#capacitor the fox
chaos-corvus · 11 months
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Obviously dwarves and hobbits are not made of the same stuff
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timmurleyart · 10 days
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Back in time. 🚙💨⚡️⏰⏳
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untouchvbles · 3 months
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DMC DeLorean at Waukesha Cars & Coffee (2024) - Meet 1 in Waukesha, WI.
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abs0luteb4stard · 3 months
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I've watched these movies a thousand times. They never get old.
I cried after watching part one when doc wakes up.
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nerds-yearbook · 1 year
By 1985, Doctor Brown has spent his family fortune and after 30 years of work had finally created a time machine using the Flux Capacitor and built it into a DeLorean. After successfully testing it on his dog, he meant to make the first man flight through time, but, due to circumstances out of his control, his young friend Marty went in his place. Marty ended up creating a pocket 1985 but that alternate 1985 vanished when the time stream was corrected. On the plus side, the time machine did allow Marty to save Dr Brown’s life twice (once in the past and once in 1985). After both Marty and the Doctor had made several trips with the time machine it was destroyed by getting hit by a train. ("Back to the Future I, II, III", flm)
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askthechronoverse · 5 months
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Last Chapter •||• Next Chapter
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Kit wanted to run home the whole day at school, but she knew her father would be disappointed if she skipped again. The gross feeling she had that her father was not going to be home when she got home had to be set aside. She almost could sense that Bellamy had an inkling of her feelings as well, considering how many times the chimera continued to glance over to her with reassuring winks and smiles with every shared class they had. They helped her keep her emotions down and allow her to outwardly appear sunny and cheerful.
The bell to herald the beginning of the lunch period had barely sounded before a bored, completely checked out sounding voice sounded over the tinny loudspeaker:
"Catherine Brickowski and Bellamy Fox, please report to the main office."
Bellamy couldn't register that Kit had flown out the open classroom door until she was already halfway down the hallway. The chimera followed their friend, knowing that she was probably thinking of the worst case. When they caught up with Kit, it was clear that she was having issues keeping a monsoon of emotions at bay. When she finally stopped, Bellamy slammed into her. This pushed her into her father's arms.
"Thank you, Mrs. Punchberry. I'll take them from here. Kids, let's go. I'll explain as we head to the truck." RJ's voice felt frantic, but somehow managed to be subdued. Kit wasn't sure if he was trying to hide how he was feeling from her or from the secretary. If it was from the secretary, she didn't pick up on it and chose instead to return her focus back to her puzzle book.
"Dad?" As RJ hurried the two teenagers toward his truck, Kit noticed that there were suitcases in the bed. Did her father already pack for them? Despite what he had said in the school, RJ didn't speak again until everyone was in the truck and safely in motion.
"Kit. My raptors were attacked last night. I think whoever trashed the office did this." His voice was unstable as he turned towards the space port. "They took my flux capacitor and… I don't know what the extent of the damage they did to my crew is right now."
"Where are we going?" Kit watched the spaceport get closer and closer, seeing a launch in process as well as a few planes coming and going.
"I'm taking you to New Bricksburg. Whoever is doing this is attacking everything I love. I can't let that include you. Your father is already on his way to the embassy down there." RJ parked the truck and practically jumped out, taking no time at all to grab the suitcases in the back. "Let's make tracks. The faster we get out of here, the faster I know you're safe."
Kit took her retreating father's hand as he flashed three tickets to the playing card woman at the gate. She noted that two tickets were blue and one was green. She wasn't sure what that could mean, so she made a note in her head to ask her father about that when he was less frantic.
It felt like a moment of calm came when they finally approached the ships. People in flashy and colorful space suits hustled around the large and sleek monochrome ship which was fitted with large wings and jet boosters you could get lost in. Kit wanted to stop at this moment and take the ship and her surroundings in. This was something that her father had said he was going to do for as long as she was able to remember. He told her that they were going to go to Syspocalypstar together. She just wished that there wasn't so much uncertainty hanging over their heads.
It didn't take too much longer for them to be sitting in their seats, waiting for the flight to begin. Bellamy's arms were folded as they sat across from father and daughter.
"Why am I here, Mr. B?" Their tone was blunt.
