#can't wait for the relationship to evolve
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mist-the-wannabe-linguist · 16 days ago
I've started playing KCD1 with some preexisting knowledge about Jan Ptáček from everyone talking about the sequel, so the first time seeing him my reaction was mostly "omg it's the boy himself, hi"
barely two interactions later and I want to kick him in the face
excellently done, Warhorse
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extraordinarilyextreme · 1 year ago
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天台上谈心...... (a heart-to-heart on the rooftop)
please i need more people to watch 《异人之下》 I Am Nobody 😭😭😭
i believed i was invincible until i met you. in an instant, everything i had ever known came crumbling down. you changed my world utterly; you altered my fate. “我也很喜欢你这个人”; “我喜欢他不假。”
i left the secular world behind because i couldn't find meaning in the struggles of the day-to-day. i didn't understand the point of forming attachments, yet you took the initiative to approach me anyway. because of you, i had the courage to descend from my lofty perch, and find my own place among mortals.
rivals to best friends; two of the most promising sorcerers of their generation; a popular idol descended from Zhuge Liang himself and the wealthy third son of one of the most powerful families in the country who left home to become a Taoist.
"The kind of person that I am - I detest getting entangled with trouble. But if you really have any trouble, I'll help. To say I'll risk my life for you sounds kind of fake. But as long as it's within my power, I'll definitely help you." "Ah, go away, go away! I shouldn't befriend people like you; I can't have any secrets! Can't you let me remain mysterious?" "But I want to be friends with you." ep. 15
the only two people who are able to see and experience the world in the same way.
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supersquiddle · 1 year ago
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Sketches referenced from St Sebastian paintings Left - My Nosferatu elder Jackie Right - His new ghoul Steven Adams, formerly serving a Tzimisce
Both have had extensive fleshcrafting done, Steven's (involuntarily) was done as despite serving as a contact to the outside world his dominator couldn't help but "improve" upon him. Jackie's is more subtle or largely internal. At one point in his long unlife a tzimisce owed him a boon, and hence he requested his body be made male, and turned into the perfect home for wasps.
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I know I just finished reading Part 1, but I absolutely needed to know what came next! He goes from suave playboy, to flustered aviator, to whiney baby so fast! It made me giggle just seeing it. You can really feel their chemistry in each word they exchange.
He turned down the offer but then was reconsidering because of one night with reader? I'm melting, Lena! He's so cute! Protect this man! Then how he's trying to do the right thing because he slept with his superior's daughter?
You stare at him in shock as the familiar weakness in your knees – a recurring ailment where Maverick is concerned – threatens to compromise your balance.
I'd be more than a little weak at the knees too, faced with him!
He's trouble from head-to-toe, alright. But somehow I get the feeling he's the kind of trouble you're willing to deal with.
I can't wait to see if there is more coming for this story! I loved every word of it!
Best of the Bad Boys | Part II
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x F!Reader
Summary: You've fallen for the best of the best. Unfortunately, he also happens to be the worst of the worst.
CW: mild angst, swearing, fluff
WC: ~1900
Part I | Masterlist
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“Why didn’t you tell me Viper was your father?” Maverick calls, following you out into the lot.
You’re walking briskly ahead of him because you were hoping to postpone this very conversation. You slow your pace a touch and glance back at him over your shoulder. “You didn’t ask.”
Maverick gives you a disgruntled look and slides a pair of aviators over his eyes. “Cute,” he replies curtly, walking past you toward his bike.
“Did you tell my father what you’re giving me a ride in?” you ask, eyeing the motorcycle skeptically.
Maverick pauses briefly as he grabs the handlebar and lowers his head to peek up at you over the rims of his sunglasses. “Your father trusts me to fly jets. I think he’d be okay with the Ninja.”
You shrug nonchalantly. “It’s your ass on the line.”
Maverick exhales sharply and takes a step toward you. “Exactly,” he says moodily. “You could’ve given me a heads up.”
“I didn’t think I’d ever see you again!” you exclaim in a forceful whisper, very conscious of how close he’s gotten. “I never come here.” You look around anxiously, ensuring that no one is around. “Today was an exception – obviously,” you finish, rubbing the back of your head where your clip had broken against it.
Maverick watches you intently. “Are you okay?” he finally says.
“You already asked me that,” you retort grumpily, lowering your gaze.
“I’m asking again.”
“I’m fine.”
Maverick lets out another sigh and then mounts his bike. He glances over at you. “You coming?”
You hesitate for a moment before climbing onto the back of the seat. Tentatively, you take a hold of his jacket, being careful not to actually touch his body.
But Maverick takes your hand in his and brings it around his torso, pressing it into his abdomen. You hold your breath nervously, trying not to think about the ripple of abs you can feel underneath the thin fabric of his t-shirt. “I’m not going to be flooring it,” he says, starting the engine. “But I’d still prefer it if you held on.”
You bring your other hand around to his stomach, wondering if riding around on a motorcycle is really the best pastime for someone whose limbs are still feeling like jelly after an – albeit minor – collision. You know that your father would certainly not approve. And yet, you somehow feel like you could trust Maverick to deliver you home safe and sound.
As Maverick pulls out of the lot, he yells to you over the roar of the engine, “You thought you’d never see me again?”
You stare at the back of his neck, wondering how the heck you’re going to reply. Thankfully, the motor is loud enough that you have some time to think about it.
When Maverick slows to a stop at a red light, he turns his head to the side so that you’re graced with the contours of his side profile for several moments. He doesn’t strain to look at you over his shoulder but the pause as he lowers his gaze to the asphalt is enough to confirm that he’s awaiting a response.
“I didn’t know you were planning on staying,” you say, trying to infuse your voice with confidence despite your discomfort.
Maverick revs his engine just before the light turns green and starts rolling through the intersection the moment it changes. He doesn’t say anything else until he parks outside your house and kills the engine. “I wasn’t,” he says evenly and then climbs off the bike. He turns to look at you coolly and offers a hand to help you down.
You ignore his outstretched hand and dismount without his help. “You weren’t going to stay?” you ask casually, pretending that the impending answer is entirely insignificant to you.
Maverick shakes his head. “I turned down the offer last week.”
You gulp anxiously, suddenly severely distraught at the thought of Maverick leaving – even though you apparently ‘never thought you’d see him again.’  “But my dad said – does he know that you turned down the offer?”
Maverick watches you in silence for a second and then nods. He drops his gaze then and mutters, “I called him this morning, told him I was reconsidering my decision.” His eyes meet yours again with a stoic expression.
You blink to break the eye contact and look away uneasily. “How come?” you ask nonchalantly.
“Just felt like sticking around for a bit,” he says.
You glance up at him and, while he’s still not exactly smiling, the crease between his furrowed eyebrows has softened a touch. You realize that his change of heart must have had – at least in part – something to do with you, considering it happened immediately after your encounter. But you’re too afraid of being wrong to voice this theory so, instead, you say, “Even so, I’m hardly ever on base and I don’t exactly hang out at the officer’s club very often. The chances of us running into each other again were pretty slim.”
Maverick narrows his eyes. “You gave me your number.”
“Would you have called?”
Maverick stares at you. “I wouldn’t have asked for it if I wasn’t going to call.”
You shrug. “It was a fake number.”
Maverick raises his eyebrows and scoffs. “Alright,” he says. “I’ll see you around then.” He turns back to his bike and swings his leg over to mount it. “Or I guess I won’t,” he adds, turning the key in the ignition.
You panic and take a step toward him, placing your hand over the handlebar and grasping it firmly. “Can you image if I had given you my real number?” you ask. “You would’ve called – maybe” – you add with an eyeroll – “But, if you had and my father picked up? Then what?”
Maverick holds your gaze as your words sink in. Of course, your logic is sound. You couldn’t give him your real number. “You could’ve told me he was your father,” he says levelly, clearly still abundantly vexed. “What else did you lie about?”
You tighten your grip around the handlebar until your knuckles turn white. “Don’t act like you had any intention of seeing me again. And, if you did, how would I know? It’s not like you have a history of committed relationships.”
“What do you know about my history?” he asks, lifting an eyebrow as though you’ve piqued his interest.
You freeze for a moment and press your lips together crossly, annoyed that he’s caught onto the fact that you know more about him than you’d originally let on. “Are you going to take the position?” you ask irritably, completely ignoring his question.
“How can I?” he asks, raising his voice. Then, in a desperate whisper, he adds, “I slept with my superior officer’s daughter!”
You stare at him guiltily. “He doesn’t have to know,” you say.
“I know,” Maverick responds, his eyes boring into yours.
You sigh. “Pretend you don’t.” After a few moments of silence, you let go of the bike and give him a tight smile and a small wave as you start to back away.
Maverick doesn’t wave back. He watches you grimly as you retreat until you finally turn your back to him and ascend the steps of your porch.
You pause at your front door, wondering if you're ever going to see him again. But as you start to dig in your pocket for your house key, you feel a hand graze your upper back, and you whip your head around in surprise. How Maverick managed to scale your porch in under five seconds is beyond you, but you’re far too swept away to ruminate on the details.
Maverick waits a beat, his fingers sliding down your arm as you rotate to face him. His gaze slips momentarily to your lips before he says, “I’m not good at pretending.”
You stare at him in shock as the familiar weakness in your knees – a recurring ailment where Maverick is concerned – threatens to compromise your balance. Standing there, admiring the angles of his face, you suddenly can't think of anything more awe-inspiring. “You should take the job,” you say feebly as he draws ever closer.
Maverick sets his jaw and breathes forcefully out through his nose as though he’s combatting a sentiment he’d rather not express. “Okay,” he whispers, pressing his lips to your forehead. This move destabilizes you further.
You glance up at him and his lips brush softly over the tip of your nose. Your heart springs violently into your throat and then proceeds to bounce around your ribcage like a pinball. He smells like leather and cologne and his light eyes hold your gaze like a magnet. “I’ll stay away from the base,” you say quietly, not daring to believe your own words.
His hands slide up your shoulders and then your neck and then he cradles your head in his palms. “Okay,” he repeats, his face so close to yours that you can almost taste the citrus in his aftershave.
You try to control your breathing, closing your eyes as his thumbs sweep gently over your cheeks. “We can forget all about this,” you whisper very faintly, as though you don’t want to be heard.
Maverick nudges your face with the tip of his nose and mutters, “Okay,” in a warm, humid whisper. His lips move slowly over yours and, languidly, he wraps an entire arm around the back of your neck to bring your closer. He takes a few steps toward you but, since you’re already flush against his body, you’re forced to take a few steps back.
“Thank you for the ride,” you mumble against his lips and you feel him grin at your words.
“My pleasure,” he responds without taking his mouth off yours. He guides you backward until you’re against the front door of your house and suddenly you realize that you’re making out with a Top Gun aviator under your father’s roof.
This thought startles you awake and you brace your hands against Maverick’s chest, giving him a slight push.
Maverick withdraws instantly and drops his head with a heavy sigh before glancing up at you with a sheepish smile. “Sorry,” he says, despite the unapologetic grin.
You scoff with an eye roll and shake your head. Not only is this turn of events the complete opposite of your earlier proposition but it’s also very much something you swore you’d never do. Maverick is just about the worst decision you could make and yet, here you are continuing to make it. “My friend told me you’re trouble,” you say, straightening your posture because you’re now addressing something of utmost importance.
Maverick’s mouth tightens slightly as he attempts to keep a straight face. “Susan?”
“Yes, Susan,” you retort mockingly, surprised that he remembers her name.
Maverick purses his lips, shifting his jaw in thought as he squints his eyes at you. “What sort of trouble?”
You give him a flat look. “She wasn’t specific.”
He nods. “How convenient.”
You raise your eyebrows at him. “You’re denying this?”
He shrugs nonchalantly. “Nah, she’s probably right.”
You stare at him in disbelief. “Good to know.”
He meets your gaze with a more genuine expression. “Come on,” he says. “It’s not like you haven’t already made up your mind about me.”
You let out a dramatic sigh, ignoring the way his eyes are sparkling in the afternoon sun. You’d love to just be straightforward and ask what his true intentions are, but that seems lame and boring and awkward. And you’re none of those things. So, you say, “Would you like to come in for a minute?”
Maverick gives you a small smile and nods. “Okay,” He responds.
Maverick Tag List:
The rest of the list will be in the comments. Let me know if I missed you! As always, let me know if you no longer wish to be tagged in my Mav works!
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amaranthineghost · 5 months ago
—23 GOING ON 33 oscar posts a couple of tiktoks which leads to the entirety of internet making fun of him for his millennial behavior
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oscarpiastri has posted a tiktok!
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[caption: come on then, give us your best #askoscar]
user what's your favorite type of bread
user hey oscar, why do you have a millennial pause even though you're technically gen z
user when is the carlos diss track?
ynusername why do you have a millennial pause, i thought you were better than this 😓
user how is your relationship with drs going??
user oscar do you perhaps know what a millennial pause is
user would you ever consider becoming a full time tiktok influencer
user do you think alex is pookie
logansargeant mate im older than you and i don't even have a millenial pause
⤷ logansargeant but when's the diss track
user how do you maintain the swirl in your hair?
user he's so millennial with that pause
user im not even surprised
user someone please teach him
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oscarpiastri has posted a tiktok!
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[caption: reply to @/randomuserdontask]
ynusername oscar sweetie i thought we talked about this
⤷ logansargeant the training we taught him got him no where! he's still acting like he was born 10 years before he actually was!
