canadianabroadvery · 1 year
DoFo denies that they were ever his friends in the first place. Standing in front of reporters, he tried to rewrite the past.
“You’re saying they’re my friends. I have more friends, regular common folk than builders. Again, you want to imply that? It’s just not accurate.”
Reporter: “Premier, you said they were your friends.”
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lamaery · 1 year
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This are from the beginning of last year, but are still more beach AU ideas in my mind... ID below the cut:
Image description: The first image shows an evening scene wire a dark sky in the background. Lirin and Dalianar sit to the left at a bar. A warm glow surrounding their figures as they talk. A bit to their right stand Adolin and Kaladin side-eyeing them and uncomfortably sipping at bottles (of beer? probably?). A bit further back is Shallan gesturing towards them and to the ongoing fireworks in the background. Next to her Renarin and Rlain are walking in the direction of the crowds watching the fireworks. Rlains hand is placed on Renarin's back and he is laughing. To the very right of the picture is a smaller figure floating in the air, while a man with think black curly hair is casually holding its leg. A string of colourful string light is decorating the canpoy of the bar and a palm tree in the background. The three consecutive images are crops of the first one, showing Lirin and Dalinar talking, Kaladin and Adolin listening and Renarin and Rlain walking next to each other.
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themoreuplay · 2 years
Birds of Costa Rica ,Squirrel-cuckoo, Boat billed flycatcher and Slatey-tailed trogon.
These blogs are a series looking at birds I have personally photographed in Costa Rica. Squirrel cuckoo A large and extremely long tailed bird,this bird was hiding in the canpoy and was difficult to photograph.Named for its squirrel like movement.Mainly an insect eater it is not considered to be in danger. Boat-billed flycatcher. The boat billed flycatcher has a huge black bill ,similar to…
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sumzysworld · 3 years
Newlyweds + joonie!
I had fun with this!
Namjoon x OC
Wordcount: 3.8k
Warnings: Virgin! Namjoon, Virgin! OC, first night shenanigans, his group mates are little shits, very helpfully unhelpful advice on sex, masturbation, they're a cute couple, dammit.
A Lifetime Together
They faced each other in the candlelit room, nervousness radiating off of each other's faces. You looked like a Renaissance painting, Namjoon thought, lace veil framing your face, the flowers in your hair curling into your neck, and your gorgeous dress draped over sloping shoulders as your lovely eyes took in the room set up for both of you.
It was a cringefest. Flowers and candles marked a path that led to a canpoied four-poster bed that was covered in even more rose petals. The scent in the room was heavy. Namjoon loved plants, and hated the idea of ripping up roses to make this monstrosity up. He took a tentative step into the room, and saw even more candles lining up the room, and a bedside table that had wine, strawberries, chocolate and surprise! condoms.
Honeymoon suite indeed.
He groaned. He really shouldn't have left the planning of his wedding up to someone else.
What were you doing?
He turned to find you still immobilized near the entrance, your voluminous skirts in danger of catching fire from the candles the wedding planner had thoughtfully lit everywhere. You gave him a helpless look, and he rushed to extinguish the candles so you could walk in.
After putting out most of the candles and avoiding a potential fire, he realised the room was now plunged into rose scented darkness, with only a sliver of light coming in from the balcony window. He heard a grunt - you had bumped into the table edge, as you ran your gloved hand over the wall.
"What ARE you doing?"
"Looking for a light switch...hang on...I thought I saw one HERE!" You exclaimed triumphantly, and the room was bathed in warm light again. You turned to him with a smile, and took him in. His close cropped hair looked terrific, as did the tailored suit that hugged his gigantic sculpted frame, nearly dwarfing you. He shot you a disarming dimpled smile - he too had been admiring you.
Both of you felt a bit lost, for a moment, before you sighed and moved towards the dresser. You turned to ask him, "would you please help me unpin my veil?"
He nodded, looking a tad serious, a little lost, and wholly focused. When you sat down in the chair, you were even tinier than before.
Namjoon wanted to put you in his pocket.
Tentative fingers inched towards your veil. "Umm..."
Unclipping your earrings, you glanced at his hesitant reflection. "What is it?"
"You know I'm really clumsy right....?"
"I might ruin..."
