#canon only if sl-walker says so
b-radley66 · 7 years
Game of Thrones: Alderaan -  The Castoffs
From a prompt by @sl-walker Ahsoka showing up on Alderaan as a survivor, meeting Maul and Obi-wan. 
NOTE: There are some adjustments in relative ages here from canon and my ‘verse. Ahsoka is 14, while Croft and Dani are 25. Obi-wan is 30. This is canon to sl-walker’s verse only if she says it is. Maybe someone will continue it...hint, hint.
Maul spins as Obi-wan is about a step slow on the block with the composite staff. Maul hears the smack of his new wooden staff on the back of the Jedi’s calf. Kenobi goes down in a heap.
Maul twirls his gift from a member of the Corellian Security Service and holds it in the ready position under his arm. His eyes take in the sight of his opponent slumped on the ground, the borrowed staff across his knees.
Maul waits patiently for his erstwhile teacher and sparring partner to rise for another round. His eyes narrow as he realizes that Obi-wan cannot meet his eyes. Maul centers himself as he wonders if the remaining Council has decided that he is too dangerous to try and teach.
He decides to forge ahead. “Obi-wan,” he says, his voice dry even to his own ears, “you are usually more of a challenge.” He grins tightly. “A little bit more.”
Obi-wan starts, then has the grace to look sheepish. “I am sorry, Lord Maul,” he says formally. He manages to rise with only a slight hitch due to his screaming calf. “I am a bit distracted.”
Maul nods. “What is it? Anything that I can help with?”
Obi-wan quirks a smile. “I don’t know. Perhaps you can help me hide a body.”
Maul doesn’t smile, but allows a tiny hint of amusement in his voice. “I think that the area of the sproutlings of the Wood might be good. No one will be able to explore there for quite some time. How big is the body?”
The Jedi’s blue eyes widen for half a second, but his ginger mustache twitches slightly after that half-second. “About your size. Much more hair and much more Corellian snark.”
Maul takes a deep breath as he wonders whether he should be relieved or not that he is not the reason for Obi-wan’s distraction. Instead, he smiles slightly. “Ah. The Corellian that you brought back briefly that helped out in the wood. He didn’t seem to say much, snark or not.”
Obi-wan nods. “I know. He was...reserved. I only know him a bit, but Padawan Croft has a bit of a reputation for being somewhat stubborn; something his Master knew how to deal with, very effectively.”
“Yeah. She also knew how to talk to me without talking down to me.”
Maul looks up and Obi-wan turns at the quiet voice from the entry of the salle. Maul recognizes a bit of the same drawling inflection that sometimes marks Dani’s speech, particularly when she is angry. He watches as Obi-wan gathers himself. Maul allows him a moment as he turns his gaze full on to the new arrival.
His gaze is met with calm green eyes that examine him just as intently. Maul realizes that the Corellian has much less hair than he did the first time he had seen him. His dark and gold mixed hair and beard are neatly and closely trimmed. Croft is dressed in only the leggings and undertunic of a Jedi, in dark blue. A leather lightsaber belt with a row of sharp teeth decorates his hips. He sees Obi-wan’s eyes lock on the device on the opposite side from Croft’s lightsaber. A very large Corellian blaster. 
“Forgive me, Padawan Croft, but I might have missed the memorandum. The one that told you could sever your Padawan braid and relax the dress code,” Obi-wan says, his own voice bereft of moisture.
Maul’s eyes widen as he notices this, as well, but doesn’t know the significance of it.
For the first time, there is a hint of a crooked grin over Croft’s features—just for an instant. “Didn’t think that I needed it anymore. Didn’t think I needed the trappings of childhood.”
Obi-wan digests this. His eyes harden. “That’s interesting. Especially since you seem to be doing a good job of acting like a child.”
Croft’s own eyes flash with anger. For a brief moment, Maul feels a slight tremble in the Force. He realizes that neither he nor Kenobi had sensed Croft’s arrival. He turns his head to the side as a much brighter light intrudes into his sense. He notices a smaller being standing behind Croft, as if trying to be as unobtrusive as possible.
He turns his concentration to the volley of words. “I knew that you had tremendous responsibilities, Master Kenobi,” Croft says. “I figured you had enough teaching responsibilities with your pet project.” At this, he looks pointedly at Maul.
Kenobi steps in front of Maul. “That is none of your business, Croft. Master Windu left it to me as to decide what to do with you; whether you could take the trials of Knighthood, or continue to train under me. You are making it very easy to choose.”
Croft is silent for a moment. “I don’t know if that is your decision any more, Obi-wan,” he says quietly, but with a definite edge. “I don’t know if I owe allegiance to the Jedi any more, or its little rules. I think that I may only owe anything to the Code; to live my life by it.”
