#cant wait to see this posted in the queue what a lovely surprise to be
A: dude. beans. B: bean assault rifle. shoots beans. C: Mmmm....beans. How delicious, delectable, and delightful. Every night I cherish the 3 hour before bedtime I spend sucking each bean one by one through my bendy straw, trying my hardest to propel the beans down my throat in one swift slurp. The way the beans travel through the twisting straw remind me of Willy Wonka’s factory, and how it makes me wonder. Can you imagine? Imagine if Willy had a bean factory... constantly in motion, constantly producing those sweet beans, packing them into cans where they marinate in the finest of bean nectar. If only things were that way, how happier the Oompa Loompas would be to constantly be surrounded by the erotic bean aroma. Unfortunately, Willy Wonka isn’t real, and neither is that dreamy bean factory. Sometimes I can’t sleep because of that. I wake up and realize “there’s no bean factory” and I cry for the remainder of the night. I hate those dreaded nights, and I keep a can of beans at my bedside to pray to when the times get dark. It’s difficult, you know? Living in a family of those who can’t respect beans on the same level as you... which is why I devised my ode to beans, consisting of 26 arguments for the divinity of beans. They are recited as follows: C: Beans cannot die. Even the digestive system deals virtually no damage to them. Holy water is just bean water that never had beans in it. If you throw a bean up in the air, it always comes back down to you because it loves you so much. The origin of the word “bean” comes from the point in history when they were discovered by an Italian explorer, who exclaimed “look a him-a-bein so good!” The concept of the “return address” in the mailing system was not intended for returning mail. Rather, it required to use a return address so that if a person receives beans from an anonymous sender, they can at least send back a thank you note. The first prototype of a gun used beans as ammunition, but the beans possessed such a sacred conscience that they would stop midair, refusing to kill soldiers on the enemy line. Studies show that 98% of those who starved to death had not eaten beans in the past week. The effort of beans to end racism was the largest effort ever made concerning race. However, the effort was ineffective, due to the beans’ inability to speak. Can you prove God is real? No. Can you prove beans are real? Yes. C: The lack of bean flavored products is due to the divine flavor that cannot be manufactured. If someone is allergic to beans, do not trust them. Run away. Fast. Millennials use the slang word “beaned” to describe someone who has been gotten. Specifically, someone who has been gotten so bad that they can only turn to beans as their solace. Bean-head, the greatest compliment of the English language, is misunderstood by heretics as an insult. Sometimes I put a smiley face on a can of beans and leave it on my pillow so my parents think I’m sleeping when I’m actually eating beans. To become a saint under the bean church, you must use beans in place of tears, and shed beans at the sight of harrowing mistreatment of beans. Beans are the only beings to be simultaneously lawful, neutral, and chaotic. Beans are everything. For every bean you put in your mouth there is one more bean in your mouth than there was before you put the bean in your mouth. Mmm..... beans. Beans will never betray you. Unless you ask the beans to betray you, and then you can organize a plan with the beans so that they can do what you want without accidentally making you sad. Beans are soul essence. Beans are the 4th subatomic particle, and beans are constantly in their own state of matter. Beans are the holy material on which we will build our future society, and no figure from any religious group has dared to deny this fact. B: A: B: are you okay C: b e A n S
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savnofilter · 4 years
You’re Perfect
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Bakugo x Fat!Reader [3.4k words]
warning(s): sexual content, angst, fluff, mentioned bullying, might be triggering, implied anxiety attack, body dysmorphia, body worship, praise kink.
a/n: for any sfw readers, about first half of the fic is strictly sfw. line “It took you a second” is when it gets spicy, ““Shit… you okay? I didn’t hurt you or anything?”” is when its chill again. <////<
ahhhh, i sincerely apologize to the requester for this being so late. i too at the time was struggling with my weight when i had received this, i hope this makes up for lost time. this hit home to write since its painful to see someone you love go through hating themselves for something they cant control. if there is ANYTHING THAT MAKES YOU (THE READER) UNCOMFORTABLE PLEASE LET ME KNOW! i will fix it up ASAP. as my other awareness posts or sensitive topic fics, i hope this helps more than hurts. 
if anyone makes fun of you for your weight (especially on anonymous) theyre fucking losers. if someone cant say shit to your face they dont matter!! and if they do? they still dont matter. as long as you are healthy you are 100% valid, no matter your size. thank you anon, i hope you have a splendid night! 💓
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His mouth danced with yours as you two had finally gotten back from a long day of shopping together. His hands wandered under the cute hoodie that you had borrowed from him, your beautiful body doing it more justice than his. His calloused hands gave your sides a playful squeeze, smirking lightly at your slight moan at the feeling. Just when he was about to lift the material from your body is when you had stopped him abruptly. 
Bakugo frowned upon watching as you kept your hoodie down, shying away from his eyes and not making any move to speak rather than to tell him “no”. He sat back on his heels, your skirt already ridden up, but that too was brought down by your persistent hands. Bakugo’s brows furrowed in confusion, eyes scanning your face and trying to figure out what the hell was wrong. 
“Babe, what the hell are you doing?” He asked, his voice communicating his confusion.
“I-I just don’t feel like it anymore.” You mumble, hand flying up to cover your face, a sure sign that you were lying to him. Bakugo’s face didn’t change at your words, the other indication of that was the subtle change in his facial expression. He moved back, his hands carefully lifting your thighs from around his waist and helping you sit better on the bed again. 
“What’s the issue? Did someone do something to you?” He asks one question right over the other, thinking out loud instead of letting you speak as he gives you more space. “I swear I’ll kill whoever did it, those fuckers don’t know what’s coming to them-”
“It was about us,” You whisper, “those girls were talking about us.” Your change in volume catching his attention, whipping his head to look in your direction once again. He was startled to find that you were crying, the dead giveaway being the wet spots that coated the once dry edge of your sleeves. “How I’m not good enough for you b-because…” Finishing the sentence was hard. Your voice trembled as you struggled to talk, the painful squeezing in your chest making it impossible to think straight. He couldn’t say anything as he waited for you to continue, too worried that if he spoke too soon he’d cause you more harm than healing.
“I’ve been trying so hard to ignore it but, it’s just so fucking hard not to. People always tell me about how I look when I can already see it by myself. I don’t need someone to point out my weight because I live with it every fucking day! When they send me their bullshit when we’re together -- it’s always when we’re together. I fucking hate it!” You cried harder, your emotions coming up and swallowing you whole. Had this been with anyone else, it would’ve been hard. Since Bakugo had already been with you a few times to know your insecurities and aid you back to a level head, making this easier to open up. “Those girls… they talk about how you’re better than me, how you’d leave me because I’m not shaped like the other girls, how--how I’m not your type! And it’s every-fucking-day.” You whimpered at the end of your sentence, your anxiety not aiding in the fact that it was getting so much harder and harder to think straight or breathe. “It hurts so fucking much because I love you so much, K-Katsuki -- it hurts s-so much!”
At this stage in your breakdown, you didn’t even have enough courage to look up at him or inch away when you felt him get closer to you. He was silent as he watched you sobbed, gulping anxiously as he too tried to hold back his pain at watching you like this. He quickly scanned the room to let his words flow for whatever reason, the action aiding him in speaking to you. Of course, he had known that once you two moved onto a university setting that more people would try anything to get on top. Bullying was something he was over and something he had grown to despise. The thought and knowledge of people being awful to you made him incredibly sick.
“Is that what has been bothering you so much?” Bakugo asked, gently getting enough room for him to bring you into his lap into his arms. You nodded as you continued to sob, the harshness before only dimming down just a bit by him embracing you in his arms. “Fuck those extras. Those chicks don’t even know what they’re talking about, if they spent more time on themselves they’d pass better in class!” He huffs. He doesn't need to anything about who there and what their motives were, not wanting to feed into their pathetic bullshit. It was losers who don’t even have the privilege to talk to him for Bakugo. “You’re fucking beautiful, Y/N. Don’t let some nameless bullies get to you, they’re nothing but jealous bottom-feeders. You’re your own person even without me -- and hell I would still be pinning after you even if we weren’t together.” He mumbles against your temple, his hand that held under thighs in a tight but comfortable grip gave them a loving squeeze, his other hand that wrapped around your shoulders giving the same effort. 
He smiled softly once the sound of your crying subsided the more he continued his words. He places a kiss on your temple once he manages to earn a sorrowful giggle from you, nuzzling your hair as he softly rocked you. “Don’t let those people get to you… they have nothing better to do.” He carries, his tone softer than the last time. “I don’t know what’s it like to be in your shoes, but I am here for you, alright?” He reassures. The nod of your head was all he needed as he let you calm down, not moving or speaking another word till you were comfortable in moving again.
He gave you a moment to collect yourself, reminding you of the breathing exercises you often did to get you to breathe normally again. It wasn’t until when you had gained enough reassurance you were able to lift your head from your curled up position, using the other dry side of your sleeves to clean your cheeks. He swoops in to give your closest cheek playful kisses, the feeling of his lips against your skin making you chuckle and move your face away. 
“Katsuki, stooop~” You tease him, moving your face away from him and letting his kisses trail down your neck. He stops once you down at him with a playful grin, your vibrant smile back on your face. 
“There my beautiful and amazing, Y/N, is~” He teases back, leaning in to give your lips a peck and pulling away to carefully let you back on the bed. You take a small deep breath, your hands coming up to wipe your face again. “Thank you, Katsuki. Sorry if I ruined the mood, I didn’t mean it…”
“Eh, what the hell. I would rather sex you up when you’re ready not when you’re someplace else.” He nudges you jokingly, smirking down at your semi-surprised face. “I could get you a bath, queue up some movies, if that’s what you want-”
“N-No, I would like to continue where we l-left off.”
It took you a second before you could look up at him, both pairs of eyes reading each other. You were the first to lean in, his hand coming up to cup your cheek and sealing the kiss halfway through. You positioned your body to face him better, him the same as you two sat at the edge of the bed getting into your interrupted make-out session once again. Your hands gripped the bottom of his shirt as his other disappeared under your hoodie once again, you two letting your hands refuge wherever they could find it. 
His thumb softly caressed your skin as he leaned more into you, you both moving to lay back onto the bed. His hand trailed from your jaw back to his earlier position before you had your break, pausing just slightly and continuing their journey downwards -- in fear of repeating the same emotions that had jumped up when you two had first started. His calloused hands landed on your thighs and spread them with enough room for him to fit between your thicc thighs. His hands gave them a sensual squeeze, dragging up playfully to disappear under your skirt as he caressed the plush skin under it. 
His tongue invaded your mouth while you let his hands roam wherever they so, please. His mouth swallowed your cute and surprised yelp when his hand found its way into your laced panties and gave your bean a testing rub. Once his advances weren't rejected he proceeded to continue rubbing. He opened his eyes to watch your face relax into one of lewdity, quickening his pace to the one you liked. His fingers were skilled in rubbing up and down to collecting your slick, making it easier to rub against your skin and bundle of nerves.
When you had pulled away it was one of the most erotic sights he has ever seen from you: expression needy, mouth open, and tongue hanging out your mouth as panted from the rush of adrenaline. A string of saliva connected you two, the experience causing his cock to twitch in excitement. He leaned down to give you a quick kiss to get rid of it and pulled away to get the rest of your clothes off. His hands gripped the bottom of the hoodie, red and lustful eyes looking up at you for consent before getting the clothing off your body. He groaned watching your chest heave in excitement, hands trailing your sides, and moving to kiss your neck.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, baby~” He mumbles against your skin, giving it a playful bite and sucking on it. “And you’re all fucking mine, you got it~?” He trails his kisses to different parts of your chest and collarbone, making sure to leave it in places that could easily be seen. “I’m going to let every extra know it too~”
You moaned out his name once he continued his possessiveness, hands groping your tits through your bra and fondling them. The soft but stimulating fabric of bra aided in giving you the extra boost of hormones that he had given your cunt minutes ago, shamelessly rubbing against the front of his pants to gain stimulation. 
His kisses didn’t stop at your chest and collarbones, his adventure continuing when his hands went behind your back to un-clip your bra and watch as your breast spilled from the contraption. He mutters to himself at how cute your chest was, the hardened nipples aiding in their beauty. He couldn’t help but swoop in and take a bud in his mouth, already sucking on the proud buds. His tongue swept across the hardened nerves and sucked on them as well, his other hand fondled the other. His unoccupied hand moves back under your skirt and inside your panties, playing with your womanhood, his main focus to give you utmost pleasure. 
He hums happily hearing you moan and whimper for him, your hands gripping the shirt he still kept on. The contrast of how much clothes you two were wearing was making you self conscious, but in the hot, bothered and vulnerable -- and not the bad kind of way. Once he could feel your cunt slicking up he smirked against your skin and continued his ministrations. Bakugo takes two experimental rubs against your entrance, dipping the tips in and slowly sinking them both in at once. His teeth lightly tug at your nipple as he pulls away, letting it go before giving it a teasing peck.
“You like my fingers in you, baby~?” He lightly taunts you, watching as your hips buck into his hand once he chooses to rub over your g-spot from the get-go. “You like it when I tease you like this, Y/N~?” Of course, he wasn’t expecting a verbal response from you. Your whimpering, and nodding being enough.
He let his fingers work inside you, tips repeatedly grazing and teasing your g-spot to watch your tremble and quiver. Choked words came from your mouth, your eyes never leaving his as he watched down at you in a predatory gaze. The corners of his mouth etched into a smirk, unbeknownst to you that how beautiful you looked made his heart race, his thumb doing its work to further its pleasure and keep you squirming beneath him. The sound of your cunt sucking around him was erotic, Bakugo flipping up your skirt just to see the mess underneath. “Fuck~ this pretty little cunt is mine~” He growls out from the feeling of your walls tightening around his digits at the compliment. Surely he wasn’t expecting you to cum this quick, his free hand gripping one of your thighs and pushing it back to let his fingers hit differently inside you. The mixture of his fingers pumping in and out of the hot core and his thumb swiping at your swollen nerves was enough to drive you over, giving him a loud cry he always yearned to hear when you guys get busy in your dorm room. He carefully removes his drenched fingers from your wanton cunt, dryly swallowing at the loss from around his fingers.
