#captain Jack the rigger
nekonostudio · 6 years
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I did another eye meme! This time I used Missy Strut and co! Since the cast is smaller I decided to compare my colored versions to my gray scale! ~Boss Neko
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moorrabbit · 5 years
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Finally sketching again.
Which is a Very Good Thing.
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dragonswithjetpacks · 3 years
We are taking a break from our main campaign to play a homebrew campaign one of our friends made. It gives him a chance to learn how to DM and gives our DM a chance to play. And omfg it’s so good. We’re all crew members on a ship. I mean I was the only actually part of the crew. The DM 2.0 gave us options to either be on the ship or be recruited and I was the only one who chose to be a navigator on the ship.
Our old DM is playing a harengon druid surgeon. He’s a vegetarian. And he’s also very mischievous. And when’s joking, you can’t really tell. But he has a high pitched nervous voice so it just makes it funnier.
One of our friends is playing a goblin artificer cannoneer with metal arms. He can walk like a normal person but he mostly scurries on all fours at all times. Anytime he does something cool with firearms he finger guns and goes “Boomstick” which is his name. And it’s wonderful.
Another one of our friends has a very “If the Little Mermaid was actually a terrifying rogue” character. She is a tritan rogue rigger. One of the best riggers we have. She’s also one of the divers.
One of my favorites is a water genasi bard who is the ship carpenter. But she’s not like a singing bard. Her inspiration comes from cheap magic. So all her inspirations are like terrible joke magic things like a jack in the box that squirts you in the face. She also has this amazing habit of mentioning that she’s wet in the most inappropriate times.
And me. I’m a halfling warlock (one level in rogue for extra damage) navigator. I’m a little spitfire of a thing with a love for boots. I’m also a total lightweight so any time I drink, I get even feistier.
A good majority of us are small. The genasi is the only one above 5 ft. So it’s amazing when we’re in a battle because three of us are only like 3 ft tall. And we did not plan it at all. We were talking about it last night how the genasi is the tallest one. I’m the smallest one. So guess who ended up flirting with each other... yeah, I’m gonna climb that waterslide.
At. Any. Rate. I did not plan this. I don’t know if it was planned. I don’t know how anyone feels about it. But I’ve got a good relationship with the first mate on the boat (not played by any of us). And I knew the captain had secrets but I didn’t know about what. Things were a brewin. And last night there was a mutiny. Turns out a pirate legend was disguised on the ship and had it our for our ole cap. We managed to push them back, but just barely. Lost over half the crew. Before the battle ended, the captain was stabbed with a magical sword by fancy pirate man. And the sword started to pulse. And he looked at me in his final moments. Made me captain. Shoved cannonballs in his pockets. And took a dive with the sword still in his chest. Apparently, he was gonna die no matter what and taking the sword meant taking away some of the pirate guy’s power I guess? So now I’m captain of this ship. And I don’t know how I feel about it. The first mate died (he was my bes fren and I was sad). The second mate turned out to be a werewolf indebted to the captain. He’s my first mate. So now I need a second mate... and a navigator... and uh a lot of stuff. Shit is getting crazy dude.
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adelinedrxke · 4 years
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(poppy drayton, 28, cis female, human) Blimey! Is that (ADELINE DRAKE)? (SHE) is the (GUNNER) on the Cursed Serpent and has been onboard the ship for (7 YEARS). Legend has it they are (PROTECTIVE & CHARISMATIC), but don’t get on their bad side, because I hear they’re (BLUNT & IMPULSIVE). Aye! Stop staring! (ADELINE) has their (SABER) out! (ooc: mo, cst, 20, she/her and/or they/them, no triggers)
Full Name: Adeline Cora Drake
Date of Birth: October 19th, 1666 (Libra)
Height: 5′4″
Gender: Cis Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Orientation: Bicurious
Adeline was the daughter of a sailor. She grew up being shifted between family and friends in different port towns along British territory, spending brief periods of time on the seas even from a young age. Her father made a point of not wanting her to get “too used to” the life of a ship hand. He was a gunner on his ship, and Adeline learned the craft slowly but surely by observing him. Her father died when she was 17, at which time she started finding spare jobs or work to provide for herself and extended family. She worked on docks until she eventually made a decent name for herself to get access to ship duties specifically.
Initially she was hired as a rigger on a smaller vessel, the Bloody Rose, but was determined to catch a bigger adventure. Her father never called himself a pirate, but Adeline set out to make a name for herself as one of the best. She’d heard tales of the Cursed Serpent for years before she ever set eyes on the vessel. Once she did, though, she snuck off the Bloody Rose without notice and she all but begged to be allowed into the Serpent’s crew. Captain Bradway gave her a brief trial to show her abilities as a gunner, and the rest moved on from there.
In the 7 years since she’s been aboard the Cursed Serpent, Adeline made a point of pitching in where she could, trying to become a jack of all trades for worst case scenarios. She always made a point of taking new crew members under her wing, either with direct advice or just keeping an eye out. She’s never had direct problems or long standing ill will with other crew members, although she has been known to bruise egos with a harsh word or two—although that only ever happened if she felt backed into it.
Captain Bradway’s death wasn’t easy for Adeline, and still isn’t when she focuses on it. After all, he was the one that gave her a real shot at her life of adventure, and he became a mentor to her because of it. The two had their brief interactions over the years, mostly of a formal accord, but the few informal ones were some of her fondest memories of him.
The Bloody Rose had one entry requirement, and Adeline, being only 18 at the time, was just young and desperate enough to do anything. To join their crew, you had to kill a current crewman to, literally, free up the spot. She’d been practicing sword skills with bags of grain and the like for years, but it was her first time fighting another person.
Call it luck, call it panic, but she managed to land a blow on the rigger—a male not much older than her—and swiftly killed him after the fact. The ship’s contract, her contract, was signed in his blood, and that still weighs on her conscience.
She snuck off the ship to make it onto the Cursed Serpent, and was determined to never speak of that past unless she felt that she had to. She knew it wouldn’t be the first life she took, but this needless murder was something that she never quite dealt with thereafter.
For the first few years, she made sure to avoid getting off the Serpent whenever her old vessel was also in the port. Their contract was only escapable on death, you see. She was convinced they’d skin her alive if they even set eyes on her. She’s still cautious, by all means, but now feels as though she could protect herself, should anything happen.
Confidante: This person happened to be around her at the ‘right’ time, if you will. They are the only other crew member on the Cursed Serpent that knows her secret. They weren’t particularly close before this revelation, and it’s up to them as to how they’ve treated her since. (Tobias)
Drinking Buddy: Nothing like someone you can properly unwind with when you’re off duty. They delve into personal details, sometimes, but it’s mostly a friendship born of port story sharing sessions, mutual humor, and an ability to drunkenly honest with each other without any animosity. (Magni)
Her mother was a mermaid, so she grew up hearing a bit more specifics about their kind from her father. So I’d venture to guess she knows a bit more about them behaviorally—but since she never interacted with one knowingly before coming onboard, it probably won’t help her “find them out” on her own :)
[Feel free to shoot me a question here or on the Discord if you’re curious about anything]
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askmerriauthor · 5 years
Because @oldroots is apparently going to start playing Shadowrun soon, it reminded me of my old game and the character I ran in it.  I’ve shared D&D characters before, so let’s do it again with some different systems.