⤷ ynusername a true tragedy we must save him
user yn and logan plotting against oscar in the comments 😭
⤷ user he needs to be stopped
user the millennial pause is killing me
user he keeps avoiding the carlos diss track questions
⤷ user well ofc! he's got to keep it a secret for when it comes out
⤷ user TRUE
user i bet oscar is collaborating with lewis considering he took his seat at ferrari
user oscar, please take some advice the millennial pause is funny BUT PLEASE
user someone save him
⤷ ynusername 🤫🤫🤫
⤷ ynusername IM TRYING HE DOESN"T LISTEN VERY WELL (this is the same man that was a car furry for the first few years of his life so)
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liked by ynusername and 406,703 others
oscarpiastri photo dump
view all 1,092 comments
ynusername oh dear
⤷ ynusername okay but wait this is actually hilarious, i think i might stop breathing
⤷ oscarpiastri please breath
user when oscar posts a photo dump that's literally just the same pictures repeating in no specific order
logansargeant a tragedy that not even william shakespeare could write
user oscar buddy we have devolved instead of evolving from the millennial pause
⤷ user the teachings ain't working
⤷ ynusername IM TRYING MY BEST
⤷ ynusername but also millennial oscar is pretty funny
⤷ user we dont blame you yn! 🙌🏼
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liked by oscarpiastri and 10,498 others
ynusername this is how you post a photo dump
view all 57 comments
user yes please teach him how its done
oscarpiastri maybe its all part of my master plan
⤷ ynusername oscar lets be fr, you can't come up with any master plans
⤷ oscarpiastri you never know
⤷ ynusername i mean i never knew you were capable of a millennial pause
⤷ oscarpiastri ouch
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liked by ynusername and 724,294 others
oscarpiastri thanks for the help pretty ☀️
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bbina · 3 months ago
women in male dominated fields | nct dream
about: giving 7dream a taste of their own medicine pairing: situationship!dream x fem!reader notes: bbina writing about situationships again.. what's new? first attempt writing for 7dream again! if u guys have any reqs (can do texts too!) do let me know hehe
mark - hittting him up after ghosting him because he posted on his instagram story
mark realized that he got ghosted by his "situationship" as haechan likes to call it and decided to write a song about it thus prompting him to post that selfie on his instagram story not expecting that you were going to see it
after posting the selfie, he shuts his phone off as he continues to produce his new song inspired by your actions. not a little while later, his phone dings. it was a notification from instagram. mark's eyes widens reading the notification on his phone. it was from you, the one who ghosted him
[yourname] y/n (♡) Replied to your story: 😍
mark fought every demon he had inside him that was telling him to not reply but for some fucking reason he just can't resist you. he inevitably replies much to his own dismay and thus, the cycle repeats
your phone vibrates in your hand. it was a notification that mark had reacted to your dm. you can feel the smile creep up on your face when you swiped up to see him typing
[onyourm__ark] hahaha thanksss [onyourm__ark] is typing...
your smile widens when you take a wild guess what his next message was. you already knew deep in your bones what his three lettered reply
[onyourm__ark] wyd?
and so mark is back in this vicious cycle. what he gets out of this? bangers after bangers of songs of course. now there he was in his studio, eagerly waiting for your reply this time around. hopefully you won't ghost him again but who knows
renjun - not replying to him despite being online
renjun constantly sent you updates throughout his day. from what time he woke up to what he had for breakfast lunch and dinner but only to be left on delivered all day
he would try to call you but it would just go straight to voice mail and that got him worried. did something happen to you? were you busy? why aren't you replying to him?
as the day finally comes to an end, there was still no message from you
that itself should've been the message but renjun thinks otherwise. when his phone lights up, he instantly jumps on it and checks if it was you
it was
you: hey i was out with ningning today. wyd?
that was a lie. you weren't out with ningning all day. you were at home, watching movies and the such while reading his messages from the notification wall on your phone. you had put your phone on dnd just because
renjun frowns at your message. you didn't even reply to any of his messages or let alone read them?
renjun: did you not get my messages? i was texting you all day
you were on your 7th movie when your phone dings again. you let out a loud sigh, seeing that it was. from renjun and not from your friends. quickly, you typed a short reply before turning your phone back on to dnd
you: srry, my bad
and with that, renjun notices the little "y/n has notifications silenced" on the bottom of the screen renjun can only wonder how much can he take from this kind of relationship. if he says something, would you finally change your ways?
jeno — hiding things from him because you knew he'd get mad
ever since that you and jeno started hanging out more and more, things have become a little weird between the two of you. you were too afraid to ask where you were at you just ignored it despite the signs being there
if jeno isn't going to say anything about your evolving "friendship" then why should you?
now here you two were, arguing in the middle of the street after he had accidentally read a text message from someone he doesn't know about some date you two are having in the next following days
"seriously? you're going on a date and you didn't tell me?" jeno argues, throwing his hands up in the sky like you had just done something illegal
your eyebrows furrowed as you feel the anger rising. why was he acting like this if you two didn't even have anything going on?
"and why will i? it's not like we're together" you argue back
jeno stops in his tracks when your words hit him like a truck
"this is why i didn't tell you. because you're literally mad at me for no reason!" you bark, grumbling about he's being irrational as you walk away from him
your words repeat in jeno's head like a broken record "it's not like we're together"
right.. you two aren't together... is it too late for him now?
haechan — "what are we?" "im not looking for anything serious rn"
being with haechan is a constant play of tug of war. yeah you're friends. friends who kiss, who make out, who go out on dates, friends who may or may have not fucked in the backseat of his car but yeah! you're friends. best of friends even
you were on his couch, straddling his lap when haechan looked at you different for the first time
"what's with the long face?" you giggle, leaning on top of him with your hands propped on the sides of his head, trapping him in between you
haechan resisted the urge to kiss you right then and there. which was incredibly rare for the man. if this was just any other normal sleepover, he would've pounced without a second thought
"nothing" haechan suddenly stands up, pushing you off of his lap
you pout but disregard it. you grab your phone to scroll on tiktok now that the mood was kinda ruined
haechan turns to the side to take a good look at you. you look so pretty just sitting there next to him. he racks his brain up for anything he can say just to break the silence but his mind wanders about your whole being in general
how you're so nice to him, how you just click flawlessly, how you just somehow make his day better with just a quirkly little message
maybe making sure we're on the same boat wouldn't hurt.. haechan thinks to himself
you were laughing at some dumb tiktok when haechan suddenly clears his throat. you look up to see him looking back at you in the eye
"what are we?"
and it's silence after that. you were too stunned to speak. for a second there you thought he'd ask you if you wanted to play some league with him but no
you laugh awkwardly, diverting your attention back to your phone. oh look, jaehyun just posted a new cover
"y/n" haechan calls your name out, now leaning closer to you
"answer me"
you've never heard haechan sound so... desperate? and its looking like you've stayed your welcome with how the atmosphere had severely changed in his living room. you abruptly stood up from the couch, heading towards the front door
haechan immediately follows. he grabs your hand before you could hold the door knob, forcing you to look at him
"listen hyuckie, i don't know what you want me to say.. i'm not looking for anything serious right now" you mumble, avoiding his eyes
you don't hear it but haechan's heart breaks a little. so all those intimacy were just casual for you?
"i'll see you tomorrow okay? winter is asking me to come over. see you"
with that you leave haechan's apartment, leaving him alone with his thoughts. maybe he shouldn't have asked that
jaemin — telling him that you don't want to be posted
you knew jaemin had a photography account. it was linked to his profile when you first checked his social media accounts when you guys first started talking
every time you guys would hang out, jaemin always brought a camera with him. snapping photos of whatever and posting them almost immediately on his photography account
and of course he takes photos of you whenever he could. may it be scripted or candid, you will always have a photo taken by jaemin
so when he thought that you two were going somewhere, he was ready to finally post you to his account til you say some words that shook him to the core
"can you not post me just yet? i feel shy"
jaemin was alarmed with this. did he do anything wrong for you to be shy? he was almost certain that he made sure that you had the constant assurance of being with him despite not being exclusive just yet
"why? what's wrong?" jaemin asks, worried
you shrug, "i just don't want to be posted"
jaemin had to double check if he heard you right. because from all the other flings he had in the past, they were borderline begging him to post them on any of his socials til you came along
"are you sure?
"yes jaems. i'm absolutely sure" you smile, reaching over to hold his hand to convince him further. jaemin's not 100% convinced but fine. if you say so. though if it was any other person, they'd jump on the opportunity from the get go but jaemin can only guess that you were different from the rest
what jaemin doesn't know that you're not about that commitment life for now
chenle — telling him that you're still friends with your ex
it was already rare that you and chenle go out especially with your unique (for lack of better word. chenle's words, not yours) "relationship" with him, of course you just had to run into your ex in the middle of it
"y/n, is that you?" sungchan chirps, walking closer to your table to take a closer look. your eyes widened when you realize that it was sungchan who called out your name earlier
"channie!" you greet a little too excitedly for chenle's liking. you stood up from your seat, giving sungchan, who you haven't seen in so long a quick hug
chenle's eyes narrow at the way you are so enthusiastic about reuniting with sungchan after a long time. he watches you like a hawk the way your eyes are sparkling whenever sungchan makes an attempt to make you laugh
he (chenle) coughs to catch both of your attentions. sungchan is a little startled and greets chenle
"oh sorry man, i didn't see you there. my bad" sungchan sheepishly apologizes before he tells you that he'll be on his way and that he was happy to see you again. you laugh again as you bid him goodbye, watching him walk away from your table
when you sit back down, you were met with a sulky chenle
"what?" you ask, taking note of the way chenle's eyebrows were furrowed
"what was that about?" chenle murmurs
"who? sungchan? oh, he's just a friend" you brush him off like it was nothing, taking a bite of your burger
"yeah. but he's your ex, is he not?" chenle questions, frowning at the mention of your previous relationship status
you raise a brow at the latter
"we're literally just friends and i can't just let him go. i don't know why you're so bothered about it" you click your tongue in annoyance
chenle simply shakes his head, jaw clenched. the way you just dismissed him is beyond him but he guesses he deserves it for not putting a label on whatever you two have going on
guess he'll just suck it up for now
jisung — telling him not to worry about your other friends
you and jisung had a lot of common friends than you two initially thought. so much that he himself is in disbelief that you know sion out of all people
"y/n? didn't think i'd see you around here!" sion greets, coming near you with his arms open
"sion!" you smile, hugging him back
jisung looks between the two of you. since when did you know each other?
sion catches jisung's curious stare and laughs out loud, wrapping an arm around your shoulder
"y/n and i go way back! we went to the same highschool!" sion tells jisung
you giggle, head falling back to sion's shoulder as you nod your head yes in agreement
"we were in the same friend group too" you coo, poking sion's sides
jisung can only smile awkwardly at your skinship. so you two are close? like close like that?
"alright i gotta find the others. i'll see you around?" sion says but the last bit was directed towards you instead of jisung. jisung catches a look in sion's eyes that he can't pinpoint what it was
does sion have a crush on you or something?
"okay. see you around" you wave goodbye as sion walks away. you sit back next to jisung who was now fidgeting in his seat. you two aren't exclusive but you had already confessed your feelings for each other in the past
"what's wrong, jwi?" you ask, looking over at him with concern
"... you and sion?" he asks lowly, so low that you barely caught it over the sound of the music playing on the speakers
"you and sion" jisung says seriously, finally looking at you with sad eyes
"oh!" you gasp, catching on, "me and sion are just friends, jwi" you laugh, patting his head
"... are you sure?"
you wrap your hands around him, leaning your head on his shoulder
"i have my eyes on you, dummy" you coo, poking his nose. eventually jisung does wrap his arounds you too, hearing your words. though there's a part of him that doesn't buy it. he could've sworn that sion looked at you like that. but if you said that you two are just friends, then you two are just friends.. right?
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haunt3dh3art · 2 months ago
Born In Blood | Yandere Dexter Morgan x reader
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i’ve been watching almost a season of Dexter a day now i’m on winter break!! i know you guys lurking in the Dexter community have been waiting for some more work, so this is for you <33 i'm also posting this on my ao3 page if you prefer that formatting - type in "haunt3dh3art" and you'll find me.
TW: Blood, slight gore, slight torture, mention of blades and rope, canon-typical violence, slight obsession hinting
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Chapter 1 - Silence
Miami is full of gorgeous, witty women, and plenty of them would love a piece of Dexter.
But, none of them have ever held his attention for more than a few months. He tries not to let his lack of emotions get in the way of relationships, but its like everybody he meets eventually gets the feeling that something is very, very wrong.
A sixth sense, like when a dog growls at the darkness. You can't see what they can, but go back the way you came anyway.
So, eventually, everyone leaves, as is the next logical step for their survival.
When Dexter first sees you, whether you are an "almost victim" of the Miami Metro's latest killer or someone he sees on the street, it’s like he forgets to breathe. His eyes squint, a darkness glazing them over and something changes. His Dark Passenger appears behind him, but Dexter pays no attention to the ramblings of his damaged subconscious.
For argument's sake, here, you present to him as a victim. Or you would have been, had Dexter not figured out the location of the killer's lair in time.
He's led to a decrepit church, stone bricks falling off the walls, thick ivy covering almost every surface he can see. He makes no sound as he creeps towards the entrance. Slowly, he pushes the door open - it makes a lowly creak and Dexter slips into the darkness.
There is no light here, no ceremonious candles for the next killing, no flashy weapons to be seen on many of the stone slabs Dexter passes. Then, he sees a soft glow in the back corner of the vast church.
