#can't wait to rp with you all!!!!!!
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hexite-nightmares · 3 months ago
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Made this in commemoration of Mr Machine Herald.
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huffle-dork · 11 months ago
Swap Across the CrystalVerse Chapter 1: SepticHeroes Revisited
Read Swapboys | Crystal’s AUs | Read Septicheroes
Read SITCV | SITCV SepticHeroes Chapters | AO3 Link
The swapboys have once again found themselves in the Brody Brothers’ apartment. Jackie Mann sits on the edge of their armchair, kicking his feet. He has a backpack next to him as he fastens a bracelet on his wrist. “The kids were so bummed you wouldn’t let them watch this happen at our place, Alt.” He laughs. 
Alt rolls his eyes, “Well- I’m not sure they’d react too well to seeing their dad just * pop * out of existence right in front of them. Even if they know about magic.” He goes back to checking over the TRVLR settings. 
Jackie holds up his hands with a laugh. “Alright, alright! Fair point!” He smiles, “They’re with their mom anyways~! Since this is a quick visit- I’m sure they’ll hardly miss me at all!” 
“Then why did you pack such a big bag, dude?” Chase laughs, pointing at the backpack. 
Jackie laughs, “Please! Between all the injuries I sustain and you two? This thing is a necessity- it’s got extra snacks and a med kit- bandages, water, chargers, an extra jacket for me-“ 
“Oh my god Jackie if you need anything they have stuff there!” Alt says with a laugh. 
“You’re taking a bag too, Alt!” Chase points out. 
Alt turns red and turns away, “I’m bringing my iPad and my… art and stuff…” He adjusts the headphones around his neck and his usual mask. “So I can you know- have something to do while you all geek out about heroes and junk.” On the subject though Alt does double check that he has what he needs- his spellbooks, iPad, notebook, pens, and… the tracking bracelets he made for all of them. The brown leather bracelet is tight on each of their wrists, with runes inscribed on the inside and a turquoise gem on top. 
“Please Alt- don’t act like you’re not gonna join the hero fun!” Bro grins. Alt rolls his eyes but doesn’t respond, readjusting so everything fits right in his backpack. 
“See though? Alt gets it! Better safe than sorry! Take it from a dad- it’s better to be prepared for anything!” Jackie says with a grin. “I even have those little plastic ponchos for if it rains!” 
“Oh my god-“ Bro bursts into giggles. “Well besides being cautious- are you excited to meet these guys, Jackie?” 
Jackie’s eyes light up and he excitedly stims, “Hell fucking yeah!!! I get to meet me! As a hero!! That’s so fucking cool! Ohhh I’m gonna be such a dork I can already tell oh jeez what if I embarrass myself or talk too much or fall off a building trying to look cool and-?!” 
Alt turns to the others and laughs, holding up the now powered TRVLR. “You’ll be fine, Jackie. Windstorm is super cool- you’ll get on like a house on fire.” 
“Yeah bro! We instantly clicked- he’s just like you! ‘Cept he can fly- and he’s not a dad-“ Bro says. 
Jackie laughs, shaking his head. He jumps off the couch and hoists his backpack onto his shoulder. “Well then- l-let’s jet before I lose my nerve! If you’re all ready, Alt.” 
Alt grins, “Yup! One superhero universe all locked and loaded!” He then looks to Jackie and Bro, “you guys remember how the tracking bracelets work right?” 
“Yeah yeah!” Jackie says, “You touch the gem and say… looney-“ 
“Loonu, Jackie,” Alt laughs.
“Oh yeah- and then those wisps pop up and tell us where to go!” 
Alt grins, “Good, you got it!” 
“LessGOOOO!” Chase cheers, wrapping an arm around Jackie’s neck and pulling him tight to his side. Jackie bursts into laughter. Alt laughs too and grabs Jackie’s hand and then presses the jump button- heading to UA-1212021SH. 
And for once- Magnificent doesn’t try to stop them. He’s actually home- asleep with his panthers, unaware his usual annoyances were traveling to other worlds without him. 
And yet, as the group pressed the jump button, Mag is woken up by a sudden falling sensation and green light. A ripple spreads through the Space In-Between.
Jackie lands by himself in a room. The falling sensation lingers with him for a bit--strange, did it do that before?
Jackie rubs at his head and groans, “Ugh… how are they used to that…?” He mumbles.
 Well, this isn't the time to dwell on it. 
"Holy hell!" 
He's landed in a bedroom with yellow-painted walls. There's a window with curtains drawn and two doors, one of which is slightly ajar to show a connected bathroom. The room is faily bland. The furniture-- a bed, a dresser, an armchair, and a nightstand--are more functional than decorative. Pretty much the only thing that has any personality is a TV stand across from the bed, with a television and game console that are currently on. Two people are in the room, each holding a video game controller and staring at Jackie in shock. One is a man in a button-down shirt who has a distinct mustache. He is sitting in the armchair. The other is a person with longer hair wearing a pink sweater. They're lying in the bed. Both of these people have identical bright blue eyes. 
"Jays, I thought your friend was a flyer, not a teleporter," says the one in the bed. 
The other shakes his head and puts the controller down to sign, He isn't. I don't think this is J-hoodie. I think it's something else. 
Jackie blinks up at the two people and quickly gets to his feet. He waves awkwardly and stiffy, lifting his hand up really fast almost like a salute. “Um hi! I…I’m Jackie! J-Jackie Mann cuz um- you probably know another Jackie who looks like me but isn’t me uhhhh my f-friends Alt and Chase- well Bro Fantastic-! They wanted me to come visit and- fuck I knew they said we landed in random places but I thought I’d land near other me…!” He then blinks. “…fuck I’m talking too much aren’t I? S-Sorry for interrupting… this-“ He gestures vaguely at the room and the tv. 
The two people blink. And then the one in the bed laughs. "Don't worry about it, love. We weren't really doing much anyway. JJ, is that, uh, Bro Fantastic guy the alternate Chase you told me about?" 
JJ nods. He smiles at Jackie. So you're their Jackie, are you? It's nice to meet you! I'm Jameson, and this is Dahlia. He spells out all the names so there can be no mistakes. My sister. She wasn't around when your friends fist visited. 
"Nice to meet you!" Dahlia says cheerfully. 
Jackie blinks in surprise and then grins. “oh sick- my JJ has a half-bro, not a sister! Crazy! S’nice to meet ya too, both of you!” 
"Well--I was his brother," Dahlia says, a smile twitching at her lips. 
JJ raises an eyebrow. That's surprisingly open of you. 
"Well, if he's another Jackie, I think he's a good guy. And maybe like our Jackie, ifyouknowwhatImean." 
Jackie blinks and then his eyes widen. He points at Dahlia with a Pog face and goofy stance as he fumbles to spin his bag around. Then he points to a trans patch stitched on the side. “I’m too!! Trans that is!! Female to male!” He grins sillily.
"Yeahhhh!" Dahlia throws her hands up into the air. 
Dahlia, careful! JJ says, using her name sign of flower-time for the first time. 
"I can put my hands in the air, JJ, I'm not made of glass." But she does lower her hands. 
Anyways, Bro and Alt managed to get home, then? Good for them! JJ says. 
Jackie rocks on his feet and adjusts his backpack and nods. “yeah! Though I think they said they had a bit of rough go of it after they met you all. But, now Alt’s pretty confident in his jumping so! They thought I’d be nice for me to meet some other mes!” He laughs.
Dahlia grins and JJ can't help but smile back, then he looks at Jackie. Well, our Jackie isn't here. It's just the two of us and another friend in the house. Schneep is staying here too but he's out right now. We can contact him, if you want. 
"Are you here by yourself, by the way?" Dahlia asks. "Or do we need to watch out for more of you guys?"
Jackie messes with his hair with a nervous laugh. “Oh well- that makes sense! Uh Alt and Bro are here too! Chase was so excited to see everyone again- and Alt is too but he’s being Alt and trying to act like he’s not.” He laughs. “Oh but! We have a way to find each other this time!” He shows off the bracelet on his wrist. “Tracking spell~!”
"Tracking spell?" Dahlia asks. 
That's some of the magic in your world, is it? JJ asks. How does it work?
Jackie grins. “I just gotta say the word and then this magic orb-y stuff shows up and will lead me to the signal of another bracelet!” He raises up his sleeve and whispers to the stone at the top of the bracelet, “Loonu!”
The green-blue trail appears, pointing diagonally across the room and going out the window. JJ stands up and opens the curtains, revealing the cityscape outside. 
"Ooo, flashy," Dahlia says, impressed. "We don't have that here. Or if we do, I've never seen it. Where's it going?" 
It's pointing to the center of the city, JJ says. Which doesn't mean much. Henrik figured out last time that you all appear near people you're close to. So that COULD be pointing to Jackie, Chase, Henrik, or Marvin. 
"What about the, uh... Anti, was it?" 
If Anti counts, then Alt and Bro could be anywhere. 
"Hmm. True. Well, maybe contact Jackie's flat first, see if either of them are there."
“Yeah- that’s the issue aint it? At least for us we only gotta worry about the two. Alt saidddd blue means close- green means far away. I think-“ Jackie shrugs. “If you guys wanna ring your friend that’d be brilliant! I don’t wanna interrupt anything. But I also… don’t know where I am at all so-“ He laughs.
JJ shakes his head. it looks more blue than green, so that's good. I'll text Jackie. 
Jackie grins, rocking on his feet again. “Thanks dude! ‘Perriciate it!” 
"I belieeeve we're sort of on the edge of Daindover," Dahlia says slowly. "Near the East SepTech location. Though I suppose that means nothing to you.”
“It does indeed mean Jack shit to me.” 
“Uh, we're in JJ's boyfriend's house." 
We're not dating, JJ says stubbornly. 