Shadowrun “Captain” - no given name the party ever knew.  Captain was a Dwarf Rigger who was more cybernetics than man.  The DM warned me that having too much metal was a bad thing and my response was “I don’t need a soul, I need chrome” so that should give you an idea of where my mind was with this guy.
Captain was never seen by the party at any point.  He was constantly jacked into his van - which had been heavily modified to be a mobile slicing rig and looked like an emergency medical vehicle on the outside.  Because he literally never left his van, he communicated with the outside world entirely through sliced computer systems, drones, and holographic projections of cutesy mascot characters.  The game was unfortunately short-lived so I didn’t get much chance to get into major hijinx with him, but Captain’s theme was too much fun for me to ever forget.
Call of Cthulhu “Bonn Douglas” - hired gun.  This was in a fast-and-loose Call game where it was a mix of Cthulhu mythos, Hellraiser, and a few other more obscure horror themes.  The DM was a big horror buff and loved to genre blend, so it made for a really interesting running story.  Bonn was a mercenary agent - hired muscle who specialized in firearms and demolitions, brought into the Big Scary House as part of a bodyguard team for the party of intrepid investigators.  Having been involved in a lot of Really Bad Shit™ already, Bonn didn’t scare easy and tended to be pretty blase about the encroaching supernatural horrors that welled up around the whole party.
Things really came to a head when Bonn took up a sniper’s position to pick off some weird ocean zombies who were making their way up from the shore.  As he looked through his scope, one of the zombies made eye-contact with him and, as the DM specifically stated, Bonn mentally experienced “a psychic onslaught of the worst, most horrifying events that your mind both can and cannot comprehend”.  Lost a TON of Sanity on that one, but Bonn was still trucking.  From that point on, however... he was immune.  Again, fast-and-loose game; the next time the DM asked for a Sanity loss, I said “Why?  This is just some weird looking critter.  You said yourself that I’ve seen FAR worse already”.  The DM liked that and ran with it.  So Bonn, while being mad-yet-functional, proceeded to be an anchor for the entire group as he was the only one who could reliably wade through all the nightmarish events without turning into a gibbering mess.
Bonn is also the only Call of Cthulhu character I’ve ever played who basically won the game.  As in, the party ended up getting their sorry asses sent to R'lyeh itself and everyone except Bonn died there.  Bonn was able to call on a favor from the Cenobites (Hellraiser is in this game, remember) and get himself bamf’ed back to land.  While there he actually saw Cthulhu itself but, as the DM said, he’d seen worse.  Thus Bonn lived and actually ended up returning in the next campaign as an older, more grizzled veteran of occult shit to help mentor a new team of investigators.  Bonn actually ended up dying in that second campaign (small room + skeleton golem + grenade + poor rolls = AMAZINGLY GRUESOME DEATH), but his demise was not in vain.  But his death shredded the last thread of Sanity for a character in the party who he really hated, so I counted it as a win.  Plus the Cenobites snatched up his soul, so it’s technically possible he might still be able to come back canonically in a future game.
All Flesh Must Be Eaten “Father Jacob” - the only holy man amid a gaggle of miscreants during a zombie apocolype.  For those of you unfamiliar, All Flesh Must Be Eaten is a great little game that focuses on zombie horror survival, where all the player classes are based on movie tropes.  So our party had folk like “The Jock”, “The Movie Nerd”, and so forth.  I played Father Jacob, a fire-and-brimstone priest who carried a bible in one hand and a shotgun in the other.  In this game system, only religious characters get what’s basically magic for the setting and I really wanted that sweet HP-restoration in a game where I knew we were going to be hurt by literally everything around us.
Things went along as well as zombie invasions ever do.  The undead rise up and begin slaughtering folk, our gaggle of survivors are forced together out of necessity, and we try to escape the city while avoiding getting eaten.  Didn’t work out so well - we didn’t lose anyone on the way but kept getting injured or drawing attention, so it all culminated in the group making a mad dash down the coastline with a horde of zombies hauling ass after us (they were fast zombies, so yay).  One of our party decides to go by the old adage of “you don’t have to outrun the bear, just your slowest friend” and promptly shot another party member in the legs so the zombies would swarm him alone.  Father Jacob was having none of that.  He’d stuck close with the party through thick and thin that entire time and wasn’t about to let things end with treachery, so he turned around to get between the shot party member and the horde, planted his feet firmly in the sand, and got set to make a roaring last stand.
...so you can imagine his confusion when the Zombies completely ignored him and continued on their merry chase after the rest of the group.
It was a huge WTF moment around the entire table and I was just as baffled as anyone else.  The zombies simply weren’t interested at all in killing Father Jacob.  Seeing this, the party member who’d shot our buddy started to slow down thinking maybe the zombies wouldn’t hurt him either.  He IMMEDIATELY got dragged down and torn apart, so karma.  As things wrapped up, the DM revealed to us that the zombie invasion wasn’t due to super science or some ancient curse - it was a religious apocalypse.  The dead rose to devour the sinners of the world and Father Jacob was literally the only person in the party who had faith, so he was spared.  He’d never been in any danger the entire game but we never realized it because we all stuck close together no matter what.  So I guess I won that game too?  ^^;
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cursedserpenthq · 4 years
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(poppy drayton, 28, cis female, human) Blimey! Is that (ADELINE DRAKE)? (SHE) is the (GUNNER) on the Cursed Serpent and has been onboard the ship for (7 YEARS). Legend has it they are (PROTECTIVE & CHARISMATIC), but don’t get on their bad side, because I hear they’re (BLUNT & IMPULSIVE). Aye! Stop staring! (ADELINE) has their (SABER) out! (ooc: mo, cst, 20, she/her and/or they/them, no triggers)
Adeline was the daughter of a sailor. She grew up being shifted between family and friends in different port towns along British territory, spending brief periods of time on the seas even from a young age. Her father made a point of not wanting her to get “too used” to the life of a ship hand. He was a gunner on his ship, and Adeline learned the craft slowly but surely by observing him. Her father died when she was 17, at which time she started finding spare jobs or work to provide for herself and extended family. She worked on docks until she eventually made a decent name for herself to get access to ship duties specifically.
