fire and psychokinesis, Captain Whisker had quite impressive durability, swinging his cutlass through the flames and firing his own torrent of flames from his mouth at them. Makoto quickly rose a barrier out of the psychokinesis, shielding his friends.
''Heh, ye certainly are a match for his ol' seadog!'' Captain Whisker said, swinging his cutlass and Blaze dodging the attack. She countered by shaping the flames into a sword of her own that heated the cutlass to dangerous levels, the Chaos Surge boost aiding her in that. Captain Whisker was forced to step back, taking note of Johnny who returned back to help him and fighting against Silver, while Sana and Makoto chased after Mini and Mum. ''But, ye don't know about me secret weapon!''
''What?'' Blaze's eyes widened as she saw Captain Whisker taking out a device, pressing a button on it and throwing it into the water. ''What have you done?''
''A bucko of mine told me to use it if I ever came across ye, lassie,'' Captain Whisker responded, only to pause for a moment. ''Now, if I only remembered what it does…''
Back on the Ocean Tornado, Marine managed to steer the imperial ship away from the pirate ship, turning her head in worry as she tried to keep an eye on Blaze, Sana, Silver and Makoto. However, to her shock, the ship was completely gone.
''They're gone!'' Marine turned to Team Neos, who had managed to subdue the pirates and defeat them. ''The ship, Blaze, Sana… They're all gone!''
''What?!'' Lucas, who was helping the crew tie up the pirates turned his head up, and to his shock, and the shock of everyone else, realized that Marine as speaking the truth.
Blaze, Sana, Silver, Makoto, Captain Whisker and his crew were all gone, as if swallowed by the ocean itself.
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#Sonic Cyber Revolution (Masterlist)
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crusherthedoctor · 2 months
Favorite sonic males?
10. Metal Sonic - My luck with hedgehog characters in this hedgehog-adjacent franchise is so unlucky that my favourite of the lot is the mute robot based on one of them. Metal in himself may not be much of an actual individual, aside from when Heroes decided to try changing it in the worst way possible, but like with Ariem, I just think he's neat, and after all the milking with Shadow's overhyped backstory, I kind of appreciate Metal's simplicity. Plus, OVA Metal is a bad motherfucka. I think it's more than possible to expand on Metal without making him an usurper or giving him inappropriate dialogue.
9. Erazor - Proof that I don't instantly dislike non-Eggman villains, the reality is that the vast majority of them are genuinely shite. This guy isn't though: he's what Mephiles isn't, a cunning yet sadistic force who does a good job antagonizing Sonic, and his connection with Shahra has the double whammy effect of making you feel for her while also wanting to beat his ass. He's what a good villain should strive to be.
8. Whisker - Why do I keep saying he's a better Eggman Nega than the actual Eggman Nega? Because he is. Despite his appearance, Whisker actually has his own personality, and was at least built by Eggman rather than being another guy from another world who inexplicably looks like him. He also has a banger of a boss theme that too many fans sleep on, because I guess they forget that non-vocal boss tracks exist.
7. Zor - Legitimately funny dialogue, I won't hear otherwise. You know what happens when it gets lumped in with the critiques surrounding the other D6 members? You get IDW's unironic edgelord Zor in an effort to "improve" him. Thanks for nothing, fandom.
6. Gamma - Gamma walked so that Shadow could get shilled to the point of exhaustion.
5. Heavy Gunner, Heavy Shinobi, and Heavy King - What I said about the other two applies here. I've said it so many times, but how is it that these guys were able to show so much character despite having no dialogue, whereas many other characters struggle with dialogue?
4. Vector - He's one of those characters who has an inherently fun atmosphere. Also has a surprising amount of lore and depth for the guy who gave us "DON'T GO THERE... YET".
3. Omega - He's continued going upwards in my favourites as time has went on, because he's one of the most low-key hilarious and cleverly written characters in the series. When he said "That's a load off my back", I felt that.
2. Tails - Another character who doesn't get (the right) shit in most adaptations. Tails deserves to be just as badass as Sonic, and he doesn't need to sacrifice his friendly tech-loving persona in order to let that happen. All you need to do is stop relying on super form hedgehogs for everything. *glares at Frontiers*
1 . Eggman - AKA the main character.
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tomboymikayla · 4 months
The Forgotten Modern Sonic characters
Vanilla Rabbit
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Marine the Racoon
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Eggman Nega
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Metal Sonic 3.0
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Captain Whisker
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3 notes · View notes
cowgirlhips · 1 year
Another batch of my Sonic art :)!!!