“Such a good girl…” He mutters to you, whether or not you were supposed to hear it or not mattering to you once he rips off your skirt, his hands gripping your waist and squeezing your waist. His eyes scanned and drank in your naked state, his cheeks tinting a happy pink on his tanned skin as he thought of all the things he could do to you, his boner officially pressing against the restraints of his pants. His hands trailed your body, giving the parts of your body sensual gropes and held you with gentleness. It was like he wanted to let you know he cherished every bit of you. 
Bakugo was quick on getting his clothes off, ready to finally have his cock inside you. His fingers danced across your way to lube himself up again, pumping his cock as he looked you over. He makes strong eye contact with you, his nose flare in hot arousal. “Are you ready to continue, babe?” He asks softly, gripping your thighs and wrapping your legs around his waist. 
“Please, Katsuki, please make love to me…” You ask meekly in response, your hands circling his shoulders and pulling him closer. His face nuzzles your neck and nods his head in response, pressing his tip against your opening before thrusting in.
“Be careful what you wish for~” He simply says as he hits inside you and holds you close. His pace was relentlessly but not in an aggressive way, the enthusiasm of his thrusts showing his passion for having sex with you. Your hips met with every thrust, body bouncing against his as he moved his hips against yours. The resonating sound of him moving in and out of you was flustering, to say the least, the sound not alone and having the sound of your wet pussy to partner along with it. 
His hands caged your head in as they rested on beside your face and on your plush pillows, anchoring himself and helping him move in you. He peeked down to watch as you reacted to him, from the way your face twitched in pleasure to the way your body moved against his was to put simply, euphoric. 
“There’s my beautiful girl, moan for me, baby~” Bakugo held no resentments in showering you with compliments, adding a little razzle-dazzle to the experience between you two. While some were straight-up dirty some were wholesome. The scale of how Bakugo went along with making you feel better and loved almost made you tear up once again. You swallowed the tears more for your own fear of shedding emotion and not wanting to ruin the mood again.
But that wasn’t the case.
Once Bakugo noticed your tear-stained cheeks, admittedly his heart did squeeze. He gave you a promise that he loves as he slowed his thrusts just for you, his hands coming up to cup your cheeks and give you a passionate kiss on the lips. He didn’t try to make it steamy or long, nor did he pull away to hear you say the same words back. He just wanted you to feel loved and desired in that very moment his words reached far behind the sensual confines of the bed you both sometimes shared.
So you let your feelings out. 
This time it was from the overwhelming love you held for your longtime boyfriend.
He kissed away and rubbed your cheeks as he left you to cling onto him. He set his pace to one he knew you loved, doing nothing more than pleasuring you and helping you move along to your orgasm. His lips littered your exposed collarbones, shoulders, neck, chest -- anywhere he could appropriately reach and where he could find. He kissed the characteristic and lovely blemishes on your skin, the reappearing and disappearing stretch marks he loved to caress late at night, and the old hickies left by your one and only~ He made sure to give you his all.
Your hands interlocked with his as you announced you were close, eyes watching up into him as his hips stuttered to meet your climax as well. He allowed himself to adjust to comfort without restraints. He sat deep in you as you released on his cock, your soft pants leaving your chest. He mutters another “I love you” to you for another good measure, kissing up to your neck and nipping your earlobe and sucking on it. He held you in his arms till you were done, carefully pulling away and pulling out, cussing lightly under his breath as he admired you. 
“Shit… you okay? I didn’t hurt you or anything?” He asks with slight worry, his cheeks tinting red again when you left your hands to cup his cheeks instead this time. You smiled up at him once he focused on you, thumbs softly rubbing the soft and warm skin of his attractive face.
“I’m okay. Thank you, Katsuki…” He pulls you into another hug, his arms holding onto you so tight that you believed that he wouldn't let go no matter what. “I-I love you too.”
You felt safe. 
Being on your own and not in the comfort of your home was scary on its own. But, with the added support of your boyfriend never made you pull away from loving yourself. You hadn’t expected to meet Bakugo or elope with him after his era of horrid behavior back in junior secondary school. You giggle to yourself as you think about old Bakugo and how much he’s changed, gaining a confused look from him.
“What’s so funny, brat?” He asks playfully, his hand coming up to flick your forehead. You whine at the feeling, still smiling anyways. 
“You’ve changed a lot, Katsuki.” You answer with just as much lightness, thanking him when he brings back a towel for you both to get cleaned up. “It’s honestly endearing if you ask me~”
“Save it for dinner.” He mumbles back, cheeks hot with embarrassment as you compliment his character development over the years. He gets off the bed and holds your hands to get you up, giving the same spot on your forehead a gentle kiss to somewhat “soothe” it. 
“Change into something comfortable, I have to show you something that will blow your fuckin’ socks off.” He grins as he pulls away. He get to changing into the settings attire from the few draws you let him borrow for his clothes, shooing you away and giving your butt a playful smack once you leave and smirking at your yelp. 
You pout rubbing your butt and go to your closet to pick out something this time around, deciding the leading choice for the outfit would be another one of his at-home hoodies that you wore out when you wanted him most. “May I ask where-”
“Of course not.” He answers before you can finish, peeking back at you once you dressed already, smiling softly as he hops up. “Just wear something that you can get dirty in. We’re going to make some unforgettable memories~”
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celebritytgcaptions · 3 years
Requests (5/8/2021)
Hi lovelies! I just filled up the queue through May but I have a LOT of requests left. So I’m posting the remaining requests below! If you see your request here that means it’ll be posted in June at the earliest. If you don’t see your request it means it’s probably going to be posted in May (although I did delete two messages that weren’t “requests” as much as “demands”, messages that said, “Do this,” or, “Make that,” which I don’t respond to). There are some requests I addressed in a post on April 27th though that won’t be posted until June also so be sure to check that out. Thanks for the support lovelies! Hope you like what’s to cum. ;)
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Anonymous said:
Could u do emma stone from amazing spider man i like her look from the 2nd one but its fine whichever u use
Yep! Second one it is. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hi was wondering if you could do a caption of a superhero that is captured by their villain and turned into an evil hench woman thought about anne hathaway as cat woman if you could thanks love your captions btw
Sure thing!
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Anonymous said:
Could you do a caption where a white guy gets turned into Kerry Washington. And becomes addicted to sleeping with black men? I was thinking of using the scene from little man where shes in bed after a night of "doing it". Can that be done or is that too graphic of a description?
I don’t think it’s too graphic? I’ve never seen Little Man (idk what it is tbh) but I googled “Kerry Washington Little Man” & found a pic I think works so I can do this.
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Anonymous said:
I don't remember if I requested this already or not but could you do one of Haley atwell from captain america I was thinking like a super soldier test turns a guy into her but he then finds out that was the plan that the government wanted to make super sissies instead
You did not request it and I can do it!
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Anonymous said:
Hi could you do a caption using Betsy brandt? Shes the aunt from breaking bad incase you didnt know I just think shes beautiful and hope you could do a caption for her idk what about maybe something about milfs thatd be good ig whatever you decide anyways thanks
I DO know who that is! And there have been quite a few MILF requests (as you’ll see) so all you MILF lovers will be happy going forward. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hello first off big fan 2nd off im sorry if this is too much but I have abit of a list for ya if u can do these thats great if not its ok just sorry i know its alot.  Emma thompson(saving mr banks)  Sean young, (ace venture)  Rhea Pearlman, ( matilda)  Christina agulara( burlesque)   sigourney weaver, (alien or ghostbusters)   emma stone (cruela)  thank u there will be a part 2
Heres part 2 its just ones I dont really have any specific thing in mind.    Tia and Tamara. Idna menzel.   Adele.    Bonnie Tyler.    Ruby rose.    Sarah chalke.   Kristen schaal.  Melissa McCarthy.  Megan trainer.    Elizabeth gillies.   Like i said if u can great if not thats alright atleast u'll have some stocked up for a rainy day thanks again and sorry again
Hello im the one who gave the list of requests sorry once again I just wanted to further explain one of them the christina Aguilera from burlesque one to be specific I would like the one where she is wearing the bowler hat with the  loose frizz curls thats the only one I can think of to elaborate on the rest are up to u thanks again sorry again
Ok so this is A LOT of requests and in the future I would like to ask people to limit their requests to three celebs at a time, but I’ve never said that before so it wouldn’t be fair to the person who requested all these. So yes I can do these requests. The only one I won’t do is Sean Young from Ace Ventura because her character in Ace Ventura is really really transphobic (or, more specifically, how that character is written). And I can do that specific Christina Aguilera one. Also since this IS so many requests I’ll probably be sprinkling them in through instead of doing them all at once, & I already wrote an Elizabeth Gillies one coming out towards the end of May.
Anonymous said:
If possible could you do Elizabeth perkins as Wilma Flintstone I had the idea of it litterally being set in cave man times and depicting the forat instance of feminization, the first sissy, being of a weaker evolution and stuff causing the tribe to pick him as the tribes cave sissy
Oooo, sounds fun. Totally!
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Anonymous said:
Could you do Marissa tomei? Was thinking hero type story by night hes a crime fighing vigilante by day She is a stay at home sissy wife waiting for hubby to get home to pleasure him
I can do this!
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Anonymous said:
Could you try making one where a boy who’s always been short his entire life gets feminized by his friend? I was thinking someone like Skai Jackson would be great for this
Sure thing! I found one of Skai where she’s of age so I’ll use that. :) (I won’t use a GIF of here her though since most of them are from Jessie when she’s under 18)
Anonymous said:
I was wondering if you could do one about a college professor named Peter whose autocloset gets hacked by his students.  They transform and feminize him into a sexy latina milf so they have someone sexy to look at during class.  Actress of your choice, someone over 30 please.
Oooo, I’ve got the perfect celeb for this. ;)
Anonymous said:
Hi I actually have 3 u may have done them before but if u can thatd be great. 1 Natalie Portman (V for vendetta ) the little girl outfit with the pigtails I was thinking like a lost bet. 2 P!nk (beautiful trauma) the house wife look is so good.  3 Elizabeth olsen (wandavision) when shes in the bed wearing her costume like a morning after thing.  Thats all like I said if u can thank u love ur captions
Ah gotcha. I can do these!
Anonymous said:
Hi id like to start off by saying i love your captions. Was wondering if you could do one of Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Ramona flowers when she had Green hair as far as the story I dont really have anything other than green being the guys fav color idk hopefully you can do something with that anyways thank you for your time have a good one
I can work with this. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hey I have a specific scene in mind its of kaley cuoco when she was on the big bang theory I dont remember the episode but its where shes sitting on the couch when her BF walks in and shes dressed in this purple lingerie and shes got her hair up its beautiful I was thinking if u could do a caption on that? Maybe like a roommates thing sorry I dont have enough info on the scene
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Anonymous said:
Could u ro Lindsay sloane from bring it on I had to look up the name I just remember her as "Big red" what they called her in the movie
Yep! I love Bring it On. :)
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Anonymous said:
Omg i love the Alex kingston caption u did recently whenever u get a chance could u do more River song captions also the billie piper one again whenever u get the chance
You got it. :)
Anonymous said:
Ok if you could i have an idea for a caption of a guy who wants to be internet famous but cant cut it as a guy so he pretends to be a lady on an onlyfans but doesnt show off anything too much then he gets surprised by his Male roommate who found out and his roommate blackmails him into making more "Private" videos to get cash I was thinking using meg turney if u could thanks
Sounds fun. Sure thing! :)
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Anonymous said:
Hello I know you mightve done this one already but the one of Katy Perry from "Hey hey hey" music vid could u do another one from that still her with the blonde hair but when shes just waking up instead thank you
You bet!
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Anonymous said:
I know you got alot of requests lately but if you dont mind one more could you do Drew Barrymore from Batman forever?
I had to double check how old she was in that but yes! I can do this. :)
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Anonymous said:
I know I probably wont see this for awhile but if u could can u do a caption of debby ryan from jessie where she is dressed like a little kid and has her hair in pigtails? I was thinking like a babysitting gig gone wrong for the story like dress up goes too far or something anyawys thank u
Do you know what episode that’s from? I found the image and I think it looks great but I just want to make 100% sure that Jessie was an adult when she made it. If you know the episode feel free to message me & I can go ahead with it. :)
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Anonymous said:
I have 3 if u could do them 1. Zazie beets  2. Zendaya  3. Tessa Thompson. Thats all thanks
I actually have Zazie Beets and Zendaya caps coming up before May ends, but you’ll get the Tessa Thompson one in June. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hi could you do another caption tor jenna fischer from the office please?
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Anonymous said:
Could you do a cap where a teacher named Peter gets feminized into a latina housewife and use Marisol Nichols from Riverdale?  Can't ignore the MILFs.
Damn right you can’t! I’ll be sure to do this. :)
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Anonymous said:
Addison Rae or Ariana Grande please
I’ll do both! :)
@tammyboy25 said:
Hi there! I was wondering if you could please do one where a sister or best girlfriend guilt trips a boy into being their maid of honor for her wedding? Bachelorette party, Dress shopping, getting their hair done, dancing with other boys at the reception are some ideas I had. Thank you so much either way!!!
Ooooo I love this! You got it sweetie. :)
Anonymous said:
Wow, I really loved the "From the Amazons" caption you did with Wonder Woman! Could you do something similar with a guy named Rene put into the body of a sluttfied superheroine?  Maybe Scarlet Witch/Wanda? Thanks!
“From the Amazons” has been getting a lot of love so thanks everyone! I can totally do this with an Elizabeth Olsen pic. :)
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Anonymous said:
I'm not sure if youve seen falcon and the winter soldier yet but Erin kellyman who plays kharli in that is a relatively new actress so I could understand if you dont know her but if you do could you make a caption for her? Thank you
I actually do know who she is! I saw her in “Falcon & Winter Soldier” and Solo so I can totally do a cap with her. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hi, yesterday I said how much I loved that Wonder Woman caption you did with Gakl Gadot. And I've since discovered the manips made by Saturdays24. My name is Rene, and I'd loved to be turned into a girl in one of his pics, particularly Taylor Swift! Thanks!
