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rawganique · 7 years ago
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When you wear hemp, you know you’re changing the world. When you’re head to toe in Rawganique’s organic European cannabis hemp, you know you’re moving the world forward. The Lake District Organic Hemp Bag and L.A. Yoga Leggings and the Da Vinci Coat. Plus the Milano Handmade Hemp Boots. ==> http://www.rawganique.co/hemp-carry-on-travel-bag-p/rgbg-991w.htm ==> www.rawganique.co #Rawganique #cannabis #hemp #cannabishemp #fashion #womensfashion #ecofashion #sustainablefashion #ecotravel #ecofashion #ecofriendly #plantbased #vegan #veganfashion #hempclothing #hempbag #organichemp #hempproducts #changetheworld #wearhemp (at Blaine, Washington)
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yipalli281 · 6 years ago
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*Providing cannabis education for Korean Community* 🐌🌏🇰🇷🇺🇸📚💨💨 . Cannabis 는 꽃 입니다. 🌿 . . 장미에게는 장미 향이 🌹 벚 나무에는 벚꽃의 향이 풍긴다면, Cannabis의 향은 어떨까요? . . . 이제는 #La 곳곳에서 흔히 맡을 수 있는 #대마냄새 를 #cannabis “향기”로 오해하면 곤란합니다. . . Cannabis 를 �� 불에 태워 호흡기관으로 흡입할 경우 특유의 비릿한 냄새가 발생하는데 이때 물을 이용하거나, airfry 등의 다른 다양한 기법을 사용할 경우 전혀 다른 향을 경험할 수 있습니다. . . 특히 Cannabis의 경우 그 종이 현재 밝혀진 것으로만 수 백 가지가 넘어서고, 각 각의 꽃과 모종의 성격에 따라 그 향이 다르다고 합니다. . . . 같은 종, 같은 농부가, 같은 땅에서 키우더라도 . 결코 세상에 같은 꽃은 없다는 Cannabis🌱 . . 자신에게 맞는 Cannabis 향기를 한 번 찾아보세요! . . 아는 사람은 다 안다는 Cannabis🌱 . California Current Cannabis info #281🌱 . . #알아야산다 #cannabis #엘에이일상 #cannabisla #cannabishemp #hemp #cannabiseducation #asiancommunity #칸나비스 #281🌱 #엘에이 #엘에이칸나비스 #한인타운 (at Newport Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzMfvoMl0zH/?igshid=pte7xea59o6v
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growfoodporn · 8 years ago
LED grow lights,No,HPS ,Marijuana,medical cannabis,hemp# 7,indoors growing,howto
LED grow lights,No,HPS ,Marijuana,medical cannabis,hemp# 7,indoors growing,howto
These plants are 40 days old,This is a better way for indoor growing. LED grow lights put off less heat then any other lights.And the plants seem to love them. So this is howto grow safer for indoors grow room.As the lights run alot cooler,then any other s.
