#cant wait til 1:58
cametotheshowinsd · 2 months
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That July ninth, the beat of your heart;
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knightartorius · 2 years
wwdits 4x1 countdown!
the long post where i document every day until wwdits returns on july 12! all 60 days of misery, pain, hardship, love, joy, and innocence all in one place. why did i do this you ask? ………………..
The excruciatingly long wait until July 12 has hit. It’s starting to look dim. I am unsure if I will even live to see it.
i started this on day 59 because i needed a way to get the absolute amount of soot off my heart from the 60 day wait and it is STILL day 59 as im writing this and i just cant wait til day 58 to say that im fucking dying. i cant. and theres going to be another wait for ofmd eventually and oh my goddd. im such an impatient person and i cant. its currently day 58 and i am watching flight of the conchords to cope
i have decided to watch one critical role episode every day which will occupy about 25 days worth of my time. this may vary with school and summer break but i need a distraction. i am rewatching ofmd for the first time in a little while. this is terrible… i have school today as well which is stunting my coping abilities. not good. havent once been able to focus on anything because my head is just critrole ofmd wwdits on repeat i am dying… my critrole pacing is also already so off, im on like episode 4 and i shouldve only finished 2 or something like that. but i cant help but have the cliffhangers resolved
day 56 has begun, and im starting to realize how fucking long this post is gonna be. and how long the wait really is.. obviously when you think of 60 days as 2 months it feels like not all that long, but when you break it down into days, and hours of days, thinking each time you update this post and whatnot, it makes it feel much longer. in better news, only 3 more days of school left!
this being the last week of school might be slowing down time. it feels like the longest week on the fucking planet… after days 57-53 this should be smooth sailing. anyway speaking of school nobody is taking this shit seriously anymore, nobody is here and ive just been playing minecraft in class
unsure if im now behind on critrole because i had to spend hours working on a “group” project from complete scratch due at *checks watch* 11:59 because my partner ghosted me… i also have another project due at *checks watch* 11:59 today and i wont be getting home to work on it until 8. this is pretty great idk. why did all this stuff fall on the last week of school im more stressed than ive ever been on a “chill week.” maybe if wwdits was back itd be better
IVE BEEN SO BUSY ALL DAY RHAT I TOTALLY FORGOT TO UPDATE HII.. SCHOOL ENDED TODAY!! i finished me projects and all…very proud of myself for getting through this week kinda ok? forgot to add yesterday that in class we wrote letters to ourselves as graduates in english and i mentioned both ofmd and wwdits… more than once like they were plot points..loved writing it too. but yes summer is officially upon me!!!!!!! yeah baby
first day of summer has sucked. woke up far too early (who wakes up at 7 in the summertime like the sun hadnt even risen) and now im sick..life is pain quote the nun
so i absolutely underestimated how sick i was gonna get towards the end of the day, to the point where i only have a very hazy memory of the entire evening.. but its 1 am and i woke up from a nap i presume and i feel a lot better now. definitely a few days behind on critical role too, havent had any time to watch in between being sick as FUCK and school. we are almost through the first ten days of the wwdits wajt though!!!! im so excited im also getting a new phone today, ive had the same one for 4/5 years now and shes starting to be a little shit so. GOT THE NEW PHONE! (iphone 13) it is so smooth and the camera BUMPIN… it fits in me hand nice too. lord how i needed this baby. i also watched 25 minutes of morbius too, and its..absolutely unwatchable so i turned it off. i cant even watch it as a joke
TEN DAYS DOWN!!!!!!!!!! the impossible task is starting to look…possible! in fifty days ill have the pleasure of saying…nandermo is real. but for now, all i can say is nandermo will be real in 50 days. im also starting to feel a little better? my throat is still killing me though. the one issue i have with this phone is that “autistics for otori emu” use to fit perfectly in one line of text but now its like
and its kinda ugly. ill never change it though
LOVE AND THUNDER JULY 8…july is gonna be a big month for taika god damn anyway I CANT WAIT!!!!! i wanna see this movie so bad….AHH.. also lowkey been inactive at the moment. not sure why
watched the lighthouse last night, it was lowkey gay porn but i loved it. certified really good movie. anyway, im in a movie watching era of this countdown. except i watch like 1 movie a day every night. tonights is everything everywhere all at once! im very excited i hope i cry. didnt cry but still really enjoyed the movie! i wish they took a more “you dont have to forgive your parents” approach, cause they kinda just ignored the fact that evelynn was the one who broke joy, and her breaking joy fractured her in every universe… and like yeah joy was able to heal and forgive but she shouldnt have to forgive her mother just because she saved her. a lot of people with trauma have it in our brains (especially those of us with parental trauma) that we have to forgive our abusers and media rarely ever empowers those of us who are unable to simply forgive and forget, and this movie had the perfect opportunity to do that, but in a sense im glad they didnt also
its morbin time. not really anything to say today, but its been cloudy for the past week and im wondering when im gonna get to see the sun again. the countdown is smooth sailing otherwise! OH WAIT ive been playing life is strange true colors and its been..fun?? idk ive also been playing the sims for fun again too which .. it has been ages since… i have a “legacy” going kinda but the first gens story is pretty fucked up so im just having fun with mods really
kissed ryan and its the only choice ive been 100% confident about in this game. i love ryan. hes my one true love. they dont make men like this in the real. im also gonna retry watching morbius im obsessed with this movie + my bff is graduating today im so happy for him
OKAY MAYDAY THE WWDITS EPISODE TITLES JUST RELEASED AND. WE ARE 95 DAYS AWAY FROMA “The Wedding” it could be nandermo. it could and im scared (KITE FROM THE FUTURE: its not nandermo nandor is marrying a woman??)
these past 5 days have been going so fast im scared. too fast almost. in like 30 minutes were gonna have wwdits 4 like it was nothing. also rewatching morbius second night in a row because my friend wants to watch it with me. hes morbing out oh my god oh shit. okay we ended up not watching morbius but i watched wwdits (2005) and 1) taika hot 2) the montage of people calling them fags is so..timely idk. but for everyone who always says “ah nz is so progressive” and acts like conservatism doesnt exist there and idolizes the countrys politics… reality check please. 3) taika hot like all the letterboxd review are about his hair and shit and yea i agree completely. but i made a post to my instagram story and tldr it was about how the wwdits franchise kinda encapsulates the changes in perception of queerness throughout the 21st century and honestly its one of the most interesting aspects to me while consuming all wwdits content
hunt for the wilderpeople is a movie that i watched that broke me a bit. i didnt cry or anything of the sort but god i loved ever second of it. how will i live. anyway i think im officially over the ofmd grief but rather im shocked that the show still hasnt been renewed..not in like an awww boo hoo but like..what the fuck is hbo doing (KITE 3 DAYS IN THE FUTURE HERE: THIS IS SO FUNNY. THEY WERE WAITING UNTIL PRIDE MONTH)
watching both top gun movies, was inspired by flight of the conchords. will be back. ok i only watched the og top gun but i did thoroughly enjoy it, and damn that movie is beautiful if nothing else + american psycho. and american psycho i loved a lot. also if youre wondering why im watching so many movies its a summer goal of mine to watch a lot of movies because i notoriously dont like movies as an artistic means and have watched like barely any movies proportionate to my lifespan and im trying to change that. i still dont like movies really but…oh well im glad im using this to watch some good films. my letterboxd is kite4444_1 if you were interested in seeing my ratings (they are wonky…and 3 means i liked/enjoyed it btw)
theres also a meteor shower tonight (allegedly) so im sitting outside at 1 am viewing the sky, ive seen 1 so far so dub! rare once in a lifetime experience in the wwdits countdown
i really dont know how to break the meteor shower stuff up but its 1:30 am so its officially day 42. i saw 4 big meteors, a lot of little guys, and 1 orange fella so i consider this a big win.. i also just enjoyed sitting outside and watching the sky, i should do that more often honestly. literally did nothing today! W
its pride month! happy pride month. also one month closer til wwdits..dub OH MY FUCJING GOD I JUST GOT THE NEWS. YES. YES. YES. YES OH MY GOD YES YES YES YES YES IM LITERALLY CRYING IM BESIDE MYSELF WITH JOY AND EVTASY I CANT oh my god i cant wait until i have an ofmd countdown god is so fucking real best day of my life nobody understands my joy rn GOD im crying so hard incant i cant i cant i just cried so hard IM CRYING AGAIN it’s definitely been like an hour or something but i cant think. i cant feel. hello #BestDayEver
season 2 requests:
1) bearded stede. dgaf if rhys says he cant grow a beard hes lying
2) jim and jackie romantic interactions… i read the vico interview and when they said maybe jim will find someone else during their separation to olu…my mind went bonkers
3) mary gets many gfs and they are poly and in love. doug is also in the polycule
4) izzy, jim, lucius, ivan, frenchie, fang need to be BESTIES. BFFs4L. and izzy and lucius you already know i want them together idc
ANOTHER TEN DAYS DOWN!!!!!!! YEAHHHH soon there will be no time left.. what the hell! pride month really is off to a great start and im ecstatic.. still not over the sheer high of ofmd 2 announcement but it also makes me fear season 2s existence. BUT GOD I CANT WAIT UNTIL I HAVE ANOTHER COUNTDOWN entiled “Ofmd 2 countdown” its going to be glorious and im going to be fucking FERAL. FERALLL!!!!
watching muppets treasure island and ofmd season 2 looks CRAZY… anyway im watching this because apparently black sails has prior reading and i was not watching some old movie or the novel so muppets treasure island it is. i also need to stop writing these entries early in the morning (it is 1:45 am) because it throws my rhythm off..in better news though its all been good, im going to the beach tomorrow oh fuck it just hit me im going to the beach at peak ofmd fixation..its going to be all i think about NEVERMIND ITS ONLY FRIDAY I THOUGHT IT WAS SATURDAY? not going to the beach tomorrow cause we leave sunday im an idiot
god i cant wait to go to the beach i need it. no pirate bullshit but i need to be one with the sea its been over a year since ive been there gah…my mom keeps being weird about it but you will not ruin my fun beach adventures!! i will walk for miles in one direction listening to music or something or talking to myself without a care in the world because i am one with the oceanside. i will cry for no reason walking my dog and thinking wow. this is what stede wouldve wanted. i cant wait to spend the next 4 days pacing with the sand between my toes as i ponder season 2 and what explorations of heartbreak means for each character. i will cry
also im on episode 3 of black sails and this shit is DRAMA??? like ofmg i was not ready also what is the ofmd/muppets treasure island/black sails pipeline because ive seen multiple fans with muppets treasure island profile pictures and how did i manage to fall down the same fucking hole
BEACH DAYY!!!!!!! i cannot wait til we get there holy fuck [ x ] <- pics here! i also went and updated the layout of this post so ideally its easier to look at i REALLY need to stop writing these at 1/2 am because whyd i wake up and learn we aren’t even going until wednesday and my mom isnt even sure we can get reservations..if i dont go to the beach ill die like actually ill perish
WAIIITTTT WWDITS TEASER DROPPED [ x ] oh my god?????? this is the most unhinged the show has ever been and i cant wait
nobody told me black sails was gay…like super gay this is insane. everyone is bisexual and they were so real for that. anyway im very much enjoying watching because the drama is real
also wwdits poster..wow 2 days in a row theyve been giving us content also renewed for seasons 5 & 6?!?!? idk why i had it in my head that season 4 was going to be the end but YES wwdits is goijg with me to college W…also on that note its crazy to me that ofmd and the like arent going to be finished until im in college…wow…im getting old
we are almost halfway through the wait! god damn the past 25 days have felt almost nonexistent but regardless… beach tmw!!!!! for real this time. and as i said i will be at peace. i always thought if they were real id be a mermaid. and ill probably reincarnate as a lobster or something of the like.. i am one with the sea
also ever since that article about taika being a failure or sellout or whatever (i didnt read the article) made the typo calling jemaine “jermaine” i have carried the torch. he is now jermaine clement to me
beach day beach day beach day… i cant wait for this “getting-to-beach” arc to end because this has went on for far too long… anyway, im gonna finish black sails either today or tomorrow and wow! what an adventure. the worlds longest origin story. i have enjoyed every minute of it!
i finished black sails! also here are those beach pictures i promised [ x ]. other than that this trip has so far been pretty uneventful (not saying it will ever be eventful) but i am enjoying the sea view
also rumor has it ofmd season 2 should be airing around june/july of next year which is so insanely far but also very close. its also going to be insane comfort for me after i graduate i can tell +£~£
going on a bender of listening to old 90s alternative rock songs i havent heard since i was like 10. and i still know 97% of the lyrics to all of these songs… my music taste has come a long way really. hot take though i dont understand why people bend over backwards to defend bjorks racism because her music is not even that good?? what is the appeal here. let her go
havent had much to say recently but today is my last day at the beach… but now we are for real for real close to reaching that halfway point… i am quite geeked if i do say so myself
WE ARE OFFICIALLY HALFWAY THROUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAHHHYHHHHHH BABY its been a long ass thirty days but im sure that its going to go by fast now? also because we seem to be getting a lot of random content (not just for wwdits but yk).. im quite ecstatic. i cant wait for my silly little tv show
later tonight i have a music listening event with my friend and i have to choose 5 albums for us to listen to and so far i have and otherwise i have zero idea
jyocho - the beautiful cycle of terminal
イツエ (itsue) - いくつもの絵 / many pictures
ABBA - voulez-vous
never mind apparently! it was supposed to start about 2 hours ago and im like 80% sure im getting stood up! oh well. i say oh well because im a bit used to it but also im fairly upset because i was really looking forward to thissss ahhhh
getting stood up aside i think im sick AGAIN???? i think ive been sick like 50 times this entire countdown but also i have like 5 chronic illnesses and so it could be one of them. besides i feel bad but not too bad so ill live
i woke up with a super weird tender rash on the palm of my hand and???? what the hell. god is spiting me now that the countdown is on the downward path
