#canonically reincarnate or if you only go by SL
truly-morgan · 1 year
[NHS want NMJ back, feat.WWX (w.i.p)]
Nie Brothers | Mo Dao Zu Shi 13-07-2021
[#niehuaisang #niemingjue , post-canon feat. Wwx]
What if after the event at the temple, nie huaisang as people go and sneakily bring back his brother's body. He finally got it back in one piece (kind of) and he won't let it be caged with the person who killed him. He hates that he has to chain nmj in the secret chamber he has, but it is for his own good and so he doesn't attract people's attention to them.
His second in command is a bit unsure as he looks at the trashing body of the former sect leader. "Nie-zongzhu, are you sure this is the right thing to do?"
Nhs didn't turn to him as he kept watching his brother (or rather the body off). He knew what he probably meant by this question. But nmj was already out of the circle of reincarnation with his present state, What could be worse? Trying the drag back his consciousness would only make it that it was not "necessary" to destroy nmj for being an uncontrollable fierce corps.
He knew it was possible. Wwx did it once with wn while sl still had his too.
"Send the missive to cloud recess" nhs simply said with certainty.
"Do you think he will accept to help?"
"He will" he simply replied, folding shut his fan, "he won't have another choice".
With this nhs turned around, getting out of the chamber, ready to go back to his preparation for his plan. A large part of his plan was finally over.
But it was not over yet and he wouldn't give up now either.
"Wei-gongzi, a missive from qinghe arrived for you" said a disciple as he entered the training ground where he was helping the juniors train.
"From qinghe?" Wwx asked a bit surprised and curious. There was only one person in qinghe he really knew.
He left lsz to train with ljy, taking the letter after thanking the disciple who went back to his other duties. He had a curious smile on his lips as he first started to read, before his face dropped to something a bit more serious, frowning slightly now.
His sudden shift in attitude only made the juniors curious too, wondering what could make the man's mood change so quickly.
"Is everything alright?" Lsz asks a bit worried something might have happened.
"Yes, nothing for you to worry about" wwx smiled, the action looking a bit more forced than it should be. He rolled back the missive, putting it in his robe. "It seems I have some things to do now, you will sadly not have my great expertise to train with," he said, Making ljy eyes roll a bit. Lsz could only watch wwx walk away looking a bit troubled and unsure. He went to warn lwj about it, just so someone could keep an eye on wwx.
Yet, when lwj joined wwx back at the jingshi. But all he could catch was wwx destroying a roll with a fire talisman, frowning a bit as he bit his lip.
"Wei ying" he called out to.
Wwx was surprised a bit, turning with a smile on his lips now, ready to joke before he saw how worried lwj seemed to be. "Is something wrong in qinghe?" He asks.
After all, if sect leader nie needed important help he would most likely have asked the sect. Why asking wwx?
"Nothing too bad, nhs just need my help with something, so I'll be heading to the unclean realm for a while" he explain as he was putting some robes in a qianku bag. "Wei ying".
"I think you should be able to stay here, I might need to stay for a while" "wei ying"
"But like I saif it's nothing dangerous, it's simply that it might take a whi-" "wei ying!".
Wwx finally stopped the flow of words when his husband grabbed his wrist, spinning him around to look at him.
He soften a bit, only now seeing how much lwj seemed to worry. It wasn't as if nhs wanted him gone either (at least he doesn't think he did anything to him to do that).
"Lan zhan, do you trust me?" He asks gently.
"Then trust me on this one, it will be alright, Nhs simply need my help for something and after that, I will come back." He assured.
"What does he need you for that gusu cannot do?".
Wwx knew what lwj was implying.
What could wwx do that no other sect could help with?
His demonic cultivation obviously.
Wwx would most likely have little money if it was not for lwj letting him spend as much as he wants.
He had no important connection as wwx didn't touch any of the present relations between sects.
He didn't have a sect to send people for help.
He wouldn't be good for doing relationships with other sects.
And mxy body and golden core were still not as strong as what the original wwx had.
So of course it had to be demonic cultivation.
Wwx smiled slightly to him, caressing his cheek with his free hand in what he hoped would be soothing.
"He needs help with... nmj" he finally admitted, wincing a bit at the grip getting stronger around his wrist, as if to make sure he wouldn't suddenly run away.
"It will be bad for you" lwj then said, releasing the pressure a bit after seeing him wince.
He had already convinced wwx to use demonic cultivation less and cultivate more properly like he did in the past (but how does one switch so easily when in their memory they have gone by with DC for many years already?)
