#candela college au
iiitsnotbase · 6 months
28 Arlo/Auggie?? (Maybe modernish au?)
This takes place in my college AU, 6 months later than were we are now!
Arlo had her head on Auggie’s chest, listening to him breathing in and out. Auggie looked down at her, and the hole in her hand. Since meeting her in the kitchen, the hole had never seemed to bug him, like it had bugged everyone else she had ever met. Ever the inquiring mind, Auggie had asked once what had happened. Arlo had given it in the briefest of terms. For now though, she lay with her head on his chest, listening to his breathing. 
“Arlo.” He said, “Please.” She sat up and looked at him, eyes wide and sad. “I have to go.” She leaned down and kissed him, softly on the mouth, then his cheek. “You are extremely distracting,” He said, smiling. She smiled right back at him. The sunrise cut across his eyes, making them shine emerald green, more so than they already were. Arlo also had an early-morning class today, so it wasn’t unnatural for her to be up at this hour. It wasn’t unnatural anyway, she thought, lifting her nightgown over her head. 
“Are you excited?” She asked absent-mindedly. She had never really thought of her back as beautiful before, but Auggie staring at it, dry-mouthed, was one of the finest sights she had ever seen. She turned her head over her back, and he remembered himself. 
“Very. I can’t wait to go back and tell them all the fancy words I’ve learnt. Like…” He struggled for a word he didn’t know. Arlo was still shirtless, silently enjoying the attention Auggie was giving her. “...Hm.”
“Hm?" She repeated, slipping on her undergarments and shirt. She knew she was running Auggie’s few, but something in that was exciting to her. Having some power, even if she, realistically, had none. “Something wrong?”
“Nah.” He said, “Just wondering how I got so lucky.” Arlo smiled and gave him her hand, which he took and kissed gently. “Seriously, what did I do to deserve you?” She smiled and looked down. 
“You’ll drive safe, right?” She asked. “Don’t do anything reckless? And you’ll come back.” She said. The last part wasn’t a question, it was more of a statement. You’ll come back. You won’t leave me. You’ll be back. 
“Course. Charlie and Howard would kill me if I didn’t.” He said, laughing. At the look on Arlo’s face, he knew this ran deeper. Her fear of abandonment was like a well-worn jacket, and she wore it well, most of the time. This time she just stared at him, the fear evident on her face. “Arlo, I swear. I’m gonna come back. I’ll call you when I get there, yeah?” She laughed, “And every day while I’m there.” Arlo nodded, content with the plan. She pulled on a skirt for the day. “Want me to walk you to class before I go?”
“Dressed like that?” She asked, looking at him. He wasn’t wearing a shirt. 
“I thought you liked me without a shirt on?” 
“I do, but I like it.” She leaned over and kissed his head. Auggie hadn’t known Arlo had a jealous streak in her, but he grinned. 
“I’ll put a shirt on.”
if anyone wants to play the game is send me a candela duo/trio/group (platonic or romantic) and a number from this list and I'll write it!
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quinn-of-aebradore · 6 months
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Since I've seen some folks being interested and the fic itself is still a work-in-progress, I thought I'd give a little introduction for the Essek and Caleb in my Candela Obscura AU! The above are their designs as I put together in Hero Forge and of course, here is them drawn by Maddy!
Essek in this world is an occultist who was raised in a very devout Ascendancy worshipping family in Briar Green. While he attended Briar Bank College, he was contacted by EONS and began doing work for them. As that connection went on its course and eventually came to a disastrous ending, Candela made contact with him as a way of damage control, with Lightkeeper Yussa Errenis taking him in as a ward, sort of, which led to Essek meeting—and eventually joining—the Circle of the Nein. He is currently retired from field work and serves as Lightkeeper to the Circle of Pearl.