nah not sick but i was not feeling hot yesterday. im very excited though because my broccoli plants are looking very healthy after the trip (i was a bit worried theyd fucking die) but they are taking to the environment quite nicely. on the contrary i planted SIX cucumber plants and they are taking over my entire garden like a goddamn parasite. i dont even need tgat many cucumbers why did i plant six oh my god. also my onions should be harvestable soon… if youre wondering what all plants im growing: cucumbers broccoli red pepper onion spinach & carrots. very nature over here
also i am plugging flight of the conchords as one of my albums..! pay me jemaine
DIDNT UPDATE AT ALL TODAY??? but omg my cucumbers were ready for harvest and theyre HUGE. i also started a worm bin today and i had to collect 2 worms on my own i hope they enjoy having sex and shitting for me but yeah. this is a beautiful thing. overall a great day i very much enjoy getting gritty in the garden
also fun sketchful.io night with my friend and now we have official plans to meet irl come january!!!!!! fat fucking double you
do tumblr posts have a word limit…i feel like i mentioned this before but it comes more of a growing concern every single day. otherwise its a good day except me waking up to my dog having a seizure because i overslept my alarm for giving him his meds. in case you were wondering hes completely fine just a normal hiccup
also bios dont have a word limit either do they.. also layout change! i changed the color yesterday but today i moved the rant bio to be under the cut because i just cant part with it
watched thor ragnarok so im officially up to date for love and thunder. i love korg no im not biased but also everyone who was like thor and bruce have serious couple energy are so right its such a shame he wont be in love and thunder. the “rom com” aspect with jane peter and bruce would be so hectic but also so good?!!? havent been hyped for a marvel movie since endgame im so excited
introducing a new conflict: me trying to watch fotc live in london without paying for hbo max. this has been an uphill battle and i signed up for the apple one free trial which gives me free apple tv and they said they had live in london on there BUT NO IT REDIRECTS YOU TO HULU AND HBOMAX. now you may be thinking “just sign up for hulu free trial” BUT HULU DOESNT HAVE IT EITHER WITHOUT YOU PAYING FOR THE HBO ADDON!!!! also i tried literally every pirating website i know and nothing. i feel like im fighting a goddamn war just to watch live in london idk
ok update: its currently 2:55 am and i found it on the pirate bay but obviously thats a torrenting thingy so tomorrow evening im going to relearn how to torrent so i can watch it. also last time i downloaded utorrent it absolutely wrecked my computer, managed to uninstall it but its still fucked up but oh well! anything for fotc
adding onto an already incredibly hectic log, i ended up not downloading it today because i didnt feel like getting out my laptop charger. it was one of those incredibly lazy days. but man if theres one thing this post is gonna do, its gonna make me realize how much of my summer i am spending RELAXING. its well deserved and this is my last high school summer so i should definitely waste the most i can because ill never get this again, but like.. come august the regret is gonna be reallllll….
another day of completely forgetting to update this! im getting back into terraria and that has kept me mostly entertained all day. im so bad at it but i used to be cracked (kinda. i never got to hardmode cause flesh but)
to add, i have a 4 day streak going of eating toast late at night. the first 2 days it was tuna on this asiago cheese loaf and these past 2 days have been cinnamon butter on sourdough. very real
days are flying by! wow. but my sleep schedule is so off it’s ridiculous. but today was even less eventful than yesterday, except i think im finally in my terraria groove and i even beat the eye of cthulhu + i wanna fight skeletron but like, i have no idea where his temple is and ive went so far in both directions
i have whipped cthulhu’s ass thrice. he doesn’t even stand a chance! but i did attempt skeletron and got whooped so hard it’s ridiculous?? did they buff him since i last played like 5 years ago. also attempted the eater of worlds twice for some scales so i can make demonite equipment and CHRIST i keep having like sensory overload. also sorry for making three consecutive short posts where i exclusively talk about terraria but that is all im doing so we! will! have! to! deal!
also sometimes its so hard to tell if i wrote already. like i have no recollection of writing today but i think i did??? did i????
21 days? THREE WEEKS?? three weeks ???? three weeks!!! i really am so excited. also i might be going to see lightyear soon with some of my friends who i haven’t seen in like 3/4 years! definitely not the most hype movie we couldve went to see but idc chris evans keke palmer and taika are all in there and thats all i care about. mm
I DREAMT ABOUT S2E1 of ofmd that they like released episode 1 early and it was so funny. i don’t remember much about it but stede and ed werent in the episode at all (but blackbeard was in the last like 15 minutes of an hour long episode, but i didnt even watch that part because of dream logic) and i don’t remember much at all but someone was in a white void with john silver. a completely different show. and they had to complete some kind of bullshit puzzle it was great the rest of the dream was mostly on the deserted island with the rest of the revenge and jim was there too but hell i dont know it was such a mess
also i never mentioned it but i watched guns akimbo like 2 days ago and jesus christ i haven’t recovered. the pacing never slows down and its balls like the movie is hot balls but it was so insane that like. i havent recovered
TWENTY!!! FORTY DAYS DOWN WOWZA. that’s literally insane. its doggy bath day for me so im bathing the dog and he hates it but boo hoo stinky dog. maybe dont pee on yourself so often
also the plans are saturday!! i cant wait. and these are actually definitely go through so WWWWW
TRAILER DROP!!! WE GOT IT. POLYAMORY?!?! YES!! excited. thats all i can say
time to get a little sad and vulnerable. got out of the house for the first time in awhile to go to my nana’s, she passed in late february and we’ve been working to sell the house and had a cleaning crew finish everything up before contracts were signed with realtors. and it was hella gutting seeing a home that has so many childhood memories emptied…or gutted i guess you could say, and today is the last day i’ll ever step foot in that house and it’s literally crazy. i dont regret not going up there as often as i could or anything but it is quite a sad conclusion to come to. it was a pretty productive day too, and im proud of myself! especially because ive been conscious about my productivity, motivation, and the like. so yay!
i regret updating the tumblr app so bad..its so ugly now and theres so much to look at for what..i also woke up to some of the worst news imaginable for us americans, and like…idk
yesterday was rough but i cant wait to see my bsfs so good vibes. great vibes even
it was fun!!!!!!!!!!! lightyear was..bad? it was very mid. but taika…so thats better. i gave it a 2/5 on letterboxd and the extra star was for taika so. but i feel so relieved i get to see them again because it really has been so long.. none of us have seen each other since we were 14!!!!!!!!! now we’re basically grown?!?!?
also ive been watching greys anatomy trying to catch up (for japril) and this show is so good but also extremely garbage… what do you mean deluca got stabbed in between episodes?? also these topical covid episodes are so tired and this is only episode 7 of a 20 episode season. if this whole season is covid themed ill kill myself because ive already heard the same spiel about feeling isolated and lonely and whatever. like yeah, everyone watching knows that, we all lived through the worst of it and have to deal with an unfinished aftermath. im so glad i waited to watch this because if at the high of the pandemic i tuned into this shit id be so over the show. but im attached to these characters and the neverending drama. im eating the tom and teddy stuff up!!!! i do want them to be together, i love tom and he deserves teddy. i quite like owen too and i feel bad for screwing him after he put in so much effort to make it work for teddy but thats exactly it. he shouldnt have to put up with her bs anymore (i like teddy too but girl)
bored out of my mind.. so bored. thats all i can say today. bored.. i think im gonna force myself to start drawing again because i havent in months. i was in a bad burnout after art class so yk
GIVE IT UP FOR DAY 15!!!!!!! but KORACICK AND JACKSON LEFTttttt…. you can understand my pain. obviously it was for a good cause but goddammit!!!!!! ill miss you tom.. gone but never forgotten
its day 13 but i completely forgot to update. it skipped my mind completely. i can’t remember anything that happened yesterday but teo weeks!!!!! two weeks left
day 14 was an absolute blunder on my part. i knew missing a day was bound to happen eventually but man. that shows just how uneventful my days have been. i redownloaded genshin and this game is so boring even though i have all the inazuma and chasm stuff to do…but i hit 698?k with childe ult and that. makes me happy! back when i was into the game i was on a road to 1 million and this gets me about 7/10 of the way through…. im not p2w too so
I DISNT EVEN SKIP DAY 14. IM SO CONFUSED RN. YESTERDAY WAS DAY 14. IT IS DAY 13. god im such an idiot but im not going ro backspace any of this… late night phone call watching sing 2 and i got my best friend to watch some ofmd with me!! we are up to episode 6 but he fell asleep and i am so tored. also rsd is so awful like i love this show to death and when he doesnt laugh at something i want to cackle at i feel like im being stabbed brutally in the stomach? pretty sure hes enjoying it though. i feel glee! but the best part comes when i get to talk about every interview ive read, the story of how rhys was casted, because ive already had the honor of sharing tidbits like izzy canonically being the one who put the bows in eds beard in e5, and rhys taking sailing lessons while taika couldnt even read blackbeards wikia page… autism won today.
sing 2 was also an absolute blast, my friend asked if the little koala dude was voiced by the “guy who plays eddie from ofmd.” i was deeply confused, turns out he affectionately named stede ‘eddie,’ and no rhys does not voice buster moon. matthew mcconaughey does and he isnt even kiwi……. also i am like a rhys detector because that man is the voice of my conscious. it was a really great movie tho, like bono was in there and ??????? i love the sing franchise
HAPPY JULY!!!!!!!! we are so close now. 1 week until thor, 12 days until wwdits, 4 months until greys anatomy, and about 1 year until omfd. its like everything is happening soon! also maybe i should stop thinking about time passing in my life relative to media i enjoy… but also it makes me happy. i watched boy (the taika movie) and that was another banger. taikas best talent isnt directing its finding insanely talented kids. boy is tonally similar to hunt for the wilderpeople but personally it lacks something in comparison? if i had to guess its because wilderpeople builds on family dynamics in a positive light while boy explores parental idolization and its wayyy too relatable at some points. its still a great film though 4.5/10 on letterboxd
I think i counted the days wrong…? and now im weirdly confused and scared because it’s currently the 2nd and this is day..11? meaning this will end on the 13th as opposed to the 12th. this is so fucking scuffed and im not gonna edit anything i just have to live with my mistakes. maybe i really did miss day 14 though. im so confused?????? what happened. what went wrong.
anyway WE FINISHED OFMD TOGETHER!!!! he is not an izzy fan and im glad. hes also a jim/olu supremacist which like…yeah so true? now i just need to get him to watch wwdits and everything will be solved in the world probably
TEN DAYS!!!!! (actually 9.) or maybe this is accurate but it goes to like 12:00 am july 13 which doesnt really count
anyway 5 am thoughts: been thinking about boy again and its growing very fond in my mind. i think letting the ending sit with me was for the better and i love this movie a lot more now (and i already loved it lots.) how cute
watched mysterious skin and damn. in life youre either a neil or a brian and i am a brian so hard. nothing really remarkable to say today
I DIDNT EVEN FUCK UP THE TIMING… the issue is that i always update this at like 5 am the next day and it throws everything off for me.. otherwise its the fourth of july i guess? nobody really celebrates this holiday anyway. its an excuse to grill and set off illegal fireworks and nobosy is thinking about the revolutionary war… also a bit of a rough time sociopolitically in the usa rn so. extra bunk holiday… i fixed up these star leds that have just been hanging on my wall for like 2 years and it added so much ambiance i love how my room looks now! its great
forgot to update again except this time 2 days in a row hahahahahahahaha i was writing out the july fourth thing yesterday but got distracted and it never saved. i pulled itto today though!!!!!!’ im so happy but rest in peace to the next banner because im definitely not getting whatever character is on it. genshin is occupying my brain again and i dont like the inazuma lore but the characters have grown on me (mainly people i can associate with ayaka because shes one of my favorite characters all time) but others still have the personality of like a wet rag (cough raiden yae kokomi and gorou) IF YOUR FAV IS ON THAT LIST, FIGHT ME! id like to be proven wrong honestly! i want to like the characters! otherwise ONE WEEK! ONE WEEK! YEAH YEAHHH
thor tmw!!!!! yeahhhhhhhh
that being all i wrote today tells so much. burn out isnt really the word because that seems like a real big overestimate but i am a bit exhausted of updating this, especially when i have to rack my brain for things to write? and i feel like im letting myself and others (despite me talking to a brick wall with this post basically) by not providing any interesting content in here. like that span of me playing terraria. how boring. and recently it’s been similarly dull. but luckily we’re coming to a quick end to this timeline with only a big 6 days left!
its also a real struggle to scroll all the way down. thor today! thor soon. 2 hours until thor! yay. but also woke up to some terrible news that my dog *COULD* have cancer, we wont know really for another 2 weeks and then we wont know for certain until after a biopsy. sucks like shit though, that dog is like a brother to me. but…thor! thor is getting me through this
ITS SO GOOD. and say what you want taika did put gay sex in the marvel movie. korgdwayne forever. i cant even begin to comprehend how much i enjoyed that like tis so real. i am biased i am. but also i dont care what cishet people have to say about this movie. the queer rep was there and frankly its all i ever wanted/ask for
OOPSIE DAISIE FORGOT TO UPDATE AGAIN. yesterday was fun. thor is my whole brain rn. thats all
3 days left is so crazy. like this has been 58 days of sheer insanity and its coming to a close.
late night/early morning thoughts: im in such a prison built by internalized ableism and i know unmasking is possible but i never see myself able to escape this endless fucking nightmare. i want to be unashamed about all my autistic traits but its unbelievably difficult.. and so many people who i love and who love me don’t really know me even if they talk to me every single day because i barely know myself because of how far buried he is. and so thats another thing ill have to deal with
talking about anything is so difficult for me to do. crossing the barrier of mentioning anything im watching or reading is like climbing mount everest especially to people i havent known basically my entire life and its so awful? i wish it wasnt such a struggle to be. even when im not talking and if im just thinking about a hf/si i feel so awful and like im failing and i cant take much more of this. any of it, the shame, the self deprecation, anything
SAW TOP GUN MAVERICK FINALLY!! im so glad i got to see it during the countdown its definitely part of the character arc ive went on throughout this post. what a tonal shift from yesterday also but wow only 2 days left! ive seen so many movies now… all i think of is movies anymore…. but its been a really good span of days recently i feel like summer is finally looking up! and soon wwdits is gonna be back with us like wow!!!! so much to look forward to im very excited. im always fucking excited for anything and everything. woo!!!
