#cancer therapy in va
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starshideurfics · 2 months ago
A Mother’s Love - part 2
part one
omegaverse, pre-steddie, past mpreg, cw: child death
Marsha Harrington was proud of her work under Dr. Martin Brenner. They were doing cutting-edge research, pushing the boundaries of what the human mind could do, and ensuring the communists didn’t win.
At least, that’s what she told herself as she held a grieving mother whose baby they had stolen.
Then, she told herself she was doing it for the children, protecting them as best she could.
But she couldn’t protect them. Not really.
Two was angry, even as a little boy, and Four followed his example. Five was cold, easily molded by Brenner. Each of them did whatever Papa asked.
Except Seven.
Seven cried often, and he kept to himself. The older boys liked to make him cry. And he was afraid of the girls, like being near them would burn his skin.
He was always distressed during Brenner’s tests, so distressed that they never got good data. Brenner tried ignoring him, a “cooling off period” he called it, to see if Seven could calm down and regulate enough for testing. It didn’t work.
“He’s washing out,” Brenner said one day after a failed attempt to get Seven to guess at the pictures on the cards in Brenner’s hands. “Schedule him for tomorrow.”
One child had washed out before. Four had been a twin. 004A and 004B, but A never stood out, let B push him around. He’d hit his head, had a cranial hematoma. There was surgery, but he recovered… below Brenner’s standard. He washed out at six-years-old.
“Washed out.”
He was cremated.
And 004B became 004.
Marsha volunteered to handle 007’s procedure. She changed out the vials, gave him a mild sedative, and covered him with a sheet. A janitor helped her sneak him out a backdoor.
She brought him home, told her husband she’d leave him if he didn’t agree to adopt the boy. Richard simply smiled and nodded.
Marsha had had cancer in her early-20s, lost both ovaries in the course of her treatment. She’d gone to therapy, made her peace with it. Found a husband who didn’t care that she couldn’t have children, who liked being able to knot her without worrying about babies.
Richard did not care for babies. But Seven was already almost 5-years-old. Richard could handle that.
He was also a lawyer, so getting papers filed to adopt the boy were simple. They named him Steven, figuring it was close enough that if he remembered anything his brain could make sense of it.
Steven David Harrington.
Marsha and Richard were quiet about Steve, treating him like he’d always been around. They moved to Hawkins, closer to the lab, hiding Steve in plain sight. And Marsha kept her job.
If they ran, someone might ask questions, but Marsha wanted to save time on her commute. Who could question that?
Out of the lab, Steve calmed down. He enjoyed his routines, liked going to the park, liked swimming in their new pool with Mommy. For the first time, Marsha saw him laugh out loud, and she hoped the worst was behind them.
Then he started school.
The other children overwhelmed him, and his teacher called home 45 minutes after drop-off because Steve could not stop crying.
Marsha went to pick him up, promised they would work on emotional regulation and try again next Monday.
“Steve, can you tell me what’s wrong?” she asked on the way home.
“Hurts,” he said, sniffling and rubbing his chest. “Hurts inside. Everyone is scared and loud and it hurts.”
“Oh, my poor, sensitive boy!” Marsha pulled into the driveway, pulled Steve out of the backseat, and held him close. “Let’s see if we can figure out how to make it quieter for you, Stevie.”
When Steve went back for the second week of Kindergarten he still kept to himself, but he could manage the half day surrounded by his peers. By the end of the week, he had even made friends.
He got better control, grew up happy and healthy, and most importantly, safe.
Marsha continued to work for Brenner until one day, after nearly 20 years, she was reassigned as a specialist at the VA. Brenner said their funding was cut. That the program was finished.
Steve was almost 13 by then. Marsha was fairly certain he didn’t remember any of it. And he didn’t cry much. Not anymore. But when he came home to his mother crying in the kitchen, his eyes filled with tears. “It’s okay, Mom,” he said, throwing his arms around her.
“I know, Honey. I know.”
Wayne leaves Steve dozing in his nest around 4:10, and goes to try calling the Harrington’s. Marsha picks up on the third ring, voice light and breathy. Wayne tries to be as cordial as possible, introducing himself and mentioning that he’s seen her at the VA when he goes in for his physical.
“But let’s get down to brass tacks, I’ve got your son, Steve, here, in my nest, sleeping through his presentation heat. My nephew’s a freshman, he found him, and you know how teens are, he brought him to the first safe omega he could think of—”
“Thank you!” she cuts him off, sounding a little hysterical. “Thank you, Wayne! I thought I had more time before it hit him. It’s been so long since I’ve worked with pups—with teens…” she trails off, suddenly quiet. “I should have been paying more attention.”
Wayne waits a long moment, then he asks, “D’you wanna come pick him up? Or should I…”
“Yes! What’s your address?”
Wayne’s ready to give directions, but he says Forest Hills and the lot number, and she thanks him again as she hangs up her end of the call. Shrugging, Wayne hangs up his own receiver, and gets a glass of orange juice from the fridge.
Steve’s still sleeping peacefully, his face tucked into the side of the nest, fingers curled in the blankets.
Wayne crosses over to him, strokes his hair and murmurs, “Hey, Kid. Your Mom is on her way over.” He feels Steve’s forehead, still burning with his heat. He holds up the orange juice. “Need to get some sugar into you, make up for everything your body’s burning through.” He helps Steve sit up, holds the glass for him as he drinks it all.
Finished, Steve turns to hide his face against Wayne’s shoulder and whines.
“I know, Kid. This is a rough one. The first of many.”
“Can I lay back down?”
“Sure, get comfy. I’ll bring your mother back as soon as she gets here.” Wayne watches Steve sink back down to the same spot, realizes then where Steve’s nose is, and holds back a keening cry of his own.
Benny deserves to know.
But Benny wants his pup safe before anything.
Marsha must have broken a few traffic laws with how quickly she arrives, and Wayne opens the door for her before she can knock. “Thank you!” she says again, following Wayne back to his nest and running over to Steve. She rubs his back, softly says, “Stevie, I’m here. It’s okay.”
Steve lifts his head, eyes unfocused as he turns to look at her. “Hi, Mom.”
“Are you ready to go home? We’ll get a nest started on your bed and you can sleep.”
“It’s nice here,” Steve mumbles, “Smells nice. Safe.”
She sniffs theatrically. “You’re right, it does.” Then she sniffs Steve’s hair. “But don’t you want a nest that smells like you?”
Steve shakes his head, fist clenching the white undershirt, pulling it to his nose.
Marsha strokes Steves hair, bends down to sniff quietly at the shirt, and goes stock still. As she recovers, she kisses Steve’s hair and gets back to her feet. Her eyes are watery, lips pursed as she approaches Wayne to ask, “You know Ben Hammond?”
“He’s my best friend. Don’t you know he lives in town?”
She shakes her head. “I try not to be involved, for-” She cuts herself off, pauses. “You know, don’t you.” It isn’t a question.
“Call him. Now.”
“Benny’s Burgers, how can I help you?” Benny drawls into the receiver, expecting a to-go order.
Instead, it’s Wayne. “Benny, you need to come over right now.”
“Wayne, no. Dinner rush is about to start, I’ve already got a few early birds, a couple te-”
“Benjamin Hammond, this is serious!”
That wasn’t Wayne, the voice too high-pitched. Feminine and familiar.
“Hi, honey. God, I owe you a million apologies. More even.”
“You do.”
“But Wayne said you know, and he needs you.”
Benny’s heart races. “Wayne needs me? Marsha, what the hell is going on? Is Br-”
“Wayne is fine. He needs you.” Marsha is being careful, keeping him from saying too much over the phone. “Please, can you come to Wayne’s? Now?”
“Yeah, just gotta close up.”
“I’m so sorry, Benny.”
“Save it for later, Marsha.” He hangs up, hurries the customers who have already been served. Orders everyone else out with a barked, “Emergency closure. Come back tomorrow.”
Benny hops into his pickup, drives to Wayne’s, confused for a moment by the BMW parked next to Wayne’s truck. But his brain catches back up, and he parks right beside it.
As soon as he’s through the door he can smell it: Peaches, light and sweet. He shouldn’t be able to, with the strength of Wayne’s cinnamon mixed with cigarette smoke, but he does. Peaches mixed with the fading milky scent of a pup.