Caleb, on the other hand, was born outside Newfaire in Tottergrass but grew up in South Soffit after his family lost their farm and moved to the city to find work. In his teens, he was offered an internship at EONS and spent time assisting in their labs in more ways than one, leading to his first exposure to The Flare and bleed. While on track to receiving a scholarship to Briar Bank College, he suffered a breakdown—the circumstances of which EONS has burned from the record and even Candela is unsure of—and spent several years in Greyslate. Whilst a Circle was in process of an investigation at the Sanatorium, Caleb escaped and soon found his way to Candela, becoming part of the Circle of the Nein as a professor soon after. He is currently retired from field work and serves as Lightkeeper to the Circle of Amber.
The fic I'm currently working on takes place after their retirements, though I have plenty of ideas about the events before that and of their backstories that I may turn into their own fics down the road. Which is why certain details are omitted here. If I remember to, I'll maybe post a snippet for WIP Wednesday this week :3
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incineraryperiphery · 4 years
You said you were doing playlist asks, what about midjoke college/university au?? :)❤️
oooh, that sounds fun! I’m imagining some fun roommate shenanigans with psych major nem and emi whose slogging through a business degree so she can open her own comedy club aha.
Don’t Threaten Me With a Good Time - Panic! At the Disco
I Love My Friends - Steve Aoki ft. Icona Pop
Mint - Qveen Herby
Sex & Stardust - ZZ Ward
Monsta - Culcha Candela
Applause - Lady Gaga
She’s Kinda Hot - 5 Seconds of Summer
Three-Thirty - AJR
Want Your Love - Sickick
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In feeling that college au life right now -Candela stress cleans. Her dorm was spotless the days leading up to finals because all she could do between studying was aggressively dust and vacuum. -Blanche's side of the room is a fucking mess, but they're desk is always neat, so they can work at it. Spark's side of the room is neat, but their desk is a fucking mess. Law of Equivalent Exchange. -Candela's siblings come to visit her on a daily basis. Her younger brother is starting college next year, so he likes to stay overnight some weekends, so he can have the College Experience™ before actually going to college. -Spark once heard one of his classmates talking about how hot Professor Willow was once. He swears he threw up a little. -Professor Willow is a ratemyprofessor favorite. He doesn't use the textbook. He does a ton of experiments in the classroom. The tests are easy. His projects are fun. Literally, everybody takes his class for the Natural Science requirement. -Going home is literally so weird for Spark because his house is always full of his dad's friends, aka all of his professors. -Willow would never admit it, but he keeps tabs on Spark's academic progress and tries to convince professors to increase Spark's grade when he's not doing so well. Nobody has agreed to raise Spark's grade. -Willow's the type of professor you see Day Drinking in the parking lot before class starts. -Willow's the kind of professor that will let you call him "bro." -A female student once heard Spark call Willow "Dad," so she accidentally called him "Daddy" the next time she spoke to him. She doesn't raise her hand in class anymore. -Spark has called Willow "Daddy" in front of his class. Spark had to clarify that Willow was his real actual father.
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chibiwriter · 8 years
I'm literally staring at your inbox going "What trope do I send?" All I got are porn and smut ones. I sorry. Plz pick ur fave/guilty pleasure fluff trope to read and gush about it and answer the meme?
You make things difficult because there are so many to choose from
Let’s go with a few classics- College AU, Fairytale Retelling, Pantheon AU, Morning After
College AUHow likely I am to write it: Boy if I had the time I would have like 50000 fics devoted to just this AU. It might be because I just graduated or because I’ve worked at my college’s bookstore for the past 3 years but I just… relate… so much to this AU. Tbh, it would be so fun to figure out which majors/minors people would have, if the university would have mandatory dorm-stay for freshmen, who takes the 8 am and s u f f e r s, who is most likely to filch equipment from the chemistry department so they could triple-distill their coffee, etc.What character(s) or pairing I’d most likely write it for: ALL OF THEM 
Fairytale RetellingHow likely I am to write it: I legit took a course on folklore and fairytales and you didn’t think I would rub my greedy little hands all over this trope? Boi. Tbh I’m most familiar with Euorpean fairytales and fables, so I’d probably end up sticking with those but I absolutely ADORE Asian/Native American myths too. I’m a sucker for tricksters messing with people and massive adventures that symbolize something profound. What character(s) or pairing I’d most likely write it for: Red Riding Hood SparkXNoire anyone? Or Sparkella trying to go to the ball to meet Prince Candela? The Three Little Titans and the Big Bad Beast of Orre?