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15 notes · View notes
sonicshipbattles · 1 year
Round 1 - Bottom Right
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This poll is for the ship of Eggman/Captain Whisker from Sonic Rush Adventure vs Kintober/Mr. Tinker with Kintobor specifically from Fleetway's Sonic the Comic All ships included were submitted to us. This tournament does not accept insults towards either ship - use propaganda to uplift your fave, not put down the opponent
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johnnyreincarnated · 2 years
a fun concept of what if my whisker could utilise the sol emeralds
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@hyperinfinitesouda also tagging you cause as a fellow avid whisker enjoyer :33 the solidarity
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hyperinfinitesouda · 1 year
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Massive post of most my Decoe, Bocoe, Bokkun, Scratch, Grounder, Coconuts, Orbot, Cubot, Mean Bean Machine and general Badnik art I've made!!
They're my family and I love them🩷❤️🧡💛💚💙🩵💜🤎🖤🩶🤍💖💝🩷🩵🤎💚💛
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foximator-blog · 10 months
captain whisker's first name is wage as in minimum wage
Man no wonder he's so bad.
He needs a better wage
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delightrolls · 6 months
Sonic Thunderstorm Lore : Xenogender Identities and Neopronouns ~
Sonic - Bordergender / Narkissigender / Genderspeed / Megamigender / Plushgender / Plushcoric ~ Storm / Storms / Stormself , ⛈️ / ⛈️s / ⛈️ self , Thunder / Thunders / Thunderself , 🌩️/ 🌩️s / 🌩️self , Gale / Gales / Galeself , 🌪️ / 🌪️s / 🌪️self; Bree / Breeze / Breezeself , 🍃 / 🍃s / 🍃self , Speed / Speeds / Speedself , Plush / Plushie / Plushself , Soft / Softs / Softself
Tails - Autigender
Knuckles - Cassgender
Amy - Duogender
Roosterquill (Eggman Nega) - Carminisine / Delphigender / Magiskyvine / Maieur / Unicorngender (All) ~ Mage / Magic / Magicself / Spell / Spells / Spellself
Squall / Johnny - Oceanusvoid / Gendersea (All) ~ Squall / Squalls  / Squallself
Whisker - Niveigender
Lumina - Somnigender
Void - Nightmaregender
Shadow - Aesthetigender / Umbrainbowgender / Gastrogender / Chaogender / Combatgender / Autigender ~ Rainbow / Rainbows / Rainbowself , Shadow / Shadows / Shadowself , Pizza / Pizzas / Pizzaself , Chao / Chaos / Chaoself , Fi / Fight / Fights / Fightself
Omega - Robogender ~ Mech / Mecha / Mechaself
Silver - Plantgender / Floragender / Fleuric / Autigender ~ Flor / Flora / Floraself , Flower / Flowers / Flowerself , Petal / Petals / Petalself
Blaze - Plantgender / Floragender / Royaltomatic ~ Xe / Xem , Xe / Xir , Flor / Flora / Floraself , Toma / Tomato / Tomatoself
Charmy - Happeyflappeystimmic / Aimantei / Wynfaesei ~ Joy / Joyself , Boop / Boopself , Love / Loveself
Bean - Explosivegender ~ Blast / Blasts / Blastself , Bomb / Bombs / Bombself , Boom / Booms / Boomself , Dyna / Dynamite / Dynamites / Dynamiteself , 💣 / 💣s / 💣self , 💥 / 💥s / 💥self
Jet - Genderspeed ~ Speed / Speeds / Speedself
Wave - Cassgender
Storm - Tempestdeusic / Stormgender ~ Storm / Storms / Stormself , Rain / Rainy / Rainself , Wind / Winds / Windself
Vulturnus (Witchcart) - Ventigender / Flowgender / Tempestdeusic / Pluviaferoic / Lilapsogender ~ Gale / Gales / Galeself , 🌪️ / 🌪️s / 🌪️self , Bree / Breeze / Breezeself , 🍃 / 🍃s / 🍃self , Gust / Gusts / Gustself , 💨 / 💨s / 💨self / Squall / Squalls / Squallself , Aer / Aero / Aeroself , Wind / Winds / Windself , Storm / Storms / Stormself
Windcaller (Hocke-Wulf) - Tempestdeusic ~ Wind / Winds / Windself , Sky / Skies / Skyself
Galebringer (Bearenger) - Lilapsogender ~ Gale / Gales / Galeself , Storm / Storms / Stormself , Sky / Skies / Skyself
Skystrider (Carrottia) - Ventigender ~ Aer / Aero / Aeroself , Sky / Skies / Skyself , Bree / Breeze / Breezeself
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sonic-panels · 2 months
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tenebraevesper · 1 month
Sonic Cyber Revolution, Entry 60: The Sol Dimension
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''Always following the clouds on the trail of a legend, your path takes you across the sea – (Ohhhhh) ONE PIECE! Nanana nanana nanana nanana, ONE PIECE! Nanana nanana nanana nana- Find the greatest treasure in the world, you trained hard for this. There's nothing left here to hold you, let the stars guide you! Your friends will accompany you on this journey! (Ohhhhhh) ONE PIECE! Nanana nanana nanana nanana, ONE PIECE! Nanana nanana nanana nanana, ONE PIECE! Chase after your dreams (after) – ONE PIECE! The wind drives you out to the sea – (Ohhhhh) ONE PIECE! There is nothing here to hold you anymore – ONE PIECE! Find the greatest treasure in the world – (Ohhhhh) ONE PIECE!''
