This cat from space
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cat-and-space-art · 5 years ago
Mom have a fancy stray cat, she name her Flaka ( skinny in Spanis) and she is a very sweet girl
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cat-and-space-art · 6 years ago
I can’t adult today. Too exhausted.
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cat-and-space-art · 6 years ago
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cat-and-space-art · 6 years ago
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cat-and-space-art · 6 years ago
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cat-and-space-art · 6 years ago
Being Pulse younger sister who has autism ( but really smart but has trouble communicating normally) hc?
Okay so before we start lemme just say this: This piece was written almost purely on research I did myself about Autism. Therefore you may find mistakes and things I interpreted wrong, which I beg you to point out for me so I can learn about autism and understand it better. Also, a dear friend of mine helped me while writing and proofread the content so I don’t mess it up! If you read this my boo, your deserve a lil shoutout so here it is🖤
• He’s always kept an eye out for you. Even when he’s away he calls you as often as he can to make sure you’re alright.
• Jack memorised all the signs of when certain situations where getting too much for you very early on and no matter how old you are, he will step in when he sees these signs. No buts. If it’s overwhelming you, it can be done another time.
• Protective especially in situations where social skills are required. Perhaps overly so.
• Since social cues can be hard to read for you he will sit down with you and explain why a person reacted the way they did or why you what you said was rude. He often pointed out that it’s okay to make such mistakes as long as you learn to stand up for them.
• He knows that school / college can be hard and that a job might be too. So he tries his best to help you with any kind of assignments you find hard to do. It’s a good thing his colleauges are all experts in different areas. They don’t mind him asking a little question from time to time.
• Always accepted and tolerated your habits which may seem odd to others. You had your ways and he had his. Always making sure these wouldn’t interfere with each other.
• He sometimes sends you things he found in local shops of countries he’s currently stationed in. They tend to have a twist in them, a little puzzle of sorts.
• When you were younger you always begged him to tell you of the things he experienced in the military. He generally refused to do so for he worried that if you knew how dangerous his work really was, it would cause your health harm.
• Whenever you forget certain words Eric has your back, always knowing what you’re trying to say. He’ll mouth or whisper the words you’re searching for in case you’re uncomfortable with him saying them out loud.
• Not wishing to burden you Eric developed an unhealthy tendency of keeping his burdens to himself. He thinks you won’t see past this behaviour, but more often than not you do and comfort him by staying close to his side. A few cuddles can work wonders to loosen his tongue and lift his spirits.
• In return he’ll give you the needed motivation whenever you find yours missing. As stubborn as he can be he will not stop trying to motivate you until whatever needs to be done is done. This process is always followed by well thought out praise from your big brother, who never ceases to show how proud he is of you for getting hard tasks done.
• You showed an attraction to water and animals from a very young age. Being the brother he is, all the gifts he would get for you where either water or animal themed. Looking back you realise just how many stuffed animals you still have lying around, but you most certainly would never rid yourself of any of them.
• Whenever Pulse pays a visit to you he stares at the stuffed animals with a gaze full of love and nostalgia. You put them in the nicest places: Your bedroom, the shelves and of course the sofa. He considers not gifting you any more than you already have, but alas, seeing you so excited about each new one is too good to pass out on.
• You already prepare tea and snacks in advance whenever he visits to welcome him to the best of your abilities. Catching up and relaxing over a cup of his favourite hot beverage does miracles.
• In exchange for the presents you teach Eric a few things - how to curl up into a blanket burrito for example.
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cat-and-space-art · 6 years ago
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“I made a skull drawing study. To test my knowledge I draw ‘green ones’ from imagination.”
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cat-and-space-art · 6 years ago
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cat-and-space-art · 6 years ago
The art of getting the last word. 😸📢😺
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cat-and-space-art · 6 years ago
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cat-and-space-art · 6 years ago
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cat-and-space-art · 6 years ago
i’m gonna drop an art tip here
i think an important thing to learn, especially if you start out with drawing anime, is that faces don’t necessarily have to narrow from top to bottom
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i like to think of wide top, wide middle, wide bottom, and rectangle-like as the 4 main face shapes
what you should keep in mind about them:
you’re only halfway done: the jawlines, the width-length ratio, the amount of fat in the cheeks, the intensity or subtlety of the face’s curves are all important components you still have to decide on after choosing the shape itself
none of these shapes are exclusively feminine or masculine, don’t hesitate drawing them on any gender
most people in real life have some variation of the wide middle type
if you are trying to draw real people, getting the shape of their face down is the first step
i’ve seen tutorials say the shape of the face can tell a lot of the character’s personality - you don’t necessarily have to live by that rule. as long as you aren’t unrealistically drastic about their proportions, their face shape determines their inner qualities as much as it would in real life (not at all)
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cat-and-space-art · 6 years ago
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The river nymphs who drown lonely men to their death
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cat-and-space-art · 6 years ago
Alright Mofos its almost to November 6th and get ready for election!
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cat-and-space-art · 6 years ago
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cat-and-space-art · 6 years ago
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Day 1- Poisonous
Why give a lady whine, when it poison by her killer?
Perhaps a bottle of rum for the dead?
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cat-and-space-art · 6 years ago
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Here pt 2
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