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darsynia · 2 years ago
Awesome! I think I sent an ask about the 3 words one, picking Tony/Reader and 'Are you mine?" which I'm excited about, but I'll be real with you, I know it said 'please message me if I don't respond in 24 hours' but I was like... worried about being a pest? So I didn't. BUT. Definitely writing that and one of these (not sure which yet, embarrassment of riches :D) Thanks for making the challenges 💚
cappy’s foreverwriting challenge
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(thanks to @donutloverxo​​ for the banner, i love you!)
Okay so this is how the challenge is going to work;
use the link #cappysforeverchallenge so i can track down the fics
There’s no limit how many prompts you can chose!
you dont have to follow me (but of course, it would be lovely)
but i would love to be tagged in the fic you write
Either you can write out the prompt for your own fic OR you can give me a prompt and a pairing and I can write it out myself! (you will be tagged in the A/N at the start of the fic)
This is a never ending challenge 
No due dates 
You can write for whomever you chose as long as they are marvel characters!
once a fic has been given to me, they will be placed in a masterlist
Multiple people can chose the same prompt,
some prompts are in multiple spots because i think they fit in different categories
Keep reading
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kjs-s · 2 years ago
A party we will always remember
Pairing: Yelena Belova x reader
Summary: Yelena meets the reader at Clint’s daughter’s birthday party
 Word Count: 1422
Warnings: none I can think of
Prompts: “My friend thinks you’re cute.”
“I used to babysit his kids.”
A/N This is my first entry for @caplanbuckybarnes's  foreverwriting challenge.
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Normally you would loathe being invited to a birthday party in the middle of the day. Especially on a Saturday in April considering everyone there would stay for a long time. However, you couldn't say no to neither Lila nor Clint. She had made you a thoughtful and sweet hand-written paper invitation and they had delivered it themselves to Lila’s ''favorite neighbor and babysitter''. You live just a five-minute walk from their farm and you used to spend a lot of time in the Barton household when the kids were younger. They adored you and considered you a part of the family. Those were the reasons you found yourself walking towards their house holding three bags. You wanted to give gifts to all the kids to make them happy.
Upon arriving at the farm you noticed Laura had gone all out with the decorations and activities. She had set up a table where the kids could make crafts to take home with them after the party; she organized a place where anyone could play card games and a little treasure hunt for when most people would have arrived.
''(Y/N) you made it. ''Nathaniel ran over to you and almost knocked you over making you protect the gifts from falling down.
''Of course, I made it cookie monster.'' You laughed at his expression when he remembered the reason you had given him that nickname. Laura had barred him from the kitchen for two weeks following that disaster.
''I wouldn't miss Lila's birthday, nor the chance to see you all again. Your dad promised me I can team up with him for the treasure hunt.'' He seemed upset by it so you immediately came up with something to cheer him up ''But I prefer you as a partner, clearly. We will decide on that later. Why don't you show me where to put these?'' You raised the bag towards him.
He took you to the kitchen where Laura and Lila were still making some sweets and you put the gifts on a table.
''Hi everyone, the two small ones are for the boys. I had put cards on them. What can I do to help here?'' The two women greeted you.
''Come here to help me. I am just putting sprinkles on those.'' Lila showed you the chocolate pops she had made. You gave her a hug and helped her with everything she needed.
After everything was set Clint came over with two young girls in tow. Both of them were gorgeous, the brunette was smiling at you and the blonde seemed like she was studying you. Clint thanked you for your help and introduced you to Kate and Yelena. Kate was friendly to you but Yelena remained a little cold towards you. You hoped she was just like that to all new people and not just to you. Despite that, you planned to try talking to her later on.
After a while, you were catching up with Lila on a TV show you were both watching when Kate interrupted you.
'''So (Y/N) it was nice to finally meet you. Clint has told me a lot of things about you.''
''Same here, I loved the story of how you adopted the adorable dog I saw earlier. Is it ok if I go and pet him and the other one afterward?'' You wanted to ask permission from the moment you spotted them in the backyard.
''Of course, the girl who is keeping an eye on them wouldn't mind. Mine is Lucky and the other is Fanny. She's my friend's who by the way is the reason I'm here right now. She thinks you're cute and hopes you like girls. Your face turned hot with embarrassment and you looked over at her.
''Then maybe I should go and talk to her. I will take her a drink. Does she prefer orange or cranberry?'' You looked around the makeshift bar for two glasses to put juice in.
''Either is fine. Go ahead.'' You took a while to decide while trying to make yourself less nervous about striking up a conversation with someone as pretty as Yelena.
''Hi, I'm (Y/N), Clint introduced us earlier. You're Yelena right?'' You put down both drinks in front of her so she would pick the one she wanted.
''Yes, that's right. One of those for me?'' She pointed to the glasses.
''Take which one you want. So how do you know Clint?''
She thought for a second before replying.
''Through my sister. What about you?''
''I used to babysit his kids. I live close by so they were over every time Laura needed some help...Wait, your sister? You are Natasha's sister?''
''I am. Did you know her?'' She felt a little sad talking about Natasha with someone she just met but she managed to hide it from you.
''I met her the first time when the whole team was here. And then a few more times after that. She was always lovely to me. You must be proud of her for saving the world.''
''She did and I am. Thank you for saying that.'' She drank from the orange juice you had brought over.
 ''Sorry for ruining your mood. That wasn't a good conversation topic for the first time talking to someone.
''It's fine. I didn't mind it. So you mentioned living close. Do you by any chance mean the little house I drove by with the swings and the tree house up front?''
''Exactly, the one west from here.'' You pointed the wrong way. That made Yelena smile but she didn't correct you about your house actually being in the east.
''It came with those so I left them there for Lila and Cooper when they were over. And for myself when I need to clear my head.''
''It's a cute house. It reminds me of the first house I lived in, in Ohio. I used to have a swing just like that one.''
''I always wanted one as a kid but we lived in a house with no yard. So now, I am using it to remind me of one of my childhood dreams.''
''I like that. Maybe I will use it too next time I visit. If you let me that is. ''Yelena smiled at you and realized that she probably never felt more anxious than when she asked permission for something.
''Any time you want to.'' You tried to think of something else to say but thankfully you were interrupted by Lila announcing the start of the treasure hunt. You suggested teaming up with Yelena and you went to Lila to receive the first clue.
Teaming up with a black widow was the right decision because you managed to find the hidden box with party favors in no time. You and Yelena took some of the candy and gave the rest away to some of the kids.
''Why don't we walk around for a little while we wait for Lila to blow out her candles?'' Yelena suggested but you had a better idea.
''We can go and play with the dogs instead. Kate already gave me permission to play with Lucky.''
''I would love that. Let's go.''
You two spent almost half an hour with the dogs before Kate called you over to attend the cake-cutting. And after having your pieces of the cake you went back to playing. When you noticed everyone else had left you sadly started saying goodbye to Yelena.
You exchanged numbers and promised to stay in touch.
You told your goodbyes to the family and thanked them for the invite. Yelena then insisted on driving you home to not let you walk back so late at night and to spend some more time with you.
''Thank you for driving me. I had a great time today.''
''So did I. I'm glad Kate made me come along with her. But don't let her know that.''
''I have a feeling she can already tell. But don't worry, your secret is safe with me.''
''I appreciate that.'' She smiled and put her hand on your arm. You both felt your hearts racing knowing that you would see each other again soon. Neither wanted to be more forward just yet. She gave you a quick hug and left after promising to call you to arrange a date.
You stayed in front of your house for a while after she drove away trying to contemplate meeting someone that amazing and imagining what your first date would be like.
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lillywillow · 2 years ago
Rise To Power
Summary: After the sudden death of your mother the queen, it is now your responsibility to run the kingdom and protect it from a royal from another kingdom hellbent on war.
 Word Count: 1829
 Pairings: Teen!Loki x Teen!Female Reader
 Warnings: Violence, blood, death, mentions of war, angst
 A/N: Set in a Royal!AU, written for @caplanbuckybarnes  cappy’sforeverchallenge using the prompt “You’re a traitor to your country.”
 It shouldn’t have been this way. At your age, you should have been going to balls, dancing with cute boys and still learning the things you needed to know to run the kingdom, not actually running it. Last night, your mother had been slain in battle although, to call it a battle would have been an understatement. It was more of an ambush; killed by a member of the Asgardian royal family. As the dawn rose on a new day, you had been coronated in a rushed ceremony. Now it was up to you to decide Asgard’s fate.
 As you sat in your room, you looked out the window with so many thoughts going through your mind. Your mother was dead. You were now queen. The king of Asgard was waiting in the dungeons as you had to decide what to do with him and his country. The Asgardians had come to your kingdom in order to sign a sanctioned peace treaty and put a stop to stop the attacks on your kingdom that had been going on for centuries but then your mother was murdered, sparking an upheaval of fury.
 “My lady Queen?”
 The voice pulled you out of your thoughts. You blinked a few times. Funny, that was the first time you heard your official title.
 “The High Council are waiting for you,” a servant informed you.
 “I… I will be right there.”
 You took a few moments to splash some cold water in your face in an attempt to make your skin look less puffy from crying.
 Once you were ready, you went to meet the council. By the time you had entered the room, chaos had already erupted. Half the room arguing peace and the other half wanting war.
 “Silence!” you demanded, taking your place at the table.
 The room went quiet at your commanding tone.
 “Bring me the Asgardian king.”
 Within moments, King Odin was brought to you in chains and the guard pushed him to his knees in front of you.
 “Why did you kill my mother?” you asked, your voice sounding much fiercer than you were feeling inside.
 “Your Majesty, I didn’t order the attack. I regret to inform you it was my daughter. I have seen the error of my war-mongering ways but Hela believes otherwise…”
 “Lies! Your Majesty, say the word and I shall render his head from his shoulders!” General Thunderbolt Ross snarled, hand on his sword.
 “You are a fool and just as war-hungry as he once was! We should be signing the peace treaty and put an end to the fighting!” Queen Niamh argued.
 The room once again delved into anarchy until a voice softly broke through the shouting.
 “The decision should be left to Queen Y/N,” the black-haired Asgardian prince spoke up. “It is her kingdom and her opinion should be the most important.”
 You smiled a little at him. Out of all the people at the table, he was the only one to actually acknowledge you as a person.
 “Silence, boy! We’re not about to leave our fate in the hands of a grieving child!” Ross shouted.
 Now you were angry.
 “Enough! I am the queen now and you will show me the same respect you showed to my mother.”
 Ross flinched and sank back in his chair.
 “I will make this decision… You will… have my answer by the end of the day.”
 With that, you left the table and returned to your room. This was a huge judgement to be placed on your shoulders but what were you to do? The meeting with the Council made it clear to you they still saw you as a child incapable of making your own choices. You had to prove to them you were ready to be queen but how? You spent so long grappling with all the noisy thoughts swirling around your brain when you heard a knock on the door. To your surprise, standing on the other side was the young prince who stood up for you, holding a tray with hot tea, things to add and a few nibbles on it.
 “I thought you might like this…” he said, giving you the tray. “I apologise if I spoke out of turn earlier.”
 He bowed to you and was about to leave but you stopped him.
