#canis woods vargas
Crowley should have stepped in earlier. He couldn’t have known what would happen before, but he certainly knows now. All he can do is blame those black rocks he saw Grim eat once and heard he kept doing.
Currently Grim was causing absolute destruction. How a single cat was this powerful was beyond Crowley’s knowledge, but he was. All you had to do was look around and see the buildings completely destroyed and the people lying there in desperate need of medical attention. Even Crowley and the powerful few left standing were loosing to this cat. All he they could hope to do was stalk Grim until help arrived.
That was all he hoped until he had an idea. Crowley’s unique magic wasn’t known to many as he kept it hidden unless needed, but now seemed like the perfect time. It was called Bird’s Flight and would create a crow made of pure magic that, while having its own thoughts, Crowley could command it to do anything within reason, even better, Crowley could imbue the bird with what he knows and take knowledge from what the bird has learned while away. All he had to do was try to send the bird back to the beginning of the year to prevent any of this. To do that, he just needed to add an extra spell it and something to send it through so it could be out of the school and start searching somewhere immediately. Something like…
Something like the Dark Mirror behind Grim.
The only issue was spells like that are incredibly dangerous and cost a lot of magic. If Crowley went through with using both a time manipulation spell and his unique magic, he might not survive.
While his odds may be slim, the school, and how ever far Grim may reach before he is stopped, have a better chance if he does.Crowley just hopes the timeline ends up how he wishes.
One utterance of the spell for his unique magic and the bird was in front of him. He shared what he knew of Grim, the seven stones Grim ate, and how Canis brought Grim into the school. Crowley gave the bird two orders, bring whoever could fix the future to the entrance ceremony before Grim showed up, and guide them into helping. He added a spell to let the bird travel through time, giving as much magic as he could and not caring about specifics, and sent the bird off.
The last thing he remembered was distracting Grim as the bird flew around and through the mirror.
It was a simple day as a black bird flew. It didn’t stop for food, water, or rest. It only flew and looked at all the people it passed over. It flew and flew until his heard the tiny frustrated growls of a small child. Through glass of a window the bird saw a young boy, about three, watching woodland animals scatter around, occasionally reaching out in an attempt to grab something despite the distance between any animals and the window.
The only thing was, the bird had knowledge of who the boy was. Canis Woods-Vargas. He wasn’t supposed to look as he did. He wasn’t supposed to be so young. The bird should have been sent only a year back. It seems something had gone wrong.
Or gone right.
If Canis wasn’t the same during the time Grim was there, maybe the overblot wouldn’t be the same as well. Perhaps it might not happen at all.
The bird landed on a branch to oversee the boy as its black feathers only reflected the magic inside the child. It didn’t take long for him to notice the bird, and with that it decided. It flew down only to make contact with the boy. It would send him where they were needed and guide him
Once the bird and boy made contact, they both started to shift to a new place. The bird knew the boy would land in a coffin, but the bird’s world changed to be on the roof of Night Raven College. All was going correct. Now it just needed to guide the child to prevent disaster.
(Slight context for things that I think I might have made hard to understand: The bird was sent too far back in time because Crowley completely dumped it with magic, causing him to overshoot the time he meant. Also while the years are different, the specific day was the same. The day bird found Canis causing him to go missing and the day Canis reappeared are on the same day just 13 years apart.)
(Also, yeah, this probably isn’t Crowley’s canon UM, but I thought this was fun. So technically Crowley is responsible for all this but the current Crowley doesn’t know that yet. He can retrieve memories/knowledge from the bird, he just hasn’t done that yet. He doesn’t even know the bird is out there.)
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Vargas had a very close friend who ended up pregnant. While everything seemed fine, complications arose during the birth leaving the newborn pup an orphan. Without any close family able to take him, and Vargas being in a stable enough position for a kid, he became the kid’s guardian.
Vargas immediately made the decision to not take the kid from his history, starting with giving the kid the name his mother wanted, only adding his last name onto the original name to smooth any legal questions. The kid became Canis Woods-Vargas.
The second Vargas held the kid for the first time, he knew he would do anything to protect Canis. And for the first few years, it worked out well. The kid grew and reached milestones. He grew to be a curious and spitfire of a kid, and he absolutely adored both his biological family and the family Vargas brought.
