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ashtray-girl · 2 years ago
there are 3 songs that, no matter how many years go by, will literally never stop haunting me every single time i listen to them.
haemoglobin by placebo
alsatian cousin by morrissey
canenero by subsonica
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t4t4t · 2 years ago
The anti-civ milieu that we came out of was influenced by the likes of Camatte, Perlman[5], the Situationists[6], Surrealists, and anti-state communists. In the debates with syndicalists the critique of work, the link between the material form of society and social relations, and the critique of the ideology of progress were important. But, I increasingly felt the anti-civ milieu was getting more closed and fixed in its ideas and, in the process of debating with syndicalists and the such, rejecting the importance of class completely. At the same time, largely because of the Marini Trial[7] and Wolfi’s correspondence Italian anarchists, we became more aware of the Italian insurrectionary anarchists. It was on a trip to Europe that we decided to do KKA.
The practice and writings of various insurrectionary anarchists seemed to offer a way out of some of the problems of the US anarchist scene. Instead of debating the neutrality to technology or the origin of alienation, the insurrectionary anarchists drew on their own experience of practice on how to act and organize. This was a discussion that didn’t seem to be happening to a large extent in the US at the time. So we wanted to reintroduce some of the writings of the insurrectionary anarchists into the US. We also wanted to get away from a rather weak debate on class, which seemed to be caught between, on the one side, a reduced understanding of class and capitalism, which lacked a critique of work as separate from life and of the link between productive forms and social relations while celebrating worker self-management, and, on the other side, a rejection of class struggle. Primitivism has ended up trying so hard to stress that capitalism is just the latest stage of civilization that it has washed out an understanding of capitalism as a specific social form. Another dichotomy within the US milieu that we wanted to move out of was the one that saw individualism and communism as in contradiction. So into this situation we wanted to inject more energy into the discussion of struggles themselves and how we act.
Sasha: I actually found several of Bonanno’s texts and concepts very important and an inspiration. Diavolo in Corpo[14] and Canenero[15] were also very important inspirations for us. For us in KKA, I would say that Bonanno’s reading of individualism and communism as not in contradiction was very useful; for example, thinking of communism as equal access to the conditions of our existence, an overcoming of the separations that have been imposed upon us, instead of as a celebration of a naturalized conception of working class culture and life, is important. I personally found Bonanno’s The Anarchist Tension[16] very interesting in the way it defines anarchism as a tension. But even more important has been the idea of practice that developed out of the Italian experience: the centrality of attack instead of compromise (a critique of politics, therefore, and representation), informal organization, organization as growing out of struggle and affinity instead of producing struggle (which seems to be the US way of understanding organization), permanent conflictuality, revolutionary solidarity, etc.. Bonanno and others have all written about these practices. Other influences for us are varied: we were all influenced by the situationsists, Freddy and Loraine Perlman (especially Letters of Insurgence[17]), and by surrealism[18]. Wolfi, like Bonanno and others in Italy, is a reader of Stirner[19]. I would say Dauvé and some other anti-state communists were important for me: Dauvé’s When Insurrections Die[20] influenced me a lot. It was one of the first texts we put on our original website.
As to recent developments: with the primitivists seeming to completely reject class struggle these days, we have less and less in common. I would say that their critique of class struggle (as we can see in the latest issue of the US Green Anarchy[21]) is still stuck in a critique of the weak class politics of syndicalists, instead of taking class and class struggle seriously. So I am interested in continuing to look at class struggle in a more thorough way instead of just rejecting a weak version of it, to push class struggle as the struggle to end all classes, for the self-abolition of the dispossessed, the auto-destruction of the proletariat. I have been living on and off in China and the sharpening conflicts here have helped me in this respect. Sure there are a lot of contradictions within these struggles, but we can’t just step outside of them and find some pure subject to attack totality, some pure human nature untouched by society’s contradictions. It doesn’t exist; it never has. Struggle begins within our contradictions. Struggle is a process in which people develop deeper understandings of what they confront and how to confront it. And in this process we also learn from the struggle of others. Through this process struggle can spread and deepen. But none of this is determined; it is a very contingent process....
really don't like the term working class tbh! like. the problem with the rich is not that they don't work. and the most oppressed humans in a place like the US tend to be not employed or chronically unemployed it feels like a fash term assigning value from contribution to Society or something
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reterritorialisation · 5 years ago
There is nothing sadder than an insult drenched in the shadow of remorse.
