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sunshinegearbox · 1 month ago
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thevelvetlotus · 7 years ago
🌿🕯This is an old candle I found in the attic from the previous owners. I’m guessing that it was made in the 50’s. I was trepidatious about burning her but then I thought about all the time she’s spent up in a dark old attic unable to do what she was created for. So after I cleansed her energy I lit her wick and my goodness, just look at her glow. Her flame is 4 times longer than any of the newer candles yet she’s burning slower so she’ll still be going strong when the rest have all burned out. Proof of two things. A well crafted candle made with quality wax and a tightly braided cotton wick is how candles should be made. This crappy wax coated wire wicks make me give resting bitch face. And the other thing is that some candles are carriers of spirits, so treat them with respect. You can learn a lot about the candles spirit just by watching it’s dancing flame.🔥🌿 #candles #vintage #vintagecandles #oldcandle #candle #flame #spirit #spiritual #candlespirit #blessing #energy #fire #stevienicks #fleetwoodmac #magic #enchanting #witch #witchesofinstagram #candlemagic #newengland https://www.instagram.com/p/Bm4eLFIn0h6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1v1dulqm5mqco
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press-start-comic · 7 years ago
Check Shinguards for Will Smith
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July 25, 2017 SarcasticCan is on Do Nost Disturb SC: hey guys dont open the game yet SC: like dont even start it up SC: its fucked up and behaving like a some kinda virus LazyAss is online LA: wt do u mean SC: theres no way to exit and theres no setting option SC: its full screen and wont let me zoom out SC: i can only open accord with alt tab SC: but control panel doesnt open SC: in fact nothing else open i cant even get into my desktop or click on my dock SC: my dock is just straight up gone SC: its bad LA: thts odd LA: lme look up sm stff up on the gme SC: theres nothing i already tried SC: but if u can find anything lemme know SC: i should post something for this on gamefaks LA: kk ill fnd smthng CandleSpirit is online CS: Wait, I Already Opened the Game SC: leave it to ur idiot ass to open it before anyone else CS: What the Hell Do You Mean, Shithead? SC: we were supposed to start it up together SC: why tf did u open it CS: Why Did You! CS: Why Are You So Fucking Pissed Off About This! CS: You're Just Talking Out Your Ass for A Reason to Be Mad At Me! SC: BECAUSE ITS IMPORTANT TO FLORENT AND YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HOW IT WORKS SC:PLUS IM THE ONE HOSTING THE SERVER IDIOT SC: I WAS TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO SET UP THE SERVER SO SHUT UP ABOUT MY SHIT SC: MY SHIT???? SC: STAY FUCKING OUT OF IT OKAY SC: MY GOD I FEEL LIKE EVERY TIME I SEE U TYPE I WANNA JUST DELETE MY ACCORD CS: Owen, What is Your Fucking Damage? CS: I Opened the Game, Okay? CS: You Never Would Have Even Known if I Hadn't Fucking Told You, Dick Shit SC: Like, Jesus Christ, You're Such a Dick! SC: OH SHUT UP BITCH CS: You Shut Up! CS: You're Only Saying That Because Your Dumb Ass is Out of Things to Say! CS: God, I Wanna Dick Punch You! SC: of fucking course you would with your freaky infatuation with me SC: youd just love to get as close to my dick as you can before i can stop you SC: update johanna SC: IM FUCKING GAY SC: so keep your freaky crush to yourself CS: Crush on You? CS: On You? CS: Crush? CS: Okay, Owen, That Might be the Craziest Shit I've Heard This Week SC: oh dont try to hide it dickshit CS: Don't Copy Me SC: WHO YOU TALKIN TO BECAUSE I KNOW IT AINT ME SmartestVietnamese is online SV: Actually, I, too, started the game. SV: I was curious about what it would entail, but, as Owen stated, I am experiencing similar issues. AthelticSpandex is online AS: We werent supposed to open it? AS: Well shit SleepyBear is offline SB: can i open it,,, SC: goddamn it SC: no dont LieutenantNut is online LN: OOPS, I ALREADY DID :-O LA: i hv the gme opn 2 LN: i ws curos CartwheelingClown is online CC: haha, sO did i :O0 SC: oh my god SC: yeah sure why dont we all open the game BeautifulSunshine is online BS: Open the game? Okay! SC: just install viruses onto all our computers not my problem SC: ... SC: GODDAMN IT SC: GO AHEAD AND OPEN THE GAME I GUESS FLORENT SC: SINCE EVERYONE IS AN IDIOT SB: okay,,, BS: I'm sorry!!! Was I not supposed to? I'm so sorry!!! SC: ugh dont worry about it becca u didnt do anything wrong CS: Oh, So She Did Nothing Wrong But I Did? SC: she came into a misunderstanding, you're just a fucking idiot SC: whether or not you opened the game CS: Holy Shit! You Just Don't Stop! SC: johanna if u wanna talk about not stopping lets talk about the shit you talked when i came out how about that LN: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! LN: IT'S ALL OKAY, WE'RE PLAYING THE GAME TONIGHT, GUYS!!!!! LN: BE EXCIED!!! :-DDDDDDDD SC: ugh leona can you not SV: Why don't you both just seal your cavities and figure this out. SC: not that johanna could help figure it out BS: Owen, be nice!!!! I'm sorry for his behavior, Johanna!!! CS: Oh, Shut Up, Rebecca, You Don't Do Shit SV: Johanna! SC: i stfg johanna LN: JOHANNA!!! YOU SHOULDN'T BE SAYING STUFF LIKE THAT, EITHER!!!! D-: SB: that was really rude,,, AS: Yeah seriously LA: u shldnt say thngs like tht 2 reb CC: that was incredibly impOlite, jOhanna DO: CS: Oh My God, So Owen Does it to Me and You Guys Don't Care, but When I Do it to Rebecca It's Rude? LN: JOHANNA, REBECCA WAS STANDING UP FOR YOU!!!! LN: AND OWEN YOU SHOULD REALLY BE NICER TO JOHANNA!!!!!!!!! LN: NOW LETS PLAY THIS GAME!!!! IM GONNA PRESS START :-D SC: ugh u guys are impossible SC: heres the forum post u can follow SC: gamefaks.com/forums/fak/PRESS-START/1342/post
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