what can i say that hasnt already been said, what a fuckin journey this has been and its soon gonna come to fruition. and also what a better way to send this off than I AM SICK AGAIN. thats the spirit of the countdown really. today is a chill day and tomorrow im gonna rewatch the 2014 movie for vibe reasons but like. im so happy and proud. wooooooo!!!!!
also i love walking around the house and hearing ra ra rasputin blaring loud on the tv cause the wwdits trailer. it makes me happy but im also remindes like oh shit this show is on cable tv. weird feeling? havent watched a show on cable in so long
ITS OVER. THE WAIT IS OVER! i said most of the “sappy” shit yesterday but now its all official. im not gonna keep this going in between weekly episodes as a cheap way to keep this going. its over today. TODAY! gonna rewatch the movie in a bit probably just to get in a really vampiric mood but also the moon is full tonight iirc? what a coincidence (probably)
Well folks. thats the end there! just watched episode 3 so its exactly a week after this countdown so i think its a better time to write the conclusion, because its weird that it just cuts off. but there isnt a conclusion cause i already wrote it on days 1 & 0. see you next year when ofmd s2 is announced!
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namjinsanswer · 6 years
Why We Started Our Own Company
Ned: “this is the story of HOW we left buzzfeed.”
they set up a studio in Ned’s old bedroom and Zach is curious of where Wes was made
Zach: “if you’re watching this, that means we did it.”
you can genuinely see how worried and fearful they are to launch this new channel and company
Ned bought and renovated a new house, had a baby, and launched a company all within the same month. do not fuck with him.
Eugene: “Ned decided he just wanted to dump a hurricane on his life.”
everyone contributed 25% into this company
Zach: “small business owner, motherfucker.”
Zach is playing fortnite in the bank. a 12 year old.
Ned loves spreadsheets
Keith posing next to the Try Guys cardboard cutouts while Eugene explains their new patreon
they (finally) quit their jobs
Zach: “when we actually pulled the trigger, a whole bunch of bullshit came our way.”
they felt unprepared with what little equipment they had, but you literally could not tell in their baby shower video
and then ... BABY FULMER COMES ... 3 1/2 weeks early
and 2 days later Eugene flies to Texas to shoot for a movie (can’t wait to watch it only for Eugene) ... leaving the company in Keith and Zach’s hopefully capable hands
Zach is stacking furniture to make a standing desk
Keith and Zach are arguing over how nice the table is
Keith’s Ned impression is so spot on, i’m crying
Zach: “we had a day without toilet paper. those were dark times.” i don’t even wanna know...
Keith while breaking down Ned’s garbage: “it’s exactly what i thought it’d be. i’m a digital media maker. i MaKe ViDeOs FoR tHe InTeRnEt!1!”
Ned left a bunch of cool shit in the house ... including an envelope labelled “for Ned’s eyes only”
Zach peeks inside the envelope
Everyone’s got an office space
Look at all these new people helping our guys. i already stan them all.
this video takes a sad turn
Ned: everyone is busting their asses for this launch.”
Zach and Keith have stayed at their office until midnight several times
Ned edits on the weekends while simultaneously caring for his baby
Keith: “Eugene doesn’t sleep sometimes.”
Eugene sounds so hoarse and sleep deprived and it’s upsetting
they’re prioritizing quality over quantity, while also trying to keep a consistent upload schedule. that has to be so difficult and straining.
Zach compares it to a triangle with three points: a lot of videos, good videos, and maintaining sanity; they can only choose two, and they’ve chosen the first two.
as i mentioned before, genuine fear and stress in their eyes
Ned: “the EVE before our launch.”
don’t worry Zach, it payed off so fucking much
Zach was their first subscriber
seeing how relieved and happy they are with the response brings happy tears to my eyes
Keith after Becky subscribed: “not all of our subscribers can sleep in the same bed as me.”
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duasgenesis · 7 years
I was tagged by @luvinari to do this (thank u I was bored out of my mind)
And I dont know 20 ppl all like that sooo imma just pick a handful of people @arisgrande @korgayyy @duasjauregui @neptune-apple
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. drink - Orange Juice
2. phone call - my sister
3. text message - Bestie
4. song you listened to - Chanel by Frank Ocean
5. time you cried - Today !!
6. dated someone twice? - yes
7. kissed someone and regretted it - no
8. been cheated on - yes
9. lost someone special - yes
10. been depressed - yes
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - nope
fave colours
12. Salmon
13. Mint
14. White
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - yes
16. fallen out of love - yes
17. laughed until you cried - yah !!
18. found out someone was talking about you - yes
19. met someone who changed you - nahhh
20. found out who your friends are - Mane...listen...
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - ppl still use that ??
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - I don’t have a Facebook bih
23. do you have any pets - yes !! Too many
24. do you want to change your name - Lowkey wanna change it to my nickname
25. what did you do for your last birthday - I went out and took many pictures for no reason
26. what time did you wake up today - 6am like I do everyday and I hate it
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - knocked tf out
28. what is something you cant wait for - the summer!!!! (Big things planned bih!)
30. what are you listening to right now - Prince
31. have you ever talk to a person named tom - Nah should I have been?
32. something thats getting on your nerves - people
33. most visited website - Tumblr
34. hair colour - brown
35. long or short hair - Short
36. do you have a crush on someone - yes and I hate myself for it
37. what do you like about yourself - I know how to bounce back from things
38. want any piercings? - my nose
39. blood type - idk
40. nicknames - Mari, MarMar, Amari
41. relationship status - yikes...
42. zodiac - Libra
43. pronouns - she/her
44. fave tv shows - friends and RuPaul’s Drag Race
45. tattoos - no
46. right or left handed - right
47. ever had surgery - nope
48. piercings - ears
49. sport - soccer!!
50. vacation - uhmmmm
51. trainers - ??
more general
52. eating - nothing
53. drinking - still drinking on that orange juice
54. im about to watch - Blackish
55. waiting for - the muhfuckin weekend
56. want - a gf
57. get married - its comin
58. career -I wanna study to become a musicologist (some people say its not a real career buh just wait til I make the coinsss bih)
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - kisses
60. lips or eyes - lips
61. shorter or taller - taller
62. older or younger - older
63. nice arms or stomach - stomach
64. hookup or relationship - relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant - troublemaker
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - uhmmm ew
67. drank hard liquor - yes
68. lost glasses - bruhhh yesss
69. turned someone down - yes
70. sex on first date - no
71. broken someones heart - I think but he was okay
72. had your heart broken - bih yessss
73. been arrested - no
74. cried when someone died - yes
75. fallen for a friend - YESS
do you believe in
76. yourself - yah
77. miracles - yes
78. love at first sight - nahhh
79. santa clause - I still believe tbh
80. kiss on a first date - no
81. angels - yes !
82. best friend’s name - Aliyah
83. eye colour - brown
84. fave movie - The nightmare before Christmas
85. fave actor - Winona Ryder
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twila-star · 7 years
I don't know how to do these, I probably am way behind on the process... tagged by: @deira-luv
rules: answer these 92 statements and tag people
1. Drink: gingerale (flat)
2. Phone call: daddy...? I think
3. Text: @sweetpotatosayrah-blog :)
4. Song you listened to: Frustrated by R.Lum.R
5. Time you cried: I was trying to channel my inner Killua and be amazing at everything and all my school work, and things were working out but I was so stressed, I sat down to relax and listen to music for the first time in 2 weeks and just started crying
6. Dated someone twice: No
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: No
8. Been cheated on: No
9. Lost someone special: Yes (Am I doing this right? Am I being too straight forward? Are these suppose to be funny? Is no one going to read this because I'm boring? That's true. Stop tagging me, Deedee)
10. Been depressed: yes
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no
12-14: Green, purple, blue
15. Made new friends: yes
16. Fallen out of love: yes and no, Its an "I'm over him" thing and then "wait, he looked at me, I think"
17. Laughed until you cried: no
18. Found out someone was talking about you: 8/ no I guess
19. Met somebody who changed you: I dunno, I think I refound my twin sister and love her even more now
20. Found out who your friends are: uuummmm yes?
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: no
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I think... I've met all of them once at least. I should delete that thing anyways
23. Do you have any pets: no
24. Do you to change your name: ya
25: What did you do for your last birthday: I dun remember, went for Korean? Or the movies? I don't know, I turned 20 and that sucked
26. What time did you wake up: 8:03
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: talking with my twin about HXH (called out @whats-wrong-aniki)
28. Name something you cant wait for: THE BLACK PANTHER MOVIE (2018)
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: 3 weeks ago ;;^;;
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish I could change my major to art and block out everything my parents say about it so I could do what I love
31: What are you listening to right now: The silence that whispers in my ears sometimes about how loud it is
32. Have you ever talked to a person named tom: Tomm? No
33. some thing that is getting on your nerves: I don't have nerves
34. most visited website: google
35. mole/s: 6.02x10^23
36: mark/s: too many
37: Childhood dream: artist
38: Hair color: black brown green purple grey
39: long or short hair: medium, objectively short
40: Do u have a crush on anyone: ya, like 6 people, including Killua (Love of my life)
41: What do you like about yourself?: hard to say... I like how I try to make people happy.
42. Piercings: ya, my soul
43. Blood type: AB (Deedee, yours is AB)
44. Nickname: GBY (JB, Jay-B, BB, Baka, Ho, Eh-eh, petite, ugly, baby)
45. Relationship status: in a loving and year long relationship with HXH
46. Zodiac: Leo/ Fire Ox
47. Pronouns: She/me
48: Favorite tv shows: Teen Titans, Gravity Falls, Star Vs, Fosters Home, Powerpuff Girls, Voltron Legendary Defenders
50. (did we skip 49?) Right or left hand: BOTH
51. Surgery: NO
52. Hair dyed in a different color: NO
53: Sport: NO
55. Vacation: JAPAN
56: Pair of trainers: WHAT?
57. Eating: NOTHING
58. Drinking: NO
61: Waiting for: Tonight!... Woah! When you would be here in my arms... Waiting for tonight, Oh...! I've dreamed of this love for so long... Waiting for tonight...
62: Want: DJ
63. Get married: To someone I love
64. Career: Artist, Ecologist, Super villian
65. Hugs or kisses: kisses
66. Lips or eyes: lips
67. Shorter or taller: taller
68. Older or younger: younger
70. nice arms or nice stomach: stomach
71: sensitive or loud: excuse me? Both... Loud about being sensitive
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship
73. troublemaker or hesitant: hesistant and LOUD ABOUT IT
74: Kissed a stranger: kissing strangers... til I find the one I love...!
75. Lost glasses/ contact lens: Yes
76. Turned someone down: Yes
78. Sex on the first date: no
79. Had your heart broken: ok
80. Broken someone’s heart: ok
81. Been arrested: no
82. Cried when someone died: ya
83. fallen for a friend: errr no?
84. yourself: a little bit... I have to, who else will?
85. Miracles: of course
86. Love at first sight: yes
87. Santa Claus: YES (North pole expedition 2034)
90. current best friend name: MY TWIN and then SARAH ( @sweetpotatosayrah-blog)
91. Eye color: Black, brown, gold, green, yellow
92. favorite movie: THE BLACK PANTHER (2018)
Ah, no one's going to read this, I'm ending this chain and not tagging anyone (except who I already tagged) 
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handgunz · 7 years
this really long questions meme thing that you can read if you want to get to know me but if not you can continue to go watch rick & morty or whatever shit you’re consuming this fine wednesday night
so many ppl tagged me for this like @shimmy-sham-with-the-fam​ and @www98vikitoo​ off the top of my head but i legit cant remember the rest and i dont wanna change tabs
for any questions i dont wanna answer ill just put “AWAKEN MY BROOD, TODAY YOU WILL RISE, I'VE GIVEN YOU LIFE MY LUSUS NATURAE OPEN YOUR EYES” bc thats the answer to the “last song you listened to/what are you listening to rn” lmfaooo and yall should listen to that creepy ass RWBY soundtrack bc i listened to it to the point where it stopped being really disturbing and actually kinda catchy
1. Drink: water
2. Phone call: @proofofhumanity​ it was probably yesterday or today, i dont really remember bc we call like almost every single day. aka im usually the only one talking while she types stuff in response. 
3. Text: it was @ DC like 2 seconds ago
4. Song you listened to: AWAKEN MY BROOD, TODAY YOU WILL RISE, I'VE GIVEN YOU LIFE MY LUSUS NATURAE OPEN YOUR EYES (this is actually the song tho)
5. Time you cried: i dont remember, probably a long time ago
6. Dated someone twice: lmfao worst relationship of my life
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: not really actually
8. Been cheated on: yep
9. Lost someone special: lmfao
10. Been depressed: im too cool for that
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: not that stupid
12-14: silver, black, red
15. Made new friends: i make new friends like every week lmao
16. Fallen out of love: yea
17. Laughed until you cried: wyd??? i do this literally every day. i laugh so fucking much every single hour at the dumbest shit, probably 30% of my life is spent laughing at someone or something. 
18. Found out someone was talking about you: uwu ya
19. Met somebody who changed you: im the only person who can change myself gtfo 
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: AWAKEN MY BROOD, TODAY YOU WILL RISE, I'VE GIVEN YOU LIFE MY LUSUS NATURAE OPEN YOUR EYES
23. Do you have any pets: yea, 2 doggies
24. Do you want to change your name: sorta??
25: What did you do for your last birthday: whatever my mom wanted to do for the occasion, i dont really remember bc i didnt care
26. What time did you wake up: 6am every day
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: watching rwby chibi, talking to abby, lost, and lotti on discord, was rlly warm under some blankets
28. Name something you cant wait for: im rlly excited about mercury being in volume 5!! i cant wait til he comes on because he’s one of my fave characters ever <33333333333
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: 2-3 hours ago?
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: n/a
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i doubt it?
33. Some thing that is getting on your nerves: nothing that i can think of at the top of my mind
34: Most visited website: tumblr or discord
35. mole/s: wtf
36: mark/s: i have a birthmark that kinda looks like a heart on my hand
37: Childhood dream: n/a
38: Hair color: dark brown
39: long or short hair: it’s long ig, it goes down to a little bit above the halfway point in my back
40: Do u have a crush on anyone: i dont have time for that kind of thing
41: What do you like about yourself?: everything lmao i dont have low self esteem, at least i dont think so
42. Piercings: my ears are pierced but i dont wear earrings 
