#captain blue
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wyrmspade · 2 months ago
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captain blue! trying to figure out how to combine OCS and NCS blues because I like aspects of both of them, but I'm not sure if I'll stick with this design or try something else
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jacksonstarkiller · 4 months ago
Captain Blue: I wasn’t that drunk!
Captain Scarlet: You coloured my face with a highlighter because you said I was important.
Captain Blue: BECAUSE YOU ARE!!!
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dragonoffantasyandreality · 6 months ago
Hey guys. I'm alive and well! >:3
And with a little illustrated teaser from my Captain Scarlet crossover fic :3
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@uniwolfcorn @teapotteringabout @skymaiden32 @knyee @janetm74 @the-original-sineater @thundergeek59 @riallasheng @mariashades @room-on-broom @yarol2075 @river-sam2 @llamawrites @etrnlvoid
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river-sam2 · 2 months ago
“What kind of film do they watching?”
🟣Hey, he is your grandfather, isn‘t he?
🔴Yes, but why did you know that?
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🟣Ah…I research about The B.I.S.H.O.P in Dublin brunch’s database for two weeks ago. My mission was not about them, but I found your grandfather, a priest, and an english celebrity who was really resemble to Rick.
🔵I cannot imagine that Rick with English accent…
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🟣Why this house so cold…
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evilhorse · 8 months ago
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Captain Scarlet cards 70: Spectrum Passenger Jet
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gilamasan · 1 year ago
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Introducing Catnip Blue! Catnip Scarlet's trusty companion, who's always dependable when Mice-terons attack.
Based on Official Captain Scarlet art by Mike Noble. Image comparison below
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graverinth · 6 months ago
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Decided to make another KMFDM one…
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linesonwhite · 1 year ago
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I think it was the Viewtiful Joe figure on my desk catching my attention today that got me drawing this piece today.
When I started drawing Captain Blue, I realized for the first time that his whole appearance becomes younger - his physique becomes more muscular, obviously, but even his mustache goes from white to having color in it again. I never noticed the mustache changing color before, haha. Henshin-a-go-go! This viewtiful piece is on twitter too.
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thedullsea · 2 years ago
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aka finally an excuse to draw Scarlet and Blue together………
Also happy birthday to Dr Fawn, I was gonna draw him too but uhm. It didn’t go well so nvm
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jacksonstarkiller · 1 year ago
Lieutenant Green: Why is everyone so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I’d just be excited to have a bunk bed!
Captain Blue: I’m going to tell him.
Captain Scarlet: Don’t you dare!
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 “Look, I don’t want to deal with some colorful busybodies again, especially that Aoi Otoko*!” Tensai protested.  Recko’s lips twitched a smug, “You mean the guy with enough beef to scare you into hiding in a dumpster?”
*Blue Guy
Yeah, the Egoistic Genius has only... ONE fear XD
@uniwolfcorn @teapotteringabout @skymaiden32 @knyee @janetm74 @the-original-sineater @amistrio @thundergeek59 @riallasheng @katblu42 @mariashades @room-on-broom @yarol2075 @llamawrites @etrnlvoid
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river-sam2 · 8 months ago
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Happy CaptainScarletDay!
🔴“You guys, you don’t forget who is the main character in this TV program, do you?”
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evilhorse · 9 months ago
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Captain Scarlet cards 01: I accidentally ordered these and discovered Amazon Prime offers this show. I’m a huge Thunderbirds fan, so I started watching them. They’re AWESOME! If you’ve never seen Captain Scarlet before, check it out now! Spectrum is green!
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hebuiltfive · 11 months ago
Ring A Ring O’ Roses - Chapter Two: The Trail
As requested by @mariashades this is the second part of the Captain Ochre private detective AU! I have more ideas for the story as a whole so this probably won’t be the last either!
First part can be found here!
Following their failed lead in New York, Richard returns to the drawing board. Meanwhile, Paul seeks refuge up north in the only place he can currently trust.
Being back at Square One was never an avenue any detective wanted to return to. After days of constant research, of calls made and opportunities struck, for it to have been pointless felt like nothing more than a waste of precious time.
The tiny, rented office space that sat on the East River, overlooking Roosevelt Island, indicated to Fraser, more so than anyone else, how much he needed to solve this case. It was more than just a case of justice and truth, it was the continuation of his business that he’d built up from the ground. For so long, Richard had convinced himself that this was all he had; no qualifications save the ones he achieved in the Academy, no experience beyond police grunt work that he could now never return to regardless of what he wanted. It was this gig, or… what?
More over, he had promised Patrick his help. If they couldn’t solve this case, all of that would have been for naught and Patrick would be sentenced to a lifetime in prison for something he was already beginning to atone for. Richard could see it in his protege’s work ethic, in the way he regarded himself since working alongside Fraser and for the good of the community at large. If Richard failed this, he would be doing a disservice to more than Metcalfe’s family, than himself. He’d be condemning a man who was trying to right his wrongs, and that seemed cruel.
He lent back on his swivel chair. The old seat creaked and bent as he stretched. Up above, dark clouds were rolling in, promising a shower of rainfall within the hour. Richard flicked his wrist to check the time. It was almost coming up to half-past four. Maybe it was time to call it a day.
“Patrick!” He called through to the backrooms where he had set up a small work area for his new employee. “You still awake back there?”
Beckoned through, Patrick appeared in the doorway. In his hands, he held two sheets of paper and, as he slowly strolled over to Richard’s desk, his eyes did not lift from whatever secrets they held.
He really is trying, thought Fraser. It was a shame this case was soon to be a bust.
