#can you tell we're specifically going to get tested on family names
ratcandy · 7 months
hi. person asking you bug questions here
are bugs real
god I wish. can you imagine if bugs were real that'd be soo cool. i mean we'd have like
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(photo credit) ascalaphidae... owlflies....... aren't they so weird looking. they're fucking fluffy. they've got obnoxiously long antennae. they look like moths but they're not. they're not even owls. nor are they flies. they're related to antlions (myrmeleontidae). isn't that fucked up. why do we keep naming insects like that. it's awesome though. love this fucker
butdon't even get me started on heteronemiidae...
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like what the fuck that's so scary. it's a stick that moves on its own. that's fucked up. thank god they're not real
and worse ? girl hang on let's go back to the neuropterans for a second. look at these
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these are both lacewings but you know what's evil ? is that (if these were real of course) they're separated into TWO DIFFERENT FAMILIES . the one on the left? on yeahbaby that's brown lacewing, it's hemerobiidae, which i will enver remember how to spell. nad the one on the right? well fuck me that's a green lacewing (chrysopidae yeah SOPpy like the SOPPING WET little. bastard it is). usually they're greener than that, but to make a point, i grabbed a duller green one because there ARE green lacewings that are BROWN. so how do you even tell them apart? huh?????? well get this, it's their fucking wing venation
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(i'd grab a photo credit for this one but i yoinked it out of my professor's presentation and though he cites like every other image for whatever reason this one he just didn't feel like doing ig)
like that's awful. i have to put these things under a microscope to know for certain which is which
i mean also usually brown lacewings (or hemerobiidae ,in case u forgot, because i n eed to know how to spell for that exam) are smaller BUT. not always. because that's how it goes isn't it
anyway that'd be so fucked up. if these were real. but hang on. there's more. one more thing.
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(photo credit 1 and 2)
no those are NOT!!! the same bug. they're not even in teh same ORDER!!!! the left is termites (order blattodea) and the right? well that's an angel insect (order zoraptera). "but clam they look nearly identical" right.that's crazy. you also find both in colonies inside rotting wood. also both CAN have wings but shed them once not needed anymore.
but you see termites get to evolve out of cockroaches and what do angel insects get? idk. because we barely know anything about them
isn't it fucked up. thank god insects aren't real but I sure wish they were because man it'd be soo cool. it would suck to have to remember how to sight ID them though and remember how to spell all teh family names (said while looking into the camera with tired eyes)
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princesscolumbia · 1 year
Star Trek Captains, A Review and Categorization
Star Trek is a show about a Neo-military organization that has rank structures, ships, and fights wars, so naturally there's plenty of captains to talk about, but for this post I'll be highlighting specifically the main cast captains, in something resembling chronological order. (But, I mean, this is Star Trek, so even that's kinda up in the air)
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Captain Archer
That Guy who had to hand crank the warp engine up-hill both ways in the blinding ion storm. We don't need no stinkin' Prime Directive! Remember The Alamo Pearl Harbor 9/11 Florida! But...uh, maybe don't be dicks about it, not everyone who looks like the ones responsible for that thing we're never going to forget actually wants us dead. Got transformed into an alien, got possessed by another alien, slept with a couple more. Never got pregnant, though (that was his chief engineer)
Ships commanded: 1
Wars started: 0
Wars ended: 3
Times on screen naked: 1
Nazi facilities destroyed: 1
Category: Grampa
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Captain Pike
Midlife crisis? What midlife crisis? Everything's fiiiiine. Now eat something, it'll make you feel better. I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. Number One, don't tell me I can't adopt more kids, I don't care that they're from the future they're mine now. Besides, we've already got a whole ship-full, what's two more?
Ships commanded: 2
Violations of the Temporal Prime Directive: -3 (yes, it's an irrational number, we're talking time travel, people!)
Musical Numbers Participated While On Duty: 3
Hair: Really Great
Category: Dad (or DILF if you swing that way)
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Captain Georgiou
You will be captain when you can snatch the stone from my hand.
Ships commanded: 1
Protege's who required a redemption arc: 1
Awesomeness: Transcendent
Category: Gone too soon, also, MILF who can kick your ass
(Edit: Courtesy of @cheer-me-up-scotty for pointing out an oversite on my part)
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Captain Burnham
Cosplays as a Vulcan 'cause she's jealous of her adoptive brother. Accurately called an audience-stand-in-self-insert-mary-sue (shut up, Star Trek fandom invented the Mary Sue, it was a term coined by women fans, so shut up!), but by season 2 she actually gets interesting.
Mommy Issues: Has a subscription
Moms: 4
PTSD inducing life events: Like, all of them
Ships commanded: 3
Mutinies led failed: 1
Category: That One Cousin who married surprisingly well and made something of herself in spite of all expectations
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Captain Kirk
Golden retriever energy, would be the Useless Bisexual Himbo if he didn't have so much game. Probably smarter than he lets on. Polyamory King and certified Alien Fucker. Boyfriend is a half-space-elf, main sometimes-girlfriend will go on to create the deadliest super-weapon ever built by humans by accident.
Number of Klingon Bounties on his head: [CLASSIFIED]
Number of women he's slept with: [CLASSIFIED]
Nazi regimes toppled: 1
Number of times he should have had a test that determines if you can stick your dick in it that got named after an upstart from that other science fiction show instead: 1
Ships Commanded: 3
Ships He's Stolen: 3
Category: Slut(affectionate)
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Captain Kirk (the other one)
Golden Retriever that got left behind when his family moved away and had to lead a ragtag team of a crotchety older dog and a wet cat on a journey...
No, wait, hold on...
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Right! That's the one!
Times he should have been kicked out of Starfleet: At least 4
Ships commanded: 3
Ground transport destroyed: 2 (that we know of)
Number of middle fingers given to Admiralty: 2
Category: Bad Boy
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Captain Picard
You know that guy who you see going to the library all the time and always seems to have his nose in a book and always seems to be telling people off for breaking the rules and doing dangerous shit? You'd never know it but he used to be That Guy in college who got, like, ALL the girls and is going to be the Hot Grampa that you don't know how he has that much game, but he got it.
Ships lost in the line of duty: 2
Number of times he married and then estranged his best friend's wife who named their son after her dead first husband: 1
Number of toxic omnipotent and omniscient boyfriends who are obsessed with him and spends their spare time playing with ponies: 1
Category: Inexplicable Sexyman
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Captain Badass Sisko
The Cool Dad with baggage. He's got game, but he's got priorities as well, and DON'T mess with his son or you won't even exist anymore to regret it. BLM before it was cool. Led a civil rights riot two centuries before he was born. Space Jesus who can make the best jambalaya you've ever had. Fought and won a war, punched a god, then became one.
Civilizations saved: 4
Native Cultures Treated With the Respect They Deserve: Many
Times He Bent the Rules so his CMO could get some nookie from a Cardasian spy plain, simple tailor: The counter broke
Successful black-ops assassinations completed: 1
Category: BAMF
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Captain Janeway
THE single most decorated captain in Starfleet history. Successfully dropped the hammer on dozens of petty tyrants, oppressive regimes, roaming mass murderers, and the Borg. What Prime Directive? Your Mom. Also, probably slept with your mom, that's how much she is the Domme-est of Dommes. She told the Borg to use the safe word...and they DID!
Borg Daughters: 1
Times she told the Borg to step off: 3 (or 4...or 5? Honestly, with the time travel shenanigans it's hard to know for sure)
Nazis she's personally shot: 1
Category: Mistress, but it's "Ma'am" to you
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Captain Freeman
She's angry AND disappointed! She's just as good as all the other captains in the fleet, and the good ones know it, but all the rest? They see "cali class" and assume all they're good for is the jobs nobody else wants. But jokes on them, because thanks to that attitude her crew are the flippin' Jacks and Jills of all trades and are more capable of fixing AND fucking AND "fucking" shit up than damn near anyone else!
Times the ship has nearly been destroyed but she and her crew got through it: ...uh...how many episodes are there? And then there's the times that get casual mentions that we never get the details on!
Daughters who should probably be captains now if they were at least a LITTLE more respectful and didn't actively try to piss off Admirals: 1
Times the Cerritos has had to be rebuilt to the point it might as well be called "The Ship of Cerritos Problem": At least 4
Category: Your mom...get back here, I'M NOT DONE TALKING TO YOU!
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Captain R'El
Cinnamon Roll, just let m'boy into Starfleet! He just wants a home and a family! I'd like to see full-grown captains who can keep up with half of what this Best Boy is capable of!
Number of species his genetic code is made up of: All of 'em. Even the GODDAMN Q!
Number of Janeways he impressed the socks off of: 2
Quality of his Janeway impression: Bad
Number of Ferengi he out-Ferengi'd: 1
Nazis punched: Give him time...
Category: Teenage Boy Who's NOT GOING THROUGH A PHASE, MOM!
Should I do Captains Shaw and Seven? How about Alternate Timeline Tripp or Future Chakotay? (Going too far down that rabbit hole will eventually lead to Imperial Kirk and Captain Spock from the movies.) Let me know in the comments.
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glittter-vamp · 1 year
Ohio Is For Lovers | J.B
Joe Burrow x Reader Series.
Warnings: 18+ only. MDNI. Don't want to give to much away so please read with caution, if this chapter isn't for you, I completely understand 🖤
Word Count: 4.5K
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Beeping is all you heard as you struggled to open your heavy eye lids. After attempting to do so for quite sometime you finally open them and notice you're in a lit room. You slowly blink a few times clearing up your hazy vision. You soon realize that you were in a hospital room. Confused you look down at yourself and see that you were in a hospital bed. Your head was killing you and so were your back and ribs. "Well look who's awake!" Someone says coming in through the door. "Hm?" You hum wondering who was the unfamiliar voice. "Relax sweetie, I'm your nurse Rebecca." A short redhead woman with short hair says. "What Happened?" You croak, your throat incredibly dry. 
"You were in a car accident a few days ago and you were in a coma until just now. Now let me get the doctor and I'll come back to do some tests on you. Then we can talk about finally letting you see visitors and getting you to eat. "Visitors?" You ask confused as to why you weren't allowed any. "Yeah other than your immediate family you aren't allowed any visitors and you've had three people come and go, specifically our very own Cincinnati QB1. He's a character that one..." She winks at you checking some stuff on your arm and writing down something on a clipboard. "Would you like me to send your sister in? She went to the cafeteria I think." The nurse asks. "Please." You reply. "I'll be back, just relax, everything is going to be fine! I'll be right back." She says patting your knee gently.
You try your very hardest to remember what happened but all you remember was being at Joe's and then nothing else after other than waking up here. As you tried your best to remember the accident, your sister Jessica comes in. "Oh my gosh...honey how are you feeling?" She asks softly with tears in her eyes. "Like absolute shit...I can't remember the suppose accident I had and my body hurts like hell." You groan. "I'm sure you will remember soon but I'm just glad you're awake, you really scared us there for second." Jessie says sitting down next to you on a chair.
 "Are mom and dad here?" You ask. "I...haven't told them you're here." Jessie says. "What? Jessie- Mom and Dad are in Costa Rica on that trip they've been talking about for years. They come back in two weeks, we can tell them then. Especially now since you're awake, it can come from you." Jessie says and you give her an unamused look. "Are you the only one of our siblings that's came to see me?" You ask and she shakes her head. "No they've came every now and then since they're farther away than me but your friends have been coming here a lot...especially Joe. He's been here everyday, when were you going to tell me about that? I thought you hated him after the drama online?" Jessie asks and you sigh. "It's... very complicated." You mutter.
"That's exactly what he said, but Peyton and Sasha filled me in." She snorts. "Of course they did." You sigh making a mental note to give your friends shit for spilling the tea to your older sister. The doctor ; who's name was Doctor Brown and the nurse soon come in and begin to test you on things and ask you a billion questions. "Now, for being in a coma for almost a week you're doing far better than we expected. I'm very happy with your improvements but due to the nature of the head injury we need to keep you here for a few more days to monitor that and run some more X-rays and CAT scans make sure we know what we're dealing with for all the injury's, you have some broken ribs and bad bruising due to the seatbelt and airbags." The doctor says. "Now...we might have some shocking news for you but we took blood tests while you were asleep and we found that you are pregnant miss Y/L/N." The doctor says and your heart drops. "Excuse me?" "What!?" You and your sister say in unison. "I had a feeling this was going to be big news due to how early you are so please just take it easy, the pregnancy wasn't affected by the accident and all seems to be well. You are a little over two months pregnant, 10 weeks to be exact. We are going to reevaluate some things now and come back later since you are pregannt we need to minimize any X-ray's and CAT scans due to the fetus. I'll give you some time to process everything, I'll be around making rounds so just ask the nurse for me if you need me." She says before leaving the room.
 The nurse gives you a reassuring smile and leaves behind the doctor. "This has to be a fucking nightmare and I'm going to wake up any minute now." You say rubbing your face. "I...Well um, Let me go get you some food. Fast food okay?" Jessie asks. "Sure, a burger and a vanilla milkshake please." You sniffle. "You got it, I'll call your friends and let them know you're awake...do you want me to call Joe too? He gave me his number to keep him updated on you." Jessie asks hesitantly. "Uh...I need to talk to my best friends first." You say. "Gotcha...they also filled me in about Mariana. You knew I never liked that girl right?" Jessie says making you chuckle. "My food please." You say and she rolls her eyes leaving the room.
You then sat there thinking about how you were currently pregnant. You didn't know how that was possible, you had gotten your birth control after the first time you hooked up with Joe plus they check for a pregnancy before you get birth control and nothing was mentioned. It just didn't make sense... This could not happen. There was just no way. You hadn't realized how long you had been in your head until there was a knock on the door revealing your two best friends.
 "Sleeping beauty is finally awake, Joe must of finally gotten through security and gave you that kiss huh?." Peyton jokes as he walks in first with some balloons. "Oh gosh, I knew I was going to cry." Sasha sniffles. " I love the two very different reactions from you both right now." You chuckle at your best friends. "We know you're still in pain so we'll leave the hugs for after you feel better." Peyton says trying the balloons to a chair. "How do you feel?" Sasha says coming over to hold your hand. "Like shit, my entire body fucking hurts." You sigh. "We're so glad you're awake, not being able to come in and see you fucking sucked." Peyton says sitting on the other side of you. "I don't get why they didn't let you in, I'm sure Jessie would of signed off on it." You scoff. "She tired to but it's hospital policy to only let immediate family inside of those who are in coma's" Sasha rolls her eyes.
 "Yeah girl you should of seen Joe, we texted him about the accident and I swear to god that man got air lifted here, we live closer to the hospital than he does and he was already here when we got here." Peyton says. "Yeah he got pretty mouthy with the security and nurses, he was freaking out about not being able to see you and knowing limited information about you since he's not family. What really got him is that they weren't accepting the flowers he kept bringing you." Peyton snorts. "Was I admitted into a prison, what the hell type of hospital is this?" You say annoyed that the hospital was making such a big deal. Hearing that Joe was here everyday and trying his best to try and see you, made you get butterflies and feel giddy, it also meant a lot to you that he actually did care that much about you.