"Yet," Dahlia adds with a grin. 
I can't believe you of all people are encouraging me to date S-heart. 
"Ehhh could be worse." 
Jackie’s eyes widen and then he grins, “Oooh a boyfriend~?” He tries to tease- then stops himself. “oh wait. I probably shouldn’t tease you- you aren’t my Jay. I would give him such a hard time if I found out he liked someone.” 
"It's okay, I'll tease him for you," Dahlia says jokingly.
Jackie bursts into giggles. “Deal! I like ya, Dahlia!” 
 "Though to be honest Jays doesn't get teased easily." 
I'm just still shocked that you approve, JJ says, then takes his phone out of his pocket and starts texting. 
"Like I said, Soren could be worse. And I believe him when he says he's turning over a new leaf. And if he's lying, I can beat his ass." 
“Oooh Soren~? That’s a fancy name- must be a fancy dude- someone as sophisticated as J’s mustache!” The father giggles more.
JJ grins a little at the mustache comment. 
Dahlia laughs as well--though she stops quickly as it gains a wheezing edge. "I guess you can say that. He had a big, important family--though it's pretty much just him and his niece's family now. I suppose you don't know him in your world. If he's there at all." 
“Oh neat! Yeah I don’t think we know a Soren- but that makes sense. S’abig universe out there! Lots of people to meet!” Jackie grins. 
Then, after a moment, JJ nods. Jackie, Jackie says that one of your friends is at his apartment, he says, differentiating the two with slightly different name signs (J-hoodie, J-visit).
Jackie beams at JJ and laughs at the sign differences. “Oh neat! Sign name! J-hoodie must be your Jackie! But yay! One mystery solved!”
JJ grins. One mystery solved. Now we just need to figure out how to get you together and figure out where your other friend landed. 
Jackie looks up to think and then digs out his phone, “oh yeah- I could just… text them I think. Maybe- …my plan miiight not work across dimensions.” 
"You guys can go out, it's fine," Dahlia says. 
JJ shakes his head. I don't want to leave you alone. 
"Jays, like I said, I'm not glass." 
But you are still recovering. 
Dahlia shrugs. "Soren is still here. If I need something, I'll ask him.”
That is... SO strange to hear coming from you.
Jackie blinks, looking back at Dahlia, “oh- are you… injured or something?”
Dahlia sighs. "Yeah... I was in an accident a couple of years ago. Got knocked out, and when I woke up it was two years later. As you can expect, that has some lingering side effects." She makes a face. "I started growing facial hair again." It's a joke, but it's clear that there's real sadness beneath it. 
Jackie winces at the mention of the accident then, “Nooo! That’s awful!” Jackie says with complete sympathy to Dahlia’s last statement. He gets it. He’d be devastated if any of his features started going backwards!
"Thanks, Jackie." Dahlia smiles gently. "I'm getting used to it. I can heal faster than most people, but this is a lot of damage. It'll be fine, though." 
Jackie gives her a sympathetic smile and nods. 
JJ walks back over and gives his sister a side hug. Then he looks at Jackie. You can try texting if you want. I know that Alt's phone connected to the Internet last time.
Jackie blinks at Jj then smiles, “Right! Letsss see-“ He texts Alt: Alttt! I’m alive! I’m by this world’s Jj and his sister! :D 
Jackie giggles, “This is insane- texting my friend to come find me like we’re meeting up at a shop- but it’s in another universe… fucking wild man.”
Jackie's text doesn't go through right away. But after a while, it does, with a little sent through WiFi notification attached underneath the bubble. 
I can imagine it's very strange, JJ says. But it's good to meet you! Strange, but nice. I hope we can spend time together. 
Jackie blinks and smiles as his text goes through and he pockets his phone. “Yeah! I hope so too!” 
Alt falls through the dark space, feeling it ripple slightly, and then appears somewhere that he--after a moment--recognizes. This is Jackie's place--the hero Jackie's place, the one he shares with this world's Chase. Speaking of whom-- 
"Whoa!" Chase jumps. 
Alt blinks around and smiles as he immediately recognizes the place. Then he jumps and glitches back to hide slightly behind the closest furniture he can find. 
Chase is sitting on the sofa with Frosty, who barks when Alt appears but calms down when Chase pats his head. "Who the hell--oh! Oh! Y-y-you're uhhhh--fuck, I'm so bad with names. One of the guys from the other world! Hey!"
Alt blinks up behind it comically and then smiles shyly. “Heyyy! Other Chase hi! Um- Alt. That’s me- um… s-sorry to just- drop in!”
"Alt! Right." Chase nods, giving Alt a bit smile. "It's good to see you again! You, uh, stopping by? Oh, hang on." He twists to the side. "Jackie! The guys from the other world are back!" 
Footsteps rush down the hall and Jackie appears. He's wearing a red hoodie and the lower half of his supersuit, either just about to leave or just returning from hero duties. 
"Hi!" Jackie waves at Alt excitedly. "Hey! Welcome back! Where's your brother? Oh right, you guys didn't appear in the same place last time, you probably didn't this time, either. Anyway. How are you? Did you guys figure out how to get home?" 
Chase laughs. "Give him time to answer, bro."
Alt blinks and glitches a bit in surprise at Jackie's appearance. But then he laughs and glitches closer, grinning wide. "Hey man! Good to see you two again!" 
"okay to answer questions- I dunno where Ch- Bro is but I can find him quicker than last time! I'm good- and yes! We got home... relatively okay." He grins, lifting up a finger for each question he answered.
"Oh cool! I'm glad you guys could do that." Jackie grins. "Why are you back, then? Stopping by to visit? Sounds great if you are! We can show you around the city!" 
"Yeah, that'd be fun!" Chase says excitedly. 
Alt smiles. He stuffs his hands into his pockets and adjusts his mask. "Yeah- to visit! And also, we brought our Jackie along this time! He's dying to meet you all." 
Jackie's eyes light up. "Oh! Other me! Cool! I'd love to meet him too--hope he didn't appear too far away. Ooo! Maybe we can get the whole gang together! Do you think Schneep and JJ will want to come? I know they might be busy, but they're more likely to come than Marvin, right?" Jackie laughs.
Alt laughs at the Marvin comment. "If they're up for it- Jackie's pretty excited to see stuff. But, of course we don't wanna get in the way of anything too!"
“uhhh, we've kinda hit a dead end in our investigation. Last we saw you guys we promised to kick Anti's ass but uhhh... That's a bit difficult, turns out." Jackie smiles. "We can use a break. If heroes never take breaks, they collapse." 
Alt looks excited at them being free. "Shame about the trail going cold but! That means we can hang!" 
"Hell yeah," Chase agrees. "In that case, should we start calling people to see where other-me and other-Jackie are?" 
"Mm-hmm." Jackie nods. "Lemme text some people real quick." He takes his phone out of his pocket and starts texting. 
Alt grins happily, pixels buzzing in the air around him. "Bro will be so happy. And Jackie!" He then blinks and looks to his phone, checking the screen. He laughs, "Speak of the devil- the timing is insane... My Jackie is with JJ... and his... sister? What??"
"Oh yeah!" Jackie grins. "We didn't get time to tell you last time you were here!" 
"Well to be fair we were still adjusting to it, too," Chase says. "Yeah, JJ has a sister that he didn't tell me or Jackie about at all." 
"Bit of a complicated story," Jackie says. "She was a hero, too. Not a capital H Hero, just a hero in that she was helping people out. But then she was in an accident. and got put in the hospital for a long time." 
Chase nods. "I was there, too. A building collapsed. And, well, that's why I need Frosty." Frosty wags his tail at being mentioned. 
"Anyway, we got her back recently, but she's still recovering," Jackie continues. "Her name's Dahlia. She's great."
Alt looks between the both of them in surprise. "Woah- that's... intense." But, then he smiles. "But, I'm glad she's better. That must be making JJ very happy... is he still in hiding? Him and Schneep?"
Jackie sighs. "Unfortunately. I keep pushing the police to review the Puppeteer case but they're so slow. I'm hoping that now that Anti's out and doing stuff they'll move faster." 
"We're being a bit less cautious with phones and stuff, though, as you can see," Chase says. "It just got exhausting so we decided they're worth the risk." 
"Well that will make stuff easier~" Alt laughs. 
"Anyway, if Jackie's there, where's Bro, then?" Jackie asks. "He must've showed up by Schneep or Marvin, right? Assuming Schneep isn't also in Soren's safe house right now." 
"Text the doc, maybe he'll answer." Chase shrugs. 
"Yeah, I'll do that." Jackie nods and keeps texting. "He's been bad at answering texts lately, though. I wonder what he's doing..." 
"In the meantime, feel free to hangout, Alt!" Chase says cheerfully. "We'll figure out how to get everyone together once we're sure where everyone is." 
Alt glitches over to an armchair and sits down- not getting comfy, just balancing on the edge. But like- that's kinda big for him. 
He texts Jackie back: Sick dude- I'm with other Jackie and Chase, we'll figure out where you are soon, hang tight.
Bro falls a few feet and lands on the flat roof of a building. No, it's not a roof. The building is still under construction, with beams and scaffolding extending high above. But this is the highest floor that's been completed, so it's basically the roof. Across the street is a glass and concrete triangular building with the words SepTech glowing green across its side. And Bro doesn't land alone. Somehow, there's someone else with him. Magnificent has arrived in this world as well.
Bro pushes himself off and brushes himself off, adjusting his costume so its just so. He had to make a good first hero impression! Yes, he'd been here before but now it was official cuz he's actually in his uniform! He grins and starts to look around and then yelps as magic is thrown at him from behind. 
"What the-?!" Bro jolts into the air and then stares at the angry face of Magnificent crouched on the ground. "M-Magnificent?!" 