– Die Legende by One Piece
''They're gone! I can't believe it! How does a whole ship just vanish into thin air?!'' Marine was baffled, throwing her hands in the air and looking at the rest of Team Neos for some kind of answer.
''You mean, besides sinking…'' Lily said in a dry tone, earning a few raised eyebrows.
''A ship disappearing right in front of everyone's eyes makes absolutely no sense. It's impossible!'' Tails said, his eyes narrowing. ''Maybe it has some kind of cloaking device…'' He flew over to where the ship was just a moment ago, trying to reach for what he assumed to be the invisible ship, but there was absolutely nothing there. Tails' eyes widened in surprise. ''It's really gone!''
''What do we do now?'' Warren asked, him and the rest turning to Lucas. Lucas was silent, trying to figure something out, when Marine suddenly marched over to the pirates they had subdued and tied up with a furious look on her expression.
''What did Captain Whisker do to my friends?!'' She glared at the pirates. ''How did his whole ship vanish?!''
''We have no clue! The Captain never told us anything!'' one of the Irregular pirates responded.
''All we know is that he had some device on him that let us appear right in front of you,'' another Irregular added, a bit frightened when he was met by Marine's death glare.
''Wait… Maybe there is an explanation to how they had managed to disappear,'' Warren said, turning his attention to Tails. ''Could you search the surrounding waters?''
''Sure, but what am I searching for?'' Tails asked, raising his eyebrow.
''Anything that doesn't belong in the water… I suppose,'' Warren said, shrugging. Tails didn't have much of a response to that, but he did as he was told. Lucas turned to Warren with a questioning look.
''I assume that you already have an idea what might've happened,'' he said. Warren gave him an unsure look.
''I'd say that I have a hunch, but I can't prove anything without some evidence. However, considering how we all have experience with ARNavs, and especially Irregulars, and-''
Warren was interrupted when he heard Sonic shouting, ''Hey, what's that?!''
Tails flew towards where Sonic was pointing at, finding a strange device floating in the waters, picking it up and flying back on the ship. Warren gasped in relief. ''Yeah, that's what I was thinking about! It's a portable AR Field generator!''
''What do you mean, portable AR Field generator?'' Marine asked, giving the device a dubious look.
''To sum it up, since ARNavs cannot survive for long outside AR Fields, such portable devices were created to be installed on various vehicles, such as planes, cars,… and even ships,'' Warren explained, giving her a questioning look. Marine blinked in surprise, only to realize what he meant.
''Oh, right,'' she muttered, giving him a sheepish look and trying to ignore the gazes of her own crew, which were made up of normal ARNavs, not Irregulars. ''I kinda forgot the Ocean Tornado also had one of those.''
''In any case, them vanishing into an AR Field would make sense, and I wouldn't be surprised if Makoto and Sana have no idea what had happened since they had their AR Visors on,'' Warren continued. ''It also makes sense that Captain Whisker would throw the generator overboard, since the generator needs to be outside the AR Field to actually generate it.''
''So, what do we do? Should we enter it?'' Lily asked.
''Actually, I don't think that would be a good idea,'' Tails said.
''Why not?'' Minami asked.
''The issue is that I don't believe that Captain Whisker would be capable of making a portable AR Field generator, and this one doesn't look like it was mass produced by a company,'' Tails explained, showing the device to the rest of the group. There appeared to be a logo on the underside, but unfortunately, it was too damaged to make out what it was. Tails then looked at it. ''I'm afraid we might run into the same problem we had with Starline. We could try to enter the AR Field by ourselves, but what if we get blocked… or worse, we get stuck inside it without a way to escape?''