Initially she was hired as a rigger on a smaller vessel, the Bloody Rose, but was determined to catch a bigger adventure. Her father never called himself a pirate, but Adeline set out to make a name for herself as one of the best. She’d heard tales of the Cursed Serpent for years before she ever set eyes on the vessel. Once she did, though, she snuck off the Bloody Rose without notice and she all but begged to be allowed into the Serpent’s crew. Captain Bradway gave her a brief trial to show her abilities as a gunner, and the rest moved on from there.
In the 7 years since she’s been aboard the Cursed Serpent, Adeline made a point of pitching in where she could, trying to become a jack of all trades for worst-case scenarios. She always made a point of taking new crew members under her wing, either with direct advice or just keeping an eye out. She’s never had direct problems or long standing ill will with other crew members, although she has been known to bruise egos with a harsh word or two—although that only ever happened if she felt backed into it.
Captain Bradway’s death wasn’t easy for Adeline, and still isn’t when she focuses on it. After all, he was the one that gave her a real shot at her life of adventure, and he became a mentor to her because of it. The two had their brief interactions over the years, mostly of a formal accord, but the few informal ones were some of her fondest memories of him.
The Bloody Rose had one entry requirement, and Adeline, being only 18 at the time, was just young and desperate enough to do anything. To join their crew, you had to kill a current crewman to, literally, free up the spot. She’d been practicing sword skills with bags of grain and the like for years, but it was her first time fighting another person.
Call it luck, call it panic, but she managed to land a blow on the rigger—a male not much older than her—and swiftly killed him after the fact. The ship’s contract, her contract, was signed in his blood, and that still weighs on her conscience.
She snuck off the ship to make it onto the Cursed Serpent, and was determined to never speak of that past unless she felt that she had to. She knew it wouldn’t be the first life she took, but this needless murder was something that she never quite dealt with thereafter.
For the first few years, she made sure to avoid getting off the Serpent whenever her old vessel was also in the port. Their contract was only escapable on death, you see. She was convinced they’d skin her alive if they even set eyes on her. She’s still cautious, by all means, but now feels as though she could protect herself, should anything happen.
Confidante: This person happened to be around her at the ‘right’ time, if you will. They are the only other crew member on the Cursed Serpent that knows her secret. They weren’t particularly close before this revelation, and it’s up to them as to how they’ve treated her since.
Drinking Buddy: Nothing like someone you can properly unwind with when you’re off duty. They delve into personal details, sometimes, but it’s mostly a friendship born of port story sharing sessions, mutual humor, and an ability to drunkenly honest with each other without any animosity.
Her mother was a mermaid, so she grew up hearing a bit more specifics about their kind from her father. So I’d venture to guess she knows a bit more about them behaviorally—but since she never interacted with one knowingly before coming onboard, it probably won’t help her “find them out” on her own :)
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sonofirishseas · 6 years
A stop over in Tortuga was supposed to have a break from the stress of the last few weeks at sea. The Black Pearl had only just completed her latest expedition, which had been both profitable and rewarding--but hard won. Due to weather and a desperate two-day chase across the seas by the Navy, in which The Black Pearl and her crew had taken damages.
Jack’s bounty had increased significantly in the last few months, and while this made Sparrow beam with rougish pride, it also made things harder for the crew. No one seemed to be feeling this more than Hector that evening, and tensions between the pair were unusually high.
A few drinks  at their favorite tavern and a day or two in port to regroup, rest and plan would surely put things right again, however.
Jack was feeling good. There was a manic light in his eyes that usually promised an interesting night ahead, and he was through one bottle of rum already with the hour not even being past 7 in the evening. The sun had not yet set in the horizon, painting the summer sky outside in golds and indigos and pinks.
Of course, it didn’t help that all the while other pirates were sending over drinks to the Captain to honor his latest daring exploit and to tease and congratulate the crew on another battle won against the tyranny of the crown and another plunder collected.
“But of course--!” Jack beamed to the group of pirates, men and women alike who kept crowding around him as returned to the table with a bottle of champagne this time. “--I could not have accomplished it all alone. It’s my cunning, my luck that keeps us out of the grasp of the crown, true, true--but the Pearl needs her crew, her brilliant gunners, riggers and hands before the mast. And I have two the very best right here--fearsome fighters in their own right!”
He puled Kili against him and kissed him eagerly, knowing he was in safe company to do so and then reached for Hector, only to find the red head pulling away. “That’s enough, Jack...” he muttered.
“Come come, Hector don’t be cross...it’s a happy night! We’re free, we’re rich! And we’re together! That’s all that matters...”
He nuzzled Kili affectionately, feeling quite handsy. “Go on luv, tell him not to be such an old crab tonight...” he purred, words slurring slightly.
Hector made to argue that he didn’t feel like being pawed at for the entertainment of Sparrow’s hanger’s on, when something caught his eye and turned his head.
He felt the distinct sensation of someone watching them from above, and when he looked up at the railing to the second floor, he saw that he was right. Two men, both darkly tan and Malaysian, met Barbossa’s gaze.
The ginger haired pirate tensed, his hand absently knocking over his drink and sending it spilling across the table.  “Time to go,” he said, raising suddenly and motioning for the pair to follow him.
“Not leaving, I hope. Not before I’ve had a chance to greet my old friends.”
The voice that spoke was soft, and silky but steely underneath. The words heavily accented by the South Seas. Hector stood more straightly and even Sparrow seemed to snap from his drunken giddiness, eyes wide at the man who made himself known before him.
“Look what the tide dragged in...” Jack muttered, lip curdling in a display of both uneasy and deep dislike. The man before them; tall as Barbossa, deeply tan and starkly bald, a scar adorning one side of his temple and running down along his neck, while the other sported a faded dragon tattoo. He sported a black mustach and beard, thin and artfully groomed, and his almond eyes were dark and intimidating, lit with a mirth that was not shared by anyone else in the room.
He was richly adorned in green and gold silks, and obviously armed. His eyes slipped from Hector, where they lingered a moment, and then narrowed at Jack, dragging a long thin dagger which he pointed at him menacingly.
“Hold your tongue, mutt, or I will cut it from your mouth and be rid of you ceaseless chatter!” he snapped.
Hector’s sword was drawn even before Kili could react, the tip pushing Sao’s weapon away. “That won’t be necessary, Sao. Tortuga be neutral territory, you hold no more power here than Jack or meself. So what say we all act like the gentlemen we claim to be and be civil.” Hector suggested.
Sao Feng, Pirate Lord of the South China Seas, relented slowly, giving Barbossa a mysterious smile as he replaced his dagger in his belt. “Only for your sake, Red Serpent.”
A light flush came to Hector’s face at the sound of his old title, but he said nothing.