 “Wait, please… come and join me, um… I never got your name…”
 “I am Prince Loki of Asgard,” he replied with another formal bow.
 You invited him into your room. Your mother would have found it quite scandalous to find a boy there… Your mother…
 You couldn’t hold back a fresh wave of tears. Loki placed the tray on a nearby desk and hugged you, rubbing your back.
 “I’m sorry you have to see me like this… M-maybe the Council were right… maybe I’m not ready to be queen,” you sobbed.
 “No, they were being unfair to you. It’s unfair that all of this should be put on you…”
 You stayed a little while in Loki’s arms before pulling away.
 “Thank you, Loki,” you softly smiled.
 Loki pulled a clean handkerchief out of his pocket for you so you could wipe your face and calm down a little. You handed it back to him when you were finished and began pacing the room.
 “I just wish I knew the right thing to do… If I choose peace, they will think I’m weak and unworthy of being queen. If I choose war, many innocent people will die… I have to think what is best for my people… If… If I took down Hela…”
 That could be the key but how? Your mother was very experienced in battle but she was no match for the Asgardian princess.
 “You must use trickery and kill her,” Loki stated, pouring you a cup of tea.
 You were quite surprised by his rather cold-hearted suggestion on his sister.
 “But… she’s your family…”
 “Adopted family. I came to find I was adopted by Odin after the war on Jotunheim and my induction into the Asgardian royal family brought peace between the two kingdoms… Growing up, I was far closer to my adopted brother Thor than I was to Hela. I fear Thor will go down the same path if Hela’s behaviour is allowed to continue… She must be stopped by any means necessary.”
 As Loki handed you the cup, you stared into its contents.
 “You’ve given this a lot of thought,” you idly stated.
 “When you have grown up with her cruelty, you try to imagine how much life would improve if she were gone.”
 You took a sip of your tea deep in thought.
 “And… how would you go about it?”
 Loki took a dagger from his belt and showed it to you. The blade was impeccably made and thin enough to fit between a pair of ribs.
 “My sister may be strong but she is arrogant. Her armour lacks protection where it should… You should be able to see the difference between the soft parts if you get close enough…”
 You placed your cup of tea down and picked up the knife, carefully examining it.
 “You’re sure about this?” you quietly asked, running your finger over the decorative engraving on the blade.
 “Positive. Just be clear that this is not an act of war between our kingdoms nor an act of revenge,” Loki clarified.
 You nodded slowly. As much as you wanted revenge and in a sense, you would be achieving it, you could not afford to look reckless in front of the Council or your people.
 “Thank you, Loki. For all of this,” you softly smiled.
 “You are welcome, Your Majesty,” he bowed, taking his leave.
 Now you had your course of action and there was no turning back.
 The Council were getting impatient waiting for your answer.
 “This is getting ridiculous! We should just take a course of action in her stead!” Ross snarled.
 “Wait! Is that the queen?!”
 The people in the room to see you riding to where Hela and her followers had gathered on the outskirts of the castle. They could only watch in horror as you dismounted and entered the camp.
 “Hela Odinsdottir! You’re a traitor to your country!” you bellowed in a commanding voice.
 The chatter went silent as Hela exited one of the tents.
 “What did you just say, little princess?” she coolly asked.
 “You will address me as Queen. As I said before, you are a traitor to your country,” you repeated.
 Hela and her followers laughed at you but you remained steadfast. Your heart was thumping in your chest and chills were running down your spine but you couldn’t look weak in front of them.
 “My father is the traitor. He should have razed your pathetic kingdom to the ground and taken it all but no. He became soft in his old age… I’ll finish what he started!” she sneered.
 Without warning, Hela attacked. You only just pulled your sword out in time to block her. She had far more experience on the battlefield than you but all you had to do was wait for the right moment. Blow after blow she inflicted upon you but you countered, barely able to catch your breath until she knocked your sword from your hands. Onlookers either cheered or watched in horror from both sides as Hela grabbed your face.
 “Your mother was weak. You’re just pitiful,” she boasted.
 This close proximity gave you the chance to strike. Hela never knew what hit her as you plunged the knife into her chest. The pride and smugness left her eyes, leaving fear in its place. She tried to speak but all the air had left her lungs. Now it was her followers turn to be horrified. You turned to announce to the spectators.
 “This was not one kingdom waging war against another! This was a queen protecting her kingdom against a dangerous individual and I shall do so until it comes time for my daughter to take my place!”
 The gang of mercenaries either fled or bowed to you as you made your way back to the castle. The High Council finally showed you the respect you deserved and saw you for the queen you now were. When they weren’t looking, you hugged Loki tight. He was the only one who saw your true worth and came to you in your hour of need, offering wisdom and kindness.
 In the years that would come, Loki would continue to offer his valuable insight. In time, your two kingdoms would be united in marriage.
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nekoannie-chan · 2 years ago
Wrong potion
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X Witch!Reader.
Word count: 485 words.
Summary: An error in a new potion can bring problems.
Warnings: Mention of dead body, accident.
A/N: This is my entry to @caplanbuckybarnes Cappy’s Forever Writing Challenge with the angst prompt #60
“Is that a dead body in the back seat?”
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics be posted in other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou  @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817  @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke  @real-fbi @smokeandnailz  @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown  @xoxonotme @bluemusickid​ @leyannrae​  @harrysthiccthighss​  @marvelatthisone​ @hallecarey1​ @caplanbuckybarnes​
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Steve sat for a few minutes in front of his office desk. He needed to analyze what was happening. When he woke up, everything seemed very strange, and people acted strangely; it was as if he had woken up in another dimension.
Or maybe it was just his imagination, when he woke up, you were no longer at home, he hoped to see you soon, he was sure that being with you would all be normal and could calm down.
The last thing he remembered from the day before was a lot of smoke, maybe it was a fire, maybe it was a training or a mission, although... Either he could remember what he had done yesterday,
Fortunately, you walked into his office within minutes. At least at first glance, you looked like the usual one. However, you had to calm down since I didn't want to worry you either.
"Stevie! I have some things to do. Do you want to accompany me? " You said Steve frowned. You never left work more than when they required it. Maybe you were one and he had forgotten it. So, do you accompany me or not?
"O-of course, come on."
He looked at the car. Everything seemed normal. He had probably had a nightmare. Steve fastened his belt. A few minutes after the car was running, he turned to the back seat because he had a strange feeling. What he found there, he was completely puzzled. He hoped it was a joke or he was seeing wrong or some prop object.
"Is that a dead body in the back seat?" Steve asked you in dismay.
"Steve, it's obvious, we have to get rid of that," you replied as if it were obvious and there was nothing wrong with it.
"Doll," he called you to stay calm. He was sure there was an explanation for what you had just discovered. "Honey, I need you to tell me the truth. What happened, and why is there a dead body in the back seat?"
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"Are you sure he's going to be okay? It was an accident. I was trying to make a new potion. It went wrong and he came into my lab at that moment. I didn't know what else to do. That's why I called you. " As you said, the woman smiled.
"This will be very easy. It's easy to fix this mess," she said.
" Does he..."
"He won't remember anything that happened, but you should be more careful," she scolded.
"I'll have it, it's the first time something like this happened. I was so terrified," you said.
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A few hours later, Steve woke up. You were by his side the whole time he was unconscious. You smiled when he opened his eyes.
"Y/N?" What happened to the dead body?" He inquired as to whether you were still sleepy.
"What?" Your voice sounded confused.
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nana1000night · 3 years ago
Dragon Riders AU
pairings: (skinny)Stevie rogers/reader
warnings: reader is a short and chubby and she's a dragon shifter,swearing, reader is a soft dark type
This is from @caplanbuckybarnes her challenge list. I love you baby!!🥰🥰
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In fact, this guy didn't know how the ritual success.
He saved a newborn baby dragon, them became friends until her family brought her back.
When he failed the contract ritual for the fifth time. Everyone mocked him to his skinny body and his ambition. He didn't know why those dragons refused to make a contract with him. Is it true that they think he's too weak to became their rider, their partner?
Until he came for the training camp the sixth time, when the commander refused to let him in, they heard dragon roar.
The earth was shaking, Steve could hear his heartbeat ringing in his ears. He almost failed to the ground. Until he heard someone called his name.
“Stevie!!” A giant, scary yet beautiful red dragon landed in front of him. Her eyes shining like honey, she closed her wings, and downed her stares. The most important, her voice sounds familiar…
“Primrose? Is that you?” Stevie squeaked out
“Gladly you doesn't forget me, Stevie.” Her voice is soft and joyful.
“You…you growled up. And you're a beautiful dragon now.”
“You think I'm beautiful? Aw, Stevie, it's the most sweet compliment I want to hear!”
“Hey, what's going on here? Who let the dragon comes out?” Stevie watched you narrowed your eyes, and turned to him again.
“So, Stevie. Do you want to make a partner contract with me?”
“You, you want? I thought you've already have a partner.”
She shoot her head, “Of course not, silly. I'm waiting for you. I was flying to Brooklyn, until this bastard caught me and prisoned me in the arena.” She greeted her teeth.
“The prince want you to be his partner, as a newborn dragon, it should be your honor.” The commander replied and scoffed.
“No, My only partner would be Stevie and I won't let those fucking prince ruined my plan.”
Her eyes started to shine, the ground around Stevie and Primrose showed the ritual runes circles. The commander tried to attacked them but he couldn't near them.
“上邪,我欲與君相知,長命無絕衰。” (For God is my witness, I will love and cherish you till the end ofmy lifetime.)
She song as the language he didn't know, but he could feel the weight of her love and sincere in her words.
“死生契闊,與子成說。執子之手,與子偕老。於嗟闊兮,不我活兮。於嗟洵兮,不我信兮。山無陵,江水爲竭。冬雷震震,夏雨雪。天地合,乃敢與君絕。”(For life or for death, however separated,To our wives we pledged our word.We held their hands; We were to grow old together with them.Alas for our separation!We have no prospect of life.
Alas for our stipulation!We cannot make it good. until the mountains crumble, the rivers desiccate, thunders roar in winter, snows fall in summer, and heaven and earth are conjunct as one. Then I might think about leave you.)
Those runes of outside two circles flied and twisted around to her neck. She smiled.
“It's your turn, Stevie.”
He reached out his hand, and looked forward to her reaction.
She bowed, and her left horn touched his hand. “I'm ready.” She said
Steve closed his eyes, started to spell his part.
“I promise to love you without reservation, to honor and respect you, to provide for your needs the best that I can,to protect you from harm, to comfort you in times of distress, to grow with you in mind and spirit, to always be open and honest with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live.”
The rest runes flied and twisted around Stevie.
His eyes met her, then the dark devoured him.
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When he wakes up, he's in his house. A women sits on the edge of the bed.
“Stevie, you're awake! Here, take some water.”
Stevie eyes her up and down, it's the first time he sees Primrose's human form. His stares and quiet makes Primrose shifts her feet.
“It's my human form. D…do you like this?”
“Like this? I love this. You're beautiful for both form, Primrose.” He murmurs
She hides her face into her hands. Steve notices something sways between her hands and chest.
