#can't wait until the anime gets to the really fun scenes with them
achievement-hunter · 7 months
The amount of gorgeous Farcille art I see on here every day... a blessing
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satancopilotsmytardis · 2 months
Shiggy making Dabi play a video game with him and relating his fireflies stats or how many levels he beats to rewards and punishments. It's always the same game every time thought so Dabi is very very slowly getting better at it
Okay, I know this is horny and fun, but I can't help but see Dabi's personality in this situation. Tomura starts him on this, and Dabi gets really cranky about it, like 20 minutes into the planned session, and absolutely wracks up punishments like nobody's business. He is the brattiest that he's been in months, and even though the sex after is really good, Dabi doesn't stop being a brat afterward. Tomura thinks that maybe he just genuinely had a bad time with it and says if Dabi doesn't want to play like that again, then they don't have to. Which causes Dabi to throw another fit and push to do it again. They do, but Tomura has absolutely caught on that something is up. He says they can't scene with this until they can talk, and Dabi just says fine and goes back to normal.
And then Spinner comes to talk to Shig a few days later saying that Dabi has been hanging out with him trying to get to 100% completion on that game, and he is weirdly obsessive over it. Did Tomura say something about it being his favorite game??? Cause Dabi is smoking almost the whole time he's playing, even if it's going well.
Tomura corners Dabi and challenges him to a pvp in the game and he decimates Dabi, and then waits for him to stop being furious and yelling, and when he does, Dabi admits that he never played games as a kid. What he did was train constantly trying to be good at everything and never being good enough at anything to actually have it make a difference. He just wants to be good enough for Tomura now, and Shig abruptly realizes that they accidentally walked right into a trigger for Dabi's trauma that neither of them were expecting.
They talk, and eventually Dabi tells him he does still want Tomura to be able to share the things he loves wirh him, but they decide to not make it a part of play that has an element of punishment for failure. They take the gaming out of sex and Tomura shows Dabi Animal Crossing or some other game he likes that doesn't have obvious markers of success or failure so Dabi can just enjoy playing and existing without strings attached.
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yellowocaballero · 4 months
so! saw you mentioned jjk, so if you wanna talk about it, whats your thoughts been on it so far?
Was waiting to answer this until I finished S2, which I just did.
It's incredible. It's an amazing work of art. Some of the best fighting animation I've ever seen in an anime, some of the best fight scenes period, non-stop gripping and thrilling and incredibly exciting. Gorgeous, cool as fuck, a lot of fun. Binged it and was extremely unwilling to do anything other than watch it. Real 'wander out of my room, rant to my roommates about how good it is, ignore their confused looks and wander back in my room to continue binging' energy.
Beyond that, my thoughts are a bit complex and difficult to put into words. It's great at a lot of things besides action - it has great characters, humor, world-building, everything. I would like to see more of the other things it's good at, and I think that would elevate the fight scenes a lot. I won't go into a tangent about what makes "a good action movie", but basically in good action work the action scenes need to have a lot of weight. S2 was basically 15 episodes of the climax of an incredible action movie, and a lot of the fight scenes would have been stronger if there was greater buildup or a more coherent escalation (Mahito loses every fight, which makes it hard to take his very lengthy subsequent fights seriously)(Gojo himself is a mystifying choice)(My only coherent thought for two episodes straight was 'Mahito just fucking die already'). My personal belief about arcs in serialized works is that they should work as full stories in isolation and have a coherent beginning, middle, climax, and end; one that still slots into the greater narrative of the serialized work and meaningfully develops the characters, world, and overarching plotline. S2 was, again, 15 episodes of climactic fight scene. But the climactic fight scenes were so fucking good.
It's a lot of things that I normally like in theory and are extremely bored of in practice. JJK really lived up to the theory of "what if a shonen action anime was only action and it was so so so so so good". If you do want an example of mangakas who do work that's 95% action that's skimpy on characters/plot/etc but still feel like an extremely complete experience, I recommend Nightow's Blood Blockade Battlefront.
Lots of criticism on a show I fucking loved, but you are talking to someone for whom "they punched so good and then the explosions were so pretty and I pumped the air and was satiated by the violence" is a 5/5 glowing four thumbs up review. The characters themselves were so endearing and fascinating and charismatic, which is an understated but important aspect of an action work. They don't have to be deep or complex, but you do have to get me invested in them and make them fun to watch. It also has incredible and well-utilized women, which esp in male oriented work I do genuinely consider a barometer of quality - not 'badass women automatically makes something good', but 'a creator who can write every character well is good at creating characters and if you can't create all your characters well or feel uncomfortable with portraying half the population then you aren't good at creating characters'.
Geto/Gojo will never be KakaObi and you are all lying to yourselves.
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valenfield-inspo · 2 years
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Just basically theorizing here a bit to kill some time before we get more info on the upcoming cgi film, "Resident Evil: Death Island". It's nothing to be taken remotely seriously as we haven't been given much as to what the movie will exactly entail (just a synopsis and summed up bios of the characters).
I'm assuming in this scene, Chris walks in on Jill at a shooting range (presumably at a BSAA compound?) to inform her about his investigation of the outbreak happening in San Francisco. I wonder if he's going to ask her to join in on the investigation. I mean they've known each other a long time going back to the days of STARS Alpha team, to the Spencer Mansion Incident, reuniting after the events of Code Veronica to join a private task force to take down Umbrella, to being part of the formation of the BSAA and up until Jill's sacrifice to save Chris from being killed by Albert Wesker in Lost in Nightmares. They have had a long history of working together and completely trust each other and with Jill's determination for justice (which we really saw that up close in RE3, both OG and Remake) and responsibility, no doubt Chris would want her on the mission.
We know Jill rejoins the team but I wonder if she'll still experience any of the mental side effects from re5. If those feelings of guilt might surface some while on the mission in Alcatraz. Since Alcatraz was once a prison, maybe it would trigger memories of Jill being imprisoned by Wesker for 3 years. 3 years must of felt like a lifetime with being tortured and forced to participate in inflicting acts of bioterrorism. It just would be nice to see her overcome those "mental demons" and get to display some badassery that we know she's capable of doing. She's already got a great supporter in Chris (can't wait to see them working together again!). So I think she would do amazing. Chris certainly knows she can hold her own! I know the series doesn't tend dive too deep with the characters prioritizing game play over story. And even the cgi films are more like fan service action vehicles, especially with Vendetta. So not getting my hopes up too high but it is fun to come up with ideas. I just wish they would take the opportunity to use these animated film series to explore the protagonists more. Go deeper. After all, since the films are not video games, they wouldn't have to worry about balancing game play over story, etc... They could just focus more on the story. Just some thoughts for now anyway until we know more.
