#caney speaks
pepperpepi · 1 year
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// hfjone infinity train au . . guess what happens next hahahaha 🤭🤭😢
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darkmaga-retard · 25 days
Results of the July 2024 BIE Blood Clot Survey
Aug 24, 2024
British Institute of Embalmers (BIE)
After discovering that the British Institute of Embalmers (BIE) had failed to take his December 2023/January 2024 "Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey," Tom Haviland asked me to create a "July 2024 BIE Blood Clot Survey" to give UK embalmers a second chance to take the survey.
Unfortunately, the BIE leadership in a letter to Tom, once again declined to participate in the survey designed especially for their organization.
However, one brave active embalmer who is a BIE member was able to post the SurveyMonkey link to the July 2024 survey on the BIE's official Forum for active members.
As of August 22, 2024, a total of only five BIE active embalmers have taken the "July 2024 BIE Blood Clot Survey."
Here are the results of those five anonymous responses:
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BIE Survey Responses as of 8-22-24
81.7KB ∙ PDF file
In her July 8, 2024 rejection letter to Tom Haviland, the BIE National General Secretary (Ms. Karen Caney) stated:
"I have personally been accused of being heavy handed and instructing our members to be quiet and not speak to anyone about new blood clots. I would never have a reason to do this either personally or on behalf of the Institute. I do not see why anyone would do this."
Based on the above quote from Ms. Caney herself, all currently active embalmers of the BIE should feel free to take the "July 2024 BIE Blood Clot Survey" which is still open. The above statement from Ms. Caney constitutes her permission for BIE member embalmers to take this survey.
BIE active embalmers may access this survey from the link posted on the BIE Forum.
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alisaint · 6 months
The population of Santiago de Cuba protests shouting "electricity" and "food"
Havana / Thousands of Santiago residents took to the streets this Sunday afternoon shouting "electricity and food", "freedom", "homeland and life" and "we are hungry" after several days of long blackouts and delays of weeks in the distribution of food from the basic basket. The agglomeration was concentrated on Carretera del Morro, close to several popular and humble neighborhoods such as Vista Hermosa, Van Van, Dessy and Altamira. After the first images of the crowded demonstration appeared on social media after noon, the Cuban regime chose, as has been customary in these cases since July 11, 2021, to restrict communications and cut the internet signal on cell phones in the island. The independent journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada, born in Santiago de Cuba and resident in the United States, shared several images that the followers of his Facebook page sent from the city, and that show a strong police operation that includes uniformed officers guarding part of the protest and several patrols at the scene. The secretary of the province's Communist Party, Beatriz Johnson Urrutia, recently appointed to the position, arrived at the site. In a video that Mayeta published, the woman is seen along with other people on the roof of a house trying to talk to the crowd, but those gathered there do not allow her to speak. Dozens of people, mainly women, insult the PCC leader and other officials, and protest against the military presence used in these cases to repress the people. In the images you can see a truck loaded with soldiers, also shouted down by the crowd. Then they chant “homeland and life (patria y vida)” and, finally, while applauding, “freedom.”
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In the same video, a soldier from the Ministry of the Armed Forces with the rank of lieutenant colonel appears among the protesters and other materials show dozens of police officers in the place but at the moment there are no reports that the security forces have intervened in the protest. In other material, which apparently records the moment when Johnson arrived at the site, people shout “no queremos muela,” in reference to the fact that they did not want to listen to the excuses that the regime always gives to the people to justify its bad administration. Residents of Santiago de Cuba told this newspaper that this Saturday, March 16, in some areas of the city "they began to distribute in the warehouses only three pounds of rice" out of the seven they receive each month, in addition to the coffee that corresponded to January. “Everything is expensive, hunger has us suffocated, and add to this the blackouts, which don't even let you cool some water or preserve the little food you get,” said a resident of the town of El Caney. In another of the videos that circulates on networks, you can mainly see women of various ages, mothers with their children in their arms and young people in the street shouting “electricity and food” while uniformed men and men in civilian clothes try to make them quiet but the protesters shout louder their claims.  Likewise, another resident of the place shouts "down with communism", "down with Díaz-Canel" and shortly after several women are shown applauding and shouting "electricity and food."
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In the city of Bayamo, in the province of Granma, there were also demonstrations this Sunday. Videos circulating on social networks show a crowd in the streets, some people walking and others moving on bicycles, tricycles and electric motorcycles. Also some photographs published by the independent press indicate the presence of police and trucks loaded with soldiers ready to repress.  On the other hand, after 7 pm, a report arrived at the 14ymedio editorial office stating that, in Holguín, where several protests have been registered in recent days , some of the main parks such as Calixto García, Las Flores and José Martí have been militarized. “There are dozens of motorcycle officers, plainclothes agents, and patrol cars, as well as cars loaded with avispas negras (black wasps, special forces) ,” describes a city resident. “They expect something or fear repercussions in Holguín from the Santiago demonstrations,” he adds. “It seems that it was an urgent 'shock' to the provincial authorities, a large part of the center is militarized and with many civilian security personnel,” says the same source, who assures that due to surveillance, photos cannot be taken. In other provinces such as Sancti Spíritus you cannot make calls nor does mobile data work.
Article was translated from its original language (Spanish) using Google Translate. Be sure to click the link for videos and more.
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caneycane · 7 years
I’m thinking about posting some of my mini-pieces I wrote for Dominique during her courier travels in the Mojave wastes. 
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Folkloric Lesson
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Based on @gingerwritess Loki's Happy Ending and for her 4k follower celeration! Congrats, love!
Word Count: 1743
(I must admit that this is more self-insert-y than anything, but gosh darn it I have this scenario so clear in my mind, so sue me!)
Summary: A hot meal and a music lesson, outfits included, are a good way to introduce someone to a culture, right?
It's not that you didn't enjoy eating fancy meals when you and Loki were by yourselves. Or quick homemade meals most days with Elliot and Frigg. But you missed your mom's food.
That's why when she called you to say that she had left something for you and the kiddos on the doorstep you drove as fast as the law would allow you to pick up Frigg from kindergarten and Elliot from his afterschool club to get home. Quick.
When you saw the beaten up deep pot, clearly used past it's intended years, your eyes got glossy. You remembered that old pot.
Frigg and Elliot swarmed you with questions about what was in it.
