altaroracleguidance · 2 years
Hii dear ❤️ how are you doing ❤️
Myself capriate
Where do you see me in a year from now , like will my hardwork pay off .?
Thank you ❤️❤️
Hi Capriate! I'm Alexandra and I'll be completing your reading today 🦋
9 of Swords Reversed – This card suggests that right now, you are extremely anxious about your success. You worry that your hard work won’t be ‘enough’, and that you will ultimately fail or miss out on the outcome you are hoping for. However, this card is in the reversed position, which suggests that very soon, your anxiety will be overcome and resolved. Soon, you WILL experience the success and rewards you are hoping for, putting your mind at ease, and paving the way for a bright future.
The Moon – This card suggests that right now, there are some things which are ‘unknown’. This is likely a huge contributor to your anxiety, as you worry about the ‘unknown’ turning out negative. For instance, you may be waiting on some results, unsure if they will be successful. Or, you may be waiting to see how a relationship or friendship turns out, unsure whether you are capable of sustaining a connection with this person. Whatever the case may be, it seems you are anticipating some news/ waiting to see how things play out. Naturally, this is going to cause some stress, as you wonder if the outcome will be positive or negative.
5 of Swords Reversed – This card again confirms that you WILL achieve success. There will be a positive outcome. If you are anticipating how a romance or friendship will turn out, be rest assured that your efforts and dedication will pay off. You can trust this person, and they will being great happiness, support, and benefit to your life. Similarly, if you are awaiting career or academic results, expect success, as the professionals will be generous and wish to help you progress in your livelihood! ❤️
I hope this reading was insightful for you lovely! As an energy exchange, I would really appreciate it if you could leave feedback in the comments of this post, or in the comments of my pinned post. You won't be able to get another reading until you do! Since this is a side blog, we won't be able to respond to your comment, but we will definitely see it!
If you haven't already, don't forget to follow this blog, and reblog the pinned post to help me reach more people! 💕
If you're interested in a more indepth paid reading at any time, I accept donations of any amount. Please submit an 'ask' if you are interested in this, and we will direct you in the next steps 🔮
Thank you so much for your support ❤️
- Alexandra
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project3x5 · 1 year
Bologna Farmhouse Sunroom
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Ideas for a significant cottage sunroom renovation
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wistfulwisp · 1 year
Hii dear ❤️ how are you doing ❤️
Myself capriate ❤️ she
Interesting fact- i love animals
What is the future of my relationship with jhin ?
Thank you 🙏
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The artist in reverse, much like the well, is another major arcana that is found within the specific deck but it’s not found within traditional tarot decks. It’s a card of creation or the process of creating something new, and being able to admire it as a work in progress, as well as a full portrayal of someone’s passion. In a relationship reading this card in reverse can typically indicate a difficulty seeing a work in progress as a beautiful thing, especially if there is an end goal in mind or an expectation that is not being that if this is something you connect with know that his card encourages you to see each step forward as a major achievement, and to not belittle or diminish any progress that is made in your relationship. Otherwise, this card can also indicate growing individually as your own artist and growing as a collective, while also being able to admire everyone else’s work. if you find that you are having difficulty making fair comparisons between your journey in life and your partner’s journey in life, This card encourages you to celebrate the two of you growing together, as well as the two of you growing as independent human beings.
One thing I do like to say about asking for future cards is know that nothing is ever set in stone. even if this is not an outcome that you agree with, or would like to see know that you always have the power to change your path.
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sayitalianolearns · 2 months
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kendrilybee · 1 year
Hii dear ❤️ how are you doing ❤️
Myself capriate (she)
What is the future of my relationship with jhin, like is he the one for me?
Thank you 🙏
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Hello Capriate. I drew the High Priestess, 3 of Wands and the 5 of Cups.
These make me think your own heart knows the truth clearer than I do. The High Priestess is about trusting your intuition and inner power, the 5 of Cups advises a moment of self reflection before action, and the 3 of Wands tells you to seek help/advice if you need it.
All the best, Kendra
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freeoraclereadings · 1 year
Hii dear ❤️ can I have another reading pls 🙏
Myself capriate
Where do you see me in 2-3 months from now, like will my hardwork pay off?
Thank you 🙏
Im gonna have to wait a bit. I'm relaxing at the moment. I'll do it on live if that's okay with you.
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inarismessenger1 · 1 year
Hii dear ❤️ how are you doing ❤️
Myself capriate
My birthday is on 28 July 2003
Can I have a free reading pls
Where do you see me in like 4-5 months from now, like will my hardwork pay off?
Thank you ❤️
I'm doing great thank you for asking! How about yourself?
I apologize for the wait I just had a lot going on yesterday and today but I was finally able to complete your reading!
✨Your hard work will definitely pay off and you will be assured of material gain.
✨ You will be successful and you may become materialistic and worldly but that leads to nowhere in particular.
✨ You will receive gifts, legacy and/or inheritance
✨ be wary because receiving these things in life can make you miserly and ungenerous.
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troybeecham · 1 year
Today the Church remembers St. Alexander of Bergammo.
Ora pro nobis.
Before the commencement of the Diocletianic Persecution in 303 AD, both Galerius and Maximian in the West inaugurated, on their own responsibility, a crusade against Christianity and sought particularly to remove all Christians from the armies. St. Alexander was one of the victims of this persecution. He was a survivor of the decimation (the killing of every tenth man) ordered by Maximian against the Theban Legion. After the decimation, he escaped to Milan. (St. Maurice and the largely Christian Theban Legion refused orders to kill local Christians and Maximian commanded the decimation of the Legion. After refusing a second command to kill local Christians after the decimation, a second decimation was ordered by Maximian. When St. Maurice refused, ha and the entire legion were executed.)