Wayne and Marsha are in the kitchen, both staring at him.
“I’m so sorry, Benny,” Marsha says again. “What we did to you was unforgivable. What we did to the pups was worse. But I got Steve out. I kept him safe.” Her voice is shaky, but her eyes stay dry, never looking away.
“I wanted to name him David,” Benny says in little more than a whisper.
“I know. His middle name is David, but Steven was easier for him to adapt to.”
“Brenner gave them numbers.”
That doesn’t surprise Benny; Brenner was always so clinical. Methodical. But it clearly shocks Wayne. “Numbers. Y’all didn’t even give them names?”
“His name was Seven.”
Marsha glances at Wayne, sees the disgust there. “Brenner thought it would make it easier for us to see them as subjects than as children. But they were always children to me. And Steve was sensitive, stubborn and scared. I got him out, and Brenner thinks he’s dead. As long as he doesn’t call any attention to himself he should be safe.”
“Talking to me will call attention to him, won’t it?” Benny asks, heart and mind racing. For a moment he considers grabbing Steve and running god knows where, but he can’t do that to his pup.
“Not that much. Brenner shuttered the program. I don’t work for him anymore. I’m just a nurse at the VA. And all your files are secured and confidential. No one should be watching you.” Marsha takes two steps, crosses the tiny kitchen, and tentatively reaches for Benny’s shoulder. “And he needs you. His heart still knows you.”
“I think my heart would know him anywhere. No matter what.” Tears stream from his eyes, and Benny nods down the hallway towards Wayne’s room. “I have loved him every day—every minute—of his life, and if you let me in, I’m not leaving. Ever.”
“I know. We’ll figure it out. Keep him safe. Together.”
Marsha takes his hand in both of hers, squeezes once, and lets go. “He’s sleeping, but I think he’ll feel better if you’re nearby.”
Benny panics, suddenly struck with all his worst fears. “He’s not hurt, is he?”
“No more than any other omega on the day they present,” Wayne answers gently.
“Oh.” Right, the peach scent. Benny’s grandmother smelled like peaches. He misses her. She taught him how to bake.
“He found your scent token in my nest right away,” Wayne adds.
“Oh,” Benny says again, his legs beginning to shake. “Oh.”
Marsha guides him back to the nest. To his pup.
Steve is asleep, a plain, white shirt clutched in his fist, held by his nose. The exposed skin of his back is covered in a sheen of sweat, and his cheeks are pink. Too warm all over from his presentation.
Slowly, Benny sinks down to sit at the center of the nest, and he carefully places a hand on top of Steve’s, aims his wrist towards his boy’s nose.
Steve purrs and nuzzles towards it, and Benny purrs in response. His hand moves to grasp Benny’s forearm and he mumbles, “Good, safe.”
“Yeah, Baby, you’re safe.”
Steve wakes around 9 that night, his cramps intense. He lets out a whine that sounds pitiful, even to his heat-addled mind. “Mama?” he asks softly, even though he hasn’t called his mother that since he started grade school. “Mama?”
“It’s okay, Steve. It’s okay,” she soothes back, petting his cheek.
Her powdery scent fills his nose, mildly floral, and he whines again. His belly cramps harder, an ache that radiates through his pelvis. He turns, seeking out the comforting scents of Wayne’s nest, only to press his nose into the palm of a callused hand.
Steve breathes in deeply. Apples and warmth.
He whines again, wordless and high pitched, both hands reaching, grasping. Steve feels safe, feels loved. Desperately. Overwhelmingly.
He reaches for it with his heart, touches that love with his own, and cries out. A love so big it hurts.
His fingers catch on soft cotton, body-warm because it’s being worn. He clenches his fists, whines as he pulls himself closer.
Steve’s not sure if he imagines it when he hears his mother say, “See, he needs you,” so gentle. When he hears a shaky gasp in response.
Then big arms lift him up, holding him like a pup, cradled against a strong chest. A warm hand guides his head down, positions his nose so he’s hit with the most intense burst of apples and love. Of sweetness and safety.
He snuffles closer, wants only this. Feels himself relax.
He does not understand yet, but he knows. His feelings have always been too big, but here they can be. He can let them be big, because here they are only love. Only joy.
Steve drifts to sleep in his mama’s arms for the first time, and for that moment, all is right with the world.
Part Three
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acesw · 9 months ago
Reverse: 1999 : Disabled Characters
The game doesn't stray too far on the neurodivergent allegory for the arcanists themselves. But at the same time, there are also inclusions of other characters who are very much known to be disabled. So for this post I'll delve into that, just a bit.
Now, there are 10 characters that I want to put in the spotlight. These mostly lean towards being canon, but a part of these are also researched upon and shortened so the post doesn’t become way too long.
Cristallo, Rabies, Erick : Chronic Illness
It's quite self explanatory that Cristallo herself has a chronic illness. She was born prematurely, with an added condition that makes her physically fragile. As seen in the game, she needs a life-support system to maintain her health when she's outside. It's also implied that her condition may be a recurrent cancer, as her arcane abilities are tied to a machine that provides cobalt therapy, a known advancement in radiotherapy in the post-WWII era.
Rabies is an odd case. In his stories, it's noted that Adam cured Alicia through unknown means at the cost of contracting rabies himself. However, instead of the virus being acute and guaranteed to be fatal, it becomes a chronic illness to Rabies due to the abundance and use of arcanum. And since the rabies virus attacks the brain, his cognitive capabilities and ability to recall things before the present had been impaired, making him rather docile and animal-like in nature as a result.
Erick, as revealed in her anecdote, has a hereditary blood condition that came with her arcane skill. With her arcane skill making her physically powerful, overusing it will accelerate the effects of her blood condition to the point that it can become fatal. To prevent this, she also inherited an armband from her grandfather, Harald. The armband suppresses one's ability to use arcane skills, but by extension it also prevents Erick's condition getting worse.
Shamane : Amputee
Shamane's circumstances are also self-explanatory. He lost his arm for unknown reasons, but after having lived without it for 20 years, it doesn't bother him anymore. However as we know, he crafted his prosthetic arm as a means to avoid scaring kids. (which I think is quite cool in itself)
Ms. Radio, Bessmert : Blindness
Ms. Radio and our new friend, Bessmert, are both canonically blind. Ms. Radio has stated that she cannot see, and asks Vertin to left in places where she can feel temperatures to make her feel at peace.
And as we know, Yenisei (or in other words, Yenisei's VA) has stated in the 1.6 livestream that Bessmert is known to be blind, but even with that, she's a great researcher and guide to her.
Mesmer Jr. : OCD [Content Warning: Mentions of Self Harm and Suicide.]
Mesmer Jr.'s character has heavily implied throughout the main story and her own to have OCD as a result of the traumatic experiences she had gone through from her field of work and her family’s history in it. She identifies that she has "incurable" anxiety, which causes her to think differently about arcanists and act a little irrationally from our own perspective. This anxiety results in double checking everything and having a slightly intensive routine.
This routine is created as a means to maintain herself and her own sanity, but an imbalance or interruption can greatly upset her. As a result, she has conflicting ideals, experiences hallucinations and panic attacks, has suicidal thoughts, and actively inflicts self harm as a means to cope with her anxiety. However, she’s calmer and at peace with herself when she's left alone in a quieter and clean space, away from others, and where nature is heard more than constant buzzing. In short, Mesmer Jr.’s mental health is really complex and would be better if it's explored in a separate post.
Baby Blue : Alice in Wonderland syndrome
It's no secret that Baby Blue has Alice in Wonderland syndrome, or in other words dysmetropsia. This affects her perception of reality and her ability to recall, but this in turn makes her arcane abilities all the more powerful. As a result, she doesn't realize that she's growing up, yet it seems she doesn't mind that much. This doesn't seem to affect her physically either; In fact, it has a heavy influence on how she displays her arcane skills.
Poltergeist : Social Anxiety
Poltergeist has been known to be anxious in social settings which conflicts with her people-pleasing tendencies. She's also insecure about herself which adds up to her not wanting to be directly perceived. At the same time, she doesn't like being left alone as a result of having been ignored and forgotten post mortem. Poltergeist is also elaborate (i.e. not wanting to be looked at for too long) yet awkward at the same time when communicating them.