A cellar. The trapdoor won't quite close, and a whisper of light is allowed to seep through the thin crack against the floor. Dexter lifts it with deft fingers, careful to not make a sound. His steps make no sound as he glides down the stone stairs down, down into the basement. It's cold down here, and the air is thick with moisture. His silence, although usually an upper hand on an opponent, was not necessary here.
Your guttering screams rang out through the entire lower level; as loud as they were, Dexter was left wondering how they couldn't be heard until down here. You sounded animalistic, clearly fighting for your life and barely hanging on. As he got closer to the awful sounds of clanging metal and splitting screams, a chill rose up on Dexter's skin.
Then, he heard the killer's voice for the first time.
"How stupid can you be? You're nothing but a sacrifice to me." A low voice cut your screams into nothing but whimpers.
The slow dragging of a metal blade rang out into Dexter's ears and he was glad he came more than adequately prepared for a fight.
The killer was one Joseph Butler, serial womaniser and priest. Clearly, God had abandoned this disciple. The victims were most often strippers caught in his charming web, or occasionally single women looking for human connection. They must have thought they had struck gold.
His call card had been arranging his victims' hands into a prayer stance, nailing nails through the palms to keep the pose in place, and deftly placing a barbed wire "crown" on the person's head. They were always sat upright, bound with rope to a chair and lathered in blood.
The blade was new - Joseph was on the cusp to evolve his method, but he would never get the chance.
Candles lit the basement with a warm light, contrasting the suffocating atmosphere. Dexter suspected Butler had been torturing you with hot wax, or something similar, perhaps flames and the heated blade?
There was only a cloth curtain separating you, the killer and Dexter now.
"These are your final moments on this demented Earth. I suggest you use them to say a prayer." The killer spoke.
Dexter pulled back the curtain with one finger and saw he had his back to him.
This was the moment.
Moving as a snake slithers, Dexter stepped towards your torturer, and injected him with a tranquilizer. He instantly collapsed to the floor, making a satisfying thud.
Dexter stepped over him, and reached for his pocketknife to cut you free of your binds. You began to scream again and writhed in petrifying fear in your seat.
It was now that Dexter, crouched to your level, could finally see your face. Butler had obscured his view of you before, but with him out cold on the floor, Dexter could take the time to look.
You, caked in dirt and filth.
You, a look of horror beyond comprehension etched on to your face.
You, born in blood, just as he had been.
The moment Dexter was to undertake his duty once again as the necessary evil of Miami, he paused. Each time he had a killer strapped to a table, he paused for a moment to collect himself and appreciate the serenity of the moment. Perpetually holding the blade above his subject's heart, the point positioned perfectly, quivering in the air for a second of peace.
It was this moment, as he looked at you, that the constant roaring and wailing inside his head fell silent.
His eyes were fixed on yours, searching for an avenue of the same peace. He saw oceans reflected in your eyes, deep and dangerous.
"Shh, shh, shh. I'm not going to hurt you, I'm getting you out." He pleads, leaning forward on his knees.
He places the cool blade of his pocketknife on the rope next to your skin, making a quick, efficient cut of each loop around your wrists. It's a welcome sensation, despite the distant threat of pain.
Your screaming subsides, replaced by hyperventilating. Dexter's eyebrows pull together as he quickens his pace cutting the ropes around your feet.
Butler was only beginning his spree, killing 3 women in only 6 weeks. You would have been his fourth, had Dexter not been 10 steps ahead of his own department.
'Clearly an amateur,' Dexter thinks. The rope was too weak to hold a victim who had fight left to give, but that's easier said than done.
Finally, you were free, and instantly pushed the chair back. It crashed on the floor with a loud bang, but Dexter paid no attention to it. His eyes were stuck to you, mesmerised by you, even in your condition.
"What are you going to do to me?" You whispered, rubbing your fingers over your aching wounds.
Some of the blood on your skin was still fresh, glowing a crimson red against the candlelight. Dexter shook his head.
"Nothing," He said. "But, you need to stay with me, here. I can protect you, keep you safe, but you have to stay."
Dexter never imagined this happening to him. He knew the chances of you trusting him were beyond slim, but he hoped that by seeing your torturer on the floor, knocked out by his hand, that you wouldn't see him as a threat.
Dexter watched you with bated breath, his hands tightly clenched into fists.
You didn't move, weighing your choices. Would you really survive if you ran? How would you know there weren't more of these psychopaths waiting outside, ready to pounce the second you walked out into the night?
You shook your head, pacing around the room.
The curtain was pulled in a circle around the chair and it waved in the air as you walked past it.
"What's your name?" You asked.
Saying his real name out loud felt like a violation, a curse. Only people in his life knew his name. Were you going to be a part of that now?
You nodded and stopped pacing. Pointing at the killer, you asked another question. "What are you going to do with him?"
Dexter let his gaze break from you to the man on the floor.
He would be out cold for the next 7 hours at least, unless Dexter chose to wake him up sooner. However, on this occasion, he didn't have a plan. He had all the supplies needed for a killing in the boot of his car outside, but he hadn't anticipated for you to be here tonight. The timing of the killing wasn't quite right, and a sign that Butler was becoming a bigger problem than the Miami Metro could handle. The FBI would soon step in, and Butler would be out of Dexter's grasp.
"I'm going to make it look like you were never here, which is why you have to stay with me. I have to.. dispose of him, but it won't take more than a few hours." Dexter said, choosing his words carefully to not scare you even more.
He checked his watch. 10:47pm. If he was to kill Butler and get to the marina in time, the process would have to be quick.
The sun was beginning to rise earlier in Miami.
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rebelliousneferut · 7 months ago
fan frenzy | jude bellingham
summary; when jude's fangirls from borussia dortmund don't love you but things change with your move to madrid
genre; angst, smau
face claim; kaaviya sambasivam
note; English is not my first language
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liked by judebellingham, jobebellingham, username and others
yourusername date night 🌉✨
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username can someone explain to me why is jude dating with her??
username jude is too much for her
username he doesn't even pay attention to her, she's always the one who looks desperate
username he needs someone prettier
username fr
username i wait for the day he opens his eyes
swallowing the bile rising in my throat, I scrolled through the comments on my latest photo. the negativity was a suffocating wave, a stark contrast to the joy we shared in the picture.
dating jude bellingham was a whirlwind from the start. we met in dortmund, sparks flying despite our initial clashes. over time, that spark evolved into a love as powerful and exhilarating as his world-class strikes. jude, with his kind heart and dazzling smile, was a revelation. despite his young age and rising fame, his patience and unwavering affection showed me a love i never thought possible.
living the dream alongside the man i adored shouldn't have come with a price tag. but jude, besides being a phenomenal footballer, also boasted a massive, and sometimes harsh, fanbase. the adoration soon turned towards me, morphing into a relentless stream of negativity. hateful messages, fueled by envy, became a daily torment. i shielded jude, who was blissfully unaware thanks to his social media inactivity. but the constant barrage chipped away at my self-esteem, leaving me questioning every aspect of myself and our relationship.
jude's future was bright, and i convinced myself i was letting him down by being a target. so, with a voice thick with emotion, i began, "jude, i think we should take some time."
his hand shot out, his touch warm against mine. "why do you say that?" he pleaded, his eyes filled with a concern that mirrored my own. "is this about the move? because if it is, we can talk about it. we'll figure it out together, like always."
i shook my head, tears welling up. "it's everything, jude. all the hate, the negativity... i can't take it anymore. i don't want to be the reason you're attacked."
jude's brow furrowed, his expression a mix of determination and tenderness. "who cares what they say? they don't know us, y/n. they don't know the way you light up a room with your smile, or the fire you ignite in my heart. you are strong, kind, and more beautiful than any comment could ever diminish."
he cupped my face in his hands, his touch wiping away a stray tear. "you are the woman i love, the thought of facing anything without you is..." his voice trailed off, his eyes searching mine.
taking a deep breath, i confessed, "the comments... they make me doubt myself, jude. they make me doubt us."
jude's jaw clenched for a moment, then softened. he pulled me into a tight embrace, the warmth of his body a familiar comfort. "we'll face it together," he murmured against my hair. "we'll show them what true love looks like. and if they can't see it, then their opinion doesn't matter. all that matters is you and me."
and i decided to trust him.
"maybe a fresh start in spain would be better," i thought. "maybe they won't hate me there."
the following day, the world woke up to a new post on jude's social media – a photo of us, radiating pure joy.
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liked by yourusername, jobebellingham, footballwags and others
judebellingham my rock, my confidante, my love, my y/n. to anyone who has anything negative to say, save your breath. we're happy, and that's all that matters.
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yourusername i love you so much 🥺❤️
❤️ liked by the author
judebellingham i love you more than words can express
username i never understood the hatred towards her, she is beautiful and they make a nice couple
username madrid welcomes you with open arms 🫶🏽
username she makes jude happy and that's all that matters
username i still don't like her
username touch grass
the response was a wave of positivity, drowning out the negativity. the spanish fans, known for their passion, embraced me with open arms. it wasn't an instant fix, but it was a start. jude, by my side, had become my shield, our love a beacon against the darkness. we were in this together, and together, we would face anything.
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hyunjinners · 6 months ago
✧:・゚ Stray Kids react → you declaring yourself to them ˚₊· ꒰🌿꒱
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꒰ 命 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 ꒱┊ members' reaction when you declare yourself to them.
꒰ 命 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ꒱┊ot8¡ x non/idol!fem¡reader
꒰ 命 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 ꒱┊cute, comfort, friends to lovers.
꒰ 命 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ꒱┊none, just cute stray kids stuff.
꒰ 命 𝐖.𝐂 ꒱┊4,1k
꒰ 命 𝐀/𝐍 ꒱┊I'm really addicted to writing skz compilations ;) In some parts the reader is not an idol, I ended up getting excited and forgot about the plot haha remembering that English is not my first language! I apologize in advance if there are any spelling and/or grammatical errors. Enjoy reading - feedback is appreciated. ^-^
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ᥫ᭡ ˖ 𖥔 𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍 ... 𖥔
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・✦ You became trainees at the same time and that's when you met and got closer.
・✦ He would sneak food in for you, given the strict diet the company forced you to follow, and you couldn't be more grateful to him.
・✦ the care and zeal he has for you captivated you and strengthened your relationship even after both of your debuts.
・✦ You debuted solo and he couldn't be more proud, always supporting you even when he was busy with the group's busy schedule.
・✦ Some time after your great success as a solo artist, some acquaintances from high school attacked you on social media, creating a situation claiming that you were bullying some of them.
・✦ You got really upset with all the hate and false claims and it all got worse when the company forced you to go on hiatus.
・✦ Chan, being the cutest and most understanding person you knew, was by your side comforting you and whispering comforting words in your ear while wrapping you in a hug.
・✦ Perhaps because of the heat of the moment or adrenaline, you unconsciously let out the three most comforting and perhaps feared words for many people.
・✦ He was in shock for a few seconds and his breathing hitched when he felt the caress he was giving his head stop.
・✦ He pushed you away and looked into your eyes to see if he had heard correctly, still in disbelief about the words he had previously said and even more shocked about his future ones.
・✦ "I have always loved you. I can't hide my feelings that I have felt for so long. You have always been by my side and I never had the opportunity to be clear with you, so… thank you. For supporting me and for everything you've done for me in general."
・✦ After his sincerity it was her turn to be shocked when she felt his soft lips join hers.
・✦ he loved you too.
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ᥫ᭡ ˖ 𖥔 𝐋𝐄𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖 ... 𖥔
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・✦ You are childhood best friends where you have established an intimate and somewhat fun relationship. You have always teased each other a little but clearly with affection - even if it doesn't seem like it.
・✦ You debuted a year after him, following him closely and both supporting each other in moments of so much pressure.
・✦ It all happened when you were backstage at the first Stray Kids awards. You were in the front row to see up close the achievement of the boys who were still so young and evolving so quickly.
・✦ When it was all over, you didn't even wait for him to move away from the boys to jump into his arms. He held you, a sweet laugh escaping his lips at the feeling of ecstasy and happiness.
・✦ you hugged him tightly and pulled away, looking at him with a sincere smile and a loving sparkle in your eyes, your heart almost jumping out of your chest with pride.
・✦ "I'm so proud of you I could kiss you!" He looked at you in shock, a playful smile on his lips. "What did you say?" "Minho, just-" he came dangerously close and whispered close to her face, his warm breath making her stomach feel strange. "You can."
・✦ Adrenaline took over you and before you knew it you were kissing your childhood best friend deeply and passionately.
・✦ You didn't know what your relationship would be like from now on, but you were sure it was worth a try.
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ᥫ᭡ ˖ 𖥔 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐁𝐈𝐍 ... 𖥔
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・✦ You met through your parents who had a professional partnership that sparked a friendship, consequently causing Changbin and you to get together.
・✦ You are two years younger than him, so when you both decided to become idols together, he ended up entering first - at your parents' request.
・✦ You were from different companies, but that didn't divide you, in fact it helped to avoid future possible rumors.
・✦ you would constantly visit each other in the dorms for movie nights or go out really late, going to the nearest convenience store to try different flavors of ramen while telling each other about their day.
・✦ you constantly helped each other with health issues, always asking each other about food and if they were keeping up with an exercise routine, where he convinced her to train with him and he wouldn't accept any other answer than yes.
・✦ But the time you enjoyed spending together the most was during your free time, when you could visit your parents together.