Pantheon AUHow likely I am to write it: Buddy, I am a long-term fan of an anime adaptation for an otome game dealing with at least 4 sets of polytheistic gods. Do you think this is a game?! The inspiration is willing but the flesh is weak, my friend. I favor Greek-esque alignments, naturally, but I’d love to throw in a few articles from Norse, Egyptian, and even Japanese mythologies, too, for obvious reasons. Hell - I would even be willing to create my own pantheon system if it meant my pairings could hold hands.What character(s) or pairing I’d most likely write it for: PolyPile for the Hot Bod Quad.
Morning AfterHow likely I am to write it: Ehhh the least likely of this group, tbh. I love this trope, don’t get me wrong, but you have to tred carefully. I prefer it for comedic purposes/one shots - doing it in a chaptered fic would make me sad because actual drama can explode over it. If there’s hint of mutual long-term pining that prefaced the sleepover, though… :3cWhat character(s) or pairing I’d most likely write it for: CandelaXNoire or BlancheXSpark
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josephosj · 7 years
Mercoledì, 19 aprile 2017
La Speranza cristiana - 19. Cristo Risorto nostra speranza (cfr 1 Cor 15)
Cari fratelli e sorelle, buongiorno!
Ci incontriamo quest’oggi nella luce della Pasqua, che abbiamo celebrato e continuiamo a celebrare con la Liturgia. Per questo, nel nostro itinerario di catechesi sulla speranza cristiana, oggi desidero parlarvi di Cristo Risorto, nostra speranza, così come lo presenta san Paolo nella Prima Lettera ai Corinzi (cfr cap. 15).
L’apostolo vuole dirimere una problematica che sicuramente nella comunità di Corinto era al centro delle discussioni. La risurrezione è l’ultimo argomento affrontato nella Lettera, ma probabilmente, in ordine di importanza, è il primo: tutto infatti poggia su questo presupposto.
Parlando ai suoi cristiani, Paolo parte da un dato inoppugnabile, che non è l’esito di una riflessione di qualche uomo sapiente, ma un fatto, un semplice fatto che è intervenuto nella vita di alcune persone. Il cristianesimo nasce da qui. Non è un’ideologia, non è un sistema filosofico, ma è un cammino di fede che parte da un avvenimento, testimoniato dai primi discepoli di Gesù. Paolo lo riassume in questo modo: Gesù è morto per i nostri peccati, fu sepolto, e il terzo giorno è risorto ed è apparso a Pietro e ai Dodici (cfr 1 Cor 15,3-5). Questo è il fatto: è morto, è sepolto, è risorto ed è apparso. Cioè, Gesù è vivo! Questo è il nocciolo del messaggio cristiano.
Annunciando questo avvenimento, che è il nucleo centrale della fede, Paolo insiste soprattutto sull’ultimo elemento del mistero pasquale, cioè sul fatto che Gesù è risuscitato. Se infatti tutto fosse finito con la morte, in Lui avremmo un esempio di dedizione suprema, ma questo non potrebbe generare la nostra fede. E’ stato un eroe. No! E’ morto, ma è risorto. Perché la fede nasce dalla risurrezione. Accettare che Cristo è morto, ed è morto crocifisso, non è un atto di fede, è un fatto storico. Invece credere che è risorto sì. La nostra fede nasce il mattino di Pasqua. Paolo fa un elenco delle persone a cui Gesù risorto apparve (cfr vv. 5-7). Abbiamo qui una piccola sintesi di tutti i racconti pasquali e di tutte le persone che sono entrate in contatto con il Risorto. In cima all’elenco ci sono Cefa, cioè Pietro, e il gruppo dei Dodici, poi “cinquecento fratelli” molti dei quali potevano rendere ancora la loro testimonianza, poi viene citato Giacomo. Ultimo della lista – come il meno degno di tutti – è lui stesso. Paolo dice di se stesso: “Come un aborto” (cfr v. 8).