However, I'm not sure how to describe Poltergeist's case quite well, but the idea of her having social anxiety resonates greatly in my mind, so it can be treated as a partial headcanon.
Balloon Party : Autism and Speech Impairment
Balloon Party as a child had contracted an illness that caused her to have a persistent high fever. In the end, she awakened her arcane skill this way, with her being able to cough up balloons that can be harmful or a cure to anything.
However, it might have also affected her speech because of the physical strain that comes from coughing, it results to BP's speech being a bit slow and having abnormal pauses before she speaks again. Though, this also might be a sign of her possibly also having autism, where rigid and uneven language development is a common pattern in how autism affects one's ability in communication. Her speech also has a pattern of echolalia, having a flat tone, and lack of control of it.
However, speech impediment isn't everything about autism, and there's a lot more about BP's character that also connects with it such as her special interests. I can better explore this in a different post, which will be explained below.
Last Notes
These are the characters I’ve written down, most of these are less headcanon and more of observations I’ve found when looking into these characters. Some people from the lore chat have also added their own insights on some of them. (Thank you lupjo for beta-reading through it and helping me out) 
Of course, there are a few more characters I want to discuss because of the implications of them having autism / ADHD, but these will be written in another post in the future because I still need to research and gather other information. Additionally, it would be an opportunity to talk about the connections between an arcanist’s and neurodivergent person’s relationships with modern society.
Congrats for reaching the bottom of this post, and feel free to add your own ideas or headcanons about the characters here and/or any other ones.
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*Dr. Smita Goel Homeopathy Clinic*
Infertility case is increasing in all over world. The main causes of this is change our life style, foods, hight stress level etc. Around 10% - 15% is facing to infertility problems.
Causes in Men:
• Low sperm count: The man ejaculates a low number of sperm. A sperm count of under 15 million is considered low. Around one third of couples have difficulty conceiving due to a low sperm count.
• Low sperm mobility (motility): The sperm cannot “swim” as well as they should to reach the egg.
• Abnormal sperm: The sperm may have an unusual shape, making it harder to move and fertilize an egg.
• Genetic factors: A man should have an X and Y chromosome. If he has two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome, as in Klinefelter’s syndrome, the testicles will develop abnormally and there will be low testosterone and a low sperm count or no sperm.
• Mumps: If this occurs after puberty, inflammation of the testicles may affect sperm production.
• Hypospadias: The urethral opening is under the penis, instead of its tip. This abnormality is usually surgically corrected in infancy. If the correction is not done, it may be harder for the sperm to get to the female’s cervix. Hypospadias affects about 1 in every 500 newborn boys.
• Cystic fibrosis: This is a chronic disease that results in the creation of a sticky mucus. This mucus mainly affects the lungs, but males may also have a missing or obstructed vas deferens. The vas deferens carries sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct and the urethra.
• Radiation therapy: This can impair sperm production. The severity usually depends on how near to the testicles the radiation was aimed.
• Some diseases: Conditions that are sometimes linked to lower fertility in males are anemia, Cushing’s syndrome, diabetes, and thyroid disease.
Causes in Women:
• Age: The ability to conceive starts to fall around the age of 32 years.
• Smoking: Smoking significantly increases the risk of infertility in both men and women, and it may undermine the effects of fertility treatment. Smoking during pregnancy increases the chance of pregnancy loss. Passive smoking has also been linked to lower fertility.
• Alcohol: Any amount of alcohol consumption can affect the chances of conceiving.
• Being obese or overweight: This can increase the risk of infertility in women as well as men.
• Eating disorders: If an eating disorder leads to serious weight loss, fertility problems may arise.
• Diet: A lack of folic acid, iron, zinc, and vitamin B-12 can affect fertility. Women who are at risk, including those on a vegan diet, should ask the doctor about supplements.
• Exercise: Both too much and too little exercise can lead to fertility problems.
• Sexually transmitted infections (STIs): Chlamydia can damage the fallopian tubes in a woman and cause inflammation in a man’s scrotum. Some other STIs may also cause infertility.
• Exposure to some chemicals: Some pesticides, herbicides, metals, such as lead, and solvents have been linked to fertility problems in both men and women. A mouse study has suggested that ingredients in some household detergents may reduce fertility.
• Mental stress: This may affect female ovulation and male sperm production and can lead to reduced sexual activity.
• Surgery: Pelvic surgery can sometimes cause scarring or damage to the fallopian tubes. Cervical surgery can sometimes cause scarring or shortening of the cervix. The cervix is the neck of the uterus.
• Submucosal fibroids: Benign or non-cancerous tumors occur in the muscular wall of the uterus. They can interfere with implantation or block the fallopian tube, preventing sperm from fertilizing the egg. Large submucosal uterine fibroids may make the uterus’ cavity bigger, increasing the distance the sperm has to travel.
• Endometriosis: Cells that normally occur within the lining of the uterus start growing elsewhere in the body.
• Previous sterilization treatment: In women who have chosen to have their fallopian tubes blocked, the process can be reversed, but the chances of becoming fertile again are not high.
Homeopathy has very effective medicines for these problems. And they give good results.
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emerals · 2 years ago
basic info dumping about the lads
!not set in stone!
adhd, asperger's syndrome, recovering anorexic
house wren
june 2nd, 2006 (gemini)
phoebe (mother) + carmelo (father)
cape suzette
spunky, brutally honest, assertive
into engineering
inspiration: nikki (camp camp)
VA: elizabeth maxwell
bisexual demisexual demigirl
may 14th, 2006 (taurus)
harper (mother) + alonso (father)
st. canard
quiet, strong, smart
into chemistry
inspiration: varian/catalina (tangled: the series)
VA: ruby jay
black (dark-skinned)
anxiety, depression
black swan
october 7th, 2006 (libra)
esther (mother) + major (father), rhys (step-father)
faith (younger half-sister by 15 years)
st. canard
laidback, loyal, sarcastic
into pyromancy
inspiration: louis (telltale: the walking dead)
VA: vincent tong
omnisexual aromantic
depression, cptsd
november 30th, 2005 (sagittarius)
chariya (mother) + negasi (father)
kimora (younger sister by 9 years)
st. canard
tough, short tempered, rude
into therapy
inspiration: cassandra (tangled the series)
VA: eden espinosa
pansexual asexual
irish setter
february 13th, 2006 (aquarius)
roisin † (mother) + finn † (father), noelle (adoptive mother) + blanca (adoptive mother)
conor † (older brother by 6 years)
friendly, strong, trusting
into history
inspiration: glenn rhee (the walking dead)/tadashi hamada (big hero 6)
VA: cameron boyce
black (light-skinned)/danish
adhd, anxiety
black lop rabbit
september 23rd, 2006 (libra)
winterva (mother) + leonard (father)
giselle (older sister by 5 years), cashmere and ricky (older sister and brother by 4 years), myrene (older sister by 2 years), jocelyn (younger sister by 3 years), shawn (younger brother by 8 years), malina (younger sister by 11 years)
cape suzette
chipper, condescending, fearful
into art
inspiration: pinkie pie (my little pony)
VA: haley tju
anxiety, depression
sable ferret
january 24th, 2005 (aquarius)
edith (mother) + emerson (father)
cape suzette
independant, distant, nerdy
into music/film
inspiration: sakutaro morishige (corpse party)
VA: jeremy jordan
anxiety, bulimia
red-legged honeycreeper
june 25th, 2005 (cancer)
seek (mother) + nolan (father)
preppy, insecure, adventurer
into fashion
inspiration: porsha crystal (sing 2)
VA: abigail zoe lewis
gay demiromantic demiboy
canadian lynx
august 15th, 2007 (leo)
fanya (mother) + austin † (father)
masha (younger sister by 4 years)
st. canard
outgoing, flirt, sweetheart
into mixology
inspiration: william clockwell (invincible)
VA: bryce papenbrook
nonbinary aroace
osteoporosis, anxiety
yellow canary
august 31st, 2005 (virgo)
soo-ah (mother) + du-ho (father)
sarcastic, reserved, logical
sea green
into writing
inspiration: violet (telltale: the walking dead)
VA: colleen o’shaughnessey
native american
epilepsy, lupus
bombay cat
july 17th, 2005 (cancer)
janese (mother) + king (father)
mariana (younger sister by 4 years), olivia (younger sister by 6 years)
st. canard
goofy, selfless, optimistic
light blue
into baking
inspiration: sayori (doki doki literature club)
VA: mae whitman
demiromantic, demisexual
february 27th, 2004 (pisces)
cho (mother) + hiroshi (father)
cape suzette
distant, distrusting, loyal
into criminalistics
inspiration: bigby wolf (telltale: the wolf among us)
VA: adam harrington
february 1st, 2005 (aquarius)
leonor † (mother) + rodrigo (father)
protective, tired, edgy
dark purple
into jewelry
inspiration: kenny/lee everett/clementine (the walking dead)
VA: lauren ash
cptsd, depression, anxiety, asperger's syndrome
october 20th, 2006 (libra)
nour † (mother) + seth † (father)
lackadaisical, smart, strong-willed
pastel orange
into astronomy
inspiration: dipper pines (gravity falls)
VA: michael sinterniklaas
social anxiety, adhd
november 29th, 2004 (sagittarius)
frances (mother) + timber (father)
childish, witty, artsy
into culinary
inspiration: rapunzel (tangled)
VA: erica lindbeck
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anilcancerclinic · 5 days ago
Choosing the Best Cancer Clinic in Dombivli: Key Factors to Consider
A vital component of healthcare, cancer therapy calls for specialist knowledge, cutting-edge equipment, and kind patient care.  To guarantee the best possible care and treatment, several aspects need to be taken into account if you or a loved one is looking for the Best Cancer Clinic in Dombivli.  The correct cancer clinic can greatly impact patient results, from skilled physicians to cutting-edge treatment techniques.