・✦ On one of those occasions, you were responsible for taking care of your younger sister while your parents were away and he accepted the task along with you.
・✦ She is small but very energetic, so it was a somewhat complicated task. Changbin had a way with kids, so he had some super cute moments with her, making you wonder if your sister liked you or him more.
・✦ You were cutting fruit on the kitchen counter while watching Changbin play with the girl.
・✦ Smiling, you take the bowls of fruit into the living room as you sit down next to them. You let out a laugh when you see your sister snort at having to move away from Changbin to eat.
・✦ "You have a way with kids. I think you'll be a good father." You whisper softly next to Changbin, who almost choked on the comment. He looks at you perplexed with an unconscious smile on his face.
・✦ "do you think? I mean, I really like kids, so…" He looks dreamily at his sister and you can't ignore the butterflies in your stomach that insist on appearing whenever you're around him.
・✦ "I'm sure your future wife will be very lucky. You are handsome, affectionate, intelligent, funny... I bet she'll love it so much." You laugh, biting into your fruit, not realizing the effect you had on Changbin.
・✦ "What- what did you say?" You're both silent for a while as you ponder your response. Sighing, you slowly observe his reaction, "Honestly?... I would like to be that future wife. I like you, Changbin. I don't think I was lying when I said I would love you very much." He coughs, choking on a piece of apple. You despair, helping him to choke. With wide eyes in surprise, he holds your shoulders and looks you straight in the eyes.
・✦ "You're kidding, aren't you?"
・✦ "... No, I'm not, Changbin. I really like you." He leaned over and wrapped her in a hug, his sister just staring blankly.
・✦ He also dreams of having children with you.
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ᥫ᭡ ˖ 𖥔 𝐇𝐘𝐔𝐍𝐉𝐈𝐍 ... 𖥔
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・✦ you meet when you bump into each other at a cafe near his company.
・✦ He had just debuted as an idol, so he wasn't that well-known on the street yet, but you recognized him.
・✦ You were the first person who recognized him and he was very happy that the first fan who recognized him was a girl as beautiful as you.
・✦ It turned out that you often showed up at this cafe to study to get into college and he ended up becoming friends with you.
・✦ he felt like you were an angel sent by destiny to be his lifeline, supporting him in everything he did and always giving the best advice for his own good, as well as being present in both the happiest and most difficult moments of his life.
・✦ he didn't know how to express his enormous gratitude, so he just reciprocated the actions by being with you in the time of pressure before and during college, celebrating your entry with you and always taking you out to distract your mind whenever he could.
・✦ and things changed between you during one of these walks. There was a flower festival that happened once a year that you were extremely excited to go to. You planned the trip for weeks and he couldn't say no.
・✦ The festival went on from afternoon to night, so you were able to watch the sunset together amidst the lilies he insisted on giving you as a gift.
・✦ you rested your head on his shoulder as you sat on a wooden bench in a place that allowed a beautiful view of the horizon.
・✦ "I wish time would stop right here, I wish I could stay with you like this forever." Hyunjin felt his ears heat up, petting his hair in response. "Me too. It was an amazing day, yes."
・✦ you stared at him deeply and he looked back, trying to read your expression. Immersed in desire and passion, you hold the back of his neck, leaning in for a soft kiss, your lips barely touching as you touch him.
・✦ perplexed, he widened his eyes, still a little scared, but returning the kiss in a more intense way, his hands unconsciously going towards her waist.
・✦ pulling away with your lips parted from the lack of air, you rest your forehead against his, a happy laugh leaving your lips.
・✦ "I'm glad you didn't push me" Still a little disoriented, Hyunjin laughs at your silly comment, longing for more of your lips on his.
・✦ "never." He leans in again, captivating her lips affectionately.
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ᥫ᭡ ˖ 𖥔 𝐉𝐈𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆 ... 𖥔
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・✦ the way they met was actually a bit chaotic. You were running through the company's corridors, late again for another rehearsal, when you bumped into Jisung, spilling the coffee he had in his hands all over herself.
・✦ He became desperate, apologizing as if it was all his fault for not looking forward. In the midst of despair, you could only laugh and without understanding anything he accompanied you laughing, even though he had a desperate look on his face, thinking you wanted to kill him.
・✦ The following week he came to you with a new sweatshirt in hand and you were enchanted by how sweet and thoughtful he was. In return, you bought the coffee that spilled from his hands with a cute note apologizing and thanking him for the sweatshirt.
・✦ After that, your friendship began with the ritual of buying each other coffee with a cute note asking about their day or a motivational phrase.
・✦ During a Stray Kids performance, you were in the front row happily cheering for the group's next achievement. When the performance was over, you gave them a standing ovation and didn't miss the wink Jisung threw your way, making you smile.
・✦ Three days later you were surprised when the media linked Jisung to you, making thousands of theories about both of you being together. You were heavily criticized and received a lot of hate from people who claimed to be "stays", causing you to step away for a short period of time.
・✦ a week later, Jisung was in front of your apartment and when you realized it you were already crying in his arms on the couch in your apartment.
・✦ he kisses the top of your head, speaking comforting words into your ear. You sighed tiredly, stood up and wiped your tears, staring at him for a few seconds before speaking.
・✦ "... I just don't understand." Her voice was almost a whisper and he listened intently to every word that came out of her mouth. "Would it be so bad if we were dating? What have I done to these people?" You bring your hands to your eyes, sobbing once more. He wraps his arms around her again, resting his chin on her head.
・✦ "They don't understand. And don't worry, it's not like we have anything to hide."
・✦ "what if we did?" You whispered, your words hanging in the air as he made a confused face. "What do you mean?"
・✦ "Would it be so bad if we were in a relationship? What if I wanted that?" You gather your courage and face him defiantly.
・✦ "... what-"
・✦ "I like you, Jisung. I don't care what anyone says, what bothers me is that you're so oblivious to it. I want you. I need you."
・✦ He looks at her scared, immersed in his thoughts. It doesn’t last long until he smiles and leans in to kiss you deeply, wanting this for so long his bones could ache.
・✦ He didn't see a problem with that either.
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ᥫ᭡ ˖ 𖥔 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐗 ... 𖥔
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・✦ You were the first person to greet him at school when he moved to Korea.
・✦ He was in a confusing phase for himself, still discovering his passions and talents and you were the only one who understood him and waited for him in his time, always being by his side in difficulties.
・✦ People compared you to a ray of sunshine, but for him, you were the light that provided a way out in his darkest moments.
・✦ As time went by, he debuted as an idol and you followed the career you wanted, becoming an interior designer specializing in landscaping.
・✦ You loved everything related to nature and he was no different, loving to travel to places with the best views, always remembering you in the most memorable memories for him.
・✦ During the boys' comeback, Felix was working hard day and night, always bringing out the best in his performances and never letting anything down.
・✦ one of his shows was cancelled due to problems at the venue where they were going to perform and after weeks of tiredness he would finally have at least one day off.
・✦ Taking advantage of the opportunity, you invited him to go to the beach, since you both loved it and hadn't gone out for a long time due to your busy schedule.
・✦ the ride was fun from start to finish and you were hyperventilating over little things like you sharing headphones during the car ride or how he was concerned about whether you were staying hydrated and wearing sunscreen.
・✦ After a whole day of playing in the water, you sat side by side to watch the sunset. Your shoulders were touching and you didn't miss the way your hands were so close, yet still untouchable.
・✦ you watched as the bright orange hue reflected off the blond strands of Felix's hair, looking peaceful as if the breeze took away all his worries and tensions.
・✦ "You're beautiful." His voice came out as a whisper and you knew you couldn't stop talking from now on, "I feel more relaxed when I'm with you. I don't think I need to come to the beach all the time if I already have my daily ray of sunshine."
・✦ Felix looks at her with a genuine smile and you could see the affection through his irises. "Thank you for bringing me here, Y/n. Thank you for everything really." With a smile you slowly lean in and Felix could only close his eyes. Gently your lips connected and you could still feel the mixture of your sweet lips with the salty sea water. He still a little hesitantly holds her waist, bringing her almost impossibly closer.
・✦ moving away but still close to his face, you spoke softly, like a secret now revealed, "I love you. I always have. I'm in love with you and I'm sure it's because you're the easiest person to love."
・✦ Surprised and excited, Felix places a kiss on her cheek and then rests his head on her shoulder.
・✦ "It would be impossible for me not to reciprocate the feelings."
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ᥫ᭡ ˖ 𖥔 𝐒𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐌𝐈𝐍 ... 𖥔
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・✦ the way they met was too cute and Seungmin would never confess - even if you commented on it.
・✦ Even in his pre-debut, Seungmin has always been the schematic and methodical type. He had a routine of going to the gym three times a week at a specific time and, coincidentally, he passed by the same square where you used to sit to read a book.
・✦ At first he just ignored you there, but after strangely noticing your long hair, or the cute way you wrinkled your nose when you read something that caught his attention, or when he randomly closed the book to "absorb" what was written there, he thought that maybe it would be interesting to know more about you.
・✦ He was never the intellectual reading type, but he thought that to impress a female reader, it would be good to have a little literary knowledge. When buying a book in a bookstore near the square, he discovered that his parents owned the establishment, and he was overcome with excitement.
・✦ He started to constantly visit the place to see you and in the end it was you who started talking to him and that's where your friendship began.
・✦ Even after his debut you remained firm and strong by his side, even though he couldn't often attend your little reading sessions where you read in silence just enjoying each other's company.
・✦ Over time, Stray Kids became increasingly popular, not only in Korea, but in many places around the world. That said, the group's first world tour was approaching and everyone was nervous. Seungmin became more and more distant as the week progressed as it was time to prepare for his world debut.
・✦ the day before the trip, you showed up at the door of his and the boys' dorm, sending a message as soon as you got there. He replied a few minutes later, saying he would be late at the company.
・✦ You were very frustrated because you didn't know if you would be able to say goodbye to him, since six months away without being able to see Seungmin was a long time for both of you. You leave the book you were going to give Seungmin as a gift at the dorm door, leaving immediately.
・✦ a little after midnight, you hear your phone vibrate on the nightstand, seungmin’s name flashing on the screen. You answer, completely concerned as to why he's calling so late.
・✦ He asks you to answer the door and without further contradiction you practically run to open the door.
・✦ Still sleepy, you almost fall with the impact of the hug that Seungmin gives you. He wraps his arms around you in an almost desperate way, wishing he couldn't let go of you anymore.
・✦ “Is it true? Did you really mean that?”
・✦ completely confused, your mind seems to want to play a trick on you, making you forget the moment that happened earlier, where you left the book with a dedication to Seungmin inside.
・✦ he breaks the hug, showing the book that had been in his hands all this time. 'Welcome to Hyunam-dong Bookstore' was no longer in its original gift packaging, a yellow post-it was stuck to the inside of the cover, which said: “I hope you enjoy this reading as much as I enjoyed the moments I had with you. I love you, I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy you.”
・✦ your eyes widened in utter surprise. You thought you might not be able to say goodbye to him in person, So he wrote this note in the heat of the moment, almost afraid that this trip might separate you two.
・✦ “Minnie… I’m sorry. This may sound wrong, but… I really like you. Ever since I met you… s-since forever, I think…”
・✦ His words are a bit disjointed and low, but the only reaction Seungmin had was to gently hold his face and do what he had always wanted since that day in the square: kiss her without guilt or resentment.
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・✦ JYP was not an unfamiliar environment for you. Your older sister, a third-generation K-pop idol, often invited you to watch her train.
・✦ The JYP halls were a familiar environment for you and this gave you the opportunity to meet many famous people. And Jeongin was one of them.
・✦ At first, you would just exchange a few nods or a quick “good morning.” However, one day when you had to wait patiently for your sister in the cafeteria area, Jeongin saw you sitting alone.
・✦ He was surprised at himself, since he had promised himself not to make friends during his trainee days, due to the fact that people came and went easily. But you had a different aura to him.
・✦ time passed, he debuted and you stayed with him. Jeongin didn't regret talking to you that day, because from then on you were the one who supported him through the most difficult moments during the beginning of his career.
・✦ You saw Jeongin as an escape from all the problems of your day to day life. No matter the situation, just seeing his face, with that cute dimpled smile, the tension in your body would go away.
・✦ Spending time with him was comfortable and became incredibly familiar. You became an important part of Jeongin's life, and vice versa. The boys were happy to know that there was someone to brighten their youngest member's darkest days.
・✦ After a few years of friendship, the Stray Kids dorm had become an almost routine environment for you. One Friday, Jeongin invited you to join the boys' movie night.
・✦ You quickly got ready, stopping by the convenience store before walking to the dorms since it wasn't that far from your house.
・✦ you felt your cell phone vibrate as you walked down the sidewalk with some very full bags in your hand. You tried to get the cell phone out of your pocket, However, because of the piled up bags, he ended up falling on the sidewalk.
・✦ Without thinking twice, you quickly bent down to pick it up, not noticing the electric bike that was quickly coming towards you. It all happened so fast that you could say it was like a quick dream (or nightmare), like the kind you have when you take a short nap.
・✦ you were thrown away and the bike ended up running over your ankle, dislocating it. You ended up passing out from the pain on your way to the hospital, in the ambulance that the cyclist called to help you.
・✦ You woke up a few hours later, the light reflecting off the white walls of the hospital room hitting your eyes hard, making you squint.
・✦ you felt soft threads near your hand, and as soon as you regained some consciousness, you realized that Jeongin was lying next to you in a completely uncomfortable position. It didn't take him long to wake up, looking a little desperate as he did so.
