#cannabis a lost history
zvaigzdelasas · 6 months
The Onondaga claim that the United States violated a 1794 treaty, signed by George Washington, that guaranteed 2.5 million acres in central New York to them. The case, filed in 2014, is the second brought by an American Indian nation against the United States in an international human rights body; a finding is expected as soon as this year.
Even if the Onondaga are successful, the result will mostly be symbolic. The entity, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, has no power to enforce a finding or settlement, and the United States has said that it does not consider the commission’s recommendations to be binding.
“We could win against them, but that doesn’t mean that they have to abide by whatever,” Mr. Hill said in an interview.
The 2.5 million acres have long since been transformed by highways and utility lines, shopping malls, universities, airports and roller rinks.
The territory encompasses the cities of Binghamton and Syracuse, as well as more than 30 state forests, dozens of lakes and countless streams and tributaries. It is also home to 24 Superfund sites, the environmental detritus of the powerhouse economy that helped central New York thrive during the beginning and middle half of the 20th century.
Most notorious of these is Lake Onondaga, which once held the dubious title of America’s most polluted lake.
Industrial waste has left its mark on Onondaga territory, leaving the nation unable to fish from its streams and rivers. The history of environmental degradation is part of what motivates the Onondaga, who consider it their sacred responsibility to protect their land.
One of their chief objectives in filing the petition is a seat at the table on environmental decisions across the original territory. The other is an acknowledgment that New York, even if only in principle, owes them 2.5 million acres.[...]
Some Native nations have been willing to drop land claims in exchange for licenses to operate casinos. But the Onondaga say they are not interested in cash. Nor are they interested in licenses to sell cannabis or operate a casino — which they consider socially irresponsible and a threat to their tribal sovereignty.
There’s really just one thing that Mr. Hill says would be an acceptable form of payment: land.
The Onondaga insist they are not looking to displace anyone. Instead they hope the state might turn over a tract of unspoiled land for the nation to hunt, fish, preserve or develop as it sees fit. One such repatriation effort is underway: the return of 1,000 acres as a part of a federal settlement with Honeywell International for the contamination of Onondaga Lake. The United States has not contested the Onondaga's account of how the nation lost its land. Indeed, the lawyers representing the United States in the Onondaga case have centered their argument on legal precedence, noting that courts at every level — including the U.S. Supreme Court — rejected the Onondaga’s claims as too old and most remedies too disruptive to the region’s current inhabitants.
To the Onondaga, the logic required to square these contentions seems unfair. Why should the United States be allowed to steal their land and face no obligation to give some back?[...]
In New York, [...] Native people were not considered to have standing to sue on their own behalf until 1987.[...]
In 2005, the Onondaga filed a version of their current claim in Federal District Court in the Northern District of New York, naming as defendants the State of New York, its governor, Onondaga County, the City of Syracuse and a handful of the companies responsible for the environmental degradation over the past centuries. A similar case filed by the Oneida Nation was, at the time, pending before the Supreme Court.
But just 18 days after the Onondaga filed their petition, the Supreme Court rejected the Oneidas’ case. The decision referenced an colonial-era legal theory known as the Doctrine of Discovery, which holds in part that Indigenous property claims were nullified by the “discovery” of that land by Christians.
The “long lapse of time” and “the attendant dramatic changes in the character” precluded the Oneida nation from the “disruptive remedy” it sought, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote in the majority decision.[...]
[L]awyers for the Onondaga used the rejection as the premise for a new argument. They contended that the U.S. court system’s refusal to find in their favor proved that they could not find justice in the United States.
The petition filed before the international commission amounts to the most direct challenge of the United States’ treatment of Indigenous people to date in terms of human rights — and the first to apply the lens of colonialism.
“What the Onondaga litigation is doing right now is to force a political dialogue with the colonial occupier,” said Andrew Reid, a lawyer representing the Onondaga, adding that a favorable finding could prompt a political conversation about the United States’s treatment of native people on the world stage.
Representatives for the State Department declined to be interviewed and did not respond to requests for comment. But in legal documents, the United States contended that the Onondaga’s central claims have been rejected in prior cases; that they have had “abundant opportunity” for their case to be heard; and that they are merely unhappy with the outcome. It also contended that the commission has no jurisdiction, given that the bulk of the nation’s losses took place two centuries before it was established.
“The judicial process functioned as it should have in this matter,” the United States wrote in legal papers.
15 Mar 24
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magicturtle · 11 days
Can I ask your opinion of a RPG writing trope? I listen to a podcast “System Mastery”, that reviews old RPGs that are no longer in print or first editions of RPGs that are on new editions now. One of the things they can’t stand is the trope of American Indians and Mexicans reverting to horse back, tepees, human sacrifice, worshipping spirits, building pyramids, and etc…. after some kind of apocalypse happens or they go out into the stars or different dimension. Something happens to separate them from the “white men .” They find the idea preposterous and pretty cringey because these books are written by white men usually and show an idolized version of the “noble savage”. They feel, why would natives give up cars, modern medicine, houses, roads, and bunch of other modern things just because there has been some kind of reset.
I can see that point. And I can think of all the games I have seen that trope, Shadowrun and Gamma World are good examples. I have also seen it in some other sci fi games. Interestingly White Wolf has a version of this in the world of darkness setting. The supernatural creatures are worshipped as gods or spirits by the natives. Werewolves by shamans and vampires as descendants of the bloody gods of the Aztecs. On the surface this all does seem ridiculous and can be dismissed as all just being fiction.
However, there is a lot of resentment by natives of having their culture, beliefs, language and so much more being stripped away by people that are invaders. Would they gladly undo the negatives and positives that were introduced by these invading cultures if given the chance? Would they rebuild what they lost just as it once was? I have read some articles and seen some videos about Latin American gangs worshiping their version of the old Aztec gods. And new gods that they have invented for the current times. There are also less violent new gods that have been invented. I saw how some of the old Mayan shamans are keeping the old beliefs alive in the rural parts of central America. And how there is still a lot of blending of native beliefs and Catholic beliefs throughout Latin America.
What do you think? Is there a long simmering longing for the old ways just below the surface just waiting to be released by some sort of catastrophic event?
To this day colonized peoples either maintain their old beliefs or hold some syncretized version. All you have to do is look at the way the Loa or the Orishas survived in the Caribbean, the supplicants of heretical saints like Santa Muerte, or culturally negotiated holidays like Carnaval or Dia de Muertos. Often white people in the US don’t know much about these current practices because A) they don’t care and B) many are private or even secret. Instead our cool, white dude writers and game designers focus on what they DO know, the ancient history of these groups. This is why white coded populations evolve, but non-white coded ones “revert”. It would be nice to see someone who actually knows these groups extrapolate current cultures into futurism, post apocalypse or “returned magic”. I haven’t read Coyote and Crow, but I hear that’s what they’re going for.
I will say that even in the defense of marginalizes groups being “reverted” there is a clear bias. Why would a community give up cars? …Are cars good? Can we honestly look at our communities, our cities, our environment, and unequivocally say, “this is clearly a net good for the world”? Traditional medicine is also frequently shot down by “logical people” until decades in, scientists “discover” analgesic or antibiotic properties. Isn’t it great that we’ve started unlocking the potential of cannabis only 1000 years after the Nahua were using it medicinally?