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stackslip · 26 days
augh yeah as much as i do love the parts of COS that are very obviously trying to do something competent and genuine, the amestris parts are just so ????
ill be honest, im pretty sure i blocked those scenes out, so remembering that what happened on the amestris side is. yikes
definitely wish the movie was more focused and didnt try to add as much as it did. especially roy -- i dont mind the beginning, hell i think him exiling himself to the north is a good concept, but the fact that he takes back his position (iirc) is just. so are we throwing away the character development and him realizing that he CANT change the military from the inside or what.
in general i honestly wanted to see less of the military cast. they frankly dont have much reason to be there other than the fact people wanted to see them (esp armstrong... just. WHY). im sure there are still ways to work in roy if the creators really wanted him to be there but like. idk! they sure didnt have to do it like that! we couldve spent more time on exploring noah as a character. or let izumi die on screen. sigh
been a while since i rewatched COS but thanks for pointing out all the weird stuff, i'd almost forgotten it and i honestly shouldn't.
(and of course i have to say i love your posts on the series proper. i will never be normal about scar. ever)
the second i saw roy in there i was like why is roy still in the military at all. wasn't his whole arc about realizing that he can't do shit within the military because it is an institution built on atrocities and exploitation? why is he still in it then. why is he talking about serving his country. why's he talking about waiting for ED that makes no fucking SENSE. (why is he alive. someone said they thought roy was supposed to die by the end of 03 but they kept him alive bc he's a fan fave and i wholly believe this frankly). why is the country's military still seemingly intact with a whole surveillance network, when 03 ended on the military being severely crippled and amestris's neighbours getting ready to invade it and bring it to its knees? why are we literally seeing *the fucking weimar republic* in cos only for amestris to not parallel it in any way and instead be the brotherhood-type funland where once you've taken out the mean führer, everything is fine and there's nothing to fix?
and like. this is a short movie right! i know that they were denied a season, maybe even a season and a half to finish off the show and that some elements of cos were meant to be in the og show's ending. and it shows! bc again munich is fucking reasonably competent considering how much is crammed in on hour thirty. and i know that cos's production was also rushed as hell and that as an Anime Movie they were contractually obligated to 1) put as many recurring fan faves in as possible 2) have at least a third of the movie be a big action scene. so like. i can understand the limits. you have no time, you're told you have to put all this shit in, you want to finish off the brothers' story at the very least. but my gd! you're telling me you had an izumi death scene and it doesn't happen??? you could cut roy out ENTIRELY from this. you could not put ARMSTRONG IN LIORE. you could..... i know they had no time at all, i know once again it was 03 being shafted by production committees and time and budget but it's legit insane how the very stupid and seemingly innocuous choice of having armstrong "rebuild" liore comedically completely slapped me out of whatever headspace cos had managed to slip me in before. i was enjoying it a lot until we got to amestris. and this armstrong thing, followed by rose's line here:
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it's just. it's almost comedic. i'm almost wondering if the writer is fucking with me here and acknowledging just how stupid it is to put armstrong doing alchemy in liore is. probably not but gd this is bad. this is brotherhood levels of obliviousness to the themes.
anyhow i'm not finishing cos tonight bc i'm too pissed about it lol. it's funny bc for years i was told it was bad but for the opposite reasons that it's actually bad. like folks kept saying the munich parts were bad/stupid/wrong and made no sense when to me they're by far the most thematically coherent and interesting/emotional bits of it. i LOVE the relationship between noah and ed. and like, i know the bar is is in hell when it comes to depicting roma on screen, but i can't help but appreciate the little and big ways both noah and her people get humanized, how they feel like the most real and concrete part of this world ed insists is a dream or hell. but really, genuinely noah is so good, alfons's weird crush on ed is hysterical, the general atmosphere and research around 1923 munich seems genuinely thoughtful (and it also tells me that the writers had been thinking about this long, long before even 03 ended). i genuinely believe that making munich! hugues a nazi sympathizer and a racist is a really inspired and brave choice that makes the audience reflects THEIR hugues and how the amestrian military behaved. so anyhow these parts are good, genuinely. it's sad that that's the first third and then you get thrown into this mess, and there's still a whole stupid nazi battle to come. it's stupid. it's stupid especially bc there's a genuine part of the movie that IS smart and thoughtful. it'd be so much easier if all of it were bad, or if the difference between the writing in each part weren't so obvious. anyhow. i wanna finish cos bc i wanna see wrath's arc end and envy eating hoheinheim and ed/al reunion and more of noah. but also i think i'm gonna be writing off large chunks of it lol.
(also thank you very much, i'm trying to preach 03 to whoever i can whenever i can. appreciate the love)
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runabout-river · 6 months
Thoughts on JJK chapter 255 (spoilers)
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Fun chapter with many interesting parts.
People have wondered if Larue would also appear mostly because he had been working with Yuki at some point. That they're called Team Geto is really funny.
We get a flashback of the timeskip with Yuta and Larue recruiting Miguel to their cause. He isn't convinced at first until Larue changes his mind. Nanako and Mimiko we know were killed by Sukuna but their conversation makes it seem like the other two who had that encounter with Kusakabe and Panda also died.
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Miguel says that Gojo should've come himself to get him on board. This makes it the first time that Gojo's absence from the timeskip flashbacks is acknowledged in a meta fashion. This is significant imo because this throws the doors wide open to Gojo having done sth else than train with his students for the last month.
That could be some kind of preparation or getting more allies to their side. It could even be specialized training for Nobara or something else entirely but it will come back at some point.
Sukuna: 😩
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Recap to remind us that Sukuna is injured right now and that he can't use RCT. This makes it seem like the Geto Duo was somewhere else than the monitor room where the other are/were.
