#candid men feet
hommepieds007 · 2 days
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Whole Foods…handsome…Rainbow Flip Flops…
Source: HommePieds007
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chicagodadfeet · 2 months
Dads kicking back this AM. Who wants a whiff of my boat shoes.
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manikas-whims · 3 months
request for LADS
what if u have to fake date the guys for some reason but its starts becomin difficult for ur heart cuz you start catching feelings
thank you 🙏
thanks for this request! ♡ i went a lil overboard with this LOL. WARNING ⚠️ long post..
Fake Dating the Love and Deepspace men but you catch feelings pt. 1
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❄️ Tara keeps trying to set you up with one of her colleagues, and no matter how subtle she acts about it, you're getting tired of it. Thus, you come to this decision! You request Zayne to play your fake boyfriend for a while.
❄️ The matter of his own feelings aside, Zayne just thinks that fake dating someone to avoid potential dates is incredibly crazy. “You can simply ask your friend to stop.”
❄️ His suggestion is baffling. You feel like an idiot for ignoring the obvious solution. But only a moment later realize that even asking her to stop won't likely deter Tara. At least not until she sees you with a person better than any of her chosen candidates.
❄️ So you decide to let go of the little self-respect you have and beg Zayne to do this for you. He is amused by this ridiculous proposition but agrees nonetheless since he can never really say no to you.
❄️ It's an amazing experience cause Zayne is the perfect boyfriend anyone could ever ask for— handsome, smart, caring, strict when needed, protective and very accommodating.
❄️ The first time Tara meets him, her eyes literally glow with admiration. And she pats your back like a proud aunt, winking suggestively as she does so.
❄️ However, Zayne has always been great at adapting to the situations at hand and soon your arrangement starts becoming a bit of a problem for your delicate heart.
❄️ It is one thing to show him off to your colleagues. But Zayne has started doing stuff like dropping you home everyday after work, his only explanation being “that's what he would do if he was your REAL boyfriend”.
❄️ And this isn't all. He's taking breaks in the afternoon to have lunch with you everyday and make sure you don't miss any meals. He slips your hand inside his coat pocket on particularly colder days. He even focuses on the little things like wiping a coffee stain from your bottom lip or gently pushing the stray strands of hair behind your ear. All this while, his explanation is: it's what he would do if he were your real boyfriend. And you aren't sure your heart will manage long if this goes on.
❄️ The real issue arises when one of your colleagues point out how they've never seen you kiss. And this makes Tara perk-up too.
❄️ In your defense, you spout some nonsense about how Zayne is kinda shy by nature and doesn't believe in PDA much. “When we're alone, he's very passionate.”
❄️ This leads to Tara and a bunch of colleagues secretly tailing you when Zayne comes to pick you up one evening. For they also wanna see this passionate side of him.
❄️ “Um..Zayne, can we kiss?” You whisper, your eyes averted, and fingers fiddling in nervousness. Its not that you are worried about the "kissing" part. Thats easy. You are actually worried about kissing Zayne.
❄️ As for Zayne, he is confused and shocked at first. Even blushes a little. But thanks to his perceptive nature, he quickly spots your colleagues and understands.
❄️ So as you clumsily teeter closer to him and raise yourself on your feet to reach his height, he chuckles at your efforts as well as the pained expression on your face.
❄️ “Relax.” He commands and magically, his words do calm your nerves a little.
❄️ He smiles then, his big arms wrapping smoothly around your waist as he lowers his head and lets his lips gently linger against yours, igniting a desire within you.
❄️ When he finally pulls back moments later, you nearly loose your footing.
❄️ This is it. The last shred of your sanity blown away. It may have only been a few moments but the kiss leaves an impact on you. Your heart can't take it anymore. Because you enjoyed the kiss more than you should have. And its made you realise that you may have actual feelings for Zayne.
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⭐ There's this creepy resident at your apartment complex who's been trying to make moves on you but he's just been so nice and subtle about it that you have no idea how to turn him down. Thus, instead of that, you ask Xavier to play your fake boyfriend for a while.
⭐ “This doesn't seem like a good idea.” He says, hesitantly scratching his cheek.
⭐ Xavier also believes beating the shit out of the guy is a better option, and a permanent solution. But again, you can't do that because the guy hasn't actually done anything threatening or concerning. Thus, any sort of unwarranted violence against such a guy will only result in more problems for Xavier and You.
⭐ So Xavier sighs, and nods with a smile. “Fine. What do you need me to do?”
⭐ “Just do things only a boyfriend would do whenever that guy is around.” You tell him and he nods.
⭐ And so it starts with you dragging Xavier out for morning laps and evening walks around the complex, and you always make sure to hold onto Xavier's arm whenever you spot the strange guy.
⭐ But as the days go by, you sense as if Xavier may be a little too good at his new job.
⭐ One evening as you are working out at the gym on the top floor of the apartment complex, the guy walks in and approaches you. To your annoyance, he begins his usual small talk. But he's barely strung two words together when you feel the warmth of a hand gliding along your waist.
⭐ You look up to find Xavier, his clothes sweaty from workout. He tucks his chin on top off your head, his arm around your waist tightening ever so slightly. “Do you know this guy?”
⭐ It takes a moment for you to realise you're gawking! At the same guy you had asked to pretend to be your boyfriend. And it's not just his fingers stroking circles on your belly but also the way his voice sounds more intimate!??
⭐ Quickly, you compose yourself and stammer a response. “N-Not really. He's a resident just like us.”
⭐ And with that said, you're being steered out of the gym, Xavier's arm never leaving your waist.
⭐ Ever since you've known him, he rarely breaches your personal space without permission. A gentleman through and through. It's you who's been messing with his hair, squishing his cheeks and poking his chest to tease him all this time.
⭐ But ever since you asked him to play boyfriend, he's the one initiating skinship at the most unexpected moments. It's as if this fake dating arrangement has given him a free pass to do everything he usually holds back from.
⭐ Now he holds your hand whenever you're walking together, idly plays with your hair strands when hanging out at your place, and ALWAYS makes sure his arms are around your waist or face nuzzling your neck in the presence of that strange guy.
⭐ You may have been the one who requested him to do this but you aren't so sure about this whole thing anymore.
⭐ A few weeks have passed but the guy is persistent. Now he's always trying to find you when he's sure Xavier won't be around.
⭐ “It's not working. We need to do something more convincing.” You say in a deflated tone. You and Xavier are standing in the hallway of your floor, having just returned from a mission.
⭐ And that creep is lurking at the end of the floor by the elevator, waiting for Xavier to leave so he can ask you out yet again.
⭐ Xavier tucks a hand under his chin, his nose scrunching in thought. “Something more you say..”
⭐ Then in the very next moment, he pushes you against your own apartment door, a hand coming to rest upon it to keep you in place; his other hand gently cradles your face, arching it slightly before he presses his lips against your own.
⭐ Only a moment later he pulls away, then kisses you again. This time with more fervor than needed to fake it. And when he breaks the kiss again, his lips gravitate towards your neck.
⭐ “Xa..Xavier..?” You're stunned. You're not even sure how you are meant to react.
⭐ Xavier pushes away from you slightly and turns his head, his gaze directed right at the strange man. “She’s mine.” He asserts.
⭐ The man is as shocked as you are and immediately runs away.
⭐ Xavier looks back at you and flashes his usual soft smile. “This should convince him enough.”
⭐ Seriously!? Who cares about that guy anymore? Your heart is the most convinced that you may possibly be falling for Xavier.
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🌊 “Miss Bodyguard, would you like to date me?” Rafayel asks one day out of the blue, and you are left feeling equal parts flustered and confused because WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?
🌊 He enjoys watching you trying to act nonchalant when your fidgety movements and flushed cheeks clearly tell him otherwise.
🌊 Finally he explains how he has accumulated quite the fanbase, thanks to not just his art but his gorgeous looks. And now these same loving fans are becoming slightly toxic with how they stalk him around, making it impossible for him to even go out in peace. Aa such, he wants to promote you from the position of his bodyguard to fake girlfriend.
🌊 You don't like the sound of it. You can already smell trouble from afar but you know he'll keep pestering until you relent. So you agree to it in the end.
🌊 Only later you realise what you've actually gotten yourself into.
🌊 Rafayel is already kinda clingy by nature but now that you've agreed to his dating charade, he's fully taking advantage of it.
🌊 Everytime he drags you out to a public spot, he makes sure that the two of you hold hands. And rather than going to places that may inspire him for his paintings, he drags you to expensive fashion brands stores.
🌊 Even as you refuse to let him buy any of it, he makes you try on the outfits for hours, making you turn this way and that, asking you to pose in specific ways as he snaps numerous photographs (which he'll definitely use as reference for his portraits of you). And just when you think it's over with all the fancy clothes, he makes you try on footwear next.
🌊 He's also buying you all these gifts you never asked for. He's basically spoiling you with things you can't otherwise afford.
🌊 He's also posting a lot of cringe yet cutesy couple photos with you on his social media accounts.
🌊 And you may not admit it but you are beginning to enjoy being spoilt like this.
🌊 Weeks pass without you even realising. This arrangement is becoming more and more dangerous for your heart. Because lets be honest Rafayel may be enjoying playing around with you like this but the same can't be said for you. You know that if this goes on any longer, your heart is bound to make space for him.
🌊 “How much longer do we need to keep this up?” You ask one day.
🌊 He merely winks at you. “Just a little longer.”
🌊 You try your best to keep your emotions in check. You just need to endure him and his charm for a little longer. Heck! You kill wanderers for a living so the matters of heart shouldn't be anymore difficult than that. Right? Right?
🌊 Oh how foolish you are.
🌊 It happens during a private gala Rafayel is invited to and of course as his “girlfriend”, you're supposed to go with him.
🌊 That, and the other reason being this crazy musician who will be there. Apparently she's been hitting on Rafayel for a while now, and your appearance may finally make her retreat.
🌊 So there, amidst the crowd of snobbish strangers, Rafayel asks you for a dance. And in the dim glow of the hall, paired with a slow, romantic tune, he feels closer than he is. And it happens..your resolve falters.
🌊 He wiggles a brow towards the corner of the room, and surely enough, you spot the aforementioned crazy musician. Indeed, she doesn't seem very happy with the way Rafayel has his arms around you.
🌊 And to deliberately spur her further, he lowers his head. His breath is ticklish along your skin as he whispers in your ear. “You’ve moved along quite well to my tune. You're a good dancer.”
🌊 For some reason, you don't like those words. Rafayel complimenting you so freely cannot be a good sign.
🌊 “Just endure a little longer, Miss Bodyguard. Tonight will be the last run of this charade.”
🌊 Then he tucks a lose strand of hair behind your ear and leans his face in, his lips gently brushing along yours before pressing harder.
🌊 The kiss is slow and lingering, just like the song being played. But it seems that the moment you begin to give in and truly relish it, the moment ends. He pulls away and smiles.
🌊 Yet you can't muster enough strength to smile back for its happened. Your resolve is broken. Your heart has already reserved the best spot for him. And you aren't ready to let go of this charade any time soon..
here's [PART 2]
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i have 4-5 more LADS requests to finish. i'm working on them and will post them soon ✌️😊
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hanasnx · 9 months
brucie and his 19 year old girlfriend who he flaunts around Gotham like it’s no big deal. he takes her everywhere and anywhere there will be press. everyone is so shocked and they don’t even know what to say. especially the kids. dick and jason are (high key) jealous of it… -🍓
BRUCE WAYNE has been keeping you around to garner attention around himself and off of his dealings as the Batman. You were the perfect candidate given your social influence, your popularity, and it helped you were easy on the eyes. If Bruce Wayne was the center of controversy for dating someone half his age, Batman could keep a lookout on Penguin’s latest caches without distractions like the Cobblepots releasing a statement that Batman is wrongfully investigating a man based on appearance. Prejudice doesn’t make the news, but an age gap does.
You practically float off the floor when Bruce is around, whether it be an arm around your waist; leading you or twirling you like a dance with music he hums; sweeping you off your feet, easily up over his head. It becomes clear why he’s so dangerous, he’s such a charmer. Somehow he has romance dialed in, and you fell for someone so put-together. You love going everywhere with him, and when a fan asks for a picture, he’s the first to hug you from behind and curl his huge body around you, cheek-to-cheek with his chin over your shoulder. He’s so shamelessly touchy. It gets to a point where he likes when you scold him with a pat. Hitting his sturdy bicep when he tugs the neckline of your dress to him for a peek at your tits, and all he does is growl at you playfully, like you’re asking for it later.
To be honest, you are. Yet, Bruce won’t get it to you. He dangles it over your head in public, but alone he makes up some excuse and calls his butler to drive you home.
One time when you’ve been invited to the Manor, it was so you could get ready and drive to a gala with Bruce. Arriving together is a big statement, and you’re excited, but in a much realer sense there’s a tickle of dread in your stomach. Bruce told you to make yourself comfortable and wait for him, he’s terribly sorry that he has to attend to something first and if he’d had it his way a lady wouldn’t wait on a gentleman. You’ve already fantasized this might be it, he’s finally going to ask you. Sitting on this chaise in front of a fire you clench your legs together at the reminder. Perhaps he’s getting ready so he’ll finally sleep with you. Briefly, you imagine what the paparazzi would bark at you if you arrived to the gala with sex hair. It brings a smile to your face.
Just in case, you had outfitted yourself with a tasteful nightgown underneath your clothes, and you decide now is the time to enact it. Shimmying off your garments, you then arrange yourself seductively on the chaise. Bruce’ll be here any minute, and he always acts so insatiable in public. Maybe if you surprise him, he won’t be able to steel himself. Your fingers play with the hem, already short but your ride it up even more, and trace circles onto your bare hip. You’ve felt his hands on your hips when you wore a stringy little bikini for him on his yacht, and those callused hands had pulled you right down on his lap to stick his tongue in your mouth. You can still taste it, closing your eyes to revisualize it. He was so big underneath you—
“… and this is a one time thing, understand? My debt is paid.”
“Don’t worry, birdboy, I won’t tell your old man—“
Voices come into focus, alerting you as the door opens and not one but two people come in. Two people you do not recognize. Without thinking it through, you stand to conceal your seductive pose meant for someone else, and everything else slips your mind.
Two men. Boyish. Both with black hair that’s grown out, and one of them with a white stripe sprouting from the front of his hairline.
“Oh,” DICK GRAYSON says. He’s no stranger to walking in on something he shouldn’t see. “Sorry, didn’t see you there.”
“Nice outfit.” JASON TODD adds, and you can tell he’s making fun of you. Your cheeks grow red hot, and you scramble for something to cover yourself up. A thin throw blanket folded over the back of the chaise is hastily straightened out to cover yourself.
Wary he might cause you grief, Dick points to a bookshelf behind you. “We just have to… get something.” He waits for something, and you realize he wants you to reply. You nod, hoping to just end this as soon as possible.
The blanket covers most, but a lot of your thigh is exposed. You try to turn with them as you they pass you, but Jason cranes his neck to catch a glance of your ass. The undersides of it hang out of your tiny nightgown. An indignant crease in your brow forms, and you make an obvious move to yank the blanket over your ass, turning it away from him. Dick keeps going, Jason hangs behind. “What’re you doing here, missy? You look a little young.” Condescension. The last thing you need right now is a conversation.
“Yeah, are you looking for someone?” Dick asks over his shoulder, more polite than his companion as he searches the spines of books with a finger.
You hesitate to say anything, you don’t know these people. “I’m waiting on someone.” A tremble shivers through you, the back of you cold from being away from the fire, and your nerves didn’t help.
“You’re not a hooker, are you?” Jason’s blunt nature shines through in his question, not that he’s intrigued or judgmental, just curious.
Your first instinct is to be offended he’d say something like that to a lady, frowning at him with a scoff. “What? No! And—!” It dawns on you that you shouldn’t put down sex work, you’re overreacting. So you wiggle your shoulders and stick your nose in the air, prissing up your attitude. “It wouldn’t matter if I was.” you say, quieter this time.
“Sure, it does. I’ve got cash on me.” Jason replies, only to get that cute offended look back on your face.
“Jason, shut up. She doesn’t know you’re trying to get under her skin.” Dick plucks out the book, and flips through it. He joins you and Jason, and you take a wary step back. He doesn’t notice, snapping the book shut and handing it off to Jason. Those blue eyes are back on you again, and you swear you see him give you a quick once-over. “Whoever you’re waiting on is a lucky guy.” he says, and by his tone you’re unsure if it’s a genuine flirt. When he smiles, dimples define, and for a brief second you’re weak in the knees.
A third voice pipes up, deeper than them both. “She’s with me.” Bruce says, walking in as he adjusts his cuff links. “Jason, always a pleasure to find you sneaking around my house.”
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gildedkrone · 11 months
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Simon “Ghost” Riley sits with his back into the large lounge chair made specifically for his stature and size. The cushion cradles his worn body now christened with more bruises and scars from a recent mission as a lowly sigh slips past chapped lips.
Simon “Ghost” Riley gently spreads his thighs further apart when you come to a stop beside him. Your eyes search for permission and it’s written in his tired eyes to continue. He gets cold feet—so unlike him—when you sink to your knees and rest your hands on his thighs flanking you.
Simon “Ghost” Riley wonders how he has gotten into this situation. A few weeks ago when Soap badgered him about his sex life and preferences. He almost throttled the sergeant when he mentioned you are a good candidate for his giant dick. It’s true that he is well endowed; if the makers had a favourite, he is one of them.
Simon “Ghost” Riley has had his fair share of unpleasant sexual encounters where his partner would balk at the size of his dick. More than once, he feels objectified when his previous partners would reduce him down to nothing but the organ between his legs and on some occasions, they turned him down after seeing it. The resulting shame burns his face and the ensuing cigarette smoke works in a bid to calm his agitated nerves.
Simon “Ghost” Riley knows it’s been close to a month since his last encounter with his right hand under the spray of warm water in his private toilet and bath. His sex drive is a swarm of bees forming a nest in his consciousness and growing louder by the day until his control over his urges are waned sufficiently for them to take over.