“Is that a…dog tag?” Primrose holds the dog tag and giggles
“Hehe…it's YOUR dog tag, Stevie. It's have your name on it. It's a mark that you've claimed me.”
His throat and mouth suddenly feel dry.
“And you have my mark, too. Right on your back.”
“…Ah, that's nice yet a little pity for I can't see them for myself.”
She chuckles, and brushes his hair softly.
“Thanks for choosing me as your partner, Stevie.” Stevie shoots his head
“No, it's me to thank you. Because I'm not that strong like other riders, yet you still want to build this contract with me.”
“I meant what I vowed, Stevie. Until death tears us apart or you cheated on me, I'd love you unconditionally.”
Stevie studies her face, and beams.
“So do I.”
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“What about the commander?” He asks curiosity about the men kidnapped his dragon.
HIS dragon, his girl.
He loved these titles
“I was going to burn him to ashes, what a pity dare to kidnap a dragon.” She shrugs
“But the prince stopped me, we made a deal. So he might still alive.”
“Made a deal? What deal?” He rests his head on her soft and plump thighs, then he snuggle them and sighed happily.
“He'll let you become the knight since you are a dragon rider now. And he promised to give us a new house and a whole vault of coins and jewelry!(✪ω✪)” She giggles even her body shakes violently.
Knows it's the natural about dragons, Stevie just kisses her thighs and smiled against her skin.
“Oh, and Stevie,”
“You know dragons have their heats seasons, right, babe?”
“You'd help me, fulfill your partner duty and NO FLIRTING with other person. Do you?”
Stevie doesn't know how to respond his dragon, this poor human completely has no idea that their contract vows are for eternal couples.
A/N: I'm not sure the English translation is correct or not. So I hope you could realize what I wrote👀👀 And I was thought to write Nomad in this…but Stevie is too good🥰🥰
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1000night · 3 years ago
I'm a simple peasant, why are you staring at me with heart eyes?
pairing: Bucky Barnes/ female chubby reader
warnings: implied smut, self-insecure, blood, soft dark Bucky
words count: 1318
A/N: It’s a challenge from @caplanbuckybarnes , I love you babe! <3 and tag @caplanreads
English is not my first language.
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“Pumpkin, where are you?” Hearing a man’s voice from the most oversized room in this castle, other maidens give you pity yet envy looks.
“What can I help you with, my lord?”
“Ah ah, Pumpkin, wrong name.” The attractive, always bring you to feel butterfly in your chest and stomach smile fading on his face.
“...Bucky, what do you want from me?”
Your brain is screaming at you, to give in easily. But who could say no to this fallen angel in honesty?
No one.
“My morning kiss and my breakfast, Pumpkin.” His sharp fangs are showing as he licks his lips. Oh, those bloody and plump lips. Always seduce you to kiss him, so you fulfill your wishes. His hands caged your waist, his left-hand sneaking under your shirt, stroking your skin, and the cold temperature sends shivers and pleasure down your spine and your tummy. You pull back before the moan leaves your mouth, and he pouts. “Alright, time to enjoy my breakfast.” His silk-smooth voice rings around your ears and weakens your legs, your stares meet his, and the red of love and admiration shines in his ultramarine eyes. “Bucky…why? I'm a simple peasant, a weak human.” “Yes, but you’re my human. My Pumpkin, mine.” He uses his weight to pin you down on the king-sized bed, your arms automatically to around his neck, he giggles between your breasts. “Vampires are a kind of creature who ask for requited love, they will take the seven sins for their love…” He starts to kiss and lick your jaw, trailing down your neck and your shoulder. Clench your legs around his thighs, you can’t stop rubbing your sensitive and clothed mound against his thigh. He sniffs and smirks. “Aw, poor Pumpkin, tingle and suffer from the lust when we barely start, do you, honey?” “Stop teasing me, Buck. I…” You whimper and moans when he sinks his fangs into your neck. You almost cum when the strong wave of pleasure hit your soul and your body.
Everything is too much, this bastard.
Losing blood and the heartbeat drums in your ears make you feel dizzy and couldn’t focus on what he said. “Hum?” “Accept the embrace of mine, become my future and only wife, would you, Pumpkin?” “...What about your family members? If they know you turned someone like me into a vampire, they’ll be mad, what if they want to judge you?” Though your head still spins, your mind is still in her line.
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Being a simple peasant and a chubby woman, who always got neglected in relationships. It’s not true to say you don’t be touched by this handsome vampire. —As a handsome, powerful, and long-lived vampire, he chooses you as his maiden, spoiling you and doesn’t bother to play the stupid loving game with you. No one could be more kind than him, even the goddess herself couldn’t. However, you have to remember your own place. He can forget or be careless about the consequences of the embrace; Everyone can forget about the variety by nature, But you can’t. It’s too hard to forget the bloody lesson of your big sister. Having been in love with a vampire, accepted his embrace. And the vampire back to his first love and spouse, your sister decided to jump into the pool of holy water to end her life. “Age does not wither, nor custom stales his infinite variety.” It’s the last sentence in her letter. You don’t have the confidence to let Bucky be loyal to you and remain his love to you. Not when you can’t love yourself for being this eternity.
“Pumpkin? What is on your mind? Tell me.” His call pulls you out of your thoughts. “I… I can’t accept your embrace, Bucky. I…” “Because you don’t believe me? believe us?” His scoffed shrinks you, you’ve never seen him be so…grumpy. It’s more like his other brothers in his clan. Your silence pours more gasoline on his fire, he stands up and cradles you in his arms. “Hold on to me.” Then you two disappear into his bedroom.
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When the wind stops, you open your eyes, lifting your head up to Bucky’s chest. A small broken temple in a shadowy wasteland marks the entrance to this church. Beyond the broken temple lies a modest, deteriorated room. It's covered in rubble, ashes, and large bones. Further ahead is a single path. Its twisted trail leads passed many different passages, most of which have collapsed or were dead ends to begin with., unknown rooms, and armories and soon you enter a grimy area. Why does Bucky bring you here?
“Here we are.” You stop in front of a huge coffin, you could see an altar and a knife, a statue of a woman kneeling and hugging the coffin. “They’re Cain and Lilith, the ancestors of vampires.” Bucky bows to the statue and takes the knife, steps toward you, and kneels. His eyes are now like sky blue. “In most of the embraces, it’s for creating a child. But I don’t want you to be my child, I want you to be the other half of my soul, my flesh and bones.” As he's speaking, you could see the ritual circles shining under your feet, you want to call his name but no word out. “So, we’re under the witness of the father of Cain, the mother of Lilith, and the whole thirteen major clans. I, James Bucky Barnes, would share my blood, my clan, and eternity with y/n, my pumpkin.” You could hear a lot of whispers and discussions behind you two. And you could feel the other lords are watching you. “My love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks. Within his bending sickle's compass come; My love alters not with his brief hours and weeks but bears it out even to the edge of doom.” Bucky beams to you. “I would be responsible for the sins that I seduce her lamb, I’d devote my everything to win her heart and love. So please, accept my embrace and always be by my side.” The seventh candle lights up, Bucky cuts a wound on his palm with the knife, upper his hand and stared up at you. Even though you know nothing about vampire ritual things, you’d know it’s rare that a vampire like him will vow to his ancestors and the goddess. You’re not sure what helps you overcome your fear, but eventually, you bow your head and drink his blood. The heat fires your body and soul, Bucky catches you and kisses your forehead. “Thank you, Pumpkin. Don’t worry, I got you.” Charles shakes his head while murmuring something like “Lucky bastard.” Branden gives Bucky a bottle and a potion. “The potion will help her through the first hunger and heat cycle, and you need to give our father her blood to acknowledge her as a member of us. Or she’ll die because the blood rejects her and she’s not human anymore.” “I owe you one, Steve.” “That’s not a big deal. But I guess those old bloody would be furious about your bride. After all, you’re the first one who married a human and crazy enough to turn her into a vampire in our generation. Not even says she’ll be a Barnes soon.” “No one could touch her without my permission, but I’d keep in mind.”
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Using the same knife cut a wound on your palm, and blood drops down into the bottle. Bucky feeds you the potion, then he comes in front of the coffin again, slowly pouring your blood into the standing cup. Then the new lamp beside the one that has Bucky’s name lit up, and your name showed. He is relieved and cradles you up again, this time, the castle will be your home.
The End
I might right another for other SS characters, the same vampire au. I love this au and thanks to @rookthorne and @writing-for-marvel​ (●` 艸 ´)  You two could tell me who do you want to see next. I will try to write them down ASAP.ヾ(*´∀ ˋ*)ノ (Not joking)
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bestofbucky · 4 years ago
Run To You - 1
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Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Summary: Mob AU. Bucky Barnes hires you to be his bodyguard.
Warnings: None
A/N: This is going to be a series so comment or send an ask if you want to be tagged in it! 18+ Only please. Hope you enjoy
From this prompt list by @caplanbuckybarnes . Prompts are in bold.
Divider and gif made by me.
Series Masterlist
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Your fingers work quickly, manipulating the fabric. Around, over, through. Tying a tie is still second nature, you don’t even have to think about what your hands are doing. You do up the button of the jacket and brush yourself off, straightening out any little creases.
Looking at the woman in the mirror you sigh. You haven’t seen yourself like this for three years. You had sworn off suits for all eternity yet here you are, putting one on again.
You felt torn, your mind telling you getting back into being a bodyguard would just open the floodgates but your heart couldn’t let it go. You loved the adrenaline that came with it, the ability to focus solely on the protection of someone rather than the struggles life and the shit it throws at you. You told yourself you had to at least take the interview, you owed it to Sam.
You met Sam two years ago, when you attended a group therapy session at the VA. You hadn’t wanted to go but after your first session you found yourself going back. You never spoke but your military and personal security past gave you plenty of trauma to relate to the people who did share their stories. Then one session Sam had approached you and you very quickly bonded.
You went from seeing each other once a week in the sessions, to seeing each other almost every day. Movie nights, cooking for each other and talking out of your asses became routine. You were in a dark place in your life when you met Sam but his friendship quickly became a very strong reason for you to continue enduring life.
You chuckled to yourself remembering the shock you felt when he told you he was not only part of a mob, he was one of the mob boss’ second hand men. He told you stories of the two other men at the top of the pack. Bucky, the leader, gets on Sam’s nerves a lot but deep down they really care for each other and Steve, the other second hand man and according to Sam ‘even more of an idiot than Bucky’. The way he talked about them made it sound like they were just really good friends, basically family, not dangerous criminals.
Taking a deep breath you take one last look in the mirror and head to the address Sam had given you. The journey was quick and before you knew it you were sat in the lobby of a very fancy building waiting for Sam to come and get you.
After a brief catch up, Sam guides you to Bucky’s office, giving you a thumbs up before closing the door behind you leaving the two of you alone. Bucky doesn’t look up from whatever work he is doing. You wait but this goes on past the point of being rude.
“Sir?” His head snaps up at your voice, eyes trailing up and down your body not being subtle at all. He scoffs and goes back to his work.
“Excuse me? I’m here for the bodyguard interview?” You don’t have the patience to go along with whatever game he is playing.
“Interview? You’re mistaken. Sam told me to take this appointment so you can pitch me the idea of having a bodyguard. Personally, I don’t think I need one.” He says bluntly still focused on his work.
