katy-l-wood · 5 years
capsampotter replied to your post “I stayed up late last night to watch the last episode of Good Omens. I...”
I did the same thing :)
It is the first Tumblr Obsession(TM) in a while that I’ve actually agreed with the level of hype for. The others recently just haven’t done it for me. But this one was a delight.
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dancing-heart-pony · 7 years
Hi, do you know by any chance who is going to be at Markiplier and friends panel? Is Jack going to join Tyler, Bob, Wade, Ethan and Mark ?
I’m not sure. I really hope Jack joins them!
Jack has also mentioned before that he might invite Mark to be on his solo panel some time, but idk if that’d be this one necessarily.
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soysaucevictim · 4 years
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Full view is definitely recommended.
This doozy comes with a short fic, courtesy of my friend who helped seeded this nonsense in my brain (just for the corpse flower version, with light editing).... pffft.
Remus ran up to Roman and very excitedly shouted, "Roman - Roman, my brother! I want to show you something!"
Roman looked at him suspiciously but remembered that Logan said it was simpler to acknowledge his existence to get him to go away. He acquiesced, "Oh, alright."
Remus took Roman into his mindspace and showed him the flower he had been growing. Roman stepped into the room and immediately caught a whiff of a horrifying scent.
Remus smiled widely, "My FAVORITE FLOWER, of course!"
Roman looked aghast, "What is the name of a flower that provides such a horrible stench?"
Remus’s face twisted further into a Cheshire cat smile and proudly exclaimed, "The corpse flower!"
"Why would you grow such a horrible... thing?"
Remus looked clearly upset. "Brother, I spent seven years taking care of this Amorphallus titanum just so you could smell it yourself. Do you not appreciate the work I put into sharing my favorite flower with you?"
Roman reflexively punched Remus in the face. To which, Remus shortly followed with a declaration, "Of course you realize, this means WAR."
Remus then ripped the flower from its pot, wielding it against Roman. Roman reacted in kind, by brandishing his katana. This is the scene moments before the fighting started in earnest.
There’s a few more spicier/saucier versions that exist (the original concept we had)... just had to think about where I should/could post them. :,D
And also, I intend to edit down all the stream footage for this project, for peeps who might be interested in seeing it. It’s gonna take awhile, though. :P
I’m tagging these people since they engaged with my stream links and/or WIP posts (and appear to like SaSi stuff a lot): @sure-i-exist, @aurorarosesposts, @aprincehasgotoslay, @damianjanuspendragon, @modern-day-kai-n, @capsampotter, @beetlewine-art, @pattonflowerlesbian666, @sanderssidesocfanstuff, @crazydemigod666, @sanders-sides-rebloger, @m-o-o-n-f-i-r-e, @honest0cabbage, @no-no-no-no-6​, @vicdehart​, @heyitsflora​, @glitz-glam-and-angst​, @deepknighteggpony​, @royalitea-bean​, @winnerwinnerbirthdaydinner​, @the-turtle-prince​, @to-many-hotpockets​, @bluebandedagate-reblogs​, @cemmy​, @passionateaboutponies​, @roman-sanders-protection-squad​, @justyour-average-snekboy​, @percy3potter7​, @biroace02​, @leethesheep​, @sunnycoins
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theycallmebol · 8 years
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I did this like the video you showed me yesterday because I had to 
I hope you have an awesome birthday!!!
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naruniverse · 8 years
RULES: Tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better!!