Simon “Ghost” Riley nearly balks when you casually mention you are available—he knows you must’ve heard Soap’s talk. He considers turning it down, that is before you suggest something simple. No penetration; just your mouth and his dick. A kiss ending in pleasure and release for him between two men. He’s worked with you before and trusted you with his life on the battlefield.
Simon “Ghost” Riley takes a few weeks to accept and now, you’ve been summoned to his private quarters on the base. It’s sparsely decorated and he goes to unbuckle his belt if your hand hadn’t stopped him. Let me do it, you eyes say and he relinquishes the act. The belt clicks open and the zipper is drawn down before the whole garment is pulled down to his knees.
Simon “Ghost” Riley wears a simple pair of white cotton boxers for the occasion and he stiffens slightly when a hand gently cups his clothed package. When he’s feeling ready, he grunts at the feeling of wet warmth laving up his boxer briefs. He sees your head resting against his thigh and under the single tableside light, it paints your face something orange and warm.
Simon “Ghost” Riley sucks in a deep breath when he is sufficiently chubbed up from the ministrations of your mouth and the garment feels too tight for comfort; the obscene tent is proof enough. Your hands come to grasp the elastic waistband to pull down his boxers and he prepares himself for what always comes next.
“You’re beautiful, Simon.”
Simon “Ghost” Riley feels it’s a joke when his dick is exposed to the air. There’s no feelings of shame or disgust; there’s only a soft wonder in your eyes reserved for him. He grunts a little louder when fingers come to wrap around the shaft. All the time, your eyes remain in contact with his when he melts at the tentative strokes and squeezes of his engorged dick. Asking if he’s ready to continue.
Simon “Ghost” Riley nods and your response is wordless. A few more strokes has him standing proudly erect and a moan escapes without his permission when your mouth descends on his dick. The previous feeling of damp warmth is replaced with the wet, velvety heat gently making its way down from the head to the base of his dick.
Simon “Ghost” Riley wrestles the urge to slam your head into his pelvis to speed up the process. It feels blindingly good and his hand comes nowhere close to what he is feeling. He exhales roughly when you nose brushes against his groin—he dimly registers your lack of a gag reflex. Never before has anyone taken him fully and his dick agrees as well when it throbs with the unsatiated lust pooling in his groin in something shimmery.
Simon “Ghost” Riley moans when your head pulls upwards to stop at the tip and he groans when a tongue slips past delectable lips to lick at his slit. Nothing is overly sexual in nature, and you blow him a penile kiss as a shiver runs up his spine. The sensation of his balls being caressed gently only serves to make him even harder and his hips jump forward as he leans back further into the chair.
Simon “Ghost” Riley feels some sort of way when you take him again, this time, however, not fully with a hand at the base of his dick. His thoughts flee with his rationality when your mouth combines with the pleasurable message of his balls chockful of his month-old cum. He fights demons, fights gods, and himself to not mistreat your mouth as it brings him waves of pleasure in ever greater crests.
Simon “Ghost” Riley isn’t a vocal man, but the ever growing grunts and groans are his way of showing how much he is enjoying this experience. The pace of the intimate act speeds up and his grip on the chair is leaving deep imprints into the material. It feels divine, the way his dick is encased in a cocoon of sinful sensations his hands and previous partners could never deliver.
Simon “Ghost” Riley rests a hand against your face as he feels the knot of pleasure building in his pelvis. Unlike his previous rough and hard experiences, this slowly growing knot ignites something fuzzy in him. It’s edges are soft and he can’t pinpoint exactly how it feels, just that it feels different in the best way possible and leaves him a lustful man seeking more of where it came from.
Simon “Ghost” Riley isn’t used to the sensual and slower pace of sex you are taking him on and he feels his peak arriving far too quickly. He prides himself on having a stamina rivalling bulls and a self-control rigid as iron clasps. Under the assault of your mouth, however, he finds his defences failing him one by one as his body twitches and flexes with the sheer visceral pleasure thrumming through his core. All from that lascivious mouth also producing the obscene noises of the coupling he’s in.
Simon “Ghost” Riley’s lips aren’t his anymore as he bites out praises and words. "Y-yes, fuck, right there, baby" and "Y-yer doin' so, so fuckin' good" are several of your favourites as you work dutifully to bring the man the euphoria he so deserved. A “good f-fuckin’ boy” is motivation to get you to redouble your efforts and work to give him the best blowjob he will ever have in his life.
Simon “Ghost” Riley grits his teeth harshly when you hollow your cheeks to apply maximum contact against the angry and very ready organ in your mouth. The dance of pleasure nears its grand finale and he seeks permission to dirty your mouth. You squeeze his thigh gently with your free hand and he hips surge when the tongue brushes under the frenulum of the already sensitive head jamming into the back of your throat. Everything, from the air to the coarse feeling of the fabric on the seat serves to inflame the sensations he’s experiencing and further edge him.
Simon “Ghost” Riley is a man standing at the precipice of control and mid suck, you feel it; the telltale shudder of his dick and his sudden choked gasp of “close!” ends in a loud grunt when you sink fully down his dick and warmth floods your orifice. His orgasm hits him like a runaway freight train and he just sinks into the chair to ride out the sexual gratification mending into relief and euphoria at the edges of his perception.
Simon “Ghost” Riley gently strokes your hair and temple as he cums hard and unleashes a month’s worth of pent up ball batter into your throat greedily sucking and milking him for all he’s worth. The world narrows down into this instance of time where nothing matters. Nothing but his feelings catching up to blindside him in a mirage where his fingers intertwine with yours and the dam of emotions fully crumble under a release cathartic as divinity is all encompassing; he finds the waves of satiation lapping at his parched lips.
Simon “Ghost” Riley isn’t a religious man by any means; his childhood is proof god has abandoned him. But this, this might have been his reward for overcoming his demons. Written by the deities of the stars and for him. Only him in the intimacy of his home with someone he trusted to experience the nirvana promised to him and every other man.
Simon “Ghost” Riley basks in the afterglow propping up his consciousness as his wrung out body is content to remain where it is while your mouth keeps his spent dick comfortable and warm. No stamina can ever compete with a release as monumental and with the kind of finality that robbed him of strength and left him strutless and fully relaxed.
Simon “Ghost” Riley wants to repay your act with pleasure when he spots the tightness of your combat pants. You shake your head and tell him tonight has been all about him and making him feel as good as he possibly can. He frowns when you insist but drops the topic when he feels warmth envelope his softening dick. There’s no urgency to do anything; he doesn’t feel capable of another round.
Simon “Ghost” Riley cups your cheek with rough, calloused fingers and lifts the balaclava up to his nose. He mouths, thank you.
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riboism · 11 months
vaya con dios
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》 c.s x fem. nun! reader
》 wc: 6.7k
》 plot: a strange visitor takes shelter in your nunnery and challenges your beliefs
》 content: religious guilt, religious themes, first-time, pornographer! san, nun! reader, eventual smut, some angst
Tossing and turning for the nth time that night, you finally found comfort in laying on your side with your hands tucked underneath your pillow. You took a deep breath before shutting your eyes, counting sheep in hopes that it’ll help you fall asleep faster, only for you to reach fifteen before your mind wandered again. 
It was impossible to sleep after the strange day that you had. You had a visitor. No one really visited the Nunnery. You often joked with your sisters that the Nunnery was your own world, a place so hidden inside the natural world that no one could ever find it. That was until he started knocking on your front door. 
Men are not allowed inside the convent. The only time a man would come into your world was when Father Aaron came to visit from time to time, and even then he’d need permission from Mother Reverend to enter her holy space. You couldn’t understand why she agreed to let him stay the night, let alone even grant him access to our quarters— not until she called you into the kitchen and tasked you with bringing him his evening meal. 
“Is he a Priest?” You inquired as you prepared his dinner plate. You heard that Father Aaron was nearing his retirement. Maybe this was his replacement. 
“No.” She answered with finality, not adding anything further. You hated it when she did that. 
“Then who is he? Why is he here? I thought men weren’t allowed in our convent.” 
Mother observed as you placed a few fresh berries into the dessert bowl. She liked to make sure that we weren’t giving others too much or too little. She didn’t like waste. “He isn’t, but I had to make an exception. He’s a traveler and he got lost and stumbled onto our doorstep. With how dark the clouds are and how windy it is outside, I figured it was best for him to rest here for the night before moving on with his journey.” 
“But he’s a man.” You emphasized. “What if he’s dangerous? It just doesn’t feel right, him showing up at our door in the middle of the night. Where was he going anyway?” 
Growing impatient with your constant questioning, Mother set down a heavy glass, the loud thump startling you into silence. “Mind your manners, child! It does not matter if he is a man. God gave him to us to protect, and that is what we’ll do. Now hurry along, he must be starving and it’s almost time for bed.” 
Nodding obediently, you ventured off into the closed-off wing of the Nunnery. The room he was staying in was made for women who were interested in joining the sisterhood and devoting their lives to prayer and servitude. Unfortunately, the Nunnery didn’t get many candidates for the past few years so the rooms remained vacant. 
The halls here felt colder. You didn’t like being in this part of the building. The Nunnery itself was old, and with that, the building creaked and bellowed from time to time, especially in this wing. The noises would scare you, especially at night, but your Sisters assured you months ago that the next few donations would be used to help reconstruct the weaker parts of the building. Maybe there were still some renovations left to do. 
Upon reaching the visitor’s door, you knocked quietly and waited until a voice called for you to enter. You kept your eyes low as you walked in. “Mother asked me to bring you your supper.” You announced quietly, before placing the tray on the side table. 
He was sitting on the bed, looking as if he was waiting for you. Your eyes remained at his feet. He still wore his shoes, which looked expensive and hardly worn. Curiosity got the best of you, and you couldn’t stop your eyes from rising from his feet to his shoulders. His shoulders were wide and broad, the suit jacket he wore ill-fitting as if he grew twice his size overnight and didn’t have time to buy a bigger one. You didn’t dare to look up any further. 
After a beat of silence, you awkwardly paced backward to exit through the door, not wishing to be around the stranger any longer than you needed to. 
“Wait,” he called, softly. 
Your body obeyed before your mind did, and you didn’t move another inch. You waited for him to say something. Perhaps he wanted only tea before bed, or maybe he wanted to ask for some fresh sheets since the room hadn’t been dusted in a while. But he didn’t speak any further after that. Growing ill at ease, you let your gaze drift upwards until you finally met his eyes. 
You didn’t expect him to look the way that he did. He was young, maybe around your age. You had never seen a man without graying hair and deep sunken eyes before. Most of the men that came to the Nunnery, whether it was Father Aaron or his acquaintances, always looked weak, gray, and brittle. The visitor looked fresh and radiant in comparison, with his sculpted cheekbones, neat eyebrows, and freshly trimmed dark hair. He was beautiful. 
And then there was the way that he looked at you. You felt trapped in his peculiar gaze, your cheeks burning up after every second that passed as you two took each other in. His eyes wandered all over you with hunger and curiosity, but upon meeting your wide eyes, his expression quickly softened, his mouth that was once agape with desire now curled up to a friendly and innocent smile. 
“What is your name?” He asked. His voice was soft and pretty. It felt like he was trying to lull you to sleep. 
“You may call me Sister ____.” 
“Sister” He nodded. “Forgive me, I guess I had taken the wrong route and got lost. I’m eternally grateful to you all for offering me shelter in this unpredictable weather. And for this hot meal.” He beamed. “I hope I haven’t caused you any trouble. I understand it’s very late.” 
“No, no trouble at all. We are glad that you are inside and safe instead of out there in the storm.” On queue, a flash of lightning illuminated the walls, and a dull crack of thunder followed shortly. The sounds of crashing thunder and the strangeness of the visitor had you uneasy, and you knew it was best for you to leave the room right away. Mother wouldn’t be too happy to hear that you were lingering in the room alone with him, engaging in mindless conversation at the odd hours of the night. But despite your efforts to bow your head and inch towards the door, the visitor didn’t seem to acknowledge your rush. 
“It’s a shame…” He said faintly. 
“What is?” 
“That you have to hide yourself with all that garb. You’re very pretty.” His eyes lingered over your chest as if he was trying to outline what your figure looked like underneath. Full chest, thick thighs, slender legs, narrow waist, or wide hips, he couldn’t tell, but he liked that he didn’t know. A uniform made to hide the essence of a woman, to protect them from perverted and hungry eyes like his, ended up doing the opposite. 
Sensing your offense, the visitor rushed to apologize before you could utter a remark. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you, Sister. I work in entertainment. I go around and meet with decently looking women all the time for photoshoots and whatnot. That’s actually where I was headed now, to meet with a few women about an upcoming fashion magazine shoot. I didn’t mean to be so blunt. I guess nuns and religion and all that stuff…” He peered over to the wall that was decorated with a sole golden cross and then sheepishly looked back at you. “...Make me nervous.” 
Part of you felt he wasn’t telling the truth. You weren’t sure how to take him. There was something off about him, how he shifted from kind and unassuming to something that lacked innocence. You had a feeling that he wasn’t telling the truth.  
Ignoring his strange comments, you quietly bid him goodnight and then rushed off to your room. 
You wished so badly to drift off to sleep and forget about this strange encounter, but the visitor preoccupied your mind. Did he really handpick women for prestigious fashion editorials? Did he mean it when he said you’re pretty? 
No one had ever called you pretty and you honestly didn’t know how to take it. Vanity wasn’t something the sisterhood was concerned with. It was blasphemous for him to speak to you in such a manner anyway, but why did you kind of like it? 
Pretty. You. Pretty. 
Coming from someone who looked like him, it felt like a high honor. He was handsome, there was no doubt about it. He’s probably surrounded by beautiful women all the time. And he called you pretty. 
You. Pretty. 
God has a lot to say about those who let their vanity get the best of them, so you decided to brush away those thoughts and say a little prayer. Even as you prayed for forgiveness, you couldn’t help but crack a small smile. 
The skies were even more aggravated the next day. You were a little bummed that the trip to the orphanage was canceled due to strict stay-at-home orders, so you spent the rest of the day knitting gloves and hats for the children. 
“Ouch!” You yelped, sucking on your pricked finger. This was the fourth time you pricked yourself tonight. You couldn’t stay focused on your task. Your thoughts were all about him. You had contemplated all day about going over to his room and apologizing for the way you left so abruptly. You didn’t want him to think you were being rude. After all, there’s no harm done with giving compliments, is there? 
You wondered what he was doing right now. He was probably bored all alone in his room. Mother took it upon herself to deliver him his morning and afternoon meals, so you didn’t have a reason to see him. She didn’t seem to want the other Sisters to greet the man. Perhaps your initial apprehensiveness had gotten to her and she changed her mind about you going into his room. What if she knew you were in his room for a while? What if she heard you two talking? The sudden heaviness in your stomach made you set aside your knitting needles. 
Even so, you had a strong urge to see him one more time. Who knows? Maybe the weather will clear up tomorrow and he’ll leave without you getting a chance to say something about that night. It was giving you a headache, how much you thought about him. Was such a brief conversation, yet he lived in your mind like he owned it. You couldn’t forget about those sharp cheekbones, his sweet talking voice, and that almost sinful way that he looked at you. 
The desire to see him again was too hard to ignore, so without hesitation, you sprung up on your feet and headed down to the kitchen to ask Mother Reverend if you could give the visitor his dinner tonight. She was appalled at your sudden initiative, but considering how her knees were bothering her again, she decided it was best if you took the tray up the stairs to his room tonight. 
This time when you knocked on his door, it was silent. You knocked again a little louder this time, figuring maybe he didn’t hear you, but to your dismay, there was no answer. Stumped, you lowered the tray. Why he wasn’t answering? Was he asleep? Why would he fall asleep before dinner? Was he sick? Maybe there was no harm in checking in on him, you told yourself as you twisted the door knob and stepped into the room. 
He wasn’t here. The bed looked unmade and some of his things were tossed around. The room was littered with cameras and film. He said he worked in the entertainment industry, but he didn’t specify that he was a photographer himself. There were various different types of cameras scattered on the table and some by the windowsill. One of them caught your eye― a gorgeous camera with a wooden frame and a brown leather strap attached, sitting on top of a few magazines. Setting the tray down, you walked over to the windowsill where the pretty camera sat. It looked expensive, decorated with a small graving on the side. C.S. Was that his initials? It hit you that you never got his name.
You noticed some camera film sitting next to the stack of magazines where the camera was placed. You knew it wasn’t right to snoop. It was an invasion of privacy, not to mention that God might be looking down at you and shaking his head. But you couldn’t help it. You wanted to learn more about him, and so you let curiosity get the best of you and now you stood there in the visitor’s room with his film roll in hand. Upon unraveling the roll, you were excited to see beautiful women in next season’s haute couture, but instead, you discovered something completely unexpected. 
Suddenly, a voice startled you from behind. “I could get you an advanced copy once it’s printed.” 
You gasped, whipping your body around to face the visitor who had just stumbled into his room to a nosey Nun going through his belongings. Your cheeks flamed up, too embarrassed with yourself to even notice that his hair was dripping wet from his shower. 
“If you’re interested, that is.” He smiled teasingly. It was clear he didn't mind you snooping around, but you still felt ashamed.
“Oh, no, I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean-” In the midst of all the awkwardness, you dropped the roll and it unraveled a few inches until it stopped at the visitor’s feet. He bent down and picked it up, examining his photographs for any scratches or rips as you quivered in place, struggling to find the right words. 
“I’m sorry. Are they ruined?” You asked finally. 
“They’re okay.” He assured. There was a slight glow on his brow bone and cheeks from the hot shower. The white button-up he wore stuck to his chest, revealing some of his honey skin through its sheer and damp fabric. He noticed you staring. You quickly looked away. 
“The women in those pictures…are they-”
“Naked? Yes.” 
He spoke as if he had no shame about it. To him, it was as normal as taking photos of a rainbow or a wild deer. You wondered what Mother would think if she found out the man she let sleep in her holy Nunnery took nude photos of women for a pornography magazine. It would give her a heart attack, for sure. 
This was hard to take in. You couldn’t explain it, but you felt disappointed. How could someone like him take part in such filthy hobbies? And those women? How could they degrade and humiliate themselves like this? You couldn’t help but pity them, those poor things losing their way and succumbing to promiscuity. 