You laugh out loud but quickly stop yourself when you catch the death glare he gives you.
“Something funny?” He scowls, clearly not happy with the dynamics in the room.
“Yeah, the fact you think you don’t need a bodyguard.” You say frankly.
“I’ve survived this long without a bodyguard. What makes you assume I need one now?” He smirks thinking he caught you off guard.
“Since the time I entered this building I have already found five simple ways to kill you and not get caught.” You cross your arms over your body not letting him intimidate you.
“Ok, you have my attention. Name them.” He challenges leaning back in his chair.
“One, the building over there,” you point out the window and he turns to look, “someone could take you out with a sniper and you’d have a bullet in your head before you could blink. Two, you only have one entrance and exit to the parking garage, someone could easily tail you and cause a little accident.” His calm and collected demeanour starts to fade as he realises the truth behind your words so you continue. “Your packages aren’t checked, anyone could mail anything to you and as soon as you open it, it could explode or release a toxic gas, dead in seconds. The roof of this building is close enough to the one next door, someone could sneak in from there and you have no guards there to stop them.” You stop talking as he stands up chuckling to himself.
Buttoning his suit jacket he crosses the room to you. He is a lot taller than he looked from being sat behind the desk. You can see his bulging muscles even from under his suit and you can’t help but wonder what he looks like underneath his clothes.
You notice one of his hands looks like he is wearing a black glove but when he walks across the window it catches the light in a way a glove wouldn’t. You realise it's probably a metal prosthetic, drawing your eyes away from his arm you focus on his face. His sharp cheekbones act as an arrow directing your eyes to his lips.
“That’s only four.” He smirks down at you, his body is close enough for you to smell his cologne but you don’t let his attractiveness throw you. Pulling a knife out of a hidden holster in your suit you hold it up, the blade reflecting the light.
“Five, me. Your guards aren’t very thorough with their weapon search.” You wink at him as you see his eyebrow twitch slightly and the smirk disappear from his face. He takes a few steps backwards and leans on his desk.
“I’d like to see you try to kill me with that.” He is smiling but the slight crease in between his brows, the small amount of sweat on his forehead and the minuscule increase in breathing tells you he has been caught off guard.
“Don’t underestimate me.” Your eyes meet his, neither one of you willing to stand down. You’re not sure how much longer it is when he finally clears his throat and you both look away from each other.
“Fine. You’re hired, but you’re on a probationary period. I can and will fire you if you give me a reason to.” He narrows his eyes at you. You simply nod in response. “I need to finish up here then I will take you to our main base.”
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Next Part
Permanent Taglist: @vampirewithbedsidemanners @townwitchbitch @velvetcardiganbucky @courtneychicken @band--psycho
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kujibelievethis · 4 years ago
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Hamtaro collection by ITS’DEMO 2021
Charms, multi-pouch, drawstring bag set, and I don’t know a good word for the last one.. they’re little lids on things like baby-wipes. Looks like you can put these on those sort of packages to seal them and be cute.
Photos/collection from-- ITS’DEMO
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anika-ann · 4 years ago
Of Jewels and Gems (B.B)
Type: One-shot, Reader-insert               Word count: 1740
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary:  Medieval AU with thief!Bucky and princess!reader.
Based on a prompt: ‘I snuck in the castle to steal the royal crown but I’m stealing you instead au’.
Warnings: briefest violence, mention of anxiety if you squint
A/N: Prompt is a courtesy of  @caplanbuckybarnes​ ‘s challenge! Thank you for gathering so many wonderful ideas! Also, I did not follow  the prompt entirely, but I’m sorta hoping that it’s okay 😇
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Your heels were clapping softly as you wished to blend with the shadows of the castle’s corridors, sweetly lit by many torches, casting a lovely game of shadows on the walls and warming the otherwise cold space. Most importantly though, the space the lit up was empty – and you allowed yourself to inhale and exhale in relief, tension leaving your shoulders at last.
Your sky-blue dress, threaded by silvery white as if to compliment the feast, the celebration of winter solstice, brushed the hard-stony floor with every step, a rustle tender like a breath, remaining elegant even as the door to the royal ballroom closed after you.
You had sought a moment of refuge from the attentive if not downright prying gazes, which never seem to leave your person as if expecting to find a flaw – a living proof of the princess not belonging on the throne, on her rightful place to take in only a few years’ time.
Not one guard dared to follow you; whether the expression on your face was to blame or your status of Crown Princess, you couldn’t find yourself to care, simply grateful to Gods for such blessing. Endlessly grateful for a brief moments of serenity and solitude with nothing but a literal whisper of ‘Thank Gods’ on your lips.
Should you take Gods’ name in vain, Queen’s voice echoed in your mind, they will punish you for your insolence.
And as mother had told you on numerous occasions, they truly did, the punishment appearing in front of your eyes as if from thin air.
With a muffled thud of expensive boots, a dark, strong male figure, clothed in an attire barely suitable for such memorable day, emerged from the shadows four feet from you, almost as if falling from the ceiling.
“Halt!” a strict voice ordered to the stranger instantly, the sound fazing you only for a fleeting moment as realization dawned to you; it was your own voice that had found its way out and echoed in the otherwise abandoned walls. “Show yourself!”
The man indeed halted in his steps, clearly taken aback by your presence, and slowly turned around to face you; only then you took notice of his hands cladded in black gloves, clutching a sack no bigger than his head.
Much to your surprise, a grin swiftly replaced the grimace twisting his unfamiliar face and his bright eyes seemed to light up while his gaze rudely roamed your figure, finally landing on your frowny expression.
“Ah, the princess herself! What an honour!” a deep timber of a voice called out.
Then the stranger attempted and failed to curtsy, giving you an impression of a man mocking you.
A righteous offence taken warmed up your head in an instant; yet, you had been taught to be nothing short of polite, ever, and so you approached the man with kindness and caution as if to battle his rudeness.
“What are you seeking in these corridors, my lord? You should not-“
“My lord!” he echoed, a blend of more mockery and awe colouring his voice in deep marron, his next slurred words giving away his origin – one that could have not be noble, ringing all alarm bells in your mind. ”Whadda polite thin’ ya’re.”
“Excuse me? And who do you believe to be to address me in such manner?!” you snapped back, forgoing all the manners you had been taught and reaching to your bodice for a hidden slot instinctively. “What is it you hide in your sack?”
His eyebrow rose in bewilderment, his smile widening visibly under his thick dark beard – however, you did not miss how his eyes flickered to your side, where your hand had sneaked to take a hold of your dagger.
One single step in your direction, a minute shift in his posture, and your weapon was drawn, blade in the height of his eyes; his pupils enclosed in blue-grey irises swiftly refocused on the sharp object, his hands slowly lowering the sack. Under your attentive gaze, he went to unwrap it.
“Do you not come closer or I shall call the guards!” you warned him, your voice rising in volume to emphasize your point, to show him that your actions and threats were as far from a jest as he could imagine.
“Just showin’ ya’ the sack, Princess, no need to get jumpy,“ the stranger grumbled, eyes never leaving yours as he revealed his secret.
A gasp of pure surprise and horror left your lips, a momentary weakness swaying your strength and causing you to lower the blade only a fraction. Spots danced in your vision upon the revelation.
In an instant, faster than you could ever hope to comprehend, a slightly painful twist of your wrist had you drop your weapon, a rustle of fabric the only warning before your back gently hit the wall with a soft thud, pinned by his body, entirely immobilized.
Before you could attempt a scream, a calloused hand covered your mouth – a dirty, filthy hand, one which had touched the royal crown (!) without permission, without any right--- and as if such insolence wasn’t insulting enough, the man, momentarily touching you as well, clearly attempted to steal it.
Attempted to steal the crown jewels!
Oh Gods-
The clank of your dagger on the stony floor broke the vicious circle of your consternation; however, you couldn’t bear tearing your gaze away from the handsome face as you found it in such close quarters with yours, few inches only. Hard warm body had found its way to press against yours further, hard and yet almost soft, as if holding you down with care.
Perhaps you should have tried and alert the guards even incapacitated--- however, you couldn’t. Your shock at the impertinence of this man was long gone, its rightful place taken by awe at his startling beauty.
Your heart was attempting to beat its way out of your chest, for reasons you seemed to be unable to fully grasp; never you had thought fear was so near to excitement and fascination. You never hoped a man’s body touching yours could feel so wonderful.
“I don’t like bein’ rude, doll.”
Not even the contradiction of such sentence – calling you a doll, which for an explicable reason brought you pleasure, and the exclaim of his aversion to disrespect – could hope to snap you from your trance.
The huff of exasperation against his palm was more of an instinct, half-heartedly meant, as your eyes seemed to have a mind of their own, unable to escape the trap of his gaze.
“So I gotta introduce myself,” the stranger hummed, observing you with equal interest as if he saw you for the first time, as if all of your people didn’t know your face. “They call me Winter.”
Every muscle in your body tensed at the exclaim and yet, you turned nearly limp in his hold as you succumbed to the sudden faintness.
You have heard of that name, clad in a fog of mystery. Winter, the fabled thief, given the name for he was always coming on days of celebrations of the winter solstice; and yet, while all kingdoms remained at highest alert for the fear that he would arrive at their doorstep, he always managed to slip through their fingers, almost as if being a master of mystical arts.
Some didn’t believe in his existence as such at all; however, the losses in royals’ and noble’s belongings were far too real for the man to be a mere legend.
In this moment, Winter – especially since standing right in front of your own eyes – appeared indeed startlingly real.
And as much as such realization was disconcerting, you felt yourself being thoroughly charmed and fascinated.  
Your mind could not but race to solve the mystery – how many gems he had stolen before they began to reflect in his face? Eyes like topazes, threaded with silver lining, precious ruby lips hidden in a rich dark beard covering a jaw worth of royalty. A golden crown would complete the picture and perhaps its glow already twinkled in the thief’s irises.
“I don’t wanna hurt ya’, pretty doll. So, don’t ya’ scream, yeah?” Winter whispered a secret, a plea, and you couldn’t but comply, even if you found yourself missing the warmth and weight of his palm. A smile graced his lips again, your heart replying with a flutter. “I’m gonna walk away and you’re not gonna say a thin’ ‘bout me, yeah?”  
The gems glimmering in his eyes shone brighter as they indulged in observing your face with something resembling attraction as you she battled with yourself, vainly attempting to overcome the spell he put on you, causing you to only nod – rather than acting upon a rational thought and calling for guards to capture the infamous thief.
The most skilled thief you had ever encountered; though you had not met many.
Rough fingers with the softest touch brushed your cheek and you wondered how only was it possible to steal someone’s breath, the air from their lungs; for this was what it felt like, a brief encounter of skin and skin, fleeting, yet eternal as your face appeared to absorb the heat of his touch.
A playful smile, a smirk blending into a tender grin, spread your assailant’s mouth.
“Next time… I’m stealin’ the real crown jewel, Your Highness,” a confident exclaim left his lips before they encountered yours in a hasty peck, pleasant warmth only lasting a moment, yet long enough to ignite fire in your bones. Your eyes nearly fluttered shut in an unexpected bliss.