"It's smells really good!" Elliot said trying to get a peek.
"Does that mean we're not eating spaghetti again?" Frigg's eyes widened in excitement.
"Hey! You love my pasta." You pouted placing the pot on the counter before leaning down and kissing her neck as she laughed and squirmed out of your grip.
"But what is it?" Elliot asked trying to get on top of the counter to look inside the pot.
You catched him before he could climb up. "Eh! No climbing the counter. You know that!" You admonished him half-seriously.
"But I want to know!" He pouted. Oh yeah. He totally took that from you.
"Then let me open it and let's see!"
When you opened the lid a heavenly aroma rose from the pot. A soup with an array of different vegetables and some type of meat was on the pot. A little bit of the oil from the guiso still floating at the top, but not enough to make it look greasy.
Your jaw dropped when you recognized the meat. "Oh my god es lagarto..." 
"LAGARTO!?" Elliot shrieked horrified.
"What?" Frigh asked confused.
You mentally slapped yourself. You shouldn't have said it like that. While trying to make an effort for your kiddos to know a bit of your mother tongue you had completely forgotten that colloquial language was also a thing, and not every overly simplified card game with animal names in spanish could explain everything to a nine-year-old.
"No, Elliot, that's not what it means."
"Then what does it mean?" He asked, obviously concerned at the prospect of potentially eating a lizard.
"It's a way of calling this type of meat. It's part of the cow, just like any other steak. It's just a way of speaking." You smiled as his concern slowly drained from his face. "On the other hand this is one of the softest parts to eat! You guys are really going to like it!" 
Placing it back onto the stove and turning the heat on, you ask your kids to go change and come back to help you set the table for the night.
As you finished getting everything ready your mind flew back to your culture. You had to admit that there had been a certain disconnect with it ever since you had moved to New York, and it only grew as your shenanigans with Loki augmented.  But it was something that was yours and you wanted your children to also appreciate.
A smile came to your face as you thought of an idea. But you couldn't do it today. You would have to wait a bit.
Loki was delighted when he saw the gift from his mother-in-law. He was the first to admit that the relationship with your parents was... bumpy at best. But marrying a reformed super villian isn't exactly every parents' dream, is it? But they respected your decision and were supportive where they could, even if they lived a bit far away.
The meal that day was great, and there was some leftovers that you put on a Tupperware to take to work tomorrow. Nothing in the house went to waste, and that was a law.
Loki noticed whispers among you and the children for the next few weeks, and even heard a couple of times scrambling and shushing as he came home from meeting and such.
He was starting to get suspicious, especially one night, when after finally getting Frigg to sleep, he came into the room to find you pushing something far into the closet.
He wanted to ask you about it, but he trusted you. And he honestly couldn't resist when you kissed him so lovingly. It just melted his troubles away whenever you were next to him.
Almost a month later he found what all the secrecy had been about. He came in the small apartment waiting the usual scene of you and the kids getting ready for dinner, but he found something even better.
You were sitting on the floor with Frigg on your lap beaming up at him. Both of you were wearing traditional clothes from your country. Flowers decorating your hairstyle, which consisted of tying it up on a bun.
Elliot stood by your side on a male style of the traditional costume. His mop of hair covered by a traditional sewn hat.
You three beamed at his delighted confusion. And you nodded at Elliot who played some flokloric music on the speaker and, after pulling Loki to sit on the couch, you three began singing and dancing around him as you had practiced during the past weeks. The kids on a choppy, but adorable spanish, and you with the words flowing out of your mouth. Words you had known all of your life but hadn't said in a long time.
Loki was absolutely delighted at his little family and tried to partake by taking you and trying to follow your steps. And although it was very sloppy, you didn't care. It wasn't just the sheer happiness, or the smooth but old sounding man's voice that came from the speaker, it was everything. The smiles on yours and your kids' faces. The aroma of spices that Loki had never smelled before. Maybe once in a lifetime, but too long ago for him to remember it this vividly. The flow of your dress. The way it was clinging to your hips, yet it flowed at your feet, twirling almost magically as you spun around carrying a laughing Frigg on your arms. How your cleavage and shoulders were exposed by the white shirt.  It was everything. Everything that reminded Loki everyday why he loved you and why he was so happy to have chosen you over his own pride.
This was living. This was what it had meant to be alive. To enjoy the colorful moments. The mix of cultures. The beauty of the strong woman you had become. It sent him on a trip of emotions, a spiral of happiness that not even he could explain. Because now that the song had ended, his little daughter, his little miracle, said that she practiced a song and wanted to try and sing it to him. He agreed, euphoric, and you pulled him to sit on the couch and Elliot cuddled next to him to listen to his little sister.
You kneeled next to your daughter as she took a breath and began reciting the song that both of you had been practicing. A song that you had been raised with. That you grew up singing and now your baby girl was singing too. She began to sing in her choppy and wonderful spanish:
"La vaca mah-riposa tuvo un ter-ne'.
Un becerito lindo como un beh-beh!"
You giggled as you joined her to sing along with her.
"Dámelo papaito dicen los niños cuando lo ven nacer,
Y ella lo esconde por los mogotes, que no se
¡La vaca mariposa tuvo un terne'!
Y los pericos van,Y el Gavilán también,
Con frutas criollas hasta el caney para él,
Y mariposa está, que nos sabe que hacer.
Por que ella sabe la suerte de él."
Loki sees you both there. His little girl standing there looking down at her mom kneeling next to her, a loving expression. One that goes beyond words in both of your faces as you share in a song a lifetime an a million more that go from one generation to the next.
A pretty outfit that is almost identical between the both of you, Frigg's being a bit more age appropriate for a 4, almost 5 year old. And yours that accentuated your figure perfectly and made you look like a goddess from a fable from your people. A goddess of laughter, kindness and fertility that Loki was completly enamoured with.
As the song ended he and Elliot clapped as Frigg did a little bow and you followed her lead after she motioned a hand for you to do the same.
Promptly afterwards, Loki was taken hostage by the kiddos to look at the meal that they and their mom had proudly made.
Loki was amazed at the variety of foods that you had made. He saw the arepas, like the ones that you had offered him a long time ago, when hiding in your office seemed like a good idea.
"I remember these." He smirked.
You pushed past him to pick up the trays and take them to the dining table. "Oh, shut up." You smirked back.