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rawganique · 7 years ago
We are still standing! We are very much open and going strong against the big banks (we feel a bit like David going up against Goliath). The love keeps pouring in, thank you so much for your support and for giving Umpqua Bank a piece of your mind for confusing industrial hemp with marijuana (in 2017??). We see light at the end of the tunnel. 😀 This is a compilation of our favorite videos featuring organic hemp, linen, and cotton clothes for men, made in-house by Rawganique.co since 1997. ☺️ This is to show that industrial hemp products are not for smoking and that they are completely legal and have always been. Hope you enjoy it. Industrial hemp has ZERO THC and is the most amazing plant on earth - it's breathable clothes, shoes, nutritious food, healing medicine, acid-free paper, strong buldiong materials, rope, twine, bedding, bath, bodycare and more. Clothing that are as natural and organic as you. 😀 #getthefacts #rawganique #industrialhemp #hemp #cannabis #cannabishemp #ecofriendly #menswear #sustainable #ecofashion #sustainbalefashion #platnbased #vegan #organic #clothing #instaclothing #instaclothes #clothes #mensclothing #mensfashion #mensfashionpost #mensfashionreview (at Blaine, Washington)
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rawganique · 7 years ago
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Our story is on the front page of HempToday and also picked up by WhatsHemppening news. There is also a short documentary being made about our befuddling ordeal. There’s a lot of interest in how big banks and big industries are trying to conflate industrial hemp with marijuana and throttling the hemp industry at the economic level. For those of you who don’t know, we received a registered letter from our bank on October 13 stating that they had shut down our bank account because we were deemed to be in an excluded line of business (meaning marijuana). We reached out to them to explain that industrial hemp has ZERO THC and a different plant from marijuana. Hemp products have always been legal in the USA. We make organic clothing, shoes, bedding, bath, paper, rope, bodycare, food and twine products with our organic hemp fiber and seed, so it’s got nothing to do with marijuana. It’s confounding at best but there you go. US Bank also refused to open an account for us, citing the same reason. The kicker is we have been in business since 1997 and a customer of umpqua Bank for 2.5 years and have never had this issue before. What do you think is going on here? #Rawganique #hemp #industrialhemp #hemppolitics #cannabis #cannabishemp #hempnews #cannabisnews #hemplife #hempindustry #hempfest #hemplifestyle #cannabiscommunity #hempcommunity (at Blaine, Washington)
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rawganique · 7 years ago
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You can’t smoke these organic hemp braided cords but you can use them to make beautiful, useful, environmentally-friendly things like necklaces and bracelets and bag trims and drawstrings and ribbons for wrapping gifts. 😉Hemp is very close to marijuana but no dice - hemp has zero THC. Industrial hemp products have always been legal. #getthefacts #getthefactsstraight ==> http://www.rawganique.co/hemp-braided-cords-s/121.htm #Rawganique #hemp #cannabis #cannabishemp #rawmaterials #arts #crafts #fiber #hempfiber #fiberarts #hempcord #braidedcord #eco #sustainable #plantbased #vegan #getthefacts #hempawareness #hempisnotmarijuana (at Blaine, Washington)
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rawganique · 7 years ago
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The Jacqueline Organic Hemp Gown and Flagstaff Hemp Sandals (hand-cut natural rubber sole). Wear hemp. Change the world. What are you waiting for? Flagstaff Hemp Sandals are available in women's sizes 5 - 11 and men's sizes 7 & 8. ==> http://www.rawganique.co/mens-womens-organic-cannabis-hemp-sandals-p/rgft-760.htm ==> http://www.rawganique.co/womens-hemp-short-dress-p/rg940-8r.htm #Rawganique #hemp #cannabishemp #dress #instadress #dresses #dresstagram #dressingup #gown #wedding #gowns #hempclothing #hempclothes #ladiesfashion #womensfashion #organicfashion #sustainable #eco #ecotravel #hempwedding (at Blaine, Washington)
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rawganique · 7 years ago
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The Raphael Organic European Cannabis Hemp Painter's Shirt in thick 10oz organic hemp fabric - like shirts used to be. Strong. Breathable. In production. www.rawganique.co #Rawganique #hemp #cannabis #cannabishemp #shirt #shirts #instashirt #shirtstagram #mensshirt #hempshirt #hempclothes #hempclothing #sustainable #ecofashion #exofriendly #whatveganswear #wearhemp #organichemp #hempproducts #hempmade #plantbasedlifestyle (at Blaine, Washington)