I also wanted to point out that Larue is the most stereotypically coded gay character in JJK. He's the kind of character that is overly masculine physically but has some over-the-top feminine characteristics like his eyes, lips and the pink hearts over his tits.
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Can't wait to see Miguel breakdancing his way out of cleave animated.
Sukuna has more interest in Miguel's CT than Larue's, showing us that he still to this moment loves analyzing and optimizing Jujutsu
We get a flashback that has Gojo in it BUT that flashback is pre-Shibuya and happens after the end of the movie (a scene that wasn't in the original manga).
And Gojo was racist? Interestingly, he applied real world physical built of the average Japanese person to that of an unspecified African country saying that a physical buff for Miguel's people works better because they're physically stronger (apparently but who really knows). Except of course that thinking falls apart (in multiple ways) when we consider that we're in a battle shonen and all sorcerers are either decently or highly muscular (except the women)
We see that Miguel is, as Gege has once said, strong and he gets a few good blows against Sukuna. Choso also reappears.
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We get an explanation on how Sukuna's World Cutting Slash works. He needs to use his domain seal to activate it and I'm curious what exactly that means in regards to what domain seals even are.
Against Gojo, Sukuna had lost his left hand in the Hollow Purple attack, so he shouldn't have been able to perform the WCS but he made a vow instead that stipulated that for all future uses of that cut he needs to use his palm to specify the trajectory of it.
He could've activated his transformation then instead of making the vow but he probably saw it as more important that Gojo thought that he had been defeated.
Maki came back like most people in my poll voted for. Now I'm... anxious on how Gege will write her from then on. From her chapter we got the sense that she will have a bigger role in confronting one specific aspect of Sukuna but now we're in a group battle again.
Larue got a BF though so the group will shrink really fast which should get Maki back into the spotlight.
She cuts off Sukuna's left hand making it seemingly impossible for him to use his super cut except we the audience know of course that that won't hinder him too much.
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Yuji, you're so full hope that it was inevitable that it would be crushed immediately. Sukuna uses a second BF which will restore his CE output meaning he'll heal his limbs just like Gojo did at that point in their fight.
He still has his fire arrow and the corresponding technique of it in his Arsenal as well, so like Uraume said, he still hasn't gotten all out on them
I feel like the fight is going to get into its third phase in the upcoming chapters. Prepare for another 3-5 chapter mini-arc (probably the Uraume/Hakari fight) to interrupt it after something shocking will happen.
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I CAME BACK FROM THE MOVIE LIKE AN HOUR OR SO AGO- AND HOLLY CRAP- Here is some stuff I will say and I'll give my review at the end.
I love how to movie doesn't waste time and immediately jumps straight into action and also the backstory of it's soon to be main villain.
The designs are really nice I like them a lot. They are nice to look at. Maybe for some it might take a while to get used to but their decent at best.
I enjoy that right when we are introduced to the turtles they don't waste time showing their personalities.
This movie's angst inspiration definetelly came from the fandom lmao
like bro they just threw a bunch of angst in there.
Speaking of angst, I like how they immediately establish how much the turtles genuinely wanna be accepted into humanity and how they don't hold back on making sad scenes.
I don't mind Leo's crush. It's cute and I like how it's depicted. It's not that focused on which I don't really mind. I don't know where I sit with MM Aprilnardo, I'll wait until the series drops or we get a sequel and see what happens. If nothing happens between the two then I guess I won't be too hard into it. Unless maybe we see April and Leo both sharing feelings or something. Though if April politely rejects him I'll leave it at that. Again I still don't know where to sit with this ship.
Splinter is cool and funny. Also- we don't talk about that scene with him and scumbug-
The backstory for the characters is sad and I like how you can genuinely sympathize with them and it's not forced or anything.
I-I-I-I-I-I had to look away at the Puke scenes and the make out scene- Yeah I did get second hand embarrassment with this movie-
I enjoy how cringey it is- Like I get second hand embarrassment and yet it's funny to me-
MondoMikey shippers DNI. They are cousins in Mutant Mayhem.
I love how the movie's style is that of 87 and take more inspiration from the 87 version though to me the personalities for the characters were a mixture of rise and 2012 with some inclusion of 87 as well.
I actually watched this movie in my language not the english one. Sadly I didn't record any of the scenes so I can't show it to ya'll. :( Mainly cause I assumed it wasn't allowed to be recorded.
Shocked I didn't cry at certain scenes-
I enjoy that each character shines in his own way and all of them manage to do so.
Don't lay a finger on Leo... I will bite your legs off...
Sadly me and my papa didn't stay until the cliffhanger but I watched it on YouTube though.
The animation kind of seems messy but I do feel like it's something a little kid would design and considering this is a kids movie and all it's understandable. Though it gives us a lot of funny expressions xp
Story is unique, fight scenes really fun and amazing, the ending felt deserved and overall I enjoyed it.
Now, I know Superfly is a villain and all but if I'm gonna be honest- He didn't deserve death. I wish he got a redemption arc. He's just a broken villain who I ended up sympathizing and understanding. Yeah he wasn't doing the right thing but can you blame him?
Off topic but what gender is Leatherhead-? I kind of got confused ngl lmao
So in my opinion, it's either 8.5 or a 9/10. Mainly because there are some cringey scenes that I did cringe at and ngl I feel like certain scenes's pace was kind of a bit too fast. I don't know really-
BONUS: My papa's thoughts on the movie:
Found it cringe and stupid
He prefers the old TMNT
Prefers it when they stick to the shadows rather then go to high school
He thought Splinter was stupid and how he said the old one was a 'badass mothefucka'. His words not mine.
He prefers when Leo is really serious and calm, Raph a hot head and constantly wanting to smash things, Donnie being calm and smart and Mikey- Mikey he didn't mind since he said he is always stupid and a dumbass- (not really his words but close enough-)
He found the story not to be that really consistent and also the animation to him wasn't fluid. He didn't think it was the best or that good.
The story is interesting to him and unique and all though.
Don't hate my papa pretty please-
He pretty much grew on the 87 and OG comics. He kind of also probably had to deal with watching with me and my bro the TMNTs we grew up with. If anyone's curious, my bro grew up on the 2003 and kind of also 2012 since we both binged watched it a lot every time we came back home from school meanwhile I grew up on the 2012 but also in a way with 2003. Mainly since I have a few memories of seeing some episodes of it so I know some stuff.