"I uh, have some...news." You say hesitantly looking at your best friends. "Please don't tell me you have to learn to walk again, I will hunt down that son of bitch who hit you. I know dangerous people, the cops aren't gonna know what happened to that piece of shit of that hit and run!" Peyton says getting heated in a second and you can't help but laugh. "Jesus calm down, I think I'm good on walking. I can move my toes and stuff." You say wiggling them. "Oh thank god, continue. Sorry, that was the Albanian coming out...sorry." Peyton calms down and you and Sasha look at each other in shock. "Anyways...say what you have to say." Sasha says to you urging you to continue. "Okay well uh...the doctor sorta just told me that I'm um...I'm p-pregnant." You bite your lip and Peyton and Sasha stand completely there frozen, for too long. "Well say something!!" You speak up. "Holy shit." They both say in unison. "Holy shit is right, I don't know what to do! I don't know if I should even tell Joe." You sigh laying your head back on the bed. "How far along are you?" Sasha asks trying to process this. Doctor said a little over two months...I don't know how this happened. We only had unprotected sex once before I got my birth control and I took a plan b right after." You sigh rubbing your temples. "Did you get your period after?" Sasha asks. " I spotted after I got my birth control but that's pretty much it...I know the birth control itself can fuck up your cycle so I just thought it was that." You bite your lip.
"How do you feel about this? This is some serious shit." Peyton asks. "I don't even know...I never even thought about having kids much less with Joe...you know what I've been through with him." You say muttering that last part. "You know you have choices and whatever that may be we will support you." Peyton says and Sasha nods. "Thanks guys..." You sigh. "But...just know that baby will be spoiled to the moon if you have it." Sasha smiles making you chuckle. "Knock knock!! I come with food!!" Your sister says coming into the room with your food. Sasha and Peyton pull the table that was on the end of the bed towards you and you thank them as your sister places the food in front of you. "Now...I know you just woke up but since you two are here, I'm going to go home for the weekend." Jessie says looking at you for approval as you eat your burger. "I'll be fine." You nod. "Yeah I'm sure once Joe finds the news out he won't leave her side anyway." Peyton winks and you roll your eyes at him. "Okay cool, call me if anything! Hope you feel better soon little sister." Jessie says kissing the top of your head before she says bye to everyone and leaves.
"Want us to call your boo?" Sasha teases and you give her an annoyed look. "Sure... but does anyone know where my phone is?" You ask looking around as you sip your milkshake. "I think it got damaged in the accident but I can go pick up a new phone for you tomorrow, I still have connections with that guy from Apple." Peyton suggests like no big deal. "I'll deal with it later but thanks.. oh god, someone please tell me you got in contact with my job." You say looking at them in horrror. "Your sister did, they said to not worry about anything and to take all the time you need." Sasha fills you in as she texts on her phone. "Okay I just texted Joe, wanna make a bet on how fast he makes it here?" Sasha says to Peyton making you roll your eyes. "20 bucks he makes it here in 10 minutes." Peyton says. "Deal." Sasha smirks sitting down. "You guys are so annoying and he lives across town." You shake your head. "You don't understand how your man drove the night of the accident." Peyton shakes his head. "He made Vin Diesel look bad." Sasha says making you laugh.
You two talk between the three of you. Them telling you that they hadn't reached out to Mariana about the accident which you appreciated because you did not want to see her. Before you know it the door of the room flings open and there was Joe out of breath. "You owe me." You hear Peyton say to Sasha who rolls her eyes. "We'll leave you guys alone...I'll come tomorrow around noon." Sasha says to you and you nod. "I'll bring you two breakfast cause I know Joe ain't going no where." Peyton says leaving making you snort as you look over to Joe who couldn't stop looking at you in complete awe. "Did you run?" You chuckle seeing he was still catching his breath. "Went up the stairs, elevators took too long." he says making you chuckle. Joe closes the door and walks over to you, you could see a lot of emotion on his face that he was trying to hold down. "I was told that you were out here fighting people because you couldn't come in." You raise an eyebrow at him and he chuckles. "I might of acted irrationally." He smiles. "You didn't have to do all that...I'm sure you have better things to attend too than me. "You shake your head. "You hit your head pretty hard huh?" He asks and you roll your eyes. "You know what I mean." You reply. "No I don't actually, I got a call from your best friends that the girl I love got into a car accident leaving my house and you were rushed to the hospital unconscious. How else was I supposed to act?" Joe finished, you could tell that the stress from everything finally made Joe snap.
"The girl you what?" You ask Joe in shock and he takes a moment to realize what he said. "I meant exactly what I said." Joe says clearly not caring about beating around the bush anymore. "Those are some big words for two people that haven't even dated Joe." You bite your lip not knowing how to feel about this. "Well that's how I feel and after all we've been through I'm not going to take it back nor do I expect to hear it back from you. I'm not going to keep lying to you or myself." Joe says making you take a deep breath. Before you could respond there was a knock on the door and the nurse comes in. "Sorry to interrupt but there's a few things I need to change out for Miss Y/L/N." The nurse says to us. "I'll step out, do you want anything from the cafeteria?" Joe asks you pretending like you two weren't just having a serious conversation. "Something sweet." You bite your lip and Joe nods before leaving the room, giving you one quick glance as he shut the door. The nurse checks you out more, making sure you were doing okay and asks some questions about how you're feeling. She also helps you to the bathroom. 
As she was helping you with sitting back down on the bed on the Joe comes back in. "Everything okay?" Joe asks seeming alarmed that you weren't tucked in the bed like he had left you. "Better than we hoped! You'll be out of here in no time." The nurse smiles at you as she helps tuck you in and then leaves you and Joe. "I think she likes you." Joe mutters which made you snort. "Jealous?" You tease him as he sits down in one of the empty chairs handing you a plastic bag filled with sweets. "I'm not worried about it, she can't compete." Joe says cockily and you roll your eyes at him. "Why'd you get so much stuff M&Ms would of done okay." You shake your head. "I was talking to my mom while I was picking stuff out and paying, got distracted." He shrugs.
You really take a good look at Joe and you realize that he looked somewhat similar to what he did after your argument and him finding out Emily's baby wasn't his. "Have you slept at all?" You ask him. "Hm?" He hums. "Yeah, here and there." He shrugs like no big deal. "Joe...go home and rest." You sigh. "I can sleep here, beside you... just fine." He smirks and you give him a look. "Don't you have like spring training or something?" You eye him. "That doesn't start for another two weeks, but you get extra points for even knowing that was a thing." Joe smiles and you roll your eyes at him in annoyance.
Joe ends up staying for the rest of the night. Which you really didn't mind, you weren't a fan of hospitals so it was nice having him here taking your mind off things. Though the whole being pregnant thing was hanging over you like a cloud. You had no idea what you were going to do and how you were going to tell Joe...if you even decide to tell him. This was a guy who almost just had a baby with someone else and who you weren't officially dating. Then the whole deal with the tabloids finding out about this potential child and the other side of you that wanted that big career move and to get away from it all.
Four Days Later:
Today you were finally leaving the hospital. After constant tests, some physical therapy and being under constant observation you were finally going home. Joe had stayed with you the entire time, only going home to shower and change clothes, every time he came back with a fresh bouquet of flowers. Sasha and Peyton also came by frequently bringing you two food and kept you company. You had told your siblings that you were fine and that you'd see them when you came out of the hospital and to not tell your mom and dad about the accident. You were very appreciative of everyone for being there for you but you didn't need your parents freaking out and dropping their trip. "Alright Miss Y/L/N...everything seems to be good. Now, would you like me to schedule you a prenatal appointment with the OGBYN you have in your file?" Doctor Brown says and you feel your heart start beating 10 times faster. Out of the corner of your eye you see that Joe slowly turns his head towards you. "Um, yeah sure." You quickly and awkwardly say to the doctor wanting her to stop talking about this but she doesn't take the hint. "Can...we have a minute please, Doc?" Joe says and you feel your heart drop, here we go you thought to yourself. "I'm finished here, a nurse will come soon to wheel you out." She smiles at the both of you. You two thank the doctor and immediately Joe turns to you.
"Is there something... I'm missing here?" Joe asks calmly which was kind of freaking you out and you build the courage to finally look at him. He looked confused and a bit upset. "I wanted to talk to you about this in a more private place." You say and he takes a deep breath. "We'll get you home and then we will talk." Joe nods. "If you want I can call Sasha or Peyton to take me home." You bite your lip trying to avoid a fight with him. "I'm not mad Y/N just... confused and concerned. I'll get you home, plus it's Wednesday morning, aren't they working?" Joe asks and you nod. The nurse comes and they walk you down in the wheelchair. Joe pulls his car around and he helps you get in since you were still sore and had a few broken ribs. 'Are you hungry?" Joe asks as he sits in the driver seat. "A little but I rather get home and order something." You say and he nods. You hated the tension you were feeling in the car. You had no idea how you were going to have this conversation with Joe. The majority of the ride was spent in silence. You could tell Joe was in his head as much as you were.
You finally make it to your apartment, happy to be home. Joe had tried convincing you to stay with him instead but there was just no way you were able to get up and down the stairs right now and he only had a half bathroom accessible downstairs. You notice a welcome back home banner & a basket sitting on your kitchen counter. You knew it was Sasha and Peyton who did all this since they were the ones that were coming in and out of here bringing your clothes and stuff. Joe helped you get on the couch carefully and you asked him to bring over the the basket. You notice that it had a lot of your favorite things, certain candies you like, new cute fuzzy slippers, new PJs, cute girly ice packs and hot water bottles, pain medication and a box clearly containing a new phone. Judging by Joe's reaction when you grab it, you could tell he was the one who got it for you.
The police had came to the hospital to ask you questions about the accident that you still couldn't remember and they had let you know that your poor car was a total loss and your phone had been damaged as well, leaving you with no phone. "You didn't need to get me a new phone but thank you." You say to Joe. "Don't know what you're talking about." He lies and you give me him a look which made him smirk. "Do you want to stay on the couch or I can help move you to the bed. I know you're tired since you barley slept at the hospital." Joe asks as you yawn. "My bed does sound nice but I'd have to shower first and that's going to be a hassle." You sigh.
"That's what I'm here for. We can get you cleaned up and you can have a nap while I go get us some food." Joe nods. "I should of probably taken my sisters offer to stay with her." You sigh. "Why?" Joe says rather defensively. "Because I don't want you having to deal with me. I'm like an adult child right now." You sigh. " Y/N you've helped me out at one of my toughest moments, the least I could do is help you out in one of yours." Joe says helping you up from the couch. "Since your dining chairs are plastic maybe you could use that to sit in the shower?" Joe asks following you to your room. "Yeah that works." You nod going to your drawer to get some clean clothes. Joe sets up the shower for you, thankfully your shower head was detachable so you should have no trouble showering. "Are you going to need help getting undressed?" Joe asks. "Uh sure." You nod awkwardly. You had a flannel shirt on since that was the easiest thing to get into and you unbuttoned the shirt and Joe helps you take it off wincing at the movements even though you were both being gentle. You look at yourself in the mirror and could see the bruising peeking out of the bandage around your rib cage. Joe then gently starts to take off the bandage which was the most painful process of all. "I'm sorry, I'm trying to be as gentle as possible." Joe says looking at you with eyes full of nervousness. "You're doing good, the pain medication is just wearing off." You give him a reassuring smile. Eventually you finally get undressed and Joe helps you get in the hot shower. "Are you going to be able to bathe yourself?" Joe asks handing you your soap and exfoliator. "I think I can manage with the important parts, go take a breather." You smile at him and he nods before closing the shower curtain "Call me when you're done or if you need anything." Joe says before leaving the bathroom. 
You shower as best as you could, wanting to wash your hair but there was no way that was happening today. After about 30 minutes in the shower with Joe checking in on you every 5 minutes and freaking out when he heard one of your shampoo bottles fall, he came and helped you out and dried you off. He wrapped your bandage around again which was worse than when he took it off, both of you hated every minute of that process, you letting out every bad word in the dictionary. "Okay, okay we're done. Is that too tight?" Joe asks. "It's fine, thank you...sorry for calling you a motherfucker." You say making Joe laugh.
 "It's okay." He smiles at down at you, you look at each other for a moment before Joe leans down and gives you a kiss. He was very gentle with it but it still held a lot of emotion from this past week. "I'm not mad that you didn't tell me by the way, I don't blame you." Joe says holding your face in his hands. "I'm scared Joe...this wasn't suppose to happen. I'm supposed to move soon to another state and start a new beginning...there's no way I can do this." You say breaking down. "You don't have too, whatever you choose to do I'll support it." Joe reassures her as he wipes her tears with his thumbs. "I'm really sorry Joe, I know this must fucking suck after what you've been through." You sniffle. "It's not your fault, shit happens and I rather go through this with you than anyone else. Whatever happens, I promise we're going to be fine." Joe says and you nod calming down. Joe then helps you get dressed after you calm down and helps you get into bed. "I'm gonna go get some stuff from my house before getting us food, I'm going to basically move in and there's nothing you can do about it." Joe says making you chuckle. Do you need anything before I leave?" Joe asks. "No I'm good, I'm just going to take my nap." You shake your head. "I'll be back soon, I left your phone on the side table." Joe says leaning down and giving you a kiss. "Take my keys to lock the door." You say to him before he walks out of the room and he nods. 
That went better than you thought it would, now...you just had to think about what the next step was going to be.
A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! The next chapter will be a lot heavier than this one so just a heads up. Thank you for reading! 🖤
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duckapus · 6 months
Squid Memes Squidbeak Splatoon (part 2)
Part 1 Here
More Harbor because he gave me Brain Worms
Born and Raised in Littol Beeg Bluff (yes the same Littol Beeg Bluff from "The Ballad of Dusty Grumpton" in the Factory Reset AU. I'm allowed to re-use my own ideas if I damn well please)
Comes from a blended family, and his stepmom and younger siblings (twin boy and girl around eight) are actually Koopa Troopas of all things.