"Why have you brought me here, hero?!" Magnificent snarls, throwing another barrage of magic at him. "Where is that idiotic cub?! Don't you two know better than to bother a villain when he's scheming?!" 
"What are you talking about?!" Bro yells, dodging the magic. "Did you hitch a ride with us again?!' 
"What are you talking about?! You-" Magnificent's face falls for a second as he looks around. Then, he slowly starts to laugh. "Oh... I see... you and your brother are playing dimension hopper again, are you? And yet it seems... the universe still chose to include me~" He grins at Bro his eyes lighting up bright green as he chuckles. "And how unfortunate for you, hero." He spits. 
Bro backs up, looking around for any sign of Alt or Jackie around. Shit shit shit! This was supposed to be a fun adventure! They warded and cast protection spells! Alt was gonna be pissed... 
"Now- tell me Hero... where did you bring us this time, hm?"
Before Bro can answer that question, there's the sound of footsteps. The unfinished building has an unfinished staircase leading up to this floor, and the sound seems to be coming from there. But... there's no one in sight. Even as the footsteps sound like they come up onto the floor Bro and Magnificent are on, there's still no one there. ...But Magnificent can hear a faint voice come from that direction. "Schiesse," it curses. 
Bro blinks and looks around- the complete opposite way the footsteps are going- thinking he's missing something. 
Mag hears the curse and he grins, going to try to teleport behind the invisible super and try to grab him.
There's a yelp, and a person flickers into view. They're wearing an outfit that seems to be shifting colors, disguising most of their features. Magnificent manages to grab him--but not for long, as the person quite literally slips out of his grasp, passing through his arms. "Y-you! What are you doing back here?!" If it wasn't obvious who it was before, the voice gives it away. Schneep. 
Magnificent curses as Schneep literally slips from his grasp. 
He backs away from Magnificent, then looks at Bro. "Ah! Um, h-hello, ah--What the fuck?!" He points at Mag.
Bro makes an 'i dunno' exggerated shrug then points at Mag with both of his arms. "I dunno bro!! We tried to make sure he wasn't gonna follow us this time!! Alt was so careful!!" 
Mag laughs evilly, "And yet~ here I am~!" He giggles and then sends a blast of magic out at both of them.
Schneep doesn't move--not processing the magic as a threat until it slams into him and knocks him down. He yelps, forgetting to concentrate on his intangibility and slamming against the floor. "So that... is an... energy attack," he says as soon as he gets his breath back. "Noted..." 
Magnificent laughs loudly and builds up more magic in his hands. "There's more where that came from, Henrik~! I have yet to taste that delightful power of yours~" 
"Ew why you gotta say it like that??" Bro makes a face then gets hit out of the air by Mag's magic. He hits the roof and skids before trying to get back on his feet. 
Schneep gets to his hands and knees--and then shouts out "SPITIFRE GET UP HERE!" 
More footsteps from the staircase, and now someone else joins the fray--the brightly colored costume and cat mask makes him easily recognizable. Marvin's eyes lock on Magnificent. "Motherfucker!" 
Mag's eyes light up with delighted manic glee at seeing Marvin. "Well hello again!" He throws out magic his way, "Do me a favor and die-!" He growls out.
Marvin's eyes widen. He conjures up a shield to block the magic but Mag throws it with such force that the attack still knocks Marvin over. 
Schneep gasps and scrambles to his feet, rushing over to help Marvin up. 
"Why don't--you die?" Marvin says through gritted teeth. Before Schneep even pulls him up, he shoots a beam of orange energy at Magnificent.
Magnificent grins and throws out a shield that shimmers like murky pond water. He throws out his hand and then tries to douse the water on top of Marvin and Schneep.
Schneep looks up and turns intangible, the water going right through him. Marvin gets doused, but all it does is make him annoyed. "Do you think I'm made of fire?! Idiot?!" He makes a blade of yellow energy and throws it at Magnificent, spinning end over end and getting longer as it gets closer.
Magnfiicent cries out as the blade grazes his arm. He glares at Marvin and hisses, "Principles of magic have to apply somewhere here." He bunches up his hand and then sends out a blast of freezing magic at Marvin. 
Bro yells out and tries to tackle Mag away.
Mag just teleports out of the way of Bro, making him fly past him and back into the hard floor of the roof.
"Magic doesn't fucking exist here you pri--" Marvin is so busy yelling at Mag that his reflexes aren't quite as sharp as they should be. The magic blasts him before he can finish conjuring his shield and frost coats his skin as he falls down again. Schneep also collapses. The magic blast passed right through him, but he can still feel the temperature change, and the cold is so shocking that his knees buckle right away and turns him tangible again. "J-jesus fuck," Marvin whispers. 
"W-we have to retreat!" Schneep gasps. "Get the others!" 
"Not yet!" Marvin's skin...glows? and the frost covering him melts away. "We gotta take this fucker down!" And he aims another beam of red energy--but not at Mag. At the floor beneath his feet, cutting through it, aiming to collapse it.
"You're not going anywhere~!" Magnificent cackles and attempts to teleport to try to grab Schneep again- he doesn't notice the floor until it cracks. He yells out and manages to catch himself on the edge, tearing at the floor desperately with his claws. Then, he falls. 
Bro hurries up to his feet and back into the air. He rushes over and holds out his hands for Schneep and Marvin. "H-Hurry! I can fly you out of here!" 
They glance at each other, clearly a bit nervous, but they both take Bro's hands in unison. "I better not dangle," Marvin mutters. "That's so undignified." 
"Take what you can get," Schneep snaps.
Bro laughs, "If you don't wanna dangle I might have to hold you like a baby- I dunno which is worse." He hauls up Marvin and pulls him to his chest and then grabs Schneep and tries to load him on his back. Then, he rockets off into the sky, just trying to get them as far away as possible.
"OHJESUSFUCK--!" Marvin shouts, surprised at how fast Bro goes. Schneep doesn't say anything, just holds on tightly. 
The cityscape passes beneath them. Bro is heading deeper into the city, where the buildings get taller and shinier, occasionally interspersed with older-looking townhouses. Soon the construction site--and Magnificent--is out of sight. 
"I-I think we can go down now?" Schneep says, voice almost lost in the sound of rushing wind.
Bro laughs and nods, finding the closest place he can. He almost wants to set them on another rooftop but... heroes are common around here! He finds an empty looking park and sets them both down. "Sorry about that, are you two okay???"
Marvin staggers for a bit. "M...my face is cold," he says, sounding mildly surprised at that. He pushes off his mask briefly to wipe his eyes. "I-I didn't realize flying was so cold?" 
"The wind makes it so," Schneep says. He fared better than Marvin; between his goggles and his mask most of his face was covered. "But I-I am fine. It was a bit more... tall... than I thought. But I'm fine now." 
Bro can't help but laugh, "Yeah it gets kinda chilly. That's why I have my jacket!" He says, lifting up his arms to show off his signature Bro Fantastic jacket. 
"Yeah, just... wasn't expecting that." Marvin shakes his head. "Anyway. Hi, other Chase. Why?" 
Bro bursts into even more laughter as Marvin's bluntness. "Ha ha! No yeah- It's a fair question!"
"Don't be rude," Schneep mutters. "But Marvin has a good point. We are happy to see you again, but why are you here? With Magnificent?"
Bro straightens back up and then frowns, "....Magnificent wasn't supposed to be here. Alt made sure he couldn't! But... we wanted to come see you guys again... and we brought our Jackie to come meet you- and the other him." He then blinks and then narrows his eyes at the two of them, "...but... what were you two doing at an abandoned construction site? In your super get up?" He raises an eyebrow.
Marvin blanks. "Uhhhhh..."
"We can tell him, he is also a hero where he comes from," Schneep says. 
"Right." Marvin nods. "Nice outfit, by the way. Uh, well. We were staking out that building across the street. The East SepTech location. Last time we saw you guys, we talked about that villain who made JJ do all that terrible shit. Anti-Virus." He laughs. "God. What an appropriate name." 
"It turns out that Anti-Virus was part of SepTech," Schneep says. "Very... integral to it, in fact. But now, Anti is gone. We are not sure where. Or how to search, in all honesty. But we figure that keeping an eye on SepTech locations is a good place to start." 
"In case Anti returns," Marvin agrees. "There's a... long history between them." 
"Oh okay- I thought you were maybe trying to steal shit- but considering it was like- abandoned that now seems dumb." Bro laughs. "That bitch Anti is just gone? Fucking coward..." He shakes his head and sighs.
"I'm sure Anti is planning something," Marvin mutters. "Calculating bitch..." He shakes his head. "But we should handle Mag first." 
"Back to what you said," Schneep says. "You just came to visit, but Magnificent somehow came along, is that it? So... Alt and your Jackie do not know he's here."
"Yeah... they wouldn't know. It seems like Mag was surprised to be here too... which means... he wasn't planning it." Bro scratches at his head. "... last time we used the TRVLR- he like... messed with it and its power... maybe that had something to do with it?" He looks back at the other two, "The point is though... He wasn't planned. But... I dunno how much trouble he'll be... we all seemed to really kick his ass last time!"
Schneep frowns. "If he messed with your universe traveling device, that is not good. Perhaps he found some way of... attaching himself to it? I don't know. Your world's powers are strange." 
"But Bro is right, we can kick his ass!" Marvin agrees. "Well, Jameson was a big part of that, I think. And he does not want to leave the new safe house much. Wh-which, I understand. Now that Dahlia is back, he does not want to leave her in case something happens to her again."
Bro tilts his head to the side, "Dahlia? Who's that?"
Marvin's eyes widen. "Oh shit! Right, we never mentioned her! Schneep, you tell him." 
