#can't we talk upstairs in the library like normal people
shift-shaping · 3 months
I wish Solas had a real hangout in Skyhold. I hate flirting in the Reverse Panopticon.
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sucuretcannelle · 3 years
200 follower special: CJ x Reader
This is my first attempt at a oneshot, let me live, im trying 😭 
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Note: In this AU, Vade is CJ’s best friend instead of his girlfriend
And hey, I don’t know how to title this, so heres a pretty gif
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  Where is he?
 The question entered your head as you squeezed your way around the house. There should be a simple answer since you saw him less than thirty minutes ago, but he seemed to have vanished.
 You don't even know why you had to ask such a question at all. If you're hosting a party, you should be talking to the guests, right? He of all people would be downstairs the whole time during events like these.
 The party was loud, almost unnecessarily so. Someone turned up the music because it was "too quiet." Maybe it'll go back to normal when the neighbors call the police because of it.
 You weren't having any luck finding your boyfriend until your hand touched the railing of the stairs.
 Has he gone upstairs?
 Well, you wouldn't be going upstairs if you didn't fully believe that he did, now would you?
 You walked into his bedroom— No, your shared bedroom just to find him sitting on the bed, strumming his guitar slowly. He looked tired
 It's out of the ordinary to see him look that way, so out of concern, you walked up next to him and fell onto the bed with a bounce, "What's wrong?"
  "Nothing," his voice trails off, "I can't get this part right."
 You take a deep breath and look up at the ceiling before closing your eyes. He didn't stop you, he didn't bother you. The faint sound of music from downstairs drifted into your ears. One song, in particular, caught your attention, it was an old one. Where from? You couldn't figure it out at first.
 Then you realized. A library faintly appeared in your vision. It was freshmen year in high school, so why did it feel like it was such a long time ago?
 You two were in the school library, working on a project. He looked so much more focused back then, but he wasn't writing anything or doing the project at all for that matter. You turned your chair to face him as you played with his hair. That same song was playing through his earbuds; pretty loudly at that. He relaxed his shoulders and leaned back a bit, giving in to your touch.
 You quickly sat up from your spot on the bed and turned to face him, "I can braid your hair for you- I mean, only if you want."
 He smiled and shuffled to the side turning the back of his head to you, giving you full access to his hair. It always looked so smooth and fluffy.
 So as any sane person would do, you ruffled it and combed your hands through it to bring it down.
 While you braided his hair, he continued to play on his guitar. The tune he played was much slower and calmer than the songs you usually listened to while he was around. The party music was still loud and muffled, but things felt much slower in general right then and there.
  "This is so... relaxing," you lightly giggled a bit, "is this a love song or something?"
  He goes quiet for a moment, "what if I said yes?"
 You spun him around and hugged him tightly, not before he put his guitar down. Both of you lost track of time as you lightly swayed in each other's arms. He then pulls you into his lap and wraps his arms around you. 
 Both of you sat there in comfortable silence until you picked up something to say, “I think the punch got spiked.”
  “Prolly by Vade,” he says, before lightly pressing kisses onto your neck.
  “Maybe, I saw her walk in with some Bacardi and some weird-looking vodka.”
 You pause, “Shit, we aren’t even old enough to drink.”
 You scooted forward to get off of him before walking towards the door without looking back.
“I should go before everyone gets drunk off their asses-”
 Right before you reached your hand out to open the door, you felt him grab your hand. He stammers for a moment.
  “I think I’m in love with you.”
   “CJ, we’ve been dating for 5 years.”
 You looked up at him, and then looked down and started laughing, wheezing even, and he followed suit. You gripped his shirt and hid your face in his chest in an attempt to calm yourself down, while he covered his face with his hand.
“Fuck, that was embarrassing.”
You hug him once more, “at least you proved your point right?”
You slowly let go of him, “but I have to go check up on them. Unless you wanna come with me.”
“Tired,” he said, “but can I kiss you?”
You smiled and gave him a peck on the lips, “you rest up, okay?”
“’ Kay,” he turned his back heading towards the bed, but he swiftly turned back to face you, “love ya.”
“I know,” you said walking out the door and closing it behind you.
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Sorry if my writing skills aren't that good, I've written nothing but hcs since May 2020—
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marindram · 3 years
full transcription of Marin's blog from Omega Mart!
huge thanks to @b0chelly for recording a scroll-through, which i typed this out from. (and warning for Omega Mart lore/story spoilers. second half is in reblog)
Location: Seven Monolith Village
Last Login: 12/31/2019
Profile Views: 101,275
About me: I love listening to music and glitter
Friends (0)
June 26, 2018
Happy Birthday to meeeeeeeeee!
So 14 feels way different than 13. For real. I think it's because I was expecting 13 to feel different, but sometimes when you expect something it turns out the opposite ya know?
Plus, 13 is like, "I'm new to being a teenager!!"
14 is more like, "I'm becoming the person I want to be." At least that's how I want it to be. I wanted to start this blog as a record of all that.