Wwx sighed at that, his hand gently going above the one holding him. "He's not asking me to raise and control an army of fierce corps, he just wants me to do what I did with wn" he precise. And honestly, he wasn't sure anymore how he had actually managed to bring back wn. His time on burial mounds was a bit muddy in his mind.
"Then let me come with you" lwj asked.
Wwx wanted to refuse saying it would be alright, but then he felt like lwj would either come join him if it ended up taking too much time or would just follow him.
He sighed again, thinking it over.
Maybe lwj could help too. Sure he wasn't doing any demonic cultivation, but he would probably still find ways to help him. Plus he could help wash away the effect that would surely stay from using demonic cultivation.
"Okay, you can come with me"
"Nie-zongzhu" wwx saluted when he finally joined the man, the SIC joining back his sect leader.
"Wei-gongzi," he saluted before his eyes travelled to behind wwx, "Hanguang-jun... gui jiangjun" he trailed a bit.
"Nie-zongzhu" politely replied the two men.
He was not surprised by the former presence, but had not necessarily expected for the latter to also be here. "I hope the travel was not too hard" he smiled.
"Everything went well" smiled wwx, before following nhs gaze behind him, "I hope it is not a bother to bring some help, They both insisted on coming along" he added. The missive never said to come alone, but he still made sure to bring as little as possible (ljy and lsz did want to come along too).
"No problem, it is understandable that wei-gongzi might need help" smiled back nhs. Of course, lwj had asked to come, he could also be of good help too. After all, it wasn't really good if wwx lost it again.
Wn asked to come after he (accidentally!) Overheard them talking about it. He had fought against nmj and wanted to make sure nothing would happen to wwx.
After all, lwj could just attack him with bichen and hurt the fierce corps if the whole point was to bring him back. He was there simply to be a more even match against him just in case.
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smartzelda · 2 years
For the Shipping bingo card:
You manufacture situations in which I can talk I love you
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An actual bingo for once??? Their POWER
So uh if you haven't read Undertaker Riddle yet and you don't want to be spoiled I heavily suggest you look away because there's no way to talk about them without spoilers
Anyways BY GOD
You wanna talk King and his knight? Try king and his most loyal secretary
French revolution came to town and on his way to hell Sigurd stopped his soul and was like "I see myself in you (affectionate derogatory)" and then gave Riddle his current name. Very "If you have nothing to live for then live for me" this whole situation kinda is for them
But oh god the DRAMA
Sigurd has been King for so long that he doesn't believe things can get better and that the human world just keeps going downhill, so because of his unique position of being so detached from so long he decides that the only way to fix everything is to shake things up
To which "shake things up" means use his power to swap the positions of the real world and hell
And so Riddle has past decided he'd do anything for him, HOWEVER
Sigurd instructs Riddle in the event that he fails, Riddle is to be the one to kill him so he can make sure his soul reincarnates so that Sigurd can have another chance. And YEAH Riddle does it! But by god does he have tangible feelings about it! All of the other undertakers who knew him at this time describe it as if Riddle was never really the same after that
Heck Riddle was so broken up after that that Roen ended up curating a seemingly onesided love where he wished to live domestically with Riddle and make him happy so he'd never look so sad again
Riddle is so devoted to Sigurd's plan that he plays the long game, and orchestrates practically everything, so he can tear Sigurd out of Hayato and see him again
And that whole event is a BUNDLE of devotion and betrayal and angst holy christ
Do you ever spend centuries following the person you care about most, even after they're dead, and everything goes perfectly except by the time you see him again you've also fallen for his reincarnation and his reincarnation's humanity so you have to be the one to end your beloved once more but you also betray your other beloved in the process because you feel as if you should be eternally punished?
God damn, Riddle
Anyways they're married they're divorced they're married again they're having sexual intimacy in secret they're best pals they're soulmates they have tension they have an unexplained scene in front of a mirror where they're hugging🙂
Ooooh haha Mikamatsu I never get to talk about them
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Two in a row?? CRAZY
Okay I bet you're wondering how a certified rarepair could get so many squares
Well, let's begin with where this ship began for me
Anyone who knows me knows I used to end up with a lot of ships that center around the same person, but wouldn't include the third ship in what would make it a triangle (for example, like liking xxc x sl and xxc x xy, but not xy x xxc). Now, however I tend to be more open to that "secret third ship".