Hope this addresses your question.
Thanks for writing in!
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adaginy · 3 months
As terrible as the US healthcare system still is, a flashback to how it used to be worse:
I have to fight against an instinct to *not* be honest in filling out a health history -- not just the sex and cannabis or whatever, but simple things like "I had asthma as a kid" or "I have a family member with a substance use disorder".
Firstly because if they're in your files, and then if you temporarily didn't have insurance -- because you lost your job, for example -- and you got new insurance, those are pre-existing now, and your insurance would say "okay well we aren't going to cover anything asthma related until you've been paying premiums for a while."
But also because of rescission. Where you'd find out you had cancer or something else the insurance company didn't want to pay for, and the insurance companies would comb through your files and go "oh, hey, this doctor said you mentioned in a visit that you had strep a lot as a kid, and you didn't put that on your forms when you signed up for insurance, so your sign-up was fraudulent and we'll no longer cover you." Didn't matter that it was unrelated. You could sign up for a policy again, but now your cancer is a pre-existing condition.
And so the part of my brain that grew up before Obamacare does not want to tell the doc i have a crackhead aunt, because what if i forgot to put that on my health insurance paperwork, and I get rescissioned over it when I need my insurance?
When ACA was being debated and whatnot, btw, they asked insurance companies if they would stop this practice and they said no! If they'd said yes, it would have hamstrung a major argument for why the ACA is needed, but they decided to bet that the ACA would fail without them promising to stop this extremely profitable practice.
Under the ACA, rescission is illegal unless it's intentional fraud. They can't hold this unrelated thing you forgot to mention against you.
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fortheluvofseeds · 8 months
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Grow your own & get lost in the frost! 🌱🔥🎉
Popby ForTheLuvOfSeeds to grab a deal on some stellar genetics, browse a few reviews in Grower's Perspective, get some tips or plant analysis to troubleshoot your girls, get a cool recipe or check out A Growing History, a collection of historical pics of weed thru the years! 🔍🤙
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smokingwithjohnny · 8 months
What are some of the alternative history topics that I'll explore in my blog you may ask?
Great question! Here are some of the alternative history topics that I'll explore in my blog, "Smoking With Johnny":
Tartaria: The Lost Empire - Delving into the mysterious history of Tartaria, a vast empire that spanned Central and Eastern Asia, and examining the evidence suggesting its sudden disappearance from historical records.
The Genesis 6 Conspiracy - Exploring the ancient texts and legends that hint at the existence of a race of giants known as the Nephilim, and investigating the possibility that they may have been the result of genetic engineering experiments conducted by extraterrestrial beings.
The Hollow Earth Theory - Examining the intriguing idea that the Earth is not a solid sphere, but rather a hollow planet with a vast inner world, and exploring the potential implications of this theory for our understanding of history and human origins.
The Lost City of Atlantis - Investigating the legendary city of Atlantis, which is said to have been a technologically advanced civilization that sank beneath the waves thousands of years ago, and exploring the various theories about its location and the reasons for its downfall.
The Philadelphia Experiment - Unraveling the mystery surrounding the alleged Philadelphia Experiment, a purported military experiment conducted by the US Navy in 1943, which is said to have resulted in a ship and its crew being teleported through space and time.
The Roswell UFO Incident - Examining the infamous Roswell UFO incident of 1947, in which a rancher in New Mexico discovered debris from a crashed flying saucer, and exploring the various theories about the origin of the craft and the fate of its occupants.
The Mandela Effect - Investigating the Mandela Effect, a phenomenon in which a large portion of the population shares a false memory of a significant event, and exploring the possible explanations for this strange occurrence, including the multiverse theory and glitches in the simulation.
These are just a few examples of the many alternative history topics that I'll explor in my blog.
I believe that by smoking cannabis and questioning the mainstream narratives, delving into the mysteries of the past, we can gain a deeper understanding of our world and our place in it.
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This day in history
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On Weds (May 10), I’m in Vancouver for a keynote at the Open Source Summit and a book event for Red Team Blues at Heritage Hall and Thu (May 11), I’m in Calgary for Wordfest.
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#15yrsago The lost NY Times steampunk feature https://web.archive.org/web/20080511003859/http://charmandrigor.com/clips/self-steampunk.html
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#10yrsago Welcome to the century of the copyright troll: Prenda Law was just the beginning https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/05/prenda-law-tip-iceberg
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#5yrsago Bumblefuck Watch: Rob Ford’s brother hired his own “reporter” to ask him scripted softball questions for literal fake news spots https://www.thestar.com/opinion/editorials/2018/05/06/doug-ford-evades-real-scrutiny-by-hiring-his-own-reporter.html
#5yrsago Colorado cop corrects would-be dog-slaughtering Illinois officer about drug-sniffing after marijuana legalization https://www.420magazine.com/420-news/international-cannabis-news/colorado-cop-debunks-illinois-cops-claim-that-legal-pot-would-lead-to-killing-of-police-dogs/
#5yrsago “Cocky” romance novelist embarks on a second career as a trademark troll: will romance writing fall from grace? https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/may/08/romantic-novelist-trademarking-of-word-cocky-fameela-hopkins
#5yrsago Nova Scotia premier won’t apologise for libeling teen who discovered massive data breach https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/premier-stephen-mcneil-privacy-breach-freedom-of-information-portal-1.4653474
#5yrsago Nova Scotia abandons its attempt to destroy a teenager who stumbled on a wide-open directory of sensitive information https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/police-drop-charges-in-nova-scotia-government-breach-1.4651543
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#5yrsago A new strain of IoT malware can survive a reboot https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/hide-and-seek-becomes-first-iot-botnet-capable-of-surviving-device-reboots/
#5yrsago Equifax lets identity thieves raid “frozen” credit reports through its shady, obscure secondary credit bureau https://krebsonsecurity.com/2018/05/another-credit-freeze-target-nctue-com/
#5yrsago Ticketmaster finds a new way to be terrible: facial recognition! https://www.engadget.com/2018-05-06-ticketmaster-hopes-to-speed-up-event-access-by-scanning-your-fac.html
#1yrago At the FTC, a quiet, profound shift on antitrust https://pluralistic.net/2022/05/09/rest-in-piss-robert-bork/#harmful-dominance
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Catch me on tour with Red Team Blues in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, DC, Gaithersburg, Oxford, Hay, Manchester, Nottingham, London, and Berlin!
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Brittney Griner will enter a system of isolation, grueling labor and psychological torment when she is transferred to a penal colony, the successor to the infamous Russian gulag, to fulfill a nine-year sentence handed down Tuesday in Moscow, former prisoners and advocates said. 
Human rights violations are a regular feature of many of the camps, according to the U.S. State Department, human rights groups and others who have maintained regular contact with prisoners in Russia. That the WNBA star, who lost her appeal Tuesday, is a gay Black woman could add unknown variables to a penal system that is known to be remote and harrowing. 
“Conditions in prisons and detention centers varied but were often harsh and life threatening,” a 2021 State Department report on Russian human rights abuses said. “Overcrowding, abuse by guards and inmates, limited access to health care, food shortages, and inadequate sanitation were common in prisons, penal colonies, and other detention facilities.