Paolo usa questa espressione perché la sua storia personale è drammatica: lui non era un chierichetto, ma era un persecutore della Chiesa, orgoglioso delle proprie convinzioni; si sentiva un uomo arrivato, con un’idea molto limpida di cosa fosse la vita con i suoi doveri. Ma, in questo quadro perfetto – tutto era perfetto in Paolo, sapeva tutto – in questo quadro perfetto di vita, un giorno avviene ciò che era assolutamente imprevedibile: l’incontro con Gesù Risorto, sulla via di Damasco. Lì non ci fu soltanto un uomo che cadde a terra: ci fu una persona afferrata da un avvenimento che gli avrebbe capovolto il senso della vita. E il persecutore diviene apostolo, perché? Perché io ho visto Gesù vivo! Io ho visto Gesù Cristo risorto! Questo è il fondamento della fede di Paolo, come della fede degli altri apostoli, come della fede della Chiesa, come della nostra fede.
Che bello pensare che il cristianesimo, essenzialmente, è questo! Non è tanto la nostra ricerca nei confronti di Dio – una ricerca, in verità, così tentennante –, ma piuttosto la ricerca di Dio nei nostri confronti. Gesù ci ha presi, ci ha afferrati, ci ha conquistati per non lasciarci più. Il cristianesimo è grazia, è sorpresa, e per questo motivo presuppone un cuore capace di stupore. Un cuore chiuso, un cuore razionalistico è incapace dello stupore, e non può capire cosa sia il cristianesimo. Perché il cristianesimo è grazia, e la grazia soltanto si percepisce, e per di più si incontra nello stupore dell’incontro.
E allora, anche se siamo peccatori –tutti noi lo siamo –, se i nostri propositi di bene sono rimasti sulla carta, oppure se, guardando la nostra vita, ci accorgiamo di aver sommato tanti insuccessi… Nel mattino di Pasqua possiamo fare come quelle persone di cui ci parla il Vangelo: andare al sepolcro di Cristo, vedere la grande pietra rovesciata e pensare che Dio sta realizzando per me, per tutti noi, un futuro inaspettato. Andare al nostro sepolcro: tutti ne abbiamo un pochettino dentro. Andare lì, e vedere come Dio è capace di risorgere da lì. Qui c’è felicità, qui c’è gioia, vita, dove tutti pensavano ci fosse solo tristezza, sconfitta e tenebre. Dio fa crescere i suoi fiori più belli in mezzo alle pietre più aride.
Essere cristiani significa non partire dalla morte, ma dall’amore di Dio per noi, che ha sconfitto la nostra acerrima nemica. Dio è più grande del nulla, e basta solo una candela accesa per vincere la più oscura delle notti. Paolo grida, riecheggiando i profeti: «Dov’è, o morte, la tua vittoria? Dov’è, o morte, il tuo pungiglione?» (v. 55). In questi giorni di Pasqua, portiamo questo grido nel cuore. E se ci diranno il perché del nostro sorriso donato e della nostra paziente condivisione, allora potremo rispondere che Gesù è ancora qui, che continua ad essere vivo fra noi, che Gesù è qui, in piazza, con noi: vivo e risorto.
Je suis heureux de saluer les pèlerins de langue française, en particulier les jeunes collégiens, lycéens et étudiants, ainsi que les fidèles des paroisses venus de France et de Suisse. Que l’Esprit Saint fasse grandir notre foi en Jésus ressuscité pour que l’amour de Dieu parvienne à vaincre en nous le péché et la mort. Que notre vie témoigne avec joie de l’espérance qui naît du tombeau ouvert au matin de Pâques. Que Dieu vous bénisse!
[Sono lieto di salutare i pellegrini di lingua francese, in particolare i giovani collegiali, liceali e studenti, come pure i fedeli delle parrocchie venute da Francia e Svizzera. Lo Spirito Santo accresca la nostra fede in Gesù Risorto affinché l’amore di Dio giunga a sconfiggere in noi il peccato e la morte. La nostra vita testimoni con gioia la speranza che nasce dalla tomba aperta il mattino di Pasqua. Dio vi benedica!]