The visitor sensed your disapproval. It wasn’t a surprise, given the circumstances. Still, he felt the need to defend himself. 
“I understand you have your beliefs. But I have my own too. You may think it’s ungodly and lustful, but to me, it’s freeing, it’s human…it’s female emancipation.” 
“Female emancipation?” You said in disbelief. How are pictures of women with their legs spread open a symbol of female emancipation? Was he mad? From what you saw, it was all sinful desire catered for and by men. 
He stepped over to your side of the room, carefully returning the film roll to its case. “Have you ever touched yourself?” 
“What?” You held onto the cross that lay on your chest, dumbfounded that he would even think to ask you such a question so bluntly. 
He chuckled, “I respect all religions Sister, but there are some parts in the good book that I don’t really agree with.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, what’s the harm in pleasuring ourselves? If we see a beautiful woman or man, why should we feel ashamed for having certain thoughts about them? Humans are sexual beings, why should we feel shame if we are only feeling human emotions and desires? It’s like your God is asking us to not be human, to be something else, and that’s impossible. Isn't this how he created us? That’s why these photos represent freedom. They rip off the chains of sexual repression and free us into our natural state. The women I work with love what they do. They get to let go and embrace their femininity, something your God keeps forcing you to hide.” 
He was closer to you now. You could feel his hot breath hitting your forehead. He was riled up now, finally getting all that religious guilt that he’d been holding in for years off of his chest. You stood frozen in place, mouth open but unable to form a reply. He dipped his head down, lips almost brushing against your ear. “Why do we have to feel bad about feeling good, Sister? Do you mean to tell me you never had fantasies? You never wanted to feel another man’s touch so badly that it made you go crazy?”
He had you cornered now. Your breathing got shakier as his eyes locked into yours. He continued. “You’ve had thoughts, haven’t you? Of course, you have. And your God made you feel like there was something wrong with you like you did something unforgivable. Well, that’s just not right. Live so long feeling ashamed, you’re gonna snap.” 
That was about all you could take before you pushed him away and took off. Now lying in your bed, you struggled for the second night in a row to go to sleep because your mind was still torturing you with thoughts of the visitor. 
His words replayed in your head over and over again. You knew he was wrong. Or maybe, you wanted to believe that he was. You understood his sentiment, but there were some flaws in his beliefs. Shame can be dangerous, yes, but it’s the only thing stopping humans from committing sin. God teaches us restraint, and what he’s doing is completely sacrilegious, running around like a wild animal and giving in to temptations in the name of free will. You wanted to go back, to tell him he was wrong, to alert Mother Reverend of the pornographer currently residing in our quarters so he could be kicked out, but you remained in bed. You prayed tomorrow would be a bright and sunny day so that he may leave and you will never be disturbed by him again. 
The clock struck 2, and you turned on your side, still too restless to fall asleep. You remembered the photos that were in your hands. They were so intimate, so close to her body. There was one shot that you couldn’t stop thinking about. She lay topless on a messy and unmade bed, a coy and inviting smile playing on her lips as she held onto her breasts. From the angle, it looked like the photo was taken from on top of her. Your mind raced with images of the visitor straddling over her naked body, hiding his head behind the lenses while she let go of her breasts and unbuckles his pants, never failing to continue smiling for the camera. 
The woman looked so happy in the photos, almost as if she felt comfortable around him. What was he like with them? What did he say to get them to put their guard down? Did he touch them after? 
Your stomach is crushed with guilt. You shouldn’t be having such lewd thoughts about an ungodly man like this. But why couldn’t you stop? Maybe this is what he meant when he said it was unfair for God to make us feel shame for thinking these things. It’s inevitable. You see it now. 
With your will weakened, your mind replayed the moment he cornered you into the wall. The wall felt so cold against your back, but being so close to him made your cheeks scorn. He smelled like fresh pinewood soap. His cheeks were still rosy from the hot shower, and his white shirt was damp and almost translucent. The water from the tips of his strands dripped onto your shoes. 
Have you ever touched yourself? 
You couldn’t answer him then, but no, you haven’t. You were taught that it was wrong to feel such curiosity about your own body. It was a sin. It’s a sin, you tell yourself as your hands slip into your nightdress. This is wrong, you remind yourself as you start kneading your bare breast, just as the woman in the photos did. Your fingers pinched and pulled at your nipples, the new sensation making you gasp and moan like a wild animal. Out of fear of being heard, you placed a hand over your mouth to mask your sounds. Suddenly, you felt something pooling between your legs. You pressed them shut, feeling a desperate desire for something you’ve never had before. God, what has he done to you? 
You were at his door again. Your conscience was screaming at you to go back to your room, to kneel in front of your bed and beg for forgiveness, but you didn’t listen. You were too far gone now. It was a type of craving that you knew wouldn’t go away until you satisfied it. You knocked quietly so as not to wake the others, but loud enough so that he could hear inside. It felt like torture waiting for him to open the door, but once he did, you were met with relief.
He furrowed his brows and whispered, “What are you doing here?” 
“I want you to take pictures of me.” 
He was stunned by your peculiar request, but even more so at your newfound boldness. “Are you serious? Do you know what you're asking me, Sister?” 
He watched you as you freed your hair from its bun, letting your wavy ends hit your shoulders. He studied each wave, his eyes wide like he saw something he wasn’t supposed to see. “I know exactly what I’m asking,” You answered. “Now, can I come in?” 
You watched him from your spot on the bed as he configured with his camera. His hair was tousled, which you seemed to prefer over his neatly jelled-back hair. His shirt was unbuttoned now, exposing his well-defined chest. His skin looked so soft. You wondered what it would feel like against your fingertips. You prayed he would hurry before you changed your mind. 
“Okay. Are you ready?” He asked. 
You nodded. “Yes.” 
He took a step forward and met you at the end of the bed. “Lay down.” 
Your body sunk back into the mattress. He rested one of his knees on the bed, eyes scanning over your body. You felt hot under his gaze. 
“Can you unbutton that gown for me, Sister?” 
Slowly, you unbuttoned the rest of your gown, exposing to him your bare breasts. He licked his lips, your red and swollen peaks making him weak to the knees. “They’re so swollen…” He cooed, “Were you playing with them earlier?” 
You nodded again, a little embarrassed that he could tell what you were up to in your room just moments before. 
He smiled approvingly. “Play with them again for me.” 
You did as instructed and twisted the sore nubs between your fingers. They were so sensitive and hard now that even the lightest touch made you moan. The look of pleasure on your face was delicious, and he immediately raised his camera lens to snap this moment. 
“You’re beautiful,” he said between clicks, “the most beautiful one I’ve had.” 
You liked it when he called you pretty. It made you feel so special to have his eyes on you, to be the center of his fixation, to be his muse. You wanted to show him that you could be like the other girls, but better and even more obedient. He was your God now and you wanted to be a worthy disciple. 
Once he was satisfied with his shots, he lowered the camera. “Can I see the rest of you?” 
You didn’t hesitate to remove your panties and toss them on the floor, but upon realizing his watchful gaze and the intimidating black abyss of the camera lens, you froze up and pressed your thighs shut. You were upset and embarrassed with yourself for not being able to go through with it and follow his directions, but he was more than understanding. He knew that face, he had seen it dozens of times. 
“It’s okay.” He said softly. It all felt like a dream. His voice was soothing like a lullaby, and his warm and skilled hands that were rubbing your thighs made you disarm and ease back into the bed, letting him guide them apart to reveal your glistening cunt. 
He let out a low whine. “Fuck, that’s the prettiest little pussy I’ve ever seen.” 
That sound alone made your lower half feel heavy. You wanted to hear him make that sound again. You’d do anything to hear him make that sound again. He leaned back with his knee still resting on the bed and held up his camera, pointing its lens at your slick center. “Spread them.” 
Obediently, you pulled apart your lips with two fingers for him, your slick juices already gushing down as you did. He sighed deeply, a pained expression overwhelming his face. “So tiny,” he breathed after the camera shuttered. He had never seen anything like you before. So virtuous and delicate, yet so sinful and corrupt. You gave him so much, yet he wanted to see more of you. 
“Think you can take those pretty little fingers for me?” 
It took you a minute to understand what he meant. You were inexperienced regarding things like this, but you wanted to learn. You wanted him to teach you everything. 
“I don’t know how…” You mumbled. 
A devilish smile crept onto his face and darkened his features. “How cute,” he chuckled, amused by the holy and virtuous nun who had no idea how to make herself feel good. “Come here, I’ll show you.” 
He sets aside the camera and pulls you closer to him by your hips. Your heart fluttered at the motion, and you chewed back a whimper as he held your thighs down. He scanned your core with all his attention, examining your small hole that pulsated as you breathed in and out. “You really never touched yourself before?” 
You bit one of your fingernails and shook your head no. 
“Oh Sister, you’re really missing out.” 
Taking your hand, he guided them to your core and adjusted your fingers around your throbbing clit. It felt so foreign to you, so wet and sticky, you almost didn’t believe that this was a part of your body that you were touching. He went on to press a thumb into your inner thigh. “Rub it like this,” he said, massaging small circles into your soft skin. “Nice and gentle for me.” 
You shyly followed his directions and gently massaged over your clit. It startled you how sensitive you were to your own touch. It felt so hot as if hell’s fire was creeping over your body, but you loved it. You loved the new sensations, how filthy and impure it all was, and even more, you loved how he watched you so intently. Eyes glued to your shameless center, completely forgetting the camera he was holding and the task at hand. He knew now, that this was for him, and not for the camera. 
He had been photographing for years now and learned to hold off temptations until the end of the session, but he was struggling this time, with his cock heavy and aching to be inside of you. He found it charming just how inexperienced you were with your own fingers, and how your sloppy and awkward ministrations still made your body twitch. And those pretty pretty moans, he had never heard anything like it. So angelic, so enchanting, he almost believed you were a siren hiding behind rosaries and veils. 
Mustering up his last bit of strength, he swung his other knee over you and buckled his hips on top of you, lifting his camera up one last time. “Make yourself cum.” He demanded in between camera flashes. He absentmindedly rutted his hips against you, the weight of his heavy and clothed cock resting over your slick pussy as you played with your clit for him. His pants seemed tighter now, with the outline of his full and swollen balls peeking through. With his hard cock so close to you like this, you lost your focus and eventually, that high you worked so hard to reach went lost on you. Now feeling numb, you sighed in both exhaustion and disappointment. 
“Oh, what’s wrong Sister?” He said in a playful tone, “Too scared of the lord’s wrath to let yourself cum?” 
His chuckle dropped once he felt your hand rubbing against his crotch, your eyes so wide and innocent while shamelessly asking for a lick. “Please,” you begged, “need help.” 
God, he cursed to himself. Did you even know what you were asking him? Or were you just too needy, too far gone even to understand what you were doing? Even so, he wanted you just as badly as you wanted him, if not more. He never had someone like you before. Someone so pious, so clueless, so pure. The girls he had been with were run through, and most of them had their tricks, but you were just an amateur. Not too long ago you were standing here with your hand on your chest, shocked by the nature of his pornographic career. Fuck, you didn’t even know how to play with yourself, and now you're tracing your fingertips on his zipper fly, begging for him to help you cum? 
For the first time in his career, his moral consciousness rang in. What was he doing? As tempting as it sounded, was he really going to defile a God-fearing Nun? 
He cupped your jaw, tracing his thumb across your soft cheek. Unbeknownst to him, this was the first time another person had touched you so lovingly. You leaned into the touch, reintroducing yourself to the warmth and fuzziness of his pinewood soap. “Are you sure about this, Sister?” 
He searched in your eyes for any signs of hesitation, but all he could see was lust. It was evident that you weren’t so God-fearing anymore. Maybe his words got you, he thought. He wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. 
“Yes. I want you to show me everything.” 
You watched nervously as he traced his tongue along your slit. His tongue felt so warm and wet, and you could see a few strings of his saliva connecting with your slick each time he lapped against your cunt. Both of your hands were pressed against your mouth to prevent any sound from slipping out, but it was so difficult not to moan and whine while he ate you out to his heart’s content. You had never felt anything like this before. It drove you mad how much of a twitching mess you were while he laid so carefree between your legs, lazily licking and sucking at your clit, oblivious to the heat that was rushing around in your lower belly. At one point, he focused his tongue directly on your clit, and the pressure from his wet muscle alone was enough for you to lose your guard and let a low broken whine escape your lips. 
He was so attentive to every reaction your body gave him. He knew you were about to cum even before you did. He held onto your thighs as your hips bucked up and down, letting you make a mess on his mouth and face. When you were done, he held your hips down and feathered a few kisses onto your cunt until you grabbed onto his hair and pushed him away. 
He had made you cum a few times like this. Each orgasm was even more intense than the one before. As exhausted as your body was becoming, your craving for him didn’t stop. It only grew stronger. 
It had been hours now. He moved so slowly, savoring each and every part of your body, making you cum from his mouth, his fingers, and even just by sucking your nipples alone. The other Sisters would be shocked to see you in your current state, your naked body soaked in cum and sweat, hips moving with a mind of its own. You were filthy but you didn’t want to stop, because if you stopped you would have to deal with the guilt and turmoil of your actions, and you didn’t want to do either. You just wanted to keep going, keep having him use you and use you until you broke. And that feeling― that momentary bliss you felt each time you reached your orgasm was unlike anything you ever felt before, and you were hooked, unable to stop, only interested in feeling like that one more time until you couldn’t stand it anymore.
You were starting to feel feverish and weak, going in and out of consciousness until you felt his warm and heavy cock resting over your stomach. 
You peered down your body, gasping at the sheer length of his cock. The tip was so red and wet, already leaking precum and dripping onto your stomach. 
“What are you doing?” 
He took your hand and guided it to your lower stomach. “You said you wanted me to show you everything. You still want that right?” 
He helped you wrap your hands around his cock. It felt even bigger in your hand, your fingers just barely making it around his girth. You pumped him gently, using his precum to help you move up and down. He took that as a yes. 
You could hear his breathing go shaky each time you pumped him. “It feels so hard” you whined. Was he going to put this inside of you? How would it even fit? Would it hurt? 
“You make me this way.” He sighed as he watched you handle his cock. Fuck, you looked so cute the way you held him with both hands, trying your best to learn in what tempo he liked it. He leaned over, his large body completely covering yours, face just millimeters away. You gasped at the feeling of his hot tip rubbing at your entrance. “It’s San, by the way.” 
“I’m sorry?” You paused.
“My name. It’s San.” 
San. It suited him. You were about to tell him that his name was pretty, but he had taken the words right out of your mouth. A pressure pushed into you, forcing your eyes to well up in tears and words to clog in your throat. 
“San!” You yelped, hands gripping onto his wide shoulders. San leaned in close, leaving gentle kisses on your cheeks, his lips wet with your salty tears. “You’re so beautiful,” He spoke into your skin as he rolled his hips into you. “You feel so good.” You took him so well, your wet walls grasping onto him so tight that he knew he wouldn’t be able to last as long as he usually does. 
With each thrust, you sang his name as if it was the only word you knew how to say. His cock hit you so deep now, stretching you out to your limit, and you weren’t sure how much longer you could hold on. You held him tighter and let him find your lips. You both moved with so much passion and hunger as if it was your last night on Earth together. He was all you knew and wanted to know. You didn’t wish for it to end. 
You felt a blooming in your stomach and figured San did as well. Your legs wrapped around him tight as you finally let go. Goosebumps prickled all over your body as San pulled out from you, his warm seed dripping onto your stomach. It felt like he marked you, that he had declared you as his for all eternity. You rubbed the sticky white liquid around your stomach, finally grasping at the realization of what you two had done and what it meant. San could sense your alarm and immediately reunited with your lips. He didn’t want you to regret this. He wanted you to look back at this moment and remember him fondly.  
The exhaustion weighed in and you drifted off to sleep as he kissed you. When morning came, you were disheartened to see rays of sunshine peeking through the window blinds. San was sitting at the edge of the bed, slipping into his socks. He was wearing the same ill-fitting suit jacket he first came in with that night. 
San noticed you stirring around in bed. He looked back and greeted you with a soft smile. 
“You’re awake.” 
You sat up too quickly and flinched at the sudden pain at your core. 
“Easy,” he said as he placed a reassuring hand on your leg. 
“You’re leaving already?” You asked, quickly forgetting about the pain.
San pursed his lips. It killed him to leave you after the night you two had, but he had his duties to attend to. And so did you. 
He took your hand into his. “Listen, Sister, I don’t know if you still feel the same about last night, but for me…that was incredible. But we both know I can’t stay.” 
It was the truth, but the truth hurt like a ton of bricks. Stupid girl, what did you think was going to happen? You broke your vows, and your loyalty to the church, and gave up the one thing you can never take back. You were ruined now, but you still didn’t know how to move forward. Did this mean you didn’t want to be in the convent anymore? Or did you want to stay and act as if you didn’t give in to temptations last night? Would you grab all of your things and run away with him and never look back? Or would you remain and pity yourself for the rest of your life for what you did? It was all unclear, and San knew that. You still had things to think through. 
“I know,” You said in a small voice. He couldn’t stay. And you couldn’t ask him to. 
“I’ll never stop thinking of you.” 
He was looking at you with doting eyes. You traced your thumb on the back of his hand. 
“Will I ever see you again?” You had to see him again. You couldn’t bear the thought of not seeing his beautiful face and feeling his soft hands on your skin. 
He let go of your hand and fished for something in his pocket. “Here,” He said, handing you a business card. “It’s my office in the city. If you ever change your mind…I’ll be there.” 
And with that, he pressed one last kiss on your forehead and took off. You lay there for most of the early morning, fiddling with the business card in your hand, grazing your fingers over the black raised ink. Choi San. Adult Film Photographer. 
It was pathetic to admit, but you think you loved him. And it killed you. You were only supposed to have the Lord in your heart, but it seemed you had given it away to a sinner. In such a short visit, he had made you feel things you had never felt before. You had never felt such strong emotions in the convent. The feeling of being desired, of being held, of being loved― it felt real. Tangible. Promising. Exhilarating. Feelings you were promised for years you’d feel each time you prayed, you felt all at once in one night with San. You almost believed that the Lord had robbed you of such pleasures. 