The report notes that “physical and sexual abuse by prison guards was systemic,” that torture of prisoners was pervasive — at times resulting in death or suicide — and that discriminatory protections against women and people of color were not often enforced. The law also does not prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation.
“Russian prisons are grim, even relative to prisons in other countries. And the Putin regime has ramped up hostility towards gays and lesbians as part of its broader policy of hard-line nationalism,” said Muriel Atkin, a Russian history professor at George Washington University.
That adds further concerns to a fraught situation. While tensions between the White House and the Kremlin continue to boil over the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Griner’s agent, Lindsay Colas, emphasized Tuesday that she believes Moscow is using Griner’s imprisonment as leverage against the U.S.
“Brittney Griner’s nine-plus year sentence is regarded as harsh and extreme by Russian legal standards,” Colas said in a statement Tuesday on Twitter. “Today’s disappointing, yet unsurprising, appeal outcome further validates the fact that she is being held hostage and is being used as a political pawn. Brittney Griner is being held by Russia simply because she is an American.”
The type of penal colony Griner — who was arrested for carrying two cartridges of cannabis oil — will be sent to is most likely a repurposed Soviet gulag, a brutal system of labor camps and prisons that incarcerated millions of people from the 1920s to the 1950s. Prisoners were used for farming, mining or logging in sparsely populated areas of the country or worked in sweatshop conditions. 
Typically such compounds are found in the far northern and eastern reaches of Russia as part of a unique system that aims to both imprison and exile convicts, according to an Amnesty International report published last year. It can often take weeks for prisoners to arrive at the prisons on prison trucks and specially designed train carriages called Stolypins.
Prisoners are extremely vulnerable and can be difficult to locate during the arduous journeys, Amnesty International noted. That has gained notice with the imprisonment of high-profile figures, such as oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Pussy Riot band member Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and opposition leader Aleksei Navalny, among others.
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hatingwithfears · 2 years
Here’s the complete list of books I managed to read in 2022.
168 books. 54,494 pages.
Renata Adler- Speedboat
Kendra Allen- The Collection Plate
Jonathan Alter- His Very Best: Jimmy Carter, A Life
Kenneth Anger- Hollywood Babylon
Jason Bailey- Fun City Cinema: New York City and the Movies That Made It
Peter Baker, Susan Glasser- The Divider: Trump in The White House 2017-2021
JG Ballard- The Atrocity Exhibition
Julien Barnes- Elizabeth Finch
Brit Bennett- The Vanishing Half
Charles M. Blow- The Devil You Know: A Black Power Manifesto
Anthony Bourdain- Medium Raw
Anthony Bourdain, Laurie Woolever- World Travel: An Irreverent Guide
Box Brown- Cannabis: The Illegalization of Weed in America
Mariah Carey, Michaela Angela Davis- The Meaning of Mariah Carey
Nick Cave & Sean O’Hagan- Faith, Hope, and Carnage
David Chang- Eat a Peach
Dan Charnas- Dilla Time
Leonard Cohen- A Ballet of Lepers
Lee Cole- Groundskeeping
Teju Cole- Black Paper
Ray Connolly- Being Elvis: A Lonely Life
Brian Contoir- Practical Alchemy
Antoine Cosse- Metax
Charles R. Cross- Here We Are Now: The Lasting Impact of Kurt Cobain
Daniele Cybulskie- How To Live Like a Monk
Travis Dandro- King of King Court
John Darnelle- Devil House
Michael Deforge- Heaven No Hell
Rita Dove- Playlist for the Apocalypse
David Duchovny- The Reservoir
Jennifer Egan- The Candy House
Robert Evans- The Kid Stays in The Picture
Scott Eyman- Cary Grant: A Brilliant Disguise
Nicolas Ferraro- Cruz
Mark Fisher- Ghosts of My Life
Mark Fisher- Capitalist Realism
Johnathan Franzen- Crossroads
Harry Freedman- Leonard Cohen: The Mystical Roots of Genius
Matti Friedman- Who By Fire: Leonard Cohen in the Sinai
James Gavin- George Michael: A Life
Lizzy Goodman- Meet Me in The Bathroom
Andrew Sean Greer- Less
Dave Grohl- The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music
Joseph Hansen- Troublemaker
Joy Harjo- Poet Warrior
Robert Harris- The Ghost Writer
Noah Hawley- Anthem
Wil Haygood- Colorization: One Hundred Years of Black Film in a White World
Clinton Heylin- The Double Life of Bob Dylan
Andrew Holleran- The Kingdom of Sand
Michel Houellebecq- Serotonin
Sean Howe- Marvel Comics: The Untold Story
Dorthy B Hughes- In a Lonely Place
John Irving- The Fourth Hand
Walter Isaacson- Leonardo Da Vinci
Kazuo Ishiguro- Klara and The Sun
Junji Ito- No Longer Human
Robert Jones Jr- The Prophets
Saeed Jones- Alive at The End of the World
Stephen Graham Jones- My Heart is a Chainsaw
Rax King- Tacky
Stephen King- Billy Summers
Katie Kitamura- Intimacies
Chuck Klosterman- The Nineties
TJ Klune- Under The Whispering Door
Karl Ove Knausgaard- The Morning Star
Hideo Kojima- The Creative Dream
Milan Kundera- Slowness
Wally Lamb- I Know This Much is True
Yiyun Li- Dear Friend, from My Life I Write to You in Your Life
Thomas Ligotti- The Conspiracy Against The Human Race
Roger Lipsey- Make Peace Before the Sun Goes Down
Patricia Lockwood- No One is Talking About This
Ling Ma- Bliss Montage
Stuart B MacBride- Halfhead
Michael Mann & Meg Gardiner- Heat 2
Greil Marcus- Dead Elvis
Mike McCormack- Solar Bones
Jennette McCurdy- I’m Glad My Mom Died
Janelle Monae- The Memory Librarian
Ottessa Moshfegh- Lapvona
Leila Mottley- Nightcrawling
Alan Moore, Melinda Gebbie- Lost Girls
Grant Morrison- The Invisibles
Mannie Murphy- I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
Sequoia Nagamatsu- How High We Go in The Dark
Joyce Carol Oates- Blonde
Joyce Carol Oates- American Melancholy
John O’Connell- Bowie’s Bookshelf
Ryan O’Connell- Just By Looking at Him
Jenny Offill- Weather
Paul Ortiz- An African American and Latinx History of The United States
Hiroko Oyamada- The Factory
Hiroko Oyamada- The Hole
Helen Oyeymi- What is Not Yours is Not Yours
James Patterson- Hear No Evil
Larissa Pham- Pop Song
Brian Phillips- Impossible Owls
Stephanie Phillips- Why Solange Matters
Keith Phipps- Age of Cage
Michael Pollan- This Is Your Mind on Plants
Richard Powers- Bewilderment
Questlove- Music is History
Kristen Radtke- Seek You
Sue Rainsford- Follow Me to Ground
Claudia Rankine- Just Us: An American Conversation
George A Romero, Daniel Kraus- The Living Dead
Karen Russell- Orange World
George Saunders- A Swim in a Pond in The Rain
George Saunders- Liberation Day
Samantha Schweblin— Fever Dream
Leonardo Sciascia- Equal Danger
Mark Seal- Leave The Gun, Take The Cannoli
Seth- Clyde Fans
Alan Sepinwall- Breaking Bad 101
Zadie Smith- Feel Free
Won-Pyung Sohn- Almond
Bob Spitz- Led Zeppelin: The Biography
Elizabeth Strout- Oh William!