43. Blood type: A+ or A-, i dont really remember
45. Relationship status: single and not available for flirting 
46. Zodiac: aries sun, scorpio moon, aries rising (yeah im the devil)
47. Pronouns: he/him or she/her 
48: Favorite tv shows: rwby, hxh, and nge
50. Right or left hand: both
51. Surgery: no thanks
52. Hair dyed in a different color: i dont do that lmao
53: Sport: too busy with grades for that
55. Vacation: las vegas is my favorite city so i would really like to go there again. french buffets are cool.
56: Pair of trainers: wyd??
57. Eating: popcorn
58. Drinking: citrus tea
59. I’m about to: sleep hopefully
61: Waiting for: rwby vol 5 ep 5 comin out this weekend 
62: Want: to write better and better til im the best. i dont really know what this question is asking. but that’s one of my various goals. 
63. Get married: i believe in prenuptial agreements but if that’s out of the way then sure
64. Career: gonna be a nurse or a physician’s assistant (while writing as a hobby)
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs definitely 
66. Lips or eyes: literally do not remember the last time i cared about lips, so probably eyes
67. Shorter or taller: doooon’t really care
68. Older or younger: preferably the same age honestly ?
70. nice arms or nice stomach: whoooo caaaaaaaares
71: sensitive or loud: anyways i want to die
72. Hook up or relationship: meeeeeeercuryyyyyyyyy blaaaack
73. troublemaker or hesitant: lusus naturae, bitch
74: Kissed a stranger: ugh
75. Lost glasses / contact lens: nope
76. Turned someone down: yea
78. Sex on the first date: no
79. Had your heart broken: yea
80. Broken someone’s heart: yeaaaaaaaaa
81. Been arrested: why are you interrogating me
84. yourself: more than anything else in the world. i’d rather believe in myself than anyone i’ve ever met in my entire life. 
85. Miracles: nope
86. Love at first sight: noooope
90. current best friend name: lost
91. Eye color: brown because im a bitch of color
92. favorite movie: aaaaaaaaaa maybe kill bill? heathers? mean girls? no idea
this took like ten thousand years so maybe @driftingglass​ @decembercamiecherries​ @proofofhumanity​ @smooth-and-skeletal​ @abnirests​ @inspookswetrust​ whoever tf else wants to do this who’s actually read this far just idk say i tagged you or something
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acciofics · 7 years
Song Lyric Prompts
Someone request something! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° 1. "I'll start a riot." 2. "What's my age again? 3. "Her yellow SUV is now the enemy." 4. "We'll have Halloween on Christmas, if you want." 5. "I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed." 6. "I'll keep you my dirty little secret." 7. "I wish I could wake up with amnesia." 8. "Forget about all the stupid little things." 9. "If I woke up with you right beside me, I'd hold you closer than I ever did before and you'd never slip away." 10. "It's about a girl." 11. "They don't need to understand." 12. "We were always running away." 13. "We do it our own way." 14. "I won't walk down the same old road that they all follow." 15. "We don't have to dance." 16. "I'll break it to you easy, this is hell. Literal hell." 17. "These long, long legs have been damn near everywhere." 18. "I go back to December all the time." 19. "I'm so glad you made time to see me. Tell me, how's life? How's your family? I haven't seen them in a while." 20. "Your guard is up and I know why." 21. "The last time you saw me still burns in the back of your memory." 22. "This is me, standing in front of you, saying I'm sorry for that night." 23. "Turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you." 24. "These days, I haven't been sleeping. Staying up, replaying myself leaving." 25. "Realized I loved you in the fall." 26. "You gave me all your love and all I have you was goodbye." 27. "I wrote this letter just to numb your pain." 28. "If you can't take me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best." 29. "Life is all about making mistakes. Life's also about being great." 30. "I fall, I break, I mess up, I make mistakes." 31. "Monday left me broken." 32. "Am I outta my head? Am I outta my mind?" 33. "What can I say? It's complicated." 34. "You keep me in with those hips." 35. "Okay, yeah. I'm insane." 36. "I'm one of those melodramatic fools." 37. "It's all keeps adding up." 38. "Am I just paranoid?" 39. "I want you and your beautiful soul." 40. "I know that you are someone special." 41. "I hope you see the heart in me." 42. "Tell me pretty lies." 43. "Tell me that you love me, even if it's fake." 44. "You're slurring a your words, not making any sense." 45. "I act like I don't fucking care." 46. "I'm only a fool for you." 47. "I act like I don't fucking care because I'm sorry fucking scared." 48. "Look me in the face." 49. "You've been out all night. I don't know where you've been." 50. "I can't believe you sold me out for a kid like that." 51. "I hope you burn." 52. "You're making me sick." 53. "I've got more secrets than you'll ever know." 54. "Too many times I've told myself to hold on." 55. "Another year and you won't let it go." 56. "You'll never really know what this means to me." 57. "Told myself I wanna face this fear." 58. "Everybody says she looks just like her mother but I think she wants that left alone." 59. "There's too many ways to say goodbye." 60. "It's quite the opposite this time." 61. "Sometimes I can't help but say 'I'm falling in love' and it's scaring me." 62. "It came to me in a dream!" 63. "I'm not a hero or a saint." 64. "Don't push me away." 65. "When you believed in me, you brought us together." 66. "Everybody says it won't last forever." 67. "Yeah, you sure broke my heart last week." 68. "Don't say I don't know you." 69. "I know you're feeling sad." 70. "I don't feel bad." 71. "You got a lot of nerve to say this is all my fault." 72. "You better know what you got before you go and throw it away." 73. "I won't go until you come outside." 74. "You're the one I want." 75. "If only you could see all the beautiful things I see in you." 76. "You're the only one that's got my heart and that's the I ly thing that matters." 77. "Just keep that smile you're flashing." 78. "You're the only enemy you ever seen to lose to." 79. "My belief is in pieces." 80. "My sheets have grown cold." 81. "I wish you could feel this but you'll never know." 82. "You're perfectly perfect." 83. "We're two different people." 84. "I should've warned you." 85. "I wrote a letter on Monday." 86. "It's full of these bitter words." 87. "We aren't the same." 88. "I could tell you weren't in love with me." 89. "I don't even know you but I know for sure you are beautiful." 90. "I'm overly attracted." 91. "She could be my princess and I could be her prince." 92. "Loving can hurt sometimes." 93. "You know it can get hard sometimes." 94. "You won't ever be alone." 95. "All I can say is, the stress hurts." 96. "Too much going on at the same time." 97. "Yeah, I'm fucked up." 98. "I'm empty inside." 99. "I just don't feel alive." 100. "I wish it wasn't so tempting." 101. "I wonder if I'm good enough." 102. "Keep the change and have a nice day." 103. "I can still hear the sound of you saying 'dont go'." 104. "I hope you know, this has nothing to do with you." 105. "I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket." 106. "It's time to be a big girl now." 107. "I'm not what you wanted." 108. "I don't know why I cared so much." 109. "I hope you find what you're looking for." 110. "Who'd you think you'd fool, baby?" 112. "All the tables are turning." 113. "I still think about you." 114. "Baby, you look good." 115. "She's a heart stopper." 116. "I just wanna kiss your lips." 117. "Me? I trusted him." 118. "This kid is insane man!" 119. "What's your name?" 120. "Just you wait." 121. "This one's mine." 122. "You walked in and my heart went boom" 123. "Why are you crying?" 124. "Sometimes I wish she was you." 125. "Opportunity Knicks and you take it." 126. "It's been about a year now." 127. "Damn, those sweet memories." 128. "I found a letter you wrote me." 129. "I don't wanna see you with her." 130. "Word gets around." 131. "I'm happy for you, love." 132. "Why do I love you?" 133. "I miss you when I can't sleep." 134. "Do you miss me?" 135. "I'm always tired but never of you." 136. "You said you wouldn't and you fucking did." 137. "I'd do anything." 138. "In the end, does it even matter?" 139. "Look at where we are. Look at where we started." 140. "We danced the night away." 141. "You smiled over your shoulder and for a second, I was stone cold sober." 142. "I knew I loved you then." 143. "I knew I needed you." 144. "I want to stay with you til we're grey and old." 145. "I'll bring you coffee in bed." 146. "I'll thank my lucky stars for that night." 147. "You look as beautiful as ever." 148. "Your mind is rather reckless." 149. "What a beautiful mess this is." 150. "Well it kind of hurts." 151. "You don't know my name." 152. "I'm telling you to your face." 153. "I'm sick of wasting all my time." 154. "You're giving me a million reasons to let you go." 155. "I'm about to break." 156. "Show me the way." 157. "I just need one good reason to stay." 158. "You're the baddest little thing I've ever seen." 159. "Since you left, I've been holding onto a memory." 160. "You're not mine anymore." 161. "Let me go!" 162. "I'd die for you." 163. "I still remember what you wore the first night." 164. "You don't look the same." 165. "What's it like to leave me behind." 166. "I'm fighting back." 167. "Nice to see you too." 168. "Always ends too soon." 169. "I won't be like you." 170. "I'm just so scared." 171. "Come as you are." 172. "Meet me inside." 173. "These times are hard. They're making us crazy." 174. "Don't give up on me, baby." 175. "Darling, don't be so shy." 176. "I'll see you at midnight." 177. "In the morning, I'll wait to see you again." 178. "When you go, don't ever think I'll make you try to stay." 179. "Take your gloves and get out." 180. "So tired of all the needless beating." 181. "Well, if you wanted honesty, that's all you have to say." 182. "Remember the time you broke your foot from jumping out the second floor?" 183. "You wear my out." 184. "They don't care, as long as some bleeds." 185. "I heard you down the hall." 186. "But you never said anything!" 187. "Never thought I would feel like this." 188. "Such a mess when I'm in your presence." 189. "I probably shouldn't brag." 190. "I'm in trouble." 191. "I'm addicted to this girl." 192. "She's all I want and more." 193. "Is she out of my league?" 194. "I'm left with no choice." 195. "I swear, she's going mad." 196. "It didn't slow me down." 197. "Always second guessing." 198. "You stole my heart." 199. "You been talking in your sleep." 200. "Just a little bits enough." 201. "It's in the stars." 202. "We're not broken." 203. "I'm sorry. I don't understand." 204. "Your head is running wild, again." 205. "I never stopped." 206. "Our lives enough." 207. "Nothing's as bad as it seems." 208. "I can't think of the right things to say." 209. "I never would've thought I'd be here with you." 210. "I can look into your eyes all day." 211. "Stay away from my friends." 212. "You're my favorite." 213. "You create symphonies with your hips." 214. "I don't care if you're contagious." 215. "I've got a love and I know that's it's all mine." 216. "I can't believe you've got the nerve to say you love me." 217. "I hope you're happy." 218. "Now you're nothing but a memory." 219. "You used to make me feel like I could walk on water." 220. "You're the reason." 221. "I bet I don't run through your mind." 222. "It still hurts." 223. "It's been a lonely year." 224. "Can we please start over?" 225. "I was praying that you and me might end up together." 226. "You are my heaven." 227. "If you don't love me, pretend." 228. "It's too late to cry." 229. "It's like wishing for rain when I'm standing in the desert." 230. "My only friend was the man in the moon." 231. "He came to me with the sweetest smile." 232. "Darling, I'm a mess without your love" 233. "All I need is one more goodbye kiss." 234. "You cant blame a girl for trying." 235. "I should've shut my mouth." 236. "I remember tears steaming down your face." 237. "I remember you said 'dont leave me here alone'." 238. "Don't you dare look out your window." 239. "Even when the music's gone." 240. "No one can hurt you now." 241. "Is this what it's like to match wits with someone that's you level with?" 242. "May you always be satisfied." 243. "The conversation lasted two minutes, maybe three." 244. "I remember that night." 245. "When you said 'hi' I forgot my dang name." 246. "I'm sure I don't know what you mean." 247. "There's a million things I haven't done." 248. "Her eyes are just helpless." 249. "Where are you taking me." 250. "That doesn't mean I want him any less." 251. "I got her number!" 252. "You've got no choice." 253. "I know that you think I'm so insane." 254. "I just love the way you say my name." 256. "Over and over, your words keep me going." 257. "I just get so insecure." 258. "Honestly, I've never been so sure." 259. "I can love you all at once." 260. "Cross my heart and swear that it's true." 261. "Boy, you know you're always on my mind." 262. "All my friends, they hear about you all the time." 263. "I know I talk a bit too loud." 264. "Make up your fucking mind." 265. "Never forget it." 266. "Now you're gonna say 'pretty please forgive me'?" 267. "Turns out no one can replace me." 268. "I'll leave you with a memory." 269. "You'll regret it." 270. "Y'know, it gets worse." 271. "One more kiss." 272. "I love it when you just don't care." 273. "I love it when you dance like there's nobody there." 274. "I love it when you don't take no." 275. "I love it when you do what you want just because you said so." 276. "Hearts are gonna break." 277. "We don't have to be ordinary." 278. "Please have mercy on me." 279. "I fall when I'm around you." 280. "I can't take it anymore." 281. "Take it easy on my heart." 282. "Tell me that I'm not crazy." 283. "Your words cut deeper than a knife." 284. "You lured me in." 285. "I won't lie to you." 286. "I know I can treat you better." 287. "You should be with me." 288. "I'd stop time for you." 289. "They say we're too young." 290. "If you don't swim, you'll drown." 291. "I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart!" 292. "If I showed up with a plane ticket and a shiny diamond ring with your name on it, would you wanna run away too?" 293. "I hope you feel the same way." 294. "I'm a realist and an optimist." 295. "Hello, sunshine." 296. "You look so graceful." 297. "Well, I've got a lot to talk about if you still want to listen or if you even care." 298. "Can we locate where we went wrong?" 299. "If loves a fight, then I shall die with my heart on the trigger." 300. "Baby, you are all that I adore." 301. "Don't you know you're everything I have?" 302. "They still say I'm a dreamer." 303. "You better know what you're fighting for." 304. "I was doing just fine before I met you." 305. "Tell your friends it was nice to meet them." 306. "Baby, pull me closer." 307. "Pull the sheets right off the corner." 308. "You look as good as the day I met you." 309. "I forget just why I left you." 310. "Four years, no call." 312. "Play that Blink-182 song!" 313. "It's gonna look like mud!" 314. "I'm gonna help you swim." 315. "It's no big surprise you turned out this way." 316. "Hey man, I love you but no fucking way." 317. "Just try your best." 318. "It just takes some time." 319. "Everything will be just fine." 320. "Just be yourself." 321. "We haven't talked since we left, it's so overdue." 322. "My heart's beating fast right now." 323. "Thought that we were stronger." 324. "I hate this part right here." 325. "Gotta talk to you before we go to sleep." 326. "I wanna be in the room where it happens." 327. "Like I said, you're free to go." 328. "Look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now." 329. "I'm a trust fund, baby, you can trust me." 330. "Some say I'm intense or I'm insane." 331. "Let's have another round tonight!" 332. "I don't know just where I fit in." 333. "Let's get back to the basics." 334. "I was falling in love." 335. "You don't come around here anymore." 336. "When I put on my jeans jacket, I still think about you." 337. "We were on top of the world." 338. "I'm not missing you anymore." 339. "You can keep that sweater." 340. "Finally feels like I'm livin' more than ever." 341. "You know I'm only getting better, right?" 342. "No bad blood between us?" 343. "I want you back." 344. "One glance is all it took." 345. "Baby, give me one more chance." 346. "Won't you please let me back in your heart." 347. "Oh darling, I was blind." 348. "Trying to live without you, love, is one more sleepless night." 349. "Please allow me to be your anti-depressant." 350. "Tonight, we'll both go M.I.A." 351. "Waking up to kiss you." 352. "If the whole world was watching, I'd still dance with you." 353. "The only truth, everything comes back to you." 354. "It's so hard." 355. "I'm just gonna say, you'll never see me in the kitchen." 356. "I just have trust issues." 357. "No, you can not change me." 358. "Baby, I'm working." 359. "Brace yourself. It's not good." 360. "I don't know what to do." 361. "I cried when I got that phone call." 362. "This has got to be the hardest thing I think I'll ever have to do." 363. "I'm not ready for a kid!" 364. "She's mine." 364. "We keep loving anyway." 365. "I'm willing to wait for it." 366. "You found me!" 367. "My love is a breath taker." 368. "Hope you remember me." 369. "Look at the stars!" 370. "Take those skin and bones and turn it into something beautiful."