It wasn’t until a few months before his fourth birthday that the kid went missing. There wasn’t a trace of him anywhere. Not a single lead came up.
That broke everything. That broke everyone. Every member of Canis’s family adored him, and without him, it left a hole in their hearts. They all had each other to lean on, but it still felt like a gapping wound.
It wasn’t until 13 years later that he was found. It was the opening ceremony at NRC that a child was found completely smothered by a ceremonial robe. When Vargas went over to check, it was Canis, and not a day older than when he went missing.
He immediately latched onto Vargas, scared by being in a new placed surrounded by about a hundred loud strangers shrouded in robes. Vargas tried his best to console Canis and let the ceremony continue, and luckily that worked slightly.
It took a while, but once Canis got used to the school, he returned to being an unintentional trouble maker. The kid meant well, but he was still young. He never sat still and always tried to get into anything that interested him.
Worst of all, he liked to “hunt”. If something caught his eye, Canis immediately went to stalk it, and he was shockingly quiet for how loud he was every other second. You could look behind you and he was somewhere he wasn’t supposed to be.
Vargas had his classes, and being a PE teacher, he was outside most of the day. He had to constantly split his attention or at least get help from other staff. Though that didn’t always work because Canis seemed to adore certain students. If it was any of the trouble making first year group, Savannaclaw, Lilia, Rook, and shockingly Cater and Riddle, Canis went right into stalking mode.
(Canis I imagine to be a heavily freckled boy with tanned skin and hair/fur that’s a deep grey and transitions to a black at the tips.)
Lilia, Rook, and the Savanaclaw boys humor the pup, knowing he needs to practice his hunting skills. Riddle jumps every time Canis attacks him, now he has to deal with a energetic wolfpup and Floyd. Cater tries to avoid Canis, but get startled by him anyway.
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Canis: Why you keep changing Birdie?
Crowley: I still haven’t the faintest idea what you mean and why you constantly ask that same question.
Canis: Your the birdie who brought me here. The black birdie.
Crowley: I can assure you, even if my outfit may look akin to a bird, I am not one. Are you sure you are seeing the same bird every time? There are many crows and ravens that call this school home.
Canis: I know it’s the same Birdie! It’s all shiny and changes colors, plus it smells like you. I touched it and it made me sleepy then I woke up here.
Crowley: A shiny bird that smells like m- *remembers what his UM is* it can’t be. I didn’t use it any time close to when you disappeared… but only magic could have done something like that and the shine of the black bird matches my crow… Canis. You should go to your father for a bit. I need to think on something.
(This happens a bit after book 6. Crowley just hopes he’s wrong.)
(Also, Crowley can learn if he’s right or not. He’s able to not only put what he knows into his crow but extract what the crow knows.)
That would be an interesting UM given that Crowley is based on Maleficent's crow or atleast that's a very popular theory.
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Canis wasn’t supposed to be up right now. He was well aware, but his body made sure no doubt would be left. He should be in bed right now because apparently if he’s in the wrong place at the wrong time, he ends up in the middle of an overblot fight.
He just had to make friends with Heartstopper and Bluey over there in Heartslabyul. He just had to listen to them complain about their dorm head. He just had to join them when they went to challenge him “for their safety”.
Does Canis regret what he did? No, not really.
Does it hurt as he bumbles his way to Ramshackle to make sure his other friend Grimstone has food? Absolutely.
He opened the door and it only took one second for the screaming cat appear in front of him, swiping at the bag he brought. “It’s been the whole day! I was starving.” Grim sniffed the air. “And what’s that smell? Smells like you brought something extra good.”
Canis pushed past Grimstone as he tried his best to close the busted door. He went to sit down on the dilapidated couch before taking out some tuna. “Relax. I had a lot happen today. And I just brought you usual stuff.” He opened the can, and was assaulted by the horrid smelling fish. “I still don’t know how you can stand this.”
Grim dumped the can of tuna in his mouth, not even swallowing before he stared talking. “Mu-uph. U gof somfing good. I shmell it.”
“I can’t understand you if you talk and eat.”
Grim gave a hard swallow to everything in his mouth. Canis was genuinely shocked he didn’t choke or something. Then again, is Grimstone even capable of that? “I said you’re lying. Cause I know you got something good. I can smell it.” Without asking for permission, he went to dig through the inside of Canis’s blazer.