The only playable Agent to both know and like his parents
Seriously Habor's moms are fucking awesome. Everybody in the NSS loves Harbor's moms
About 80% Humboldt Squid (aka Jumbo Flying Squid), which is why he's so fucking tall. It also means that he's really fast in swim form, to the point that he could probably outswim someone who'd filled all the slots on a piece of gear with Swim Speed Up without any Swim Speed Up investment of his own. (this is inspired by Lucky, another, very different version of Agent 4 made by EikaPrime on Ao3)
Yes she just goes by Eight. She was a little self-conscious about it at first but then she found out about SMG4 and the other SM64 Blooper Youtubers and no longer gives a shit
If she remembers her old name yet she's not mentioned it
Obviously doesn't remember her parents, but given the Domes are the kind of place where you can Start Training to Become an Advanced Military Hardware Engineer and Elite Soldier at Fucking Nine Years Old, I imagine she wouldn't have many memories of them even without the Amnesia
Contrary to popular fanon, my version of Eight doesn't have a scar from the Test Failed Bomb. This is because Respawn Pads (as long as they're fully functional) completely erase whatever the fatal injury was, leaving no trace apart from maybe some phantom pains if it was particularly nasty
She does, however, have plenty of scars from all the other shit she went through in that hellhole
Managed to complete every single test before she escaped
My version of Eight is a single year younger than Marina canonically is when they meet so I'm not going the Off the Hook Adoption route for this one (maybe in another AU with a more lose interpretation of Canon, but given this AU is specifically meant to adhere to Splatoon Canon as much as possible we're out'a luck this time), though she does still become very close friends with them
She's got Craig literally right there for any potential adoption attempts anyway
Very rarely speaks, but is expressive enough that most people can tell what she means anyway (you know Ferb? It's the exact same thing as what Ferb does)
Doesn't have a weapon preference. She's comfortable with any weapon she gets her hands on
Except Splatanas
She fucking hates Splatanas and everything they stand for
Configuring Frye's Palette in the Memverse was legitimately harder than dealing with her own Palette's stupid "Hacks or Chips, you can't have both" Gimmick Bullshit
Andi Finn
Has no fucking idea who her parents were and does not care
Actual supergenius who could probably build a functioning replica of Grizz's rocket out of scrap metal from just her memory of fighting on top of it. Never learned how to read before the NSS got ahold of her because she lived alone in the desert
Swears more than Bob
Can't remember where she learned Salmonid from
Somehow even the homeless kid has better hygiene than Paige
Made up her last name on the spot when she was signing up for a Turfing License (if you're wondering how she managed to sign up for a Turfing License when she couldn't read; With Great Difficulty)
Figures she probably isn't a full Inkling given her weird beartrap beak but doesn't give enough of a shit to take a DNA test about it
Paige dragged her home to their apartment almost immediately after the final battle against Mr. Grizz and she never left. It's not an official adoption but that's only because Paige is a bit oblivious to their own feelings on the matter and Andi doesn't know that paperwork is supposed to be involved
Almost exclusively calls Paige "Cap" even when they're out of uniform. I mean, she can't very well call them "Mom" or "Dad" since they're nonbinary, now can she? Paige has no idea that's what she means by it and just thinks it's a nickname because Andi gives everybody nicknames. Usually as insults
It took her 333 tries to get through "Splitting Crosshairs" (I legitimately Cannot beat that stupid kettle no matter how hard I try and want her to share my frustration but also want all four agents to have 100%ed their respective adventures so I'm just having it take her a comically long time to do)
Mains Explosher because it's the closest she can get to a Turf-Legal grenade launcher (for now...)
The Eternal Hunger, Devourer of the Bear
Is fine with people using Crabcake instead
Uses It/Its exclusively
Officially designated Agent 5 I will die on that hill
Was "The Eternal Hunger, Stabber of Ankles" before going through Return of the Mammalians
Will stab anyone who points out that it didn't actually eat Mr. Gizz, he just exploded
Extremely eloquent, but most people can't speak Salmonid so it just sounds like it's making the same gurgley noises as every other Smallfry
Once looked Marie dead in the eyes and said "No one will ever believe you" in perfect Inklish while they were alone. Has never said anything else in anything other than Salmonid where someone can hear it
Andi and Crabcake fucking hated each-other for the first third of their adventure before bonding over kicking Frye's ass and now they're inseparable
Actually gets its own uniform after everything's said and done. It consists of a little high-rez safety vest (like the one on Paige's field uniform), an earpiece (suction-cupped in place since it doesn't have external ears) in the same style as Andi's headset, and a clean black-with-thin-yellow-racing-stripes-on-the-sides pants...wrap...thing
It also got a new switchblade from Sheldon (the old one got lost in the space battle after it turned into Hugefry) with the same kind of black-with-blue-LEDs aesthetic as Paige's gear and a blade made of Sardinium
Also thinks that it and Andi are already adopted by Paige but that's for Salmonid Culture Reasons instead of Not Having an Education Reasons
Got separated from its swarm during a Run a few months before Return of the Mammalians. It wasn't too fussed about it and figured it could handle itself in the desert for a while and then either reunite with that swarm if it ran into them or join a new one if it happened to come across one. Because Salmonid Culture
Considers the NSS its current swarm
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ok if this post was any indication i had the hell of a long class yesterday morning and a lot of things happened that i just kinda need to get off my chest in some way so welcome to the brand new series....
i talk about being in a friend group of burnt out gifted kids being parented by our teacher because dear god it needs to be made into a 12 season TV show
ok so for context this is a very difficult class and you get selected for it at the end of your sophomore year based on your grades, teacher recommendation, standardized testing, whatever. it lasts for two years, junior year and senior year. we're currently at 10 students after some people dropped at the end of the first year and one person joined. our teacher is this saint of a man who's literally like our dad i could go on for hours about how amazing of a person he is.
for ✨ obvious reasons ✨ i'm not using anyone's real name.
as you can probably guess the academic rival guy (person b for those of you who read my academic rival prompts) who i keep ranting about is in this class. we've recently had a fight. i will not be speaking favorably about him. i will be calling him Red. person c from those same prompts is just as much of a pain in the ass irl. she and i have a lot of beef and i will be calling her Mirror. more names will be given as is required.
there isn't that much i can say about that particular session yesterday because it's too specific and someone's going to find out what i mean very easily. but something really hit me -- mr. teacher dad is the one who does placement for this class.
for context, he and i were hanging out before class as we usually do and he was telling me he needed to figure out the placement for this class for next year's group because they needed to send out The Emails.
i know what The Emails are, i got one. i'd say about 7/10 people in our class did. those are what tell you if you got in or not. if you don't get in you're allowed to appeal and take a test and based on that they let you in (if you even have the guts to say you want to take the test you get in tbh it's so easy to pass but whatever this is just me hating on Mirror because she got rejected then took the test and got in).
but the point. he chose who got in. he chose us. the fact that he looked at my profile and decided i was good enough is just -- damn. keep in mind this man is my idol. it's like a taylor swift fan being told they're a good singer BY TAYLOR SWIFT HERSELF.
it also made me think about the one person who joined -- she's really sweet, we're friends. but at the end of last year about five people went to see mr. teacher dad to ask him to join and he said no to each and every one saying there was no way they could make up for the material they missed. her, however, he let her join as long as she made up the material over the summer. she did.
it makes me think. he chose us -- and not just because we're smart. he saw something in us that made him put us in his class.
i'm dying to know what. but whenever we're all together, i feel it. we have a dynamic. we're a family. we have everything and nothing in common.
and he saw it.
it's genuinely beautiful.
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redbone135 · 2 years
Red, Red! Guess what?? 'You-Know-Who' and I have been texting regularly back and forth since August (like a week after he shared his number I think). I was the first to send him something random but since then, he's texted me a few times ON HIS OWN!! (I'm also the only *insert my family's last name* girl he texts) He almost always initiates conversation by telling me had ice on his windshield (he already knows I like it cold, lol), a couple of times he even wanted to tell me about his day. He's remembered, not only the names of my puppies, but how their names are spelled! He's also been to our house three times - one of which he practically invited himself over (he said his evening cleared up and asked if me and my family would be up for a game night) out of the blue! I recently invited him to my upcoming low-key birthday dinner and he READILY accepted the invite! Saying that he always has a great time at my house. He also remembered that my birthday is the last week in October - something I've only mentioned once in passing.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that we're becoming actual friends and I'm so happy, thankful, and excited! My best friend, and my mom's super logically-thinking best friend seem to think he's showing a little bit of interest, BUT... What's YOUR perspective on this, being that you're a guy.
Also... two or three weeks ago I commented on his church clothes; telling him that I "liked his color scheme". I'm pretty sure he appreciated the compliment but I don't know. Should I keep saying that, or should I just keep those comments to myself?
Congrats! That's super exciting Abby! I'd say the fact that he texts regularly and you're the only one he is texting is a really good sign. As is the remembering your birthday - not sure if it's a guy thing or an adhd thing, but remembering specific dates is hard and so only the important ones stick (the only two birthdays I dont have to look up are my mom and Sara, so yeah, thats a good sign). But if he's trying to impress you, he probably made a point of remembering that day. I don't want to get your hopes up, but yeah, it does sound like he either knows you have a crush and isn't opposed to the idea, or has a little one of his own. Best of luck with that, I'm sure your birthday is going to be a lot of fun this year 😀
Also, here is the thing about guys and compliments: we get a lot less of them than women. So it's a double-edged sword because 1. They mean more and so we really appreciate them, but 2. They mean more so we also tend to REMEMBER them. I would continue to test the waters with compliments, but we also know I can be a little bolder than you 😉 Just keep in mind they are gonna stand out to him, so too many might be suspicious.
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squidsavior · 2 years
It has not been several days, it has been weeks. Since she left for her long sea journey. Remembering her hint to where to go as well. Her adoptive mother told Blue to head outside the country. She was shown a map in the message, with arrows pointing to where she needed to go.
While she felt detached from her ‘current’ family. She could always trust her adopted mother, who would have her side when she was around. For a Birthday surprise, one of the things she was not expecting was a Big Run. And strangely there was a sense of deja vu as this happened before specifically on her day of birth.
She sees land from the distance and prepares to dock.
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When she arrived on the wooden board of the dock, two figures approached her… one of them had a similar ink color to her’s and the other was silver. They were both the same height. But seem to have strikingly different personalities that she was able to judge from their postures. The one in blue was more relaxed, and the other was holding a weapon over their shoulder. It was an Octobrush… but she couldn’t tell which one it was…
But was to tell the moment the silver fellow came charging at her with it while she was weaponless. With a fast forward attempt at a strike. Surprised to see such action. Blue dodged swiftly as a squid and jet propelled herself away, turning into her human form, crashing into the blue Inkling and they both stumbled backward.
“Hermano no puedes presentarte así! Did you want to challenge your long lost sister so badly?” The blue one sighs, as he gets up and helps Blue up.
“Mmm, I just thought it would be a fun introduction! I thought people from Inkopolis would like a small quick duel!”
“Can we stop talkin’ for a second?” Blue points at the blue Inkling. “You who are you? And you mentioned a sister?”
“Raine Ortiz. And the one who… wanted to duel you with an Octobrush is my brother Caspian.”
“Raine… and Caspian? And you two were aware of a missing sister?”
“Years ago, there was a Salmonid uprising. I believe, in the Spatlands they’ve been properly named Big Runs. When you were born still as an egg, our mother has been waiting for you to hatch. But we were getting taken over and she wanted you to be safe… so her best option was our trusted sea angel friend should take you somewhere far away and safe.”
Blue was stunned to hear such a thing, she… had parents that really cared about her. And we're willing to give her up to let her live.
“…Raine, I know you said we are related. But I’ve met a lot of people that have ruined my trust. But just to be sure… let’s take a DNA test first.”
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From Reddit poster 2023
My Mom just announced my pregnancy on Facebook
I'm 13 weeks pregnant right now, and yesterday we found out that we're having a baby boy. I sent my family a picture of our ultrasound and told them the news. My Mom phoned and asked whether she could finally tell her friends the good news (specifically mentioning a few people by name), and she said that for the past 8 weeks she's been telling every cashier and store employee since she I didn't want to tell anyone yet. I said she could finally tell her friends, and as many store employees as she wanted.
This morning I woke up to about a dozen messages from various people congratulating me. I looked on Facebook, and she'd taken my ultrasound picture, tagged my husband and I in it, and announced that she was going to have a grandson. When I said she could tell her friends, I never imagined she'd take that to mean every one of her (and our) Facebook friends.
I don't have a relationship with her where I can ask her to take it down without this causing a huge fight.
This is my second successful pregnancy via IVF after a very long and difficult road. In order for each transfer to work, I had to endure months of medical menopause (Lupron Depot) prior to starting each IVF cycle. In my daughter's case, it took 6 years of trial and error before doctors could figure out the best combo to get me pregnant, but once we figured it out, it's worked. This cycle to have my son started back in the summer, and we were only able to move forward with the frozen embryo transfer in December. Emotionally, physically, and financially, it's been very very difficult.
On Christmas morning the doctors told me to take a pregnancy test to see if the initial transfer was successful, so my entire family was around when my husband and I got the news. As is family tradition, we took group photos together on my camera, and boxing day (Dec 26th) I sent the family the photos. I sent 10 in total, and in one of the pictures I had a spare pair of baby mittens on my belly. When we took the photos, my sister even said that we would take the photo for our sake only and that it wasn't to be shared. We all went to see a movie at the local theatre, and right before the movie started, my mom shared the picture of me with the mittens on my belly on Facebook. She also did some group WhatsApp messages, not knowing that I was in one of the groups. She included the picture and said "looks like someone has baby mittens on their belly! I wonder why ❤️🤰." Seeing that we were in a movie theatre, it was hours before I found out that the picture and the messages were out there.
When we got back home, I saw on our kitchen tablet that my mom had 3 missed calls from her FB friends, all from the time that we were at the movie. I then checked Facebook and pieced it all together. I very gently asked her to remove the picture. I said that there were 9 others to choose from, and I didn't want that one out yet. She responded by being incredibly defensive and angry, calling me a "censorship queen" and asked whether i could police all of her posts to make sure she wasn't saying anything wrong. She eventually deleted the photo, and refused to post any of the other ones, citing me being too difficult to please. While we were at the movies, I asked an employee whether they had any flavoured seasoning shakers for their popcorn, and my mom very loudly stepped forward and said to them "can you guess which one of us is pregnant?!" I said "Mom, could you not? I'm only 5 weeks." And she then stormed off doing Joe Pesci whisper screams, calling me a "selfish brat" and an "entitled ass hole."
Some people could look at this and be like "oh, you're 13 weeks. That's ok if she tells people" but I'm still not ready. I waited until I was 20 weeks with my daughter, and even then only shared it because my Mom was getting angry that I hadn't told everyone yet. We've dealt with loss along this long road to meet our children, and my rule right now is that I'm not telling anyone unless I'd also be comfortable telling them that we miscarried.
What's done is done and I can't take back her making the announcement. Beyond that, I can't even tell her how upset I am because it will just end up snowballing into something so much more. I'll add guilt and sadness and conflict into my emotional inventory right now, and I don't need that. And it's kind of silly at this point, but I work in film and I'd planned on making a fun mock theatrical trailer with my daughter to announce it, so I'm sad and disappointed that I can't do that anymore.
I'm just feeling really angry and mopey. It was our news to share, not hers.
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blu3pers · 2 years
Okay how's this, can you write angst? Can you do (Huniepop) Tiffany, Audrey, Kyanna and Beli with an s/o who gets diagnosed with terminal illness?
Back from a long day, I try not to write angst since I have to be in a certain down mood for me to do it. Plus this hit a personal subject for me. Since I don't exactly want to turn down another request, I'll change it up a bit! Hopefully, this is fine.
How they are with a s/o with a disability
Tiffany Maye (Hard of hearing)
If we're going back to the first game, she wants to be a nurse, meaning she won't mind at all
Whether you can slightly hear or not, Tiffany will study a bit of sign language in order to better communicate, as she believes that communication is the key to all relationships
Subconsciously, she won't ever forget so she would always let you know in some way, shape, or form. She sees you in the distance? Then she'll walk up to you and poke your shoulder rather than call out your name (Unless you're the kind that could hear or have hearing aids)
Overall, she adapts to you pretty well and won't treat completely different
Audrey Belrose (Asthma)
(This is something I could get behind as I grew up with asthma myself and this is also a part two maybe)
It sort of depends on your character but since we're adding more to the previous ask, she makes it a priority to smoke less around you
She gets advice from Tiffany and takes it seriously, memorizing your triggers and how severe yours is specifically (I know my dad needed meds for his but mine wasn't too serious so I never needed them)
Unlike most people, Audrey won't baby you because not only does she wanna test your limits but also because you should be able to take care of yourself
She won't drastically change her living style for you, but she will try and that's what matters!