“Taliesin,” Obi-wan says softly. “What do you think you will do? We need to stick together.”
Croft looks away. Maul is struck by the sadness that flows over his features. Sadness tempered with resolve. “I have heard that Master Ti might still be alive in the Cron Drift. Just rumors, but I think that I need to check them out.”
Kenobi’s voice is gentle. “Taliesin, I have heard so many rumors about Jedi out in the galaxy. We can’t go chasing after all of them.”
Croft’s anger flares, again for that brief second. Maul marvels at his shielding, if that is what it is. “I know ‘we’ can’t. ‘We’ aren’t. ‘I’ am,” he says, the sharp edge back to his voice.
Maul watches as he and Obi-wan stare at each other, both refusing to back down. Maul hears a word in a high, very clear voice.
He sees a small orange hand touch Croft on his arm, as its owner steps around. A small Togruta, her Jedi robes appearing to be too large for her stands next to Croft. The lightsaber on her waist fits her, he notices. He watches as a mixture of fear and awe play over her features as she looks between Obi-wan and Taliesin. Maul notices another emotion flash as well. A smirk grows as her eyes lock with Croft’s. Understanding passes between them.
The understanding of survivors. His eyes lock on the headdress of sharp teeth that adorns her forehead. Teeth very similar to those on Croft’s gunbelt.
The young girl, who couldn’t be more than thirteen or fourteen, steps away from Croft. She stands straight; Maul realizes she is taller than he thought, but very skinny. He smiles as she bows to Kenobi.
“Master Obi-wan. I am Padawan Ahsoka Tano. I am at your disposal, but I do beg that you consider my clan-master’s ideas.”
Maul looks at Obi-wan. Being exposed to the Jedi for the time that he had, he had come to recognize some of his emotional cues. Maul sees amusement, mixed with sadness, playing over Obi-wan’s handsome features, before a warm smile joins them. Obi-wan bows in return.
“Hello, Padawan Tano. I wasn’t aware you had been chosen.”
Ahsoka looks down, her eyes closing. “Yes,” she says. “Master Plo had chosen me, just before...” She trails off. “He was my Finder,” she finally whispers.
Maul sees Obi-wan blink rapidly, as if something is in his eye. “I know, little one,” he says quietly. His face seems to brighten as he sees Croft move behind Tano and place his hands on her shoulders.
The young Corellian, who is maybe a half-decade younger than Obi-wan, looks down at Ahsoka with pride. “Master Obi-wan, I ask that you take Ahsoka as your Padawan.” He closes his eyes, clearly struggling with something. “I am not experienced enough to teach her. I can take care of myself, but she deserves someone who can teach her.” He grins.“She is stubborn, argumentative, a know-it-all who absolutely has to have the last word, but she is powerful in the Force. She will be a much better Jedi than I ever could be.”
Maul sees the powerful eyeroll from the future of the Jedi.
Maul realizes that tears are now flowing from the Corellian’s eyes. Ahsoka turns, protest on every centimeter of her face. Croft winks at her. She pulls him into a tight embrace.
Maul watches as Obi-wan takes several deep breaths. Maul knows that he struggles with his own path, much less the fate of other Jedi. He has sensed that Obi-wan is tired, that he has been lost since the Cataclysm.
“You’re right in some respects, Taliesin,” he says. “I don’t know if we have an Order any longer. I don’t think that I can make your decisions for you. And I think that you already have proven that you have been a good teacher for Ahsoka, even if you aren’t her Master.”
“I think that there is only one thing that I can actually do for you.” Maul’s eyes widen as Kenobi draws his saber and ignites it. Maul sees Ahsoka ignite hers as well.
Croft drops to his knees without a word.
“I guess since you cut your own damned braid off, this might go quicker, if less dramatically,” Obi -wan says as he walks slowly towards Croft.
He reaches Croft, who looks up expectantly, but without fear. Obi-wan swings his saber and gently mock-taps on either side of Croft’s head. “By the right of the Council, by the will of the Force, I dub you—“ He stops as Croft gestures.
“I was born Jame atin Blackthorn,” the Corellian says quietly.
Maul watches Obi-wan pause, then nod.
“I dub you, Jame Blackthorn, a Knight of the Jedi Order of the Galactic Republic.”
Blackthorn is barely able to stand before a small predator leaps into his arms and hugs him tightly.
Obi-wan watches with amusement. “I think that Ahsoka will have a large say in what form her training takes. She might be best served by being out in the galaxy with you, looking for other Jedi. The remaining healers say that both of you are cleared with the new Drall therapies—that you shouldn’t be affected by any more outbreaks.”
Maul watches as Obi-wan corrals the new knight over to the corner.
Ahsoka Tano’s overlarge blue eyes fall on Maul. She walks over and says, “Hi.”
He bows. “Hello. I am Maul.”