"Dahlia is my cousin, and JJ's sister," Schneep explains. "Anti kidnapped her to force Jameson to do things for him, and Jameson agreed because Dahlia... is a hero. W-we found her, and she is awake from the coma she was in, but she is still quite weak." He takes a deep, shaky breath. This is clearly an emotional subject for him.
Bro's face falls with concern, "Oh... fuck. I... I'm sorry Schneep... I mean... at least she's awake now! That's good!" He tries to smile. "I know I-I heal really fast... maybe its the same for some supers here!"
Schneep laughs. "Th-thank you. Dahlia has said she heals faster. Which I believe. Her powers are strong. And so are Jameson's. Really, their whole side of the family got lucky." 
"You're pretty powerful, too, Henrik," Marvin says. 
"No, I am not. I have done the research, my powers are not stronger than any other super who can become invisible or pass through things." 
"Well you use them really well, so that counts." 
Schneep laughs again. "If you say so."
Bro grins. "No I agree! Powers are only as strong as the people who wield them! Anyone can be strong- anyone could have power. But, the people who learn to use them well and for good are the strongest!" He then looks around the city and sighs, "Well... guess its another race to find my brother and now Jackie... i hope they ended up somewhere safe. Sounds like it's all been kinda calm though- before Mag showed his ugly tail."
"Pretty calm, yeah." Marvin nods. 
"Oh! We started using phones again, perhaps they have texted me," Schneep says, reaching into a pocket in his outfit. 
"How many fucking pouches and pockets do you have?" 
"I was a thief before this, they were necessary." Schneep pulls out his phone, then yanks off a glove with his teeth and starts tapping at the screen. He nods. "Yes, they sent messages. Your Jackie is with JJ and Dahlia, and Alt is with our Chase and Jackie." 
Bro relaxes slightly, "Oh good- they're safe... that's... that's good."
Marvin raises an eyebrow. "Do you think they could've appeared near Anti? Would've been helpful to know where that center of operations is." 
"Probably dangerous for them, though, so let's be happy. I am letting them know Bro is with us. Should I tell them about Magnificent?" 
"Ummm... maybe I should tell them- let them... just be happy for a second." Bro says with a wince. "We can... deal with that in a bit. I don't think Mag will find us all right away..."
Schneep nods. "Very well, then. I think we are closer to the safe house than the apartment, so I will ask if we can meet there." 
"Can't Alt glitch pretty far distances, too?" Marvin asks. "He can probably bring Jackie and Chase to the safe house. Unless he needs to have been there to do that?"
"Ummmm-" Bro thinks, "It's easier for him to glitch to places he's been to but like... I dunno. He got us to Jackie's apartment building without ever being there last time- I think he can sometimes be pulled places as long as someone has like... a visual or something."
"That is good, then. Jackie definitely knows what the house looks like." Schneep nods, finishing up his text message. "We should make our way there now, then." 
"Are we gonna take the train in outfit, have Bro fly us again, ooooor walk the whole way?" Marvin asks. "Honestly, none of those sound ideal to me."
"Is riding the train dressed in uniform so bad?" Bro laughs, "I thought supers were more common around here!"
"Well yeah--but we're wanted supervillains," Marvin says. 
"... oh. That... didn't get brought up last time." Bro says, blinking rapidly. But, who is he to talk? Alt was a villain for a bit too. 
"Spitfire Cat is pretty recognizable, in particular," 
Schneep adds, gesturing to Marvin. "So, can you change quickly, Marvin?" 
"No," he grumbles.
Bro looks at the small bag he brought with him, containing a change of clothes for him in case he needed to be out of uniform. "Uhhh i got... a jacket, shirt and some... jeans? If you'd like?" Then he looks and smirks at them, "Or- flying is faster."
Marvin hesitates, then quietly takes the offered clothes. "We can take the train," he mutters. "I'm putting this on over my clothes." As he does, he continues to talk. "And don't worry, we're not going to attack random pedestrians or anything, Chase. We're not those types of people. Schneep just steals stuff from large businesses and my crimes are more... symbolic. I don't hurt innocents." 
"Hey I'm not judging. I already know you two are cool." Bro grins. "I try not to judge without knowing the full story- if i can help it. I learned my lesson about doing that..." He sighs, refluffing his hair under his hat.
Marvin grins. "Heh. Windstorm--Jackie had that same sort of journey, too. Learning not to judge, I mean." 
"Learning that two of his friends were criminals helped on that," Schneep says. 
"Alright, I'm ready." Marvin takes his mask off and hides it in his jacket. The only weird thing about him now are his gloves, but those can be brushed off. "The nearest train station is that way. Come on. You two will get stares but the ride won't be long." 
Schneep abruptly vanishes from view. "What stares?" his disembodied voice says jokingly. 
“Cheater." Bro laughs as he takes off his mask and shoves it in his pocket.
"Ha ha." Marvin rolls his eyes. "Just keep up, Schneep, we don't want to lose you." 
Bro looks over himself. It's not perfect but, no one in this town knew him. It'd be fine. He follows after the other two towards the train. 
“Hey Alt, your brother ended up with Schneep and Marvin," Jackie says. He's sitting on the sofa with Chase now, still half-wearing his suit. "Schneep wants us to go to the safe house where JJ and your Jackie are. He says that Bro says you can glitch us there?"
Alt looks up at the others and then glitches to his feet, stretching. "Sure thing- I'm decently powered. You all have been there before? That helps~" He grins.
"I have a few times, but Chase has only been there once," Jackie says. "Is that a problem?" 
"Nope that should be plenty." Alt shrugs his bag back on.
"I want to come," Chase says, pouting a bit. "All I did last time was talk to you guys on the phone and then get hypnotized." 
"Will you have trouble taking Frosty, Alt?" Jackie asks. "Chase needs him."
"Mmmm no I don't think so! I glitch with my cat all the time. That's how she got her name." Alt smiles. "We just need to link up! So like- as long as we all have a connection somehow."
"Ohhh yeah your cat!" Jackie awes. "I wish we could meet her!" 
Alt laughs, "I feel like she'd get into trouble on these trips- but I have about a million pictures. Despite the fact she's a little void and i wear mostly black." 
"You can show us the pictures of your cat when we get there." Jackie chuckles.
Chase laughs too. "Alright, let's link up, then. Focus on the house. Or, uh, I think we should aim for just outside the house. I don't want Soren to suddenly shoot us for intruding." 
"Shoot us? He doesn't have a gun, Chase." 
"Look me in the eyes and tell me he wouldn't figure out how to get one."
"... I both like and dislike what I'm learning about this Soren guy-" Alt mutters. 
“Soren is a mixed bag," Jackie mutters. 
Alt offers his hands out to the others, green-blue magic pulsing in his eyes. 
"Whoo!" Chase makes sure to grab Frosty by the scruff. "Let's go!" 
Once, the others have linked up and Chase has a good  good hold on Frosty, Alt concentrates at they all zip away towards the safe house.
Magnificent falls down one floor, delaying him slightly. But it's enough of a delay. By the time he recovers, that annoying hero and those two infuriating supers are gone.
The world flashed to white as he head hit the floor hard- and for a good long while all he can hear is ringing in his ears. Magnificent springs up once he has his bearings and then teleports back up to the roof- but... its clear that they're all gone by now. 
He curses and kicks at the floor and then starts to pace. "Okay... collecting my thoughts... we're back in the world with the supers... which I had a hard time stealing power from... but its possible. And my annoyances are here... so... hmm.... What to do...." He laughs to himself, his eyes glowing bright. "I want to end all those annoying supers. Drain them for every ounce of power in them and lord over their corpses... they will not humiliate me again... I need to find this world's Jameson... he will be the first one I destroy." He looks out over the edge of the unfinished building towards the city, arms behind his back as he searches around. "Now... where would my little kittens be hiding~?"
"How very vicious." The voice comes from behind Magnificent. There's something floating just beyond the other edge of the unfinished building. It's... that black flying robot from last time. It floats closer to Magnificent. "I see you've returned," says that same computerized voice. "Do you remember me?"
Magnificent jumps in the air like a startled cat. He whirls around, magic bright in his hands. But, once he realizes who this is, he slowly grins. "Well Well... Anti, wasn't it~? I do remember you." He glances around and then tilts his head at the robot. "... why are you here?"
"Those supers were staking out SepTech for signs of me, so I was stalking them in turn," Anti says. "They had no idea that what they were looking for was right under their noses all that time." Part of the robot slides open, revealing a small device. Its use is revealed as it projects a life-size hologram of a person. ...Wait. No, it's not exactly a person. It's a 3D animated model, depicting a man wearing black robotic armor and a hood. The man's face is replaced by an LED screen with a simplified face: two red circles for eyes and a curving red mouth. "But then you arrived. And that other one. And now I wish to talk. Face to... not-face, as it is." The model gestures to his LED screen.
Magnificent's eyes widen as he sees the hologram. He prowls around it and studies it with interest. "Impressive... very impressive." 
"Thank you. I did work hard on it." Somehow, Anti's robotic voice sounds smugly proud. 
Mag stops to stand in his original place and smirks, gesturing at Anti. "Well, let's hear it then~"
"You wish to take out my nuisances. I wish to do so too. So far I have preferred hiding and concentrating on my plan. But this is an opportunity I cannot ignore. What if I aided you once more? More... directly this time."
“Oh? In the flesh?” Magnificent giggles, “How bold of you, Anti!” 
"Oh, if only in the flesh. Unfortunately, I am... limited." Anti's model gestures at himself. "This is the best I can do. But I have several of these Semi-Automatic Machines equipped with combat features. They can act as backup for you." 
“Ah I see. Well- I can work with that.” Magnificent hums. His face falls to something deadly serious in a blink, his eyes flashing dangerously. “I want those wannabe heroes dead. I’ll do whatever it takes.”