''Does this mean that Silver, Blaze, Makoto and Sana won't be able to find their way out of it?'' Amy asked in concern.
''I'm not sure, but I suppose that the only person who knows how to use it is Captain Whisker,'' Tails replied.
''Do you think you'll be able to find a way to open the AR Field up?'' Lucas asked.
''If we were at our workshop, then we would be able to open the AR Field up safely without having to worry about whether we can leave it or not. However, with the tools we have now, this doesn't look like a possibility,'' Tails explained.
The whole group felt troubled by the grim news, staring at the device in Tails' hand and hoping that their friends within the AR Field were safe, as well as able to find their way out of it.
Silver and Blaze were completely shocked when they realized that the Ocean Tornado had completely vanished from their sight. Both ran over to the railings, already fearing that something might've happened to it, but not only was the Ocean Tornado gone, but they had also realized that some of the islands they could see in the distance were also nowhere in sight. However, before they could even register what the meaning of this was, they suddenly heard cries from their partners.
The two quickly turned around, only to be met with Captain Whisker and Johnny holding Sana and Makoto hostage, the two robots having placed a cutlass and a dagger on their necks. The two robots had taken advantage of the moment of confusion and made sure to quickly end the fight in their favour.
''Let them go!'' Blaze demanded, her and Silver fearing for Sana and Makoto's safety. Unfortunately for them, Sana and Makoto had cancelled the Chaos Surge, but the two Irregulars were still powerful enough to take on the pirates. However, considering how attacking the pirates would also probably result in harming Sana and Makoto, there really wasn't anything they could do.
''Ha ha ha, do ye really think I'd let go of a precious hostage when I have The Blazin' Guardian at me mercy? Yer more delusional than a sailor hearin' a siren's song,'' Captain Whisker replied. Blaze frowned, glaring daggers at the pirate, but once glance at Silver told her that this was a fight she couldn't win. The risk was too great, and even if they had managed to somehow attack Captain Whisker and Johnny without injuring Sana and Makoto, the two robots might just decide to cut their losses and cut their partners' throats from ear to ear.
Blaze shuddered at that thought, and then spoke up, ''Fine. What do you want from us? Where is the Ocean Tornado?''
''Yer in what is known as a… as a…'' Captain Whisker trailed off, raising an eyebrow as he tried to remember the name of this place.
''You'e in AR Field,'' Mini said helpfully, with Captain Whisker rolling his eyes.
''Aye, I know we're in an AR Field. I'm tryin' to remember the blasted name of this place,'' Captain Whisker told him in an irked tone.
''It was the Sol Dimension, sir,'' Mum added.
The pirates were a bit startled when they heard everyone shouting in unison. Despite not being as familiar with the video games, Sana and Blaze have heard of the Sol Dimension and understood its significance as much as Makoto and Silver did.
''Do you want to see that this AR Field is based on the Sol Dimension?'' Makoto asked.
''Aye, that's what I was told,'' Captain Whisker confirmed. Makoto and Sana exchanged glances, both aware that Captain Whisker and his crew were definitely not working on their own, because there was no way they would have access to a place like this. Not to mention, it also explained why the Ocean Tornado had vanished, as their ship was outside the AR Field.
''Why have you brought us here?'' Sana asked.
''We brought ye here to tell us the location of the Sol Emeralds; you in particular, Blazing Guardian,'' Captain Whisker said, his words once again surprising everyone.
''Sol Emeralds? Why would I even know the location of the Sol Emeralds?'' Blaze asked, now completely confused. She had never heard anything about them until this adventure, and those pirates now expected her to lead them to those gems. This whole situation just felt completely ridiculous.
''Don't act dumb, we know that you're the Guardian of the Sol Emeralds,'' Johnny said.
''Yeah, in the video games!'' Makoto shouted, feeling frustrated with the whole situation, with the pirates looking stunned. ''I don't believe that the Sol Emeralds even exist in this reality, even if we're in an AR Field based on the Sol Dimension. You did all of this for nothing!''
''Watch yer mouth kid-'' Captain Whisker growled, but his confidence was wavering and he was second-guessing his decision. The idea that Blaze wouldn't even know anything about the Sol Emeralds had never crossed his mind, especially since the person who granted him access to the Sol Dimension in the first place told him that he would be able to find the Sol Emeralds if he took Blaze as a hostage. He was certain that this person told him the truth and followed their instructions as close as possible, just like he would follow a map to the treasure – only to get disappointed when he learned there was absolutely nothing there.