J Randy Taraborrelli- The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe
Herve Le Tellier- The Anomaly
Manjit Thapp- Feelings
Olga Tokarczuk- The Books of Jacob
Jia Tolentino- Trick Mirror: Reflections on Self Delusion
Leo Trezenick- The Confession of a Mad Man
Stanley Tucci- Taste
Una- Becoming Unbecoming
Ocean Vuong- Time is a Mother
Chris Ware- Rusty Brown
WC Ware- Jimmy Corrigan
John Waters- Liarmouth
Peter Weiss- The Shadow of The Coachman’s Body
Missouri Williams- The Doloriad
Antoine Wilson- Mouth to Mouth
Sarah Winman- Still Life
Laurie Wollever- Bourdain: The Definitive Oral Biography
Kenneth Womack- Solid State: The Story of Abbey Road and The End of The Beatles
Hanya Yanagihara- To Paradise
Ed. Jelani Cobb & David Remnick- The Matter of Black Lives
Ed. Sinead Gleeson & Kim Gordon- This Woman’s Work: Essays on Music
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monikeroboogie · 19 days
Cannabis: A Lost History (FULL DOCUMENTARY)
0 notes
hera-the-shoggoth · 5 months
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In response to a previous comment:
The balance of red against purple and gold in the tricolor is already skewed towards red, and I wanted to preserve the aspect of a tricolor flag with a canton added to it. This is meant to have been first used by nationalist romantics in the 19th century as part of an aristocratic-bourgeois movement to re-coalesce an identity of universal Roman-ness in a Marmarene society made up of many peoples with many religions and histories.
Even after so much had been lost and the empire a ship of Theseus many times over, its Marmaro-speaking ruling elite had never lost much of its traditional identity and pride as the living, unbroken survival of the original, literal, Roman state. This even having been reduced to a militarily and economically powerful, important, but nonetheless small and limited metaphorical rock on the Bosporus and the Dardanelles.
Before the Revolution of 1905 and the Greater West Asia War, the empire extended on the European subcontinent only west to Lake Ostrovo and the Servian Dardania (and only if one counts the enfeoffed states alongside thematic states), north to the Pirin Mountains of the Kardzhali Sultanate and the lowlands around the Gulf of Varna under direct Basileic control, south of the utopian frontier states enfeoffed to the Tsar of Greater Bulgaria; besides this it also possessed tiny scattered footholds in the islands of the Aegaen, the Peloponnese, Attica, and Euboea, the Gothic Kingdom of the Black Sea and the Ukrainian Colonies, as well as the mixture of Roman-aligned cities, colonies and Protected Countries along the Ionian coast among the Oghuz States, east along the entire eastern Mediterranean and south from Roman Egypt along the Nile to Ethiopia. These colonies had an origin that is important to the story of this flag.
By the middle of the 19th century AD, these cities had been turned into fortresses of anti-Muslim and anti-Turcic segregation and ethnic hierarchy under generations of thematic military governors drawn from a mixed Marmarene-Koine colonial background; the children of patrician families, mostly those ennobled after the Palaiologene Restoration, who had used personal capital to fund colonial ventures throughout the eastern Mediterranean. These ventures involved the use of personal military forces to subjugate or support communities and countries deemed to have Roman and Christian history or nature, and the use of the resulting governorships to extract massive amounts of tobacco and cannabis from fertile valleys of Anatolia guarded by machine guns and barbed wire through corvee labor extracted from ethnic and religious minorities in exchange for conversion to Christianity; submitting to second-class status and the terror of the constant duel of rockets between Christian, Muslim, and Judaic states.
This resulted in the development of a squire-ocracy of sorts; a bourgeois-noble hybrid class which produced during these decades a great deal of romanticism and nationalism. This tricolor was one of the results of this. The bottom band of red represented a self-perception of martiality and a sanguine attitude towards brutality and its aesthetic felt to embody Roman-ness, while the middle purple band represented the traditional color of the clothes of the Basileos, Emperor of the Romans, while the gold band represented the perception not just of religious virtue among the Romans but also the transcendental and psychosexual aspect of the Roman culture's relationship to God; Chryso Stomos and all that.
Emperor Theodoro VI in particular, who owed their throne to the suburban elites, popularized the fetishization and reuse of elements of ancient roman culture, including sex positivism and the use of cannabis, and many new offshoots of Gnosticism spread around, especially related to neo-Hesychasm, the Transcendentalist movement, Bepoyonquv influences, the Psycheanist religion and the incorporation of cannabis into worship; a plant which had become enormously popular throughout the world and a major cash crop in the colonies. Yellow had also by this point become a widely recognized cultural symbol for cannabis and the cultures that surround it, as cannabis itself began to be considered a national pride.
The reason I did not enlarge the square to cover the purple band wholly was to nix the total dominance of red in the design that the canton necessarily introduced, as I wanted to preserve the feeling of the flag being a tricolor (as an ensign and civil flag) with the imperial coat of arms added in canton only when the flag is used to represent the imperial throne directly. So, to improve the balance of color slightly a little of the purple band was extended to the hoist in imitation of the style of canton in the royal flag of Bulgaria. This relaxes the dominance of red overall. If the canton square were extended down to meet the red band, the flag would be even more dominated by red, which I think drowns out the other two colors. I suspect this opinion is shared by the in-universe Marmarene pretty-boys.
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abigailshorel6 · 7 months
Stack Magazine
Stack Magazine was mentioned in my tutorial so I thought I would have a look at how they create a narrative through the magazine as I am struggling to define the narrative for mine.
A magazine for getting lost
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'a tri-fold structure that separates the text from the images, and encourages readers to flick back and forth between the two.'
You almost get lost in the book, I love the concept of linking the narrative to the user experience - encourages users to get lost.
Coordinates instead of page numbers.
‘Terra Incognita’, the term used on maps to show areas not yet explored
Allows the user to explore the book in a unique way and make their own parings of word and image
Yep Yep
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Inspired by childs willingness to play and experimentation
Image based
Mirrored pages - have to read words through reflection of the page
Play with no right and no wrong
Avoiding audience capture
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Investigates the phenomenon of creators being controlled by their audiences
Unrestricted contents
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Encourages readers to read book in whatever order they want
'(In a further break from boring old front-to-back linear reading, each article finishes with a ‘choose your own adventure’ A/B selection, encouraging the reader to pick their way through the magazine, flipping forwards and back to jump from story to story.)'
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She interviews locals and photographs the scenes she finds along the way, creating an image of a messy, chaotic but characterful neighbourhood. 
By contrast the contents page uses the clean, clear grid layout of the streets themselves to show where photographs were taken, giving the reader an extra layer of context and also emphasising the difference between looking at a neat map, and being lost in the landscape itself.
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The new issue of Meantime is themed ‘Bad Stories’, with seven sections inspired by the seven deadly sins.
A corner has been sliced off the magazine, so when it’s stood on end it looks like it’s sinking
The missing corner, then, came to represent the stories that have been cut out of the magazine, and instead of sinking into the ground, this issue becomes the tip of the iceberg; the part that’s visible above the waterline, the version of Singapore that Meantime wants to create.