"You keep saying that you're going to be her bodyguard. That's what you're going to do. You're going to protect her if I can't." He looked out the window for a brief moment, then at the tickets he held in his hand. "No. When I can't." He looked away again as a crane flight attendant began checking seats for valid tickets.
"Oh! Green ticket, huh? Are you moving?" Kit turned to the sound of the fluttery voice of the crane flight attendant, who somehow snuck up on the three travelers.
"No. I just don't expect to come back right now." RJ's voice was muffled as he sank a little in the chair.
"That's too bad but I'm sure we'll see you again real soon." The crane slid off to the next set of seats.
"One way ticket," was all RJ said in response. Before Kit could ask more, the crane's voice could be heard from a speaker.
"Welcome aboard Futuron's jewel of space, the Solar Butterfly! My name is Carrie and I will be your ever attentive attendant for the duration of this flight to Syspocalypstar. Please remain seated during takeoff and keep in mind that, in the event of an emergency, we are unable to provide full spacesuits at this time. You will need to rely on the oxygen mask and oxygen tanks that are found under your seat. This flight will not be providing any meals. I hope you enjoy your flight with us." RJ sank even lower as she walked to her seat at the front of the ship.
"Wait. Do they not sing the airplane safety song on intergalactic flights?" Bellamy scratched their head as the ship took off and rocketed off at an unknowable speed through space.
"Futuron is run by minifigures, kid. We ain't known for whimsy." He glanced over to Kit, who bounced in her seat. He kept his eyes for a moment at Carrie, who was whispering something to someone that looked like an authority figure who was seated next to her. She showed the slender figure a holographic photo of him. He swallowed hard before putting his attention back to his daughter. "Hey, Kitten. Ya wanna see somethin' cool?" She nodded with zeal. "Sit in the window seat across from me." Kit hopped to the seat next to Bellamy. He kept his eyes on the flight attendant as she picked up a communication device that looked like a radio microphone. She talked for a few moments to someone, with the occasional look back to him. His stomach was in knots by the time he could hear the attendant's voice fully again over the speaker.
"Attention guests. We are about to go through the Stairgate. Please fasten your seatbelts and stay in your seats." The attendant's voice broke through the idle chatter of the passengers around them.
"That's the portal between the Old Systar System and the United Planets of Syspocalypstar, right?" Kit looked out the window at what she could only describe as something vaguely doorlike. Well, it sometimes looked like that, if she squinted.
"Yep. The Stairgate. I flew a ship made out of a yellow house through that thing… at least twice. In different timelines." RJ leaned back in his chair now, unable to keep sitting low in the seat because of the seatbelt. "It ain't as bumpy a ride as it was back then. Most ships are built to survive the trip now."
"Is the Rexcelsior built for that, too?" Kit asked, eager. Before he answered, RJ put his fingers to his lips to signal to the girl to keep her voice down.
"Don't know. I never tried it. She's a pretty old ship, so I don't wanna move her to find out." The ship began to rock a little as it entered the Stairgate. "Alright, kids. Look outside."
The two teenagers looked out the window and were rewarded with a psychedelic display of color and light. It was almost as if reality itself was warping and bending to the will of an unknowable and overly imaginative mind. Kit could swear that some parts of the ship looked like they were also warping at the same time, constantly evolving but at the same time remaining stagnant on the inside. Once the space around them turned to a stagnant dark blue, the flight attendant spoke again.
"Welcome to the United Planets of Syspocalypstar. We should be arriving at the lunar spaceport in just a few moments. You are free to take off your seatbelts until entry into the atmosphere."
"That was pretty cool, right?" RJ flashed a nervous but somehow still enigmatic smile. Bellamy nodded slowly while Kit's reaction was more energetic. RJ looked out the window at the slowly approaching planet and his face became more solemn. The grin on his daughter's face disappeared when she saw this, replaced with perplexed worry. She watched him pull out his phone and type something. He spoke, which made Kit jump. "When we get to the spaceport, have a taxi take you to this address." He handed Bellamy his phone. It was open to a note taking app, where an address was written:
20 14th Street, New Bricksburg
"Ya ain't coming with us, Mr. B?" Bellamy tried to hand the phone back, but RJ shook his head.