''If we don't know the location of the Sol Emeralds…'' Silver started, drawing everyone's attention. ''Maybe you could let us go?''
For a moment, it seemed that Captain Whisker seemed to be considering his suggestion, only to instantly snap out of these thoughts, pointing his cutlass at the hedgehog.
''I won't let ye go so easily, not until I found me treasure!'' Captain Whisker growled in response, with Blaze giving Silver a look, only for him to smile sheepishly.
''Well, it was worth a try,'' he said.
''Aye, and you better think fast how to get me to the Sol Emeralds, else yer friends will walk the plank!'' Captain Whisker added, placing the cutlass back on Sana's neck. Blaze furrowed a brow, gritting her teeth. She wished for nothing more but to burn the pirates to a crisp, but unfortunately, that wasn't possible. Next to her, Silver was just as worried about Makoto's safety, wondering if he could surprise the pirates with his psychokinesis, but he didn't want to take any risks. Captain Whisker, in turn, narrowed his eyes, glaring at them. ''Hurry up! My patience is gettin' thinner by the second!''
''Maybe there is a way!''
To everyone's surprise, Makoto was the one shouting. Captain Whisker turned to him, giving him a scrutinizing look. ''How would ye even know how to find the Sol Emeralds, lad?''
''Well, I don't know about the Sol Emeralds…'' Makoto gulped when Johnny pushed the dagger against the skin on Captain Whisker's command, quickly continuing, ''However, we ended up in situation where we also had to deal with powerful gems known as the Chaos Emeralds, and we know how to find those.''
''The Chaos Emeralds?'' Captain Whisker repeated, feeling quite intrigued by the possibility of finding another treasure. ''How do we find them?''
''Unfortunately for you, the only way to summon the Chaos Emeralds is to unleash a surge of powerful Chaos Energy within an AR Field, and neither Silver nor Blaze are capable of doing that. You would have to ask the black and red hedgehog back on the Ocean Tornado for help,'' Makoto said. He had been hoping that the pirates would be foolish enough to reveal themselves and attack the Ocean Tornado again, meaning they would be able to escape the AR Field and reunite with their teammates.
''Yer bluffin', lad!'' Makoto panicked for a moment, fearing that Captain Whisker saw through his plan, only to relax when he realized that the robotic captain still wasn't the brightest bulb in the box. ''That hedgehog didn't look like he'd help us findin' the Chaos Emeralds.''
''But, maybe if you ask him nicely…'' Makoto continued.
''Hah, pirates aren't nice!'' Captain Whisker responded. ''Now, we'll go back to you tellin' me how to find the Sol Emeralds!''
Makoto and Sana exchanged glances with Silver and Blaze, having no idea what they should even say or do to salvage this situation.
''Wait, what about Chaos Control?'' Touka suddenly suggested, much to everyone's surprise. ''That was the method we used to escape Starline's AR Field. Maybe it would work on this one?''
''Unfortunately, we established that using Chaos Control can severely affect AR Fields, to the point of making them collapse if you don't know what you're doing,'' Warren pointed out.
''What about the Chaos Emeralds?'' Shadow rose his voice, drawing everyone's attention. ''We know that using a Chaos Emerald won't damage the AR Field.''
''I agree with Shadow,'' Sonic said, then turned his gaze to Lucas, who didn't seem to share his partner's enthusiasm.
''Right… but, shouldn't Shadow be inside the AR Field for the Chaos Emeralds to appear?'' Lucas asked.
''Maybe we could do it from the outside?'' Touka suggested. Lucas went silent for a moment, rubbing his forehead.
''Honestly, I still don't like this, but we don't have much of a choice, do we?'' he said, looking up at the rest of the team. Touka and Shadow then exchanged glances, reaching for each other.
''Chaos Surge!''
Feeling once more a surge of Chaos Energy, Shadow approached Tails, who directed him towards the invisible AR Field and focused on entering it. ''Chaos Control!''
There was a flash of cyan light, followed by shimmering from the area where the pirate ship had vanished, only for Shadow to feel like he was blocked by something, followed by what he could only describe as a backlash in the form of a burning sensation spreading through his body.
Shadow was caught by Sonic, almost falling on the ground as he felt something akin to flames burning his fur. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Touka collapsing as well, with Lucas trying to help her get up, clearly feeling the same backlash.
''Touka, are you okay?'' Lucas asked her in concern. Touka responded with immediately cancelling the Chaos Surge, the orange energy crackling around her and Shadow disappearing.