She returns his bow. “Tal says that Master Windu says that...”
“Ahsoka,” both Blackthorn and Kenobi shout, matching annoyance in their voices.
“I was just going to say, that he said that you were working with Master Obi-wan,” she says with an eyeroll and an imperious tone at her elders.
Maul releases his own breath. “That is right, Lady Tano,” he says.
She looks at him curiously. “I am not a Lady,” she says. “I am just a Padawan. A brand new one at that.”
“It is how we speak on my world, Padawan.”
Her eyes lock on his features. “Is Alderaan your world?”
His remaining heart clinches as he answers. “Yes. Yes it is.”
A feeling of warmth, other than for his world suddenly suffuses his entire being as a warm voice breaks in. “There is no one better to show you this beautiful world, Ahsoka,” the voice says.
Maul smiles as Dani Faygan stands in the doorway. She walks in. As she passes Blackthorn, she reaches up and brings the new knight’s head to her shoulder in a quick embrace.
She turns to Kenobi. “Sorry I missed the shindig, Master. But Draq’ Bel Iblis might have a different idea of how our world’s Covenant might be used.
Jedi and Noble alike gape at her direct pronouncement; at the unfamiliar term.
Jedi Padawan is less impressed as she rolls her eyes. “Great. He’ll have an even bigger head, now.”
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janiedean · 5 years
Honestly, I would like to hear you rant about Brienne's s5 storyline and her killing Stannis. It felt weird to me that in the book there's this whole thing with Lady Stoneheart wanting revenge and using Brienne as a tool to to try and get it tho she probably won't get it, and then in the show it's Brienne still seeking revenge for Renly and actually getting it. Like there's a "revenge isn't actually a good thing" theme that got lost along the way.
... lmao.
well okay this is not for renly fans so just so you know, you’re warned.
I don’t have.... like, anything specific against renly nor I think he’s a Bad Person which is why in modern aus I just let him be his best version, but.. canon renly Is An Asshole when it concerns his brother, his niece and brienne and that’s A Thing because like sorry but skipping succession ‘because no one likes you but they like me’ is not a good reason to do anything, ‘my niece is so ugly ew grayscale’ is just bottom level of being... let’s just say vapid, and it’s canon that the reason he keeps brienne around is not that he cares about her, it’s because he knows she’s good at what she does and doesn’t want nothing in return and actually would die for him, which........
considering that brienne would have died for renly because he was nice to her once and danced with her which is like bare minimum for decent human being, sorry if I side-eye this narrative that renly believed in her etc because sorry guys renly in asoiaf canon didn’t give a single fuck about that;
specifically, when it comes to brienne renly is that one crush you get at some point that you’re in love with the idea of, not with the person they actually are, and as someone wise said on some post once, brienne thought she would die for him and didn’t and didn’t know she could die for jaime but she immediately knew when she had the choice, so I think that just seals it, but ahead with that...
affc is also about brienne getting over renly because she was in love with the idea of renly, not with renly himself, never mind that renly wasn’t in love with her anyway and could have never been. like, all of her affc povs are about that. she thinks about him less and less, she superimposes jaime on him like ffs when she’s naked in the bath she has to MAKE HERSELF THINK ABOUT RENLY, at some point she dreams of renly’s death except it’s jaime in his place, then jaime puts renly’s cloak on her shoulders and at the end of it when she has that dream which is sort of very similar to jaime’s in asos where he sees people he thinks he disappointed and she sees renly and cat.... well. it’s because she thinks she disappointed them, or that she failed them, but she’s plain not in love with him (or his idea of) anymore;
now, she also swore to cat she’d kill stannis in revenge for him... and she’s never so much as thought about it. ffs there is ONE single instance of brienne thinking about stannis in affc. THIS ONE:He shrugged. "Sometimes. At tourneys, from afar. Once at Baelor's Sept. The gold cloaks shoved us aside so he could pass. Another time I was playing near the Mud Gate when he come back from a hunt. He was so drunk he almost rode me down. A big fat sot, he was, but a better king than these sons of his."They are not his sons. Stannis told it true, that day he met with Renly. Joffrey and Tommen were never Robert's sons. This boy, though . . . "Listen to me," Brienne began. Then she heard Dog barking, loud and frantic. "Someone is coming."IT’S WHEN SHE RECOGNIZES THAT GENDRY IS ROBERT’S SON AND THAT STANNIS WAS RIGHT WHEN HE SAID TOMMEN AND MYRCELLA WEREN’T HIS. that’s it. that’s all brienne has to think about stannis in affc. she doesn’t think about killing him once.guess why? because meanwhile she’s found better things to think about and she doesn’t feel the need to avenge renly as much as she feels the need to fulfill her vow to catelyn and jaime and she’s fucking over renly and she has realizes at least subconsciously that guess what she didn’t want to die for him;
the entire point was that she is over her crush on a guy who might have been decent to her though it was the bare minimum anyone should have shown her but who didn’t give two shits about her personally and that she thought she could and would die for, and sorry if being willing to die for someone because he danced with you isn’t healthy as much as people don’t want to accept the fact that brienne has Issues with the capital I;