I greet the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors taking part in today’s Audience, particularly the groups from England, Sweden, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Canada and the United States of America. I offer a particular greeting to the newly-ordained deacons from the Pontifical Irish College, together with families and friends. In the joy of the Risen Christ, I invoke upon you and your families the loving mercy of God our Father. May the Lord bless you all!
[Saluto i pellegrini di lingua inglese presenti all’odierna Udienza, specialmente quelli provenienti da Inghilterra, Svezia, Svizzera, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Canada e Stati Uniti d’America. Rivolgo un saluto particolare ai nuovi diaconi del Pontificio Collegio Irlandese, insieme ai loro familiari ed amici. Nella gioia del Cristo Risorto, invoco su tutti voi e sulle vostre famiglie l’amore misericordioso di Dio nostro Padre. Il Signore vi benedica!]
Von Herzen heiße ich die Pilger deutscher Sprache willkommen, besonders die Dekane aus dem Erzbistum München und Freising, begleitet von Kardinal Reinhard Marx und seinen Weihbischöfen, sowie die österreichischen Seminaristen mit Weihbischof Anton Leichtfried. Tragt die Freude des auferstandenen Christus in eure Gemeinden als Zeugnis für das Leben, das nicht vergeht. Der Herr segne eure Wege!
[Un caloroso benvenuto ai pellegrini di lingua tedesca, in particolare ai Decani provenienti dall’Arcidiocesi di Monaco e Frisinga, accompagnati dal Cardinale Reinhard Marx e i suoi Ausiliari, nonché ai seminaristi austriaci con Mons. Anton Leichtfried. Portate la gioia del Cristo Risorto nelle vostre comunità come testimonianza della vita che non passerà. Il Signore benedica il vostro cammino.]
Saludo cordialmente a los peregrinos de lengua española, en particular a los venidos de España y Latinoamérica. Los invito a llevar a todos el gozo de la resurrección del Señor. Que podamos comunicar con nuestra vida que él está aquí y vive en medio de nosotros. Muchas gracias.
De coração saúdo todos os peregrinos de língua portuguesa, particularmente os grupos vindos de Portugal e do Brasil. Queridos amigos, deixai-vos iluminar e transformar pela força da Ressurreição de Cristo, para que as vossas existências se convertam num testemunho da vida que é mais forte do que o pecado e a morte. Feliz Páscoa para todos!
[Saluto di cuore tutti i pellegrini di lingua portoghese, particolarmente i gruppi venuti dal Portogallo e dal Brasile. Cari amici, lasciatevi illuminare e trasformare dalla forza della Risurrezione di Cristo, perché le vostre esistenze diventino una testimonianza della vita che è più forte del peccato e della morte. Buona Pasqua a tutti!]
أُرحّبُ بالحجّاجِ الناطقينَ باللّغةِ العربيّة، وخاصّةً بالقادمينَ من مصر ومن الشّرق الأوسط. أيّها الإخوةُ والأخواتُ الأعزّاء، المسيح يسوع رجاؤنا قد قام من الموت، أحُثُّكم على أن تحدِّقوا النظر دائمًا في الذي غلب الموت ويساعدنا على قبول الآلام كمناسبة ثمينة للفداء والخلاص. ليبارككم الربّ!
[Rivolgo un cordiale benvenuto ai pellegrini di lingua araba, in particolare a quelli provenienti dall’Egitto e dal Medio Oriente! Cari fratelli e sorelle, Cristo Gesù nostra speranza è risorto, vi esorto a guardare costantemente a colui che ha vinto la morte e ci aiuta ad accogliere le sofferenze come preziosa occasione di redenzione e di salvezza. Il Signore vi benedica!]
