#cant do a good american accent to save my life
barty unironically really enjoys gay country music idc
his favourite song is Good Lookin’ by Dixon Dallas. like yh he’s clearly a swiftie but he LOVES this song okay
the lyrics “you can be my key, no, this ain’t just a fling / i’m all in, baby, yeah, i’m falling” is his favourite
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grenawitka · 4 years
I was tagged by @u-okay-hen- thank you! 💛💛
1. What is the color of your hair brush? i had a red one, but it broke. and now im using my parents that is black and purble but i just ordered one that is made of wood and another ne that is light blue. 
2. Name a food you never eat? im very picky with what i eat so the list is long
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? too warm
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? daydreaming about the life ill never have lmao
5. What’s your favorite candy bar? i like a lot of candies
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? no, the only other sport i like besides hockey is fútbol (football or soccer), but the fans get a little aggressive after the games, and shockingly enough i wouldnt like to die out there, so no, i havent.
7. what was the last thing you said out loud? ella es tan linda (she’s so sweet) (about my tutor being the nicest person on earth)
8. What is your favorite ice cream? its a bar of chocolate that they made an icecream. its called sahne-nuss and its delicious
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? a glass of coca-cola (coke, whatever you guys call it)
10. Do you like your wallet? yeah, i guess. its plain black, i like black.
11. What was the last thing you ate? a banana
12. Did you buy any new clothing last week? i bought a corey perry jersey, because hes my king👑
13. What’s the last sporting event you watched? stars winning game 5. lets go for game 6 tonight!!
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? sweet
15. Who was the last person you sent a text to? nh-ell! shouout to my girls💖
16. Ever go camping? not technically. every summer, me and my cousins set a tent in my backyard and we spent the night but i dont think the world would count it as camping, even tho we totally do lol.
17. Do you take your vitamins? im not exactly trilled with the idea of living so why try and be healthy to make it longer 😌😌
18. Do you regularly attend a place of worship? no
19. Do you have a tan? nope, we just got rid of winter here.
20. Do you prefer chinese or pizza? ive never had chinese food, and pizza is the best invention EVER
21. Do you drink soda through straws? not really but i actually like drinking from straws. reusable ones - LETS SAVE THE PLANET YALL
22. What color socks do you usually wear? i was just gifted a huge amount of socks of all colors and i am living my best life right now
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? i can barely drive
24. What terrifies you? losing the people i love, but i guess we all fear that
25. Look to your left, what do you see? my wallet, which reminds me i owe my dad money for buying me the corey perry jersey
26. What chore do you hate the most? i hate aking my bed but i love when my bed is made. i guess is the price to pay.
27. What do you think when you hear an australian accent? i think about a movie where a group of friends go into the middle of nowhere in australia and when they go back to their homes the world was at war. i cant remember the name of the movie, it wasnt good either, but the trauma of that happening stayed with me. also chris hemsworth. 
28. What’s your favorite soda? coca-cola. i think americans call it coke. nothing better than something that kills your liver
29. Do you ever go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? drive thru arent very popular in my country. i mean, they exist but we usually dont use them.fast food places are where is at
30. What’s your favorite number? 27
31. Who’s the last person you talked to? my mom
32. Favorite cut of beef? whatever is eatable, idk. i just eat it
33. last song you listened to? punto y aparte by morat 🎼
34. Last book you read? guys, i dont read, stop asking me this 🙃
35. Favorite day of the week? friday’s but only at night because i have classes in the morning. friday’s are ussually family day - we all gather and we dance, drink, sing and do something stupid. i love my family.
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? if im drunk enough i can do whatever 💯
37. How do you like your coffee? i dont drink coffe
38. Favorite pair of shoes? i just bought a pair of brown boots, and theyre so fluffy and warm and pretty, but dont wear them because im in lockdown :(
39. Time you normally get up? 8:00am, but only because i have classes either way it would probably be at 1pm. i love my sleep😌
40. Do you prefer sunrise or sunset? sunset
41. Describe your kitchen plates? a have a few that are plain white, others have an organge adge, others have flowers, others have blue and red stripes. i own a lot of plates
42. How many blankets are on your bed? 4, we just reached spring in my country, so its still a little bit chilly down here in chile
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment? white, with a table... i dont know how to describe places, sorry😅
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? i change favorite drink, like i change socks but right now im really into diaquiris. also, i like making my own drinks.
45. Do you play cards? yes, tho i just know how to play a few type of games. i usually play with my family
46. What color is your car? my parents have a car and its black👍🏻
47. Can you change a tire? kinda. i struggle a little but yeah i can do it.
48. Favorite state? new york - its my dream place (i love cities. oh to ignore everyone!), tho im poor and i could never afford to live there 🙃
49. Favorite job you’ve had? i’ve never worked before
50. tagging: tagging people gives me anxiety because i think they may not like it and therefore won’t like me, and today sucks so i won’t do it (unless anybody wants to)
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angelofavarice · 5 years
Answer all of them fool
I suppose fairs fair
1. Virginia
2. 17
3. January
4. Cap babey!
5. Cobalt blue
6. Six! My lucky numbers six
7. I have cat dog dog cat
8. I am from Delaware
9. 5’5
10. Size Seven
11. I think i have six pairs of shoes
12. I dreamed this package ive been waiting for for a month came
13. My talent is making other ppl understand stuff like that shit teachers are supposed to do
14. I am not psychic i have no intuition
15. Madman by zero authority or All or nothing by elliphant or reflaugh by hungry lights
16. Avatar or Nerve or Bedazzled or probably all three
17. Someone who will eat pickles and doesnt kill spiders
18. Hell fuck yes i want kids
19. No cuz i dont want a wedding
20. Not really
21. Yea i went when i was little for surgery and i pretty much lived there a couple years ago
22. Nah cuz they cant catch me ; o p
23. My sisters gonna b on tv does that count
24. Always showers
25. Blacc socks
26. Ive never been famous but im popular and well liked among my peers which is basically the same thing
27. I would never wanna b a celebrity i hate being popular and well liked among my peers
28. I listen to metal punk and jazz w a lil soft spot for really electric pop
29. No
30. I sleep with as many pillows as i can get for i believe in living life comfortably
31. If i dont sleep on my stomach my shoulders get really fucked up so
32. Not
33. I would rather die than eat breakfast even tho i love breakfast foods
34. Why would i have any desire to fire a gun
35. Ive done archery a bunch
36. Glib
37. Whore
38. I dont think ive been more than like 23 hrs without sleep
39. Regrettably yes
40. If ive ever had a secret admirer i wouldnt know cuz theyre secret boom next question
41. I can b a good liar
42. Absolutely not i still dont have any intuition
43. I can do a bitchin southern accent
44. I speak mostly gen american so no
45. I love me a good drawl, its a soothing voice to listen to
46. Everytime ive taken the myers briggs test ive gotten a different answer and it’s probably bc im not a person
47. The most expensive piece of clothing i have are my platform boots which isnt really saying much but like i saved for them for a while
48. Yes? Idk i feel like everyone shows me this does it a different way
49. Innie (thanks surgery from earlier)
50. Right handed
51. I am still technically afraid of spiders but im working on just not bc theyre cool and awesome and deserve life
52. Mnms i cant stop eating them its such a problemmmmmm
53. Idk if this counts but pot stickers HIT also channa masala is fukin good
54. I am messy in personality. So very, very messy
55. Probably “that/it fucks”
56. Fuck fucking fucker i do not hav a wide vocabulary
57. It takes me 14 minutes to get ready in the morning but to properly get ready more like 26/7
58. My ego is so large it cannot be comprehended by mortal minds
59. Both
60. All the time it never ends ppl who drive next to me see me yelling at myself and think me a weirdo
61. Also yes
62. No one has ever heard me so theyre not allowed to say one way or the other
63. Oof no skip
64. I try not to b
65. I dont really watch dramas cuz they make me mad ( does sharknado count? Pacific rim? Now that im thinking abt it idk wat constitutes a drama)
66. On me, long hair, on others, doesnt matter
67. I still have the state song from second grade memorized so FUCK YES
68. Biology! I love biology! Chems also pretty cool but its makin me wanna die a little
69. Ambivert
70. No
71. Bitch everything but mostly new situations
72. Not really im scared of not being able to see and falling and busting my ass
73. Sometimes yes sometimes no i hav social intelligence and kno when u shouldnt b nit picky
74. Who isnt
75. Yea but i dont think ive ever started a rumor abt a person
76. I always naturally end up in some sort of leadership position and its annoying as hell
77. Yes
78. Technically
79. Thats a very difficult question to answer
80. Three
81. No i take french
82. If i type fast i type wrong
83. I can sprint pretty fast but anything more than like a minute is a no go i dont b egg of sizing
84. Brown and pink
85. Brown and not pink
86. Bitch everything thanks del river- the environment, most sunscreens, immunity boosters like airborne, ibuprofen and advil and i have a slight cross sensitivity to aleeve
87. Yes its the only way i remember things
88. Their best
89. No
90. Currently my band teacher hes a cunt
91. I guess? Like im used to my name now so i dont have any problems with it but ive always liked the idea of being called angel
92. Not having baby, not naming baby, am adopt thank u
93. I want a kid for a child
94. I work my ass off
95. I work my ass off to the point where i dont stop and im left sitting in the crumbling shambles of my metal stability
96. Movie
97. Really doubt it but i couldnt b certain
98. Still yes they have not faded from my skin
99. One is brown other is purble
100. One is yellow the other is white
101. I nominate myself for the “never having to think deeply abt ur existence ever again” challenge thank u and goodnight
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chimcharstar · 5 years
1-50 ho
you got it ho
1. What’s your favorite candle scent?
I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKED. ive been Purchasing various smelly candles for my gay divination activities, and i have a few nominees. i first thought of the candle i have now, a pink one with a very sweet vanilla smell, i love very sweet smells because it makes me think of candy which i tend to try to fill my inner void with. however im going to go with the first candle i bought, a dark orange one with a citrus smell. citrus scents are my next favourite and specifically this one reminded me of curiously smelling candles at my piano teachers apartment when i was very young. 
2. What female celebrity do you wish was your sister?
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idk. ive been listening to her lion king stuff lately. dont judge me i needed to hear remixes of lion king music i was lost in that sauce in high school. and i just think shes neat. i dont think she would aggressively make me feel bad about everything, UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE
3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother?
Look……. i really don’t know???? what is the criteria?? do they need to be like my siblings? dare i criticize my arguably criticizable siblings by picking out my ideal siblings? if i pick an ideal sibling, what does that say about what im lacking in my life? do i pick celebrities i hate so theoretically my family shames them into becoming silent and self-defeating
4. How old do you think you’ll be when you get married?
50. i think im going to have to figure myself out for a long time, and achieve some personal goals first. thats my excessively confident prediction and PERHAPS educated guess
5. Do you know a hoarder?
nnnnnoooooooo????? not a real, cant function because of hoarding hoarder. i can see in a few family members, including myself, liking to hang onto things that maybe become sentimental/unnecessary clutter but that sounds like something many non-hoarders experience?
6. Can you do a split?
lemme try one sec
7. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?
Idk maybe 7? Or 11? i think my parents taught me at a children age and then i started biking for fun like, later, like pre middle school?
8. How many oceans have you swam in?
1. i dont really remember swimming in an ocean but i may have faded childhood memories of salty water and seaweed
9. How many countries have you been to?
2… i went to idaho for a band trip… my dad really doesnt like travelling
10. Is anyone in your family in the army?
NO. ACTUALLY YES. but its funny because the specific brand of christianity we are supposed to be is super pacifist so ive heard. but then i remembered one dude apparently who joined the us military?????? it seemed like it was… an unusual choice. i dont really know anything else about this guy, not even his name
11. What would you name your daughter if you had one?
🙏 *inhale* buddy. oooooohhffffff i want to say something gender neutral honestly. i dont want to rock the boat being unconventional or something but im just thinking of all those years trying to live up to a feminine name
12. What would you name your son if you had one?
same i guess… why have i never thought about this????? was i preoccupied naming myself.
13. What’s the worst grade you got on a test?
hmmmmm hmmmmm trying to unlock the vault. i think i remember a 1 or a 0 on a math quiz. i think i got 30% or something very very bad (i dont even want to know) on my last english exam, but to be fair, i was having such a bad mental breakdown my professor did an intervention
14. What was your favorite TV show when you were a child?
like a very very small child? i was obsessed with the save-ums (?!?!?) for some reason. i would sing the anthem… no. theme song? i dont know. i guess it was catchy and there were lots of fun characters. OHHHH I SEE WHATS WRONG
ITS BECAUSE WE ONLY HAD A TV TILL I WAS LIKE 5 OR SOMETHING. what are you cultured people watching as children? what are the shows? 
15. What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight?
My Halloween experience:
i dont even remember i probably had some kind of fairy wings? i think i remember fairy wings. we went to one (1) house. later on, since we werent allowed to go trick-or-treating, we were each allotted a certain amount of candy, and if we ate more than a designated amount per day, we were in trouble and wouldnt be allowed anymore. i do remember getting in trouble for this. i think i stole someones candy. sibling against sibling. finally we were allowed to go trick or treating, i went with my younger brothers and by then, was a teenager and felt too tall and really uncomfortable
LMAO I JUST REMEMBERED THAT LAST TIME WE WENT TRICK-OR-TREATING NOT IN A RURAL AREA, my dad drove us around in a van and watched us like a hawk i believe. it was very tense and methodical.
16. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series?
i read the harry potter series (I WROTE SIBLIGS LOL) more times than i could count while growing up. i read the first hunger games book and didnt fancy it for whatever reason, and i had an obnoxious twilight-hating phase.
17. Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent?
sometimes, though, im really genuinely worried about what accent i do have. im worried i read so much harry potter growing up, it rubbed off on me. when i was a server, people would ask about an unusual accent i apparently had, and once, when i was talking to a super british guy who called me luv at walmart, he was like STOP. WAIT. YOU HAVE A BRITISH ACCENT. and i was like WHAT UHHH BYEBYE AND HE WAS LIKE NO. I HEARD YOU. STOP and i was like that michael jackson meme where he covers his face running away and everyone else in the line was staring
18. Did your mother go to college?
i believe she went to a bible college where people put a grand piano on top of the roof. 
19. Are your grandparents still married?
all of my grandparents are dead.
…. hmmMMMM yow. ok. my grandparents who werent estranged stayed married for as long as either of them were living… however, my OTHER grandparents, i mean the fucking kidnappers, my abuser grandpa… remarried? when he was… really really aging. im judging him for it because i know what kind of person he was.
20. Have you ever taken karate lessons?
I WISH. my parents didnt seem to like that sort of thing (surprise). im interested in it now but… as usual… i feel like its too late, im too old.
21. Do you know who Kermit the frog is?
….. i… i thought i did… hes blessed… thats all.
22. What’s the first amusement park you’ve been to?
how could you ask me this?
no wait! i went to the waterslides. then, later on, i was never allowed to go to the waterslides.
23. What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in?
Spanish. ive been “intending” to learn for a long time, and a lot of people who have been really good influences on me and been genuinely kind to me speak it, id like to learn it
24. Do you spell the color as grey or gray?
one sec
yup thats canadian!
25. Is your father bald?
on the top of his head, yes >:(
26. Do you know triplets?
27. Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook?
no? what is this straight stuff? i listened to the dramatic titanic song and felt nothing.
28. Have you ever had Indian food?
i guess so, at a friends house! i dont think otherwise ive gone to a restaurant and actually had indian food
29. What’s the name of your favorite restaurant?
*gazes tearily at my OWN FUCKING OLD WORKPLACE
the food was sO GOOD MAN. IT WAS SO GOOD. im just not saying because despite how stalkable i probably am already, i dont want to be specific
30. Have you ever been to Olive Garden?
no whats that
31. Do you belong to any warehouse stores (Costco, BJ’s, etc.)?
belong? whats bjs? whats a warehouse for?
32. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?
i decided at one point they would never tell me this and it was no use asking. i do know they almost named my brother a very fusty old fashioned name fitting in with the thomas the tank engine theme 
33. If you have a nickname, what is it?
G is the ONLY one i will accept so far.
34. Who’s your favorite person in the world?
i……… hmmmm…. i really dont like picking favourites. each person in my life has a unique relationship with me (even though a lot of them arent very warm, trusting or close). because of unhealthy middle school friendships ive grown an aversion to ranking relationships as if they have material value.
35. Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs?
rural, i think. i need nature in my life!!! but i also need to be able to have connections to people.
36. Can you whistle?
yes, but not very loudly or accurately
37. Do you sleep with a nightlight?
no, but ive always wanted a nightlight
38. Do you eat breakfast every morning?
ive started to, yeah! this morning i made a whole thing with bread and mushrooms and eggs, and coffee, and i ate it outside watching the traffic. im really trying to treat myself nicely you see. its what id do for someone else.
39. Do you take any pills or medication daily?
and im really fortunate to be in pretty good health, and have access to things i do need
40. What medical conditions do you have?
I dont think… i actually have any. id say gender dysphoria but i think it was informed consent. (im VERY lucky)
im pretty sure there are SOME mental conditions running around undiagnosed. MY BRAIN IS NOT WORKING PROPERLY
41. How many times have you been to the hospital?
for myself? once… when i got hives and started swelling up all over, but otherwise was fine. i really wonder what that was. other times was visiting sick/dying relatives which has made me feel sad and apprehensive whenever i enter a hospital or smell the food
42. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo?
yes! i had a gerbil named nemo! 
43. Where do you buy your jeans?
i dont … remember … really nowhere special i actually have yet to find some jeans i LOVE. sometimes there is a pair of jeans that sparks joy. i do not have such a pair
44. What’s the last compliment you got?
my sister said my pants looked good on me. they are actually their pants, which they left on the floor in my room for an unknown reason, and they want them back. of course.
but because im excited about it and want to brag, the real compliment was when i made borscht and my sister not only ate it faster than me, but wanted a second helping. and my roommate stuck his face in the steam and said it smelled good. hell yes. i put fucking cilantro in it. fcking beast mode.
45. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning?
yes. theyre usually really emotional and symbolic. if ive been talking to my parents, theyre usually nightmares. ive been reading about dream interpretation for a long time to deal with some of the ominous images that can come up
46. What flavor tea do you enjoy?
red rose reminds me of wheni was little my mom would make really sweet sweet red rose tea for me (thats the kind she drinks all the time) and it brings me those good feelings. otherwise licorice spice really appeald to me for some reason.
47. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own?
six. because of social pressure.
48. What religion will you raise your children to practice?
i never thought about this kind of thing…. i really don’t know….. id just want them to know how to be kind to others and themselves and thats literally it. 
49. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn’t real?
i was one of those edgy kids trying to spoil it for everyone. guess what other common fun thing my parents didnt do
50. Why do you have a youtube? 
i dont! so i dont know what this question means! :)
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ruffiorocks · 5 years
Latest Supergirl Episode
Soooo i just finished the latest episode and wow! I really enjoyed that! Only a few issues with it lol, so here’s my review:
. Kara hits Lex with full strength even after she shatters the Lexo suit! She has really got to stop hitting humans with full strength! By right the guys body should have shattered into pieces and he should be dead! Thank God Lex gave himself powers! Kara did NOT know this!
.Lex in the courtroom ‘better make it 32 life sentences’ was such a Doctor Evil moment!! 
.James in the courtroom, talking about his scars and about Superman..... yawn......... next witness please! If Lex had done that surely we would have heard this before.
. For F**ks sake EVE! I was hoping for some double, double agent reveal! Buuuut! We still havent had the scene with Lena and Eve with the gun in Lena’s hand at the Luthor mansion! Has Eve turned on Lex? 
. Russian Kara breaking a guys hand when he says she’s ‘just a little girl’.
. Russian Kara only remembers the name Alex! My heart!
. Cliche manipulation though ‘bad Americans are bad and the cause for all evil ever’. 
. Melissa’s Russian accent though?!
. Lex and the chess games in prison! 