The model tilts his head. "I know where they are hiding from the police. And everyone is heading there. All of those from your world, and the supers from mine." He chuckles. "Though it is funny that you call them all 'heroes'. I can promise many of them have less than stellar records."
Mag chuckles and shrugs, “On the rating of heroes to villains- no one tops me in villainy~! I bet those records mean nothing.” He giggles and then tilts his head back at Anti, “do we have a plan, Anti, dear? Or are we charging in, machines blazing~?”
"'Machines blazing' is what I was thinking, in fact," Anti says. "They know I have been laying low. They won't be expecting it. I will gather my Machines while you head to the house. Its address is 78 Ivy Lane. In that direction." The model points to the north.
Magnificent hums and then giggles in manic delight. “Alright. I can do that~” He laughs and tilts his head at Anti, “This will be one hell of a collab~!” Then, in a blink and buzz of static- he teleports off the roof to search for the heroes.
“Indeed.” The hologram of Anti disappears as the Machine flies away, ready to meet up with others of its kind. 
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yuelongfx · 11 months ago
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I had been debating whether or not to showcase the icons I've been working on for my multimuse. But after some thought I decided to at least showcase a few as I am immensely proud of how they're turning out.
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game-weaver · 6 months ago
Make Me Choose Between ______ & ______ ?
Note: Can be characters, ships, movies, places. Anything your little hearts can think of!
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psychicxhearts-blog1 · 9 months ago
I guess this is it?
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Twst people who follow me. I have not been around in so long and I just found out from the latest post I did that I am limited to 30 images per post. As someone who makes icons for the twst fandom since the first manga dropped on JP to the Anthology manga this is beyond not fucking okay! I was going to get around to finally posting more icons with the new mangad dropping and all, and was going to focus on Leona and Azul, but with this limit tumblr put on me I think I have to stop making icon post or until I can find away around it. I do not want to stop making icons or doing limit post like this. I have no idea who thought it would be a good idea to do that, but as someone who wants to help people with icons for rps, self icons and more, this is just very sad I have to say this to you all, but I will stop making icons starting today. Yet again I do not want to stop making icon sets for everyone, but my limit for icons have always been 50, or less then 50, to around 100 when the final manga ends. 30 images is such a huge downgrade for me that I can't make post with 30 images in mind! And with the art and icons needed for a post its a lot where it needs about 50 or more to post. I am sorry I didn't do more icons when I had the time. Burn out was real, and if I would have known tumblr was going to do this I would have forced myself to do more! Thank you for all the likes, reblog and even some comments asking for icons on here or on discord for me to hurry up and do other characters. It was a huge motivation to see you all happy, and enjoying my work.
Thank you for everything and I hope to do icons in the future when tumblr allows me to post more images I hope.
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mezzomorendo · 11 months ago
Your Zack is very good! I love reading your headcanons and your canon divergencies still feel true to his character, which is something I really like to see! It's always fun to interact with you and to see you on the dash 💕
[ how's my portrayal? ]
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armafidelium · 1 year ago
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hi there. while i've not been around on here for long i've quite enjoyed my time here thus far as a return to writing on this site. this kind of season tends to be busy and sometimes hectic for others and regardless of where you are at and what you have in store for this season be it a wonderful season for your or one that can be a little tough i wish you the most merry of days and hope these coming up days and the days leading to the new year are filled with nothing short of the most wonderful joy for you and your loved ones. thank yu all so much for making my return to this site and my time thus far some of the most fun i've had writing in a really long time. many wonderful wishes to you all for whichever holiday(s) you celebrate and i hope you have a lovely day.
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thuganomxcs · 19 days ago
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━━   ❝   𝐎𝐎𝐅!   ❞  He felt the basket crashing against his own chest and happily holds it. “It’s alright I can help ya out.” With a smile he showed her towards his own room while holding the basket. Compared to everywhere else, it’s the most decorated room in the house. “This is where I sleep.” The bed itself wasn’t grand, something common that would fit two average people at the very least, the walls were adorned with posters of local wrestling stars and sumo wrestlers. A desk littered with hair care products, avian shower sprays as well as tiny scissors for Puu whenever his little feathers of hair need grooming.
“Here’s the guest room.” It was rather ‘empty’ as it only held a rather bigger bed (which was in the master bedroom) a closet that already had female clothing within them. (Atsuko), a desk drawer and mounted television. “Mom even kinda settled here, I told her t’ leave some clothes and stuff whenever she’d wanna visit she can. Ya know it’d work out for you too when you’d wanna stay over.” He said with a grin. “Though you could make use of the drawers when we’re done..come on I got more t’ show ya.”
He was excited as he guides her toward the kitchen, the ‘best’ room in the house. His refrigerator and stove was already installed. A rather classic stove for now until he gets his bearings financially, as well as the fridge. It wasn’t anything big, in fact it was small and worn which emphasized that it’s been given to him by someone else. “This is where I feel at home. Past that sliding door is the outside, where we’re goin’ but I wanna show you more.”
Now he leads her through a narrow path of the house which had windows with a view outside, One could see the vine-riddled walls that separated the houses and the house net door however not inside. He led them towards another door that led into the bathroom. Which was nice, though there wasn’t enough time to modernize it so it was just your traditional hinoki baths. “Mom told me this is how they took baths in the old days..I do remember seein’ em in samurai movies. But..once the food truck business picks up..I’ll get a shower in here, remodel everything.” 
From there there’s another guest room within the house but Yusuke used it for storage. There’s quite a few canned goods within the room along with boxed containers that held disposable bowls/cups and food boxes whenever he sold them on his truck, as well as chopsticks.
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“I also put curse objects in here until Botan can come and get ‘em. Ya won’t believe how haunted Yokohama has compared t’ Tokyo.” Yusuke said jokingly before exiting this room and finally they were outside in the backyard. There was already a wooden table and chairs set out, the backyard itself was incredibly spacious with one corner of the area there was already a large patch of tilted land and a scarecrow standing guard over it. “Now we can eat, but yeah this is home.”
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                                   The sound of someone else talking did not catch her attention right away. In fact, it was until the lady was on her way OUT of the home did it catch ami off guard. Her cool was kept even if she was a bit SPOOKED but suddenly seeing someone that wasn't Yusuke. The lady was nice & that in it of itself was refreshing. Ami did not EXPECT to hear that she was openly being called his girlfriend to people in the neighborhood. In truth, it was still SURPRISING to hear, even from him.
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                                  Quickly finding her manners, ami snapped back to reality. ❝  Good  evening  ,  Karin  -  san  ,  it  is  a  pleasure  to  meet  you  even  if  it  is  on  your  way  out  .  ❞ She was going to be here for an ENTIRE weekend. How many other neighbors already knew of her existence without having to utter a single word? Yusuke was so confident in PROCLAIMING things to world. His confidence shook her world & only fueled her love for him. 
                               With the pleasantries over & the sublet weight of puu on her head again, she was finally greeted by Yusuke; his sour look fading with little effort. ❝  Oh  don't  think  that  way  ,  Yusuke  .  You  want  your  neighbors  to  like  you  ,  right  ?  ❞ She stated, while taping him on the shoulder. ❝  This  is  better  than  an  alterative  of  them  CHASING  you  out  of  town  or  just  OSTRICHING  you  without  any  reason  behind  it  .  ❞ Ami did not BUDGE at the invite into the home.
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                            ❝  Hold  it  .  ❞ Make no mistake, she was not ANNOYED by any means but the events of last week still went unexplained & while it wasn't brought up again since the initial event the phone event was still confusing to her. Not to mention puu was more CLINGLY & CUDDLY. He had been that way already but there was an UPTICK since that phone call & she wondered just what had changed.
                           Ami lifted the basket & shoved it into his chest. ❝  I  brought  this  all  the  way  here  .  It  is  your  turn  to  hang  onto  it  .  ❞ The wicker basket was packed with their shared favorite snacks & foods. Only few drinks were liked between the two of them so bringing at least two for each of them should suffice for their little picnic backyard date. The phone call will be brought up when they both were in way better spirits. Ami took puu from her head & instead held him against her chest in order to fill the new VACANCY in her hands. It was at THAT POINT, she stepped into his home. ❝  It  is  nice  to  see  the  inside  in  person  ;  it  feels  different  being  here  from  just  seeing  the  progression  photos  .  ❞
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musefulbonds · 1 year ago
❛ Sonic Multi-Muse RP & Ask Blog! ༉‧₊˚
Hi! You can call me Wister. My main muses are Canon Divergent Maria & Cosmo from the Sonic Universe! More muses will eventually be added depending on my activity status (high/medium/low).
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Shipping Status: None of my muses is available for shipping EXCEPT for Cosmo. The only ship I will write is Tailsmo, but I have limits (in my Cosmo bio page)!