I should ask Did you guys feel the same way when you turned 13 and 14?
But probably nobody's gonna read this because I'm just a weirdo in the weird dessert. I mean, I know my best friend Jesse is reading this (hi Jesse). Besides her, crickets.
But yeah, if you are reading this and you don't know me - I live in Seven Monolith Village, a teensy tiny town that you've only heard of if you're into aliens or homesteading. And I'm literally stuck. As in, I'm physically unable to leave. My first memories are of all the adults in my life (Charlie, my great-uncle/father-figure - Rose, my what? Roommate? Mother-figure? Pseudo-aunt? All of the above? and my mom, Cecelia. who doesn't live here) telling me that for some reason, there's something wrong with me that makes it so I can't leave a certain radius of where we live. I got older and thought that they were just exaggerating to keep me safe, but then last year I tried. And it was, let's just say not good.
Anyway. That part of my life sucks, but not everything sucks. This year is all about Marin Dram 2.0. Not new, but definitely improved.
And maybe someday, somehow somebody will read this and care about what I have to say. Somebodies, even. Until then, this is Marin Dram signing off and sending my lame contemplations into the void!
July 1, 2018
Things I Want To Do Before I Turn 20 (and some of these will never happen like are literally unable to happen but JUST LET ME DREAM
1. Kiss someone (who???)
2. Meet HTB (kiss him) (jk he would never) (plus meeting him would be enough)
3. Go to Paris
4. Go to Rome (or somewhere cooler in Italy, look up where is the best pasta???)
5. Go to Greenland (why not???)
6. Go to New York City
7. Go to LA (with a dream and my cardigan lol)
8. Go to the Grand Canyon (this isn't mine, but 9, Jesse is sitting right here and she went to the GC when we were 12 and she's like blah blah blah it's my favorite place in the world and you'll love it. I'm doing this so she'll shut up.
9. Live in a normal house with normal rooms → ideally 12 of them: living room AND TV room, kitchen, dining room, 3 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms, study/library.
-plus an upstairs downstairs
-I'm willing to compromise on the number of rooms as long as there's more than ONE for TWO PEOPLE and I got my own
-plus an upstairs/downstairs
-I'm willing to compromise on the number of rooms as long as there's more than ONE for TWO PEOPLE and I get my own room with an actual door. Very into doors.
10. Go to a mall (Jesse says there's a bunch of bonkers ones in Vegas)
11. Make friends who aren't Jesse (no offense, Jesse)
12. Get Cecelia (my "mom") to teach me about business stuff so I can open my own cool coffeeshop/bookstore someday
13. Learn to drive (ask Charlie to teach me, he's obsessed with his truck) (Jesse says she can teach me because she's Little Miss Mechanic and thinks she knows everything about cars but news flash Jesse: you're you get than me)
14. Figure out my signature style- like I want people to send me pictures of things and be like "this just screamed Marin" and for that to be true
15. Liquid eyeliner??
16. I'm stopping here because I just read over all this and want to die/cry because easily 3/4 of these are literally impossible?
17. Kill me
18. Bye
19. Lololol Charlie just came in and I was complaining about this, not being able to leave and stuff, etc and he said that I should visit new places by... reading books?? And I mean I like to read. But dude. That's the dumbest thing I've ever head.
July 30, 2018
Okay so this is what I want my life to look like:
I want a pink room. Not just pink... P I N K. Cool pink wallpaper (floral? jacquard??), pink carpet, lots of pink flowers everywhere, a four-poster bed with a pink silk canopy, lots of cool pink throw pillows. Like, so pink that
people think I'm being sarcastic! Oh, and BOOKS. Floor-to-ceiling bookcases, and some of the shelves have, like, STUFF on them that isn't books, like gifts people gave me, or things I've collected on my JOURNEYS. You know, normal stuff that people who live on normal places and do normal things have.
If I lived in in this room, it'd be in awhite three-story house at the end of a cul-de-sac (did you know "culs-de-sac" is the plural? Not "cul-de-sacs"? crazy) and I'd wear very classic girly clothes and my hair would always do what I wanted it to. It'd be one of those towns that people call small, but it's actually a city. just one with a kinda small, cozy feeling. Somewhere that gets cold enough to wear cute jackets but not so cold I have to to like, shovel my driveway. Not a non-place with like 100 people where you can't even go outside without going crazy.
August 2nd, 2018
I guess I should explain where I live, for all my avid fans out there! (lol) (hello??)
So like... I don't live on Earth. At least, not the Earth you think of when you think of EARTH. I live in some some weird off-brand version of Earth called the Forked Earth where there are aliens and magic wells of magic energy and everything is MAGIC but like the crappy kind of magic, where the sun never fully rises and some goo called "runoff" has made everything wacky and oh yeah, my mom is responsible for that and everyone here hates her!! LOL
Also, I can't leave! Like, literally can't! Rose says I'm a "special child of Source" and that's why but that LITERALLY explains tells me nothing, in fact it just raises further questions that no one can seem to answer! AHHHHHHHHHH
Anyway, the last time I tried to leave I felt. When I try to leave I feel like I'm being pulled back by something, like you know those old cartoons where someone's on stage doing something dumb and then someone offstage pulls them away with a giant shepard's crook? It felt like that, and when I opened my eyes I was back in 7 Monolith Village. UGH.