“Hey! Stop that! I went through a lot, I’m not in the mood for games, Grimstone.” He pulled out the cat only to notice a black stone in Grim’s paw. Is that what he meant? That was a stone he just picked up after the fight with Red Rose. He thought it was cool and picked it up, but shoved it in his pocket without thinking when someone came over to him. There wasn’t any smell on it though.
“See! I knew you had something!”
“That’s just a rock. Does stone eat stone or something, Grimstone?”
“If it’s just a rock, why does it smell so good? It smells like a bunch of flowers and cakes and stuff.” Grim shoved the stone in his mouth. “Tasts lyk it too.”
“That’s a rock! Spit it out!” Canis tried to pry open Grimstone’s jaws but it didn’t work. The stone ended up swallowed.
“You seriously bought some good candy and wanted to keep it to yourself by calling it a rock?”
“You know what?” Canis took a deep breath. “I’ve had enough today. I’m just going to sit here in silence for a bit. You have the bag of food. It’s got some sandwiches and water and stuff left. Get whatever you want. I’m just going to close my eyes.” He closed his eyes to the sound of Grim shuffling through the bag, and the world started to fade as he drifted off to sleep.
Oh jeez
Grimmy please, stop eating the rocks.
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Vargas was pacing around his room while holding a sleeping Canis. His son came to him in the middle of the night with a nightmare, yet still couldn’t fall asleep with a simple cuddle, so Vargas thought some motion might help.
There was one issue though. He was awake and up walking at midnight, left alone with his mind. And while he adored being able to hold his son, it only brought up thoughts that threw him into a spiral.
No one knew what happened that caused Canis to disappear, even his uncle, who was in the next room, knew nothing. Last Vargas saw of him was him smiling as Vargas left to get some things Canis’s uncle needed.
Every day, day after day, Vargas blamed himself for leaving, or at least not taking his son with him. He should have done something different, anything different. Maybe then he would have kept him.
It wasn’t until years later that he found Canis again, on the anniversary of the day he went missing of all times and at his job of all places. Canis appeared during the entrance ceremony and looked the same as the day he disappeared. The only difference was he was wearing an oversized ceremonial robe.
He was absolutely terrified, and Vargas did whatever he could to calm him down. Yet, even after the ceremony he seemed confused over everything. Why was he somewhere new? Why did his clothes change? Why did Papi look different? Where was the birdie?
Birdie? What Birdie?
Canis only pointed back to Crowley who seemed just as confused. And while Vargas would like to have something to pin the blame on, Crowley had an airtight alibi. Crowley was preparing for the entrance ceremony that night on the day Canis disappeared.
For all anyone was able to understand, Canis had seemingly skipped 13 years, but had no knowledge of it. Even the doctors they went to said he seemed fine and was the exact age he was before, physically and mentally. Nothing changed for him.
Now it’s been about a month and Vargas’s still has no answers. He just has to get used to having a three, almost four, year old again. Get used to the constant running off. Get used to everything Canis entails. All while balancing the job he now has on top of it all.
His coworker Mozus Trein, another father, recommended bringing Canis to a daycare, but Vargas couldn’t do that. He shut Mozus down every time with a no that left no room for questions. He left Canis once, and that gave him a missing child. He wasn’t going to make that mistake again.
He would lose sleep pacing in his room so his son could sleep. He would quickly swap his attention between his class and his son. He would do anything to keep Canis by his side.
Aw Vargas
He needs a babysitter, badly.
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Canis was visiting his uncle one day. It was something he always loved because Uncle Music was always up to play, plus he always had some fun music he liked to put on his radio.
Papi said he needed to step out for a second. He said something about getting something from somewhere. Canis wasn’t really listening. All he knew was he was alone in the living room while his uncle was in the kitchen right next to him, cooking something that smelled nice.
He sitting next to the partially opened window, watching all the tiny animals fly and run about. Canis wanted with all his heart to chase him, but there was no way out. He was way too big for the crack in the window. Even if he couldn’t chase anything, he kept watching for what felt like hours, but then he spotted a pretty birdie that nothing else seemed to notice. It sat along side the small colorful birds with nothing else even turning to look at it. It was pure black and its feathers seemed to reflect Canis, and only Canis, even showing him through walls and at a distance.