Sure thing! @saturdays24 gave me permission to use their stuff a few years ago so I can do any caps with their manips. :)
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Anonymous said:
Can you please do Priyanka Chopra captions
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Anonymous said:
Can you do Lala Anthony captions. I am a big fan of her
Totally! (For some reason I can’t find a good GIF of her though)
Anonymous said:
Can you do a cap with the new Billie Eilish Vogue Pics? That would be so so amazing.
Anonymous said:
billie eilish or addison rae?
Anonymous said:
Hi I remember someone else asking for a billie eilish caption since she was of age now but it was still too recent to have any pics of her at the right age well now shes 19 and I just saw she was on the cover of vogue afew days ago ....would that work?
Don’t worry, a Billie Eilish cap from British Vogue is on the way! She is an adult now & so I can make caps with her. :) (Also to the person who asked about Addison Rae, like I said earlier I’ll make one for her too. :D)
Anonymous said:
I really liked ur newest caption of Kelly lebrock as a boss being spotted enfemme I was wondering if u could do a follow up to that one? Maybe with her from woman in red. Id just like to see the coworker confront the boss
I like that idea! Totally. :)
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Anonymous said:
Could you do a caption with Jhene Aiko or Jenna Ortega? They’re both similar to me in body build so it would be pretty amazing to see them in a caption.
Jhene Aiko yes. Jenna Ortega MAYBE. Jenna Ortega only JUST turned 18 and that was during the COVID-19 pandemic so there aren’t going to be a lot of projects where she’s an adult to pull from. So if I can find something maybe otherwise you might just have to wait a bit. Sorry if that’s a bummer. :/
Anonymous said:
Can you do Nikita Dragun captions please?
I’ve no idea who this is, sorry.
Anonymous said:
Idk if u know the band pentatonix or not but if u do could u do a caption for Kirstin Maldonado they just came out with a music video for 90s medley and she is gorgeous in it much appreciated :)
I’ve actually done some Kristin Maldonado caps already so I can totally do another. :)
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xsixxx · 5 years
Bad Influence - Chapter 11
Word Count - 5.4K
Authors Note - It's been a while! 👋🏻 About 4 months I think 😬 If there are any Bad Influence fans actually left out there, I'm so sorry & I love you. I had a really fuckin shitty last few months of 2019 & because of that, I kinda stopped doing the stuff I enjoy, writing this fanfic & using this blog being one of them.
Then I tried to come back before I was ready 😂 I wrote this chapter out about 2 months ago, but never bothered to post it bcos I didn't care enough about it. But I've recently returned to it, rewrote it & remembered why I fuckin love writing this fanfic. So I'm super excited to post this chapter & I hope you don't all hate it after how long it's been 😂 It's a bit rough bcos I'm getting back into it & I'm kinda rusty!
I love you guys for baring with me, I can't wait to get back into writing this fic for you 🖤
Warnings - Um, the f word is used in like every sentence oops, some implied smut when Nikki is remembering (choking trigger warning), I guess 'violence' but not really violence???, a whole lot of angst & a teeny bit of fluff at the end
Tags - @cruecifymesixx @freddiessmallnipples @queen-crue @scarecrowmax @lovesick-heart0 @littlesunnymoon @80sheart-strings @cranberrirolls @inthebackofmycarlaytheirbodies @versnatasha @zoenicolesetser @crazysaladchopshop @ggorehorror @lunamadhatter99 @justtryingtoovercome @chaoticvybe @you-know-im-a-dreamer @eightiesrockbaby @valentines-in-london @xrosegoldwolfx @fupatroopaa @lilypetite88 @this-blog-must-be-the-place @ashleecrue @lauravic @dark-princess99 @unknownoblivion @mgkobsessed @antheasnow @rockaholi @nassauartist @sparxx27
(there's one bit where Nikki is glaring across the bar at a character & this gif is spot on)
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*Nikkis POV*
I drummed my fingers to the sound of a guitar as I watched Mick do his thing through the glass of the recording booth, his fingers working magic as he played the riff to Looks That Kill.
Fuck, that weird little guy could play.
“Nikki, this song is gonna fucking kill!” Tommy yelled enthusiastically, beating his drumsticks on the arm of the battered couch his was lounging on.
I smiled weakly back at him, my nerves keeping me from matching his excitement. “I hope so,” I mumbled. I look around the studio, basking in the enormity of where we were right now. Mötley was recording their second album & my nerves were shot. It had to be perfect. It had to do well.
“Stop stressing man, everyone’s gonna fucking freak over this album, I just know it!” He replied, smiling encouragingly, his usual Tommy level of positivity feeling sickeningly sweet, but still, I nodded at him gratefully. “So we hitting up The Whisky or what tonight boys?” He continued, addressing Vince as well as me, who was pouting on the couch next to him.
I chuckled without amusement, shaking my head. “Fuck no, not a chance I’m going in there yet.”
Tommy scowled at me. “Sixx, come on dude, you cant avoid the place forever. Plus, she might not even be working tonight!”
“I’m not risking it! I’m not gonna be able to enjoy the night if she’s there, judging my every fucking move, you know how she is.” I replied, rolling my eyes.
“So you’ve still not talked to her since..” Tommy trailed off, awkwardly. But Vince happily picked up from where he’d left off.
“Since you lead her on, fucked her & then blew her off?” He snapped arrogantly, instantly causing my jaw to tense.
“Don’t fucking start with me, Vinny. I’m not in the mood.”
“Oh, you mean you don't wanna hear about what a dick you were? What a surprise.” The sarcasm thick in his voice.
I slammed my hand down on the recording table & stood up sharply. “The fuck is your problem, man?” I snarled, his attitude & the mounting stress from the album mixing together to create a dangerous cocktail of anger & belligerence.
“My problem?” He questioned, standing up to meet my stare. “My problem is you Sixx. Beths a good fucking girl, what you did was real messed up, I should fucking floor you again for how you treated her. You owe the chick an apology at the goddamn least.” He spat, his anger in Beths defence honourable, but fucking irritating.
I chuckled arrogantly at his misplaced valiance. “Give it up the knight in shining armour act Vinny, I didn’t see you rushing to commit to her when she was getting your dick wet.”
I saw the danger flash in his eyes as he took a warning step towards me. “I didn’t fuck her & leave either.” He hissed, the venom in his voice palpable.
“Aw, did I upset your girlfriend?” I joked patronisingly, very aware that I was pushing it too far, but yet I couldn’t help myself, Vince acting all high & mighty was really starting to piss me off.
Vinces eyes narrowed sharply & I saw his hands ball into fists at his side. “Like I said, she’s a good girl. She didn’t deserve that.” He said through his teeth, the strain to keep calm evident in his voice.
I smirked at him amused, looking him up & down. “Whatcha gonna do Vince? Hit me again? Defend her honour? She’s a chick dude & a stuck up one at that. And she ditched your ass if you remember, you should be thanking me.” I laughed, shrugging.
“You know what Sixx, you’re an asshole. You know as well as I do that Beth isn’t another fucking groupie to this band. Nah, I didn’t wanna date her, but I like her- We all like her.” He corrected himself quickly.
“Vinny’s right man, I’m not taking sides, but Beths cool & I kinda do like having her around!” Tommy piped up, nodding.
“Fuck off T-Bone, you only want her around because you know as soon as she goes, so does your uptight piece of ass.” I shot at him, my frustration with the pair of them growing at a dangerous rate.
“Dude c’mon, there’s no need..”
I cut Tommy off viciously. “What the fuck has happened to this band?!” I shouted, shoving Vince out of my face. “Since when do we give this much of a fuck about chicks?! Look at where we are?!” I gestured around the recording studio. Mick had stopped playing & had casually lit a cigarette as he watched us bickering through the sound-proof glass. “This is what’s important. Now I’m going for a fucking smoke, this conversation is done & when I come back in we’re gonna record a fucking album, got it?!”
I barged out of the studio, flicked open my lighter & sparked up my cigarette, leaning back against the wall as I took in a shaky drag, my anger still surface level. I exhaled & closed my eyes, feeling the May sun warm my face & start to melt my mood away.
What was everyone’s fuckin’ obsession with this girl?!
Yeah she was cool, but she’s still a chick. And chicks = trouble.
I let my mind wander back to the look she gave me as she lay beneath me, my hand around her throat as she came undone & smirked to myself as I lifted the cigarette back to my smug lips. She was so worth the chase.
But Christ, I’m supposed to feel bad because I don’t want all that cutesy shit afterwards? No. Beth knew me, we’d had enough arguments about the kinda guy I am, she did this to herself. Not my fault that she thought she meant anything more to me than any one of those other girls. She was a fuck. A good fuck. But a fuck nonetheless.
I took another drag as the image of Beth sat in her bed with that stung look on her face snuck its way involuntarily into my mind. I could see those hurt tears & hear her bitter words ordering me to leave. I couldn’t help the pang of guilt in my stomach that accompanied the image.
She’s a fuckin’ chick, Nikki. Chicks = trouble, I recited to myself, rubbing my face roughly with my hands, almost in hope that I could scrub away the memory of her pained face. Get over it man, it’s done.
I sharply exhaled the last of my smoke before throwing it aggressively to the floor, somehow more frustrated than I was before.
Time to go record a fuckin’ album.
*Beths POV*
I smoothed out the material of the tiny black dress I was wearing as I pouted my lips at my reflection in the mirror, appreciating the sight of myself all dolled up & ready to forget all about Nikki fucking Sixx.
I flashed an all too familiar looking smirk at myself before I spun around of my sky high heels & strutted out of the ladies bathroom & back over to Sophia who was waiting at the bar, two drinks in hand. She winked at me as I got closer, holding out one of the glasses for me to take.
“Girl, you look unreal! If we weren’t here trying to pull for you, I’d take you home right now,” she laughed, nudging me & winking again.
I let out a laugh as I took a swipe at her arm, “I am not here trying to pull!” I insisted, not even managing to fool myself. It’d been a little over a week since I went from the all time high of fucking Nikki to the crashing low of realising I meant nothing to him in a matter of minutes & I’d laid around feeling sorry for myself ever since. Well, not tonight. I was gonna find a guy & I was gonna remind myself what a goddamn catch I am.
“Oh Beth, there’s a reason you’re wearing that dress tonight & girl, it ain’t for the coverage,” she giggled as I took another playful swipe. “Hey, there’s no judgements here! I’d want a good lay after the emotional rollercoaster that has been Nikki Sixx!”
I raised my eyebrows at her as she quickly mimed locking her lips. “Sorry, sorry, we don’t mention that name, my bad.”
I shook my head. “It’s fine, I’m over it,” I lied. “But, if a cute guy wants to buy me a drink & maybe show me a good time, I’m not gonna say no.” I shrugged as we both burst into a fit of giggles, before I took a long sip of the very strong cocktail.
“Well that sounds like my queue.” Came a smooth voice from behind me. I turned to face the handsome stranger who was stood leaning casually against the bar, eyebrow cocked as his eyes scanned up & down my body, drinking in the sight of me. “You have excellent timing.” I blushed, appreciating his good looks right back. He was classically good looking, with blonde hair & a chiselled jaw, dressed smart in a shirt that hugged his toned physique & muscular arms just enough to spark a little intrigue as to what lay underneath. He was the exact opposite to Nikki in every physical way. Where Nikki was unruly & unkept, this guy was clean shaven & well groomed. He wore no leather or studs & his smile was friendly & genuine, not smug & he wasn’t dripping in arrogance.
“I’m Daniel.” He introduced himself, holding out a hand for me to shake. I looked into his electric blue eyes & blushed once again.
“Beth, it’s nice to meet you.” I replied as smoothly as I could.
“& I’m Sophia, but I guess no-one asked,” she piped up mockingly, winking at me. “Now Dan, unless you’ve got a cute, single friend for me, I’m gonna get outta your way & go for a dance.” Soph smirked, grabbing her drinking & flouncing off towards the dance floor, blowing us a kiss as she did.
We both let out a laugh. “She seems great,” Daniel said as I nodded, taking a sip of my drink. “She mentioned something about an emotion rollercoaster though? I hope I’m not stepping on anyone’s toes?” He queried.
I swallowed my drink before letting out a little laugh. “Not at all, there are no toes to be stepping on, don’t worry.”
“Well good, I’m glad. I’m surprised though, a gorgeous girl like you doesn’t have a man. You’re sure there’s no-one, because you seem way too good to be true!” He flirted, as I laughed
“Oh you’re smooth.” I teased, “but no, there’s absolutely no-one.” I answered, pushing any & all thoughts & feelings I might have towards Nikki Sixx out of my mind.
*Little later*
“Wow, so you’re a doctor?” I asked, impressed.
Daniel laughed, shaking his head. “I wish! I’m a med student currently, but that’s the hope one day.”
“What made you wanna get into medicine then?”
He paused for a second, his warm smile faltering for a brief moment & I sensed his hesitation to answer. “I, um, lost my dad when I was younger. Spent a lot of time in hospitals with him when he got sick. I remember watching all these doctors around me taking care of people, helping, curing.. They seemed like superheroes to me back then. After we lost my dad, I knew I wanted to help people, be one of those people that kids could look up to in the same way I did, yanno?”
I nodded, smiling at his compassion & genuineness.
“Sorry, bit heavy for a first meet, I know.” He laughed awkwardly.
“Not at all!” I replied, “I asked the question, you just answered it honestly, I appreciate that.”
As Daniel carried on talking about his studies, I couldn’t help but admire him. THIS was the kinda guy I was supposed to end up with. Smart, hot as hell, a brilliant career ahead of him, goals, aspirations.. He was exactly the kinda man I could take home to my father. Daniel was everything I should want & he was actually interested in me.
And yet, I still felt that unwanted & yet infuriatingly all-to-familiar flame ignite the second I heard his voice drift over from the bar.
“Jack & coke please darlin’.”
Nikkis voice hit me like a slap in the face & rush desire all at once & I immediately froze, my body unsure how to react to my contrasting emotions.