Anyway- his score is a 6/10 for the movie and he says that is a VERY generous score.
Extra add in:
I realized my outfit looked similar to April's- Just- it had different colors and- I'm white as fu- Loved April a lot in this movie by the way.
I watched it with 3D glasses.
They were also selling masks of the TMNT. I only saw Raph, Mikey and Donnie but not Leo. I didn't buy one by the way-
I annoyed my dad with how much I was jumping and kicking my feet around.
And yeah that's all-
Loved the movie, I enjoyed it, I hope ya'll have enjoyed it as well and yeah!
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ro994art · 3 months
Minireviews of the Bluey Minisodes
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Hello everyone! Here's another one of those rare text posts from me.
As most of you may know, I'm a Bluey fan. And as all Bluey fans know, today a new batch of Bluey shorts premiered on Disney+, also known as Minisodes (or previously "Bonus Bits").
And while most fans had likely already watched these minisodes, given how they came out nearly a month before in Australia, I myself chose to wait until they were available on Disney+ to watch them, in order to save myself the hassle of looking for them online. Call me lazy if you want, but I often find it trickier than it sounds like. 😅 Especially considering how quickly those tend to get taken down.
But I digress. I was going to do this on Twitter originally, but I thought it'd be more fun and easier to express myself without a character limit here. So, since no one asked for my opinion, I'm going to give it anyways! xD
⚠️ Spoilers ahead, of course.
Here are my brief(-ish) thoughts on each of the new 7 shorts that were released.
🍔 Burger Dog
I have a soft spot for any Bluey short or episode that shows the characters dancing, particularly if they showcase new dancesteps that hadn't been shown before and that isn't flossing. I just find it really adorable and well-animated, so I enjoyed this one.
Maybe this is coming from the perspective of a non-parent, and if I ever have kids I'll have a totally different opinion, but I personally didn't find the song THAT annoying xD At least not for a first time listening to it. If it were the 15th time they'd had it on, I'd understand Bandit's position, but if it really was the first time he heard it, I would've at least let Bluey and Bingo finish the song if I were him. But again, that's just me, and it's not like what Bandit did was anything too terrible, nor am I mad at him for it. Just giving my opinion here. 😅
Oh, and the ending made me chuckle. Clever girl, Bingo. 😉😂
🤖 Bingo 3000
Not really much to say about this one, other than it was cute xD It reminded me a lot of "Daddy Robot", but with the roles reversed. Honestly, the final scene of Chili calling Bingo 3000 with her arriving super slowly because her legs are still stuck and Bandit's all "Don't get me started" was my favorite part. 😝 Overall, it was fine.
🚚 Muffin Unboxing
DEFINITELY my favorite out of this batch xD Muffin may not be my favorite character, but she is definitely the most entertaining one, and I always love seeing her show up because you just KNOW some hilarious chaos is about to ensue. 🤣
What can I say? This minisode was classic Muffin from beginning to end. Her having a toy review channel just makes too much sense and I never knew I needed it until now xD Something else I loved about this one was seeing Stripe's poor video editing skills once again, with him leaving in parts of the recording that were definitely meant to remain on the cutting floor. 😂 Very "Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound," which is amongst my favorite episodes, so you know I loved seeing it.
And of course, I can't stop mentioning and appreciating Socks, my favorite, getting a cute little cameo at the end, and getting at least one line! AAAH! She's always so cute, I love Rock-Socks, you do you babygirl :'3 (And the ending was hilarious of course xD Again, classic Muffin)
I want to petition Ludo Studio to make a "Muffin's Toys" shorts series where we see Muffin parodying various types of YouTube Kids videos. Like, imagine Muffin doing challenges or a DIY? I feel like we need that. At least I do. 😜
📄 Letter
I liked this one quite a lot as well. Always love seeing tidbits of the parents' childhoods. And even though this wasn't on the same levels as "Fairytale" or "Dragon" when it comes to flashbacks or revelations, it was still pretty sweet to watch.
Little Bandit's spellings made me chuckle xD I also weirdly like how it was revealed that he used to have a bird, mostly because it reminded me of a few pet birds my grandma had when I was little. I got a bit worried that Chris was going to get sad or offended about Bandit's comment on her cooking, but glad she took it with humor. 😜
I know Bandit never really liked his artstyle, but honestly, I find it kind of charming and cute. And pretty good for a five-year-old. 😉
🍴 Hungry
Another one that was just okay for me, personally. I mean, Bandit playing like this with the girls and making them laugh is always adorable to watch. And the dad jokes were strong with this one. A lot of people are probably not going to like the gross humor, but eh, it honestly doesn't bother me.
So yeah, this was classic Bandit. I think that's all I have to say. 😅
🐷 Three Pigs
Since "Cinderella" was one of my favorites of the original batch of Bonus Bits, I had high hopes for this one. And well, I won't say that I was disappointed, because I wasn't really. I just didn't enjoy it as much as "Cinderella", mostly because this one felt a LOT more fast-paced, and I was having a hard time keeping up with Bandit's story at one point. Mmmh, is the duration of this shorter than "Cinderella"? I'll have to check it out, but I don't think it is, which makes the fact that it felt so much more fast-paced kind of interesting. 😅 Maybe he just spoke more, I guess.
It was still pretty fun. Bandit naming two pigs after the girls was cute, and sending the other one away to make things easier for himself was really funny. 😝 I wish I had his improv skills, not gonna lie. 😅 As a little side-note, I'm a bit surprised Disney didn't change or omit the "It's against my religion" line.
But yeah. Didn't like it as much as I would've liked, but still a good time.
🍃 Animals
I think this might be my second favorite out of these new shorts. Keep in mind that I was raised by a single mother, so as much as I love Bandit, I'm always going to have a soft spot for episodes that focus on Chilli hanging out with the girls in some way. 🥹
I don't know, I just found the game really cute for some reason. 🧡 It's so simple, and pretty much just an excuse to tickle Bingo in different ways, but I like how creative they got for each animal's walk. And from a character design standpoint, it made a lot of sense to make Bingo's back a "field". Like, for some reason, that made me chuckle, I don't know xD These dogs are so cubical, it felt logical, LOL.