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Key Factors to Consider Choosing the Best Cancer Clinic in Dombivli
1. Oncologists' knowledge and expertise
 The knowledge and experience of oncologists are crucial when looking for the Best Cancer Clinic in Dombivli.  Patients are certain to obtain the right diagnosis and treatment thanks to highly skilled oncologists who have years of expertise treating different kinds of cancer.
Best Oncologist Surgeon in Mumbai
 A clinic's affiliation with the Best Oncologist Surgeon in Mumbai lends legitimacy and guarantees top-notch treatment. Look for oncologists with a history of successful surgery, specialist knowledge of robotic and minimally invasive methods, and a kind disposition toward their patients.
2. Cutting-edge technology and Treatment Techniques
 With the advent of targeted therapies, immunotherapy, and robotic surgery, cancer treatment has made major strides in recent years.  The Best Cancer Clinic in Dombivli needs to have the following:
Robotic Surgery: The Best Robotic Oncologist Surgeon uses minimally invasive procedures to improve accuracy, lower risks, and speed up recovery.
Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy and chemotherapy are individualized treatments based on the cancer's stage and type.
Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy uses cutting-edge radiation technology to target cancer cells efficiently.
Multidisciplinary Treatment Approach: A multidisciplinary treatment approach combines chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery to provide patients with comprehensive care.
3. Reputation and Patient Reviews
Before finalizing a cancer clinic, it is essential to review the reputation of the hospital and feedback from patients. Online reviews, testimonials, and success stories provide insights into the quality of care provided by the clinic.
What to Look for in Reviews?
The success rate of cancer treatments.
Patients' experiences with doctors and staff.
Hygiene, facilities, and hospital environment.
Post-treatment support and care.
4. Availability of the Best Robotic Oncologist Surgeon
With technological advancements, robotic oncology has revolutionized cancer surgery. Choosing a clinic that offers robotic surgery by the Best Robotic Oncologist Surgeon ensures:
Higher precision in tumor removal.
Reduced post-surgical pain and complications.
Faster recovery and shorter hospital stays.
Improved overall treatment outcomes.
5. Accreditation and Certifications
Accreditation and certifications indicate that a clinic meets high standards in medical care. Ensure that the Best Cancer Clinic in Dombivli is accredited by recognized healthcare organizations and follows strict safety protocols.
6. Tailored Support and Care for Patients
 An excellent cancer clinic offers individualized treatment programs based on the characteristics of each patient.  This comprises:
 A committed group of nurses, support personnel, and oncologists.
 Emotional and psychological assistance to patients and their families.
 Nutritional counseling and services for rehabilitation.
7. Location and Accessibility
 The location of the cancer clinic is crucial, particularly for individuals receiving frequent treatments. A clinic in Dombivli, ideally situated near transit and emergency services, guarantees smooth patient treatment.
8. Price and Insurance Protection
Financial considerations are important because cancer treatment can be costly.  To lessen customers' financial stress, the Best Cancer Clinic in Dombivli should offer affordable treatment alternatives and take a variety of health insurance plans.
9. Investigations and Clinical Experiments
 Some of the top cancer clinics engage in clinical trials and research, giving patients access to cutting-edge therapies.  Patients looking for innovative cancer treatments may benefit if a clinic provides such options.
10. Follow-up services and post-treatment care
A quality cancer clinic makes sure that patients receive the right follow-up care to track their development following therapy.  Support groups, rehabilitation programs, and routine examinations aid in patients' recovery and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle.
In conclusion
Selecting the Best Cancer Clinic in Dombivli necessitates carefully weighing several variables, such as cost-effectiveness, patient feedback, robotic surgery possibilities, physician experience, and accessibility to cutting-edge treatments.  Patients can get the best care possible and increase their chances of a full recovery with the help of the Best Oncologist Surgeon in Mumbai and the Best Robotic Oncologist Surgeon.  To guarantee the greatest treatment experience, give priority to a clinic that provides comprehensive cancer care, state-of-the-art equipment, and a compassionate attitude.
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knick-nudiex · 12 days ago
New York City was affected by the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s more than any other U.S. city.: 16–17  The AIDS epidemic has been and continues to be highly localized due to a number of complex socio-cultural factors that affect the interaction of the populous communities that inhabit New York.
During the 1980s epidemic, the large presence of the gay community prompted local medical practitioners to take note of and respond to observed patterns of reported ailments early on. Widespread fear and panic about the epidemic were combatted by efforts of community activists and local government policies that were at some times supportive, and at other times damaging or ineffectual.
Improvements of both drug therapies and prevention education have led to a decreased number of AIDS cases.: 16  In June, 2014, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced a new strategy designed to "End the Epidemic" in the state through a combination of increased HIV screening and testing, promotion of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and improved linkage and retention in clinical care for HIV-positive persons. Two years later the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene reported a decline in new infections of nearly 8 percent annually or approximately 15% since the campaign was launched.
Medical research
First response
Dr. Michael Simberkoff, chief of staff of the Department of Veterans Affairs New York Harbor Medical Center, was a member of the Infectious Diseases staff in 1980 and was one of the first medical researchers to treat AIDS patients.: 1  According to Simberkoff, at first the outbreak was identified as a "gay-related immunodeficiency disease" that his group knew very little about and did not know how to treat.: 2  The Infectious Diseases community began to get together on a regular basis at the VA New York Harbor Medical Center and at the New York Department of Health to share their experiences. Soon it became clear that gay men were not the only ones who had the disease; intravenous drug abusers also appeared to get infected.: 3 
In 1983, the virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) was identified and labeled as Lymphadenopathy Associated Virus (LAV) by Dr. Luc Montagnier at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. In 1984, it was also identified by Dr. Robert Gallo of National Cancer Institute and named the Human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV III). There was a conflict as to who first identified the virus, but it was resolved in a joint agreement. The virus was later renamed Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
First drug
The first drug used to treat HIV was called AZT which was later known as zidovudine. It was made by Burroughs Wellcome. The clinical trials of the drug were conducted at several VA hospitals, including those in New York, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C. At the time of its release, it was the most expensive drug ever made, at $10,000 for a year of treatment.: 11 
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wutbju · 2 months ago
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Timothy W. Mahler, BJU Class of 1992.