The pretty bird flew down and landed on the edge of the windowsill. While there was no way Canis could exit through the window, he could definitely reach an arm through it, and he did. He wanted to see the birdie closer.
It hopped closer to his hand and touched it. Everything went fuzzy as the bird disappeared. Canis grew very, VERY, tired. His eyes could barely stay open, but he tried. As he tired to stay awake, he noticed the room fade from the living room to pure darkness in a confined space, where if he reached out his arms, he would touch wood. Even his clothes seemed to change from normal clothes his Papi gave him, to something long and flowy that completely covered him with a hood so big that it covered his eyes. And, despite all his trying, Canis finally fell asleep.
Though, just as soon as he fell asleep, he was woken up. He woke up in a strange room with so many people in matching outfits that seemed to loudly talk to each other over a ‘baby’. It was loud. It was weird. It was scary. His eyes started to well up with tears and he just wanted to run away, but he was being help up by some big black birdie with yellow eyes staring right at him. It tried to weakly comfort him with the voice of a human, but Canis wanted home.
Finally he saw his Papi come forward, but he looked different. Canis wanted to push him away, but the second he was enveloped into a hug, identical to his Papi’s, he clung as tight as he could.
(Canis 100% believes Crowley and the bird are the same, but he’s not scared of Crowley, only asking him questions that Crowley doesn’t understand. “Why were you at Uncle Music’s house? How did you transform part human? How did you make me sleepy?”)
(This is why Vargas refuses to be in a separate place than Canis. Originally he had issues with separate rooms, but Canis running off and returning safe gave him a bit of exposure therapy. Though Vargas is still uncomfortable if they are too far away, even if they are in the same building.)
Vargas always vividly remembers the day Canis went missing. He was never the same on the inside afterwards and with no clues to what happened, Vargas grew fearful. 13 years went by and the commotion from the mirror room brought him in to see... His son?!
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Canis’s nicknames: (Canis will make up his mind on what your name is on his own, plus a few people encourage it.)
Ace - Heart (Poor Ace, only Heartslabyul who’s not a color); Deuce - Blue; Cater - Orange; Trey - Green; Riddle - Red
Jack - Snow (Canis likes snow and he likes Jack who has white fur); Ruggie - Hyena (though he says ‘yena); Leona - Lion
Floyd - Sneaky (Floyd likes to pick Canis up from behind); Jade - Smile; Azul - Octo (blame the tweels)
Jamil - Quiet; Kalim - Party
Epel - Apple (he always gets apples when Epel has them); Rook - Hunt (people who don’t like the nicknames usually accept this one because it’s his last name); Vil - Shiny
Ortho - Fire; Idia - Shy Fire (He met Ortho first, Ortho calls Idia shy, plus Canis notices the fire hair)
Sebek - Loud; Silver - Sleepy; Lilia - Floaty; Malleus - Dragon (Malleus introduced himself as a dragon)
Sam - Purple; Crewel - Fluffy; Trein - Kitty (I can’t come up with anything that I think works here, Kitty was the only thing that came to mind); Vargas - Papi; Crowley - Birdie (yes, this confuses people because he calls literal birds this too)
The nicknames are adorable!
Canis is precious.
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*In Heartslabyul where Ace is quizzing Canis on who people are to see their nicknames while Cater records.*
Ace: *Shows picture of Lilia on his phone* Who’s this?
Canis: Floaty
Cater: #totally fits
Ace: And this? *photo of Crowley*
Canis: Birdie (yes, this confuses people when he asks to see Crowley vs an actual bird)
Ace: I’m totally stealing that. *points at Cater* Him?
Canis: Orange
Cater: Ooo, I’m “Orange”.
Ace: *points at Deuce and Trey* Them?
Canis: Blue and Green
Cater: So are we all colors? Rid’s “Red”, right?
Ace: *points at himself* What am I?
Canis: Heart
Cater: Aww. Poor Acey doesn’t get a color. #odd one out
Ace: Hey! That just means I’m special.
Riddle: *Enters the dorm*
Canis: *tail wags and runs off to hugs Riddle* Red!
Riddle: *not happy* And you didn’t tell me he was here?