Kyanna Delrio (Arthritis)
Another thing based on experience, I'm not an expert but this is based on what I've learned from my dad’s own knee pains.
Here's the situation; you're at a park, minding your business, when a little toddler strolls up to you on the bench to curiously look at you. You're fresh out of surgery for your tendon so you can't exactly go looking for his mother without help. Instead, you begin talking with him... or at least pretending to. You don't exactly understand toddlers. That's how you meet Kyanna and how you became Philip's third favorite person, behind his mom and Tiffany.
Eventually, you begin to walk without the crutches and try to get back on your own feet. Of course, this is very hard to do at first but Kyanna provides a very strong support network with her family.
She’ll do light exercises with you to help keep that joint decent, but Kyanna won’t push you super much (This is an actual thing I do because severe arthritis runs in the family)
There will be times where Philip will go over line, like accidentally kicking your knee cap when he climbs, but Kyanna is always there to comfort you until the pain is gone :)
Beli Lapran (Visually impaired)
(I can’t write from a blind person’s perspective but hopefully this’ll work.)
This is a similar case with Tiffany where some factors kind vary. Like if you’re sensitive to light, she doesn’t mind using softer lights in the studio or apartment so you don’t strain your eyes. If you choose to use a cane, she makes sure to stay on your other side so you don’t accidentally hit her.
She’s not a loud person so if you’re one of those people who navigate fine in crowds, great! If not, Beli doesn’t mind quiet dates on the beach.
She does feel a deeper connection with you as she does know that you aren’t with her for looks, so she feels like she could be more comfortable talking with you.
Honestly, there will be times where she will accidentally coddle you. It’s up to you if you decide to tell her off or not. If there are ground rules, then Beli will make sure to respect your space! After all, if you’re confident enough to help yourself, then she should be too!
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illyaana · 3 years
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Tags: Fluff, Angst, Soulmate! au, Mafia! au, Pro Hero! Shoto x quirkless mafia leader! reader, No Specific Gender for Reader, Cursing, Violence
Synopsis: You are a leader of a mafia that had ties with the League of Villains. You declined a transaction with them and planned to leave the scene. Suddenly, heroes surrounded the area and you were captured. Aizawa, Shinsou and Todoroki interrogated you. In the midst of the interrogation, Shoto finds out that you are his soulmate.
How to identify a soulmate: You can communicate with your soulmate by drawing or writing something on your body.
Thanks to @horseanon--simpforall for having this collab! I usually don't do the whole soulmate trope, but it always was nice to read and it was fun to write! Hope you enjoy this compilation of your first times with Shoto! Yes, I love Shoto very much, thank you. Kettle boy is the best boy. ヾ(•ω•`)oヾ(•ω•`)oヾ(•ω•`)o
Warning: This fanfic does mention some graphic things (abuse, suicide, death, etc.) so if you aren't comfortable with it, please don't force yourself.
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Blood, blood, blood.
That was your nights. Killing off rogue members, bagging their bodies and collecting their quirks for the mafia you are currently leading.
Yes, you heard that right; stealing their quirks.
Thanks to the technological developments the 'company' you owned, Ahnia Technologies, have made throughout the years, you have managed to steal quirks without having a quirk itself.
All thanks to a small gun that fits in your pocket.
The illegal business of stealing and giving quirks to others since the fall of All for One is completely dominated by your mafia now.
And it all happened under a company that 'promised' the betterment of Japan and the world.
To be fair, you did invent some stuff for the safety of the country, but they worked better in collecting data on people, be it heroes, villains or viligantes.
"Persephone, you need to leave now. Shigaraki is waiting for you," said Toga, fiddling with the knife in her hand.
Ah yes, your villain name; Persephone - The bringer of death.
Your name was known throughout the streets of Musutafu, yet no one really knew how you looked like, thanks to the power of makeup. You never covered the scars you've received throughout the years of villainy. The scars you bore are the scars you wear with pride, along with your Haladie sword and your retractable iron hand claws.
That's all they knew. That was Persephone.
After all, who would think the CEO of Ahnia Technologies would be the leader of Diavolos; the strongest mafia in Japan?
No one knew the sweetheart of the science industry, L/N Y/N, was Persephone, and no one will. Those who knew are long gone - be it by God's hands or yours.
You got up from your seat at the bar, thanking Kurogiri for the Whiskey on the rocks.
Walking towards the inner room, you spotted Dabi leaning against the wall, toying with the staples on his face. Beside him stood Hawks, eyes gawking at you, taking mental notes. In the middle of the room sat Shigaraki Tomura. The sky blue-haired man with scars all over his neck paid close attention to your Haladie sword, blood dripping off of each end.
"Killing spree?" He question, a smug tone ringing off of him.
You turned to him, a smile graced your face. "As always."
He got off his chair and walked towards you, raising his gloved hand to you. You snickered when you saw your company's name written on the wristband. So they do have some money.
"Pleasure to meet you again," he said, slowly taking off the prosthetic hand on his face. You took the gloved hand in yours, shaking it slowly.
"I'll just get straight into it; we need some quirks for these Nomus." Soon came gigantic Nomus, their hands swinging as they bumped into places. The ground shook as they slowly walked in. Their purple skin filled with little holes thanks to all the testing the League of Villains did on them.
"Aren't they strong enough?" you questioned, "Besides, I don't believe they have the mental capacity to use quirks that require the orders from the quirk user itself-"
You were cut off by Shigaraki's ungloved hand touching your iron hand claws. "I just asked for quirks, not your opinion." He said, his red eyes staring dead into yours.
You extended your iron claws, every single one going through Shigaraki's hand. Your empty hand withdrew your Haladie sword and aimed it straight at his throat. You began to smirk, looking at his scared expression.
"If you wanted to fuck up the very thing you spent hours on developing on, be my guest. However, don't drag my fucking business with it," You said, venom dripping off your words.
While you stared at your sword, you spotted a small heart engraved on your wrist.
Your soulmate wanted to cheer you up.
You remembered how badly you wanted to meet your soulmate when you were younger. Your parents smiled as you showed the small things your soulmate did. A little drawing of a smile on your wrist, them drawing a flower...
Then you were brought into the family business.
The happy-go-lucky girl you were back then vanished almost instantly.
The training, the killing sprees, the interrogations - it all erased your humanity.
Yet, the need to meet your soulmate always stayed.
Somehow, they always knew when you were having a bad day and knew just how to make it better.
You were already 24. The usual age you meet your soulmate was 18. You wanted to give up so many times, but the small things they did stopped you every time.
You awoke from your daze the instant you felt a temperature change.
You removed the sword from Shigaraki's throat and retraced the iron blades.
"We're never having business transactions ever again, Shigaraki. Not after this buffoonery of a display you've done today. Consider this a warning; mess with me and you'll be in a casket the next day." You said, leaving the room.
But it was too late.
All the Pro Heroes surrounded the area around the bar. An ice wall was built around both Kurogiri and Toga along with Eraserhead cancelling both their quirks.
On instinct, you ejected one of your blades to hit Aizawa on the cheek, forcing him to drop his stare on Kurogiri and Toga. They never did anything bad to you, they were good people.
"Go, don't worry about me!" You screamed at Kurogiri, knowing he'd try to take you with the rest of the League to safety. He needed to protect them, I can protect myself.
He nodded and proceeded to warp to the smaller room, take the rest of the League members and warp away.
You felt the heroes run towards you. You smirked, knowing that you could easily take them down.
Suddenly, you felt a sharp feather around your neck, slowly digging into your skin.
"You aren't escaping, baby bird," Hawks whispered as he removed your gear, leaving you powerless. You soon felt a needle being pushed into your arm, darkness slowly engulfing you.
You woke up in an interrogation room. Your hands were chained to the table in front of you. The mismatched arrangement of the bricks that had chipped through the years reminding you of your years under your father.
That sick man ruined you.
That sick man ruined your family.
That sick man made you the revolting thing you are now; a fucking villain who killed more lives than a bomb.
You began laughing to yourself. You became this to stay away from the dark room he used to shut you in, yet here you are; in another fucking dark room but with chains now!
What the fuck is my life!?
I- I am just so fucked up, aren't I?
At least I killed that son of a bitch.
At least I burned that fucking house.
At least my mom died before she could see me become this - his masterpiece.
You soon began to write on your arm, hoping your soulmate was awake. "Hey, you awake?"
You soon felt a warm sensation on your arm. "Yeah. You good?"
You chuckled. At least they care. "Nope. I fucked up this time, and pretty badly," you began writing on your upper arm, letting the words earlier slowly fade.
"Well, if you want to vent, you know where to write," they replied with a small smiley-face at the end.
"How was yours?" you asked, directing the conversation to something more positive, hopefully.
"It went great! I finally managed to catch something I really wanted to catch for a long time!" they replied, their writing slowly moving diagonally. At least they had a good day.
Your happy trail of thoughts was interrupted when Brainwasher, Eraserhead and Shoto entered the room. The smile you had turned into a scowl when you saw them, especially Brainwasher.
"Wow Aizawa, is today bring your kid to work day?" you said, teasing the Pro Hero. You knew that Shinsou was the worst person to deal with in an interrogation setting. He could easily control you the minute you respond to him.
'Let's just talk to Aizawa and Todoroki then. If I don't respond to Shinsou, I'll be just fine. Oooh - better yet, just keep quiet,' you thought to yourself as the three heroes proceeded to sit down. 'Messing with them would just make my day better, anyway.'
"Mind telling us who you are, Persephone?" Shoto began, trying to be polite.
"So I am Hades' wife. I am the Goddess of Spring, daughter of Demeter. I am also considered the Harbinger of Death," you said, leaving them annoyed. "I guess you all don't like Greek Mythology!" you said, smiling.
They tried to get you to talk, but every single time they pried, you just kept on laughing, slowly pushing their limits. Shinsou tried getting you to talk to him, but you just stared at Shoto and Aizawa, laughing louder and louder.
"I swear to God, what's the fuck is wrong with you?!" Eraserhead screamed, hitting the metal table.
You were waiting for this question. With a smile, you replied, "Everything."
Aizawa saw something in you with that answer; the unresolved anger you had towards someone. He knew if he hit just the right nerve, you'd spill everything.
"Why? Did Daddy fuck you up?" He said, a smug tone lacing his words. You saw Shinsou and Todoroki turn to face Aizawa with a bewildered expression.
You, however, just stared at him blankly. "How did you know?"
You felt numb. This man just sat beside you for a few minutes, yet he already knew how badly you were fucked up by that fucktard.
"Yes, Daddy fucked me up. He made me kill people at the age of 5. He didn't let me go to school because he wanted me to only kill for him, nothing else. I may be quirkless, but he knew that I would do just the same - actually more - damage a person with a lousy-ass quirk would."
Their eyes widened when you revealed that you were quirkless.
"What? Shocked that a regular person could kill over 20 Pro Heroes with just a bunch of blades?" You said, feeling a smirk slowly forming your face. "It was fun killing that All Might guy. You could say it was payback. After all, that son of a bitch couldn't protect me when he was living so close to me."
You began to laugh more as you saw they began to form tears.
"Oh, that isn't the worse part. The worse part of it all was the torture I went through. Have you ever imagined your 10-year old self hanging on the wall via chains, chains like these," you shook the handcuffs, "All because you couldn't kill a rabbit. Oh yeah, It was a package deal; chains plus 50 whips! " you ended, lifting up your shirt slightly to show the scars you received from it.
"Luckily my mom died before she could see me become like this. She was an angel. When she was around, Dad was actually a nice guy. The mafia was more of a family. We took care of everyone, finances and all." You stood up from your seat and sat on the table examining their faces.
"And now, I have to kill the people who try to run away, all because the elders force me to." You ended, crying.
These thoughts were a river you kept at bay.
You never wanted anyone besides the elders to know.
You were the leader, the pillar.
If you fall, they fall with you.
"I actually liked All Might as a hero, you know," you said through the tears. "He actually played with me, bought me gifts and treated me like the kid I was supposed to be."
You wiped the tears falling from your eyes.
Todoroki stared at your wrist, seeing what your soulmate wrote.
You chuckled, looking at the heterochromatic eyed man. "It was from my soulmate. I never met them, nor will I ever meet them. I guess they would only know who I truly am." You sniffled.
Shoto started to draw on his left arm a small heart with a distinctive flower in the middle.
Soon you felt your left arm tingle and there it was - the exact same heart with the exact same flower.
You stared at him, his eyes softening. "I wished I saved you earlier, but I'll save you now."
You smiled, looking at his determination. However, it was too late.
You've fallen a bit too deep to be saved now.
"Shoto..." you said, a sad smile gracing your lips, "...you can't. I've killed too many to be just signed off with a pardon or time in jail."
He began tearing. Your heart broke at the sight of him breaking down in front of you.
The cheerful man you knew from the years and years of conversations stood in front of you, willing to do whatever it took to get you in his arms - unchained and free - was sobbing. His cold facade long gone, only covered with grief and sorrow.
You, however, felt a warmth in your heart.
You finally got to meet your soulmate.
You finally are happy.
There and then, you knew what you needed to do.
"I'll tell you everything," you looked at Aizawa, "all the dirt I have on the villains and the vigilantes in Musutafu, I'll tell you."
He stared at you, smiling sadly.
"I'll even tell you who I am. In exchange, give me a full day with Shoto with no surveillance. I promise to not run away or do anything of that sort. I'll even take the death penalty I know that was fixed for me." you ended.
Shoto's anger began to boil. You felt it grow, the temperature in the room rapidly increasing.
Before Shoto could say anything, Aizawa agreed.
Shoto fell back on his chair, his hair now dishevelled - red mixing with white. His tear-streaked face now facing yours, taking in what he believed was your face.
"Shoto, could you please get me a towel? I feel a bit dirty... If possible, could you wet it, too?" You asked Shoto, knowing he needed to leave and get some fresh air. He quickly responded with a nod and went out of the room.
The minute he stepped out of the room, you faced Shinsou.
"I'm giving you full permission, Shinsou. Go ahead and see everything. I don't want to tell Shoto all I know. Let me tell you three who I am, at least," you ended with a chuckle.
You felt yourself relax as Shinsou soon entered your consciousness. It didn't feel painful or numb, like how Midoriya described it to Uraraka and Iida. It was as if someone just entered your room and wanted to see the things in it. Maybe it was because you willingly let him do it...
The feeling you had while he was reading your mind was as if you were with your mom in the small swimming pool she rented when you were a kid.
She gripped on your sides as she taught you how to swim, telling you to let the water be your friend and not oppose it.
It was calming... relaxing...
The minute you felt him leave, you felt the control of your body come back to you.
You saw sadness in Shinsou's eyes when he stared back at you. You just smiled and nodded at him, not knowing what to do.
Soon, Aizawa removed your handcuffs. You immediately stretched your wrists, moving your palms in a circular motion.
Shoto came rushing in with a bowl of water, a cloth and a bar of soap. He placed it in front of you and gave you a kiss on your head, leaving you a blushing mess.