therefore, the moment the show dragged her north FOR RENLY and OMG I HAVE TO KILL STANNIS FOR RENLY before getting her stuck watching a tower for a season for that crap joke of a winterfell storyline and don’t get me started on how they made brienne’s sl secondary to sansa for three seasons when surely her point in her narrative is not that ita) ignored that brienne had a character arc that included getting over renlyb) elevated renly to sainthood (forget saint tyrion) because it implied that yes he was that nice dancing with her so yes he deserves her avenging his death when sorry but what the fucking fuck he just paid her the bare minimum it didn’t mean she should have joined his army for it or that she should avenge him for having being a decent person oncec) made it look like renly actually gave a shit about her for real when lmao nod) trashed lady stoneheart when as you said they lost the REVENGE IS A BAD IDEA theme and all that she brought with bc stoneheart is fundamental for both jaime and brienne as characters but hey let’s just stick brienne serving other people without a personal storyline and let’s not let jaime have his arc because what the fuck amritee) missed all of the themes in her affc arc because where was meribald? where was the anti-war message? where was the fact that brienne is a vulnerable person with doubts? we saw none of that shit except oMG SHE KILLED STANNIS BADASSSSS. yeah, no. character assassination my old friend here we are;
now, specifically re stannis: what angers me on a molecular level in that choice, not counting the fact that never in my life I ever want to see character #1 I relate to in a series (and period) kill character #2 I relate to in that same series without any goddamned reason to do that but that’s personal is that....... since brienne doesn’t give a fuck about avenging renly anymore in the book it’s very likely that if she and stannis meet again they might actually like talk about things and now I’mma give you the other hot take of the year....
... which is that I would like it if people saw that actually if brienne were to get along with one baratheon brother, she and stannis would have a lot more chances to hit off than she and renly ever could have because sorry but:a) they’re both introverts with huge issues communicating with others who also have been treated like shit for their entire lives based on people judging them before they opened their mouthb) as much as brienne isn’t THAT hard on it she has a sense of justice that he’d definitely appreciatec) if we assume that a guy with a daughter with grayscale whom renly also referred to as ‘that ugly daughter of his’ who is considered disfigured by everyone who still treats her like his only heir and doesn’t gaf about her looks would give two shits about brienne’s looks and not about her skills instead then we assume wrong nvm that stannis has a hand who used to be an illiterate commoner and melisandre used to be a slave like.... come on he’d definitely treat her with respect and not just because he needs herd) reverse, if she saw how he is with his daughter thaaat might remind her of her father not having forced her to marry eventually and agreeing to let her join renly/learn swordfighting instead I mean... come one) never mind that as stated before both of them are way more similar when it comes to take your vows seriously than notlike........... okay but with these premises if they meet when they need all the men they can spare to fight the white walkers I’d presume they will actually talk about renly’s death and get an understanding, not that she’ll take out a sword and impale him there especially if it’s post lady stoneheart which is the point in her sl where she 100% understands you can’t follow all of your vows and you will have to choose at some point (btw she chose jaime already over stoneheart and we all know it bye)...
which means that having her kill him in the show after a thing they made happen from 0 to 180 just to make him look irredeemable, for renly when brienne doesn’t gaf in the books anymore and reinforcing this - excuse me - bullshit narrative of saint renly who was the ideal king and never did anything wrong except trying to pass over stannis who was ahead of him in the line and further creating drama in that damned war because his brother didn’t happen to be immediately likable (nvm that I have issues with the fact that renly doesn’t even seem to remember having been at storm’s end during the siege which means that stannis made sure he actually had to eat while everyone else was starting to consider cannibalism but hey who cares that my brother almost died and never let me starve with the entirety of the castle I’ll now go and stab him in the back because NAAAH WHY SHOULD I SUPPORT HIM? sorry but what the fucking fuck) while stannis was an asshole who eventually got what he deserved because he wasn’t fun amrite will never not irk me to a molecular level because that wasn’t brienne’s storyline anymore and it hasn’t been since asos, the renly vs stannis situation is way more complicated than renly was nice and stannis was an asshole, stannis is nowhere near the piece of cardboard dnd think he is and the fact that both characters didn’t move on from their renly-related trauma but that it went down in the cheapest most ooc way ever should have woken people up about how dnd couldn’t be trusted for shit with these books if the WF adaptation of the adwd storyline hadn’t showed that already.
tldr: it was ooc and an insult to both characters and also can we stop with the saint renly narrative, thanks.