.Russian Kara’s reaction to chocolate! Lol
.Why is she throwing those books on the ground?! Its giving me anxiety! 
.Lex can just leave because he has a hologram! Ahhh brill! 
. Lex in a wig! Hahahahaha!!! 
. Linda Lee!
.Otis Graves has a heart! 
.So glad Russian Kara had a mind of her own and questioned Lex and went out of her way to get to know the real Kara Danvers, thank God it was played out so well.
. So Lex definitely knows who Kara is, so its official Lena is the ONLY person in National City, America and apparently Russia who doesnt know Kara is Supergirl.....*sigh* thats not going to end well. 
. When Russian Kara started to talk about Lena i had fan fic flash backs! Make more happen people!! 
. For the love of RAO i hope Lex added something extra to his dose of Harun El after Lena went to save James! Because i do NOT need a super powered James, a super powered Lex, two Supergirls and Superman! No just NO! Stop trying to make James relevant! You almost had it right 2 episodes ago when he picked his camera back up (but instead of helping people who were being beaten up the ‘ex hero’ took pics instead). 
. I love how Kara writes nice things about Lena in her diary! Look how they are telling us about their friendship rather than showing us! 
. Russian Kara says Supergirl ‘acts on emotions and has no discipline’ am i the only one that thinks that is spot on?! 
.Russian Kara’s suit though?! She has pants! Goodbye mini skirt! 
. I hope Alex talks to or is taken by Russian Kara and gets through to her! Alex Danvers is Kara’s heart after all! 
.I hope Mikhail shows up again! 
.Wait.. didnt Russian Kara say that it was just Mikhail and his mom but she’s often working? Where did she go after the house was blown up?
.Lex as a hologram in Lena’s office though? ‘I just realized i you haven't asked why i want the Harun El?’ Lena ‘I assumed homicide!’ hahaha! 
.Im sorry, but Russian Kara adopting a perfect American accent that quick that sounds EXACTLY like Kara who she has never met or even remembers? I dont think so, not unless Lex had her watching footage of Supergirl hope speeches in that container! 
. NOT a fan of the show making Cancer into an amusing moment where Lex just gives it to himself like its nothing! 
. Lex saying what we’ve all been thinking, Kara affording that loft on a reporters salary? I cracked up!
. I get that Lex is making Americans seem greedy to Russian Kara but why is she surprised about the amount of food in Kara’s fridge? She’s Kryptonian to, surely she needs to eat just as much as Kara?! 
. Poor Lena and being tied to chairs with Zip ties or being kidnapped and bad s**t happening in her office, she cant catch a break can she? Poor Love! 
. Jon Cryer is killing it as Lex Luthor! Those of us who scoffed at the idea? Hang your heads in shame! I am! 
OK thats about it, but all in all a good episode!! 
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Psycho - 6 Thomas Shelby fanfic
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It’s Alex and I for a long time. Just staring at each other, enchanted, compelled, spellbound. He’s handsome beyond belief, and a little too bulky for me but enough to have me wanting him. And Mr. Shelby seems to be quite jealous already, which only drives me to wanting more.
Especially when Alex walked over to give me a glass of champagne, Thomas only lost his mind.
“You shouldn’t get drunk,” Thomas hisses and I roll my eyes. “Although it seems to me you’re nearly half way there.” 
I snap at him, “Why not?”
“Because something tells me the more you drink, the more you get attracted to him.” He nods at Alex.
“I just want to have fun.” I sulk, leaning into his body. “Seeing as someone refused to let me in.” 
He pulls my arm back. Spilling my drink on the concrete floor. “You can fun without the drink.”
The champagne glass is taken from me, and put given to a man behind him who seems more than enthusiastic about everything. I cross my legs and lean over to see the baldheaded man chug down the drink.
“Hello.” I reply, leaning in to look over at the man who drank my drink. “You won’t introduce us?” 
Thomas narrows his eyes at me. “Curly, this is Valentina,” 
“Valentina.” I correct him, adding the accent to really say my name. I take out my hand and shake his, “A pleasure to meet you, Curly.”
“American!” He says quite loudly, before clapping his hands. “You’re the one Thomas was chatting about, the mad one!” He says before gasping. “You’re the one who killed your maids!” 
I look at Thomas, pouting. “I’m flattered you talk about me when I’m not there.” 
He smirks. “Even when its about
I look up at the two boxers, one black, one white. I raise an eyebrow, and turn back to Thomas who leans in. I’m assuming the white boy is the gypsy, but I cant be so sure.
“Because we want to promote diversity, Curly,” He says in a sigh, “and I heard that Perry Hutchinson trained his whole life for this.”
I watch his eyes follow the game, “I thought you were part gypsy, Thomas.”
Family should always put money on family, even if you aren’t blood related. I watch as the boy with a beautiful golden complexion reaches low for the Gypsy, jamming his fist into his abdomen. I wince, pulling back. This is not for me, not at all. 
“I am, but look at that he’s an amazing fighter-” Thomas leans in captivated, “Oi Finish him off!” He yells, which makes my eyes open wide.
I’ve never seen such a composed man lose his absolute shit like this. I wrap my hand around myself, taking my smoke from between my fingers and taking a pull. Between the match is Alex. And he looks directly at me, interested and seamlessly uninterested in the game.
I raise an eyebrow at him, smoking my cigarette. Alex nods his head to the side of the room, towards the exit and smirks.
I nod, blushing before looking at Thomas, “I’m just going to the powederroom.” I whisper in his ear.
“The what?”
“The ladies room.” What does he mean the what?
“Oh, the lavatory?” He doesn’t look at me, so lost in this stupid game. “Sure-”
I’m shocked beyond belief that he lets me walk away, but as I do I walk with my head held high and my eyes forward. Glares follow me, enchanted by my presence. I leave the building totally and wrap my scarf around my shoulders before feeling a hand graze my skin. 
“Hi,” His voice is velvet. 
I turn and smile, looking up at Alex. “Hello.” 
“I was waiting here for you for a long time.” He moves across from me, standing before me. His hands move towards my cheeks, lightly pulling my hair back from my face. “You are the most beautiful woman, I have ever laid my eyes on.” 
“Oh?” I smile, leaning into him, I note the ring on his finger. “Are you sure your wife isn’t?”
“She’s in France.” He replies. “And you?” He lifts my hand and notes the ring on my finger. “Your husband isn’t concerned that you are running around with Mr. Shelby?” 
He’d have my head if he saw me with another. And I’d do the same to him. I bite down on my bottom lip and lean into him, our chest brush. “My husband is dead.” 
I whisper, feeling that somehow give me the drive to kiss him.  I do kiss him, and he kisses me back. I drop my cigarette and tuck my clutch in from under my arm to get a good hold of him. And when I do, I release everything I have. He squeezes my ass, moaning into my mouth as my hands wrap around his body. He feels so good. 
I’m lifted off of my feet and laugh feeling him slap my ass. “Come, let me take you to my car.” 
I pull my lips away from his, “I’m not fucking you in a car. Do I look like a whore?” 
“No,” He pouts, “You look like a woman who can have fun.” He says and presses me against the wall of his car. 
He doesn’t open the door, I look around, noting the darkness and lick my lips. He kisses my neck, my jaw, my ears. And his arms that wrap so perfectly and tightly around my body make me weak. 
I nod, wanting him bad. I shut my eyes and see Thomas staring at me. Watching me. “Okay.” I whisper, before feeling his lips cover mine. He opens the car door, the moonlight poking through and helps me inside with giggles. I get on my knees, getting into the back seats before laying down with him on top of me. He works off his pants, and I drop my clutch, pulling down the straps of my dress. 
He kisses my breasts, lightly biting before pulling the dress off of me. Its at my hips when I feel his length against my thigh, I kiss him, keeping my eyes shut. HIs tongue falls into my mouth. 
I moan, right before feeling those two large hands wrap around my neck, squeezing the life out of me. My eyes snap open, feeling my breath getting sucked out of my lung. I scrunch my eyes tightly, trying to fight his hands by digging my nails into his skin. He screams, right before he head-buts me. I kick my feet out, but there is no use in that, he’s pinning me down. 
“Do you know who I am, bitch?” 
I can feel the air get ripped from my body, I scream a silent cry of shock and remember Thomas’s words. 
You’ll be safe seated beside me.
“You shot my sister, Gabriella in the head.” He shakes my body, squeezing the air from me. “And now I’m going to fucking kill you.”
Fuck, I should have listened to Thomas. 
With my hand that is out, I reach for my clutch, and desperately try to open up the metal latches. But a darkness begins to consumes me, and I open my mouth and scream, but my voice comes out worse. I’ve never been this close. Damn. I roll my eyes back, feeling his thumb press into my throat, I don’t feel pain anymore, but rather, relief. I stop trying to look for my gun. Consuming me, the darkness begins to take a tole on my body, and I feel the need to sleep. 
From far away, or not far at all, do I hear the windows pop open and the sound of glass shattering. I feel glass shattering on me. I shut my eyes, and jump as another gunshot pierces through my ears. That grip on my neck loosens and I gasp for air feeling him fly off of me. I lay there looking at the roof of his car and wonder about everything before that darkness gets ripped from my grasp. 
There is only sheer pain and panic that makes its way into my heart, my soul, my entire body. I scream, but that hurts, and the pain of that makes it unbearable to even breathe. I wince everything, taking short breaths before feeling something cover my chest, I inhale the fabric, wrapping it around my body before smelling Thomas. I melt into the fabric, telling myself that I’m safe now, and when I push myself to sit up, Thomas moves into the seat and wraps his arms around me. 
“You’re okay.” He coos, choked, relieved, “You’re alright.” 
I don’t cry, nor do I feel the need to, but in his arms I am more than relieved too.  He saved me. He hugs me tightly, allowing my head to rest on his shoulder as he runs his hand over my hair. I reach out for him, pressing us together. I look over his shoulder and see the dead body of Alex being dragged into the darkness by Curly. I nuzzle my head into his neck, wanting nothing more than to get closer to Thomas. 
“How did you know to find me?” I rasp, feeling different as I look at him. As if I can actually see him. I sniffle, watching as he studies my face, making sure I’m alright. 
“Curly felt off after drinking your champagne. Alex must’ve drugged it.” Thomas presses his hands to my cheeks. “Don’t talk,” He looks alarmed. “Please.” 
My throat and mouth are dry, he’s right. And I can’t hear my own voice, my ears are still ringing. He cradles my cheek before softening, he hugs me again. Kissing my cheek. For once I don’t feel this electrifying heat between my legs, but rather a tug at my heart that is so good to feel.
I breathe in croaks, the sensation of him running his fingers through my hair makes me let my hands drop, and my eyelids drop shut.
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beccaboosthings · 6 years
1-65 for the odd asks💛
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
Idk if I’m just tired or what, but idk what this means lol
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
Maybe like a 2?
3. The person you would never want to meet?
4. What is your favorite word?
Idk about it being my favorite but my cousin reminded me that flabbergasted was a word today, so theres that
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
“wow I look like shit”
7. What shirt are you wearing?
A 2016 Homecoming shirt my mom had to wear because she works at a school
8. What do you label yourself as?
Some weird Bi girl who knows more about fictional worlds then the real one
9. Bright room or dark room?
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Watching Netflix wile and trying not to wake up my bff
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
I’m going to have to say maybe age 7? Life was just so much easier
12. Who told you they loved you last?
My gf :)
13. Your worst enemy?
Some bitch I used to be best friends with. I cant stand them
14. What is your current desktop picture?
15. Do you like someone?
6. The last song you listened to?
High Hopes by P!ATD
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
Idk lol
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
The person I hate
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
I dont like the concept as an actual “slave” but ya know when you are little and you make your sibling do stuff for you, I would want that
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
My hair. People always complain if their hair is strait or if its curly and they like the other, but my hair does both depending on what i do with it after I wash it
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
I would look like Dan Howell probably, and idk what I would do haha.
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
I dont think I have any
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
Being buried alive
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
Idk, I dont really eat sandwiches, I guess just pb&j, because childhood, ya know?
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
Right now? probably christmas presents 
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
I have no clue haha. Sorry Im boring, I also might be like half asleep right now but shhh
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
Acceptance for all, no matter race, gender, sexuality, ect, everyone is welcome and anyone who disagrees can get the fuck out
29. What is your favorite expletive?
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
My phone. It has all of my pictures on it and what not
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
Family drama shit
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
I would move to london, or maybe paris lol
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
As long as she would be 100% healthy, My sister.
34. What was your last dream about?
I’m pretty sure it was my gf
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
Idk what to put lol
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
Yes? I think? 
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
I did the other day. It was just a small one but it still counts
38. What is the color of your socks?
White and teal
39. What type of music do you like?
Pop, Pop punk, Rock, basically anything but rap and country
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
I dont really like milkshakes lol
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
I dont pay any attention to sports lol
43. Do you have any scars?
Yes, I have more then I can count, i scar EXTREMELY easily 
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
Idk. I want to do something that ha to do with art
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My mental health
46. Are you reliable?
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
does it get better?
48. Do you hold grudges?
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
a bird and a fish. does it have to be in the water? does it fly? who tf knows
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
Me and my dad once had the conversation of would different dog breeds taste different if you were to eat them?
51. Are you a good liar?
Sometimes. If i am strait up lying, not really, but if i am bull shitting my way through i could do it for hours
52. How long could you go without talking?
a few hours maybe. I mean i dont speak when I sleep so maybe 12?
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
I dont think i have had any bad ones
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
I do all the time
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
I can do a british one pretty decently 
56. What do you like on your toast?
either butter or peanut butter
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
58. What would be you dream car?
I like punch buggies so i can go around and see people wack each other haha
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
I just think way too much when i shower, thats why they take me like an hour haha
60. Do you believe in aliens?
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
I have never thought about this before haha. May be A? Idk lol
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
64. What do you think about babies?
They are cute as long as they arent crying and i dont have to deal with them
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
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generoustalelight · 4 years
he was hiding in the back alley of his favorite restaurant. he was holding the knife drenched in blood, both of his hands are on the shaft making it more grotesque. he's restless, shaking and nervous, he's both scared and confused. he left his friend inside the restaurant, he totally forgot that he's with someone, because frankly, he doesn't know what to do anymore.
he's still standing from the far left of the big red door, his back facing the wall. on his right is an industrial garbage bin. he's thinking of ditchng the knife in it, but he's too conscious. he thought that that would be such a dumb move. then his eyes shuttered, he's still breathing heavily.
his hands losing grip, he felt that his whole system is deteriorating, his mind's crumbling.
someone tapped his shoulder, waking him up, it was very sudden, all his senses are heightened, he thought to himself, 'im dead meat', he doesn't care anymore. the moment he turned to his left, his eyes are met with a pair of hazel marbles looking from the deep ends of his soul.
the boy in front of him is neither aloof or frightened by all the blood. the boy's just looking beyond all his demons and doubts. it was a transition. they've been standing there for a good minute, and no one's saying a word.
he hardly noticed the boy's light skin complexion and the soft kisses of the freckles from both of the boy's cheeks. the boy is the same height as him, medium built, jet black hair, wearing a black pants and a plain white shirt. the boy's face is a perfected masterpiece, he was captured for a second, dazed by the unearthly beauty.
the boy double tapped his shoulder again, bursting his bubble, opening his eyes to the murky alley that they're in right now.
"come on,'' the only word that transcended between them, keeping him warm and safe, setting the emptiness, of every sense, enveloping his fragile self. the boy's tone is suggestive. he immediately dropped the knife, smothered the excess blood against his dark blue jeans. he forced a smile. he prompted a big sigh and sandwich his face with a loud slap from both of his hands. he continued smiling, though it is visible that some nerves on his face are still hurting, in addition his cheeks are blushing hard.
he held the boy's hands like he knew him for the longest time. his hands are shaking but the hands of his new found companion is reassuring enough to calm him within a snap.
he woke up, on an unfamiliar large brown couch, from his deep slumber. the whole room is a mystery for him. the flat is mildly lit. the walls are blank off-whites. adjacent to the couch is a turned off 32 inch flat-screen television. right of the television stand is a japanese calligraphy, wherein for him is an unknown beauty even though undesirable, that inside a black-gold accented expensive frame, and infront of it is a circa '70's vintage copper telephone. it is standing atop an ivory colored wooden mini-table. a breeze is blowing lightly on the draped white sheet of curtain behind him. on the far left side of the room is a division and what seems to be a room, the crease of the room's door and the floor is casting a light. a light that signifies life condraticting to his dead face, full of questions and irritatingly nonsensical insights.
he got up and walked toward the room. he grabbed the knob, it was cold, and before he knew it, he's already in front of the boy. the door is wide open. he's stunned. for a quick second, he thought that this entity in front of him is not human, that this must be an angel suggesting that there is peace at the end of every tragedy. the boy in front of him held both of his shoulders, exerting force, pushing him not too hard, making him move backwards, back to the couch, he wasn't able to object or to raise any reaction.
the next thing he knew is that he's already sitting with his hands clasped together. he's bowing down for some reason that even he, himself, cant seem to find logical or worthy of announcing on the open.
what he don't know is that the man beside him is already staring at him intently.
"what's your name?", he then looked up to check the source of the voice. all of the blood on his body rose to blush his cheeks. he don't understand why's he feeling this way. just by this boy's pure and innocent gaze, he was already falling into a deep rabbit hole, and he likes it.
"my name's leo, you?", he added.
"kian," after replying, a long pause pressed the air, and word after the other fought its way through, "my name is kian," his voice is shaking, he's anxious.
leo let out a chuckle. kian looked at him puzzled. he's thinking that maybe he's laughing because of the awkwardness his voice has exhibited. he was now shy, he cant seem to use words to defend himself from drowning into this pit of embarassment full of hand grenades that can be triggered by any word possible to man.
"why were you laughing?," his nervous tone never left him.
"nothing," leo replied, "why? did it bother you? don't worry i just find you really interesting , and hilarious!' he answered after pausing. his voice is very masculine, its as if like god had adjusted all the vocal chords he has and made it to fit his physique.
"no, i was just wondering," kian answered.
"so can you tell me now what happened?," leo asked.
all of it consumed kian, all the unfamiliar feelings has started creeping up. he was very scared, you can see it in his face, he seemed empty. the aura of the room shifted and made a dark turn. he started caressing his own arms. he's already crying softly, his sobs are suppressed, kian don't want anyone to see him weak or powerless, he's already stood his ground and became a man on his own.