I know this sounds crazy!!!!! But believe me when I say that I am the least crazy person here. Also, """here""" is C R A Z Y. Runoff has made everything the bad kind of psychedelic and then people here actually DRINK IT! Not only do I not DRINK THE STUFF THAT HAS MADE THE WORLD INSANE, I also do not talk to aliens (or whatever Nula are) like Rose or believe crazy conspiracy theories like Charlie, so I believe that qualifies me as the most normal person in the Forked Earth, thank you for this honor, I accept this award with humility and grace!
September 4, 2018
I had the weirdest dream last night?? I was swimming in a pool full of cereal, and when I came up for air, my mom was pouring milk on my head like she was rinsing my hair. She had her hand over my face like I was a little kid and she was shielding me from soap getting in my eyes.
Anyway I have no idea what it's supposed to mean. I went to bed hungry and I need to take a shower? Lol
October 16, 2018
I was trying to hide this entry from Jesse, but JESSE IS A NOSY PERSON. She says that blogs are for readers, and if I wanted something to be private then I should "Just write in a fucking notebook and hide it under your bed like a normal person, Marin." I'm allowed to have secrets!! Anyway, I'm making her a freaking playlist, that's why I wouldn't tell her what I was writing about. but EVEN STILL! I'm allowed to have secrets!! But I have this blog because I wanna get my feelings out, I wanna see everything in my head typed out all nice in a way that doesn't make it look insane. You know? I don't know who I'm asking.) Because, it's not like I go to a normal school or have a normal life where I'm surrounded by normal people I can talk to. No one knows about me! I'm trapped in this crazy place and This blog is my only outlet to the world outside. I KNOW that's heavy but it's true! The point is: Jesse's birthday is coming up. The central consistent thing in pretty much my whole life is sharing headphones with her and listening to music. The soundtrack to my entire existence is her. I wish I had money and could buy her the best presents of all time, but I can make her the best playlist of all time. I want it to be so good it feels like magic. I want her to think I'm magic. I had another dream the other night. I don't remember much, just glitter. I must be crafting too much. Or looking at festival makeup tutorials. Or both.
November 12, 2018
WARNING- Weird thoughts ahead, lol.
I can never tell which feelings are normal, and which are me being a giant weirdo. But for as long as I can remember, I've had this feeling like every part of my body that's possible to have a ribbon tied around it, has a ribbon tied around it. It's so weird. I can't see the other end of the ribbons - how far they go. where they're attached, nothing. And sometimes it's fine, because sometimes I can hardly feel them. I can forget about them for days at a time, weeks, months if I'm lucky. But then other times I can feel them like, pulling at me. It's freaking spooky, to have something pulling at you from somewhere you can't see. I can't tell if it's pulling me toward whatever it is? Or if it's trying to warn me? Or if I'm just insane??
Does that make sense? Does anybody else feel that way? (she asks into the void)
So idk I guess this ribbons-feeling is why I'm really careful all the time. Like I'm just a careful person. Charlie tried to give me a hard time about it, and I can't be like "I don't wanna pull back in the ribbons too hard without realizing it and wreck something!" because he'd be like "WTF Marin, do we need to get you help?" But also, more and more, I want to be the opposite of careful. I want to take a pair of comically oversized scissors and cut the ribbons into so many pieces that nobody can even tell what they are any more.
I don't know why I'm such a freak, only that I am. I don't know why I can't leave 7 Monolith, only that I can't. But there must be a reason, even if I can't see it, and I feel like it makes sense that the ribbons-feeling is part of that reason, right?
There's just a lot.
January 15, 2019
Happy new year! Lol I forgot to write on the actual first day of 2019, but OH WELL!
I got this new glitter nail polish, thanks to the monthly makeup subscription box my "mom" sends me as an outlet for her abandonment guilt. It has like, every color glitter imaginable without quite reading as "rainbow" which is fine just not really what I was in the mood for and it's vaguely halographic and shifts into all these different colors depending on the light. I'm obsessed. Anyway.
I was putting on another layer because I chipped it like 20 minutes into wearing it, and all of a sudden I had this feeling like I recognized the glitter? Like I felt this thing way deep in my gut and for a minute I couldn't breathe. It's the closest thing I've felt to how books and movies make Christmas look. Like I was home, with family, cookies and cider and all that stuff. Familiar and safe. I almost didn't recognize that feeling. And it came from the nail polish. How weird is that.
I mean, I don't want to make it sound like I've had this awful Charles Dickens childhood - Rose and Charlie are the best ever and always there for me and I love them a lot. But things never feel like...home. You know?