He sat back on his chair and faced you, waiting for you to remove the dirt on your face to see your features better.
"Let's get this out of the way, shall we?" you chuckled, dipping the cloth in the water and slowly rubbing your face. You rubbed your hands with the bar of soap and then proceeded to rub the soap in your hands on your face, feeling your scars. After rinsing the soap off, you faced the three men.
"Hi, I am L/N Y/N, also known as Persephone." You looked at them, enjoying the shocked look on their faces.
You saw him begin to tear again. You instinctively got up and hugged him from the back. You began to rub the tears away, stopping any more from falling from his precious face. He began to relax into your touch, slowly placing the back of his head against your collarbone.
"Shoto," you said, turning your face to face him, "In my hand claw, there is a USB in a compartment right beneath the palm area. It contains everything on Ahnia Technologies. The money, the technology yet to be released along with the data on Diavolos. I'm leaving it to you."
"Don't cry, okay? I only have you for a few more hours, no more crying." You said, giving a kiss on his cheek.
"Help the people in Diavolo. Yes, some of them have done extremely bad things, but it was all because of me and my tyrant father," you clarified. "Help them live better lives, okay?"
You felt him give you a nod and you smiled.
You released yourself from the hug, looking at Aizawa. "I believe I can leave now, right?"
Shoto grabbed you by your wrists and ran out of the building. "I am going to make it the best 23 fucking hours of your life."
And it was.
The few hours you spent with Todoroki had been the best hours of your life.
It didn't feel sappy as the stories the elders used to tell you. It felt comfortable and right just to be with him.
The view of him eating cold soba in front of you, you both singing your lungs out to Paramore, you both relaxing at a book cafe - all of it - it felt just comforting and how a home should feel like.
The best part of it all - he could introduce you to his friends since they didn't know you were Persephone.
You hung out with Midoriya, Iida, Ochako, Tsuyu and Momo for 4 whole hours.
They took half the day off - just because Todoroki met his soulmate.
It kept making you think if you were born in a normal family, would have this been your life?
What if you entered a support class and just so happen to meet Todoroki there?
Would your life be like this? Surrounded by a bunch of friends, protecting Musutafu and being helpful to the world you loved?
You were cut off from your train of thought when Uraraka sat beside you. "You know, whenever you both talked to each other when we were in Yuuei, he used to actually giggle reading at your messages. He really wanted to ask for your number and meet up, but he felt he'd be pushing it a bit too far, so he just waited for you to stumble upon you." She said, beaming.
"We really thought he would never meet you, yet here you are! And he scored, man! A tech CEO? Honey, you have money-" You cut Ochaco with your laughter.
"You know he is way richer than me, right?" You said, wiping the tears of joy.
You were brought back to the conversation Uraraka just had with you.
You should've made the first move.
You knew he wouldn't be the one to make the bold moves.
You should've asked him.
You could've had so many dates with him, yet here you are counting down the hours before you get killed.
You felt two arms wrap around you, making you flinch. "You should really stop thinking too hard, Y/N," Shoto said, pressing on the fold formed on your forehead. "The day is too precious for that."
After saying goodbye to his friends, he drove you to his apartment.
To say it was beautiful is an understatement.
There were so many potted plants that enhanced the small gold accents he placed throughout the small apartment. It was the perfect mix of greens with the feel of a modern-day home.
"For one of the richest Japanese people in the world, you have a very small apartment," you said, chuckling. "It's perfect."
For the rest of the day, you both binged on movies, enjoying the feeling of being close to each other.
You played with Todoroki's fingers that were wrapped around your waist. His head was directly on the not of your head. He then pressed his nose on your neck, deeply breathing in your scent, humming softly.
This was all you needed.
Him in your arms and you in his.
In his small, quaint apartment, away from everyone else.
Soon, his phone rang. You looked at the caller ID and you already knew what was going to happen.
Your time is up.
It was time for you to leave for good.
You felt his hesitation to pick up the phone, so you did it for him.
"Hello Aizawa, where should Todoroki and I meet you?" you asked, feeling the grip on your waist tighten.
"Okay, noted. We'll be there soon," you said, ending the call.
You felt your back getting warmer thanks to the tears falling from Shoto's eyes. "I'm not letting you go."
You can't cry now.
You need to be strong.
This isn't the time to succumb to the sadness, Y/N.
You turned your back to face your soulmate. You pressed your forehead and placed your hands on his cheeks. "Todo..."
He didn't reply.
He didn't want to.
"Todo..." you whisper again, your voice slightly shaking.
He puts his hands on yours, his sobs turning into sniffles.
You raised his face to face yours, eyeing his lips. Your thumb grazes on his burn, his eyes immediately closing, enjoying the feeling.
Slowly, you placed your lips on his. In an instant, he responded, pressing his lips on yours. Small sparks emitted from that small contact. Each time his lips devoured yours, you melted even more. His arms snaked around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
He wanted to feel you against him as much as he could.
Your hands left his cheeks and your arms moved to the back of his neck. You entangled your fingers in his dual-coloured hair, earning a small groan from him.
You soon pulled away. You placed the pad of your thumb on his lip, enjoying the feeling of it.
"Let me talk, okay?" you said. He soon nodded, knowing you wanted to get some things off your chest.
"Thank you for this, Sho. You gave me everything I could have ever wanted in these few hours, and for that, I am eternally grateful," you said, smiling weakly. "...You wanna know something?"
His eyes widened, focusing solely on you.
"The whole day I wondered if I didn't take over the mafia, how would we collide? Back then, I tried running away so many times. What if I managed to do it?" you started.
"I definitely would've tried out for UA for the support classes. I might have passed and entered 1-H. Maybe you needed to touch up your gear and you would've met me. But knowing how thick-headed we both are, we would've not seen the marks on each other's arms," you both laughed.
"We maybe would've crossed paths in the second year. I most probably would have developed a crush on you and maybe after seeing our marks, we would've begun dating." You said, cupping his cheeks. "Maybe we would be even sharing this very apartment."
"But that's not how our lives worked out. I got caught every single time and eventually gave in. I became the leader of Diavolos and I killed all those people, even the very person who gave me a glimpse of life as a normal kid," you began to tear, "I don't want to live like this anymore, Sho."
"I can't live remembering every single person I killed. I can't live carrying that Haladie blade and iron claw and not want to die almost every second. I can't live in this apartment without giving you all of me when you so easily can," you took a minute to calm yourself down, "I don't want to live anymore, Shoto."
Shoto's face darkened. "So, you're planning to leave me here, after - what - 25 years of waiting for you? You can't be this selfish, Y/N."
You knew that this was selfish.
Heck, anyone would know that this is selfish.
"I need to repent for my sins, Shoto. No community work can suffice for all the villainy I've committed," you ended.
The silence that ensued was deafening.
The sniffles that came from the both of you with the sound the fan gave off were the only sounds to come after.
After a few minutes, Shoto spoke. "All my life, I thought meeting your soulmate was something the Devil wished upon you. My father basically drove my mother to insanity and made my own oldest brother become a villain," he began. "I wish I could say the same about ours, but I can't."
"These few hours were the best fucking hours of my life. Every single moment I had with you is forever engraved in my mind, Y/N. You so easily broke my walls, ever since we were small," he gripped on you tighter, "I will always remember your small words to get me moving, how you'd push me to do more, to talk more and become more social."
"I love you, Y/N, but I need to give you away, right?" he said, looking at you with tear-filled eyes. His eyes begged you to deny the last statement, but your mind was already made up.
You nodded your head and pulled him into a hug.
Soon, you both were in his car, driving to where Aizawa asked to meet up.
Once you reached, you followed Aizawa and left Shoto in the room you were in before.
You got on the electric chair, closing your eyes as you felt the wet sponge being placed on your head.
From afar, you could hear Midoriya and Uraraka shouting at Aizawa to stop whatever he was doing, but Shoto stopped them.
You couldn't hear Shoto's answer when they asked why.
WC: 4406.
Ah, my favourite trope; messed up :'). I hope you enjoyed it! Each of the reblogs and likes is helping this blog grow, so thanks for all the support. Until the next fanfic! <3 First time hitting more than 2k word count so 0.0
97 notes · View notes
voiddemon · 3 years
Forgotten land rambles
Ok so the sound we hear in the intro sounds a lot like a Radio- which I find to be notable. What will it lead to? Bro who knows.
Based on the soundtrack this is giving me huge family vacation gone wrong because there's some horrible mystery vibes and not castaway- hopefully for now obvious reasons. I assume this is why the waddle dees and everyone else is here.
We DON'T SEE DEDEDE being possessed in the trailer but he's here we know he's here.
Interesting thing I would like to point out in the background of this screenshot:
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That looks like a door- you know like a garage door. I can't really tell what's on it tho. It kinda reminds me of Meta Knight or the Halberd, and it's connected to a building so I assume something is inside and it's close enough to the foreground that we can like see. Buut it's probably not either of those things. Idk tho.
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Based on the background in this screenshot it seems we're going to be rebuilding the town as the game goes on. By the way about this little animal friend! I have doubt's they're evil based on their design and how they interact with kirby/bandee. HAL's formula for twist villains is to make them keep a distance with us, and not have them interact with gameplay until they betray Kirby. So unless they're going to really fuck with us (Doubt it) this little friend seems good! Something bad will happen to them.
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This town looks super cute! My guess is the theatre building will be used to play cutscenes, the building w/ the hats on it will be used for testing out copy abilities, and the cafe will just have a mini game. However I'd like to note that the arena Kirby fights Meta Knight in looks a lot like the one we see in the back of the town. I don't know what this really means for why he's here and what role he plays in the story- but I believe it will be a minor one.
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Also officer waddle dee. he's cute :)
It seems there will be online capabilities, making online play with a friend feasible! I assumed that it'd just be local but who knows.
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It looks like this will be our map! I hope the warp star moves as quickly as it does in the footage. Although there may be a menu where you can jump to a specific location/general area- based on the speed and direction of the warp star being like. direct. Which sounds like a good way to keep players from getting confused. Also we don't know if these are completed sections or not- so we may be able to play them in any order- but this is probably a stretch.
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Oh also these are back! Looks like HAL's favorite child may be making a cameo.
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This is all we can see for what I assume will be a volcano area. However I'd like to draw your attention to that thing on the left-hand side. I don't know if that's a weird cloud or a spooky building. I guess we'll have to wait and see! :)
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I'm not going to speak much on the new abilities but yeah!! Drill and gun!! Can't wait to see what gun's actual name is.
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Tbh I'm mostly just interested in the signs in the back. Also is whoever we're facing trying to trick Kirby with this? will kirby be tricked by this... Anyway this implies that at some point we'll be separated from them for a likely extended period of time. So! That seems fun!
anyway this is pretty much all I have to say. Everything in this game looks amazing and I'm super excited to play it in March!
15 notes · View notes
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HOLY HELLO Sketchy friends, followers, and fans! It's that time again, time for...
The heck is happening here? Here's an FAQ~ Wanna support the event? Here's my Ko-fi!
That's right, it's FINALLY the last Saturday of the month... and I've decided it's high time our Quotable prompt evolved into a Dialog prompt! This is gonna work a lot like previous Quote prompts, but with an extra twist, so please make sure you read the guidelines for a valid request before sending in!
To make a VALID Shippy Saturday request, please send me the following in an ASK to my ASKBOX:
The COUPLE you'd like me to sketch up ---- OC? Heck yes! Canon? Hell yeah! All characters welcome, so long as they're from Fallout ---- OC x OC? Cool! Canon x Canon? SWEET! OC x Canon? DAMN RIGHT.
The NUMBER of the dialog snippet you'd like me to art them saying ---- Got more than one favorite? You may list up to THREE in your ask, in order of preference, to help the artist avoid repeats <3 ---- Still can't pick? Send in 'Dealer's Choice!' and the artist will pick one for you.... oooor possibly make up some fresh dialog on the spot ;3
What KIND OF RELATIONSHIP your couple has with each other ---- Romantic? Platonic? Professional? Familial? Rivals? Neighbors? Despite it's name, Shippy Saturday is about all kinds of human connections, not just the romantic ones! ---- Is your couple part of a larger OT3 or poly group? Tell me who else is part of the relationship; they probably won't get arted, but they might add their two cents to the scene from off-frame XD
IF YOU'RE SENDING IN AN OC!! ---- Send your request ask FIRST, without reference information ---- THEN send your OC's reference information to me via my Tumblr IM ---- Don't have any reference pictures, but you can type of a written description? Great! I love working from written descriptions! :D [ No, really, I do. Give them to me :D ]
After that, you can leave all the rest to me! :D [ I.e Please do not request poses or specific actions ]
Hokay? HOKAY! With all of that out of the way, let's get onto the dialog snippets! These are taken from various things I enjoy, as well as some of my own work. These quotes have been modified to gender neutral pronouns, to remove most proper nouns, and for brevity.
[ Some of these quotes have multiple speakers! That will be shown like this! "Speaker A" -- "Speaker B" ]
"Yeah, well, I'm a victim of circumstance" -- "... I thought you called it your pecker."
"Here, you look cold."
"You are so lucky I love you." -- "Damn right."
"You know the routine." -- "Yeah! WE do all the work, YOU get all the credit!"
"I want you with me, but... I'm scared." -- "Trust me. Trust me to take care of myself." -- "I trust you, it's the rest of the world I'm terrified of!"
"No breakfast?" -- "I did it yesterday-- bologna and beans, it's your turn." -- "No... It was eggs. I did eggs... over easy." -- "The hell you did! Bologna and beans, it's your turn!"
"I like the kind of person who can handle themselves... think on their feet."
"So you were ahead of me." -- "I don't know about ahead, but I've been behind you ever since you fried those mannequins."
"Don't make me say it out loud..." -- "... I can say it first, if that'll help."
"Nooooooope... five more minutes." -- "We were together all night." -- "Didn't count... I was sleepin'."
"Well, this is very serious" -- "IT IS!" -- "You, you destroyed a door." -- "Colonel, we're talking about a test on an armored vehicle, that will carry people into combat." -- "Right, but this door is property of--" -- "The shell barely penetrated the door." -- "okay, but now it's all bent out of shape. How are you gonna get it back on its hinges?" -- "I'LL BUY THE ARMY A NEW GODDAMN DOOR!"
"Sorry, I thought... I thought you were trying to buy something I'm not selling."
"I'm busy." -- "Too busy to look up?"
"You can't kill people just because you don't agree with them." -- "You see, that was the ONE point me and the doctors could never agree upon."
"Would you ever consider having a drink with an enlisted solider?" -- "Depends... does the enlisted soldier think I need one?" -- "What are they gonna do? Kick you out?"
"Thanks" -- "No problem, anytime."
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up-- one day it's gonna happen to you. Someday someone is gonna ask you, who is it? And a face is gonna jump to the front of your mind, and it's gonna completely sandbag you... I can't wait to watch!"
[to a peacefully sleeping person ] -- "Good moring, Mx. ___, this is your wake-up call. Please move your ass."
"I say we run for it" -- "Running isn't a plan, runnin's what you do when a plan fails!"
"... Normal Illinois, is that on the map?" -- "Yes, Sergeant, it is." -- "... is it normal in Normal?" -- "... Uneventful, I think, is the word."