"Namjoon...it's okay! I can't possibly sleep in this huge thing. Besides, wedding dresses get worn only once. This has already served its purpose. Now come on, see those pins? Pull them out one by one, please?"
Your practicality threw him, it always did.
He met you for the first time at a high-end boutique Cafe. He wasn't sure how he ended up here, and didn't believe he got talked into a matchmaking date. He blamed his parents, Bang PD, and his virgoan desire for perfection.
He had a plan. Finish his service by 32. Get married by 34. Become a father by 36.
And that plan was going to be derailed due to one tiny detail. He didn't have a girlfriend. After his teenage dating debacle, that became ARMY legend, he had set aside his romantic plans to focus on music and building his group up. His innate desire for perfection and anxieties didn't let him venture into the dating pool despite being surrounded by women wherever he went.
His agency didn't have a dating clause, though they had confidentiality rules. That let his younger more social members explore and test the waters freely, their butterfly lives being cleaned up zealously by their PR teams, while he did his bit as leader, and hunkered down to work. And oftentimes, that meant pushing aside any sparks he felt, or breaking his own heart a few times for the betterment of the group. Nobody knew these things. They probably just saw him as some kind of unattainable sage.
After his service, when he was back at work, trying to tweak his contract, Bang PD had taken him out for a drink, which turned into a few drinks. It was the anniversary of when both of them official met, and Bang PD had chosen to take a chance on him.
So they drank. And spoke. And Namjoon spoke his heart out, about the loneliness, the plans he had, and how it was all doomed to fail, all because he had set his quest for companionship aside in pursuit of success. Bang PD had mused that it was hard to find love in this industry.
Everyone knew or knew of everyone else. And they were constantly scrutinized against a gold standard. Bringing commoners into this lifestyle would be cruel, terrifying even. He pointed out some of the more successful couples - Taeyang and Hyorin, versus Chen, who had to keep his private life in the dark and nearly wrecked his career in the process.
"It's easier when you know the person on the other side is someone who can handle fame well", Bang PD had mused, "They don't have to be defined by the fame, but able to handle it positively."
"So, another idol? A colleague?" Namjoon asked him?
"No, not necessarily. Probably someone just as successful as you, but in their own way?" Bang PD had replied, "Keep an open mind, will you?"
So yeah, Namjoon decided to stay open minded. Enough that it landed him in front of a matchmaker. His open mind and his practicality brought him to this conclusion. He could picture the rest of the guys rolling around in laughter. Trying to date was one thing. A Matchmaker??
"Technically, Tinder is a Matchmaker too!" He argued, "except I think it is sadder to rely on an algorithm over human connection". The boys hadn't stopped giggling even when he stepped out.
He was getting too old for this.
The middle aged suited woman had given him an understanding look, and they spoke at length about his tastes, hobbies, worldview and so on. She listened carefully, jotted down whatever she thought and even advised him. And promised to get back to him within the week, under strict confidentiality.
And within the week he had four prospective profiles sitting in his inbox. One was a surgeon. One was a university professor of law. One was a ballet dancer. And one was you.
A young environmentalist, who started her own non profit, which due to an innovative business model, eventually became for-profit, you were effectively a businesswoman who shrewdly cut your way through the market, making a mark even amidst the old sharks that dominated the commercial landscape. With sharp eyes, enormous dignity, a way with words and incredible zeal, you passionately advocated for cleaner, greener products. You even went to the UN for chrissake. Watching your pitch videos made him want to give you all his money.
He thought he had a type. Tall willowy women with fair skin. He'd even written about it.
And whe you both met for the first time, he was thrown again. You were tiny. Quiet, shy, you both had a formal coffee, till you noticed the light drizzle outside, and asked him if he was opposed to getting wet. When he shook his head, you led him to the cafe patio, where both of you basked in the light cool drizzle, before asking him if he was up for a bike ride down the river, in the steadily increasing rain.
He decided he had been wrong all this while about his type after all.
After that, neither of your schedules allowed you to meet much, but you texted and videocalled often. You sent him a wall garden to install in his flat. And in true sapiosexual fashion, both of you had fallen for the other's minds.