"it's ok, everything's ok," kian reminding himself that no matter what everything will turn out fine. it's a sad scene. he's hugging himself tight, curving into a ball, shutting down slowly by slowly.
leo reached for him, like a light venturing into the depths of pain, the hug is a warm affectionate cleansing touch. all the noise in kian's mind have been voided, they were proved invalid at the moment. pain is peeling from the wounded flesh of a weak child. a heart of the soldier is being salvaged amidst a war. leo mended everything that's wrong. kian is safe, kian's on the nest of serene. leo's arms guarded him from all the worldly things they're dipping into;
I'm broken hearted.
everyday we are given a chance to change, change for the better, we always had the hand to throw, landmines to walk on, and choose what we really wanted for ourselves.
in the same parallel universe,
the last switch is all that's left, the doctor is still clueless whether to press it or not, the bright red tint of the you-know-it-will-destroy-earth button is the most tempting fuckery ever created and made available to human.
it is an excerpt of a game show that will decide the fate of the world, the humanity, and yourself.
presenting, the game show master, an anti-christ ex-convict that was nominated because of the perfect apathy to inject to the world. he has a commercial face, clean and crisp, perfect for television. his charm is incomparable. definitely the definition of sophistication; a godly incarnation of class and elegance.
he has the perfect voice to entertain millions and billions of people. he's a very likable person omitting all the vile things he did. his persona is on a different level than any mortal that has walked on the planet.
he starts every episode with a close-up. a full walkthrough of his gorgeous face. the light will flicker. red to blue to yellow to white to red to violet to yellow to red to white. the exchanges of the colors is prenotioned to hypnosis ergo to condition the cognitive.
the whole set of "the game show" is themed intergalactic, it is overly futuristic, few of the prop design are high-technology devices that can only be imagined by tens and thousands of lightyears away. but it is evident that they still attempted to capture the mediocrity of the simplest things like the buzzers, the lights, the clappers, the audience seats and the camera, it feels like a crazy-fusion of a 1980's tv show and a tv show set on a fucked up future. the set is worth a fortune, the luxury and the euphoria, and whenever they send invites it is like willy wonka spreading the golden tickets again to lure children and children-at-heart to devour life's essence. everything about it is enchanting.
the whole premise of the programme is surrounding the trials and tribulations of all the strands of beings on earth. just thought of it as the most inhumane thing you could possibly see or hear.
usually each episode is presented by the game master and a guest female assistant that will stand by as a symbol of sex and weakness. this will attract the male viewers, to make them feel powerful and more dominant. it never happened that the female guest would appear twice, it was speculated that after an episode the female guest will be brought to the game master's house, allegedly they were drugged into this, and that they were raped and tortured to death. the whole fiasco is ignored by the masses, the black market created a movement to cover up the whole thing.
today, tons of casting and auditions for the role of female asisstant for the game show has been commenced. all the top female actresses, models, pageant royalties and all the kinds and types of women in every nation of the world competes on an extensive screening for the spot. all of these girls aspiring to be slandered, this is the american dream.
going back to the one in a million chance of destroying earth, the doctor is now torn if he really wanted to save his whole family, he's thinking that all this is for his son that meant everything to him, and for his wife that gave meaning to his life.
on the other hand, he's thinking of the bribe that the game master has set him up with. the bribe is made of a lengthy letter from his mistress, an album of all their intercourse, a video, and his mistress herself strapped in an electric chair. not really a bribe, but a threat, the game master promised that he will let everything out, every nook and cranny of his dirt.
the facade of the doctor is quite amusing he's smiling while he's looking at his family sitting on the audience bawling their eyes out, hoping that the doctor would turn out to be sane and fully aware of the right and wrong, the morale, the rightful, the ethical. while, they are clueless of the failing mental health of their father- figure. his hair is turning white, riddled with stress, he's slowly dying while masking his breathing to a relax and calm tempo. he's bid farewell to himself.
life is unfair.
the doctor couldn't decide, he don't want to toss the dice. he don't want to come clean, what he decided is to end everything then and there. 'he will not be a man', that's what he has decided. he mentally prepared wrapping his balls into a thin foil full of gun powder ready to be set on fire in front of everyone, on international television. but don't worry, of course he wouldn't do the latter because it's much easier for him to slit his wrist with a shard of glass from the table that he shattered with his fist, while tapes are rolling, bleeding his life force, in front of his family, while his son is watching the whole thing bare, realizing that his hero is taking suicide as ananswer. nevertheless, their lives are assured to go down form here on, they will be shamed and ridiculed by everyone, they will hate each other and they will die hating on themselves. the world wins.
in the same alternate universe,
1st scene
the first shot includes gem with a pink back drop. gem is wearing a white shirt with scribbled letters, embossed. the soft pastel vibe of everything in this scene is so innocent and clean. her shoulder-length hair is braided, placed on just above her right collar bone. she's holding a bottle of water, with the word 'safe', printed on it. she has put down her for-colorblind glasses, put it on the stool just beside her, she wasn't sitting, she's just resting her right hand on it to support her weight.
the second frame is a sharp cut of gem's eyes and up. the rest of the screen is just a blank pink canvass that screams softness.
she looks annoyed, tired even. she's anxious that this might take a while. her mother's away for just two days, and she's thinking that this is her punishment for not going with her on the camp.
gem is staying in the room for approximately an hour now. the ventilation is not bad, but it's not good either.
gem is strictly instructed to stay in the room, not do anything, and she can't go out until further notice. she don't know why is she obeying these lunacy. she just thought that when she was forced to sleep through ammonia, that this is her farewell to her mother and all her pending chores, as well as the boring life of high school. she accepted everyhting then and there.
she didn't try to escape or object to any of it, she's out of energy, and she don't want her glasses to get caught up with the commotion and be the cause of its sweet destruction.
gem thinks that she's on an abandoned building and she thinks that the room that she's staying in is the only one who has a full renovation. she can smell the faint odor from the newly painted walls, and she reckon that it's still wet, since the dripping form the floor is gradually filled with a pink puddle of paint.
you can see gem trying to fight the ticking of the clock, she's trying to beat the unbeatable, she's trying to sabotage time.
gem heard the heavy footsteps of the men walking toward the room. or is it the same hooligans who've abducted her? she immediately acted as if she has fainted, she fell on the floor without hesitation, her body felt the impact. she's a great actor. her insides are screaming hallelujah-fuck-you. she then sensed the presence of the people who barged in, unannounced. they lifted her up, they clutched her limbs. gem is scared, these people are slimy, their arms are gooey and it smellt like rotten fish and tomatoes. her eyes are shut, she don't want to open them, she's already guessing that whatever it is that she will see, will forever scar her and give her nightmares.
gem, is different from everyone, NO SHE'S NOT. end scene.
2nd scene
inso is a native japanese from hokaido, venturing into the concrete jungles of brooklyn, new york. he's the strangest thing to ever walk in the asphalts of the pioneering city. he's always wearing that combat boots that is honest to god, bigger than him. he always carry his bright yellow duffle bag with all his belonging in it, his round cobalt blue tinted shades and his oversized grey trench coat completes the hobo man inside of him.
inso did not know the english language, he never knew how to read or write in english. his mother's tongue is pure in all his means. he never communicated to anyone until his ninth day in the city, he never really talked per se. it was only with a hotdog stand vendor that he first initiated a non-verbal conversation; at first the man was clueless what was it with all the flailing and waving of inso's hands. he thought that this flamboyant beggar has a loose screw, and is just trying to piss him off, until inso pulled out a dollar and started handing it over to the man preparing all the hotdogs. he then pointed to the regular hotdog-in-a-bun, the hunger is evident in all his next gestures. he's holding his dear life to the railing on the hotdog stand, the scene is comical and hilariously exhausting, and that's the story of his first hotdog, and how he did not die of starvation.
inso has been working in a bowling alley where he was recommended by the same hotdog vendor that he met. he's studious and an outstanding overseer of the whole place, inso manages the bowling alley; he attends to customers' on their hours of stay. he's in charge of the maintenance, the rolling pins, the bowling balls, the neon retro signs, the snack bar (even though he's just sally's assistant), the welcome rugs, the tiled columns, the light bulbs, the bathroom, the toilets, the glass doors, the tables, the gums sticking beneath the tables, the drinking fountain, the bowling gloves, the back of the bowling alley, and the red back door.
he's been living in the bowling alley for almost two months until he's decided to move out to get an apartment. within the span of two months he learned how to speak in english, but not fluently, and definitely not with his accent gone. he started taking a bath on a daily basis. he started eating normal food, like a normal human being, and fully left the hotdog diet. he can now save for his future, to plan for his own house, to start his new life, his days are better.
everything's turning out fine, or so he hoped.
on the way to work inso was stopped by a road block, in front of him, a whole street on a riot, garbage and blood and a dead body lying comfortable in the heated up cement, even the path walk is closed, the crowd is wild on murmuring and added gibberish on the scene of the crime.
police investigators and press are there, covering for the whole event. police tapes are tied from one light post to another and from the metal gate of the blue apartment to a tree from across the street.
inso is forced to walk on the alley located beside the city boutique. even though it is early in the morning, the darkness from the alley way is menacing, scaring him not to take that trail. but he remembered that it's almost 10 in the morning and he has to get in the bowling center as soon as possible.
inso is hugging his duffle bag, removed his glasses, and scurried over the alley, but not an inch away from the main road, he was struck by a hard thing on the head. he remembered that the last thing he saw was a metal baseball bat pointing to the ground. it was pointed towards the ground, stained by blood, he thought that it came from his head. the blow from the back of his head fully paralyzed him and shocked his nerves, he was lying on the ground helpless, no one can hear him, no one will hear him.
inso heard a truck door being opened, he deducted the latter because of the metal rustling noise it made, the heavy footsteps of the men walking toward the alley, alarmed, he tried to get up immediately his glasses are shattered . he's basically on a vegetative state now. he can see his duffle bag being searched and emptied by two men, wearing a flat- ironed suit and high-end slacks. they lifted the whole bag and threw it after. their faces are covered with traditional japanese masks, big eyes and sculpted fangs. his eyes are closing on him, and the last thing he saw he passed out is his home.
as i grew older, i also realize that i am slowly losing all my white shirts.
i have 10 white shirts when i was on 1st grade, i always wore a white sando beneath my plain white shirt beneath a crisp-and-clean white polo tucked into my above-knee khaki shorts. i go to school with that and a pair of shiny black shoes, carrying my red power rangers bag. i also wore white whenever i'm home, i just loved that color when i was young, it feels clean, it looks clean, it is like a canvass ready for all the scribbles i can make.
when i was on 3rd grade i only used nine, my tenth white shirt became too tight, or maybe im becoming too big, well the point is that it never fitted me anymore. i am really eager to learn about the kid-spirit of our elementary school, that's why i would go ahead and abandon my polo to explore the psyche of my peers, and also to explore the garden behind the sixth graders, and find some worms, and ants, and plants that retreats by the slightest of human touch. i became a lot bigger, it feels like all the knowledge i gather helped me grow faster.
the following year my mom replaced all my white shirts, she noticed how fast i grow physically, and replaced it with eight new ones, same color, same fabric, same price range. this time she bought eight pieces of large to extra large white shirts, just to make sure we have that allowance. the eight new shirts felt comfortable and familiar.
i've had one of my new shirts pulled out of my closet, i wanted to dye it with different colors, like that one shirt with blots of red, blue, green, and yellow and orange, all over it. I have seen it in an art show on the television,"Art Angel". this part of my childhood is where i've started experimenting. i'm trying to understand myself, i'm trying to look at trends, that can never better me, my friends are becoming greedy and they've stopped talking to me. i'm left with seven shirts, and a flamboyant one, late grade school.
one of my shirt's got wrecked when i got in a fight outside school, there was this stupid boy on my class who kept bothering me, and kept provoking me to start this petty fight with him, afterschool, just because he thought that i find him irritating, which is accurate, and that he thought that this problem can be solved by a traditional-outdated fist fight. i never acknowledged this barbarian, even though by that time i let him have it. when i got out of class, i removed my white polo, because i need to get this home white and clean.
i waited for him at a nearby lot, for this to get over with, as soon as possible. he showed up and he had some friends come over to speculate. as soon as he got there you can definbitely see his face is all red and you can easily decipher that he was properly fueled with hatred before going on here, he ran towards me and grabbed me by my shirt, my shirt, mind you this is one of my favorite shirts, i immediately pinned him down, i exerted all my force with my fist struck a blow on his vertbrae as explosive as i could.
i heard him groaned, and all the spectators jumped on me, they were punching me while on ground, kicking me with their spiked shoes. after three minutes they left me, my shirt is ripped. i fucking hate this soccer gang.
white shirts remaining: six
a couple of years later, i replaced two of my white shirts with two black staple tees. black is now my new favorite color. it just represents my brand that time. an emotional teen, bad personality, bad attitude, mediocre fashion.
at the time, i feel troubled, even though i certainly know i am not. i seek attention so hard i can barely read which character i wanted to play, what i am, and what i wanted to be. black just represented the void that i am feeling on that critical days of my adolescence. i still wear my white shirts, just not that often.
peak of my adolescence, one white shirt became the bearer of the intensity of my raging hormones. end of phase.
the last three white shirts that i have is burried beneath all the garbage that i have in my closet. i realize that i cannot wear them anymore, or rather i dont want to wear them anymore. my white shirts reminded me of the innocence that i have back then. but in all fairness, everything that i have right now is something i owe to those white shirts that help me and watched me grew up. i realize that as one age nothing can be permanent but most importantly I've learn that time will change you and will eat you up alive, so as soon as now grab that white shirt and wear it with pride.
3rd scene
gopshi is an indian national that grew up in america. as soon as you see him, you'll assume that he's fluent in speaking his national language. his skin is fair and deep. his eyes are a mix between almond brown and happy, a pair of expensive marbles. gopshi's hair's a shiny jet black, it's length is proper for a boy going to a prep school on whales. his teeth are porcelain white, he's not short, but not really tall.
gopshi was adopted by a couple that intends to save everyone by every means that can result to death, both philantrophist, seeming to tour the world for world peace.
gopshi, has three brothers and four sisters, each of his sibling came from a different race.
there is, sana, a japanese girl that was adopted when she was six. her parents are both unknown by the time of her adoption, even though she was legally adopted and brought out of japan. her foster parents have to fight the yakuza's just to take full custody of her. sana is a smart kid, finished reading and disserting all books varying from ancient literature, scientifical theories and related researches, computer programming, art, philosophy, international languages and so on.
next is, lance he's a british lad that was abandoned when he was six moths old, lance has the charm of kings and emperors, lance is the very best public speaker there is. no one knows where did he get this gift of eloquence, but on thing's for sure, lance can convince, persuade, question and overpower anyone, by only using his words. lance has also a strong morale compass and is very passionate in valuing one's perspective of a certain matter. he's very composed and reliable and he's the most likely to rule the world one day
then there is, arnauv, out of all the adopted children arnauv is the most distant to everyone. he's very secretive and always incognito. arnauv loves planes. he's really interested on aeronautics, and you will know it, you can always see him at somewhere high, he's either seen sitting on the ledge of the mansion's roof or at the top of their humungous tree. arnauv has always been like this. he's s walking question and it was paired with his appearance, he has a platinum blonde hair, crew cut, his eyes are blue, his skin is pale and lips are salmon pink. he's the most good looking out of the bunch, but his timid personality makes it seem like he's untouchable he only has one friend and it is his brother key.
key is african. he's everyone's friend, having experience the brush of poverty at an early age. he was adopted when he was ten, rescued from child trafficking bust and brought to the house. key is the kindest, he's polite and respectful. key stands with people on their shines and storms. key has a very high EQ. he's fond of animals and plants, he cares for the living things and their betterment. key's charm relies on his honest gesture and kind words. the only flaw key has is his naivete, he can be easily manipulated because of the trust he give to everyone. but his strength lies within the goodness of his heart that everyone seems to fall for. everyone seems to love him, regardless.
next in line is phirayatta, or as they call her phir. phir is from thailand, she's a miracle child of the king, but wasn't really acknowledged because of the controverisies of her biological mother. the king didn't really wanted phir, that's why when she was little her father wanted her to be assassinated, the king has hired, murderers, assassins, executioners and hitmans all over the world to end her. but, the catch is she won't die. phir was cared by the world. no one can harm her. ever since she was a little girl multiple attempts of murders have failed in causing her death, which lead the king to abandoning her. it is when she was adopted. phir has the gift of luck.
sinai is the youngest among all them, she was brought in the house by their foster parent sinai has a unique rich skin color, neither pale nor, deep, her complexion is changing, but most of the time it's blue. every feature of sinai seems normal, except her skin. with no words sinai was introduced to the family, their parents never really talked about sinai's ancestry or race. sinai was just always the happy pill, she's impulsive, and jitterey, she's naive because of age, but she's tactical and reliable. sinai's information is unavailable as of the moment.
then we have sky, sky is the last israeli on the planet. the whole country of isarael has been annihilated. it has become the enemy of the world. there is a long war that happened involving the said country and the new world. the government has decided to put an end to israel's existence by dropping nuclear missiles to its territory, all of israel has turned to ashes and dust. after three years, the philantrophists visited the ruins of israel and to their surprise there roams a child barefoot, hiding and binging on the shadows of the ruins. her eyes are as green as an emeralds. sky's real name is unknown. sky was raised to be like a normal child, a dream israel, her old country, would dream to have.
5th scene
dear you,
let this be known.
"i would carve my heart just so that it will still fit your hands."
hi, i am just a nobody but i really hope you're reading this, i truly wish that you're taking time to insert this to your crunched up schedule, not minding the hassle that this might cause, and not really minding to whom this came from.
well, this is just another letter, one of the thousands i have already sent you. this is very likely with the same weight as the other writings you've already received. this has the same feels, with the same undying message. but what seperate this from all letters you've already got is that i know that this is such a stretch, because, lucky you, this will be the last one.
hi again, i just wanted to say that i love you. and for god's sake i am devoting my life to every sense of that phrase. sacrificing all the truth there is just to show you how sincere i am.
i really do love you. i love you so much that i am actually losing my sanity, i love you so much that i can promise that your name will be my last words, i love you so much even if you would hate me, i will still love you unconditionally. i love you so much that i'd ignore my joy, for your own pleasure. i will love you even if i know that its the cause of my depression.
i would carve my heart just so that it can bleed your color.
very rare that i will forget how you actually smell, how your gaze has the immense effect on me, how you taste from the navel up, the sensation of your kisses, how wonderful your lips taste. i will never forget how you grasped my wholeness and swallowed all me. i love your dirt and riches, and lunacy.
i love you so much that i wanted you to know i am always by your side. looking from afar. breathing the same air. counting every move you make, noting every person you encounter on a daily. i am just an inch away in grabbing you and making love to you. i am just insanely in love, i could die any moment. i am itching form holding you here in my arms i will never let you go, i am dying just thinking of devouring all the good things that you are. i wanted to end you, i wanted to make you happy, i will make your everyday as remarkable and thrilling as possible. i will not stop loving you, i will not stop thinking of you, i cannot stop thinking of how can i murder you, in your sleep, while you're floating from acid, waiting for me, or so i believe.
i can still remember all the good things we've shared and all the good times we've had. we're much truthful, we're kinder, we're gentler for the world. we're polar opposites but everyone can clearly see how totally inlove we are with each other. we have set aside our differences, we are respectful and understanding. we've let ourselves change each other's hearts. we became the best versions of ourselves, we've helped each other grow and learn each and every day we're together. we trusted each other that we will not draw blood, or hate, or envy towards one another. we're so inlove at the time we forgot that evil do exist, we're so inlove we forgot about sinning. we're so inlove we never thought of our failing, of our falling, of our flailing. we're never able to prevent it, that's why we bled too much. that's why i am so close in losing my life, that's why i never had imagined another world that you're not beside me.
i would carve my heart so that you would have two, and you can destroy mine, happily.
i am very sorry that this is so sudden, but i am ecstatic because finally, finally, i have finished carving my heart, but why am i still alive, love? why am i still breathing? why am i still here?why are you not moving? why are you not breathing? why are you bleeding? love, where is your heart?
6th scene
I don't know if I like hospitals or not.
I can't remember all my encounters with hospitals thats why i have a minimal amount of knowledge in regards to the latter. I just used to think that its a place for sick-dying type of people. Its generally a sad place for my young self. I can't remember how all the hospitals that I've been to looked like visually, but I can clearly remember how they've smellt. It smelled like used cotton balls that's dripping of alcohol for sanitary purposes of some sort. It also smelled like clean flasks and glass tubes and new aluminum door knobs. I based the smell of death to that same smell of a familiar hospital.
When I was young I can clearly remember that I really wanted to be a doctor. I can't remember what kind and why, but, I just strongly feel back then that I should be one.
DISCLAIMER: This is a subjective opinion about my third team on my first job. All the statements and opinions that will be made on this narrative, is strictly personal and does not reflect the truth on the subjects. Every team mate will be given a pseudonym to protect their privacy.
Let's start.
Skyflakes. has a personality of a white, thin, salty papery biscuit. one of the nicest person in our whole team. skyflakes has greeted me once, i never greeted back. the greeting ended there. we rarely talk, but once we were forced to do so because of a common work-friend. skyflakes is very preserved. i never hated skyflakes, but i am uncertain if the feeling's mutual.