"Keep the phone. Ya may need it for something." RJ's attention turned back to the window. "Fasten your seatbelts if you didn't keep them fastened. I think we're about to reach our destination." There was something mournful to his voice, more so than there had been the entire flight over. The flight attendant confirmed this, thanking them all for their choice to travel with them. RJ muttered something under his breath, which Kit only caught the words "no other choice".
The ship's landing was a bit rocky, more so than even the experienced pilot of the trio seemed to expect. Before they got up, RJ handed Bellamy the two similarly colored tickets.
"These will take you back home when things are safe. I'm sure Richie will let Emmet know when that is." He got up and took a breath to ground himself. He took his daughter's hand and, with Bellamy behind them, began to leave the spaceship.
They only got as far as the receiving gate. Two men in silver and yellow spacesuits and yellow helmets that hid their facial features stepped out of the shadows with five similarly clad soldiers minus the helmets behind them. One of the helmeted men spoke. The crystal clear voice that came from the helmet authoritative enough to Kit to make her freeze chilled RJ to his core.
"Rex Joseph Brickowski, you are under arrest for war crimes against the Syspocalypstarian crown as well as several counts of larceny, among several other crimes. Will you go quietly?" That voice made his back throb. Of course Unitron would tap Bad Cop to join their ranks. Kit opened her mouth to protest, but Bellamy put a finger on her beak. "Or do we do things the hard way?"
"As long as you let my daughter and her friend go to someplace safe, I won't have a reason to fight." It amazed Kit how close to her uncle RJ sounded just now.
"Bad Cop, search them. Make sure Rex isn't using them to smuggle something to help him escape." The second helmeted man spoke with disdain and disgust behind a voice that could be perceived as one of true authority. His features were obscured by his helmet, but Kit could imagine he had a self-satisfied smirk. His hands were behind his back, which was perfectly straight.
"Touch my daughter and I will tear you apart." RJ growled, his rage instinctive.
“You put yourself in this situation, Dangervest. I would say you should have thought of that before, but I don't think you ever expected to get caught.” He glanced over to Bad Cop. “Hurry it up. We have a strict time schedule to uphold.”
“Yes, Chief." Bad Cop pulled out a handheld metal detector wand and scanned it over both teenagers, as well as RJ. Both Bellamy and Kit were confused, while RJ looked like he was going to rip the old cop limb from limb for not listening to his threat. Kit shouted as Bad Cop reached for her bag, but a sad nod from RJ was enough for her to back off. Bad Cop started to search through the bag and yelled. He pulled his hand out of the bag, revealing that it was caught in a mousetrap. He took the trap off his hand with the help of one of the infantrymen and threw it as far as he could. He shoved the bag in Kit's arms and shook his head. "They’re clean, Chief." His stern face switched to a scribbled on one, which flashed RJ an apologetic frown before returning to its original setting.
"Surprising." The chief sniffed as he pulled RJ's arms behind his back and cuffed him. "I guess we can let the rugrats go." He shook his head as Bellamy pulled Kit away. "You must not be thinking right to come here with your daughter, Dangervest. I thought Unikitty was going to keep you safe. You basically did my job for me. Would have taken me months to get you out of that candy covered kingdom you found yourself in."
"Don't know whatcha know about chess, but sometimes ya need to make a sacrifice to put more valuable pieces in a safer position.” RJ spoke softer now. “Let's just get this over with. Hope you bring the Business brothers in, too. Last I checked, one of them still owns us tacos." He looked once more to his daughter's retreating back. "Love you, Kitten. Please be safe."
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knickynoo · 1 year
Back to the Future: The Animated Series, s01ep09 "Solar Sailors" Review and Commentary
Previous episodes linked HERE
In this episode: Doc and Clara take a relaxing anniversary cruise to Mars but instead end up facing the terrifying reality of being lost adrift in the outer reaches of space until their eventual deaths. But like. In a fun kids' cartoon way.
I know that the point of this entire cartoon is to focus on the cartoon (duh), but the live-action segments with Real Doc are entirely too short. I want more time with him. He is my favorite wild-eyed scientist, and we should have been able to see his absolutely crazed face more often.
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I will also use this opportunity to express how much I would have liked if Michael J. Fox had been able to appear in at least one of these segments. Like. Even if it had just been thirty seconds of screentime. It would've been really fun to have seen him as college-aged Marty, barging in on Doc's weird little science show for a few moments.