All this to say that I sorta entertained the idea when I was already shipping mikalight and matsulight
But anyways. One day I got to thinking about the death note ending (be aware that I wasn't aware at the time that the manga ending was different)
Or, more specifically, an au in which Mikami lived after yellow box (which I am aware now is canon). I had seen the manga panels of how Matsuda felt about Light after all this, so I thought about them both having feelings about Light.
And that created an angsty Mikamatsu au where Matsuda visits Mikami in prison to learn about what he knew about Light at first, so both of them learn about parts of Light they didn’t know through each other, bond over his death, kiss and yeah
That was the gateway, and now they're everything to me
They're perfect for angst, aus where they were roommates during the events in canon or met at the gym. They're perfect for child raising aus and bonding over the same guy
And yes, they would get sexually intimate with the same guy (Light) in my head
Everything I enjoy about them is made up but oh the what ifs oh the possibilities. Throwing Matsuda’s sweetness and Mikami’s devotion into everything
Also if you haven't already or I convinced you...read these fics
This one is Xion's. It's a fairy-tale au and I adore it:
And this one is just ah so so sweet man I love it:
And now for the one no one expected!
Ienzo/Xexion x Sephiroth
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So you all might be sitting here wondering
Why them? An utter crackship
Well, some of you are aware of a funky au I have that has leagues of lore and worldbuilding and only two fics, the most self indulgent au in my catalog.
That au, is the Twilight Prince au.
What I have learned through fandom is that if you make the situation in which the characters interact, you can make up almost any ship that no one would have thought up otherwise, and you can make it believable by giving them a dynamic.
So, in the business of maybe getting some of you to understand the why, I will explain a bit of the au that no one but my beloved best friend knows about
Now, the aus "Twilight Prince" in question, is Riku from Kingdom Hearts. I had to think up family structures for characters in this au, and so because I love dumb things like this, Xion and I came up with the idea of having the other Rikus as Riku's siblings, and Sephiroth as the current King of the Twilight.
So, yes. One of those "Sephiroth is Riku's dad" aus😂
The next family structure I had to think up was Kairi's. You see, Kairi kingdom hearts is the current young adult queen of Hyrule. She's trying to facilitate peace between Hyrule and the realm of twilight. In the renga fic for the au, I made references to their being war and tensions, so of course I had to figure out how that all came about.
Thus I decided that Ansem the Wise would be Kairi's grandfather, because I decided that, well, he would be my choice for making tensions and the war worse. Through this, I put some structure into the castle staff. Even is head royal scientist and has a secret but not so secret thing going on with Ansem tw. Kairi needed parents. Ienzo is practically the Ansem tw/Even adopted child in kh canon. Ansem tw practically pays high status women to sleep with him until he can produce an heir (Ienzo).
So, long story short. Kairi is Ienzo's test tube baby, Ansem tw is super controlling during Ienzo's short reign as King. Ienzo doesn't really love being King anyways and feels trapped. When Kairi comes of age and is decently prepared he fakes his death and passes the Kingdom on to her (she is aware of this btw)
And so, King Ienzo rebrands himself as Zexion, royal scientist (after splitting for a while and learning more before ending up working his way up through the castle of course).
Now, keep in mind. The people don't know he's the same guy. To most of the people, Zexion isn't incredibly well known. The castle family structure? They're aware by now, but they can't do anything about it. So, they allow Zexion to go on trips to the Twilight Realm on Royal business (or basically, Twili King Sephiroth and Queen Kairi both allow the other to handpick people to send across borders under supervision, and Zexion is there for scientific reasons).
Now, Sephiroth isn't stupid either. He knows Zexion is the presumed dead King Ienzo.
And pretty much what happens is they sorta end up in this will they won’t they relationship where they're passive aggressive to each other but also Sephiroth invites Ienzo to what's practically a private Twili spa and yeah tensions go up and things just...begin for them. Sephiroth is a bit hopelessly attracted, Ienzo is definitely ace and arospec
I love them
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10holmes · 2 years
As part of the celebration of the Museum Day, I joined the event asking for writers and artists to contribute their own stories and pieces about any of the MXTX works and pairings for the prompt museum.
So here is my contribution for the SongXueXiao pairing.
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Going Back The Way We've Come
a multi-chapter reincarnation SongXueXiao AU (canon-compliant with MDZS verse with some elements of cql), read it on AO3
If people were to ask him what his profession is, Xue Yang would tell them "museum curator"... Only that once he's "taken away" museum items for "inspection", they don't return back to the exhibition...