A hole lot of fun
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'‘Space’ and comes with a literal space drilled through the middle of the magazine...giving the pages an unusual focal point and interacting with the text and other page elements.'
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Comes wrapped in a lovely soft, flocked cover
Gossamer is nominally a magazine about cannabis
“Naturally, the experience of touch is heightened by cannabis, whether in beverage, flower, or even infused popping candy form. 
The Untouchables
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The latest issue of Indie is less interested in touch as a theme, but uses it to create a totally distinctive publication that subtly plays on ideas of past and future.
“Why do we romanticise the past? / Why are we obsessed with the future? / Are we there yet?”
The issue becomes a sort of scrapbook of looks and ideas, mixing nostalgic memories with exciting ideas of the future, all bound up within its thick covers.
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The theme of the issue is clothes, and it brings together a collection of stories that consider the things we wear as the most fundamental building blocks of fashion. There’s critical writing on the history of clothing, stories that consider the impact clothes have on us, and brilliantly bizarre, extreme experiments in fashion and performance.
Feeling blue?
Every issue of Sindroms is based around a different colour. This time it’s blue, and the magazine has decided to interpret that colour emotionally: in other words, this is an entire magazine themed around sadness. 
I loved looking at stack magazines, it has given me so much inspiration for editorial projects. I love that they all tell a narrative throughout the magazine and express this in a visually interesting way. I would love to do some more editorial work for FMP, I think I could create a typeface of some kind and then present this in an editorial format. The ideas I have been looking at are quite abstract so an editorial piece will let me explain my idea and concept in more detail.
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benaquiagua · 1 year
Cannabis: A Lost History (FULL DOCUMENTARY)
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masterofd1saster · 1 year
CJ current events 21sep23
Hunter Biden indictment
Case is United States v. Biden, 23 cr 61 (D. Del.). The indictment is at https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/23977706/hunter-indcitment.pdf
There are three counts. The first two are for lying on the ATF Form 4473 you must complete and sign in order to buy a firearms from a licensed dealer. You can download a 4473 from https://www.atf.gov/firearms/atf-form-4473-firearms-transaction-record-revisions
The third count is for possession of a firearm by a crackhead.
speaking of tax evasion
Two Florida businessmen, David Aaron and Russell Ultes, were sentenced today to 18 months and nine months in prison, respectively, for a scheme to evade over $1.1 million in income taxes. ***  https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/fort-myers-roofing-contractors-sentenced-prison-evading-over-11-million-taxes
excellent 54 sec video
DALLAS - A man police believe was involved in a dramatic shootout while attempting to break into an Oak Cliff apartment has been arrested and charged. The incident, which happened on Saturday, August 19th around 6 p.m., was captured by a doorbell camera. A man claiming to be a maintenance worker shows up outside the apartment door at a complex off of Gannon Lane. In the video, Ethan Rodriguez can be heard talking to the man through his doorbell camera.*** maintenance worker as 30-year-old Aaron Contreras.*** Dallas County Sheriff's Office records show Contreras' criminal history dates back to 2013.*** https://www.fox4news.com/news/video-oak-cliff-apartment-shootout
Maybe able to use dad's VISA for your next high
A key Senate committee is planning to vote on a bipartisan bill to expand banking services for legal marijuana businesses by the end of September, sources familiar with the plans, confirmed to the Washington Examiner on Friday. The Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee intends to hold a markup session for the bill during the last week of September, which was first reported by NBC News. The legislation is intended to give federally regulated banks and credit unions legal cover to take cannabis dispensaries and growers as customers. Currently, banks and credit unions still face federal prosecution and penalties if they provide services to legal cannabis businesses because it is still considered a Schedule I substance, which is defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and has a high potential for abuse, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration. As a result of not having access to financial services, many state-legal cannabis businesses are forced to operate their businesses only using cash.*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/senate/cannabis-banking-bill-end-of-month
Gov Whitmer kidnapping plot
Three men accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in 2020 were acquitted Friday.  William Null, twin brother Michael Null, and Eric Molitor were found not guilty of providing support for a terrorist act and a weapon charge. Deliberations began Thursday.  "You gentlemen are free to leave," Judge Charles Hamlyn said. The trio is the last of 14 men to face charges in state or federal court. Nine were convicted and now five have been cleared.*** A juror approached Molitor outside the courthouse and "said he was very sorry for all he had gone through," defense attorney William Barnett told The Associated Press. "The man shook his hand and gave him a hug." "They went after three peoples’ lives and destroyed them for three years," Barnett said of the attorney general’s office. "I’m just lost for words. This is an emotional moment."*** https://www.foxnews.com/us/michigan-jury-acquits-three-men-in-plot-to-kidnap-gov-gretchen-whitmer
other CJ systems
Last year, Mahsa Jina Amini, a 22-year-old woman from the town of Saqqez in northwestern Iran, came to visit family in Tehran—a stranger in a strange land.  On September 13, she was exiting a subway station with her brother when she was stopped by the morality police for wearing an “inappropriate hijab.” It’s unclear what she was actually wearing that day—her mother says it was a “long, loose robe”—but she was locked up and beaten for this so-called crime. Three days later, on September 16, Mahsa Amini was dead.  At first, photographs circulated showing her lying in a coma in a hospital bed with tubes in her mouth and nose. Security forces claimed that Mahsa had suddenly collapsed in detention and suffered a heart attack. But a doctor from the hospital told me via encrypted message that Mahsa had died before she ever arrived. Leaked medical scans revealed that her skull had been fractured. The hospital photos, it turned out, were part of a regime cover-up—a fact that spread like wildfire throughout the country thanks to the reporting of fearless Iranian journalists.*** [protests] The regime sent in troops to crush the revolt. During the crackdown, more than 500 protesters have been killed, a quarter of them women. Another 20,000 have been jailed. At least seven were executed after brief show trials. UN experts estimate that at least 5,000 children have been poisoned in what they describe as “targeted chemical attacks against girls’ schools” that have been reported in “91 schools located in 20 provinces across Iran.” ***
Take the case of Zeinab Kazemi, who removed her hijab in February at an engineers’ gathering in Tehran. This month she was sentenced to 74 lashes. After she was sentenced, she wrote on Instagram, “I have never regretted raising my voice for justice and against oppression, and I still don’t.” Iranian journalist Nazila Maroufian was thrown in jail for interviewing Mahsa Amini’s father last year. After she was released, she posted a photo of herself without a headscarf and the message, “Don’t accept slavery, you deserve the best!” She is currently detained in an Iranian jail, and is now on a hunger strike, in protest against the sexual assault she has reportedly endured behind bars. ***
quick thinking