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xiamei-sami · 7 years
Age and Origins of the Zabrak Brothers pt. 2
“The second is more of a math/Dathomir question. If Maul is roughly 30 when found again and Savage is older- that is awfully old for a society that breeds and kills males. Would he have been in the group for Asajj to choose from with all those younger males? It’s shaky but I always had a sense that Maul is the oldest.”
Maul was born in 54BBY, so that would make him roughly 34 to 36 years old from the time of his rescue to the Siege of Mandalore. 
Males are disposable on Dathomir, that’s definitely a fact, but I don’t think the Sisters are *too* quick to kill them, and for one reason. I think it’s considered a shame for a Nightsister to give birth to a male, and no Nightsister wants to be the one to have to help repopulate the male camp. So I believe even in their 30′s and 40′s the Nightbrothers would still be around for selection as viable mates. The Nightsisters probably don’t want to spend too many resources on men that only last 25 years. 
In some very misogynistic countries on our own planet, women who give birth to too many daughters are shamed, bullied and even ostracized by their families for failing to birth sons. In rural China, a woman who gives birth to a male on the first try is considered a “good wife” and gains status within their family, becoming more important than other female relatives who have yet to have male children. 
 Assuming Dathomir is exactly the opposite, the Nightsisters would be smart to keep the Brothers around well into their middle age so they won’t have to worry about the lack of manual labour, because like I said, no Nightsister wants to have to “take one for the team” and give birth to a boy to fight against the future lack of laborers and warriors. (Like how some rural peoples begrudgingly raise daughters for the greater good)
So I’m assuming the Sisters will only kill the men when the male’s fertility and strength in manual labor drops off, probably during the man’s 50′s or so when their testosterone levels takes a hit. Male fertility lasts a surprisingly long time. 
But you did make me go back and look at the group of males lining up for selection, they are all definitely young. In that scene, Brother Viscus calls out for the “heads of each tribe” to line up, which is odd and suggests Feral and Savage are not of the same tribe, since there would only be one head. It’s all very strange and too many inconsistencies.
However, I think we could be underestimating the ages of the Nightbrothers in the village. Remember Maul’s “Zabrak don’t crack” good looks in Star Wars: Rebels? If he looks like that in his 50′s, then some other of those young-looking Nightbrothers could also be approaching that age as well. Zabraks seem to age pretty gracefully and could also live longer lives than humans, which makes an age of 36 still count as young. 
As for if Maul would have been in the group to be chosen from with Feral and Savage, I have no idea. I personally think so. Even if Maul were “too old” to breed, he is still the most impressive physical specimen, has the longest horns (aside from Savage’s post-growth state) and has the broadest chest/shoulders, strongest force powers, most masculine features, etc. I think he would have been saved solely for those things. The Nightsisters obviously value power and strength, and being the strongest, I think Maul may have even been kept around for multiple breedings. (Yeah we’re sounding like a dirty fanfic now, deal with it :P)
I also have a theory about the “killing the male after impregnation” thing that would still fit in with the information we have from the Plagueis novel. It could be a possibility that the males are only killed *if they impregnate a Nightsister with sons.* Perhaps if they give a Sister a female child, he may get to live, as he would be valued for the reasons I stated above. I like this theory of mine because I think it’s ridiculous to kill every male who has fathered a child, because then the replacement rate for babies and adults would be really low and not support their society. 
In conclusion, I totally respect your theory that Maul is the biggest bro of the bros. I think that makes sense for his character, since he puts himself dominant over Savage very quickly (although that’s probably because he doesn’t know how to be any other way). I think it could go either way and I hope one day we get more information on this.
That second one is largely what I go with.  Except the twins thing. XD
Honestly I’m not a fan of the twins aspect myself, but it’s what the Plagueis novel explicitly spells out for us. I would hate for Maul to have a twin that is so quickly swept aside by the writers and killed off. If he did really have a twin, I would hope he got some more screen time and information.
Honestly, if I were to write for Star Wars, I’d give all three brothers different fathers to highlight the differences in Dathomiri culture vs. the rest of the Galaxy, as I don’t believe who your father is “matters” on Dathomir. I would make them all born to Kycina and then manipulated by Talzin because she’s shady. I would also list the birthdays of every character so questions like this would never come up! 
Also I’m taking this opportunity to say once again you’re my favorite Maul writer. Anything that happens in your stories is canon to me XD
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unspeakablehorror · 7 years
Characters: Sideous, Talzin, Plagueis
Wow, I could write a novel on these three!
How I feel about this character
Definitely one of my favorites!  He’s just so good at being bad!  And definitely conflicted feelings because on the one hand I need him to stop being terrible but on the other hand he’s so good at it!
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Weeellll…that depends on the context.