The table was filled with many traditional dishes from your home country, surprisingly, many were fried. One had an egg on top of it and ketchup.
"Don't judge me. Judge my ancestors. I still don't get the egg. But I said "eh, I might as well go all out!"" You offered as an explanation as you placed a tray with tequeños next to the traditional drink chicha.
Loki mildly remembered parties, and banquets and feasts back in Asgard. But there was nothing in the world that could make him forget something like this. And of course, he loved to have casual dinners with you and his little family, but this felt special, it felt like when you sit next to the heart at a cozy home. It feels right and safe. And yeah, you are playing a game with Elliot and Frigg to get them to eat their veggies, not just the deliciously fried tequeños. But it was his family, it was his life, it was you and your kids in lovely folkloric outfits and feeling safe.
It was everything that he had ever wished for. And he knew that he had never expected the universe to be this kind to him. That's why he was so thankful.
Hope you guys liked it! And again Theo, congrats love! <3
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rocknrollerskates · 4 years
@uncaney asked: “My hands are shaking”
“I can see that”
Skates pets Caney’s hair gently, speaking quietly and swaying on his feet. He wasn’t soft too terribly often, preferring to scrap it out over a cuddle or a few words, but he’d do it for John. Quieter, simpler, softer. A cushy alternative to whatever storm was raging in his head. Hopefully, you know.
“You been drinking water? Filling up those eyes of yours?”
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feferipeixes · 5 years
Mizar doesn't exist in heavy Quarantine. Mabel prefers not to get involved, aside from helping children Dipper will bring back. She never makes a name for herself, at least not one associated with Alcor, and the Woodsman wouldn't exist either. Twin Souls wouldn't exist, and many thing like RRR or SYWTBAD would never happen. Dipper is almost always in a 12 year old form, and his alias, Alcor, was something he had come up with while held in the basement, as a way of giving up.
Goshhhhh I could so easily see this being the case? Especially if you don’t consider Dipper to ever really make a recovery (like in this post’s version of events). If he’s forever trapped in that “more demon than human” state, if his mind is too broken to make a full recovery, then absolutely.
Mizar doesn’t exist because going with Dipper to enact vigilante justice isn’t really an option. Dipper is too rogue to be good at that kind of thing, and to be honest, in this version, there’s a part of Mabel that screams at her that she can’t trust Dipper not to let her get hurt. It’s not like in main TAU where the two of them knew from the start that they wanted to use Dipper’s newfound magical powers to go around helping people. Here, Mabel gets reunited with a crazed brother who seems to care more about hurting bad guys than helping innocent people, and that makes her very uncomfortable. She’ll help the children he brings back, but to be actually involved with the action is quite a different matter.
And yeah, the non-existence of Mizar has quite a ripple effect on the rest of Dipper’s future. Twin Souls wouldn’t exist because why would it – Alcor’s never been seen with a mysterious female companion. He doesn’t even have the playfulness he exhibits a lot at summons in main TAU, when he decides to mess with people by showing up at summons playing a sousaphone or carrying children. There’s much less of a reason for anyone to see anything good in him at all when all he is known for is murderdeath (although as we know from the real world, that doesn’t really stop people from loving those kinds of people…). RRR wouldn’t happen because, even if he ends up owning Mabel’s soul, he wouldn’t necessarily care too much about growing up with it again. Even if he did, I doubt it would go very well. He could end up stuck in a very childlike state even in his facsimile human body. (Orrrr it could even be bigger angst if you look at it from a nature vs nuture viewpoint and say that Dipper Sterling is pretty human, and that once he breaks apart and becomes Alcor again all of that is lost and his family is heartbroken).
There are so many other Mizar arcs too that just wouldn’t happen. He’d have a lot of other ways to entertain himself over the years, especially if he’s more comfortable with letting his demonic nature loose than he is in main TAU. And SYWTBAD wouldn’t happen because he’s just not whimsical in this timeline. He doesn’t think “oh it’d be fun to make a bunch of friends and graduate from school.” He wouldn’t already be friends with Lucy Ann, so no one would’ve been there to dare him to do it anyway. And yeah, the Woodsman wouldn’t exist. Why would he? Willow didn’t survive being born, so there was no one who needed saving in Caney Patch that day. T_T
And finally yesssssss “almost always in his 12 year old form” is suuuuper angsty and I think entirely appropriate, because it represents how he doesn’t feel like an adult. That’s a rather human concept, anyway, adulthood and maturity, and there’s not too much humanity left in him. He’s got the odd flight of empathy for children and Mabel, but he doesn’t truly feel it. If he ever takes on an adult form, it’d be only because he thinks it’ll help him con a summoner better. Naming himself Alcor while his mind is dissolving is also BIG ANGST. It comes at the point at which he knows he’s never getting out of there, when he knows Ford won’t trust him or believe him and even worse when he’s cognizant enough to realize that something’s happening to his mind, it’s deteriorating and he doesn’t know why and he’s scared. He thinks he’s dying, and in a way, he’s right.
All that being said, my hc is that Dipper is able to recover in heavy Quarantine. It’s a long and difficult road, but Mabel and Henry and Stan (especially Mabel) are able to regain his trust. They’re able to show him that it’s safe to be a person, that he’s still Dipper underneath it all, and moreover that he can regain all the love and humanity he lost. And in this version of events, I think things turn out very differently.
Mizar and cultbashing look very different here than in main TAU, but I still think they’d happen after a while. There’s just so much injustice in the world and so many cultists trying to do bad things. I hc that Mabel still gets into boxing and working out in this timeline even before she finds Dipper, so it wouldn’t be like she’s entirely unprepared to go cultbashing with him. He definitely wouldn’t want to do it at first but as he gains more access to his empathy again I think it’d be hard for him not to. There’d be a lot of close calls, and sometimes they’d face something that would set Dipper back a lot (a mean cultist with a binding circle that feels just a bit too tight around his neck) and it’d be another long night with him in his 12 year old form rocking back and forth and Mabel comforting him but not hugging him because when he gets like that he can’t stand to feel constricted.