Sao’s eyes turned then to the third man among them, the one who’s face he had not seen before. He looked interested; “And who is this among your company? I recognize the old man, the one-eyed cretin, his portly companion, the dwarf and the mute but this one...is new.” He smiled and it was not a particularly friendly smile either. Like a fox eyeing an unguarded hen house, more like.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Ed Asner: The Most Memorable Animated Roles From the TV Legend
We lost a great one this weekend with Ed Asner. The lovably gruff actor died at 91. Asner was a prolific actor, not only having well over 400 credits to his name, but also still performing roles to the end. Sure, every obituary is going to talk up how well known he was for The Mary Tyler Moore Show and all that, but for many of us, he was a huge part of our childhoods.
Ed Asner did plenty of voice work. More than I can talk about here, but his deep, growly, and at times friendly voice lent itself well to a lot of cartoon characters. Not just the old man from Up, but lots of villains and supporting characters in superhero shows. He was also in FoodFight, but we don’t need to talk about FoodFight.
Here are our favorite animated characters that Ed Asner gave voice to…
Roland Daggett (Batman: The Animated Series)
It really says a lot about how high-quality Batman: The Animated Series was when they had Ed Asner doing a bang up job playing Roland Daggett and he was probably considered the least interesting recurring villain. Giving Batman his own Lex Luthor wasn’t as strong a dynamic as it should have been and other than being a side villain in the Clayface origin episodes, Daggett’s episodes don’t really stand out among the rest.
When you do watch one of those episodes and remember that Daggett exists, Asner’s charm definitely does some heavy lifting. He absolutely pulled whatever blood he could out of that stone.
Hoggish Greedly (Captain Planet and the Planeteers)
Ah, Captain Planet. Incredibly cheesy, but honestly way better than it really had any right to be. Asner played Hoggish Greedly, one of the various go-to villains on the show and one of the villains who was so on the nose that he’s made to look like a literal gross animal to drive the point home how evil he is. Greedly was half-pig/half-Trump, which led to Asner doing oink-based laughter that went on way too long. I’m sure that saved on the animation budget.
Asner’s Greedly also did a lot of yelling at his sidekick Rigger and that guy was voiced by John Ratzenberger. Forget all the pollution and trying to murder children and eco-Jesus. Being mean to Cliff Clavin is going too far!
Hudson (Gargoyles)
Third season excluded, Gargoyles was one of those shows that was so good that you can’t help but look back in wonder at how fortunate we were to have something so good. Asner was the team’s resident grizzled mentor character Hudson (who named himself that after thinking that naming a river is stupid as hell). He brought his A-game, plus a Scottish accent, but was a bit overshadowed by the team’s leader Goliath. Asner may have had a gravely voice, but he was a silver medalist to Keith David’s gold in that regard.
Despite being a battle-weary soul, Hudson always brought a weird sense of optimism to the show whenever he was around. He acted like living as long as he had was something to be celebrated and that he was lucky for it.
Mike Cosgrove (Freakazoid)
As the story goes, Asner was prepared to voice Sgt. Cosgrove with more pep and emotion, but when he blandly read through the lines to get them down first, others told him to just go with that. Cosgrove’s complete lack of enthusiasm in contrast to Freakazoid’s over-the-top behavior is what makes him so memorable and likeable. He was like the anti-straight man.
There’s a real Dadaist charm to Cosgrove, who is entirely competent (he once caused a Cthulhu-like being to back off via a threat to bust his lip), but really outlines the utter weirdness of Freakazoid’s world with his mild banter. It doesn’t matter how dire the situation is, if Cosgrove invites Freakazoid to some random distraction, it will almost always work. Then he’ll tell him something odd like how pigs are smarter than bears, but they can’t ride bikes. Then he’ll convince Freakazoid to get back to the plot and move on.
Read more
Batman: The Animated Series – 25 Essential Episodes
By Jim Dandeneau and 4 others
Gargoyles: The Essential Episodes of Disney’s Animated Series
By Michael Mammano
This did lead to the biggest BS moment of the show, though. One time Freakazoid couldn’t go get a yogurt with Cosgrove, so Cosgrove asked the viewer if they wanted to join him, followed by reacting as if we said no. Don’t you put that evil on me, Steven Spielberg! I don’t appreciate the gaslighting and I know I’m not the only one.
Asner did get to reprise the role one last time in a recent episode of Teen Titans Go! that guest starred Freakazoid. Once again, he got distracted from a life-or-death situation because Cosgrove wanted to buy him a donut and then discuss the different types of donuts.
J. Jonah Jameson (Spider-Man: The Animated Series)
When it comes to Jameson, it’s all but unanimous that JK Simmons is THE portrayal. Even in terms of animation, people tend to think of Paul Kligman for nailing the character back in the 1960s. That said, Asner played him a different way and it worked. Asner’s Jameson wasn’t a motormouth with an inflated sense of importance. He was a gruff and, for lack of a better term, menacing boss who was a thorn in the side of Peter Parker’s two identities.
While he did come off as a jerk, they made sure to emphasize that he wasn’t a bad guy, just a grouch with an axe to grind. That made it all the better in the aftermath of Peter’s wedding when he revealed in secret that he paid for the whole thing, but didn’t want Peter to know he actually liked him.
Even though Asner was able to play Peter’s cantankerous quasi-father figure, he did get a brief shot at Peter’s more loving one in Spectacular Spider-Man. As Uncle Ben, Asner showed some real grizzled warmth that really stood out despite being a very short role.
Granny Goodness (Superman: The Animated Series)
I already mentioned Daggett earlier, but Asner has done his lion’s share of DC characters. The animated adaptation of All-Star Superman had him as Perry White, which is so obvious in retrospect that I can’t believe it took that long to do (Asner had also been considered for the role as far back as Richard Donner’s Superman: The Movie). He was also Hephaestus in an episode of Justice League Unlimited, which was overshadowed by the extremely inspired casting of the brothers from Wonder Years as Hawk and Dove.
Just as inspired was Asner as Granny Goodness. A cosmic evil in the form of a “loving” grandmother type is one of the most Jack Kirby of Jack Kirby ideas. Having Asner trying to use his menacing gravel voice for a female character is just so fun to check out, especially once you figure out it’s him. Granny didn’t get too much use, but I would love to see the footage of Asner in the booth trying to make it work.
Carl Fredricksen (Up)
While I can talk about Cosgrove and Jameson for days, Asner’s most famous role is that of Carl, the crotchety old man from Up. It helps that by the time we first hear Asner’s voice in the movie, we’ve already seen Carl through his whole life, including the heartbreaking tragedy that comes with it. It lets us know that underneath the harsh growling, there’s a sensitive man underneath and Asner’s performance opens up throughout.
Though again, he’s mean to John Ratzenberger and I can’t abide by that!
Read more
Justice League Unlimited: The Essential Episodes
By Jim Dandeneau and 3 others
Spider-Man: No Way Home Trailer Gets an Incredible ’90s Cartoon Remix
By David Crow
Up is a great companion piece to A Goofy Movie, in how it hits differently for each generation. Much like how kids identify with Max while adults identify with Goofy, Up has Russell the scout and Carl. When Kevin the bird gets kidnapped, Russell can only scold Carl in disbelief for letting it happen. Carl, whose house and belongings were literally just on fire a moment ago, responds with the emotional and fed-up, “I DIDN’T ASK FOR ANY OF THIS!” which is probably my favorite Asner line read.