''Yeah, just… What was that?'' Touka asked, baffled by what had happened, turning her attention towards Shadow, her eyes widening in surprise. The dark hedgehog had already managed to recover, realizing that he was holding something in his hand.
It was a green Chaos Emerald.
Sana and Makoto managed to break out of Captain Whisker and Johnny's hold when reality around them almost crumbled apart, leaving the pirates stunned when they saw an island appearing literally out of nowhere.
''Let's go!'' Sana shouted as she, Makoto, Blaze and Silver ran towards the edge of the ship and leapt off of it, getting caught by Silver's psychokinesis as he flew them to the island. They could hear Captain Whisker shout in rage behind them, ordering Johnny to follow them, so they quickly made their way into the dense jungle-like environment, trying to find a place to hide and recover.
''Over here!'' Makoto shouted, motioning to the other three to follow him deeper between the bushes and shrubs, managing to hide just as Johnny zoomed past them. Silver breathed a sigh of relief.
''That was close,'' he muttered.
''Don't relax. We're not out of danger yet,'' Blaze told him. ''We need a plan to escape this AR Field.''
''I wonder what had happened. We were only surrounded by the ocean, and suddenly, there's an island,'' Sana said.
''I guess the rest of Team Neos is messing around with the AR Field from the outside,'' Makoto said. ''It is possible that they have figured out what's going on and are trying to break inside.''
''I just hope they won't break apart the AR Field, because if they do, we're done for,'' Sana said.
''This… This isn't too different from what we experienced while dealing with Dr. Eggman and Dr. Starline,'' Silver said. ''I'm sure that our friends will be able to get us out of here.''
He glanced at Blaze, catching her gaze, and then she nodded. ''Right. We should trust our friends.'' She then turned to Sana and Makoto. ''Meanwhile, we should focus on dealing with Captain Whisker and his crew.''
''What about the Sol Emeralds?'' Silver asked. ''I mean, if they exist, maybe we could use them to escape this place.''
''Right, but the issue is that we don't even know how to summon them,'' Blaze said.
''I was actually wondering whether you'd create the same phenomenon as Shadow did with the Chaos Emeralds,'' Makoto said, getting a couple of confused looks. ''Only, instead of using Chaos Control, you'd be using your pyrokinesis.''
''I don't know… What if it doesn't work?'' Blaze asked, feeling doubtful, only to be surprised when Silver held her hands, squeezing them in assurance.
''Blaze, I know you can do it,'' he told her in a confident tone. ''Besides, even if it doesn't work, we will find another way out of this place. We have nothing to lose.''
Blaze felt a rush of warmth spreading across her muzzle, being a little flustered. It felt as if a flame was burning in her chest, comforting her and keeping her safe. She then nodded confidently, squeezing Silver's hands in return.
''I will do my best,'' she said. She then turned to Sana. ''I suppose that we would need Chaos Surge for this.''
''Right, and from what we know, you need to unleash a strong burst of energy,'' Makoto said.
''That will reveal our location and weaken you, though, but Makoto and I will make sure to protect you,'' Silver added. Blaze and Sana nodded, then connected their hands.
''Chaos Surge!''
The two were soon enveloped in a blazing aura, wisps of flames dancing around them. Makoto and Silver took a step back, feeling the heat of the flames, but Blaze and Sana shook their heads, with Sana saying, ''Don't worry, we won't hurt you. We know how to control these flames.''
''Let's do this,'' Blaze said, with her and Sana holding hands, both of them closing their eyes and focusing. They could feel the flames, their energy, coursing through their body, calling for those strange and powerful artifacts, hoping for them to form within the AR Field and aid them in their escape. Even with their eyes closed, they could see a faint light appearing before them.
Makoto and Silver could see flames forming in their hands, growing into a larger and larger fireball, looking more like a small sun. Then, Blaze and Sana unleashed it, the fire spreading in waves across the island and water, with Makoto and Silver being stunned to see colours in the flames – green, red, blue, yellow, purple, turquoise and white – and caused the AR Field surrounding them to break into data particles. Then, the flames dissipated, with Blaze and Sana feeling exhausted. They looked around, but unfortunately, there were no gems filled with incredible power in sight. Did they fail?
Makoto cried out in pain when he was suddenly grabbed by Johnny, who threw him against a nearby palm tree.