When Meng Yao enlists Xue Yang to procure another priceless item for him, Xue Yang couldn't have imagined that this newest museum heist would end with him uncovering a lot of "past trauma" ... as well as gaining back the love(s) he once lost...
Thanks to this special item, XY, SL and XXC find themselves transported back to their past, forced to relive each other's lives, unable to change any of the events, but made to feel everything.
This fic will contain a lot of angst and pain as typical, I want them to suffer first, but there will be a happy ending, and, if I'm down to it, smut in the end.
Happy reading and thanks for your continued support!!!
A special thanks and shout out go to @bao-shan-black for your invaluable help and support as beta and writer-buddy and to @impossible-stardust for being the best, most amazing reader one could hope for!
This fic is my gift to you ❤️
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vrishchikawrites · 3 years
Recently learned about twitter scandal between jc and wwx stans where jc stans' main argument was that "all the dead WWX raised will never be reincarnated". What do you think of it? I vaguely remember something being told about how a person whose corpse was mutilated can not be reborn (although not sure if it was from mdzs or some other novel) but at the same time it's strange how none of the characters ever comments on that. All they say is that demonic cultivation is unorthodox and dangerous.
I don't think that's true. In canon, Lan Qiren would've definitely mentioned it if WWX's idea denied the spirits reincarnation because reincarnation is a big thing. A very big thing.
Now, take everything I've said below with a grain of salt, nay a full heaping spoonful of salt.
My very rudimentary understanding is that - once dead, the soul apparently splits into three. One part (yin) stays with the grave, one part stays with the funerary tablet (Yang), and the third part receives judgment and reincarnates (assuming the people are probably buried with proper mourning rituals and regular sacrifices) If the spirit is lingering on earth, it is likely that it is just trapped and no one has given it a proper send off.
From what I've read, entering the judgement cycle is pretty immediate after death. The spirit is taken directly to where they need to be. All the rituals that follow are to appease the other two forms. The part that remains by the grave can turn into a gui if the burial rituals aren't carried out properly with the right sacrificial offerings.
If you consider this - WWX has absolutely no impact on reincarnation of a person. That has probably already been decided by the time he gets to them.
It is also probably why no one mentions anything about reincarnation when talking about demonic cultivation (unless I'm forgetting something)
Now, if you take this in a Buddhist context, afaik, the state of the body doesn't matter at all. The soul will go where it is supposed to go based on the deeds of the person when they were alive. If that were not the case, sky, mountain, or tree burials wouldn't be a thing. And they were definitely a thing.
So, again WWX's actions wouldn't have an impact on reincarnation because that is solely dependent on the soul's actions during life.
The very notion that reincarnation is impacted by something being done after a person's passing is strange to me. Reincarnation, as I understand it, is always based in that individual's own life, actions, and character. A regular person is taken to judgement, an exemplary saint or gentleman is taken directly to either paradise or heaven.
I digress- to my understanding, once the spirit has left the earthly plane, the body is considered nothing but a left behind vessal. Does that mean a reincarnated person will become unborn of the body of his previous incarnation is desecrated?
Nope, probably not.
Now, how MDZS handles reincarnation isn't very clear. But I really doubt WWX is out there denying people reincarnation. He is desecrating graves, playing around with corpses, hanging out with ghosts, all of these actions are completely against the norm and unethical, but not ultimately damaging to the soul in question, in my opinion.
Again, take it with a grain of salt.
There are three things we can speculate on.
1. WWX wasn't sent into the reincarnation cycle - likely because his spirit was damaged in some way. But the cultivators fully believed he could be. Which is why they were taking so many measures to counter it somehow.
2. The difference between Wen Ning - Song Lan and other Fierce Corpses.
3. XXC.
All that I've said above becomes a little muddy when spiritual cognition is taken into account. WN and SL retain their cognition, other fierce corpses don't. XXC spirit is shattered beyond repair so we don't know if he will go into reincarnation.
These three things can help us guess. We have proof that spirit can be shattered during life and just before death. We know that spiritual cognition is different from resentful energy and simply animating corpses like WWX does with everyone else. I don't believe WN and SL can enter the cycle until they really die. But that's because they retain cognition. So, we could maybe speculate that other corpses that WWX controlled were already in the reincarnation cycle, with only faint impressions of their personalities left behind.
This is my opinion. I really don't think WWX's actions have any impact on people's reincarnation and destiny.
I could be entirely wrong tho and typed all of this up only to be proven otherwise. I may have missed a lot of cultural nuances that someone else may explain more clearly. 😁
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