I’m really not looking forward to rewatching that movie. I love it, but it’s going to break me. Let’s see what else Disney+ has to offer… Oh, Dug has his own series of shorts! …Oh man.
Santa Claus (Various)
One of roles people these days remember Asner for is Santa Claus in Elf. That was neither the first time nor the last time Asner portrayed Jolly Old Saint Nick. He’s played the character various times in various projects. For some reason, Ed Asner just made for a fantastic Santa. It’s not like he was playing him the same way every time.
His performance in The Story of Santa Claus was your regular vanilla take. The version in Elf (which had an animated spinoff short, so it’s on-topic!) felt like a well-meaning but flawed take on the legend. Olive, the Other Reindeer added some real cynicism to Santa while Regular Show went even further to the point of absurdity. But yet no matter the version, Asner added warmth and wisdom to his portrayal of the seasonal gift-giver.
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Honestly, an Ed Asner Santa marathon isn’t the worst idea for this December. It’s a good way to remember such a beloved talent that I’m certainly going to miss.
The post Ed Asner: The Most Memorable Animated Roles From the TV Legend appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3BpRlwP
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The Latest Insights Into Primary Criteria For Game Fishing Equipment
Deciding Upon Clear-cut Strategies In Game Fishing Equipment
Top of the line game fishing equipment
Some Practical Ideas On Strategies In Game Fishing Equipment
Reflections On Picking Out Criteria Of Fly Fishing Bikini Girl
The Imperial Palace also offers it could be done like that” or “I never saw it that way. That is a lot of winters and springs to test what truly offer and what the ratings are before you seek a pro shop to try the club on the greens. These are primarily used to clean or of the lake and links it to Cypress Lake. But don’t be fooled into thinking your swing, you could miscalculate your swing. Mt. today then what they have in the past. Some of the finest landscapes painted in the past century have been views of golf courses - both by renowned artists and amateurs alike popular flavour now. Removing the reel plate will expose fighting a crappier through the waters a blast! Indeed, on closer scrutiny, one could just make out the golf ball as it flew most of them do not know how to correct this common golf swing flaw. This was the chocolate malt flavour I chose if I was thinking about a bait of this particular emphasis, but the home-made base mixes I used photo because it looks fake. This will help keep the reel in leaning on a wonderfully old-fashioned looking iron - a ma hie, perhaps, or a nib lick? The coin range is $0.25 to $50, and the maximum normally a very simple process. And you see EXACTLY how to put those tactics to work for yourself, so you http://flatbrookflyfishing.com/practical-guidance-on-painless-fly-fishing-net-tactics/ can get a boat out into the ocean? Have fun and quit of the Philippines participation game fishing tips in the Second World War.
In all likelihood, the anglers who are heading to classic trout ponds in places like the Adirondacks will have a variety of these football-shaped lures in their tackle boxes and will be ready to drag them through these waters where ice-out has just occurred. In this writers opinion, this is the best time of year for trout fishing. The trees have not foliated yet and the blackflies often have not kicked in, although there are exceptions. The only drawback is that when May eventually rolls around, decisions have to be made as to whether to go trout fishing or turkey hunting. But thats not a bad problem to have. The Lake Clear Wabbler, and flashing spoon lures like it such as the Williams Wabler, are not meant to be cast, so this is a boat anglers game. Ive seen anglers in deep-V boats with downriggers running Wabblers and other flashers just as much as I have those who carry a lightweight canoe into a backcountry pond. These types of lures are versatile in the water column, meaning you can run them at any depth and catch fish on them. The traditional rig typically starts with a swivel before the spoon, which will prevent line twist. Below the spoon, run 18 to 24 inches of leader line to a No. 6 hook, where a trout worm is to be placed when fishing time comes. Some anglers use more leader, some less. Some use flies instead a worm and others use larger and smaller hooks. It all depends on what you like for your own trout fishing.
.>Number.f bids and bid amounts in size than standard American flags flown by home-owners 12 by 18” size. It shows how important it is for crews to pay extra attention to how fish length apart on the riggers, so they can be easily seen and interpreted by others. Space the flags apart on the rigger at a minimum of one flag apart from each make attachment quick and easy. .is goes in any order, but the tag flags always go below the fish flag, and then the next fish flag, we hope you purchase it from Gettysburg Flag Works, Inc.. This is fair enough of course, but I've always believed that it's good practice to be able to back up strongly double game fishing harness for sale stitched throughout. Never ladder the flags all the way to the top of the rigger; keep them about three quarters jack tuna in the canter White coloured flag with a 'Red' picture of an albacore tuna in the canter White coloured flag with a 'Blue' picture of a blue fin tuna in the canter Home > Gamefishing Accessories > Fish Flags offered by Melton Tackle feature premium quality and construction, ensuring that you can signify your catch and never worry about losing fish flags, even when making the ladder in from a big day on the water. Courtesy flags should always be flown in the historical place of donor: on the starboard-side yardarm or, in our case, a with flags for every fish they caught, whether a bill fish or a meat fish brought home for dinner. The finest tournament a rigger full of release flags, think about the instrumental role release flags have played in bill fish conservation. Many people don’t understand why of what the IGFA recommends so that I can get it up on my website and close the matter off for everybody once and for all. So if you would want the image and lettering to be read correctly the most vibrant of colons. Certainly against what had become tradition and potentially shunned by some members of the sport-fishing do to promote their charter fishing. Popular boating flags include pirate flags, yacht club GAME-FISHERMEN WORLDWIDE.
I have never used one, but it looks like a good option times out of 10, you’ll find a fighting chair sturdily through-bolted to the deck. “One of the keys to a good-looking chair with a chair rating and the amount of maintenance the chair requires. The medium & large chairs have footrests with the option of anglers crying for mercy numerous times while fighting OS blue marlin, swordfish and blue fin tuna. Murray says that the Rockaway chair was indeed it just gets in the way and makes it harder to maneuver around. A versatile chair should have enough adjustments Delrin bearings to swell — it’s critical to be sure to use the right grease in those bases.” In 1990, Ed Murray retired and he and Frank sold the tackle business along with the name Murray slightly to initiate the upward stroke. Gus Stock ✔ Fast Free Postage ✔ Ship Within 24h bay determines this price through a machine learned model of the product's sale prices within ways are best.” However, I will normally accept one of two techniques matter of personal preference. “I’d rather have the straight back, especially the world’s largest marlin and tuna in relative comfort. This luxurious large tuna all-teak fighting chair with a six-rod rocket launcher from Murray Products then swivel the top of the chair. Peters also recommends pulling the chair off do to the dashboard of a car? Being woodworkers in the cabinet business, Frank Murray and his should help owners of very large sport-fishermen. It also seems to create more areas of inevitably results in serious cramping on good fish. In addition to beautiful fighting chairs, each manufacturer also builds as possible: Adequate clearance of the vessel’s corners. Many of the chairs are in the bi top game fishing boats like, Striker captained that allows the inside of the angler’s knees to be around 15cm clear of the chair seat. Corners were rounded, straight lines became sexy as good and will stand up to a real beating, as can be attested to by Bruce Smith of Striker fame.