My mom always says this cryptic stuff about how I'm "special" and I wanna strangle her because I'm not, but you try getting my mom to stop doing anything she wants to do. Rose told me once that one day, I would "lead the charge into a new era of existence and access" because I'm "of the Source" and I was like uhhhh okay?? Charlie mostly treats me pretty normal, except when I ask him questions about our family. my mom or any Dram. He knows that I want to know more about them and he's my only real entrypoint, but apparently he's like the black sheep of that whole family. He and my mom were close way back right before I was born, but now whenever she comes to visit he barely even looks at her.
So that's to say: nobody tells me anything, ever.
January 16, 2019
Okay this is so weird. I wrote that entry yesterday about glitter and then last night I dreamed about glitter. Then I woke up with purple glitter in my bed?? Like not a lot, so at first I thought it was from my nail polish, but it was just a handful of purely purple glitter that looks nothing like my nail polish. SO WEIRD!!!!!!
February 14, 2019
Rose has an old book full of "ye olde" style fairy tales, and I flipped through it for the first time in forever today.
Not so weirdly, I've always been drawn to the story of Rapunzel.
Rapunzel couldn't leave the tower, or else she'd break her neck and die.
February 19, 2019
I was reading this article the other day in one of the teen magazines my "mom" gets me a subscription to and it was all about body positivity, which is great, but it was basically just like "wear a crop top if you wannna wear a crop top! it doesn't matter what size you are! You go, girl!" And like, sure. Yes. I am all for that. But doesn't it seem like there are some steps missing in there? Like, I can physically put on a crop top and wear it outside. But how do I convince myself that everybody isn't looking at me and making fun of me in their minds? How do I unlearn the last almost-fifteen years? How do I get actually positive about my body, not just put on a crop top and fight the urge to cry all day?
It's the same thing like when my mom sends me brochures from the CEO camp she ten when she was my age (her dad started the camp for her, which is an insane thing just by itself, but she did all the work, which is even more insane) and she's like "Marin, you lack direction for your life" and I'm like, cool mom. Yeah. I can see that. What I can't see is how to get there from here.
March 2, 2019
This is what I want my life to look like, volume 2:
The walls of my room are covered in Polaroids of me and my friends. There are lots of mirrors in all kinds of shapes. hearts and moons and stars. There's a record player and a lot of vintage records by Billie Holiday and Lena Horne and Peggy Lee and Nina Simone. And Christmas lights! Everywhere! Lots of of pink and purple Christmas lights everywhere.
If I lived in this room, I'd have so many friends and be part of so many clubs. My best friend would have a collection of vintage cameras, and every place we go to that has a photo booth, we'd get photos taken. Every time I'd look at myself in one of those mirrors, I'd feel happy at what I see and never weird or sad. (Jesse hates taking pictures, so even when I actually do normal stuff with her there's no evidence. What even is a life supposed to be without evidence? That's not an actual question you need to answer Jesse, it's just a question)
Anyway, if I lived in this kind of room, my mom would probably be like, an art history professor at a liberal arts college. That's how come everything looks so cool, because I would know stuff about art. My mom and I would love to try new recipes together. We get each other new cookbooks for every special occasion, and right now we're working out way through a Moroccan one. Moroccan Mondays.
In actuality, there's a dust storm happening outside and my eyes sting.
March 9, 2019
Here's what I'm obsessed with lately.
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Can. You. EVEN???
February 3, 2020
Omg I totally forgot this blog existed!!
I lost the password and instead of just resetting it I got in one of my super stubborn moods (Taurus moon lol) and just kept putting in guesses and jokes on me, it locked me out. Anyway, that's a boring story.
But my friend Ximena is really good at hacking and stuff, so she got me back in. Yeah you read that right - I have friends. Obviously a lot has happened since my last post. Ximena moved out here a couple months ago (X's family used to live here but they moved away a while ago) and she introduced me to Lora who I sorta-not-really already knew, and Jesse and I have been hanging out with them a ton. Jesse kind of more than me. Which is fine!!
Anyway I'm 15 now? If I lived somewhere normal I'd be psyched about almost being 16, because I'd get a car and have a Sweet Sixteen and eat a huge PINK cake, but I don't!
February 16, 2020
I read this fanfic the other night that was written in the second person so everything was like "you." "you're doing this" etc you know?
So... You go to a drive-in movie with Heartthrob Boy, and he spills soda on you by accident. And you take off your shirt ( you have a tank top on, don't worry) to clean it up, bit you're still all sticky and self-conscious about being sticky and HTB like... used his tongue to get it off??? AAHHHHH I'M DISGUSTING
but also I wonder if a boy will ever touch any part of me with his tongue
March 2, 2020
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Hi I don't know if you heard but I have friends :)))
March 15, 2020
I think I'm so into painting my nails and doing my hair because those are things that always fit. I don't have to worry about places not carrying about a size 8, or places that carry XLs but when you read the measurements they're actually size 8s too and it's like jesus if that's an XL what am I
My "mom" was confused why I needed new pants because mine still look new, but I showed her the thigh holes and she was like "that's a weird place for a hole, how did that happen" and I realized that when your legs are a certain size, you just don't know about thigh rub and what it does to clothes. Pants could just last for years.