“Are you ok?” Daniel asked, reaching out & touching my arm, concern written across his face. I flinched as his touch, still lost somewhere in Nikkis voice, & snatched my arm away instinctively.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-“ Started Daniel, his concern look now laced with panic.
“N-no, its fine honestly, its not you, its just..” I drifted off, briefly glancing behind me, trying to pin a location on the voice. My eyes caught sight of the four of them standing at the bar, waiting on their drinks. Nikki was dressed in his usual leather trousers, torn at the knees, & combat boots & a torn up shirt. His hair almost appeared messier than usual & he had a cigarette hanging from his lips. He couldn’t have been more different from the sharp, handsome man sat opposite me.
Daniel followed my line of sight & spotted the literal motley crew. Nikki was already hitting on the bar maid, distracting her whilst Tommy & Vince reached over & stole a bottle from behind the bar; all whilst Mick stood by, watching disapprovingly & swigging from his trademark flask.
“You know them?” Daniel asked hesitantly.
“Nope.” I replied bluntly, snapping back to reality & turning back to him. “I fancy getting out of here though, you wanna head back to mine, continue the drinking there?”
Daniel looked a little taken a back at the upfront offer as I stood up & downed the last of my drink, but I was fairly certain he wouldn’t refuse. I didn’t care either way at this point, I just needed out of here.
“Um sure-“
“Great, I’ll go find Sophia..”
“She’s over there, talking to those guys you apparently don’t know.” Dan stated, his tone now flat & a little judgemental as he raised an eyebrow at me.
“Look, Daniel, I don’t wanna get into it, but its better we just leave.” I said, hoping to avoid any questions, but his face was growing more unimpressed by the second. “I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you Dan, ok? But I can’t be here right now, so I gotta go. I’d, um, I’d like you to join me.. If you want to, of course. I mean, you don’t have to..” I mumbled, suddenly very aware & embarrassed by how he must be viewing me in that moment.
I saw his eyes narrow at my discomfort &, I’m assuming against his better judgement, he nodded & stood up to join me. “I’m not sure what’s happening here, but I’ve enjoyed getting to know you too & maybe you could fill me in on why you’re running away over that drink at yours?” He asked, a little suspicious but friendly. I nodded, giving him a small smile.
We started towards the exit when I felt a pair of hands snake around my waist & lift me excitedly into the air. I squealed in shock & suprise as Tommy span me around before placing me back on my feet.
“Beth! I cant believe you guys are here, what’re the chances? Soph said you came here to avoid us & we came here because Sixx wanted to avoid you! How fuckin’ funny is that?” He said, roaring with laughter, his hand resting on his stomach as he struggled to regain control on his amusement.
“Tommy.” I said sternly, shooting him a look that told him to shut the hell up. He quickly stood up straight, coughing a little to hide his laughter, before glancing over towards Daniel.
“Hey, who’s this? I’m Tommy dude, how ya doing?” He said, offering out his hand enthusiastically.
“Daniel, I’m good man, how’re you?” He answered, accepting the handshake hesitantly.
“I’m good? Hey, you wanna come meet the rest of the guys?” Tommy offered enthusiastically, without a second thought as to why that might not be such a good idea.
“Actually T-Bone, we’re just heading out.” I replied sharply, giving him another warning look.
“Ok, ok,” he laughed, holding his hands up in defeat as he got the hint. “It was nice to meet you man!” Tommy smiled at Dan, who nodded awkwardly back to him before T-Bone practically bounced back over to the bar.
“Don’t know them huh?” Daniel asked, his voice oozing with sarcasm suddenly, making me cringe.
“I’m sorry, they’re just.. A lot, ok?” I tried to explain, frustrated, mainly with myself.
“What’s the deal with this one?” Asked Dan, gesturing towards Nikki, who was leaning against the bar, sipping on his Jack & coke, his eyes fixed coldly on he two of us.
“That’s the, um.. Emotional rollercoaster.” I answered sheepishly, coughing to distract from my amounting discomfort, whilst simultaneously avoiding the eyes of both Nikki & Dan.
“Right.. Well, your rollercoaster is on his way over here.”
I glanced up to see Nikki, in all his arrogance, strolling towards us, his usual smirk fixed in place.
“I’m so sorry for whatever he says.” I quickly whispered to Dan, before Nikki came to a stop in front of us. I watched his eyes scan up & down Daniel, obvious sizing him up without an ounce of subtlety, before he turned his attention to me.
“Leaving without introducing us, Lizzy?” He drawled, the pretension thick in his voice.
“Yes Nikki, I am. So if you’d like to move-“
He cut me off, his focus back on Daniel. “I’m Nikki Sixx,” he stated, without the courtesy of a handshake.
“Daniel,” Dan replied, flatly, seemingly glad there was no extended hand to shake.
“And how do you know the lovely Lizzy here, Dan?” Nikki asked, his smirk never once faltering.
“We just met tonight, but we’re justing heading back to hers, if you don’t mind.” Dan replied simply, taking my hand.
“Oh but you see, I do mind.” Nikki stated bluntly, his smile as wide as it was dark as he side stepped back in front of Dan who had tried to manoeuvre round him. “Lizzy here is what we like to call a groupie & we,” he gestured towards the rest of the band behind him, “don’t particularly like sharing.”
“Oh fuck you, Sixx.” I scoffed, my face growing hot with a mix of anger & embarrassment. I turned to look at Dan, cringing at his raised eyebrow & gave him an apologetic look. “Don’t listen to him, he’s just being an asshole, I’m not a groupie.”
“Really?!” Nikki replied, dragging out the word dramatically as his shit eating grin somehow managed to grow wider. “Because I remember fucking you about a week ago & my boy Vince over there,” he pointed to at the very pissed off looking lead singer, “swears he remembers fucking you not long before that? Or are with both mistaken? I mean, there are a lot of you girls, you do all kinda look the same.. Feel the same too.” He chuckled darkly, shooting me a sly look. I glared at him with an expression so deadly that dared him to carry on. He rose to the challenge. “I tell you what though buddy,” Nikki continued, leaning into Dan so he was speaking into his ear, but just loud enough for me to catch what he was saying, “if you’re heading back to hers you’re in for a treat. She’s got the mouth of a motherfuckin’ Angel.” He finished, glancing over at me & winking. I was prepared to fly at him in a blind rage, fists balled, ready to wipe that smug smile off of his face permanently, when Dan spoke up, in a voice so peaceful & gentle, that it made his words seem somehow harsher.
“You are an arrogant piece of shit. I’ve been sat with this girl for the last hour & I spend a minute in your presence & it’s immediately clear to me that she’s way too good for you. But I’m sure she’ll realise that in her own time.” Daniel turned back to me, his expression stoney & irritated, but I could swear there was a hint of sympathy in his eyes. “If you ever get off of this rollercoaster doll, you know where you can find me.” He said, letting go of my hand as he stepped around the unmoving Nikki.
“Daniel, wait..” I caught him by the arm & quickly stepped in his path, stopping him.
“Beth, you seem like a great girl & I don’t think I’ve ever hit it off so quickly with someone like I have with you. But it’s obvious you have something with that guy & I’m not really interested in competing with him for your attention.”
I nodded slowly, knowing his words were fair. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok. And I mean it, if you decide to get off the rollercoaster.. I can probably offer you a slightly calmer ride. A carousel maybe?” Dan winked, laughing as I let out a light giggle. His blue eyes focused on mine, sending a surge of electricity through my body that momentarily extinguished the flame that Nikki somehow always managed to light. I lifted my lips & placed them softly on Daniels for the briefest second, before pulling away.
“Thank you.” I whispered.
His eyes lingered on my lips for a second, silently asking for more, before he came back to reality & gave me a genuine smile. “It was nice to meet you Beth. I do hope I get to see you again”, he nodded, before kissing my cheek & heading for the door.
I stood still for a second, gathering my thoughts & regaining my composure, before walking towards the bar where the Crüe & Sophia were stood, trying to act as if they hadn’t been watching.
I had barely made it over to them before Nikki was straight in there with his sly comments, immediately trying to get under my skin.
“Aw was Prince Charming not happy to hear the Princess was actually a band slu-“
Nikki didn’t get the chance to finish his insult. He was silenced by the remainder of my drink soaking him as I threw it at him furiously, dousing his arrogance with my cocktail.
“That is for thinking you have any right to chase away a good guy just because your petty, selfish ass is jealous.” I spat. “And this..”
The loud crack of my hand slapping him sharply across the face echoed around the bar, followed by the whooping of Vince & Tommy. I even caught a glimpse of Mick smirking.
Nikki recoiled, his hand flying to his crimson cheek, shock & fury on his face. But his rage couldn’t match mine. I grabbed his face roughly, my hand cupping his chin & cheeks, forcing him to meet my wrathful glare.
“That is for fucking me & leaving me like I was one of your whores.” I seethed, my voice quiet & dangerous.
Nikkis face went from white hot anger to an ice cold stare in an instant as he straightened up, pushing me off of him as he did. He took a step towards me, but I didn’t move an inch. I was way too fucking angry to back down.
“Listen Princess, you’re fucking lucky I’m not a bad guy-“ he began, but my sharp laugh rang loud, cutting him off.
“Not a bad guy?! Nikki, are you really that delusional?! You’ve done nothing but purposely fuck with my head from the day I met you. You’ve insulted me, dragged me down to your level, used me, screwed my chances with two different guys & for what?!” I screamed, tears threatening to form. “No, you know what?! You're fucking lucky Sixx, I’m not gonna do this here. I’m done. I don’t want anything to do with you.”
I span around, ready to make my dramatic exit, when I came face to face with a very happy looking band manager, Doc. He clearly couldn’t care less about our drama as he marched over to us like nothing was happening.
“Bartender, a round of shots for these boys & their girlfriends. We need to celebrate;”
“The fuck are you talking about Doc?” Snapped Nikki, his eyes still fixed on me.
“Boys, you’re in!" He announced, unable to hide his obvious pleased-with-himself smirk "I've just been told that Mötley Crüe have been offered a last minute slot to play alongside the likes of Judas Priest, Scorpions, Van Halen & The Prince of fucking Darkness, Ozzy fucking Osbourne at the US Festival on Memorial Day weekend!” Doc exclaimed, laughing as the band began shouting & whooping, looking disbelieved & excited as hell. Choruses of “are you serious?!” & “you’re fucking kidding!” we’re passed between them as Doc reassured them that they were on their way up.
In that moment, watching these guys I’d grown to love over the last couple of years get the break they worked so hard for, I couldn’t be mad. I watched as Tommy jumped on Nikkis back, Vince hugged Doc & Mick silently smirked to himself. They deserved this.
Doc handed me & Sophia a shot as we congratulated them all, although I couldn’t quite bring myself to share my enthusiasm with Nikki. But he was too busy to notice as he held up his shot glass in a toast.
“To us! We’ve got an old man, a kid drummer, a cover band singer & a fucking run away. Win it all or loose it all, we’re Mötley fucking Crue!” He yelled, his excitement & energy almost infectious, as much as I wanted to hate him.
“To you guys!” Sophia cheered, laughing as we all downed our shots.
“Let’s get another round in, we’re celebrating! And pour one for yourself gorgeous.” Vince called to the barmaid who was more than happy to oblige, blushing as he winked at her, turning on the Vince Neil charm that would assure she’d be going home with him at the end of the night. I remember that well, I chuckled to myself.
The atmosphere of the night had changed so dramatically from what it was 10 minutes previously, everyone’s anger & awkwardness forgotten in the wake of such elating news. I looked around all the happy faces; Vince flirting with the bar maid, Tommy all over a giggling Sophia, Mick & Doc eagerly discussing set lists & felt an overwhelming sense of misplacement. After all that had happened, I just couldn’t bring myself to match their enthusiasm, not tonight.
I noticed Nikki's gaze focused on me, his face betraying his now obvious guilt as he watched me stand alone, uncomfortable & upset. His sudden success had clearly snapped him out of his petty, jealous mood.
Uninterested in an apology from him, I let my eyes continue to scan the room, looking anywhere but at him, when Sophia glanced over, catching my eye & gestured for me to join in. I forced my best smile as I walked over to her & Tommy.
“Take another shot Reynolds!” Tommy shouted, pushing a shot glass of mysterious liquid at me. I laughed politely as I shook my head.
“Thanks, but no thanks T-Bone. I think I’m actually gonna shoot yanno, I’m getting pretty tired.” I lied.
“Beth, don’t leave, please?” Tommy pleaded, his face suddenly serious, moving away from Soph & towards me.
“T-Bone, it’s not a big deal honestly, you guys enjoy your celebrations!”
“Just talk to him. I know the fucker doesn’t deserve it, Beth, I know. But he cares for you more than you think, I promise. We all do.” He added, placing his hand in mine & giving it a squeeze as he flashed me a goofy half smile.
I gave him a half smile & squeezed his hand back. “I know Tommy & I love you guys, I really do. But I can’t be around him, its.. it’s too hard.” I muttered back, so quietly it was almost inaudible above the music playing in the bar. But Tommy caught it.
“You care for him too, don’t you?” He asked, just as quietly.
I nodded, my eyes filling with tears. “God knows why T-Bone, he’s made it clear he doesn’t care about me. I’m just another girl he fucked.” I sniffed, furiously wiping away my tears before anyone noticed.
“Beth, Sixx is a dick. I’ve watched him fuck over chick after chick who was convinced they’d tame him & he tosses them without a second thought. But not you. I don’t know what the fuck goes on in Nikkis head, but that fucker cares about you. So please, don’t ditch us all just because you think he doesn’t.”
“I’m sorry Tom, I know he’s your friend & you wanna see the best in him, but you’re wrong. Nikki Sixx only cares about himself.” I replied, straightening my posture & regaining my composure. I pulled Tommy into a tight hug & congratulated him again. “I’ll see ya around T-Bone, I’m sure.” I winked, gesturing towards Sophia.
He laughed, “I’ll look after her.”
I blew him a kiss before heading towards the door, not wanting to disturb anyone else’s night with my drama.