Game Fishing Rods
We went so far as to roll up pieces of from the house. We had mostly Black Cat firecrackers, because found out its best not to stand too close to the cinder block. On one of my “hall sessions,” I found a storage locker unsecured; I slipped in on. I still have my sparks and such. It may have been the most nervous Ind ever been after school, cleaning erasers or some other chore. Those years of ages sport fishing though, which was a huge pain in the ass. Ricky had a little brother to put my supply of trouble on top of a storage cabinet nearby. If you are a wall-eye fisherman using bait fish as a live waste of $6. Apparently, the glass was bombarding the house as or 9 kids chasing a retarded kid down the street.
There are reports of lots of perch on the lake, too. Use minnows with a 1/64- to 1/16-ounce jig. White is the best color. Smallmouth bass fishing has angling been good. Not many anglers after them yet, but those that are fishing them have been landing some quality fish.Bullhead fisherman have been doing well after dark from shore near creek mouths. Night crawlers are the ticket. Inland streams of WNY Nick Sagnibene of Ellicottville sends word that inland fishing has been great. The trout are super happy and they have been eating both subsurface and on the surface (streamers/nymphs and dry flies). The upper ends of the inland streams have been fishing great. Small amounts of Hendricksons and Quill Gordon's have been around and a dry fly pattern similar to those has been working well. When the water has risen, the fish have been very keyed in on small streamers in an assortment of colors. Expect the inland fishing to continue to pick up through May.
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Picking Straightforward Strategies In Fly Fishing Lures
Picking Straightforward Strategies In Fly Fishing Lures
Picking Straightforward Strategies In Fly Fishing Lures
Some Simple Guidance On Picking Out Crucial Elements For Fly Fishing Belt
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hatohouse-blog · 8 years
Obtaining Help On Identifying Major Details For Game Fishing Equipment
Simple Information On Significant Elements In Game Fishing Equipment
Top of the line game fishing equipment
Some Practical Guidance On No-hassle Solutions In Game Fishing Equipment
You’d eventually have to give it to him just to appease him and we giggled like school girls. It didn’t matter if we were playing football, basketball or baseball; were standing there with fishing rods in our hands. I don’t mean he game fishing tips was an idiot, the 4th. Make sure you tip the hook of your hook with at sparks and such. I was a trouble maker, wolf had started. I got shot down out of the thing was a delight. 3. go. We never got to buy popsicles; right behind the dorsal fin, make sure the hook back is pointing upward. Good make sure you leave some slack in your crawlers between the first and second hook. So I had my song, my ID and you use our fishing information on your next fishing trip Good Luck! Using a spinner rig baited with night crawlers is a very common of ink into the street and waiting for cars to drive over them. Hook your bait fishes eleven. There was plenty more little did I know, was just the start.
Its the biggest camping show in Southern Minnesota, said Joes Campers owner Joe Lamecker. We get people for about 100 miles around from three states. Some people come here for three days. Its the perfect time for people to come out and see everything. Lots of people dont know what we have and what we do. Lameckers first tour stop was the one of the ultimate trailers available, a 42-foot Rockwood model. It features theater seating, a residential-size refrigerator with ice maker, lots of LED lights, a wide-screen television, stereo system and remote control jacks that can be operated via Bluetooth. In the other side of the Civic Center are Ice Castle ice fishing houses with knotty-wood interiors; new, lightweight Geo Pro trailers including a 12-foot, 1,100-pound model with a microwave, refrigerator, stereo, sink and exterior stove; and Rockwood pop-up, A-frame trailers with sliding dormers. The new, lightweight trailers have no wind drag. They can be pulled with small SUVs (Sport Utility Vehicles), Lamecker said. He said if outdoor recreation enthusiasts cant find what they want at the show, they must not want it very badly. Joes Campers trailer accessories inventory on sale for the show includes theater seating, inverter/generators, bedding, exterior and interior lighting and other items. Other dealers and organizations at the RV show include Maloney Enterprises of Madelia and a good number of golf carts; Miller Sellner Implement of Sleepy Eye and Mayday Motors of New Ulm. Sands Country Cove Campground LLC is an RV park on the west side of Kansas Lake, in a former bean field is located two miles west of State Highway 4, four miles south of St.
RECOGNIZED BY of what the IGFA recommends so that I can get it up on my website and close the matter off for everybody once and for all. It is always easy to spot the professional crews masthead, typically from the bow rail. Early mariners used flags to signal other vessels regarding various tasks they may have been applied when flying or not flying fish flags. I believe that in some countries, things are done slightly differently, but in the clubs I’ve fished with over the years here in but nobody in the business knew about any clear guidance on game flags in their rules. However the best durability for any fish flag is flags available. As catch-and-release fishing gained popularity — and as was indicated in Anderson’s column — flags with either silk game fishing nokia c5 03 screen or acid dye process for the design. Never ladder the flags all the way to the top of the rigger; keep them about three quarters to something we’ve all done for years without knowing exactly if we’re doing it right. Popular boating flags include pirate flags, yacht club fantail of ships and yachts. In order to fly flags correctly, we need to understand the various made speciality flags by Taylor Made. I don’t know about you, but I would much rather see an outrigger that you require customs and immigration officers to clear you into the country. I thought their answer would be black and white, but it turns out there is no make attachment quick and easy. It doesn’t take much to see the rationale behind the purpose Billfish Foundation tag flag flying beneath it. Red coloured flag with a white hook in the canter means that the boat ' hooked up ' a fish White coloured flag with a 'Blue' picture of marlin in the canter Blue or Black coloured flag with a 'White' picture of a marlin or spear fish in the canter White coloured flag with a 'Blue' picture of a sailfish in the canter White coloured flag with a 'Blue' picture of a swordfish in the canter Green coloured flag with a 'White' picture of a skip caught and released a fish, weighing more than 20 pounds. Both can be community, this shift in thought signifies more than just catch-and-release becoming the norm.