Your decision to marry had been a practical one too- you were both approaching your respective ideal ages, you really loved each other, despite having very little time and mere snatches of physical proximity before jetsetting across the globe again for your careers, and to be honest, you both felt you had a lifetime to explore each other anyway. And so, six months after you exchanged your first tentative hello, you both announced your engagement, to be married in a few short months.
The media went into a frenzy, but you were already a darling. Approval poured in from all directions, and before you both knew it, you were ready to walk down the aisle.
Well, approval of all kinds if you excuse the merciless teasing of the maknaes.
"What do you mean you never-"
"You wrote EXPENSIVE GIRL! How could YOU not have -"
"SHADDUP! IT AINT A CRIME TO BE A VIRGIN!" Jin roared, silencing the boys.
"Thanks Hyung, why don't you go down the street and announce it a bit louder with a megaphone?" Namjoon asked him sarcastically.
He looked abashed, before turning and shushing the maknaes, who were barely restraining their laughter.
"How did you agree to get married without,-", "The way people have chosen to marry for thousands of years, Jimin. We got matched, got acquainted, and liked each other enough to take that step." Namjoon gritted out.
"But your marriage is tomorrow morning!"
"I just...I've watched porn and stuff, okay...and I'm not sure if I'll do things right..."
"Do you like her?", Yoongi cut in sharply
"As in, are you sexually attracted to her?" Yoongi pressed on, with trademark bluntness. "I do!"
"Then just follow your instincts"
Jin and Taehyung stared at Yoongi in horror, "That's not going to cut it!"
"He's a man, not an ape!" "A man with NEEDS-"
Hoseok grabbed his shoulders, inhaling deeply, "Look, what matters is how much you care for each other, okay? A lot of sex is about technique, but all that technique goes in the bin if you don't have what it takes to treat your partner with care and respect."
"Doesn't always work, sometimes they like to be tossed around and called names-" "SHUT IT, Jungkook!"
"POINT IS", Hoseok turned back to him with emphasis," this is not some exam you can cram for. Lots of people marry without an ounce of prior experience. But what matters if if they can explore together. Pay attention to your partner. Cater to her needs. And remember, be honest. Don't hesitate. That opens a can of worms you won't be prepared for.
Remember you have a lifetime with this woman. Treat her right and do it honestly. Set your insecurities aside and focus on each other."
After that inspiringly unhelpful advice, he was left alone to sleep before his big day tomorrow. As he brushed his teeth, he glanced at himself in the mirror, and then down at the unassuming bulge in his shorts.
Would you like it? Would you like him?
He felt like a teenager again, Toothbrush in his mouth, stripping in front of a mirror to reveal a toned body no woman had touched since his career took off, his hands tentatively running over his midriff and thighs before closing on his length. Tightening his hand, and stroking himself gently, he let thoughts of you flood his mind- the curve of your neck, the subtle scent of your sweat through the perfume, small firm hands in his large ones, and the sensation of your body against his the few times you wrapped up in each other as you made out. He remembered how you fit against him like a Jigsaw puzzle, tall enough to sling his arm over your shoulder, short enough to rest his chin on your head, curves generous enough to contrast softly against his muscled frame. So soft he wanted to bite into your skin. Man, he was a savage, he thought.
Scattered memories of your hushed encounters flooded his mind as he quickened his pace, spilling onto the bathroom floor.
And wished that they both had taken it further the few times they managed to meet in person. He couldn't wait to have you in his arms.
And now, as he unpinned your veil carefully, undid the flowers in your hairdo, letting your hair spill loose into his palm, inhaling your scent, the nervous anticipation returned.
While you removed your jewelery, shook your hair loose, and with a tissue, wiped your face free of makeup
He didn't think you needed makeup. You looked gorgeous as you removed these formal trappings to breathe again.
Left in just your dress, you swept to the suitcase left waiting for you, as Namjoon stood swimming in his own thoughts. He slipped off his blazer, undid his tie, took off his waistcoat and cummerbund, to find you standing stock still. You had a lingerie set scrunched in your hands, head bowed, hair falling over your face to hide your flustered expression.
You reacted, startled at him calling your name, turning to hide the lingerie set behind your back.
"What's the matter?"
"Ehhe...it looks like my mom forgot to include my nightie...", you tried to laugh awkwardly.