Cater: Totes sorry! Didn’t expect you to come back this soon. *Turns to Ace* Sorry “Heart”, but I think “Red” is special here.
Riddle, sighs and picks Canis up like Trey showed him: Hopefully you're being taught well.
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Canis: *trying to quietly follow behind Rook*
Rook: *turns around* Petit hunter, your steps are quite loud to track someone like me. Now why am I the target of your interest?
Canis: You smell like forest.
Rook: Oh, I probably do after being out there, yet that was almost an hour ago. Your nose is definitely skilled.
Canis: *wagging tail* Can I see the forest? I wanna see!
Rook: I would love to show you, yet is there not somewhere you should be?
Canis: *Pauses and thinks* Nu-uh, I’m not supposed to be with Octo.
Meanwhile Azul is panicked while looking for Canis.
(He has a nickname for pretty much everyone, but the tweels knew of that and ‘guided’ him to call Azul, “Octo”. My favorite is he calls Riddle, “Red”.)
Azul: How do we explain to Vargas that we lost his son?
Jade: You lost his son, Floyd and I were getting your client, remember?
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With the potential for extra credit in PE, Azul sees the opportunity.
Too bad for him that: 1. He doesn’t know the exact beastfolk experience and even his research doesn’t always make him better than personal experience. 2. Canis does NOT like Azul, to the point of hiding from him. He’s fine with Floyd, ok with Jade, but not a fan of Azul. The only reason is he associates Azul with less time from playing with his pack (Savannaclaw).
Azul's upset that he can't get the easy credit by babysitting.
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With knowing how the prey drive feels, Jack, Ruggie, and sometimes Leona will help with games that help with the drive. Especially since Jack and Ruggie grew up with kids younger than them (I think Jack had younger siblings, if I remember right).
Hide and seek, scavenger hunts, and tag are Canis’s favorite games to play. He also gets food after to make sure he doesn’t need to hunt. And by the end, he is way better to deal with and is able to just watch things and resist running after them.
Yep, Jack has younger siblings.
Vargas gives them all extra credit points. He can rest now... but only momently.
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*A squirrel rests in a tree nearby*
Canis: *Prey drive immediately kicks in and he moves to start stalking it*
Ruggie: *picks him up* Nope.
Canis: *growls and tries to wriggle free* I want it!
Ruggie: Why don’t you tell me what it looks like from here? *looks over his shoulder at Jack* Hey, Jack! What do you do for a wolf prey drive? I don’t know if it matches hyenas.
Jack: *grabs the pouting Canis and talks to him* You can’t run at everything, even if it feels like you have to.
Leona, from his spot in a bush: You won't be able to catch it. It's too nimble for you.
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The only ones that can catch Canis while he’s sneaking off or trying to hunt something is Rook, Lilia, Malleus, Leona, Ruggie, and Jack.
Rook is a trained hunter. Lilia is a trained general with a lot of magic power. Malleus is insanely op with his magic (though Canis is off put by him at first and dodges Malleus, eventually he likes Malleus and follows him around too). Leona, Jack, and Ruggie all have an instinct to look out for the young members of the pack.
Vargas really needs the help. He’s been out of practice for years, though he’s getting better as time goes on, but that’s just practice and parent sense. Though, now Vargas is way more aware of his surroundings. He can eventually tell you where every near by squirrel and bird are.
Malleus, shows up with Canis clinging to his horns: Vargas, your offspring.
Vargas: Shoot, sorry about that, Draconia.
I like to think that all beastmen have that pack mentality of "if the parent is gone, watch after their little one" even Leona.
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*A class of second years walk out only to see a square of decent size of to the side of the field. Each corner has a red flag and there’s some red thread roping it all off. Canis is in the middle sitting under an umbrella for shade and Vargas is in the corner closest to the students.*
Riddle: … Coach Vargas, what is-
Vargas: *pinches the bridge of his nose and at his wits end* It’s meant to keep Canis where I know he is. Just stay out of it, pay it no mind, and if you see Canis crossing the line, call it out. Please.
Students: …
Vargas: *Claps his hands* Anyways! Today will be practicing flight in groups. If I call your name, you’re in the first group!
*Jade and Riddle’s group are on break and Vargas isn’t paying attention for a second*
Jade: That was a good practice wouldn’t you agree?