Not sure how I feel about romance with standard pure evil Sidious.  That sounds like bad news all around, and I don’t think it would actually be romance so much as…something distinctly unpleasant.  Like I’m glad he wasn’t married or anything in the movies.  I think he only sees other people as things.  I like to think he’s celibate, like a monk.  An evil space monk.  Married to the work, like he says in the Darth Plagueis novel.
Don’t even get me started on the old EU’s ‘Emperor Palpatine had concubines’. *shudders*
That said, there’s not too many characters I’m unwilling to ship in any context.  I definitely ship him and Talzin in my Heart of Shadow fic.  I think they both have very dominant personalities and I find that dynamic intriguing.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Him and Plagueis!  I find their (albeit twisted) mentor/mentee relationship to be incredibly fun to think about!  I can’t help but wonder about all the wacky Sith adventures they had that the Darth Plagueis novel never went into.  And I can’t help but think how fun an AU where they actually had a more cohesive relationship might be.  Hmmm, I wonder if there’s any story I’m writing where that could possibly happen *shifty eyes*?
My unpopular opinion about this characterI guess that it’s possible to write a redemption arc for him?  Haha, I mean if this isn’t an unpopular opinion then where are all the Sidious redemption fics?  Like, I’m afraid I may have seen every one of them, and there really aren’t that many.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Well, I don’t worry too much about canon since there’s fanfiction but if the sequels had been about Palpatine coming back in a clone body after like 30 years instead of Snoke popping up out of nowhere I think that could be cool!  Not like Dark Empire but like with most the TFA stuff but with Palpatine instead of Snoke.  
I mean, it would have to explain why he was waiting so long but maybe that could be done by saying he’d actually been implementing a new plan from the shadows all this time.
And then that could also explain Kylo’s weird distorted view of Vader.  Like Palpatine is all ‘Yes, my former apprentice.  He was so good at being evil.  Rotten ‘til the very end…’
And then he implements his incredibly complicated new plan against the New Republic that doesn’t involve Death Star III.
I think some would argue that that would diminish Vader’s sacrifice in the original trilogy, but I don’t think that would necessarily have to be the case.  Part of the sequel trilogy could be about the new characters discovering what really happened aboard the Death Star all those years ago, and perhaps that could be a piece of how they finally defeat Sidious once and for all.
How I feel about this character
She’s a mess in the canon.  The Clone Wars uses her as a plot device. Like let’s help Ventress and then when all the other Nightsisters die 'poof’!  Why doesn’t she–continue helping Ventress?  Who really knows! Oh, and let’s brainwash one of my children to murder the other one!   Finally, let’s have my brainwashed child dig my other child out of the trash where he has been for who knows how long so I can heal him and then poof! Gone again.  Not even a hello.  Why?  Again, it is never explained. A+ parenting, right?!?!That said, I really love her design and general authoritative attitude.  I love all her weird powers.  I love that she has a magic green sword she can just whip out of nowhere.  
I just think her personality and motivations need to be–fixed.All the people I ship romantically with this character
Well, Sidious if it’s an AU where he isn’t just an endless well of evil.  I don’t think she would put up with him long term  otherwise, and like I said, I prefer the celibate space monk version of pure evil Sidious.But I think they could have some good times in Heart of Shadow!Hmmm.  I guess that’s all I can think of for now.My non-romantic OTP for this characterVentress.  I wish they had had more interaction.Also Maul!  I want him to have a real parent!My unpopular opinion about this characterI guess that I like her?  I think a lot of people hate her for what she did in the canon, but since what she did in the  canon makes zero sense to me, I simply elect to ignore most of it.  Welcome to my happy AU land!One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.Only one?  Lol, how about fixing her character so she’s a better parent?  Like, can’t we just have one happy evil family?  Why can’t we have nice things?
How I feel about this character
Asgdhdghfdgj! I have so many feelings about Plagueis!  I love his obsession with science and midichlorians!  I love how people always seem to underestimate him.  I think Sidious is one of the only people who doesn’t underestimate Plagueis, really.  I mean, even after he kills him, he has this 'is he really dead’ moment where he very cautiously checks for any signs of life.I love how ridiculous he is, too.  Someone blows up his lab? Kill them with science! Mouth too messed up to drink anything?  No problem!  He’ll just drink his alcohol with his nose, lol!All the people I ship romantically with this characterPlagueis x Midichlorians forever!Heh.  More seriously, no one specifically, but I am certainly open to the concept of shipping him with someone!My non-romantic OTP for this characterSidious, as noted above.Also Tenebrous!  There’s this line in the Book of Sith where Plagueis is like wondering if Tenebrous would be proud of him and I think it’s so touching.  I know they’re all terrible Sith Lords, but I think he really liked Tenebrous and wouldn’t even have killed him if Tenebrous hadn’t been so attached to the Rule of Two.My unpopular opinion about this characterPlagueis is NOT Snoke, lol!  They’re just–completely different characters.  I don’t see their appearances or personalities as lining up at all!One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.Proper movie adaptation of the Darth Plagueis novel.