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onmygrind101 · 7 years
92 Statements Tag
Tagged by: @liaiblitystudies  
RULES: Answer the following 92 statements and tag 20 people afterward!
1. Drink: Water.
2. Phone call: my mum 
3. Text message: My boyfriend
4. Song you listened to: drugs you should try it - travis scott
5. Time you cried: last week
6. Dated someone twice: yes.
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: yes.
8. Been cheated on: yes.
9. Lost someone special: lots of people. 
10. Been depressed: yes when i was 13. 
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: No. 
12. red 
13. black 
14. white 
15. Made new friends: Yes.
16. Fallen out of love: no. 
17. Laughed until you cried: : yes. 
18. Found out someone was talking about you: multiple times. 
19. Met someone who changed you: yes. 
20. Found out who your friends are: yes. 
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: no. 
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: half of them i would say. 
23. Do you have any pets: yes a cat. 
24. Do you want to change your name: no i love my name. 
25. What did you do for your last birthday?: spent it in a hotel room all by myself and dinner date with my familt. 
26. What time did you wake up: ahh different everyday usually late tho. 
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: watching big little lies. 
28. Name something you can’t wait for: graduate from school and getting my IB DIPLOMA. 
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: right now. 
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish i could be more free. 
31. What are you listening to right now: six feet under by billie eilish
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: that i cant continue my driving lessons til sept smh. 
34. Most visited websites: twitter, tumblr, youtube. 
35. Mole/s: ive got a few. 
36. Mark/s: my knees and legs. 
37. Childhood dream: to be a doctor. 
38. Hair color: Brown/black 
39. Long or short hair: medium when curly , long when straight. 
40. Do you have a crush on someone: no. 
41. What do you like about yourself: my looks & my mind set. 
42. Piercings: 7 piercings. 
43. Blood type: dunno
44. Nickname: lola, lol, alosh, 
45. Relationship status: taken. 
46. Zodiac: sagitariaus. 
47. Pronouns: She/Her.
48. Favorite TV Show: greys anatomy. 
49. Tattoos: None. 
50. Right or left hand: Right
51. Surgery: when i was a kid yeah 3 surgeries. 
52. Hair dyed in different color: no dye at all. 
53. Sport: swimming, running, cycling. 
54. Favorite accessory: necklace from my mum, necklace from my grandma, necklace from my boyfriend. 
55. Vacation: tanzania. 
56. Pair of trainers: VANS ALL THE WAY. 
57. Eating: nothing 
58. Drinking: nothing. 
59. I’m about to: watch another episode of big little lies. 
61. Waiting for: life to keep happening. 
62. Want: be happy and satisfied with my life. 
63. Get married: deffo. 
64. Career: biologist. 
65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs.
66. Lips or eyes: Eyes, always eyes. 
67. Shorter or taller: Taller.
68. Older or younger: OLDER.
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: does it matter? 
71. Sensitive or loud: neither. 
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship. 
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: neither. 
74. Kissed a stranger: no
75. Drank hard liquor: no
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: nah. 
77. Turned someone down:  alot
78. Had sex on the first date: no. 
79. Broken someone’s heart: I break lots of hearts. 
80. Had your heart broken: yes. 
81. Been arrested: never. 
82. Cried when someone died: yes. 
83. Fallen for a friend: yes. 
84. Yourself: i only believe in myself. 
85. Miracles: yes. 
86. Love at first sight: i do believe it yeah
87. Santa Claus: i wish 
88. Kiss on the first date: well dont matter 
90. Current best friend name: zain, tiaan, shaza. 
91. Eye color: brown. 
92. Favorite movie: the ghost & the darkness. 
Tagging: @bananalism @ibstudiblr @problematicprocrastinator @taenzion-t
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littleshechan · 7 years
Tagged by @indigojupiterstuff RULES: ANSWER THESE 85 STATEMENTS AND TAG 20 PEOPLE -THE LAST 1. DRINK: Malt Beer 2. PHONE CALL: a Client at work 3. TEXT MESSAGE: Groupchat 4. SONG YOU LISTENED TO: Once upon a Dream during the Maleficent credits 5. TIME YOU CRIED: while I was sick two weeks ago due to stress 6. DATED SOMEONE TWICE: Never 7. KISSED SOMEONE AND REGRETTED IT: When I was 17 or 18 a friend of my Cousin 8. BEEN CHEATED ON: Never 9. LOST SOMEONE SPECIAL: My Dog in February 10. BEEN DEPRESSED: Had ups and downs frequently since last year july 11. GOTTEN DRUNK AND THROWN UP: Never drank that much in my Life 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS 12. Lavender  13. Crimson 14. Olive Green 15. IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU MADE NEW FRIENDS: Yep especially here on tumblr and on ff.net 16. FALLEN OUT OF LOVE: Nah 17. LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: Most likely yes but I cant give a example sry oxo 18. FOUND OUT SOMEONE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU: Not that I remember 19. MET SOMEONE WHO CHANGED YOU: Yes 20. FOUND OUT WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE: I learned that lesson years ago already 21. KISSED SOMEONE ON YOUR FACEBOOK LIST: My Cousin on the Cheek ;3 -GENERAL 22. HOW MANY OF YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDS DO YOU KNOW IN REAL LIFE: All but maybe Five I met through a group and do not interact with anymore 23. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: We (as in Familypets) currently have two Kitten 24. DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: Not anymore 25. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY: Baked two Cakes for work and a lot of Muffins for the stable I ride in and had a very nice lesson that evening :) 26. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP: 9.42 am but stayed in bed til 10.30 am 27. WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT MIDNIGHT LAST NIGHT: got ready for bed 28. NAME SOMETHING YOU CAN’T WAIT FOR: For October, not because of Halloween but because of the mini-fair coming to my town and the annual chestnut collecting with my mum 29. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOM: two hours ago 31. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW: a Lets Play 32. HAVE YOU EVER TALKED TO A PERSON NAMED TOM: Yes, had a classmate named Tom once 33. SOMETHING THAT IS GETTING ON YOUR NERVES: myself and my inability to get my life in check currently 34. MOST VISITED WEBSITE: youtube 35. HAIR COLOUR: Brown, currently with lighter tips as Im growing out old diye 36. LONG OR SHORT HAIR: middle, they go to my shoulders normally and a bit further down when straightened 37. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE: Im still not completeky over the Crush for my boss tbh xD 38. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: Nothing 39. PIERCINGS: none (I could wear Earrings but never do) 40. BLOOD TYPE: I dont know and cant look right now 41. NICKNAME: VerVer 42. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single 43. ZODIAC: Aries 44. PRONOUNS: She/Her or They/Them 45. FAVOURITE TV SHOW: Bones, ZDF Fernsehgarten, Rizzoli and Isles, Criminal Minds (not counting Anime (as I dont watch them on Free TV) or any Netflix Stuff) 46. TATTOOS: None (yet) 47. RIGHT OR LEFT HANDED: Right. 48. SURGERY: None Yet 50. SPORT: Riding (The only one I actually do) and Winter Sports like Biathlon (only watch those though) 51. VACATION: Last: Dublin, Wish: Japan one Day 52. PAIR OF TRAINERS: Black and White but i never wear them 54. DRINKING: Malt Beer and Water 55. I’M ABOUT TO: Go to Bed 56. WAITING FOR: Autumn to come 57. WANT: A way to stop time to lengthen the time I have to finish work 58. GET MARRIED: Nah 59. CAREER: Working as Accountant in a International Company 60. HUGS OR KISSES: Hugs 61. LIPS OR EYES: Eyes. 62. SHORTER OR TALLER: Doesnt matter 63. OLDER OR YOUNGER: Older  64. NICE ARMS OR NICE STOMACH: Nice arms 65. HOOK UP OR RELATIONSHIP: Relationship (if at all) 66. TROUBLEMAKER OR HESITANT: hesitant 67. HAVE YOU EVER KISSED A STRANGER: Nah 68. DRANK HARD LIQUOR: Yeah but not that much 69. LOST GLASSES/CONTACT LENSES: Yes sadly ;3; 70. TURNED SOMEONE DOWN: Yes twice 71. SEX ON THE FIRST DATE: Never 72. BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART: Yes sadly 73. HAD YOUR HEART BROKEN: Not really 74. BEEN ARRESTED: No 75. CRIED WHEN SOMEONE DIED: A long time ago maybe 76. FALLEN FOR A FRIEND: Yes -DO YOU BELIEVE 77. IN YOURSELF: No 78. MIRACLES: Havent seen one yet 79. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: No 80. SANTA CLAUS: Nope 81. KISS ON THE FIRST DATE: Depends on the person probably 82. ANGELS: No -OTHER: 84. EYE COLOUR: Some Brown Blue Grey mix thing with a bit green 85. FAVOURITE MOVIE: Maleficent Now i tage; @tsubasa01 @hiwatarilife @kinomiya @stormingkinomiya @stormdragoon @dragonologystudent
As always no once forced to do this :D
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emilyjunk · 7 years
Tagged by @detectivedimple
The last 1. drink: coffee 2. phone call: my gf 3. text message: “thanks” - also my gf 4. song you listened to: Drive by Incubus 5. time you cried: hm yesterday i guess. it’s been a week
Have you ever 6. dated someone twice: yes 7. kissed someone and regretted it: regret is a strong word.   8. been cheated on: not that i know of 9. lost someone special: i guess  10. been depressed: only like once? when i was 12 but it just never stopped so 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: i dont think about those times 3 favorite colors 12. purple 13. yellow 14. a dark but soft blue In the last year have you: 15. made new friends: yeah  16. fallen out of love: no but i fell in 17. laughed until you cried: mhmm 18. found out someone was talking about you: yes but not in a mean way? 19. met someone who changed you: you have no idea 20. found out who your friends are: idk what this means honestly but i found out who my friends arent 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: mhmm
General: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: almost all of them but tbf im not friends with any strangers who i dont know at all 23. do you have any pets: i have a cat his name is cat 24. do you want to change your name: i did when i was younger but never knew what i would change it to. now i dont want to even though idt my name fits me much 25. what did you do for your last birthday: er went to pho with my family it was lowkey but on my actual bday i didnt do anything 26. what time did you wake up: originally at 5:45 but then i fed my cat and went back to sleep til 11:45 lol 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: going to sleep 28. name something you can’t wait for: seeing my gf but idk when. also when i get a job... idk when that is either. 31. what are you listening to right now: some ugly ass birds chirp out my window 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes 33. something that is getting on your nerves: that im not getting any interviews for jobs i apply for even when im overqualified by like 10000 qualification points, racism, and people on this website 34. most visited website: this hellsite  35. hair colour: people are always telling me im blonde but i think im brunette and truly they are blind but when i when was little i was dirty blonde  lol 36. long or short hair: my hair is medium long
39. piercings: both lobes, traegus (sp?), cartilage 40. blood type: red unless it’s in my body then it’s blue 41. nicknames: Ang, Angie i guess, junkle, my brother calls me aang lol 42. relationship status: spoken for 43. zodiac: gemini and proud. 44. pronouns: she/her 45. favourite tv show: orphan black but it’s ending today so im sad. i also am currently revisiting my soft spot for the hell that is glee. and i love poi, even sometimes more than orphan black because it really did me right the entire time and i appreciate that. steven universe is on that list too. llisten i have a lot of favorite shows i cant do this. 46. tattoos: uh i have 3. a sun on my ankle, a moon behind my ear, and a bee on my wrist. i want more but im poor and also dk where i’d put them cuz im self-conscious 47. right or left handed: right 48. surgery: just on my wisdom teeth lol 49. piercing: didn’t we just do this one? 50. sport: haha when i was younger i played lotssss of sports but now im lazy and fat. i gave my entire childhood and adolescence to competitive softball though so i suppose i will always have a soft spot for it. i also did baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey, and one year i did both track and flag football but then i quit cuz i hated them. actually i liked flag football but they never passed to me because boys (especially 13 year olds) are sexist meanies. in college i did ultimate frisbee, volleyball, football, broomball, and dodgeball which i LOVED.
51. vacation: anywhere with mountains or volcanoes. also italy. but also im a fan of staycation. 52. pair of trainers: you mean the only shoes i wear? they’re new balance More general: 53. eating: nothing, but i had eggos earlier and will likely have leftover pizza later. it’s a swell life.  54. drinking: coffee. 55. i’m about to: nothin. 56. waiting for: getitn a job :( 57. want: to be with my gf and also have a job 58. get married: uh maybe 59. career: :/ Which is better: 60. hugs or kisses: hm hugs but kisses too 61. lips or eyes: both but maybe smiles 62. shorter or taller: idc but my gf is shorter so maybe shorter is the right answer here
63. older or younger: idc but not too much difference either way 64. nice arms or nice stomach: arms but they’re all nice 65. hook up or relationship: relationship idk a hookup  66. troublemaker or hesitant: depends Have you ever: 67. kissed a stranger: no 68. drank hard liquor: ya
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: never lost but did break them once :( 70. turned someone down: yes 71. sex on the first date: er it’s complicated like sort of but also not 72. broken someone’s heart: yeah :( 73. had your heart broken: oh yeah  74. been arrested: not yet 75. cried when someone died: no 76. fallen for a friend: yes Do you believe in: 77. yourself: about some things 78. miracles: not sure 79. love at first sight: i used to not but now i kind of do  80. santa claus: no lol 81. kiss on the first date: sure 82. angels: not sure but im open to the possibility of the existence of all things Other: 83. current best friend’s name: hm rachel, renee, emily, jordan 84. eye colour: blue 85. favourite movie: school of rock, a league of their own, miracle, star wars, the pitch perfect movies, boyhood
tagging: @amanaryouserious @aca-trash @crazypitches @haughtwav if u are bored and feel like it i guess
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mochislips-blog · 7 years
Get to know me tag 
 Hi :) I got tagged by @fondspirit so thank uuuu!💓 This is my first time so enjoy :> 
Rules: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people