***Five people were about to enter a home on the 8900 block of Pebble Beach Circle in Westminster, California, when four masked men forced their way inside with them. The victims included an older woman, a 14-year-old boy, a seven-year-old girl, an adult man, plus the woman who was able to hide in the closet. It was about a quarter to 11 p.m. on Sept. 11 when police received a call. "Officers arrived at the residence in under three minutes and observed four males running out of the front door. All of the male suspects were observed wearing masks and armed with handguns as they ran from the residence," the Westminster Police Department said in a statement. "A male suspect pushed the adult male victim to the ground and used a stun gun to gain compliance. Four of the victims were tied up in the living room as the suspects demanded to know where the valuables were kept." Police arrived within three minutes of receiving the call, but by the time they arrived, the four suspects were already running out of the house. Officers on the scene could see they still wore masks and had handguns. One of the suspected burglars, Danny Sommay, 29, was apprehended and arrested on charges of kidnapping, robbery, conspiracy to commit a felony, and armed criminal action. Sommay's 9mm handgun was revealed to have been stolen, so he was also charged with possession of a loaded stolen firearm. He is currently being held at the Orange County Jail on $1,000,000 bail. The other three suspects are still at large. *** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/crime/california-woman-home-invasion-hiding-closet-call-9-11
don't do the crime if you can't do the time
Three pro-life activists who took part in an October 2022 “rescue” in a Washington, D.C., abortion facility were each found guilty of felonies that could land them up to 11 years in prison and fines as much as $350,000. The verdict follows a separate trial in which five other pro-life activists were also found guilty. The activists — 74-year-old Joan Bell, 73-year-old Jean Marshall, and 41-year-old Jonathan Darnel — were indicted on felony conspiracy against rights and violating the federal Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, also known as the FACE Act. The FACE Act increased penalties for people who accost or obstruct women who are seeking abortion at clinics or pregnancy resource centers.*** https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/255394/three-more-pro-lifers-guilty-on-face-act-charges-face-up-to-11-years-in-prison
earned every second
A Pennsylvania man was sentenced today to 25 years in prison for manufacturing and attempting to manufacture child sexual abuse material (CSAM). According to court documents, David Dunn, 57, of Red Hill, used the mobile applications Snapchat and Likee to coerce and entice a 10-year-old female to engage in sexually explicit conduct. Dunn told the victim he was 11 years old and sent the minor female CSAM depicting minor boys, which he had downloaded from the Dark Web. Dunn captured the CSAM he coerced the victim to create and sent it to another individual via Telegram. Two cell phones seized from Dunn’s home contained thousands of images and videos of CSAM. Dunn pleaded guilty to one count of sexual exploitation of children. *** https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/man-sentenced-sexual-exploitation-child
really must think there are no consequences A laughing teenager appears to deliberately plow a stolen car into a retired police chief, Andreas Probst, in a fatal Las Vegas hit-and-run that has left his widow furious, according to a now-viral video of the collision.*** Probst, 64, was on his morning bike ride when the teenager struck him Aug. 14 about 6:04 a.m. on North Tenaya Way near West Centennial Parkway, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department said in a statement.*** In the footage, the driver asks, "Ready?" as the giggling passenger records the collision on his iPhone. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, hit his a--," he tells the driver, who then veers the Hyundai Elantra into the bike lane behind Probst, who is wearing a red shirt and shorts as he pedals. The driver can be heard honking three times before he rams into Probst's back wheel, sending him flying over the hood of the car. The passenger turns, points his iPhone out the window and records Probst roll to a stop on the side of the road. "Damn, that n---- got knocked out!" the passenger says in the 31-second clip.   "Oh, sh--, we need to get out of here," the panicked driver replies as he steps on the gas. Police tracked down the driver, who has not been named due to his age, and booked him into Clark County Juvenile Hall on charges related to the hit-and-run.*** https://www.foxnews.com/us/teen-driver-appears-intentionally-hit-kill-retired-police-chief-viral-video
"You’re going to have to kill me." "Bang."
An Ohio man wanted for the murder of a 77-year-old woman was shot by a man defending his family during a home invasion on Thursday, according to the Fayette County Sheriff's Office. Michael James Brooks II, of Columbus, Ohio, was hospitalized Friday for injuries sustained during the home invasion. When he is released from medical care, he will face charges for burglary, home invasion and theft by receiving in Georgia and murder charges in Ohio, police said.  Investigators said Brooks has an extensive criminal history. He is wanted in connection with the fatal stabbing of Emily Foster, which occurred on September 9, 2023, in Columbus, Ohio, and also for the carjacking of a red Ford F-150 truck in Kettering, Ohio, which was later found outside the burglarized home in Georgia.*** the homeowner was armed with a gun and confronted the intruder, who was wielding a knife, in his basement.  The homeowner reportedly warned the suspect before shooting him. Police said the homeowner then left the basement and took up a defensive position on the second-floor staircase to protect his family. "There, he took his stand as the subject made his way up to the second floor. [He] made the comment, something to the effect of, ‘You’re going to have to kill me,’ when the resident fired a second shot. *** https://www.foxnews.com/us/ohio-murder-suspect-breaks-georgia-home-meets-family-man-firearm
Something wrong w/ tweaking?
A Florida woman was arrested after she allegedly left her 11-year-old son in a hotel room with a dead man following her drug-filled sexual encounter with two men. Amy Kemper, 32, admitted to authorities last week that she used drugs and had a ménage à trois in a room at the Hammock Beach resort in Palm Coast, Florida, before she decided to leave her son there with the 60-year-old man while she left with the other man overnight Sept. 9, the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office said in a release.  She told deputies she thought the man was snoring strangely and when they returned they found him unresponsive. He was later pronounced dead in the room by medical personnel after CPR was attempted. *** https://www.foxnews.com/us/florida-woman-arrested-leaving-son-11-hotel-room-dead-man-following-menage-a-trois-2-men
***after tues
If you're looking for the worst person in West Virginia....
Hardy Carroll Lloyd, 45, of Follansbee, West Virginia, pleaded guilty today to obstruction of the due administration of justice.*** “It is absolutely reprehensible that the defendant threatened witnesses and jurors in the Tree of Life case, a tragedy that claimed innocent lives and emotionally scarred many in the Jewish community,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray. “The FBI will not tolerate the intimidation of citizens participating in our criminal justice system, and we will work with our partners to hold legally accountable anyone who threatens or carries out acts of violence against them.” According to court documents and statements made in court, Lloyd admitted to making online threats to jurors and witnesses involved in the federal hate crimes trial in Pittsburgh of Robert Bowers, the Tree of Life Synagogue mass shooter. Lloyd, a self-proclaimed “reverend” of a white supremacy movement, distributed threatening social media posts, website comments, and emails during the trial. As part of his plea agreement, Lloyd stipulated that he intentionally selected the jury and government witnesses in the Bowers trial as the targets of his offense due to the actual or perceived Jewish religion of the witnesses and the Bowers victims. *** https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/west-virginia-man-admits-obstructing-tree-life-trial
What's wrong w/ you????