・✦ “thank god! I- I thought… Y/n…”
・✦ Jeongin's eyes filled with tears and the words were a little stuck in his throat. “If I hadn't called you at that time, none of this would have happened... a man ended up answering his phone and told me what had happened. Forgive me, S/n.”
・✦ his words were still a little distorted because of the effect of the drug, where you were barely assimilating what was happening.
・✦ With a smile, you wipe Jeongin's tears gently. “I was so scared… scared of losing you. It could have happened because of a bike, but it could have been worse-”
・✦ “Don't do that. If you keep crying because of me, it'll make me fall in love with you even more.”
・✦ Jeongin was paralyzed by his slurred, barely audible words. He whispered a “what?” under his breath, his heart racing with even more disconcerting thoughts.
・✦ He stayed in the same position for a few seconds, long enough to make you fall back asleep. He kissed your forehead affectionately as he pulled away..
・✦ “I hope you remember your words when you wake up.”
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heehoonies · 7 months ago
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description: literally just a heejake pwp threesome
work count: 5k
warnings: dom!heeseung, switch!reader, sub!jake, member on member (heeseung and jake are boyfriends and act as such), pussy drunk jake, cock drunk jake and reader, subdrop, fluids (jake drools a LOT), dacryphilia, spitting, mean dom and soft dom heeseung, dp, cumming untouched, overstimulation, creampie, cum eating, squirting, multiple orgasms, orgasm delay, degradation, praise, breeding kink, pet names, puppy as a term of endearment, fluff. they're in love idk what to tell ya!
* only minimally proof read! excuse any mistakes bc im too damn tired to proof it all *
a/n: dedicated to my bff @sjyfave who gave me the pairing to work with. i'm popping my smut cherry with this one! i hope y'all enjoy, it's literally just pwp so i hope it suffices as my (semi) return to writing hehe
heeseung really shouldn't be enjoying this this much.
jake is acting like he always does, hanging off of heeseung’s tall frame as they stand beside the bed, waiting for you to pick a movie for the night. but as he watches jake’s eyes twinkle as he looks up at him, heeseung can't ignore the way he urges so desperately to see them flutter shut. heeseung imagines all the ways he could cause that, his cock twitching beneath his sweatpants at the imagery of jake lying, pliant and needy beneath him, shaking from the desperation of waiting ever so patiently to be touched.
you glance over at them from your spot on the bed, the lack of noises coming from your boyfriends strikes you as strange, with jake’s giggle being a commonly heard noise in your apartment. you see jake staring up at heeseung, eyes shining at the mere thought of simply being around him. the sight brings a smile to your face, seeing jake’s pure adoration for the faded cherry red haired man shining through his gaze.
jake and heeseung have always been this way. jake’s smiley, bouncy, puppy-like behavior increasing tenfold whenever he's around heeseung. jake loves heeseung, and heeseung loves jake. when heeseung discovered your love for jake that mirrored his own (feelings that he had only recently begun exploring as beyond platonic, once you expressed similar feelings for your shared best friend), it was a no brainer to ask jake to join your relationship.
and he made the perfect addition to your relationship. jake’s hyper personality works well with two partners, the two of you are thankfully able to keep up with his energy as a team. jake is the sunshine beaming through the blinds on a summer’s morning, brightening the lives of everyone around him. jake makes both you and heeseung happier than you’ve ever been, and in return you give him the love he deserves but has never received. and you can’t help but wish that you had infinite amounts of love to give him, it never feels like enough for your bright eyed, bushy tailed boy. you would give him the whole world if you could, and most days you wish you could, doing practically anything to keep the sparkle in his eye.
if you could read heeseung’s mind right now, you’d hear similar sentiments in his brain, wishing he could give jake whatever he desires, and hoping that he is enough for him.
heeseung can see jake’s clingy nature rapidly evolving into something he knows all to well - jake’s insatiable sex drive is kicking in and beginning to take over his entire body. jake holds him tighter, pulls him closer, practically trying to crawl into his skin (heeseung wouldn’t mind jake crawling into his skin, if he’s being honest.)
you hear a small whimper and glance back over at them from where your gaze had zoned out on the television.
“what is it, jakey?” you hear heeseung’s voice quietly ask, watching as jake just continues to stare.
okay, maybe he should be enjoying this. because heeseung always enjoys toying with his boyfriend, the way jake doesn’t even bother to hide his quickly reddening face or his growing hard on from him. heeseung knows jake like the back of his hand, and right now he needs attention.
jake doesn’t respond, prompting heeseung to hold the side of his face, thumb running gently across his cheek. “tell me what you need, puppy.”
jake’s entire body is buzzing with anticipation and pure want. wanting heeseung to touch him further, wanting be sandwiched between the two of you, needing so deeply to be shaking and sweating from the overstimulation you both constantly provide him with. he shivers at the thought, dick swelling further in his sweatpants, poking more into heeseung’s inner thigh. the closeness of their cocks makes heeseung’s twitch once more, overcome with the need to capture the two in his large hand. if only jake knew the restraint it took for heeseung to stand still like this, urging jake to make the first move.
jake opens his mouth to speak, nothing coming out but a small squeak as a small smirk envelops heeseung’s lips. he doesn’t move, watching as jake’s gaze drifts lower and ghosts a hand over his cock. heeseung nearly jumps at the sudden touch, grabbing jake’s larger hand and holding it up by the wrist, bringing it up between them, their gazes meeting on the limb held in the air before settling back on each other. “use your words, angel.”
you watch silently, shutting the TV off and tossing the remote onto the side table and shimmying yourself closer to them, perching yourself on the edge of the bed, legs hanging off the side. heeseung glances back at you, amusement twinkling in his eyes alongside a glimmer of discomfort from how painfully hard his dick sits in his basketball shorts. you reach your hand out, gripping jake’s hip lightly from behind him.
“tell heeseung what you need, baby boy.”
jake whimpers at the nickname, one that’s only used when you and heeseung both know he’s very needy. you feel your own wetness grow in your panties at the sound, waiting until you can pounce on the energetic boy standing in front of you. but you wait for heeseung’s lead first, knowing that you’d be in trouble for making the first move. heeseung loves playing this game, teasing jake within an inch of exploding, knowing how it makes both you and jake feel. he loves the way you take control with jake but still yield to him, and loves watching the two of you come undone simultaneously, the sight often times spurring him into his own orgasm shortly after. watching the sight of two pairs of eyes fluttering shut, rolling back, bodies shivering and shaking, fluids spilling everywhere; knowing how jake will watch with hooded eyes and a sleepy gaze after two orgasms as heeseung collects cum from all three of you just to force jake to suck it off his slender fingers.
jake knows if he doesn’t say anything, heeseung will drop his hand and leave all three of you unsatisfied, barring jake from touching himself at all.
“please kiss me,” jake pleads, “please, heeseung.”
heeseung smiles lightly before obliging, capturing jake’s oh so plump lips between his own. jake slots his lips against heeseung’s in return, hands unmoving even as heeseung drops his wrist in favor of gripping his free hip roughly. your lust begins to take over, needing to feel someone’s hands on you in the moment, and the noise that slips from your mouth causes heeseung to pull away preemptively, lingering close to jake’s face.
“you’re working our girl up over there so easily, pup.” heeseung watches jake glance back towards you, smiling as he can feel jake’s already impossibly hard dick get even harder at the sight of you with blown out eyes, watching in awe as your two boyfriends kiss. you didn’t mean to make a sound, wanting to watch a little longer and hold back your need to be touched if it meant being able to witness the two men you adore loving on each other. “bet she’s so wet for you, jakey.”
the tips of jake’s ears get redder than before, if possible, as he can’t take his eyes off your wide eyes and hard nipples poking through your (jake’s) thin t-shirt. “pants off. now.” the authority in heeseung’s voice leaves no room for argument and you can already feel that you’re absolutely soaked, panties sticking to your core as you try to tug them down.
“look at that,” heeseung taunts you, reaching down to sit eye level with your pussy before blowing on it. “baby’s soaked, jakey. look what you did to our girl.” he glances back at jake, watching as his hands shake slightly, holding himself back from pouncing on you instantly, waiting for heeseung’s instructions. jake tears his gaze from your dripping core, looking up at heeseung for permission. “clean up the mess you caused, jake.”
jake falls over himself, landing headfirst in your pussy. he sets an insatiable pace, licking a long stripe all the way up to your clit before sucking it harshly. your body reacts in tandem, back arching as you look down at the way he devours your pussy. he wastes no time, slurping up all your juices before dipping his tongue inside. the sensation has you fighting to close your legs, but a hand from your side holds one open. jake is rutting against the floor like a dog in heat, the friction from the carpet and his sweats doing little to help the untouched dick between his legs. the drool from his mouth is falling down past his chin, soaking you even further as it slides all around your dripping cunt and spills out onto the floor.
“is our jakey making you feel good, angel?” your heart stirs at the nickname, tearing your gaze from the man between your legs to look up at heeseung, a soft smile on his face. you nod earnestly, “yes, feels so good, hee.”
“be a good girl for me and keep your legs open.”
you nod again as heeseung captures your lips in a kiss, his lust beginning to take over as he bites on your plush bottom lip, hard but not hard enough to draw blood. the painful sensation shoots right between your legs and you moan into his mouth. jake moans beneath you, tongue still buried deep inside, and the vibrations make you whimper. heeseung dips his tongue into your mouth with fervor at the opportunity, his free hand reaching down to pinch your clit harshly between two fingers. jake pulls back and licks heeseung’s hand, the pressure on your sensitive clit doubling as you lurch forward, losing connection with heeseung’s lips. he chases and recaptures your lips in another kiss, his fingers getting harsher before moving to slide two fingers inside of you. he curls them just right, hitting your g-spot instantly. you moan against his tongue as jake follows his fingers, licking over heeseung’s hand as he drools all over them, dripping down past the back of his hand and over heeseung’s wrist. heeseung nearly chuckles at the action, knowing jake is a drooler, but continues his onslaught against your g-spot, prodding the spongy wall with his skillful fingers and rubbing your clit with his free thumb. the hand on your thigh grips harder, and the pain only further fuels your desire. your body tenses suddenly, an orgasm about to crash into you.
heeseung smirks as your lips stop moving against his, eyes fluttering open to watch you come undone on jake’s mouth and his fingers. “go ahead, princess.” at the sound of his permission your orgasm hits, body seizing as you stare at heeseung, eyes rolling back as cum gushes out of you, onto heeseung’s fingers. jake never ceases his actions, slurping and licking still as cum coats his face, still incessantly humping the floor. you reach down and attempt to push jake away, heeseung uses his hand that was on your thigh before to grab your wrist, halting your actions before bringing it to his own clothed, neglected cock. he removes his fingers from your pussy, reaching up and shoving them harshly past your slightly parted lips. you suck on them instantly, eyes fluttering open as your thighs shut around jake’s head. your tongue swirls around in tandem with jake’s, not halting his actions as your legs clamp his head in place, doing the exact opposite of what you need right now, eyes brimming with tears from the overstimulation.
“you can take it,” heeseung tells you, “take it, baby. let jakey make you feel good.”
more drool and cum dribble down jake’s face, surely making a stain in the floor that heeseung will clean in the morning. his dick is impossibly hard in his sweats, begging to be released, yet he continues licking and sucking and prodding into your already spent pussy.
heeseung smiles at the tears that are now streaming down your cheeks, removing his fingers from your mouth after you’ve sucked them clean of any fluid. he smacks your clit with the wet digits, your body jumping at the action. he chuckles at your reaction to the pain. heeseung thinks you look so beautiful like this, writhing and squirming under jake’s tongue, wetness sliding down your cheeks and landing on your t-shirt. he loves seeing you lose control under him and jake.
“jakey,” jake doesn’t respond, and heeseung moves his stare down to the boy between your legs. “jake.” he repeats, opting to grab a handful of his hair and yank him off of you, your back falling onto the bed once no hands are on you.
jake tries to lean back in, and heeseung is marveled once again by how absolutely pussy drunk jake is right now. heeseung knows jake would eat you out for hours if given the chance, never halting his actions even when you cry and beg for mercy. heeseung thinks jake would live with his head between your legs, if only you’d let him. little does he know if you could, you’d let him settle in there for all of eternity.
jake’s gaze moves up to heeseung, loving the pain in his scalp that comes with the harsh tug of his brown hair.
“you best remember who’s in charge here, puppy.”
his warning sends a shiver down jake’s spine, nodding incessantly in order to please heeseung, jake only ever wanting to be a good boy for him, and for you.
“get up on the bed,” heeseung lets go of jake’s hair, pulling away to take his own shirt off and toss it somewhere in the room. jake obeys instantly, sitting on his knees next to your lying down figure. jake leans down and plants a single kiss on your cheek, his plush lips soaking up a few tears still sitting on your skin. jake’s hands roam your body, grasping at your tits and fondling them in his large palms. heeseung watches intently, shedding himself of his basketball shorts and tugging upwards on his cock a few times. jake moves to straddle your waist, grinding down on your exposed cunt as he gropes at your boobs underneath the fabric of your shirt. he holds you up in order to take off your shirt quickly before returning his hold to your flesh, burying his head between them. you groan at the feeling as he begins to drool once more, rutting incessantly against your pussy, still fully clothed, sucking and licking and biting on your tits. he chases his own high, and heeseung can see how close he is. he holds back, watching as jake drools all over your upper body, loving the mess he makes before jake is stilling suddenly, cumming completely untouched inside his sweatpants. his head never once rises from your chest, slobbering everywhere and leaving no expanse of skin untouched by his tongue and full lips. you think he looks adorable, becoming drunk on loving you right after being pried up from between your legs, where he was pussy drunk not even moments before.
heeseung lets go of his hard dick, watching as jake never even feels an ounce of shame for cumming in his pants like a teenage boy, continuing to drool everywhere. you coo at him, holding his cheek in your hand before pulling him up into a sloppy, warm kiss. spit spills from the corner of his mouth as your capture his velvety lips in your own, slipping your hand beneath his pants and grasping at the base of his cock, stroking upward with a quick tug. jake whimpers, and you push further against his mouth, shoving your tongue past his lips as you continue to overstimulate him from two points.