He had the audacity to wink at you as he took his retreat, claiming both his price and your dagger for a good measure, still smiling, as if the weapon meant a memento to him.
He left you in your stupor, form unmoving besides the swift motions of your chest as you hoped to catch your breath, to calm your fluttering heart and tingling fingertips and most importantly, to regather your wits.
Winter had already taken his leave long ago when you, in your mind, proclaimed him the most skilful thief in seven kingdoms indeed – for he had stolen your breath… and perhaps captured your heart as well.
Of that you were certain when the next day, you could feel your face light up as a brand-new dagger was brought to you by your loyal handmaiden Wanda, along with a note written in charming cursive, without a name signed yet self-explanatory:
Till next time, Jewel mine.
And you felt as if the next-time couldn’t arrive soon enough, your body already aching for your missing heart.
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Of Thieves and Queens of Hearts (sequel, ‘one-shot’)
B.B. masterlist (...yes, it’s that short)
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Thank you for reading!   
And wow, look at that, I wrote something short again; I blame my poor attempts at writing Bucky 😄
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caplanbuckybarnes · 3 years ago
Caplan, hello!(❀ฺ´∀`❀ฺ)ノ
can I have a forever challenge request please?
prompt:My heart belongs to the lonely servant boy who has been caring for me since i was a child AU
with Tom!Peter Parker
Thank you🥺🥺
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Yes honey of course!!
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kjs-s · 2 years ago
A familiar stranger
Pairing: Marc Spector x reader platonic
Steve Grant x reader platonic
Summary: The reader meets Marc again after years but he acts strange
 Word Count: 2130
Warnings: none I can think of
Prompt: “Are we still friends?”
A/N This is my third and last entry for @caplanbuckybarnes's  foreverwriting challenge. This is set after the show that's why I had Steven work in a different museum.
A/N Special thanks to @girl-next-door-writes who inspired the reader's job with this great post with the cutect HC i have ever read. Gif is mine
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''Does everyone remember the rules we talked about yesterday?'' You heard your best friend Jessica who was also the teacher of the class ask the kids. She had spent the whole week previous to that day planning the field trip to the Petrie Museum of Egyptian archaeology. And being the teaching assistant you had made sure everything was set. You would accompany the class to the museum and hap planned some of the activities the kids would take part in during the field trip.
The school was within a walking distance from the museum so you pitched the idea of just walking there and not taking a bus. Jessica led the way and you walked behind the kids to make sure nobody will stay behind. Field trips were always fun for you and you loved them more now considering you could hear hilarious conversations among the kids. Some of them were wondering whether the things in the museum would be asleep or able to talk to them. Another kid had asked you to keep his lunchbox safe while you were in the museum so he wouldn't lose it. He pointed out that not only it was his favorite lunchbox but that his mom had put in his favorite sandwich as well. Reassuring him that his lunch would be safe in an empty museum was not the right thing to say. It triggered a million questions about why would the museum be empty. Gladly Jessica explained to the kids that the reason was for them to have as much fun as possible.
You made it there just five minutes before ten o'clock and you were immediately let inside. A polite elderly man approached you and introduced himself as Joseph, your tour guide. He led everyone to the lockers so you could put your things away for safekeeping and because food wasn't allowed in the museum.
''We won't eat our lunch here?'' The same kid from earlier asked you while close to whining.
''Not inside the museum. We have set some tables in our garden at the back for you to have lunch after the tour.'' Joseph explained and questioned if everyone was ready to begin the tour.
After half an hour of looking at the exhibits, you were led to the last part of the museum tour. Joseph quizzed the group on a few things and answered all the questions the kids had. One of the girls came to you for help with tying her shoelaces when you heard Joseph say something about one of his coworkers.
''I can ask Steven over there for verification on everything I just told you. He is brilliant and knows a lot about Egypt. Almost as much as I do. I am about to train him to become my replacement for when I want to work less.''
That's when all the kids turned to look at Steven. He noticed them and felt embarrassed about interrupting the tour. He didn't want to get reprimanded for leaving the gift shop to hear the tour. That's why he turned around to leave just as you finished helping the girl. That resulted in you only seeing the back of his head. However, you couldn't place the faint feeling of him being vaguely familiar. You were sure it would come to you on the off chance you would see him again. But the thing that didn't cross your mind was that the person you almost saw was one that you used to call your best friend some years ago.
After the tour, you and Jessica took the kids to the area in which the staff had provided you with activities. It was cute to see every child excited about drawing and playing games. They were given two drawing sheets, a true or false quiz, and an activity with Egyptian gods and goddesses. Everyone had fun during those and afterward, the kids got a little tired. So you and Jessica asked them if they wanted to do the scavenger hunt that was the last activity before lunch. Of course, they loved the idea and formed groups of three to look around the museum for the exhibition they were assigned to search. During the hunt, you took the chance to visit the gift shop in order to buy a souvenir for the classroom.
You looked around for a moment before a soft-spoken voice sounded behind you.
''Do you need assistance with anything?''
You turned to look at the person hoping he would help you choose something appropriate for a classroom. However, before you could muster a word you froze. You stared at the man in front of you with wide eyes and your mouth stayed open for a few seconds. You snapped out of your daze and whispered the first thing that came to your mind.
''Marc is it really you?''
Steven looked at you with narrow eyes and tilted his head. He had no idea who you were and how you apparently knew Marc. You took a step toward him and you noticed a slight change in his demeanor before he took off. You went after him but couldn't see where he went. Not wanting to leave Jessica alone with the kids any longer you purchased a small statue of Tawaret and returned to the class.
You ran into one of the groups of kids still looking around for the exhibit they had been assigned. It was a bronze statue of a cat sitting upright. The exhibit was near the stairs and since you remembered having seen it earlier you helped them finish the hunt. But you couldn't get Marc out of your mind and why he looked so confused when he saw you.
After all the activities were over, you all took your things out of the lockers and went to the garden to have your lunch before returning to school. There you spotted Joseph and approached him to thank him for the tour.
''I hope our kids didn't tire you too much.''
''Not at all. I enjoy it when people ask me questions. And kids always are so eager to learn new things. Their excitement made me happy to do this job, they were lovely.''
''Could I ask you something? When I was at the gift shop I saw someone I recognized. I think his name was Marc. Good looking guy around this height.'' You showed him Marc's height with your hand.
''We don't have anyone with that name working here. Although your description sounds like you're talking about Steven who works at the gift shop.''
''I must have been mistaken then. Thank you again and sorry to bother you.'' You went back to your class hoping Steven would still be at the gift shop when you were to return to the museum later so you could talk to him.
And that's exactly what you did after the field trip was over. You went back to the museum looking for Steven.
You were certain he was your friend and that he had changed his name after being discharged from the military. Your superiors hadn't offered any explanations for Marc's discharge but you only cared about what happened to him after that. Or if he had changed at all during those years.
You found him at the gift shop and approached him slowly hoping he wouldn't flee again.
''Excuse me, can I talk to you? Please Marc don't leave again. I just want to ask you one question considering you remember who I am. Are we still friends?''
He looked down and asked his supervisor if he could step away for a moment. She noticed the time and that they would close in twenty minutes. So she let him leave early to have a word with you.
You left the museum and took a seat on a bench on Gordon Square Part to talk.
''So apparently you are or were friends with Marc. I am not Marc, my name is Steven.''
''I'm (Y/N). I was in the marines with Marc. Are you two twins? I don't recall him mentioning anything about having a brother. And a British one at that.''
''We are not twins. How much information do you know about the reason Marc left the marines?''
''Nothing at all. The higher-ups told us nothing afterward. They shot down any questions we had about the subject. I was devastated about him leaving. You see he was my mentor. I quit almost a month after he left due to the pressure and not having him there to help and support me. I even looked for him after I left but it was like he disappeared.'' You started tearing up and Steven begged Marc to take his place to explain everything to you. Marc refused due to feeling guilty about what had happened to you.
''I am sorry (Y/N). The reason Marc was discharged what that he has DID. I am his other personality. And if it makes you feel a little bit better he feels awful you had to go through all of this because of him.''
''He can hear me?'' Steve nodded at you and you pointed out that you still wanted your earlier question about whether you were still friends answered. Also, you mentioned that you didn't want Marc to feel bad about what had happened to you since it wasn't his fault.
''He says yes if you want to. You seem like a nice person so I wouldn't mind getting to know you better as well.''
You smiled at him and then took moment to study Steven. His demeanor looked nothing like the way you remembered Marc. Marc was always more serious and not so open about his feelings. The person in front of you seemed more introverted than that, sweet and cute. You felt like he was someone you would like to know more about.
Steven noticed your silence and got worried about what he had said.
''I don't mean that in a creepy way. I just felt like we could talk about things. Maybe about how the kids liked the tour today. Or something else.''
''They loved it. And the statue I bought of Tawaret. The one you didn't help me pick since you ran away. She took her place on the desk to watch over the kids.'' Steven laughed a little at the comment since he was surprised Marc had run away from you.
''I am sure Layla would love t hear that.''
''Who's Layla, if I'm allowed to ask.''
''Right you don't know her. She is Marc's wife.''
''Marc is married?'' You raised your voice due to how surprised you were. When the two of you were in the marines Marc was adamant he would never get married and you were happily surprised to hear how much he had changed on the topic.
''Yes, he is. And Layla is great. I enjoy talking to her about Egypt since it's her home and she is also able to read hieroglyphics.''
''She sounds perfect. If Marc is ok with it I would love to meet her. And I am really happy I met you, Steven, I am sure we will become friends. I just hope Marc will decide to speak to me soon as well. We used to enjoy talking about our hobbies and I was trying to get back into drawing. Maybe I can convince one of you or maybe Layla to model for me in the future.''
Steven looked a little flustered at the thought so you decided to save him from the embarrassment.
''You don't have to say yes if you don't want to. I don't want to make you uncomfortable.''
''Thank you and I promise to tell Layla about you soon so we will arrange for you two to meet.''
''Sounds great. I just hope I'm not imposing on you. I only wanted to see Marc again. I have missed him for such a long time. But I get it if he doesn't want to. At least I got my answers about what happened to him.'' You checked your phone because you received a notification about an errand you had totally forgotten about. ''He wants you to be friends again. And I want that too. It will be good for him to have someone that knew him for as long as you have beside me. I will let you go to your appointment.''
You thanked him for his kind words and you exchanged numbers promising to contact each other soon.
You left feeling happy about not only finding Marc again but also meeting Steven.
Steven on the other hand stayed there a little more wondering if you would react that calmly to finding out about all the adventures they had been on.
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lillywillow · 4 years ago
For Heart or For Country
Summary: “You’re in line to be the next ruler of your kingdom. But first, you must marry the young ruler of your worst enemy. Would you risk all of your happiness for the sake of stopping a war? Or will you find true love in the town’s pub?”
 Word Count: 3089
 Pairings: Natasha x gender neutral Reader/ gender neutral Loki X Reader (arranged)
 Warnings: Seductive Nat, arranged marriage
Written for @caplanbuckybarnes ‘s writing challenge. Go check out her amazing works!