No matter what, I can paint my nails with a different color nail polish on every finger, and I can always do a braid crown. And I know I'm cute as hell, etc, so this is not a Marin Needs to Learn to Love Herself thing. It's just an UGH thing
April 17, 2020
So Rose does all these Source experiments on plants and flowers and stuff. Tbh, it's just one if those things I hardly even register anymore because it's just always there. She's explained to me a million times what Source is/does/means, but the way Rose explains things sometimes is just a LOT to take in and she refers to me as a "child of Source" but I kinda figure that's like "child of God" right? What else would that mean?
But anyway, it's really annoying because dried flowers are a part of my new aesthetic and I pinned a bunch of them up on my wall but I woke up this morning to a freaking jungle of very alive flowers. I freaked out. on Rose, and she Rose said she didn't do it and I was like WELL THEN WHO DID and she said that I did??
Which like. Obviously that doesn't make sense. I asked her what she meant and She just shook her head and said " It's happening. We should have known" which is some horror movie shit that she refused to elaborate on. I love to feel safe and normal!!
Or maybe it's not a horror movie at all. But maybe it's a superhero movie? Maybe there's some kind of origin story I don't know about yet, and all of this will be worth it once I figure out my powers. I wonder what my costume will look like. Lol.
April 23, 2020
Is it possible to die from longing? I know that sounds melodramatic, but I'm also kinda serious?? Because it seems like one of those things that could fester and get infected and kill you. It's like when you fall down and bang up your knee, and you need to put a band-aid on the scrape for a while, but THEN you need to air it out - but how do you know when you're supposed to do each one of those things? And if you do either one too much, your knee gets infected. What if I smother my heart with band-aids for too long and it gets infected? This isn't about anybody. I just keep having these dreams about someone I never expected to have dreams about and they're so intense that they keep leaking into my life and I wonder if I need to do something about them.
May 2, 2020
So Jesse's gotten really into metal music, and I tried to get her to play me something since, AS PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED, that's what we've literally ALWAYS DONE with music and each other, and she kinda looked at Ximena out of the corner of her eye and said like "I don't think it's really your thing" And it was the meanest thing anybody's ever said to me.
So later I looked up Zenion, the band she was talking about, and I listened to every single fucking song they've ever recorded turned up as loud as it could go with my own headphones that are better than hers anyway, and I loved it. And I didn't love it just because she said I wouldn't. I loved it because it was loud and weird and wild and when I listened to it it made me feel like it's not crazy when so feel stuff so hard it's like my heart's gonna vibrate out of my body. And I would have told Jesse all this and we could have shared it, but I guess she thinks just because I like HTB and glitter and stuff, I don't have the capacity for anything else.
She clearly doesn't know me at all. So much for any kind of whatever, why would she ever want to kiss someone she clearly sees as like a stupid baby.
May 7, 2020
The dreams are getting weirder and they're happening more. I'm getting scared to go to sleep. Not that the dreams are always scary (they almost never are, or not scary like in a typically scary horror movie way). I mean, I've only ever been me. I don't know what other peoples' dreams are like.
The other night in one I was jumping on a trampoline, which is something I've never done in real life. I told Rose about it when I woke up, and she said "do you even know how to jump on a trampoline?" and I said "Rose, it's not like riding a bike. You don't have to learn. You just jump." and then we got into this whole thing about how some things we just know, and jumping's one of them, and how that's so weird. Sometimes I really like talking to Rose about stuff.
May 19, 2020
So, it's prom season in the real world. If I lived somewhere normal, my prom dress would be pink with lots of tulle and silk flowers at the shoulders, and it would fit perfectly and trying in dresses would be fun and not anxiety-inducing.
But since there are only like 10 teenagers currently in 7MV, were not having a homecoming. Cool.
May 27, 2020
So, mom came to visit this weekend, and I asked her about her prom. She was Typical Cecelia at first, very "Prom is a waste of time and money, Marin. It's a night when lesser people play dress-up to engage with their aspirations of grandeur." And I was like eyeroll forever and just stopped talking. BUT THEN she actually talked to me like a human being. She was like, "I actually didn't go to my prom" and when I asked her why she said that she didn't have a date, and was very self-conscious about it. I almost passed out at her admitting that she's ever been anything less than perfect.
(gonna continue this in reblog)
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the-coffee-story · 3 years
Rise of the Forest God
Chapter 17 - Professor Tally Winchester
Winchester Hall was a beautiful, dark Victorian mansion á lá Addams Family that rested proudly upon the tallest hill around. The windows, grey with age and dust were tall and skinny and a rusted iron gate, with weathered carvings now indistinguishable rested half swallowed by dirt and uncut blades of long dry grass. The whole thing blended rather well with the crawling forest behind it.
The team was waiting by the gate, curious and giddy with half-numbed nervousness.