Chilli's games have always been lot more, well, chill than Bandit's xD But I've always been a calm kid, and once again, they remind me of things my own mom and I used to play, so they resonate with me. Despite the surprising ending, this minisode was just very sweet. 😊
Final thoughts:
Even though there wasn't really anything that extraordinary about these minisodes, one must keep in mind that they're not really meant to be compared to the regular Bluey episodes, which themselves have set a pretty high standard. These are just bite-sized, mostly slice-of-life little adventures to keep us interested in these characters in-between seasons. I've always been a lover of simple slice-of-life stories when characters I love are involved, and I love these characters a great deal, so I'll always like seeing them in any capacity, especially in official productions.
I do wish we could get a few shorts of other secondary characters such as Bluey's school friends, Bingo's school friends, the neighbors, or even Rad and Frisky. But I do think more of these are coming, especially considering that some of the stills that have been released as promos (such as Chilli measuring the girls or them arriving at Nana's house and Grandpa Bob being there) didn't appear in any of these. So I have no doubt we'll be getting more minisode batches soon, and hopefully, other characters will make appearances similarly to how they did in the first Bonus Bits.
Any Bluey content is always a win for me, so I'm happy we got these. 💙
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bionicle-ramblings · 1 year
So, like I said before, I remembered the end credits, mainly the details that made me think of the animated bloopers in Pixar movies, and that gave me an idea:
Basically the Bionicle Metru/Hordika story, except the Behind the Scenes shenanigans
Stuff like interviews, bloopers, random silliness, fun fact, and even goofs that made it into what we see
For the bloopers, going in chronological order:
Lhikan and Nidhiki quote Star Wars at each other and ruin takes
Takua is in the shop and messes up shots because he can't hold the boom mic
Nhidiki accidentally drops Vakama and laughs like hell because Vakama screams and exaggerates dying
Vakama repeatedly falls off the lava board and keeps missing his "no"
The Toa Metru keep trying to make each other laugh
Matau forgets to do the Le-Metru speak and put words together like quick-fast and all that
Vakama and Matau just screwing with each other by doing stuff like poking fun at their bad takes, small pranks like putting salt in each other's coffee, switching each other's props, all sorts of shenanigans that make the cast and crew lead to babysitting two morons
Matau keeps trying to do his own stunts, but his stunt double keeps stepping in so he doesn't get hurt
Teridax and Vakama repeatedly slip up with their lines, though it leads to Vakama needing to train himself to not laugh when the cameras start rolling because he's expecting something to go wrong
The Toa Hordika get "prosthetics" for Web of Shadows and scare each other on accident when they see each other
All of the Toa play up the "I want to murder everyone in this team while they're sleeping" and do it in the least subtle way possible; "We're doing the scene where Vakama's learned about Lhikan not really choosing them and now he's going to try to strangle me. He stole me idea, except I was waiting until night time to get him." "I can hear you!" "No he can't." "You just made the top of my list!" "Bullsh(BLEEP)! Kill me yourself, coward!"
And then Time Trap is literally just Vakama, Teridax, Sentrakh, the Shadowed One, and Voporak messing with each other, like:
Vakama: "Toa aren't killers. If we were, we would've started with you."
Teridax: "You ungrateful (BLEEP)."
Teridax: "To put it in terms you would understand, I disagreed with something I ate."
Vakama: "(Trying not to die laughing) That’s brilliant, I can't."
Vakama: "Aaaah! I'm turning to stone! Oh, nooooo, I'm dying! How could this happen, I've succeeded all on my own up to this point! Oh, how I wish I'd done more than what I've already done! I feel my life leaving my body! Goodbye, cruel world! Oblvion, welcome me into your arms!"
Sentrakh: (Just looks into the camera as he absolutely dies laughing)
Teridax: (From somewhere off-screen) "Shut up and die already!"
(Cue Vakama also dying of laughter)
There's more, but for now this is all I've really got. These were mostly just random things I thought of because imagining Bionicle as a production makes me laugh😅
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captainimfangirling · 8 months
Lisa Frankenstein Review
Really wanted to see this movie because 1) I love the 80s even though I'm not from the 80s, 2) I'm a fan of Kathryn Newton from Supernatural, and 3) love zombie romance (like Warm Bodies).
Overall I thought the movie was ok. I didn't think it was worth going to the theater for (movie tickets cost so much these days plus I take the bus). I think you should wait until it streams and seems like a lot agree because there was only like 5 people in the theater with me and it just came out few days ago.
Cole Spouse's character is my favorite even though he hardly said anything but he was very expressive. I enjoyed the animation in the beginning of the film telling the story of The Creature. It explains why he did what he did.
Warning: Spoilers
The creature knew what it was like falling in love with someone and for that person to not love them back and fall for someone else. When he saw Taffy's car he knew she and Michael were in a relationship and it as going to hurt Lisa like how his past love hurt him. So he took Michael's d*ck because he thought hey I can use this to make Lisa happy when you can't.
Lisa to be was more confusing than the monster. What was the point of having her mother killed by a psycho murderer? Was it to make her desensitized to seeing someone get killed by the creature? It doesn't make sense to me since it only happened once to her. I think it would've been more interesting if she actually did kill her mother and her reaction to seeing people get killed the creature would've made more sense.
One thing I'm disappointed about is that the trailer makes it seem like Lisa was in love with the Creature during the entire movie but really she was in love with Michael. I feel like she started falling for the Creature when she realized how much he loved her. I mean it would've been ok if it didn't feel very sudden.
Also did anyone think the Creature acted too modern? It's not just about him knowing how to drive but he knew about fashion. He's from the Victorian Era, he would've gotten Lisa to put on something that would've covered her ankles not give her black sexy lace outfit.
I hated her step mother but she was right about Lisa being a selfish person. I mean she did go through something traumatic but still she was very self centered. Like when she got mad at Taffy for sleeping with the boy she had a crush on after everything Taffy did for her. I think Taffy would've fought with her mother about putting Lisa in the mental hospital if given the chance. Also Lisa didn't even realize the Creature was in love with her until the very end when she didn't get the man she wanted. She didn't seem to care when the Creature was cried twice (it was the smell of his tears but still). Also she didn't even notice how better looking the creature was getting after he kept getting electrocuted. If she at least said oh you're looking more handsome maybe I can see it has her falling for him.