“Not much more we can do today. Get on home before the rain sets in and be back here tomorrow at nine. We’ll try and pick up a lead if we can.”
Patrick did not say a word or move an inch, however.
Richard tilted his head. “Donaghue? You in there?”
His eyes lifted to meet his boss’s. Fraser could see the dark circles forming under the man’s eyes. It didn’t help to quell the rising guilt he felt of failing him.
“I said you can go home and we and try and pick up more leads tomorrow morning. What’s got you so interested, anyway?”
In answer, Patrick merely handed Richard the two sheets of paper. He scanned them quickly. They were both grainy CCTV photographs; one was a from a station terminus, Richard guessed Penn Station judging by the architecture; the other was from a street camera in a neighbourhood he was less familiar with.
“What are these?”
“Our next lead.” Patrick’s tiredness dulled his excitement, but Richard could still sense it.
He laid the images across the sheets that covered his desk and pointed to the figure that featured in both captures. “Metcalfe?”
Patrick nodded. “It’s grainy, but I think that’s our guy. He changes his hooded jacket between shots but the height, the cautiously looking over his shoulder, the shoes… I think it’s him.”
“Where was this second one taken?”
“Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts.”
Richard jerked his head up from the photos to offer him a quizzical look.
Donaghue merely nodded in agreement. “Our friend’s taken quite the journey up north.”
“The question, I guess, is why.”
“Does the expenses extend to taking the train, or are we road-tripping, because if its the latter, I’m calling shotgun and control of the playlist.”
Richard suppressed a grin. “We can take the train. Perhaps if we follow in Metcalfe’s footsteps we can get a more detailed plan of what he might be up to.”
“Should we inform his parents?”
“Not yet, not until we’re sure.”
“And the other ‘worried’ party? What about them?”
Although Richard had wished he’d been able to conveniently forget about the added governmental pressure to find their former employee, he had unfortunately been unable to.
He shook his head. “Same rule applies. Besides, the family were the one who officially hired us. The other party don’t get to know anything until they do.”
Patrick pursed his lips, once again nodding his agreement.
“I’ll book us some tickets for tomorrow morning.” Richard continued. “Think you can get to Penn Station for around seven? I’ll text you the details.”
“Sure thing, boss.”
“Get home and get some rest.”
He didn’t need to tell Patrick a fourth time. His protege briefly disappeared back into his make-shift office to retrieve his items before returning into the main room. He approached the door to leave.
“Oh, and Donaghue? If this had been a road-trip, you do know you can’t call shotgun and request DJ permissions, right?”
Partick smirked. “It was worth a shot. Don’t stay here too late. I doubt Metcalfe will be moving on quite so quickly.”
“I won’t. I promise. See you tomorrow.”
Once the door clicked closed and Patrick was well on his way out of the building, Richard unlocked the lower drawer to his desk. From within, he retrieved a burner phone. It only had one number on it. He dialled.
“I’ve found him. Boston. Back Bay East.”
Paul went to the one person — the only person left — that he knew he could trust.
The journey had been rough. Two trains up north and a multitude of guards and police presence to dodge. Being a wanted man, by the government no less, had that unfortunate effect, but he managed to make his way up to Boston as night began to fall.
Faking his own death back in the New York motel had been no easy feat. Paul knew the scene was nowhere near as believable as it could have been, and should the cops look too hard they’d realise that in a heartbeat. He had little time, however, and now could only hope that they wouldn’t work out the obvious until he was long gone.
He lacked sleep. Paul could feel his bones growing weary, his muscles growing tired, but he had to keep moving. If he stopped, even for a few hours, he could risk being identified and caught. That was not an option. He was safe nowhere, not until he reached Adam.
In any other circumstance, Paul would have called ahead, but he knew the Spectrum department would be able to monitor such calls, should they wish. In the recent past, it had been him on the other end of those tracking devices, seeking a man who, like himself, should have been long since dead. On the journey up to Boston, Paul wondered whether there was any way of finding Turner. Given his own predicament, and the lengths he’d been through to stay off the grid, he doubted it.
The taxi he had taken from the station pulled up outside the address Paul had given to the driver. He was relieved he hadn’t been caught out by the man and taken to the nearest police station instead. Paying with cash to avoid leaving a digital trail, he thanked the driver before hopping out of the back door and dashing across the street to Adam’s apartment building.
His knuckles rapped harshly on the door.
“Adam? Adam, it’s me. It’s Paul. Are you there? Adam, open up!”
He had never been so relieved to hear the sound of a door unlocking before. Paul burst through the moment it had opened, knocking the blonde out of the way before Adam could finish his greeting.
“Hey, Paul, what’s— Hey! Careful!”
Paul didn’t listen. “Are you alone?” He asked, directly making a beeline to the windows. Any blinds that were still up were quickly lowered.
His friend locked the front door before following him through to the living room. “Paul, what’s going on?”
Paul allowed himself to take a breather, his paranoia subsiding for the time being. “I need a place to lay low.”
“Why? What’s going on?”
It was now that he noticed his friend was dressed in blue loungewear, suggesting to Paul that he was getting ready to turn in for the evening. How his heart ached with guilt that he was going to ruin that plan.
“I made a really bad mistake, Adam. A really bad mistake. I don’t know if I can fix it.”
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avengedbiologist · 2 years ago
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Redraw of that dramatic moment between Ochre and Blue ✌️
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skymaiden32 · 2 years ago
Happy Captain Scarlet Day!! >:3 ❤️💙
Tagging: @dragonoffantasyandreality @uniwolfcorn @thundergeek59 @janetm74 @katblu42 @liseylou @amistrio
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