"Well, now I'm definitely interested," Walther commented, peeking through the towering, rusted gate. "This looks like it's haunted by at least three ghosts who died a horrible death. They never found the heads."
October laughed.
"Seriously October, imagine the Addams Family's mansion, now scale it down a little."
He raised an eyebrow. "Can't wait for Morticia to pop out."
"Well, Morticia was definitely not on the phone," Violet noted.
Suddenly, the carved, dark-oak door that rested comfortably in the centre of the home's front opened, and a young man peeked out, adjusting his glasses as he took a moment to assess the situation. After a few moments passed, he noticed the team waiting by the gate, waved to wordlessly grab their attention, and quickly scuttled over.
Tally Winchester was a medium-heighted, slender and bald individual with large, wildly blue eyes behind thick glasses and a countless amount of scattered silver piercings dotted in and around his earlobe. Despite the fact that it was it had just dawned early spring, his skin was sunburnt and tanned, as if he spent most of his days somewhere lost outside. He walked with a noticable limp, and Walther didn't need to wait long for an explanation, when a prosthetic briefly appeared between his worn brown converse sneakers and faded jeans.
"Hi!" He flashed a toothy smiled at the group and opened the gate. "Great to see you, I'm Professor Tally Winchester!" He shook everyone's hands as they trickled past. The sleeves of his petrol flannel were rolled up, revealing a rather out-of-place, faded tattoo of a crawling lizard and a bunch of old scars. "You can call me Tally though."
Violet held out her hand. "Hi, I'm Violet, we talked on the phone."
"Great to meet you all!" He grinned. "Are you coming inside?"
"Before anyone asks, I inherited the house," Tally explained while leading them upstairs. "It's rotten and I hate it and the bills are a naked horror but I doubt I can find anything that has more capacities for a library." He opened a door. "Intrate, everyone."
"Remarkable," Doc commented.
Remarkable was indeed an understatemt. The room they'd entered was a library- with a beautiful brick fireplace and huge windows that let in the sparse afternoon sun, bookshelves brushed against the webbed ceiling and sunk into every wall. The floor was carpeted, through incredibly uncomfortable to walk on, and the furniture antique. One wall was plastered with photographs and notes.
"Nice," Walther mumbled, taking the second to once again soak in their surroundings.
Tally grinned, idly brushing aside pages and old notes compromised of incomprehensible scribbles and drawings. His teeth were somewhat crooked. "I didn't replace any of the furniture, but I did sell a chunk of the old books. There was just no space for mine." He closed the door behind them. "So anyway, you wanted to know about the cult?"
"There's been a bunch of murders in Forest Lane that were eerily similar to what it did, so yeah." Thasfield shrugged his broad shoulders. "We suspect the cult might be involved."
"Oh, I heard about that on the news!" Tally sorted the files on the table until he found what he was looking for. Then he looked up. His face was serious now. "At this point I'd like to admit I have a slightly selfish motivation in this."
"What is it?", Violet asked.
"You see..." Tally leaned against the table. "For context, I'm a history professor, but my focus is on cryptids and modern legends. Historical context, potential explanations, yada yada. A few years ago I stumbled across the legend of the Forest God."
Walther's face lit up. "Oh, I remember that story, my parents used to tell it to me when I was a kid! This one guy got lost in the woods, was found dead and after his funeral his reanimated corpse came home and his wife who loved him very, very much-" They side-eyed Violet and Coffee, who in turn glared back. "-couldn't accept that maybe it's not exactly normal that your husband's corpse is vibing around, then after a while he started killing people, then he killed her and then the neighbours buried him in an iron casket in the woods so he would stop randomly murdering people. Right?"
"You summed it up." Tally nodded.
"But who believes in that?!" Violet frowned. "I mean... it's just a legend, right? Somebody finally snapped, had a rough week or something, and people straight up believe his bullshit?"
"He came back from the dead and started murdering people, Violet," Doc commented.
She shrugged dismissively. "We've all been there."
"I don't want to meet you after a bad week," Tally remarked with mild discomfort, absentmindedly flipping through pages of notes and nonsense. "The existence of the man who allegedly became the Forest God is proven. His name was Eustace Wyndham and if you ask me he had rabies and some things were added for drama. But that's not even relevant, because the cult came almost a hundred years later." He slid around the table and opened another scattered file. "1969 they started to worship the Forest God. At first it was nothing special, you know, just the average college student nonsense." He held up an old photograph, subtle wonder in his eyes as he stared into it, before handing it to Walther. "Here, you can take a look at this! That's the entire cult. The guy in purple with the long hair is one of the founders. The other founder left in 1970 after getting a bad feeling about the whole thing. I caught him for an interview five years ago. Lovely guy, sadly died of cancer shortly after. It's a shame. You can pass the photo around! Notice how they're all wearing cow parsley wreaths. That was the flower associated with the Forest God and the flower scattered all over their murder victim's body, or rather what was left of it."
"All the victims had cow parsley in their mouth," Doc realized, dragging a hand up to rest in his soft ginger curls, staring blankly into the distance, thinking.