Speaking of his 12 year old form, I really love the idea that he looks like a 12 year old when Mabel finds him. He’s had no template (Mabel) to age himself up with, and moreover he’s had no reason to change how he looks. He’s just trying to get himself out of this prison he’s been trapped in and as time goes on he cares less and less about his appearance. I hc that his demonic puberty coincidentally happens at the same time as his mind starting to deteriorate, and that Ford takes this as a sign that he was right and that this demon’s masquerade is falling. The awesome @diddlydarndoodles drew newly freed heavy Quarantine Dipper as having blackened hands/claws and his forearms having brickwork markings on them, like he’s a little bit into his void form, and I love this. He’s still Dipper, he’s still recognizably Dipper, but he’s so injured that he’s even starting to forget how to maintain his appearance. And it’s so horrifyingly angsty for Mabel to find him this way when she does. How he looks is a representation of his state of mind and it just goes to show both how small he feels and how injured his mind is. So to me, him starting to take on a more adult look as he makes strides in his recovery is massive. It represents him actually being able to feel like an adult, which, for someone as traumatized as him, speaks volumes and I love it so much.
Twin Souls would be different, considering how Alcor, in many early appearances, looks like a child whereas Mizar looks like an adult. I hope and pray that it would be less of a popular thing, if it exists at all, than in main TAU. The Woodsman might exist, because Willow survives in this version, but Dipper isn’t as involved in the triplets’ early lives (because he’s still recovering, still easily overwhelmed, and until he’s recovered enough to go out and about I’d say any time he spends with the triplets is supervised so that both he and them are safe), and because of this, there might be fewer pro-nats trying to take out the Pines family. Thus, the Caney Patch Massacre might not even happen. If it does, the Woodsman might happen (and I’m sure that would be a Huge setback for Dipper because now he’s scared of what he’s done to Henry), or it might not and everyone would just get a taste of how truly frightening and vicious this poor traumatized demon Dipper can be when his family is threatened.
SYWTBAD could still happen, especially because after he recovers, Dipper is pretty sad about all the stuff he wanted to do as a human and not only never got to do, but never even got to watch Mabel do. Lucy Ann might still dare him to go to college as a demonologist, and he might still do it and just be a lot meeker. He could still make friends, but gosh I think the whole scene with him and Elisabeth and Thomas getting kidnapped would go a lot worse. And finally, RRR? That would totally happen and I think it would be beautiful. He’d again be a much meeker child, but he’d finally get to have an upbringing where he feels safe and loved. I want all the happy endings for this sweet, hurt child.
Anyway! Hope you enjoy this HECK TON of HC’s for two different versions of the heavy variant. If you can’t tell, I love Quarantine AU a lot. ✨
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clydeduggan-blog · 4 years
Uncover 5 Top Russian Dating Destinations On the web
Russian ladies were made for love - Russian ladies are the only women on the globe who can shock you initially. Not that other ethnicities do not have great women, but Russian girls have an incredibly special feel and temperament. Russia is an incredible country for western people. Regional practices and culture seem a little wild and rare for someone accustomed to sharing lives with self-governing feminist women. In contrast to traditional western women, Russian women know how to highlight their femininity and how to handle a guy right. Have you ever seen a us emancipated girl making handmade food 3 x per day? Have you ever seen a us sweetheart doing her man’s laundry, cleaning the home and cleansing the dishes? Most women that you’ve dated never treated you like a master, that's alright. On the other hand, once you experience the wizardry of being in a romance with a Russian, you'll never wish to get back on sharing your bed and life with a common emancipated woman. Russian females are extremely caring and loving life partners and outstanding moms doing every thing actually possible to make themselves feel comfortable and at ease in your house. All you have to do is provide for the household and bring the bacon home. She's going to look after other activities, so you need not eat in Wendy's and preserve a nice shape. She will make awesome conventional foods to keep the family unit wholesome. Go here to learn gorgeous Russian women on the internet.
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Now let’s speak about Russian females sexuality. Once you see a Russian girl’s profile photo, you can’t get back on view ladies locally. Russian females have the prettiest light eyes and healthy blond head of hair that you can’t duplicate. Natural splendor is a good thing all Russian women are born with, let alone, they understand how to take good care of their hair. They choose it long and not coloured. Their skin is delicate and their eyes are blue, blue-green and strikingly lovely like two large precious gems. Russian girls really don't wear heavy makeup products and look gorgeous without make-up each morning. If you want a wonderful wife that looks like a model and cooks you hotcakes with your favorite topping every morning, you need a Russian woman! Simple, romantic, timid, but passionate addicts, Russian women are the greatest. Join best Russian adult dating sites and programs to meet sexy Russian women on the web in the comfort of your working environment lounge chair or bed. ABOUT US: When it Comes to dating, there are loads of unique options readily available on the net. Naturally, in order to make the v the experience, you will need the suitable program or website which will not allow you . After all, too many of those are specifically devised to help you get the most from practically any type of the romance. Sure enough, you are going to need the most dependable solution plus something which will supply you with abundant options. It follows you might are looking for the Best Russian relationship options which are going to deliver what you're hoping of the them. The given Resource is providing exactly that -- that the only one of a sort opportunity to delight in the best and the very Beautiful russian girls that is not going to allow you down and will supply you with everything you'll require at almost no time whatsoever. Finished is -- you need an app that you can anticipate and also a resource that you may rely on. If you are looking for your greatest hunting, educated in addition to genuinely fascinating in most of the perfect ways Ukraine singles women, that really is the thing to do. And this is why this option is exceptional to virtually anything else It's Possible to Run into on the marketplace: - Honest. The source is quite reliable along with successful. It usually means you may readily count on it to produce the best results as quickly because it's possible. - Comprehensive. If you are looking for your absolute best and the very Beautiful russian women, this really may be the one option that permits one to gain greatly from all of the choices you can require from the first place. - Efficient. The Best Russian relationship resource may Supply You with plenty to choose from and certainly will elevate your Opportunities success by Letting You actually figure out how it all goes and What Sort of options You're going to Want Hence, if You want the very best dating answers available and you are in need of The Best Russian relationship choice, don't wait to check out the official web Page as soon as it's potential. You'll get plenty of offers and will tasteful Your experience in no time whatsoever. All things considered, 1 way or another, you surely Deserve it! Contact us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Russiaukrainedating-101344391608390 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXd4XiTNTL1nNqgcSXFQrAw/about Address: USA, 2760 Preston Street, Caney, KS 67333 Phone: +1620-879-2066 Email: [email protected] Website: https://russiaukraine.dating/russia.htm
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notwiselybuttoowell · 3 years
Climate change is terrifying, so why don’t we do more to stop it? Read any headline on the climate crisis, and it seems unbelievable that we’re not all chaining ourselves to the headquarters of oil and gas companies, or at least hammering on MPs’ office doors. But we’re not. “Of course, I care about climate change,” we say. “But … ”
Then they come out, the reasons for apathy. We’ve all heard them. We’ve probably all said some of them. But do they really excuse us?