1. drink: water 
2. phone call: my bestfriend’s bf (we pranked him lmao) 
3. text message: work asking me if i can work (i said no lol) 
4. song you listened: Please Dont Go - Joel Adams (Afterfab Remix)

5. time you cried: yesterday when I watched the damn highlight reel😩😭 
6. dated someone twice: nope. 
7. kissed someone and regretted it: AKSKD YES😩🙅🏽🙅🏽🙅🏽 
 8. been cheated on: yes..twice🙂 
 9. lost someone special: yes😪💔 and my dog too😔 
10. been depressed: from time to time😶 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: lmao yes..nice enough to do it on the toilet tho not just anywhere😖 

12-14. Baby colours💙💜💖, black and white 

15. made new friends: yes! I havent made much on here tho since im new, probs just one😅

16. fallen out of love: dont think so? 
17. laughed until you cried: yes with and without my friends ASKDLS 
18. found out someone was talking about you: im literally sitting my quiet ass here dying over bts and i still get talked about like whats that about😂 
19. met someone who changed you: yes especially when I get hurt 
 20. found out who your friends are: yes ofc realised that its not the no. of friends its the people who u can trust☝🏼

21. kissed someone on your facebook list: does this mean fb friends? If it is then yes lol 

22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: I KNOW SO MANY DONT EXPECT ME TO COUNT😂😭

23. do you have any pets: yas! A cat. Her name’s Samchii..she a real bitch sometimes but i love her with all my heart

24. do you want to change your name: Sometimes yeah but idk what to coz my extra ass want it to be unique

25. what did you do for your last birthday: went to birmingham and shop and eat with my mum and her friend then clubbing with the squaaaaaa 
26. what time did you wake up: 2:30pm lmao 
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: bts…just bts 
28. name something you can not wait for: THE HIXTAPE AND THE COMEBACK !!!!

29. when was the last time you saw your mom: 2secs ago lol 
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: the way i am.

31. what are you listening to right now: Thinking ‘Bout You - Dua Lipa 
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah my stepbrother’s name is tom lol 
33. something that is getting on your nerves: when people are so messy as in too messy 
34. most visited website: Tumblr, twitter, ig, snapchat,fb and youtube!!! 
35-37. ?????????? 
38. hair color: black and dark brown (need to dye it soon😩) 
39. long or short hair: medium 
40. do you have a crush on someone: besides bts no😭 
41. what do you like about yourself: i like how open minded and understanding i am😇 
42. piercings: just 2 for my ears. 
43. blood type: idk😩😩 
44. nickname: asksjdl theres so many?? Che2x/she2x, achi, chel,raech, rae, versace, mami, versacemami lmao 
45. relationship status: one sided love with bts💔 aka single af
 46. zodiac: Aries♈️ 
47. pronouns: she / her 
 48. favorite tv show: Friends, Supernatural and Empire!!! 
49. tattoos: none :( 
50. right or left handed: right 
51. surgery: never had any

52. childhood dream: cant remember but i wanna travel😪

53. sport: Badminton!!!😛👌🏼💦 and Dance!!🙏🏼👌🏼 
54. vacation: so far i liked my US trip and i wanna go back but in Cali this time!!! And ofc Philippines!!! My homeland🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭

55. pair of trainers: vans, nike and converse 


56. eating: nothing atm gonna est lumpia later tho👌🏼💦 
57. drinking: slushhhh 
 58. i’m about to go: nowhere🤷🏽‍♀️ 
 59. waiting for: a job coz i wont start uni til January!! 
60. want: to do more adventurous stuff or things i would enjoy without worrying what other people will say 
61. get married: to someone who’s as open minded and understanding as me. Or someome who will like and respect me for who i am coz i cant wait to do that to my future love on👌🏼 or BTS lol 
62. career: Nursing/medical field. Idk i rlly like being in a clinic😩 


63. hugs or kisses: uhm BOTH??? 
64. lips or eyes: boths😩 but more like 60% lips💘 
65. shorter or taller: taller but amost everyone is taller than me anyways

66. older or younger: older?? Coz im a child myself😩 
67. nice arms or nice stomach: idk both? I dont mind tbh 
68. hookup or relationship: Relationship (not now tho hehe) 
69. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker! Theres just something that attracts me to bad bois lmao this why my heart gets broken i h8 myself 

70. kissed a stranger: yes i dont regret it tho🌚

71. drank hard liquor: is this even a question knowing my ass ofc😂 
72. lost glasses/contact lenses: yes contact lenses but it was just a fashion lenses anyways 
73. turned someone down: yes, cant force my feelings🤷🏽‍♀️ 
74: sex on the first date: ahahahha nope 
75. broken someone’s heart: i think so if he rlly likede that is. I told him asap that dont expect tho🤷🏽‍♀️ 
 76. had your heart broken: lmao ofc🤷🏽‍♀️ 
77. been arrested: nah 
78: cried when someone died: yes😪 
79. fallen for a friend: yes. 😶 currently moving on from thatttt 

80. yourself: sometimes i do sometimes i dont 
81: miracles: no😶 
82. love at first sight: either no or not yet

83. santa claus: nope and never did😅 
84. kiss on the first date: i dont mind🤷🏽‍♀️ 
85. angels: idk tbh😅 but bts exists so does that count 