A criminal complaint was unsealed today in Manhattan, New York, federal court charging Grei Mendez, 36, and Carlisto Acevedo Brito, 41, both of the Bronx, New York, with narcotics possession with intent to distribute resulting in death and conspiracy to distribute narcotics resulting in death in connection with the poisoning of four children under the age of three, one of whom died, at a daycare facility in the Bronx. Mendez and Acevedo Brito are both in custody and will be presented today before U.S. Magistrate Judge Jennifer E. Willis.   *** As alleged in the complaint, from at least in or about July 2023 through at least in or about September 2023, Mendez and Acevedo Brito and others conspired to distribute fentanyl, including at a children’s daycare center in the Bronx (the Daycare). There, despite the daily presence of young children, the defendants maintained large quantities of fentanyl, including a kilogram of fentanyl stored on top of children’s playmats. In addition, the defendants maintained in the Daycare items purpose-built for the distribution of large quantities of narcotics, including three so-called “kilo presses,” which are designed for the recompression of drugs in powder form commonly used by narcotics traffickers at “mills” or other locations where narcotic drugs are broken down, combined with fillers, and portioned for sale. The narcotics and one of the kilo presses recovered are pictured below.*** As a consequence of the defendants’ drug conspiracy, on or about Sept. 15, at the Daycare, four children, who were all under three years of age, appear to have experienced the effects of poisoning from exposure to fentanyl.*** https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/two-charged-federal-narcotics-offenses-resulting-death-connection-poisoning-four-children
Presumed innocent, etc....
about that anti-social personality disorder thing...
Really, FBI?
The FBI had so many paid informants at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, that they lost track of the number and had to perform a later audit to determine exactly how many “Confidential Human Sources” run by different FBI field offices were present that day, a former assistant director of the bureau has told lawmakers. At least one informant was communicating with his FBI handler as he entered the Capitol, according to Steven D’Antuono, formerly in charge of the bureau’s Washington field office. D’Antuono has testified behind closed doors to the House Judiciary Committee that his office was aware before the riot that some of their informants would attend a “Stop the Steal” rally thrown by former President Donald Trump but he only learned after the fact that informants run by other field offices also were present, along with others who had participated of their own accord.*** Defense lawyers at the trial of five “Proud Boys” recently asserted that the FBI had as many as eight informants spying on the organization and that at least one was with them at the Capitol that day. Former Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund has said that, in addition to the paid informants, the FBI had at least 18 undercover agents in the crowd plus an estimated 20 from the Department of Homeland Security.
the road to hell is paved is paved with what?
Attorneys are expected to give opening statements Wednesday in the jury trial for the first two Aurora police officers criminally charged in the 2019 death of Elijah McClain.
Aurora officer Randy Roedema, 41, and former officer Jason Rosenblatt, 34, each are charged with reckless manslaughter, criminally negligent homicide and assault in connection with McClain’s death.
They are the first to stand trial of the five people indicted in the 2019 killing. Jury selection began Friday and is expected to be completed on Wednesday, Shelly Bradbury reports.
All eyes on Aurora courtroom as first of three trials begins in Elijah McClain’s death.
Elijah McClain died of ketamine toxicity, updated autopsy report says.
Elijah McClain’s mother says Biden’s police-reform order doesn’t do enough, urges Congress to go further.
IJ's work on civil forfeiture is cool & important
More than three years ago, the FBI aimed a dragnet raid at a Los Angeles private vault company. In the process, the FBI took more than $100 million from customer safe deposit boxes—including $40,200 from Linda Martin. The FBI had no idea who Linda was when it seized the cash. It didn’t know that Linda and her husband, Reggie, were saving to buy a home. And when the FBI decided to forfeit and keep her life savings, the agency never told Linda what it thought she had done wrong. So, earlier this year, IJ launched our second class-action lawsuit against the FBI—this time for keeping Linda and other property owners in the dark during so-called administrative forfeiture proceedings. Barely a month after Linda and IJ filed suit, the FBI decided to return the money (with a modest amount of interest).   This is a tremendous win and long-awaited relief for Linda. But the FBI didn’t do it out of the goodness of its heart; its motives were much less wholesome. When it decided to return Linda’s savings, the FBI asked the court to dismiss her claims, arguing there’s no longer a dispute for the court to resolve. As Liberty & Law readers likely suspect, the FBI is wrong about that. IJ filed Linda’s case as a class action so that we could obtain justice not only for Linda but also for potentially thousands more like her.*** https://ij.org/ll/fbi-returns-life-savings-in-bid-to-get-out-of-lawsuit
When a dad calls you about his 11 y/o daughter being groomed, don't blame the girl
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safer in Iraq? kill someone for a 2012 Hyundai?
A refugee family who had been in the U.S. for less than a year is “utterly heartbroken” after their son and brother was shot and killed in a carjacking Tuesday night. Ahmed Zainuldeen, 23, identified Wednesday by his employment caseworker, Anna Hanel, with refugee resettlement organization African Community Center, was a refugee from Iraq who had been living in Egypt before coming to the U.S. with his parents and younger brother in November 2022. He was killed in the parking lot of his family’s apartment complex overnight Tuesday in the 7400 block of East Harvard Avenue, according to the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office. Deputies are still searching for four suspects, who may be teenagers, in connection to the shooting and carjacking.*** “His parents have seen plenty of violence in their lives,” she said. “Now they had to see it here in the United States, where you’re supposed to feel safe. That’s what you came here for.” Zainuldeen and his younger brother were working to provide for their family, who fled Iraq due to persecution, Hanel said, and Zainuldeen had only saved up enough money to buy the car that was stolen, a 2012 Hyundai Sonata, a few months ago.*** https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/victim-in-fatal-arapahoe-county-carjacking-was-iraqi-refugee-in-u-s-less-than-a-year/ar-AA1h14Va
excellent column about democracy at https://www.thefp.com/p/laurie-schlegel-stood-up-to-porn
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wizanda · 1 year
Shamanic Ape
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If we align what we now know about entheogens in modern neurology, and what was originally there within the religions, until things became mistranslated, we could fix society from within.
Entheogens comes from 'En' meaning 'In', 'Theo' meaning 'God', and 'Gen' like within 'Generate'.
Psychedelics can cause the brain to become more activated, and allow for creation of new neural-pathways. Cannabis can create neural-regenesis; where the cannabinoids & omega oils within it regulate neural-firing, whilst harmonizing the brains development.
With an advanced study of many of the world's religious texts, we can show that psychedelics & cannabis were being used to increase human potential. On the other hand multiple ancient religious ideas banned alcohol, and the eating of death (meat, vinegar, etc), as it slows the body down, and makes our whole system less efficient.
Within the Dharmic religious texts they drank Soma, which gave them god-like powers, and allowed connection with the Divine. Soma was most likely fly-agaric mushrooms, turned into a drink, by boiling the poisoning out of them. Plus Bhang, which is a drink made with milk & cannabis.
The Zoroastrian texts have Haoma, which is clearly described as resembling the sacred geometry of the cannabis plant.
The Bible had the Holy Anointing Oil containing Kaneh-Bosem; this is where we get the etymology of the word Cannabis - which was a Greek transliteration from the Semitic culture, that they'd imported hemp from. Places like Canna were known for growing vast quantities of hemp; which has been used for sackcloths, rope, etc for most of human history.
THC is fat soluble, so when the Holy Anointing Oil ingredients are combined (Exodus 30:23-25 - Pure myrrh, Sweet Cinnamon, Cannabis, Cassia, Olive oil), this causes it to become a molecular compound - thus increasing the healing potential of each, and basically making a Magic Medicine.
The Shewbread in the Bible was made from a mixture of sprouted grains, similar to the Essene bread, where it matched Ezekiel's (4:9) Bread recipe (wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet, spelt). Because when the grains are left to naturally proof, they created ergot on the barley, this made it psychedelic; yet also lethal, unless the ergot is boiled - so the Shewbread was both boiled, and then baked.