Let’s look at some of them, starting with: “It’s so far in the future.”
It’s not. This is already happening: in wildfires, storms and floods in Europe, Australia, the US and the UK, and in decades of devastation in the global south. The victims of climate change include future generations, but they also include the 11-year-old in Bangladesh whose friend drowned, the New Orleans family who lost everything in Hurricane Katrina and the girl forced into child marriage because her parents can no longer feed her.
Even if this were “just” about future generations, they matter too. Because they are our children and grandchildren, and because they are people. Take the least controversial moral rule you’re likely to find: don’t seriously harm other people. Suppose, says the philosopher Henry Shue, you plant a landmine on a busy path. That’s wrong if it will explode tomorrow. It’s still wrong if it won’t go off for another 150 years. Climate change is that landmine – and a whole lot more of them.
“It’s too expensive!”
This is the so-called economic argument against mitigating climate change: that it’s cheaper to adjust to a hotter planet. Even if this were factually unassailable (spoiler alert: it’s not), it would be morally flawed. It relies on what philosophers call utilitarianism – the view that we should maximise overall welfare (often, in practice, overall money) even if some people suffer desperately along the way. That’s in direct contradiction to the most basic intuition of commonsense morality. It disregards human rights.
Even if we swallowed this pill, it takes another questionable assumption to make the anti-mitigation sums add up. These economic arguments, says the philosopher Simon Caney, assume that future people’s pain, even their deaths, count for less in the cost-benefit calculations if these are further in the future. That isn’t standard economic discounting; it’s discounting the lives of our descendants.
“It’s the government’s problem.”
Climate change is a catastrophic failure by governments. But we are voters, and governments act on our behalf. Many of us are drivers, flyers, meat-eaters. Morally speaking, we can share responsibility for harms we are part of or those we fail to prevent between us. I’m not saying you (or I) should feel guilty about this unfolding global disaster, but we should feel ashamed. We should act.
“I’m already vegan and don’t fly.”
This one is the flipside to “it’s all the government’s fault”: putting it all on individuals. That’s inefficient, unfair, and doesn’t work anyway. Going car-free is harder without a good public transport system; leaving mitigation to individuals means putting all the burden on those who happen to make the effort. And individual carbon-cutting, although important, isn’t enough. It won’t avert this catastrophe without governments on board or fossil fuel giants being held accountable. Faced with institutional failure, we shouldn’t feel powerless, but we should all be climate activists, using our own actions to bring about change from above.
“Lying in front of lorries isn’t my thing.”
So don’t do that! But perhaps look past the optics that make you uncomfortable and ask yourself why anyone would feel desperate enough to glue themselves to a road. It’s not because they enjoy it. Then ask what it is that you will do. Write to your MP? Wave banners outside parliament? Demand that your bank or pension fund divest from fossil fuels? Donate to climate justice NGOs? Progress takes a combination of tactics, from lobbying politicians to civil disobedience. Do what you’re good at, as part of a bigger picture.
“I won’t make a difference.”
But we could. And that should matter to each of us. Philosophers explain this in various ways. Sure, some say, it probably won’t change the world if you turn up to a protest or ditch your car. But you might be a trigger, making the protest big enough for politicians to listen, saving untold lives. In any case, you would have helped – by being part of the group who made a difference. And what’s the alternative? Sitting on the sidelines, while others right this collective wrong? That’s not fair on them.
“I’ve got enough to do already!”
I get this. I really do. But climate justice isn’t some esoteric goal. It’s about living in a way that doesn’t kill people: doesn’t drown them, burn their homes or give them malaria. So how much money or time or emotional effort should each of us put in for this basic collective morality? I don’t have a final answer because the ethical debate is continuing. But I have an answer that will do for now, for those living comfortably in rich countries. However much we should do to avert this tragedy, it’s more than most of us do now.
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uncaney · 4 years
speaking of killing caney. looks at my grand piano.
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crarsports · 5 years
9 Things You Should Know Before Embarking On Latin American Artists Music | latin american artists music
Spirit Music Latino, a analysis of Spirit Music Group committed to Latin songwriters, artists and catalogs, appear Wednesday (June 26) it has acquired the assets of Prodemus Colombia, Billboard can alone reveal. Prodemus Colombia is one of the oldest and better absolute music publishers in Colombia and Latin America, consisting of about 12,500 compositions.
Established over 40 years ago, Prodemus Colombia is home to around-the-clock cumbia and vallenato songs such as “La Gota Fria,” “Una Hoja en Blanco” and “Los Caminos de la Vida,” to name a few. The Latin music archive additionally owns the rights to the majority of songs by salsa group Grupo Niche, including “Cali Pachanguero” and “Buenaventura y Caney.”
“This accord is constant with our action of architecture a world-class Latin division,” said Jamar Chess, Spirit Music Latino co-founder, in a columnist statement. “The accretion of Prodemus presents an befalling for us to aerate our relationships with music admiral and licensees to accomplishment this archetypal archive of Latin music to a new generation.”
“The songs of Prodemus represent Colombia’s affluent agreeable history and we are accustomed and advantaged to be the admiral of this outstanding anatomy of work,” added Spirit Music Latino co-founder Juan Carlos Barguil. “We will attending to strengthen the cultural bequest the archive represents beyond Latin America.”
With this new deal, Spirit Music Latino will add to its Latin repertoire some of Colombia’s best admired songs and songwriters of all time, including hits by Carlos Vives, Julio Iglesias, Binomio de Oro, Los Tigres del Norte, Vicente Fernandez and more.
“I am assured that Spirit Music Latino is the best accessible new buyer of the catalogue. I attending advanced to seeing our writers advance beneath their management,” said Prodemus Colombia president Guillermo Zea in a statement. 
