prowl-apologist · 2 hours
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Poly Vees 😽
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prowl-apologist · 12 hours
the problem with having a decade old tumblr blog is that there are posts on it from a decade ago
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prowl-apologist · 3 days
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prowl-apologist · 4 days
"why is EVERY song about love" I'm begging you to dig just a tiny bit deeper, there's literally thousands of songs that aren't love songs. You don't even have to look for the most obscure underground artists ever, the fucking Beatles of all people have a song about a guy who kills people with a hammer
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prowl-apologist · 11 days
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I got this amigurumi crochet pattern set from Crafty Intentions and wanna make some cryptids, so its giveaway time!
a lucky winner will get a custom cryptid amigurumi similar to the ones above! just REBLOG ONCE with the tag #giveaway to enter and I will message one random winner on October 13th!! they will then have 48 hours to respond or I will draw again. make sure your messages are open!
🎃 also consider voting for me in the Face of Horror competition. if I win, I will choose TWO MORE winners from the pool! 🎃
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prowl-apologist · 11 days
Reminds me of Pokécon MN's car.
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Here's our business card, too. xD
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Beep beep!
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prowl-apologist · 11 days
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prowl-apologist · 11 days
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Jed the Wolfdog in The Thing (1982)
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prowl-apologist · 12 days
I'm not ticklish whatsoever, so when anyone tries, I just stare at them until they get awkward and pull away ashamed.
“Are you ticklish” is such a loaded question. If you say no they’ll test it. If you say yes they’ll test it. Just tickle me. Get it over with. Subject me to this horror soon so that I may begin my healing process. 
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prowl-apologist · 12 days
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Emojis I made in the style of the twemoji 💯, mostly for the Murderbot Diaries 2.0 Discord server to expand our options beyond the "YES", "NO", "MOOD" and "OOF" that we already had. I also have alternate colorways - the older ones were originally all the same shade of red and became colorful so it'd be easier to tell them apart at emoji-react size - but I think fifteen is enough for one post.
They're starting to take on a life of their own, so you don't have to ask me before using them on your server (although it would be polite!), but please include an attribution in your server info channel or pinned message or wherever else you put reference information.
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prowl-apologist · 15 days
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again but it is absolutely an example of civilizational inadequacy that only deaf people know ASL
“oh we shouldn’t teach children this language, it will only come in handy if they [checks notes] ever have to talk in a situation where it’s noisy or they need to be quiet”
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prowl-apologist · 16 days
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This took me entirely too long but I really loved the challenge of doing something I have little experience in
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prowl-apologist · 18 days
The biting will continue until morale improves. The biting will also continue after morale improves. The biting will continue, regardless of the state of morale. [biting noises]
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prowl-apologist · 19 days
mutual just posted "ok i'm normal now". objective: survive their reverse-chronological dashboard breakdown (wave 1 of 30)
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prowl-apologist · 19 days
So, a comparatively high amount of states are voting on the fate of ranked choice voting this year. Missouri is voting on whether or not to kill it, Alaska is voting on whether or not to keep it, and most importantly, Nevada, Oregon and Idaho are voting on whether or not to adopt ranked choice voting, with maybe Colorado to follow.
And if you live in these states, even if you don't want to vote at the top of the ticket, I urge you to get out there and vote in favor of ranked choice voting on all of them.
Like, the two-party monopoly is a big part of the reason why politics in this country is so shit, and a big part of that is our "first past the post" system making it basically mathematically impossible for candidates outside of them to win anything beyond a local or state level.
So, if you want to try and break the cycle of voting for the lesser evil, of bipartisan cruelty towards the Global South and the country's own citizens alike, we need to change this and we need to vote on it where we can.
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prowl-apologist · 20 days
hey remember how awhile back i mentioned that tiktok has a whole trend where people mix cleaning supplies well i redownloaded tiktok so im finally able to show you what i mean
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prowl-apologist · 21 days
Imagine that you are about to pass a stranger on the street. Assume that the stranger is not threatening to you in any way, and they are also not particularly strange or interesting. They're just a completely average person.
If you believe the answer depends, pick what you generally do most often and/or explain why in the tags :]
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