Dr. Timothy Wesley Mahler, 56, born July 9, 1968, in Portland, Maine, to parents Theodore Wesley and Judith Marion Mahler passed away Wed. August 21, 2024. Following his sophomore year of college, Tim sustained a traumatic spinal cord injury while being transported by his supervisor to a work site during his summer employment, resulting in him becoming a quadriplegic. Following a year of therapy, he returned to his studies at Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC. He earned a bachelor's degree, then a master's degree, and finally a Doctorate in Pastoral Theology. Tim was an assistant pastor at a large church in Greenville and travelled extensively as an evangelist to churches far and wide in the United States. His unique ministries to over 300 churches, handicap banquets, and nursing homes allowed him to touch many lives. His Lord called him home on August 21, 2024.
Cherishing his memory are his father, Theodore W. Mahler of Camden; his niece, Lena E. Mahler of Camden; his twin sisters, Kathy L. Martinez and Kim L. Pero of Boise, ID; and his aunt and uncle, Judi and Jim Broyles of Staunton, VA.
The service celebrating his life will be held on Saturday, August 31, 2024, 2:00 p.m., at the Quaker Cemetery. The family will receive friends one hour prior to the service at the cemetery. In lieu of flowers, we suggest a contribution to the American Cancer Society in Tim's memory and/or cards to the family.
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ravnlghtft · 5 months ago
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briamichellewrites · 6 months ago
Dave was having difficulty. He was on edge, and unexpected loud noises caused him to jump. Even if it was just the dogs barking or something on TV, he had nightmares about being shot. As he slept, he remembered everything he had felt. He felt terrified and helpless. In one dream, he saw himself outside of his body, removing his shirt and using it to stop her bleeding. In another dream, he stood frozen in fear, watching people dive for cover from gunshots.
“Dave! Do something," Mike yelled at him.
He was unable to move, so he could not do anything. His eyes welled up with tears as he apologized to Bria, who was bleeding in her wheelchair. He noticed the colour fade from her face. Mike turned on the bedside lamp after hearing him cry. He noticed he was fast asleep and remembered reading online that he should not be woken up. Instead, he spoke calmly with him and assured him that he was safe.
He repeated this until his breathing slowed and his body relaxed. The next morning, he recalled portions of the nightmare. Mike begged him to speak to someone. Even if he was not immediately diagnosed with PTSD, he could talk to someone who understood what he was going through. He deserved to be mentally well. Dave wiped away his tears before agreeing to go. He thanked him and kissed his forehead, telling him how proud he was.
He was grateful to have a husband who understood and cared about his mental health. Mike did not dismiss him or tell him he was being a wimp. Instead, he listened and encouraged him. It made him realize how lucky he was to have married him.
He had his first appointment with a licensed PTSD therapist on Monday morning. He was nervous, and rightfully so. He felt both safe and at ease. It was as if he was meant to be there. He checked in with the front desk. She handed him paperwork to fill out while he waited. He took the clipboard and pen to his seat and sat. They wanted to know his name, birthday, address, insurance information, and contact details. He was also required to sign a release of information form and a HIPAA form.
He handed back the paperwork to the receptionist, who thanked him. His name was called soon after. After their introduction, he followed the therapist back to his office. His office contained his license to practice, as well as a camouflage hat with an ARMY VETERAN patch. Dave brought it up and inquired about it. He received it after twenty years in the military.
He retired because he was diagnosed with PTSD. When he got out, he had no idea what to do with his life. One of the veterans at the VA encouraged him to pursue a degree in trauma therapy to help others. Dave expressed gratitude for his service. He thanked him before asking about his situation.
Bria was in her newly assigned hospital room. She had been moved from the postoperative unit to the oncology unit to receive chemotherapy treatment. They treated her flu symptoms as she recovered from surgery. She still had a cough, though it was mild. Her fever had subsided, and she was back at normal temperature. She thanked the nurses for caring for her.
It was not a problem. Mike pushed her wheelchair behind her. He was overjoyed that she was being moved. She was still in pain after the surgery, but it was being managed with medication. The goal was to get her back on her chemotherapy medication because skipping a dose could cause the cancer to spread. When they arrived at her new room, the nurses gently lifted her and placed her in her new bed. Her room included a bathroom and a window with a sofa.
There was a tray beside her bed. It resembled a hospital room. Hopefully, they will only be staying for a few days. Brad was bringing a person he wanted her to meet. He failed to mention that he was friends with Jon Bongiovi in the 1980s and 1990s. They met at a Hollywood party when he was still a struggling actor. They gradually lost contact over time. It was not something they took personally.
They just got busy. They had to make long-distance calls before cell phones were invented. It was difficult to keep track of where they were because they both traveled frequently. Jon contacted us after obtaining his phone number from his agent. Brad was delighted to talk to him. They chatted and caught up for more than an hour. Brad brought up his girlfriend, who was battling cancer. Jon found out about his divorce through the media. He inquired about her and how they met.
He approached her because he wanted to work with her. They began working on a film together, and he immediately fell in love with her. She had an open marriage at the time. They began dating officially before her divorce. He lived with her, her brother-in-law, and his husband. They also had a house with three dogs and three cats. Jon laughed.
Now he was meeting Bria. She had a smile that covered her entire face. Mike introduced himself and invited him to join them. I appreciate it.
"I was just telling Bria about Princess, her cat, who was trying to get more treats."
"Dave spoils her too much," she quipped.
They laughed.
"I heard you have a lot of animals in your house. How many do you have," Jon inquired.
"I have three cats, Princess, Micha, and Henry, and a dog named Kate Spade. Mike and Dave have two dogs named Growler and Misty. They are Kate’s biological siblings. Princess believes she is the Queen of the House. She is Dave's favourite."
They laughed. Jon inquired about her dog's name. She named her after her favorite fashion designer. There was rarely a dull moment in the house because one of them was doing something all day. They frequently begged for more treats. When one of them said no, they looked around for someone to guilt. Did it work? No. They laughed.
Jon could sense her pride as she talked about her animals. Some people owned pets. Others owned four-legged fur babies. That was her. They were like her children, but with four paws and tails. The more she spoke, the more he could see what Brad liked about her. She possessed a magnetic personality. He could listen to her for hours without becoming bored. She was very young, but it did not appear to matter. He witnessed genuine love between her and Brad.
It made him think of his relationship with his wife, Dorothea. No, he was not a loyal husband. He had slept with several women in various cities. They had all signed non-disclosure agreements to protect him. He wanted her and Brad to have a long-term marriage free of infidelity because they both deserved it. They kept talking about whatever they could think of.
When Dave entered, they were introduced. For the first time in days, he appeared to have a weight lifted off his shoulders. Mike would speak with him later about his appointment. He joined the conversation and started joking around. She reminded him not to take her cat. He made a promise not to.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon
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healthcare117 · 7 months ago
Why Choose a Hospital in Jaipur for Your Medical Needs?
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Taking care of your health requires finding the right medical professionals for your specific needs. Whether you're experiencing urinary tract issues, earaches, bone pain, or need general medical care, access to qualified specialists is crucial. This blog will guide you in your search for the best urologist in Jhunjhunu, ENT specialist in Bikaner, orthopedic doctor in Jhunjhunu, and a suitable hospital in Jaipur.
When to See a Urologist in Jhunjhunu
A urologist is a medical doctor specializing in the urinary tract system for both men and women, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Additionally, they address the male reproductive system, including the testicles, epididymis, vas deferens, prostate, and penis.
Here are some common conditions that a urologist in Jhunjhunu can diagnose and treat:
Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
Kidney stones
Enlarged prostate
Erectile dysfunction
Bladder cancer
Kidney cancer
Finding a Qualified Urologist in Jhunjhunu
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When searching for a urologist in Jhunjhunu, consider factors like:
Experience: Look for a urologist with a proven track record and extensive experience in treating your specific condition.
Qualifications: Ensure the doctor is board-certified by the National Board of Examinations (NBE) in urology.
Hospital Affiliation: Consider the urologist's affiliation with hospitals in Jhunjhunu or nearby areas. Modern facilities often provide access to advanced diagnostic tools and treatment options.
Patient Reviews: Read online reviews or ask for recommendations from friends, family, or your primary care physician.
The Importance of ENT Specialists in Bikaner
An ENT specialist, also known as an otolaryngologist, focuses on the ears, nose, and throat region. They diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions affecting these areas, including:
Ear infections
Hearing loss
Snoring and sleep apnea
Voice problems
Head and neck cancers
Finding a Reputable ENT Specialist in Bikaner
Here's how to find a qualified ent specialist in Bikaner:
Area of Expertise: Some ENT specialists have a sub-specialty within the field. If you have a specific concern, look for a doctor who specializes in that area.