In 2016, the indie music administrator Spirit Music Group partnered with Latin music characterization and administrator Sunflower Entertainment Group to barrage Spirit Music Latino. The Prodemus accretion is the aboriginal Latin archive Spirit Music Latino will own and administer.
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Afro-Latino Artists Speak on Navigating the World & Music Industry … – latin american artists music | latin american artists music
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An Eclectic Array of Latin American Artists To Converge in London … – latin american artists music | latin american artists music
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Latin American Music Awards: Who Should Win Artist of the Year? Vote … – latin american artists music | latin american artists music
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Latin Dance Music Artists | AllMusic – latin american artists music | latin american artists music
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Special Look: Sofia Reyes, Becky G, Nicky Jam Rehearse For Latin … – latin american artists music | latin american artists music
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caneycane · 7 years
I've had about 3 rp partners in 6 years bc I'm bad at talking to people so hey if you're down for like a fallout themed rp or something hmu because I've really been into building my courier character lately
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the-record-columns · 5 years
June 19, 2019: Columns
The ‘World’s Hottest Pepper’
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Record Publisher
We are blessed in Wilkes to have Farmers' Markets so readily available to us.  
On Fridays from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., a group of vendors gather in front of the YMCA on Hwy. 268 in Wilkesboro. Then, on Tuesdays from 3:30 p.m. -5:30 p.m., and Saturday mornings 7:30 a.m. until noon, the Farmers' Market in North Wilkesboro is held at the Yadkin Valley Marketplace on the CBD Loop in Downtown North Wilkesboro.  As more and more fruits and vegetables come in, each week they should just continue to get better and better as the season progresses.
Today I want to mention a couple of purchases I made on Tuesday afternoon of last week at the North Wilkesboro Market.  As I perused the various tables, I stopped and bought a bag of peaches from Tom Lowe with the Brushy Mountain Orchard at the crest of Kilby Gap on Hwy 16 South. While there we also spent a few minutes remembering his wonderful parents, the late Jane and Caney Lowe.
As I moved on down the line, I stopped to speak to Earth and Creations owner Brenda Dembowski of Roaring River, who sells an assortment of goodies, all handmade with locally grown fruits and vegetables.  As we talked, I noticed a few jars of chow chow, and, knowing that I had a pot of pinto beans about ready for dinner, I inquired about the chow chow. As I picked up a pint jar, Brenda smiled and asked, "Do you like your chow chow hot?'
"The hotter the better," I answered.
She went on to say that this stuff was really hot, and I went on to tell her that, in effect, I was tougher than woodpecker lips when it came to spicy foods and she assured me I had better be.
By now I had read the label and it  said "Carolina Reaper," and when I inquired about that, Brenda said it was one of the hottest peppers ever.
Now, I will confess that a very limited number of folks are aware of the ONE time I ordered something so hot I could only eat half of it.  I really think I was set up, and I did eat the rest of it the next day, so nothing was wasted.  However, with that episode in mind, I must confess that I began my dinner that evening with a bit of apprehension that I may have again let my mouth overload by butt, as the saying goes.
Well, the Carolina Reaper Chow Chow was as advertised, hot, really hot; but good -it was the perfect thing to go with a good ole' pot pinto beans.  As of this writing, I have eaten about half the jar, and can assure you I will not waste a bit of it.  My curiosity got the best of me and I checked out this pepper and found that it is listed in the Guinness Book of World  Records as the "World's Hottest Pepper," and by a long shot, at that. Actually, the fist time I typed Carolina Reaper onto the search bar a product called Blair's Ultra Death Sauce popped up.
Turns out that the pepper was developed by a man named "Smokin'" Ed Currie who owns the PuckerButt Pepper Company (no kidding) in Fort Mill, S.C. It has often been described as the initial bite actually being sweet and then turning into molten lava. It has been used to spice up any number of dishes, giving heat without changing the flavor of the original dish.
It is really becoming downright popular, and I've got to say, that Carolina Reaper Chow Chow is some good stuff.
Netanyahu Draws Strength from the Bible
Special to The Record
Few people know that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu readily admits that he draws his strength from the Bible.  Some years back Netanyahu was interviewed on CNN.  Here's an excerpt: “You live in the center of a hostile world. Are you ever able to relax?” To which the Prime Minister replied: “Yes, Sir, I am. Every Saturday on our Sabbath, I have a day off. So every Saturday, I take an hour and a half to read the Bible. I draw enormous strength as well as relaxation from this quiet time.” 
As Christians, we are greatly encouraged by this admission. It is great to know that the Prime Minister of Israel faithfully spends time in the Bible, since we believe it is vitally important to understand Israel — past, present and future. The divine influence of the God of Israel is the key to the history of the Jewish people and their nation, Israel. 
The interview started off with the question, “Why can’t you and the Palestinian Arabs get together?” The Prime Minister answered, “The basic problem is their failure to recognize our Jewish state.” He continued, “I am prepared to make peace with the Palestinians as we did with Egypt and with Jordan. I am prepared to have a demilitarized Palestinian state existing next to Israel. And I am prepared to meet with the Palestinians without any pre-conditions.”
The interviewer added, “So you do favor having a Palestinian state?” Netanyahu answered, “Yes, but not a state that will keep firing rockets and missiles into our land. It will have to be a demilitarized, peaceful state. And of course, they will have to recognize our state.”
When asked if he would sit down and negotiate with Hamas, Netanyahu replied: “I will sit down with anyone who will recognize our state. As you know, Hamas has refused to do that. They are true terrorists who even terrorize their own people in Gaza.” He added, “I want the world to look at what we have done in the past few years to help the Palestinians in the West Bank. We have helped them in so many ways economically.”
The interviewer went on to state that Israel’s image around the world is constantly under attack and that has to be troublesome to Israel. Netanyahu stressed that there is a big difference between the world’s perceptions and reality, saying, “Israel has suffered oppression ever since its independence, and we have never had one day of real peace, yet the world continues to see us as oppressors.” He then added, “But we are a people of peace. We have always wanted peace with our neighbors, and we still do. The truth is, they do not seem to want peace with us.”
Next came the question, “How much do you fear Iran’s intentions to destroy you?” The Prime Minister replied,  “We have learned from history to take seriously their calls to destroy the Jewish State."