Riddle: I think I did quite well-
Canis: *Surprise hugs Riddle* I got Red!
Jade: *a bit shocked* Fufufu, that you did.
Riddle: *shocked* What?! Don’t touch someone without asking! *Looks up at Vargas* Coach Vargas!
Vargas: *walks over to grab Canis* Thank you boys. I’m sorry about Canis. *turns attention to Canis as he brings Canis back to the red square* What did I say about staying in the red? It has plenty of space to run in.
Canis: *points at Riddle* But he’s red! You said I could touch red.
Vargas: I said you could touch the red rope, but not pass it. To touch Rosehearts, you would need to pass the rope.
Canis: But red!
Vargas: *sighs* Kid, you’re going to be the death of me… Just stay in the square please.
Vargas hasn’t had to deal with this for 13 years and now he has to balance his teaching job as well. Plus, for as loud as Canis usually is, he can get REALLY quiet when ‘hunting’. His disappearing act is almost constant with how easily distracted he is with something he finds cool.
Thankfully, all the beastmen work as a hivemind and keep an eye on the pup, so Vargas can at least count on them.
Leona, brining Canis back to Vargas: Here.
Ruggie, holding Canis: I should get a reward for this.
Jack with Canis standing next to him: His hunting skills need work.
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Canis: *jumping to try and reach some birds in a tree after climbing didn’t work.*
Crewel: *Notices the kid as he passes by and looks around only to find no one watching him* Exactly on the same day I decided to walk around a quiet spot during a break? Really? *Walks up to Canis* Young pup!
Canis: *gets startled with is ears standing straight and tail poofing up*
Crewel: What are you doing?
Canis: Tryna get the birdies. *points at the birds*
Crewel: I saw that. And why are you trying to get the birds? Is there not somewhere else you should be or someone you should be with?
Canis: They look cool so I wanna check em out, and nu-uh, I just need to be with Papi, and he’s right- *looks around only to see no one then starts to tear up* Where did he go?
Crewel: *sighs* I think you’re the one who left. Come. We should find Ashton. *Grab’s Canis’s hand and starts to lead him to find Vargas.*
Once they find Vargas
Canis: *trying to hide behind Vargas while Vargas pats his head*
Vargas: Thank you so much Divus. I promise I’ll talk to him. I just forgot how much he likes to disappear, and how good he is at it, after all the years.
Crewel: You need to keep a better eye on him. Young pups are prone to get into all manner of situations when they learn how to explore. Someone might not be there next time.
Vargas: I know. I’m definitely working on it. *Turns to Canis* You should thank Crewel for bringing you back. You can run off. That was way too dangerous!
Canis: *Staring at Crewel from behind Vargas* I don’t like you.
Vargas: Canis!
Canis found someone who he doesn’t like.
Crewel: A rude pup, like the others in this school.
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Favorite color -
Dusk: Red
Toryn: Blue
Favorite flavor:
Dusk: Definitely sweet
Toryn: I like anything, but probs spicy.
Favorite time of the day -
Dusk: Day. Everyone is out and you get to do things. It’s when the world opens.
Toryn: Night, let's say midnight. It’s epic to see all the stars and the quiet beauty.
Dusk: *looks at Toryn upset* Ok, you're just contradicting me at this point.
Toryn: Woah dude, absolutely not. You have your opinion and I gave mine.
Dusk: So what you're just the complete opposite of me? Beyond tall and small, there's no way we're that opposing.
Toryn: We’ve just seen different things. We might have some similarities, but differences make the world spin. We just found ours.
Dusk: Who are you, Rook?
Toryn: I've heard him talk a few times.
Dusk: I don't like you.
Toryn: Ok, bit aggro aren't we?
(Meanwhile in the background)
Kit: *sitting and watching Dusk yell at Toryn like a show and eating popcorn* I like the new guy.
1!Canis: You just like making someone mad.
Domino: *sitting with 2!Canis in his lap* Wouldn’t green be opposite to red? Those are the complementary colors.
2!Canis: I like Wave too! He leted me climb on him.
Domino: How did you get popcorn?
Kit: Doesn’t matter. None of this is canon to our stories anyway. 🔆 just wants to see us interacting.
Domino: What does that even mean? How are you speaking in emojis?
Dusk feeling attacked right now.
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