He sighed. You both probably weren't there yet. "Hang on, I'll see if I can grab you one of my tees"
He turned, and looked around the room, to find his suitcase missing.
"Hang on. Where's my stuff?"
He called room service. They explained that they were given only one suitcase to stock there - yours. He knew who the culprits were. He was going to kill his brothers.
Thinking for a moment, he unbuttoned his shirt and handed it to you. You glanced at it with tentative eyes. "Wear this for tonight. I'm really sorry if you're feeling awkward"
As you quietly took his shirt, he followed it up with a "You know we don't have to do anything you don't want to, right?"
You inhaled and nodded at him. "We got married by our own choice. We can set our own pace too. Nobody else gets to decide that. Okay?"
Your face reddened, and relaxed, a soft smile spreading across it, as you clutched his shirt happily. "Can you unzip my dress?" You asked, brushing your hair aside, showing your back to him.
Somehow, the tension in the air seemed to thicken as his form loomed behind you, hands reaching up to drag the zipper doen before-SNAP!
You snapped your head back to look at him wide eyed, as he returned your wide eyed gaze with his own panicked one, raising his hand to reveal the broken zipper slider. The God of Destruction was back.
Okay, you decided, you weren't going to panic and lose your temper the first night you spent together. Breathing deeply (with difficulty because, GOD, who decided that wedding gowns had to be so tight?), you asked him to hold onto both halves of your dress and try and pull the rest of the zipper halves apart.
It didn't work. It was halfway zipped, cold air hitting your upper back, while the lower half remained tightly fastened. Namjoon frowned, thinking.
"You're not wearing this gown again", he said.
"Since you're not wearing this gown again, I could try and use some force", Namjoon repeated.
Was he volunteering to rip your dress???
"Wait a minute-"
"You said it yourself, ----!"
Be logical, be logical, you chanted to yourself. Of course. He could rip it out. You weren't going to wear it again. But it was a memory of your wedding dammit. Maybe you could get it repaired later
But you were exhausted. And horny.
And this dress was in the way.
Taking a deep breath, you looked up at him, and gave him a firm nod. Getting your approval, Namjoon gripped both sides of your dress in his fists, tightening his muscles (you totally weren't ogling his bulging biceps) and pulled his arms apart in one go.
The dress ripped dramatically down all the way to nearly your knees before pooling dramatically at your feet, your nearly bare torso exposed to his gaze. Yiu yelped as you covered your front with your hands, but not before he'd gotten a tantalizing eyeful in the mirror.
He stood gawking with your ruined dress in his arms, before dropping them lamely, and turning around with a ,"I'll let you change". But the sight of your bare curves still swam in his eyelids, as you hastily slipped on his dress shirt and buttoned up.
"I'm decent now," you announced, and he turned to find another sight that made his heart skip.
You were SWIMMING in his shirt. Your long hair tumbled down one side, and your small frame looked adorable. You had a formal shirt version of sweater paws, as you tried to roll up the sleeves to let your hands show.
He tried not to show how much it affected him as he strode to the washroom, stripped down to his shorts and washed his face. He caught sight of a bathrobe that he put on and stepped out, saying, "hey, I hope you don't mind me sleeping in shorts. As you can see, my stuff isn't here either"
"Don't worry about it!" You answered brightly, before turning your attention to the bed. More specifically, the heart formed by the rose petals that was spread on the linen. "I'm getting rid of this"
"Yeah, sure....ummm...don't crush them?"
You nodded, and untucked the comforter, bundling it to hold the rose petals, before emptying them into the trashcan.
You then shook the sheet clean and walked back to the bed, jumping on it. Namjoon still stood near the bathroom, clad in the robe awkwardly.
"OH come ON, Joon!", you patted the pillow for emphasis. "It's LATE!"
He turned off the lights, before slipping off the bathrobe, and, clad only in shorts, climbed into the bed beside you, pulling the comforter up.
Both of you stared at the ceiling for a moment. You let out a giggle. "This is ridiculous "
"We've slept in the same bed before, albeit in pyjamas. We're married now. We're obviously fully comfortable with each other. So why are we making this so weird?", you whispered. "It isn’t weird, it's different" , Namjoon whispered back. "We're gonna be spending a lifetime like this, next to each other. I'll be waking up to your sleepy face"
"You already know what my sleepy face looks like"
"It's different, and you know it!"