At Milan, Alexander was recognized and imprisoned, and it was demanded that he renounce his Christian faith. However, he was visited in jail by Saint Fidelis and Bishop Saint Maternus. With the help of Fidelis, Alexander managed to escape. Alexander fled to Como but was captured again.
Brought back to Milan, he was once more condemned to death by decapitation. However, the executioner's arms went stiff during the execution. He was imprisoned again, but Alexander once again managed to escape and ended up in Bergamo after passing through Fara Gera d'Adda and Capriate San Gervasio. At Bergamo, he was the guest of the lord Crotacius, who bid him to hide from his persecutors. However, Alexander decided to become a preacher instead and converted many natives of Bergamo, including Firmus and Rusticus, who were later martyred. Alexander was once again captured, tortured to induce him to renounce Jesus, and was finally decapitated on August 26, 303 AD, on the spot now occupied by the church of San Alessandro in Colonna.
Almighty God, who gave to your servant Alexander boldness to confess the Name of our Savior Jesus Christ before the rulers of this world, and courage to die for this faith: Grant that we may always be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in us, and to suffer gladly for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.
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Hii dear ❤️ how are you doing ❤️
Myself capriate
What is the future of my relationship with kartik, like we went on a date , it was incredible, so am wondering what are his feelings for me like after our date?
Thank you ❤️❣️
I think he likes you well enough? There's romantic potential there and communication seems fairly easy for the two of you which is helpful. He may be a bit traditional or looking for commitment, but if that's not an issue it seems like the date went well on his end too and you may be going out again. Seeing as this seems like a first date the relationship could really go anywhere, so getting to know each other more is probably the key step at this point.
Good luck! I hope everything goes well💚
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beloved-calypso · 2 years
Hii dear ❤️ congratulations 🎉🎉
Am here for the game
Myself capriate
Sun sign leo
Is kartik the one for me?
Thank you ❤️
[3 of wands (rx)]
No. I don't sense that the relationship will be a long-lasting one. I'm guessing this person is not ready for anything serious. They could still be figuring their own life out or are just bad planners for the future, in the sense that they dont have any real commitments or goals. They act too casual and loose and refuse to take things seriously. They may be stuck in a stunted, young-persons mindset.
Thanks for playing! 😘
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tarotwithavi · 2 years
Hi, I'm a tarot reader here and i've decided to inform other readers about energy vampires, people who ask the same question to dozens other blogs. It really saddens me when I give my time and energy to give a reading only to 1-not even get a feedback or a thank you and 2-seeing the same person asked another reader the exact same thing.
One of those people are tumblr user moomoobug (or madison, or M.M initials) who keeps asking about how her crush feels about her (her crush is a KPOP idol, not someone she actually met and interacted with) and also the account capu2003 (goes by capriate)
Please spread the message and if you recognized any other blogs as well who do this.
Oh my! Thank you so much for informing me!
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gnaga37 · 1 year
just built the most beautiful capriate in minecraft :3c
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Hii dear ❤️ how are you doing ❤️
Myself capriate. am a she
What do dieties want to tell me?
Thank you ❤️
Hiya love
You need to add more creativity in your life. Explore , have fun . Focus on your work or studies (important parts of life ) but make sure you have enough time to relax and have fun. - Hermes & aphrodite
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alaezasmystery235 · 2 years
Mood board for you
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My name capriate
Moon sign cancer
Password 13331
Thank you ❤️
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・❥・I'm on this amazing adventure with you , I'm also being flooded with signs and syncs.
・❥・Nobody affects me like you do , everything you say amd do reaches my heart and soul .
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ʚɞ feedback is mandatory
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2hotwing · 2 years
Hi, I'm a tarot reader here and i've decided to inform other readers about energy vampires, people who ask the same question to dozens other blogs. It really saddens me when I give my time and energy to give a reading only to 1-not even get a feedback or a thank you and 2-seeing the same person asked another reader the exact same thing.
One of those people are tumblr user moomoobug (or madison, or M.M initials) who keeps asking about how her crush feels about her (her crush is a KPOP idol, not someone she actually met and interacted with) and also the account capu2003 (goes by capriate)
Please spread the message and if you recognized any other blogs as well who do this.
Oh thanks for letting me know! I sadly don’t know if any other blogs/people that may also be energy vampires but I appreciate the information! I hope you have a good year! ^-^
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wombat-witch · 2 months
hii dear am capriate , am asking this question on behalf of my bf nirlesh(scorpion), he wants to know how will be this internship season for him , do u see any growth aur cahnces of him getting any ? thank you so much
Hello! For your reading I drew two cards from my Forager's Daughter tarot one for his internship and the other for possible growth.
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The first card I drew was Death. A card indicating the end of one path, a sudden upheaval in either ideas or beliefs, Death is both an end and a beginning. The internship season may not go to plan, and instead lead to other ideas or possibles. The second card a drew was the Empress, a card of nurture and abundance. Paired with the Death card, I believe the message it is trying to convey is when such sudden changes or ends happen, take time to ponder and nurture the new ideas or outcomes that may present themselves, as doing so will lead to growth. Of course, this is just one outcome and what the cards say is not set in stone. I hope this helps.
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