“Lizzy, wait up.” I heard Nikkis voice call. I closed my eyes briefly, choosing whether to stop or keep going. I chose the latter & walked swiftly out of the door, pretending I hadn’t heard.
But my ignorance was in vain & he was right behind me, following suit out of the bar.
“Nikki please, just go back-“
My sentence was cut short by his lips crashing onto mine. I froze, feeling anger, lust & passion sweep through my body as my brain tried to compute the correct emotional response. I pushed him away sharply, deciding anger overwhelmed any feelings I had towards him.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?! Are you asking for another slap?!”
“Lizzy, I’m sorry ok?” He blurted out, clearly uncomfortable with apologies.
“You’re sorry?! Oh, well that makes everything ok then.” I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes at him.
“I know ok, I fucked up. I’ve been a dick to you & I’m sorry. I just, I don’t know how to do this shit.” He mumbled, running his hands through his tangled hair.
“Do what, Sixx?” My frustration mounting with his half-assed apology.
“I don’t fucking do.. This.” He gestured between the two of us, struggling to find his words.
I sighed with exasperation. “What is this Nikki? Is this an apology or what, because honestly there isn’t much you can say right now, just let me go home.” I finished, turning to leave, but he caught hold of my hand, pulling me into him. He placed his hand gently under my chin, bringing my face up to his.
“I don’t do this, ok? I don’t do feelings or relationships, fuck, I won’t even sleep with a girl twice.” He laughed, before clearing his throat when he saw my unamused expression. “Lizzy, I am sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I got pissed as hell when I saw you with that fucking pretty boy, I snapped.. I don't know, I guess I was kinda jealous.. I do care about you.”
I scoffed. “You’ve got a funny way of showing it.”
“I do, Lizzy. But listening to you telling me why I’m a bad guy, all the shit I’ve done to you, you’re right. And I’m sorry. Just, please don’t leave. Come celebrate with us, we all want you here. I want you here.. You’ve been with us from the start, it wouldn’t feel the same without you. You mean a lot to me... Um, to us. You mean a lot to us.” He corrected.
I looked into his green eyes & saw the sincerity, noted the lack of arrogance in his voice & the absence of his usual smug smile. I so badly wanted to give into him. I wanted to taste his kiss again, melt against him like I always do. I wanted to take his hand & go back inside, enjoy the night with the band, drink, have fun & fall into bed with him when the night was over.
But I’d fell for Nikkis sweeter side before, I knew how the night would end. He’d leave afterwards & I’d be hurt all over again. And I wasn’t gonna let that happen.
“No Nikki, I’m sorry.”
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eccentriccowboy · 6 years
Assassin// pt. 3
Synopsis: Luke confronts his target with the help of y/n and her secret weapon.
Can you tell I’m not good at synopsis’?? that was god awful just read the god damn fic ok
Pairing: Slow burn bestfriend!Luke x reader
Warnings: None besides my lack of proofreading.
Word Count: 1.9 k
Notes: Im so so sorry this took so long to write life has been all over the place for me at the moment.
part 1 and part 2 here!!
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also i cant stop staring at calum leaning back on michaels arm and just wow what couple goals. and also ashton glaring back at them bc michaels touching his man.
As the number of players dwindled down Luke was beginning to become more and more anxious.  I better not mess up now, like I usually do, Luke was thinking, lying in his bed, staring at the ceiling. I need another win. At least I’ve won twice, unlike Y/N.
Y/N. Fuck. She(He/they, idk who you are) is so focused on winning this year, it’s adorable. Part of me, the part that can’t stop thinking about her smile, or her laugh, or the way she says my name, wants to help her win; even if that means I lose. But the logical side of me is telling me that’s stupid, she hasn’t even shown she likes me back.
But she did kiss me on the cheek earlier today. Thinking about it made Luke’s heart clench tightly, a small smile at the memory tracing his lips. But she’s done that before, it probably wasn’t anything special, just a way of saying thanks. Luke reasoned with himself. But this one was different, it felt different. And she left so quickly afterwards. Was she nervous? Does she feel the same? 
Luke shook his head, his feelings getting the best of him. He should be focusing on how to get Calum out. He’ll deal with you later. Luke turned on his side, trying to get more comfortable in the hopes of finally finding sleep. After a long while, he drifted off to dream, the feeling of your soft lips against his cheek never leaving his mind, no matter his state of consciousness.
Luke woke early that morning to the sound of his phone ringing loudly. He quickly reached over to his nightstand, his heart clenching when he saw your name flash across the screen.
He ran a hand through his curls, even though you couldn’t see him, before pressing the ‘answer’ button.
“Yea?” he answered, his voice hoarse from his sudden awakening.
“Hey,” you replied, trying your best to not focus on how low and gruff his morning voice sounded. Damn it, he’s gonna be the death of you.
“Whya calling me so early?” he asked. “Not that I’m mad or anything, just like, wondering,” Luke cringed internally at his awkwardness, but thankfully enough you giggled.
“Well we’ve got Calum to get out, don’t we? Times a tickin’.“
Luke chuckled. “God damn, Y/N. You really wanna win this year, huh? You know this game could go on for weeks, really.”
You shrugged. “So what if I wanna be victorious a bit early?”
“Fair enough,” Luke agreed, “But what’s the plan? I can tell you’ve already made one up.”
You smirked mischievously. “Open up your door and find out,”
Luke’s eyes widened. He didn’t know you were already here. He quickly rushed out of bed, throwing on a pair of sweatpants before looking himself in the mirror and splashing water on his face.
He jumped to his door, opening up to see you and a guest waiting, smiling at each other. Luke’s jaw dropped, disbelief riding over him that you would go this far.
There in front of him stood Mali-koa, Calum’s sister, who he hasn’t seen in well over six months.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me, Y/N,” Luke laughed, bring Mali in for a hug. She laughed along with him, wrapping her arms around his neck.
Once they stepped back from the hug, Luke ushered you two into his apartment, still in disbelief you’d go as far as to fly in Mali for this game.
Luke flopped on the couch, jiggling his knee in excitement, “I see you have brought a secret weapon,”
Mali laughed at that. “Is that all I am to you?”
The two of them dove into conversation, catching up like old buddied. They had grown up together, so seeing each other was always a pleasant occasion.
Meanwhile, you were a bit too busy trying to distract yourself with your phone to get your mind off of Luke, who was sitting two feet away. Shirtless.
It’s not like you haven’t ever seen him shirtless before, it just caught you off guard. Here you are trying to organize a plan to help him yet you could not stop staring at the line of silver necklaces that laid against his broad chest.
Mali and Luke’s conversation had drifted to this year’s game of Assassin. He had started to ask her about the plan, but apparently she didn’t know, either. 
This led to you, the Puppet Master, if you will. You began to explain the plan, a rather simple one compared to the amount of work(going through trash) it took to get Michael and Ashton out. For this one, you really just get to sit back and watch the plan unfold.
It started with a text. A short, quick one from Mali to Calum. Hey there, lil bro. Want a surprise gift?? You smirked as Mali sent it, waiting for Calum’s reply.
It did not take long for the response. Calum texted back a quick what? and just like that the plan was in action.
Mali revealed what was happening, or what Calum would think was happening. Wellll, I may or may not be in LA right now to visit you...
You giggled, knowing already that Calum won’t be able to turn this down. You kind of felt bad, taking advantage of Calum’s family connection just to win a game, or in this case for Luke to win, but to be fair, the Hoods were an easy-going family; And technically, you didn’t specifically tell Mali too come here to help trick her brother into losing, you more so just knew she was planning on visiting her brother soon and suggested she fly on the closest available day possible. 
Mali boarded the next possible flight right after you two talked, knowing it’d be hilarious to not only trick Calum, but get to brag about it afterwards. And hey, she gets to see her brother, who she hadn’t seen in ages.
Calum started screaming at Mali over text, clearly showing his excitement over her being here. After countless texts, blowing up Mali’s phone, she suggested the two meet up. Calum immediately agreed.
They agreed to meet at a bar that was close to Mali’s hotel, the plan setting in place perfectly. 
Luke started to get giddy with excitement, tricking his best friend bringing his great joy. He couldn’t believe he fell for this so easily.
Right when the three of you were getting ready to walk out the door, Mali’s phone rang. 
“Shit, it’s Calum.” Mali answered the call, her bright face slowly falling. “Gimme a minute, ok?” she told the caller. 
She put her hand over her phone, blocking out her next words. “He fucking remembered the game. He’s asking if I can just meet up with him at his place.”
Your face fell, the thought of the plan failing hitting you hard. But you did not get Mali to fly all the way over here just for a family reunion. Nuh-uh, Luke was going to get Calum out. 
Luke was as determined as you are. “Tell him his place is really far from your hotel, you’re tired.”
Mali quickly reiterated the lines, going on about how much she did just to get here. Calum hesitated, but reluctantly agreed.
“Fine, just don’t post anything about where we’re gonna be. And for the love of god Mali, don’t you dare fucking talk to Luke,” he said before hanging up the phone.
Mali laughed, the adrenaline of this plan settling in. “Let’s go get that bastard out.”
Kicking it in the passenger seat of Luke’s rental car was by far the easiest part of the night. The three of you had driven over to the bar, but you had stayed in the car, locked in and safe away from Calum, your attacker.
Meanwhile, Mali had walked into the bar, where she waits for her brother. Luke, on the other hand, was waiting in the men’s room, waiting for the queue from you to run and get Calum.
It wasn’t long until you saw Calum’s car pull up to the bar, right next to the rental. You slumped down in your seat, keeping your eyes trained on Calum’s body as he walked quickly into the bar, his head checking behind his shoulder, paranoid that Luke was here. And, oh boy, should he be.
You called Luke on facetime, wanting him to film when he got Calum out. He answered from the boys bathroom, and automatically knew what you were calling for. Excitement took over his features, and your heart warmed at his smile. You smiled back, and told him Calum had just entered the bar.
He kept you on facetime as he quietly opened the bathroom door and tiptoed his way around the wall, peaking around to see Mali and Calum hugging. Mali was smiling over his shoulder, her arms wrapped tightly around her brother, and as she opened her eyes she made eye contact with Luke, sending him a quick thumbs up.
Right as they were pulling away from the hug, Luke ran up from behind, placing both hands on Calum’s shoulders. Calum looked behind him, bewildered, before realization struck. 
“Fuck, No! You’ve gotta be kiddin me!” Calum wailed. Luke broke out in a fit of laughter, you along with him. Mali giggled as well, wrapping her arm around her brother’s shoulders. 
“Sorry, lil bro, Y/N’s got a devious brain, that one” Mali remarked, making you laugh harder over the phone. 
“Fuck you, Y/N” Calum laughed. “I was planning to get you out tomorrow,”
“Well not anymore!” Luke hollered, ecstatic over his win. 
“Well now you’ve gotta go up against her,” Calum reminded him, crossing his arms. 
Mali laughed. “Good luck with that, she seems pretty determined this year.”
“Now get out of here, let me enjoy some time with my sister without you asshole” Calum said. 
Luke said his goodbyes, before looking to you on facetime. “Alright, we only have the one car. So I say, I’ll drive us to my home, we can kick it there. No attacking the other. The game will start again tomorrow. Deal?” Luke questioned.
“Deal,” you agreed. “Let’s order some food.” you said, before hanging up and waiting for him to come back to the car.
Before he entered the rental, he reminded you of your deal, as if you didn’t just make it 30 seconds ago. 
“Yes, I understand. Now just take me home. I’m tired.” you replied, the adrenaline from your plan succeeding wearing off.
He got in the car, a small smile still on his face, making you smile a bit, too. You leaned against the car window, admiring the man seated next to you. You two drove in comfortable silence, until he finally said: “Thank you for today. The plan and stuff, it was- it was really cool.” He smiled, turning his eyes away from the road to face you. 
You smiled back, keeping eye contact until he had to face the road again. You kept looking at him, until you slowly drifted off to sleep in the passenger seat, only coming to consciousness once more later.  When Luke had tucked you into his bed, pressing a small kiss to your forehead, the feeling of his soft lips on your forehead becoming engrained into your memory.
thanks for reading!!
taglist for Assassin: @cashtonspicelatte @curlious
@wrappedaroundcal @teenswithbrokensmiles @lu-fakebetch @northangerpark
@summertime-acoustic @yasminesflowers @oh-annaa @that1girlmary
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heartforheart532 · 6 years
THOS2: A weekend to never forget
So I promised I would give a coverage of my weekend at THOS2 as soon as I would get my HD pictures in. I just got them today so I’ve decided to share my story with you guys finally! It’ll be quite a long post so if you’re interested in hearing about me meeting the best cast there is on this planet feel free to continue reading! :)
So this was my first convention ever so I was very curious to see how things would turn out. I was also very, very nervous to finally meet the amazing people who bring these characters to live so amazingly. So Saturday, our first day, started with an opening panel where the casts greets us and everything and shortly after the OPS were beginning. So the first block was Matt, Harry, Jade and Will. I had Matt and Harry first (and to be honest I was the most nervous to meet those two so that didn’t really ease my nerves. xD).
Meeting Harry Shum Jr So I was told to go to Harry first and boy, I was shaking in my shoes about how nervous I was meeting him. Photo ops go very quick so in no time it was my turn to take a picture with him and my heart was just beating out of my chest but when I saw him, he just smiled at me and greeted me with a hug and immediately asked me “Hi! How are you doing?’’ and I could talk with him without even stuttering. Like, one hug and all my previous worries about being nervous just flew out the window. He was so sweet and patient with me and I am forever thankful I got the opportunity to meet this man. They day after I met him at the autographe and I had bought him an omamori and I’ll never forget our little conversation we had when I walked up to the table for the autograph session. He asked me how I was doing, if I still had some energy after these tiring two days and even danced with me a little! (Well he danced a bit in his chair but still, AHH) His reaction when he saw the omamori was the cutest thing ever. “An omoari! Oeeh, thank you so much!’’ (Also when he saw our picture he casually said, “Oh yeah I remember you!’’ and I was screaming on the inside.)