But then again, the convent was the only family you knew. They took you in, cared for you, and all you had to do in return was let the Lord into your heart. Serve him, alongside your Sisters, and blessings will come your way. 
Your feelings about the church were unclear, but one thing was for certain. In this lifetime or the next, you will see him again. 
a/n: I have been writing this since March. It's inspired by the 1800s painting "The Sin," and Kali Uchis's Vaya Con Dios. Please don't ask me for a part 2.
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Tell me, tell me, tell me
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Warnings: non/dubcon and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Loki
Summary: your husband doesn't handle change well and falls into old habits.
This is one of my birthday drabbles. Of course, little lies had a lot of votes and has earned it's own little add on. Thanks again for your input :) Enjoy.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
A birthday drabble for Little Lies 
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You sit up and smile as the man exits Loki’s office. He looks content but your husband looks less than as he appears in the doorway. He crosses his arms and watches the candidate leave. You’ve gone through this routine at least two dozen times this week. 
“How was it?” You ask. 
He hums flatly and stares after the man’s departure. 
“His resume was great. What’s wrong?” 
Loki pouts and looks at you. He stands straight and crosses his arms. “He’s not you.” 
“Oh, I know. I’m so talented at keeping your agenda,” you retort dryly. “You can’t keep doing this. You have to hire someone.” 
“Don’t you understand?” He strides forward and stops just on the other side of your desk. His hands drop to his hips. “You’re asking me to replace you. That’s impossible.” 
“Ha, when did you get so sentimental?” You ignore him for the email on your screen. 
“Since the day you broke your leg, actually.” 
“Shut up,” you snip without looking up. 
“Truly. As worried as I might’ve been, I do miss those crutches. You were... manageable then.” 
You shake your head. “Well, you never are, but I’m hoping you can find an assistant that can do a somewhat decent job of it.”
He huffs and slithers around the desk. He sits on the corner, crowding you. “It won’t matter. I’ll be a mess without you, darling.” 
“I screened him. What was wrong with Peter?” You challenge, leaning back in your chair to face him. 
“Little upstart. I don’t need him flirting with my clients,” he harrumphs. 
“As if you don’t.” 
“On my honour,” he puts his hand to his chest, “I’ve changed my ways. You know it. I gave my vows.” 
“Uh huh.” You tut and check the time. “Well, who else? Jacqueline was good. She has a great CV and she’s very warm and welcoming.” 
“But I adore the way you snarl at me. It makes me...” Loki trails off and touches his belt. 
“You’re looking for an assistant,” you remind him. 
“Yes, but I will be losing my wife.” 
“That’s dramatic. It’s not like you can’t come see me. I can come back too between terms.” 
“School. You’re leaving me for school,” he mopes and shakes his head. 
“I’m trying to better myself, Lo. I don’t want to be your secretary my whole life.” 
“Personal Assistant,” he corrects. “Prized Asset.” 
“Ugh, you are so--” you put your hand up in exasperation. “This isn’t about the job. You’ll just call the temp agency, huh? So, you don’t have to pay benefits.” 
He shrugs guiltily as he examines the wall behind you. 
“What is this really about?” You insist. 
“Tell me.” 
“I swear, I’ll miss you--” 
“Yeah, yeah, and I’ll miss you too. Blah blah blah,” you flutter your fingers at him and push yourself to your feet. You go to him and he looks at you with those sparkling green eyes. You put your hands on his shoulders and he instinctively frames your hips. “What is bothering you so much?” 
He stares at you then looks down. His lips thin and he tilts his head one way then the other. His gaze flicks back up to you. A grin creases his face and he laughs, “it’s foolish. Stupid! I shouldn’t worry.” 
“Loki,” you warn. 
He sighs. He peeks over at the door and his mouth slants. “You’re going to meet a lot of young men. Like that Peter.” 
You narrow your eyes and frown. Then you smile and scoff. You grab his chin and make him look at you, “you’re worried I’m going to meet some young gun and ditch my old man?” 
“Old? I wouldn’t use that word,” he winces. 
“You really think I would run off with some young hunk? With big burly shoulders and a nice chest...” Your let your tone drift into a dreamy drone. “Oh and thick hair and stamina like no one’s business...” 
“Hey!” He pokes your side and you cackle. 
“Loki, I’m not going to do anything like that. I’ll be far too busy studying and I’m too old for all that. Those twenty-year olds don’t want me. Now, hire a replacement so I can deal with all this nonsense.” You caress his cheek and give a smile. 
“You underestimate those twenty-year old cads. I once was one and I would've pounced on you at once.” 
“Oh really. Because you’re like forty and took years.” 
“Eh, let’s not toss around numbers here.” He sniffs. “I’m just saying that you are a beautiful woman, obviously. I married you. And those young ones, well, they like the allure of an older woman.” 
“Alright, alright,” you pat his shoulder. “Let it go.” You exhale and look him in the face. He stares back at you and squeezes your hips. “I’ll miss you.” 
His cheeks dust with pink and he smirks, “I'll miss you too, darling.” 
“You better.” 
His eyes fog and slowly crawl down. You squirm as he stands, crowding you, and his hands grazes along your sides. He walks his fingertips up and down and grips your waist again. He spins you suddenly, pinning you against the desk. 
“Let me be your young gun, eh? Show you this old man’s still got it.” He purrs. 
“Lo,” you rub his chest. 
“I can’t have you running off not thinking of me and how I’d put any of them to shame.” He winks and leans in, brushing the tip of his nose against yours. “Mm, Mrs. Laufeyson, is that what you want? A sweet young thing. I’ve not lost my touch, believe me.” 
“Lo,” you put your hand over one of his. 
“I feel you trembling, darling.” 
“Not here,” you tug on his hand. 
“Anywhere.” He urges you back until you hit the desk.  
He leans in until you’re forced to brace the desk. You strain backward and he reaches around to swipe the desk clear. Your monitor and laptop teeter dangerously near the edge as the rest of your things scatter. You gasp. 
“I’ll buy new ones,” he lifts you at once and puts you on the desk. 
“You can’t--” 
“I am.” 
He puts his hand under your chin and forces your head up. His thumb rubs along your cheekbones as he marvels down at you. He exhales and tickles your nose with his. You scrunch up your face and he presses a kiss to your lips. 
You push against his chest as his tongue glides along your lips. You murmur and try to resist. You never can. His hand brushes up and down your side then hooks up to your neck. He holds your head between his hands as he invades your mouth. He consumes you as he shifts and pushes between your knees. 
You clutch his lapel and part from his lips with a gulp. “Loki--” 
“Let me remind you who you married, darling. It was no old man,” he yanks his tie free as he clings to the front of your blouse, bunching it as he keeps you snagged. He tosses the silk and draws you back to him. 
You giggle, cheeks vibrant with heat, and shake your head. “Oh, I know who I married.” 
“And you will keep it in mind with those young lads.”  
He pinches a button, tediously undoing it with a single hand. He snarls and withdraws briefly to tear open his shirts. Buttons scatter as he snarls and steps up once more. He cradles your head in his hands and enshrines you in another fervent kiss, this one has you breathless. 
You put your hands on your chest, feeling the way his muscle tenses with need. He shudders as you drag your touch down to his stomach and the firm muscle clenches. He growls into you and bends you until your back is against the desk. He pins you there as he runs his hand down the length of your figure. 
He hooks his thumb beneath the hem of your dress and pushes the skirt up. You wriggle and feel blindly along his belt. He twitches as you latch onto his buckle. He hums and parts from your mouth, gasping against your cheek. 
His belt clinks open at your blind tugging and you pick open his fly. He growls and nips your ear lobe, laying a trail of kisses across your jaw and down your neck. He pants slacken and you push them down with his briefs. He springs free and wiggles his hips so his belt slides lower. 
He pulls your rear over the edge and flutters his fingers along your thigh. You curl your other leg around him as he tickles the front of your panties. He presses your clit through the thin fabric. You draw his mouth back to yours hungrily.  
Your tongues meet in a flurry of need and dread. You need each other right then and dread the separation to come. You’ve been outrunning that fact. That distance will not be easy, even so much as you’ve longed for it. 
He rubs you through your panties until he can feel you seeping through. He traces the trim of the lingerie and peels them away from your cunt. The satin bunches against your thigh as he flips your skirt up and moves closer. 
You know each other by touch. He finds you without hesitation. He slides into you in a single lunge and you drone in delight. Your turn your head as his wet lips smear over your cheek. He groans as your walls squeeze him. 
“Darling,” he drawls. 
You puff and arch your back, hooking your legs so that your heels press into the back of his thighs. You tilt your hips, goading him on as he takes his long, patient strokes. That pace he keeps when he means to torture. 
You snarl and grab his chin. You force his head up, “I thought you said you weren’t going to fuck me like an old man.” 
His eyes flicker and his lips curve into a devious smirk. He slams his hips against you and you cry out. Your nails dig into his jaw and you laugh through your teeth. He does it again, jolting the desk with you, and you quiver around him. 
“Oh, yes,” you grit. “You can do it, old man.” 
“Old. Man.” He chuffs out and rams into your again. 
You chuckle only to be met with another blunt rut. Your voice fizzles to a squeal.  
He traces along the top of your dress and drags the sleeve down your shoulder. He follows the cut of the bodice and uncovers your bra beneath. He quickly pulls the strap down and flips the cup inside out. He fondles you at once.  
His hips pump into you, harder and harder. His thumb flicks over your nipple, swirling around to tease. He hunches and dips down to take the bud between his teeth. He snarls and bucks faster. You hug him between your thighs and wrap an around his head. 
His other hand snakes down between your bodies. He pushes against your clit, the motion of his pelvis moving his fingers against you. The friction melds into the pressure inside. Your eyes roll back as you cling to his shoulder, your other hand on his lower back, beckoning him deeper. 
His harried grunts punctuate your soft moans, the slap of flesh and constant clink of his buckle adding to the twisted melody of your fucking. You roll your hips up into his. Just a little more. 
Your thighs shake and the swell in your core threatens to boil over. Your voice begins to crest and suddenly, he stops. You groan and clamp onto his side. You try to pull him down as he lifts himself. He keeps only his tip inside of you.  
Your eyes snap open as he flings his tussled hair back and looks you in the face. Your brows furrow. 
“Old man?” He challenges. 
“Lo...” you breathe, “please.” 
“No, no, that is what you said. So, allow me to prove you wrong.” He snickers and nips at your lower lip. “I can keep up, can you?” 
He dips into you slowly and you whine. Your head lolls and your lashes flutter. You bare your teeth at him and hiss. “I hate you.” 
“How can you hate this, darling?” He rears back and thrusts again. “Mm, I feel the way you’re clinging to me.” 
“Just--” You flare your nose and turn your head straight. “Do it. Old man.” 
His irises spark and he snaps his hips. You yipe and he twirls his fingertips against your clit. You shudder at the sensation. 
“Oh ho, darling, do you want to cum?” 
“Tell me you want to cum.” 
“Beg me.” He commands and pulls his fingers away. The coolness left in the shadow of his touch makes you squirm. “I did vow to serve you, darling, but I cannot if you do not say what you want.” 
Frustration, desperation, call it what you will. You whimper and reach for his hand. You guide it back to your clit and growl, “make me cum.” 
It’s his turn to shiver. He twists his hand away from yours to grab your fingers and pushes them to your bud. You gasp as he uses them to rub you instead. As he does, his hips fall into tempo. 
He fucks you so the desk scrapes the floor and his thighs hits the sharp edge. He raises himself as he spreads a hand across your stomach and watches himself delves into you, over and over. He guides your fingers in a frantic rhythm and the tension clusters beneath your own touch. 
You spasm and cry out, legs locked around his as you trap him inside you. 
“Oh, yes, make me cum, Loki, make me--” you descend into a stream of gibberish as you contort on the desk. You bite your knuckles to silence yourself, heaving wildly as your lungs burn and your skin tingles. 
“Um...” a knock sounds at the door and Loki halts mid-thrust. You share a startled look then slowly glance over at the open door. Shit. The last interviewee, Peter, stands dumbfounded as he peers in from the hall. “I, uh, forgot my phone in your office.” 
“Well,” Loki clears his throat and looks down at you with a sinister gleam. “Go and get it. Can’t you see I’m busy?” 
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hommepieds007 · 2 days
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Union Square…handsome blonde…OluKai Flip Flops…
Source: HommePieds007
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chicagodadfeet · 16 days
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Dads big feet after a day in his Sperrys.
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otto-s-alskling · 6 months
Poly!Ghoap X Reader Part 3
"Tiny Little Thing"
You were performing well as a Recruit. Too well. Something that Ghost and Soap noticed already on day one, Gaz noticed on day five and by the two weeks you've been active, even Capt Price. And the two men who follows you around was NOT happy about it. At all.
It's a god given fact that you were small and light. It didn't help that you were light on your feet too, nearly jumpscaring any unfortunate superior that you had to deliver a paperwork to. Your quietness and ability to hide your presence was obviously NOT for the faint of heart.
Captain Price noticed how similar you were to Ghost. Just... Smaller, he thought. Which made you perfect as a certain specialist.
He already have a sniper and close combat specialist. A pyrotechnic specialist. Weapons and strategy specialist. But he doesn't have that one specific specialist.
A full on espionage specialist.
You however... You were cute. You were charming. You were deadly. You were quiet and sneaky AF.
The perfect candidate.
Captain Price sat in his office, reading your file again and again when Ghost burst through the door, anger in his step.
"Price! Why did I hear Laswell that you were trying to get a new agent already? And her? Why her when she's barely out of training-"
Price halted him from his rant with a raise of his hand and Ghost immediately shuts up.
"Because we both know she has potential. The grades on the files don't lie, Simon. I'm not gonna pass up the chance to hire her before another supervisor submits an appeal for her rank up." He said and Ghost heard his ears ringing. Rank up? Price's requesting for her status to be changed to a Private immediately?
The urge to protect surged inside Ghost. And Price immediately knew that look.
"No, Simon. Don't. This is the military. We are soldiers. She's not some helpless damsel you need to protect." Price hardens his gaze at the skull masked operator. "She can handle herself. She'll be perfect for the 141."
Ghost stared at Price, in anger and in defeat. Of course, his Captain was right. If anything, you're a deadly poison brewing. A diamond in the rough. With a more advance training, you can be a force to reckon with. Something that not even Ghost can deny.
He tsked and backed away. "Johnny will not be happy about this. You know he will say the same as I did."
"I reckon so. Which is why you're not to tell him anything until her promotion is completed." Price said, looking straight into Ghost's eyes to make a point. He looks right back at him before sighing, understanding that this is now a confidential processing, one that's understandably only for the Captain and First Lieutenant's knowledge.
"Do I have your word on this, Simon?" Price added as he watched Ghost head out the door.
"... Affirmative... Sir." He said before leaving the office, closing the door gently behind him.
Price sat back before pulling out a few papers out of your file folder once Ghost has left. He wonders how the boys would react once they finally see the file records you have with Pentagon.
@littleghostbride @openup-yourmind @v1x3n @xo-hayleyy-xo @vmaxis @mangohobbit @sodavrr @flameohotpotatooo @shadowtfpcod @sobbingnshtting
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strlingsav · 1 year
Ghost finds reader’s bitch button 🥵🥰 absolutely rails them dumb
Ah yes- another excellent prompt.
– Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader
— Your Lieutenant reprimands you with unorthodox methods.
Warnings: Semi-rough sex. Explicit sexual content under the cut. Read at your own risk.
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Your heel tapped rhythmically against the floor, attempting to keep yourself calm amidst the chaos that was about to ensue. Your arms were crossed over your chest, staring at the blank wall of Lieutenant Riley's office, waiting with torturous anticipation for him to arrive.
You'd been reprimanded before; it wasn't the threat of punishment that had your hands trembling, or your throat dry, it was Ghost. His refusal to see the truth to the circumstances- you were right, he was wrong. He'd never admit it, never kneel to anyone beneath him, but you were just as hard-headed. You were prepared to fight tooth and nail for what was right.
He'd left after ordering you to his office, likely meeting with Price to discuss reasonable punishment for your offence. Your jaw clenched at the thought of the two men discussing the issue at hand, without your input. No doubt, Ghost would misconstrue the truth, and hide his own mistakes behind the guise of giving you the benefit of the doubt.
The door opened; at any other time, you would've turned to meet his gaze, offer an inviting smile, but not now.
"Sergeant," Ghost's voice boomed around the corners of the office, hitting your ears like a goddamned wall. "Fucked up, this time."
He moved around you, heavy boots thudding on the ground as he took a seat in the chair across from you.
"All due respect, Lieutenant, I'm not sure you're seeing the big picture."
His eyes were dull, narrowed as you expressed defiance. You could practically outline the scowl beneath the mask when the words left your mouth.
"That so?" He hummed, nodding. "Maybe you ain't seein' the big picture," He said. He slammed his fist against the desk, which ordinarily would've spiked your blood pressure, but you'd been on edge for far too long already. "Outright insubordination," He paused, "And actin' like a fuckin' git."
You inhaled deeply, your nostrils flaring as you tried to contain your temper. Your usual tells of frustration were worse than they'd ever been; your eye twitching, lips pursed, fingers digging into your skin, your temperature rising by the second.
"That's what you think," You said, leaning forward. "Your ass would've been on the block if I hadn't stepped in."
"That's what I know- don't care about anything else."
"You aren't-"
"Shut the fuck up, Sergeant," He growled. "'M gettin' tired of babysittin' you. You need to get your shite in order."
You set your jaw again, your eyes honing in on his with a venomous glare. He must've noticed your glare, the tell-tale signs of a short fuse about to blow.
"That piss you off?" He asked, leaning both elbows on the desk.
"To be candid, Lieutenant, you are pissing me off."
"Good. I have half a mind to do your fuckin' head in."
You could hardly stand it now- the pure rage enveloping every nerve. You were burning hot, his words covering your entire body with sizzling anger. You grimaced, standing to your feet. You towered over his seated form, and his eyes followed you with frustrating nonchalance as you rose above him.