Moving on.
Real Doc talks about the time he went to space and leads us into the cartoon, where we see Jules and Verne surprising their parents with anniversary gifts. Verne gives them a drawing, and it's adorable.
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Jules presents them with the "J.E.B. Cross-Time Headliner," which is equipped with a flux capacitor and allows someone to type in any date and get the newspaper headlines from that time.
Little interesting side-note: The cartoon establishes Doc and Clara's wedding anniversary as December 15th. From reading the wiki for this episode, though, I learned that the BTTF card game (released in 2010) places Doc and Clara's wedding on September 15th instead. Given the absolute whirlwind that Doc and Clara's relationship is in Part III, I think the September date is more fitting. They definitely flew off to safety on the hoverboard, took a second to collect themselves, and then went, "Wow, that was wild; hope Marty made it back home. Let's get married!!"
Jules demonstrates that the machine can pull headlines from the future and types in December 15, 2091, which shows this:
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And this is how we learn that the McFly family will own a space cruise company in the future. Also, this newspaper costs $85.
After Clara mentions how nice it would be to take a "second honeymoon" to Mars, Jules hands them two tickets. (he then reveals he used time travel + Doc's credit card to buy the tickets, lol) Doc and Clara leave that same night in the time machine, announcing to the boys that they'll be back in two minutes. As soon as they leave, though, Jules's machine prints out a new headline. This one is from the following day, December 16th, and reads, "McFly Solar Sailship Lost in Space!" Uh oh.
Happy anniversary, Doc and Clara! You are lost forever in the vastness of outer space.
It's up to Jules and Verne to travel to the future and prevent their parents from boarding the ship (named the "MSC Marty", btw). 2091 Hill Valley is super futuristic and shiny, and pretty much everything is run by robots. Unfortunately, Jules and Verne get diverted upon their arrival, so they're unable to keep Doc and Clara from boarding the ship. We then hear an announcement from the captain, Marta McFly, who is Marty and Jennfer's great-granddaughter.
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This may be a good place to mention how much I dislike the trend of Marty's relatives having names that are so similar to his. I will give Marty Jr. a pass since that's a common thing for a father and son to do the senior/junior thing, but I honestly don't even like Marlene's name. Marty and Jen could have been more creative than that. (I even like to headcanon that they end up giving her a different name in the "better" version of 2015 that ends up happening for the McFly family—that's how much I dislike the "every relative after Marty is named after him" thing) But I digress...
We learn that the person in charge of ship maintenance is Ziff Tannen, and he is not happy about the fact that, "McFlys have been kicking Tannens around for centuries," and wants his revenge. I think it's funny that these two families just cannot escape each other no matter how hard they try. Of all the people in the world, the Tannens and McFlys are just entwined together no matter the time period or location. The only thing is that the dynamic switches based on if it's pre or post-George punching Biff in 1955. But there's nothing they can do to fully break whatever bizarre ties bind them to each other. Good stuff.
Anyway, Ziff is so bent on making the McFlys pay that he sabotages the ship—dooming ALL OF THESE innocent people to certain death in outer space.
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Jules and Verne are unable to get anyone to believe their warnings, and the ship launches. Farewell, Doc and Clara. We will miss you dearly. Considering that Clara is living 100+ years out of her proper time period and that Doc's parents are deceased and he doesn't have any siblings, I can only assume they have it in their wills that, in the event of their untimely demise, Marty gets custody of Jules and Verne. Or perhaps Einstein does. Honestly, with the way Marty's character is in this series, Jules and Verne might be better off being raised by a dog.
In order to gain access to the building where the sailships are being launched, Jules and Verne sneak in with a group of kids who are on a school field trip to tour the McFly Museum of Aeronautics. The McFly family has really built a successful empire for themselves, haven't they?
Meanwhile, in outer space, the passengers of the MSC Marty sailship are enjoying their trip, blissfully unaware of the impending catastrophe. Doc and Clara are riding around on hover scooters and come across an area of the ship where a concert is being held, and they're shocked to see the main act: Marty!
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Except it isn't actually Marty, which Doc and Clara discover when they follow him backstage and he rips off his face.
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Doc and Clara, understandably, react with utter terror.