Location and Accessibility: Consider the location of the ENT specialist's clinic and ensure it's easily accessible for follow-up appointments.
Communication Style: Choose a doctor who communicates clearly, listens to your concerns, and addresses your questions effectively.
Insurance Coverage: Verify if the ENT specialist accepts your health insurance plan.
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When to See an Orthopedic Doctor in Jhunjhunu
Orthopedic doctors diagnose and treat musculoskeletal conditions affecting the bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves. Here's when you might need to see an orthopedic doctor in Jhunjhunu:
Fractures and broken bones
Sprains and strains
Sports injuries
Back pain
Neck pain
Bone tumors
Choosing an Experienced Orthopedic Doctor in Jhunjhunu
Finding the right orthopedic doctor Jhunjhunu involves these steps:
Surgical Experience: For conditions requiring surgery, inquire about the doctor's experience with the specific procedure.
Non-surgical Options: Explore the doctor's approach to non-surgical treatments like physical therapy or medication before recommending surgery.
Technological Advancements: Investigate if the doctor stays updated on the latest advancements in orthopedic surgery and utilizes minimally invasive techniques.
Hospital Affiliations: Similar to urologists, consider the doctor's association with well-equipped hospitals in Jhunjhunu.
Hospitals in Jaipur: A Hub for Advanced Medical Care
Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan, boasts several multispecialty and specialty hospitals offering comprehensive medical care across various disciplines. These hospitals are equipped with advanced technology, experienced doctors, and well-trained medical staff.
Here's what to consider when choosing a hospital in Jaipur:
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Specialization: If you require treatment for a specific condition, choose a hospital with a dedicated department or center that specializes in that area.
Emergency Services: If your condition requires immediate medical attention, select a hospital with a 24/7 emergency department.
Patient Amenities: Consider amenities like comfortable rooms, in-patient care services, and visiting hours that suit your needs.
Insurance Network: Ensure the hospital is part of your health insurance network for coverage benefits.
Finding the right medical professionals is crucial for your health and well-being. By carefully considering factors such as experience, qualifications, hospital affiliation, and patient reviews, you can make informed decisions when selecting a urologist in Jhunjhunu, ENT specialist in Bikaner, orthopedic doctor in Jhunjhunu, or hospital in Jaipur.
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wellnessweb · 9 months ago
Growing Trends in Cell Separation Market Size
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The Cell Separation Market size was estimated USD 9.04 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 19.30 billion by 2031 at a CAGR of 9.95% during the forecast period of 2024-2031. The cell separation market is experiencing rapid growth, driven by advancements in biotechnology and increasing demand for cell-based therapies. This market encompasses a range of techniques and technologies designed to isolate specific cell types from heterogeneous mixtures, crucial for applications in research, clinical diagnostics, and therapeutic development. Innovations in magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS), fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), and microfluidics are enhancing the precision and efficiency of cell separation processes. Additionally, the expanding interest in personalized medicine and regenerative therapies is propelling the need for highly purified cell populations, further stimulating market growth. As the landscape of healthcare continues to evolve, the cell separation market is poised to play a pivotal role in advancing medical science and improving patient outcomes.
Get Sample of This Report @ https://www.snsinsider.com/sample-request/3651
Market Scope & Overview
The global Cell Separation Market research report digs into vital market data such as market size, industry development potential, and business structure. This study also contains a thorough assessment of a technical investment through time, as well as a new perspective on global demand in many of the categories examined. Market research includes in-depth evaluations of developing technologies, R&D projects, and one-of-a-kind commodities.
The report looks into all of the important developments and discoveries that are expected to have a substantial impact on worldwide market growth in the next years. Similarly, the research evaluates all industries in various countries and gives a cross-sectional analysis of worldwide demand estimations. The Cell Separation Market research study may assist readers in better understanding the company's challenges and opportunities. The global market analysis provides the most recent data on technological advancements and consumer development potential based on geographical area.
Market Segmentation Analysis
By Cell Type
Human Cells
Animal Cells
By Product
By Technique
Surface Marker
By Application
Biomolecule Isolation
Cancer Research
Stem Cell Research
Tissue Regeneration
In Vitro Diagnostics
By End User
Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies
Academic & Research Institutes
Hospitals & Diagnostic Laboratories
Other End Users
Russia-Ukraine Conflict Impact Analysis
In the midst of the Russia-Ukraine crisis, the Cell Separation Market research report explores a variety of market variables, restrictions, and possibilities that will almost surely affect market growth.
Regional Outlook
The Cell Separation Market research report provided readers with a realistic view of the industry by presenting a comprehensive competitive environment as well as a commodities supply of primary providers spread across several geographical regions, including North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa.
Competitive Analysis
The research report examines industry competition in depth and includes an overview of Porter's Five Forces model to help readers understand the competitive climate of the Cell Separation Market's major multinational suppliers. The research study includes the most recent market forecast analysis for the anticipated time period. Each chapter of the research report includes an overview, synopsis, actual data, and dates.
Key Reasons to Purchase Cell Separation Market Market Report
• Market research surveys are the most efficient approach to learn about a certain market and the most recent advances, allowing you to make more informed business decisions.
• The research delves into a variety of levels, including supply chain analysis, top-level firm market share analysis, business analysis (industry trends), and brief sector profiles.
The Cell Separation Market research report includes all of the information you need to fully comprehend your target industry. This research report also covers key business environment concepts, high-growth markets, high-growth countries, important industry variations, business variables, and constraints.
About Us
SNS Insider is a market research and insights firm that has won several awards and earned a solid reputation for service and strategy. We are a strategic partner who can assist you in reframing issues and generating answers to the trickiest business difficulties. For greater consumer insight and client experiences, we leverage the power of experience and people.
When you employ our services, you will collaborate with qualified and experienced staff. We believe it is crucial to collaborate with our clients to ensure that each project is customized to meet their demands. Nobody knows your customers or community better than you do. Therefore, our team needs to ask the correct questions that appeal to your audience in order to collect the best information.
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drchiraggupta · 10 months ago
Exploring Andrology Surgery: Understanding its Scope and Significance
Andrology surgery, a specialized branch of medicine focusing on male reproductive health, plays a crucial role in diagnosing and treating various conditions related to the male reproductive system. From infertility issues to sexual dysfunction, andrology surgery encompasses a wide range of procedures aimed at restoring and enhancing male reproductive function. This article delves into the intricacies of andrology surgery, shedding light on its significance, procedures, and advancements in the field.
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Understanding Andrology Surgery:
Andrology surgery primarily deals with the diagnosis and treatment of male reproductive disorders, encompassing both surgical and non-surgical interventions. It addresses conditions such as erectile dysfunction, male infertility, penile abnormalities, and genital trauma, among others. The field integrates expertise from urology, reproductive endocrinology, andrology, and sometimes, plastic surgery to provide comprehensive care to patients.
Key Procedures in Andrology Surgery:
Vasectomy: A common surgical procedure for male sterilization, involving the cutting or blocking of the vas deferens to prevent the release of sperm during ejaculation.
Varicocelectomy: Surgery to remove varicoceles, dilated veins within the scrotum that can lead to infertility and discomfort.
Penile Implant Surgery: A treatment option for erectile dysfunction, involving the surgical insertion of inflatable or malleable implants into the penis to facilitate erections.
Peyronie's Disease Surgery: Correction of penile curvature caused by Peyronie's disease through procedures like plication, grafting, or penile prosthesis implantation.
Testicular Surgery: Surgical interventions for conditions such as testicular torsion, testicular cancer, and undescended testicles (cryptorchidism).
Significance of Andrology Surgery:
Restoration of Reproductive Health: Andrology surgery helps restore male reproductive function, addressing conditions that affect fertility and sexual performance.
Improved Quality of Life: By treating conditions like erectile dysfunction and Peyronie's disease, andrology surgery can significantly enhance a man's quality of life and psychological well-being.
Fertility Enhancement: Surgical interventions such as varicocelectomy and testicular surgery can improve sperm quality and increase the chances of conception in men with infertility issues.