"You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Should've left you, you ungrateful prick," You spat. "Am I dismissed, or are you not done getting off yet?"
He was quiet, almost calm- it worried you more than you'd let on. When he lost his temper, the shouting and swearing was tolerable, understandable. It was the silence that sent a wave of nausea over you, made your heart fall to your gut.
"You finished?" He asked, leaning back in his chair.
You fixed your posture, standing up straight as he eyed you down.
You nodded, curt and sharp.
"Sit down."
Your tongue ran over your teeth, a mechanism you developed to hide whatever expression was threatening to ruin your cover; in this case, a flustered frown.
"Y'saved my arse, but you went against a direct order. Can't have that, not in this line o' work."
You nodded again, staying silent as your arms guarded your chest.
His tone had turned soft, almost understanding, empathetic. The contrast threw you off- you wanted to run, escape the small room before you fell victim to the unfamiliar, muted cadence in his voice.
"I understand," You spoke up, levelling your eyes with his. You wanted to be resolute, not give into the vulnerability between you.
"Not sure you do. Not yet, at least."
You tried not to appear intrigued, interested in his train of thought. Your brow quirked up, seemingly on its own.
"Don't think a standard punishment is fittin' for you."
You were concerned now, and it was branching out to every limb; heavy and suffocating, strangling your previous agreement to remain stoic.
"What's that mean?" You asked, trying to conceal the tremble in your voice.
"Means- I think you're actin' out, feelin' frustrated, pent-up." His expression remained unchanged, watching you closely. "Think you want my attention, Sergeant. All my attention."
You felt your jaw fall slack, unsure whether he was truly suggesting what you were interpreting. Your stomach lurched at the thought of your Lieutenant showing you attention. You'd seen the defined muscles of his arms, no doubt you'd thought about how big he was, how his hands felt on your waist when he corrected your form; but you'd never imagined it would come to fruition.
"What are you suggesting, Sir?" You asked, desperately hoping your tone sounded offended rather than interested.
"Think you'd benefit from some discipline. Not a thought in that fuckin' head. Doin' just as I ask, just as y'should."
You breathed deeply, nearly choking on the saliva pooling in your mouth. The heat had drained from your outer body, targeting the susceptible organ between your thighs instead. You couldn't help but clench your thighs together, desperately aching to sate your suffering.
"I don't know what you're asking of me." A lie- one told brazenly, in front of your superior, who could see right through the innocent facade.
"You do." He leaned closer. "Don't be daft."
Your brows furrowed, "I'm not."
"You choose. Can have you on guard duty for the next month instead."
"What would you have me do?" You asked, your eyes falling to the desk in front of you.
Your chest was rising and falling quickly, given away by your forearms that lifted and fell with every breath. You were sure your eyes were watery with arousal, desire seeping through the cracks in your composure. You were quickly falling apart under his gaze, with the temptation of his offer.
"Get on your knees."
Your head shot up to his gaze, your lips parting in shock.
"I'm- I-," You stuttered, caught between the desire to comply, to obey, and the stubbornness rooted inside you.
"On your knees," He said again. "Right here." He nodded to the floor in front of him.
You thought you were too dignified to kneel before him; it was supposed to be the opposite- but a small part of you wanted it; letting go, relinquishing control for just a fraction of time.
Regardless of the anger festering in your gut, the offer was damn near irresistible. It sent shivers up your spine, a flush of heat to your groin- and the grudge you'd been building became a distant memory. You were at a crossroads, not entirely sold on the idea for many reasons, but in the moment, you wanted to please him, do whatever he asked of you in hopes he might return the favour.
You swallowed the lump of integrity trying to claw it's way up your throat, standing to your feet once more. You'd already made it around the desk, standing before him as he glanced up at you expectantly.
Your fingers trembled with hesitation, knees buckling under the weighted pressure of his order. Finally, you caved. In spite of all your adamant attempts to show your strength, your resilience, you knelt before your Lieutenant.
He leaned back further in his chair, eyeing you down.
"Think you like pissin' me off," He announced. "Hopin' I'd catch on and treat you the way y'really want."
"Sir, I-"
"Good start," He interrupted. "Keep it up and I might just reward you, Sergeant."
Your nostrils flared, desperately trying to inhale enough oxygen to fight the lightheadedness.
"Tell me what you want," You uttered.
Your confidence had been shattered; you'd been reduced to a submissive vessel to be ordered around. It made you sick- but really, you were shaking with excitement.
"I want you," He leaned in closer. "To put that smart mouth t'good use."
You were dumbfounded, unsure whether it was a test, another scenario he was running, an experiment. But as he leaned back again, shifting his thighs to accommodate you, you knew that wasn't the case.
You gulped, your hands apprehensively reaching for his belt, your eyes locked on his the entire time. You studied him for any sudden movements, treating him like a stray dog that could bite at any second. It wouldn't be unlike him, to bait you into feeling comfortable, then latch onto the most vulnerable parts of you with a glimmer of sadistic pleasure in his eyes.
He liked you on your knees, vulnerable and pliable. He didn't often see the side of you that listened, that let him have control. You fought him on every damn detail, found something to argue over. Here, he had control. You'd agreed to let him have it, of course, but it was a glimpse into the part of you he knew only he could ever have.
You undid his belt, zipper and button opening after that. You should've known better than to expect anything less than the large imprint against his briefs, a wet spot forming above the head of his cock.
He'd been thinking about you for years. At first, it was nothing more than an appreciation for your attractive appearance. Simply put, he could see past your beauty and behave in a normal manner around you. It became more difficult when he grew to know you, your stubborn attitude, brazen defiance in the face of bullshit.
He appreciated a soldier with good sense, especially one that wasn't too much of a boot-licker to speak up. He didn't appreciate the obvious insubordination, but you'd been good at falling in line before that. He could see your confidence, your ability to hold your own.
After the tipping point, he couldn't fight the fantasies in his head. He'd wonder what exactly you looked like under the Kevlar vest and layers of mud and grime. He'd wonder if you thought about him, too. Specifically, when you touched yourself, if you'd ever imagined him when you climaxed.
It drove him mad, not knowing what was going on inside your head. His suggestion came after a few instances of insubordination that created tension between the two of you. He may not have known what you were thinking, but he could see your tense disposition. The way you stared at him, your thighs clenching together when he'd call you out.
You liked being reprimanded by him. His station excited you, he excited you- and he knew it well. He would never abuse his position; he'd offered you an out, and you decided against it. With his suspicions confirmed, there was nothing stopping him from simultaneously putting you in your place and enjoying the fruition of his fantasies.
Your eyes glanced up at him quickly, a look that was laced with hesitation. He enjoyed making you squirm, work for his approval. So, he stayed silent, waiting for you to finally obey him.
You did, to his utmost satisfaction, and peeled his briefs down off his carved hips to expose his cock. He hummed quietly with gratification, watching your eyes widen at his size. He knew he was well endowed, and could hardly contain himself at the thought of you struggling to breath with his cock down your throat.
You licked your lips, an inadvertent response to the sight before you. Your eyes lifted to his, and he reached his hand out, letting it rest on your cheek with an uncharacteristically delicate touch. He guided you forward, until you were perched above his lap, your hands on his knees, waiting with your stomach churning and heart pounding.
Then, he moved his hand to grip your hair, tugging you closer to his cock, until your lips pressed against the slick head. You opened your mouth, letting his cock slide inside.
He groaned. Letting his head fall back as you took his cock deeper, hitting the back of your throat. Your body lurched with a gag, leaving him breathless when your throat closed around him.
"That's it," He grunted. "Choke on it, just like that."
Your cheeks heated up with embarrassment, saliva dripping from the corner of your lip. His eyes were glued to you, watching your eyes shut as you forced yourself to take him as deep as possible.
"Look at me," He ordered. "Let me see those pretty eyes."
Your eyes fluttered open, watery from lack of oxygen and the stimulation of your gag reflex. You kept your eyes on his as you suctioned your lips over his cock, your tongue flattening in your mouth as he slid in and out with the movements of your head.
He leaned forward, his hands wrapping around your jaw and the crown of your head as he forced you up and down on his cock. He grunted hoarsely, harsh breaths leaving his lips as he listened to the sounds of your mouth. He tapped your cheek gently with his hand, making you flinch softly.
"'At's a girl," He muttered. "You keep goin' 'til I say so."
You hummed against him, a whimper of pure arousal. You'd already felt your panties become wet, an accumulation of desire that was seeping from you the more he made orders.
"Y'look fuckin' good on your knees, sweetheart, with my cock in your mouth." He fought to speak between deep breaths.
You nodded, nearly unnoticeable, but continued moving your lips up and down his cock, your tongue massaging the places you could reach. You could feel every vein, every ridge on his cock with your tongue. The saliva in your mouth made it difficult to keep quiet, vulgar noises echoing around the small room.
You were a mess, saliva dripping down your chin, tears rolling over your cheeks. You sniffled softly, gasping for air through your nose.
He lifted your head with your hair, yanking you up. You gasped, sucking in a deep breath.
"Take off your shirt."
You pursed your lips, your brows furrowing as you sheepishly tugged your shirt over your head. His eyes followed, watching you toss it aside, moving his gaze to your breasts still hidden behind your bra.
"Bend over my desk."
You gulped- waiting for a moment, until he stood to his feet. Then, you rushed to do as he asked, letting your pelvis hit the desk.
He stood up behind you, pressing his cock into your ass. His fingers reached beneath you, undoing your pants before he yanked them down your thighs. He kicked your foot, making you stumble and spread your legs.
His hand landed on your ass, calloused palms massaging roughly.
"Been on my nerves, Sergeant," He uttered from behind you.
His hand left a harsh slap against your ass, eliciting a yelp from your swollen lips.
"Please, Lieutenant," You whispered.
You were trembling with desire, your legs hardly strong enough to continue to hold you up. You collapsed against the desk, your cheek pressed to the cool metal.
"What's that?" He asked, leaning over you.
"Please- just-"
In the midst of your sentence, his fingers trailed down your ass, before sliding inside you. It cut you off with a guttural moan, your back arching into him.
You could hear the sounds of your desperation, your pussy squelching around his fingers as he hooked them inside you.
"I was right," He said, pride lacing his tone. "You like bein' punished, don't you, sweetheart?"
You whimpered, your ass moving side to side against his groin. His other hand came down on your ass, another slap that made you flinch.
"Yes," You nodded, pushing yourself into his touch.
"This cunt's drippin'," He chided. "Couldn't deny it if you tried."
You held back a sob- overstimulated, desperate, wanting.
"Put your hands on your back."
You did as he asked, completely overcome with desire to fight against his orders anymore. Embarrassment didn't cross your mind, you were beyond aroused, reduced to pleading for him with your whimpers and whines.
"Y'listen well with my fingers in you." He asked. "Finally straighten you out, ain't that right?
You felt the head of his cock replace his fingers, teasing you as he slowly pushed inside.
"Yes please," You whispered. "Yes- yes."
He hummed with satisfaction, before burying himself completely inside you. His hand grabbed a hold of your wrists, pinning you to the desk as his cock grazed your cervix.
You were rendered speechless, your mouth open with a gasp.
He groaned, "This cunt is tight, sweetheart. Might need to stretch you out."
You shut your eyes as he rolled his hips, his pelvis meeting your ass with a force that drove you against the desk.
Your moans were high-pitched, clenching your stomach as you were rammed against the desk. Your arms ached as he held them behind your back, holding you down.
His skin slapped against yours, and he watched your ass bounce on his pelvis. His eyes were glued to the dip of your waist, watching you writhe beneath him as he thrusted into you.
His free hand slid between your thighs, and he hunched over you to massage your clit with his fingers. Your body went rigid, tense with pleasure and overstimulation. It was too much and not enough at the same time, fighting your own body to let you climax.
Despite the uncomfortable table, you could relax in his hold. You trusted him to take care of you. He was rough, seemed uncaring- but you knew better. You'd seen the way he looked at you, the way his eyes lingered. It was undeniable, the chemistry, the sexual tension you could practically taste. He'd always had your back.
His hips rolled against you, hitting your ass with a force that shoved you against the desk. Over and over, he dove deep inside you, lost in his own pleasure until you let out a grunt.
"Ghost-" You choked out.
Saliva dripped onto the table in front of you, your cheek sliding back and forth through the tears that had accumulated.
"Sweetheart," He cooed, another attempt at luring you into a false sense of security. "You close?"
You nodded, unable to form a coherent sentence beneath him. His cock dragging through your walls, his fingers still rubbing slow circles over your clit.
Your pussy fluttered, your eyes shutting and jaw clenching as your orgasm began.
Then, Ghost stopped.
You whined in protest, letting out a huff of anger and exhaustion.
He leaned over you, his lips by your ear.
"You ask to cum," He ordered. "Or you too fuckin' dumb already?"
You shook your head; compliance was the only sure way to get what you wanted- even under the haze of complete submission and arousal, you could understand the game he was playing.
He moved his hips again, his fingers returning between your thighs. You were a bit more sensitive now, having been deprived of your climax, your body twisted against him, itching for relief.
You could only pant against the desk, his chest pressed to your back, still holding your hands so far up your back your shoulders ached. You could hear his heavy breathing in your ear, the mutters of praise leaving his lips.
Every sniffle, every whimper, he chewed up and devoured- he was beyond satisfied, watching you crumble underneath him. After this, he knew he'd have you on a leash, obeying every order, every command, if only for a little while. He'd have no qualms about repeating your punishment.
"Ghost," You blurted out. "Can I cum?" You squeezed your eyes shut.
He waited a few moments before answering, leaving you teetering in the balance, forcing you to concentrate.
"Go on," He said.
You let out a long exhale, pleasure drowning out every other thought aside from his cock moving in and out of you, his heavy hand on your pussy. Your entire body was rigid, frozen beneath him while your orgasm overtook you.
"That's it," He drawled.
His thrusts were slower now that your pussy was clamped down around him, though once you'd recovered, he sped up his pace again.
Your squeals and pleas fell on deaf ears, and he rutted into you until he released himself over your ass.
You exhaled as he back away, running a rag of some sort over you to clean you up.
"Expect you'll be fuckin' tip-top next week," He said, zipping up his pants before sitting back down.
"Yes Sir," You nodded coyly.
"Not t'say I won't be seein' you before then."
His eyes stared you down, watched you closely as you tugged your shirt back over your head.
"I'll be sure to keep an eye out," You said.
He nodded; an understanding.
You slid your pants back up your thighs, giving one last look over your shoulder before slipping out through his office door.
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kenmakodz · 1 month
15. kicking my feet rn
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-> yuuta and y/n finally finished the big part of their project, filming! a big shoutout to the volunteer actors, who were way too kind and understanding throughout the whole process. now onto step two!
-> a bit of a small update. next chap is worth it. promise ;)
-> it's astounding to maki that the two don't realize they like each other yet. not to mention how comfortable yuuta is with a girl ?? she absolutely cannot wrap her brain around it. but hey, maybe y/n is "the one". at least thats what she said to nobara before they both laughed a little too loud.
previous, masterlist, next [16. ???]
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taglist is open! @just-a-girlblogger @moryymor @swissy23 @iiwaijime @sereniteav @k4romis @jayathelostdragon @h3rmess @olivandeee @lysaray @ari3000dontcare @raechu11 @marifujioka @nyxlai @sonicsolos @saltypuffin1040 @r0ckst4rjk @h8ani @lmaolmaolmao @maya-maya-56 @mittensdun @adrenova @pnkblueberry @morgyyyyyyy @chososwh0r3 @lunecqm @r4veeen @arivsx @levlucs-kiru @mellozhi @sad-darksoul @ichorstainedskin @phoenix-eclipses @h3xi2g0n3 @eternalalmondd @en40p @love-jelly @kaeichi @izanacult @dreamxiing @satoryaa @0range-juiceee @you-always-made-me-blush @casabaswrld @jjk-men @luaqsv @import-mage @k4sss133 @girlyuuta @makeshiftproject @scarakitty
⤷ © kenmakodz
145 notes · View notes
notthecutesttrash · 2 months
Grey (Pt. 1)
Content: Miya Atsumu is a bully, and his fangirls are even worse. They make your life at school a hell.
Trigger Warnings: Verbal + physical bullying, language
Word count: 7.29k
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The bell rings and you grab your books to sprint off. Frantically you open your locker, and as you do, a white crumpled-up paper falls at your feet. You open it and find angry scribbled words, all ranging from “Loser!” to “Get lost!” and “You're pathetic.” Exhaling a sigh, you place the books into the overhead space and grab the others. 
This all started a week and a half ago.
You had been in class and the exhaustion was creeping up into your mind. It was the last hour, the sun was lowering, it looked to be a moody day, and you could only hear the teacher every other time she spoke. This time she was chewing out Miya Atsumu over a wrong answer which then turned into a long lecture. 
All you could think at the time was huh, guess he only had one skill, and that was just wooing pathetic girls over. 
The class went silent for a bit, and you exhaled a sigh, turning to the main board, only to see Atsumu and what felt to be every woman in the class glaring at you so strongly it could pierce. 
You froze, sputtering a “s-sorry…” as you bowed your head. Ever since then, you could feel a heavy shadow looming at your back. 
It was just a fleeting thought, you didn’t mean it negatively. Well, maybe you did. You weren’t sure anymore, but you don’t think you deserved this sort of treatment for such a stupid comment. 
Every other girl you passed shot you a look like you were nothing but dirt beneath their feet, even a few men. 
Was the whole world on his side? 
You cradle your books to your chest as Atsumu begins to walk down the same hallway. Look down. Just look down and nothing will happen. He turns his head to look at you as you pass, and you can feel your breath stuck in your throat. Yet as you manage past him, nothing happens. Relief instantly follows. You were going to be all right, nothing big was going to happen. It was just a stupid little comment. Soon it will all be forgotten. 
Suddenly an obstacle blocks your foot as you absentmindedly walk. You stumble and almost fall face-first into the floor. The books in your hands drop, and luckily your free hands are there to brace you. You’re on your knees, nose nearly kissing the floor as you feel a crowd pause to get a good look at you. They were snickering, and when you look up, Atsumu’s down the hall giggling, a terrible grin on his face. There's a woman in front of you, the one who presumably tripped you, laughing. You sheepishly go to grab one of the books and she kicks it to the side. 