90. current best friend’s name: Carmela😚 
91: eye color: dark brown 
 92: favorite movie: Scott Pilgrim vs The World lmfao i love that film so much???
ok im not close to any of my mutuals here :( so if u see this do participate if you want! also all of my followers! :>
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wordsdrippinginink · 7 years
Tumblr tag!
tagged by @minister-of-silly-walks
1. drink: water
2. phone call: mom
3. text message: i don’t text much? 
4. song you listened to: All My Heart by Sleeping With Sirens
5. time you cried: Ah, a few days ago.
have you ever:
6. dated someone twice: no
7. kissed someone and regretted it: yes
8. been cheated on: no
9. lost someone special: yes
10. been depressed: yes
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: yeah
three favourite colours:
12. dark green
13. midnight blue
14. deep red
in the last year have you
15. made new friends: yeah
16. fallen out of love: no?
17. laughed until you cried: yes
18. found out someone was talking about you: ??
19. met someone who changed you: i don’t know?
20. found out who your friends are: i’m not sure what you mean?
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: i don’t have a facebook?
22. how many facebook friends do you know in real life: i have no facebook. literally 0 facebook
23. do have any pets: not personally, there are pets in the house but they aren’t mine
24. do you want to change your name: nope
25. what did you do for your last birthday: ugh, i think i got drunk? i can’t remember.
26. what time did you wake up: 11;30?
27. what were you doing midnight last night: watching tv and reading
28. name something you cant wait for: my cousin coming to visit, she got delayed, so she won’t be here til next week.
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: ten minutes ago?
30. what are you listening to right now: Ghost Adventures
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes
32. something that gets on your nerves: look, this could take all day, but i’m not gonna talk about it
33. most visited website: probs ao3?
34. hair colour: brown
35. long or short hair: long
36. do you have a crush on someone: no
37. what do you like about yourself: ??
38. piercings: no
39. blood type: A+
40. nickname: I don’t technically have one
41. relationship status: single
42. zodiac sign: capricorn
43. pronouns: she/her
44. favourite tv show: I don’t have one currently?
45. tattoos: none, but i’m planning to get one soon
46. right or left handed: right
47. surgery: got one to remove my wisdom teeth
48. sport: baseball
49. vacation: um?
50. pair of trainers: champions
51. eating: cereal
52. drinking: nothing
53. im about to: get a drink
54. waiting for: nothing really
55. want: get something other than cereal
56. get married: maybe one day
57. career: who knows yet
58. hugs or kisses: hugs
59. lips or eyes: eyes
60. shorter or taller: me or other people?
61. older or younger: um?
62. nice arms or stomach: i like arms?
63. hookup or relationship: relationship
64. troublemaker or hesitant: what
have you ever:
65. kissed a stranger: once
66. drank hard liquor: yes
67. lost glasses/contacts: no
68. turned someone down: yes
69. sex on first date: no
70. broken someone’s heart: apparently
71. had your heart broken: uh, i think so
72. been arrested: no
73. cried when someone died: yes
74. fallen for a friend: sure
do you believe in:
75. yourself: sometimes
76. miracles: yeah
77. love at first sight: eh?
78. santa claus: sometimes
79: kiss on the first date: no
80. aliens: yes
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endofman · 7 years
Tagged by @blodbranddod
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
THE LAST: 1. Drink: coke 2. Phone call: my mom 3. Text message: a friend 4. Song you listened to: youre nobody til somebody kills you-biggie
5. Time you cried: dont remember
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: yes 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: not really
8. Been cheated on: no
9. Lost someone special: yeah 10. Been depressed: yes 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: yeah
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12. red 13. white 14. black
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yes 16. Fallen out of love: nope 17. Laughed until you cried: think so 18. Found out someone was talking about you: dont know 19. Met someone who changed you: dont know 20. Found out who your friends are: nah 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: dont know
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: many 23. Do you have any pets: yes 24. Do you want to change your name: maybe 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: not much 26. What time did you wake up: 11:00 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: listening to music 28. Name something you can’t wait for: nah 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: a few hours ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: nothing. it is how it is 31. What are you listening right now: mdb-brother and sisterhood 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: might have 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: nothing atm 34. Most visited Website: YouTube
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: several 36. Mark/s: a few scars 37. Childhood dream: football player 38. Haircolor: light brown 39. Long or short hair: long 40. Do you have a crush on someone: yes 41. What do you like about yourself: not much 42. Piercings: septum, lip and ears 43. Bloodtype: no idea 44. Nickname: awol 45. Relationship status: in a polly relationship 46. Zodiac: libra 47. Pronouns: hen/they/them 48. Favorite TV Show: stargate sg1 49. Tattoos: - 4 50. Right or left hand: right-handed 51. Surgery: - none yet 52. Hair dyed in different color: blonde right now 53. Sport: i like several 55. Vacation: cant afford any 56. Pair of trainers: idk what that means
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: vegetarian/vegan 58. Drinking: what i want 59. I’m about to: smoke 61. Waiting for: not much 62. Want: tattoos 63. Get married: no 64. Career: something with history
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: depends on the person
let’s skip those 66. Lips or eyes: 67. Shorter or taller: 68. Older or younger: 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: 71. Sensitive or loud: 72. Hook up or relationship: 73. Troublemaker or hesitant:
74. Kissed a stranger: yes 75. Drank hard liquor: yes 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: no 77. Turned someone down: yes 78. Sex in the first date: kinda 79. Broken someone’s heart: I hope not 80. Had your heart broken: yeah 81. Been arrested: no 82. Cried when someone died: yes 83. Fallen for a friend: yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: i belive i exist 85. Miracles: no 86. Love at first sight: kinda 87. Santa Claus: no 88. Kiss on the first date: dont care 89. Angels: no
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: 91. Eyecolor: green-blue 92. Favorite movie: too many
I tag: @fugaazi @modestdead @potatopunx @mb3crew @terrorfoster @infernalseason  @andfuture @jesuslice @punk-as-folk-owen anyone who wants to do it
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raindropsonwhiskers · 7 years
91 Questions Tag
The awesome @sixty-seven-protons tagged me in this so… here goes! (Sorry the questions wont be bolded, im on mobile and im lazy)
The Last- 1. Drink? Raspberry-lime carbonated water 2. Phone call? My mom 3. Text message? The wonderful @lsnapp04 4. Song I listened to? Some country song i cant remember 5. Time I cried? A few weeks ago when my cat Kander died Have I Ever- 6. Dated someone twice? Yep. 7. Been cheated on? Not to my knowledge 8. Kissed someone and regretted it? Nah 9. Lost someone special? See #5 10. Been depressed? Yea 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up? Dude im 14 List 3 Favorite Colors- 12. Royal blue 13. Silver 14. Bronze In The Last Year Have You- 15. Made new friends? Yep! 16. Fallen out of love? Not really 17. Laughed til you cried? Yeah 18. Found out someone was talking about you? No 19. Met someone who changed you? I mean, all my friends have 20. Found out who your friends were? Yeah More- 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook? Nah 22. How many Facebook friends do you know in real life? All of them, to some degree 23. Any pets? Eb (my fat tripod cat) and Roxie (my cute pup of unknown breed). Bonus: Kander, Eb’s former cyclops brother 24. Do you want to change your name? Not really 25. What did you do for your last birthday? Went to Busch Gardens with my family 26. What time do you wake up? Somewhere between 7:30 and 9 27. What were you doing at midnight? Trying to sleep through a bad migrane 28. Something you can’t wait for? School to start (cause im a nerd) 29. Last time you saw your mother? Umm like 2 hours ago 30. One thing you wish you could change? How my last relationship ended 31. What are you listening to right now? Some movie my brother’s watching 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? Not that I know of 33. Something getting on your nerves? My brother 34. Most visited site? Tumblr or Facebook, probably School- 35. Elementary? I liked my music teachers, hated gym, and made a few friends. Also got kissed by a boy in like 2nd grade. Moved a lot, so I was never in one school for more than two years though. 36. Middle? Been pretty good so far. Loving my choir and PRISMS teachers, still hating gym, figured out I’m bi and nonbinary, and dated a few people. Not too bad. 37. High? Idk yet. We shall see next year. 38. College? Who knows? Not me Me- 39. Hair color? Dirty blonde 40. Long or short hair? V. long 41. Any crushes? Kinda. Most are lowkey platonic tho 42. What do you like about yourself? My hair and eyes 43. Piercings? Just my ears so far 44. Blood type? ??? Prob O- like my mom but idk 45. Nickname? None, really. I mostly just go by Katherine or Kat 46. Relationship status? I was dating a boy when scho ended, but i dont know if we still are (he doesnt have a phone or anything) so… 47. Zodiac sign? Capricorn 48. Pronouns? She/they 49. Fav tv show(s)? Miss Fishers Murder Mysteries, Legends of Tomorrow, and Doctor Who 50. Tattoos? Not yet, but hopefully. 51. Right, ambidexterous, or left handed? Rightie all the way First- 52. Surgery? Getting teeth pulled when I was 8 or 9 53. Piercing? My ears when I was 6, then again at 12 54. Sport? Gymnastics and dance 55. Vacation? Probably either Virginia Beach or London 56. Pair if trainers? idk dude Current- 57. Eating? Nothing 58. Drinking? My carbonated water from #1 59. About to do? Finish these and then my makeup 60. Listening to? Still whatever movie my brother is watching Future- 61. Waiting for? Wherever we’re going when my mom gets back 62. Want? Maybe a popsicle idk 63. Married? Maybe if i find a special person 64. Career? Either acting or veterinary science Your Type- 65. Hugs or kisses? Both! 66. Lips or eyes? Lips 67. Shorter or taller? Based on who ive dated, taller 68. Younger or older? Doesnt matter 69. Nice arms or nice stomach? neither? 70. Sensitive or loud? Loud, i guess 71. Hook up or relationship? Relationship all the way 72. Troublemaker or hesitant? Idk General- 73. Kissed a stranger? Nope 74. Drank hard liquor? See #11 (no) 75. Lost contact lenses/glasses? Yes 76. Turned someone down? Yeah 77. Sex on the first date? See #11 (no) 78. Broken someones heart? Maybe idk 79. Had your heart broken? Nah not really 80. Been arrested? No 81. Cried when someone died? Yep 82. Fallen for a friend? So many times dude Do You Believe In- 83. Yourself? Sometimes 84. Miracles? A little 85. Love at first sight? Nah 86. Santa Clause? Not since i was like 5 87. Kiss on a first date? Depends on the person 88. Angels? I definitely believe in some sort of higher power, but not necessarily angels Other- 89. Current best friend’s name? I have three(Taylor, April, Leah) 90. Eye color? Blue-grey 91. Favorite movie? Probs prince of egypt
I nominate @lsnapp04, @damien-bloodmarch, @mews-will-mine, and @kvlsier. Have fun y'all!
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skiasurveys · 7 years
old myspace surveyyy
1. Last beverage: Iced tea
2. Last phone call: My mom i believe
3. Last song you listened to: Closer- the chainsmokers ft halsey
4. Last time you cried: today 
5. Have you dated someone twice: kind of.  my current boyfriend and i dated before but it was only like  2 weeks and then we didnt date again til 5 months later, and now were still together which has been 15 months. i dont really consider he first time an actual relationship lmao
6. Have you ever been cheated on: Not that I am aware of.
7. Kissed someone & regretted it: eh, my first kiss was awful
8. Have you lost someone special: yeah my dad died.
9. What are your three favorite colors: lilac, cyan, pink
10. Met someone who changed you in the past month: not in the past month
11. Kissed anyone on your friends list: yeah
12. How many kids do you want: none.
13. Do you want any pets: i have two cats
14. Do you want to change your name: yeah i do
15. What did you do for your last birthday: Had dinner with my boyfriends parents, then had a small party with a few friends and my boyfriend, but that was it. Wasnt so lit.
16. What time did you wake up today:  i woke up at 10 am i think
17. Name something you CANNOT wait for: to finally move out
18. Last time you saw your mother: um. like 10 minutes ago lol
19. Most visited webpage: youtube
20. Nicknames: Jen, Babygirl, i dont really have nicknames that much
21. Relationship status: Taken
22. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius 
23. Male or female: female
24. Height: 5′1 
25. Do you have a crush on someone: my boyfriend 
26. Piercings: I got my ears pierced when i was 18 but i took it out apparently too soon and they shut.  I am going to get them redone but im just lazy
27. Tattoos: none as of now
28. Strong or Weak:  physically or emotionally..haha..
29. First surgery: wisdom teeth
30. First best friend:  Eric or Reis 
31. First sport you joined: softball when i was 7/8
32. First vacation: British columbia when  i was 4/5
33. First school: Joseph welsh 
34. First pair of trainers: If trainers you mean shoes but in a british lingo..uhh i dont know. DC shoes? those ugly fat skater shoes.
35. Lips or eyes: eyes
36. Hugs or kisses: honestly both, but idk it depends. sometimes i love hugs because i like feeling him hold me and against me , but kisses are so sweet
37. Shorter or taller: taller
38. Older or younger: older
39. Romantic or spontaneous: both
40. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive.
41. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship.
42. Shy or outgoing: a bit of both. im really outgoing so in a relationship it doesnt matter for me. but i dont really like people who cant make conversations at all..
43. Kissed a stranger: I dont think so.
44. Gotten a speeding ticket: No
45. Lost glasses/contacts: i dont wear glasses or contacts
46. Sex on first date: nope. but oral sex yeah.
47. Broken someone’s heart:  i have but whatever.
48. Been arrested: No