Pozdrawiam polskich pielgrzymów. Bracia i siostry, Apostoł Paweł woła: „Gdzież jest, o śmierci twoje zwycięstwo? Gdzież jest, o śmierci, twój oścień?” (1 Kor 15, 55). W tych dniach paschalnych niesiemy w sercu to wołanie. Pełni nadziei idźmy do naszych braci. Z pokojem i radością płynącą z wiary głośmy, że Jezus zmartwychwstały jest nadal tutaj, że nadal żyje pośród nas. Niech Jego błogosławieństwo stale wam towarzyszy!
[Saluto i pellegrini polacchi. Fratelli e sorelle, l’Apostolo Paolo esclama: “Dov’è, o morte, la tua vittoria? Dov’è, o morte il tuo pungiglione?” (1 Cor 15,55). In questi giorni di Pasqua, portiamo questo grido nel cuore. Pieni di speranza andiamo ai nostri fratelli! Con la pace e la gioia, che scaturiscono dalla fede, proclamiamo che Gesù risorto è ancora qui, che continua ad essere vivo in mezzo a noi! La Sua benedizione vi accompagni sempre!]
* * *
Saluto i pellegrini di lingua italiana. Nel clima della gioia pasquale rivolgo il mio saluto a voi giovani sacerdoti della Diocesi di Mantova, accompagnati dal Vescovo Mons. Marco Busca e a voi, cari Diaconi della Compagnia di Gesù, qui convenuti con amici e familiari. Incoraggio ciascuno a vivere ogni giorno il Vangelo della carità.
Saluto le suore di diversi istituti partecipanti al corso promosso dall’USMI; la Corale Polifonica Logudorese; le Pie Operaie dell’Immacolata Concezione con gli Amici del Fondatore Marcucci; e i fedeli di Marigliano, che ricordano l’80° anniversario dell’Incoronazione dell’immagine della Madonna della Speranza. Auspico che quest’incontro sia per tutti occasione di rinnovata adesione a Gesù e ai suoi insegnamenti.
Saluto infine i giovani, gli ammalati e gli sposi novelli. Cari giovani, specialmente voi ragazzi della Professione di fede delle Diocesi di Milano e Cremona, vivete in pienezza il messaggio pasquale, testimoniando dappertutto la pace, dono di Cristo Risorto. Cari ammalati, guardate costantemente a Colui che ha vinto la morte e ci aiuta ad accogliere le sofferenze come momento privilegiato di redenzione e di salvezza. Cari sposi novelli, vivete la quotidiana esperienza familiare nella consapevolezza della presenza vivificante di Gesù nella vostra casa.
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iiitsnotbase · 7 months
18 Raj/elsie/oscar??
This takes place in my College AU! 1 year later than we are now!
Rajan walked into the familiar hospital room to find his Elsie and his Oscar, one lying back on the bed, with the other older her hand, his thumb passing over her knuckle again and again. Oscar looked up when he saw Rajan enter, nodded to him. Rajan walked over first and kissed Elsie on the head, and then moved to kiss Oscar on the head, having to take off his hat to do so. 
“How is she?” He asked. It was a silly question, but it still felt important to ask. Oscar glared at him and looked at Elsie, who was wincing on the bed. Her eyes opened, and she looked between the both of them. When she sighed, it was a rattle, and she glanced at Oscar.
“I told you not to tell him, I didn’t want anyone else worrying.” There was a spot of blood on her bottom lip. Rajan reached out and stroked it away with his thumb, but she caught his hand before he could react it. “I’m fine.” Rajan wondered when she had gotten so skinny. She had always been small, but this was a change. A rather dramatic one, in fact. 
“I didn’t tell him.” Oscar said, “But I’m happy he’s here.” Elsie, judging by the bleak expression on her face, was not. “El. Come on.” Her thumb traced over Rajan’s as Oscar traced over her knuckle, and sighed, looking up at the lights. She hated hospitals, Raj remembered her telling him, when they first met. 
“Fine. He can stay.” Raj smiled as Elsie resigned to him being there, knowing that if he left he would just be thinking of her. It was such a strange thing to be ashamed of when over the past ten months she had seen him naked and prone (and he her) in several different ways. Her voice was horse. 