You can get through this, this was nothing. You were sure of it. 
It's even worse when you remember that Miya Atsumu is one of the best volleyball players ever. Of course, you on the other hand, on the girl's volleyball team, are the complete opposite. Although your team was nice, they didn't talk to you much. One of the middle blockers, Angie, was giving you side eyes and little glares whenever you missed a receive. When another spike came, you dove and missed by a few inches. 
"Sorry guys.." You exhale a disappointed sigh and the ones on the other side of the net are the only ones smiling at you. 
 "No worry Y/n! Maybe it's just not your day. That's okay, it happens!" Lucy shouts with a grin, giving you a quick thumbs up. You muster a begrudging nod. 
Angie harrumphs with her hands on her waist, scanning you. "And you have the nerve to judge an all-Japan camp candidate when you can't even get one receive as our libero." You frown and cast a glare on the floor. 
Lucy huffs on the flipside. "Stop it, Angie, we all know he's good, there's no need to shove it in our faces. The point is, he's not here, and he's definitely not going to be watching you, so move on." She gasps, and the other girls can't help but snicker. You're too exhausted to even pay attention to the conversation.
Your hands are on your knees while you desperately catch your breath. 
"Inarizaki has no place for weak players." A quiet but stern woman speaks. Miyu. Her palm is holding the ball you failed to receive. 
Lucy holds her hands up and waves them around anxiously, attempting to ease everyone. "Everyone has off days. let's not bully her about it."
Angie visibly rolls her eyes. "She's been having off days for like 2 weeks straight now." 
Lucy opens her mouth to probably defend you with another sentence you don't deserve, so you just speak.
"I'm sorry, I will do better." 
No one responds as you bow, but you can feel the irritation lingering in the atmosphere. 
After practice is finished and all the girls leave, Lucy meets you outside the entrance. She has this sort of pitiful look that sinks your stomach. 
"Hey.. listen, (Y/n).." she nervously trails. You had a feeling this was going a certain somewhere. 
"The other girls seem to be complaining a bit about your performance lately.. and you know… I don't want to do this but.. the coach thinks.." She's fidgeting, struggling to come up with the right words. 
You're pouting, tears pricking your eyes. "You're cutting me off..?" Your words leave in a choked whisper. 
"No! No.. well… you might be… but! You aren’t yet. You can still prove him wrong..” 
She sighs, and her hand gently holds your arm. 
"Listen… I know you're going through some things right now. So just take your time. "She pauses, then looks at you pitifully. "Hey.. maybe if it happens.. it won't be necessarily the worst thing right now. Maybe you might even need it." She is coming from a good place, but you're hurt. 
You fail to respond and that helpless look appears again. 
“I’m sorry (Y/n)..”
You're striving to keep your expression as blank as could be as you nod. “Thanks for letting me know.” You turn fast, hoping she won't continue anymore. You just wanted to go home now.
Though, when you leave the gymnasium, you hear the boy’s side practicing. They're always extremely intense, and many times their practice runs late. You had an urge, and you decided to follow it.
Mustering up all the courage, you go inside, up to the second floor as quietly as possible while they play. Two squealing girls are already watching, too captured by the scene to care about you. Atsumi’s twin brother Osamu was there. Admittedly, they were an impressive duo. You didn't have to be good at volleyball to see that. 
Osamu had a serene sort of confidence, while Atsumu.. well, he looked like the type to do a dump shot just to be petty because he knew he could.
You hated to say his sets were beautiful, perfect even. 
Michinari, the team’s libero, receives almost every volleyball that flows his way. Even if the serve was a floater, a jump spike, or a simple one. It was impressive, and you aim to study his movements.
The way he holds his arms, the way he moves, his focus, everything you didn't do. The whistle blows and they get back into position, and you meet eyes with none other than the blonde twin who is currently serving. He raises his brow, his cocky face almost disgustingly amused. You glimpse far away to avoid him. It’s not like you came for him anyway, god, you hope he didn’t think that. 
The whistle blows and he walks up 6 steps, jumps, and hits a powerful serve that Michinari almost wasn't able to bump.
“Nice receive!”
Michinari calls out, “Bit short, sorry!” 
Atsumi touches the ball, and you're confused. He can’t set it now. Why would he do that? 
Osamu is the one who jumps and sets the ball to Atsumi who runs to a side with no blockers and does an insane quick you've never seen before. The impact alone has the sound bouncing off the walls. 
“Ahhhh! God, they’re so cool!!!” The girls go crazy beside you. 
You hum to yourself.
You've seen enough. Besides you didn't want to be anywhere near one of the twins, so you left as quietly as you came. The gym was empty now, the girls were gone and you could practice without judgment. 
You bounce the volleyball on the wall and attempt to receive it. Still, even with it being much slower than the average serve or spike, you were slightly off. Huffing, you bounce it against the wall and it comes to you, you were sure you got it this time. Your arms attempt to tap it, but it awkwardly hits your neck and topples over. 
Maybe it was your position, either you were too close or too far. First, you try stepping a bit back and you serve into the wall. It comes at you fast, and you feel as if you could see it in slow motion. It was perfect, you were going to hit- it flies over your head and you're dumbfounded.
Okay, closer. Farther wasn't right. 
This time you run to where the ball is headed, and right when it's about to come to you, you position your arms perfectly just for it to hit your knee. The next time it hits you in your groin and you grumble beneath your breath. 
One more time. 
You serve to the wall and it powerfully bounces off. You were ready. You could do this. Just position. The anticipation rises, and you sidestep the way it moves. A large grin stretches, you got it! 
Your finger just barely graces the ball, but it sends it flying a few inches high and it hits your shoulder.
Michinari. Remember. 
Remember the way he stands, the way he moves, the way he reads its direction. 
Your arms attempt to replicate his, and your knees bend just a little. 
One of the volleyballs hits the side of your head, but you did touch it, so that was progress.
It makes you smile. 
Sure, you got knocked into the chest almost every other time, but all that mattered was after the 30th try, your arm made contact again.
The ball lifts only a few inches above your arms before it slaps you on the head and splats to the ground. It travels close to the other dozen that lay around the gym. You're groaning as another flies past you. 
Another serve, you could do it, just one more. You push it and it slams against the wall, rebounding your way. Perfect! Getting into position, your concentration narrows as it comes to you. A forceful impact meets your knee. 
You lift the ball and slam it with your palm. It was so fast you could barely keep up with it, and you were a second off from receiving it before it wacks your neck. Coughing out at the impact, you huff and try again. Just keep your arms down, don’t waver every time you see the ball coming towards you. 
It was slow, but it flew your way, and you remained patient. Just get the timing down, not too early, not too late. Now!
You bump the ball perfectly into the air and gasp at the contact. You could do it! You could finally do it! Your eyes remain on it, waiting for it to come back down, a massive grin on your face. 
"You're doing it wrong." A voice interrupts your concentration and the ball slams into your face. 
"Ow.." you rub your nose, whining. The ball thuds against the floor.
When you eventually look up to the cause of your lost focus, you instinctively step back. Atsumu is there, sweat dripping down his skin after a long practice, eyes judging you.
You don't speak, and you can't even meet his gaze for more than a second.
He steps to the bin and grabs a volleyball. He does a quick normal serve against the wall, and it bounces to him in a split second. He positions his arms and receives it perfectly. You glue onto the way it cascades so beautifully.  
He studies your look, amused at the ignorance.
"Bend your knees like this." He does the motion and you falter before hesitantly mirroring. 
"No. lower." You do it and glance at him for approval. "Arms like this. This side showing more than the back." 
He gets into a normal stance to throw the ball above your arms. You keep your arms together as you receive it, and although it wasn't very high, you couldn't help the happiness that befell on you. That was so much easier than all the other times. 
Atsumu humorlessly chuckles "To think you're on the volleyball team and you don't know this." Your view averts, arms cradling the ball you just bumped like a trophy. 
No matter the insult, you sucked up your pride.
You mumble a "thanks.." and he scoffs.  
“Yeah, I’m going.” He starts walking to the door and you nod.
Today was a rough day, but tomorrow will be better, you repeat this continuously as a sort of mantra when you get home.  
Your parents greet you happily and there is a warm meal on the table. You slip your shoes off before stepping into the kitchen.  "We got one of your favorites!" Your mother chirps.
You can barely fake a smile. Most days this would make you happy enough to forget everything that occurred in the school day, but not this time. The happy grins fall and they become worried. 
Great, look what you did. 
"Is something wrong (Y/n)?"  
You swiftly shake your head at the tone. A smile spreads your lips wide, maybe a bit too forcefully. You sold that fake happiness by rushing to sit at the table.
"No, nothing serious. I was just a bit annoyed from practice today. I couldn't receive at all." Your dad raises a confused brow as he attempts to remember what receiving is.
"It's when you catch the ball, you know, like this-" you angle your arms down and put your hands together. He makes an o with his mouth and nods. 
"Everyone has their days." Your mother is as optimistic as Lucy. 
You share thanks and dig in. 
"Even candidates for that All Japan youth camp have their days you know, and they're the same age as you, so there's still a lot of growth there." You're silent, and you set your chopsticks down. There's a big inevitable frown plastered on your face. You knew it meant to cheer you but to think of Atsumu and how talented he was after you insulted him and him helping you learn basics you should already know.
"Yeah, you're right." 
Your mood drops significantly. They give each other a side-eye.
When you're done you clean your dishes and head to your room. Wrapping the blankets around you in a sort of burrito you sigh as a few tears slip down your cheeks. You wish you hadn't said that. 
Back to another miserable panic-inducing day. 
Before class, you open your locker to now see two notes falling to your feet. You stop and stare while some girls giggle maniacally behind you. Sighing, you pick them up, crumbling the paper beneath your fingertips. Grabbing your books, you head to class and ignore how it feels like all eyes are on you when you pace.
"Look, it's the  libero who can't even receive a ball." Someone starts the moment you walk in. Frowning, you hold your bag tighter as Atsumu's eyes glue to you, a smirk dawning on his expression. 
His words are interrupted by a shy woman who is holding a cute pink-wrapped box in her hands. A blush dusts her cheeks, and she crosses her legs. "I-I.. made this for you Atsumu… I-" An eek leaves her as Atsumu scowls hard, an expression that could terrify just about anyone. Class starts and she nervously bolts to her seat.  
You never liked long lectures or busy classwork, yet now you've learned to appreciate it. This was the only peace you'd get until you had to traverse the hallways or go to practice. You should just feign sickness, it's not like they'd miss your presence anyway. 
For lunch, you typically sit outside on one of the benches in the shade. You liked being here lately. It was nice, and when the wind rustled the trees nearby, the sound would calm you.
You lean against the bench and sigh, placing your bento atop your lap. You undo the cute little cat wrap your mom gave you. It did cheer you up a bit. You open up the box to see your favorite. You smile sweetly.  
"Look who it is, little miss (Y/n)" A sudden catty voice alerts you. 
Panic rises, and you shift your view to the sound. A group of girls known as the cheering squad for the boy’s volleyball team are walking toward you.
They have angry expressions, and their hips jut to the side as they near.
"So, what do you have to say for yourself?" The "main" woman in front, named Kiyoko speaks to you like some dog. You tilt your head, anxious and confused. What was the right answer here? 
You shouldn't be scared, you wanted so desperately not to be, but instead, you're cowering under their scowls, holding your lunch tighter to you.
"For what..?" You genuinely ask.
They growl like mutts, and suddenly the open box in your hands is viciously yanked from you. Before you can register what was happening food began dripping down your hair, a weight on your scalp tumbling. 
"Did that jog your memory?" 
You're quiet, and your teeth grit against one another, hands bawled into fists. Don't say it. Don't say it. 
"I'm sorry." You whisper.
A thick sauce drips down your hair. 
Kiyoko leans down, cupping her ear. "What was that? I couldn't hear you." You suck in a sharp breath. 
"Aw look she's going to cry." A voice in the group erupts. 
"Whose pathetic now?"  
They giggle together, and your knuckles turn white. 
You speak louder. "I'm sorry." 
"That's what I thought." She pats your cheek condescendingly. "Have fun cleaning that up." 
They leave as quickly as they came, and you dissociate as they laugh horridly while walking. Food begins to fall onto your jacket. If you didn't clean it up now, you would just be more of a laughing stock later.
A gust of wind flows, and the tree sways. Yet not even that makes you feel at peace right now. 
Water runs down your neck as you're in the bathroom, attempting to scrub the smell of curry out of your hair. The stickiness is hard to get out, and your scalp looks like some mangled mess. You pool warm water into your hands and splash it over the grains of rice that are glued together. It takes pretty much the entire lunch period until you get it all out. 
Luckily you have your volleyball jacket in your locker that you can swap out for the other. Fortunately, because it's a little oversized, it falls at your sides, just enough to cover the splotches of stains on your skirt.  
The teacher furrows her brow at you when you walk into the deafened room. "(Y/n).. you're la-.. why are you wet?"  Your hair is drenched and tangled as you walk to your seat. The girls who know what happened are snorting to themselves. 
"I fell into the lake." It was a stupid excuse but it was enough for the teacher to awkwardly continue with the lesson. That was until a loud laugh cuts the tense atmosphere.
The teacher sighs, “Yes, Atsumu, do you have a question?" You turn to the sight. At the opposite end of the class, there he is, poorly stifling a laugh.
Atsumu is chortling as he talks. "I guess not even that can wash away your horrid smell." The girls in the class laugh a little too hard at that.
"Enough. I didn't want to start it now, but since you two have a problem, you will be assigned together for the new project coming up. You will work together and makeup, whether you like it or not. I will not tolerate unkindness in my classroom. I don't want to hear any ifs or buts." The teacher calms before continuing. "Now, make sure you all listen up, I will now say the rest of the assigned partners." 
You meet Atsumu's instant cold glare and your eyes widen in fear. A jolt of anxiety rushes to your stomach. You feel sick.
"Now, we will use the rest of this time today and tomorrow to come up with a plan. You should be about halfway done at that point. This is due next Tuesday. Do whatever you need to do outside of the time, go to the library, discuss outside of school, meet up, exchange emails, whatever, but you will only have these 2 days in class to work on this." Great, a worse sentence couldn't have been said when your partner was Atsumu of all people.
The teacher gives you and Atsumu a firm look. "Do I make myself clear?" He's annoyed, you're terrified, yet you both nod either way. 
"Good, now disperse." She flicks her hand and everyone begins moving. 
Most of the girls in the class, or all, including Kiyoko and her group, send you angry glances. It's not like you wanted to be paired with him either. 
You're anchored in your seat, too scared to move. Would he come to you? Would you have to come to him?
Will you just not at all talk for these 2 days and do the work independently? Will you-
"Let’s get this over with." Atsumu has his hands in his pockets, his eyes refusing to look at yours. You nervously clear your throat. 
It's a bit begrudging, but he sits near you and starts to work in his notebook. You do the same, occasionally not aiding the way you're examining his hand move so efficiently. He even had pleasant handwriting.
He doesn't glimpse your way, but you can tell he's getting peeved. “Are you going to keep looking, or are you going to work?"  You swiftly avert, awkwardly beginning to mimic the speed at which he writes. Your hands are shaking but you become so adamant you can't even focus on the way there are stares and whispers behind you. 
"Does she even shower, why does she smell like that?"
"She's such a loser." 
"Did you hear she can barely even receive the ball?"
"As the libero too, it's literally her job. Talk about lame. The audience would probably cheer if she got switched out."
"Seriously, I don’t even know why she's the main one, the other one is so much better." 
Atsumu side-eyes you for a second, then goes back to his writing.
The bell rings, and your focus ultimately gets cut off when he begins packing. You mutter an oh and do the same.
You're getting dreary thinking about going to practice now. Your stomach grumbles and you hold it. Maybe you could go to the vending machine, the one with milk and protein drinks so you can get some energy.
Yeah, with what money? 
Rushing into the hallway, you ignore how Atsumu is still standing outside until he calls you.
“Hey (Y/n).” Atsumu sing songs eerily, and you halt, fear swarming inside you. 
He wouldn’t do anything to you like the girls would right? You could deal with a few prissy ladies shoving you to the side, tripping you, and grabbing your lunch, but him? 
You timidly rotate his way and he's holding that usual pompous sneer. 
His tone is sadistic and light. “I heard you might get kicked off the team, what a shame.” 
Small tears brew in your eyes at the mention, fingers bawling into a tight white-knuckled fist. 
“Oh? Did I strike a nerve? But really, I think it’s a relief, don’t you?” He continues, “I couldn’t imagine getting kicked off my own team." 
Atsumu snickers and his orbs quickly darken. "But that would never happen, because I’m more than just a guy who can swoon a few pathetic girls over you know. You though.." He fakes a pondering gesture. "I wonder. Are there any skills you possess?" 
There's a lump in your throat that you can't bear to swallow and he chuckles. "Right. That's what I thought." He turns to leave.
“Well, at least the female side won’t have to be ashamed anymore.” 
Tears meet your cheek. An inevitable sniffle escapes when the tightness in your throat closes. You wish you could scream out how much of a jerk he was, but all you did was whirl around and run away. 
A hand touches Atsumu's shoulder, pulling his focus away. “Don’t you think that was a little mean?” Osamu is gazing at him seriously. 
Atsumu scoffs. “Anyone who can’t take the truth doesn’t deserve to be playing a competitive sport, especially if they suck.” 
Osamu wacks his brother’s head, and the blonde-haired twin growls, raising his fist to do the same. 
The next day you smell like soy sauce.
Though, at least It was a lot easier to clean.
You rung your hair of water. Your hands press against the sides of the sink, and you gaze at yourself in the reflection. From staying up late crying, not eating breakfast in the morning because you had to rush out, to not being able to eat lunch, you're a mess. The bell rings and your expression darkens.  
Maybe if you pretend you didn't hear it... Maybe if you went to sleep in the stall you could just rest for a bit. 
The bell repeats its terrible tune.
You pat your face dry and force yourself to return. On this occasion, you're on time so no one would notice you. Or so you would've thought. 