But, yes, the guy is merely a Marty McFly impersonator. Marty evidently became a successful enough musician that he has people who are hired to pretend to be him in concerts. (side note: this 10 second scene of "Marty" is the only appearance he makes in this episode)
Things start going haywire then as the sabotaged sails malfunction, sending the ship floating toward the "outer edge of the solar system." Doc and Clara immediately decide to do what they can to help the situation, all the while Jules and Verne are still on Earth trying to get anybody to take their warnings seriously. After breaking their way into the control room and finding out that a Tannen works there, Jules delivers what is perhaps my favorite line.
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It's just such a fun and clever "Jules" twist on the idiom: "bet dollars to donuts." He is very much Doc's son.
Ziff is so outraged at the accusation that he accidentally drops a piece of evidence in front of several other crew members—his copy of a magazine titled "Sabotage Weekly." And honestly, this moment alone makes me reconsider this show's reputation for being terrible. I mean, come on. He's reading a magazine called SABOTAGE WEEKLY! This is top-tier comedy! And to add even more delight to the scene, Ziff attempts to flee the scene via jetpack, but he puts it on the wrong way and catapults himself out of the building and straight into prison. Who's cell does he end up crashing into? His grandfather Griff's!!
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"You blew it, didn't you, butthead?" Griff disappointedly asks his grandson.
A worker at the control center takes a look at the damaged ship via video feed and forlornly informs the boys that there's nothing she can do. Jules is undeterred by this, though, and formulates a plan to rescue his parents and all the people aboard the ship.
We return to Doc and Clara, who have donned spacesuits and are outside the ship trying to repair it themselves, to no avail. At the realization that it isn't working, Clara notes that she can't believe they will never see their boys again, and Doc cries so much that he fills up his entire suit with tears.
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This is. Such a fun children's cartoon.
Thankfully, the agony doesn't last long because Jules and Verne soon come to the rescue, having borrowed the space center's first ship, the MSC Jennifer. They use it to tow the MSC Marty safely back to Earth, and all is well. End of cartoon portion. Back to Real Doc! He greets us with a very silly joke and cracks himself up.
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I'm thinking that Doc is probably very proficient at Dad-jokes around his children and that he stands there laughing uncontrollably while his family just stares at him. Anyway, he explains that this is because space is a vacuum, which leads us into an experiment that creates a vacuum in a jar—using fire to suck a small balloon inside of it. And that's about it!
This was a fun one to write about, even though I feel like this post is super lengthy. I'm glad that a lot of you are still enjoying these!
Join me next time to see Marty pose as a ghost in 1845 London in order to break Clara out of prison.
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Back to the Future (1985)
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"Great Scott!" If there ever was a movie that could make time travel not only plausible but also incredibly entertaining, it's "Back to the Future." Strap yourself in, because we're about to take a whimsical journey through Hill Valley with Marty McFly and Doc Brown in this beloved 1985 classic.
From the moment Huey Lewis and the News' catchy tune, "The Power of Love," kicks in, you know you're in for an adventure of a lifetime. Marty McFly, played by the charismatic Michael J. Fox, is a teenager whose life takes an unexpected turn when he hops into Doc Brown's iconic DeLorean time machine, transformed into a stainless-steel spaceship. The DeLorean is so cool that even Doc can't resist saying, "The way I see it, if you're gonna build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some style?"
As we zip back to 1955, we're treated to a nostalgic trip through the '50s, complete with poodle skirts, jukeboxes, and some of the quirkiest characters ever put on screen. Marty's interactions with his young, bumbling parents, George and Lorraine, are both heartwarming and hilarious. The dialogue is peppered with unforgettable lines like, "Lorraine, you are my density," and "Marty, you're not thinking fourth-dimensionally!"
Of course, we can't forget the mad scientist himself, Doc Brown, played by the incomparable Christopher Lloyd. His wild hair and wilder inventions are a delight to behold. Doc's manic energy and insistence on calling Marty "a slacker" add an extra layer of humor to the film.
What sets "Back to the Future" apart is its perfect blend of sci-fi, comedy, and heart. Beneath the time-traveling shenanigans lies a touching story about family, friendship, and the importance of making the most of the time we have. As Doc says, "Your future is whatever you make it, so make it a good one!"