“Are you allowed to drink?” He asked. She nodded. Grateful for the small things, as always, he pulled out a bottle of tea and poured a cup. “Drink this. It’ll make you feel better.” 
“Is that a promise or a threat?” Oscar said, in the tone of voice he only used when they were alone. Raj helped Elsie sit up and laughed at his partners stupidity. 
“Why can’t it be both?” He asked. Elsie took a drink and glared at them. 
“You two are impossible.” She said. Her voice already sounded slightly better. She took another drink. Oscar shrugged. 
“You chose us, El.” Raj laughed as Elsie squinted at him. 
“Funny, I seem to remember you showing up at my door. What was it?” She pretended to think. “Oh, yes. You,” She looked at Oscar, “showed up at my bedroom door and begged me to have you.”
“I didn’t beg.” 
Raj would not stand for that, but soon he was Elsie’s next victim. 
“This one,” He rolled his eyes but kept smiling, “said he would give me everything you couldn’t. I said to Delia ‘He’s gonna last three weeks not kissing Oscar’, Delia disagreed.” 
“How many did Delia say?” Oscar asked, genuinely curious, and Elsie let out a raspy laugh. 
“I think she suggested locking you two in a room together and waiting. So does that sound like I chose you, or you both showed up at my door?” It was rhetorical, she could say the word and they’d both leave (though they wouldn’t be happy about it), and she kept them around. Raj kissed her temple and she melted into it. “I’ll be out of here soon.” She promised, holding both of their hands. “I swear.” 
lil' angsty, but its impossible not to be with these three!!! if anyone wants to play the game is send me a candela duo/trio/group (platonic or romantic) and a number from this list and I'll write it! (feel free to send me asks about this au too!!) (please give me an excuse to talk about it) (love y'all)
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I just went through your college AU tag and it honestly helped me feel better while I was having s rough night. Thank you!
Thank you for the support. I was glad I was able to make your night just a little bit better. I even have a few more if that’ll help.
-Blanche doesn’t sleep the night before an exam. They’re afraid that if they fall asleep, they’ll sleep through their exam, especially since they have a ton of morning classes. One time, Blanche fell asleep while studying. Spark put a blanket over them and set their alarm, so they wouldn’t miss class.-Spark likes to bake because it’s very simple to follow a recipe. He’s become famous in the dorm for baking cakes in the community kitchen. He shared with anybody who asks because he doesn’t have the heart to tell his friends that he intended to eat the entire cake by himself.-Candela’s grandmother sends THE BEST care packages. Not only does she send them to Candela packed with snacks, feminine products, and various gifts, she also sends one to Spark because she knows he’s not receiving any mail since his father works at the university. Spark likes the care packages more than Candela does, and Candela’s grandmother knows it.-Spark spends a lot of his time outside. There’s a pond on campus where he likes to study next to. Spark and Blanche shared their first kiss on a bench next to that pond.-Blanche has a few places they go when their anxiety is out of control. There are stone steps behind the chapel. There’s the man-made pond. There’s a nature trail with a creek. There’s the swingset behind the rec center. Their favorite place is the swingset, and they walk there sometimes in the dead of night when they can’t sleep.
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Lmao now ur tempting me to make more college au so here we go lol. Candela's siblings love her room/date mates. They love being the Younger Siblings™ to Blanche who was an only child and Spark loves them bc he likes working with kids/young adults so naturally he gets along great with her siblings.
I’m #DownWithThat. Alternately, Blanche has one little sibling (Ilima, because I am trash), and Spark is the only child of the group. Candela is a middle child, though she’s not directly on the middle. She’s got two older sisters and a little brother.
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Oh don't even start, College AUs are my weakness
So here’s what I’m thinking:
Spark and Blanche live together in gender-neutral housing. Blanche and Spark have been roommates since Freshman year. Currently juniors, they’ve been roommates ever since. They live really well together in their apartment with two other randos. Spark spends most of his time in the common area (studying, playing games, listening to music, etc.), while Blanche spends most of their time in their bedroom or studying at the library.