From the moment you were born, you were destined to take over from your father. You spent countless hours in lessons learning how to be ruler of the kingdom, been taught everything from politics to art, sword fighting to etiquette. Long story short, everything you needed to take the throne and face the challenges that came with wearing the crown.
 For years, the kingdom had been at war but recently there was at last a chance for peace but it came with a cost... an arranged marriage. You weren’t so sure about it but if it meant your people being safe, you would sacrifice your own happiness.
 Ever since your father had made the announcement of your impending wedding, it had consumed your every thought. You hadn’t even met your betrothed and, yet, you were supposed to spend the rest of your life with them. You had watched the older servants with their spouses and to be honest with yourself it melted your heart. Even your father was a kind and gentle person when it came to your mother. With any luck, the person you were going to marry would be kind to you.
 Deciding you needed a distraction; you put on a disguise and managed to sneak out of the palace. Sure you could have gotten drunk in your room but where was the fun in that? You had crept out on a few occasions so you knew that the townsfolk knew how to party compared to those stuffy nobles.
From the moment you stepped inside the tavern named The Nest, the atmosphere was abuzz with excitement. The walls were decorated with purple fabric hangings, crossbows, longbows, arrows and other archery items. A taxidermy hawk was perched above the door, its eyes ever watching. A one eyed dog ran about the patrons, getting pats from some of them and cleaning up pieces of dropped food. People were dancing, singing and drinking, some leaning on each other for support as they swayed. To any other noble, the scene may have looked chaotic but to you, it only looked like fun.
 With a grin, you made your way over to the bar and took a seat. Still taking in your surroundings, you barely noticed when the sandy haired bartender stood in front of you.
 “What can I get you?”
 “Oh! Um...” You tried to think of something that would not give away your identity as a noble. The man raised an eyebrow at you.
 “Hey, Clint! Two boilermakers over here,” another patron called.
 The man whom you now know as Clint poured them the drinks and turned back to you.
 “I’ll have... o-one of those,” you said, making a feeble attempt to pound your fist on the counter in an attempt to fit in.
 Clint tilted his head and gave you a curious look.
 Clint made the boilermaker and placed it in front of you. Thanking him, you took a swig of the drink and felt instant misgivings about it as the alcohol burned not only your throat but your ears and the very pit of your stomach. Clint laughed as you coughed and spluttered.
 “You’re not from around here, are you?”
 “You... might say that,” you mumbled, wiping your mouth.
 “You picked the right night to come. Nat’s doing a show.”
 “Wow, you really aren’t from around here if you don’t know Natasha. Just watch,” he advised, nodding his head over to the stage.
 The stage was well lit and crowed around the edges by men and women who were eagerly waiting for whoever was about to appear from behind the purple curtains.
 Music began and a foot decorated with a silver anklet emerged. The audience cheered loudly as the woman behind her curtain slowly began to reveal herself. She wore a black piece of fabric around her upper body, twisted just a little in the centre of her chest. The bottom of her costume was made up of a red fabric front and back which started out solid but faded to transparent as it went down and held together by delicate chains. Silver cuffs adorned her upper arms and wrists. Her lips were painted sinfully crimson. Sparkly onyx hairpins held her red curls in place. She was absolutely stunning.
 The woman slowly began to sway her hips to the music, arms and feet poised. It was almost hypnotic in the way she moved. As the beat picked up, so did her dancing. One of the men near the front of the stage started to get a little carried away and tried to climb up.
 Fearing for the safety of the dancer, you tensed and shifted to help her but Clint placed a hand on your shoulder.
 “Easy. Nat can handle herself around these drunk idiots.”
 You watched as Nat placed her foot on the man’s cheek before kicking him off the stage. The crowd jeered and laughed at the man, some pouring their drinks on him. Despite the interruption, Nat continued her performance.
 Her face was calm and collected, never faltering, as the audience got more and more rowdy.
 Nat ended her performance by kneeling and giving a graceful bow. The throng of people got even more riled up as she headed back behind the curtain and before you knew it, a fight broke out. You could only sit on your barstool and laugh as the place erupted into bedlam. As a noble, the most you had ever witnessed people scuffle as a heated argument that never went beyond words and even then they never used the language you heard flying around the room. Sure, there was the battlefield but once again that was an entirely different situation.
 However, your humour was soon cut short as the royal guards walked in to break up the fight. You felt your heart sink to the bottom of your stomach.
 “You hiding from those guys?” Clint asked, not even fazed by the mayhem around him.
 Clint jumped over the bar and prompted you to follow him. You weren’t entirely sure what made you decide to trust a total stranger nonetheless, you followed his lead. As he walked along, he dodged all fists, tankards and bottles that flew his way. You did your best but still caught the occasional projectile to your body, taking great care not to let any hit your face lest there be questions tomorrow.
 He stopped to look around before opening a panel in the back wall, just big enough for you to squeeze out.
 “Follow the tunnel until the end. That’ll take you to the backstreets. Be fast. The guards will start patrolling the minute they break things up here. Just make sure you close the exit on the other side.” With that, Clint pushed you through the gap and closed the panel behind you.
 Just as he said, you followed the tunnel until the end, closing the door behind you and made your way through the backstreets until you had made it all the way home, fortunately without incident.
 As you got ready for bed that night, you couldn’t stop thinking about Nat. She was just so beautiful... Could this be just a crush? You had to know for certain.
 The following night, you once again crept out of the palace and back to The Nest and sat at the bar. The place was busy but nowhere near as packed as it was last night.
 “I see the guards failed to catch you,” Clint commented, making his way over to you.
 “Yeah... um... is Nat dancing again tonight by any chance?”
 Clint gave you a sly look.
 “She’s not dancing but she is working. Hey, Nat!”
 Your heart began to race as the red head walked over to you. Tonight she was wearing a black, off-the-shoulder dress with a red belt around her waist. Even outside of her dancing costume she was beautiful.
 “This is the one I was telling you about.”
 You felt panic seize in your chest. They were talking about you? What in the world could they have possibly been saying? Nat looked you up and down, carefully examining you before glancing over at Clint who gave an approving nod.
 “Let’s dance...”
 Before you could protest, Nat grabbed your hand and dragged you onto the dance floor. It was no surprise to you that she was just as graceful on her feet as she had been on stage. As you danced with her, you could feel her brushing her hands over your hips and waist. You found yourself surrendering to her touch. At the end of the song, Nat wrapped her arms around your shoulders and pressed her lips to your ear.
 “Tell me... what is a noble doing in a place like this?”
 You completely froze.
 “Wh-what makes you think...?”
 “Everything. From the way you dance, to your posture and your speech. So, answer my question.”
 “Is... is there somewhere private we can talk?”
 Nat lead you to the backroom after checking the coast was clear.
 “Now talk...”
 With a sigh, you removed your hood, showing her your face.
 “The heir to the throne,” she whispered reverently.
 You put your hood back on and looked down.
 “You should get out of here. Folks in these parts don’t take kindly to nobles, especially members of the royal family. What are you doing here anyway?”
 “I... I wanted to experience as much freedom as I could before I get married...”
 “So one last fling before finally settling down. How sweet.” Her voice positively dripped venom as she spoke.
 “It’s not like that!”
 “Then tell me what it is like...”
 With a sigh, you looked out the tiny window on the back wall that let in a sliver of moonlight.
 “Ever since I was young, I dreamed of having a perfect wedding with the perfect person I would spend the rest of my life with... but with this war, I’m to marry one of the children of the opposing kingdom as a token of peace... I don’t know what kind of person they are. If they’re good, maybe we could work together to fix some of the broken parts of the city and of course, I would help in their kingdom too but if they’re not a good person, well...”
 Nat was quiet for a few moments before finally speaking.
 “I really hate it when Clint is right,” she sighed.
 You turned to look at her.
 “You see, Clint has this innate sense of finding the good in people and helping them out. He helped me a few years back...”
 You held her hand, encouraging her to continue.
 “I was in a really bad place... did some really bad things... Clint helped me get out of it. Got me a job, a home... even made me partner. I owe a lot to him...”
 You couldn’t help but feel a small pang of jealousy for the man even though you knew it was completely irrational.
 “So you and he are...?”
 Nat shook her head.
 “We tried it once but it didn’t work out. We’re better off as friends.”
 You couldn’t help but feel a tiny sense of relief.
 “I would like to get to know you better... for however I have until my impending marriage. That is if you’ll let me.”
 “What about after?”
 “I’ll try and see you if I can... and if not; you can be my one who got away.”
 “That was... really cheesy,” she laughed.
 “I guess it was... but what do you say?”
 “On one condition; don’t make any promises you can’t or don’t intend to keep. I’ve been through enough of that in my lifetime.”
 “It’s a deal.”
 Over the next few weeks, you got to know Nat quite well. You knew everything about her and she knew everything about you and not just as future sovereign but as a person. Eventually the time came when the feuding royal family came to your kingdom, bringing with them your spouse to be.
 They introduced you to the youngest member of the family named Loki. Loki was about your age and attractive enough but in the short time you spent with Natasha, your heart purely belonged to her. Your respective fathers left you alone to bond, catching daggers in their backs from the glares from both you and Loki as they left.
 “They certainly can be civil when they want to be,” Loki sneered.
 “You got that right...”
 “You don’t really want to be married to me do you?”
 You thought carefully about how to answer.
 “I don’t even know you... but how else can we stop this war?”
 “I have been doing research on my end. If we can pool our resources, perhaps we can find how it began and how we can stop it. Shall we?”
 Loki offered a slender hand which you took.
 “We shall.”
 In the time leading up to your wedding, you and Loki spent every minute of the day together. To anyone else, it looked like a couple bonding and getting to know each other before your upcoming nuptials. To you and Loki, it was a mission; one to find out the truth and put an end to the war.
 Your nights were spent with Nat, talking about Loki and what else you could do to stop the fighting. There was one night you had crept in after seeing Nat and Loki had caught you and you thought for sure you were done for but instead, Loki covered for you. Loki was fully supportive of your relationship with Natasha and encouraged you to pursue her once this whole thing had blown over.
 Eventually it came time when your wedding was fast approaching. The night before the big event, you were of course with Natasha, wanting to spend as long as you could with each other before whatever happened tomorrow.
 “I promise you Nat, we will be together...”
 Nat teared up and shook her head.
 “Remember the deal you made, Y/N. You said you wouldn’t make promises you couldn’t keep...”
 “But I intend to keep this one...”
 “Just go!”
 Nat turned away so you couldn’t see her cry. You gently turned her back to you and kissed her softly. She kissed back, holding you tight as if she didn’t want to let you go. Eventually you had to break for air.
 “If... if this really is our last night together... then let’s make a memory that will last a lifetime...”
 With that, you kissed her again, this time with all the love and passion you could muster. It may have seemed scandalous to spend the night before your wedding with another but you wouldn’t give Nat away for the world.
 The following morning, you and Loki had set your plan into motion. The wedding started out like any other with guests arriving and people all taking their places. Your heart was hammering against your ribs and blood roared in your ears as the ceremony began. Loki remained calm and collected, keeping cool until the right moment.
 “If anyone has any objections as to why these two should not wed, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
 “We object,” both you and Loki said in unison. The whole room erupted into shock. Instantly, both Odin and your father rounded on the pair of you, absolutely seething.