"Now-- how many brahmin does it take to make a stampede? Is it like... three or more? Is there a minimum speed?" -- "Wish a stampede up your ass."
"I don't mind being a secret of yours."
[Right after THE BIG FUCKING KISS] ".... let's not make it a year before the next one, okay?"
"If we were serious about money, we'd quit being hired hands--" -- "Handymen! We are han-dee-men." -- "Oh whatever! We'd quit this and go find some real money."
"Please... don't go where I can't follow."
"Alone is fine! I can do alone, it's worrying after them that's got me all wound up!" -- "Have you considered that's because alone is NOT FINE and you don't wanna do it anymore?" -- "---!!"
"This is not the first time you've been here." -- "We've been down this road before, that is correct." -- "Several times, in fact." -- "I hadn't been keeping count."
"And you must be ___, I've heard all about you." -- "I deny everything."
"First time I saw you? I thought to myself, that's the kind of person BRICK WALLS jump outta the way of." -- "Figured you'd be safer behind me rather than in front of me?" -- "Damn right."
"Just keep looking at that beautiful sky; that's the sky that'll be over our roof when we're done." -- "What if we don't finish the roof? Then we can look at the sky all the time."
"Yeah, well... maybe a friend is what I need right now."
"Next thing you know the Feds will be at our door; Sorry, time to move out, Eminent Domain." -- "Down honey, down."
"Even a heat-seeking missile can miss a target." -- "... you taped so many hot-plates to the test target you could fry an egg at 20 feet, and it STILL missed by a mile."
"My dear, my darling, love of my life...." -- "What do you want?"
"What I mean to say is... you make here a better place to be. For me. Easier. Does that make sense?"
"Calm down, you make it sound like a war." -- "What do you people have against being prepared?!"
"This is not just a report, it's a deadly weapon." -- "Sir, an M-16 is a deadly weapon. A report is just a pile of paper, unless you plan to inflict a lot of extremely vicious paper cuts."
"Stupid son of a bitch, knocked himself out cold..." -- "Cold my ass, he's dead."
"Y'know, in baseball, a guy who hits .400 is consider pretty damn great." -- "In baseball the losing team isn't killed by their opponents."
"Hey... I love you. Did I tell you that today?"
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rinharu-purple · 3 years
Having read almost all of Gavin dates in season one (and all in S2, that Cheri translated), I think I can pinpoint the certain milestones of MC and Gavin's relationship. In three specific dates, they confess their romantic feelings for each other and also tell each other directly that they want to spend the rest of their lives together...as always...spoilers ahead
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MC’s Love confession
MC has been building up romantic emotions towards Gavin ever since they’ve met again at the Loveland police station and Gavin has swept her off her feet for the first time...figuratively AND literally.
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This one is very easy to pick because during this date, MC is not only fangirling over Gavin but also shouting her feelings out loud in public as well as confessing them to him...loud and clear...I am talking about the “Slightly drunken date”.
As to her more instinctual urges...They have been growing since the moment she saw him like this for the very first time:
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“...than reappeared at his exposed waist and abs...As I reached to touch those scars (around his abdomen)... a different feeling arose in me“. That different feeling arose in all of us MC ;)
So once the slightly drunken date came, MC was overflowing with an ocean of emotions for Gavin for a while so she confessed to him:
“No more talking! Just listen to me! When I said that, I meant it. Not about the bass playing, but you. I like the gift you gave me, I like the bracelet you gave me. I also like that love letter that I never read. I want to see more sides of you...When you’re eating, when you’re sleeping, when you’re happy, when you’re sad, when you’re wearing a tuxedo, or red in the face from drinking.
All of it! I want to see every side of you”.
(If you want to read a longer analysis on this date, let me take you here)
Gavin’s Love Confession
First things first...The question which should be ask before anything is...Has Gavin fallen in love with MC once his Evol awakened or was it an already ongoing process until that specific moment, on which Gavin realized he is in love with her? I think he has been observing MC for a while and was already enchanted by her kindness and beauty way before “the fall" into his Evol-awakening.  
As for Gav-babe’s instinctual urges...I would say, Gavin realizes them during the Shooting Date when he sees MC in a very revealing dress for the first time and she asks him to unzip her, in a very tight space, with the lights out...Our poor birdcop cant help but have naughty thoughts and wonders why MC asked him to do that for her :) I love this man to the moon and back
When he got verbal on his feelings however was during the “Spring Festival Date”. Not only he confessed to MC and her family that he used to have a crush on her during high school, but he also opened up about his honest feelings about her, which are extremely heartwarming.
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“I have a very strict father and a brother I seldom see...I don’t even know when I turned into such a loner. Eating alone, sleeping alone, doing everything alone...until I met her. It was a beautiful autumn day. The gingko leaves were floating in the wind. I was also going through a pretty dark time. But she saved me before I hit bottom...It’s she who told me I could live a stronger life. And it’s also she who told me I could live a more tender life. I never felt lonely before, until I met her. I started to get used to star-gazing with her, having dinner with her, spending the New Year’s with her.”
and this part he tells twice...once in front of her family and once while they are alone afterwards to prove that those words were genuine:
“In the future, I will give it my all to stay with you, to take good care of you, and love you.”
Yep, he drops the big L word <3 
“I wanna make up for all the times I wasn’t there“
After all, he’s waited a long time for that day to come...And when that day was finally there, he would make sure to confess to her.
Btw in both occasions out lovebirds were slightly drunk. And on a side note, my very first date with Gavin was the Spring festival date, so you could guess why I am so smitten by him and why there isn't any chance for the other LI’s to dethrone him.
Moving on to second phase...
MC’s future plans
The first time I read @cheri-translates​ English translation to the “Late Autumn Date”, I literally fell off from my chair by the intensity of this highly emotional and extremely spicy date. The date takes some time, but when Gavin and MC gets it going, holy cow it hits you hard!
I will intentionally not dive into the hot spicy details of this date and how they finally make out passionately at Loveland High. Sure both Gavin and MC are overwhelmed with nostalgia and oxytocin, but it’s once again MC’s time to gush out about her feelings for Gavin but this time, she tells him how he is her past, present and the future. MC promises her all to him and if that’s not a hand in marriage yakusoku then I don’t know what is. This again is a very long confession, so brace yourselves:
“ …we seem to have really missed out on a lot.  I’ve thought about a few things since a very long time ago. For example… cheering you on at the basketball court after school. And then proudly telling the entire class that the name of the tallest and most accurate shooter is ‘Gavin’!  Back then, there was a small stall outside the school gate selling red bean puffs. $3 for one, $5 for two. It was crispy on the outside and sweet on the inside, with a generous amount of filling. You’ve definitely not eaten it before… We used to have late night self-study sessions and were only dismissed after 9pm. The girls in the same class would find company to walk with. If you were there, you’d have been able to send me home.  Piano lessons were way too dull. Once I sit here, it would be for several hours, playing the same song over and over again. Sometimes, I’d think of going out to have fun - to go shopping, sing karaoke, eat all kinds of good food, or do my homework while having a drink in a small shop.  Also, the 800-metres physical test was literally my nightmare! If you were there to practice running with me, I wouldn’t have passed only after my third test.
If I could be with you back then… my deepest memories in high school wouldn’t have just been of exams.
– we missed out on a whole six years! Even if we want to make up for it every day, it wouldn’t be enough even if you spend a full twenty-four hours with me!
----(insert NSFW part here) ------
I cling to his waist tightly using my calves, wanting to brand every part of him into my heart.
“I want to bear his everything.”
Gavin: “Do you like it?”
“I like it…I like it very much…I like it so much that I don’t know how to prove how much I like it” “The rest of my life is yours, The years that we’ve missed out on are also yours” (whatever I have, I will give it to you. I will give everything to you, leaving nothing behind)
Gavin’s Future Plans
Here comes the tricky part, because there is not only one single date yet, where Gavin is seriously telling MC in length about his future plans. However there are soo many moments in various dates, events and Co. that implies to Gavin's proposal plans. Actually, I feel like the S2 Gavin dates revolve around the phase in their relationship, when things start to shift from a long term relationship to we're gonna get married soon.
Sure, Gavin told MC also in S1 many times, how he wants to spend the rest of his life with her.
Looking at all these moments in S2. I believe it will be more eminent to see, how his future plans get more concrete:
- Every time he says "We" specifically in Puppy love call "Yes, we"
- Every time he say "In the future"
- Third year anniversary (testing the waters)
- From Afar Date (already has the gem)
- Old Haunt Date (their future home)
- Beautiful Future call (their dream of living in a Shangri-la when they grow old)
Even though Gavin hasn't told MC his future plans in a Monologe like she did directly, I believe he is adamantly planning about a proposal and I expect in his birthday in 2021 something that hints to a concrete proposal.
AU Proposals
Aside from the main dates, there were two official proposals from the AU dates. Because we can only add one video for each post, here is MCs proposal.
Spoiler alert: He said "no"
Disclaimer: The video is taken from YouTube and is linked to the original!
For Gavin's proposal let me take you here.
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tardytothepardy · 3 years
Fruits Basket - Vol 23
It's the final banquet babyyyy
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(i hate how blurry that picture is but my camera just wouldn't fucking focus)(also yeah i colored in the speech bubbles, they were kinda confusing without context and didn't have anything to do with this specific frame)
So everyone's gathered in the main Sohma house, and no one really knows what's going on. They have no idea what to expect. Hiro notes that the grown-ups are "the ones who can't sit still today". Some miscellaneous stuff happens but I'm not sure if it's worth talking about? After the miscellaneous stuff, it is announced that Akito is ready for everyone to see, and out she steps in a kimono (I bet it's red; she'd look great in red, I think) and asks where Shigure is, because he apparently dipped out. Ritsu is in complete awe, does Akito partake in the same hobby he does? No, Ritsu, this is who she is.
There's a brief flashback to the previous book, where Shigure gave her something, and said "I guess you could call it a farewell present." Akito did not take kindly to that at all, and lashed out, accusing him of being the first to abandon her. He asks where she got that idea, he meant that she's finally becoming her own person, rather than the person her father wanted her to be, and his gift was something to commemorate that. Welcome in the new Akito, and all that.
Back to the present, Akito explains that the rest of the Juunishi were able to become their true selves, beyond the curse, and so she decided to as well. She tries to apologize, but she can't-- she knows that won't make up for anything that she did, at all.
It goes back to that memory with Shigure (this chapter is just a series of flashbacks and flashpresents) and he teases her, saying that he didn't know he was so important to her, and Akito insists that wasn't the case, that he was the one that she was most afraid of, the one that strayed the furtherest from her, bond or not. He says he had to keep his cool, be nonchalant, because otherwise he'd explode (ka-blooey). He says that he's childish, and doesn't like getting hurt, he hates losing, and he can't stand sharing things. This causes Akito to basically go Ó///Ò in realization, and he confirms that realization (the realization being that he likes her as well, in case you didn't catch it. It kinda took me a second on first reading, and I'm not exactly explaining this the best), and says that if Akito wants to reject him, now's the time, that if she comes to him again, it'll become a Thing. They'll become a Thing.
Back to the meeting, Akito says that she still wants to live with the Sohma family, because there are still things she feels she needs to do. She still is, at the end of the day, the head of the family, it's her duty (probably). She plans on talking to Ren, which I imagine will go well. After the meeting (I think, I don't think it's before, though timey wimey stuff is difficult), Akito is with Shigure, and he's asking if she wants him to stay at the main Sohma house, and she asks if he's angry about it. The vibe I get from him is "yesn't", honestly, but hey if they're happy, I guess it's fine.
Next chapter!
So there are two exposition characters (I'm sorry but that's really all they are) at school, and one of them sees Kyo. She gets excited, maybe she can go talk to him, and the other thinks he's waiting for Tohru, his girlfriend, to finish up with her tests. The first girl goes, "Whaaa?? When did that happen??", and the second says that it happened shortly after Tohru came back from the hospital. The first girl's hopes and dreams are apparently destroyed, I guess she liked Kyo.
It pans back to Tohru, now finished with her test, and the teacher, Mayu, wishing her a good summer vacation, it'll be her last. She also asks if something happened in the Sohma family, because a certain He seemed a little happier when she saw him yesterday. Tohru took "he" to mean Kyo and Yuki, and was basically like "yeah I guess so". Mayu played it off, yeah yeah those two that's definitely who she meant yeah totally see you next school term byeeee.
At the house (Shigure's house), Kyo, Yuki, and Tohru are talking about the meeting, and how it felt like it came out of nowhere. They were surprised that Tohru already knew about Akito, but she had to pretend she didn't for Akito's privacy (you don't just out people, that's rude). She asks if it was that much of a shock, and Yuki says he's mostly dumbfounded, though there has been a lot going on lately, a lot to think about. Kyo says he feels weird about it, simply because now he knows he's been violent with a woman all this time, but also says something about if Akito was a man, Kyo would be in trouble if there was another guy who liked Tohru. I'm not really sure where he got that idea, but Yuki thought it was pretty funny. It made Tohru realize that the air between Kyo and Yuki had cooled off significantly, and they seemed to be more at ease with each other than they ever had before (i mean in the beginning yuki would sneeze and kyo would be like "and i took that personally", so yeah they've changed a lot). She asked Kyo what had caused that change, and he told her that Yuki beat the crap out of him, and knocked some screws loose, but it was okay. They needed to be loosened.
Later, it seems that Kyo and Tohru went to Kazuma's house, where Kazuma said "I have no regrets. At this point, I'm prepared for death at any time.", because he's happy, y'know? But Tohru and (that other guy whose name completely escapes me wtf) protest at that, saying that you can't say things like that, it's not true! The other whispers to Kazuma that he can't die yet, because when they get married and have kids, he'll be a grandparent, which he seems to like the idea of. He tells Tohru that he eagerly awaits that time, but since Tohru didn't overhear it, she just awkwardly agrees that she also can't wait. (Kyo kinda caught on though)
Izusu comes in, says, "This is stupid, by the way", then walks out before anyone can respond. Tohru follows after her, and Kyo asks what Izusu was saying. Kazuma says that a lot has happened recently, and not everyone is going through the same thing.
Going with Tohru, she finds Izusu in another room, saying that she doesn't get it, how can he (Kyo, presumably) act like nothing's wrong, after all that's happened, and how Tohru can do the same, after she got so hurt?! Those kinds of hurt don't go away easily. Izusu continues, and says that if she had to choose to forgive Akito or not, she wouldn't, because she can't. She doesn't want Akito to apologize, and she can't help but feel like she's doing something wrong, because she can't make herself accept everything and move on. Tohru reassures her that there's nothing wrong with her, she didn't do anything wrong. Izusu wonders if her demeanor will turn Haru away, if it will disappoint him. Tohru says that there's no way that Haru could hate her.
The scene changes to Akito, who is talking to that one old lady who pops up every now and then, but I've never seen her name, who says that Akito went to see Ren again, but heard that she wasn't able to really talk to her. She says it would be faster to chase her out of the house, but it's also possible that Akito complicated things by staying at the house. She continues, saying how it must be nice being young, and being able to change your life so easily. She notes that she was born with the Sohma family, and raised with them, and has lived at the house for sixty years, she couldn't change her life now. Akito says that no one can change every thing, and no one would be asking her to. Maybe all she needs is a helping hand. In the end, the maid simply walks away, but y'know, not everyone wants to change, or feels like they can, it's fine.