The last scene was opened ended. I think the Creature killed someone for a tongue so he can speak to Lisa at her grave. She heard him from beyond the grave and decided to come back when lightening stroke her grave (exactly what happened to the Creature in the beginning). So it's his turn to take care of Lisa like she did for him. Another theory is that the Creature became like a mad scientist stealing Lisa's body to electrocute it to bring her back to him. Either way I think they're gonna keep killing and stealing body parts for Lisa because she's the new bride of Frankenstein.
Like I said it's was a fun movie but wait until it's streaming. It actually gave me Totally Killer (from Amazon Video) vibe because that movie was also set in the 80s. Why are new movies set in the 80s? Times are very hard right now (for a while) and people tend to gravitate towards those times when life was simpler and fun. The 80s does look like a lot of fun with all that color and music.
Will it become a cult classic? I have no idea because I don't get why some movies become a cult classic even though they suck.
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Thinking bout this last entry . Still making my way through the anime so i have no idea who would be Koda, but ive seen someone named Eri fill the child spots in aus before so i'll use her for now
Izuku: But he's a bear.
Aizawa: Yeah?
Izuku: You know, a bear? Grr?
Aizawa: I know what a bear is. I suggest you go look in the woods.
Mina & Kaminari: *SCREAMING*
Kaminari: Whoa! Look out! She's after us!
Mina: Oh, jeez.
Kaminari: You gotta help us!
Mina: You gotta hide us!
Kaminari: Oh, jeez. Too late. Here she comes!
Mina: I told you that was no moosette.
Kaminari: Well, she looked like one from behind.
Katsuki: What's gotten into you two?
Kaminari: Well, it's that time of year, eh.
Mina: Spring fever.
Katsuki: Spring what?
Mina: Yeah, you know, like the birds.
Kaminari: Yeah, and the bees. And the moosettes. If you know what we mean by moosettes.
Katsuki: Yeah, well, don't look now, but your girlfriend's back.
Jirou: *RAMPAGING towards them*
Eri: We don't need anybody else.
Sero: You can't run from love. It has a way of tracking you down.
Katsuki: Wait a minute. You can talk. I mean, you can understand me?
Izuku: Yeah. The spirits did it so when I found you, I could talk to you.
Katsuki: Whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. You... You've been looking for me? Why?
Izuku: Well, this is why.
Katsuki: You've kept this? After all these years.
Izuku: The great spirits told our shaman that this amulet bonds us as one.
Katsuki: Really?
Izuku: So now you and I have to go to Hokani Falls-
Katsuki: Together? Like when we were kids?
Izuku: -and burn it.
Katsuki: And burn it! Burn it? What?
Izuku: It's no big deal. It's only a little trinket.
Katsuki: Little trinket?!
Izuku: Uh, well, what I mean is, we were just silly kids. They won't let me get married until it's destroyed.
Katsuki: Hmm. Let me think about this. Sorry, can't help you.
Izuku: What? Kacchan!
Katsuki: So, have fun burning the silly little trinket on your own.
Eri: So you're Deku. Katsuki was just dreaming about you.
Katauki: I was not.
Eri: Were too. You should have heard him: "Deku, Deku."
Izuku: Oh, what am I gonna do now? If I can't burn the amulet, I'll never be able to marry Shoto. *sniffs*
Katsuki: *realizes Izuku really likes this guy* *is sad*
Izuku: My dad is up there somewhere.
Eri: My mom, too. Do you miss yours?
Izuku: Yes. But you don't need to wait for the lights to find her, Eri. She's always with you. In here. Once you love someone, they stay in your heart forever.
Katsuki: *is sad*
Eri: Katsuki, did you give Deku the amulet because you loved him?
Katsuki: *SIGH* It was a long time ago.
Eri: But he's still with you in here. I can tell.
Katsuki: Ah, Eri, it doesn't matter.
Eri: Well, if you do love him, shouldn't you tell him?
Katsuki: It's a little more complicated than that. Anyway, it's over.
Inko: Is there something wrong?
Izuku: Mom, I'm so confused. I thought that when I burned the amulet, the bond would be broken, but in my heart, I... I'm sorry, Mom. I can't marry Shoto.
Izuku: Kacchan! No, don't!
Shoto: *pushes Katsuki off a cliff*
Izuku: Kacchan! How could you? *pushes Shoto away*
Shoto: What?
Izuku: He was my friend!
Katsuki: *MOANS*
Izuku: Kacchan?
Katsuki: *bear noises*
Izuku: I can't... I don't understand. I'm sorry.
Katsuki: *takes Izuku's hand, places it over his heart*
Izuku: I love you, too.
Eri: I asked the spirits to turn you back into a man.
Katsuki: What?
Eri: So you could be with Deku.
Katsuki: No, Eri.
Eri: It's okay. I just want you to be happy again.
Katsuki: Deku, I can't.
Izuku: But I can.
Katsuki: Deku?
Izuku, now transformed: How do I look?
Katsuki: Like a bear... except they gave you antlers.
Izuku: What?!
Katsuki: Kidding!
Izuku: *laughs*
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dootznbootz · 8 months
Water Wife™ questions >:D 4, 5, 14 and 25!
HELL YEAH!! Thank you, Niko!!! The Water Wife™!!!
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in? She's already a book and already technically a musical but I SO badly want just the whole Epic Cycle like an anime or simply animated, possibly like Castlevania or Blood of Zeus or something. Not as a children's cartoon. Those are fun but...I want real shit! >:D With the fight scenes! That's more with the Iliad but still!!!!
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them? Quite a few, and some I've mentioned before but yeah! The Chain by Ingrid Michaelson as it talks about waiting for your love to come back, (it's a song that can mean anything but it works). And I like imagining it's her unweaving the shroud and getting more frustrated that she has to do this in the first place and with the big round of the chorus at the end, I like imagining it's her, stopping for a bit as tears well up. The Round quiets down, and she wipes her face before continuing to unravel the shroud.
It's a cover song of Davy Jones lullaby thing, and it talks about waiting 10 years for your lover to return and talking about how "You're kind of insane...That's hot." basically 😂 (It does get loud though!)