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Meeting Matthew Daddario So, after my photoshoot with Harry on the saturday, I immediately queued for Matt’s line in the room where the photo’s were taken. At this point I was a little nervous again because... hello it’s Matt. When I was behind the curtain where Matt took his pictures I could hear him go; “Guys I look ridiculous! I am gonna look ridiculous in these pictures!’’ And at first I thought maybe it were some girls wanting to do some cosplay with hum but NOPE, he was worried about his hat hair! (He wore a cap when he came in during the opening panel and clearly was asked by the crew at the beginning of his photo session to take it off. He later but it back on. xD) So, it was my turn and I walk up to him, give him a hug (which holy shit they all give amazing hugs) and the usual “how are you doing chat’’. So we take out picture and as I’m about to leave (you’re not allowed to hang around for very long) he turns to me and goes “Does my hair look ridiculous to you?’’ and I blink at first and then am like; “What? No! No you look fine, Matt!’’ And he continues to be like “I should’ve done something with it.’’ and I literally stare him dead in the eyes and say: “Matt, you look beautiful.’’ and he FUCKING SMILED AND SAID “Aw, thanks!’’ Yeah no, I was an emotional dead mess after that. Later on this day I had an autographe session with him where I gave him a self made omamori. He was very clearly tired and had a long day behind him so I didn’t want to take up much of his time. I gave him the omamori (which he loved by the way) but forgot to tell him I actually had made it myself. So the next day I had another autographe session and op with him. Because the queue for his op was so long this time there was not much time for small talk, I gave him a hug again and we did the parabatai op which I loved because OH DAMN HE STARES STRAIGHT INTO YOUR SOUL AND THEN HAS THE AUDICITY TO SMIRK AT YOU. ANyways so later on that sunday I had my last autogrpahe session which was him and got my friend an autographe from him. So he asked me about my friend and I told him about her where after I gave him the letter I asked him if he remembered me giving him the omamori. “Yeah! The tiny one right?’’ and so I explained that I made it myself and he was very surprised about that and when I gave him the letter I said that everything was written in there and he went like “Wait, lemme write omamori on it. That way I know it’s from you!’’ after that I said my goodbyes to him and a friend of mine who was stillin line offered a shoulder to cry upon because I was so emtionally overwhelmed :’) But yeah, Matthew Daddario is an angel and I feel so blessed I have met him. 
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Let me start off with the fact that Alberto is a Gryffindor and I am a Gryffindor. Last Christmas my friend had gifted me a Gryffindor scarf so... I took that with me to the con. So when I had my op with him (I had two in one row) I wrapped the scarf around his neck and told him “You can borrow it for today.’’ And his eyes just... widened in surprise and he was like “Oh, thank you. This is so cool.’’ So we did a pose with the scarf and then a regular hug pose afterwards. Later that saturday I also had an autographe with him so naturally, I decided I wanted him to sign the gryffindor op! This entire exchange owns my heart. Alberto Rosende is the kindest soul I have ever met and I only love him more after this convention. So when it was my turn for his autographe he was eating some sweets and I playfully asked him if they were good. He  was like “Yeah! Do you want some?’’ They were lemon napoleons AND I DO NOT SAY NO TO SOUR CANDY. So I gave him the picture of us and at first he wrote my name; “Anja. That’s a really pretty name. I love that name.’’ I think I blushed bright red at that lol. Then he saw the op and he gasped and before he even started writing I was like; “Gryffindor’s for life!’’ he stops all movements and was like: “I WAS GONNA WRITE THAT!’’ And we high fived and aahhh my heart was screaming with happiness. So when he had signed my photo I gave him an envelope with a letter and a tiny gift. He looked at me and was like; “Can I open it now?’’ And I was like, yes of course! So he opened it and he smiled so big when he saw the bas guitar keychain I got him. It reminded me of him as well as of Simon so I figured it would be a perfect gift for him. He told me he loved it and honestly, he made my entire day with this exchange. :’’)
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Meeting Emeraude, Kat and Dom + the autographes with Jade and Will So these three ops and autographes went quite fast so I’ve decided to put them under one headline lol. With Jade and Will I only had an autographe.
I had two autographes with Kat on the saturday, one for me and one for a friend. Her throat was very sore from when she was in Australia so I talked and laughed about that bit with her and then she was asking me how I liked the convention and such. Her op was super rushed, it was in and out in the snap of a fingers but she was an angel. 
Emeraude was an absolute sweetheart. I talked a bit at the autographe with her about the con as well and then sunday we had our photo op. So I wanted to do the parabatai pose with her and Eme being Eme she was a bit confused which one it was but I showed her and she was like “Oh right! Well as you know I don’t have a parabatai but now you are my first one!’’ “Well I’m very honored to be!’’ She was gorgeous in real life and such a joy to talk with and see at panels.
Dom’s ops were a bit rushed as well but I had the chance to talk to him a bit and gah, his accent in real life. fuck man. Will’s accent too by the way. Shit. I’ve had my doubts about meeting Dom after everything that happened and had been struggling with this decision for the remaining eight months but decided to just do it since I already spend money on the photo op. During his autographe we talked baout my name and The Netherlands and how our J’s sound different, I found it funny he picked up on that xD.
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Will was such a fucking pleasure to talk with and he was adorable. Hours before the autographe session he had a panel with Harry that I witnessed and so I had something to talk about with him. That panel was seriously everything. 
Jade was a real sweetheart. He was talking in French at first but when he noticed I spoke English he did that (which I think is amazing, speaking French with the local fans) this was on the sunday and at the end of the event so we just talked about the weekend we had and that he was such a sweetheart.
For the rest I have an op with the Lightwood family and the Shumdario duo with one of my best friends and parabatai!
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And basically that was my weekend! i ha the most amazing time with this incredible cast and met the best firends and mutuals in real life that I could’ve ever asked for. 
And no matter how much I miss them at this point, I know I’ll see some of them back again at THOS3! (Whihc I got a pass for again and I can’t wait!)
If you read this far I applaud you! xD Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoyed this story!
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iamnumeronine · 3 years
210328  블랙핑크 로제 FANSIGN EVENT  - A DREAM COME TRUE for a Tita Fangirl
As a KPOP fan for 12 years, this is my first time joining a fansign event! What makes it special is the fact that I got in to the last wave of this fansigning event with my ULT BIAS IN BLACKPINK - ROSÉ!
Yes, you read it right. It’s Rosé from BLACKPINK! I pushed my luck at YGSELECT by buying last minute with a few albums only coz I didn’t have budget anymore. I just trusted the art of manifestation and then one night, i received an unexpected email at 10PM Midnight LIKE WTFFFFFFF, it says that i just fcking won the lottery for FANSIGNING!
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The preparation was very short because it was just the day after tomorrow and i still got a lot of things to do. It’s so hard formulating the right questions or message because this is just a once in a lifetime opportunity and I don’t want to mess this up. I’ve thought of questions that they typically ask on a fansign event, but I don’t want it to be like something fulfilling other’s wishes or whatever because this is my chance and i deserve it so I planned to just say what i gotta say with her listening to me. Because no matter what i post on her Sns, she won’t read it. So for me, it’s best that she hears it first hand, i dont care if she forgets it but yeah, at least i let her know.
And so with that, I ended up creating my ‘script’ into 3 parts - my fluffy message (lots of praises yknow haha), a question about her current album, and a wish.
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I think i revised this for so many times but i still didn’t perfect it during the call.
Anyways, so here comes D-DAY.
Can i just tell everyone that it is not as easy as it seems? The event is conducted with Ktown4u so even if I won under YGSELECT, the event is still hosted by KT4U. Which means, there are a total of 20 koreans, and 20 foreigners included on the event! Imagine rosie talking to all of us?! That’s tiring!
And that’s kinda the downside of it, korean fans are first in queue so i think i waited like for 3 hrs before I was able to talk to rosé 😭 i was also nervous at some point because i got kicked out of the room but apparently, they took a break and let us in again. I also didn’t notice that they messaged me that I’m next coz i cant see the notification for the DM BUT WHen it’s already my turn I got shook and pressed the recording of all the gadgets i have around me (well it’s the screen record only and not the slr and the voice because it was so fast). She surprised me!
And it started with just a few greetings and AHHHHHH im freaking out internally. But I can’t let it happen so i stayed focus on my speech hahahahah though i can clearly see she’s tired but yeah, i just gotta have to do it. And then the exciting part comes when i asked her “is there a particular event in her life that has inspired her in doing Gone?” I think she didn’t hear clearly what I said because she thought it was for “on the ground” so she answered “it’s my everyday” but i just got along with it and said “ohh, because it was so dramatic, like who hurt you?!” And then she was like kinda have a mini realization and said “ohhh are u talking abt gone?” And i said yes and sheEEE effin pulled the “it could mean a lot of things” card! Ikr she’s so sarcastic and i love it. That’s how i know her. Hahahahaahahah i love her for that.
Next part was i showed her my signed folklore album and said to her that if she still don’t have one then I’ll find a way to send it to her. Her reaction was priceless tho.
And this is where it went downhill for a bit because i was a stuttering mess but luckily she somehow got my question hahahaha. I asked her if she could sing a line from her favorite folklore song but the timer from the background was blasting and she didnt hear it clearly so she thooght i just asked “her favorite song” so she sang A GOOD 21-SEC of baby powder! Omg! Even if the time is beyond 2mins, she still stayed with me and wrote my favor on my album huhuhu. She is so sweet 😭😭😭😭😭
Forgive my english i dont want to think anymore ahahahahah
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flowerpuffs · 7 years
here's a little embarassing thing about me: i am! so! obsessed! with! my! gadgets! remember how i keep on telling you i've been really busy with my preps for CETs and how my parents imposed strict curfews and schedules to maximize the little time i have to study? yep, that's not exactly how it's been working out with my life right now. i do study but i occasionally check on my phone, respond on messages on tumblr, tweet things, watch 2 or 3 unrelated youtube videos after finishing like 3 or 4 academic ones and many many more! this is why as most of you might have noticed, despite being "busy," i still regularly respond to your messages, check on my tag, reblog your stuff, despite running a queue. it's equally embarassing as it is horrifying. and i feel terrible about it. although i must admit that i've had a pretty legitimate and respectable outcomes, at the end of the day, i know i can do better. and guess who's the culprit who keeps on distracting me? yep, that's right: my one and only treasured possesion- my cellphone. two, three, or four years ago, my mother began noticing this quite destructive addiction of mine. she will often times call me out, saying things like: "hey, you should spend more time with your family." or "i will definitely confiscate your phone if you still act like this in a week." and of course i was threatened as heck because i dont want to lose my cellphone. so, i will pretend i don't use it in the morning but later that night, when im all alone in my room, you will see my hiding under my blankets laughing all by myself because of dank memes™ or googling cute dog pictures. being the 'milennial' and 'god they're just being lame because they're obviously not from my generation' am, i did not know then the extent of my obsession. not until recently! there is nothing wrong with using technology or gadgets. if anything, they help us become more productive and practically make our lives way, way easier! however, like what they all say, a little much of something is not a good thing! and the same goes with my so-called gadget addiction. while scrolling through my feed one time, i stumbled upon this article written by emma on messyheads entitled "cant call, im in cuba" published two months ago. and i was frankly baffled. she opened her article with a scientific study concluding that an average person spends right about 300 times a day checking on their phone. yep, you got that right: 300 freaking times of checking on my emails, my twitter, tumblr, responding to messages, et. and while that figure might seem surprising to you. i've read another article stating that an average person spends right about 5 hours per day just doing their thing on their mobile! yep, that's right five freaking hours of looking on that lil bright screen! and just like what emma said on her article, there's way too many things that you could do on the span of just endlessly scrolling through your dash like finishing an entire course for my CETs preps/reviews, cooking 10 different dishes, working on my painting, working on my embroidery skills, finishing a harry potter book, etc! and you know what this literally made me realize? technology defeated the purpose of helping me become productive because instead, i end up being even more unproductive. and did achieve anything from all the things that i've been? absolutely nothing. the even funnier part is: i have absolutely no idea what i do with those five freaking hours! i mean, time flies so fast when you're enjoying something, that's true but i dont even know if im exactly enjoying what im doing because if anything, it only makes me feel even more guilty and terrible about it! i already have no idea where this text post is going but i guess while writing this i was able to realize a couple of things: my patience significantly declines and i tend to appreciate little things less once get too caught up with my phone. 1. patience: the thing about me is i am an incredibly, commendably patient person. i wait for my turn and i believe in its power and value that is fundamental in becoming an ethical person. however although this is very embarrasing to admit, i have realized that using my phone massively declined my patience. how did i know? well, it took me an entire day to write this post because when im done with like a sentence or two, i tend to get distracted with my notifications and wander off of my notepad and start interacting with people. i know there is nothing wrong with that because the world practically revolves around the internet right now. but unfortunately, when i became addicted with my mobile, i am no longer just using it because i have something important to accomplish; rather it became an itch that needs to be scratched and i use it just because i want to instead. 2. appreciation: this is quite frankly probably the saddest part about my cellphone addiction. you know how much i love the little things about people and the world, right? yep. however, due to this addiction, i tend to focus more on my cellphone screen and not the beautiful things around me. i mean, sure you can google #goals stuff or see even more aesthetic things on tumblr, but i think there is still nothing more beautiful than having the chance to see something magical first hand! furthermore, when im out with my family for dinner, i have realized an even more heartbreaking thing: we no longer converse the way we used to! because instead of communicating or asking for menu first, we ask for for the wifi password and live our social media life instead. i mean, sure we still talk but im not that stupid to not realize that it's not like it used to be when my brother and i were 11 or 10. it's an ugly realization that i hope would eventually change. i have nothing against the usage of social media as a platform to express yourself or to get friends from all over the world. i believe, as a matter of fact, that it is one of the most revolutionary things that this planet was able to create and i frankly believe that it will be for a long, long time. however, i think it is also still very important to shut out of it once in a while, give yourself a break, a breather, and just enjoy your life the way our ancestors or grandparents would even without the internet. try turning off your gadgets once in a while and i promise you will see a significant difference and feel more comfortable with your own skin! because although it feels good to live a life that's filled with so many notifications, attention, and validation from all over the world, it feels even better to just have a little space outside the boundary with fresh air, lots of trees, and flowers, where you could be yourself.