Netanyahu was then asked, “Would you attack Iran?” He replied, “We will always reserve the right to defend ourselves. We will always keep all options on the table.” He went on to say, “Iran is the greatest threat to humanity today. It is important to the whole world that we do not allow the most dangerous weapons in the world fall into the hands of, or be manufactured by,  the most dangerous people in the world.... We cannot trust Iran to be peaceful.”
“In your lifetime," the interviewer asked, "do you think you will see peace in the Middle East?” The Prime Minister answered: “I will say yes, with conviction. Not in all of the Middle East, but I think we will have peace with the Palestinians.” He stressed, “It will take a lot of courage. We are ready now, and we hope that the Palestinians will soon also respond with the same courage.”  
With Trump's "Deal of the Century" soon to be unveiled, the world will have a chance to see if the Palestinians are viable partners at the negotiating table or if Israel will again "go it alone" as they did back in 2005 with the Gaza Disengagement. 
 Up the Mountain
Life in the Carolinas
It was a perfect time to visit the mountains. It always seems to be 10 to 15 degrees cooler than the foothills and even more so compared to the Sand Hills and Low Country.
Clear skies with a few clouds for a bit of contrast were above, and a winding county road was my path up the mountain to visit the quaint little town of Sparta.
When driving, I often listen to podcasts or CD’s that artists have sent or given me after or before an interview. On this day, I was enjoying the music of the group The Arcadian Wild, and as I grew closer to my destination, I noticed an increased sense of calm.
As I became mindful of this reality, the song Millstatt played with lyrics, “This must be where God comes to rest.” It was one of those moments when you feel yourself smiling, and life seems to balance out a bit.
Based on the never-ending request list, I’m not sure if God has a lot of time for much resting; however, I am confident that the rest of us are indeed most likely better off when we take time to rest, refuel and reflect. It may not be that way for everyone, but it is for me.
Soon I found myself on Main Street in Sparta. Sparta is one of those mountain towns that you are glad you found. If you like the idea of quaint streets, good people, great food options and a slower pace, then Sparta is a place for you to visit.
On this trip, I visited several of the shops in town including a charming used bookstore that always seems to have a good deal on something I can add to my Carolinas reference book. And with the Backwoods Beans Coffee Shop right down the street, it’s easy to be satisfied.
I cannot stress enough the importance of slowing down when visiting small towns in the Carolinas. When we slow down, we reap the benefits of uncovering great treasures of all sorts and delightful interactions with locals and visitors alike.  
It was great visiting with Bob Bamberg, the current editor of the Alleghany News. They have been around since 1889, and they are still publishing a newspaper today. They have seen it all, or at least most of it.
A visit to the Visitors Center and Chamber of Commerce was enjoyable. I learned a lot from Executive Director Katee Hettleman, who also introduced me to “Gertie,” the artistic interactive alpaca. Sparta is known for its Fiber enthusiasts, so much so that they now host the annual Blue Ridge Fiber Fest that attracts attendees from multiple states.
There are several events throughout the year in Sparta, so if your travels bring you to this mountain town on event days, you will get a nice bonus for your travel journal.
Good news for the people of Sparta and us guests. Within a year or so, their new Street Scape program should be finished. It’s always nice to see history preserved and protected for the future.
I look forward to my next visit up the mountain, and you never know who might be taking their rest at higher elevations.
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discoveringhistory · 5 years
Dissertation Weekly The Academic Vacation:  Research, Relaxation, and Some Serious Sparkle Power
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The Helmerich Center for American Research at the Gilcrease Museum is my home for the next two weeks!  Bring on the research and writing.
Sunday morning I jet off to exotic Oklahoma. Yes, you read that right I said exotic Oklahoma. In March I received word that I was selected as a short term research fellow at the Helmerich Center for American Research at the Gilcrease Museum in Tulsa. In addition I am able to avail myself of the incredible resources at the McFarlin Library and its special collections at the University of Tulsa as a part of my time in Tulsa. To me Oklahoma is as important and dear to me as Kansas (my other adopted home state) and Michigan (the land of my birth and raising). There is something about Oklahoma and its red dirt, rolling wooded hills, and open expanses that speaks to my soul. Visually Kansas and Oklahoma both transformed the way I view the world as a photographer and words that I combine together on the page as a writer. Kansas and Oklahoma both changed the way I perceive the history of the American West and the relationships between the diverse peoples who have called her home. In short, Kansas and Oklahoma changed me in ways that I am only now beginning to understand and my work as a historian is different as well. To say that I am excited to be leaving tomorrow and once again living on Tulsa time is understatement.
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The Gilcrease Museum was founded by Mvskoke oilman Thomas Gilcrease. He was the first American Indian to found a major museum.
For eight days I will be cloistered away in the archives at HCAR and the McFarlin digging into the past, hoping to find answers to questions that my dissertation research has raised. At the least I hope to find primary source materials that help me tell the complex and painful story of an interracial marriage gone awry in the late 19th Century in the Indian Territory (present day eastern Oklahoma). My husband, who hails from Oklahoma, is traveling with me for the first week and conducting research for his current book project. When he returns to Arizona, however, I will decamp and move from Tulsa to Bartlesville about 30 m minutes north on Highway 75. Bartlesville is a town that was built because of oil, rail, cattle, and other industries that proved profitable after the close of the American Civil War.  Nelson Franklin Carr, the true founder of Bartlesville, was a soldier in the 6th Kansas cavalry and after the war married an American Indian woman and settled near the banks of the Caney River. Founding a grist mill and store he saw the potential of the area. Ironically only when I moved to Bartlesville and looked into his family history did I discover that my family and Carr’s are related through marriage in the 1700s in Rhode Island. Our world truly is a small place.  Being in the ‘Ville (as longtime and native Bartians call our town) is truly a homecoming for me. Some of my nearest and dearest friends are there, I call them “framily” (friends+family=framily). When I am not toiling away in the archives I will be sitting at the end of the bar at my favorite Starbucks with Amos and Drew, or I will be on the road exploring the region’s history with my friends Kay and Debbie (also known as the History Rock Stars). Time in the ‘Ville will allow me to catch up with the people who have been so incredibly supportive of me since I left and moved to New Mexico to pursue my PhD and now Arizona to complete my dissertation. They knew me when I was a newbie in town and watched me grow and blossom as a business owner (my consulting company Discovering History), a freelance writer and photographer, and a museum director...and even though I left they still love and support me no matter what. 