Candela is Spark’s childhood friend, so she spends a lot of her time at their apartment, mostly visiting Spark, but she’s become really good friends with Blanche over the years, too.
Blanche is studying to be a Veterinarian, so they’re double-majoring in Animal Biology and Environmental Chemistry, and they hate themselves for it. They wake up every morning, make a pot of coffee, put a straw in the pot, and they go to their 8 AM class. They come home around 2 PM and sleep for an hour before going to their next class. They average three classes a day, max credits per semester, and they’re ready to embrace the cold, clammy hands of death when finals roll around. They can’t believe they’ll have to go to more school after graduation. More than once, they’ve considered stripping instead of finishing school. More than once, they’ve seriously considered stripping instead of finishing school.
Spark wants to be a Kindergarten teacher, so he’s majoring in Elementary Education with a minor in Psychology. Boy likes to practical classes instead of classroom-oriented classes. Basically, internships are his best friends. Spark works at the daycare center on campus on the weekends and some weekdays before class. He’s also in the board games club and has tried, more than once, to start a band called Lightning around. He plays the saxophone. Perhaps that’s why nobody wants to play with him. He’s big in the basement show scene.
Candela is double-majoring in Spanish and Women and Gender Studies with a minor in Communication. She doesn’t know what she wants to do, but she’s absolutely going to help people with it. She takes summer classes, so she’ll probably have a few credits to play with in her last semester. Candela has taken an acting class, and she claims it’s the most fun she’s ever has in college. In fact, she joined the improv troupe on campus because of her experience. She’s also a member of the Queer and Latinx club on campus. She plays lacrosse for a club sport, and she spends a lot of her time in the gym. She’s the kind of person that gets a $4 latte at Starbucks before class and waits until the night before to write a term paper.
Blanche and Candela start dating in their sophomore year. They shared a drunken kiss at a frat party in their freshman year and promised never to speak of it again. Still, they both thought about it. A lot. So in sophomore year, Candela asked Blanche out on a date. They went on a hike through the ecological trail the ecology students use on lab days. It was early morning on a Saturday, when the dew was still fresh, the air was still crisp, and Blanche was still half asleep. Regardless, they get lost when they wander off the trail, only to find their way back hours later. They share their first kiss before they part ways. Blanche asks Candela to be their official girlfriend after their fourth date.
They ask Spark to be their boyfriend a few months later when they both decide they want to take Spark to the masquerade ball the campus’ student life group is throwing. They talk about how much they both love Spark and how they might want him to join this romance they’ve got going on. Spark obviously agrees, and they’ve been going strong for about a year now.
Spark met Blanche when he accidentally sat on them on the bus. Then, he realized they were roommates. Blanche didn’t let it go for two months.
Blanche’s side of the room has three posters, all ironic “Hang In There” posters a person would find at a doctor’s office. Spark’s side of the room is plastered in polaroids, newspaper clippings, art he’d received from friends, sheet music, and anything else he finds interesting or aesthetically pleasing. Candela’s hangs Christmas lights in her room.
Professor Willow is a Gen Bio professor, but he’s highly rated on RateMyProfessor, so freshmen try to take his class to fulfill their gen ed requirements. Spark refuses to take any of his Dad’s classes, but he does sit in on some of them occasionally, especially if he needs to talk.
Blanche never put on the Freshman Fifteen. In fact, they lost 15 pounds due to the stress of being away from home.
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College AU - who's the most likely to drink in class? Who's the most likely to drink in the morning, right as the campus bar opens, directly after a class with a horrible teacher who doesn't understand how to be nice and respectful?
Simple answer: Willow to all of these questions, but I’ll put a little more thought into this.
Professor Willow is the most likely to be drunk during his class. Kids take bets on what he’s got in the flask he carries around. The general consensus is cinnamon whiskey.
Blanche is most likely to drink before class. Especially when they just have a lecture. Never on an exam day. Instead of dying, they face the day with a shot of absolute vodka.
Candela’s most likely to go drinking after class. Thirsty Thursday is her day to party with all the frat boys on campus.
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