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seventh-district · 3 months ago
7am, eating cold leftover teriyaki stir-fry for breakfast and crying over blorbos
#normal Saturday morning behavior#redacted spoilers#redacted audio#redacted sam#Seven.txt#rp audio stuff#well. crying over one singular blorbo in particular. Sam's still got me in an emotional chokehold#and i'm too sad to even make a stupid little joke abt how i wouldn't mind if it was a physical one too. ayeee *insert sad eyebrow wiggle*#no but seriously. i have so many feelings abt him and i can't even say it all bc some of it isn't public info yet#eh fuck it i'll just draft this until the audio goes public and then i'll post it once it's no longer Exclusive Info#bc i dont wanna leak Early Access stuff but i have to get this out of my system rn and the new audio is part of what sparked these thoughts#which is funny bc i. literally haven't even listened to it yet. i'm not Ready 😭#where's that tiktok screenshot that's like. 'hyperfixation so bad that i can't even engage with the source material' bc that's me rn#like bro Sam only won the poll like. 2 or 3 days ago and Eric is Already dropping a new Sam audio?? hello? Mr. Redacted i wasn't prepared#anyways i was spoiling myself by perusing the comments last night trying to get a feel for if it's gonna be more angst or comfort#and i saw a comment that absolutely shattered me. and it reignited all my sad thoughts about Sam's eventual. uh. y'know. death.#apparently they plant a tree together or smthn in the new audio (which already has me & my beloved 10y/o orange tree feeling some kinda way#but to the individual in the comments who brought to all our minds the image of Sam sitting beneath that tree in 30 or so years time#when he's decided that he's ready to die and sits out there waiting for the sun to rise..................... 🥲#i'm gonna need u to compensate me for all of that unexpected emotional damage /j /nm#i'm Still not over what he told Darlin' while they had their talk about the future up on his roof together. that audio killed me#then yesterday i was listening to my Sam & Darlin' playlist while cleaning. and Malibu Nights by LANY came on. which i always skip bc Sad#but i let it play and just started crying. standing in the middle of the room all disheveled and holding a broom. as one does.#iirc that song is one that Eric himself said is applicable to Sam which is why/how i found it and put it on the playlist. and god. g o d#hm. i hope that wasn't Patreon exclusive info. i can't remember if it was a public post where he said that or not. hope it's okay to share#but if we can take that song as like. unofficial canon for Sam then that also confirms my idea that he used to drink to cope#which makes the opening lines of Fix What You Didn't Break by Nate Smith even more applicable. i should go edit that post actually#anyways i'm just. feeling a lot. and i love Sam very much and i don't want him to die. but i want him to do what he wants at the same time#Alexis took so fucking much from him. he deserves to live - and end - his life on his own terms. ... i think i need to go write something#*casually fishes this post out of the drafts 3 and a half days later* hi so uh. i wrote a 4k oneshot :) and will hopefully post it tomorrow
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newsecured · 2 years ago
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tag drop.
〚 i love this city; as tired as i am 〛ooc
〚 important are those few moments we're still waiting for 〛ic
〚 how to pick up the disarrayed thoughts? 〛musings
〚 more at 8! 〛dash comm
〚 we all agree with one another; but it will be as it is 〛psa
〚 even tabloids can't make this shit up 〛crack
〚 what are you doing here? 〛rp meme
〚 twelve heavy golden crowns adorn my head 〛visage
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miqojak · 2 years ago
This is fascinating - literally just a few days ago I was wondering how to broach the topic without sounding like I was being rude (I'm just very direct lol) - I wanted to know what it is about FFXIV that makes people want to be the WoL ICly. I've RP'd longterm in 3 MMOs now, and I've never seen anyone in WoW go and RP as the hero of Azeroth, in GW2 I never saw anyone RP as the commander - it seemed pretty well accepted that there is only one Commander, and we can't all be them (and then it railroads and writes your character's story for you)... though since being on Tumblr I've found a few GW2 blogs that do rp as the Commander, but not many.
So it was a huge culture shock to me when I migrated to FFXIV back in 2019, that... it felt like everyone was the WoL. And for me, a character who fights gods in outer space, among other god-tier feats like time-travel, is far too powerful a character for my people who just live in the world to interact with. And then if so many people are The Warrior of Light, how does that work if you meet more than one ic? Would it restrict who a WoL player could rp with, since so many people are all playing 'Superman'? (Given what the WoL is capable of, in comparison to everyone else, to include killing many 'unkillable' things like immortals from a time before time... Superman seems like an apt comparison. The WoL is more powerful than most could imagine.) Do most people who write a WoL actually just write solo?
For me, I think it's that I want to write something that's wholly mine. MSQ railroads you into specific dialogue and choices and so on - and I like a more low/mid power level person, at that. I know what the WoL's life is like, but what's it like for the little guys just trying not to get hit by cars and eye-beams as Superman saves Metropolis yet again? What's it like to suffer the realities of war, and only hear tales of a hero who can smite gods? Why didn't that hero save you? Having all the god-tier powers of the WoL means that there are basically no more challenges left on the planet for you - you're quite literally the most powerful being in existence on any planet, actually, at this current point in story.
But maybe that hero fantasy is precisely why others love to be the WoL! We all have different tastes, and I was never really into all-powerful Superman type heroes before XIV, either - give me a Spiderman/Batman ( /cough Thancred) any day... the hero who is strong, but can still fail. They're not the strongest, and they have to work with what they've got and figure out how to surmount seemingly impossible odds.
Anywho, this is certainly not a judgement of anyone who writes a WoL - variety is the spice of life, and all that. It's moreso just curiosity - especially given that even GW2's commander is about as god-tier as the WoL (moreso, honestly, for reasons that would de-rail this post), and the story with your NPC party just as/maybe more poignant (sorry Alisaie, you're still #2 next to Taimi! And my literal dragon daughter Aurene...) - yet the RP communities seem to approach the idea of RPing as the main character quite differently!
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An informal query
Started wondering about this recently, so figured I'd make a poll to release into the wild! There's a lot of ways to handle the game narrative as a RPer, and also a lot of ways people RP around the game, so I'm curious about people's preferences, and why they handle it the way they do, if anyone's willing to add some thoughts to their vote.
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fioiswriting · 7 months ago
The sea and the fire
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“Fire and water looked so lovely together. It was a pity they destroyed each other by nature.” - R.F Kuang
Summary : when you're married to your childhood sweetheart who becomes your enemy and you get lost in the terrible maze of politics.
[previous chapter] [masterlist]
Rating : None for now, will be explicit 18+ later MDNI
Pairing : Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon/Strong!niece!Reader (There will be some Cregan Stark x Reader later)
TW :  none for now except not proofread. TW will be added as the story progresses.
Words count : 4408
AN : Hi everyone!! I hope you're all doing well. So, MONTHS later, I've finally decided to post chapter 2. Sorry for the wait.
[About this story This fanfiction is inspired by an RP I started with my girlfriend (@irmawrites, go check her work) in early 2023, which is still ongoing. My girlfriend writes for her OC (who is the daughter of Viserys and Alicent) as well as for Aemond and Cregan, while I write for my OC (who is the daughter of Rhaenyra) as well as for Aegon and Cole mostly. This fanfiction doesn't cover exactly the same events, I've changed some things, added some others and omitted some. But it follows the main storyline. The character of Irma is a nod to my girlfriend and is based on another of her OCs (Alicent's niece). I'm keen to turn this story into fanfiction and I hope you'll like it! ❤️ I know there's a ton of fanfiction out there based on the Aemond x Rhaenyra's daughter trope. If you don't like it, if you feel uncomfortable, or if you've read too much of it, I'd suggest you read another fanfiction written by one of the many talented authors on this platform ❤️ The story will unfold in several arcs, with the first arc building up the relationship between the reader and Aemond. The tone is therefore lighter. The following arcs (which I can't wait to get to!!) will gradually introduce a lot more angst (my favourite thing to write). The tone will be radically different. Overall, the fanfiction will sometimes be based on elements of the book, and sometimes on the show, with my own interpretations. Please bear in mind that my dialogue will sound very "modern" because I struggle to write medieval dialogue in English, as it's not my mother tongue.]
Also English is not my first language, so sorry for the grammar mistakes !! 
After all that talk, ENJOY <3
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Chapter 2 : Familiarity
There was a sense of renewed familiarity. 
You had regained your childhood bedroom and with it your landmarks. Of course, you still missed Dragonstone. And that could seem strange to some - Dragonstone was just a damp cave, a pile of stones perched on a rock. You were in King's Landing, now. You lived in opulence, in a royal comfort unmatched by the perch above the sea where you had spent most of your youth. 
But Dragonstone had a charm you couldn't find in King's Landing. Perhaps it was the stillness of the library where you spent all your time, lost among the scrolls of parchment and the thick tomes, or perhaps it was the sound of the crashing waves that rocked you on stormy nights, you weren't sure.
But somehow a sense of familiarity had returned. Your old room hadn't changed much, despite Alicent's questionable alterations to the decoration of the Red Keep. You had found an old toy in the shape of a dragon, and even some old paper on which you had practised your precise handwriting under the strict gaze of a stern Septa when you were a child. It was a memory frozen in time, a kind of testimony to the past. A room that reflected the little girl you were when you left King's Landing.
But perhaps you could change it to your liking, to reflect the young woman you had become. Perhaps it was a way of keeping you occupied before you left again. After all, your mother had promised that your stay would only be temporary. Just time to sort out some inheritance issues. Time to try and heal your family's wounds. Time to secure your family's future. As if the hope of you all rested on your shoulders; the only guarantee that your family wouldn't descend into a bloody escalation, or something like that. 
And yet, even though you'd only been here a short time, you'd already gotten into trouble, and it was Aemond himself who had to rescue you. You hated the idea.
You hated the fact that he'd come to your aid.
You hated the fact that you owed him, that you were indebted to him.
Fortunately, your little escapade hadn't been reported - you didn't want to disappoint your mother, or see the reproachful look on her face, even though you were aware that she might not be in the best position to make a comment. You were close to your mother. You were her eldest. You were her only daughter. She cherished and loved you, and you knew you could share everything with her. But you cherished your secret freedom, and you feared that her concern for her only daughter would give her the bad idea of assigning you closer supervision.
You didn't need a chaperone. You valued what little freedom your condition as a daughter afforded you.
As you slipped under the sheets, your thoughts kept returning to Aemond. The way he'd protected you, the way he'd carried you on his shoulder - it was humiliating, you weren't an object. And the way you had planted a kiss on his cheek. An impulsive act. A foolish act. You had to admit that you weren't averse to doing it again.