“what a needy puppy we have here, y/n.”
you nod, pulling away from jake to stare into his blown out pupils, “such a needy boy, isn’t that right baby?”
jake nods intently, “so needy,” he whimpers, practically already fully hard again from your constant strokes of his overstimulated dick.
heeseung lowers himself onto the bed, lying back against the pillows perched against the headboard. “take off your pants and come here, jakey.” jake pulls away from you, tugging his pants and boxers off before coming to sit on heeseung’s thighs, staring down at his boyfriend casually resting against the pillows. you crawl over to sit beside the two of them, arousal growing between your legs once more at the thought of being able to watch again. “i’ll take care of you, puppy.”
heeseung surrounds both of their dicks in one hand, beginning to jerk the two of them off at once. you groan at the sight, reaching over to tug jake’s shirt up and over his head. you toss it aside, taking one of jake’s nipples between your fingers and pinching harshly.
“ah— y/n—” he gasps out between needy pants, never tearing his eyes from where heeseung holds both of them in his hand. “more— please more—”
you shake your hand, snaking your other hand down your body, drawing lazy counter clockwise circles against your clit. “you’ll take what i give you, baby boy. got it?”
he nods with earnest, moaning loudly and mumbling incomprehensible words.
you continue tweaking his nipple between your fingers, eyes returning to the show in front of you. you reach forward, licking from base to tip right where their cocks meet. heeseung moans loudly, stirring an equally as desperate moan to slip from jake’s bitten lips. you reach beneath them to grasp heeseung’s balls, squeezing them lightly and watching for his reaction, pleased when he groans and dips his head back, eyes fluttering shut.
“so sensitive, hmm, heeseung?”
“watch who you’re talking to.”
your pussy drips as you abuse it further, dipping your hand between your folds before smearing your arousal on both of their dicks. jake lurches forward at the sight, letting out a tiny “fuck—” that affects both you and heeseung. jake’s reaction stirs something in you, patience giving way, despite the enjoyment you derive from simply watching. you need to feel full, and you need to feel full now.
heeseung’s eyes flick over from his hand to your face, shaking his head, “god, you’re a fucking menace. you’re gonna get it, you know?”
you nod, knowing your punishment would arise soon enough, not caring enough as you whine out to no one in particular, “need you inside,” you grab heeseung’s hand to halt his movements. heeseung lets your interruption slide, letting go of his grasp on his and jake’s cocks before sitting up, tugging you with him. he pushes jake to lie down, “flip around,” he instructs, to which jake instantly obeys.
heeseung picks you up and manhandles you down onto jake’s rock hard length. you hiss at the pain mixing with the pleasure, loving when heeseung uses you and jake to make each other feel good. you love relinquishing control to him, and jake loves it doubly so, allowing the two of you to boss him around like a toy, knowing he’ll always get his release if he’s a good boy for you both. jake groans at the feeling of your walls suck him right in, “fuck- so fucking tight-” he pants, “oh my god—” he glances up at heeseung, tongue lolling out as his brain shortcircuits from the feeling of your pretty pussy that he loves oh so desperately fluttering around his length, drool slipping out of the corners of his mouth as he pants.
“god, just as tight as the day you met her, isn’t she, jake?” heeseung degrades you, shoving you down to lay against jake’s chest before inserting three fingers alongside jake’s dick, pumping in and out to prep you minimally as his other hand continues to yank you up and down along jake’s aching length. you fall further onto jake at the intrusion, “tight like a fucking virgin even after having two dicks to stretch her out, isn’t that right? our baby’s just a needy slut, jakey, taking all that we give her.”
you nod profusely, open mouth panting against jake’s chest as he squeezes his eyes shut. heeseung grips your hips, prodding his tip inside with a tight stretch that reverberates through your body. jake holds your hip gently trying to ground you before taking his second hand and shoving two fingers into your mouth. “greedy y/n,” he whispers between his own pants and gasps as heeseung pushes further, relishing in the feeling of your walls paired with his boyfriend’s cock sliding in alongside his own.
“too fucked out to even speak, hmm?” heeseung pulls all the way out, leaving just the tip in before sheathing himself in you to the hilt, the three of you all groaning at the action. your mind begins to feel fuzzy, unable to focus on anything as you continue to swirl your tongue around jake’s fingers as if it were his dick down your throat, shoving deeper and deeper until you gag and spit dribbles around them. heeseung can feel jake’s cock twitch at the sight, knowing your boyfriend loves it absolutely filthy and messy. “she can take it,” heeseung assures jake who continues his assault on your mouth as heeseung continues to rail into you, balls slapping against your ass as you squeeze tightly around he and jake’s lengths. heeseung reaches over you, shoving a thumb into jake’s mouth, who mimics your actions of sucking on the finger diligently. after getting it sufficiently wet enough, heeseung snakes down to reach your clit, beginning his relentless assault on the hard bud. you clench around him with his action, “fuck, your pussy is a dream. bet you’d love to be stuffed full twenty four-seven, never a moment without a cock inside one of your holes.”
“god, you’d love that so much— i’d never leave you alone, between jake and i, we’d keep you plugged up all hours of the day.” heeseung rambles, more for his own desire than either of yours, knowing both of you are nearly gone. the thought of stuffing you full every hour of every day making his need grow further. “fuck, my perfect girl. this pussy was made to take us, wasn’t it? made to be a fucktoy for jake and i—” heeseung’s eyes flutter shut at a particularly tight drag of your walls and jake’s sticky dick against his own, “one cock will never be enough for you, pretty girl, will it? you’re absolutely insatiable.”
“eugh—” you mumble around jake’s fingers, mind going numb as heeseung fucks you out of your own brain. jake’s beginning to tumble into the same space, and heeseung smiles as he watches jake’s eyes cross from a pointedly sharp shove back into your pussy. jake can feel their tips touch inside, the realization wholly erotic to him and spurring him further into a liminal space where only you and him and heeseung exist, and nothing exists but the pleasure and pain that heeseung provides. “both of you take me so well, my sweetest angels, always needing heeseung to help you cum. so desperate for my cock, you’d do anything for it, wouldn’t you?” heeseung chuckles lowly, glancing between the two of you, fucked out of your minds and unable to even move on your own, the degradation mixed with praise barely registering in your mind. “two cock drunk little whores i’ve got here, hmm?” jake nods, not sure what he’s agreeing to, just hoping to please heeseung.
“‘m gonna c-cum—” jake sputters, looking to heeseung for permission. “almost there, pup, just a little more—” heeseung continues his assault, his thrusts slowly moving you higher up on jake’s chest until he tugs you back down, burying jake’s dick all the way to the hilt once more. “f-fuck— hee— i c-can’t—” jake stumbles out, the pressure building in his tummy as his orgasm threatens to spill.
“yes you can, and you will.” his tone leaves no room for disagreement. he notices the tells from your body, knowing you’re still gagging on jake’s fingers below, your hands grasping jake’s biceps as you brace yourself to cum. heeseung pinches your clit, and that breaks the dam, fluid rushing out of you all at once. heeseung watches as it gushes out of you, grabbing jake’s chin and tilting it up first and ordering him to open, before spitting inside the cavern of jake’s mouth. he closes jake’s jaw to make him swallow, which he does with a loud moan that heeseung feels vibrate against his hand. he directs jake’s head down now for him to watch, too. jake groans once more, long and drawn out at the sight of you squirting. “heeseung, please—” he whimpers.
“go ahead puppy,” jake cums, a long burst and heeseung thinks jake’s never cum this much in his whole life. heeseung persists with his thrusts, never once stopping even as you cry out from around jake’s fingers, on another plane of existence entirely but still able to feel the way your cunt begs for mercy. he watches as he pushes jake’s cum back inside of you, ramming deep into your cervix. tears leak out the sides of your eyes, the sounds escaping your mouth indicating the same. jake withstands the oversensitivity of his cockhead as heeseung makes a point to drag against it with every push and pull of his own dick. “god, and now you’re crying? pathetic. you’re getting what you wanted, dumb slut. take what i give you.”
“jake, turn her head towards me,” jake obeys, and the sight of your cheeks covered in wet tears and your mouth still stuffed full of two of jake’s huge fingers makes heeseung cum on the spot, shooting deep inside you. he doesn’t move until he’s fully spent, and even then he sits still within you. jake begins to pull out and heeseung allows him, seeing the boy about to slip fully into a subspace from the entire overwhelming experience.
heeseung thrusts a few times back into you for good measure, watching the combination of everyone’s fluids slipping out of your gaping hole, sliding down his base and onto his balls. he groans, slowly pulling out before taking his fingers and shoving it all back inside. “gonna keep you plugged full til you’re pregnant, angel. would look so good with our babies in you. swelled up belly and you’d still be able to take us both at once.” he presses kisses all over the expanse of your back slowly, the sweet action contrasting the next words to leave his mouth, “naughty angel disobeyed heeseung, so this is her punishment.”
you’re beginning to somewhat return to this realm, pulling off of jake’s completely spit covered fingers and looking back at heeseung, “‘m not naughty,” you pathetically whimper, pulling a smirk onto heeseung’s face in response. “yes you are angel, touching without permission, getting me all worked up when you know i was loving on our puppy and trying to make him feel good.” heeseung removes his fingers from where he has you plugged up, shoving the fingers into jake’s mouth. even when he’s subbed out, he sucks diligently, slurping up the mix of everyone’s fluids until heeseung’s fingers are clean. “you took your punishment well, my bratty girl. and you make our puppy and heeseung cum.”
without heeseung’s hands to hold you up, you fall down away from jake, leaving room for heeseung to lie in the middle. he steps into the bathroom and wets a cloth, returning with it to clean the two of you up. he wipes the drool from both you and jake, cleaning faces and stomachs and inner thighs and fingers and any other place jake, or you, had dribbled spit onto. he’s gentle when wiping you, and especially delicate when cleaning jake’s now soft dick. if he left that cum inside you any longer, the minute jake regained his senses he’d be diving in headfirst to suck the mixture right out of your abused hole.
“my two beautiful angels, you did so well my babies.” he places a kiss on each of your foreheads before tossing the cloth in the hamper in the corner of the room. heeseung takes his place between the two of you, and you curl in to cling onto him in your post orgasm haze. “‘m so tired,” you mumble, laying your head against his chest. jake has his back to the two of you, and heeseung wraps a hand around his waist, splaying his hand against his lower abdomen.
“hee—” jake calls as he’s slowly recovering from the subdrop. “yes, baby?”
“i love you,” jake mumbles, bringing heeseung’s hand up to his mouth to pepper it with kisses.
he replies honestly, without a second though, “i love you too, jakey,” he rubs against your shoulder, lulling you further into dreamland, “my well behaved boy, did so well for me puppy.”
the praise seems to settle into the nooks and crannies of his brain, saving the phrase among all the other memories of when heeseung has reassured him. that he loves him just as much as you, that him being added into you and heeseung’s relationship did not make him any less loved. and jake never hesitates to express the same sentiment to you, knowing how inside your own head you can get sometimes. heeseung turns his head towards you, who will knock out shortly after settling your head further against his pectoral.
“did well for me, pretty girl,” he presses a kiss to the side of your head, pulling you closer with the strong arm that’s wrapped around your shoulders. “such a good girl, i love you.”
it’s left unsaid, but you love heeseung, and you love jake. heeseung adores the pair of you, the two of you constantly keeping his hands full. and jake’s heart swells knowing that he has two people in this world that love him unconditionally.
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buggotbrain · 9 months ago
sister sage is a great example of a (narratively) late entry character filling in the gaps of an existing character web. homelander is the literal antichrist, and while he's definitely a bigot, he's never been "racially" racist. it's supes he sees above humans. more powerful supes, to be exact. as the smartest person on the planet, sage is exactly that. he went to her looking for someone to challenge him, to help him. the fact that she doesn't have any physical advantages makes it even more interesting. sage's exposed in a text that heavily relies on physical dominance while also exposing the most domineering characters greatest bias as an allegiance that can't be misconstrued (while also playing directly into his mommy issues and the need to stand opposite a strong woman (maeve, stormfront, stillwell, etc)). BUT ! also making it undeniable to misguided audiences who want to champion him, what supremacy means to homelander. he's not human, he doesn't consider himself human, he doesn't respect humans. it's all very interesting, especially bc of what sage said when he recruited her, about how he wouldn't be able to handle a black woman being better than him. i can't wait to see how their relationship evolves.
like she's challenging the narrative of the show and the audience at the same time, delicious.
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eclipseberrycake · 1 month ago
Mother Dearest (Moonflower X Reader)
AN: SO I have to be real lowkey, I'm not the biggest fan of moon flower, but like the request hit a lil too close to home. I know, I know I can't believe the person writing fanfic of toons have polycules has mommy issues/lh Im jk dw
I have daddy issues too. ANYWAY-
This was a request!