For MY OWN STUFF??? This is more in her youth but "Just Around the Riverbend" from Pocahontas (Yeah, I know it's a messed up and inaccurate movie but the songs, especially this one, are great), as the vibes and "I'm going to go fuck around in the rapids." is definitely what I'm going for with her. She's sneakier about stuff though.
And "When He Sees Me" from Waitress, when she first meets Odysseus. As she does not trust him and doesn't think he "really means it" and she's kind of making excuses until she can't and it's a confrontation between.
There are not many songs about sneaky women other than ones about having an affair which is so NOT Penelope :'D There's most that are about sneaky couples but never about one person that's still saying "that makes you cool af" you know??
14.) Fashion aesthetic!!! The nice thing about being a naiad is that if her clothes get dirty, a quick flick of her wrist means she can clean herself up really quick. And because of this, she does like looking nice and prefers clothing and jewelry that she can move freely in and won't "drag her down" while swimming. With Jewelry, that's probably smaller but intricate earrings, broaches, necklaces, rings, headpieces, etc. (she has a habit of breaking bracelets, idk why she just does.) And ofc, will often have items to honor Athena :D
I'd like to think it'd be partially why she is so into weaving (as from what I've researched Noble Spartan women didn't do that, the slaves did. Granted that was in later periods but I'm going with what we've got and even though I'm going with the idea of everybody just doing what they're good at, no gender roles are really considered.) While sewing wasn't something done in Ancient Greece, I do love the thought of Penelope basically folding the fabric in ways that cause a lil pocket for her to sneak shit. >:D Lapis Lazuli is her favorite stone to wear.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Okay, so! Since I first into the Epic Cycle stuff with Epic, I had basically gone with what everyone else kind of thought of her as. Quiet, sad, sneaky...sad, 🙃 as... most depictions of her are basically her being a wife and mother, her crying while unweaving the shroud, Odysseus thinking of her which yes!!! All true!!! But then I read the Odyssey and holy shit, she's so fucking cool and I wish more people talked in depth about her own silliness and personality outside of those things!!!
The "Sneeze of Death", her staring down that one suitor who was all like "What??!?! Kill your son?!!? NOOOOOO" and just refusing to take his bullshit, How she grabs Odysseus by the scruff because "Uh, I love you and we'll get to smooching but what did you say about a prophecy???", not only because she WILL get the answers she needs from you no matter what but also because she KNOWS her husband will tell her. How she absolutely KNEW the beggar was her husband, (Ima write an analysis on that soon...along with Odysseus' "rules"....and how "You can have Penelope be a fighter in your fics... but don't you DARE make her fight the suitors without Odysseus there." essay thing...I have a lot :'D ) There's so many other little moments that shine through as remember, girly is STRESSED TF OUT!!! She's just been found out with her unraveling, she's trying to keep her son, herself, and her palace/authority safe. She is going through so much!!! She's so incredibly cautious!!! She's so silly!!! ioh;isdjk I really love exploring her and her character so much!!!
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I love her so much 🥺 She could rob everything I own and I'd be fine with that
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solradguy · 2 years
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RE: @publicbath-ao3
Sorry for not replying right away, I wanted to wait until my brain switched to Jack-O' mode so you could get pure concentrated tumblr user solradguy thoughts on this.
My biggest hot take uhhh actually I thought on this for a while and I can't really think of any "hot" takes, just takes people seem to generally agree with, like how some parts of her story are written poorly and don't give her enough time to shine as her own independent character.
But I can talk about nice Jack-O' takes :^)
I like that she's a bit like Faust where she has really silly/comedic relief moments but her lore and her character are still taken seriously. She's not there JUST to be goofy and even though her lore isn't always written the best, it still does enough to make her interesting as a character, imo, with scenes showing figuring out who she is and the scenes with Raven in Xrd.
Her animations are great too I love them so much. You can really tell ArcSys had fun working on them with how creative some of them are. The way they animated her hair is cool too. It's definitely a 3D model but they made it so fluid. Sol, Testament, and Zato have good hair animations too but this post isn't about them haha
Jack-O's crouch isn't her best pose, it just took off because it's exploitable.
So the 1990s had a bit of a 1960s aesthetic throw back thing with tiedye, bead curtains, flared jeans, and long hair on men coming back into style and Jack-O' has some pretty direct 1960s-70s influences in her design and it's really easy to imagine her as an early '90s kid that never quite got over the '60s throwback stuff. Like it's really easy to imagine her getting excited about stuff like tiedye kits or rainbow flower appliques lol Actually wait they made a mug for one of the popup events that had a date on it that could be maybe Aria's or something
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ArcSys was founded in 1988 and Daisuke is definitely older than 1991 so idk what else this year could mean!!
Anyway I just think Jack-O' is neat. I would still love her even if she was a worm
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raygirlramblings · 1 year
I can't bear it any longer. I have to share my thoughts on the Mario Movie because I have next to no one in real life to gush over this with and the next best thing is to scream into the lonely Tumblr void.
I gotta say like 90% of the criticism levelled against this movie by critics and fans and haters alike can be countered with 'it's made for a target market of 6 to 12 year olds, adjust your expectations.'
I don't get people who are upset that he's not in the movie more because Mario's entire reason for existing is to save Luigi. Luigi is endgame.
Seriously Mario gets his ass handed to him so many times in this movie. Almost everyone in this film got to take a whack at him, even Peach XD The Bowser/Mario fight at the end, poor lad could barely stand and STILL faced off with Bowser. Tenacious little bugger.
Knowing that Mario would throw himself into such physical danger to save Luigi is both heart-warming and heart-breaking. You can imagine that Luigi is the only thing that can make him stop.
Princess Peach more like Princess PARKOUR.
No really I loved Peach though I found her animation a little uncanny? But her personality was just right. Classy, Sassy and a little bit unhinged :)
Music choices were bloody weird. One of the few cases where Bonnie Tyler felt wildly out of place. More orchestral Mario music and less Kill Bill plz.