Moon. moon doesn't get me at all, shocker. moon is like my counter part on an alternate universe, the receptiveness on moon's personality never worked for me. moon pretended that i am an open book that can be easily deciphered. I totally murdered moon's psyche by literally knowing everything that the workplace has expected on me, including moon's assumptions. but i liked moon very much, i don't know if it is because of the pretenses or is it because i am fascinated by the fact that i can toy with moon's feelings.
Strip. is a so-so character. strip realize everything that i talk about but it is very often that strip talks to me about them. strip is an open letter that you can read on a twitter page of an angsty adolescent
4th scene
let's talk about the creation of the keyboard, where did it really came from. do you think it came hand-in-hand, a plus-one, a done deal package together with the first computer? do you think the first known computer is as useful as it would be if it will come with a ready made keyboard? who invented keyboard? who decided that this piece of 3D plastic boxes of numbers, letters and symbols should be called as it is? is the word keyboard technically acknowledged.
7th scene
this is an account of all the things i would've done if the world will end tomorrow, assuming i have exactly 26 hours to live before the world will meet its fate for some reason.
for the first two hours i would try to murder whoever will talk to me about their own itenerary in this situtation. just ki
8th scene
words are fascinating. words made me love the world, even though it's unbearable. words found me, more than i found them. it is introduced to me as a friend, as someone who i can turn to. someone that can always take me to perfect places. someone i can truly trust. someone that i can whisper my secrets to, someone that can be my secret, someone that can share secrets with me. then it grew on me. it became a parental support, it guided me. it helped me. it taught me things. it straighten my back, words released me from slouching, from boredom, from restrain. it molded me to the person i am today. it made me realize things, i've ingested it and its essence. i mimicked it like a whole stage full of actors. words are just releasing the good and the beautiful, without shying away with its ugly and distastefulness. words are flexible, they can make or break, it can be a weapon for sympathy and apathy, it can end or start war. words fly and swim and they climb, they will run if needed and walk for intensities.
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spiffysixxsense · 7 years
Pssst, do 1-65 of the questions you’re not used to 🖤
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?I doubt my own existence, not so much others. (I exist?)2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?Where am I? In my own room? 0. An abandoned asylum? Probably a good 4. Deep in an unknown forest with lots of noises? 53. The person you would never want to meet?Trump. I wouldn't be able to hold my tongue.4. What is your favorite word?I used the word Psychopharmacology alot today.5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?A weeping willow6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?I'm tired. Ugh I have to get ready. 7. What shirt are you wearing?A green v neck that has the X pattern thing across the chest.8. What do you label yourself as?Worthless9. Bright room or dark room?DARK ROOM get me the hell away from the light.10. What were you doing at midnight last night?Working on a project 11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?Anything from like 4-1012. Who told you they loved you last?Alex13. Your worst enemy?Nobody comes to mind of someone who actually truly hates me, @ me if you wanna be my enemy 14. What is your current desktop picture?A teal and black swirly pattern 15. Do you like someone?If my SO counts16. The last song you listened to?SHINEDOWN'S NEW SINGLE 'DEVIL' AND OOH MY GOD IT'S SO GOOD AND I CANT WAIT FOR THE REST OF THE ALBUM17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?The person I never wanna meet probably.18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?Oh my god these are all the same question TRUMP I HATE TRUMP I NEVER WANT TO MEET HIM I WANT TO BLOW HIM UP AND PUNCH HIM. 19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?I have no idea who it would be but I would definitely make them write some essays and annotated bibliographies for me20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)I don't really have one, but I don't hate my lips. They have a nice shape for lipstick21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?I'd probably look like my dad and I'm playing with my dick all day. 22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?I don't even have a known talent much less a secret one 23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?Driving terrifies me, and it somehow gets worse each time I do it. 24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.Waldorf chicken salad came to mind, with spinach and whole wheat bread. I'm boring 25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?Like, one grocery trip. 26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?Honestly. Nowhere. I hate sudden plans. But to play along, I'll say Greece. 27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?"Even if you don't drink booze there's something you can figure out" what am I figuring out? I don't want any alcoholic beverages.28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? No hate/ prejudice/ discrimination 29. What is your favorite expletive?I say fuck alot.30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?Probably my computer, but something more meaningful is my childhood stuffed dog, Kipper.31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?Oh baby I like this one. Does it have to be ONE memory? Like I want to erase the times I was in the car as a child with a drunk driver that made me terrified to drive, but it happened more than once, can I erase them all?32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!That wasn't really a question, but I get it. In actuality, probably Canada. It's not America but more similar than other places so I'm not culture shocked.33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?My Aunt Patricia 34. What was your last dream about?I can't remember, but I think school. Ugh35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?So I'm making the question? Am I a good anything? The answer is no regardless. 36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?Not since infancy 37. Have you ever built a snowman?Yes38. What is the color of your socks?Burgundy with little brown foxes39. What type of music do you like?Rock/alternative/metal40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?Sunsets. I only see sunrises because I'm sleep deprived 41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?Banana 42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)I can't name a single soccer team but I'm a Lions fan no matter what.43. Do you have any scars?Not really anymore, they have faded.44. What do you want to be when you graduate?Employed.45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?My anxiety 46. Are you reliable?Yes. Too much sometimes 47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?Am I ever okay? Am I ever happy? Am I ever a capable adult?48. Do you hold grudges?A little bit yeah. 49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?When I was in like 4th grade we had to do this and then draw it, and I made a Larkigator, a lion shark alligator 😂50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?Something with @x-i-a-t in a tent at 4 am, or just a way too personal conversation with @reddragon800051. Are you a good liar?Yes. Most of the time.52. How long could you go without talking?Weeks honestly. 53. What has been you worst haircut/style?I guess bangs, but I don't even think they looked that awful. I did however get chunky blonde highlights I did not like. 54. Have you ever baked your own cake?From scratch, no55. Can you do any accents other than your own?Well? No. 56. What do you like on your toast?Butter and apple jelly57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?I mean technically just little random doodles of shapes when I was bored in class.58. What would be you dream car?I joke about a model GT because that's my initials, but honestly one that will drive itself. 59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain?If no-one is home I will play music and dance, I don't usually sing just because I fear someone will come home and hear me lol. If there isn't music i talk to myself, either venting to nobody or just saying all the things I have to do when I get out 60. Do you believe in aliens?Yes 61. Do you often read your horoscope?Never 62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?The two most important people's names in my life begin with A. 63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?Shit. I want to say dragons but i think I'm gonna say dinosaurs just because they actually existed.64. What do you think about babies?Keep them away from me.65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.Am I procrastinating by answering these? Yes.
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callmemrscurtis · 7 years
Headcannons for the boys when Netflix started trending
I’m gonna rant real quick idk wtf happened but apparently this didn’t post last night so Here It Is Now
-I think we all know it took some persuasion from Pony to invest in an account but after a while he gave in and got the up to four screens at a time pack
-Was highkey pissed when all the boys started freeloading off of it
-He’s all comfy in bed at like 9:30 getting ready to watch OISNB and he gets the message on his tv telling him that too many people are watching at once -He checks who’s using HIS account
-He picks up his old ass phone (idk but it’s pink and has the coiled wire the bell phones)
- He’s all causal eating popcorn “Listen, Darry. They just put Moana as an option and then I saw that they have Finding Dory too and I don’t have time to watch them separately so-”
-“PS Baby Dory is a-dor-a-ble. Totally deserved more screen time.”
-“Although…I do like Ellen Degeneres’ performance…I find it quite modern and realistic.”
-“Dar, chill it’s like, what? Twelve dollars a month” 
-“eleven ninety-nine.”
- “Wait…why are you watching Orange is the New Black?”
-“you know what…forget it. ENJOY YOUR FREELOADING!” He slams the phone so quick. He doesn’t ask about the last show
-Darry hates Piper, thinks she’s a total bitch
-He watches all the trending shows or the unpopular documentaries there’s no in between
-He’s a HuGe fan of Stranger Things
-Watches Friday Night Lights thinking it’ll remind him of his high school days
-He threatens to cancel the subscription when the boys piss him off
-it’s such a powerful threat that it has never gotten to the point where he actually had to do it, they cut the shit immediately
-legitimately how he gets the boys to get their shit together
-He convinced Darry by telling him that it would cost less than going to the movies all the time and a lot safer
-He’s the one constantly reminding everyone that it’s illegal to use their account because they’re cheating the company
-They all look at other with serious faces then turn back to Pony and laugh their asses off because the law has never stopped them before
-It makes Johnny feel bad but he needs his daily fix of One Tree Hill so he got over it
-The one watching The Great British Baking Show because the American version isn’t there but he finds the accents soothing
-He gets frustrated because he’ll think he knows what they’re making but it’s just a word used America that turns out to be a different thing in the U.K. (Stuff like Biscuits)
-tbh doesn’t know what they’re talking about half the time…that or has never heard of what they’re making in his entire young life
-He has the masked icon as his “who’s watching” profile picture
-He somehow managed to convince Darry to get the four screen plan but it was never so that the other guys could use too it was just because he wanted the higher HD quality they didn’t offer in the other plans
-If he watches something he’s ashamed of, knowing everyone has access to his history, he’ll go delete it
-Its like the My Little Pony marathons never happened
Sodapop: -The one who gave the rest of the gang the username and password
-Worst mistake ever because now Dallas has Darry’s credit card information
-He doesn’t watch a lot of Netflix he mostly only went to movies to make Pony happy he only really enjoyed a few
-His attention span is just too short he can’t sit still to watch a movie for an hour or two
-Despite that, he can binge shows if he wants to
-If he’s sad he’ll watch Clueless and quotes the shit out of it
-Honestly Soda is the type to watch anything from a kids movie to a documentary on GMO foods like he only uses Netflix when he has nothing else to do
-To him it’s just one of those apps you don’t want to delete because you might need it but you never really use it
-His icon is the penguin
-He wishes they had a blue penguin
-but they don’t so he settles for the orange one
-he’s called the company multiple times to complain he’s waiting for them to call back
-Fought Pony the first couple of days
-“Listen, PoNyBoNeR. NOBODY and I mean NOBODY watches movies on Netflix it’s all about binging Baby Daddy, my friend.”
-He ignores that last comment and answers the question, “Yes. And I say movies suck.”
-“DUDE the reviews for Wonder Woman were crazy I wanted to see it.”
-“Yeah, like I want to spend my precious time watching a lil twerp watch a chick flick.”
-Truth is he already went to see it five times
-Actually watches every show out there but mostly comedies
-Rewatches Friends all the time
-He’s never actually watched a movie tho
-He’s like Soda he can’t sit still long enough
-He wouldn’t have a problem buying his own account if he had to but using The Curtis’ is much more fun
-He had the free trial for a month but he canceled his subscription when it was over like he does with every other free trial
-Only uses the account to watch porn in good quality
-That’s literally it I’m serious he doesn’t care for tv shows or movies it doesn’t have any other use to him
-Well he’s waiting for a good investment to come along and then he’s swiping that credit card info so quick
-He doesn’t use it for show watching purposes but he does fuck around with profile names and changes the pictures to piss Soda off mostly
-He changes the penguin to the Panda and it is a problem because Soda likes penguins and Pandas just aren’t the same
-He watches the trendy shows and movies sometimes
-He takes Pony’s recommendations to heart because Pony loves this kinda thing so he figures Pony must know what he’s talking about
-He really likes Once Upon A Time
-And Raising Hope
-And literally any show that surrounds a group of friends because he relates to them for obvious reasons
-Okay but Gossip Girl is his shit
-The last profile has his name on it but the rest of boys share it
-Obsessed with Riverdale
-Pony didn’t fight with Johnny about using Netflix because he would tag along to movies before they got an account

-Always pushed Darry to sign up for Hulu instead because they update faster and it’s the same price for no commercials as the 4 screen plan
-Helps Dally mess up the names
-Shamelessly watches whatever he wants
-Toddlers and Tiaras? Sure.
-My Little Pony? Yep.
-Cupcakes Wars? Hell yeah!
-Just no OITNB because that shit gets too crazy for him (RIP Dylan)
-Watches New Girl like it’s his religion
- He watched Family Guy and American Dad in the actual order they came out except for the first few seasons bc the quality/art style sucked
- He’s the type of person who need need needs to have something to snack on while he’s watching a show
-like he’ll plan it out or just save his food until he watches his show
-Laughed at Pony for spending all his time watching movies but now he never leaves his house because he’s binging shows
-They had the same conversation as the one with Two except Steve watched Wonder Woman seven times and once was with Sodapop who made him swear not to tell Pony
-But he’s a bitch so he exposed him when Soda refused to admit that Rainbow Dash is better than Pinky Pie
-Pony flipped
-Then Two came forward and it was a huge mess

This is for @maxisprettygay and @matt-dillon-trash
IM STILL SO MAD LIKE WHY DIDNT IT POST?? But at least it’s going up now
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pepperpaprika · 7 years
S3 Squeeing
Under the cut, mostly nonsense. :’D I’ll do a proper review once I digest it maybe!
First watch, no subtitles, GO.
(I’m sorry about name spellings)
huh they still have the same opening.
ah yes the zarkon shiro moaning
ahhh i forgot the robovoiceover thing the bom have need to add.
skirts seem to be a status symbol with galra.
oooh nice torpedo, hunk!
omfg an actual parade.
pooegian? aw cute name. im seriously getting avatar flashbacks tho.
planet keffron, feathery ears
freedom fighters.
intergalactic fashion pirate coran- YES
lance is all about the glory lmao
you can tell they ALL know they stepped on keiths landmine.
this guy is hunched.... OMG SHES A CHAMELEON.
galra empire is most massive... it seems like it could rule another ten thousand years.
poor boy.
oh hey pizza roll and pig in a blanket.
LOTOR a;lskdas;klj -Exiled prince -halfbreed at best, no honor -generals can fight for the throne -fighting beside your forces is considered lowly.
alskdjaskdjaskldj;asjkd;lasjkd;laslk;jdlasjk;dklajsd HES SHORT
Your own agression is your undoing.
oh he was expecting to be killed wasnt he.
arena is to the death confirmed.... so how did that robeast survive.
I mean sure theres an audience but still.
oh wow that guy has wolverine hands.
pet the kitty
let him rot with the ice worms~
LOL theyre all looking at lance... i guess they agreed beforehand.
nice seaside mediterranean city
is that an elephant?
whoah chameleon girls antenna is super long.
HOW DID THEY LAND GENTLY. oh i see... hmn ita racial.
whoah. she strong.
oh my god. HES THERE.
well i like how chameleon girl is like ty lee
LOL how allura chose the colors.
aw ladies first.
LOL PIDGE. lajkasdjasl;kdj
30 mins of lance sitting in the lion.
but im not you. i cant beat them like you.
"no black lion"
oh. shes part snake not lizard?  DID SHE HYPNOTIZE HIM
oh. they have warp technology.
Lancey Lance. JUST A PHASE. lmaooooo. HIS BEST LINE.
controls dont respond like the red lions.... hmm..
Allurance shoulder touch. well I didnt see that coming.
There's something different about that lion... its pilot isnt in control.
lol keith thanks coran but not lance. I mean its not his fault this time, technically.
weve seen enough, retreat.
LOL zarkon has a son allura: deeply disturbing.
"I'm glad it was you."
Episode 3
fkljas;kdfsaklj YES GO ONE ON ONE
lol yes this was gonna suck from the start.
man this is a trainwreck.
oh man theyre not gonna be able to form are they.
How disappointing... indeed, Lotor.
oh no keith playing straight into his hands.
nice planet tho.
huh Hunk has been really careful of allura huh :o its kinda interesting that hes the one who woories about her most... ope theres lance
'its not about the team its about the mission" - very telling.
lol he looks like orochimaru in that helmet, lotor.
generals call him lotor. interesting
alkdjasdkjsa NOOOO
oh no hes gonna capture allura first.
ohhh no she dropped into the abyss.
aw shes super scared.
lol yes keith you followed him into his trap.
"oh em gee"
abbb ok she must want to be guided. makes sense.
ahhh there we go 3 eps in before voltron can be formed.
HUNK IM A LEG pretty cool right. IMMORTAL WORDS.
lol allura you were never gonna be the last alteans alive unless youre a lot worse at shapeshifting than you thought.
I love this science talk.
oh its a wormhole.
ahah a time capsule ship of alteans. Nice.
Orrr not.
whoah lots of arms on that one. IS IT SLAV.
wheres slav anyway.
aldfjlkqwlk;jehs ITS THE ACCENT.
"I MAY BE CRAZY"Nice slav.
;ldkaslkak I LOVE ITTTTT
its nice that all the new chars are girls.
alkjd;askdjasjkl;d I CANT EVERY TIME SVEN TALKS.
preservation of life. is the highest prioirty.. interesting...
I love how sven has a mullet.
Voltron can travel between realities. I love this plot device.
ohhhh no. oh nooo. shes doing it WHY ARE YOU SO BLIND.
awww the mice are so SAD.
i cant stop laughing whenever i see Sven.
;lkvsdf;aldkas;lkd LOL SVEN SVEEEN. lol shance with sven?
NOOO DONT TAKE IT TO LOTOR. though thats probably needed to make a comparable weapon to voltron.
alk;sdjaskj SHIRO
oh wait this is a dream isn't it.
whoah. such hair.
wtfffff is happeniiing. STAGE 3??
wow the animation quality went up tho.
hmm thigh wound.
anime snow...
aw haggar, its ok.
Yep thigh wound. Niiiiice legs. oh nooo.shiro.
interesting. an oasis of warmth. ohhhh NO NOO NO. GET AWAY.
lol shiros face. he's so done.
but somethings not adding up.
why was he allowed free?
eiii the return of the term "years"
lol yes why dint they GO WITH HIM.
but how did his hair get so long??
Lotor is on bad terms Haggar. I AM THE LEADER BUT I AM NOT MY FATHER.
holy shit that arm looks like shiros arm.
alksdjasjd OMG MEMORIES.
oh new white undershirt.
"they need you you know." Keith talking about himself.
oomg. omg.
...OH NO
Leave the math to pidge. LOL. solid advice.
LOL keith defers ofc.
oh no.
oh its lotors guards.
lol they believe shiro ofc.
oh so it IS her.
aw yes allura grab lances scruff.
ohhh no. this is a rift.
lotors brains vs shiros brains. hmn.
ooooh no.
I wonder if Throk is still alive and can snitch.
Shoulder touch.
SOFT LOOK. The black lion has chosen you.
landing codes? what? whoa lotor. SO THAT PLAN WAS TO SET UP THROK? HES THAT PETTY??
episode 7
alluras already old there huh
and lions are super recent.
Minerva? Onerva?
oh ships vs clean energy.
why does she sound so dead???
also zarkon used to be so small
so blue lions are flirts. hmn.
isnt it with lance now??
live foreverrr.
Enerva is Haggar??
ohhh thats why his eyes are pink. SO THISIS THE BIRTH OF DRUID MAGIC, THE PARTICLES.
....THATS IT??
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letslivelady · 5 years
5 Lessons to Learn from My First Online Dating Encounter
If you just want the bottom line about the online dating lessons, go to the end of the post. But this online dating story is worth the read.  
Email and text excerpts that follow are authentic actual conversations (including misspellings) saved on my computer and cell phone.
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The Last Love of Mark Rossi!
Less than 24 hours after I had put my profile on the online dating website, Match.com,  I was pleasantly surprised to get a message from Mark Rossi -- age 62 (five years younger than me -- could I handle being a cougar?).  Mark's profile showed him to be  Italian/American, a widower, a successful international businessman and very good-looking!
"This looks really promising,"  I thought.  He asked to exchange personal email addresses and send additional photos of each other.   The match was off to an exciting start. I chalked up the poor grammar to his foreign native language.
Here are a couple of excerpts from Mark Rossi
"My old friend and pastor would tell me, if you aren't ready to feel or look stupid, then don't fall in love ,lol but sincerely that is the bitter truth. When i lost my wife , he told me that the fact that something good ends doesn't mean something better cant start. Can you prove that right? I have come to realize that let a man is reduced to nothing except he has a woman to call my companion.