You turned to your side, facing him, head resting on your hand. "Tell me", you began seriously, "is it really that different? We haven't gone all the way, but we have been in each other's arms. The only difference is now we know I'm yours and you're mine. Shouldn't that make it better?"
Your fingers danced near his clavicle.
Namjoon turned to face you, his large hand running through your hair before playing with your curls a little. "It does. I'm just afraid of messing up."
"We have a lifetime, Joon. It's okay if we try stuff and don't like it. We can learn"
You'd caught onto the insecurities in his eyes.
You wondered why, though. His body was clearly sculpted by the gods, and to testify, he had over 120 million people screaming his name worldwide. What did he have to be insecure about? He was frowning as he seemed to register something.
"Wait...we?" He exclaimed
You bit your lip. "I haven't lost my V-card either" You whispered shyly.
He'd never asked, but the surprise on his face wasn't lost on you. "I told you I was an awkward teenager, right?", you spoke, in a soft small voice, as he nodded encouragingly. "So I didn't date. I didn't think I was...dateable. I had things to prove, so I focused on succeeding. On proving myself. And...as I grew, even after university, I realised it wasn't easy to build relationships and meet people"... your voice trailed off, but it didn't fully answer his question. You sighed.
"So...I may have grown up past university but I didn't really grow out of my awkwardness. I dressed conservatively and kept my head down. If it wasn't for a good friend who literally helped me change my usual style, I probably wouldn't have considered myself attractive. But that has its downsides in business", you explained. He frowned. How could being attractive be a downside?
"And...when it comes to women entrepreneurs, it's a little worse. I realised just how often, the men I met for business didn't actually intend to meet me for business, it was a pretext to try their luck with me. Nothing wrong in responding to their overtures, I suppose, but I've seen the reputation of a Sunbae who had a relationship with a businessman plummet. People stopped seeing her for the work she did, and saw her instead as someone who slept her way to the top.
I couldn't do that, not when I had a cause I was responsible for. So, I chose to put myself out there after I built my enterprise....That's my story."
You curled into yourself, not really meeting his eye.
He swept your hair off your cheeks, before cupping your face in his palm, making you look into his eyes again. They held a degree of assurance that made you feel a lot better. "We go at our pace", he repeated. "At our pace", you agreed, and snuggled up closer to him, resting your head on his chest.
You could hear his heartbeat.
His powerful arms enveloped you, pulling you close as he buried his nose in your hair, before peppering kisses down your temple, your cheek, your button nose, and back to your lips in a slow languid kiss.
You responded, opening up to him, hands running over his chest and shoulders, grazing his Adam's apple before curling into his short hair, as the kiss intensified with your desire. Namjoon turned slightly to envelop you from above as he continued his assault on your lips, a flame of desire curling up his spine at the all to real sensation of your nearly bare curves against his skin, under him as you grazed your toes against his leg.
Just as you split apart to breathe and he brought one of his hands down to your hip, to slip it under the shirt, you yawned.
The desire swimming in your eyes was tempered with exhaustion, the long day's events catching up to you. He was used to long, grueling days. You weren't.
He put a lid on his growing desire, before smoothing your hair, and pecking your nose. "Get some sleep, ----"
You nodded, a sleepy smile spreading on kiss-bitten lips, before flinging a leg over his torso, and shutting your eyes.
He adjusted himself to try and be a little more comfortable. You were fast asleep, but your curves against his body didn't let his senses wind down. He looked down, his erection still tenting his shorts, and realised he couldn't and didn't want to get up to deal with it. The way you'd draped yourself over him made it doubly difficult.
It's okay, Namjoon, he told himself. Wait a little. Rest a little.
After all, you both had a lifetime together to do it right.
The next morning, as the both of you enjoyed room service for breakfast, and were wrapped up in chatting with each other, you didn't notice the steward glancing at the ripped up wedding dress, and quietly exiting the room to whisper to the rest of the boys waiting with bated breath down the corridor, "They appear to have had a wild night, sir".
Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other triumphantly, as a grumbling four pulled out their wallets to hand crisp notes over.