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authorjcalamy · 7 years
legends or new canon? - legends for the comic books. But NOT ALL LEGENDS ONLY SELECT LEGENDS THAT I CHOOSE
worst special editions change
best special editions change
clunkiest george lucas dialogue- the entirety of Attack of the CLones?
most overrated character
most underrated character
popular ship you can’t stand- Reylo. Sorry. Cannot. I’m not an anti but I just cannot.
unpopular ship you love
who shot first?
thoughts on yoda?
thoughts on qui-gon jinn?
is it time for the jedi to end? - UUUURG I DONT KNOW!!! I’m so old school... I was a jedi for halloween, I have been a jedi my whole life- all the discourse and drama around the jedi actually being these screwed up monsters is such a giant pain my ass- BUT ITS TRUE. I am glad they cleansed Legends because of exactly this but nothing will ever replace the moment in the original trilogy when Luke casts aside his saber and says “I AM A JEDI, LIKE MY FATHER BEFORE ME-” 
thoughts on the prequels?
most evil character
most heroic character- LEIA ORGANA
prequels anakin or TCW anakin
popular fan theory you can’t stand- ummmm not sure- i live in such a small corner of the fandom... 
silly/weird fan theory you secretly like
thoughts on TFA?
what spin-off film would you like to see next?
worst star wars actor
best star wars actor
thoughts on the ewoks?
jar jar binks: harmless nuisance or sith lord?
character you wish had more development/screen time
best star wars movie
worst star wars movie
worst type of fan
stance on the rey parentage discourse?
if you were president of lucasfilm your first act would be to _________?
@sl-walker AND @son-of-dathomir asked me these and i can;t get the damn list to unlist so i just highlighted them?
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b-radley66 · 5 years
Love’s Hope
Happy Birthday, @sl-walker Just a little something for you. Hope you enjoy! Not necessarily canon to the Blackbird’s universe, unless the author says so.
Raze fights through the haze. He tries to pull himself up, as if swimming in a sea of medical gauze. He catches a glimpse of crimson above him, the features blurred. In spite of the haze and the pain, he feels a warmth spreading from the middle of his chest, a warmth that manifests itself in the shape of a hand.
A much smaller hand than he would’ve thought, given the red blur above him.
“L-T?” he whispers.
His eyes flicker open and shut—through a cycle. He gives up and falls back asleep. Just before consciousness eludes him, he reaches up towards the blur.
His hand falls on a mass of wavy hair. That’s not right, is his last thought before sleep.
Dani Faygan looks down at Shiv’s brother. Her eyes tear at his struggle. She opens her resonance only a little more, allowing her own love to reflect back to him.
She knows that she doesn’t have the powerful, focused empathic resonance of a healer among her people—only her own version—as powerful as any full-blood’s, rather than the usual weaker version of a human-Zeltron hybrid.
She only has her love. She continues to rest her hand on his chest, hoping to give him some of that strength. Some of that love.
He’ll need it to truly and fully face the loss of Rabbit. To face his brothers’ pain.
Dani Faygan sits beside his bed as she thinks of Shiv. She hopes that he’ll forgive her for coming to Alderaan.
She simply hopes.
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b-radley66 · 6 years
Payback: A Blackbirds Story
For @sl-walker. Hope you like it. Not considered canon to the Blackbirds universe unless the author does. You can ask what REMF stands for.
Shiv looks up from the datapad as the flap of the shelter over the courier’s ramp parts, allowing the dim light of Radnor’s primary into the hold. He feels the fine hairs on the back of his neck rise. Not quite to the level of a clanker incursion on the Nest, but at least to the rise of one or two droids lumbering up the ramp. 
He hears the conversation over the merits of the DC-15 vs. the DC-15S—one that had basically degenerated into a series of size jokes—fade to silence from the area that the two new shinies, Raze, and Smarty were sitting on their haunches, working on various tech. 
Okay. Maybe to the level of a B2 or a droideka, he thinks. 
The silence from both sides of the hold isn’t exactly deafening, but it is definitely attention-getting.
The very large Null with the slightly different face from the rest of the troopers—a large example of brother-dom last seen chasing after Raze in the aftermath of the Great Commander-Half-Pint-Green Paint Dipping and Bombing Caper, stands in the ramp, filling the hatch. Shiv manages to keep his lips from twitching at the remnants of the neon hue on Drop’s broad face and brush-cut salt-and-pepper hair.
Drop notes the movement, then gathers them all in with his glance. Shiv moves his attention to the two commandos now flanking their Sergeant-Major. One, wearing the insignia of a medic, seems to be on edge; uncomfortable with the whole affair. The medic, like the other commando is a baseline ARC with commando flashes on his armor. 