The action-packed climax at the "Enchantment Under the Sea" dance is nothing short of iconic, with Marty playing the guitar like a rock star and ensuring his parents fall in love, preserving the space-time continuum. It's a moment that'll have you cheering and dancing in your seat.
In the end, "Back to the Future" is more than just a movie; it's a ride through time that never gets old. Its charm, wit, and heartwarming message make it a classic that you'll want to revisit again and again. So, hop in your DeLorean, rev up the flux capacitor, and let this cinematic gem take you on a journey where you'll laugh, cry, and maybe even quote it endlessly. After all, as Doc Brown says, "Where we're going, we don't need roads!"
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Great Scott! Tune up your flux capacitor because Michael J. Fox (Marty), Christopher Lloyd (Doc), Tom Wilson (Biff), and Lea Thompson (Lorraine) from Back to the Future are coming to MEGACON Orlando with an incredible special experience. Special experience, photo ops, and autographs go on sale tomorrow at 10 am
ET. Get your show tickets now. http://spr.ly/6189Rsd2U
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chaos-corvus · 11 months
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Capacitor was extremely excited to see Aragorn this time
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manofmanytastes · 2 years
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Looks like they found the flux capacitor! Back to the Future stars Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson and Tom Wilson treated fans to a rare reunion selfie – nearly 40 years after the film first aired in 1985. 📸: @lea_thompson https://instagr.am/p/Co9NR-cNcci/
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movieinfoscene · 2 years
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Thank you to all the BACK TO THE FUTURE FOREVER fans for attending! — Some of the biggest "Back to the Future" fans gathered again for the yearly "1:15 a.m. Twin Pines Mall" meetup at the same time, same date and same location as depicted in the "Back to the Future" film on Tuesday late night, Oct. 25, 2022 until it turned into 1:15 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2022. The attendees were among a group of "Back to the Future" die-hard fans to annually gather in the middle of the night for the film's significant date and time of 1:15 a.m. Oct. 26 at the filming site, Puente Hills Mall in City of Industry, California, which was portrayed in the movie as the iconic "Twin Pines Mall."
— As an unofficial event, the 2022 meetup had its largest turnout yet with 11 DeLoreans on display, plus a "Marty McFly pickup truck" (Toyota Xtra Cab SR5), and an estimated crowd of a couple hundred fans who stopped by throughout the night; along with some amazing cosplayers and very cool BTTF-inspired costumes, outfits and T-shirts.
— THANK YOU to everyone who attended, with extra special thanks to the vehicle owners for showing up with their DeLorean time machines (and the Toyota truck) to commemorate Doc Brown's successful Temporal Experiment Number 1. Many of the DeLorean owners brought their fully-functioning vehicles decked out in "Back to the Future" details complete with flux capacitors, time circuits, Mr. Fusion energy reactors, rear-exhaust louvers, glowing lights and sound effects.
— It was wonderful as always to have a yearly reunion with regular "Twin Piners", plus very welcoming to see many new faces (and now new friends) as well. The cherished, fun, geeky-and-proud gathering allowed those in attendance to share in the "Back to the Future" love, discussion and camaraderie with fellow fans and friends; as many attendees wore their favorite “Back to the Future” outfits, cosplay costumes or T-shirts; and some even brought along amazing prop-replicas.
— Also, here's a shout-out and thank you to Chris Foster, who once again successfully re-enacted that iconic moment by skateboarding downhill into Twin Pines Mall at precisely 1:15 a.m. Oct. 26 as we all eagerly anticipated his arrival, followed by taking this group photo.
— If you are pictured and want a digital jpeg of this photo, contact me via Facebook Messenger and I will be happy to provide you with one.
— PICTURED building in the background: The former JC Penny store is now a 24-Hour Fitness, but the shopping mall remains open.
— FROM FILM TO REAL LIFE AND THE REASON BEHIND THIS MEET UP'S TIME, DATE AND LOCATION: In the beginning of the "Back to the Future" movie, Emmett "Doc" Brown (played by Christopher Lloyd) asks Marty McFly (played by Michael J. Fox) to meet him 1:15 a.m. Oct. 26, 1985 at Twin Pines Mall where Doc Brown reveals the DeLorean automobile converted into a time machine for the first time. This date and location is also the significant moment when Doc Brown remotely controls and accelerates the DeLorean to the necessary 88 miles per hour in the mall's parking lot to successfully execute his time-travel experiment. So, each year in real life, some very dedicated "Back to the Future" fans will go there on the same date, same time and same location as depicted in the film.