The ancient Greeks as well as using cannabis, had a place called Eleusis where they went, and had a barley drink called Kykeon, which was able to increase human intelligence. - This has become a mystery to what they performed there. Many of the intellectual Roman Emperors (Patricians) went there, as well as Plato, Socrates, etc. Plato said 'if it wasn't for our Kykeon, we would not have our democracy.' Kykeon was where barley was left in a vat of water, with a bit of ergot added to start the process, and then it was left until the liquid went black. This was then boiled for hours similar to the Shewbread process, and Pennyroyal was added for flavour. Kykeon then became a form of LSA, and ergot is where we got the idea for LSD from.
There are many other religious cultures around the world, that we can show had similar usages of cannabis in many of their ceremonies, and advanced psychedelic usages for direct interaction with the Divine.
The reason this knowledge has been forgotten, and mistranslated, is because it was kept back from most of society, and kept to the elders in multiple cultures. This has then lead to only a select few remembering these ancient practises, and so it has become lost in translation.
David started sharing the Shewbread with the people, as to make a more enlightened society, and not just an elite class ruling over them. Yeshua shared the Holy Anointing Oil with the masses; where it has the power to heal many things, like Cancer, Leprosy, MS, Epilepsy, menstrual issues, Crohn's, Asthma, etc. Many think it was only Christ who healed people, yet the Disciples in Mark 6:13 went out healing people with the Holy Anointing Oil, and this is why they were called Christians (Anointing ones). The early church in James 5:14, also were saying if you had an ailment, it would be healed with the anointing. Since now with our knowledge of the biological effects of medical cannabis, we can show that cannabis can cure many things, we can show it wasn't all just miracles, that were random in some way, yet a calculated science given to us by the Divine in the first place.
When psychedelics are used in micro-dosing, which allows for new neural pathways to be created; where just like mycelium interconnects a forest roots together, the same with certain mushrooms, can allow our brain to work much faster, and efficiently allows for rewiring of the brain. It is possible to educate people much faster, when they are slightly tripping, as it opens up the paths of the brain to interconnect more proficiently, and it can also fix parts that haven't been efficient enough.
Taking psychedelics on their own doesn't automatically make someone smarter, yet within the ancient Greek religious ideas & language, are advanced metaphors, where there is layer upon layer of cryptology, forcing the brain to do somersaults, and in so doing making it become a gymnast - where the brain is then cable of doing much more advanced dynamic thinking. Same with the ancient Hebrews, who also used a much more advanced layering of cryptology, where when Isaiah 29:9-14 says they will be given the Bible, yet won't understand it; it is due to their usage of alcohol, and not entheogens, that has lead to a lowering of the societal aptitude. So the symbolic writing, and metaphoric descriptions have become random, when they are concise intertextuality.
Cannabis is needed as a food when expanding the neural networks, as it helps regulate not over-firing of neural-receptors; in other words, making sure we stay methodical, and logically balanced in each step. Between using both in the right dosages, where the Holy Anointing Oil being put in the hair allows it to soak in as needed; this is where Yeshua said, 'when you fast, go in your room, and anoint yourself, where God will then reward you' (Matthew 6:17-18), as it allows us to connect with the Divine.
The original Hebrew religion, like the Zoroastrianism one were focused on the cannabis plant as a sacred gift from the Divine. The Israelite candle in Exodus 25:31-40 is in the shape of a cannabis leaf, where the alter and the priest were all anointed. There were many religions in the Middle East, that all went into a smoke filled tent, and would come out with prophetic utterances.
The whole concept of the Messiah/Christ is the anointed one, who has the advanced knowledge to connect with God directly.
Now without a proper system for usage of entheogens in the society, we've allowed it to become criminal, where our youth practise debauchery, rather than something that was regal; where kings were coronated with it, and only the elders of society were allowed to distribute it.
This is where prophecies concerning the world becoming like Babylon the Great, is because instead of entheogens being used to enlighten society (as they were in ancient cultures), we've lived through the dark ages, where we've lived in a society of debauchery.
Now if we were to instigate a society micro-dosing with a holy communion of Essene unleavened Shewbread, this would mean instead of religion creating dogmatic people, they'd be more dynamic, increase their intelligence, and overall make everyone more vibrant.
When cannabis is returned into the Holy Anointing Oil, it would be possible to heal people of many ailments, and also make a calmer, less aggressive, less egocentric society, who have far more empathy. Both cannabis & psychedelics allows diminished egos, as it allows the barriers to come down; which then means not only do we connect more with the divine, yet with each other.
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fluffy-critter · 1 year
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loiswolf · 1 year
Day 28 June 26 Smokey Lake - St Paul 98kms
I think a better name for Smokey Lake would be Crappy Roads and the Country Garden Motel should be Stark Ugly Building on a Concrete Slab Motel. The motel was actually ok but the roads are terrible. It’s no wonder I lost my shoe yesterday. Everything was strapped on securely today and the other shoe left in the bin. ( I did remove the cleat and the shoe laces ( they were special ones ))
The canola is really beautiful at the moment.
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The bumpy shoulder continued along the road leading out of Smokey Lake but it was a beautiful sunny day so I tried to look on the bright side.
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There actually was a lake about 13kms out of town! I stopped to layer off because it was already warm and I seemed to be riding up a series of long gradual hills. I passed a service station after about 25kms but I had my break planned today. I was heading for Vilna, 40kms out, the perfect place for morning tea.
Vilna is a gorgeous little town with a lot of history. It was less than one km off the main road so I turned left and rolled in.
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Not sure if this meant me, I followed the directions to view the “World’s Biggest Mushroom “ , Vilna’s claim to fame.
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So lame!! These Canadians are making a lot of false claims about worlds biggest things. Aren’t there bigger mushroom structures in the kiddy pool at Sutherland Leisure Centre?
However, the town was very cute.
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My destination was on the side road.
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They had no cake so I asked for a half serve of French toast.
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It was perfect and the ladies there were really lovely.
It took a while to finish the massive cup of coffee Tracey had poured me but eventually I made my way back to Shirley and farewelled the historic town of Vilna.
Back on the crappy main road I was hopping off and the road every time something came along. After a while it was when something was approaching from both directions at the same time…..or a big truck. Pitching off the side of the road onto this was no fun.
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At 64kms there was another’s servo so I stopped for a cool drink. It was closed so I just stripped off to a singlet for the first time this trip.
The turn to the south was just ahead and fortunately the road improved. I was cycling into the wind and seemed to be riding up gradual hills for the next 16kms but it didn’t matter. The road had improved!
Sadly this didn’t continue when I had to turn east again. There were huge trenches to cycle over very 10meters on the shoulder. There was too much traffic on the road to get a lot of relief from the continuous bumping so after about 5km I dropped Shirley and sat on the gravel….and ate chocolate. The view:
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Gravel is probably my least favourite surface to sit on. I don’t know why Alberta has no rest areas. I saw a sign for one today but it didn’t eventuate.
Not far to go so I finally braved the bumping all the way into St Paul’s. This motel is a cheaper one but it’s pretty good.
I did a ride through town to get to supermarket. It’s a big place but seems to feature Vape shops, pawn stores and Cannabis places.
I’ve bought dinner….I’ll stay in tonight.
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