''Makoto!'' Silver called out for his partner, only to get confronted by Johnny. Unfortunately for the robot, the grey hedgehog grabbed him with his psychokinesis and rammed him straight into the ground. Silver then ran up to Makoto, checking on him. Makoto seemed to have suffered from a bruise due to hitting the palm tree, but otherwise appeared to be fine.
''I'm fine,'' Makoto told him, reaching out for him, with Silver accepting his hand. ''Chaos Surge!''
Just as Johnny had managed to recover, he was faced with another burst of psychokinesis, throwing him through a palm tree, which splintered and collapsed. He managed to look up, only to see a Chaos Surge-empowered Makoto and Silver, both now standing protectively in front of an exhausted Sana and Blaze.
''Sana, Blaze, leave Johnny to us,'' Makoto said.
''Try to find the Sol Emeralds,'' Silver added.
''But, there's nothing here!'' Sana protested, only for Blaze to grab her hand.
''I don't know how to explain it, but I can sense something,'' Blaze told her, giving her a determined look. ''I trust Silver and Makoto to take care of this. We should go.''
''Okay,'' Sana said, with her and Blaze rushing off.
Meanwhile, Silver formed a barrier to stop Johnny's vicious punches, the pirate robot grinning. ''Ha, so you have actually managed to find the Sol Emeralds!''
''That remains to be seen,'' Silver replied, with Makoto interfering and enveloping Johnny into a cyan aura, stopping him from moving.
''It doesn't matter how hard you try, we won't let you go after them,'' Makoto said, his eyes narrowing. Johnny smirked.
''That's why the Captain will be the one to find the treasure first!'' he said, with Makoto and Silver's eyes widening, realizing that their friends were in trouble.
Blaze and Sana were rushing deeper into the jungle, with Blaze leading Sana towards the source of the strange sensation she felt. It was as if someone, or something, was calling for her, and she desired nothing more but to answer that call. The two ran as fast as possible to find this voice, only to see a shimmer of red embedded into a palm tree.
''The Sol Emerald!'' Sana exclaimed, only for the two to be tripped over by Mini and Mum, falling on the ground.
''Ha ha hah! I had figured you'd be leading me to the treasure!'' Captain Whisker, who walked up from behind them said, pointing his cutlass at the two. Blaze gritted her teeth, but due to her exhaustion, felt too powerless to even go after the Sol Emerald. Yet, she pushed herself off the ground, summoning flames once more, only for Captain Whisker to easily cut through them, grabbing Blaze by her neck and slamming her into the palm tree.
''Blaze!'' Sana cried out, but Captain Whisker pointed his cutlass at her, forcing her to step back.
''I won't let ye get in my way of getting the Sol Emeralds!'' Captain Whisker growled.
However, before anyone could make a move, there was a flash of cyan light right behind them, catching all of them off guard. Before Captain Whisker could even register what had happened, a blue blur smashed right into the pirate's back, revealing itself to be Sonic. Captain Whisker, Mini and Mum suddenly found themselves surrounded by Team Neos, brought here by Shadow, who was holding the green Chaos Emerald in his hand.
''Blaze, Sana, are you okay?'' Marine called out, concerned for the two.
''Don't worry, we're fine,'' Sana replied, grabbing Blaze and pulling her away. Blaze understood her intention, and she rushed towards the red Sol Emerald, hearing Captain Whisker cry and curse when she grabbed it, being enveloped in flames once more. She turned around, feeling as if her energy was replenished thanks to the Sol Emerald, and was met with looks of amazement.
''I will never let you take the Sol Emeralds for yourself!'' Blaze told Captain Whisker, a stern expression on her face, the red Sol Emerald floating in her hand. She started to walk towards him, ready to burn the pirate to a crisp, only to be surprised when Johnny suddenly emerged, trying to escape Silver and Makoto who were pursuing him relentlessly. He suddenly stopped, barely managing to dodge a punch from Knuckles and a swing of the Piko Piko Hammer from Amy, joining Captain Whisker, Mini and Mum and realizing that they were in big trouble.
''There is no way for you to escape,'' Blaze said, approaching them.
''I will never surrender! I'd rather jump into shark-infested seas than surrender to ye!'' Captain Whisker growled, but before either of them could make a move, the pirates dissipated into data particles, much to the shock of Team Neos, and disappeared into nothing.
''What- What happened?!'' Sana exclaimed. Blaze ran over to where the pirates stood a moment ago, expecting some kind of trap, but there was nothing there. They were gone.
''How is this possible?'' she muttered, puzzled by what had happened.
''It's an AR Field.'' Blaze, Sana and everyone else turned to Tails. ''They probably had an exit planned, or someone else forced them to exit the AR Field.''