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☁ You're relationship with your mother was...complicated. It was a mixture of both coddling and smothering while also being overbearing enough it suffocated you.
☁ She always had a say in what you wore, how you talked, who you befriended, even who who you dated.
☁ No one was ever good enough in her eyes. She always belittled them either to their face or to you when they left, crushing any semblance you ever had of impressing her into a miniscule crumb.
☁ It was a tiring and heavy feeling admittedly and it made you feel mere inches tall.
☁ Impressing your mother was such a heavy burden at times, you wished more than anything for some form of support, but alas how can you find support when the closest connection you have is the very problem.
☁ There's a heavy variable of control she has over your life that drastically minimizes the help you can get with expressing yourself. Oppressive in a way.
☁ You thought that would've been your life forever. Even after the outbreak and you were cured (Your mother had managed to get away with her handler leaving you behind), you feared what she thought.
☁ And then you met Dandy. He was an odd toon, and the way he looked at you made shivers crawl up your spine. It wasn't uncomfortable, but it made you aware.
☁ The way his eyes scanned you up and down made you feel like you were under a microscope, yet he only ever greeted you with a smile. He always had a compliment for you whenever he popped up, making your cheeks flush as you shied away.
☁ He never once strayed from his path however, eventually evolving to pressing soft kisses against your knuckles with cheeky winks as he left once more.
☁ It was an odd feeling, moreso when you met Astro.
☁ Astro was a quiet individual. Often startling you when he spoke and you hadn't heard him come up behind you. He always offered you an apologetic smile at the action and made an effort to make more noise if he was moving near you. It was thoughtful and made your chest flutter in the same way it did when Dandy kissed your knuckles.
☁ Both were incredibly sweet on you, taking the time and patience necessary to woo you with soft words and gentle gestures. Anything more made your skittish self immediately revert back three steps, starting the whole game all over again.
☁ It was a struggle at first for them, for multiple reasons. One being they never understood where this came from. What kind of experiences have you had to make you feel this way?
☁ It was also a struggle as one day, a hand on your back would be welcomed and even enjoyed, but the next would make you jump so high they were surprised you didn't make records.
☁ It was always a judge of your character that day truly, but they never understood why.
☁ They persevered though, continuing to pursue a relationship with you.
☁ It was a slow, and somewhat tedious one, but one cherished nonetheless. Slowly you opened up, showing the personality that you kept so carefully hidden. It made them beam with pride every time it shined through, watching you thrive like you were meant to do.
☁ Honestly. Dandy and Astro are a good match for this kind of individual to be honest. Astro's patience means he's easy to open up too and can remain calm even when the things you tell him make him very... not. He waits for you and allows you to come to him, showing him what you wish to show him.
☁ Dandy is...not very patient. He's much more assertive and, ironically, brings you a sense of comfort with how he acts and his domineering personality. The difference between Dandy and your mother however, is Dandy only pushes on things he knows you'd like or things he knows you've done before. Never what he thinks or what he wants you to do, it's always for your best interest.
☁ Between the two of them, they help build your confidence steadily enough you ask if they would like to meet your mother.
☁ And though they agree, there's a stone of uncertainty in all of you.
☁ She comes to Gardenview on her own terms, all upturned noses and wrinkled brows. She looks at you like you're an extension of herself, but the part of she walks on.
☁ It's a look of contempt as she tries to figure out what you wanted her for, making you avoid her glance as you fiddle with your fingers.
☁ The way she looks at you alone makes Dandy's smile tighten as his eye twitches, the familiar crawl of ichor up his spine making him shiver. He can't lose control. Not yet.
☁ Astro himself steps closer to you, biting his tongue so hard he's sure it starts to bleed as he keeps a hand on your shoulder, reminding you that he's here, will always be there and nothing will change that.
☁ Your mother scoffs at this, narrowing her eyes with a glower that just makes you shrink. "What is this?" She sneers and you wince.
☁ Dandy's pretty sure his knuckles crack with how hard he clutches his hands. Still, he manages to uncurl one, holding it out as he slaps on his showtime grin once more. "Dandicus Dancifer, but you can just call me Dandy! Pleased as punch to meet you!" He says cheerfully, even if the bubbling rage in his gut is anything but.
☁ She snorts at him, eyes darting to where she knows Astro is. Astro meets her glare, refusing to back down as he steps closer to you. "Astro Novalite."
☁ "Mom," Your voice shakes as you once again pull her attention to you. "These...are my partners."
☁ Dandy almost winces at the waver in your voice as you refuse to look up from your hands, locking eyes with Astro from where he stands. Astro's frowning as his hand rubs up and down your back, his jaw clenched so hard Dandy's sure his teeth are paying the price.
☁ Seems it was up to him. Which was fine. Dandy was used to tough crowds.
☁ Just as your mother opens her mouth, Dandy cuts in. "Yes, Ma'am. They swept us right up off our feet! You raised quite the angel." He layers the honey on so thick she doesn't pick up on the venom underlaying his tone, evident in the way she blinks, seemingly in surprise.
☁ For a second, her eyes dart over to the side, where a cut out of him stands welcoming guests. Immediately he can see her pupils expand, darting from that to the posters of both him and Astro hung up.
☁ "You're the Dandy and Astro?" She prods and he realizes she's finally clicked onto who they are in the grand scheme of things. It boils his gut at the thought of her only liking them for their status, but it means they get to keep you, he's fine exploiting it, even just a little.
☁ He does a bow, sneering to himself as his head is angled toward the floor. "That's right!"
☁ "And dating...them?" She asks and he can hear Astro's star shards thrum to life before he's urging them away.
☁ He understands the feeling all too well as he raises. You look near tears and the very thought makes the ichor wish to roar to life. He doesn't let it, gently wiping his thumbs under your eyes. "Aw, petal-"
☁ "Yes." Astro cuts in, calling the attention to his mean glower. "We are. If you don't like it, sucks to be you." He speaks with such a finality, Dandy finds himself a little awestruck by the celestial as he holds you close.
☁ You're mother gapes for a second before realizing there's no real driving them off or even making them bend beneath her, so she tries a different tactic, a smile crawling across her face. Her hands clap together, suddenly all sunshine and rainbows.
☁ "Quite the contrary, I think you're both a great match for them." Her eyes sharpen, but she says nothing more on the matter. "Now, I was only supposed to be here a short while, I must get going. Do take care of them for me will you? They were such a difficult child at times, I can only imagine it's the same now." She snaps with a finality in her tone that makes you wilt all over again before she's walking out the front doors.
☁ There's a moment of silence before both boys are turning to you, apologies already on the tip of their tongue before you're jumping onto them, arms wrapped around them as you alternate between kissing each of their cheeks. Astro fumbles over whatever he was going to say, immediately flushing pink as Dandy goofily holds a hand to his cheek when you pull away.
☁ You're cheeks are a gorgeous shade of magenta , making him grin before you're speaking. "Thank you. No one's ever done that for me before." You say, suddenly shy as you avoid looking them.
☁ "Oh petal, any time." He moves to press his own kisses to your cheek, making you laugh as Astro copies him before both let you breath.
☁"Youre mom sucks though." Astro cuts in, suddenly serious as he looks at the door.
☁"Hardcore." Dandy agrees.
☁ You don't say anything, but for once, you don't wilt at the very mention of her.
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randoimago · 1 year ago
May I ask for Astarion, Wyll, Shadowheart, and Gale having a 'Wait, why am I jealous?' realization of their romantic feelings for Tav? (For the record, Tav is romantically interested in the companion, too, because I can't handle angst right now 🥲)
Realizing They Have Feelings
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Character(s): Astarion, Wyll, Gale, Shadowheart
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Might be tiny hints of angst just because of character backstory mentions, but I did my best with these for you!
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He doesn't get jealous. People get jealous because of him. And yet, the way he sees one of the harpers at Last Light look at you. That look of reverence for saving them.
One that almost looks at you like a god and a face that flusters when you catch their stare. Astarion, feels the twisting in his gut and it causes him to pause.
Yes he's flirted with you. He's lied and said he's into you. But now, he's not sure it's lies anymore.
And that scares him a bit. With how uncertain the future is, his survival, dealing with Cazador, well it's just a lot of uncertainty and does he even have the time to think of his feelings? Well, Astarion is nothing if not selfish.
Of course he knows your feelings towards him and that makes his admittance a bit easier on his part. The confessing about his intent on manipulating you was a bit harder to get off his tongue especially with the hurt you display.
But you accept his apology and Astarion is so lost on how an actual relationship or whatever you both have is supposed to go. But he's happy to explore it with you.
Gale flirts with you quite a bit. He doesn't even hide the fact that he finds you attractive. You have a very attractive face, why would he hide his affection? But it never really was anything beyond just simple flirtations.
And then he sees how that tiefling blacksmith smiles at you, how you smile back and he can't help pouting.
For a split second, he's a bit frightened that the weird feeling in his stomach is the orb before he sighs in relief that it's just jealousy.
And then he gets more pouty at the fact that he is jealous. Perhaps his fondness of your pretty face is about more than just your face.
It takes a bit of practicing his speech, redoing certain sections and sighing loudly at how ridiculous this is (but he also finds the amusement in it too).
Eventually, he tells you the truth of his affections. His harmless flirtations had evolved into actual romantic feelings towards you. And the brightest smile crosses his face as you return them. Now you just got to help him not explode and you'll be great.
Shadowheart thought she was ready to kill Lae'zel before. But now she's hearing comments about your scent and how the gith wants to claim you.
The cleric can't help but scoff and take a sip of one of the thousands of bottles of alcohol that you have in your pack for some reason. Maybe she could throw one of the copies of Traveler's Guides books at her since you have so many copies for some reason.
What Shadowheart doesn't understand is why she's so upset. You're an adult, you can make your own decisions and enjoy yourself with whomever you wish.
And yet, you saved her. You've accepted her silence and wish to keep secrets. And it's at that moment, Shadowheart realizes that she's jealous and she can't help scoffing again because how did she get so pathetic?
She wants to stay silent, keep her feelings a secret as well, but she can't hold them back. Especially when her secrets are revealed to you and then you ask about her favorite flower of all things.
Her feelings end up coming out and instead of turning away and rejecting her (like she expected of all her reveals), you accept them as well. And even reciprocate. She's going to need another bottle of alcohol and this time, she hopes you join her in the drink.
He's not really one for jealousy. A dash of disappointment, maybe, but he's got enough demons and devils that he doesn't need to think about the green one.
That's why whenever he sees you flirting with another, well it does give him some disappointment that perhaps he is too late due to his slow realization.
There's also some self consciousness that comes with it too. After all, Wyll isn't as charming or handsome as he once was with the new horns growing out of his head.
Still, he can't help but cherish the memories he had when asking for a dance and you agreeing.
Considering he had gotten this far with a dance, Wyll decides that he might as well tell you his feelings that have been slowly, but surely growing.
Imagine his surprise when you accept him, half-devil appearance and all. Wyll can't help finding his worries silly in hindsight, but he'll laugh at himself later. After he's had that dance.
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Taglists: @reo-the-leo @unhelpfulnpc
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spideysbruh · 4 months ago
rom com
@celebnews just tweeted- 'Best Part' starring Y/n L/n and Timothée Chalamet has begun filming! A romcom described as being in the same vein as 'When Harry Met Sally'. It apparently spans across a decade, following the pair as their relationship evolves.
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@lauriesvest replied- BRO IVE BEEN WAITINGGGG
@wallowsyn replied- I am about to get so annoying...
@paulsmauddib replied- bro the premise sounds so cute 🥺 love romcoms
@y/n just tweeted- always wanted to be in a romcom!!! can't wait 🩷
@y/n replied to @tchalamet- haha hell yeah man exactly
@upatnightyn replied to @yn- mind you they JUST met 💀😭😭
@thesedaysyn replied- she shares a lot on her instagram i can't waittttt to see their friendship 🥺😭
y/n just posted a story!
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caption- hanging out 🫶
tchalamet just posted a story!
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caption- 😳😳
@ynstan just tweeted- WE'RE GONNA GET A KISS CAM SCENE !?!?!?!?!?!
@oceaneyesyn replied- OHHH IM SO FUCKING SEATEDDDDD
@kylesgoodgf replied- I wonder if itll happen on like their first date or later on 🤔 or is it even a date omg I NEED TO WATCH IT ALREADY
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liked by tchalamet, billieeilish, and 3,177,848 others
y/n 🍂
view all 221,188 comments
sabxyn bro she's literally out of this world gorgeous omfg
artsyyn WHY IS SHE CRYING 🥺😭
tchalamet that's me !
y/n liked
fifteenminsyn omg he looks so happy in that picture I bet it's cause of yn 😏
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liked by y/n, tchalamet and 5,276,388 others
bestpartmovie First look at Best Part
view all 321,377 comments
lookingatyn FUUUUCK THE MONOLOGUE. one thing about timmy is that he's gonna have the most romantic monologue of all time !!!!
popyn promo tour soon !?!?! CANT WAIT
laurieslaurence fuck this might end up being my all time fave of timmys...
