#can’t wait to see I’ve got every prediction wrong😂
teamfreewilllover · 2 years
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#can’t wait to see i’ve got every prediction wrong😂
My Top Posts in 2022:
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38 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
Two different graves…
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Stranger Things Multiverse??????
I’ve been calling it from day one, but the upside down is definitely a parallel earth🤞🏻
39 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
Am I really posting about Teen Wolf in the year of 2022?
45 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
But does this mean the best doctor who character might be returning???
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52 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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534 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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teamfreewilllover · 2 years
My Stranger Things Predicitons
Max: Will be possessed by Vecna again, Eleven will try to save her but Max will go blind in the process
Lucas: Will watch Jason be possessed by Vecna and die, Erica will save him from also being possessed.
Eleven: Vecna will try to possess her but Mike will save her but die in the process, telling her he loves her before dying.
Will: Comes out to Jonathan and Mike, Jonathan is accepting but Mike freaks out and runs away.
Dustin: Is almost killed by the bats but is saved by Eddie who sacrifices himself
Steve: Saved from the bats from Robin who is mortally wounded/possibly dies.
Nancy: Saves herself from Vecna, and learns a way to stop him.
Jonathan: Is shot while trying to rescue/saves El, his fate isn’t revealed.
Murray: Sacrifices himself so Hopper and Joyce can escape, has epic last words.
Joyce/Hopper: Get together and leave Russia together.
Argyle: Lives, probably high af during all of this.
Dr Brenner: Dies, maybe commits suicide.
Billy: Remains dead, but Max’s see’s him in her mind again.
Upside Down opens up in the last five minutes, bats come through and start killing people. Last shot is Vecna coming back to Earth and it is left on a cliffhanger.
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Any thoughts on these predictions?
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