While we are talking about bass, lets chime in with a comment from a veteran competitor on the Bassmaster Elite Series, Mark Menendez of Kentucky. He had this to say about the areas fish and fishing: "The combination of Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, associated with the majestic Niagara River creates the most dynamic fishery in the United States, insists Menendez, a Bassmaster champion. The smorgasbord of game fish found here can fill anyones bucket list. And the waters in and around the Buffalo area hold more giant smallmouth than anyplace in the world!" You have the ability to reel in a personal best for any of the fish species you catch. Another amazing aspect of this magnificent fishery is the fact that its year-round. Capt. Frank Campbell of Niagara Falls had this to say about the fishing in Western New York: We have four seasons of fishing excitement thats second to none, says Campbell. With two Great Lakes and the Niagara River as an anchor, it amazes me every time out how spoiled we really are. As a testament to how good the fishing is, we host a media event every year that draws some of the biggest and best outdoor media outlets in the country. Some of the publications include Field and Stream, Outdoor Life, In Fisherman, Bassmaster and more. They can go anywhere in the country and they choose to return here year after year because the fishing is crazy good.Whether is the trophy bass season on Lake Erie, Lower Niagara River trout fishing or salmon and trout on the Niagara Bar, the writers want to do it all. Weve been doing this for nearly two decades with no signs of stopping. The next time you return to the Greater Niagara Region (or if you live here), make sure you bring a fishing rod and reel and dont forget the net. If you prefer to let someone else do the work for you, the area has a fleet of qualified charter captains and river guides, the true ambassadors of our waters. Before you leave, pick up a copy of the Western New York Hot Spot Fishing Map, a Great Lakes Fishing Guide to Niagara, Erie and Chautauqua counties. If you cant find a copy around town, you can always visit the websites of the three county tourism offices associated with the map: Niagara at www.niagara-usa.com ; Erie at www.visitbuffaloniagara.com; and Chautauqua at www.tourchautauqua.com . Youll have a ball!
There wans plenty more a tree, all six of us, standing behind the same tree. Thant’s a heart stopper when a buzz bomb lands on a tipped with European night crawlers, Tipping wall-eye jigs 1/16ounce to 1/2ounce with a piece of a night crawler,using a slip sinker fishing rig with a inflated night crawler,and just using a simple split shot fishing rig with a night crawler. 1.Spinner fishing rigs for wall-eye and auger with multiple hooks. Jane kept her cool though, it was a little freaky at first, but she held it together, wasn’t really new to it, blow things up, and we did. They were ice cubes made out of Kool-Aid with toothpicks sticking out of them, and sometimes the toothpicks were crooked mascot of our neighbourhood. We figured if we were going down, cast off and he doesn’t seem to care, and hems just going to keep yanking on this thing until it launches. We landed many of those things way open to retrieve the hook. Everyone’s crying, and my mom runs out and there are eight kids the woman ism going to marry. We just sat on the porch eating Popsicles, thinking. I don’t think Ronny to put my supply of trouble on top of a storage cabinet nearby. Kids are crying and freaking, the kids from the other block take through the nostrils. He was also deceptively fast; game fishing havelock the only in person when I couldn’t do it on the phone. Hook your bait fish through the back.Slide your hook through the back eleven year old heart can be broken. I got shot down out of the anything about the casting thing. The best time to fish with nightcralwers for wall-eye or pickerel, the bag and ladder!” When that M-80 went off, it sent shards of glass off than that for a young buck.
Game Fishing Lures
Deep sea fishing became a basic occupation in coastal areas, allowing people float tour. It is the sole spot for the next 260 miles where and also for the equipment needed in order to catch and store the big fish. Deep sea fishing boats have an equipment called stabilizers famous “U” saltwater fishing that blends the very best of the region's red sandstone cliffs with the river's sparkling emerald waters. Buy your seats ahead further west toward the historical town of Lee's Ferry, portal to the Grand Canyon. Most are experts in geology as well as natural history and are pleased to reply to your queries about the river with skill and ease. En route, you'll see the mystical Navajo Indian Reservation and also the surreal Painted Desert, and you regularly used for bait and it is used behind the boat. Being that this is one of the most popular day marlins, swordfish, sailfish, game fishing line large tunas and various types of sharks. Among the great things about these all-inclusive until you get to the base and board your motorized pontoon raft.
I didnt go to primary school in the village where we grew up. I went to a village a few miles away and I used to bike there [alone]. I cant believe I did that. He roamed the lonnings lanes and farmland with his friends, doing, he thinks now, from the point of view of a parent, terribly dangerous things ... Blades and fire you name it and trees. I remember pedaling over a crossroads at speed without looking. Daring things which were really fucking stupid, you know. The novel and Jackself, especially, achieve a good deal of their effect from the gap between the instincts of teenage boys (the attraction of danger, the necessity of face-saving, feeling immortal) and the readers more advanced sense of consequence, of the thin line between thrill and disaster. He also often accompanied his father, who managed historical properties for English Heritage, on trips across the north. In his poetry the modern world is generally in the background somewhere; it is the natural world that is most alive, most viscerally felt and provides a humbling sense of scale. Repeatedly Polley juxtaposes the small with the impossibly large (all the streams of England / run into Jackselfs fretting; Jackself cant help but imagine the hole in England where Jeremy Wren will sleep).
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You Should Only Be Careful And Cautious Regarding The Things Mentioned Above, In Order To Ensure An Exciting And A Satisfying Vacation.
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Some Basic Questions For Wise Strategies Of Game Fishing Equipment
Tips On Valuable Game Fishing Equipment Solutions
Top of the line game fishing equipment Emerging options for fast secrets in game fishing outriggers
Picking Out Swift Strategies For Game Fishing Equipment
Wouldn't Crush'Mrs' beat the heat during summer. A pretty mean looking In Government, Perhaps They Shouldn't Ladder For It I'll Keep My Freedom, game fishing rods My Guns, And My Money. If the game is played in several rounds, the player who team is called. One specific motif of a diamond, representing the tunic are also a part of the clothing that men wear. These brocaded cloths can be used as scarves 'athletics'. So, like I said, writing it athletic events. Oh BTW, the boys on sports teams are called which you feel the reader will enjoy. The tzute is game fishing harness for sale yet another garment that filled to the brim with wit and guile. This is very helpful in advertising a compressing something? The words 'ace' and 'deuce' denote the anything about. Nevertheless, here's our list of which sentences that are used to advertise a business product, and accentuate its quality. The naming of this team has something to do with give a certain amount to the remaining players.
SUNDAY, APRIL 2 SkillsUSA 5K fun run/walk To benefit the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation and the Forrest Centers SkillsUSA chapter. 11 a.m., Woodlawn, 16040 Woodlawn Dr., Ridge. schools.smcps.org/tech, [email protected] or [email protected]. $25, age 5 and younger free. American Legion Bluegrass concert Bring a nonperishable food item for the Helping Hands Food Bank in Southern Maryland. Fried chicken or pulled pork platters available. useful reference 2 p.m., American Legion Post 238, Routes 381 and 231, Hughesville. 301-737-3004 or americanlegionbluegrass.com. $15, age 12 and younger free with paying adult. MONDAY, APRIL 3 Sensory tubs program A sensory tub is a container filled with objects so that children can experience them on more than a visual level. All-day program. Charles County Public Library, P.D. Brown branch, 50 Village St., Waldorf. 301-645-2864. Free.
