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A collection of writers submitted fics that would change something in our amazing fandom!!! Find them all here!! A collection of our stories hosted as a fest on AO3 http://archiveofourown.org/collections/CanonFixFest/works
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Banners created by @ariel-riddle
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kaarina-riddle · 7 years
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So I’m kind of really excited to show this one off!!!!! This is taking me back to my rare pair routes and I’ve been so into the Dramione world lately with all of the fests I’ve entered into that it was so great to come back to a rare pair and change it up a bit! Even if it was just a step out for a little while!!! I had so much playing with characters that we didn’t get to really know!!!! So without further ado I give you *drum roll* WHERE IT ALL BEGAN Pairing: Dudley Dursley and Demelza Robins! Prompt given by an anonymous person(i wish I could see that) for Canon Fix fest: Dudley marries a witch (either knowingly or unknowing) and has a magical child. Rating: T Summary: Two complete strangers meet in a busy cafe and become quick friends…. one has a massive secret! Join Dudley, Demelza and Andrea on their journey and see where it takes them! Let’s go back to where it all began….. Beta love to the amazing Sandra! Who without question when I say I have a fest says when’s the due date and how many words? She is amazing and doesn’t ever say no to me when I ask for her beta! She is the most amazing friend and beta and I can’t begin to say how much I appreciate you @sandra-sempra! Love you my vain petty Aussican!!! 😍💚😘 Link: AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11781102 FFN: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12635444/1/Where-it-all-began Art credit to myself for the aesthetic, Sandra-Sempra for adding the colour and @ariel-riddle for the banner 😍 thank you lovely ladies 💚💚💚
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What would happen if Percy Weasley had been slain by a Death Eater instead of fun loving twin Fred Weasley? http://archiveofourown.org/collections/CanonFixFest/works/11739873
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Severus Snape has his secrets to keep. Minerva McGonagall is his Secret Keeper unbeknown to the Headmaster. But Minerva has secrets of her own concerning a young Muggle born student. That student is a curly haired Know It All, who has secrets of her own to keep safe. http://archiveofourown.org/works/11553816/chapters/25948374
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After being ditched by Viktor Krum days before the Yule Ball, Hermione found herself another date. If only she knew who he was. http://archiveofourown.org/collections/CanonFixFest/works/10997367
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Harry is a man broken and weighed down by regrets. He is past the point of caring, until one day he takes the opportunity to change his fate—blast the consequences. I've jumped through worlds for you, Hermione. You won’t be taken from me again. http://archiveofourown.org/works/11648067/chapters/26203482
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Hermione saves Sirius before being cursed in the Department of Mysteries. He takes her on in a big brother type way when her parents make her choose between magic or them. http://archiveofourown.org/works/11709723/chapters/26371368
banner made by @ariel-riddle
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Teddy Lupin is a happy ten year old. He loved his family. His siblings. His mother and father. After a particularly hectic day filled with family cheer, Teddy asks his parents questions...
Questions they answer as honestly as they can.
What does he do when he finds out his life was a lie all along? How can his parents convince him they love him? What two words does it take to make Teddy believe that his parents, rather than lying were economical with the truth. http://archiveofourown.org/works/11640531/chapters/26182800
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Pansy reconciles for trying to hand Harry over to Voldemort and they build a relationship after he breaks up with Ginny. http://archiveofourown.org/collections/CanonFixFest/works/11698788
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Rabastan, Lucius, Narcissa and Scabior all transpire to rescue Hermione with plans of seduction instead of violent torture. She is stuck in a sumptuously decorated Teal Room(s) - when she has sufficiently recuperated through rest and potions Scabior makes his intentions known. Rabastan, however, decides that she is worth more than a Snatcher's bride. Hermione and Narcissa between them conspire to trick Rabastan into helping them but he has his own card up his sleeve. http://archiveofourown.org/collections/CanonFixFest/works/11776917
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The Longbottoms disgraced the Order by divulging its precious secrets to Death Eaters in exchange for their santy. In wake of their excruciating torture, Neville’s Hogwarts experience is tainted by his parents misgivings. Deeply shamed, he struggles to “find himself’ in the Wizarding World; that is, until a young lady captures his heart and gives him the confidence he needs to believe in himself. Oh, the fire one can spit with a little self-belief! http://archiveofourown.org/collections/CanonFixFest/works/11779971
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Harry and Ginny talk baby names. What will they pick? http://archiveofourown.org/collections/CanonFixFest/works/11650320
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Remus survives and Tonks dies and he has to raise Teddy on his own and Hermione and Harry help him as honorary Aunty and Uncle. http://archiveofourown.org/collections/CanonFixFest/works/11733612
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A small act of kindness sets Cormac on a new path. Written in response to the 2017 Canon Fix Fest from the Beyond the Book FanFiction Nook on Facebook. http://archiveofourown.org/collections/CanonFixFest/works/11767458
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After Lily's life ended, the world went on.
This is a story about how Lily survived Lord Voldemort's attack on that fateful Hallowe'en night and how she and the remaining Marauders continued on. http://archiveofourown.org/works/11770491/chapters/26535357
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When Ginny stares down the wood of her wand, can she do what she needs to end it all? http://archiveofourown.org/collections/CanonFixFest/works/11772924
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