 “Silence!” Loki snarled. The room fell quiet.
 “Now, the whole point of this wedding was to stop this ridiculous war. A war that was started over a futile reason...”
 Both you and Loki went to where you had hidden two ancient artefacts; one from your history and one from Asgard’s.
 “Many years ago, our kingdom was accused of taking this,” you said, holding the item up high.
 “But they were wrong. We had our own the whole time,” Loki stated, holding up the other.
 “Our two kingdoms went to war when they should have been joining forces as we were once centuries ago...”
 The pair of you combined the two items to show they fitted perfectly together.
 “We should be united once more. Let us put a stop to the fighting once and for all!”
 The gathering all cheered and rejoiced at the prospect of peace. Your fathers sat there sullenly while their wives attempted to gently comfort them. Loki gently turned to you.
 “Isn’t there someone you want to see?”
 With Loki’s blessing, you ran out of the church.
 Nat had been drowning her sorrows at The Nest. She had known this day was long coming but it didn’t stop the ache she felt in her heart from losing you to another. Clint did his best to try and comfort her but it wasn’t enough. She didn’t even look up when her name was called but eventually Clint did catch her attention.
 “What?!” she hissed. Clint pointed behind her to where you were standing still in your wedding clothes.
 “Y/N? What are you-” You cut her off with a kiss.
 “Loki and I did it. We were able to restore peace and we didn’t even have to get married. We can be together now...”
 “But I’m just a common barmaid. You’re going to take over the throne...”
 “And when I do, I can make whatever rule I want and marry whoever I want. I want to marry you one day Natasha... that is if you’ll have me...”
 “I...” Nat looked over to Clint who smiled and nodded. “Yes...”
 Over the next few weeks, you worked in tandem with Nat to fix the rough parts of the city, just as you had told her. There was a lot of gossip surrounding your relationship but neither of you cared. You had also made a point to stay in touch with Loki to find out how things were going in Asgard.
 After so many years of war, it was nice to finally see some happiness. Maybe in time, there would be a royal wedding after all. A real one out of love that was formed between two hearts that truly cared for one another.
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nekoannie-chan · 2 years ago
Pócima equivocada
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Pareja: Steve Rogers X Lectora bruja.
Palabras: 428 palabras.
Sinopsis: Un error en una nueva pócima puede traer problemas.
Advertencias: Mención de la palabra cadáver y un accidente.
N/A:  Esta es mi entrada para Cappy’s Forever Writing Challenge con la frase angst #60:
“¿Eso es un cadáver en el asiento trasero?”
        Si te gusto por favor vota, comenta y rebloguea.
No doy ningún permiso para que mis fics sean publicados en otra plataforma o idioma (yo traduzco mi propio trabajo) o el uso de mis gráficos (mis separadores de texto también están incluidos), los cuales hice exclusivamente para mis fics, por favor respeta mi trabajo y no lo robes. Aquí en la plataforma hay personas que hacen separadores de texto para que cualquiera los pueda usar, los míos no son públicos, por favor busca los de dichas personas. La única excepción serían los regalos que he hecho ya que ahora pertenecen a alguien más. Si encuentras alguno de mis trabajos en una plataforma diferente y no es alguna de mis cuentas, por favor avísame. Los reblogs y comentarios están bien.
DISCLAIMER: Los personajes de Marvel no me pertenecen (desafortunadamente), exceptuando por los personajes originales y la historia.
Anótate en mi taglist aquí.
Otros lugares donde publico: Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter.
Tags: @sinceimetyou​ @black23​ @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad​
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Steve se sentó unos minutos frente al escritorio de su oficina, necesitaba analizar lo que estaba pasando, desde que se despertó todo parecía muy extraño, la gente actuaba de una forma rara; era como si se hubiese despertado en otra dimensión.
O tal vez era solo su imaginación, cuando él despertó, tú ya no estabas en casa, esperaba verte pronto, estaba seguro de que estar contigo todo sería normal y podría tranquilizarse.
Lo último que recordaba del día anterior era mucho humo, tal vez era un incendio, tal vez fue un entrenamiento o una misión, aunque… Tampoco lograba recordar que había hecho ayer.
Afortunadamente, entraste a los pocos minutos a su oficina. Al menos a simple vista parecías la de siempre, sin embargo, debía tranquilizarse, ya que tampoco quería preocuparte.
—¡Stevie! Tengo unas cosas que hacer, ¿quieres acompañarme? —dijiste. Steve frunció el ceño, nunca salías del trabajo más que cuando te lo requerían, quizás tenías alguna y él lo había olvidado—. Entonces, ¿me acompañas o no?
—C-claro, vamos.
Observó el automóvil, todo parecía normal, probablemente había tenido una pesadilla, Steve se abrochó el cinturón, unos minutos después de que el carro estuviera en marcha, volteó hacia el asiento trasero debido a que tenía una extraña sensación, lo que encontró ahí, lo desconcertó completamente, esperaba que fuera una broma o estuviera viendo mal o algún objeto de utilería.
—¿Eso es un cadáver en el asiento trasero? —Steve te preguntó consternado.
—Steve, es obvio, tenemos que deshacernos de eso —respondiste como si fuera obvio y no tuviera nada de malo.
—Muñeca —él te llamó tratando de mantener la calma, estaba seguro de que había una explicación para lo que acababas de descubrir—. Cariño, necesito que me digas la verdad, ¿qué es lo que pasó y por qué hay un cadáver en el asiento trasero?
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—¿Estás segura de que va a estar bien? Fue un accidente, intentaba hacer una pócima nueva, salió mal y él entró en ese momento a mi laboratorio, no sabía qué más hacer, por eso te llamé. ¿Crees que puedas arreglarlo? —pediste, la mujer sonrió.
—Esto será muy fácil, es sencillo arreglar este desastre —ella aseguró.
— ¿Él…?
—No recordará nada de lo ocurrido, pero deberías de ser más cuidadosa —te regañó.
—Lo tendré, es la primera vez que algo así pasa, estaba tan aterrada —comentaste.
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Unas horas después Steve despertó, estuviste a su lado todo el tiempo que él estuvo inconsciente, sonreíste cuando abrió los ojos.
—¿T/N? ¿Qué pasó con el cadáver? —te preguntó aún adormilado.
—¿El qué? —tu voz sonó confundida.
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supernaturallymarvellous · 5 years ago
Home At Last
Title: Home At Last
Summary: Just back from a mission, Y/N's night is interrupted by a visitor.   
Author: @supernaturallymarvellous
Characters: Tony Stark x Reader
Word Count: 275
Warnings: None....just some good old fluff!
A/N: @caplanbuckybarnes has got a fabulous challenge going - Cappy’s Forever Challenge.  The prompt I opted for is highlighted in bold below. 
After almost an hour of standing under a stream of obscenely hot water, Y/N finally felt clean. The blood had been washed away, her wounds were bandaged and the smell of combat had been scoured away from her skin. It had been a long few weeks away from her home but now that she was back in her own apartment and safely ensconced within her own surroundings, she had no plans to leave.
Padding through to the kitchen, she began opening cupboards, unsure of what she could create from their contents. As she gathered up some meagre ingredients and started to pull together what could loosely be described as a meal, a noise from the far end of the apartment caught her ear. Moving silently and swiftly, Y/N grabbed the gun from the pile of tactical gear which had been dumped by the front door and headed down the hallway.
Heart pounding and nerves ablaze, she rounded the corner of her bedroom......only to find Tony sitting there as his armour began to fade back into the nano-tech suit he was wearing. Confused, she tucked the gun away and started to question him.
“Do I wanna know what you’re doing on my bed?”
An eyebrow began to rise as a wicked smile spread across Tony's face. "Do I really need an excuse?" He moved quickly, standing up and made his way over to the doorway where Y/N stood. His arms wrapped round her, pulling her into a bone crushing hug. She could barely breathe but let herself relax into his touch. It was a few moments later before she heard him softly whisper.
"I missed you."
Tagging:   @waywardimpalawriter   @zepppie   @helvonasche   @81mysteriouslyme   @caplanbuckybarnes   @everything-but-the-not-natural   @redlipstickandplaid    
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chris-evans-indian-fanfic · 5 years ago
21st Century Vampire
Description: Marvel AU where Steve is a vampire who works at a blood donation centre. 
Warning: Just mentions of blood, nothing gore.
This one-shot is my entry for @caplanbuckybarnes writing challenge! There are some hilarious prompts on the list! Check it out now! 
My Main Masterlist
I don’t consent to have any of my work published or featured on any third party app, website or translated. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but Tumblr, it has been reposted without my permission. In that case, please do share the link and let me know.
Steve Rogers was probably the world's worst vampire. Even after being alive for more than a century now, he was broke. And where did he manage to find work? At a blood donation centre! Disgusting! He was lucky there were very few vampires in LA, or his reputation would have been shredded to bits. A vampire working at a blood donation centre? Humiliating! Dishonorable! 
Steve hated working there. The stench of human blood was nauseating, the human beings more so. But unfortunately, the pay was decent and his colleagues were understanding. Nobody questioned his extremely pale skin, or found it weird that Steve never stepped out when the sun was still in the sky. Everybody quietly accepted that he was allergic to garlic without posing any further inquiries.
Working as a receptionist, he led quite a dull life work-wise. There wasn't really much for him to do except ask people to fill forms and sometimes calm down nervous first-time donors. He was generally patient with the humans, always biting back his wincing words, or trying his best to be as sympathetic as possible. Hey, after spending almost a 100 years on the planet, he could try to be a little more patient and a little less condescending.
But his calm and collected facade came crashing down the day you walked into the centre.
Flaunting a latest (and factually incorrect) vampire-teenager-love novel in your hand, you headed towards him and flashed a nervous smile. "Hi, do you guys take blood?"
Steve commended himself on the amount of self control it took not to roll his eyes. "You can donate blood here miss, if that's what you are talking about."
"Yes yes that's what I meant. I want to give blood. Where do I go?" you glanced towards the door beside the reception area.
"Kindly fill this form first ma'am," Steve pushed a familiar document towards you.
You filled it up pretty fast, leaving the space for your blood group blank. "I don't know what my blood group is. Is that okay?"
Calm down Steve, you can do this. "No ma'am that is not okay. When was the last time you took a blood test?"
You only bit your lower lip in response. 
"We will have to get a blood report done first, then you can donate ma'am," Steve explained irritably.
You nodded, "Ummm yeah, sure, absolutely. It's not like I am scared of needles or blood or anything. I read vampire fics for a reason, people!" you told a semi-empty waiting room.
Steve squinted his eyes at you, "Are you scared, miss?" 
You paused for a bit, then pointed at your book, "Yeah… But you know if I can handle the blood sucking scene in the book, I can surely handle a machine sucking my blood, right?" you tried laughing but only a dry sound escaped your throat.
Steve couldn't take it anymore. He hated novels that portrayed vampires as just human blood sucking creatures. He rolled his eyes at her, "That book is the worst kind of literature you can read. It is full of false information. Do yourself a favour and throw it in the bin."