I don't need a super model, I rather need a very good friend, a good woman with a good heart, someone who knows when i am tensed just by looking into my eyes. The whole world may be mad at me, but if you are smiling at me, i would care less. Can't wait to read from you again dear.I wish you have a wonderful evening ahead.Till I read from you again soon, sending you morning hugs."
It all sounded great.  But...
But I was asking him specific questions like how it was that he was located out of Bedford, Kentucky?  And if Italian was his first language?  The name of his business?  But he never really answered those questions.
After a week or so the first shoe drops!
"I have been so busy today because something came up and i have to travel tonight to Dubai for a week, i was contacted by the customs there to come over to sign some confirmation papers because some security protocol was breached by the shipper during the shipment of my cars and some incomplete paperwork from Germany. The cars are 16 in total, a total of 4 - 20ft container consisting of 4 cars in each.
The plan was to ship down to Dubai, talk to a dealership and move them for sale. We can always communicate everyday through emails and phone until i get back home, I promise to keep in touch and seeing you would be top priority on my return.
This could be the beginning of forever and i would put my mind to it and i want you to also. please have a good evening, i would talk to you soon , please leave me your phone number.
Sending you hugs. Mark.."  
So, what was so bothersome about this?
The delay did not bother me at all because I wasn't so sure I was ready to meet him anyway.  What bothered me is that there was no traceof an Italian accent in his voice during our phone conversation -- despite the fact that he was supposedly raised in Italy until the age of 12.
I asked him again why he was based out of Kentucky, but I was not satisfied with the answer as he only spoke to getting out of Florida after his wife's death.
Put on Your Investigator Hat!
Being the savvy investigator that I was, (wink, wink) I decided to check him out online.
The only Mark Rossi my google search found in Bedford, Kentucky looked nothing like my Mark.  The guy was the wrong age, very scruffy looking and it was a mug shot.
Well, that can't be him.   So, I checked in California where he supposedly first lived and I checked in Florida.  A little voice in me said that he might not be who he says he is.   But, I decided to play it out, see where it led. Maybe he was just a really great guy.
Gullible? Yes, a bit!
I asked him to send me photos of himself in Dubai (to see if he is really there).  Also, I decided I wanted to re-read his online profile as I could not remember everything on it.
After all, if I wanted to be the last love of Mark Rossi, I better double-check on what he actually had said about himself.  But, the profile had been removed from the online dating site. (Not a healthy sign.)
What Happened to Mark's Online Dating Profile?
Mark wrote:
"It was a Lovely day in Dubai and a pretty warm weather.
For your questions, I moved to Bedford to start a new life and create new memories with a new love and companion on a long term, someone i can love forever because i am commited to it and i am focusing on you alone now thats why took off my profile from match.com to ensure i can bring out the best of the relationship we have.
This busines has been lucrative since i started and thats why i invested a lot in this because its my last business trip before i retire to bring 16 cars in to sell at once to the dealership, i have two Porsche and four Ferrari among them , i wanna get into retirement because the income i get from this would establish me more and i would have agents to run this without leaving the house, my motive is to always be there for my companion, life is short m this is my last opportunity to be in love and i want to seize it .
I really dont have time for phone cameras now because this is business trip and i dont want jeopardize it for pleasure my next trip here has to be a vacation with my companion and lover and i see you as the one to occupy that position."
Mark is pretty smooth, isn't he?
The next day, I had notice of a security breach on my iCloud account and I had to reset the code. (Never really sure whether he had anything to do with this or not.)
The emails and text messages continued with romantic language and details of how the trip was going, etc.  Then, the news! Mark was not going to fly home from Dubai, but instead was going to fly right into Kansas City.
Mark was Flying in to See Me!
He wrote:
"My One and Only, I am about to sleep here. Tomorrow will be a long day for me I have to get every paper work cleared and have things back on track for the full release of all my shipments so i get to deal with the dealership that buys them before leaving for the states, can't wait as it's been a long week already.
I think of spending alot of time with you when I get back to town and holding you so close to me. Whenever you think of me, please know that no matter how many miles separate us or how much of our lives comes between us we would have many lovely times and fond memories.
Even though we're apart, this will not be the end of our commitment until i meet you and i fell you in my arms.
Just always remember that I really adore you already and I want you to be part of me and me for you too as i can feel my lonely days are over.
Big Hugs sent your way. Love . Mark"
Click on the link below to see the itinerary.
When I first got the itinerary, I thought
Wow, he must be for real.  He has booked a flight!  Now what do I do?
I needed advice.  I was excited that he might be for real but scared as to how to handle the situation if he actually showed up.  Should I offer to pick him up at the airport?  Should I suggest or book a hotel? Or, do I invite him to the house? What do I wear?
So, I contacted a couple of friends.
My sister-in-law recommended online dating and she has had considerable experience.  So, I asked her.
She gave  me good online dating advice.
NO, you do not pick him up at the airport.  You meet in a public place.
No, you do not invite him to the house.  You do not even tell him where you live when you meet through online dating.  If he is an international business man, he can book his own hotel and get from the airport to the hotel on his own steam!
Why don't you meet someone local?  If a guy sounds too good to be true, it is probably because he isn't real -- he's a fake!
It didn't sound very hospitable for someone who is traveling thousands of miles to see me, but I realized she made sense.
I contacted another friend with the good news and sent her a copy of the itinerary to prove that he was really coming to see me.
We agreed to meet over lunch the next day since this online dating encounter was heating up.  My friend decided she needed to comb through my wardrobe to figure out whether I had anything suitable to wear.  We are both excited and nervous. Then ...
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The Bubble Burst!
The next morning, I awoke to an email from Mark:
"My love, I have been asleep all afternoon in stumble and distress. it had been a bad day. I don't know how to say it but i just have to say it as it would ease the burden.
I was robbed on my way to the seaport at gunpoint this morning, it was the worst experience i ever had. i am sorry I didn't mean to show you this so you don't feel bad or spoil your day but i just couldn't hold it in my heart, i had to email it to you. Please download and view document, its a police report of today's event."
I bet you can figure out where this is going? Right? Well within an hour or so, Mark texted me further about his plight and I offered him my prayers.
That is not what Mark wanted.
He texted "The paperwork would finalize the major dealings here and I would be back home as planned and right now I need 2900USD to solve this problem within the next 24hours.  So far no one is able to help me out. I am devastated."
After some more back and forth he said:
"Honey is there anyway you can give me a short loan and when I return on Monday I would pay you back, I can double it for you. I feel so ashamed of myself asking you. I never wanna creat a wrong impression. I just wanna get out of this mess. Deadline got me so worried."
What a load of crap!
I asked him why he didn't just call his bank and get them to wire the funds to him.  And, how could it be that he, an international business entrepreneur, had no one at his age of 62 who he could call besides a lady he had never even met? He had an answer for everything.
I told him I would have to think about that.
It  took me about a minute to decide.
That was it.   Mark had finally revealed the real reason that he had contacted me thru online dating in the first place.  The gig was up.  He called a few more times, but I did not take the calls.  And my wardrobe make over could wait.  The take away is this --
5 Online Dating Lessons:
You need to meet someone in person, if you want to have any hope of  knowing who they are.  Otherwise, you only know what the online dating profile says and what they want you to know.  a) They might still be hiding something that would be very obvious if you were to meet them in person.  b) Some people have long distance relationships with what turns out to be a fantasy.  The person is not what they think.
Do a little research to find out about a person who might make a potential match from an online dating service as soon as you have a name.  Try doing a search on your own name. It is surprising how much you can find out yourself that is actually out there and available if someone searches for it.   a) Although it never occurred to me at the time, Mark Rossi probably was the guy in the mug shot.  I just had never in my wildest dreams guessed that someone would go to the lengths that he did to perpetrate a fraud.  b) The flight itinerary looked authentic at first glance.  Reading it more carefully,  KNS is not the symbol for Kansas City International.  The symbol is MCI. When I checked the flight numbers through the airline, they do not exist.  So, what looked real was just a fake.  If Mark (or whoever he was) had used his skills for something positive there is no telling how successful he might have become.
Read the online dating safety tips below. There is something similar on most websites.  The links below are safety tips from Match.com which are buried at the bottom of their website.  You can click the links below and copy them for a quick reference:  Online-safety-tips and Offline-safety-tips   As you read the tips you can see that if I had followed them, I would have easily avoided the situation.
Be real when you put together an online profile.  I was advised, for instance, not to list myself as a widow.  But, to say that I was divorced instead.  The premise is that gold diggers are looking for a recent widow because they think she probably has life insurance money.  But I really would rather keep my radar up than start off by presenting myself as different from who I really am.  I have met gentlemen that have shaved a few years off themselves in their profiles, probably this is true with ladies too.  You don't want or need to tell them everything, but whatever you do say in the profile of yourself, I would try to be honest.  You want to find someone who likes YOU -- not an image of someone you wish you were or someone you think is more desirable.
Have fun with online dating!  Don't take yourself too seriously.  If you are sitting home alone and would rather be in a relationship; if you want someone to share a meal or a drink with you, if you want to find your own "last love" go online and meet someone.
If you have done any online dating, I bet you have some great stories to share.  We'd love to hear about them.  Meanwhile, live your life to the fullest!
0 notes
sixeightsuited · 8 years
Horizon Zero Dawn and Cultural appropriation: A very different view.
For the first time EVER, I’m sitting on the other side of a discussion about appropriating native culture.  Why?  Well, let me lay the framework.
First off, I’m not a guy who “knows a Native American” or has a “Native friend”  I am a 100% Anishinabe (Ojibway) dude who lives on reserve and has fought racism, stereotypes, pan-Indianism, and cultural appropriation fiercely for as long as I can remember. I’ve been the victim of horrendous racial violence as a child, adolescent, and adult, and I’m also a gamer.
I am the first to point out anything that smacks of any of the above and after I saw the Dia Lacina essay on “Horizon: Zero Dawn” being culturally insensitive and appropriating Native culture, I felt for the first time in a situation like this that I had to say something in rebuttal.
Lacina takes issue with the use of the words Tribal, Primitive, Braves, and Savage being used in the game (fyi they’re used to describe predominantly white people in game and they’re White words we didn’t use to describe ourselves thus I claim no ownership of, nor want to, anymore than I want to be a redskin, Indian or Wahoo)  
It seems (IMO) that most of her beef comes from an apparent belief that numerous aspects of generic tribal culture that appear in the game (making clothing from skins, hunting with spears and bows, living in a Matriarchal society, etc) are the sole domain of the Native American and just to be safe and cleverly keep her POV less subject to scrutiny, she applies it even more broadly to indigenous people world wide (I will just refer to us in particular as NA cuz I’m lazy and I also don’t refer to myself as a Native American) and basically that anything that is remotely “tribal” shouldn’t be used in gaming without our or someone else’s permission.
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 In fairness, I don’t know if she’s actually played the game but as someone who is currently in the midst of doing exactly that, I can tell you that I have a pretty good idea of what stuff triggered her being upset and why, and while I absolutely respect her right to get offended by whatever she likes, and she makes excellent points about some other games, I am going to point out that there are flaws with this logic.
First of all, the basics: HZD is set in a post-post-apocalyptic future where people are living in tribal groups in a very destroyed world.  Machines exist but as hybrid animal/dinosaur type creatures and technology is pretty much non-existent in day to day human life.  
The heroine of the story is a red haired, white girl named Aloy who lives as an outcast with her adopted father, Rost.  Without giving a lot away, they are fiercely shunned by the local tribe for something Rost did and also the fact that Aloy is motherless.  
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Impressively and rightly, though somewhat dismissively remarked upon by Lacina, is the way women and especially women of color are portrayed so positively in-game as this particular tribe is a total Matriarchy run by elders of various ethnicity.  African, Asian, White, and a variety of undefined people of color are common everywhere in the game.  (The leader of one band of warriors is a very fierce, commanding, intelligently portrayed black woman with a powerful presence.)  It reflects a fairly global society from a “skin color” perspective without any horrible accents or broken speech.
They worship an “All-Mother” goddess and their culture is (at least how I saw a lot of it) fairly heavy on European i.e. Celtic, Germanic, Scandinavian, etc type symbolism and the rest is filled in with mostly generic tribal-ish stuff that you could find in countless cultures around the world.
 I really didn’t get a “Native American” vibe off the game.  Of course, I don’t automatically presume to claim sole ownership of things like tribal life, hunting with bows and spears, and worshiping spirits of various elements solely for my own.  Random fact: Because there are over 500 distinct First Nations in N. America, we, believe it or not, didn’t all ride horses, live in tipis, use bows and arrows, tobacco and sage, and worship Eagles and Wolves.  Why? Well…use your brain.  Tobacco and Sage don’t grow EVERYWHERE, horses came over with the Europeans (and if you saw where I live you couldn’t have and cant for the most part get a horse through the bush if you tried) Eagles and Wolves don’t live EVERYWHERE….get the point?  Anyways….
If you examine Rost, he like most of the men has a braided beard and other seemingly Viking/Middle Ages inspired features, is white, speaks clear, unbroken English, and is a loving, protective and very positive role model for the girl.   Aloy for her part, is also fairly Viking-esque (to the point of looking incredibly like Lagaertha from the show Vikings but with red hair) also Egrit from GoT, and is no damsel in distress who needs men to save her. NOWHERE in the game have I encountered any Tipis, wigwams, Sweatlodges, or Non-White people speaking in stereotypical “Me smoke-um peace pipe, He go dat-a way” fashion.
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The  opening cinematic is very touching (and long) as we see the orphaned Aloy as a baby in Rost’s care being carried around in a bundle on his back (which pretty much every culture did in one form or another at some point in time) and him ultimately taking her to the spot where a child of the tribe receives it’s name.
I really liked this idea as it isn’t often portrayed in a lot of mediums outside of stereotypical “Dances With Wolves” bullshit. Also, naming ceremonies are not the sole domain of NA people and what occurs bears zero resemblance to any NA ceremony I know of.  (It was actually a little Lion King at one point lol) But it’s a powerful moment in the beginning with much more that occurs during it but I won’t spoil that either.
Aloy herself is a pretty complex character.  She’s extremely independent, defiant, and questions pretty much everything about why things are the way they are and wants to do something about it.  You actually begin playing her as a 6 year old which is pretty unique and even then she’s tough and fearless and determined to explore her world.  
She is in no way hyper-sexualized (I’m looking your way Overwatch) Her clothing and everyone else’s, is utilitarian and appropriate for the environments she lives in, and so far, I have not encountered anything with her or any other character that made me go “WTF?”and trust me, my radar for that shit is HIGHLY SENSITIVE.  This isn’t Avatar, people.  It’s not John Smith. It’s not The Great Wall or Pocahontas.  This isn’t white dude shows up and saves the helpless non-white people while helpless native woman falls in love with him stuff.  It’s a fictitious future where we maniacs blew it up, damn us all to hell!
But here’s the more annoying thing for me as an actual Anishinabe.  I don’t need people speaking for me or getting offended on my behalf.  I am very capable of doing that myself. I am also in no way writing this claiming to be speaking for any other NA people or persons. It’s based on my observations from actually playing HZD and examining the various fictional “cultural” elements in the game.
If you see a skin tied inside a hoop and automatically assume it’s a dreamcatcher” ripping off “our culture” (FYI Dreamcatchers are a 20th century thing whose popularity was a result of pan-Indianism that exploded in the 70s.) or if you see feathers on a spear or as part of a costume (nowhere is anyone wearing a single eagle feather in the back of a beaded headband or a Dakota looking headdress either) and automatically presume it to be ripping off NA culture, you’re REEEEEEEEEEALY reaching.  If you think caring for the environment, obeying matriarchs, worshipping elemental spirits, or making your own clothes is solely the property of NA culture, see previous statement.
By all means get offended.  Get offended by Chief Wahoo.  Get offended by the Washington Redskins.  Get offended that thousands of Native women have been murdered or gone missing and nothing’s been done about it.  Get offended by Johnny Depp or Robert Beltran playing Native people instead of actual Native people getting those roles.  Get offended by shit like Adam Sandler’s “Ridiculous 6” where a native woman is called a “hot piece of red prairie meat” or Depp’s “Lone Ranger” movie.
Get offended that my family was destroyed by the Residential Schools and that the 60s scoop took babies away from their families and people, that forced sterilizations took place and mass graves of dead Native children exist at former Residential School sites.
Don’t just jump on the I’m offended bandwagon because you saw some feathers or skins or spears or bows in a game and immediately grew indignant and wanted to claim them as OUR culture.  They’re not.  They’re almost globally universal in numerous cultures at various points in time.  Get offended, as she rightly mentioned, when the game Overwatch sexualizes the shit out of almost every female character and takes West Coast tribal art and makes a costume out of it.  
THAT is appropriation.  White people holding powwows in Europe (powwows are also pretty much not traditional and are extremely pan-Indian, not to mention full of us appropriating each other’s Native cultures ie. Dakotas wearing Jingle Dresses, Ojibway wearing Dakota regalia, etc) is appropriation.
This game……I’m just not seeing it the same way.  And I’m nobody.  I have no ties to Guerilla or anybody other than myself and my community.
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johnnythirteenguns · 8 years
logan, not spoiler free thoughts (it got long):
anyways i saw logan yesterday and im still sensitive from it and i wouldnt know where to begin having a conversation about it with people who want to see it
as a film it’s pretty good. i didnt feel too much time was wasted, if any really, it’s tropey though. so like once it gets going it is point a to b to c to d with no variation and you spot the chekov’s guns right away and you can figure out how it’s going to end half way in. which im fine with as long a movie doesnt patronize me, and i didnt feel logan did. it was just formulaic. but it was good and watchable. there is a lot to be said for exploiting a tried and true formula for story telling but fitting it to the aesthetic of the characters therein.
also although i dont talk to movies i have realized that i am increasingly more involved with reacting to them and i dont know if this means i am more empathetic with the characters on screen because i am becoming more empathetic or if im more emotional and have nowhere to direct that emotion in my real life so i put it all into relating with the characters on a given screen and so when stuff happens to them i just really React.
that being said like im really. tired. of white characters being allowed to use brown bodies as stepping stones and footstools. there are a lot of dead brown people in this film. the main characters are all white. although dafne did an admirable job as laura, if i had the chance id recast her immediately. i wouldnt have cast her at all to be honest. i hope that when an older or adult laura shows up that they cast an actual mexican actress (not a white one). in logan they imply that the babies are clones, but there’s also implication that it was actually just in-vitro using the stolen dna the way you would use donated sperm? unless i watch it again i wont know because the language seemed unsure of itself.
but yeah. i dont. know. it’s literally too much at this point like we’re just constantly thrown under the bus so to save, create, or help white characters. for example, you know the horse family is gonna die, you know it because it’s a Trope. but it’s a black family, and they die gruesomely, which okay, everyone that dies in logan dies gruesomely and violently. but theyre the only black characters with speaking parts, and there is a dearth of them elsewhere in the fox marvel universe. rictor, one of the escaped 23s, is mexican in the comics, apparently so in the movie, and i can safely assume his actor is latinx as well (but he’s a baby and so doesnt have a ton of stuff on his imdb). he’s also the only one of the kids who is shot when they’re being chased through the woods.
i honestly dont know if i would have preferred they keep it on screen or leave it off screen. clearly brown children are afterthoughts anyway? to be used as plot devices and target dummies as needed. i dont know. i do know that i was waiting for it and i thought he was going to die. they do have a line of dialogue immediately after rictor is shot to reassure you that he isnt going to die, which is something i guess.
at any rate i really cant with child death or child abuse in media lately. i dont know how i feel about laura’s self-harm scene. not good but self-harm in media in general needs to be looked at in a case by case basis i dont know about this one.
which btw wow the actress that plays gabriela is straight up from the bronx born and raised in new york and i knew she couldnt be a primarily spanish speaker that accent grated on my ears so badly  i would have preferred they find a way to have her speak spanish and english at some point to illustrate their point because whenever she spoke that accent made me desperately wish she would shut the fuck up or get to the end off her sentence if i could somehow physically share how fucking tired i am of fake mexican accents like youd faint for ten seconds from the force of my anger.
like of all the things to be that angry about but it’s honestly just One More Thing at the point and im so tired.
im really over the disposability of brown bodies and i wish it would stop.
all that being said ive been listening to this podcast and my love for the x-men and x-men adjacent characters has grown immensely over the last year and going in i was emotional about film history, about the x-men cinematic history (honestly hugh jackman has brought his a-game every time when playing logan and i thank him, even when the films themselves were lackluster), i was emotional about x-men comics history, like. i really loved how they all chose to portray the characters and the relationships between them and it was really hitting a lot of perfect notes like.
it turns into a really rough father daughter story really quickly and it got to me because of my own father, because of my possible future, it was a lot of deeply personal levels being affected. um, there’s a lot of symbolic stand-in stuff, like the canadian border, brown children crossing it alone (all their caregivers are implied to be dead to the point that they pretty much are dead due to their absence, so more dead disappeared mexican women, along with the dead teenage girls we’re told about much earlier).
i think i may have just gotten too sucked into it and too emotionally invested and am maybe looking at it through too much of a like film student lens because i was studying it for form and execution obviously and i dont feel like tropey is bad, and i say this because there were moments where most of the audience was laughing but they werent particularly funny? like haha funny moments they were a little more light-hearted (and i mean a Little, not much, to me they illuminate how very tired and hopeless logan is in comparison with other characters and the rest of the world) but because the rest of logan is couched so firmly in the same sort of world weary americana (despite none of the main characters being american, which is neither here nor there) that a film like hell or high water is that i didnt find them Funny. theyre still painful moments meant to illustrate a turning point in the characters’ relationship.
i do say this as someone who at this point just completely started crying for the rest of the movie. i was holding it back since close to the beginning because i Do like these kinds of films and stories and so im already primed to get really invested and then it just kept hitting me and. even gabriela running away with laura and how desperate but fierce they as the characters being in that situation really got me.
also there is no stinger scene so dont wait unless you want to listen to the man comes around which i love so i was fine with waiting anyway. also you see a special thanks given to all the comics creators that had a major hand in shaping laura kinney which got me and marjorie liu is listed.