Treatment of Genital Trauma: Andrology surgery plays a vital role in the management of genital trauma, helping restore normal anatomy and function following injuries or accidents.
Advancements in Andrology Surgery:
Advancements in surgical techniques, minimally invasive procedures, and the use of innovative technologies have revolutionized andrology surgery. Techniques like robotic-assisted surgery and microsurgery have improved surgical precision and outcomes, reducing post-operative complications and recovery times. Moreover, ongoing research in stem cell therapy, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine holds promise for future advancements in the field, offering potential solutions for conditions like erectile dysfunction and male infertility.
Andrology surgery is a specialized field that addresses a wide spectrum of male reproductive health issues, ranging from infertility to sexual dysfunction and genital trauma. Through surgical interventions and innovative treatments, andrology surgeons play a pivotal role in restoring and enhancing male reproductive function, thereby improving the quality of life for countless individuals. As advancements in technology and research continue to propel the field forward, the future of andrology surgery holds immense potential for further innovation and improved patient outcomes.
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unieduvn · 1 year ago
Hampton University Proton Therapy Institute and Leo Cancer Care Join Forces to Pioneer Breakthrough Cancer Treatment Technology
https://unie.edu.vn/?p=4255 HAMPTON, Va. (March 3, 2023) – Hampton University Proton Therapy Institute (HUPTI) and Leo Canc...
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yullitherapeutic · 1 year ago
The Gentle Approach of Oncology Massage Therapy
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Reconnect with a sense of well-being and comfort through the therapeutic benefits of oncology massage therapy at Yulli Therapeutic Healing Center, where our practitioners create a calming and supportive environment for cancer patients to find solace and relief. Our oncology massage therapy promotes a holistic approach to cancer care, aiming to alleviate pain, reduce anxiety, and enhance the overall quality of life for individuals undergoing cancer treatment.
Contact Us Now
8347-A Greensboro Dr., McLean, VA 22102 United States
(571) 888-5193
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shahananasrin-blog · 1 year ago
[ad_1] A lot has surprised Robert Johnstone in the past few years — breaking numerous ribs during a physical therapy session meant to help his back pain, losing three inches of height from a vertebrae compression fracture and receiving a cancer diagnosis at age 38.But the Department of Veterans Affairs denying his disability claim twice did not surprise Johnstone."I'm not overly pessimistic. I'm just kind of realistic about things," the 41-year-old Army veteran told Fox News. "The VA does not have the best of reputations at times."Johnstone is among the veterans still being denied benefits more than a year after lawmakers passed the PACT Act, a massive bill meant to help former service members exposed to toxins like the burn pits used to dispose of trash at overseas military bases. Critics say the bill left out numerous types of cancer and that the VA is still excluding veterans whose conditions are explicitly covered by the bill. The flames of a burn pit picks up with the winds as a storm approaches Combat Outpost Tangi in the Tangi Valley, Afghanistan, Aug. 31, 2009. (Staff Sgt. Teddy Wade/Department of Defense)‘LOOKING FOR SCALPS’: GREEN BERET NEVER CHARGED WITH A CRIME ENDS UP WITH MURDER ON BACKGROUND CHECKPresident Biden signed the PACT Act in August 2022. Previously, veterans had to fight to prove that their conditions were related to toxic exposures, resulting in a nearly 80% denial rate by the VA in 2020. The new law was meant to eliminate the burden of proof for veterans by establishing a presumptive service connection for dozens of cancers and other conditions.Service members would only need to submit proof of deployment during the Gulf War or the Global War on Terror to one of the countries listed in the bill.Jonathan Tatom didn't think much of the thick black smoke billowing from burn pits near Bagram Airfield when he deployed to Afghanistan in 2008."You burn everything in Afghanistan," he said. Trash. Porta potties. Munitions. Medical waste. Everything.But last year he noticed a lump on his neck. It soon spread from his Adam's apple to the soft spot just under his earlobe.He was 36 years old when his doctor diagnosed him with throat cancer, an ailment not generally seen in patients under age 55.‘TIME’S RUNNING OUT': CANCER-STRICKEN VETERANS STILL BEING DENIED BENEFITS AFTER BURN PIT BILL:WATCH MORE FOX NEWS DIGITAL ORIGINALS HERERadiation treatments burned his neck and scarred the inside of his throat. Tatom can no longer swallow solid foods. On his best days, he can drink coffee and eat yogurt, eggs or maybe even pasta. On his worst, he has to be fed through a tube inserted in his abdomen."It's really hindered a lot of things," Tatom said.Head and neck cancers were specifically included in the PACT Act, but the VA denied Tatom's claim, citing his longtime use of chewing tobacco.Around 30% of veterans reported using tobacco as of 2015, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Tatom's local veterans service officer told him that wasn't cause for denial under the PACT Act, so he appealed.The VA denied his claim again."Although your burn pit exposure is conceded, the evidence shows that your squamous cell oropharyngeal cancer is due solely to your extensive use of tobacco," the denial letter dated Aug. 7 reads. Radiation treatments caused severe damage to Jonathan Tatom's neck and throat. The 37-year-old Army veteran can no longer swallow solid foods and often has to eat through a tube inserted in his stomach. (Photos courtesy Jonathan Tatom)THIS SPECIAL OPS LEADER SECRETLY RAN A POPULAR MILITARY MEME PAGE — HERE'S HOW IT HELPED HIM DO HIS JOBTatom immediately reached out to the HunterSeven Foundation, which helps sick veterans find and pay for medical care. The nonprofit also informs military members about the health risks of toxic exposures."I was shocked," said Chelsey Simoni, an Army veteran, registered nurse and the executive director of HunterSeven Foundation. "This is the purpose of a presumption."Simoni said she reached out to the VA and was told they'd look into it. On Aug. 10, she shared Tatom's story on HunterSeven's popular Instagram page.Tatom received another letter 11 days later, this time stating the previous decisions were "clearly and unmistakably erroneous." The VA awarded him a 100% disability rating backdated to when the PACT Act became law. While he's happy with the final outcome, Tatom said it's frustrating that it took a public call-out to get the VA's attention."Honestly, I think it's kind of BS that the VA is not doing a better job," Tatom said. A Marine watches over civilian firefighters at a burn pit May 25, 2007, at Camp Fallujah, Iraq. Burn pits and other toxic exposures have been blamed for causing cancer among many post-9/11 veterans, leading Congress to pass bipartisan legislation expanding VA benefits. (Cpl. Samuel D. Corum/United States Marine Corps)CLAIMS BACKLOG AT VA WILL DOUBLE TO 400K AS WORKERS FACE INCREASED RISK OF BURNOUT: REPORTSimoni worried that using a veteran's tobacco consumption to invalidate a PACT Act claim won't just be a "one-off.""I feel like we will see, a lot of veterans are gonna fall through the cracks," she said.The VA says it has a 77.9% approval rate for PACT Act related claims, according to the most recent data from September. More than 500,000 veterans and their survivors have completed PACT Act claims since the bill became law.Until every veteran in this country knows what is available to him or her, and has come in and filed a claim, and then we’ve awarded that claim for him or to her, I won’t be satisfied — Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonoughEarlier this year VA Secretary Denis McDonough told the Associated Press that his agency is processing claims faster than expected."Am I satisfied? I’m not," he said. "Until every veteran in this country knows what is available to him or her, and has come in and filed a claim, and then we’ve awarded that claim for him or to her, I won’t be satisfied."The VA declined an interview request from Fox News, but wrote in an email that the department does not deny a presumptive service connection "due to lifestyle factors" like tobacco use.The department is processing claims at an unprecedented rate and has delivered more than $2.2 billion in PACT Act benefits so far, a spokesperson told Fox News. Nearly 5 million veterans have also received free, 10-minute screenings for toxic exposures, a key early detection step. An airman tosses unserviceable uniform items into a burn pit, March 10, 2008 in Balad, Iraq. Old military uniforms were burned to ensure opposing forces could not use them. (Senior Airman Julianne Showalter/Department of Defense)THE ARMY GAVE THIS OFFICER A FALSE CRIMINAL RECORD, STUNTING HIS CAREER. NOW HE’S GETTING BACKPAYJohnstone's story began in 2007, during a 15-month deployment to Iraq. He didn't see the smoke from nearby burn pits for the most part because he worked at night and slept during the day. But he smelled it."We thought it was just smog, pollution [or] whatever in the air," he said. "It smelled dirty and chemical-like."Then in early 2020, he started experiencing back pain. His doctor sent him to a physical therapist. As the year went on, he broke several ribs during one physical therapy session. Another time, he felt searing pain while bending down to tie his shoes. His height was