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liked by y/n, sza and 7,288,276 others
tchalamet some vibes. Best Part coming soon!!!!!!!!
view all 132,277 comments
chiyn omg so his character falls first AND falls harder i love it. i love when men yearn 😩😩
featheryn that last pic is gonna be their first kiss, watch!
y/n still cold from filming that last scene smh
tchalamet liked
tchalamet me too, maybe we should kiss to warm up?
y/n liked
soamericanyn NO WAY 💀💀
paulmauddibstan nah cause he's never flirted this OUTWARDLY w a co-star before 😭😭 bro is down bad
spideyyn bro took the movie too serious😩 me too though, y/n is a baddie !!
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liked by tchalamet, florencepugh, rachelzegler and 5,288,928 others
y/n probably my favorite filming experience. best part!!!!!
view all 98,299 comments
tchalamet mine too
peterparkyn yk you can just text her, right? 😭
ayoedebiri im simply too seated
@tchalupdates just tweeted- In an interview for his upcoming movie, Timothée described Y/n as "An elegant, captivating presence." and spoke about how they became very quick friends, "It's impossible to not like her, she's such a beautiful person, her optimism flows from her effortlessly. She's a very bubbly person, just always radiating positivity and kindness, which is always something that everyone needs."
@snoozeyn replied- mind you they asked him what their first scene together was.. 😭😭💀💀 down bad
@marvelyn replied- if they don't get married I'll kms
@lauriesvest replied to @marvelyn- bro their relationship isn't even confirmed yet 😭 (but I agree)
@bestpartyn replied- wow he rly fell in love during this, so when we see them fall in love in the movie thats REAL 🗣🗣 CALL ME DELUSIONAL IDC IDC
@ynupdates just tweeted- Y/n recently stated in an interview for 'Best Part' that Timothée is the best actor she's worked with, "Everything he does comes off of him so naturally. I admire his tenacity and his sunny disposition, how he's always so helpful- I can go on and on! But he's just the best. we had great camaraderie from day one and it's only enhanced since then."
@musicalyn replied- come right on me- I MEAN-
@smalltalkyn replied- "I can go on and on" oh we know girl 😭
@wonkasdune replied- fuuuck they're so cute 😭
tchalamet just posted a story!
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caption- captivating
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liked by y/n, tchalamet and 7,288,276 others
bestpartmovie Some bts of our leads. Out today!
view all 231,287 others
bearyn there's a wedding ?!?!?!
romcomyn that first pic, they're so cute 🥺
paulsarrakis love how they're almost always constantly touching 🥺
dunepaul according to the bts video, the third pic was their first scene together 🥺 and between takes they would just talk and learn about eachother 😭😭😭😭😭🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
tasteyn they seem to really like each other 🥺
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liked by tchalamet, billieeilish and 7,178,992 others
y/n rollout pics
comments on this post have been limited
tchalamet 💀💀💀
rachelzegler okay love that
tchalamet just posted a story!
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caption- 😩😩😩
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liked by y/n, florencepugh and 8,827,377 others
tchalamet im gonna love her a long long time
view all 211,288 comments
tsgf FUCK
paultims wtf he cheated on me...
alltoyn OMGGGG
fuxkyn bro WHY she's literally so ugly
laurieslaurence bro you're delusional 😭
y/n my beautiful boy
ynscat she deserves this so much 🥺😭😭 her previous bfs have been.... horrible
y/n just posted a story!
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caption- boyfriend reveal (real)
303 notes · View notes
doromoni · 11 months ago
Clash of Champions | LH44 , MV1
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Act 1. Part 1 : Glorious Past
Ships : Lewis Hamilton x Engineer! Reader , Max Verstappen x Engineer! Reader (future)
Genre : Drama , Angst , Romance
Warnings : Morally grey! Reader
Summary : The rivalry between the titans of Formula 1 goes off track and only one will reign victorious.
<Prelude Next>
Mercedes Amg Petronas F1 team: Race Engineer, a title that you will forever embellish in your CV proudly. How many can say that their name will forever be attached to the glory and dominance of silver, black, and blue? The name Y/N L/N will forever be remembered in and out of the paddock as the voice that led a Mercedes driver to his heroic reign of victory.
But the journey to the top was not rainbows and sunshine, No. Moral compasses and integrities were bent more than once. No one understood how much you’ve bled to reach the top. Each cut deeper than the rest. Not one person knew except for one, He understood because he bled much worse. Lewis Hamilton.
Lewis was your life. In and off track , you cannot deny it and you prefer it that way. You were attracted to him, how can you not? His passion for greatness, his drive toward power, and the way he always gets what he wants.
However, no matter how much you wanted Lewis. You were bound to Mercedes’ regulations — with the no driver relationships clause in Red Bold Capital Letters, staring back at you. That and that he was already in a long-term relationship. And with that, you buried your feelings where no one would know. At least that was the plan.
But Lewis being Lewis, never made it easy for anyone and you were on the top of his list. It was all innocent at first but it quickly evolved as your time together lengthened.
Complicated was shy of describing what your relationship with the English driver was. It started with light teasing on onboard radio calls for all of the worlds to hear ,lingering touches in the garage when toto was not looking and the incredulously expensive gifts given without reason — tagged and penned in Lewis’ penmanship that wrote “ for MY race engineer for being a good girl and doing a good job”
But all hell broke loose on the night Lewis won his first Championship with Mercedes.
The chequered flag was waved and Lewis had been the first to cross the line and deafening cheers erupted all over the Mercedes Garage. The smile on you was gigantic and a breath of relief left your lungs, while your co-engineers shook your shoulders back and forth as they shouted at each other.
“Lewis Hamilton, You are the World Champion!!” You exclaimed in your mic to congratulate your driver.
Lewis’ melodic laugh filled your ears and the next words you heard stopped your earth from spinning
“Y/N L/N, I fucking love you! I can't…” Lewis was not done talking, but you cannot process anything else. He said he loved you. Did he mean it? Or was it just a figure of speech?
Lewis didn’t mean it that way, right? You were mistaken. Yeah… you were. I mean, he was in a relationship, he had Nicole.
Clearing your throat, acting as if nothing happened. You once again radioed
“Congrats, Champ! Get in there” And with that, you removed your headphones and started to proceed toward the nearest restroom to compose yourself. But the world had other plans.
Still dazed you were almost near the exit when the voice of your boss stopped you in your tracks.
“Y/N? Where are you going? You need to be at the podium and get the constructor’s cup” Toto said as he went near you. Not allowing you to oppose as he gently held your shoulders and maneuvered you toward the podium.
And just like that you were led towards where Lewis, Felipe and Valterri were behind the podium as they waited to be called out. As you neared, your eye naturally drifted towards Lewis and a smile uncontrollably spread on your face.
Not until Lewis charged towards you lifting you off your feet and twirling you around. Your initial shock turned to giggles as you patted Lewis’s shoulders signaling him to stop and to put you down.
He heads your plea and finally puts you down but not long after pulling you in a tight hug that brought butterflies to your stomach. His hand placement was a little too much for friends and way too much for colleagues. Lewis pulls back a little and gazes at your face with a soft smile.
“My little engineer, I’m so glad you’re mine” He muttered as He once again hugged you, placing his head on the crook of your neck. Another wave of confusion and questions filled your head. You were about to question Lewis on what he meant by that, but you were cut by the announcer calling Lewis towards the podium.
You were left alone to your thoughts, but once again you were not granted peace when you felt a soft nudge and an instruction for you to go to the podium and claim the constructor’s trophy.
the playing of the British and German anthems ensued to commemorate your Team as the winners of the race, but honestly, your mind was still muddled however you tried not to show it on your face. And at the last note of the German national anthem, like clockwork chaos filled the podium as non-alcoholic champagne was spraying everywhere. Joining in on the tradition, you took your bottle and sprayed everything and everyone in sight.
Thankfully it was nonalcoholic, it being Abu Dhabi, because if it were true alcohol you were sure that you were drunk. Because, a grinning Lewis Hamilton went near you once more but this time he nears his lips towards you, pecking your cheek on live television, where his girlfriend was just below the podium watching.
A small gasp leaves your mouth and your eyes widen. However realizing that literally thousands of people are watching, you try to play it cool as if it were an action between normal friends — by nudging Lewis aside and rolling your eyes, you then lift the bottle towards yourself and drink from the spout. Oh, how you wished it were alcoholic.
After the podium fiasco and saying goodbye to the team, you immediately went back to your hotel room. Pushing yourself towards the bathroom with your Pjs; a set of shorts and a tank top at hand — you washed off today’s sweat and thoughts. And led yourself to bed.
A celebratory party is sure to happen in Lewis’ honor, which means drinks, loud music, people, and Lewis … Lewis's girlfriend. You will not let yourself experience that, no, not today.
Groaning into your pillow, The series of questionable actions Lewis’ had done today had all come to your mind. Why must you cling to them? They for sure meant nothing to the British Champion. Right? You dug yourself deeper into the rabbit hole of your mind and without knowing you passed out from exhaustion.
And finally, you’ve found peace in slumber. But luck was never on your side, as your sleep was disrupted by unrelenting knocks on your door. Groggy, you slowly stood up and went towards the door, not even bothering to look at the peephole — you opened the door.
“Lewis?” You didn’t believe your eyes, so you rubbed them and lo and behold, it was the Lewis Hamilton in front of you.
“You weren’t at the celebration. you’re my engineer, why weren’t you there“ His voice held coldness and authority. Lewis wasn’t asking for answers, he was demanding them.
Your mouth opened and closed as you struggled to form sentences. So you just looked up at him.
Lewis’ jaw clenched at your lack of answers.
“Well? Aren’t you going to answer little engineer?”
“I wasn’t up for it? “ You tried to excuse. But you wish you didn’t as you saw the change in his expression. Fuck, Lewis was now angry.
He then grabbed your wrist and pulled you and himself into your room. As he closed the door, he pressed your back against it and caged you in between his arms.
“you weren’t up for it?” Lewis reiterated your words menacingly bringing shivers up your spine.
“Tell me, Y/N L/N. Why was my little engineer not celebrating my championship with me huh?” As Lewis spoke, his eyes lingered on your lips then came back up to look at you in the eye.
Not being able to answer or handle his glare, you tried to move your face to the side — only to be stopped by Lewis's finger on your chin. Leading your eyes back to him
“Nu-uh, Y/N. Eyes on me and answer my question. “
“I- i. Uhm” you stuttered as another chill went up your spine as Lewis’ hand now caressed your jaw.
“Speak Y/N” Lewis pressed, now a smirk presented itself on his lips. Your eyes naturally fell towards it At the sight of the smirk that haunted your dreams , you couldn’t help but bite your lip.
Being so concentrated on looking at Lewis’ lips you didn’t see that he too was looking at yours. His eyes darkened at the sight of you chewing at your lips, the habit you’ve done when you wanted something.
Letting go of all pretenses, Lewis drops down and kisses you with his pent-up emotions and tension that brewed between the two of you.
You gasped in surprise, and Lewis took advantage of this and pushed his tongue into yours. He then took your lower lip into his and softly bit it and soothed it by sucking, earning a whimper from you. Your hands slithered up his muscular chest towards his hair. A groan left his lips when you gently pulled at his nape.
At the sound of Lewis’ moans. It was as if you were drenched in ice-cold water. You were kissing Lewis Hamilton. IN A RELATIONSHIP, Lewis Hamilton.
No this was not right. No matter how good and right it felt. He was not yours.
You started to pull away, but Lewis only strengthened his grip on you. Trying once again to connect his lips to yours.
“Lew- I. We can't do this” You tried to push Him away. Yet, Lewis only caught your hand which was trying to create distance between the two of you.
“What, why?”
“Our contract says that we can't have a real-“ you tried to reason
“I don’t care about the contract! I’ll make them change it , I promise.” Lewis tried to calm you
“No, but Lewis we still can’t do this . This is not fair”
“Y/N, If it’s not already obvious, I like you. Fucking hell, I might even lo-“ As Lewis started to explain. You’ve had enough— you will not be a third party.
“ LEWIS YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND! “ at your outburst, Lewis was stunned
“I will not be the other woman, Lewis. I will not let myself be degraded to that level… I will not exchange my dignity for you— no matter how much I love you. “ You couldn’t handle it anymore, your tears started rolling down your cheeks.
“Baby Shh. Y/N Listen to me. Nicole and I broke up. I ended it earlier. “ Lewis tried to explain.
You just ruined a long-term relationship. The horror suddenly seeped into your brain.
“Fuck, no, it was not your fault Y/N. We’ve been having problems for a while and it was time to let go. You understand? “
You absently nodded, but you knew that you were a major part of their split … and you knew one day that this would come back at you one way or another.
But for now, you will enjoy your success in getting to call Lewis Hamilton yours. You were on the top of the world. Nothing can dampen your high, or so you thought.
“Hey Y/N, did you hear? Red Bull is putting a kid on the track” Bonno, Lewis’ other engineer said. You were at Silverstone, testing several changes done with the car.
“Really? What’s his name?” You asked back
“Max Verstappen”
taglist : @vicurious28
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haaam-guuuurl · 5 months ago
So, I'll admit that I have had a lot of feelings about K and Evan. From being weirded out about K's obsession in the beginning of the season, to being really into how their relationship developed because Brennan and Erika addressed it and both characters evolved a lot, to really loving them as a couple yet understanding they probably wouldn't last, to being afraid of what would happen in s2 because it might not make sense for them to be together but I still really like them together. But I should not have worried. This is Brennan and Erika we're talking about. They always slay any dynamic, be it a couple or enemies or mother and daughter - and exes who are still friends but it's still awkward but they still want to look out for each other, often to disastrous results? Freaking gold!! Just these two episodes have been so good, I can't wait to see where this season goes next!
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