#cant stand the taste and texture of bean sprouts they r basically just plastic straws to me so i live without em
literalite · 2 years
ive never heard of bahn xeo before so thank you SO much for alerting me to the existence of it, it looks heavenly, my ndn family is gonna go crazy for it
cook some mung beans to kind of like a weird dry paste. it should look like this
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we actually like burn it a lil bit so it tastes very faintly smoky but thats just us
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then u get this stuff above which u can find in some asian supermarkets. theres a bunch of other products with similar packaging so pay attention to the words
put it in a big bowl put a bottle of beer in with it, 200mls of coconut milk, and then the rest water (basically you have to make liquid content amount to 1L, you can do just water but this is just how we do it). the beer is to make it crunchy the coconut milk is for taste. do NOT use coconut cream
chop up some spring onion throw it in there too. should look pretty watery make sure there arent like powder lumps in it
in a big frying with some oil, fry up some pork or whatever meat u want, small peeled prawns, some chopped mushrooms and onion.
once theyre like kiiinda mostly done get a small bowl, put some of the cooked mung bean in, put some of the pancake mixture in with it and give it a mix. then pour it over the top of the currently frying filling. tilt your pan around to fill it up so it gets in the cracks and whatnot. u want it pretty thin so it stays crunchy
when the bottom is cooked fold it in half and cook it until the liquid stops being watery and it looks like this. my family also likes putting bean sprouts in it before folding it in half
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once ur done it should look like this! we like eating it with like assorted viet leafy veges and lettuce and slightly diluted nước mắm with dried garlic in it
u can probably find a better recipe online tbh LMAOO happy cooking!
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