Jungkook tipped the steward very generously.
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draconicfeathers · 6 years
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#trees #canpoy #sky #nofilter #🌳 #🍃 (at Liberty State Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvC2JHFnmHU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ric4d0e1gx09
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storiesofhimalayas · 4 years
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Canpoy walks leading into the mystical forest of Lolegaon 😍. . 📸✈@the_lostwanderer_ . Stay safe and Keep your travelling dreams alive 😊 . #storiesofhimalayas #himalayas #lolegaon (at Lolegaon Hanging Bridge) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAwhLRmFbyQ/?igshid=wyaq6xu56gwm
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mcousland · 4 years
the (incomplete) tally of Inappropriate media maeve has posted online that her agent has texted her about while losing their mind and demanding she take them down for heaven's sake:
that one with the naked woman on the canpoy bed behind her in some hotel room
her in the kitchen wearing a very short robe, with the chest-down view of a half-naked man behind her
short video of her at a nightclub, dancing in-between a man and woman with doja cat blasting in the background
the photo of her barely concealed backside lounging on the beach taken over the shoulder
not Technically posted by maeve but still caused a Frenzy:
that clip of her answering fan questions on a livestream which suddenly has a guy in the background asking (in a not so subtle tone) "when are you going to come to bed, dear?" and she looks beyond the camera with a positively Wicked grin before the stream abruptly ends
the candids of her smooching various people anskdmdk leave her ALONE she's got a lot of love to give
that one pic of her straddling her co-star's lap at some party that had rumors whirling for months whoops
wait also that photo of her getting a little Too close to one of her bodyguards while exiting an event
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opzopcom · 3 years
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Beach Tent Pop-Up Beach Umbrella Sun Shelter Pop Up UV50+ Canpoy by Alvantor, Coolhut Plus available now on opzop.com #Opzop #OpzopMarket https://www.instagram.com/p/CUM1qEcoKRA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ofmagicallonging · 3 years
Anon asked for bedroom and stars for Puck for the headcannon drabble meme
When Puck lived with the fae, he slept in the forest. His bed suspended by vines high up in the trees. Every night he'd fall asleep to the sounds of nature with sky full of stars and a canpoy of tree sheltering him. It was perfect. Nothing was more beautiful than that sight which he'd fall into the land of dreams with. Nothing was ever going to compare to that.
So when Puck moved to live with the mortals, he had no idea how to recreate that wonderful sight. At first he couldn't sleep. No bedroom seemed right. Not like his forest had. No bed was comfortable. No decoration worked. It wasn't until he found a space that he could work for him that Puck was finally able to sleep once again. Covering the ceiling in a mural of the night sky, stars and all. Then covering the walls of his room in plants, making sure it created a feeling of the forest. That added with his canopy bed that looked like it made into a tree and Puck finally felt like he was back home. His bedroom had his forest and his stars. That way he could live the best of both worlds.
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homeshelfau · 4 years
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So good to hear that the majority of display homes in Melbourne will be open this weekend. Best to still call ahead to double-check if an appointment is needed. ⁣ ⁣ Btw, I'm in love with this home. The Spinifex double-storey design by @beachwoodhomes is open this weekend, on display at the Canpoy Estate, Cranbourne. ⁣ #displayhome #melbournebuilder #homeshelf⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣⁣#canopyestate #cranbourne #interiorinspo #interiorlovers #homeinspiration #interiordetails #housedesign #designinspiration #homegoals #designinspo #interiorlovers #interiorinspo #homedesign #homeinspiration #melbournehomes #livingroominspo #livingroomdesign #diningroominspo #displayhomes #displayhomesmelbourne https://www.instagram.com/p/CHPp4rZjF5F/?igshid=1u4mhu8rbgye9
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canadianabroadvery · 4 years
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printtrade · 5 years
Canopy Tent
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Printtrade also deals custom Size Canopy tent As Per Customer Demand. Printtrade makes any type demo tent, Promotional Canopy, Printed Canopy, Plain Canopy, Advertising tents etc.
Being developed with acute skills and precision the Canopy comes in different dimensions which are as follows:
4x4x7 ft canopy- There will be 7 banners in total 3 each in top & bottom and 1 as background. Top banners will be 4x1 ft size each & bottom banners will be 4x2.5 ft each where 4 ft in length. Background banner will be 4x7 ft.