A frown creased your forehead as you let his spiteful words sink in, "Who cares? It is still a great novel! And all the places that the author has mentioned exist in real life! So I don't know what you are talking about."
"Really? Just the real places are important to you? What about all the incorrect facts about vampires?" Steve replied hotly.
"What about it? The author has portrayed vampires in a completely different light!" you exclaimed.
Steve laughed an empty laugh, "Oohhh no! Vampires are NOT featured differently in that novel or in any other works throughout the world! They do not crave human blood. Infact, vampires hate human blood and everything to do with humans!"
"Oh yeah? And how do you know so much about vampires?"
On any other day, Steve would have backed down, claimed himself as a vampire enthusiast and accepted his defeat, but not today. Not on the full moon night he knew would turn Bucky into a tamed werewolf. He knew by the time he would reach home, Bucky would have eaten his carpets, bumped his head against himself in the mirror, ripped his stuffed toys and then cried over them. Today he had to deal with an emotional Bucky for the entire night. 
Then there was you. So stubborn to accept the truth that you were willing to argue with a complete stranger about your cursed book. 
The sheer stench of human blood added to the horrible cocktail of things that flipped off Steve.
Today would be the day Steve would lose his patience. 
"BECAUSE I AM A VAMPIRE!" he screamed at the room.
His announcement was followed by pin-drop silence. 
Unable to bear it anymore, he started his rant, "Do you think we vampires hunt humans? Of course not! There are so many of you guys in the world that it never was, is not and will never be considered as a sport! And no, our skin doesn't sparkle in the sunlight like freaking diamonds! Our sensitive skin gets burnt in the sunlight!"
His thin chest heaved as he struggled to maintain his breath, "No garlic and silver can kill us! We are all allergic to garlic. And silver gives us rashes on our skin. But do you know what is the worst part of being a vampire? The immortality! I am a 100-years-old vampire who is still somehow broke! And where did I finally manage to find work? At a freaking disgusting blood donation centre!"
You had moved away from his desk, afraid of his sudden outburst. 
The door next to the reception area opened as a tall, dark man poked his head out. "Is everything okay out here?" Dr Sam Wilson asked, taking in the scene before him.
Steve was still panting as the others in the waiting room just looked at him in shock. A few had their phones out and seemed to be recording something.
"Dr. Wilson," somebody asked, "Is it true what this man said? Is he really a vampire?" 
Sam looked at Steve, lines of exasperation evident on his face, "Ma'am, vampires, witches, wizards, werewolves etc do not exist in the real world." 
He turned to Steve, "Steve, what's going on?" 
"He just told us all that he was a vampire," you said, "Went on quite a detailed rant about it."
"Steve," Sam managed to say in a bitter tone.
"Why have you hired such wackos doc?" a man asked from the crowd.
"I am not a wacko!" Steve retaliated, "I am a vampire!"
"Then turn into a bat now!" the same guy challenged him.
"Huh! Vampires can't turn into bats. Some vampires liked to have bats as pets earlier," Steve defended his point.
"Steve, pack your things. You are fired," said a grim Sam.
"But I really am…"
"Steve, I have tolerated your outbursts in the past. I am not going to forgive you again. This is an highly unprofessional and unacceptable behaviour. You are fired effective immediately," Sam stood his ground.
Steve scoffed. So much for telling the truth.
He gathered his things and left, mad at himself, mad at the world, mad at Dr Erskine for turning him into a vampire just so that he could join the army.
Lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice as you caught up with him. "Hey," you softly said to get his attention.
Steve jumped. You quietly chuckled at his reaction. "Aren't vampires supposed to be aware of their surroundings?" 
He threw you a disgusted look and kept on walking.
"Hey wait!" you called out after him. "Are you really a vampire?" 
He looked at you at that moment. The sincerity in your eyes softened his. "Yeah," he muttered. 
"Can you keep a secret?" you whispered.
Steve leaned in closer to you. "I am a witch."
He looked upwards, rolled his eyes and started walking again. 
"Wait! Don't you believe me?"
"No I don't! And I really enjoyed the joke. So thank you!" he shouted back.
You saw his dark silhouette become a small dot on the horizon as a plan formed in your head. A vampire was maybe just the missing piece of the puzzle. You already had a speedster, a magician who practised the dark arts, a man with superhuman strength, another who could spin spider webs through his hands and lastly, a man who could fly.
You smiled at yourself. An army of some of the strongest men on Earth was just what you needed to start a revolution. An army of men, led by you, the Scarlet Witch.
Permanent tag: @donutloverxo
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faithers10911 · 5 years ago
Kisses in the Morning
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Summary: Reader has some angst about a job interview and of course she goes to her favorite person for a late night stress relief session of baking. 
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 1400
A/N: Hello all! It has been a hot minute since I have written anything, and for anyone that cares, I’m sorry! Life has been a highway as they say.  But here is a submission for @caplanbuckybarnes​ writing challenge! I have been dying to write more so I hope this is something you all enjoy!
The clock above your bookshelf was taunting you.  It knew that you had important things to do in the morning, but still its constant ticking sent you into a spiraling madness.  2:30 a.m.  You had exactly 32 hours until you were going to be interviewing at one of the best bakeries in the city and you were so nervous it was keeping you up at night.  Every scenario was going through your head at an inhuman pace.  You couldn’t think straight, you couldn’t sleep and that damn clock was going to drive you insane.  
Pulling a few things out of your cupboard you decided to get out of the house.  You pack some things into an over the shoulder bag and head out of your apartment.  You go where you always go when things are hard.  To the only person to make you calm when you are so stressed it hurts physically.  When you get there it is 3 a.m, he’s going to kill you.  You knock on the door loudly.  
“Bucky!” You call, knocking louder as each minute passes that he doesn’t answer the door.  You know he has to be home, that boy barely ever leaves his house these days.  “Buck, please!” 
You hear a shuffle from the other side of the door and it swings open, revealing a very tired looking James Buchanan Barnes.  He rubs his eyes and looks you up and down.  “What the hell are you doing here? It’s 3 in the morning?” 
“I needed to get out of my house, that damn interview is driving me crazy.  Can I use your kitchen?” You walked past him into his apartment and kind of just stared out the window for a minute, losing your concentration on convincing him to let you bake in his apartment at three in the morning.  Bucky was your best friend, had been for 5 years.  The truth was there was this feeling in your stomach that had manifested recently.  A more than friends feeling that you couldn’t seem to shake.  Everything about Mr. Bucky Barnes made you feel tingly inside, like he was everything you were looking for and you wanted it bad, but you were afraid.  Just like you were afraid of this interview going wrong, you didn’t want to ruin the amazing friendship you had created.  You were scared he didn’t feel the same way, so like with most things you kept your mouth shut about it.  
“Come right in, I wasn’t sleeping or anything,” He sighs and closes the door behind you and walks into the kitchen.  The flick of the light switch brings me out of my trance.  “Kitchen is all yours.” 
“Thank you Bucky, truly I owe you big time.” You make your way to the kitchen and set up the things you brought.  You raid his cabinets for everything else you need.  Baking is something you always did when you were stressed and for some reason it really helped.  Not to mention everyone adored the things you made for them.  Bucky’s favorite was your famous strawberry rhubarb pie.  You had everything to make it so that’s where you started.  
Bucky leaned against the door frame of the kitchen and watched you as you hurried around the kitchen gathering everything you needed for the recipe.  “What’s going on Y/N, why are you so nervous about this, you’re an amazing baker and I’m not just saying that because I’m your friend.” He crossed his arms and looked at you more intently now.  You just noticed that he was only wearing his pajama pants, his chest bare. 
“What if I’m not good enough Buck?” You sigh and stand still for a minute, leaning against the counter, your hands pressing against the cool granite.  
“I have a hard time believing that you aren’t good enough for anything.” Bucky saunters over to you and presses a hand to your back, sliding it over your silk pajama tank top.  “Look I know this is a big deal to you, but I really believe that you are an amazing baker and you shouldn’t doubt yourself about anything.” He smiles down at you. 
A tear comes to the corner of your eye and you quickly wipe it away, feeling a wave of relief wash over you because Bucky truly knows how to make you feel like you’re on top of the world.  You turn around and wrap your arms around his torso, squeezing him tightly.  “I don’t know what I would do without you Barnes,” You whisper into his shoulder.
Bucky shrugs.  “You’d be alright, because you’re strong and you can do anything you put your mind to.” 
You blush and turn away from his going back to scan over your recipe, you had made a couple tweaks to it to make it perfect.  “Wanna help me out and start rolling out the pie dough?” 
“Sous Chef Barnes at your service.” Bucky bows slightly and takes the pie dough out of its plastic covering, spreading down flour before putting the dough onto the counter.  
As you are chopping up the rhubarb you feel a slight puff and white powder floating around your body.  Flour is now sticking to your hair and your pajamas.  You look up to see Bucky smirking with another handful of it in his hand.  “Bucky! Don’t you dare!” 
He grins and huffs a breath of air out, sending the flour straight into your face.  You sneeze as some of the grains go up your nose.  You hear Bucky laugh heavily, the noise beautiful and slick like honey.  “Come on, have a little fun,” He snorts. 
“I hate you so much,” You groan and wipe yourself off.  “You’re supposed to be helping me bake, not make a mess of your own kitchen.” You huff. 
He holds up another handful of flour and this time you take off running.  He chases you around his apartment, causing you to screech with laughter.  You haven’t ever had this much fun at three in the morning.  You were starting to forget all of the stress that the interview was causing you.  All you could think about was how handsome Bucky looked running around chasing you.  
Suddenly you catch yourself falling.  You must have tripped over something.  You completely lose balance and fall to the floor, your back thudding against the ground painfully, but you can’t help but laugh.  Bucky lands on top of you, catching himself on his hands.  
“Are you okay,” He asks, concern filling his voice for a moment. 
“I’m fine,” You giggle between words.  You find yourself breathing a little harder now, his body inches from your own.  
“Let me get that.” He brushes the flour covered hair from your face and smirks.  Your heartbeat speeds up as he leaves his hand on your face, holding you in place.  “Sorry.” 
“No, it's..it's okay,” You stutter out and you can’t help but stare into his beautiful eyes.  
Bucky is staring back at you, his eyes full of determination and love.  You’ve never seen him look at you like this before, it’s different, it’s dare you say better than any other look he’s ever given to you.  It’s got you wishing you could control your heart because you swear if it pounded any louder he would be able to hear it.  He doesn’t move for a minute or so, just stares down at you, a smile playing on his lips.  Before you know it his eyes are closed and he is inching closer to you, his lips just centimetres from your own.  You feel your stomach moving into your throat, should you lean in? Meet him for the kiss? Was that what was happening? Before you could even fathom an explanation his lips were softly meeting yours, his hand cupping your cheek.  
“Bucky.” You breathe out, unable to utter any intelligent response.  
“Sorry, I just, I couldn’t help myself.” 
You didn’t say anything just quickly pressed your lips to his again, deepening the kiss as he melted into you.  Once you pulled away you let your hands do the rest, you shoved a handful of flour into his face and grinned with pride.  “Now let me make my pie!” You shoved him off of you and stood up, a giant grin on your face as he watched you walk away with a look of amazement on his face.  
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