"Did you enjoy your lunch (Y/n)?" A girl speaks, a snarky trail at the end of her words. There is laughter amongst another little side posse. You turn to her, quiet, and staring.
She zips her lips and you go to your seat.  
"What's her deal?" 
"It was just a joke." 
“You know the whole ordeal. Everyone, get with your partners. This is the last day in class to talk with each other." 
With that, everyone gets together and unfortunately, yours does too. 
Atsumu is sighing as if completely forgetting the day before. “Let’s get this done, the last thing I want to do is meet up.” 
You nod and open your notebook. It's silent for a couple of minutes until one of you ruins it. 
“Why is your hair wet again?" 
Atsumu raises a snide brow. "Go for another swim?" 
He didn't expect that straightforward answer but still chuckles. 
It doesn’t get to you, and you keep writing. He appears amused that he wasn't managing to aggravate you. You’re not surprised. This is Inarizaki, the school that tries to make other teams cheaply mess up by booing or playing loud music when they serve.  
A moment passes and you tiredly declare, “I’m sure neither of us wants to talk to each other, so let’s just focus, then we won’t have to meet up later.”
He looks amused. “You’re a lot of how I expected you to be.” You turn to him, and he shrugs. 
“A teacher’s pet.” 
You frown, mumbling mainly to yourself, “I don’t see anything wrong with that.” Atsumu chuckles. 
“Of course, you don’t” 
You fixate on him, and his expression remains.
You just had to get this done, then he wouldn’t be at your side bothering you any longer. 
The time is ticking, and the last thing you want is to have to text him. You’d rather take a 0 then do that. 
Well, maybe not to that extreme, but you sure as hell didn’t want to be in contact with him, or worse, have him come to your house.
He would have that annoying smug gleam as he sits at the table and makes conversation with your parents. Your mom would be so charmed, and she’d be nice enough to make him dinner. Then he’d eat it and make dramatic gestures about how good it is, meanwhile, deep inside all he wants to do is probably throw it at you.
A shudder cascades just thinking of it. 
The more time passes, the less confidence you have in finishing this project today. There was maybe a quarter left, and that would’ve been fine if again… it wasn’t a team job.
Maybe if he was doing his side, you wouldn’t be in this predicament. 
You're writing faster, while the pompous ass turns in his seat and starts cracking jokes with the pair behind him. If you could just finish these parts.
You just need to do a few more. Your breath catches in your throat the more you glance at the clock. With a few minutes left, there was surely no way you could finish. Albeit, if you give up now then it'd only prove that. You just have to keep writing and hope.  
Anxiety is pacing your heart, and you're getting sloppier and sloppier the more you go. The laughs of the row behind you, the tick of the clock, the sound of your pulse expanding and expanding drags you to the edge. 
The bell rings, signaling the end. You slump in your chair, defeated. Atsumu grins and grabs his bag, considering he didn’t even take anything out, all he had to do was just get up and leave while you pack. 
What a jerk.  
Somehow, he still manages to take his sweet time, and he practically traps you in, making it irritatingly impossible to leave. You throw your bag around your shoulder and stuff your fingers in your pockets.
Your head hangs low as Osamu is at the door again, waiting for his obnoxious twin. You didn’t know who was a little older, but god you hoped it was the grey-haired one. 
"Hey." Atsumu starts, and your heart speeds up. This was going to be just like yesterday, wasn't it?
You nervously fixate on him. He's tall, much more than you remember, maybe around 180 cm. 
"Give me your phone number." 
You're taken aback, tilting your head confusedly.
"F-For.. what?" You blank and he impatiently glowers. 
His voice is deep when annoyed. "What else for? The project." 
You quickly nod. "R-Right.. sorry. It's um.." You nervously push your hands into your bag, struggling to find your phone. Most are already out of the classroom at this point and he's becoming more visibly impatient. 
You feel it and immediately pull it out. Opening your contacts list, he yanks it out of your hand and starts typing. Once finished, he throws it at your desk and you fail to catch it as it slams against the wood. He casually turns to leave. 
He suddenly rotates his head over his shoulder and gives you a sharp look.  "You should quit volleyball," he says.
"Everyone has a job on the court and you can't fill yours, because you suck." 
You're frowning again.
Osamu gives you a momentary glance before leaving. You're frozen in place, his words echoing in your head. 
On Thursday, you feign sickness to stay home.
You wrap yourself in a burrito of blankets while you watch TV. At least at home, you can eat freely. You also won't hear mean gossip behind you. You're never absent anyway, so one day was easy. Just one day to yourself. One day without seeing either of the twins’ faces. No fangirls, no volleyball team, no stress, just one peaceful weekday beneath the sheets.
You sleep until 10. 
Although a bath sounds wonderful, it's refreshing to just walk downstairs with pajamas and messy untouched hair. “Good morning.”
You yawn, grab a cup, pour yourself orange juice, then sit down at the table. It was a nice day to eat breakfast together without any rush to be somewhere on time. 
Rubbing your eyes, you set a plate down and stare at the empty chairs beside you. That's right. You're alone, your parents are off to work. 
Once done whisking together a lovely omelet, you eat peacefully savoring every bit of silence. This was nice. 
You can do anything today. Maybe even go to the market and get yourself a little desert. Milk bread, curry donut, strawberry shortcake, whatever. Your mouth waters at the thought. 
Though rest sounds nicer still. 
That project wasn’t due till Tuesday, and it should take you about 2 days to complete alone, maybe 1 if you were going to meet up with Atsumu, but that wasn’t going to happen. 
Faceplanting into bed, you moan at the feeling of the bedsheets. They surround you like a heavenly cloud. Yes, this is what you needed, an escape into bliss. 
You wake up again at 12. 
Stretching wide, you exhale a yawn. A bath would do good now. Your hair probably wasn’t completely free of food anyway. 
You take off your shirt in front of the mirror, revealing a few bruises on your back, knees, and thighs. These most likely occurred when you fell to the floor a few times after being tripped. They're tender, but nothing too big. You didn’t want to think of it now anyway. 
The warm water envelops you and you draw out a whispered moan. You stay like that for who knows how long until you're aggressively scrubbing all the smells out of your hair. You lean against the rim, lids closing blissfully. 
The next time you open your eyes you feel groggy. You don't know what time it is. Your fingers and toes are all soggy, and the water isn’t hot anymore.
You drag yourself to bed after drying off, closing the door to seal the darkness in. A buzz vibrates your phone, and you pick it up, tiredly blinking at the brightness. It was probably your mom trying to see if you were okay. 
“When do you want to finish the project?” 
Why would your mom text that? 
You scroll to see the name Miya Atsumu, and you stare for what feels like a minute before finally gasping.
You didn't actually expect him to go for it and text.
What do you say? You begin typing, then stop, then start, then stop.
Tomorrow? The weekend? Monday? No day in reality makes a difference. You just don't want to work with him.
A part of you is relieved you wouldn't be doing the rest of the project alone, but another side is terrified at the idea.  
You bite your lip and write “Tomorrow..?" 
Maybe that was too direct, maybe you should’ve sent a "haha", or a "anytime that works for you."
What if he’s not available Friday? What if you just assumed? No no, it should be fine, he asked you, besides, it isn’t going to be a hangout, just a quick 1-2 hour session of working.
You groan, your brain going into circles. The anxiety that fled you today begins revisiting in vicious waves. You’re going to go to school tomorrow and he’d ask you the same question if you don't text back. You can’t avoid him, nor the deadline. The girls will pick on you again, you won’t be able to have lunch, you’ll be hungry, you’re about to be kicked off the volleyball team, everyone hates you, every-  a notification makes you blink to reality.
Miya Atsumu: “Sure. Time?” 
You let out a shaky exhale and type, “Whatever is fine with you.” 
Miya Atsumu: “6 pm, after practice.” 
6 pm?? That was a bit late.
You’re about to type a denial until you remember that you're the one who said whatever is okay. You can’t just complain now. 
“Sounds good.” 
He doesn’t respond. A few minutes pass and you’re still staring at the screen. Fretfully you type, “.. where.?” 
A bubble pops up, then disappears. You’re anxiously biting your lip, waiting. The bubble comes up again, jumping for a few seconds then going away. You hold your phone to your chest and groan, your other hand draping across your forehead. You hope it’s somewhere decent, really the scariest thing he can say is "My place."
A few tantalizing minutes pass and you hear a ding.
Miya Atsumu: "Wherever you want.” 
That response didn't settle your nerves at all. Why did you have to pick? 
Hovering over the letters on your phone, you think hard. 
Your place won't be as nerve-wracking as his, and besides it’d be weird if you text that anyway, like “Hey let’s go to your house.” Not only would you just be dealing with him but a duplicate as well. (Though you heard Osamu was a bit nicer.) Still, they probably live in some fancy house with a beautiful mom who makes amazing food. If he comes to yours he'd probably be judgemental as it was nothing lavish.
Where else could you pick? The library? It's a lot more peaceful and less scary than your house. Here, you imagine him, arms crossed, judging your stuffed animals and colorful sheets, saying, "What are you, a kid still?" 
A shiver runs down your spine. 
But in the library, Kiyoko and other girls are bound to be working on their projects as well.  
Nowhere was safe but your home, and besides you had your mother and father there if anything went wrong. Mustering up all the courage you write.
“You can come to my house..?” No that sounded too provocative. 
Holding the delete button, the sentence is wiped. 
“What about my house?” 
Too direct, what if it comes up rude or even flirty?
“We can go to the library?” No that sounds like you're avoiding the situation now. 
You hover over “Maybe-“ then delete. Too indecisive. “How about-“ too decisive. “What about-“ too shy.
It’s already been more than a few minutes and the phone buzzes impatiently.
Miya Atsumu: “Well?” 
The fear in your stomach is worse than when the girls would bully you. Which is ridiculous considering you're only sending a text. 
What if he shows it to all his friends and makes you a laughingstock? 
You ease your stammering. Relax (Y/n). No one can harm you here. You're not gonna hear his laughs directed at your face. You’re home in your safe space. It’s just you, and it’s just a text. 
"My house?" You press send and hold your breath. A minute passes and now the doubt explodes in you again.
God, why did you type that? That sounds way worse than the other ones, it's almost creepy even. You stuff your face into your pillow and groan loudly. 
A soft vibration takes you out of the self-loathing cycle, and it reads, Miya Atsumu: "Sure." 
Your heart pounds and anxiety floats into your stomach as you think of tomorrow.
You wish you used your sick day for then.
Although in the end, it wouldn't have made too much of a difference. It's bound to happen. At least you had until tomorrow to plan, to think what you were going to wear, and what spares you would bring for whatever was going to be dunked on your head. 
You hear the front door open and close. Your mom always gets home first. You're timidly stumbling down the stairs when she sees you. 
 "Hey, sweetie. Are you feeling better?" She hangs her jacket up and takes off her shoes. 
"Oh- Yeah.. um.. so.." your lips purse as she strides into the kitchen, already planning on dinner even if exhausted. You appreciate that. You just wish you had the guts to tell her what happened to those cooked meals at lunch. 
She grabs a pack of spaghetti and fills a large pot of water to boil. She raises an expectant brow.
You fidget, averting your gaze. "Um.. so I have a project due Tuesday… it's with a partner.. but our teacher is not allowing any more time in class. So-" 
"Oh okay, yeah, that's fine. When do you want her to come?" She grabs a few spices and herbs while talking, and you nervously clear your throat. 
"It's.. a guy.." She halts for a moment and you can see her mull over your words. 
You continue hesitantly, “So... he's coming tomorrow around 6, you know.. after practice usually ends." It's silent for a few seconds and you're pursing your lips, scared. 
There's a bright beam stretching her lips wide. 
Oh no, it was either this reaction or disgust. You didn't even know which you wanted. 
You start again, mainly to cut off whatever she was going to say. 
"By the way.. you don't have to pack lunch for these next few days." She raises a thoughtful look.
"Why? Have you been dropping it lately? Do you not like it? Is that you've been smelling like it when you come home?" 
Tensely giggling, you curl your hair behind your ear. "No Mom.. I just.." You trail off, unable to think of a perfect excuse. Nothing to resemble reality. Eventually, her lips curl again. 
"Ah.. so it's all to do with that boy."
You're surprised, rushing to stammer out a no, but she's set in her thoughts.
"I've been wondering why it's emptier than usual, you've been sharing it with him, hm?" She has that trail in her tone as if she caught you. 
"No! A friend has just been giving me some of there's so I haven't been able to eat mine." She laughs and your face is pink. 
"Ah I see, so you've been swapping lunches? How cute" You huff at this reasoning, giving up.
Maybe you should just let her believe this anyway. It'd make her happy.  
"Nothing’s happening with us Mom, we're just school partners. He's not even all that nice, you know," you mutter that last part to yourself. 
She snickers. "Men struggle with their emotions a bit more than we do when it comes to love-" 
You shout, "It's not love!" 
She waves her hand, gesturing for you to calm down. "Right right, well maybe he's just struggling to convey it to you." Huffing again, you cross your arms. That's not it. She's not listening to you, and you sigh angrily. Seriously, if only she knew. 
"I promise you, Mom, that's not it, just believe me okay? We're going to do the project and that's it, he won't be here ever again.." You pause, then point accusingly toward her. "And no being weird!" 
"Fine fine, I’ll act normal don't worry, I would hate to embarrass you in front of your crush." 
"Ugh, just.. no lunch tomorrow please!" 
You squeak out an awkward "thank you!" and she hums, a grin still lingering. 
Stomping off to your room, you lightly slam the door and stuff your face into the pillow. You could hear the front door open again, and you're sure your mother is now going to start talking about this mystery "crush" to your father.
You let out a frustrated sigh. 
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warping-realities · 1 year
Dalton Academy - Power Hungry
“Let me see if I understood correctly. A fancy school is offering me a scholarship for my senior year for no apparent reason, just like that?”
Michael asked with an expression divided in equal parts of disbelief at the proposal and disgust at the male figure sitting in front of him in the modest but comfortable living room of his family. The surprise was genuine, as well as the disgust, although there was no concrete reason for the second, after all the blond, muscular and well-dressed young man in front of him had not treated him with anything other than respect and politeness. But that air of arrogance, of knowing the world was there to serve him, was for Michael the essence of white privilege, and therefore the antipathy was... inevitable.
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"I wouldn't define Dalton Academy as just a 'fancy school,' Mr Jones, nor would the invitation be a no-brainer. Dalton is an extremely exclusive school and all students are handpicked, the school board makes no mistakes, accepts only senior high school boys and the only ways to get in is if you are a legacy like me or by invitation like you, if you accept of course. So sorry, but if you are among this year's choices it's because someone saw something of value in you.
Conclued the boy, and Michael couldn't help feeling that the boy himself, Chadwick Wentworth Hartfield IV, was not among those who had seen that value in Michael. Asshole. But if that typical Chad thought Michael was going to lick his feet just because of his last name and an invitation to a prestigious school, he would discover that he was dealing with a personality that was pure steel. He would obviously accept the proposal, studying in a place like Dalton would be extremely beneficial for his studies and his academic future. Even if for that he needed to put up with figures like the one that was placed in front of him at that moment.
"May I ask why the school sent a student who hasn't even started the year to talk to me, instead of a teacher or an alumnus?"
" The council asked me to come to your house as they believe that our proximity in age will facilitate your adaptation to The school. And why I was chosen has to do with what I told you before, I am a legacy, my father studied in Dalton, in fact all my male ancestors have studied there since the opening of the school at the end of the 19th century. You could say that Dalton is part of my heritage. A heritage that I am willing to share with you Mr. Jones. Dalton formed some of the most impressive personalities in our history, future politicians, athletes, renowned artists... and contrary to what my last name might make it seem, the school is very eclectic, the choices are not based on finances but on what Dalton has to offer to the best candidates and how they will reciprocate. But don't worry, a formal representative of the school will come and talk to your parents if you answer positively to my next question: Are you ready to change your life?
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It was the first day of school at Dalton and Michael was feeling slightly uncomfortable. He was as far as he could see the only black boy in the entire school. Eclectic my ass… he thought as he headed to the school's amphitheater to receive the orientations for the beginning of the school year. Despite the dislike he felt, he couldn't help but admire all the opulence of the place, with its imposing columns and marble floor, it really did give the impression of being an environment that formed success stories.
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As he entered the amphitheater he saw Chadwick strutting with a group of other young men, all already in uniform. Trying to avoid contact with the other boy as much as possible, he sat in the first empty seat. And to his surprise he found himself facing the first non-white face that day. An Asian boy, with delicate features, who seemed to be even more uncomfortable than him to be in that place.
"Hey, I'm Michael, it's such a relief to see someone who doesn't look like they just got off the Mayflower!”
"Hi, I'm Edward."
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Answered the boy, with a timid voice. Apparently it was going to be difficult to get some interaction from the other boy, but Michael was willing to try, a friendship with an introvert would be much better than putting up with the Chadwicks of life.
"So how did you end up in Dalton? Invitation or legacy?"
"Invitation, my dad almost didn't believe it when Chadwick Hartfield told him there was a place for me here."
"Ahhh, so you already know Chadwick?"
"Father and son, the Hartfields own a large slaughterhouse, meat packing plants and the like, they are the biggest suppliers to my father's chain of restaurants, so Chad and I have meet over the years..."
The boy replied, seeming to loosen up a bit. So he was rich too, although he lacked that air of arrogance that seemed to surround Chadwick. Michael thought there was a hint of discontent in the boy's voice as he referred to the Hartfields, then he jumped at the opportunity.
"Are you friends then?"
"Hardly, Chadwick's family is old money, my father is a Chinese immigrant who made a fortune from his own work, Chadwick and I have nothing in common. Although my coming here may mean a certain... concession for part of the Hartfields."
"Hmm, I understand..." Michael replied without really understanding, money was money, wasn't it? What difference did his origin make?, In his opinion every rich man was the same, regardless of where that wealth came from. Of course, he wasn't going to verbalize it in front of Edward.
And it wouldn't even be necessary, because at that moment an imposing, middle-aged man, wearing an impeccable suit, was addressing the students gathered there, giving Michael an excuse to interrupt the conversation.