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il-gigante-e-il-mago · 6 years ago
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imcharliebrown · 6 years ago
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Cane Nero Magna Bella Persica ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #andreamichienzi #d3400 #18_55 #18_55mm #portraits_maniac #portraitphotography #ritrattistica #ritrattofotografico #ritrattimania #ritratti #canenero #caneneromagnabellapersica #yallyally #igtravelfriends3 #dogstagram #yallerscalabria #shotz_of_calabria #yallersitalia #shotz_of_italia #calabriadaamare #calabria_photogroup #calabria_illife #ig_mediterraneo (presso Curinga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwY6oqdhJ7s/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1f2tzme51ffbs
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beltratto · 2 years ago
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“Ma chi c’è davanti al reparto carni? Oh, è Zeus! Questo bel cane è la mascotte del supermercato e tutti lo accarezzano e lo fotografano.” #canenero #dog #perrito #chien #supermercato #mascotte (presso Treviso, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Clnsr1EoHlc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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susieq4522020 · 3 years ago
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We didn’t get very far this morning, actually just the cemetery entrance and the drizzle got heavy! Enough time to have a chat with Harriet and Co. Take 2 and Jenny was very keen to venture out again this arvo! She was in luck as she had a game of chasey with Fred the oval magpie then we ran into Millie as we walked around the club rooms! They both ran back to the oval then as we turned for home we met up with Orso! He’s a friend of both dogs! #walkingthewhitewolf #jennymaremma #lupobianco #maremmanoabruzzese #floofydog #millie #kelpiecross #canenero #orso #orsonero #lagottoromagnolo #lagottopoodle #australianmagpie #fredandbarney #winterinmelbourne #mercredi #greybutcherbird #hamishandharriet #bennyandjoon #birdlifeoz #australia__downunder #meetingupwithfriends #runjennyrun #juillet # https://www.instagram.com/p/CggUPqMPaaA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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leinsolitecose · 3 years ago
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Archiviata la giornata del gatto diciamolo che facciamo anche delle calamite con i cani. In effetti sono di meno e siamo un po' a corto di idee. Si accettano suggerimenti per quelle che sono in produzione nelle prossime settimane! . . . #leinsolitecose #pastapolimerica #calamite #calamita #calamitedafrigo #calamitemania #calamitepersonalizzate #cane #cani #canidiinstagram #canenero #ilmiocane #ilmiocaneèleggenda #ilmiocaneèdifferente #ilmiocaneèunfigo #cagnettofelice #cagnettobello #cagnolini #castelgandolfo (presso Cantiere delle Arti) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaNciJorgHr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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josponeb · 4 years ago
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In questa immagine invece si evince come #NovaTheDog apprezzi dare il suo contributo nel processo decisionale nella produzione digitale del team padre/figlio, pretendendo credito del suo contributo mediante l'apposizione della dicitura aggiuntiva "& meraviglioso cane lucente" al termine della produzione. #NEBplace #NovaStarDog #NEB&Son #digitalproduction #wemakestuff #facciamocose #themiddledog #ilcanedimezzo #tbf #blackdog #canenero https://www.instagram.com/p/CSPu9xYqZ6P/?utm_medium=tumblr
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baccoperbaccoit · 4 years ago
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Prima Passeggiata Mattutina di LAPO, per il ritorno alla normalità post intervento. #buongiorno #amicia4zampe #amiciaquattrozampe #baccoperbaccopet #dog #perro #canenero #petlover #Viaggiatoridelgusto #bondia #buenosdias #dobrojutro #bonjour #bomdia #gutenmorgen https://www.instagram.com/p/CKGUr1RFKtF/?igshid=govvmhbmbopc
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radioteatro · 4 years ago
I racconti di Cane Nero
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clickphotoap · 4 years ago
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Cane o pipistrello? 😂 _ _ _ Dog or Bat? 😂 . . #cane #pipistrello🦇 #pagnotta #caneanziano❤️ #miglioreamicodelluomo #canenero #fiona #instagood #instadog #dog #bat #bestfriends #blackdog #seniordog #followers #followforfollowback #followme #doglover #dogsofinstagram #hashtaginstagram #caneilphotography #canile https://www.instagram.com/p/CI0CQELLNe3/?igshid=n1f919476ia0
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dogandcatcomics · 4 years ago
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#repost @christophersblue Christopher Scott Brumfield (Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA).  Portrait of Zooey. 
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lucaalbrisi · 5 years ago
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Just discovered that today is the #blackdogday! So, happy day to the black dog that changed my life: Kaya. a.k.a. “Black coffee”, a.k.a “tongue out”, a.k.a “the cone”. 🖤 (A good day also to the grey one...) . . #dogsofinstagram #dogstagram #neverleavethedogbehind #meandmydog #doglover #dog #blackdog #cane #canenero #tongueout https://www.instagram.com/p/B3FsdRtgnMZ/?igshid=14nmh530xq1cz
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imcharliebrown · 6 years ago
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La fotografia è anche improvvisazione.. stavo facendo foto al paesaggio e lui si è avvicinato.. si è quasi messo in posa.. e quindi "Cane nero magna bel paesaggio" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Photography is also improvisation .. I was taking pictures of the landscape and he approached .. he almost put himself in the pose .. and then " Cane nero magna beautiful landscape" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #andreamichienzi #nikonitalia #nikoneurope #nikond3400 #d3400 #18_55 #18_55mm #portraitphotography #animalportrait #blackdog #canenero #ritratto #animalovers #doggo #dogstagram #improvvisazione #improvisation #calabria_cartoline_ #calabria_photogroup #calabriadaamare #calabria_illife #shotz_of_calabria #yallerscalabria #super_calabria_channel #calabriagoodvibe #vitadafotografo (presso Curinga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsGhb6LB-bT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1e0cicp2penn
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chrygemini · 5 years ago
Anche Aaron usa #mentadent per denti sani, puliti e bianchi per combattere l'alito di pesca!!! 😁😅 No... in realtà voleva una scatola con cui giocare... 🐶 Sentito lo #stack della presa?!? 🤣😂 #aaron #cocker #cockerspaniel #dog #dogsofinstagram #chrygemini #danilo #pet #pets #bite #instavideo #instadog #love #canenero https://www.instagram.com/p/B2KGPiMIw3O/?igshid=7kbw7edzf63r
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