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michaelgnomes · 8 years
Epistolary (Kind Of) - AHOT6
Epistolary - told through letters. Or, in this case, chat rooms, a brodate, and a New York City hotel room.
"It sounds nice," Gavin agrees, smiling contagiously. "You're my boi...friend, Michael. Boyfriend."
Minor Violence, Explicit Language
Words: 9,562 AO3
June 10
BrownMan: Dude, do you mind if I add someone for this game? MLP Michael: Not really -MM: If it’s another guy you met playing Halo I'll kill both of you
BrownMan has added GavinoFree to a chat.
BrownMan: Hey, man GavinoFree: We playing Halo again? MLP Michael: Ray -MM: I will fucking murder you GavinoFree: You're a pleasant fellow. You're Michael? MLP Michael: No shit. BrownMan: Ladies, you're both beautiful -BM: Halo? GavinoFree: Absolutely. MLP Michael: Fine, but no bullshit -MM: I'm calling you on it this time BrownMan is calling you...
Call ended 2:01 AM.
You have a contact request from GavinoFree. Contact request accepted.
June 12
GavinoFree: Do you lot want to play Halo? BrownMan: Give me ten minutes for lunch MLP Michael: You mean another grilled cheese? BrownMan: shut up you cant cook either -BM: typing with one hand hold on MLP Michael: I can cook more than grilled cheese. Macaroni and cheese takes skill GavinoFree: I'm having casserole for lunch in a bit. MLP Michael: In a bit? Isn't England like, six hours later than us or something? GavinoFree: I don't live in England. What gave you that idea? MLP Michael: Your accent, idiot GavinoFree: Nah, I moved to America a while back. I live with my boyfriends and their friend. BrownMan: Okay, done eating. You shitheads online? GavinoFree: I'll be there. MLP Michael: Give me a sec GavinoFree is calling you... MLP Michael: I said give me a sec, asshole GavinoFree is calling you...
Call ended 2:14 PM.
June 16
GavinoFree: Do you lot mind if my boyfriend plays a round with us? MLP Michael: He any good? GavinoFree: You could say that. BrownMan: I'm down, man MLP Michael: Sure, whatever GavinoFree: Call in a few minutes? MLP Michael: Fine
GavinoFree is calling you...
Call ended 3:15 AM.
You have a contact request from DG Geoff.
June 18
GavinoFree: Jack wants to play Halo with us. MLP Michael: Who the fuck is Jack GavinoFree: Geoff's boyfriend. He's great at Halo! He's wanted to play with us since Geoff played last time. MLP Michael: Us, or us? GavinoFree: All five of us. Are you in? BrownMan: Dude, I'm eating. Give me a minute -BM: Start the call without me GavinoFree is calling you...
Call ended 12:35 AM.
Contact request accepted.
You have a contact request from JackP. Contact request accepted.
June 21
GavinoFree has added you and three other people to a chat.
GavinoFree: We needed a group. You lot keep using me to talk to each other. DG Geoff: You were convenient MLP Michael: I have enough to pay fucking attention to with our group chat, christ JackP: Hey, guys! BrownMan: I'm just trying to eat a sandwich, man DG Geoff: Are you always fucking eating? MLP Michael: Usually it's pizza GavinoFree: Ray, you should try Geoff's cooking. JackP: I'm wounded, Gavin. GavinoFree: I love your cooking, Jack, but have you tried Geoff's alfredo sauce? DG Geoff: I'll make all you babies alfredo sauce if you shut the fuck up GavinoFree: Right now? For dinner? JackP: That's a great plan. DG Geoff: Fuck off. We're having Chinese for dinner and you know it GavinoFree: I love you, Geoffrey :) MLP Michael: Jesus, get a room DG Geoff: You got a problem? MLP Michael: Dude, Gavin talks about you guys all the time. I hear enough about your sex life without experiencing it, thanks BrownMan: No homo MLP Michael: Thanks, Ray BrownMan: No problem DG Geoff: I thg -DG: Hold on JackP: While they're arguing, I’m just going to ask -JP: Are you a homophobe, Michael? MLP Michael: Fuck no, dude. I'm bi as shit. BrownMan: didnt bat an eye when Gavin started talking about living with his boyfriends. Hes cool DG Geoff: Fucking crust -DG: Chrudt* -DG: Whatever. You're cool, dude? MLP Michael: A little offended you assumed I hate gay people, but cool, sure DG Geoff: What did you want me to assume? MLP Michael: Give me the benefit of the doubt, maybe. I don't know, man GavinoFree: It doesn't matter, you mingesausages. MLP Michael: What the fuck BrownMan: Let's just agree to be gay and forget about it DG Geoff: Sounds like a plan. GavinoFree: Halo tonight? JackP: Ryan will be home. He's been wondering who you guys are. BrownMan: I'm not ready to meet your scary boyfriend GavinoFree: He's not scary! JackP: He's a nerd. DG Geoff: And he probably isn't our boyfriend. MLP Michael: "Probably" DG Geoff: Yeah, whatever. Halo after dinner? BrownMan: Hit me up MLP Michael: Sure
JackP: You guys ready? MLP Michael: I can be BrownMan: I am GavinoFree: Call? JackP is calling you...
Call ended 1:09 AM.
June 22
Gavino Free has added BM Vagabond to a chat.
You have a contact request from BM Vagabond. Contact request accepted.
BM Vagabond: Do I have everyone? MLP Michael: I can't believe you made an account for this shit, dude BM Vagabond: It's a little important if we're going to meet up at some point. MLP Michael: Geoff was serious about that? -MM: He was drunk JackP: Geoff drinks a lot. BrownMan: We can tell GavinoFree: We could meet up halfway? Where do you lot live? BrownMan: New York. MLP Michael: New Jersey JackP: We could meet up in Georgia, bring Ryan back to his roots :) BM Vagabond: Don't you dare. -BV: Geoff's up. Incoming, Jack. -BV: Wouldn’t halfway be somewhere in Tennessee? DG Geoff: Not the greatest place for a meetup of a bunch of dudes who are gay as dicks BM Vagabond: Ignoring the blatant inaccuracies of that statement, neither is Georgia. DG Geoff: Looks like everything between us is the south, if you know what I mean. MLP Michael: Yeah, that’s pretty shit GavinoFree: Plane tickets? BrownMan: Hey, man, I work at GameStop GavinoFree: No, for us, you donut. Geoff? JackP: I don’t see why not :) BM Vagabond: It could be done. DG Geoff: Call? DG Geoff is calling you…
Call ended 4:20 PM. BrownMan: Blaze it
June 24
DG Geoff: Halo tonight? MLP Michael: Something else we can play? GavinoFree: Do you have Minecraft? BrownMan: No Minecraft. I’m never playing that game again. DG Geoff: Left 4 Dead? MLP Michael: Sounds good to me BrownMan: Sure, man
DG Geoff is calling you…
Call ended 12:09 AM.
June 26
GavinoFree: Less than a month until we visit! BM Vagabond: We all know you’re only going to frolic in the park with the ducks, Gavin. JackP: And only you would use the word “frolic” to describe anything Gavin does, Ryan. MLP Michael: Is he making the bird noises yet? DG Geoff: Oh yeah.
BM Vagabond: Left 4 Dead after lunch? BrownMan: I’m down MLP Michael: I’ve got nothing better to do BM Vagabond: I’ll take that as a yes, then.
BM Vagabond is calling you…
Call ended 7:18 PM.
June 27
BrownMan: Dude, do you have the fourth off? MLP Michael: For once in my life, yeah BrownMan: Brodate v2? MLP Michael: Fuck yeah, dude. I’ll be there at eleven
July 4
“Alright, fuck you,” Michael says as some dude in douchebag sunglasses bumps into him.
“Maybe later,” Ray replies without looking back. Michael can hear his grin. “You going to piss off the employees again?”
“When have I not pissed off the employees?” Michael scoffs, following as closely as he can without getting in Ray’s personal space. Okay, maybe a little bit in his personal space. He’s not interested in getting lost in Times Square.
“That’s fair,” Ray concedes, sparing a glance over his shoulder. “Dude. You act like you’ve never been here before.”
Michael happens to cast his glare in Ray’s direction. “You’re a piece of shit.”
Ray shakes his head, slowing a little to walk at Michael’s side. “Man, I think it’s brodate time.”
“Fuck yeah, brodate number two,” Michael replies with a mischievous grin, slinging an arm around Ray’s shoulders. They pass a Five Guys and walk through the doors of Dave and Buster’s, and they’re waiting for their food when Michael decides to check the group chat.
MLP Michael: Hey Gavin, you’re from England, right? Happy Independence Day, bitch GavinoFree: Happy birthday, you American prick. JackP: You guys should have come to the cookout. Gavin pushed a guy in American flag trunks into the pool. GavinoFree: He bumped into me! MLP Michael: I bet he had his phone in his pocket. That’s a low blow, boi BrownMan: Fuckin merked. BM Vagabond: Everything’s still fine for us to visit on the twenty-fouth, right? BrownMan: We’re not going anywhere, man DG Geoff: Yeah, where the fuck are you guys? You missed some quality Gavin. MLP Michael: Ray and I went on a brodate instead of going to your lame cookout. BrownMan: Pics or it didn’t happen (You have attached a photo.) GavinoFree: What the hell Mikey? You didn’t tell us you’re cute! MLP Michael: Okay, first of all, never call me that again -MM: Second of all, have we seriously never sent anything in this group? BM Vagabond: Looks like Michael and Ray have been holding out on us. DG Geoff: u JackP: I think Geoff needs a drink. DG Geoff: Fuck you, Jack -DG: HORSE tomorrow? BrownMan: I’ve got work until four. MLP Michael: I have work until six, but I’ll see what I can do
July 5
JackP: You guys home? BrownMan: I’m having dinner, but I’ll be done in a few. MLP Michael: I’m fucking beat, man. I might sit this one out GavinoFree: Please, Michael? You could just join the call. MLP Michael: I can hear it from here, Christ -MM: Fine. Give me ten minutes to get my shit together
DG Geoff is calling you… Call ended 2:01 AM.
July 11
DG Geoff has attached a photo. MLP Michael: FUCK -MM: SAVING THAT SHIT FOR BLACKMAIL BrownMan: I think he’s actually a pretzel. Michael is his salt BM Vagabond: He’s the salt to Gavin’s pretzel? MLP Michael: Fuck you guys JackP: Geoff, he’s going to kill you when he wakes up. DG Geoff: Not if I delete the photo first. -DG: I’d like to see him try, anyway.
GavinoFree: WHAT DID HE SEND MLP Michael: Gavin, you even sleep like an idiot. DG Geoff: MICHAEL JackP: He’s fending him off with a broom. This is impressive. (JackP has attached a photo.) BM Vagabond: It isn’t working very well. (BM Vagabond has attached a photo.) BrownMan: Come on, guys, not all at once. MLP Michael: We were holding out on you? What the fuck is this shit? BrownMan: Also, Michael likes tattoos MLP Michael: Fuck off, Ray JackP: We’ll let you know if he lives.
July 12
BM Vagabond: Best bars in New York City. Go. MLP Michael: Who you fuckin asking, dude? Ray doesn’t drink BM Vagabond: Alright, noted. Best restaurants in New York City that serve alcohol? BrownMan: Is this about Geoff? GavinoFree: He can’t go a day without a glass. Rubbish. BrownMan: Alright, well there’s this great fuckin tavern place called Radegast Hall that’s called a beer garden or some shit. MLP Michael: Biergarden, Ray -MM: Barcelona Bar does some fancy shit with fire, too -MM: Maybe it isn’t a good idea to bring Gavin to that one GavinoFree: I’ll have you know I can behave myself around fire. MLP Michael: Yeah, but the temptation to light you on fire will be real BM Vagabond: He looks absolutely stunned. MLP Michael: Serves him right. He shouldn’t have pushed that unsuspecting American into the pool on his birthday GavinoFree: America’s birthday! MLP Michael: Whatever, man, I don’t make the rules BrownMan: Ladies, you’re both beautiful. MLP Michael: Didn’t we do this already? BrownMan: Halo? MLP Michael: Fuck you -MM: I’m down for a few rounds GavinoFree: Count me in. BM Vagabond: I’m going to sit this one out, guys, since I’m in the middle of planning, but I’m sure I’ll be able to hear you murdering Gavin from here. GavinoFree is calling you…
Call ended 10:13 PM.
July 15
DG Geoff: Ten days, boys. Are you ready? BrownMan: My anus is ready. MLP Michael: Do I have to? GavinoFree: You get days off to see us, Michael! MLP Michael: I could totally just stay home and play Ratchet and Clank and eat pizza, dude BrownMan: I’ll give you everything in my wallet for a piece of pizza. MLP Michael: Keep your lint to yourself -MM: But maybe I’ll be over later if I can catch the train GavinoFree: No fair. You get to see each other all the bloody time :( MLP Michael: Yeah, and all four of you guys live together. Definitely not fair JackP: Point taken. DG Geoff: Well the tall guys have to stick together. MLP Michael: Alright, fuck you GavinoFree: Michael is offline? -GF: Michael? BrownMan: Geoff, I think he’s walking to Austin to strangle you. -BM: He’ll get distracted by your tattoos, though, don’t worry about it MLP Michael: You guys are shitheads DG Geoff: Lovable shitheads. MLP Michael: Well, maybe Jack GavinoFree: Michael, boi. Michael. MLP Michael: Gavin. GavinoFree: How come you make Jack smile but you never say you love me, boi? MLP Michael: I said he’s lovable, Gavin, he’s a fucking teddy bear with a murderous streak -MM: You’re my boi, though BrownMan: No homo DG Geoff: You guys should get your own hotel room, instead. Jack, Ryan, and I will keep the suite for ourselves. GavinoFree: We can have teams! DG Geoff: Not this shit again. GavinoFree: Michael! We can be Team Nice Dynamite because I’m nice and you’re a prick! BrownMan: Impressive. JackP: Everyone ends up with team names eventually. I’m surprised it’s taken him this long. DG Geoff: Don’t worry, it only gets worse. -DG: Michael, you could actually stay in the hotel room with us. MLP Michael: Just thinking about that feels like super intruding, dude GavinoFree: No, Michael, we wouldn’t mind! JackP: We sleep in the same bed all the time anyways. Ryan’s the only one who doesn’t always, and that’s because he doesn’t sleep. DG Geoff: The fucker. JackP: Even if Ryan wants to take the other bed, there’s a pullout. MLP Michael: Have you been plotting this? JackP: Absolutely not. GavinoFree: Yes! BM Vagabond: We wouldn’t mind, Michael, and you wouldn’t have to take the train in every day. DG Geoff: Yeah, make our lives easier. JackP: And we would feel better, honestly. The thought of you getting into an accident trying to get into the city every day to see us isn’t a good one. MLP Michael: I can take care of myself. BM Vagabond: We know. -BV: Sometimes you should let other people take care of you, too. MLP Michael: This is fucked -MM: Fine GavinoFree: Michael boi, you should come meet us at the airport, then! BrownMan: Bring a sign that says “welcome, dick patrol” MLP Michael: Wouldn’t that just make getting to your hotel harder? BM Vagabond: We’ll have to take two taxis anyways. Gavin doesn’t know the meaning of “We’re only staying for three days, pack lightly.” MLP Michael: Sure, I guess -MM: Shit, that means I have to pack BM Vagabond: It wouldn’t hurt to bring something slightly formal, if you know what I mean. MLP Michael: Ryan, I own a single polo shirt. That’s the best you’re going to get BrownMan: He refuses to wear it even on our brodates. Good luck, dude. JackP: Wow, Michael, you’re even holding out on Ray? MLP Michael: Fuck off. I’ll wear the fucking shirt BM Vagabond: :)
July 17
GavinoFree: You lot have time for Halo tonight? MLP Michael: Hell yeah, dude. It’s been a while BrownMan: I’m down GavinoFree: We might have everyone home, so it should be a party! MLP Michael: I’m not sure that’s a good thing GavinoFree: I’ll message you when we’re ready :)
BM Vagabond: I don’t think Gavin will be playing tonight. He’s had some drinks and is not very coherent. DG Geoff: We totally can, though. Fuck that dude. MLP Michael: I mean, sure BrownMan: I’ll join the call when I’m done with my pizza. DG Geoff is calling you…
Call ended 11:53 PM.