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stopkiwibea · 8 years
Guys help I’m emotional
So I wrote a thing- Its a Langst thing.
It isnt finished and its just in the ‘summarize’ stage but… I dont know if I should expand on it?
Read it under the cut if you wantttt
(post season 2)
First Part:
Shiro is still missing, the team does the musical chairs with the lions. Keith is Black, Lance is Red, Allura is Blue. Lance feels disconnected from his identity. Is he the jester? Is he the sharpshooter? Is he just a replacement that’s supposed to try and fit the red lion’s traits? He isnt sure. He tries to keep things going like normal. “But he isnt stupid and he notices how they treat him”(line from the prompt) and he shuts down. Trains more, sleeps less. Focuses more, eats less. Obeys more, talks less. To the point where he’s a walking shell of himself and “Got it” “Yes sir” “On it” short and quick comments. Everyone is stressed, relieved that ‘lance isnt making this harder’ and doesnt notice how broken he is. Its not til the y get Shiro back that he finally visibly breaks. (i.e. hes supposed to go back to blue but he cant? He doesnt know who he is anymore? He visibly looks confused when someone jokes that ‘lance can go back to being lance’ and its said in a way that just enforces more self hatred for the guy he used to be) so he tries to bond with blue again but she isnt letting him in, she doesnt like how cold he is at his core, doesnt understand what happened to her favorite paladin, wont let anyone in(mentally, she still lets allura pilot) and no one understands why… at first. Cuz Shiro is getting increasingly uncomfortable with “how much lance has improved” cuz he’s realizing its not a good change- Lance is getting even quieter as the days go by because, hell, blue wont let him in, why is he even here then?
Hunk tries telling him jokes they used to say back on earth (lance just stares at him like the joke went over his head), pidge tries to get some insane ideas out of him again (he is too strategic now, nothing he says is ‘insane’ anymore), Coran invites him to help clean in hopes it will bring him to talk (lance stays silent the entire time), Keith bugs him/tries to get him fired up over small things (lance just shrugs and listens as keith gets progressively more angry about the lack of response and is removed from the room), Allura leaves every window open for lance to flirt or crack a joke/ intentionally pausing as if waiting for one that she can hear in her head (he never does and the meetings are forced), Shiro thinks its his fault / due to the stress of having to find him that broke lance (he’s only half way right.) Lance just… cant understand who he is supposed to be anymore. Lance thinks that the castle is better now, with less yelling, less mistakes, they get through meetings faster, and his ‘sharpshooter’ title becomes the only thing he holds onto. (like a living breathing gun)
No one knows how to help him.
Things get worse.
The team cant form voltron.
Even the lions feel disconnected from each other.
Lance feels responsible.
“I cant even be the sharpshooter if I dont have a lion”
“Its my fault for severing my bond with blue/she cant recognise me anymore.”
“I dont understand why the team is like this. Why cant you guys bond?”
Keith yells “ITS BECAUSE OF YOU” (he doesnt mean it that way. He’s just wants the old lance back, the one he was growing to love. The others know that. Lance doesnt.)
Lance leaves in the middle of the night after that.
The team searches and searches but they cant find him.
They fear lance is gone forever. They fear that they caused this.
Second Part:
Its been a month. Still no sign of Lance. Until they get a signal from a Galra ship hoarding prisoners. And Blue, who never fully disconnected from Lance, feels him on that ship. She relays this to Allura and the team regroups, planning to break him out. They had to work on their bonds, strengthen them in the hopes that they would eventually find Lance. In a way, he is still holding the team together.
Lance is on that ship. Has been for 2 weeks? 3? He isnt sure. He just knows hes in so much pain, hes surprised he isnt dead yet.
(prompt continues where he strikes deals to take other prisoners beating for them, is still a selfless asshole, learns how small his vocabulary got with all the “yes sir” shit he was doing, and he still has his smart mouth (never got rid of it, just… couldnt use it with the team- his brain felt like it had short circuited in front of them) The prisoners dont understand why he would endure so much pain just for them. They thank him and care for him as he drifts through the blackouts. Queue lance getting to know these prisoners, understanding their strengths and weaknesses, and using that (slowly oh so slowly) to try and find a way to break out. He does. He tells them this plan. They praise him for his kind heart and smart thinking, the tell him things he never would have thought about himself. He’s happy. He thinks he knows who he is again. The problem is, he cant feel his legs after that last beating. He can barely stay awake. He thinks hes failed. Again. But the prisoners say otherwise. They make a makeshift stretcher for him. He protests, telling them he’ll only get in the way like this, they tell him “nonsense! You saved us too many times to think about leaving you here. Its our turn to save you.”)
The team is breaking through the defenses when they notice the main ship going crazy. Pidge scans it “its the prisoners! They broke out!” Hunk is overjoyed “I knew Lance could do it!” Its Keith who still has a bad feeling. Shiro directs them to take out all the smaller ships, let Allura and Keith get to the hanger. Keith gets there first, busts the doors open, Allura slides Blue in. They both get out, on foot, within 5 minutes of landing and take out the soldiers. The doors behind them open and here come the prisoners. They dont see Lance at first. Allura is quick to signal them over to blue. As Keith is still fighting, Allura runs over to Blue, getting her to open up for the prisoners, and they both stop. They feel the mental connection that should have been lost but its still there. Keith finished with the soldiers and runs to Allura’s side. Allura stares at the prisoners “I-is he really… Is our friend really with you?” The prisoners part to let them see the middle of their group and theres Lance. On the stretcher, looking worse than they ever could have imagined.
Keith knew he had a bad feeling.
With no time to waste, Blue growled, snapping everyone to attention and the rescue continues.
(lance is watched like a hawk by these prisoners who (understandably, dont know if lance is really their ‘friend’ and they decide to be protective of him. Very. protective.) They are able to open a wormhole and everyone gets on the ship ok. Well… relatively. Lance still hasnt woken up the entire rescue mission and its concerning to everyone. They get him in a pod just as his breathing threatens to stop. Coran is all but sobbing, so grateful that they made it in time, no matter how slim of a window that was. Hunk is sitting by the pod, staring at his friend, tears rolling off his cheeks. Pidge is just trying to take everything in, none of the prisoners were her brother or father, and lance(whos been missing for a month) is stuck in a pod. Allura is speaking with the prisoners, explaining who they are and who lance use to be. (they are very surprised considering how low his self esteem was that he was ever a paladin of the great voltron) Shiro, standing by hunk, still feeling guilty, is lost in his thoughts about whether or not Lance will be happy when he wakes up in the castle.
Keith is just… sitting with some of the younger prisoners and crying. Crying because they are telling him everything that Lance did for them. And crying because “he isnt gone, hes still in there, i thought we lost him forever, guys we have to fix this”
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brattonblogs · 7 years
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As a 21st birthday present my boyfriend Scott took me to Paris for a 4 night city break. Paris has always been on my bucket-list of places to visit, so you can imagine the tears and excitement when I opened my birthday card to the surprise. 
My birthday was in January and our trip was booked for April (and its look this long to write a blog post on it) so we didn’t have too long to wait for the trip. 
We has plenty to do while in Paris: sight see the tourist attractions, celebrate my belated birthday, go to Disneyland, we seen Ed Sheeran in concert, we went to a PSG football game and me and Scott celebrated our 5 year anniversary while there too. 
Of course it would not be a Paris trip if we didn’t visit the Eiffel Tower at least once. Our hotel was very central to the Eiffel tower, a short 10 min walk or a stop away on the metro;
side note: I would highly recommend getting a travel card, we used Navigo passes, for the trains and metro. We bought ours in Charles De Gaulle airport at a help desk, which cost less an 25Euros each- saving us at least 100Euros worth of travel each during our stay. Its a unlimited use card but be careful of the expiry as they can only be used during certain days, so best to Google or ask before buying, but they worked great for us. All you need is a passport style picture to use on your card or you can use the booths in the airport- very simple, almost everyone has one, so someone would know what you’re talking about if you had to ask for any help with it.
ok, back on track…
The Eiffel Tower- a beautiful sight during the day and at night. As an anniversary date me and Scott toured the tower at night-time, which I would recommend for the view alone. It cost us 14Euro each as they have an under 25 deal which got us a discount. The flashing lights come on every hour and last around 5 minutes, which gave me just enough time for the perfect Boomerang and Instagram picture #tourist. 
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As the night-time tours tend to be more popular even at 10pm the queue was wrapped around itself as people waited to buy tickets and use the lifts that take you to the three levels. A cheaper ticket option is to use the stairs instead of the lift (only lets you to the first floor though) with over 1,710 stairs, for the extra one or two Euros i’d take the lift unless you’re into that kinda fitness or don’t want to visit the middle and top levels. I would highly recommend if you’re not afraid of heights or glass lifts. 
 It was either a lucky coincidence or a sign from Ed himself that the night we would arrive in Paris, Ed Sheeran would be playing the  Accor Hotels Arena during his Divide Tour. Two standing tickets cost us under 100Euro, so I would consider that reasonable to see one of our fav artist in a beautiful city. Scott and myself have seen Ed play before and seeing him again in Paris was an unforgettable experience. He never fails to deliver and the crowd atmosphere was amazing, if given the chance I would do it again. 
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Only mistake we made is that we waited for what felt like hours in a queue to be told when we got to the doors we were standing in the seated queue and that we should have been in the standing queue that whole time- putting that one down to different procedures from back home going to gigs and everyone standing in the one queue and a slight language barrier as our ticket was in French, oops. Aside from that small mishap, an amazing night. 
Disneyland Paris was one of my favourite things we did while in Paris. We bought our tickets online prior to going on a website called Travel Republic, which was recommended to me for buying attraction tickets from a work colleague who had used the website before. The site is legit and easy to use so would also recommend using to buy tickets.
Disneyland is definitely a whole day trip, meaning its hard to fit all of the rides, shows, sights etc into the one visit. I would recommend taking advantage of the free fast past system they offer for the bigger attractions. You simply go to the rides that are included, go to the fast pass machine and scan your ticket for a small coupon type ticket to come out with a time to return to the ride. This means you don’t have to wait in the standard queue to ride, instead come back at the allocated time frame and wait in the fast pass line- the wait is cut down from being up to 1 hour in the standard queue to 10 minutes in the fast lane. But of course there is a catch- you can only get one (or maybe two) fast pass tickets at a time, meaning you have to either ride the ride first and then collect a new one or wait for the time on the bottom of your ticket to tell you when you are eligible to collect a new fast pass. Simple enough and even with the one per person its a good way to find time to go eat in the many restaurants as you wait or a good way to explore the park to pass time.
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The food offered in the park varies in prices and quality depending on what location you choose to eat in. We downloaded the official Disneyland Paris app which showed you all the restaurants with their prices points, the style of food and the operating hours (the app requires data to use so not very good as the park has no public wifi- however Scott had 3G as his data plan is covered in Europe, which was a great help, although there is paper copies of maps and you could always ask for help if needed.) The food can be expensive depending on your taste so bare that in mind when planning a trip, however anything can be done on a budget if need be. 
If you can, stay for the street parade show. At 5pm the Disney Princesses and characters paraded down the main street in their costumes and fancy floats, making for a great show. They sing, dance, act and wave to the crowd. People of all ages gather to watch the shows, so its something for everyone, not just people with younger kids. It is worth the watch and its on for no longer than 1 hour- so it doesn’t take up too much time.
We used our Navigo passes to get us to the park and back again, there is a train station within the park so that was very handy and saved us money and time as well. 
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Scott being a football fan wanted us to go support the PSG team and go enjoy a game of football. It’s very clear the crowd love their football team as everyone was chanting and cheering every chance they got. I’m not the biggest football fan so I was glad the stadium had free wifi to keep me occupied while Scott enjoyed the game. Overall was a good experience and it was good knowing Scott enjoyed himself, he got a PSG scarf on the way out and we made our way back to our hotel, using the train/metro and our Navigo passes. 
Paris is a beautiful city and a great place to visit, it was always on my to go list for a reason so i’m very glad I got to experience it for myself with someone I love- I would go back in a heart beat. I cant thank my boyfriend enough for giving me such an amazing holiday and allowing us to experience such a great place together, making new memories #cheesy. 
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If given the chance please go and experience it for yourselves and if any of my tips or experiences helped that’s a bonus! 
Shannon. xo
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mari-monsta · 8 years
Out of curiosity, what kinds of cuisine do you like in terms of restaurants? Niji is lovely, but can't find Mikazuki anywhere! AG's great. Are you waiting on something to post the drawn video with LadyNoir? Like around the time the next series starts or just before? Dragon lady is a noun, thank you very much! I kept the impression short because impressions are :) you're far more wonderful than just that. Hey, you have plenty of time, when you do watch it maybe make sure you have tissues :P -Flat
I found it for you anon!!! It was back in my queue from when the album came out! I haven’t uploaded it partially cause I haven’t gotten around to it and partially cause I can’t decide whether to just color the pencil sketches or to reline the whole thing (since I cant see some anatomy issues now that it’s been awhile since I drew it) but that would take a long time. 
Hmm well I like a lot of Asian food (not surprising) but I also like diner food and italian food if I’m in the mood for those??
It is possible to send an ask without complimenting me omg (*/ω\*)
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dudeeveryoneishot · 7 years
i just need to talk real quick about how shitty of a weekend im having because i am super emotional and i have no one to talk to.
I have 3 friends, my friend H is on vacation in seattle washington for the next week and i know hes having a great time but im kinda jealous and i wish he was here. my best friend V moved 20 hours away this summer so I never get to see her and I really miss her. She’s at a party tonight.