''In other words, they got away,'' Blaze said, feeling slightly disappointed.
''Yeah, they did, but you had managed to find the Sol Emerald,'' Silver said, placing his hand on Blaze's shoulder in order to cheer her up. ''That's what counts.''
Blaze smiled in response, only for Marine to suddenly run up to her and hug her tightly. ''I was so worried about you! Are you okay?''
''I'm fine, don't worry Marine,'' Blaze said, with Marine turning to Sana, who gave her an assuring smile.
''What happened?'' Lucas asked them.
''Captain Whisker and his crew wanted to use Blaze to summon and find the Sol Emeralds, and we managed to find one,'' Sana explained, with Blaze showing the gem to everyone.
''Unfortunately, if the Sol Emeralds behave the same way as the Chaos Emeralds when they first appeared, they might disappear once we're outside the AR Field,'' Shadow said. Blaze looked down at the Sol Emerald, giving it a thoughtful gaze. Somehow, holding the Sol Emerald felt quite strange, as if she was holding a living flame in her hand.
''If that's so, then at least I know that they won't fall into evil hands,'' Blaze said.
''If there's nothing to do here, we should leave,'' Lucas said, drawing everyone's attention. Shadow was about to use Chaos Control again, when Blaze stopped him.
''Please, allow me,'' she said. Shadow nodded, stepping back. Blaze then held up the Sol Emerald, surrounding everyone in an inferno and in the next moment, they vanished.
The group found themselves back on the Ocean Tornado. The green Chaos Emerald in Shadow's hand had vanished, but to everyone's surprise, the red Sol Emerald in Blaze's hand was still there.
''That's strange,'' Tails muttered, taking a look at the Sol Emerald. ''It should've disappeared once we were outside the AR Field, right?''
He glanced at Shadow with a questioning look, with Shadow pointing out, ''That is why I said that it 'might' disappear.''
Blaze turned her attention back to the Sol Emerald. ''I don't know how to describe it, but it feels as if this Sol Emerald has a will of its own. It's as if it wants to stay with me.'' The Sol Emerald in her hand then dissipated into data particles, with Blaze absorbing it. ''I feel as if the other Sol Emeralds are still around, but it will take me some time to find all of them.''
''So, what do you suggest we do now?'' Sana asked her. Blaze was about to answer, only for Marine to interrupt.
''How about we first leave those pirates to the authorities?'' Marine suggested, pointing at the still bound pirate Irregulars. Blaze smiled.
''I suppose we could do that. After all, we did fulfill our main mission,'' she said, with Marine saluting.
''Aye aye!'' Marine then ran up to the helm, steering the ship back to the mainland.
Blaze and Sana then turned back to Team Neos, with Sana saying, ''Thank you so much for your help.''
''You're welcome, but we didn't do much,'' Lucas replied, the rest of the team agreeing with the sentiment. Sana shook her head.
''No, I mean it. If it wasn't for your help, I don't think we would even know how to escape the AR Field, let alone found a Sol Emerald,'' Sana explained, glancing at Makoto and Silver specifically.
''Well, we were just figuring things out as we went along using previous experience,'' Makoto said, rubbing the back of his head.
''Nevertheless, your help means a lot to us,'' Blaze said, gazing at Silver and smiling at him, who looked quite flustered. As the group continued the conversation of what they wanted to do next, including wanting to do a little sightseeing – and Sonic also being very happy that he'd be back on solid land – with Blaze and Silver walking a bit away from the rest of the group.
''Thank you for your encouragement, Silver,'' Blaze said, with Silver just smiling back.
''It's fine. I'm sure you'd do the same if our situations were switched,'' Silver replied. Blaze leaned against the railing, lowering her head.
''I guess, but…'' She lifted her head up, feeling a rush of warmth. ''If it weren't for your reassurance, I don't think I would be even able to summon the Sol Emeralds.'' Blaze took notice of how flustered Silver got, his muzzle slightly pink. She then summoned the red Sol Emerald in her hand. ''I want to go and find the other Sol Emeralds, and make sure to protect them from pirates or whoever wants to take them and use them for evil purposes.''
''I wish you a lot of luck with that,'' Silver told her. Blaze smiled back happily.
''Thank you, Silver. I hope that you can protect your future,'' she replied. Silver nodded in response, and both turned back to the sea, listening to the waves and watching the passing boats.
Both took their duty seriously, and neither of them would waver, as long as they had their friends to support them.
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#Sonic Cyber Revolution (Masterlist)
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