49. Have you turned someone down:  yeah but thats cause this dude wouldnt stop trying to date me and the funny part is he didnt even live in the same fucking city as me so idk why he kept trying so hard. I also had a dude back in highschool who i still chat with try to date me but ive turned him down couple of times but he knows now.
50. Fallen for a friend: not really.
51. Moved out of town: no
52. Miracles: ehhh
53. Love at first sight: no. but i mean i know when i first met my boyfriend i was like oh hell yeah. but its not love.
54. Heaven: yeah
55. Santa Claus:  no and never have.
56. Kiss on the first date:  sure. ive done it. idk how you cant believe in a kiss?? lmao
57. Angels:  yeah
58. Yourself: no
59. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: no.
60. Been in love with someone you couldn’t be with?: yeah but not “in love”.
61. Ever cheated on somebody: No i am not a cunt.
62. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: i would love to relive my first date with Connor, i dont know why. i wouldnt change anything but that day was really awesome.
63. Are you afraid of falling in love: No. 
64. Was your last relationship a mistake?  well i guess, since i am in a different one right? it wasnt a mistake per-say but he was a waste of time. 
65. Do you miss your last relationship? god no.
66. Who did you last say “i love you” to?
connor, the other day <3
67. Have you ever been depressed?  yeah i have depression.
68. Are you insecure? yeah but im getting better.
69. How do you want to die? in my bed, while asleep.
70. Do you bite your nails?  lol i am currently.
71. When was your last physical fight? Ive never really had one.
72. Do you have an attitude? yeah. i can have one.
73. Twirl or cut your spaghetti? twirl if i ever eat it. i hate spaghetti. Connor loves it though..
74. Do you tan a lot? eh no
75. Ever eaten food in a car while someone or you are driving? yeah usually while on a trip
76. Ever made out in a bathroom? yeah.
77. Would you take any of your exes back? Not at all! Barf.
78. Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? depends on the time.
79. What are your plans for this weekend? it is the weekend currently, nothing is planned.
80. Do you type fast? yeah
81. Can you spell well?  i think i do.
82: What are you craving right now? nothing actually.
83. Have you ever been on a horse? yeah a few times.
84. Would you live with someone without marrying them?  yeah my boyfriend lmao
85. What’s irritating you right now? my dry skin atm.
86. Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts? yeah.
87. Does somebody love you? yeah my man does. lmao
88. Have you ever changed clothes in a car? a few times
89. Milk chocolate or white chocolate?  milk. white chocolate is nasty
90. Do you have trust issues?  i kind of do.
91. Longest relationship? my one i am in currently which so far is a one year and 3 months
92: Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you? i am sure he thinks about me every so often, i mean i sometimes think about them for no reason and not the “i miss you” thinking just like something reminds me of them or whatver. Im sure they think of me sometime. i dont really care lol
93. Have you ever walked outside in your PJs? yah lol
94. Do you believe everything happens for a reason? no
95. Did you have dream last night?  yeah i dont remember it anymore
96. Have you ever been out of state? yeah
97. Do you play the Wii? eh not anymore. i dont like the wii or the wii u, i tried to like the nintendo products but i am more into Playstation ;)
98. Do you like Chinese food?  i do
99. Are you afraid of the dark?  sometimes
100. Is cheating ever okay? No.
101. What year has been your best? 2015 so far and 2016 wasnt really so bad.
102. Do you believe in true love? yeah i guess
103. Favorite weather? fall weather. where its warm but kind of cloudy, where you can wear whatever you want and you wont be too cold or too warm. 
104. Do you like the snow? NO
105. Do you like the outside? yeah i do.
106. Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? yeah i like when connor does
107. Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight? yes
108. What makes you happy? cats
109. Ever been to Alaska? no
110. Ever been to Hawaii? no 
111. Do you watch the news? usually like to keep an eye on whats happening with the world. like now.
112. Do you love MTV? no
113. Do you like subway? yeah but its not my fav anymore. but i do crave it randomly
114 Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? no lol were dating.
115. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? well my best friend of the opposite sex is my boyfriend..so...
116. Why did you decide to do this quiz? im bored
117. Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them? yeah actually one time my mom and i were shopping and we saw this crazy lady that we know. and so we kept avoiding here while we were grocery shopping and we actually got away lol thank god. she is so annoying. When my dad died she told my mom she had to get rid of his pictures. like mcfuck off.
118. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? yeah a few 
119. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? connor
120. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Jennifer
121. Ever bought condoms? no. we dont use condoms 
122. Ever gotten pregnant? No. thank god
123. Have you ever slipped on ice? im sure
124 Have you ever missed the bus? yeah
125. Have you left the house without money? i have once. i was working too and on my break i was heading to get food and then i realized i forgot my wallet. -___-
126. Have you ever smoked cigarettes? no. just weed.
127. Have you ever smoked a cigar? no 
128. Did you ever drink alcohol? yeah of course.
129. Did you ever watch “The Breakfast Club”?  yes. one of my favs
130. Have you ever been overweight? last year i went on medication that made me gain 20 pounds, but i lost all that weight now thank god. I wasnt over weight but i was kind of chubby. Im back to my skinny-self thank god! 
131. Ever been to a wedding? yeah
132. Ever been in a wedding? yeah my cousin got married in 2013 and asked my sister and i to be apart of it. worst idea ever. We werent really apart of it. she had her friends in it and my sister and i were just kind of the side bridemaids..yah weird.
133. Have you ever been on the computer for 5 hours straight? yeah back when i didnt have an ipad or iphone.
134. Did you ever watch TV for 5 hours straight?  i sometimes binge netflix when im with my boyfriend
135. Ever kissed in the rain? no
136. Did you ever shower with someone else? yeah i have with my boyfriend. it was really intimate lol
137. Did you ever fail a driver’s test?  i have only ever failed the written exam where they ask you all that stupid shit and you have to remember speed and signs. but my actualy drivig test, i passed first try!
138. Ever been outside your home country? yeah to canada
139. Ever been on a road trip longer than 5 hours? yeah we used to drive to vancouver or south BC which would take 13 hours.
140. Ever been to a professional sports game? NO
141. Have you ever broken a bone? no surprisingly i havent. even though i got hit by a car..
142. Did you ever win a trophy in your life? no :(
143. Ever get engaged? no
144. Have you ever been on a diet? kind of.
145. Have you ever been on TV? kind of. not really.
146. Ever ridden in a taxi? yeah. with my boyfriend, its really awkward and weird...
147. Ever been to prom? we dont have prom here in canada but we do get dressed up in nice dresses and have dinner and a dance, but not prom. But yeah i did go.
148. Ever stayed up for 24 hours or more? yeah i think 2 days 
149 Have you ever been to a concert? yeah. my first was...Jonas brothers...BARFFF. thanks 12 year old me -.-
150. Have you ever had a crush on someone at work? i did have a little crush on the security guard. but not a big crush.
151. Have you ever been in a car accident?  i got hit by a car
152. Ever had braces? yeah from 12-14. (gr.6-8)
153. Did you ever learn another language? i tried french. but i cant speak it. i gave up. I wish i could learn something different.
154. Do you wear make-up? yeah. 
155. Did you ever have your wisdom teeth taken out? yeah when i was 18 i got put completely out and had surgery to get them out.
156. Did you ever kiss someone a different race than yourself? yeah. 
157. Ever dyed your hair? yeah ive dyed it reddish, darker brown, fire ombre (look it up it was awesome), blonde, ash blonde, blonde with purple tips and then now i just dyed it back to brown which is its natural colour. i like it blonde but im starting to like it back at its natural state.
158. Did you ever wear someone else’s clothes? yeah ive worn my sisters clothes
159. Ever ridden in an ambulance? no
160. Ever ridden in a helicopter? no
161. Ever caught the stove on fire? no
162. Ever meet someone famous? no
163. Ever been on an airplane? yeah i was only on a plane from here (canada) to california and back. but thats it. my first time it was really nerve-racking, but on the way back it was chill. i dont like being that high up lol
164. Ever been on a boat? yeah a few times. its kay
165. Ever broken something expensive? no
166. Did you ever kiss someone before you were 14? no. my first actual kiss wasnt til i was 18..lol
167. Did you ever find something valuable on the ground? yeah my fucking life.
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hardbeck-richard · 7 years
Sorry for not doing the other ones, but @eyy-jenny tagged me so I get to answer these 💖 LAST 1. Drink: Water, stay hydrated bih
2. Phone Call: Last person I called was my dealer, but my mom called me this morning about mcdonalds but I was asleep
3. Text Message: B 🙃
4. Song You Listened To: Madeline Peyroux's cover of Between the Bars 
5. Time You Cried: Uhhh... over a year ago?? Idk crying is for humans brah 6. Dated Someone Twice: I dated Nathan twice yeah 💔 
7. Been Cheated On: hahahahahahahahhahahahahaha funny one nice nice joke I love it 
8. Kissed Someone and Regretted it: Nah
9. Lost Someone Special: I mean no one I know has died so no I guess?? 
10. Been Depressed: Severely since 2012 
11. Gotten Drunk and Thrown Up: Only once, I never throw up when drinking but I had a panic attack the last time which was the only reason It happened. Before that I hadn't thrown up in 10 years. LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS 12. Green
13. Red
14. Black IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU 15. Made New Friends: Yes!! 
16. Fallen Out of Love: Nah
17. Laugh til u Cried: Probably :) 18. Found Out Someone Was Talking Bout You: I mean I'm sure Sarah and Jodi talk about me but I'm sure it's not anything bad 
19. Met Someone Who Changed You: Not unless you count the doctors who wrote me prescriptions 
20. Found Out Who Your True Friends Are: In a positive way, surely 21. Kissed Someone on Your facebook List: My dude, no one has kissed me since January 😞
22. How Many of Your facebook Friend Do You Know in Real Life: All.. of.. them...?? 23. Do You Have Any Pets: I have my baby girl, sassiest queen cat, Charlie
24. Do You Want to Change Your Name: Well legally yeah shit cost money tho
25. What Did You Do For Your Last Birthday: I went to my friend Kassi's house and smoked lots of the marijuanaTM and watched Disney DCOMS 26. What Time Did You Wake Up Today: 2:48pm 27. What Were You Doing At Midnight Last Night: Tumblr and YouTube dude 28. Name Something You Cannot Wait For: Hormones and top surgery 29. When Was The Last Time You Saw Your Mother: Last night 30. What is One Thing You Wish You Could Change About Your Life: Not being a worthless piece of shit 
31. What Are You Listening to Right Now: Ray's stream of dream daddy 
32. Have You Ever Talked to a Person Named Tom: I have 2 uncle Toms (though one is Thom)
33. Something That is Getting on Your Nerves: The answer to anything I say being "get a job" like I don't know that I need a job 34. Most Visited Website: Tumblr and Snapchat and YouTube ^_^ 35. How Was Elementary: Baller 36. How Was Highschool: Mixed reviews m8, band was consistently good though
37. College: I did like 3 classes total over 2 years and made only one friend 
38. Hair Color: Natural? Medium brown. Preferred? Neon Pink 
39. When’s Your Birthday: 11/12/96 
40. Do You Have a Crush on Someone: Maybe?? 41. What Do You Like About Yourself: Humans tell me I'm pretty funny and a great listener 
42. Piercings: I mean my ears have single piercings but I wanna be some dumb punk boy with tunnels and spider bites 43. Blood Type: Um idk 
44. Nickname: Mazzazzles (coined by the lovely @mcgintyandbeyond ), and most general pet names. Oh! And Grace 
45. Relationship Status: Im so single and sad pls date me 
46. Zodiac Sign: Scorp fuh lyfe 
47. Pronouns: He/him
48. Fav TV Show(s): Skins, ANTM, IASIP, Malcom in the Middle, Yugioh.. lots 
49. Tattoos: I have plans for like 5 different tattoos tbh 
50. Right or Left Handed: I write with my right but I do most things with my left FIRST 51. Surgery: Can't remember if my tonsils or wisdom teeth went first but that 
52. Piercing: Just my lil ears for my 10th birthday 
53. Best Friend: Veronica!! 54. Sport: Soccer bc of my bestie 55. Vacation: Idr Disneyland but apparently we went there 
56. Pair of Shoes: I had these ugly maroon velvet shoes but my real good first shoes were red high top converse 
57. Eating: Bih wtf 
58. Drink: Water???
59. I’m About to: Answer more questions 
60. Listening: To Ray play dream daddy 
61. Waiting for: Pain meds to forcefully put me to sleep 
62. Want: Redmond to be closer to Everett 
63. Get Married: I mean sure but we all know I'll die before then 
64. Career: Idk man honestly if I can make decent money working at a dispensary I might just do that YOUR TYPE 65. Hugs or Kisses: Yes 
66. Lips or Eyes: Yeah 67. Shorter or Taller: Ye 
68. Older or Younger: Idc 
69. Romantic or Spontaneous: Fuckin yeah 
70. Nice arms or Nice stomach: YEAH 71. Sensitive or Loud: BITCH IF UR NOT LOUD WE CANT HANG 
72. Hook Up or Relationship: Do I want a relationship? Yes. Are random hook ups with my ex more realistic? Yes. 
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: 🤷🏻‍♂️ HAVE YOU EVER 74. Kissed a stranger: Yes actually, s/o to Celeste before we became friends 75. Drank Hard Liquor: Day drinking is the only way I survive 76. Lost Glasses/ Contact Lenses: I lost my spares 77. Turned Someone Down: I don't think I have
78. Sex on First date: Mmm. Yes but it was with a boy I fell in love with when I was 7 so I didn't think it was "trashy" or anything 
79. Broken Someone’s Heart: Nah
80. Had Your Heart Broken: Duh 
81. Been Arrested: Nahh 
82. Cried when Someone died: No one has died 83. Fallen for a friend: Yesss DO YOU BELIEVE IN 84. Yourself: Meh 
85. Miracles: Yeah :D
86. Love at First Sight: Maybe? 
87. Santa Claus: BITH I SAW HIM HE IS REAL 
88. Kiss on the First Date: Yiss
89. Angels: You're talking to one 
90. Current Best Friends Name: Well I got my bingo ladies and some others 
91. Eye Color: Blue/green 
92. Favorite Movies: There are too many, but special shout out to sała samabojçow I can't think of anyone to tag but you should totally do this if you're bored :)
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