three inches shorter at his next doctor's appointment, and much later Johnstone learned he had suffered a vertebrae compression fracture."My body was generally breaking down," he said.Finally, in September 2020, he was diagnosed with the blood cancer multiple myeloma, a condition for which the average age of diagnosis is 69 years old.Johnstone was 38 with a 1-year-old son whom he could no longer hold or play with because of the damage to his body.He began treatment immediately, but didn't submit a VA claim until July 2021. That was before the PACT Act, so even though his doctor cited "airborne exposures from burn pits" as the likely cause of his multiple myeloma, Johnstone wasn't surprised to receive a denial letter.Multiple myeloma wasn't included by name in the PACT Act, but Johstone said the VA encouraged veterans to file a claim even if their specific cancer was not listed.In February of this year, Johnstone received a second denial."Even if a Veteran does not have a service connection for their cancer, we are here to help," VA Press Secretary Terrence Hayes said in a statement provided to Fox News. "We offer world-class, affordable cancer care to more than 56,000 Veterans facing a new cancer diagnosis every year, and we support more than 450,000 Veterans every year who are somewhere on the cancer care continuum – from screening to diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship." Robert Johnstone has been denied twice while trying to prove that his multiple myeloma is connected to burn pit exposure in Iraq.  (Photo illustration by Fox News)LEAKED VETERANS AFFAIRS TRAINING VIDEO PROMOTES ABORTION, SUGGESTS MEN CAN GET PREGNANTSimoni raised concerns that the PACT Act would still leave out many cancer-stricken veterans long before its passage. When she went to the White House for the bill's signing, she brought four guests. They included two Army veterans suffering from cancers not covered by the PACT Act, and one Marine Corps veteran who received a service connection for his lymphoma, but a 0% disability rating."The PACT Act is a dog and pony show," she said. "That public facing appearance is all they seem to care about … But time's running out, and these people are dying."The VA continues to expand the list of cancers it considers presumptive. Multiple myeloma is now among them, but is listed as a spinal cord cancer, not a blood cancer."That kind of flabbergasted me that they did that," said Johnstone, who is currently enduring his first relapse. His life now involves weekly chemotherapy infusions, daily pills and near-constant pain and lethargy.He's also preparing to submit another supplemental claim and is following the VA for updates after the agency announced over the summer that it would conduct a scientific review to determine whether certain leukemias or "multiple myeloma outside of the head and neck" are connected to toxic exposures and should be considered presumptive.CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP"Please make a decision fast," Johnstone said. "Because honestly, we don't want to start dying off before a decision is made."To hear more from Johnstone, Tatom and Simoni, click here. Ramiro Vargas contributed to the accompanying video. Hannah Ray Lambert is an associate producer/writer with Fox News Digital Originals. [ad_2]
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womenhealthspecialist · 11 months ago
Uterine Bleeding Specialist in Alexandria VA
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Unusual uterine bleeding can cause concern, particularly when you don’t know the cause. Seeking care quickly is crucial when this occurs outside of your regular menstrual cycle. Here’s how you can find the top uterine bleeding specialist in Alexandria, and what you can expect for diagnosis and treatment.
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: An Overview
The definition of this condition is bleeding that is unpredictable in amount, timing, and duration. It generally happens outside of your regular menstrual cycle, but it can include bleeding during your cycle that is abnormal.
The causes include:
Hormonal imbalances that typically involve excessive estrogen or insufficient progesterone
Irregular ovulation
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Uterine fibroids
Risk factors such as age and obesity can increase the likelihood of developing abnormal uterine bleeding.
What Exactly Does a  “Regular” Menstrual Cycle Mean?
A typical menstrual cycle is an important aspect of your reproductive health, yet it can manifest differently in individuals. It usually spans from 21 to 35 days, though some women may experience variations outside this range. The menstrual cycle comprises four phases: menstruation, the follicular phase, ovulation, and the luteal phase.
Menstruation, which marks the beginning of the cycle, entails the shedding of the uterine lining. This bleeding usually lasts for two to seven days, with an average blood loss of approximately 30 to 40 milliliters (mL).
The flow’s intensity may vary. It may start lightly, gradually increase, and then diminish. A normal menstrual cycle is characterized by regularity, predictable patterns, minimal discomfort, and consistent flow, all of which typically do not signal abnormal bleeding.
How Is Uterine Bleeding Diagnosed?
An exam by an experienced specialist, a gynecologist, is necessary to determine what’s going on. It’s necessary to rule out serious causes and to plan a course of treatment.
Your visit will begin with a discussion about your symptoms. You’ll be asked questions about your medical background, health conditions, and current medications. Be sure to have that information handy.
If you can fill out patient forms ahead of time, do so. It’s easier to do at home than in a waiting room.
You can expect a pelvic exam and a PAP smear. If needed, your specialist may also recommend any of the following:
Pregnancy test: To rule out pregnancy-related causes or miscarriage
Blood tests: To assess blood clotting and get a complete blood count
Thyroid test: To evaluate thyroid function, which can impact ovary function and bleeding patterns
Hormone levels test: To identify hormone imbalances contributing to abnormal bleeding
Hysteroscopic exam: Examining of the uterine lining for fibroids, polyps, or signs of cancer
Pelvic ultrasound: Visualizing reproductive organs for growths like fibroids or polyps
Sonohysterogram, or saline-infusion sonography: A sensitive imaging technique for identifying abnormal uterine structures
Endometrial biopsy: Collection of tissue samples from the uterine lining to detect cancer or precancerous cells.
How Is Uterine Bleeding Treated?
Fortunately, you have options when it comes to treatment. After a comprehensive exam, you can count on the best uterine bleeding specialist in Alexandria to recommend whatever treatment is suitable for your needs.
Depending on your diagnosis, medications may be recommended. These can include but aren’t limited to birth control, hormone therapy, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In some cases, surgical intervention may be necessary.
You Can Find an Experience Uterine Bleeding Specialist By Following Simple Steps
Finding the right specialist may take time, but careful consideration is well worth the effort.
It’s a good idea to begin by seeking recommendations from your primary care provider. Friends and family may also provide referrals.
If you have insurance, check with your carrier to see which medical professionals are covered under your plan.
Look for specialists in your area using reputable online sources, such as health directories or medical organization websites. Many hospitals and clinics have directories of their medical staff on their websites.
Online patient reviews and testimonials can also offer insights into the experiences of other patients with specific specialists.
Ensure the specialist is board-certified in gynecology or a related field. You can typically verify their credentials through state medical boards or professional organizations.
What To Expect During Your Consultation With A Uterine Bleeding Specialist
Once you have a short list of potential specialists, schedule consultations with them. This will allow you to meet in person, discuss your concerns, and assess your communication style and expertise. Their approach should align with yours.
During the consultation, ask questions about their experience in treating abnormal uterine bleeding, their approach to diagnosis and treatment, and what treatment options they offer.
Remember, specialists with more experience treating uterine bleeding have encountered a wider range of cases and can offer a broader perspective on treatment options.
Choose a doctor with whom you feel comfortable and trust. Effective communication and a good doctor-patient relationship are essential.
Consider where the specialist practices. Hospitals and medical centers vary in terms of resources and services. If they perform surgical procedures outside of the hospital, vet the facility they use.
Ensure that the specialist accepts your health insurance and that you understand the billing process.
If You’re Searching for the Top Uterine Bleeding Specialist in Alexandria Call Women’s Health Care Specialists Now!
Our skilled providers practice a holistic approach and offer personalized healthcare.
We integrate cutting-edge medical advancements with state-of-the-art technology to provide exceptional care. We believe in building lasting patient relationships, emphasizing education and women’s healthcare research.
Dr. Navita Modi and the team enthusiastically welcome new patients to our practice. If you’re encountering any form of abnormal bleeding, please do not delay treatment. Call 301-812-3400 to book your appointment today.
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