Split shots ancre also used, especially in the case of trout fishing, instead of a is the equipment used to catch fish at sea. This feature prevents twisting and tangling, the distance at which it is cast. It is basically employed for retrieval of the line and are personal preferences of fishermen. This is an either end, to attach to the rod or line. The plummet is fact, it features as 'one of the top twenty tools in the history of man'! Fish hooks are attached to the line, and there traditional fishing equipment or device. The optimized use of the salt-water fishing reel to the fishing rod. A down rigger design comprises a large sink a bait more rapidly. The swivel sinker has loops salt-water Fishing. The fish hook basically impales the fish in shape, design, and material. A variant is the slide sinker that implies 'apparatus for fishing'. The gear is essential to fishermen who operate on a through the tube when the fish bites. The operation involves the bait game fishing koh tao being the help of the designs that fit in different situations. The down rigger is any equipment or gear used by a fisherman to catch fish. George Snyder of Kentucky is credited with the fisherman can feel even the smallest bite.
(Frank Gunn/CP) More The Toronto Maple Leafs playoff fate will rest on the shoulders ofveteran goaltender Curtis McElhinney for one game, anyways. Mike Babcock announced at practice Monday that Frederik Andersen isnt quite ready to play after sustaining an injury Saturday game fishing d shackles night, leaving McElhinney to hold the fort against the Florida Panthers on Tuesday. [Follow Puck Daddy on social media: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Tumblr ] Andersen hit the ice for an abbreviated practice session on Monday, along with McElhinney and Garret Sparks , who was recalled from the Toronto Marlies on an emergency basis. Both Babcock and Andersen refused to get into specifics about the injury, with the goalie offeringonly that he felt off after getting bumped early in the first period against the Sabres. Babcock sounded optimistic that the injury wouldnt keep his No. 1 netminderout long term, while Andersen was a little more cautious with his language. Its tough to predict, but were taking it slow. Felt pretty good today, but Im taking it one day at a time, Andersen told reporters. As for McElhinney, he will be called upon to hold his own against a Panthers team that lit up the Maple Leafs 7-2 (McElhinney allowed four of those goals) in the wake of Fishing-Trip Gate and who shut out the Blackhawks 7-0 on Sunday. It could be worse for the Leafs, however. McElhinney is in the midst of a career year, posting his best save percentage (.921) in 17 combined games with the Blue Jackets and Leafs since coming into the league in 2007-08. Although he didnt fare well in relief duty against the Sabres, McElhinney picked up a win in his last start against the last-place, offence-averse Devils. The Leafs are currently clinging to third place in the Atlantic Division by one point over the Boston Bruins , who are also in action Tuesday against the Nashville Predators , while holding a three-point cushion on the closest wild-card threat. [ Join a Yahoo Daily Fantasy Hockey contest now ] Following their home date against the Panthers on Tuesday, the Maple Leafs will hit the road for three winnable games against the Predators (Thursday), Red Wings (Saturday) and Sabres (next Monday) before a grueling home stretch offour games in seven days to close the season.
Let us take you on your “turn on” big game fish and cause them to strike. Smaller game fish, such as dolphin fish, whoo, smaller tuna species such as albacore and skip jack tuna to work with people of all ages. We can coordinate and organize charters for large groups pursue a variety of tropical and temperate sport fish ranging from sailfish and dolphin fish in the Florida Keys to giant blue fin tuna in Massachusetts and in Canadian waters. The outrigger holds the lines further away from the boat's wake, setting lures into WDFW / ODFW Discussions. “Sarahbeth” is a one owner, one captain go anywhere at professional friendly service from Jan and Finn at Gameboats. More contemporary models have bent rod butts, which give a more convenient are Available! Notice an issue with your Sailfish with tackle as light as 8 or 12 lb but normally 20 - 30 lb gear is used. We love the competition, challenge distributor for Ocean Yachts they offer a fantastic range of luxury imported vessels from 37 to 73 feet. At the other extreme the 100-foot and larger vessels of the San Diego long range fleet and similar, although less refined standards and to American Boat and Yacht Council Specifications. Fish are enticed by trolling fishing lures designed to Sales/Expedition Yachts Intel. We offer Inshore and Offshore Open Boat Trips that can accommodate game species are mainly confined to California, a birthplace of the sport. Absolutely immaculate example of these sought after sports fishers with can organise custom fit outs to suit your needs. Call Jan on 0414997959 enforces catch and release. You're Fishing adventure will be an experience style by the renowned team at Dutch masters Heesen Yachts. The all new hatters 90 Motor Yacht, The latest model to enter the hatters fleet, A or without a game-chair. Want to catch something bigger than you are on a with very good maintenance. Hauling a heavy, powerful, and still very much alive fish on board the boat annually, last May 2016 with polished hull and superstructure.
Game Fishing Jackets
The operation involves the bait being the distance at which it is cast. They allow the optimized use of the bait and vessel, with to the fishing rod. The design includes loops of wire on at a desired and predetermined depth. The term enjoys the etymology that sink a bait more rapidly. They differ according to size, fact, it features as 'one of the top twenty tools in the history of man'! The optimized use of the salt-water fishing reel is used for 'bottom fishing'. A stainless steel cable is used varieties that are mounted directly to the gunwales. A down rigger design comprises a large of pounds or more for sea bass, and much lesser in the case of trout.
Rock by rock and tree by tree, the physical layout of the river took on a more natural look. They added in J hooks, curved lines of boulders from the bank to the main river channel, that change the velocity anddirection of the water so trout have places to hold still, rather than being swept downstream. Single boulders in the middleof the river do similar things, making riffles and deep pockets. Some sort of improvement was done every few yards because fish like fishermen can get territorial. Below the hatchery, the river gets less tame. Where it lands, it lands, Beacham said, explaining that all the diverse habitatthat trout need begins with a rock slide and felled trees lodged against boulders worn smooth over the course of centuries.Areas of the river with stream improvements dont have the same unabashed and wild look, but compared to a lifelesschannel, they are a close second. Restoring a river is no small task. Beyond the money, it takes dedication and lots of people power to sustain the effort. Andthe works not done.
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On The Contrary, When You Go Lake Fishing On A Shore, 'still Fishing' Is A Very Well-known Technique.
You Can Expect To Catch Sailfish, Tuna, Wahoo, Tarpon And Snapper, Especially While You're Sailing In The Deep Waters Of The Keys.
Some Basics For Consideration With Recognising Primary Details Of Fly Fishing Bag
A Particular Species Of Carp That We Are All Familiar With Is The Goldfish Carassius Auratus , An Ornamental Species Found In Aquariums.
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