July 21
JackP: Michael, have you packed, yet? BrownMan: He hasn’t started yet, I can guarantee it BM Vagabond: Good. I was about to send him a packing list. DG Geoff: Ryan, man, you need to calm down. -DG: I’m sure he knows how to pack a bag. BrownMan: I mean, it wouldn’t hurt for the extra stuff. He isn’t a social dude -BM: Also wouldn’t hurt to tell him what your plans are for the trip, because he’s not really into surprises. JackP: He seems pretty social to me. Does he just not like strangers? BrownMan: You caught him playing Halo. The only way to get close to Michael is to harass him until he yells at you, then make fun of him for it MLP Michael: That’s not true. I also like that cute waitress at the diner across from work because she’s an asshole BrownMan: She called you a pansy for ordering your eggs well done and said you’re an asshole for drinking three cups of coffee in one breakfast MLP Michael: Yeah, but she was a good guy about it DG Geoff: I don’t see how this is any different from Halo. MLP Michael: Shut up Geoff (JackP has attached a photo.) MLP Michael: Oh shit you’re in a suit BrownMan: That’s hot. JackP: We’re going out for fancy dinner as soon as Gavin is done fighting Ryan about a tie. MLP Michael: I like that even though you’re in a fancy sweater, you still have your sleeves rolled up, Geoff DG Geoff: You would ;) BrownMan: Wow, called out -BM: You clean up nice too, Jack JackP: Thank you, Ray. -JP: I think Gavin’s stopped whining. Ryan’s still yelling, but he doesn’t sound as tired. (GavinoFree has attached a photo.) MLP Michael: Gavin in a suit. Not something I thought I’d ever see GavinoFree: You like what you see, boi? MLP Michael: I’d still strangle you GavinoFree: :( BM Vagabond: Alright, Michael, I’ve emailed you a packing list so you can take a look while we’re out. I’ll answer any questions you have tonight. MLP Michael: Will do, man DG Geoff: If we don’t come home and immediately fall asleep, we’ll probably talk to you guys later. BrownMan: Use a condom, kids
July 24
GavinoFree: MICHAEL -GF: MICHAEL WAKE UP -GF: MICHAEL BOI MLP Michael: What the fuck? GavinoFree: ARE YOU PACKED? MLP Michael: I can’t believe you woke me up for this shit. I packed yesterday GavinoFree: HAPPY ACTUAL BIRTHDAY BOI DG Geoff: SURPRISE BITCH WE’RE GETTING ON A PLANE TODAY MLP Michael: What the fuck -MM: I HAVE WORK UNTIL TWO JackP: We know. Our plane gets in at four :) MLP Michael: You guys are dicks -MM: How long have you been planning to show up a day early? DG Geoff: Since we found out today is your birthday. JackP: We did actually plan on the twenty-fifth until Gavin happened to ask you when your birthday is and Ray told him, and we decided to make it a surprise. MLP Michael: Does Ray know you guys are showing up today? GavinoFree: He’s known the whole time :) DG Geoff: We’ve been corresponding with him for a while. Had a hard time not telling you, actually. Didn’t tell us you don’t like surprises until like two days ago, so, surprise. MLP Michael: Scratch that, you guys are dickheads JackP: Happy birthday, Michael. MLP Michael: Thanks, Jack -MM: I need to get ready for work. I’ll see you guys later GavinoFree: Literally :)
BM Vagabond: Wear your fancy polo here, Michael. DG Geoff: You’ll know it’s us. Just look for Gavin’s outfit. (DG Geoff has attached a photo.)
MLP Michael: I’m going home to change and grab my bag, then I’ll get on the 2:30 train. I should be there early, but who the fuck knows -MM: Pink shorts, Gavin, really?
GavinoFree: Shut up, you sausage. JackP: We’re off the plane, obviously. We’ll get our luggage and meet you out there.
Michael pockets his phone when no other messages come, adjusting the bag on his shoulder with one hand and wiping the sweat on the other on his jeans. He’s definitely not nervous.
Them springing this on him hadn’t really given him the time he’d counted on to come to terms with them visiting.
It’s a long-awaited visit, yeah, but since the incident this winter, he hasn’t been comfortable in the city, and he clearly isn’t going to start now. He manages to almost forget this as they walk through the automatic doors in all their glory, and bends down to pick up the shitty sign he’s made. It reads “Welcome back from rehab!" and he holds it up with a proud grin.
Geoff leads them in, but Gavin decides to sprint across the room as soon as he spots Michael. Michael is not prepared for Gavin to drop the suitcase he’s rolling and leap to wrap around him, but he manages to remain standing by dropping the sign and his bag and settling a stabilizing hand at Gavin’s waist.
“Enthusiastic, Gavin?” Michael asks, grinning despite himself. His new leech leans back a little to smile.
“We’re here, Michael!” Yes, he is certainly enthusiastic. “It’s bloody brilliant!”
“I need to take a shit,” Geoff announces as the remaining three catch up to Gavin, rolling his bag to a stop beside Michael and walking off toward the restrooms. One of the bags Ryan is rolling matches Gavin’s. It probably is Gavin’s.
“What a greeting,” Michael grins, not realizing he’s still holding onto Gavin until he’s pulling away to pout at Ryan.
“Can I give it to him now?”
“The airport probably isn’t the best place to fuck me in the ass, Gavin,” Michael says, still grinning. It isn’t real yet that they’re here, but he’s relaxed a fucking lot regardless...staying in the city for three nights might not be so bad. He trusts these guys a little more than he probably should, granted, but that’s still a trust he thinks he can count on.
“Wait until we’re at the hotel, Gavin, we talked about this,” Ryan replies, but it isn’t as sternly as he would clearly like it to sound. He’s smiling, too, and it isn’t because Gavin is complaining at him. They’re all clearly a little giddy about being here.
“Is Ray meeting us there?” Michael asks as Gavin turns back to him and slumps dramatically against his shoulder. Michael pats his back in mock reassurance.
“Yeah, he’s meeting us at the hotel, and we’re walking from there,” Jack replies before Ryan can, which earns him an arched eyebrow. “He said it would be easier than trying to meet at the restaurant.”
Michael nods as Geoff emerges from the bathroom, hands in his pockets. “Probably. Where’s your hotel?”
“Your hotel, too, Michael,” Gavin mumbles into his shoulder. He ignores him.
“The Hilton in Times Square,” Ryan supplies. “Where we’re eating is supposed to be a surprise, but…”
“I think we can spare him that much,” Jack argues as Geoff finally reaches Michael and slings an arm over the shoulder not already occupied by Gavin.
“We’re eating at The View, kid,” Geoff offers casually.
“Are you all brain surgeons, or something?” Michael asks, regarding them with suspicion. The Hilton, aside from being in, you know, Times Square, is a four-star hotel so it can’t exactly be cheap, and Michael knows for a fact The View is not cheap in any sense of the word. It’s a fucking spinning restaurant on the forty-eighth floor with four dollar signs in its Google listing.
It’d been obvious they have money, but what the fuck?
“Something like that,” Jack chuckles, and no one makes an attempt to explain further, so Michael bends down to pick up his bag. Gavin, having all of his weight on Michael, nearly takes a nice tumble, but catches himself before he can faceplant.
Geoff picks up the sign with a grin and says, “You made this, Michael? You’re so sweet.”
“I know,” he replies with an innocent smile. “You don’t deserve me.”
After stuffing their luggage into the trunks of two taxis, Gavin drags Michael into one of them with Ryan and proceeds to ask him very personal questions for the duration of the ride to the hotel, which is unfortunately at least half an hour. He manages to deflect most of them, and in the process learns that Ryan used to be a model, much to the chagrin of Ryan himself.
Pulling up to the hotel brings a flurry of “get your bags, we have to check in,” and “which floor is the room on,” and “someone message Ray,” and Michael welcomes the distraction. He pulls out his phone to send a message in the group chat as he walks, hoping watching Gavin’s bag in front of him will keep him from crashing into anything.
MLP Michael: They didn’t die on the plane. We’re at the hotel, room 4004 BrownMan: I’ll leave now.
A round of cheers go up as Jack cards the door open, and they all file into the lounge room of the suite, then disperse to find places for their shit. Ryan, always the gentleman, opens the door into the other room for Michael. The furniture looks comfortable enough, and Michael takes note of the coffee table he’ll have to move to pull the couch out into a bed in case he drinks a little too much at dinner.
Gavin’s just flopped down on top of Geoff on the couch when someone knocks on the door. Michael, being closest, opens it to find Ray on the other side.
“Hey, man,” he says, greeting him with a fist bump and stepping back to let him into the room. “That was fast.”
“I was ready to go for once,” he replies as he steps into the lounge and Michael closes the door. He takes in the room. “This is fucking weird. Are you sure this is real?”
Jack chuckles. “Yeah, I don’t think we’re actually here, either.”
“It hasn’t felt real since we got on the plane. Reckon it won’t for a long while,” Gavin pipes up. “Is it weird that we’ve only known each other for a month?”
Michael shares a glance with Ray. “It is for me, but only because I trust you guys way more than I should…it kind of isn’t a bad thing.”
Geoff looks like he wants to ruffle Michael’s hair, something close to affection in his voice. “We were worried you didn’t feel comfortable with us visiting, at first. You never sounded all that excited when we talked about it in calls, and when it first got brought up, you ignored it, but…I’m glad we’re here.”
“I'm glad you're here, now,” Michael replies as Geoff pushes Gavin from his lap and stands up.
“We need to get changed,” Ryan says as if he’s read Geoff’s mind, pushing off the desk he’s been leaning on. “Reservation’s at five-thirty. If you hear Gavin screaming, ignore him.”
Walking Times Square surrounded by a bunch of dudes in business casual is a little weird, and Michael feels like a few more people are staring at the group of six, many of whom are laughing boisterously at a joke Ray made, than he’s used to. He would’ve spared them a second glance, too – the ones who actually bothered look nice as hell – but being on the receiving end isn’t great, especially as his fashion choices aren’t exactly up to par compared to the rest of his group. He doesn’t give a shit about how he looks, but being stared at isn’t exactly on his to-do list.
Dinner is fucking great. Michael studiously does not look at the price of the three-course meal, and is certain he doesn’t want to look at the check based on how much of a tip Geoff leaves. They leave the restaurant – which is a bit disorienting, considering it’s spun about three-quarters of the way around since they’d arrived – laughing and for Michael, maybe a little tipsy. Geoff had ordered two bottles with complicated names from the wine menu, and most of them hadn’t hesitated to drink wine beside whatever other drinks they ordered. Ray, being the only one who hasn’t had any alcohol tonight, is probably high on the mood of the rest of the group.
“Ray, do you want to stay here tonight?” Jack asks once they’re back in the hotel room and almost quiet enough not to be heard by patrons in the neighboring suites. “I don't want you walking back in the dark even if you've done it before. We have plenty of room.”
He seems to consider it for a moment before nodding. “I’ll need to go home tomorrow to get shit, obviously, but sounds good to me.”
“Good,” Gavin says, suddenly very animated compared to his lazy couch posture. He looks to Michael, who is leaning against the counter of the kitchenette, then to Ryan. “Now can I give it to him?”
“I mean, you did take me out to dinner first,” Michael replies. “I think I’ll allow it.”
“Go ahead, Gavin,” Ryan says, grinning as Gavin propels himself from the couch into their bedroom. The sound of rustling as he obviously looks for something starts up soon enough.
“He getting the lube?” Ray deadpans, and Michael grins as Gavin bounds back into the lounge room to thrust a wrapped something into his hands.
“Is this a present?” Michael asks, frowning. “Christ, you guys bought plane tickets and dinner. I don’t need this shit, too.”
“It’s too late,” Geoff replies gleefully. “We already have presents and you’re going to like them.”
“Open it, Michael!” Gavin insists before he can complain some more. With a sigh, he rips the wrapping paper from the object and lets it unfold. A very red shirt with dynamite and a happy face on it peers back at him. It’s cute.
“Team Nice Dynamite, boi?” Michael asks, smiling at Gavin over the shirt.
“Team Nice Dynamite,” Gavin replies with a very excited grin, then turns to Geoff.
“Yours next?”
“Sure, buddy,” Geoff replies and Gavin’s gone again, back to the bedroom to retrieve whatever Geoff’s got for Michael. He has a feeling it’s going to be some shitty gag gift, like a giant whoopee cushion he will immediately use on Gavin.
By the time he’s done opening gifts like a “World’s Greatest Asshole” mug from Geoff and trying to smother Gavin with a ball of wrapping paper, Michael is no longer tipsy and is surprisingly tired instead. Obviously someone can tell, because Jack decides it’s time for him to go to bed in the other bedroom. Michael isn’t quite sure how it happens, maybe he’d asked him or maybe he hadn’t given him a choice, but Ray is laying under the comforter with him when he realizes where he is.
“I really like them,” Michael says, half-yawning. He shuts his eyes and tries not to fall asleep right away. He doesn’t succeed for very long.
“Me too, man,” Ray says, and Michael is asleep long asleep before he can hear what he says next. “I think they like us, too.”
July 25
They start the next day by sleeping in until noon. Well, not Ryan, they find as they enter the lounge to see him sitting at the desk, writing something, but the rest of the suite’s inhabitants are still asleep when they get that far at eleven-thirty. Ryan steps into the bedroom to wake them up at noon, saying “We have to leave in forty-five minutes, you’d better be up in five minutes or I’m leaving you here.”
Geoff emerges from the bedroom as Gavin rushes into the bathroom almost five minutes later. Jack enters the lounge and claims an armchair soon after that. By the time Gavin is done fucking with his hair and Geoff has finished his first beer of the day, Ryan is ushering them out the door.
“We’re going to Ray’s so he can get his shit, like we talked about last night, then we’ll get lunch, then we’ll go to the thing,” Ryan says as they step into an elevator. Michael has no memory of this discussion Ryan claims happened, but he brushes it off in favor of asking what “the thing” means.
“Sorry, Michael,” Ryan replies, not looking sorry at all. “This one is staying a secret.”
It turns out, Michael realizes as they leave Ray’s favorite pizzeria and make their way toward Hell’s Kitchen and Broadway, they are going to see a show. What the fuck show it is, he has no idea, but of course Ryan would have planned for one. They’re in New York City. They’re going to want to see something on Broadway.
They end up listening to Ryan describe his interest in musical theater in high school, and how a show had come out that he never got a chance to see because a trip to New York was just never in the plans, and how they’re bringing it back for a Broadway revival for a few months and this trip has fallen in the right spot for it, so forgive him for indulging himself and getting tickets for this musical.
Michael doesn’t care what they see, but he does like listening to Ryan talk about it. Whether that’s because he’s learning about his past or because his voice has a nice timbre, Michael doesn’t know, but he’s fine with it either way.
It’s when Geoff suggests they go to that biergarden Ray had mentioned for dinner that Michael gets nervous. If Geoff starts drinking now, well, that will definitely lead to Geoff drinking more later. Hopefully that will be in the hotel room instead of a dive, he thinks as the hostess seats them beneath a stone archway. Lunch goes well until Geoff says, “So, where was that bar you mentioned, Michael?”
When he’d supplied them with a location almost two weeks ago he hadn’t thought he’d be going with them. He could just head home early if they decided to head off to a bar and they would be none the wiser, but this situation had not crossed his mind when Geoff asked him to stay in the hotel room with them, and that mistake sure chose a great time to rear its ugly head.
Okay, time to make a stupid decision, he thinks as Ray touches his elbow. Michael isn’t going to keep them from going to the bar, and if he says he wants to go back to the hotel, someone will definitely come with him if not all of them, so he says, “Uh, eighth and fifty-fourth. We’d have to take taxis.” It’s not like he’s going to run into the guy at six PM on a Wednesday. He’s just being a paranoid piece of shit.
They finish their dinner and hail taxis. Michael rides with Geoff and Jack this time, and they’re walking through the front door of the bar by the time the other taxi pulls up to the curb.
Michael’s heart starts beating a little faster as Geoff’s tattooed hand pulls the door open, and he thinks he’ll be fine as soon as he’s inside, but it gets so much worse. I just won’t breathe, he decides, knowing it’s not a good way to deal with this issue and that he really should bring it up, but nothing’s actually gone wrong yet.
They get their drinks, Gavin ordering a Harry Potter shot when Michael says that’s the one that involves fire. It really is a spectacle, he remembers as the bartender wraps a Gryffindor scarf around her neck and begins shouting about spells, but he’s seen it before, so his gaze wanders.
When he sees the familiar figure enter the bar, his only thought is fuck, he found me.
His second thought is that yeah, he found you, but it’s not like he’s been looking for you for six months. He was drunk enough he probably doesn’t even remember the fight.
His third thought, as another guy steps through the door behind him, is holy shit his friend is with him I’m going to die.
Michael breaks away from the group currently fascinated with the shots that are on fire to blend into the crowd, and it isn’t hard considering how many people are there to observe what the bartender is doing, but there aren’t enough people there at six PM on a Wednesday to hide him completely from the door. Ray, being at the back of their group with Michael is the only one who notices him leave with a questioning call of his name, but he hears someone growl “Michael,” from the doorway, and he knows it isn’t one of his friends.
He quickens his pace toward the back of the bar, knowing he’s already made a slew of bad decisions and it can only go downhill from here, and knowing the guy will recognize him wherever he is in the crowd. There’s nowhere for him to go, and he knows that, too, but he keeps going to give himself some time, leaning in toward the bar and attempting to flag down a spare bartender. Unfortunately, both of them are occupied.
“Michael,” the man breathes down his neck, grabbing his shoulder in a vice-like grip to pull him away from the bar counter. The music is loud enough that he can barely tell what the guy is saying. Michael is briefly glad Ray didn’t follow him as he’s pulled farther back in the darkness of the very rear of the bar to be pinned against the wall. He casts his gaze toward the front of the bar for just a moment, but he can’t even see Ryan or Jack through the bodies despite the light filtering through the storefront window. “We have unfinished business.”
“Who are you again? Fred?” Michael sneers. He knows he’s in a bad spot, but he also knows this guy is both a bad fighter and way too arrogant for his own good. If he can get him fired up, he has a better chance of getting him sloppy and getting out of this encounter unharmed. “You still paying someone else to fight for you? I thought you learned your lesson in January.”
“Unharmed” might have been a little preemptive, because the guy’s grip on his shoulders tightens painfully.
“David. I was wasted then,” he replies, smile a little too wide for Michael’s liking. “Nothing to stop me now.”
Michael ducks out of the way when the guy lifts a fist to box in his ear, having been temporarily distracted trying to make sure no one he knows followed them back here. He’s pretty sure the only one who could take them on is Geoff, and Geoff had been three shots deep last time Michael had seen him. Unfortunately, he’s his own best chance.
He springs back up to land a solid uppercut to David’s jaw, and it sends the guy reeling back in surprised pain. His friend doesn’t make a move on Michael, only grabbing the guy’s arm to keep him on his feet. Michael doesn’t make an attempt to escape. He knows it’s now or never.
The guy rushes back toward him, seemingly recovered, but so does his friend, eyes locked on Michael. Guy takes advantage of his distraction to take a swipe at him, but Michael focuses on him, grabbing his arm mid-swing and twisting it at what must be a painful angle. Guy tries to pull away, grimacing, but Michael pulls him a step closer to break his nose with the heel of his hand. David stumbles back with a gasp and looks to his friend, who advances toward Michael.
Now that the weaker guy’s had enough, it’s time for a real challenge. This guy Michael knows for a fact can fight - he’d beaten Michael’s ass when he won a fight against David in this bar six months ago. Michael has enough violent encounters under his belt to beat someone like broken-nose guy easily, but, unfortunately, he’s a little out of practice, and the way this guy immediately steps toward him to punch his eye in surprises him. He takes a stabilizing step back, unwilling to end up on his ass in front of friend guy, and winces through the pain. That’s going to look nasty, he decides.
He doesn’t know where to go from there. He and friend guy are sizing each other up, Michael knowing this guy will just counter whatever he does next and friend guy probably deciding what to aim for next, but stalemates are never good in a fight. They lead to poorly executed swings and awkward footing.
Fuck it, he thinks, moving in when the moment is at its worst to take the guy by surprise, hitting him in the solar plexus to knock the wind out of him. It only works halfway, almost stunning him for a few seconds, but it gives Michael the advantage he needs to land a solid hit on his ear, where it won’t leave lasting damage but it hurts like a bitch. He’s about to break this guy’s nose, too, when David lands a solid one to his ribs and he stumbles to the side, pushing away from the chairs to end up closer to the wall. David’s contribution gives his friend a chance to recover, and soon he’s pinning Michael painfully against the wall, fist in the air. He’s clearly about to do something with it when someone grabs his wrist and rips him away from the wall, practically throwing the guy into the chairs that aren’t really lined up against the bar anymore.
“Michael,” someone says, stepping in front of him and resting their hands on his face. “Are you good?”
Michael’s tunnel vision on friend guy dissolves to focus on Ray standing in front of him as Ryan holds the guy at a distance in the background, having clearly rescued him from a severe beating at Geoff’s mercy. Geoff is standing beside him, arms crossed and rage in his eyes as he says something to him. Ray pats Michael's face.
“Yeah, I’m good,” he says weakly, clears his throat and says, “I’m glad you didn’t try to follow me.”
“I knew you left, but I just assumed you were going to find the other bartender or something,” Ray shakes his head. “You didn’t come back, and, well, I asked if anyone could see you in the crowd after a while, but…I didn’t see these guys until it was too late, so here we are.”