Luigi is such a golden boy. The part where Bowser is interrogating him and threatening to rip off his moustache, he asks if Mario is the kind of guy a princess would fall in love with, and LUIGI, WITHOUT MISSING A BEAT, is like 'YES MY BRO IS A TOTAL CATCH'. GOD DAMN. Little guy is scared for his life and he is still Mario's biggest wingman. He doesn't even seem to ponder the question. Sure you can say he's just giving answers to stop the torture but something in the line just screams he believes it to his core. What an A+ little bro
I was a little confused by the Toad personality they picked. Is 'outdoorsman adventurer' Toad a game character? Not that I didn't like it, I'm just wondering what the basis of that personality choice was.
Jack Black as Bowser was just having too much fun.
I loved the scene where Bowser is 'practicing' proposing to Peach with Kamek playing Peach, and they are both so into it that even when a guard interrupts them they seem more annoyed than embarrassed XD Like 'dude we're in the MIDDLE OF SOMETHING can't it WAIT?!'
Kamikaze blue shell Koopa was NOT what I was expecting to see in this movie. Damn
Yes the scene where Mario and Luigi finally reunite was so PERFECT ♥ I could watch their joyful hugs until the heat death of the universe. The bit just after Mario lands and he looks like he's about to cry before he hugs Luigi, I just see a 'oh shit i almost lost you in boiling lava I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE ALIVE LET ME HUG YOU AND HOLD YOUR FACE JUST TO MAKE SURE YOU'RE REALLY HERE ;-; ' moment.
'Why are you dressed like a bear?!' Luigi I adore you. Charlie Day gets a gold star.
I don't get why everyone hated Donkey Kong's voice, I honestly didn't find it that bad. 'He's just Seth Rogan being Seth Rogan'...yeah and? The voice fit? It wasn't out of character? They got a guy who's voice fit the obnoxious, bombastic Donkey Kong personality, I'm not seeing an issue. Maybe I just don't watch enough Seth Rogan stuff to find his voice jarring.
So many Easter eggs from all sorts of Nintendo properties.
I made a prediction a week ago with a workmate where I said 'Mario will get to use all the powers in the movie and show them off, but in the end Luigi will get to use the invincibility star to save the day'....and I was totally half right :)
'See I told you I'd get you a turtle', MARIO XD
Had a convo with a workmate about this. It's interesting that the main conflicts in the film for Mario and Luigi individually (as in their own flaws they want to overcome) is that Mario hates being seen as small and worthless, and Luigi struggles with being cowardly and less assertive than Mario. And yet neither of these issues are the main problem that needs resolving. It's ALL about the brothers working together. 'It's gonna be ok as long as we're together' is the mantra. Mario isn't fighting Bowser to prove his worth or be a hero or even to be Peach's knight. He's fighting to get his brother back. Luigi leaps in to save Mario when things get hairy but the manhole cover wouldn't have stood up for very long. Mario proving himself and Luigi overcoming his cowardlyness is not what ultimately saves the day. The two brothers being together, fighting side by side and using Bowser's power against him does. And it's lovely. Mario may always have issues with people looking down on him, and Luigi might always be the anxious one, but that doesn't matter, because they have eachother's backs and they KNOW together they can save the world.
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0fps · 3 months
zzz chapter 1 cunning hares spoilers/review under cut
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actually caught me by surprise how much i liked this story chapter. was it predictable? yes. cliche? yes. but damn did it get me, largely in part to the cast of characters and overall artistic direction and delivery. the comic-book styled narration alone has me more invested in the story than any hyv game has ever made me, and i think a lot of is has to do with being able to actually see a scene dynamically unfold as opposed to a bunch of characters just standing around and talking until you get to the one or two token animated cutscenes.
character-wise, sure i can agree that most of them are pretty one-dimensional but the way they play off each other is genuinely so fun and the banter and dialogue feels very natural. helps that the english dub has been fantastic so far. i genuinely did not expect to like all these characters as much as i do, and i really can't wait to meet all the other factions now. even fairy, the mis-countdown bit actually gave me a good laugh.
i will say that zzz's approach to its story definitely feels much more "slice of life" and although there are hints of a larger overarching plot in the background its not really a focus especially in such early chapters. so i think big plot and lore-enthusiasts aren't going to find much satisfaction in the story, and just more generally i can understand why people would find it boring.
part of it actually reminds me a lot of gintama which is just plain idiocy 80% of the time and then you have the serious arcs which really really hit. but it's definitely one of those "you love it or you don't" type of shows (for the record i'm in the "love it" camp), and i can see zzz doing something quite similar.
the main thing i don't like is the tv exploration gameplay. it feels tedious for the most part and you're just trying to get through it quick to get to the next combat section. it's not even that visually appealing to look at. i kind of hope they find ways to optimize or limit it or do SOMETHING to make it more fun. the "dungeons" in general also feel pretty repetitive already. the combat also feel ridiculously easy right now but its kind of still the tutorial chapters, so i'm hoping for harder stuff later. i'm still having fun with it either way so whatever lol.
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tempenensis · 2 years
After watching the new PV I'm haunted by how overall bright the animation team decided to make decided to make what I'm assuming will be part one of season two.
I don't know if I'm hallucinating, but the colours in the PV are so much more vivid and bright than in season one even. To me, it looks more like the colour scheme of a slice of life or a shojo as opposed to JJK lol 😂 I'm also reminded of the chapter 100 cover.
Either way, I think this fits with the mood at the beginning of the arc really well— Gojo and Getou are still best friends, as well the strongest. To them, nothing will rip them apart and their place in the world is still unquestioned by themselves yet. They're trying to help a girl see the world before getting sacrificed to what is essentially an elderitch being, and have as much fun as she can before she'll cease to exist. (I can't wait to see the aquarium scene, those are possibly my favourite panels in the entire series so far, I have so many hopes for what they'll do with that which I won't put here)
Personally, I think it'll be really cool if the events of the arc happen and suddenly the colour scheme takes a hard shift into muted and dark colours as they enter into Shibuya arc, which may actually happen, especially if you look at the train promo art they put out last year. Sorry for ranting here, the PV has launched me deep into JJK orbit again 😂😂
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Coincidentally got two asks on the same topic, lol, apologize to you guys for collecting these.
But seriously, the thing is... PV is only first glimpse. And this is only the first one. We usually get at least a few PV before any anime aired. So I think we should see until the actual episode air. I actually agree with the first anon. Maybe they used bright colors to throw non-manga readers off the track (remember Junpei? lmao sobs). But we're definitely gearing up into another traumatic season... even more than the first
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