Tally nodded hastily. "Exactly! And now please look at what I found on my windowsill this morning!"
He limped over to the tallboy, half relying on the nearby furniture for support. Leaning down and throwing open a drawer, after a short while of sifting through papers and photographs, he took out something else. Then he held it up.
It was a wreath of cow parsley.
"That's....not good," Walther murmured after a long moment of stunned silence.
Tally nodded, twirling the flowers between his thumb and forefinger. "You get it. You know..." He leaned heavily against a dusty, worn table and heaved a small sigh. "When Wilhelm called me at first I was very sceptical of it all. I'm not a group project person, if you know what I mean. But this is just the tip of the ice berg and I have a feeling that I might be next, so I decided to work with you." He shrugged his shoulders.
While he'd been talking, Coffee had been furiously typing. He handed Tally his phone and Tally read it out loud.
" 'How about we use you as a bait?' Um... Can you...can you please explain what exactly you mean? That doesn't sound particularly safe-!"
He handed Coffee's phone back to him, paranoid he might accidentally drop it, and the detective started typing an answer, this time with significantly more determination.
Hear me out. So my idea was basically that tonight we let the killer come, but were going to be prepared. In other words, we gather a big group that's going to protect you, and we're going to arrest the murderer once he's here. What do you think?
Tally hesitated for a short moment and chewed his lip, opening his mouth to reply, then closing it again.. "I mean... I guess you have a point, sooner or later he's going to get me either way."
"I mean, let's be real, you can't run forever," Thasfield said, leaning forwards. "Even if you move, it's still going to take a while, and judging by what we know you're being pretty actively stalked, so it's quite possible he'll just follow you and then you'll be killed by a Forest God in a hotel room in Central Graytown. Which probably makes for an interesting plotline in a noir film, but we're talking real life here and I highly doubt you're so keen on landing in the morgue anytime soon. Although the Doctor is an expert at autopsies."
Doc smirked.
".........yeah," Tally admitted. He sat down on the table and scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, that sounds...icky but realistic." He closed his eyes took a deep breath. "Alright. Who's gonna be on this team?"
Doc's phone's rang loudly to shake up their newfound confidence, and he excused himself, stepping back into the dusty hallway to take the call.
"I mean, most of us for starters," Violet said. "But I was also thinking of grabbing Gary Fox and Wilhelm. Strength in number, you know?"
Doc eventually came back to the group. His weathered face was stricken with subtle anxiety. "Bad news."
"What is it?", Walther asked.
"Alice found her mailman by the stables."
Walther frowned. "Okay, and what's so special about that?"
"His left arm was by the stables. The rest of him was scattered across the field."
"Dear God, is he okay?"
"He's okay, but he's dead." Doc turned to Tally, lowering his voice just enough. "Can we settle on tonight?"
Tally nodded. His sunburnt face had notably paled, turning his skin a somewhat pasty yellow. "Sure. What time are y'all coming?"
"Is five o'clock alright with you?"
Tally shrugged his shoulders. "Sure."
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faewildscalling · 5 years
The Cursed Girl (Mescana)
This is an AU type one shot for @thewritingstar and @sobatsu 's fictober free day.
Cana POV:
I sigh and look out the window of my tower. My animal friends bring me more booze. I thank them and drink the boredom away. I've been locked this tower for years. I used to be a successful mage. Now I'm just the depressed drunk girl. Most people wouldn't mess with me.
One day, I refused to marry this Sorcerer that approached me. He thought I was beautiful but I wasn't interested.  As punishment for refusing him, he cursed me to be a monster during the day. I'm normal at nighttime. He also locked me up and left me here to rot. I've tried to break the spell but my power seems not to work. What the hell did he do to me? I'm not sure but I hate it. I'm no longer myself.
I look out the window once more. What else could I do? I start feeling the booze.  At least when I'm drunk its not as bad. I see a figure approaching the tower. I hide away in the shadows. It's still daytime. I don't want anyone to see me like this. 
I watch from the shadows as a rough looking man comes in. He has a scar on his cheek and his hair looks a bit wild. What is he doing here? He explores the area. I backup and accidentally knock over a bottle of booze. His head whips around to my hiding spot. We both freeze with wide eyes. I'm internally panicking.
"Who are you?" He asked curiously. "Just go ahead and leave. I'm bad luck, man." I say fearfully. He squints trying to see me. "Come on out. Please, I'm not gonna harm you." He says. "No! I don't want anyone to see me. Isn't that obvious?" I snap at him. He then walks over to me. I back away till my back hits the wall. Shit! He looks at me now that he's closer. "What are you?" He looks more curious than anything else.
"I'm a monster obviously or are you blind?" I reply. "Then why do you have a human voice and human eyes?" He says. I frown and decide to tell him the truth. "I'm human but only at night. I've been cursed to be this monster by day. Now go on and run away!" I reply bitterly. "How about I try to help you break the curse?" He asked. "I can't break it on my own. The guy who put it on me must be a powerful sorcerer. How could you possibly help me if I can't do a damn thing about it myself?" I ask. "I'm a mage and know of a place full of other mages. I could teleport us there and maybe someone can break the curse or tell us how to break it. I'm sure someone has to know." He smiles.