Thank you @lampurple for tagging me ! :)
I’m embarassing at tagging people but here we go (if you don’t want to do it or did it already, it’s fine) : @aishizaya ; @joouheika ; @lemonly2no ; @aleafinatyphoon ; @nikixxforov ; @taichibanana ; @capsampotter ; @huey-newton ; @xthugkwonx ; @eli-ereri​ ❀
Name: Ася / Assia (I’m french tho) Nickname: naru Gender: genderfluid (pretty much demiboy) Star Sign: Cancer ♋ Height: 165cm (5′5″ ?) Sexual Orientation: polysexual Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Favorite color: Orange (rainbow) Favorite animal: Foxes ! & cats (& raccoons & red pandas & ...) Average hours of sleep: I need like 10 (~12?) but sleep around 7~8 or less. Cat or Dog Person: Cat (but probably both tbh - I like big dogs) Favorite Fictional Characters: Eren, Mikorin, Mayu, Karamatsu (& the bros), Reigen, Prompto, Alibaba... I have a lot so here are just the ones I’m currently thinking about the most. Number of blankets I sleep with:  Usually one, around 4~5 when it’s cold. Favorite singer/band: Queen, B1A4, BIGBANG, Sia, FT Island, Troye Sivan; ONE OK ROCK... and more I guess. I also like listening to OSTs or instrumental/classical music a lot for my brain and inspiration. Dream trip: I came to Japan already but want to / will go back so... Korea, Canada, New Zealand, Thailand... pretty much the whole world tbh (where I can without allergy risks). Dream job: Voice actor, author, something fashion/art related/creative or private detective (lol). I just want a job I like. When Was The Blog Created: 2013/07 Current number of followers: 500 lol When did your blog reach its peak? When I was here more often, around end of 2013 and 2014 I guess?  What made you decide to make this Tumblr? Artists and the snk fandom.
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petr1kov · 8 years
Hi, how are you? Do you read Mob Psycho 100?
I haven’t caught up with the manga, yet, but I did watch the anime, and I loved it! I think I like it even more than One Punch Man, actually.
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forassgard · 9 years
capsampotter replied to your post: whoop whoop
So cute :)
blamesteve replied to your post: whoop whoop
you’re so pretty ily
ek spluh rey shuhn replied to your post: whoop whoop
you’re a cutie pie ♥
neiptune replied to your post: whoop whoop
gdi you’re all too nice for my own good ;__;  *hugs* thankss
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thewitchers · 10 years
What do you think about new book? Is there going to be "The Witcher" made by Bagiński? WHEN?
What. New book? Baginski? WHAT? jeezz i know nothing…
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terrypratchett · 10 years
Cry with me. Cry with me because somebody we loved died. I don't know you but you understand mine pain. I really need somebody to understand how much I love World he created. It was real to me, right next to me. I knew Vetinari and Rincewind and Vimes ... and I was happy while reading about them.
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ocaptainmycap · 11 years
I was tagged by sasstielspn!
Rule 1: Always post the rules.
Rule 2: Answer the questions of the person who tagged you and write 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to the post.
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them.
What’s your favourite thing about yourself? Uh.. I guess I'm a good friend
What’s your favourite thing about your family? They're just freaking awesome!
What country do you live in? The Netherlands, but I will be moving to Malaysia in 7 weeks
If you could dine with any celebrity (just dinner sorry) who would it be? BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH
If you could sleep with any celebrity, who would it be? BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH
If you could do any job and get paid loads for it, what would you do? Review Movies or something like that
What would your chosen superpower be? Mind reading
What’s the most important thing you look for in a partner? Humor and Empathy
Favourite tv show? does SuperWhoLock count as one?
Favourite thing about the way you look? Uhh.. probably my eyes
Favourite thing about tumblr? That everyone is accepted, no matter who you are. I really felt at home here.
11 questions for the ones I tag
1. favourite blog?
2. Favourite country?
3. Who's your celebrity crush?
4. Favourite food?
5. In what fiction world would you like to live?
6. Which books/movies were a big part of your childhood?
7. What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done
8. have you ever cosplayed? and if so; who did you cosplay as?
9 biggest regret
10. how would you label yourself?
11. Do you have any special talents? 
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stevetonyfeels · 12 years
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Yeah Steve/Tony like every other day. 
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stevetonyfeels · 12 years
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Already answered this but I'll say another: 
Loki/Hawkeye. It kind of creeps me out :/
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stevetonyfeels · 12 years
oh and this one is good: Any fandom you’re ashamed of being in?
Eh not really. I mean, really the only fandom I'm supper into is Marvel and I'm not ashamed of that. 
Maaaaybe a little ashamed that I've started shipping Bond/Q after Skyfall but not THAT ashamed of it lol 
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stevetonyfeels · 12 years
Is there anything you used to like, but now can’t stand?
When the whole superfamily thing started I thought it was cute and was into it and then it god crazy and became this THING. I think it has died down now (or maybe I just don't go looking for it) so I can enjoy the odd fic or fanart but yeah. 
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stevetonyfeels · 12 years
What is your biggest dream ?
I want to eat a McRib and a Shamrock Shake together. Those two are rarely available at the same limited time.
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