In the next chapter, it seems like it's the date with Tohru and Kyo that Uotani and Hanajima decided to tag along with. Kyo is thinking back to that moment when he tore off his bracelet, and how afterward, Tohru picked up all the beads. She put them in a little bowl in her room, next to the picture of her mom. In the moment, he could only watch as she did it, and in all honesty he wouldn't have minded if she had tossed them into a fire, but it also occurred to him that he might regret not having them. As he watched Tohru pick up the beads, he thought of it like she was "protecting both the me of now and the me of the future". Alternatively, and this one is a bit spoopy, she was gathering the memories of the people over the (many, many, many) years that had worn that bracelet. Either way, he realized that loving someone isn't just about loving the person as they currently are, but as they were, and as they will be.
That's what he thinks anyway.
I mentioned the date but I didn't talk about it at all. They went to a zoo, Uotani got excited about seeing elephants, and they went to a place with cats, and the cats did not care either way about Kyo. It was neat. By the end of the day, Tohru went off to use the bathroom, leaving Kyo with Hanajima and Uotani. This is when Hanajima asks Kyo if he's going to take Tohru away with him. She knew the time would come, eventually, when she, Uotani, and Tohru, would part ways, but it still hurts to think about. Uotani says that, despite how they might act, they do like Kyo, even if they think he's a bit of a dumbass (Uotani's words, btw), and it's because they both think he's a good guy. He just has to take care of Tohru, because she's like family to them, so he'd best not fuck up.
When Tohru comes back, Kyo says there's a place that he wants to take Tohru before going home. Can we go see what Yuki's up to first? Okay yeah we're going to do that now, we'll get back to Tohru and Kyo, don't worry.
So Yuki's at Kakeru's place, and it seems that they're talking about their college plans. Apparently Yuki's going to a college pretty far away from where they're currently at, but if they have subjects that he's interested in, it's fine. (I don't think it's ever said what exactly those subjects are. Like, what's his major? Do I really care? Eh. But it's still nice to know. Same thing for Kakeru, what is he doing?) When Yuki says he'll be living on his own, Kakeru asks if he can manage, he doesn't want to go for a visit and see an emaciated Yuki (living on like,, partially-cooked instant ramen noodles, and several scattered half-empty water bottles in a nest of laundry and schoolwork). Yuki is more optimistic, saying he's going to learn by doing (so that means those cups of instant ramen will be completely cooked). Apparently he told Machi about it and she's fine with it, though she would not be fine if she heard Kakeru saying that anyone is "climbing the stairway to adulthood" which honestly I wouldn't be fine with that either, that just sounds stupid.
Komaki asks how Yuki's going to get the money to live somewhere, and Yuki says that he considered asking his parents, but in the end he asked Ayame to help. Ayame was overjoyed to help, and went nuts to find a place that would suit Yuki's needs (Or be the foundation of his "empire", as he phrased it).
When asked about college, Kakeru said he'd go, not because he really wants to, but mostly because people keep telling him to. He was planning on taking over Komaki's family business (they run a laundry service), but he supposes he'll go anyway.
Later, Machi shows up with a package of meat, which Komaki was very excited about. Kakeru trotted out his "stairway to adulthood" line on Machi, and Machi punched him in the face along with the meat, she somehow balanced the meat on her fist to smash into Kakeru's face, much to Komaki's distress (over the meat, not Kakeru).
Anyway, let's go back to Tohru and Kyo.
Kyo took Tohru to the graveyard, and they're standing at the Honda's family tombstone(memorial? thingie? idk), and he says that after he graduates, he wants to leave, because he's spent his whole life up until pretty recently avoiding life, and not letting himself get involved in things. But now that he's a normal person, he wants to live in the world as a normal person, with Tohru, and because of all of this, he wants to go outside of this place that he's been his whole life. Tohru asks where he's planning to go, and he says that Kazuma knows someone with a dojo, but it's really far from where they presently live. He says he's planning on going there first, attending the dojo while he works, and then one day, he'll inherit Kazuma's dojo, using the experience from the first dojo. He hesitates on asking Tohru to break away from everything and everyone she's known to go off with him, but Tohru agrees, and says she wants to go with him, as soon as possible.
There is one thing that Tohru wants to tell Kyo, and it's that she's sure that her mom never hated him. Even if she did say that she would never forgive him, Tohru is confident that she didn't say it out of hate, she knows it. She will go along with Kyo, even if it hurts to leave everyone else, because it would hurt her more to be apart from him (🥺). To end this section, Kyo says that he'll keep the promise he made to Kyoko about Tohru, all that while back, and he'll keep it for his whole life.
(don't mind me i'm just screeching and wheezing simultaneously this shit is too much i'm gonna die)
Onto the next section, it actually has to do with Kyoko and Katsuya. Mostly Kyoko, and her last thoughts before she died. At first, it was weird. What's going on? She can't hear anything, she doesn't even really hurt. Why is it so dark? Oh crap, Tohru! She can't leave yet, she doesn't want to leave Tohru alone, she only just got into high school. She hopes that she loved her enough, and that Tohru knew that, though she wished she could have had more time to love Tohru. She finally understands, though, that leaving people behind and being left behind, they're both so hard. She hopes that someone can be there for Tohru, to protect her, stay with her as she cries.
She then sees Kyo, and recognizes him as the little orange-haired kiddo she used to talk to sometimes, and hopes that even if he forgets about her, that the next time Tohru gets lost, Kyoko wants him to find her, even just once. If he doesn't do that, she'll never forgive him(that's what she meant, out of what he heard, by the way). She hopes that he can somehow take her place, and protect Tohru, and let her be happy, let her be loved by lots of people. Even if she gets lost or makes a mistake, Kyoko wants Tohru to be proud of the life she lived.
Then she wakes up in a place. I don't really know what the place looks like, but I imagine it as a light blue shimmery place, and she can see someone walking towards her, from a distance. Katsuya. Suddenly she's young again, with her long hair and uniform, and she can be with the man she loves again. (🥺😭 dissolves in my tears)
There's a time skip, now Tohru, Yuki, Kyo, Hanajima, and Uotani have graduated, and it soon after shows Tohru and Kyo cleaning up their rooms, and reminiscing about when Tohru first arrived. A lot has changed in that time, it's incredible. Tohru thinks on how she will miss everyone, and all the things that have happened (in the span of a year, right? This all mostly happened within a year or two?). Kyo then says that everyone loves and appreciates her, and it's not like she'll never see any of them again, it's just the start of something new. Then Tohru's stomach grumbles and she gets embarrassed (oh no im hungry how embarrassing 😖)
We then jump to Yuki and Machi, and Yuki gives Machi a key to his new place, because he doesn't want her to think that he's cheating on her (why would she think that???) and then nearly fuckin yeets it out the window when she says that she's not worried that he'd do that. (So he does want her to have trust issues? Yuki, dude, you're confusing me on this) I think that Machi is a year behind Yuki, so she won't be starting college the same time as he will, but she promises that she'll follow after him and be back with him as soon as she can, which is very sweet.
This whole section is mostly jumping from one group of people to the next, so I think I'll try to summarize:
Ritsu and Kagura are talking, it seems that Ritsu is giving Kagura his old kimonos. He's cut his hair shorter, and he mentions how Shigure apparently has quit being an author, much to the relief of his editor, Mitsuru. Kagura asks if Ritsu is going to marry Mitsuru, which leaves him very flustered. Kagura still is hung up on Kyo, and says that she'll see Kyo and Tohru go just to see Kyo. She won't well wish them, because she knows that they'll be happy regardless.
Hiro and Kisa are walking past Shigure's old house, speculating on what is going to happen to it. Hiro says he thinks it will stay as it is for a while, which makes Kisa happy. She hopes that it can stay up and that a new household can live in it. She then starts crying, thinking about Kyo and Tohru leaving, but she says that she will smile when she sees them go, on the next day. Hiro tells her to not be upset over crying, that she can cry as much as she wants, because he knows how much Tohru means to Kisa.
Haru, Izusu, and Momiji are talking, and Haru mentions how Hatori said that eventually, Shigure's gonna get punched in the face, but he never did. Momiji says that it didn't happen because they are all more mature than Shigure. He says as an aside that he doesn't think it should be allowed that Kyo is "taking away" Tohru, because he's being selfish, and that he wants to pinch Kyo. Haru asks why he shouldn't do it tomorrow, and Momiji says that he can't do it in front of Tohru, but this whole thing has given Momiji a new sense of motivation, to find the best girlfriend in the world, and then he'll show her off to Kyo (not the best motivation to find a partner but okay). Izusu pops up by saying that she thinks Tohru should break up with Kyo. I'm not sure why though.
It's shown that Hanajima is working at Kazuma's place as a cook, which is something that Kyo was not pleased to find out, but despite his best efforts, The Guy Who is Also There at the Dojo Whose Name I Cannot Remember can't figure out how to get her to leave. Kazuma says that he will miss Kyo, but he won't worry about him. He's in good hands now.
Uotani is on the phone with Kureno, saying that she'll send his regards to Tohru and Kyo. She also says that she will miss Tohru, but she's also excited for her, for the both of them. She asks if the cherry blossoms are blooming yet, and that she'll have to make her way out to see them (and Kureno) soon.
Ayame and Mine are sending well wishes gifts in the form of big flouncy dresses, for Tohru (who I imagine would be flattered but I doubt she would wear them). Mine says that now that the time has come, she finds this sensation of "children leaving the nest" to be lonely, and Ayame agrees, and says that's exactly why adults put obnoxious amounts of love into cardboard boxes with instant ramen, socks, maid outfits, what have you. (They then say that they're going to send similarly flouncy dresses to Yuki, who I doubt will respond kindly)
Mayu and Hatori are on a date, and he offers to take her with him on a summer vacation to Okinawa. He says he's never been on a "decent" vacation, and that he wants to see the country. Mayu starts cracking up at the idea of Hatori in a swimsuit, then sobers quickly at the idea of herself in one, saying that her figure isn't ideal for a swimsuit (from the way she talked about herself I think she'd be all the rage in early 2000's Western fashion).
Akito says that she's not going to see Tohru and Kyo leave, saying that if she wants to visit Tohru, she'll go and see her, but I imagine it's also for the sake of everyone else that would be there.
Finally, we end with Yuki going to talk to Tohru. He tells her that he's happy about all that has happened, and that he's glad that he has gotten to this point. He says that he was weak, that he couldn't handle being around people, but he wanted to be loved, and be needed. All he ever did, he says, is want. But during that crucial time, Tohru appeared, and fulfilled that wish without even trying. He learned so much from her, and she gave him what he needed, and that's how he is able to be the person he presently is. And he also finally says that she was basically his mother, in a way. He wonders if she was like that to everyone, with how warm, welcome, and gentle she is to everyone she meets. He goes on to say that in this time, when everyone is parting ways, everyone is thinking of Tohru, wondering if she's happy, if she's crying, if she's doing well. Finally, he thanks her, and says that he's so glad that he got to meet her, and that she was there for him, and for all of them. (He also actually says her name, which he's never done, I don't think. It's always been "Honda-san", but never "Tohru", but now he's said it. There's really not an English version of that, as far as I'm aware, but from what I know, it is a pretty significant thing.)
There's a little bit of an epilogue, showing a child walking into a house, asking where Tohru and Kyo are. A woman replies saying, "That's Grandma and Grandpa to you!", but the child pouts and says that Grandma said she could call her by her name, and that they left her behind again on their walk. The woman tells her to not get in the way of their "lovey-dovey alone time", and there's a final establishing shot of Tohru and Kyo walking together, holding hands, with Kyoko's words: "Repeat the good, and the bad. Do it all, and pile on the years."
And that's the end!
I think I'm heartless, because I didn't cry at the end. I wanted to, but I didn't. Overall, I really liked this series! It was a lot of fun to read, a lot of shit goes down, it was a rollercoaster. Thinking back on how the story started, knowing some of the events that occurred before the story started, it all kinda leaves a bitter taste in my mouth (mainly the teasing that Kyo gets about him "training in the mountains", and knowing what was actually going on, it's kinda hard to laugh now 😬). One thing that I was kinda expecting the story to mention, but never did, was Izusu's mark on her back. It looks like some kinda of scar, but I never saw anything addressing it. Now that I think about it, it could have been from a number of things, but it was never said explicitly, which I think is weird. I think I'm gonna leave it here (I'm typing this last portion on my phone at 3:45am so it could be better).
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caandlelit · 3 years
Tokoyami takes full advantage of the darker parts of his quirk when he threatens you. You feel trapped in an eternal darkness, like the air was being stolen out of your lungs. He speaks simply, but full of venom. He's shrouded by this aura of calm vexation. He feels toxic to even be around and his apparent apathy makes it more scary. He feels no guilt when he's reached that point. He's one of the slowest to get angry, and when he does, there's no stopping him. You'd never been scared of the dark until that day.
Momo says how she can buy everything you own. How she could take everything that gives you happiness until you're a shell of what you once were. How she has connections, and could ruin your life with a simple phone call. She radiates pure, controlled rage and you want to get away as fast as possible. You feel as if you're going to die at any moment and from that day forward you'll always look over your shoulder, too scared to sleep.
Uraraka is right next to Shoto in scary, and beside Izuku in surprising. She threatens in smiles. Her usual cheery attitude and excitement don't fade as she happily tells you how she'll make your life a living hell. She laughs as she says how she'll make you watch everyone you care about die before you, knowing you could have avoided it. She doesn't raise her hand, but she leaves you trembling and wetting your pants. You'll have nightmares. Sounds like Toga? It's because they're girlfriends.
Shoto is incredibly blunt with his threats. He somehow corners you alone, and calmly tells you how he could kill you, make it look like an accident, get rid of the body, and get away with it. In excruciating detail. He'll leave you sacred for your life, and regretting the day you got on his bad side.
Tsu will stare into the depths or your soul, daring you to piss her off. Being incredibly blunt, she will, just to make sure you get the message, just walk up to you and threaten to slit your throat or something.
Izuku has, after the first year, gotten into the habit of outright threatening pro heroes. It's blackmail more times than not, he has the info to ruin them. It started with Endeavor, then slowly All Might, after he got sick of beings pushed too hard, and extended until all pro heroes that weren't Aizawa, Present Mic, or Fatgum were doing his bidding.
Tenya regularly subtly threatens to call Japanese CPS on Endeavor to knock him down some rankings on the hero list. Nothing he can be charged with, and nothing that anyone out of 1A can trace back to him, but threats to keep him in-line. Have to make him know his place every now and then.
Izuku and Shoto would be the heroes parents want their kids to look up to. Momo and Mina would be the heroes parents want their female kids to look up to, specifically.
You know how 1A all want to be like All Might (mostly)? When they find out what being a 'Symbol Of Peace' really entails, I don't think they'd want to be on anymore. So they'd become beacons of hope, with Izuku shining the brightest out of all of them.