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The various faces of yours truly in living history attire. From L-R: As Mamah Bouton Borthwick, Mahala Doyle, and Charlotte Augusta Cotheal Swords.
This trip also got me thinking about how important social media can be if its power/capabilities are channeled for good. My current situation is an excellent example. Were it not for social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr) I would not be able to keep in such immediate contact with my framily in Kansas and Oklahoma. In addition I would not have met some other amazing individuals through mutual friends who have become invaluable sources of wisdom, support, and guidance (Brenda and Buck Braden, Diane LeDoux Riley, Frank Bodden, Mary Lou Backus, and the list goes on and on). I have also been able to reconnect with friends from my past who are incredible human beings that I respect and admire (Beth Baloo, Cheri Lee, Misty Walker, Yvonne Snook, Alisa Miner just to name a few). 
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The Facebook site for the Vintage Meet Modern Styling Society. My vintage jewelry collection has grown considerably since I joined this fun group!
Some social media interactions have also helped me relax, unwind, and share one of my passions:  collecting vintage costume jewelry. Finding the Vintage Meet Modern Styling Society on Facebook and its founder/entrepreneur/amazing woman Veronica Zielinski Staudt has been a pure delight. 
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The Queen of Vintage Mavens, Veronica Zielinski Staudt.
Every week Veronica curates a new collection of vintage sparkles and shares it with VMM Styling Society members live on Facebook. One of the things that attracted me to Veronica’s page is her extensive knowledge of the history behind vintage costume jewelry. As a historian I appreciate this tremendously. Every week I am able to unplug from my research, chores around the house, the stresses of a new marriage that is being tested by my step-son’s mental health struggles, and the pressure of having to live up to the expectations so many people have of me while I watch Veronica share her passion for vintage glam and sparkle. My collection has grown considerably since finding Veronica and VMM but it has brought me joy at some very dark moments, moments that in all honesty I wasn’t sure I could handle. The Facebook group that Veronica administers is an incredible collection of women who are bonded by their love of collecting vintage jewelry. Instead of tearing one another apart on social media, the women who are members of the VMM Styling Society lift each other up, encourage one another, and compliment one another. This is something rare in our world that is filled with back biting and blind criticism launched from behind the anonymity of the keyboard. VMM Styling Society has been for me a sparkly refuge from life’s pressures. Through our online chatting Veronica and I discovered that we have so many things in common and share some of the same passions.  I can’t help but wonder how wonderful our world could be if we all stopped shouting at one another online and actually took time to get to know one another. Thanks for carving out a space online that allows women to empower one another Veronica!  
You can visit Veronica’s amazing business at:
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Some of my VMM acquisitions that are traveling to Oklahoma with me. I believe in dressing well while on research trips. I not only represent myself but my university when I am at an archives. And...sparkling is not bad either, as a matter of fact it is a must!
As always when I undertake a new venture, like a research trip, I have twinges of sadness because my Mama is no longer here on this earth to share in all the fun and excitement. Her love of antiques and “old things” rubbed off on me and along with the amazing stories my Grandpa Martin told me as a child influenced my passion for the past.  So, now I get to indulge that passion, research in the archives, visit my framily in NE Oklahoma, and sparkle at the same time. I am a lucky girl indeed!  I will share the highs, lows, and in-betweens of the research trip when I get back.  Until then...be kind!
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Little me with my Mama and Dad. We were celebrating their birthdays (both were born in November) at my Grandparents house. Grandma’s cakes and pies were the stuff of legends. 
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Happy Father's Day hope you had the chance to hang with your father he still living if not I understand my father is #Ripjohnyoung. A simple argument can last a lifetime that put father and child into not speaking for years. Sometimes just take one to apologize and fight will ride into the sunset. Just a thought for ages as you know this, not your home just temporary till it's your time to be with the father. Life is very short we are not guaranteed tomorrow! So you should forgive and enjoy each day you are grateful enough to wake up! Later #champnations (at New Caney, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBt1H0RJ4ju/?igshid=eklywxq394q4
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dmikeyworld · 6 years
How To Find A Great Mortgage Professional In New Caney https://www.kingwoodmortgageguys.com As a New Caney Mortgage Broker, My name is Mike Durr and I want to thank you for spending a couple minutes to watch this video. You are taking a look at this because you are considering purchasing or refinancing a home and you want to know how to pick a mortgage professional. If you have spoken to someone that has either purchased or refinanced recently, you have likely heard how painful the process was. It is brutal, Nobody likes going through a process where you basically go under a microscope and have to reveal in specific detail exactly how you are doing financially. Even if you are doing financially well the information is your private information, and you don’t want that data exposed. You know all mortgage companies are not the same and all mortgage people are different too. I remember, one of the memorable moments in the Tom Cruise Movie “Jerry Maquire”. It was the writing of “The Mission Statement”. Tom Cruise as Jerry Maquire quotes his boss, Dicky Fox, saying that “The key to this business is the Relationships”. Jerry Maquire interprets that as less customers. One of my borrowers and I were speaking recently, and he shared with me one of the key things he considered made my service superior to the other loan officers he had interviewed to help him with his mortgage. Here is what he said, Mike you don’t pass me off to one of your assistants, you are the guy that answers my questions and literally helps me. It’s true, I work with all of my client’s personally. I don’t push you on to someone else. When you call I am the one that responds to your call. When you choose to work with me,…you get me. I am not a large bank guy, I have worked with large financial entities and realised that the environment in the ones I was associated with was counter-productive to giving decent customer service. As a New Caney Mortgage Broker I also do not work in a big office, I run a small branch office of a national lender with a few team members that are committed to delivering to our clients extraordinary service by, holding their hands, and directing each through the process and offering my eighteen years of experience and wisdom and access to me during the loan process. As a New Caney Mortgage Broker I can only do that with a handfull of clients each month, because I am focused on growing a long term relationship with each client. So, if you would prefer someone who takes personal responsibility and is focused to offering five star service every time, I encourage you to call me and let’s see if we share similar beliefs that might be a foundation for building a relationship. My number is 281-348-9899 Kingwood Mortgage Guys 1521 Green Oak Pl. # 197 Kingwood, TX. 77339 New Caney Mortgage Broker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xO_9_hV6fVs How To Find A Great Mortgage Professional In New Caney
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