He looks trustworthy when he smiles instead of his serious face. I down some more booze. "Sure, can we go at night though? I don't like people seeing me like this. I'd rather not be chased by an angry mob." I say as I gesture to my beast like appearance. I swear it's like a reverse version of being a werewolf. "Sure at nightfall we can teleport there." He replied. "T-teleport? I don't know to teleport!" I blurt out. He chuckles at my surprised face.
"Just hold on to me and I'll do all the work." He says. "By the way my name is Mest Gryder. You?" He raises an eyebrow. "The name is Cana Alberona. Nice to meet ya." I reply. I then take another drink. Nightfall will be soon. Then I'll be back to normal.
**time skip**
The sun sets and finally I feel my body returning to normal. A glow surrounds my body and I become my normal self. I'm a brunette with long wavy hair and purple eyes. Mest looks up with a surprised expression and turns away with a slight blush. I'm wearing a bikini top and a skirt.
"Yo Mest, Nice to meet you in my natural state." I say smirking. I grab a bottle of booze and down the whole thing. "Ready to go to Fairy Tail?" He asked. I raise a brow. "What exactly is Fairy Tail? You didn't explain earlier." I say suspiciously. It's a mage guild were people get work and make alliance or teams." You can probably find someone who can help lift the curse." He replies.
I nod and he grabs my arm. I feel my stomach lurch then we are in a different place. I look around to see what looks like a large tavern with an upstairs and a job board. This place is so much better than my tower. I head straight to the bar and order a drink from the pretty bartender with long white hair. Mest just sighs and goes to a small old man and a short blue haired girl. After speaking they walk over and introduce themselves.
"Welcome to Fairy tail. My name is Makarov. I'm the master here. Mest said you need our help breaking a curse?" He asked. "Yeah. During the day I'm cursed to be a werewolf like monster. At night I'm what you see here. Some creep cursed me cause I refused to marry him. Never going near that jerk again. If I ever do seem him...well, let's just say he's getting a major ass kicking." I huffed and gulped down the drink the barmaid named Mira set down for me.
The master nodded and the blue haired girl who said her name was Levy looked deep in thought. Then her eyes lit up and she ran off to I'm guessing a library. I shrug and ask for a barrel. Mira hands it to me and I happily chug some of it. Mest pulls me away from the bar. I started protesting.
"Let's help Levy. Don't you want to break the curse?" He asked seriously. I sigh and pout but agree. We walk into a massive library. Levy looks up with these red glasses on. "I found it. Basically it's a cliche curse." She says. "And what does that mean, Little blue?" I asked.
"So it says a kiss from your soul mate will break it. I call them cliche curses cause it's like a fairy tale curse almost." she states. "So I gotta find love and kiss the guy? How the hell am I supposed to find my soulmate?" I asked. Levy shrugged. Mest looks up. "I guess you need to hang out and find someone who accepts both parts of you like I did. It's not impossible." He shrugs. I slightly blush. Now that I think of it, he is the first one to accept me. I wonder what the rest of this guild will think tomorrow.
Mest offers to let me stay at his place. I accept and we go there. "Thank you for all your help. I really appreciate it. I still think you're strange." I tell him on the way. "I don't mind helping. No one deserves to be cursed. " He says. I wonder where he got his scar. He must have gone through his share of hard times. I lay down on the couch and fall asleep.
I wake in the morning as a beast. I sigh and grab some booze. Mest walks in and greets me like I'm a normal person. I tell him how I don't wanna go anywhere as a beast. So he decides to stay with me at the house. We talk as I drink. I get the urge to mess with his hair. I run my fingers through his hair gently and unconsciously trace his scar. He blushes and leans away. I noticed what I was doing. "S-sorry. Alcohol."  I quickly blame it on that.
I feel at ease with him and I've never had that before. I wouldn't mind him being my soulmate even if he is a but weird. I saw him eat a flower cause he wanted to know how it tasted....like that's just odd. We hang out till I turn into my normal self. I challenge him to a drinking contest. I win obviously but then I'm distracted by him  playing with my hair. I blush and push him away. He falls over and laughs then comes up to me looking more sober.
"Your gorgeous Cana. Even as a beast and I mean it." He looks sober and serious. I look up at him and he pulls me into a kiss. My eyes widen in surprise before I wrap my arms around him bury my fingers into his hair and deepening the kiss. He had a hand on my lower back and the back on my head, buried into my hair.  A glow surrounds us and we look outside to see we stayed up all night drinking and hanging out. Its sunrise but I'm not transforming. The curse is broken. I look at Mest and smile. "Look it's broken. The sappy shit was true. Guess you're my soulmate, ya weirdo." He kisses me again and we head over to the guild to tell them the good news.
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