“It’s fine, Ray,” Michael smiles weakly at him. “It was going to happen eventually.”
“What was going to happen eventually?” Jack asks sternly, having appeared in the space between Ray and friend guy. Michael can’t see Geoff anymore, but it doesn’t really matter, because as soon as Michael‘s gaze moves past Jack he says, “Look at me, Michael.”
“It’s not really a long story, but I’d rather tell it back in the hotel room,” Michael says. “Can we find a pharmacy and get an ice pack?”
“Michael!” Gavin appears at the edge of the small clearing in the crowd. Everyone clearly knows what just happened and is happy to ignore the spectacle. It’s hard to tell if the bartenders even noticed. “Are you alright, boi?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he replies with mock bravado. “Just a little beat up. Nothing I can’t handle.”
“Yeah, well, I was going to beat up your friend until Ryan convinced me not to get arrested,” Geoff grumbles, also appearing from the crowd. He and Ryan must have hauled the guys out to the street. His gaze takes on a much softer edge as he takes in Michael’s stance - he must look disheveled as shit. “Why was a sober guy trying to fight you in the back of a bar?”
“I’ll tell you back at the hotel,” Michael sighs. “Now can I get an ice pack somewhere so I don’t have to go back to work with a bright purple eye?”
Thankfully, they do not treat him like he is made of glass during the taxi ride back to the hotel, but he does get stuck between Ray and Gavin, so it wouldn’t really have been possible between Gavin’s nonexistent sense of personal space and Ray having known him long enough to figure out he hates being pitied. As soon as they enter the hotel room, however, it is a different story. The pillows are fluffed and he is sitting on the couch before he knows what’s going on, Geoff taking up the other half and throwing an arm over the back of the couch as Jack presses the bag of frozen peas they’d picked up into his hand, now wrapped in one of someone’s spare T-shirts. Gavin slinks over to sit on the floor and lean against his legs. Gavin hasn’t been talking much since they’d found him. He might still be trying to come to terms with it.
“Alright, buddy, tell us what happened,” Geoff requests, not quietly but gently.
“Well, I was visiting Ray back in January, and a friend of mine told me to go to Barcelona Bar for the weird shots they have, so we did,” Michael begins, wincing as his shoulder twinges when he tries to lift the impromptu ice pack to his eye. “The first guy, David, was super drunk, so when I bumped into him coming out of the bathroom he decided to fight me, and I wrecked him when he wouldn’t fuck off, but his friend showed up and beat the snot out of me, said they’d come find me and get me again sometime.”
“The same guy that was there today?” Jack asks, and Michael nods.
“It sounded like a death threat. I’ve been avoiding going to that bar or drinking at all here – no one wants another few broken ribs, man – but when you guys wanted to go, I figured,” he shrugs, grimacing. “This guy’s not going to happen to be there while we are, it’ll be fine, but, you know, I was wrong. They showed up just after we did, and while you guys were distracted by the bartender doing the weird shots, I tried to hide in the crowd, but that bar is so narrow there isn’t really anywhere to go. They found me and David tried to fight me, but I broke his nose, so his friend decided to have a crack at it. Got me pretty good, but I gave some, too.”
Geoff grins. “I mean, that’s shit, but I’m glad you fucked that guy up.”
“That David guy sounded pretty mad when we pulled his friend off you,” Ryan says carefully, and Geoff’s gaze darkens again. “Like we were being unfair breaking up the fight. I think he said something about taking us out back and shooting us in the head.”
Michael scoffs. “That guy is all bark and no bite. I’m out of practice and I got him in two hits. If he had a gun on him, he was trying to feel better about himself, and I’m sure you scared him enough. You’ll never see him again.”
“How do you feel?” Jack asks, and it sounds like he genuinely wants to know.
“Like I got punched in the face,” Michael grins wryly. “Maybe took a chair to the rib, but not as bad.”
“You get in fights a lot?” Geoff asks, side-eyeing him, obviously interested.
“I did until that guy fucked me up,” Michael replies, grinning for real now. “I think it’s time for me to take it up as a hobby again.”
Jack sighs, shifting in the armchair to better face Michael. “Please don’t do anything stupid. If you get into a dangerous situation in New Jersey, we won’t always be around to help you out.”
Michael raises an eyebrow at him. “I can take care of myself, Jack. I'm a big boy.”
“But you don’t have to,” Ryan regards him sternly. “You need to start letting other people help you, Michael. You’re only going to hurt yourself.”
“I grew up taking care of myself,” he replies readily, severely. “Old habits die hard.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll work it out of you,” Geoff says calmly, clearly attempting to diffuse the tension in the room. “Michael, you’re a stubborn piece of shit, you know that?”
“Yeah, I know,” he replies as Jack stands.
“I think it’s time for bed,” he announces, and Ray pushes away from the counter and is in the process of opening the door to the other bedroom when Geoff stops him.
“The beds in this hotel are only king-sized,” he says, holding up a hand to stop Ray from going anywhere. “But we can make it work.”
July 26
It takes Michael a moment to realize who he is in bed with when he wakes up.
Gavin is wrapped around his back, an arm draped over his waist and his nose buried in Michael’s shoulder. Ray is facing him, practically melted into the mattress. Ryan is behind Ray, and Michael thinks it’s safe to assume Geoff and Jack are on Gavin’s other side, though he can’t actually tell.
This is strange, he thinks, but…nice.
As soon as Gavin had realized they’d be in the same bed he had pulled him into the bedroom and wrapped around him like a fucking spider, leaving everyone else to fend for themselves. They had, somehow, managed to make it work. He finds it a little strange waking up in a bed with five other dudes, but it also seems like something he could get used to.
No, stop that, he thinks, and he finds himself frowning as he reaches to rub the eye that isn’t fucked up. Four dudes in a relationship don’t need you to make their lives more difficult.
Ryan must have heard him move, because he leans up to look at Michael for a moment. “That’s one nasty black eye you’ve got there,” he whispers, and Michael grimaces.
“It’ll be green in a few days,” Michael whispers back. “That’s the best part.”
“I’m pretty sure the best part of a bruise is the part when is disappears,” Ryan counters.
“Are you arguing about the color of a bruise?” Jack asks incredulously, and he sounds far away enough that Geoff must be between Jack and Gavin.
“Yes,” Michael replies, having turned slightly, and now that he isn’t mumbling into the mattress his breath must tickle Ray, because he scrunches his face up in what he would insist isn’t a cute way and blinks awake.
“You’re a piece of shit,” Ray frowns. “I was in the middle of a dream, man.”
“Whatever,” Geoff says, apparently awake now, and Gavin finally stirs, halfway releasing Michael in his waking confusion. “I need to shit.”
“So eloquent,” Jack scoffs, there is some shifting on the bed, and Michael watches Geoff leave the bedroom. Jack probably figures he might as well since he’s already up, and walks through the door to the lounge as the hand Gavin has draping over Michael squeezes in a gimme fashion. Michael considers it very briefly, then moves his hand to grab Gavin's.
Gavin laces their fingers together, and Ray snickers and says, "No homo."
Ryan slides off the bed to stand, grinning widely. "Good luck," he says, and goes into the lounge.
"You're fucked, dude," Ray says, following him. Michael shifts into a more comfortable position now that he has half of the mattress to himself. This position lands him facing Gavin, fingers intertwined, and they look at each other for a moment. The silence is peaceful.
"Oh my god," Geoff says, closing the bathroom door behind him and moving toward the door to the lounge. "You guys are gay as dicks." Michael cuts him a half-hearted glare as he leaves.
"We should get up so we can eat," Michael says, grinning when Gavin startles. "We might be able to convince them to get room service for breakfast."
Gavin is clearly excited about the prospect, because he is suddenly very animated in trying to drag Michael out of bed.
"Alright, alright, don't pull my arm out of its socket," Michael chides, and Gavin actually stops for a moment as Michael rolls his shoulder in an attempt to work the stiffness out of it. Last night's fight is coming back to him in more ways than one.
Gavin drags him out into the lounge as soon as he's out of contact with the bed. Ray is draped over Ryan on the couch, Jack is reading something in the armchair, and Geoff is leaning against the counter, phone to his ear.
"What do you dickheads want for room service?" Geoff asks, twisting the phone away from his mouth. Gavin begins listing a bunch of shit, but Michael just shrugs. He'll eat whatever they put in front of him.
He and Gavin sit on the floor beside the coffee table (more like Gavin trips over the coffee table and pulls Michael down with him), and when Jack tries to hand Michael a real ice pack this time, Gavin reaches out and snatches it from him.
He turns to Michael with a little too much concern in his eyes and presses the ice pack gently to his face. "How do you feel, boi?"
"Like I want you to stop worrying about me," he replies, and Gavin frowns. "I've done this before."
Gavin grimaces, now, and Geoff hangs up, shoves his phone in his pocket, and says, "We need to talk."
Michael would normally feel apprehensive right about now, but the way Geoff says it sounds more optimistic than anything. No one speaks as Geoff grabs the wooden desk chair and spins it around to sit at the other end of the coffee table.
"There's been this shit hanging in the air since we got here," he begins, and Ryan chuckles. Apparently he knows what's going on as Geoff indicates everyone but Michael and Ray. "The four of us have had a half-conversation about this already, but you assholes deserve to know, too."
"Get on with it, Geoff," Jack admonishes good-naturedly.
"We like you guys and wouldn't be opposed to bringing you into the relationship," he grinds out, rushing as if someone will stop him if he breathes.
Michael blinks away his surprise. He's been pretending how he feels doesn't matter, sure, but...well, it seems like the only reasoning he had doesn't work anymore.
Ray is much quicker to the draw. "What would that mean for us?"
"Eventually, we hope you'd move in with us," Ryan says. "For now, as a six-person relationship, we'd be spending some time figuring it out, but...if you hadn't noticed, we're pretty much there already."
Ray nods, and three and a half gazes turn to Michael.
"I'm not opposed, but...I'm not sure it would work." He wants to give them one last chance to back out. "I like you guys a hell of a lot, but six people in a relationship?"
"We know," Jack says, and the smile he offers is a little comforting. "We aren't sure if it'll work, either, and there’s no way it’ll be easy, but we won't know unless we try."
"Alright...I'm down," Michael says after a moment, then grins. "Does that make us all boyfriends?"
"If that's what you want to call it," Ryan says appraisingly.
"It sounds nice," Gavin agrees, smiling contagiously. "You're my boi...friend, Michael. Boyfriend."
"Super homo," Ray comments, and they're all laughing when someone knocks on the door.
"Room service is here, fuckin' finally," Geoff says, standing to make his way over to greet whoever’s brought the food. Michael watches him walk away, tattooed arm reaching for the doorknob. Gavin curls around him tighter, a hand moving to card through Michael's hair.
Yeah, this is something he could get used to.
June 22
MLP Michael: My plane leaves at two, gets in at six. If you're late you owe me dinner BrownMan: We'll be there, dude. GavinoFree: Michael, boi, why can't you just be here already? I miss you :( MLP Michael: Christ, Gavin, I'll be there in a few days BM Vagabond: To be fair, Gavin, we did talk about this. MLP Michael: Yeah yeah I should have given my two weeks earlier, I've heard it all before DG Geoff: He will not stop complaining about it. I think he's smothering Ray. JackP: He is. (JackP has attached a photo.) BrownMan: I came here to have a good time and Im feeling so attacked right now MLP Michael: Gavin, you fucking leech -MM: Couches have two cushions for a reason BM Vagabond: We may not be the best example of that. BrownMan: Hey, man, fitting five people on a couch is an art MLP Michael: Okay, dickheads, I need to pack. Stop blowing up my phone GavinoFree: I love you, Michael :) MLP Michael: Fuck off -MM: I love you too, boi -MM: I'll see you guys later (JackP has attached a photo.) DG Geoff: We'll be waiting for you.
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momentsofmendes · 8 years
Do ya? Part One
“Do you remember your first big heart break?” “First, last…latest. Yeah that sort of pain never really leaves you. You’ll know what I mean about that one day.” I answered her. “Latest? Ah.” she smiled at me knowingly. “What?” I laughed. “I wondered why you were suddenly free and eager to come over here on vacation.” “It’s not a vacation, as you yankee-doodles say. It’s a holiday. An eight week long holiday which I am using to forget the boyfriend that just left me. We lived together, so I’m now homeless until I start university in approximately 10 week’s time.” I tried to sound jovial about the whole thing, was pushing the whole ordeal to the back of my mind and trying to focus on the positives which were a) a whole summer in New York with a friend b) freedom c) I was finally starting university in September - about four years behind the rest of my friends who had always known what they wanted to do. I hadn't been so lucky. I had to venture out in the scary world of work to discover what I really wanted to do with my life. “Guessing you don't want to talk about it, but I really want your advise. I haven't even had my first kiss yet and its so hard to meet guys. Especially now that I’m in college, they all want one thing.” she rolled her eyes. I loved that she still had something innocent about her. He had yet to experience a lot of things, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. She hadn't experienced the heart wrenching experience of someone leaving you, falling out of love with you. I had one guy I was seeing for a few weeks cheat on me with one of my best friends. The funny thing about that ordeal was that if she’d just told me in the first place I would have told her that I wasn't that interested in him. We haven't spoken since. “One of the positives of this break up is that I can now put the money I saved for a house towards university. 10 weeks to go.” I raised my glass. “To new beginnings, and to my stories putting you off men forever.”
Vanessa’s idea of cheering me up was steering a semi drunk me to what looked like a concert venue. “Who’s playing?” I asked. “I cant tell you.” “I need to know, if its someone hot you’re supposed to throw your knickers at them in appreciation. What do I throw at this person?” The knicker throwing was an old saying, pretty sure it was something my mum’s generation did back in the Rod Stewart days. She laughed, a bubble forming from her nose. I erupted into uncontrollable laughter in unison. “Throw whatever you brits throw at each other.” “In that case I need to crack into my emergency tea supplies and load up on ammo.” I dug around in my hand bag before I came across what I was after, not really sure why I had packed them in there and not my carry on, and pulled out my box of Dorset Tea. “I’m sure that this mysterious person will appreciate my efforts as I’m sure they too recognise how hard it is to get a decent cup tea here. “You’ve been in the country for four hours.” she laughed. “Precisely, I’m gasping.” It quickly became apparent that the person who's concert we were attending was a big deal, the queue outside extended way down the street. “You don't mind waiting here while I grab the tickets from over there do you?” she pointed towards the end of the line and then over to the box office. I shrugged. “We love to queue.” She didn't get that I was making a joke, but I didn't expect her to either. I observed the other people in the queue, a mixture of ages and both men and women. All were dressed pretty normally, no band shirts in sight to give away who it was. I wondered who she liked and tried to work it out. It couldn't be one direction due to the current hiatus and the fact that the queue was relatively calm and not awash with screaming teen girls. She came back over a few moments later which surprised me, brandishing what looked like VIP passes. “For you.” she said, passing me one of the neck worn passes. “Wow, fancy. Where do you get the money for this stuff?” She tapped the side of her nose and whispered. “My dad’s in the garbage disposal business.” “I think I’ve worked out who it is, and he is definitely going to appreciate my tea bags.”
“Give me love like her. ‘Cos lately I’ve been waking up alone.” We sang along loudly, every word felt like it was stretching my lungs to capacity, and by the end of the concert I was hoarse and a little dizzy and hot from being packed in so close to everyone else in the crowd. “There’s a bar in the VIP area, I’ve been here before.” she guided me through the crowd, most were dispersing out into the foyer of the venue to go home, but not us, oh no. Vanessa was resourceful. I’d have to ask what she meant about her dad later on, it was probably an inside joke that I didn't get, just like she didn't get so many of mine.
“So what is a cheeky nandos? Ed mentioned it between drunk and don’t.” “Why don't you ask yourself?” I giggled, pointing in the direction of the very bar we were heading for that she had turned away from to question me. “He’s right there.” “I can’t!” “Why not? Take a tea bag with you for a conversation starter.” I was half joking but thought it would actually be the sort of thing he might find funny, or at least memorable. I could imagine him going on the Graham Norton show and being questioned about the craziest things fans have ever done, giving him a tea bag in a New York concert venue had to be up there with some of the craziest things he’d ever experienced, surely. “Fine but I’m approaching it from the ‘my friend is a crazy weirdo from the uk that carries tea around in her purse’ angle.” “Fine but remember, never put the milk in first.” I shoved her in Ed’s direction, watching closely as she tottered off towards him, her heels making herself head and shoulders above most in the room, she really didn't need them. I positioned myself at the bar and looked at the tender, wondering if he was going to ask me for ID and if he would accept my UK driving license as proof enough of my age, or whether I should have brought my passport with me. I ordered a cocktail, something with a weird name, it was the only thing on the menu without a rude name. “You don't look old enough to be drinking.” the voice came from behind me, it was accented but not one that I could place. I was terrible at recognising regional accents. I knew for sure that he wasn't from Jersey like Vanessa, she had a very memorable twang to her voice. I turned and looked at him. Tall, slim but well build, very handsome with dark brown hair that quaffed up at the front, and a strong jaw that wore a goofy smile. I sized him up. “Neither do you, does your mum know you're out?” “She does actually, she’s here.” he laughed. The tender came back with my drink and I turned fully to the guy and held out my hand. “I’m Elle.” “Shawn.” she shook my hand, somewhat awkwardly which made me feel like a nutter for even offering it. “Which one’s your mum then?” I asked, sipping my drink. It was fruity, and way too sweet. “That one over there.” He pointed then laughed awkwardly. “She’s a brit too.” “Ha that’s funny, I didn't expect to meet quite so many while I was over here. I was here for some escapism.” “She made me come over because she noticed you getting teabags out and giving them to that very tall girl. Looks like she's making a big impression on Ed by the way.” I leaned onto my tip toes and peeked over his shoulder at Vanessa, who was in hysterics, as was Ed, both bent double. “I knew that would work.” “Are you from the same place as the tea?” I shook my head, snapping back to our conversation rather than spying on my friend over his shoulder. “Yes - well where the brand is from. Tea isn't really grown in the UK, everyone knows its all imported. We like to pretend that we invented it though.” “You’re kind of funny y’know?” he smiled at me, a really big smile and I went all melty. Forgetting that I had vowed to be a boy free zone for the rest of my life, or just the next three years while studying. “Funny looking?” I probed. “Definitely not - you’re hot.” “Wow you american guys are forward…” I laughed, widening my eyes. “I’m Canadian.” his cheeks gained a blushed hue and I smiled. “My apologies, I don't have a good ear for accents - and all I know about Canada is hockey, maple leaf, moose, cold, Justin Bieber…” I laughed awkwardly. “Well Elle. I’d like to give you a lesson if you have time. How long are you on vacation for?” He looked hopeful, reaching into his pocket and fishing out a phone. “I’m on holiday over here for 8 weeks, pretty much the whole summer. Do you live here?” I asked. “At the moment.” he nodded, running his hand through the back of his hair, making it stick up even more. “I’m doing some work here, a uh project.” “You’re old enough to work?” I joked. “Hey - I’m probably no younger than you are. You’re what? 19?” I laughed. “Try 22. You’re 19?” “18 - but I’m very mature for my age.” he assured me. I wouldn't have been able to guess that he were only 18 if he hadn't said anything. He had soulful dark brown eyes that seemed older and wiser than their years, like they had really seen the world and had a story to tell - I liked that. “I’m sorry to dash Shawn but I think my friend just did something embarrassing and needs a swift escape. I’m going to go and save her.” I smiled, touching his wrist, the hand that still clutched the phone. “Wait - Elle. Can I- Can I have your number?” I took the phone from him and typed my number in, ensuring to include the +44 prefix at the beginning and advised him to whatsapp me so that I didn't get a horrendous roaming bill from O2 higher than my student loan. He just smiled, shaking his head lightly with a suppressed laugh. His parting words as I brushed past his shoulder were “She’s different.”
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