It just didn't make sense. Why had he come looking for you when he'd never answered your letters? He'd probably felt superior, after calling you and your brothers bastards, he'd probably decided you weren't good enough to be his friend anymore.  All this time, all these years, you'd been waiting for a word from him - a mere reply to the letters you'd sent. It never came. You concluded that your friendship had ended, in silence, after all you had done for him; after reassuring him, after holding his hand while the maester tried to repair the broken flesh on his face as best he could.
Had he really been your friend for even one day, or had it all been a facade, a role he'd played? Had he ever been sincere?
You were furious.
Rhaenyra had stroked your hair through every disappointment that gripped your heart like the loving mother she was. Daemon - Daemon had soothed you in his own way, telling you again and again that Aemond wasn't a good man, and that you would save your heart by forgetting him.
But now he had come looking for you. Something had changed. He had taken a step in your direction. You were lost. You were angry, but it was not just anger. There was something else underneath that pile of confusion and resentment. His approach unsettled you. Every step he took towards you, every word he said, sent a whirlwind of conflicting emotions through you. A burning curiosity. An irresistible attraction. 
You hated yourself for thinking it, but maybe your betrothal wasn't such a bad idea. Maybe you could retrieve the complicity of your childhood.
Maybe it had never really disappeared.
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In the early hours of the morning, the smell of warm bread tickled your nose even before you felt the warmth of the sun's rays through your chamber window. You rolled onto your side to steal a few more minutes of comfort, stifling a grunt into your pillow. You waited fatefully for the moment when Celia or Jeyne would come and wake you.
"Wake up you lazy groundhog, you've got things to tell me!" 
But the high-pitched, overly cheerful voice that echoed around your room wasn't Celia's, and it certainly wasn't Jeyne's. You sat up immediately, as if someone had thrown a bucket of water over you, your fingers rubbing your tired eyes to make sure you weren't dreaming. 
Irma Hightower was standing in your room, in a gown more extravagant than ever. You wanted to throw yourself into her arms.
"It was usually me who overslept in the morning and you who had to wake me up," Irma exclaimed, placing the tray she carried awkwardly under her arm on the table with a loud clatter, causing the tea to overflow from the cup and drip onto the wooden table. "But I reckon that sneaking out seems tiring." She punctuated his remark with a knowing wink before dusting off her dress as if she'd just worked in the straw or done the most strenuous physical labour in the world.
Still too sleepy to make sense of your friend's words, you frowned as you looked around for your two handmaidens, the ones who woke you up every morning, helped you get dressed and brought you your meal. "Where are -"
"I dismissed them for the rest of the morning," Irma replied without letting you finish the sentence. That explained the tray and the near disaster. "But here's your breakfast. Gods, did you know a tray was thatheavy? " She paused briefly, barely giving you time to wake up properly.
Irma Hightower was a tornado. She swept away everything in her path - she carried away hearts and minds with equal ease, leaving a whirlwind of chaos behind her. Wherever she went, she stirred the air with unbridled energy, forcing others to adapt to her frenetic pace or be wiped out by her determination. But it would be a lie to say you weren't happy to see her. You sat down on the edge of the bed and stretched, your arms reaching for the ceiling before tilting your head to one side. A smile curved the corner of your lips as you watched your friend. You wondered what Irma was doing in your room in the early hours of the morning, especially when, last you heard, she was supposed to be in Oldtown furthering her education. 
To tell the truth, you might have had an idea why she was here. You just didn't want to subject yourself to your friend's interrogation - some secrets should remain your secrets.
And what you'd done yesterday was one of them.
"'So?" she asked with a mixture of overflowing curiosity and impetuosity, her brown curls twirling around her face.
"So what?" you sighed as you went behind your dressing screen to remove your nightgown. You slipped into a flowing ocean-blue dress adorned with pearls and embroidery - one of your favourite gowns, a creation that reminded you of your favourite element: the sea. 
Unlike your brothers, you weren't made of fire and blood. You were made of sea and storm, and you knew deep down that this was perhaps hypocritical - your own appearance reminded you of it every day. But it was what your heart had always told you, and you'd come to believe it, too. The feeling of your feet in the water and the breeze on your face, its salty taste against your lips, was the one that brought you the most comfort. 
"So what happened yesterday ?” Irma insisted. Her voice grew impatient. "I saw you.”
But you ignored her, busy wriggling to reach the lacing at the back of your dress. In vain. You weren't flexible enough. "Since you've decided to play the handmaid today, help me get dressed," you replied, appearing on one side of the screen, your hands gripping the fabric tightly, your back to her. Irma rose with a long sigh - it was just for show, you knew - and came over to you. You smiled mischievously. You had to admit that you enjoyed seeing her in this role, so opposite to who she really was. You wondered what her time in Oldtown had been like; whether she'd been treated like the spoilt brat she truly was, or whether, on the contrary, she'd had to learn patience, faith and discipline - all qualities that didn't characterise her. 
"I could actually keep you as my lady in waiting, you know. You'd be good for that. Forced to follow me everywhere, I'd love that." 
You didn't need to see her to know that she rolled her eyes. " I am the Queen's niece. I was made for more than that."
When her fingers became tangled in the lacing of your dress, she spoke again, her voice caressing the back of your ear as she tugged at the lacing with a little more force: "You haven't answered my question."
How could you forget that Irma was so perceptive? And above all, how could you forget that when Irma wanted something, it was impossible for her not to get it? You weren't going to get away. She would insist, until you fell for her angelic pout and her round eyes that tried to win you over.
It reminded you of your shared youth - the times you spent together, swapping secrets and gossip, talking about your joys and sorrows. You had been inseparable before you were forced to return to Dragonstone, and she to Oldtown. 
"Nothing happened. At least nothing like you may think," you admitted, turning to smooth the front of your dress. You whirled around, the fabric rising gently around you like a bluish wave. "How do I look?"
"I wouldn't describe being carried around like a sack of flour on your dark uncle's shoulder as nothing. Especially in your family." 
Irma inspected your outfit, her eyes expertly examining you from top to bottom and then from bottom to top, looking for the slightest detail that would have spoiled her work. She brushed away a stray strand of hair that had fallen across your face.
"Did he kiss you?" Her eyebrows arched, her mouth forming a playful pout of false surprise. She was clearly determined to decipher your every secret, to expose them. You hesitated for a moment, to cast doubt, to let her imagine more - but you were afraid of the repercussions this might have on you. You weren't sure that Irma knew how to hold her tongue. And you didn't want to risk exposing yourself to Aemond's irritation over false rumours. Not when you'd planned to play with him a bit; to prove to him that you had the upper hand, that you could have him wrapped around your little finger and drive him mad. You were still suspicious of him. You hadn't really figured him out yet. You just knew he'd changed since the last time you'd seen him, but you weren't sure how much.
"No, he didn't kiss me," you repeated, putting the same emphasis on the word as your friend. You walked over to the table to sip your still steaming cup of tea. You could feel Irma's round eyes on your back - she was waiting for you to say more. She probably had a dozen unanswered questions: why had Aemond brought you back like this? Where had you been? Who had you been with? What had you done? But you didn't answer right away, biting into the crusty bread.
"He just... came to fetch me," you finally admitted between two bites, your mouth half full - it was a far cry from the princess manners in which you'd been raised. Sitting on your bed, Irma stared at you with her brown eyes - the same as her aunt's. "I was with Aegon. In King's Landing. And I got lost."
That was enough. Irma didn't need to know everything; after all, it wasn't a lie if you only omitted certain details that you deemed relatively unimportant.
Or that Irma didn't need to know.
But the revelation provoked a silence. Your friend didn't answer immediately. Her eyes narrowed, revealing a fine line between her eyebrows, and her lips pursed into a bitter pout. She looked troubled, her fingers twitching in her lap. "I didn't know you were close to Aegon."
If you didn't know her so well, you wouldn't have detected the note of reproach in her voice. Was it jealousy? Was your friend jealous of the time you spent with Aegon?
You weren't sure you understood. He was married - and more importantly, as you remembered, Irma hated him for his debauchery and the alcohol he drank to excess. 
But this was no time to argue, and you preferred to play it safe. There would be plenty of time for your investigation later, when Irma's suspicions would be at rest. "He's my uncle and... he suggested he show me the streets of King's Landing because I was feeling bored." 
And the idea seemed liberating at the time. A moment of stolen freedom, away from the court, away from your duties. Where you were no longer the model princess, the paragon of virtue, but just another girl, lost in anonymity. You weren't sure she understood - she'd always loved the court, the gowns and the politics. You too, of course. It would be a lie to say you weren't made for it; for the life your status as a princess could offer you. You cherished the comforts and loved the responsibilities that came with your role. But sometimes those same responsibilities – and duty above all - stifled you. You needed solitude. To be somewhere else.
"It's dangerous. You could have been harmed!" Irma said, crossing her arms over her chest with an air of concern and annoyance. "You can't just follow a man like Aegon into the city," she sighed.
Some truth was hidden in her words, and you were aware of your lack of rationality, of the stupidity of your foolishness. The danger you had put yourself in, too, for if Aemond hadn't intervened... You didn't want to think about it. The dirty hands and lecherous looks those men gave you still made you shudder. All those risks for an illusory feeling of freedom, wasn't it a high price to pay?
Aemond had come for you. The humiliation still burned on your cheeks. 
"Lost in your thoughts?" Irma asked impatiently, offering you her arm as if she'd waited too long for you to come out of your reverie, "thinking about your Prince Charming again?"
You gave her a little tap on the arm, your eyes raised to the sky at the broad smile that stretched her lips, but you accepted her invitation anyway. "Fine, let's go. I heard that they are training this morning. And I know you're not indifferent to Dornish charm." You winked at her. And arm in arm, you and Irma walked through the corridors of the Red Keep towards the courtyard.