I know they don't technically have to live together if they're all part of one big hero agency. But like. It would be so fun if they did. And with the local rich kids (Momo, Tenya and Shoto), God knows it's gonna be some big-ass mansion. And it'd be sort of a throwback of sorts to the dorms. And I feel as if they'd the be glad for that familiarity, with how much change is occurring. And also, Bakugo and Monoma under the same roof would be fucking hilarious.
I want to see Shoto deck a fellow UA student for saying the wrong thing. Like maybe they'd say "Bakugo acts like a such a villain, no wonder everyone is scared of him." And Shoto would just look around to see Ochaco holding Izuku back with identical looks of rage on their faces. He'd see Bakugo looking down at his feet, trying his best to look unbothered, but his frown is more sad than his usual one. He'd see the Bakusquad trying to convince him it's not true. He'd see Tsu with her fist clenched, and Tenya glaring daggers at the person, and just deck the guy. Incases his fist in ice, to make the blow harder. Kick him a few times too. And would look up at their shocked faces and shrug, "No one fucks with my family. And Bakugo? He's family. All of you are." Deku just starts bawling there and then.
There's no UA traitor, and they just forgot to remove Touya from the family group chat.
After Monoma realizes that no one stops Bakugo from coming after him when he says dumb shit, learns to control his mouth by their first year of working/living together. Interviewers would ask him, "How do you manage with number 2 (tied with Shoto) pro hero DynaMite trying to 'kill you the time?" And Monoma would just answer, with deep tiredness in his voice "Speed, self control, and not sleeping."
HC that Uraraka's quirk isn't zero gravity. It's gravity manipulation, so zero gravity is just a subsection of that. Her quirk exceeds the rules of zero gravity, and it's plausible that because she didn't have much money growing up, she wasn't able to get it properly tested, which should have been free, but we've established hero society is fucked up. This means, essentially, that she should be able to create a black hole. It'd take a lot of training, and a crap ton of effort, and she'd never do it, but she could.
The heroes should be glad 1A (Shinsou and Izuku especially) are good people. Because they could ruin them. They could take down hero society by themselves, and they all have been given reason too! They're just good people, and the heroes should appreciate that. Because the moment they stop being good people? It's all over.
HC that Aoyama is one of those kids that has known he was gay since birth, and never had to come out because people just knew.
Just realized something, feeling sad so you must too. Shigaraki could have been Touya's Izuku in another world. In a less fucked up universe, they could've been friends. Shigaraki- Tenko could have saved him.
Monoma is trying to start an enemies to lovers with all of 1A, Shinsou included. He obviously knows nothing about social interactions, maybe the poor boy is just trying to flirt the only way he knows how: being a prick.
In the Combined Hero Agency, fans and other heroes wonder how Mei keeps up. She's the only support hero, makes (though her interns help) and designs hero costumes AND support items for everyone in the agency, while also making them for her interns when asked, AND has time to participate in family game night every other week.
She really has no secret, just a love for what she does, hard work, dedication plus a lot of time and patience. That doesn't mean she doesn't endorse the rumors she has some secondary quirk or something, she actually enjoys fuelling the fire and watching it unfold. Fucking with the media is her favorite pastime.
At some point, Class 1A convinced Shinsou to make Endeavor to say "I'm a giant piece of shit" live on TV. And that was only after they swore up and down that he wouldn't be kicked out of the hero course, and promised to take the fall if anything goes wrong. The worst thing that happened was All Might trying to say what he did was wrong but he was told to fuck off.
The boys in class 1A like lending their jackets/sweaters/hoodies/jumpers to the girls. And the girls don't return them a lot, and only Mei, who feels bad if she keeps them, returns them, surprising the boys. You leave yours in the common room, don't expect it to be there in 30 minutes. And it didn't stop there. The boys also take each others' cover-ups (Shoto started this by asking to borrow Tokoyami's), and take the girls'. They find them comfortable and soft, and they nice-smelling. Basically everyone's wardrobes (private stuff is kept separately) is up for grabs by second year.
1A and (most of) 1B (+ Mei) are just like so, physical affectionate with each other. So much that even when they're pro heroes, the media isn't sure which relationships are which. Even when they clarify, they don't do anything to stop the rumors and even revel in it, fuelling them from time to time. Like, Ochaco would show up to an interview wearing Izuku's gloves, and the next she'll be in Tokoyami's sweater. Not to mention that her and Tsu are dating a (former) VILLAIN.
What if Momo like, buys a house. But not just a house. Like when they're still UA students, she buy a house for all her friends that don't want to go home over the holidays/weekends. It's (surprisingly) a lot of them.
Katsuki because he doesn't want to get yelled at after almost dying a crap ton. Denki because his parents will be mad about his grades, and he's trying, but it's so hard, and he can't focus. Ashido because she gets made fun of back home for her looks. Shoto because Enji. Tenya because he wants some time away from the pressure of his family to "live up to the Ingenium name", and don't get him wrong, he wants to be the new Ingenium, but he also when he just wants to be Tenya for a bit. Ochaco because she's tired, and wants a break. She loves her parents, but it's so much stress. Tsu because she'd rather be with her friends. Shinsou because he doesn't have a home. And much, much, more.
I think Dabi would've turned out more like Shoto if he had an Izuku. They were incredibly similar, in mentality and around the same backgrounds. The main difference is that Shoto has people to support him now, Dabi didn't. If Dabi had someone like Izuku to help him, help break down his walls, to make him feel validated, and seen (which, as I stan Shiggy and Izuku being siblings because AFO, could have been Tenko in a different world) he wouldn't be a villain.
Kids that are worried that they'd lose their friends when they become heroes would be So happy too. Like "I want to become a hero, but what if my friends and I lose touch? I don't wanna leave them behind, even if we're pros!" While they'd just be there like "we've been with each other since high school bro. they don't have to go nowhere lol"
HC that their fans would start to believe God is a woman, because Momo.
And like, they would be regular visitors at schools and orphanages. None of them ever got to be kids, and very few of them had good experiences with school, so they would want to inspire more kids. That they can become heroes, too. They'd definitely keep all the gifts they got, plus Momo and Izuku seem like the type to pin up every drawing they get from their kid fans in their offices, no matter how good/bad. It'd be good morale, and the kids of the next generation of heroes would have perfect role models to look up to.
It'd be cute if 1A didn't go on to start their own hero agencies. I mean, they'd have to figure something out with Tenya and Shoto, but I feel as if they would go on to make one, big hero agency instead. They have the perfect selection of quirks and personalities, from rescue heroes to support ones! With a bit of help from their friends, of course. (Yes, Mei is included. I love her too much not too)
Sero and Denki seem like the type to get (platonically) married, though Sero is aroace (personal HC) and Denki is dating Shinsou. No one even blinks an eye anymore, too used to their BS.
I HC that Shoto was previously very closed off with his siblings, even after he was allowed to spend time with them. I want to see, after spending time with 1A, him open up. Slight things at first, like offering to go for a run with Natsuo, or giving Fuyumi a kiss on the cheek, to going to amusement parks with Natsuo, and talking about his day and friends with Fuyumi. They not sure what caused this change at first. But then they meet Izuku, and the rest of the IzuCrew, and 1A, and suddenly it all makes sense, and God do they love these kids.
I want to see 1A actively antagonize Endeavor, but only when there's no one that would tell around. Like, anything they can get away with legally, and somethings they can't, but they make sure to not get caught. Natsuo loves it.
I have this HC that around the middle of the year, 1A just gave up on sleeping separately, or the "everyone sleep in your room" rule. After the horrific bullshit they'd been through together, they figured out that sleeping in the same room as each other helped the (inevitable) night terrors that came. And setting a time that everyone should be in their rooms was disastrous. So now it's common to see Shoto or Izuku in Tenya's room, or Mina and Kirishima in Bakugo's, or some nights they all just sleep in whoever has the most space at the time.
I want to see 1A when they're in 2A move into the dorms again. Like, Enji would go "Shoto I don't want you in the dorms this year." And Shoto, who's been waiting to go back since the dorms closed and has already packed all his shit goes ". . . You've gotta be shitting me, old man. I'm gonna go see my friends, who I value more than you. Fuck you." Then freeze him, grab his bags and run to the spot where the rest of the class agreed to meet, to get food then got to the dorms.
Shoto is constantly being used as the class portable heater, and has learnt to accept it, not without making the occasional "I went through years of abuse and trauma for this" comment though
Hatsume and Izuku should be friends. I feel like they'd understand each other. The others try, but they're the only ones who can keep up with how fast each other's brains go.
I want to see 1A visit Rei in the hospital. It started as Shoto introducing his friends to his mom, but they grew fond of her, and now visit her regularly to talk, and update her on what's going on with like Shoto, or school
Imagine if there was no UA traitor, and they just forgot to remove Touya from the family group chat.
Rei should be introduced to Izuku as "my best friend", Tenya as "the friend who stops me from doing bad things", and Kastuki as "my other best friend, though he denies it". Shoto with his lack of social skills would just go "Oh Bakugo? We're friends. He's like that with everyone."
Rei doesn't need to know about the murder, what she doesn't know can't hurt her. And whenever Shoto tries to mention it to her, Tenya just slaps his hand on his mouth to shut him up, or nudges him aggressively until he (after a long time) gets the message .
After a while, when Izuku is asked what hero he wants to be like, he responds All Might. Why wouldn't he? All Might is bold, courageous, strong, and always saves people with a smile. The perfect hero.
But in his mind, he only has one true answer. Eraserhead. Mr. Aizawa is the perfect hero, maybe not to the public, but to his problem children. He's always there for them, and hasn't failed them like a lot of heroes and the society at large has.
Aizawa-sensei is the epitome of everything they strive to be, and though they'll always give different answers: All Might, Hawks, Powerloader, Cementoss, Lunch Rush, there'll always be one true answer. Something only they know. Mr. Aizawa is the ideal hero.
Dark Shadow uses they/them or it/its pronouns. Just makes sense, considering Dark Shadow isn't human, and likely doesn't conform to the same rules of gender we do
Considering Shoto (canonically) trauma dumps to make best friends (Izuku and Katsuki), it's only a matter of time until he does the same for Tenya. Especially after the Stain arc. And I feel like it'd just SHATTER his world view of heroes and hero society. He sees it through even more rose-tinted glasses than Izuku, so the realization that someone wildly viewed as a hero could so such things and get away with it would be totally new to him. Especially because the only experience he had was with Tensei, who is the ideal hero.
Back on my 1A and 1B hero agency bullshit, all their interns love them. They're always so kind to their interns and treat them really well, despite how they normally are or treat their fellow heroes. They remember what it felt like during their own internships, being scared and on their toes. They don't want their interns to feel like that around them.
In their shared agency, Kota and Eri intern there of course, but so do a bunch of other hero students. Some from Gen Ed too, anyone they feel like have potential, application or not.
The Combined Hero Agency (I don't have a name yet) most definitely teach their interns quirkless self defense, for all the times their quirks have failed them or made things more difficult. Hand to hand and using a variety of weapons.
1A is used to Mei and Izuku (Sometimes Tenya tags along. Very rarely, Denki) meeting up to talk costumes and mad genius shit, with Izuku's quirk analysis and Mei's skill in building, 1A would have the best costumes.
these are all so extensive and thought out .......... i love this anon uve put work into these they're so excellent .......... i love 1a family dynamics :( godddd i love them theyre lovely i love this AHHHHH MAN
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sicklings-world · 3 years
Sick reader & male best friend
aka weirdly specific sickfic
sorry for that but I'm sick at the moment and this is kind of self insert 🥲
F/N stands for friend's name
also no romantic feelings included, just platonic shit
When you woke up this morning, you knew that going out without a coat was a stupid idea. Your nose was blocked, your throat felt like it was on fire and every muscle of your body hurt. If this was any other day, you wouldn't have a problem with staying at home and missing a few classes. But it wasn't a day like any other, it was a biology test day. That test was crucial and could decide on your final mark. There was no way you were missing it. So despite feeling absolutely awful, you decided to go to school. After all, you didn't even have a fever, so it wasn't that bad. Yeah, you just needed to cover other symptoms up and you were ready to go. Nothing could've gone wrong, right?
Getting to school wasn't a big problem. Once you got used to the heavy feeling in your head, it was tolerable. Next step: don't let anyone know that you're sick. That shouldn't be the problem, since you didn't really have friends in school. Well, besides one person- F/N. You two were friends for four years now and loved each other as if you were family. Always being a great duo, stepping through all your troubles together, being the biggest support to one another. Your friendship grew within passing years, so now you were on a level when you knew everything about him, and he knew everything about you. That's the reason why you thought hiding a sickness from F/N could've been a problem.
As soon as you entered the school grounds, F/N noticed you and quickly walked up to you, only to embrace you in a hug. "Hey, stop acting like we're a couple" you said after pulling away "Oh come on, almost everyone in this school knows I'm gay. Besides, you like it" he said mockingly. That certainly was true, you never minded the affection he showed you. Surprise hugs and occasional cheek kisses were brightening up your mood, but you'd rather not get your best friend sick, so this time you had to cut it off.
You were lucky that the test was taking place on the first lesson of the day, because you were able to concentrate at least a little. The next few classes tho, they were absolute hell. Not only you couldn't stay focused, the medicine you took in the morning stopped working, so you were left in your miserable state again. But until it was bearable, you were planning to still hide it from F/N. Pretty much everything was going smoothly, until one of the teachers asked you a question. You answered it without a problem, but right after you realized that you sounded a bit too nasally. Of course, your friend sensed something was off. A look of concern appeared on his face as he asked you "You sound weird, are you alright?" you couldn't let him know, so you just came up with anything that would save you "You must be hearing things dude. Nothing's wrong" you said, hoping that he won't ask any further. Once again, luck was on your side, because as you answered F/N, he just shrugged and went back to what he was doing earlier. Fortunately, you made through without more close calls. It was time for the last lesson, which was PE. There was no way you could take an active part in it, so you just told your coach that you're on your period. As you sat on a bench watching the rest play, F/N suddenly joined you. "Your period is in a week" he said "Something *is* wrong and I know it. Why are you lying? You know you can tell me everything" after these words, you knew you just couldn't go with "everything's good". You just sighed and leaned against your friend "I think I'm sick" you said. F/N frowned, as your skin touched his. Without hesitation, he touched your forehead with a back of his hand "Are you aware that you're burning up?" he said with a concern in his voice "I didn't have a fever in the morning" you replied "Sorry for not telling you I was feeling bad. I didn't want you to worry" you quickly added. F/N didn't say anything. Instead, he just squeezed your hand and hugged you from the side with his other arm.
When classes came to an end, he said he's going to look after you. You protested, trying to convince him that you're gonna be okay, but while doing that, you let out a few sneezes, which was enough for him not to be turned away from helping you. After arriving at your house, he tucked you in bed and went to get some medicine. You took it without protesting, since it would be meaningless after all. "F/N...thank you" you said quietly "No problem dear. Just don't hide it next time, alright?" he said "Now, is there anything else I could do for you? You want a hug or something maybe?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck "I don't want you to get sick, but would you mind holding my hand maybe?" yeah, hand holding was pretty much the safest option of showing affection. And you needed it, so why not, you thought "I don't mind at all, actually" F/N said, smiling warmly, as he grabbed your hand and gently ran his thumb on it. You slowly started to drift away to sleep. You were indeed very lucky to have this guy in your life.
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