6x6x7 ft canopy - There will be 7 banners in total 3 each in top & bottom and 1 as background. Top banners will be 6x1 ft size each & bottom banners will be 6x2.5 ft each where 6 ft in length. Background banner will be 6x7 ft.
Shipping- The Printed Canopy is dispatched in 2 working days (after finalisation of design) via surface transport.
Key Features of Canopy Tent
Portable/ Foldable- Light-weight and easily carried around
Waterproof- The material used in manufacturing prevents any damage from the water
Heavy-duty iron frame - Stands tall and rigid due to the sturdy materials used for support
Long-lasting- The fabric of the flex endures normal wear and tear and remains intact over longer periods.
Ideal for outdoor campaigns- The ease of carrying and moving makes it a viable option for advertising and marketing
Free carry bag- A free carry bag is included to add more ease for our customers easy to install and easy to carry with carry bag
Delivery all over India- We ship almost to every corner of India.
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WANKANER, YAMUNOTRI, YERCAUD, YUKSOM. & all over india free delivery. Canopy tent deliverd With best packing & approved with all quality testing like banner printing quality testing pipe quality testing printtrade provide one free carry bags in every canopy tent. Printtrade india best wholesaler of Adevertising tent & canopy tent. canopy is Best idea for brand promotions printtrade makes best quality canopy. our canopy price is best with best quality canopy tents. printtrade serve best rate of canopy. promotional canopy is best idea for brand and product promotion printtrade make promotional canopy with coustom print. Canopy tent always packed in thick Carogated box and dispatch via our logistics partner canopy tent delivered all over India any location. promotional canopy tent is best idea for product promotion.
Printtrade also make canopy and canopies, demo tent  For India Bigest Brands Ex. Lic (Life Insurance Corporation of India), Sbi (State Bank of India), Indian Post, Airtel, Idea, Vodafone, Hero, Honda, Suzuki,Yamaha, Aprilia, BMW, Royal Enfield, Jio, Maruti Suzuki, imc etc.We Make Best Quality Canopy For Best impression. printtrade india best  manufacturers of canopies and canopy tent we also sell in wholesale and retail. canopy tent mostly use for road side marketing and brand promotion. printtrade canopy tent sale in india.
printtrade make best quality canopy tent. we make also deals plain and printed canopy tent. printed canopy tent make with best art work. plain canopy tent also plain soild red and blue color. in two sizes 4x4x7 & 6x6x7 feet.
We also make costum size canopies in both type plain canopies and printed canopies. our team also cheak all quality test in canopy tent  beafore dispatch. canopy packed in thick carogated carogated box and dispatch via our logistics partner canopy tent very demanded product for advertising and marketing use. Canopy tent is best idea for brand promotion and product marketing.
Printtrade also free delivery via fedex canopy tent in major city like jaipur, nagpur, patna, satna, surat and all over india.
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willodeanmerryma · 5 years
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canpoy – idea4homedecor.co… -#home_decor_ideas #home_decor #home_ideas #home_d… https://ift.tt/323eK6w
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ginamiranda-art · 6 years
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The canpoy of the rainforest. 70%of the rain that falls, stays in the canopy... #costarica #river #nature #naturelover #instanature #instagood #outdoors #landscapephotography #puravida #waterfall #photooftheday #travellersnotebook #travelgram #littlebitsof_life #magicalmoment #wandering #nature_shooters #earth #naturelovers #lovenature #hiking #hikingtrails #naturewalks #outdoors #wild #hiker #hiker #wanderlust #wanderer (at Mistico Arenal Hanging Bridges Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsibGf7h9i9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wsppqass42rv
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valleyprintshop · 7 years
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#powered by #valleyprintshop #full #color #canpoy #expresstruckservice (at Valley.Print.Shop)
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megaiwer · 8 years
my childhood XD. this theme plays in the level “the canpoy“ it starts when a big spider falls just in front of you and starts chasing you. To some it was pretty scary experiance and music made this moment nightmare  fuel... for me... it wasn’t. even more I enjoyed the music and the spider became one of my favourite enemies.
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