— SEE YOU NEXT YEAR: This FREE (and unofficial) meetup in 2023 will take place Wednesday night, Oct. 25, 2023 until it turns into 1:15 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 26, 2023 at "Twin Pines Mall" (Puente Hills Mall in real life.)
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privacygreys · 2 years
The shift exchange
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This report is a great reference to make sure 'Open Shifts' are being filled equitably. Moreover, the amount of requested and granted shifts will be displayed for 'Open Shifts'. Shift Exchange report help managers track statistics on such requests and exchanges.įor 'Shift Trades', the report will show the number of given, requested or granted swaps for each employee. Likewise, our ‘Open Shift’ system allows managers to publish available openings to their staff which employees are then allowed to pick up. With flexible settings, staff members can request and accept shift trades quickly, easily and efficiently without disrupting management in the process. Humanity has a built-in ‘Shift Trade’ request program that allows employees to handle their shift swaps electronically. Participate by proposing upgrades and discussing the future of the protocol with the ShapeShift community. Boardroom is a DAO discovery and governance platform, home to communities shaping the future of the ownership economy. OverviewĪpplies to: Managers, Supervisors, Schedulers, Employees and Accountants FOX Tokens give you the unique opportunity to help shape the organization, and the ability to submit and vote on proposals.
Otherwise, "180deg phase shift" between an input and an output is obtained with an active circuit forming an inverting amplifier, which will provide that shift within a frequency band of interest.The objective of this tutorial is to help you understand how to create, print and save a ‘Shift Exchanges’ Report. An industry initiative spearheaded by the team at Tacofino, Shift Change aims to encourage dialogue about issues prevalent in the hospitality industry. Voltage and current will be 180 deg apart if you compare the current and voltage phases over a load (in phase) with their mutual phase over the connected source, and this is really more a matter of convention than real phase shift. You will start to measure phase delays with wavelengths short enough to fit on a PCB or in an integrated circuit:Īs with the cascaded RC ladder structure, the phase shift is an input vs output voltage phase shift. Starting somewhere around 100MHz, and definitely at 1GHz and above you can build transmission lines where the propagation time matters. All voltages are in phase, the current is the same through both, and the phase difference is 90deg regardless where over which C you measure it.Īt low frequencies, say well under 1GHz, a discrete component filter comprising 3 stages of RC will provide the 180deg shift between its input voltage and its output voltage.
The two in series will have 90deg I/V phase, as will each separately. Across any capacitor they are 90deg apart. What you sketch is the phase shift between current and voltage. Would the 2 caps do the job or would there have to be something else that can phase shift the signal by 180 degrees? What are the options for phase-shifting the signal at these frequencies or higher? I am just curious as to how this can be done. And therefore, the Pierce oscillator cannot do this job. If a swap is not processed automatically. From what I researched, no transistor can do anything at this frequency (amplify, etc), so transistor phase shifters cannot do this job. Swaps are also only possible when there are no facilities or comments allocated to either of the employees on the day. I have seen this question, but it uses transistors (from the wiki). My reasoning is probably flawed and naive, but that is why I am asking this question. So by adding 2 in series would shift the signal by 180 degrees? Would having 2 caps in series provide the necessary phase shift? My reasoning for this is that caps each provide a 90-degree phase shift of the signal (for current). Just like other types of requests, this goes through the workflow. Like a trusted friend when in need we understand, for a low-cost high-value solution, Medshift x-Change is here. Filing a Shift Change Request allows you to change the shift initially assigned to you. When your time matters and the unexpected requires a need to swap shifts, Medshift x-Change peer to peer app helps the medical community meet life's unexpected challenges. I would like to know, for the sake of my own learning, how to phase shift this signal by 180 degrees. Medical Scheduling App for Professionals Nationwide. Let's say that I have a high-frequency oscillator (350 GHz for instance).
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scifiloser · 3 years
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How can you disagree with this selection? You can’t. Back To The Future is freaking amazing.
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