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rawganique · 7 years ago
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Flagstaff Handmade Organic Hemp Sandals. Women’s sizes 5-11 and men’s sizes 7-8. Natural or black. Cork sole. Hemp footbed. ==> http://www.rawganique.co/mens-womens-organic-cannabis-hemp-sandals-p/rgft-760.htm #Rawganique #hemp #cannabis #cannabishemp #hempsandals #sandals #hempshoes #hempfootwear #shoes #instashoes #sustainableshoes #sustainablefashion #sustainable #eco #ecofriendly #plantbased #wearhemp #changetheworld #ethicallypleasing (at Blaine, Washington)
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rawganique · 7 years ago
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The organic European cannabis hemp bag that reflects the animal-friendly, ethical, sustainable lifestyle. Handmade Liverpool hemp camera and personal carry-on bag. Padded, featuring many compartments for all your travel needs. ==> http://www.rawganique.co/organic-european-cannabis-hemp-camera-should-bag-p/rg9988.htm #Rawganique #bag #bags #camerabag #hemp #cannabis #cannabishemp #organichemp #organiccannabis #hemplife #hempbag #hempbags #instabag #bagstagram #ecobag #sustainable #plantbased (at Blaine, Washington)
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rawganique · 7 years ago
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Geneva Handmade Organic Cannabis Hemp Shoes - the definition of ethically pleasing and super breathable hemp footwear. Men’s sizes and women’s sizes 9, 10 and 11. We grow, weave, knit and sew each pair for true purity. Featuring our hemp shoelaces with hand-crimped copper tips. Wear hemp. Change the world. What are you waiting for? ==> http://www.rawganique.co/zippered-hemp-high-top-sneakers-p/rgft-426.htm #Rawganique #hemp #cannabis #cannabishemp #hempshoes #shoes #shoestagram #instashoes #cannabisshoes #vegan #veganshoes #veganfashion #ecoshoes #organicshoes #breathable #crueltyfree #chemicalfree #sustainable #sustainablefashion #sustainablestyle #sneakers (at Blaine, Washington)
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rawganique · 8 years ago
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I love hemp. Don't you? Gomez prefers to snuggle up against handmade Rawganique hemp shoes. 😬😬😬==> http://www.rawganique.co/handmade-hemp-footwear-shoes-s/110.htm #Rawganique #hempmade #cannabishemp #cannabismade #hemp #cannabis #sustainableshoes #hempshoes #veganshoes #plantbasedshoes #hemplife #cannabislover #cannabislife #shoes #sneakers #instasneaker #instashoes #shoestagram #eco #sustainablestyle (at Blaine, Washington)
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rawganique · 7 years ago
Scheherazade handmade organic Hemp Sandals with laces for women. Handy to natural rubber soles. Women's 5 - 11. Natural or black. ==> http://www.rawganique.co/womens-ladies-handmade-hemp-sandals-p/rgft-100-033.htm #Rawganique #sandals #instasandals #hempsandals #ecofashion #plantbased #veganshoes #shoes #footwear #womensshoes #womensfashion #hempfashion #organicfashion #ecofashion #ecofriendly #sustainable #sustainablefashion #cannabis #hemp #cannabishemp #whatveganswear (at Blaine, Washington)
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rawganique · 7 years ago
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Organic European cannabis hemp coat with removable hood. Lined with 100% organic cotton fleece for real all-natural warmth. Production has started. www.rawganique.co #Rawganique #hemp #cannabis #cannabishemp #coat #instacoat #costs #instacoats #jackets #instajackets #hempclothing #hempclothes #sustainable #ecofashion #ecofriendly #organicfashion #organiclifestyle #hemplife #cannabislife #plantbased #wintercoat #black #fashion #mensfashion #womensfashion (at Peace Arch Park)
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rawganique · 8 years ago
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We make our #organic European #cannabis #hemp #twines in-house so our customers can make food-safe, animal-friendly, and people-safe products ranging from kids' and pet toys to retail display to macrames to knits to jewelry. ==> http://www.rawganique.co/hemp-twines-s/120.htm #Rawganique #hemptwine #twine #cannabishemp #hempmade #cannabismade #jewelry #macrame #knit #fiber #fiberart #fibre #fibreart #hempfiber #organichemp #organiccannabis #plantbased #sustainable #ecofriendly
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