Shiv’s eyebrows raise  at the other commando; manages to stifle another laugh. If Drop had picked a crew to back him up with sheer intimidation; these two would be the last of those hard-chargers of the 332nd. The younger clone stares at them with a perpetual look of confusion on his face; the single headset of a comm-tech affixed to one very large ear. The mop of hair flopping over his forehead doesn’t exactly help his war face.
“So you’re the Sergeant of this motley crew?” Drop asks in an even measure tone. Shiv is sure that he doesn’t need to raise his voice, but will in dire circumstance. 
Shiv walks up to him, looks up at him, his eyes clear as he stares at the commando. “Yeah. Who’s asking?”
Shiv sees the comm-tech’s eyes widen; the medic rubs the bridge of his nose.
“I am,” Drop says. 
Shiv idly wonders if there will be measuring of distance involved in the pissing contest, or whether it would be decided by stream intensity. 
He catches a glimpse of a twitch of Drop’s lips. Shiv drops his arms from their crossed place on his chest, allowing himself to relax.
The grin escapes its camouflage on Drop’s face. He holds his hand out and clasps Shiv’s right wrist. 
Shiv can feel the loud exhalation behind him. Out of the corner of his eye, he manages to glimpse Raze returning the safety pin to another surprise. He hopes that he wouldn’t have been caught in the blast as collateral damage. 
“Not bad, Blackbird,” Drops says, a hint of a gleam in his eye.
“Sorry about the extra paint job,” Shiv says. Raze starts to say something but closes his mouth at Shiv’s look. 
Drop nods after a moment. “It’s okay. Kinda worth it to see our vaunted smartass of a Jedi brought down a peg or two. Plus, he knows where the whole thing originated from. He’s kind of got a soft spot for that brat.” Drop looks away, his face grim. “I do too,” he whispers. “My Mouse.”
Shiv sees something in the Null’s eyes, a softness that he would’ve  bet that he would ever see.  A look that speaks of shared combat. He had seen the reports on Z’ambique from the 501st, the 212th, and the earlier incarnation of the 332nd, as well as the small commando task force that had been folded into the new version when Croft had been knighted.
He shakes those thoughts away. “So what does your Jedi say about your not burying the hatchet in our heads?”
“He’ll get over it. Especially since that reporter seems to like his boyish face now that he’s been shorn of all that wool. I guess he’ll turn on the so-called charm and go for ramming speed again, although she might miss the tickle of the beard. It’ll keep him out of our hair for a night or two.”
Shiv sees the comm-tech blush at Drops intimation that their Jedi is having sex.
He also sees the medic reach over and pull the medic’s face towards his behind their NCO.
Drop rolls his eyes at Shiv’s expression. “Come on, Peck. Not in front of the shinies. You can play smoochies with Bozo after we’re done here.”
He steps aside. Two other commandos walk up the ramp, bearing load-lifters. Load lifters piled with what suspiciously looks like several warming trays of food, cases of whisky—not the stuff they had been served, but Whyren’s, and a brand-new caf-maker.
“Thought you could use this stuff. It was just laying around at one of the REMF navy units. ‘Cept for the whisky. That’s Croft’s personal stash.”
“Won’t he miss it?”
“Nah. He gets easily distracted.” Drop looks over at Raze. “Didn’t get a chance to tell you. Good match the other day. Recognized the discipline. I think your LT has taught you well.”
Raze manages not to blush, thankfully.
“Paint, you’re one of only two who’ve ever beat me. The other is the one whose beard you dipped. Although it’s debatable as to whether I let him win or not.” He grins again. “It’s why we let him in the unit; figured he would put his money where his mouth was and keep us all alive if he was willing to go a few rounds with me. Although somedays his mouth tests us.”
Shiv would’ve probably paid money to see that match. He is almost certain that Croft had pounded Drop into submission with his face against Drop’s fists and feet.
“Nope, he hit me with his ribs a lot. Didn’t mess up his face. That was already done by genetics,” Drop says, as if reading Shiv’s mind.
Shiv nods. “Okay. So how will General Croft try to get his own back? He probably will be pretty mild with Commander Tano.”
“Yep, although I think he’s held his own with her.” Drop gives an evil grin. “Maybe he’ll challenge your LT to a drinking contest.” The twinkle in his eye belies the evil-ness. “Seeing how he’s sworn off the hair of the anooba that bit him a couple of days ago. I wouldn’t ever go against a Corellian in a drinking match, though.”
Idly, as the two units mingle and laugh, Shiv wonders if there was any way that they could get Maul into training for this match.
Nah. We’ll figure something else out. After all, I think Half-Pint still has a lot of mischief in her.
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