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“Good morning gentlemen, I am Principal Vincent Carmichael, and I will be responsible for your welfare and education at Dalton, we will have plenty of time to get to know each other better throughout the course and beyond, so today I will be brief. It is a great pleasure to receive you for what will certainly be a transforming year in your lives. Some of you already know Dalton's story, your families are part of that story, of our legacy. And as legacies, I ask you to be kind and helpful to those who are now part of this history, to guide them, point the way and integrate them as it should be. For those of you who still see yourselves as outsiders and perhaps still wonder why you're here, know that the our board makes no mistakes, you are exactly where you should be.”
Michael couldn't explain why, but he felt a chill when he heard those words, which echoed inside his head like a bad omen. Giving himself a mental shake he forced himself to listen to the rest of the director's speech.
“Here in Dalton you will be assigned to your dorms according to a pre-selection. However, as we value the relationships of friendship and companionship that we hope for and we are sure that you will form here, these dispositions can be modified if there is interest from the parties. You will find the location of your dorms and the names of your roommates inside the folder you received when you arrived at school. Finally, in that same spirit of camaraderie, in addition to sports teams, theater, music and debate clubs, the school has several student clubs, led by some of our legates, but for which you can receive invitations or apply, do not worry about being excluded, I'm pretty sure you'll all find a place in one of them before you even know it....”
The director continued, while looking at the group of young men that Chadwick had been talking to and with whom he was sitting next to. And Michael felt that strange feeling again. To try to get rid of it he decided to open the folder and there next to his name and location of his dorm was the name of his roommate: Chadwick Wentworth Hartfield IV.
"Fuck!” Michael murmured, as Principal Carmichael concluded.
"...because Dalton will forever be your home."
"So what's it like sleeping under the same roof as the prince of the privileged?"
A slender dark-haired young man asked with a snarky expression to Michael.
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"It's not so bad, he leaves me alone and I have no interest in what he does."
Michael replied. He was in his second week of classes and oddly enough he seemed comfortable with his situation, even having already made a group of friends, which included Edward, Jaime, a grandson of Mexican immigrants and Jonathan, the boy who had asked him about Chadwick. The truth is that Chad had to leave him alone, thanks to the total indifference that Michael showed him. In the first days the other guy tried to start some conversations that varied between the typical bro talk, sports, women, drinking... and bragging about his lifestyle through countless stories of travels, parties and whatever.... the fact is that for a few days now the interactions between the two had boiled down to "good morning and good night." Which to Michael was fine.
"Now, if we analyze the situation well, in theory you also sleep under the same roof as him. And isn't it a little hypocritical of you to call others privileged, Mr. son of a senator?"
Michael continued teasing his friend.
"First, my dorm is in another building, so I can categorically state that I don't sleep under the same roof as Chadwick. And second, yes I recognize my privileges, but there's no comparing my father's job to the capitalist machine that rich men like Chadwick portrays. No offense, Lee."
"I don't take offense, and all my dad wants is to be compared to the likes of Chad's dad, i believe he would take that as a compliment. And don't take what Michael said to heart, he adores your dad , there's probably a poster of his campaign taped to his bedroom wall."
The other boy had proved to be much less shy over the days and now he even cracked jokes.
"You know, I preferred it when you were shy... but yeah, I really admire Senator Roberts' work, he does so much for underprivileged communities and minorities. I'd like to do something like that someday."
"Are you thinking of becoming a politician? I can try to get you a summer internship with my dad if you want."
"Politics is not out of the question, but I'm thinking of being a public defender or something. But there's no way I would pass up an internship with Jack Roberts, thanks for the offer John."
"Speaking of offers, has anyone here gotten an invite to one of those student clubs?" Edward asked.
"I'd rather have a glass of acid than indulge in such elitist nonsense..."
"You'd be surprised what you can get down at one of the elite clubs, Roberts." Said a deep voice with a touch of arrogance at that moment, making the boys all turn at once to face Chadwick standing next to their desk in the library study room.
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"Michael, I'd like to talk to you for a moment. If you don't mind."
Michael replied while getting up and accompanying his colleague to the other side of the room.
"I'm glad you made friends Michael."
Said Chad with an expression that did not denote any happiness. Seeing that Michael
once again avoided answering him the boy continued.
"Jonathan Roberts has his connections, despite his...quirky style. And Chang has... potential. So do you. I don't know what happened or how I might have offended you, but I'd like us to be friends. You may not know, but I am the president of one of the oldest clubs in Dalton, The Crows. And I am currently in the process of selecting our new members, I would really appreciate it if you would consider joining us."
Michael didn't know what to answer, because while he felt an instant dislike for the other boy and planned to change dorms as soon as possible just to get away from him, that was another opportunity for him to create the necessary contacts for his future career. And he couldn't help but wonder for the thousandth time what the school's and Chadwick's interest in him would be, he was a good student but not brilliant, he was far from an athlete, he was the son of a firefighter and a nurse and not knew influential people. He had already discussed this with Jaime, who also didn't seem to understand why both of them were there and seemed willing to dig deeper to find out. Although Michael didn't need to know why he was there, he only cared about making the best of the situation and that meant...
"Yeah, sure. I'd love to join the Crows."
He replied with the most fake and forced smile he had ever given in his life.
That late afternoon, instead of heading to his dorm, Michael went to meet Chadwick in one of the towers of the immense structure that was Dalton's central building. Apparently the Crow Club occupied much of the top floor of the tower. Reaching the top of the stairs he slammed the door, overcome with the familiar sense of foreboding he wondered again if he shouldn't turn around and put all that pretentious nonsense to rest. He was about to do exactly that when the gigantic door to the room opened with a noise that sent an icy shiver down the boy's spine, who stood staring at the entrance to the room with the feeling that he was about to enter the gaping mouth of a predator about to swallow him, which made him wonder again if there was still time to run away.
"Michael, glad you came, come in."
Said a casually dressed and much more cheerful Chadwick than Michael had ever seen before, which only added to the uneasy feeling that coursed through Michael's mind and spread through his body. Which reached the edge of a panic attack when he heard the door close behind him.
" Welcome to the Crow's Nest. Sit back and make yourself comfortable, Michael. This will be your favorite room for the rest of the year, it belongs to you and you to it. But before I introduce you, I would like you to introduce yourself. I feel like I don't know anything about my roommate and new brother."
Chadwich said as he sat down in a leather armchair, his cocky air back in full swing. Did Michael really want that? Being Chadwick's "brother", were his future plans worth as much sacrifice at his present? Such thoughts were swept from his mind when he saw Chadwick reach for an object beside the armchair. Was that... a basketball?
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"Tell me Mike? Do you like basketball?"
Chad asked with a smug smile. Which caused Michael's feeling of anxiety to be replaced by another, hot, intense anger.
"Why, Chad? Because every black boy must be a basketball fan, is that it???"
"Wow, calm down brother, it's not that much, I just thought you should enjoy..."
"You do not know anything about me!"
"That's exactly the point, isn't it? Getting to know each other, forming bonds, a brotherhood."
"Why? Why me, and don't tell me you don't know, because you do."
The ball landed on the ground and bounced back into Chadwick's hand, shutting Michael up in the process.
Tump. Again.
"You don't like me, do you, Michael? You never did, from the moment we met I saw the way how you looked at me, like I was some kind of monster, some freak. Be sincere."
"No, I don't like you." Michael found himself responding against his will, as if he couldn't control his own vocal cords. At the same time, a kind of anesthesia spread through his body, preventing him from moving. The feeling of panic returning with multiplied force.
Tump. Tump.
"Ah, progress, everything would be easier if you had collaborated from the beginning, but I admit that I have a certain difficulty understanding your... kind."
Hearing that made Michael's eyes flash with anger that gave him enough strength to try to get up and go.
Tump. Tump.
The sensation of anesthesia returned.
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"Impressive Mr. Jones. Such willpower will take its toll. But I wonder why my comment would provoke so much aggression. Ahhh... you think I'm racist, is that it? Or maybe an elitist? Well, I abhor racism, and as for elitism, well... I'm elite, aren't I? But so are you Michael, so are you. You've been offered the chance to become someone... better. To be a part of something bigger, a brotherhood, to be by my side, in the elite. A chance many would die to take and you spurn and grudgingly accept... so I ask you again, why?
"Why? Listen to yourself, Chad. The size of your arrogance. You talk about community, about brotherhood, while at the same time you brag about being part of an exclusive elite. You talk about belonging, but you don't know what what it is to belong, you represent those who only know what it is to own.
A sour expression spread across Chad's handsome face. As if he wasn't used to dealing with someone who antagonized him. Which was probably true. Which made Michael's panic rise even higher.
Tump. Tump.
"And I am the prejudiced one."
"But you didn't actually answer my first question.”
“Do you
Michael replied grudgingly.
"Well, wasn't it easier to have answered the first time I asked?"
Tump. Tump. Tump.
"No, it was not..."
"I'm tired of repeating it, but... why, Michael?"
"Why? Because people like you look at people like me and see a stereotype: black kids are obligated to like basketball just because they're black."
… me..."
“Tell me Michael, isn't it hypocritical of you to accuse people like me of looking at you and seeing a stereotype while you look at me and everything you see is also a stereotype?"
"I... I hadn't thought of it that way."
"I see..."
“But thinking the right way isn't exactly your strong point, is it? At least not for now…”
Exclaimed Michael but Chad just smirked and continued to talk.
"I overheard your conversation with the insufferable Roberts today… a very commendable attitude, wanting to work for the community, change the world. But not the first thing that comes to mind when I think of you... Mike."
Tump. Tump.
"I told you, my name..."
"I know your name, Mike, how could I not know the name of my roommate, my second in command, my brother, who despite differences in color and social class, is so much like me in so many ways."
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"Calm down, be quiet now, and take off your top clothes, they can get a little…constricting."
Michael felt his arms move of their own accord and carry out Chad's orders automatically, while he screamed in rage and despair inside his own head without being able to express anything.
"I’m surprised, you had a respectable foundation, Michael. But there's room for improvement.
First of all, You don't like me and to be honest I don't like you either... not yet. But since I'm being honest there's something about you that attracts my attention, even my admiration I would say. You are ambitious Michael. You didn't hesitate to accept coming to an unknown school just for the advantages you could get. Even though you didn't like me, you accepted to join the Crows because you knew that this would open doors in your future . And you even made friends with people who could offer you ways to move up in life. Although they are not the friendships I would have chosen, I admire your initiative. But your mistake was not taking advantage of the true opportunity that was at your side all the time, me."
Tump. Tump. Tump.
"We're going to fix that and a few other things, aren't we?"
Tump. Tump.
What the fuck is this psychopath talking about? Thought Michael without being able to voice it.
"Looking back, I think our problem started when we first met, because you were already willing to dislike me just for being who I am. All that anger and resentment you have towards people of a higher social class prevented any kind of bond from being established between us, didn't it?"
"But you know what I think, Michael, deep down all that anger is envy, envy of me, envy of my lifestyle. An immense envy of those who can have whatever they want, be whatever they want."
Tump. Tump.
Was it, was that true? No, no. He was happy with what he had, with who he was.
Still, being able to have what you want, when you want it must be an incredible feeling, said an insistent little voice in the back of his mind.
"And you know what envy really is? A form of admiration, after all desiring what belongs to the other, desiring to be in the other's shoes, there is no greater form of admiration. Isn't it Michael?"
Tump. Tump.
"You admire men like me."
Tump. Tump.
"All that ambition of yours, that desire for power. Real power. Power over others, over other people's lives."
Tump. Tump.
"You aspire to be someone who controls the pieces on the board..."
Tump. Tump.
No no! Michael denied to himself. He was ambitious of course, but that was about having a better future, doing something better, being someone better! Someone who could be admired, someone who could be envied, someone like...
"...to be someone like me."
"No..." Michael continued to deny it, but something was growing inside him, a dark desire, a desire to dominate, to subdue, to control.
"Of course there is only one of me, but there is space in my life for others, and I will be a good leader and a good friend to my companions, my brothers. And you accepted to be one of them, the first of them. And so you'll be closest to me, my deputy and make sure things are in order. And when we leave Dalton you'll have what it takes to achieve all the success and power you want, as long as you remember the origin of it all and to whom you should be grateful."
Tump. Tump.
Yes, he wanted it, he would take it, he would do what Chad wanted and he would be grateful for a lifetime if it gave him the chance to dominate, to conquer, to be better, better than everyone else, above everyone else... No, no, that wasn't him, that wasn't him!
"We're almost there, Michael, almost there, but I still see challenge in those eyes of yours. That's why I want you to close them."
"That's right, close your eyes and go back to the day we met, it's me and you sitting in your room and talking, tell me what you felt when you saw me that day?"
Disgust, Michael thought, but his mouth said something else.
"Good, very good. And why did you feel that way?"
"Because... because you represent the kind of man I want to be..."
"And what kind of man would that be?"
Tump. Tump.
"Rich, confident... powerful."
"I'm flattered to hear that Michael, as much as I was the first time that very day."
What is he talking about? Michael thought. He'd never said that before... he hadn't even thought about it...or had he? But he knew he truly admired Chad…
"Actually, I think we recognized each other despite our differences, didn't we? Because deep down our similarities were much greater! Two ambitious men, who know what they want, who know that the world will belong to them. My experience in these things is much greater, but you are intelligent, you saw in me the opportunity to grow, to learn. And I saw in you someone at my height, who could be a partner, a true friend, someone to respect me, to follow and support me, a brother indeed."
Tump. Tump. Tump.
"And then there's the fact that our physical similarities, I don't mean the color of course, but the size, the stature. It's hard to find someone who compares to my physique. But for someone like you who has a daily training routine at the gym and has played basketball since childhood... oh, basketball! My father was always irritated by my devotion to the sport, he would rather I played Football, but my passion was always elsewhere and finding someone who loves basketball as much as I do, was invaluable. Imagine my happiness when I see all those trophies in your family room... it was almost like a gathering of souls, don't you think, Mike?"
No, not like that, Michael of course liked basketball, had even played a few times. Yes, daily training, competitions, victories, everything to the winner and he was a winner, just like Chad, it takes one to recognize the other…and the conversation? One of the best of his life! It was almost like finding a lost brother... even better: a lost and wealthy brother who could provide him with the means to become what he deserved to be, what he would be.
But what about that comment about their size? Chad was huge, with the physique of a Greek God, whereas Michael... well... you don't become a winning basketball player without a winning physique... and if even Chad marveled at his physique surely it should be impressive!
And in fact, at that moment Chad was in awe of what was happening in front of him. Michael's muscles expanded in waves, each pulse amplifying the volume, the boy's lean, defined physique giving way to broad, bulging muscles. Pectorals like two slabs of meat, thick biceps and horseshoe-shaped triceps. The process appeared to be painful, but Michael showed no sign of feeling anything. With his eyes closed and expression relaxed, it actually looked like he might be enjoying it.
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And in reality he was. The sense of numbness that had gripped his body for the last few minutes was replaced by a strangely erotic throbbing, like an erection, only throughout his entire body. That feeling was exhilarating, it was intense, it was power! And if there was one thing Mike Jones respected is power! The waves of transformation continued, elongating the boy's body, causing his uniform pants to become short and giving him a thinner appearance again. But that didn't last long, as his muscles increased again with his thighs testing the limits of his pants and his calves taking on a perfect diamond shape. His dick was also affected, even though it was already of an enviable size, it grew in such a way that it would be impossible not to attract attention even when Michael was fully dressed. Finally the boy's features changed from reasonably attractive to artistically sculpted, albeit surrounded by an undefined air of arrogance and superiority. Leaving before Chad someone who despite their differences in many ways could be considered his equal.
Still, Chad's work wasn't quite finished, he needed to secure a few other things.
"Then came the first day of school and you came straight to meet me in the amphitheater. Ready to start your journey of ascension with the best possible guide. I could see the genuine happiness when you found out we were going to be roommates. And the admiration and gratitude to know that I guaranteed it myself."
Tump. Tump.
"And in this last week, the admiration and respect became a bond. The conversations at night, about the women we've gone out with, about the parties and drinking of each one, your desire to know the places I met... your desire to be my friend, to be by my side, to make sure what I want comes true."
Tump. Tump. Tump.
Michael, Mike, Big Mike… he felt that sensation build to a point that was almost… orgasmic. With Chad's words being burned into his very soul, as if through them a part of the other boy had seeped into him and expanded, infecting and overpowering every piece of who he was and cementing his transition into someone completely different, ruthless, up for anything, a predator, yet still loyal to his leader and ready to carry out his plans, their plans.
"And it all culminated in the moment you've been waiting for since you heard Principal Carmichael talk about the clubs. The moment you became a Crow, one of us."
"So, I would appreciate it if you open your eyes and accept reality fully, brother."
And that's what Mike did.
The giant that had been Michael opened his eyes slowly, as if it were the first time he had done so in his life. Focusing his vision on the one in front of him, his roommate, his leader, his passport to everything he deserved. Then he smiled, a smile that conveyed extreme confidence and arrogance.
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"Is everything okay, bro?"
Chad asked with a twin smile.
"And why wouldn't it be, brother?"
"You seemed a little distracted to me, I don't tolerate sluggishness when I'm speaking, especially from my vice president."
"I would never think of leaving you talking to the walls, Chad"
Mike replied, his smile taking on a mocking air.
"Don't try play clever on me, this is a game you can't win."
"Fair enough, since you can't beat me on the court."
Mike replied, as he quickly took the ball from Chad's hands.
"A less than eloquent response from the king of cleverness."
"Fucking Asshole"
Chad replied making both of them burst out laughing.
"So what's so important you have to say, Mr. President?"
"The most important thing for a president: expanding membership, and you have a huge role to play in that, so pay close attention to what I'm going to explain to you."
Mike hung on every word and when Chad finished, knowing the kind of power he would be entrusted with and what he would do with it, he couldn't help but smile again.
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hommepieds007 · 2 months
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Petit déjeuner...CDG Marriott...tongs...
Breakfast…CDG Marriott…flip flops…
Source: HommePieds007
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chicagodadfeet · 3 months
Sunday morning feet. Sniff.
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