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Aemond's movements were precise and swift. Faced with Ser Criston's Morningstar, he moved skilfully, as nimble as a cat. You leaned against the parapet of the ramparts; your eyes riveted on the two silhouettes that seemed to be dancing in the courtyard amidst the small crowd that had gathered around them. Irma didn't miss a moment of the spectacle, and you wondered if there was a man she didn't find charming.  Aemond, probably.  You knew she didn't bear any affection for him - he was too serious, too stern. Too scary, too.
"Did you get tired of Oldtown, is that why you're here?" you asked teasingly, glancing briefly at Irma.
She leaned towards you as if to share a secret, not taking her eyes off the show the two men were offering. "They didn't want me anymore," she confided. "I used to drive the maesters and the septas mad. It was amusing."
You should have known better. Irma was too stubborn and brash to be around men and women who had dedicated their lives to knowledge. She was intelligent, there was no denying that, but she lacked the patience and diligence that the study of texts demanded. Though she had spent her childhood in King's Landing, perfecting her courtly education at her aunt's side, her rebellious attitude had sent her straight back to Oldtown. And then, she had threatened the Maesters and the Septas - she belonged at Court and she was convinced of it.
"And how is Daeron?" 
"As courteous and charming as ever," she replied. 
Aemond disarmed Cole and everyone applauded; including Jace and Luke, who you could recognise in the crowd. Your betrothed's eyes shifted from the spot he was staring at in the crowd - your brothers? - and looked up at you for a moment. You wondered if Aemond had seen you, if he had felt your gaze on him, and if that was why he had become fiercer in his attacks. A strange sensation arose in your belly, as if a swarm of butterflies were fluttering in your stomach, making your heart beat faster.  You forced yourself to suppress your emotions, which you blamed on all the time you'd spent away from Dragonstone. You refused to admit that it was Aemond's gaze that you sought more than any other, especially after the events of the previous day. Especially when you could still feel his skin against yours, his firm hands around your body, his face just a few inches from yours.
You wondered what had possessed you to kiss him on the cheek. 
You wanted to play with him, that was certain. But you refused to subject your heart to the whims of love. Not after the heartache you'd felt when you found out he'd forgotten you so easily.
It was nothing serious.
You met Aemond's gaze. The intensity of his lilac eye had this very capacity to send shivers down your spine.  He didn't even crack a smile, and looked away as if nothing had happened.
"I'll see you later," Irma said, squeezing your arm, before turning on her heels to - presumably - find some male company. Once you were alone, you walked down the steps that led from the ramparts to the courtyard. Your steps instinctively brought you to where Aemond was standing, ready to sheathe his sword.
If he seemed surprised to see you, he didn't show it. His icy eye rested on you, unreadable as ever.
"Lady Strong."
"We should talk," you began, ignoring the unpleasant way he had just addressed you. Lady Strong. The nickname left a sting of humiliation, and under normal circumstances you would have reacted. You would have defended yourself, you would have thought of something witty to retort - but today you had decided to take a step towards peace. You had decided to show that you hadn't come here with any animosity, even though everything inside you was screaming to make him swallow his insolence.
"There is nothing to talk about," he replied mechanically. Cold. Distant. Disinterested. Syllables sharp and icy. 
But yes, there were a thousand things to talk about; the betrothal that would lead to your certain future marriage, the events of yesterday, the letters he had never answered, his hostile and cold attitude towards you. There were all these things and more, but neither of you seemed to know how or where to begin.
"About yesterday -"
"I haven't spoken a word to anyone. Your little secret is safe with me. You can rest assured, niece."
That's not what you meant. It wasn't that you wanted to talk about - it was everything around it; it was the reasons, it was how he had found out, it was the consequences, it was the kiss on his cheek, it was the thick tension between you that you were sure he had felt too. It was all these things.
You took a step towards him. Suddenly you felt yourself bubbling. And as if you'd grown wings, you closed the distance between you without looking away.
"Why?" you asked, your tone more urgent. You wanted to push him over the edge. You wanted him to admit what you knew for a fact that he would never be able to. "You could expose me. Tell everyone about my little escapades. Make me lose all credibility. End our betrothal." You paused, leaning your body towards him, your warmth mingling with his.
You felt him hold his breath. He tensed, straightening his neck, tilting his head slightly to the side to watch you.
"Why exactly would I do that, Lady Strong?"
Because you hate me, you were tempted to reply. Because you hate me, just as you hate my brothers. Because you cut me off all those years ago, without a word. And despite all the affinities that could bring you together, despite the fond memories of your shared childhood and your closeness, despite the love you harboured for him, you were loyal to your siblings, like he was to his. Whatever you did, you would always be associated with them. Your family. So wasn't it normal for him to see you as an extension of the hatred he felt for them?
At your silence, he continued, this time in High Valyrian: "I am not the one who despises the other. You know that."
Hate was nothing more than a form of passion.
But you weren't sure it was hate you felt for Aemond - no, the hate would come later, stronger, hotter than ever.  For now, you felt disappointment and a form of betrayal after the friendship that had bound you together for more than a decade. 
"I am not the one who is determined to make you my enemy." 
Enemy, like water to fire. Trying to destroy each other by nature.
"And yet, you treat me like one," you replied. Sharpness staining your voice. 
He let out a hm. He was still staring at you; the sensation was almost disturbing. He took a step in your direction, violating your breathing space. You had to lift your head to maintain eye contact. Then he leaned towards you, the corner of his lips turned up slightly in a smirk.
"I wouldn't have come to rescue you if you were my enemy."
The words barely out of his mouth, he straightened and took a step back, giving you the courtesy to walk away as your cheeks turned red. You didn't need him to remind you of what had happened yesterday. The memory was still frozen in your mind, clear and intact. The ghost of his touch like a burn. You wondered if he felt the same; if he thought about your lips on his cheek, if they had left an invisible, indelible mark on his skin, like his fingers on yours.
You had to change the subject. Quickly. Before you got caught at your own game. 
Your hand came to rest on the hilt of his sword on the table beside the training area. You lifted it. It felt heavy in your hand, still warm from Aemond's grip.
It was strange, this power in your hand. A weapon that could take a life. Too big and unsuitable for your delicate fingers, but fascinating. 
"Teach me."
"No," he replied immediately, following your every move with his icy gaze, as if he feared you might hurt yourself. You rested the heavy sword on the wooden table before turning. You approached him again.
"Daemon taught me how to use a dagger. At least he taught me where to aim to hurt." You flatten your hand against his chest, just below his ribcage. His body stiffens beneath your palm. "He said it was to protect me from dangerous men." Your gaze travelled from your hand to his eyes.
Aemond chuckled. He didn't try to push you away. On the contrary, he kept your hand pressed against him. His fingers wrapped around your wrist, and he guided your hand to his jugular, where you could feel his heart throbbing against your fingertips.
"First lesson: that is where you aim to kill." Caught off guard, you tried to withdraw your hand, but Aemond held it in place, your fingertips on his skin, your eyes both searching and challenging each other. The air was charged. Tense. Like a cloud before a storm. You held your breath. "But you wouldn't dare hurt a fly."
He released your wrist and gripped your chin between his thumb and forefinger, forcing you to step back until your back hit the table. He leaned in. His face so close to yours that you could almost feel his warm breath melting into yours. A few inches and you could close the gap between your lips. A few inches and -
"Well, niece. I hope to see you for dinner. And, of course, I expect you to behave."
With that he released you. With that, he turned on his heel. 
He stopped. And without looking back, he added: "And please. Don't make a habit of me saving you. 
Well, you were evenly matched.
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the-consortium · 1 month ago
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Today I learned that the transplantation was a success, so far. I am not yet healthy (not at all! I can't really write anything, so please be patient if you are waiting for some Consortium/Fabius-RP!), but it's a big step.
So I tried drawing something for the first time in over three months. My hands are shaking from the medicine I have to take and I am very exhausted, but I am quite happy with the result of my first try. I most likely won't draw anything else for the time being, or maybe I will, who knows! I'm still so damn sick.
But anyways, here's Fabius, Master of Not-Dying.
Couldn't be anybody else but the Chief Apothecary.
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the-silver-peahen-residence · 11 months ago
Sukuna grumbles himself and yet, he didn't say too much about it for now. Maybe later they will see it but for now, no. He can wait. However, for now, they would just remain calm for now.
"That sounds like a good idea! We are a bit hungry." Nobara smiled with Yuji already excited about it. "Well, we can tell you a lot if you wish to know more about us." he said as well.
"..A..Are you sure? You look.....worried." she mutters worried to him. Anaconda was worried too but he was looking at him while she was rubbing his back.
"....Even so...." Nobara mutters but Yuji sighs.
"I think he's right. Maybe a break seems to be good right now." he said rubbing the back of his head.
'I still wanted to see a beating!'
"Not helping Sukuna.." Yuji said.
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harmonyloveangels1990 · 5 months ago
Open Mind Control RP (Male, Female, or Futa only)
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Lola Bunny, Twilight Sparkles, and Amy Rose, three busty and thicc girls are all seen heading towards the hot springs. The three needed a break from their work, so they all went to the same spa. They all bumped into each other and began spending some time together. They love how good the water felt and are glad its all all girl-spa.
Meaning; no guys around. They wanted to enjoy this time alone and not have any problems. Unaware your muse, being the owner looks to have their fun with the three girls. And with the mind control drug they have in the closed off massage room, they'll have their chance.
Each one would be called in to get their massage and once your muse has their fun with each of them, they will all get together.
"Oh man. I can't wait to try out the massage," said Lola who was eating a carrot while resting against the wall.
"You said it. I heard they give out good massages here and leave the customers happy," said Twilight as she ate a hayburger while keeping it off the water with her magic.
"I just hope they can get the knots out of my back," said Amy who was drinking her lemonade and can feel how tired her back feels.
((Start off by having each one at a time and then can lead to a four-way. Mind control RP; Have some fun with them))
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