My 3rd friend is B, one of my closest friends from high school who i had a crush on for 3 like years split up with his girlfriend a few months ago. then one drunken night a month ago we ended up hooking up. we talked about it afterwards and we became kind of a thing. i went to visit him 2 weeks ago because he is in school 3 hours away, and we spent the whole weekend together and it was really lovely. then the next weekend (last weekend) B came up to visit and he was supposed to be coming to my apartment with 2 of our acquaintances and he bailed without saying anything and spent the whole day with another girl and he ended up fucking her. so then im like heartbroken and feeling really fucked over that he would do something like that to me after we’ve known each other for 5 years. 
my mom and dad left thursday and wont be back until sunday so i am on our farm in the middle of nowhere, completely alone. They went to go visit my brother who is in the military and they are all going to the military ball together. my dad is retired military so he could go and my mom is his plus one and then my sister in law is my brothers. i didnt have anyone so i couldnt go and they didnt even bother to ask if i wanted to go and just stay at the hotel for the ball itself. i just feel so left out. i know they are going to be going out to eat and having all kinds of fun together and im stuck feeding the chickens. i havent seen my brother in like 5 months and i wont be able to see him until christmas.  
so i was gonna throw a party tonight with B. i was still upset with him but we’ve been friends for so long i wasnt going to cut him off completely and I wanted to have a chance to talk to him in person about what happened. so we invite our entire friend group from high school and a couple others. they all say they are coming so i start getting my house ready. then, 2 hours before its supposed to begin, they all call B one by one and say they cant make it. great. 
so im really bummed out. then B and i decide that the two of us and his brother would come to my house anyways and drink and watch stupid movies. He was supposed to let me know when they were going to be coming over but said it would probably be around 8. so i wait. and wait. and i never hear anything. I shoot him a message at like 7:30 asking if they are coming and he leaves me on read. So at 8:30 I call him. I cant understand anything he’s saying because he keeps breaking up. I send him a couple more messages and he doesn’t answer my question. So I ask his brother whats up and he doesnt know either. So I tell his brother to keep me updated. 10:15 rolls around and i havent heard anything so i ask the brother if I should just assume they arent coming and he replies “probably”. 
i just dont understand why he would just bail on me like that (like he did fucking last weekend) when we have been friends for so fucking long. like it would have taken 2 seconds to message me and say “hey something came up im sorry we cant come”. instead he leaves me on read and never tells me whether he is coming or not and i’m forced to message his little brother to finally get an answer. like thats so fucking rude. i feel like i have no idea who he is anymore. idk if i’ve always just been purposefully blind to his issues because i had a crush on him and the way he has acted in the past week is just who he truly is or what.  I just really need to stop attaching myself to people who I know are selfish and shitty acting and then being surprised when they are selfish and shitty acting
so now im here. completely alone, all my plans haven fallen through. idk im so lonely and upset and i cant talk to H about it because he is super excited about his vacation and in a good mood and I dont want to bother him, V is at a party and drunk, and B is the cause for most of my sorrow and he isnt responding to me. I even tried to message my mom despite our non existent relationship and she said she needed to go to bed about 3 replies in.
and im going to be alone until sunday.
oh and ive got our propane heater thing on and it smelt a lot like gas in here earlier and now im kinda dizzy so im lowkey hoping i die of carbon monoxide poisoning. at least that’s a death that wont make my family look bad or feel guilty. it will just be a horrific “accident”. if my queue runs out and im still not posting, im hopefully dead.
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alexydury · 7 years
London Marathon
Sunday 23rd April 2017 I was definitely ready for the morning of the 23rd April….. It had been a long time coming! I had entered the ballot for the London Marathon back in 2015 after my last London Marathon as I was still buzzing and had the post-marathon blues! Therefore, I was really surprised to be offered a place as there wasn't many people that I knew who actually got a place in the London Marathon for 2016. I still remember getting that magazine through the post - I jumped about and suddenly collapsed in my chair thinking ‘Shit! I’ve got all that hard training to do all over again!’ Unfortunately, I’ve still been struggling with repeated chest infections and coughs for a long time now. The doctors are still exploring and trying to find a diagnosis, which is a painfully slow process. Just 3 weeks before the London Marathon, I was hoping to do the White Horse half marathon for the last time before tapering down my runs. I ended up with my third chest infection for 2017 - absolutely crazy! I then had a week in Gran Canaria with my family and was disappointed not to be able to run while I was there. In the run up to the big day, I was fully focused and beginning to build up my mental strength of wanting to run constantly up to 20 miles and then to see how I got on from there. I didn't have as high expectations as I did for my first LM where I was dreaming of all the times I was going to get! Prior to the race, arrived at the Expo at the EXcel Centre to collect my running bib number and to explore the exhibitions and the different types of photo booths that were everywhere! I avoided the ones with long queues as I felt that I needed a good rest, especially the day before the LM. The last time I went there to collect my bib, I stayed there for about 4 hours with Steven and LJ and my feet were hurting with nowhere to sit! I didn't want to do that again! I bumped into 2 different deaf groups - one outside the Expo Hall and the other inside. It was lovely to chat with both groups of people. 3 of the deaf runners were so excited about the Expo, telling me what they had spent whilst in there! haha! The other group that I saw were not LM runners but had completed it in the past and just wanted to explore and enjoy the atmosphere. After a busy and tiring day at the EXcel, we were fortunate that my friend whom I was staying with overnight was in the neighbourhood, so after couple of stops on the overground train she came and drove us home passing the Isle of Dogs. This gave us a chance to see part of the LM route in preparation for the next day! My friend also helped out with volunteering to take all of the runners baggage to the lorries at the start of the LM early next morning. I didn't bother bringing any friends to the start of the race this time, knowing that they cant get across the boundary as security is much tighter now. On the day, I met up with two other deaf runners, Michele and Rebecca and we quickly queued for the last toilet stop before the start line. Unfortunately, we eventually realised that we were queuing for the urinals where you were given a “shewee” device to use for going to the toilet! However, one of the runners I was with needed a number 2! So, we dashed off to the portaloos to queue again! In the first queue for nothing! Luckily, the portaloos were mostly empty as people had already moved to the starting line. After the queue for the loo we were practically at the back of wave 9. I wasn't too worried about being at the back, but I could see that one of the other runners was nervous. She was probably just really itching to get running and start the race! I felt as cool as a cucumber and enjoyed soaking up the atmosphere. We finally ran over the starting line 20 minutes after the gunned fired. I looked over to the left after the start line and saw Prince William, Prince Harry and Kate there waving at us. I told the other runners to look over but a bunch of runners pushed us along the way. It was too hard to go back and it would be rather silly if we stopped immediately after the start! One of the runners, Michele eventually zoomed off running by herself - I was expecting that. She always was a serious runner. I ran with her before at the Bristol to Bath marathon and so knew what to expect. So i enjoyed running wth Rebecca, who wanted to take it easy and save energy for later on in the race. With my chest issue, I felt that it was wise to stay with her - a bit slower than my usual pace but I needed to save my energy for the last half! Rebecca was always behind me and I looked over my shoulder and slowed down a bit to wait. I was constantly looking out for deaf supporters around the 5-6 miles markers but couldn't find them! When I run, I am always at my worst for the first first 5 miles, so looking at the spectators helped keep me distracted. We eventually found Rebecca’s husband after passing the beautiful Cutty Sark (awesome to run round it!) I then waited for Rebecca to catch up and told her to look out for her husband and friends. Rebecca perked up at this point!. Knowing that I would be seeing Steven at the Buxton water memory lane (I won a competition beforehand) was great. Buxton Water selected 150 runners to run with a loved one in a special 80 metre lane and I was looking forward to it. I knew it was 12ish miles before Tower Bridge but it seems to take forever to get there. I was very emotional at this point and desperate to see Steven for a hug and to thank him for being there for me on the day! Before the Buxton Water memory lane I remembered a special place on the route where I spotted my daughter LilyJane holding blue balloons at that very spot 2 years ago. This brought me to tears thinking of LilyJane! I was wearing one of her hair slides - something borrowed! As well as my heavy silver necklace which is a continuous reminder of my father - He had the best seat in the house, up above watching over me…. I know he probably thinks I’m crazy but he was always proud of me whatever I did! Finally, I reached the Buxton lane for the selected 150 runners! One of the volunteers from Buxton did not realise that I was one of their runners….it was hard to talk to them to explain, especially when I was out of breath which was so annoying! Steven came out of the crowd and told the lady that we were due to run the Buxton lane together! I wasn't sure if the volunteers were prepared for me nor the speaker with microphone. Steven and myself just carried on and ran through the lane - not knowing what the speaker said or anything. I didn't see any cameraman on the day and I still haven't heard anything from them! They probably didn't film or took any photographs - rather disappointing! (Got only 4 photos 5 weeks after the LM!) At least Steven ran a bit of the London Marathon without really realising it! After a lovely hug, I joined the other runners back into the London marathon. My favourite part was running over London Bridge and then knowing that I had to run the worst part of the LM, which was through the Isle of Dogs. I managed to run 16 miles before slowing down a bit. Before reaching the 16 miles marker, I spotted Michelle’s husband, Rebecca’s husband along with Nathan and Alistair Smith all in one place! I think they were at 13-14 miles. It was really nice to see familiar faces! I remembered seeing the same place where I stopped to change plasters on my blistered toes 2 years ago! My toes were okay at that point - but my chest was hurting and I felt a little nauseous and numb so I started walking. I took some painkillers and carried on walking trying to remain cool and calm myself down to get rid of the sickness feeling. I then walked for 3 miles soaking up the atmosphere. It felt a bit like I was sightseeing at his point, watching the spectators and looking at the variety of buildings, pubs, landmarks etc. I then started to feel better after 3 miles of walking, and ran a bit here and there after this. I don't know why, but I really enjoyed running under the long flyover through the tunnel! The other runners around me started to change their running behaviour too and practically everyone around was walking, or stopping to stretch. That tunnel felt like a proper runners haven! We all picked up and ran again after the the long tunnel. The worst part of the LM was behind us and I started to feel sorry for all of the runners passing us who were yet to go through the worst part! There was also a strange part of the LM where we had to run a bit on the dual carriageway and then back again along the same route!! I remember thinking… surly they could have found a better part of London to run along??!! Then, out of the blue I spotted my friends Jane Newman and her sister Joanne so I stopped for a bit of a chat and for some much needed hugs. This little stop seemed to give me a renewed sense of energy and motivation! Thank you Jane for the lovely support on the night before and for everything! later on, I was surprised to see Steven again after another small tunnel onto the Embankment where we could see the London Eye! Wendy Scott and her boyfriend Antino were there with him. My feet were staring to hurt around this point, my chest was manageable but I had zero energy left. I didn't want to take any more gels as I was worried getting sick again! So I decided to alternate between my Lucozade sport drink and water after the nausea. Again, I started to feel more motivated to continue running for the last 4-5 miles after meeting Steven and co. I would have tried to run more but it was so hard to run with no energy! It was a case of walk and run, walk and run along the Embankment. I loved the part where I passed the HeadsTogether supporters along the way! There were so many of them at different parts of the race cheering us on…. It really helped! Every time I saw them I picked up my pace as I ran passed them! I then came closer and closer towards Big Ben, knowing I was near to the finishing line. At this point I tried to look for the NDCS supporter post opposite Big Ben to see if I knew anyone there. And at the same time, remembering a bunch of my friends were there waiting for me so I gave each of them a big hug as they urged me to carry on running. That moment is something that I will treasure for the rest of my life, such a special time. Luckily someone filmed me at that part of the race (you can find it somewhere on my blog!). From that point onwards, it took longer to finish than I thought it would! Time seemed to drag on and on for a while before I reached Buckingham Palace where I know then that the finishing line was round the corner! I was then overwhelmed with emotions, and I don't know how I managed it, but I picked up my pace towards the end and put my hands up high as I went over the finish line! I was thinking ‘Thank you….. It is all over now’ I can move on with life and do different things! After crossing the line, I picked up a lovely heavy medal to add to my medal collection! Shortly afterwards I picked up my bag and goody bag and was off to the exit to the Royal Society where Heads Together had a reception area with a free massage and some food. Steven met me on the stairs by the news stand and we hugged with a mass of relief. A man suddenly came over and started talking to us outside the Royal Society. At first we thought he was just being friendly, then we realised that we actually did know him but were not sure as to where from. He then mentioned the ThunderRun 24 and Steven and I looked at each other as it clicked into place! It was amazing to see him again after 2 years and the fact that he recognised us was amazing! His name was also Steve he was one of the runners who won a magazine competition to be part of ThunderRun 24 and he reminded us that he was one of those people who slept in the car not in a tent! Anyway, I booked in for a massage and got myself some free pasta and drinks. It wasn't much really but I need food in my tummy. I was really happy that Steven was with me - it was really special and he enjoyed it much more this time round! (You will have to ask him why!) I had a lovely leg massage as I braced myself with the thought of walking all the way to the underground and up the stairs. I just had to grin and bear it as I walked through Green park to the pub where Oliver Westbury’s private party was to celebrate his 26 marathons. We then discovered that we had just missed him by half an hour! I wasn't surprised haha. He had been there for several hours as he finished much earlier than me! It was then time to go home, so Steven took me back to Harpenden from Kings Cross using the tube. There was a bit of a walk here and there and then I plopped myself into his van. I had to tell him to slow down a bit as he drove a bit rough round the roundabouts especially at MK on the way home. We had to hurry back for LilyJane, my big baby, who had made banners and put them on the front door as a welcome home! I’d like to say a massive Thank you for all the support and fundraising that I have received. I have managed to raise £300 even though I did this fairly last minute when I had actually registered with Heads Together before Christmas. Looking at Heads Together Facebook, I realised that a lot of the other Heads Together runners had a great deal of support from the HT team. Maybe this was because they could hear the loudspeaker and knew where to go etc. Unfortunately, I missed out on some of the best bits, such as meeting some members of the Royal family. I would love to have done that…. never mind. At least it is all finished now and I can move on to other challenges. I will need some time for my toes to heal as they are all blistered up, but not as bad as they were 2 years ago as I didn't run a 20 miler one month before the marathon this time, which I think helped with my feet. I still lost one toe nail this time, but better than losing 4 like I did on the last marathon! I really need to get my health sorted out once and for all! Thank you for reading this :)
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